#H50 Season 9
itwoodbeprefect · 1 year
obsessively rewatching mash season 2 episode 2 "george" and starsky & hutch season 3 episode 6 "death in a different place" back to back because i'm an intellectual. and also queer
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alea-says · 4 months
H50, Season 6, Episode 9 thoughts...
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Oh be still my beating heart - WHY do glasses just make some men so much sexier? Why?
(Also, is it bad that I knew it was Danny by his forearm? Since when can I recognise someone by their forearm? Sorry Steve, I be also looking at your man)
Like Danny, I'm not quite sure whether to be charmed or offended that Steve knows stuff about him that isn't even in his file. Eh, it's fiction, I'll go with charmed.
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Love Kono teasing Lou about what Steve knows about them.
Ok, please tell me that Nahele's father coming back means Steve is going to step up more and move this mentorship into a guardianship.
Girl in Danny's class, I understand your need to hit on the hot new professor, but wait until you see him interacting with Steve and you'll understand (Also, Danny is the kind of guy who would never engage while he's in a position of authority, and he'd worry about the age difference, but also... Steve)
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Oh dear. This girl is back flirting with Danny.
And now Danny's phone is ringing and he knows exactly who it is. Let me guess, Steve?
It was!
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Danny is rocking this professor gig. I'm guessing there were a bunch of professor AUs written after this aired?
Aww. Steve talking to Nahele's dad.
Steve: but maybe I'm being overprotective, you know. I just wanna do right by this kid.
And now we have even more students saying how hot Danny is.
Poor Eric having to listen to this.
Noooo. Poor Nahele.
Aww.. he went to hang out in Steve's car that they fixed up together.
Steve: I will always protect you, all right. All right?
Yes, tell him, Nahele!
Deleted scene:
Okay, the way Danny lights up at the fact Steve knew his favourite animal is a giraffe. ❤️
Danny: How did you know that?
Steve: I know everything about you.
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
I just saw someone genuinely argue "as a Buddie shipper" (which I don't believe) that Buddie shouldn't happen because: their close friendship is too important, the text of the show doesn't support Eddie being gay the way it supports Buck being bi, Eddie is "not ready", and that Ryan Guzman plays Eddie "too straight" to be able to pull off acting Buddie and this feels like to me someone who doesn't actually ship Buddie but is claiming to cause they think it'll give them more credibility in criticizing it.
1) if I see one more argument about how their close male friendship is too important because of toxic masculinity and that making it romantic would ruin it I'm going to lose my marbles because this is the dumbest take. TV is FULL of vulnerable platonic male friendships - 9-1-1 is FULL of them. Also them becoming romantic does not mean they would no longer be friends.
2) So we're just pretending queer-coding doesn't exist now okay.
3) I'm sick to death of the argument of Eddie not being ready. When is he allowed to be ready??? Does he have to suffer for a decade before he's allowed to figure things out??
4) They have to be watching the show with their eyes closed to think Ryan Guzman who has been playing Eddie "Heart Eyes" Diaz for 6 seasons couldn't pull off Buddie.
I'm gonna talk about all points, but the Eddie is too straight thing drives me INSANE. Four months ago, if I said "oh, Eddie is straight, no way buddie is happening" I would have whole essays on how he's gay thrown my way before I hit post. We're talking about a character who had panic attacks about his girlfriend. Who this season had literal erectile dysfunction with another girlfriend. There is no heterosexual explanation for the way Eddie was looking at Buck during the poker game. That man looks at Buck like he's the sun, the sky, the stars, and the moon. Like Buck is somehow the best thing he ever laid eyes on. Yeah, there are threads to pull. With Buck. We only need Eddie to be into one man. And boy, do we have threads to pull there. And honestly, if you wanna see Ryan play painfully straight men, go watch anything else in his filmography, that man knows how to act painfully straight. It's not what he's doing with Eddie. This narrative that Ryan is somehow sabotaging buddie's chances is so beyond ridiculous. Personally, I don't subscribe to Eddie being strictly gay, but I legit don't care anymore as long as he's out of the closet soon give him whatever label, but even if there weren't threads to pull to make it seem like Eddie is in love with Buck, and there are a lot of them, this idea that Eddie being gay is only valid if he's a stereotypical gay man from the beginning is NUTS. Why does gay have to look a specific way to be valid for y'all? This is such a harmful point of view. You want rep but it needs to fit in this one specific box or else it's not valid? What is wrong with you?
The male friendship thing, please tell me where are we lacking vulnerable male friendships in media? Media is made of male friendships. Everything everywhere is about male characters. And Buck and Eddie dating would not negate their friendship all of a sudden. Yall do realize you're supposed to like the person you're dating, right? Isn't literally everyone on the planet telling everyone to marry their best friend? How would that ruin their friendship? It just makes them a stronger couple because they have that foundation. And there literally isn't a show or movie that had two guy best friends who weren't introduced as queer who started dating. Literally, does not exist in media, how would losing exactly one friendship suddenly destroy male friendship representation everywhere? And we weren't even be losing the friendship, the friendship is gonna be a core part of buddie forever. You want strong male friendships? Go watch literally anything else. Every procedural ever has two guy best friends. Go watch house, any of the ncis, h50, the one chicago shows, hell, go watch lord of the rings or something, there are so many male friendships in media. No one is gonna die if Buck and Eddie kiss.
And the whole Eddie not being ready thing. Are we watching the same show? The show where madney started while Maddie was running for her life or bathena started while Bobby was actively suicidal? Or that even henren was presented to us when Hen cheated? Buck's own definition of love is "So every day is the best day ever. Is that really love? Right? Shouldn't it be when you're at your worst, they're at their worst, you have every reason to give up, and you still decide you want to try again?" loving someone at their lowest is the definition of love for that show. It's working through the bad to appreciate the good. And again, this idea that someone needs to be healed to be worthy of love is fucked UP. Eddie is never gonna be fully healed. Recovery isn't linear and he has ptsd. He will forever grieve Shannon. Does that mean he's never gonna be allowed to be loved because he is a human being who has been through hell? What does it take for someone to be "ready for love", huh? What's the threshold here? He was in a helicopter that was shot down and got shot 3 times, he was abandoned by a wife he later was forced to watch die, he was shot at again in broad daylight, he watched his best friend die and had to save him, his own parents just stole his kid. What does he have to do to prove that he is worthy of love, how does he have to handle all that? What I'm getting here is that someone who's been through shit can't be loved, is that the message we're sending? Really? No one seriously wants Buck and Eddie to open season 8 dating, but they are partners and best friends and they don't have to have everything figured out before they go there, they can figure it out together, they do it together anyway. Why can't they take that step and figure things out as a couple? Jesus.
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thekristen999 · 2 years
Fight In the Shadows  33k
The 118 are summoned to a distant location in the desert, become trapped, have to fight for their lives, and Buck and Eddie finally realize they've been pining for each other for years. Now, if they can all make it out alive.
A Light in the Darkness 1k 
Post-apocalyptic vibes, future fic.
Whose Attention? 6k 
Tommy didn’t spend days chasing Buck. Or Tommy's pursuit of Eddie and the craziness that ensures whenever they're around his best friend.
Follow You Into The Dark
Buck kept a firm grip around Eddie’s arm as he was guided down hallways. They’d both experienced something like this before during the Academy: cadet’s exercises where both teammates were blindfolded and forced to depend on the other to escape burning buildings. This wasn’t unlike that experience, except of course this was real and Buck’s freaking eyes were swollen shut and Eddie was concussed and deaf.
(Or a serial arsonist terrorizes the city, plunging Buck and Eddie into a dangerous game of cat and mouse.)
Cutting The Ties That Bind -Complete Evan Buckley was a businessman, he had meetings and deadlines like everyone else.
Occasionally, he got threatened, but it was usually all hot air and ego. That all changed the day his breaks were tampered with. Enter Eddie Diaz, security specialist, who was not easily impressed by Buck’s expensive suits or financial conquests. That was okay. Buck enjoyed a challenge. AKA The Mafia AU.
Summary: Forced to take shady side jobs to pay his bills, Evan Buckley doesn’t think he’s ever seen such rock bottom. Until he meets Eddie Diaz, a man even more desperate and alone. Season 3 AU. 
Hold the Pain, Release Me   6k  Eddie is encouraged to explore art therapy.
Buddha's Arrow  4k. Buck helps Eddie navigate chronic pain.
Hand Covers Bruise  7k Eddie character study.
Are You With Me?  27k Eddie and Buck navigate a relationship post Eddie Begins.
Trying Hard to Remember, Trying Hard To Forget 25k Post shooting. Eddie and Buck shared a trauma, but undergo different healing paths. Struggles of recovery.
A Light in the Darkness 1k Post-apocalyptic vibes 
Tick...Tick...Boom    4k. Call gone wrong.
Beside You In Time  2k Post shooting. Pain meds.
Stand By Me 2k  Post shooting. Missing scene. Hospitals
Nothing Burns Like The Cold 2k Buck and Eddie get trapped in a freezer. 
Crash Into You- 3k Eddie gets struck by lightening. Medic!Buck (written a year ago)
There Goes My Hero, He's Ordinary  7k Post Eddie Begins.  Medic!Buck. Near drowning/Hypothermia    
We're In This Together Now  5k Meth lab fic. Medic!Eddie
Alone In The Dark With You 14k  Buck and Eddie get trapped in a cave-in and things go from bad to worse. Medic!Eddie Medic!Buck
Action/Adv or Drama
We’ve Got Fun & Games   7k The Team competes in local Amazing Race  Challenge. Hijinks ensue.
Misadventures In The Great Outdoors  8k Camping trip from hell. (Action Humor)
The World Is On Fire And No One Can Save Me But You  6k Eddie and Buck get caught in a riot.
The Shape Of Water 9k T.  How water has influenced Buck’s life. Backstory. Medic!Buck
We Found Each Other (Over There) 46k  Epic WWII AU.
Lost  5k  Alt ending to The Searchers. Christopher is not found right away.
Whatever It Takes To Find You  5k   Eddie Begins AU.  Buck is a Pararescue (PJ) specialist sent to rescue the downed chopper.
All Fic Links:
9-1-1/Buddie Fic
H50/McDanno Fic
Daredevil Fic
Coffee Fund :)
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deluweil · 8 months
I know it's been a while, but with the new 911 season coming up ( I will not be watching,probably check in every now and again) I wanted to share my own self check of how I view relationships on tv.
After S6 finale, I was like lost and furious, I mean, I wanted and still do want the last 6 years of my life back from 911. (Well three because they didn't always suck).
But I went back to watching normal TV, you know, the kind that portray relationships and are being clear of the direction.
I watched Good Omens, so rooting for that pair, they are the best! And with that cast of unbelievably talented actors, I enjoyed every minute of it. Point is I didn't allow myself to see that friendship as a ship because of how damaged my perception of on screen relationships became after 911 displaying all the right signals, then taking a hard left into a tree at the end of the seasons.
I am not even going to to touch the First Prince of RW&RB, which is essentially a buddie storyline that was followed through to its logical conclusion.
I also thought, maybe I just can't enjoy straight on screen relationships anymore and I'm looking for more.
My sister sat me to watch Bridgerton for the very first time (just S1 for now) I can say with absolute certainty that it dis-abused me of that theory as well, because I rooted and got excited for Daphne and Simon at first sight.
Such a wonderful love story told right!
These are the two prominent tv shows that cemented my belief that it is in fact not on me.
Going back in my head I remember rooting for Catherine and Steve, and almost every one of Danny's gfs (except Rachel, it was clear she'd break his heart again.) In H50.
I wanted Gibson to end up with Andy in Station 19. Never wanted her to end up with Maya or him with Miller.
And even though it didn't need to be said, but was said in a humorous fashion, the writers also made clear that Gibson prefer women.
So it is in fact the flawed 911 writing that got me to give up on all forms of logic of reading tv relationships right.
That I gave up on tv for a while.
But, that being said, I can say I was always attracted to Ryan, but Eddie always got my gaydar to go off. And Oliver is not my type, but Buck is a hot bi firefighter - and that is a thing I already thought in S1, way before Eddie arrived.
So either the writers has no clue what they're doing, or they did and chickened out last minute.
And I finally reached the point where, I throw in the towel, wish you all well and move on.
It is not just about buddie, it is just a buddie post.
If anyone is interested, I can make a whole post involving the "development" of the rest of the og characters, where I say enough is enough.
Either make them interesting again, or bring in new blood that hasn't been first a piece of ass to further Buck's questionable development.
Let me know if you are interested.
The blinders are off and I am not keeping quiet for the sake of followers anymore.
9-1-1 was a great show, 3 seasons ago. They had sparks every now and again in between, but those were few and always demolished in some way by horrible writing choices.
Thank you for a great time, this fandom has been a place to come to whenever I needed to escape reality, I love you all. ❤️
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So. Thanks to the Italian national TV service, I'm finally watching H50 season 9 (yeah, I know, one day I'll find the time to put my ass in front of a screen and watch ALL seasons in HQ in ENGLISH, but that day is not today nor tomorrow nor next months, given my life's latest trends in disasters). Of which I basically watched probably five episodes at best, like s10, at the first airing (given my life's constant trend in disasters).
Tonight I watched 9x11.
You know those fics with a really promising plot, juicy tags, just the right length to be devoured in one sitting but still able to leave you yearning yet satisfied...and third paragraph in, it starts cramming epithets every two instances, fucks up characters' M.O. and voices, whacks grammar and tenses, and just forgets what they were doing/carrying/saying just ten paragraphs above....?
Yeah. Same.
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miriam-heddy · 10 months
Season 9 of H50 is interesting. I saw someone mention a lack of McDanno “I Love You” moments. But what I see is Steve now working on training Tani and Junior to take on a bigger role in 50 after Danny retires. Yes, it gave Scott family time. But it actually makes sense that he assigns the relative newbies to Danny and himself to teach them things. In 9.02, he even tells Danny that, when Steve’s there, Danny defers to him to take charge of the kids. I think Steve worries about what 50 will be without him.
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
Writing Goals 2023
No specific word count goal.  The goal here is to finish at least one (perhaps two) of my longer wips and then clean up a bunch of other wips to clear the slate for new works. Let’s go with finishing 8 fics this year from this list. This is me putting out goalposts for myself (that hopefully I won’t have to move closer). Please note that word totals are for current chapters only and don’t reflect how much I have written past them. I often am nonlinear in how I write then have to fill-in between scenes. 
Year-to-date posted word count: 445,976 words (updated 01.01.2024)
Finished fics:
Fragments and Fractals, 911 one-shot, 6b speculation/coda to lightning strike, first time/get together Buddie with a side of canon whump, written in one go. (1,518 words) Published 04.03.2023.
Promise Me You Won’t Let Me, Wheel of Time Cauthor reworking of Season 1. (35,895 words). Complete as of 22.03.2023.
Sleepless in LA, 911 holiday fic, Alternative Universe/Alternative first meetings. Complete as of 28.04.2023
Suspicions, a Teen Wolf Firefighter!Derek AU story, Sheriff Stilinski POV. Complete as of 20.05.2023
What are the Odds? 911 Buddie ABO kink fic that the muse went rabid on. Complete as of 18.09.2023
Bound by Blood, MReyder Spookyseason creature fic. Vampire/werewolf porn with plot. Complete as of 22.10.2023
Bradley the Damned. Generation Kill AU. Brad/Nate, Ray/Walt. Complete as of 31.10.2023
January writing goals:  priority works: 
Total words published this month: 13,939
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana: Chapter 9 SNAFU  (911, H50, NavySeal!Buck, SWAT) (9,904 words)—posted 22.01.2023
Death, Rebirth and the Jackal, chapter VII, Reyes POV—94 words  (MReyder)
Promise Me You Won’t Let Me, chapter IX Mat—2,041 words (Wheel of Time, Cauthor)—posted 26.01.2023
Mana’olana, Chapter 4, Steve POV—1,994 words (H50 McDanno, season 5 finale fix-it)—posted 26.01.2023
February writing goals: priority works:
Total words published this month: 28,831
Sleepless in LA (911) Valentine’s Day Fic 2023
Chapter 2 (4,782 words)—posted 6.02.2023
Chapter 3 (5,619 words)—posted 8.02.2023
Chapter 4 (3,131 words)—posted 11.02.2023
Chapter 5 (5,027 words)—posted 22.02.2023
Chapter 6 (5,522 words)—posted 23.02.2023
Chapter 7 (4,750 words)—posted 25.02.2023
March writing goals: priority works
Total words published this month: 32,314
Sleepless in LA (911 Valentine’s Day fic 2023–oh the shame….)
Chapter 8 (4,923 words) posted 07.03.2023
Chapter 9 (6,986 words) posted 30.03.2023
Promise Me You Won’t Let Me,
Chapter X (3,071 words) posted 18.03.2023
Chapter XI (4,246 words) posted 21.03.2023
Chapter XII (3,271 words) posted 22.03.2023
Epilogue (727 words) posted 22.03.2023 and COMPLETE
Death, Rebirth and the Jackal chapter VII, Reyes POV (2,947 words)—posted 11.03.2023
Fragments and Fractals, one-shot, Buddie, 6b speculation/coda (1518 words) posted 03.04.2023
The First Spectre, Eventual Buddie slow burn Mass Effect AU, Chapter One: A Milk Run? (4,625 words) posted 09.03.2023
April writing goals: priority works:
Total words posted this month: 33,989
Mana’olana, chapter 5 (3,550 words) —posted 29.04.2023
The First Spectre, Chapter Two: Eden Prime (1,865 words)
Sleepless in LA
Chapter 10 (4,925 words)—posted 02.04.2023
Chapter 11: (4,926 words)—posted 08.04.2023
Chapter 12: Valentine’s Day part 1 (3,343 words)—posted 16.04.2023
Chapter 13: Valentine’s Day part 2 (8,184 words)—posted 18.04.2023
Epilogue (9,061 words)—posted 28.04.2023
May writing goals:
Total words posted this month: 20,708
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana, Chapter 10: FUBAR
Buck (3,430 words)—complete and edited 24.05.2023 ✔️
Steve (1,189 words)
Eddie (479 words)
Danny (4,529 words)—complete and edited 30.05.2023 ✔️
Suspicions, Firefighter!Derek verse, one-shot, Sheriff Stillinski (14,764 words)—posted 20.05.2023
Bradley the Damned, Generation Kill AU, BradNate, RayWalt, WIP Big Bang fic
IV (1,365 words)
The First Spectre, Chapter Two: Eden Prime, Part 1 (5,944 words) (april hangover writing)—posted 13.05.2023
June writing goals:
Total words posted this month: 16,143 words
Bradley the Damned, WIP Big Bang fic
IV (2,704 words)—first draft done 11.06.2023 ✔️
V (5,866 words)—first draft done 12.06.2023 ✔️
VI (4,564 words)—first draft done 15.06.2023 ✔️
VII (4,887 words)—first draft done 18.06,2023✔️
VIII (2,485 words)—first draft done 18.06.2023✔️
IX (3,522 words)—first draft done 24.06.2023✔️
X (2,914 words)—first draft done 25.06.2023✔️
XI (2,463 words)—first draft done 29.06.2023✔️
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana, chapter 10: FUBAR (hangover may chapter) (12,515 words)—posted 01.06.2023
Afterthoughts, a 911 rewatch collection of codas
1.01 (1,050 words)—posted 26.06.2023
1.02 Buck (1,127 words)—posted 29.06.2023
1.02 Athena (1,451 words)—posted 29.06.2023
July writing goals:
Total words posted this month: 41,633 words
Scintillation, July Rough Trade project—goal 25,000 words written in July. Sentinel/Guide, MCU. Tony Stark/James “Bucky” Barnes, Erik Killmonger/T’Challa, Tony Stark & Yinsen Ho, one-sided Steve Rogers/James “Bucky” Barnes. Not Steve Rogers friendly at first. Current WC: 24,953/25,000–SO CLOSE!!
Bradley the Damned, WIP Big Bang fic
XII (5,118 words)—first rough draft done 01.07.2023✔️
An Andromeda Tale: Arrival in Andromeda (Book 1) (rewrite)
Prologue (4,129 words)—posted 07.07.2023
Chapter 1 (12,149 words)—posted 15.07.2023
Chapter 2 (6,563 words)—posted 23.07.2023
Chapter 3 (8,844 words)—posted 30.07.2023
Afterthoughts, a 911 rewatch collection of codas
1.03 Bobby (983 words) posted 03.07.2023
1.04 Hen (1,877 words) posted 7.07.2023
1.05 Karen (1,383 words) posted 08.07.2023
1.06 Bobby (981 words) posted 13.07.2023
1.07 Hen (433 words) posted 14.07.2023
1.08 Karen (1,010 words) posted 14.07.2023
1.09 Buck (595 words) posted 16.07.2023
1.10 Buck (795 words) posted 23.07.2023
2.01 Buck(881 words) posted 23.07.2023
2.02 Eddie (1,010 words) posted 23.07.2023
Words posted this month: 62,996
An Andromeda Tale: Arrival in Andromeda (Book 1) (rewrite)
Chapter 4 (10,905 words) posted 08.08.2023
Chapter 5 (10,251 words) posted 12.08.2023
Chapter 6 (10,572 words) posted 19.08.2023
Chapter 7 (9,739 words) posted 27.08.2023
Bradley the Damned
Chapter IV (2,700 words) posted 08.08.2023
Chapter V (3,522 words) posted 14.08.2023
Chapter VI (5,866 words) posted 22.08.2023
Chapter VII (4,905 words) posted 29.08.2023
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana Chapter 11
Buck (4,250 words) ✔️ rough draft done 08.09.2023
Eddie (2,457 words)✔️rough draft done 24.08.2023
Steve (3,465 words) ✔️ rough draft done 06.09.2023
Danny (2,511 words)
Afterthoughts, a 911 rewatch collection of codas
2.03 Karen (645 words) posted 02.08.2023
What are the Odds?
Chapter 1 (1,655 words) posted 21.08.2023
Chapter 2 (2236 words) posted 28.08.2023
Words posted this month: 77,257
An Andromeda Tale: Arrival in Andromeda (Book ) (rewrite)
Chapter 8 (9,115 words) posted 04.09.2023
Chapter 9 (8,277 words) posted 10.09.2023
Chapter 10 (10,283 words) posted 27.09.2023
Chapter 11 (10,556 words) posted 30.09.2023
Bradley the Damned
Chapter VIII (4,887 words) posted 05.09.2023
Chapter IX (2,485 words) posted 12.09.2023
Chapter X (2,914 words) posted 18.09.2023
Chapter XI (2,463 words) posted 26.09.2023
Alley with a View (Buddie Spooky season 2023 fic)
Chapter 1 (3,174 words) posted 19.09.2023
What are the Odds?
Chapter 3 (2285 words)
Chapter 4 (1897 words) posted 13.09.2023
Chapter 5 (3296 words) posted 17.09.2023–complete
Afterthoughts,a 911 rewatch collection of codas
2.04 Eddie (1,286 words) posted 05.09.2023
2.05 Athena (1,042 words) posted 06.09.2023
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana: Chapter 11: Proof of life (13,297 words) posted 08.09.2023
**update 20/10/2023–cutting expectations for the month due to job search/negotiations creating a black hole of a time suck
Words posted this month: 36,311
Bound by Blood (3,678 words) posted 22.10.2023–COMPLETE
Bradley the Damned
Chapter XII (5,118 words) posted 02.10.2023
Chapter XIII (3.687 words) posted 15.10.2023
Chapter XIV (3,338 words) posted 20.10.2023
Chapter XV (4,877 words) posted 23.10.2023
Chapter XVI/epilogue (2,390 words) posted 31.10.2023
Arrival in Andromeda
Chapter 12 (8,762 words) posted 01.10.2023
Scintillation—chapter 1 (4,461 words) posted 01.10.2023
Words posted this month: 6,720
Choices and Regrets, NaNoWriMo/November Rough Trade. Goal 50k words. 911/Dark Matter (book) fusion/crossover. Buddie.
Current WC: 50,293/50,000
Chapter 1 (6,658 words) posted 05.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 2 (6,486 words) posted 07.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 3 (5,961 words) posted 10.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 4A(6,433words) posted 13.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 4B (3,136 words) posted 15.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 5 (7,880 words) posted 21.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 6 (6,188 words) posted 27.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 7(7,751 words) posted 30.11.2023 ☑️
Scintillation, chapter 2 (6720 words) posted 01.11.2023
Words posted this month: 75,135
Home Found (Big Moxie Q4 challenge—time travel), Eureka fix-it, Jack Carter/Nathan Stark
Chapter 1 (372 words) posted 01.12.2023
Chapter 2 (2,178 words) posted 15.12.2023
Chapter 3 (1,612 words) posted 16.12.2023
Chapter 4 (2,245 words) posted 17.12.2023
Chapter 5 (2,019 words)
Chapter 6 (2,890 words) posted 22.12.2023
Chapter 7 (3,304 words) posted 29.12.2023
Chapter 8
Arrival in Andromeda
Chapter 13 (11,061 words) posted 03.12.2023
Chapter 14 (11,753 words) posted 06.12.2023
Chapter 15 (13,383 words) posted 14.12.2023
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Scintillation, (4,814 words) Chapter 3 posted 01.12.2023
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana, chapter 12 (9,949 words)
Steve (4,541 words)—complete 24.12.2023
Buck (2,172 words)
Danny (2,144 words)—complete 30.12.2023
Eddie (901 words)
Choices and Regrets
Chapter 1: Are You Happy With Your Life? (6,922 words) posted 15.12.2023
Chapter 2: Cognitive Dissonance (6,527 words) posted 21.12.2023
Chapter 3: Distortions in the Mirror (6,055 words) posted 28.12.2023
All Works in Progress:
Mass Effect/Mass Effect Andromeda MReyder or MShenko
An Andromeda Tale
Reinventing Scott
Bound by Blood complete 22.10.2023
What Happens in Vegas, one shot
To Follow
The Marks We Leave on One Another
Your Guide to Andromeda, one shot
If I See You in My Dreams
Death, Rebirth and the Jackal
Sleepless in LA—complete 28.04.2023
Christmas for Cowboys (aka Christmas fic)
Alley with a View—aka Buddie Rear Window (Halloween 2023 fic)
A New Version of Foreplay
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana
The First Spectre (added March 2023)
An All Time High (added May 2023)
Choices and Regrets—November Rough Trade project (Added August 2023)
Teen Wolf/Sterek
To Catch a Fallen Star
Connie the Librarian one-shot (Firefighter Derek Verse)
Suspiscions—Sheriff Stilinski one-shot (Firefighter Derek Verse)—complete 20.05.2023
Generation Kill
Bradley the Damned complete 31.10.2023
Mayans MC
The Outlaw and the Cartel Boss
Cousin Harvey
Hawaii 5-0
Wheel of Time
Promise Me You Won’t let me—complete 22.03.2023
Scintillation—July Rough Trade. Tony/Bucky, T’Challa/Erik
Home Found—Big Moxie Q4 project (added 20.10.2023)
Reunion (added September 2023)
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redgoldblue · 2 years
WIP Game! ✨
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
i was tagged by @itwoodbeprefect (💖) and I’ll tag @faorism @magical-friends @actingcamplibrarian and @teacupsandcyanide if y’all so desire
I am also eliminating things I count as abandoned and things that are just like, five lines jotted down in a note on my phone - which makes my wip list... definitely not as big as Squares’, but still plenty large. Also obviously am not counting the advent calendar that is being written & posted through three-quarters of December in this.
H50 (all some variation on Steve/Danny except 5x18 which is &):
1. Spinning Faster Than The Plane That Took You (I Don’t Want To Miss You Like This)
2. (Four) Seasons of Love
3. [...]Every Wise Man’s Son Doth Know series
4. you’re in a state of disrepair, you’re an answer to my prayers
5. Much Ado About Something
6. why.
7. The Irritating, Annoying, Infuriating, (Effective) Seduction Techniques of One Steven J. McGarrett
8. 5x18 airport
9. [redacted] (this one is in editing stage and is going to be posted on christmas day but it’s a surprise. shh. you can send me it if you’d like but you’re only going to get the extreme vaguest of facts and no snippets)
Starsky & Hutch:
1. Relentless As The Rain (S/H)
2. Finding A Cure In You (S/H)
3. A Shaking In My Thighs That I Can’t Control (S/H)
4. Huggy & Pete (technically bg S/H but basically gen)
5. post-hfmo (possibly just S&H?)
6. accidental (?) groping (S/H)
7. Terry dream (S/H)
1. The Nana Job (Leverage, thiefsome + Nate/Sophie)
2. All That I Want Is A Kind Heart To Haunt (Leverage, thiefsome)
3. You’ve Got An Artistry (The Way That You Are With Me) (Suits, Mike/Harvey)
4. Smells Like Turpentine, Looks Like Indian Ink (Supernatural, Dean/Cas)
5. Road Trip (Supernatural, Dean/Cas)
6. love won’t you be as you’ve always been (Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley)
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h50europe · 3 years
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"Alex O’Loughlin would like me to please stop." - @meaghanrath. That's a wrap on #WorldPhotographyDay Takeover! #H50 08/20/2018
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...I'm not just a cop, I'm also an uncle. In fact, I'm the uncle of one of the girls you put in the ICU.
Scariest Thing Steve McGarrett Has Ever Said (Especially While Driving)
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mcdanhoe · 5 years
alright gays, i’m here. what did we think about the season finale? imo the only important parts were junior showing up at tani’s place and steve’s not-so-subtle hatred towards danny for still canoodling with r*chel.
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alea-says · 1 month
✨Q&A ✨
Because @meelopee tagged me
Hawaii Five-O - joined the fandom this year and am up to the final episode (which I admit I've been procrastinating on because 1. I don't want it to end and 2. I've heard (and the previous ep suggests) it's a rather disappointing ending).
And then I plan to re-watch....
Also just recently started dipping my toes into Psych... but the streaming service it's available on for me has ads and that's driving me nuts...
Current Obsession:
McDanno. I basically started watching H50 for them and was not disappointed.
I have so many fic ideas, and have been making gifs etc. More inspiration than I have time to create things lately. Also, so much already out there as I'm late to the fandom... so easily distracted by all the reading and viewing available.
I'll also jump in and out of Leverage because it's my comfort show and I adore it.
Star Wars (except the sequels), is another fandom I'll take random vacations in. I'm totally not up to date with all the latest shows as I tend to find the fan creations more interesting than them.
9-1-1 was a lovely obsession for a while and I suspect it'll increase when the new season starts, but I'm in fandom for fun not drama so have taken a step back from that one at the moment. Still reading fic, but not so much active in the fandom currently.
Relationship Status:
Happily single. Ace.
Mother to two adorable furbabies.
Won't say no to cuddles, however, and if I could find someone to involve themselves in my life the way McDanno do each others then that would be perfect.
I have a very strong sweet-tooth. Also enjoy savoury, but if I gotta pick one it'd have to be Sweet.
Last Song:
Firestarter by Samantha Jade. It's on my 'songs I'd like to make an H50 vid for' list.
Along with Chosen Family by Rina Sawayama and Elton John. Which I have actually started a vid for, but the going is slow.
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rungalaxy01 · 5 years
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en merhametli insanın....
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cowandcalf · 5 years
how was the finale fam? what is our status, tell me everything
You always make my whole week with your asks @gottaboldlygo
McDanno Review H50 – 9.25
Okay, honestly, I was so churned up by the way Lenkov answered these questions in that interview that I really embraced myself for a hard impact. So, I frantically scrolled through my Twitter to get the latest news on the season finale as soon as it was aired. I got all the info and I knew what I could expect. So, uhm, this impact never came. But still, I needed some time to muse over each scene to calm down enough to get my words into a coherent state.
My gorgeous friend, @gottaboldlygo you always make me grin goofily when I read your ask. And I always feel treasured that you want to read my take on the last episode. I gladly obey. I hope it makes some sense. I could easily fall in love with the way you ask me. Seriously, so seductive. Even if you didn't want to make it sound like that. It has a special effect.
So, Whassup? Howzit?
I plunge right into my fandom heaven!
 Okay, get this. Jesus! Do you remember the ending of season 1?
There was Danny, getting back together with Rachel, too. At least he tried. But Steve got arrested when Wo Fat overpowered him, making it look like he killed the Governor. Danny made a decision in a split second and no way he could leave Steve. He never wanted to but he ended up with Rachel again. And the tides turned again. The shit hit the fan for Danny relationship wise and it got him on a painful, heart-wrenching trip. We all know that. Charlie was a result of the time he spent together with Rachel.
But Danny stayed with Steve because Steve, guys, Steve is Danny's universe. It was from the get-go. The only difference here is that Danny never actually told Steve anything about his plans with Rachel, time issues and such. And of course, Danny also knew Steve wouldn't approve. Steve never asked for any decisions. Danny made up his mind because Steve held his heart in his hands. And Danny just ended up with Rachel because of his yearning of having an intact, well-functioning family he could take care after. And they were young and Danny is shy when it comes to approaching the one and only, he really loves.
And here we are at the end of season 9 and history repeats itself. There's Danny, again hooking up with Rachel and spending time with her, not telling Steve. No, he actually lied to him, blunt and born from a hunch that Steve wouldn't agree on the fact that he tried to get back with Rachel. Because it doesn't make any sense!
And again, there's an ugly twist in the actions. From zero to hundred in a split second everything turns again. We don't know who's got shot at the end of the season but the uttered words from Danny: "Oh my God!" were clearly audible as the last sentence from this season. And if anything might happen to Steve, I'd sell my soul that Danny is going to stay by Steve's side, come what may because Danny loves Steve, is in love with Steve, wholeheartedly. And he would once again turn his back on Rachel to be there for Steve. I just hope Danny's wise enough to use condoms this time. He's such a moron sometimes. But Steve loves him. Damn, he does.
So, that’s the resemblance between those season endings. Quite interesting.
Danny hasn't told Steve what's going on with Rachel. Steve has asked many times after Grace's accident if there's something up between him and Rachel. So far, Danny has denied any affair, any love interest. Because he's afraid of Steve's reaction. Because Danny isn't sure either! It's not a healthy ground he walks on with Rachel.
Danny has a funny way to cope with tension and with telling the truth when he knows it's going to hurt someone else. Or when he knows it's not the right thing to do!
Danny behaves secretively. He tries to brush off Steve's curious questions and…man…I had to laugh. Steve sees right through Danny attempt to hide it from him. Steve knows Danny and he knows that there's something going on with him and Rachel. He toys with Danny just to test the waters if Danny's willing to share. Steve's actually amused. I never got the feeling that he feels threatened by what's happening between Rachel and Danny. It's just like Danny can't really face the fact that he and Rachel are history. Nothing to prove there. And Steve reads Danny's fake attempts to act cool. I mean the way Steve didn't let go of that phone call and just tells Danny right in the face that he knows Rachel's on the phone. God, this made me laugh.
For sure Danny sat at his desk afterward and he knew he had to be honest with Steve. So, he tells him later that day and even then, Danny can't admit that he lied to Steve. And Steve teases him, goes easy on him but the way Steve's smiling during the whole scene shows that he can't take anything seriously. Rachel and Danny? It's just a big joke to him and at that point, I guess, Steve also has learned one lesson: Danny has to get burnt twice to finally understand that Rachel isn't it.
And let's be honest here. Danny isn't convinced that he does the right thing. He knows, he fucking knows, that this is bullshit but it seems he can't stop himself from falling deeper into this shit hole. He can't end a relationship. The same happened with Melissa. He knew there was something wrong. He couldn't even tell her that he loved her because he didn't. But he just kept being with her until he didn't
And another VERY INTERESTING FACT is, that Danny MADE HOLIDAYS WITH RACHEL IN HAWAII. Huh? What does this prove? Ah, so many signs that this won't work. And whenever Steve forces Danny to talk about Rachel, Danny squirms, he deflects, he brushes everything off. He hides. Damn, he behaves so funny because he knows it's wrong! Period!
Danny has a serious case of eleventh-hour panic. Meaning he's middle-aged (he referred to himself as very old) and he's still single and without a serious relationship. So, he takes what's there. And that's Rachel at the moment.
The guys had some great spirit in this last episode from season 9. Danny called Steve 'babe' and that didn't happen for a long time until now. Steve was relaxed and whenever he was around Danny there was either some meaningful tension or a playful smile around his lips.
BUT: Yes, when Danny came into his office Steve braced himself. He crossed his arms over his chest and stayed that way, shielding himself from what may hit him in the chest (heart). He never loosened up.
And Danny, c'mon guys, he asked for permission to sit! SERIOUSLY DANNY? YOU FEEL THAT DAMN UNCOMFORTABLE? That was meaningful because Danny respects Steve and he's afraid of what he might think of him.
From my point of view, Rachel isn't a threat. She's there, yes, but she's kinda floating above and without having Danny's heart. Maybe this is very difficult to understand but I feel that Steve's safe. Steve feels safe, even Danny is on holidays with Rachel. Rachel will never have permission to enter the depth of Danny's heart. Not in the way Steve owns that place. Only Steve has the key to this unique place. And Steve knows that.
So, where are we?
Nothing changed much on the surface. We have proof that Danny is back together with Rachel. They had sex I'm sure of that, they're back in a love affair, in a relationship, they went on holidays together and I just hope Danny pulled a stupid hoodie over his dick. If Rachel gets pregnant…I don't know. I can't go there right now. I don't want to jump too far ahead. I would fly over to Hawaii and smack him myself over the back of the head.
Steve's seems to be cool, or fake-cool, about what Danny has going on. He knows he can't stop it. But during the night there is for sure some serious hurt and loneliness lurking in the dark. Steve's still grieving. Joe's ashes in his desk drawer still kinds of throws me for a loop. But so far, Steve's coping well with what's going on. He's not dating anyone.
The guys have still a unique bond. McDanno is fully alive and breathing for my senses.
The cliffhanger – it wasn't the ugliness I've expected. Someone got shot, maybe – maybe not. Also possible. Jerry yelled "Gun!" and there's a shot and a longer pause until we hear Danny's "oh my God!"…
It could also be that when this stupid, reckless, selfish mother did miss that she ordered her son to draw a weapon and point it at Steve. Maybe this little guy stands now at the ready, pointing a gun at Steve just like his father did when the SEALs came to kill his grandfather.
I've read a version that they killed off Steve that he could leave the show. And that's utter bullshit in my opinion. Because without Alex/Steve no H50. Simple and true.
And Lenkov's way to whip up the fans with his interview paid off. Everyone watched H50 and the ratings went up! Without money no H50. It's a business. He spiced up my week that's for sure.
End of freaking long essay!
My God! I hope any of this makes sense. Thank you again so much for your ask! Hugs!
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mcdannoxo · 6 years
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