#Gwen Demarco
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freckleslikestars · 1 year ago
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Fred, you had a part people loved. I mean, my TV Guide interview was six paragraphs about my BOOBS and how they fit into my suit. No one bothered to ask me what I do on the show.
Sigourney Weaver as Gwen DeMarco in Galaxy Quest (1999)
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atomic-chronoscaph · 3 months ago
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Sigourney Weaver - Galaxy Quest (1999)
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rubixcuby · 5 months ago
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Happy belated Birthday to Sigourney Weaver!
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chernobog13 · 8 days ago
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Galaxy Quest (1999), the greatest Star Trek film ever made!
Some of the quasi-crewmembers of the NSEA Protector obtain a beryllium sphere to power their ship.
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lazarusoftevmeck · 10 months ago
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Galaxy Quest crew + text post (Pt. 1)
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pandorasbox341 · 8 months ago
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I have one job on this lousy ship. It's stupid, but I'm going to do it!
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babylon38ad · 1 month ago
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Gwen DeMarco - Galaxy Quest (99)
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tobiasdrake · 8 months ago
Some days are just like.
Database: There is $20,000 in unprocessed cash aged more than a week. Me: We have $20,000 in unprocessed cash aged more than a week. Executives: How much of that is from the lockbox? Me: Database, how much of that is from the lockbox? Database: $16,000 is from the lockbox. Me: $16,000 is from the lockbox. Executives: Thank you. Staff Member: Hey, I tried to do the process but it came out wrong. Me: Database, run the process. Database: Export file was too large. The data had to be reformatted to new parameters. Me: Your file's too big, so the system had to change it. Try running it again but for a narrower criteria. Executives: Hey, is there a way to get this dataset to just show totals for this one vendor? Me: Excel, filter this one vendor. Excel: $3,000 for that one vendor. Me: Here you go. $3,000 for that one vendor. Executives: Perfect, thank you!
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gj-morrowstrike · 2 years ago
Gwen DeMarco (as Lt. Tawny Madison) from Galaxy Quest.
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thecourtofgraywaves · 2 months ago
Warden Walker, Ellen Ripley, and Gwen DeMarco dressed up as Winifred, Mary, and Sarah Sanderson, respectively.
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texasthrillbilly · 1 year ago
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anditendshowyoudexpect · 2 years ago
what flashes through my head every time Hannah Waddingham gets a question about Ted and Rebecca getting together
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commanderpeggymcgee · 1 year ago
Her having the meltdown near the end about the episode being badly written is so funny 🤣 she’s just screaming about how dumb everything is, it’s such a mood 🤣 love her to bits 😂
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Ladies Meme » {four/five} ladies of comedy » Gwen DeMarco “Fred, you had a part people loved. I mean, my TV Guide interview was six paragraphs about my BOOBS and how they fit into my suit. No one bothered to ask me what I do on the show.” “You were the ummm… wait a minute, I’ll think of it…” “I repeated the computer, Fred.”
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anretc · 1 year ago
Fic: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
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Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (1628 words) by anr Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Galaxy Quest (1999) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gwen DeMarco/Jason Nesmith Characters: Gwen DeMarco, Jason Nesmith Summary: Everything after the convention is a blur.
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lazarusoftevmeck · 10 months ago
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Galaxy Quest cast photos in the “Galaxy Quest: The Inside Story”
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 11 months ago
helena! my love! we've seen your ocs as boygenius songs... dare i ask what song you'd give them from phoebe bridgers' discography?
bluuuuuu this is the BEST yes yes yes
My OCs as Phoebe Bridgers Songs
Frankie Bevan - Friday I'm In Love
Monday, you can fall apart / Tuesday, Wednesday, break my heart / Oh, Thursday doesn't even start / It's Friday, I'm in love /
Valerie Harmon - Graceland Too
So we spent what was left of our serotonin / To chew on our cheeks and stare at the moon / Said she knows she lived through it to get to this moment / Ate a sleeve of saltines on my floor and I knew then / I will do anything you want me to /
Susie Lamb - Scott Street
I asked you, "How is your sister? / I heard she got her degree" / And I said, "That makes me feel old" / You said, "What does that make me?" /
Anna March - Funeral
And last night, I blacked out in my car / And I woke up in my childhood bed / Wishing I was someone else, feeling sorry for myself / When I remembered someone's kid is dead /
Diana Fayed - Dominos
I scrape my eye when I touch the sky / And lose a little vision for the man / I can call it in my mind / I don't want to hold nobody's hand / I can toss in the morning light / I'll play dead when I'm buried in the sand /
Gwen Dastrup - Silk Chiffon
Life's so fun, life's so fun / Don't need to worry about no one / She said that I got her if I want / She's so soft like silk chiffon /
Faye Warren - Garden Song
The doctor put her hands over my liver / She told me my resentment's getting smaller / No, I'm not afraid of hard work / I get everything I want /
George Aarons - Chinese Satellite
Sometimes, when I can't sleep / It's just a matter of time before I'm hearing things / Swore I could feel you through the walls / But that's impossible /
Frankie and Rosie - Sidelines
Watched the world from the sidelines / Had nothing to prove / 'Til you came into my life / Gave me something to lose /
Val and Ron - Killer
Can the killer in me / Tame the fire in you? / Or is there nothin' left to do for us? / I am sick of the chase / But I'm hungry for blood / And there's nothin' I can do /
Susie and DeMarco - ICU
But I feel something when I see you now / I feel something when I see you / If you're a work of art / I'm standing too close / I can see the brush strokes /
Anna and Eugene - Moon Song
And if I could give you the moon / I would give you the moon / You are sick and you're married and you might be dying / But you're holding me like water in your hands /
Diana and Reg - Chelsea
And you spit the blood back, spit the blood back, baby / I'm amazed that you're alright / Oh, so long, prison boy / I won't be home with you tonight /
Gwen and Brady - Waiting Room
I want to make you drive all night just because I said maybe you should come over / I want to make you fall in love as hard as my poor parents' teenage daughter / She'll be the best you ever had if you let her /
Faye and Shifty - Punisher
What if I told you / I feel like I know you? / But we never met / And here, everyone knows you're the way to my heart / Hear so many stories of you at the bar/
George and Curt - Georgia
Georgia, Georgia, I love your son / And when he gets older, he might be the one / He might be the one / Georgia, Georgia, he has beautiful bones / And he never lies or picks up his phone /
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