#Gwen can’t swim
idkstuffiguess · 7 months
Alice Dyer is a backstroker. I’m sorry you can pull this headcanon out of my cold dead hands SHE IS A BACKSTROKER SHE HAS THE VIBES
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gregmarriage · 5 months
picking holiday activities to do, and having one of those ‘grieving my old life’ moments, because i can’t do half of them 😔
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reetreets · 1 year
Ninã - Miguel O'Hara / Teen Reader
“Niña?” Her heart stops at the voice in front of her. Theres only one person in the whole multiverse who calls her that.
“What the fu-hell are you doing here?”
She looks at him with open eyes, slowly rimming with tears.
“I-uh..I could ask you the same thing?” She says nervously.
reader is 17 and pregnant and wants to get an abortion but doesn't want anyone to know but miguel finds her at the clinic and takes care of her.
3920 words
Two lines.
Her eyes frozen, straight on the lines that scream "biggest mistake of your life" in her ears. A sob escapes through her throat and she lets the tears fall uncontrollably as she covers her mouth, slapping herself internally
"How could you be so stupid?" She asks herself.
She stays in the stall for about an hour, crying and cursing to herself until her legs start cramping up and she stops crying. She decides to go send in the report to Miguel, he’s been asking her for it for a while now.
Her and Miguel never really had the best relationship. She was always getting into trouble and he was always cleaning up after her. He would always give her the most criticism when giving briefs. Whether she’s being risky on missions, not thinking straight when fighting, putting herself into danger and thus stressing him the fuck out.
She opens the door to find the brooding male standing at his monitors. ‘Come on, just hide it. just for a little bit.’ She thinks to herslelf. She takes a deep breath before walking in.
“Hey Miggy” she smirks, knowing he hates that nickname. “I got that report you’ve been wanting.” she said, waving it in the air.
He turns away from his monitors to see the report and walks towards her before taking it from her hand. “I asked to see this 2 days ago.” He says while flipping through the pages and glancing at her. He notices her puffy eyes and red cheeks. ‘Is she crying? No, knowing her she’s probably high.’
As he thinks to himself, he questions his decision to recruit such a young, stupid teenager.
“Dios mío- are you high?” He asks sternly, looking her straight in the eye.
“What? No! What makes you say that.” She says, taken aback.
“Well your eyes and cheeks are red and puffy.” He replies, pointing at her face with the papers.
“I’m not high.” She says. “Besides, where would I even get good grass around here.” She joked.
“You’re lying. Fucking Hobie again isn’t it?” He says, muttering swear words in spanish.
“I’m not lying! Breath test me right now.”
“No i’m not bothered just- get out please. I really don’t wanna deal with your bullshit today.” He says, holding the bridge of his nose and squeezing his eyes shut.
“Alright alright.” She says, walking backwards to the exit .“See ya Miggy!” she laughs as he rolls his eyes, and turns back to the monitors.
But as soon as she leaves, her smile drops, and she lets out a massive breath that she didn’t know she was holding.
“Should I keep it?”
“Adoption is still a thing right?”
“How much does an abortion cost?”
“Oh God what are my parents gonna say?”
These thoughts swimming in her mind as she walks through the crowded halls of the Spider HQ.
“Ay, watch the arms fam.” She hears a voice, sounding like Hobie, but she can’t even process it right now. Her body is in autopilot, until she feels something grab at her wrist and takes her out of her mind.
“Hey, are you okay?” Gwen asks, looking at her with concerned eyes. She realises all her friends are in front of her
“Huh? Oh, yeah I’m great. Just peachy.” She says, putting on a fake smile.
“But..you’ve been crying?” Pavitr says softly, approaching her and putting an arm on her shoulder. The rest of the Spider-Teens circle her, worry filling their eyes.
“Whats wrong?”
“You alright fam?”
“You can talk to us”
She hears these words swinging around her ears until she pulls away from them and laughs.
“Guys seriously, I’m fine. Nothings wrong, I don’t know what you’re so worried about.” She says while walking away while putting the hood of her jacket on and shoving her hands in her pocket.
“I need to get rid of it.”
She enters the clinic, nervous with her hand clutching her purse. She walks up to a counter and looks at the nurse, “Hi, um…I have an appointment at 4?” She says softly.
“Yes of course dear, we just need you to sign these forms. Have a seat over there and we’ll call you when we’re ready to being the procedure.” The nurse says, smiling softly at her.
She nods, taking the papers and a seat in the waiting area. As she starts reading the papers, she’s thinking about how she ever got herself into this position. She feels her heart in her ears as she writes her signature for the fourth time.
“Niña?” Suddenly her heart stops at the voice in front of her. Theres only one person in the whole multiverse who calls her that.
“What the fu-hell are you doing here?”
She looks at him with open eyes, slowly rimming with tears.
“I-uh..I could ask you the same thing?” She says nervously.
“I donate here all the time. I just came to finalise some paperwork. Now you.” He said, crossing his arms.
“I…uh…” No words came out of her mouth. She sat there, silent, looking down to her feet.
“Wait.” He said, uncrossing his arms, and slowly approaching her. “Are you…pregnant?” He said, his accusatory tone being replaced with a more concerned one.
She sees him take the seat next to her, but doesn’t dare to move. Instead she lets the tears roll down her cheeks, soaking the papers as she covers her face with her hands.
“Oh niña, ¿por qué no dijiste nada?” He said, removing her arms and pulling her in for a hug. She reciprocates and wraps her arms tightly around his neck, falling into his embrace. She didn’t realise how much she needed this, having someone to care for her. To support her through this whole situation.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to disappoint you,” Her words muffled with her face in his chest. He rubs circles around her back, rethinking his choices that made her so afraid to talk to him, that she kept a whole pregnancy to herself. “Does anyone know? Do your parents know? Or your friends?” He said, as he pulled away from her and wiped the tears off her red cheeks, giving him déjà vu from their last interaction. ‘Is this what she was crying about?’ He thinks.
She shook her head. “No. No one knows. I didn’t want to tell anyone. I just want to get rid of it and forget this ever happened.” She said, looking down, while fidgeting with her fingers. He nodded in response.
“Are you gonna tell anyone?” She said softly, as she finally looked up to meet his eyes. For once, the angry eyes were gone, and were replaced with orbs full of concern and worry.
“Not if you don’t want me to. Do you have anyone to drive you home?” He asked, with one hand falling onto his lap and the other falling onto her shoulder.
“No.” she said, “I was kind of gonna catch a cab.” She laughed, looking to the side.
He shook his head again. “No, I can’t let you do that. I’ll drive you back to HQ.”
“A-Are you sure? I mean I don’t want to bother you-“
“Miss L/N?” the nurse calls her. “We’re ready when you are.” She says, smiling at the young girl.
She looks back at Miguel with fearful eyes and he takes his hand in hers. “I’ll be here when you get back. If you need anything, just send one of the nurses to get me, okay?” She stays silent and nods before getting up and following the nurse to the room.
He sees her walk away and slumps in the chair, holding his face in his hand. He shakes his head internally to himself. Jeez he was acting like this girl was his own daughter. He found himself constantly glancing at the closed door, where she lay.
She changed into her medical gown and exited the bathroom, the knot in her stomach slowly growing.
“Lay down here and spread your legs out, we’ll start off with the anaesthesia.” The doctor said.
She followed her instructions and laid down with her legs spread. The doctor injected her and she slowly found herself loosing feeling in her private area.
“We’ll begin the procedure now. Clamps please?” The doctor said. As they began the procedure, she found herself thinking about the life she could have led, had she had this baby. She realised that she’d been calling them ‘it’ the whole time she knew she was pregnant. She thought about how her ex-boyfriend always talked about having kids. Wanting kids. How she didn’t tell him. Not that he’d care anymore. Once he found out she was a Spider-Person, he didn’t want anything to do with her and her dangerous lifestyle.
She was crying. A feeling off loss filled her to the bone as she saw the doctors poking around. She covers her mouth with her hand to hide the sob threatening to escape her mouth, and the other to grip the sheets she lays on. Squeezing her eyes closed as the tears ran down into her hair.
She feels a hand holding onto her shoulder
“Do you want me to call him to come inside here?” The nurse said.
She nodded quickly. She really didn’t want to bother him, but she was hurting. she needed his support. She needed him to tell her everything was gonna be fine. That she was making the right decision.
- “Mr O’Hara?” the nurse called out.
As soon as he heard his name, he stood up and rushed in front of the nurse.
“Is she okay? Are there any complications?” He said hurriedly, trying to look inside the room, even though the door was closed.
“She’s doing well physically, but…I think she needs someone to hold her hand. Give her some support, you know?”
He nodded and the nurse opened the door to reveal a hurting, young girl crying on the bed, while the doctors did the procedure. His heart broke at the sight. The girl he knew, who was always confident, always sassy, always upbeat and positive, was crumbling down right in front of him.
He rushed to her side and sat down in the chair next to her bed. He took the hand covering her mouth and the hand holding the sheets and took them both in one hand. The other went straight to her cheeks, wiping her tears away. “Shh, shh ninã, its okay, I’m here. Everything’s gonna be okay. You can squeeze my hand if you need to.” He said calmly, while taking the strands of hair covering her face and tucked it behind her ear.
And she squeezed his hand like he was the last drip of water she would ever drink. She let the sobs out of her stomach and he rubbed her head soothingly, occasionally moving to wipe her tears and letting out supportive words here and there, some even in Spanish.
“The procedure is complete. You can change back into your clothes and get the final paperwork from reception.” The doctor said, before removing her gloves and walking out of the room, the nurses following closely behind her.
As soon as they left, Miguel got up to sit up on the bed and held her as she cried into his shoulder. He closed his eyes, imagining if it was his daughter in this situation. She was kind of like his daughter. She had the same ambitious personality. The same optimistic outlook on life, always active and always making trouble. He just wanted to support her. Make her feel better. So he held onto her, tighter, afraid to let go one more time.
After some time, her cries calmed, and the anaesthesia wore off, so she moved off the bed and went to the bathroom to change back into her clothes. She shimmied her underwear on, but fatigue hit her like a truck, and for the love of God she couldn’t get her pants on. She whined and groaned as she tried to get her pants on but failed.
Miguel heard her sounds and knocked on the door.
“Ninã? Are you okay?”
She whined once again. “They won’t go up.” she said, slurring her words just the tiniest bit, but this didnt pass through Miguel’s head.
He walked in and saw her struggling to put her pants on. “Ay querida, let me help you.” He said, rushing to her side. He takes her pants and pulls them up slowly, afraid to hurt her. He notices her dazed figure and as soon as he pulls her pants up the whole way, he puts an arm on her back and leaves the room, grabbing her purse in the process. He never once leaves her side, all he wants is to help her.
They enter reception and he gently sits her down on one of the chairs. She lets her head hit the wall as she sees him walk towards the reception desk and ask for the paperwork. As she sits, waiting patiently, she keeps replaying the look on his eyes when he found out she was pregnant. He was not in the least bit mad at her, or disappointed or anything. All he did was care for her. Nurture her, like she was his own child.
She imagined her family life to be different. If maybe in one universe, Miguel actually her dad, and how he would probably care for her like this all the time.
“Ninã? Wake up, we have to go now. Let’s get you back to HQ and to a bed.”
She nodded slowly and got out of the chair. He held her waist and helped her to leave the clinic and right into his car. Which happens to be a pickup truck.
‘Typical Miguel. Of course he would have a pickup truck’ She chuckles to herself.
He helps her into the seat, even putting the seatbelt on for her, tucking her legs into the seat. He wants her to be comfortable, and does everything in his power to do so.
“Is this okay?” He asks, looking into her glassy eyes.
She gives a soft smile and replies. “Yeah. Thank you.”
He smiles back and closes the door, making his way to the other side of the car.
As they drive she finds herself looking out the window, passing multiple families with children, how happily they race around the park. How their ice-cream touches their noses, leaving a light mark. How the smiles of the children never fail to brighten someone’s day. She starts contemplating her decision to get rid of the child. Regret starts flowing through her brain.
“Do you think I made the right decision?” She asks softly, still looking out the window.
Miguel sighs, glancing at her then back at the road. “Yes Querida. I think you have too much going on in your life right now. With being Spider-Woman, a student, and a daughter to your own family, a child of your own would be way too much. And this is just my opinion, but I think you’re too young to be a mother. You’ll have plenty of time for that when you’re older.” He says, never skipping a beat.
His words sink into her brain and she realises that he’s right. She is too young. She has too many responsibilities of her own right now. If she has a child, she would have to give up everything. Even being a spider.
She blinks her tears away and lifts her legs to rest her chin on her knees. ‘Yeah, he’s right.’ She thinks to herself, as she slowly drifts off to sleep.
Miguel glances at her and sighs. The worry never stopped. For the rest of the trip, he kept glancing back at her. He never stopped to make sure she was comfortable. That she was okay. He understands how shitty it must be for her right now. She doesn’t need him to be frantic and mad at her. He’s only mad that she didn’t come to him sooner. She was prepared to go through this without telling anyone. She was going into this by herself and that made him angry. Not at her, but himself. He was meant to be a leader. Someone people look up to. Someone people can come to when they need help, or have a concern. Especially the ones so young, like Gwen, Miles and Pavitr.
‘No wonder they always ask Peter and Jess for backup, and not me.’ He thinks to himself.
They arrive at HQ and he notices how she’s still deep in slumber. He opens her door and carries her in his arms.
He makes his way to his personal room and sets her down in his bed, ever so gently, as not to wake her. He tucks her in bed and tucks her hair behind her ear to reveal her face. He notices the puffiness and redness surrounding her face has decreased. He pecks her on the forehead and moves out to his office.
He takes his place in front of his monitors, as his suit appears and his normal clothes diminish.
“Sup Boss?”
“Keep a screen of the security cameras in my room on next to me.”
“Keeping an eye on your adopted child? So adorable.” She says, before disappearing and the video recording pops up next to his work. He sighs, questioning his sanity when he was programming her to be the sassiest person he knew.
As he continued his work, his eyes kept glancing towards the monitor next to him. He never stopped thinking about her. He wouldn’t admit this out loud, but he did feel like a father. He remembered the times when his daughter would get sick. How he would care for her, and make her soup, and take her temperature, and hold her in his arms- ‘stop it.’ He thought to himself.
He shuts those thoughts off immediately. Cracking his neck and rerouting his focus onto his work.
Hours pass and he realises that she probably hasn’t had anything to drink or eat the whole day. He decides to finish this report and get some food from the cafeteria. He makes his way through the crowd, finding people moving out of his way, cowering in fear. He sighs, ‘I really need to work on how I look to these people.’
As he orders his food, he feels an arm fall around his neck.
“Ay big boss. How’re ya?”
Hobie. For the love of God why him.
He sighs and turns around to find all the other spider-kids surrounding him. He raises an eyebrow. “What is it?”
“Nothin’, just wonderin’, you know anythin’ ‘bout the little one? She’s been dodging us this whole day and we fink you’re the only one who’s gotta know.”
“We’re just worried about her. We saw her crying when she came out of your office.” Gwen says.
He looks down at her and thinks for a moment. He remembered her words.
“I didn’t want to tell anyone. I just want to get rid of it and forget this ever happened.”
He sighs, “She’s sick. Stomach bug or something.” He says vaguely, while turning around and picking up the tray of food.
Before they can respond, he walks away, making a path towards his dorm.
As he opens the door, he finds her sitting up scratching her head. ‘She must have just woken up’. He says.
“Hey Ninã. How are you feeling.?” He says, sitting next to her on the bed, and putting the tray on the table.
She groans. “Like shit.”
“Yeah I thought you would. I brought you some food from the cafeteria. I’m thinking you probably haven’t had anything to eat or drink all day.”
“Ugh I love you you’re the best.” She said, while grabbing a burger from the mountain of food and taking a big bite of it. She sighs in content.
With her mouth full of food, she asks, “Why did you order so much food?”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full.” He said sternly, his fatherly senses kicking in. “Well I didn’t know what you liked, so I just got a bunch of food and thought I’d let you choose.”
She nods while taking another bite, and letting out another sigh. “you’re the best. did I tell you that?”
He laughs, “Yeah, you did.”
He watches her stuff her face with all the food he brought.
An idea pops into his head.
“Hey uh, if you’re up for it…I have a couple movies in the other room. We could have a movie night?”
She widens her eyes, “Oh my God YES!! Please can I invite the others? Oh they would love it so much. Please please please!” She said, dragging out the last word as she pouted.
He sunk his head down. He didn’t like the idea of the kids in his private room, but still. His main concern was her. “Yeah. Thats alright. Did you want me to call them? Or-“
“No need, already messaged them.” She smiled, putting her phone down.
Within the next second, a group consisting of Hobie, Miles, Pavitr and Gwen bust into the room. Hobie came with a bag full of her favourite snacks.
“Hey! You’re okay!” Gwen says, racing to go hug her. “We heard you were sick with a stomach bug. You doing okay now?”
She goes to hug her back. “Yeah, I’m feeling much better now.” She says, smiling at Miguel. Silently thanking him for staying quiet about the whole thing. He understands, and smiles in return.
The others go to hug her and light conversation passes through the air. He decides that it’s best to leave the kids to themselves and makes his way to the door.
Until it slams open again.
“Hey!! Heard theres a movie night going on here. Decided to come. And look who I brought!!” Peter says excitedly, while holding Mayday up for everyone to see.
Miguel groans as he lets him pass through.
“You can’t help it man. Just accept it.” Jess said, making her way through and patting him on the shoulder.
He turns to face everyone as they buzz with excitement.
“So what movie are we gonna watch?”
“Oh!! We should have a marathon!”
“Star Wars!! Has to be Star Wars.”
Miguel chuckles to himself, watching the kids’ enthusiasm hum through his room. He lets his eyes sit on her smile. He’s glad that she’s feeling better.
“Alright alright. I’ll put it in.” He says. A grin slowly forming on his face, he hides it.
After he selects the movie, he makes his way onto his bed, sitting next to the girl. She moves over to give him more room and she sets her eyes onto the screen
As the movies progress, the light conversation and debates about who’s a better character, Luke or Hans, reduces to light snores. Miguel finds his eyes setting on the girl, as her head falls onto his shoulder. She’s half asleep, barely paying attention, but awake enough to smile.
“Thank you.” She whispers, her eyes never leaving the screen.
“For what?” Miguel questions.
“For today. For helping me. And supporting me. I don’t know how I would have done it without you.”
He smiles down at her and wraps an arm around her, bringing her closer, so her head falls onto his chest and she falls into a deep slumber.
“Anytime, Ninã.”
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DJ: Fine. I admit it, I still can’t swim! I never took those lessons at the community pool.
Gwen: DJ, you promised!
DJ: They wanted to put me in the beginner’s class with the little kids! I can’t be swimming around with a bunch of five year olds! They can be so cruel when they sense weakness.
Duncan: That’s why on the first day you have to beat up the biggest one in the yard.
Gwen: Duncan, that’s prison.
DJ: Only if you let it be.
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mindfreakerr · 1 year
camp camp swimming episode in season 5 except it’s not a p1ss episode because what the fuck was that rooster teeth 💀
gwen ratting max out to david about how he can’t swim and the whole episode is david getting max into the water and teaching him how to swim without being made fun of by the other campers with dadvid sprinkled in there 😭 make it happen
max harassed to wear sun protection / sun screen to lifeguard max pipeline is real and it’s terrifying (shitty attempt at cc artstyle included ☹️☹️)
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centurieslove · 23 days
wip word game
rules: you will be given a word. share one sentence/excerpt from your wip(s) that start with each letter of that word.
I was tagged by @adhd-merlin thanks legend I always love these wip tag games sm the word I was given was FATE✨ 'E' was suprisingly hard? I also tried to pick an 'A' sentence that wasn't just 'Arthur' lmao (do my disir fic excerpts make sense out of context? probably not. enjoy)
F (from my morgwen fic)
"Frankly, the only good that can come of them sitting astride a horse is…” the Lord’s eyes slunk again around Morgana’s waist, up her neck and settled back on her face, which was flushed and twitching. “…for practise.”
“You—” Morgana flew up from her seat, “—disgusting pig—”
Gwen surged forward, almost close enough to reach her lady’s chair, then—
“Hey,” slurred a bristly faced advisor, his hand flying out to clamp down on her wrist. “My cup is almost dry.”
She flicked her eyes back to Morgana; her fists were clenched, the tendons in her pale neck flexing as her breaths huffed out of her. Gwen bit the inside of her cheek. A rough yank on her arm wrenched her gaze back, hauling her down, close to the man's face. His breath stunk like the sickly glaze of hot ham. He had a piece of gristle dangling from his beard.
Gwen blinked, shook herself. “Y-yes,” she stammered, “Forgive me, my lord," and refilled his goblet, watching as the inky red liquid rippled as she struggled to stop her hands from shaking.
A (from my morgwen fic)
Another stood out; Valiant. Looked like he was up against Arthur next. Gwen scoffed to herself. Best of luck.
“Are you cold?”
Gwen turned her head - Morgana was sliding into the seat next to her, her face still turned towards the arena. There was an inch or so gap between them on the wooden bench. Gwen pressed her knees together.
“Me?” Gwen asked, rather pointlessly. There wasn't anyone else close to them. “No, I'm fine.”
“You've only that tiny, thin thing on,” Morgana scolded. “You're shivering, I can see it.”
Gwen huffed, and pulled her arms in close to her body. “I'm fine,” she insisted, feeling her eyebrows pull together as she looked across the stalls down to the arena. The next two fighters were preparing, picking their weapon, and from the murmurs and bustle that crept across the crowd, it appeared to be a contentious match.
“Arthur's up,” Morgana answered the question she didn't voice.
T (from my disir fic)
The pathetic, pleading tone in his words; hopefully it wasn’t discernible. Arthur didn’t speak. A faint murmur of crowd rose from over the castle walls that swayed ever closer.
“How will the people react?”
Arthur didn't respond; so he pushed again,
“You can’t expect them to welcome back magic overnight—” Merlin was rambling, “—it’ll be dangerous, you, you have to cons—”
“I know!” Arthur yelled, suddenly glowing with rage. “You think me incapable of running my own kingdom?"
Merlin held firm, his eyes burning.
"That’s not what I meant,” he grit out, but he bit his lip, and Arthur’s eyes flicked down at the movement.
E (from my disir fic)
Either way, he’d ignored the inevitable for as long as he could. He'd foolishly allowed himself to swim inside the hazy dream of Arthur's words, but it was all about to turn cold. He hid as long as he could, as if staying in this one spot could stop time itself from passing; but cruelly enough, it did, indifferent to Merlin's plight. The air cooled, and the sun curved in orange lines around his chambers, and finally, someone knocked on his door. He curled his body tighter, clenching his muscles as if it would stop himself flying apart.
Another knock, louder this time, and a voice:
“I know you’re in there.”
He opened his eyes a crack, glaring at the bolt until it slid itself across to lock his door.
“Merlin.” Arthur’s voice grew more impatient. His door rattled, “where have you—” rattled again, “—did you lock— what are you, five summers old?”
“Go away.”
“Come out here and tell me yourself.”
Merlin pulled his sheet up and over his head.
I don't know if any of you have wips but hello have a tag anyways: @emryses @knight-gwaine @kissme-withyour-cherrylipstick @godmerlin @poisonedfate @elvain @auldsusie
word: GRAIL 🏆
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luxxtuxx · 1 year
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Got this idea because I’m going to the beach today! :D anyways enjoy small Drabble.
Mainly focused on Gwen and hobie being the love intrest for you.
Fem reader
I Made this in25 minutes so it kinda sucks. Sorry, better stuff coming out later and tomorrow I promise.
Hobie didn’t think much when you invited everyone to the beach with you. The car ride was loud and annoying because you and and Gwen were singing. (Really Gwen was annoying, Hobie didn’t mind you singing)
When you got there everyone had to grab stuff from the trunk except you. Why? You drove 5 five people 4 hours away from home.
Miles looked at the sky “um it’s cloudy…” he said matter of fact-Ly, you laugh and grab your speaker from the beach bag Gwen was carrying. You laugh and cheer “PERFECT!” You exclaim everyone could see how over joyed you are.
The beach was almost empty. Everyone was so happy. Gwen asked looked at you confused “where do we go to get ch-?” She asked as you took your shirt and shorts off. You had a cute two piece, sports bra like top that was colorful, and purple bottoms with a little pink heart on the hip.
Everyone was staring at you, you just laugh “someone that’s not hobie come play volleyball ball with me.” You joke running of. Everyone was still in shock over that beautiful bathing suit. Pavi was the first to run to play, miles was on his team. Hobie was referee… that can’t go wrong 😑. Gwen was with you on the girls team. Gwen kept finding reasons to bump into you.
It was a great day everyone had plenty of fun before swimming, Gwen had carried you around in the water laughing at your hair floating weirdly in the water. You were so happy to hang out here, the clouds faded and suddenly there was a lot of people. The team got up and left to go get ice cream. A playful argument broke out about the best ice cream. Hobie was just enjoying the drama. There was a stop at the arcade before going home. Everyone was getting you their ticket cards, they wanted to get you something but didn’t know what.
You were smart and bought a portable car karaoke machine. It was a fun ride home, you got tired half way home but pushed through because the only person still awake was the British man.
“AINT no british O’ mate tea und cr’mpets fucker driving” you mock his accent. He laughed it off. Gwen was dead asleep in the back almost drooling.
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radio-navlee · 1 year
Lee!max melt spot and all the fluff- *runs back onto the void chanting In gremlin*
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Also make sure to stay hydrated!
So sorry for not posting more, I have my "where I have been" post pinned <3🤗👻
Today seemed like a normal day at camp. Everyone was eating whatever slop Q.M severed up. Max poked at the 'food' with his plastic fork. "Are we expected to eat this?" Max thought.
"Alright campers!!" David announced. Max rolled his eyes pluging his ears, enough to hear but enough to muffle out David's hyperactive voice.
"Today will be a fun day at the dock!" David said, smiling ear to ear. Max always thought it was creepy how that man could stay happy for so long.
Max unplugged his ears in annoyance. "shit" he whispered. As the whole camp knew, he already embarrassed himself with revealing he cant swim. (and taking classes with David was a definite no) For all he could do was 1, sit at the end of the docks praying not to get called out, and 2, sneak off somewhere and try to enjoy the camp. I don't think I would need to tell you which one Max picked.
"Single file line kids!" David shouted raising one hand in the air and the other over his mouth like a make shift mega phone.
"C'mon kids!" Gwen yawned "Hold on David I left something in the cabin, I'll be back." David gave her a nod and Gwen ran back to the cabin. As Gwen closed the cabin door behind her she turned to start walking back to David when she sees puffy haired 4'6 figure sneaking away into a forest. Gwen blinked and rubbed her eyes, and the small figure had disappeared. "Huh, that surly wont be a problem later!" she thought and continued walking back to David and the rest of the campers.
"Stupid...Camp!" Max thought kicking a rock while walking through a dirt path. Trees blocked out most the sun above him, sure he was still hot wearing his blue hoodie, but he'd never take it off.
"Hey Gwen! You're back!" David said smiling
"Hey wait, wheres Max?"
Gwen's small smile faded to an "uh oh" expression
"I thought he was with you!"
"I thought he was with YOU!"
"Well Clearly not!!" Gwen panicked
"Oh goodness! Watch over the campers I'll try to go find him!" David shouts out running back to the tents. “MAX? MAAAXXX!?” He calls out, he panicked more when nobody called back. “Oh god where could he be?” David thought
“No campers, and no Dav-,” Max sighed but stop when he heard his name being called in the distance, “Damn it!” His face turned to a frown. ‘If David’s out looking for me, it won’t take long for him to search the forest’ “I just need one day of nobody in my face! Just one!” Max stated aloud as if he was trying to prove something,
“The forest! Oh my god he could be anywhere in the forest!!” David said in panic, rushing to the end of the camp and searching the trees
“MAAAAAXXXXX!!” David called out
‘Does he expect me to call back?’ Max thought with a very puzzled expression on his face. He shook the thought off and decided, ‘if I don’t notice him, he won’t notice me’
Max heard David walking below him and praying to god that David doesn’t look up. Max tried to be as quiet as possible, he placed his arm on the extra branch above him. Unlucky for him as the beach above him shook as birds flew away, not very quiet
“Damn it” Max said as David looked up
“Max! There you are!! We’ve been looking for you!”
“Yeah I know, I could hear you!” Max said annoyed
“Alright now, come on down. We have to get back to the dock!” David said reaching his arms out
“No I’m staying up here!”
“Maaxx come on!”
“Nuh uh! You can’t make me camp man!” Max said backing himself to where the branch meets the bark
“You can’t stay up there forever! Come on now!”
“No! Stop it!” Max swatted at David’s hands that where trying to pick him up.
“Stop! Don’t Touch me- Aah!” Max now hang on to the tree branch while David tugged on his legs
“Max if you just let go, we will go back to the dock!”
“Never! I’m not going!”
“Max,” David said moving his hands up to Maxs torso to get a better grasp.
David now tugging on a very dedicated Max, David’s hands on the boys torso and the boys hands hanging onto a branch. Just then David squeezed Maxs sides.
“HEHEY! Don’t do that!!” Max said flinching at the touch
“Sorry did I hurt you Max?” David asked confused
“ No it’s just, ‘This man has to be the most clueless person on the planet!’” Max thought, still trying to hang onto the branch
David squeezed his side again,
“AH- David!! You’re going to kill me!!” Max jumped. Davids face lit up, max wasn’t hurt! He’s just ticklish!
“Ohhh you’re just ticklish Max!”
“Oh jee? Really? I would have never guess!” Max said with sarcasm. Max took this opportunity to try to climb back up the tree.
"Oh no you dont, max come 'ere!" David squeezed Maxs sides over and over again
“GAHA-!” Max almost bursted out laughing using his free hand to cover his mouth, muffling the laughter
“Aww max, dont give me that! Cmon laugh for me!” David fake pouted, scribbling along Maxs tummy. Max shook his head fast, almost losing his grip on the branch.
“Dahavid!!” Max whined, David began to start working his way up Maxs body now spidering along his armpits.
“Max I’m only doing this for your own good!” David stated
“NAHAHA!! DAVID!!” Max squealed, letting go of the branch and falling into David’s arms
“see now that wasn’t hard was it?” David teased, reaching down to wiggle his fingers in his neck
“NO! Uhh, I mean, ech-em,” Max panicked shooting his hands ageist David’s to stop his fingers.
“Not the neck..” Max said embarrassed and quiet
“I’m sorry max, what was that?” David said leaning his ear down to hear better
“I uhh, I said not the neck ok?” Max’s face went a shade of red, god this was so embarrassing!
“why not the neck Max?” David teased
“you know!” Max raised his voice
“ok ok! But now we have to go back to the dock, Gwen is worried your setting fire to the camp.”
“Fine whatever!” Max said angry, he crossed his arms and pouted inside of David’s arms. David, carrying max like sack of potatoes, smiled giving him a few more pokes to the side. Max fell into a giggle fit and squirms.
“stahaap! Dahavid!!”
“alright,” David hummed walking back to camp near the docks
“Ugh thank god you found him! I was about to start filing a missing child’s poster! Geez Max your parents would probably kill me if we lost you!” Gwen blabbed running up to David seeing Max with him.
Max’s expression went from normal to a ‘oh yeah.. my parents..’ kind of expression. Gwen noticed and a confused light bulb went off in her head. She didn’t mention it but continued to yap to David about how she searched everything and everywhere and she was jus so relieved that they found their camper.
good thing Max didn’t think about Gwen’s comment for to long when he saw Niki and Neil and decided to join next to them on whatever they where doing.
(omg idk why this took me so long to write? Scary writers block🙁 CYA!! LOVE U!!)
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labrat8899 · 1 year
Ben: If Kevin and I were drowning, who would you save?
Gwen: You two can’t swim?
Kevin: It’s a hypothetical question, Gwen! who would you save?
Gwen: My time and effort.
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can you have your dates weigh in on discourse and maybe have them drop their kin list for our amusement yay or nay?
The guy i went out with a few days ago said he barely remembers total drama. I think since he’s a normal 25 year old that doesn’t have any abnormal hyperfixations like i do. But he did think it was funny and pretty inspiring how impassioned everyone is. He remembered liking Gwen a lot as a kid because goth girl lol
My partner’s favorite is DJ! That’s def his biggest TD kin because he’s also a strong large man who can’t really swim and loves animals. His favorite ship is gwourtney and chref (obviously). He really did not like scott but that turned around during TDAS. He’s really, really good at predicting who the final two are going to be at the start of a season.
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darkbackalley · 2 years
Chris Mclean x Male reader - Nerves
Warnings: None. (Except it hasn’t been edited?)Fem-aligned dni
Chris was only informed of the changes that very day, so he wasn’t appalled at what happened, just very surprised. So when instead of a homeschooled Canadian-raised boy, he found himself face to face with a 6’7 Behemoth of a man, he was visibly shaken. Yo… What’s up man? He asked his introductory question. Not much, dude! The man replied with a smile. Although I thought we were going to a resort? Chris turned towards the cast. Everybody, meet Y/n! The group mumbled a greeting as he joined them to watch the other guests arrive.
Now that the groups had been created, with Bridgette, Courtney, DJ, Duncan, Eva, Geoff, Y/n, Harold, Izzy, Sadie, and Tyler on the Killer Bass and Beth, Cody, Gwen, Heather, Justin, Katie, Leshawna, Lindsay, Noah, Owen and Trent on the Screaming Gophers, All the Campers stood on a cliff in their bathing suits while Chris explained what was going to happen. Since the Killerbass was to go first, no one from the group wanted to jump first. Y/n, looking around, sighed and said I’ll jump. But if I die, I’m suing. He said, giving Chris a look that meant business. Chris was terrified, but at the same time trying to figure out how someone can be so buff and look… appealing? No. He wasn’t thinking about a contestant like that.
Y/n stood on the cliff, looking down, before he cracked his knuckled and stepped back until he had a clear runway. Then, he sent it. Luckily, he managed to get into the target hole and swim out before the sharks got too vicious. Once the entirety of the team had jumped, they struggled to get the boxes to the campsite in time. Either someone was gone or someone *cough* Courtney *cough* got hurt, but Y/n had already carried two crates to the campsite and opened them. Chris walked up while he waited for the rest of his team to strike casual banter. So, Y/n, you’ve done a lot of work here, and the rest of your team isn’t even here? What’s up with that?’’ “ Well, They’re doing what they can and I’m really just trying to help as best as I can. Besides I can be checking out the competitions while I’m here”. He replied. -And I can check out other people too. He said looking at Chris with a grin. The man in question turned and walked away due to the blush on his face and wobbly knees.
Both teams were hard at work, but in the end, the Screaming Gophers won. Since the losing team had to eliminate someone, everyone was on edge that night. Y/n couldn’t sleep so he went outside to contemplate the day. What he didn’t expect was Chris standing at the waters edge throwing stones into the water. “Hey.” Y/n said as he walked up and sat beside Chris. The aforementioned man looked over at him and frowned. “Hey… Shouldn’t you be sleeping? Big day tomorrow.” “Couldn’t sleep. Not with something like this, it’s always stressful went you have to part ways with someone.” Chris looked at the (Hair) haired boy and nodded. “I hear ya. When the contestants get to be far along in the competition, it’s almost sad to see them go.” Y/n’s eyes lit up. “Hey Chris. What if I threw in the towel and voted myself off? That way, I wouldn’t really have to do that. Besides, then I can just go home.” “You can’t just do that!” Chris argued. “These kids look up to you!” Then he whispered to y/n “I heard Izzy call you dad.” Y/n Chuckled. ”I guess not then. But my nerves have calmed down I think. Thanks” Y/n was about to head off to bed, but first he pulled Chris into a hug and slipped something in his pocket. The host returned the hug before giving the taller man a look that said ‘what’d you slip me?’ “My number.” Y/n smiled at him and turned around, only to be faced with the other campers. “Wha-“ “YAY!” Izzy cheered! Y/n’s not single anymore!” Before running away. Y/n rolled his eyes and made his way back to his cabin
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gregmarriage · 5 months
SUCH a ‘do everything you can in certain areas of your life, so you can at least feel like you have something resembling control over it’ girlie x
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kjharris · 2 years
My Total Drama Headcannons
Do you know that scene in the beginning of roti when the Gen 1 cast is on the yacht? I feel like that’s the yacht party Owen promised after he won, and he finally got around to it.
Justin is definitely a barb. Knows every Nicki song word for word.
Noah and Courtney definitely became friends eventually. I feel like they’d watch Hamilton on Sundays or something after talking about class president stuff.
So we all know Duncan tries to be all big and bad. I have this feeling that when he thinks everyone in his house is sleeping, he’d watch miraculous ladybug. 😭
Justin and Alejandro are frenemies. One day they’re beefing about who’s more hot and then the next, they’re doing face masks together.
Leshawna, Trent, and Gwen play just dance. All the time.
Leshawna visits DJ and his mom a lot just bc
Harold and Ezekiel are definitely bffs. He doesn’t excuse the sexist comments made. But he still understands him.
kb5 (Duncan, Courtney, Geoff, Bridgette, DJ) have water balloon fights in the summer and they definitely have chicken fights when they go swimming at a lake or pool.
I feel like if Geoff drinks or eats anything sour he’ll turn into the biggest baby ever.
Heather became a model after the show. But she also loves screen time so she is on a couple of commercials and shows.
Gwen and Heather had “uwu” phases.
Gwen got a job at hot topic and when Cody found out, he applied there too.
Drama brothers bought an apartment together but got evicted because of all the chaos they’ve caused. (Completely Justin and Cody’s fault)
Duncan needs glasses. But he doesn’t wear them because he doesn’t wanna look “geeky”
I feel like half of them still have contact with Chris, despite what he’s put them through. Some hate his guts, while others don’t. Some actually like him!
Chris can’t cook for his life.
Chef actually makes pretty okay food. Since the island was abandoned before the show, they most likely didn’t have anything to work with for food. So Chef used what he can. But once everyone complained and Geoff asked to order pizza rather than eat his food, he made it bad on purpose.
Heather and Duncan secretly have a Minecraft village together.
Cody still plays roblox and has no regrets of it
Duncan and Geoff definitely get put on house arrest for doing something stupid.
If someone were to leave a family member younger than 10 with Duncan, he’d show them “A Nightmare On Elm Street” That kid would be traumatized for the rest of their life.
Sierra and Topher would literally be best friends if they met. I don’t think they ever would, but maybe they’d talk to each other online once or twice.
Heather secretly watches attack on titan. She’s an Eren simp.
kb5 favorite show to watch is probably “Outer Banks” or “Riverdale”
Trent and Courtney had a little friendship. I’d say during roti. They’d play their instruments together and sing.
Justin definitely hangs out with the girls when their just doing girly things. Like if their doing each others hair, his is getting put into bows and clips. Makeup? Maybe he’ll let them do it. Clothes? No. That’s when he leaves.
thats all for now.
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wumiings · 7 months
Fill for @merlinmicrofic prompt: ‘Hunger’, Gwen & Merlin, Teen, 500 words, cw: blood-drinking
“I can’t do this.”
The façade of perfect self-possession the queen wore through the halls where others might see has vanished in the privacy of her chambers. Her isolation, as she stands trembling with her arms wrapped around her own torso, is absolute, save for a single figure.
“Gwen.” Merlin approaches slowly, hands raised as if gentling a skittish horse. Like ey is the one Gwen might feel threatened by, rather than the other way around. She can hear the steady thump of eir heartbeat. It might be soothing, she thinks, in a different context. But here and now, each beat only stirs the restless, gnawing hunger at the core of her— the monstrous instinct to feed. “It’s alright.”
She shakes her head frantically. “No, it isn’t! I don’t want to be this, Merlin. I don’t want to use you.”
Ey smiles, and if there was room left inside Gwen’s chest for anything but fear and shame and this terrible desire, she would be furious. “I’m giving you permission.”
“Take it back!” She stares pleadingly into eir far-too-close eyes. “Don’t you understand? We were going to change things! I’m not supposed to be like them.”
Merlin takes her hands in eirs, and Gwen has to fight not to snatch them away and scramble back with a hiss.
…There are other, conflicting urges.
“You are nothing like them, Guinevere, you could never be.” Them. Not the vampires, who attacked her entourage on the return trip from her father’s grave and worked this horrible change upon her, but the nobles, whose changes have been both more insidious and more inescapably public. “I am not offering as a servant to his queen. I feel no obligation and fear no punishment. This is a favor I am asking as your friend: let me help you.”
She opens her mouth to refuse, because of course she’s going to refuse. But she is so very cold inside, and heat rolls off of em in intoxicating waves. Ey smells of rich earth and woodsmoke. She needs…
She needs.
Propriety is a distant concern as her body presses against eirs, cold and warmth bleeding into one another. A heavenly metallic taste floods her mouth as the flesh of Merlin’s bare neck (Where has eir scarf gone? She can’t remember when ey took it off.) gives way beneath knife-sharp teeth.
Ey makes no sound, only wraps eir arms around her and holds her close— whether as a comfort or to prevent her from pulling away at once in horror is anyone’s guess. It matters little either way; all Gwen can feel is desperate relief as the painful emptiness eases. She was hollowed out, and now she is filling, filling, full.
Her head swims as she at last draws back. On an impulse, she presses a wet, crimson kiss to her friend’s slightly-parted lips, wanting to share eir taste with em. A strange sort of thanks.
“You’re welcome,” ey murmurs, as if ey heard.
Merlin always understands.
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house-of-lovin · 1 year
To my dear house-of-lovin:
I have a series of questions about Legally Binding bear with me, this is all merely speculation and possibly too much all at once so I apologize in advance.
Cherry-pick from this ask if you have to!ᵕ̈
How young was R when she’d been forced to start acting and singing?
I read somewhere on your page that you answered early teens! And you referenced Zendaya so I’m assuming she got her big break at possibly 14 and before that moderately small acting gigs?
R definitely seems to have a passion for music but how often does she get to produce?
She also seems like the type to make music more for herself than to share with the public given her history, I think not only something she really enjoys but uses as an outlet to cope with things.
Can you give us a few songs as reference to what music R’s produced?
I’m interested in listening to them from R’s POV! Personally, I thought of Never Felt So Alone by Labrinyth. I have no fucking clue at all what song R’s creating right now and I’m assuming since it’s for Coachella it has to be upbeat but might I suggest thinking about Good News by Mac Miller. Pfft or even The Spins by Mac Miller, fun, cocky and memorable like R.
Is there someone else in particular besides her family that made her start to think of everything she does in public from a ‘business standpoint’?
What character in the MCU does R play?
For me the first character that came to mind is possibly someone from the Spider-Verse! I mean why not bend some truths and pretend there’s one Spider-Verse comic that fits R’s description? I think it would align with the fact that R’s been an actor since her teen years and by now if a few movies have been released; her Spider-Verse character has got to be aligned with her age!
Hmm so I’ve read through someone else’s asks and you mentioned not having enough time to look up tv shows and movies aligning with R’s age. I was thinking for some of them, why not just have R’s character in said projects be someone that doesn’t necessarily exist in the current adaptation but is popular anyways?
For other fandoms you say? Is what you wrote still lurking on those platforms I’m curious! Your daydreaming keeps us supporters taken care of.
What kinda music do you play/listen to? I listen to just about everything under the sun except Heavy Metal, too much shouting and I’m already losing my hearing as is lmao.
(I love to trespass abandoned building/areas, for the first date just run when I do and we’ll be good but that’s at night, can and do you like swimming? If you say yes then during the day we’re exploring open waters/pretty nature on a jet ski (safe waters dw)
Am I possibly also picking the first activity to be be held? Ahem HEARSAY you can’t prove that)
I think yes early teens like 13 or 14 possibly. I think somewhere in my head Justin Bieber was lowkey a reference for R's character.
R gets her big break as a teen and does roles for smaller movies that gain her critical acclaim until major studios recognize her. (Sorry to Hailee but maybe Edge of Seventeen as one of those movies LOL) Before def small roles. (Idk what good movies have a 13 or 14 year old soooo)
I don't have a list of songs for R but with all the asks its def building. I'd love to hear what you guys think? But like I answered before, I see slow & modern R&B. Like SZA (cussing songs LOL), Frank Ocean, Omar Apollo, Yebba. BUT OMG I LOVE MAC.
I feel like with R's family background & starting so young it made her grow up faster than most. So I think over the years, she's just built a wall around herself around people in the industry giving her that 'business standpoint' mentality. I mean come on, there's no way she's had a whole career w/out getting burned by someone. It happens more often than ppl think.
I think her MCU role is def a spider-verse role too! Maybe there's a version of her a Spider-Gwen in the MCU movies LOL IDK.
There's a fic or two on AO3 for a totally unrelated fandom but its a couple years old so idk its kinda cringe LOL. (I also have a Kate Bishop unfinished series that I've just never posted LOL)
I play the guitar so I listen to a whole variety of genres! I like/am open to most music except heavy metal too lol. But I love R&B, Soul, Jazz, Rap. I like older music too so I listen to a lot of 50s, 60s and 70s. EVERYTHING. I WANT TO LISTEN TO EVERY SONG EVER MADE LOL. (but same my hearing is shit lol)
I CAN swin (somewhat) I just can't tread water (ik ik disgraceful) but jet ski you say👀
(I'm indecisive af so I need ppl to plan things for me LOL)
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onwcrds · 1 year
Tumblr media
                      gwen lightfoot.
once the baby of the lightfoot clan, gwen’s title has been given to her brother gabe and honestly ? she’s not happy about it. if eowyn is mostly barley then gwen and her sister took on many traits of their mother. gwen the most. she’s so much like penny that the two often buttheads. the only thing she didn’t get from her mom was her small stature. she was born a force. gwen is a diva and unapologetically mean. she may be difficult but boy can she sing !
inspired by : leighton murray  ( sex lives of college girls ) , sharpay evans   ( high school musical ) , rachel berry ( glee ), jackie burkhart ( that 70′s show ) , i’m so hot by chrissy chlapecka , quinn fabray ( glee ) , monet de haan ( gossip girl 2021 ) , i don’t want it at all by kim petras , chanel oberlin ( scream queens ) , this is why we can’t have nice things by taylor swift 
birth name. guinevere quinn lightfoot nicknames. gwen,  date of birth.   july 25 age.    twenty-one gender.   cis female. pronouns.  she/her. species.   human powers.   n/a sexuality.  lesbian. place of birth.    manhattan, new york. current residence.   equal time in manhattan and elias. occupation.    musical theatre major.
height. 5'9" hair colour/style. blonde, naturally straight. eye colour. blue. piercings.  ears. tattoos. none at the moment. notable markings.  n/a. glasses/contacts ?  n/a. faceclaim.  renee rapp voiceclaim. renee rapp ( singing renee as well ) ( x / x )
physical ailments.   none. allergies.   none. sleeping habits. do not wake her before her alarms. exercise habits. dance mostly and running. dominant hand.    right. drugs / smoke / alcohol ? no / no / no all these are bad for your vocal chords omg.
positive traits. talented, perfectionist, reliable, creative negative traits.  bossy, know it all, unpleasant, dramatic, reactive  usual mood.  unamused. likes. broadway, designer clothes, the color pink, cold brew coffees on a fall morning, a chic little black dress, the lights of a stage casting down on you, applause, french cafes, glitter pens, hugs from her father dislikes.  being compared to her sisters ( eowyn mostly ), rain, being told what to do, lea michele, the color green, being touched by strangers, chewing with your mouth open, people who try to do duets with her when clearly this is a solo only territory thank you !! bad habits.  talking over people and interrupting them.
mother.    penelope hainline father.      barley lightfoot siblings.   eowyn, kinsley & gabe lightfoot children.   none. birth order.   third of four. significant other.  could be you who’s to say closest friends. august o’neil, lightfoot cousins this could be you !
zodiac sign. leo mbti. estj temperament.  choleric  hogwarts house.    slytherin. moral alignment.  chaotic neutral.
languages spoken.   english & french drive ?      yes. jump start a car ?      no. change a flat tire ?      yeah but don’t ask her to. ride a bicycle ?      yes. swim ?     yes. play an instrument ?     yes. play chess ?    no. braid hair ?    yes. tie a tie ?          yes. pick a lock ?          no. sew ?      yes.
compassion.         4/10.
empathy.         4/10.
creativity.          10/10.
mental flexibility.          9/10.
passion.         10/10.
luck.         9/10.
motivation.  10/10.
education.          10/10.
intelligence.         9/10.
charisma.       7/10.
reflexes.          9/10.
willpower.          6/10.
stamina.          9/10.
physical strength.         6/10.
battle skill.          5/10.
initiative.     10/10.
restraint.          7/10.
strategy.      10/10.
team work.         0/10.
( pinterest, her tag, playlist. )
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