#Gum Problems
medifact · 9 months
Periodontal gum disease is insidious. It is an infection of the gums that starts out as plaque, an opaque film on the teeth that hardens to form tartar. As tartar accumulates, it harbors bacteria that attack the soft tissue around the gums. This is the early stage of gum disease known as gingivitis. Left untreated, gingivitis becomes periodontitis which ultimately destroys the tissue surrounding your teeth AND the bone that holds your teeth in place. The result: lost teeth.
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morality-home-care · 1 year
Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential throughout life for overall health and well-being. Proper oral health makes it easier for you to eat well and enjoy food.
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so-many-ocs · 1 year
rolling my sleeves up before i start writing as if i am doing hard manual labor instead of clicking away at a keyboard like a wannabe receptionist
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blenselche · 4 months
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I lost the original .sai file, rip me. I love Princess Chewypaste sm it's unfair that our canon universe's PB got the bleh color scheme in comparison.
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the-meme-monarch · 2 months
also it was very nice of the orthodontic surgeons(I'm not sure if it's correct to call them dentists) that they never commented on my yellowed and crooked teeth. however they did put my x ray on the monitor directly in front of me to just look at for the entire time i was there and i do wonder if it was to shame me (/jokey)
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anyway hopefully soon i will get my bottom two wisdom teeth taken out
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bulldog-butch · 1 year
this is not about anything to do with my tumblr but i need you all to hear me right now. if you don’t have dental insurance and are not going regularly to a dentist you Need to be taking care of your teeth. and before you come at me with “well i’m neurodivergent or disabled and it’s really hard for me” trust me, i understand. i struggle constantly to brush and floss regularly. but if you’re not going to get your teeth regularly cleaned and you’re not rigorously taking care of your teeth and gums or are blessed with great genetics in that department, then you are going to pay the price in a big way at some point. and i mean that both metaphorically and literally.
if you’re not taking good care, then your are building up tartar which if left unchecked (aka getting a dental cleaning) are going to lead to gum recession and bone loss, neither of which are reversible without surgical intervention such as a gum graft (but those suck and aren’t the most successful). but i also mean you will literally pay the price as in monetarily, likely for the rest of your life. once you develop gum disease you have to get a more specialized kind of cleaning that’s expensive often even if you do have dental insurance, and after you have that you’re bumped to a completely different kind of maintenance cleaning which is not often covered by insurance as well and it’s also double the price of a standard cleaning
i’m not saying any of this to scare people, or cause anxiety, i’m saying this because i actually feel so bad for young people who come in to get a cleaning and it’s been 2-3 years and suddenly they’re paying thousands of dollars instead of the $100-$200 it would be to get a cleaning every six months or so. if you’re at all able it will save you so much in the long run to pay for a cleaning out of pocket, but if you’re not able to, just do everything you’re able to to keep things going at home
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2129888 · 4 months
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dreamlogic · 2 days
got a good grade at the dentist today against all odds 😇 it's been uuuhhhh 8 years since my last check-up (i know, i know, i have a final boss-sized mental block against dental care), but i have NO new cavities, only a tiny bit of gum recession, and LESS gum inflammation than my last visit! all i need is a basic cleaning, to have a couple existing fillings touched up, and to be fitted for a night guard. the hygienist said she was "surprised and impressed" that my mouth was so healthy, which the dentist herself attributed to "very good home care." 😌😏
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heyy-dont-mind-me · 27 days
I'm just your Problem (Animatic) Feat. Prince Orange Gum(Prince Scott) and Onceler the Vampire king
Not my usual style cuz I was keeping with the Adventure time art style—
Kinda half assed parts of it cuz I was getting tired but yee here it is‐!
Also the one for Finn's place is Ted Wiggins and Pipsqueak as BMO, cuz yes.
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schwazombie · 2 months
I think one of the funny things about me deciding that Kidd and Killer are bilingual and Law is trilingual is that I have decided on specifics on the German front so when Kidd and Law are trying to learn each other's respective languages they are learning primarily from the other so Kidd opens his mouth and Northern German comes out and when they're driving to Italy he's like Law? Babygirl? Darling? Sweet pea? What the fuck is up with Bavarians.
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All Gummed up Inside/All Warmed up Inside
First sung by: Finn and Jake in "Incendium"
Because it feels like there's a hole inside my body Like there's a hole inside my heart It's like this feeling is gonna consume me If I keep waiting for this thing to start ... 'Cause it feels like there's a fire inside my body Like there's a fire inside my heart It's like this fire is gonna consume me If I keep waiting for this thing to start
I'm Just Your Problem
First sung by: Marceline in "What Was Missing"
I'm just your problem I'm just your problem It's like I'm not even a person, am I? I'm just your problem
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starkissedblade · 4 months
bro i just set up a dental appointment. i haven’t gone in 5 yrs
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hausofkae · 11 months
Die in traffic dumb bitch!
RE: blacksimlish, her outlandish remarks, allegations & strange case of main character syndrome + her group of minions.
once you start accusing people of things that are not only detrimental to their reputation, but also just insanely inaccurate, how they defend themselves is neither here nor there.
there’s no rules to this shit. they minimized this to it being just “sims” out of convenience, it fits the narrative they’re pushing. if im being harassed for months and weeks on end & then being accused for being amongst the same accounts doing that nasty behavior, im going to be as out pocket as the rumors & attacks are. it stopped being about sims when my character was attacked. it stopped being about sims when the name calling started and it stopped being about sims when ole girl’s personal information was leaked. im not going back and forth publicly anymore, but once my account is unlocked i will be reaching out to yall, trust that!
at no point have i ever excused or justified the doxing. i think that is something that is dangerous and overall unnecessary. if this continues to be a concern, i urge all of those involved to bring law enforcement into this matter. since it has become about safety, please seek all necessary legal means to resolve the matter. as i will fully cooperate to my accounts being subpoenaed and searched for its activity.
blacksim (whose first name is just learned today after her information was leaked btw!) gets to still be accusatory and proceed to be confused as to why she’s getting the reaction she is. the same language she’s using, if someone else said it to her she would be going on a rampage and weaponizing her blackness. but again, defending yourself is only fine when it’s them. defending your character is only acceptable when it’s that group. she is the only person that has ever been attacked on the internet, so anyone who retaliates is wrong.
you’re grasping at straws picking certain words to point the finger, when the reality is no one knows who did that. but AGAIN, they want someone to blame and me being as outspoken as i am made me one of the targets. COOL. what sense does it make to go to tumblr and send someone hate message anonymously when i’ve been arguing with you and your clique publicly? or are yall going to say ive sent this to myself?
the delusion has to stop. apparently im the first and ONLY person to use “woe is me”. to sit and search my tweets is obsessive and weird. all it proves is yall have been watching for months out of jealousy, seething at the mouth waiting to pounce.
i’ll defend my character however i see fit the same way you all do. i won’t be deactivating, deleting or hiding anything, i won’t be apologizing, i won’t be taking anything back. to sit up until 4am when other parties have stopped responding, creating a twitter space to keep talking about it & being weird just genuinely shows the drama is what fuels you. i’m not giving this shit anymore light publicly. for those who want the context, it’s there and they’ve found it and reached out to me.
you provoked a group of people for months on end & we all got tired of your harassment. period point blank. none of us doxed you, we told everyone on twitter about accounts that solely were around to harass, bully and send threats. at no point was that brought up to justify what was done. no one laughed about you being doxed. none of us encouraged it. there is no proof to that and it’s all talk.
again, i implore you to involve law enforcement if you feel your safety is at risk and i will be more than happy to have my lawyer speak on my behalf. unlike others, the lawyer talk is very legit. i don’t play about defamation. reach out to chat further regarding legal action so i can provide the necessary information. thank you.
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what-the-fuck-khr · 5 months
GOOD NEWS EVERYBODY IM BACK I HAVE ANSWERS so we looked at my teeth etc and I’m not gonna die of sepsis bc despite all the shit my toothache caused me there’s no infection. so what was it, Bronwyn? good question!
wisdom teeth
#LMFAO#my wisdom teeth are……… so poorly angled. 100% impact on all four#and the left one is tryna make moves so it’s swelling my gums which is raising my molar#and jacking up my bite while the tooth is sensitive in sensitive gums#¯\_(ツ)_/¯#so he suggested just. get rid of them. take the wisdom teeth out. all 4 bc of the possible impact from them#and if I didn’t I’d just periodically have this crazy ass pain come and go and come and go and fuck THAT so. removal it is#👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻#I have no idea what that’s gonna cost lmfao so we’ll…. we’ll see#and today basically the pain hasn’t been nearly as severe. the swelling has gone down significantly. so I think the pain/problem is#subsiding for a bit. I hope. lol. so they’re referring me to the dental hospital teehee#and then we did a clean of my teeth bc I have crazy plaque buildup and thus bacteria and thus making the issue worse. apparently. so#which isn’t a surprise. depression and adhd means I don’t brush my teeth as often as I should. and floss is scary#while doing that he seemed to have no problems with any of my fillings so I assume they’re fine atm too#all those side effects bc my wisdom tooth wants to play up…….. attention seeker#also between that molar and the gums where the wisdom tooth is. there’s a pocket. apparently. and stuff is getting stuck in there apparently#a pocket……. head in hands. and obviously that’s difficult to clean so that’s also bothering my gums and thus my tooth. GOD#ooc#anyways that’s the dentist update. tldr; I’m fucking fine it’s just wisdom teeth fucking it all up
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lastweeksshirttonight · 10 months
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I found a thing that I'm really excited to share and write in depth about later this week, but for now, please take this humble homemade gif of my man stealing my heart for the 9 billionth time
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yourmoonmomma · 6 months
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Happy happy!
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