thefloatingwriter · 2 years
new year’s eve? nah, how about daichi sawamura’s birthday.
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bluestarjay · 4 months
Most of my hinata headcanons are based on the fact that most people write him pretty shallowly- as nothing more than his height and love of volleyball, his need to fly, and the fact he's friendly. The really well written stuff writes him well, as a kind of enigma, but even then, one of his main traits is: Oh, he's pure sunshine!! His eyes shone with pride and determination, a hunger to win; to fly, etc, etc. Right? With most ships, it's just about how beautiful he looks in the sunset/sunrise with his hair and eyes. My point is that he's mischaracterized without really being mischaracterized because it's all *true*. he is absolutely gorgeous, and he does have a hunger to win and fly, and volleyball is his entire world, but there's sooooo much more still.
Normally, I hc him according to canon; according to scenes from the manga/anime, and then further analyzing it, yk? But I *truly* think hinata shoyo would be a good liar and hard to read.
It's already somewhat canon that people find him confusing, in the fact that he's a people pleaser and switches up really quickly to make people happy. He'll say something, and then someone will disagree, and he'll immediately switch up so that person won't dislike him for his different opinion, ykwim?
And then people never know what he's thinking, either. He's completely oblivious to his own feelings but is hyper aware of other people's feelings. He doesn't notice when he's running a fever of 102° but notices that someone has 2/5 symptoms of the flu 💀💀 like my guy can remember suuuuper specific details about a person's life, like the day their great aunt's cat died, but forgets his own bday.
He's actually really smart, but he's failing all his classes bc he can't focus. I think he'd be really good at math, but really only with like decimals and uhh money math, like he's good at calculating tax and saving money, but that's bc he grew up especially poor and had to be cautious with money. He'd probably be better with Japanese literature than English literature bc obvi that's his native language, and I think he'd really like linguistics post Brazil.
But, he also has his signature death stare, and I kinda came up with a hc based off it; since we all agree he has adhd, a part of it is zoning out, and i think he'll sit hunched over like L and just do his little death stare out to nothing or nowhere in particular, or will sit on his bed zoned out doing the death stare out towards the door, with the lights off, and someone will walk in and scream. He just randomly hunches over like L sometimes, and daichi will tell him that it's bad for his back, and he'll say, "But it's comfy :(" actually I think I'm just writing autistic hinata rn oopsies it's ok tho we love autism hcs here!!
Since he's really small (probably underweight actually), he can fit into really small spaces, and he thinks they're comfy (me guys). But at the same time, he loves big fields and gyms bc he likes to run around. Basically, he says and does really conflicting things, and it confuses people, which is another reason he was bullied in middle school.
He started doing the death stare as a defense mechanism in middle school actually, bc older, taller kids tried to use that to their advantage and bully him, but glaring at them weird made them walk away. Also, contrary to popular belief, I hc he can fight. So many people have just decided he's, like, too weak to fight or smth?? Like they think he can't defend himself physically, which I personally think he could, but yk, anxiety, so he doesn't. Like my guy is an athlete, have you seen him?? He may be small, but if he wasn't frozen in fear and anxiety, he could beat someone's ass!!
I said before I actually do think he could lie, bc one again, he's a people pleaser, and I feel like once when he was a kid, a family friend or someone or like when he was at a friend's house, they made dinner and he didn't like it, so he lied about liking it, but the person knew he lied and called him out on it and he cried bc he lied abt liking it and lying is bad, but also telling them he didn't like the food is rude, which is also bad. So then he decided he'd learn how to lie. Also, ik he uses his height and baby face to his advantage!! ***Depending on the person*** he can get away with just about anything bc "🥺🥺🥺" and then when everybody else calls him out for it he's like "L fuck you hehehe 😜💪💪" Like he drew a 🍆 pp on the wall or something once and then blamed it on kageyama and the teacher believed him.
And even though he's a people pleaser, he's managed to find peace in playing pranks and being mean, in a normal teenager way ofc, because suga helped him come out of his shell (suga purely bc he is mischievous but still responsible and nice)(and then suga asks Asahi why he can't be like hinata bc Asahi can barely even write with pencil on a desk, let alone sharpie anything so 'vulgar' on school property (it's not *just* because he's scared bc it's vulgar it's also bc he doesn't think those kinds of jokes are funny, and simply doesn't understand why writing on school property is fun (that's how I feel, idk 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️) ))
BTW, guys, half of these are to spite my friend who calls hinata a "bean 🥺" even though she's not on Tumblr. Also, I think I'm gonna start organizing these kinds of posts so they're easier to read, haha. Does anyone want any character specific hc posts since I always do hinata?
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 years
i started writing this back in the last week of december going on into january bc we had so many karasuno bdays back then so uhhh TECHNICALLY this is a late bday post honoring like four people LMAO but let's go!!
during kageyama's first birthday at karasuno he gets a mysterious series of texts from an unknown number that goes like > happy birthday > not that this means you're forgiven > just thought it was the right thing to do > i know it's your first since. well. you know > you don't have to text back or anything!!!! > fuck fuck fuck just pretend this never happened BYE
he brings up it up two years later when he, kindaichi, and kunimi are better friends and kindaichi buries his red face in his hands and screams and kageyama isn't sure why
kunimi pats him on the back and tells him not to worry about it
ennoshita has a playlist that is solely just like white noise and creaking sounds and generally just things that would make you shit your pants alone in the dark and when asked why he just goes "it's the only way i can feel anything inside"
tsukki will NEVER admit it but he ASPIRES to be the level of deadpan that ennoshita is
tanaka: "so . . . why do you like him again?" ennoshita, watching a video he recorded of futakuchi walking straight into a lamppost bc he was playing pokemon go: "he makes me laugh"
no joke i think ennoshita is a dateko celebrity bc everyone knows about the guy that futakuchi kenji pines over bc futakuchi kenji is just known in a million ways and maybe like 90% of them are Not Good
a third-year has futakuchi by the collar and they're like "all right PUNK get ready to have your lights punched out you'll be seeing stars when i'm done with you" and futakuchi just sighs longingly and goes "ennoshita has eyes like stars . . ."
daichi is that type of upperclassman who knows very single friend of his juniors' but not in like a cool older sibling way he does it in a cringefail modern parent kind of way
kogane used to be soooooo scared of him before finding out what a huge dork he is
actually kogane isn't scared of asahi bc he's so used to aone and asahi cries over it
(sorry for plugging in dateko so much i just genuinely think they have such a fun relationship with karasuno i ADORE it)
onagawa: "man idk how you do it" narita: "do what?" onagawa: "being the only normal person on your team"
yeah no narita is carrying the weight of the world as the only person with the brain cell on karasuno
sometimes it's ennoshita but he's been dead inside since first year so
suga tells the first years he knows martial arts but all he really did was go to one (1) judo club demonstration during his second year of middle school and somehow managed to flip the captain over by sheer luck and never tried again
for takeda's birthday everyone teams up to get him a really nice fountain pen, a classical poetry book, and a quality bottle of sake. for ukai's birthday tsukki leads a powerpoint presentation on why smoking is bad for you and that he really should stop, backed up with everyone else standing behind him with their arms crossed and nodding along
okay that and they also get him a really cute apron (embroidered with crows!!) for him to wear around the store and a bag of good coffee
kiyoko has all - and i mean ALL - the snacks from the local convenience store on a tier list and when the vbc asked how the fuck she managed to do that she just went "my track team was a lot weirder than you guys"
actually the reason why daichi asked kiyoko to be the manager wasn't because kiyoko was the only one with no club activities going on it was because she gave asahi a hair tie when nobody else would and asahi had been trying to befriend her since (and also return said hair tie) but was too nervous to make the first move
asahi: "noooooo daaaaaaaiiiichiiiiiiiiii i caaaaaaaan't i'm so awkward and embarrassing!!!!" daichi, with all the confidence of a fifteen-year-old constantly winging it: "it's okay, i've got this!"
yeah he's just as surprised as you are that it worked out
especially considering he pitched it to her like a used car salesman
kiyoko carries a lot of hair ties with her when she starts just for asahi and when he leaves the team she doesn't stop bc she tells suga, daichi, and the second-years, "he'll come back, just wait and see"
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briokayama · 2 years
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OMGGG BB HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!! 💝🎁🎂🥳🎆🎉 I hope Daichi gave you something REALLY SPECIAL! 😏😏😏
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@kingdaddydaichi THANK YOU SO MUCH SIS!🥹 lol no worries I was just honored I was in your calendar for reminder🥰
Daichi visited my dreams and gave me a VERY amazing gift 😘 I almost didn’t wanna wake up hehe 🤣
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kingdaddydaichi · 3 years
Astrology Accuracies in Anime: Daichi Sawamura - ♑ Capricorn ♑
I swear Daichi is the Capricorniest Capricorn ever to have Capricorned. If I wasn't so sold on him being Scorpio Rising I'd even go so far as to say that he's a Capricorn prototype (Cap Sun/Cap Rising).
Let's start with Cap's planetary ruler - Saturn. Saturn is the father - associated with Father Time. His equivalent in Greek mythology is Cronus - you know...the one who ate all but one of his children? Only Zeus (Sun) was spared when his mother (Rhea) swaddled a stone, which Cronus swallowed instead of baby Zeus who later killed his father to avenge his siblings and became king of the gods. So, in astrology, Saturn represents things associated with the father - the disciplinarian, the authority figure. Saturn is about delayed gratification - he puts obstacles in your path to test you and make you overcome your fears and insecurities and earn your keep - but also ultimate reward - the kind that lasts. It's the right kind of effort. The quote "Nothing in the world is worth having or doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty..." is Saturnian asf. Saturn imposes restrictions, limitations, structure. Think about curfews - again, Saturn rules time itself (and Caps hate to waste time). Saturn rules the skin - structure/limitation can be a good thing; think about the rings of Saturn - structures that are held together/order that is kept by Saturn's influence.
Now think about Daichi's influence on his team. Seeing that Saturnian energy yet?
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It's no wonder he's been nicknamed Dadchi. Responsible. Mature. Grounded. Stable. Strict. Yells at his children when they misbehave.
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It's also no surprise that he goes on to become a cop - enforcing rules/laws, maintaining order, upholding justice (via discipline). Handcuffs are rather restricting and limit movement, don't they? Respect his authoritY!
Cap is the 10th house of the zodiac, which rules personal achievements, career, status, and public image (gotta keep those kids in line and make sure they mind their manners).
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Caps tend to be very career-minded, sometimes "married" to their work, and/or are workaholics. They are highly ambitious and all about stacking coins and smashing goals. They themselves are disciplined, structured, fearless, and determined. They do not give up easily, if at all. They stand tall in the face of adversity. They overcome. They push their way through the most daunting of challenges, even when success seems impossible. Cap's symbol is the sea-goat, though I've heard some astrologers instead refer to the mountain goat, which I like better too tbh cuz think about mountain goats... It's like they have suction cups for hooves, allowing them to scale sheer cliffs to reach the summits of mountains, which seems impossible to most of us. Like how the fuck do they do that without falling to their death? Caps run on unmatched determination, eat their fears for lunch, make adversity their bitch, and climb their asses off all the way to the top!
Cap's modality/element is Cardinal/Earth. Cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn - are the initiators, the trailblazers. They get shit started. Natural leaders, they are restless and like to be in control.
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Earth signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - are grounded, practical, and keep it 💯. They value stability, security, a place to touch down and plant roots. Put it all together and Daichi is a grounded, realistic, practical organizer with natural leadership abilities who likes to be in control. He's a touchstone. An anchor. He's solid and sure and drives shit forward.
That's all for now. I might add more later, but there are some badass fireworks going off in my neighborhood rn and I want to go outside and watch them.
🎉🎆🎇✨Happy New Year✨🎇🎆🎉, my beloveds! Here's to 2022! Kanpai! 🥂
And, of course, 🎂🎁🍾 Happy Birthday, Daichi! 🍾🎁🎂 You sexy goat-beast of a thicc, handsome grown ass dilf who has his shit together and a grind-worthy ass and thighs that make me wet just thinking about riding them, you! Le sigh.
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janellion · 4 years
not you getting excited to talk to my stupid ass 🥺💕 but uh let's start off sfw.. i just imagine daichi gives the best hugs 🥺 he's all warm and the kind of muscly that's still soft around the edges and i think he sometimes wraps you up around the shoulders so you're smushed into his tiddies or he's got his hands snaking up underneath the hem of your shirt because he just loves skinship to the point that he cannot resist 🥺 calloused palms and soft sighs and what a man what a man 😭 - gallick💕
WHAT A MAN !!! also uh ofc i’m excited silly !! but
YES DAICHI W PHYSICAL TOUCH AS A LOVE LANGUAGE !! he’s so strong and beefy but also SOFT, the kind of muscle that doesn’t feel uncomfortable when you rest your head against his chest or his shoulder
he ofc loves the kind of hugs where he can pull you into his arms and wrap you up in them, but he’ll take any kind he can get
if you’re doing something w your hands like cooking or drawing or drinking coffee, he’ll come up behind you and wrap his hands around your waist
if you’re sitting down somewhere, he’ll rest his arm behind your back or around your shoulders
he loves pulling you into his side, resting a hand around your waist
also: HAND AT THE SMALL OF THE BACK !! idk why but it’s just so sweet and intimate and i KNOW daichi has his hand resting there when he holds the door for you or helps you out of/into the car
ofc if you’re not together he’ll do the hover, but as soon as you give him the go ahead? he always has a hand on you somehow
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(December 31, 1994)
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dull-and-lazy · 4 years
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kuroosdarling · 3 years
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sakurology · 4 years
Hey babiiee!! Imagine jealous sex with Daichi because he saw tanaka and noya all over you😳👀
Happy birthday angel of mine! Here’s a little present that I saved awhile back 👀🎂
“Did you have a happy birthday, Princess?”
There was a shift in the time of his voice. It wasn’t as jovial as it was earlier during your birthday celebration. You couldn’t help but hear it as you stepped out of your shoes... but you figures he had to be tired. It was a long day, after all.
“Mmhm, I did, thank you so much, Dai,” you smiled as he came up behind you to help with the zipper of your party dress. He pressed a kiss to your shoulder craning his neck to have his lips hover just over your ear.
“I’ll bet you just loved being the center of attention didn’t you?”
There it was. There was the shift.
“What are you ta-“ you could hear the fabric of your dress stretch and tear as it fell to the ground. The heat of Daichi’s breath was fiery against your neck as he bit down into it, soothing your pained cry with a kiss to the fresh marks.
“My friends were giving you so much attention,” he hissed, turning you around to face him. As he wrapped his arms around your waist, he quickly scooped you up, tossing you to the bed and crawling over your body to pin you down.
“I’m going to give them a reason to look at you, Princess.”
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spookysp-ace · 5 years
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strawberrykake · 4 years
Happy Daichi Day!! <3
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a hodgepodge of yamazaki hiroshi relationship hcs
yamazaki’s not the type to actively seek a relationship (for a while, he likes the idea more than actually having one) so his s/o is probably someone that he was friends beforehand
when he starts crushing though, he crushes hard: very much a go big or go home guy, and his crushes are very obvious too
the relationship itself will be pretty slow to start, largely thanks to yamazaki’s own insecurities in the relationship
and, for certain ‘stepping stones’ (making out, sex, whatever), it will be up to his s/o to initiate the first moves - since yamazaki’s more worried about not wanting to push them out of their comfort zone
so, he wouldn’t mind a sex after marriage type relationship, if that was what his s/o wanted
the only type of his relationship he really wouldn’t want to get into though is an open relationship
it’s not that he’s completely disgusted by polygamy, it’s that he’d be pretty insecure about his s/o falling out of love with him and finding someone better
plus he himself wouldn’t be interested in having more than one partner either
but i can also see him being coerced, by his partner, to accept an open relationship - he wouldn’t want to say no, because he wouldn’t want to upset them - so :// don’t do that
anyway, moving on, yamazaki’s definitely a big romantic (even if he doesn’t look/act like that), and part of him (which he refuses to accept) does believe in soulmates/true love etc
except that’ll quickly disappear if anyone ever cheats + breaks up badly with him
though he wouldn’t ever become someone that messes with other people’s emotions nor would he be a player, even if he got his heart broken - he’d just swear off relationships, and stick with his boys
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haikyupid · 4 years
i love your blog and ideas so much they're just soo cute! well, can i get a mini match-up? i'm girl. i love pink panther since it remindes me my childhood and kinda aesthetic :")) i lovee chai tea latte - without coffee. i'm not into too sweet things but i like chewy cinnamon or chocolate chip cookies. for oikawa, i believe in him. he always worked so hard and he deserves being happy! i'm sure he can make his dreams come true. happy birthday oikawa! ~🌙
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tooru: you mean it? thank you so much, this means a lot to me 🥺
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— [ ♡ ] i match you up with . . .
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≺ the parent-like couple, everyone just loves and respects the two of you so much (though sometimes they do love teasing you two) ; suga has now moved to becoming the auntie of the vbc
≺ you always, and i mean always, go to his practices bcause you end up taking care of the children — the second and first years, i mean ; but let’s be honest here, you probably end up fueling their reckless antics anyways bcause it’s just so fun watching the whole family dynamic of karasuno
≺ he thinks you’re real cute, like everything about you just screams cute to him ; he doesn’t have the feeling of protecting you though (doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t) bcause you also have this sense of maturity —not too much — which he absolutely admires about you
≺ he doesn’t say it as to not freak you out since you two are still quite young, but whenever he sees you babying the first years, he thinks of you parenting you two’s child ; he just thinks you’d be the absolute best mum
≺ loves having your hand in his, especially during the walks to ukai’s convenience store ; he’s the type to rub his thumb soothingly over whichever part of your hand he’s able to reach
≺ he feels that he’s able to let loose when you’re with him, like a weight of too much responsibility being lifted off his shoulder, and for once, he doesn’t feel the need to have the facade of always being the strong one ; as long as he has you, he knows that he can be himself and relax
— [ ❝ y/n, please don’t encourage them to do stupid things. ❞ ]
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Thank you for participating and for the compliment! I hope you enjoy your mini-matchup 😚
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madefate-a · 4 years
damn ,,, i still have mother’s day asks i never answered sdkghjs 
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ry0chann · 2 years
actually so down bad for my hq favs rn — i need sleep
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