#Guest post submission guide
writerjuliegomes · 10 days
Proven Step-by-Step Guide to Submit Your First Guest Post
Have you ever wondered how some authors manage to get their names across multiple industry-leading blogs? Guest posting might just be the secret ingredient you're missing in your content marketing strategy! Learn how to submit your very first guest post successfully, from goal-setting to post-promotion.
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unstoppabledomains · 2 years
Write for us and get your blog instantly live on Unstoppable Domains.
We want to make sure you have the best possible chance of being published on our platform. That’s why we’ve made it easy for you to submit your ideas, book summaries, money-making formulas, earning tips and tricks, affiliate links, technical guest posts, and much more through our Blog post submission page.
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orionsangel86 · 6 months
Death Appreciation Week!
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With Dead Boy Detectives hitting our screens on the 25th April, and with our girl Death of the Endless making a guest appearance, it seemed only fitting that we should celebrate her in the run up to the show's release.
So I will be running a Death Appreciation Week from Thursday 18th April to Thursday 25th April which will be a celebration of all things Death of the Endless!
Participation is easy. You can go through the prompt list below, and choose to create in whichever way you feel most comfortable. I am keeping this event as flexible as possible so the prompts aren't tied to set days, you just go for whatever you feel most inspired by whenever you can make the time and ideally if you are able to complete a prompt of your choosing each day of the event well then you are a star and I love you!
Prompt List
Death and Family - Dysfunctional as they may be the Endless are a family unit, and their parents are even worse.
Death and Mortals - Some have won her favour, others have slipped through her grasp.
Death and Immortals - even the God's must meet her in the end.
Death and Relationships - Who doesn't flirt with Death on occassion?
Lessons Learned - Death's words of wit and wisdom.
Death the Fashionista - She's rocked many looks over the years, but she's always been a goth fashion icon.
A Day with Death - every 100 years she takes mortal form.
The Sound of Her Wings - lets not forget she has them!
"A Cold Stuck-Up Bitch" - It's a long endless lifetime - Death's early years and how she's changed.
Death Tarot - a symbol of transformation, of change, and even of hope?
Rules for Participation
All types of fanworks are permitted. Fanart, fanfics, gifsets, meta analysis, polls, even just sharing your fave comic panels or official artwork is fine. The goal is to celebrate this amazing character in all her forms.
For your work to qualify for submission to the event, it has to prominantly feature Death of the Endless as the primary focal point. Whilst I encourage exploring her relationships with other characters, the point is to highlight Death as the central character in the work.
the hashtag #Death Appreciation Week must be tagged in all works for the event.
Anything goes! I welcome all ships, all types of work, all themes and content. NSFW is absolutely fine if that's your jam. We don't kinkshame here either. So long as everything is clearly tagged you can literally create what you want.
The prompt list is just a guide for inspiration but literally any fanworks that focus on Death can be included. You don't have to follow prompts if you don't want to.
This is a love fest for Death - which means no hate, discrimination, exclusion, etc. Please also keep criticisms and complaints out of the event tag.
Death of the Author - this is my Neil Gaiman Keep Out sign. As much as I love the guy, this is a fan event and I do not consent to anyone tagging the author in my posts. If he somehow finds it on his own thats on him lol, but please don't tag him.
Most importantly HAVE FUN - and share this post. Signal Boost please!
If you have any questions about the event, the prompts, or anything, please send me an ask or a dm. I'm happy to answer anything and help as much as needed.
With love and thanks to @seiya-starsniper for the awesome banner, and @marlowe-zara and @tryan-a-bex for their ideas and support. <3
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Maunder Labyrinth Character Intros/General Information
A concept blurb for my haunted attraction yan series in which the Reader applies for a position at the location to make some extra cash for the upcoming season. This post lists the main cast plus a few of the rules they have to follow. Feel free to ask any questions
SawBones (she/they)
Doctor; grouchy 24/7
A woman of science looked down upon by peers and loved ones for her unorthodox methods. Tricked into visited the Labyrinth by "friends" and betrayed by that same group right before the exit. Seeing the talent in her twisted mind she was given a second chance. Was gifted the bodies of all four members as a welcome present to her new home which she then stitched into a new pet who carries out patrols for her. Turns every guest she gets her hands on into a new guard or another trophy on her shelf.
Sawbones lost an eye to a guest before being fully twinned to the Labyrinth. Hates Hound for stopping her from chasing after them once they had safely escaped her section. Her sole comfort is a cassette player she had in her pocket before venturing to the attraction with a mixtape of the songs it once loved. It serves a deeper purpose as her real name is on the tape.
Martyr (He/Him)
"You can trust me!" You can't trust him.
A once shy and awkward body with a tame love for horror now a homicidal fanatic. Lost his mind to the horrors and wonders of the Labyrinth, and slaughtered his friends as offerings for a hope to appease. Bangs himself up and dupes his way into large groups to slowly bump them off one before breaking into a frenzy and killing the rest in his lust.
Welds a chainsaw he decorates with stickers and prints guests might have on them. If something they own is cute enough he will let a guest go - if a ten minute headstart means anything.
Not much is know about Jumpscare. They reappear and disappear mostly as they please. There one second and gone the next. Devoid of expression and is alot jumpier than they look. Half of their scares are from being startled upon finding living guests while disassociating, and screaming their head off because of the realization.
Jumpscare is one of two actors who will not actively kill guests (unless they have a heart condition). They are interested in the outside world and offer places to hide in exchange for knowledge. Pulls back from this habit once Reader joins the crew and dumps their questions on them instead.
"I see dead people...." "B, that's a mirror." "I know...."
Plagued by wails and visions of the damned. Has trouble telling guests from living or dead and will fly into panic when they attempt to interact- adding another voice to the choir that haunts them. Reader's name tag helps Bedevil differ them from others, but they cling to their side to assure their companion is still among the living. Has thought of asking Reader to quite, but is too afraid of being alone again.
Hound (they/them)
Do not remove their muzzle. Do not interact.
Hound is the other member who will not kill guests - they are also the most monstrous in appearance. Hound is reluctant in their cannibalistic urges, but feels they deserve to live same as everyone else. Eats the corpses of guests littered around and offers sanctuary for survivors in their bunker. It is the only safe zone in the main building.
Twins - Leader (he/him) & Follower (whatever you want)
Follower and Leader swap between manning the front and being guides for the tour. Follower is very assertive, dominant, and boastful. Leader is reserved, submissive and self hating. Follower will lead a tour safely through the maze unless a guest acts against them. Leader will do just about any order giving to them, but has a walkie-talkie at all times to receive them from their bother. If a guests asks for a discount - they will give it. If they ask to be let go - Leader will let them go.
Spector [It]
Enforcer of law, order, and punishment. Has free range of all corners of the Labyrinth and the ability to phase through walls. A tell tale sign of their arrival is the temperature dropping. The cameras around the attraction are their eyes.
Your Boss.
Do not attack guests until signaled.
Do not fight amongst each other.
Once inside Hound's bunker no actor is permitted to attack guests until they exit.
Do not leave your assigned area.
Do not cover the cameras.
Do not take the hired helps name tag. Failure to comply to this rule will be met immediate termination.
Failure to comply otherwise will result in the mask given to you sewn into place. A second strike will give the jailer free range of punishment.
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nearsbday · 1 month
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it's the first day of near's birthday party! today's prompts are:
toy | strategy | the star
please tag your gifts with #nearsbday or mention @nearsbday in your post! if you are posting to archiveofourown, you can add your gift to the collection.
as a reminder, there are a few rules for party guests which can be found right here. for more information on how to participate, you can visit this page or read through the submission guide.
alt text: graphic in shades of blue. a banner at the top reads "august 17: day 1." there are three boxes on the left side of the image, which read in order: toy, strategy, the star. at the bottom lefthand corner, there is a piece of text that reads: tag gifts with #nearsbday or mention @/nearsbday in your post! on the righthand side of the image is a blue-toned manga cap of near from death note. he is laying on his stomach and playing with an action figure.
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Part one and two:
The airport is three hours away from the university, the flight is one hour away from the airport and Peem is about to bring earthquakes with how much his knees are bouncing up and down under the table.
“Hia, are you okay?” 
“What?” Peem, having grown too accustomed to only being called Professor Peem these days, startles on catching sight of Toey in the staffroom.
“I asked if you're okay.”
Before he could answer, a group of his students accumulated at the door, seeking permission to enter.
“Come in, you guys. Are you here for submissions?” 
They don't answer, feet dug into the floor and eyes trained onto Toey. 
“Guys, I get that you're all fine arts students and must observe the world and what not. But the staring is getting out of hand these days with you lot.”
Again, no answer. This time, however their feet move backwards and take them on the same path they had arrived from. 
“What was that all about?” Toey's eyebrows move towards each other and Peem almost laughs at the proof that he is not the only one who sees his students acting weird. 
“Hell if I know. They've been this way for four weeks now and I still can not fathom why.”
“And what's going on with you? Jae Fai and Hia Fang told me you haven't been taking care of yourself.”
“I'm fine, Toey. He's coming back today. And I'm fine.”
“Alright. Then I'll go prepare for my lecture.”
Peem had been grateful to not have any lectures today. Peem had been grateful to be in the staffroom and do personal consultings for an hour and then proceed to do the gradings Q unloaded on him, after complaining about how not a single one of them was in sequence. Till an hour back, that was.
Peem was now contemplating his life choices of putting the gallery on autopilot to become a professor. A professor, who is either being pitied or hated by the first years, because if Q hadn't asked him to rearrange the assignments, he wouldn't have had anything to do. Hell, even Toey has more work to do than him and he gives two guest lectures a year which are both just additional guides.
He can't be hated, right? He did pretty well the first two years. This is actually just Phum's business trips taking a toll on him. Yes, that's it. He will be back to his normal, not nauseated and not puffy eyed self in just a couple more hours.
Couple more hours, that's doable.
“Professor Peem?” He realizes his eyes have been shut closed for the past ten minutes. 
“Yeah?” He looks up to find the teacher's aid peeking through the door.
“Professor Q is asking for you. Could you please go to lecture hall C.”
The hallways he walks through fall into a gradient of heavier and heavier silence as he nears lecture hall C. 
“Prof Q?” he asks, leaning into the deadly silent class. 
“Professor Peem. Yes, please come in.” While Peem can't ever digest his best friend of twenty years talking to him with this much respect, in their professional environment he has learned not to trip over his feet because of it.
“You mentioned that our students have been behaving somewhat weird these past weeks, right?”
“Yeah… what's going on?”
“Let's hear what one of them has just said. Right, Wai?”
Peem turns to find Wai amongst the students, everyone does the same and eyes converge on the boy sitting with a look that could compete with ghosts and win.
“Professor, I'm- we are so sorry. We didn't know- we didn't understand, or actually even try to understand anything. We're so sorry.”
“Okay I'm fed up of asking what's going on, it's the only question I've been asking for four weeks now. So will someone please tell me what on earth is going on?” The irritation in Peem's voice cracks through his throat and for the first time in four weeks, he is not getting a single eye contact from his audience.
“Remember the theme sequence they all messed up and I asked you to help with correcting it? I mentioned it in class today and it turns out it wasn't a mistake or a misread instruction.” Q's voice feels as if it was dipped in melted metal.
“They've been convinced that you and I were dating, that I cheated on you with Toey and left you to go with him to Europe.”
If Peem was nauseated before, he does not know how to describe the current pit in his stomach. “Is this what- is this what the looks, all those pity filled looks, were about? You all thought, not that it was any of your business, that Q cheated on me.”
“Who cheated on who now?” A voice pierces through the suspended tension of the room and Peem truly does not believe in the ground anymore. There standing in the doorway is his boyfriend, who did not cheat on him in the very least, with a bouquet of roses. His boyfriend, for who's presence his entire being had been aching for two whole months now. His boyfriend, who looks much more confused than Peem is himself.
 “How was this any of their business in the first place? We were never once interested  in Prof Po's love life.” Q has been fuming for the course of the past forty five minutes in which they have managed to cancel class for the rest of the day, and leave.
“And to be honest, we didn't even care about it. It's a professional relationship.”  
Q and Toey's apartment is just a seven minute drive from the Uni, making it extremely convenient for Peem to crash on a comfortable sofa right after a long day Although right now, its a comfortable sofa in addition to his boyfriend's side, and arm and hands and scent and existence.
He knows and agrees with Q with his whole heart, and he knows so do Toey and Phum. However there is only so much agreement one can do in his state. He nods off to sleep, the first deep sleep after weeks.
The next thing he recalls is waking up the door closing on the opposite side of the car, watching Phum make his way to his side and open the door for him.
“I told you, I can open the door for myself.”
“I know you can. I, as a gentleman, just don't feel like letting you.”
“And you do, as a gentleman, feel like letting me walk all the way to the front door and then through the hall and to the bedroom-” assuming his mumbles aren't coherent enough to make it to Phum's ears, he tries to climb out of the car. 
His feet don't touch the ground, Phum is carrying him up to the front door and through the hallways and to the bedroom and not once did Peem's feet come near touching the ground.
“You didn't have to do that. I was only joking.”
“I don't mind an excuse to carry my boyfriend around- just as I don't need an excuse to sit on his lap.”
Maybe there is more agreement Peem can do in his state.
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kisames-corner · 8 days
FAQ – 👻KisaWeen 2024👻
What is KisaWeen? KisaWeen is a Halloween themed event that's centered around Kisame :) Just like how Kisame Week is, we post prompts, and you create something based off that prompt. That could be absolutely anything you can think of. Maybe a gif set, a headcanon list, a one-shot, a multi-chap, a drawing, really the sky's the limit.
How do I participate? Check out this guide for how to participate.
Do we accept submissions which use AI? We here at Kisame's Corner do not tolerate AI art/fic of any kind. Basically, if you use an AI bot to create your art and/or your fic this is not elidable to be submitted. Using AI for ideas is okay, however your creations must be your own. Reposts are okay so long as you have the explicit permission of the original poster. Since it is nearly impossible to get explicit permission from the original artists whose art is fed into AI bots, and original fic writers who've had their stories scraped, we have decided that all AI work is prohibited. We repeat, all creations must be your own or you must have explicit permission to post them.
Is there a limit to how many prompts I can do? Nope! You can do all or just one, two in one day, whichever! If you want to combine prompts be our guest! The only rule is that if you combine prompts, they have to be for the same day. We want to make sure the specified content gets the spotlight. Doing a multi-chap or something like it for the whole week as one cohesive story is okay too!
How many prompts will there be? 6 this time! We will be hosting three per day for the last weekend of October. Since we started so late 😅
How should I interpret the prompts? Any way you'd like! The prompts are to spark inspiration, so go wild! Just make sure that Kisame is at the center of them!
Are prompts going to be ship based? They are not going to be ship based. It's more along the lines of an idea like a word or a phrase or a scenario, and you create content based on that. If you want to write a non-romantic Kisame-centric piece, that is totally welcome!
What pairings are welcome? All ships including Kisame are welcome! As long as the characters in question are of age, everything is accepted as a ship. This includes non ships, × Reader, × OC ships, and childhood aus as well. If you want to keep it platonic, that's okay too! Just remember that if someone doesn't share the same idea as you, it's okay to take a breath and move on.
Is there a word limit for fics? Not at all!! Write as little or as much as you'd like for any of the prompts!
How dark can the content be? As long as everything is tagged correctly and the rating is appropriate, as dark as you want. We don't want to put very much limitation as to how much freedom creators can have. Whatever you feel comfortable making is fine for us:)
Can I submit art and fic? Of course you can! You can do the same prompt with art and fic, you can do one prompt with art and the other with fic, or you can do either or and switch off. There are no limitations for how much you'd like to contribute.
I didn't get to vote for the prompts. What happened? KisaWeen gets its prompts usually from the server members at Kisame's Corner. However, this year, we took a vote from the prompts that weren't picked in 2020 and 2021 when we first did KisaWeen. Long story short, prompts were picked by sharkfam in the 'cord (is that real slang or am i making that up)
I saw something about a Discord Link but I can't find it. Where can I find it? Right here!
Are you accepting late entries? Yes we are up until the end of the rest of November! Feel free to post your stuff by then :) (but also if you take longer we don't mind )
Have additional questions? Don't hesitate to ask!
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arcvmonth · 1 year
ARC-V Month 2023 Masterpost
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Hello and welcome, Duelists and esteemed guests! Are you perhaps interested in getting to know our show? Well, here's a short and sweet starter pack of everything you need to know about this year's ARC-V Month: runtime, event details, important links, all that jazz.
Now, without further ado, allow us to present you this guide!
1) Event Runtime: ARC-V Month runs for a full 31 days, from June 15th to July 15th. Naturally, it's preferable to post the relevant content close to its assigned day, but we're actually taking late submissions for a good while after- so don't fret over deadlines or anything like that.
2) Content Type: Anything goes, really. Regular text posts, fanfics, art and photo edits, gifs, videos/AMVs... am I forgetting something? Probably, but don't let that stop you from sharing your work anyway!
3) Important Rules: Just a few regulations to note for anyone participating in the event, to make finding relevant works easier and more organized.
- All posts of content made for the event should mention @arcvmonth in the post body, and should have the tag #arcvmonth or #arcvmonth2023 as well.
- Crossposting from other sites and apps is perfectly fine, but it's preferable to drop in the text/image/video in your post alongside the redirect link.
- Anything that warrants a warning (tw, cw, NSFW) must be highlighted at the start of its respective post. Posts that don't abide by this specific rule will not be reblogged on here.
4) Relevant Links:
Tumblr Guidelines
Ao3 Collection
Prompt List
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randomreasonstolive · 2 years
Reason to Live #8762
 Trying to remember who you are at your core, and focusing on that to guide you.  – Guest Submission
(Please don't add negative comments to these posts.)
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lawyerbd · 7 months
Boost Your SEO: High-Quality Backlinking Sites ( Google Drive Link )
In the competitive world of SEO, backlinks reign supreme. They act as votes of confidence from other websites, telling search engines like Google that your content is valuable and deserves to be seen. But building a strong backlink profile can be expensive, leaving many websites struggling to compete. Fear not, budget-conscious SEO warriors! This article unveils a treasure trove of high-quality backlinking sites that won't cost you a dime.
2024's Guide to High-Quality Dofollow Backlink Sites
Top Free Backlink Building Sites in 2024
Top Profile Creation Site List for Backlinks in 2024
Top Instant Approval Blog Commenting Sites List (2024)
Top Free Guest Posting Websites in 2024
Disclaimer: While these sites offer free backlinks, remember, quality matters more than quantity. Focus on building relevant, contextual links from websites with good domain authority. Spammy tactics can actually harm your SEO, so proceed with caution and prioritize quality over sheer number.
Unleash the Power of Directories:
Industry-Specific Directories: List your website in relevant online directories within your niche. These directories often offer free basic listings, providing a valuable backlink and increased visibility within your target audience.
Local Directories: Claim and optimize your Google My Business listing, along with other local directories like Yelp and Bing Places. Local SEO is crucial, and these platforms offer free listings to boost your local search ranking.
Content is King (and Can Earn You Backlinks):
Guest Blogging: Contribute high-quality articles to established blogs in your niche. This not only builds backlinks but also positions you as an expert and drives targeted traffic to your website.
Forum Engagement: Actively participate in relevant online forums and communities. Share valuable insights, answer questions, and link back to your website where appropriate. Remember, genuine engagement is key, not just spamming links.
Get Creative with Social Media:
Share Engaging Content: Regularly share informative, visually appealing content on social media platforms. Encourage users to share and link back to your website, organically building backlinks.
Run Social Media Contests: Host contests and giveaways that require participants to share your content or link back to your website. This can be a fun and effective way to generate buzz and backlinks.
Embrace the Power of User-Generated Content:
Encourage Reviews and Testimonials: Display positive reviews and testimonials on your website, and encourage satisfied customers to share them on other platforms. This can lead to organic backlinks from review sites and social media.
Run User-Generated Content Contests: Encourage users to create content related to your brand or niche, offering rewards for the best submissions. This can generate backlinks from user profiles and social media shares.
Remember: Building a strong backlink profile takes time and effort. Utilize these free resources strategically, focusing on quality and relevance. With patience, persistence, and a dash of creativity, you can achieve SEO success without breaking the bank!
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Bonus Tip: Utilize free backlink analysis tools like Ahrefs Backlink Checker or Moz Open Site Explorer to monitor your backlink profile and identify potential opportunities.
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of the websites mentioned in this article. Please do your own research before submitting your website to any directory or platform.
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abdulrehman51 · 1 year
What is compound seo: A Complete Guide
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The technique of implementing SEO into your marketing efforts is known as compound SEO. This method can multiply the effects and produce more significant leads than ever. Compound SEO requires the use of the combined impacts of several techniques. This strategy understands the complexity of search engine algorithms, which now consider various criteria when ranking webpages. Consequently, it is essential to take an in-depth approach that addresses these concerns.
Components of Compound SEO
High-Quality Content The king of the digital world is quality content. Producing high-quality, relevant, and exciting content is crucial for bringing in new visitors while maintaining. Compound SEO puts a lot of focus on creating content that relates to user intent and offers valuable data, which can increase engagement and improve search rankings. It must include high-quality content. Keyword Research To locate a topic that ranks highly in searches for the niche you are targeting, conduct comprehensive keyword Research. Try to find the best keywords for your top competitors.  Content structure Content collected and divided into different parts is referred to as structured content. In a CMS (content management system), the headline, byline, publishing date, snippet, and keyword tags are all examples of different structured content fields. Persuasive headline A good headline goes beyond simple wording to create feelings, draw attention, and represent value. It's your first chance to establish a relationship with your audience and tell them your material is valuable. On-Page Optimization This essential step is to improve the value and visibility of specific web pages. Meta tags, headings, text organization, keyword usage, and internal linking are all optimized. Better rankings result from on-page SEO, ensuring search engines quickly understand the content context. Backlink Strategy An essential part of compound SEO is creating reliable and valuable backlinks. Search engines can tell that your material is reliable and valuable when they see high-quality backlinks from trustworthy websites. Developing an extensive backlink profile can significantly increase your website's reputation. Here are some guidelines to help you to create a successful backlink strategy for compound SEO.  Guest Blogging Guest blogging, sometimes called "guest posting," is writing content on another company's website. Guest bloggers typically post for comparable sites in their sector to Bring visitors back to their website. Increase their domain authority by linking to high-authority domains. Increase the credibility and exposure of their brand, and Create connections with colleagues in their sector. Guest blogging provides mutual benefits to the guest blogger and the website hosting the guest material.  Broken Link Building Search for broken links on other web pages that point to your content. Describe the broken link to the website's owner. Contact them and offer to replace it with something more acceptable. Forum Posting Forum posting is an efficient off-page SEO strategy that involves participating in online community forums imparting knowledge, posing queries, and adding to relevant discussions on your company or niche. Bookmarking  Bookmarking in off-page SEO refers to saving and organizing links to web pages on social bookmarking platforms. These platforms allow users to manage, store, and share their favorite web pages, articles, blog posts, and other online content. As part of an off-page SEO strategy, bookmarking can help enhance the visibility, authority, and traffic to your website by leveraging the power of social sharing and online communities. Profile Sharing Profile sharing in off-page SEO refers to creating and optimizing user profiles on various online platforms to increase your visibility, showcase your expertise, and build backlinks. Directory submission Include relevant local directories and sites for your industry when publishing your website. These directories might offer beneficial backlinks that increase the ranking of your website. Local SEO Local SEO is essential for companies who want to reach nearby customers. Creating and maintaining Google My Business properties, collecting favorable ratings, and ensuring accurate NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) information across internet platforms are all part of optimizing local search. Semantic Search By understanding the context of words and how they relate to one another, semantic search tries to increase the accuracy and validity of search results. Semantic search, in contrast with traditional keyword-based search, goes beyond only sense matching to understand the intent and context of the query.
Compound SEO is an efficient way to improve your website's search engine access and overall visibility in the dynamic world of digital marketing. You may develop a comprehensive approach that works with the latest search engine algorithms by combining the power of on-page optimization, producing high-quality content, technological skill, backlink strategy, increasing user experience, and local SEO. Remember that cooperation frequently has excellent results in SEO, and Compound SEO supports this idea. Read the full article
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sunnymegatron · 1 year
Lessons from the BDSM Leather Community with Mollena Williams-Haas - Ep 203
  Mollena Williams-Haas, a.k.a. The Kink Doula, is back to serve up a slice of community healing. As a BDSM Leather community veteran and legend, Mollena understands the challenges of living your truth when it falls outside of the alt-sex status quo. In this convo, she shares how her rocky relationship with a community she once loved transformed into an unexpected journey of healing and growth. And, in true Mollena fashion, the insights she gleaned from this transformative, powerful experience are life lessons we can all benefit from, no matter our chosen community or family. This is part one of our two-episode extended conversation.
  Mollena Williams-Haas Bio
Mollena is an NYC-born and raised writer, actress, BDSM Educator, Storyteller, sobriety fiend since March 2007, and Award-Winning Executive Pervert. Owned and collared by renowned contemporary composer Georg Friedrich Haas since 2013, she serves as his beloved slave, submissive, wife, servant, and Muse. February 2016 saw a groundbreaking piece about their relationship featured in the New York Times.
Active in the Leather community since 1996 and teaching since 1998, Mollena's viewpoints on Kink-related issues are frequently sought after by sources like The New York Times, The Huffington Post, Newsweek, Essence, Ebony, etc. She is a frequent guest expert on Dan Savage’s “Savage Lovecast,” Tristan Taormino’s “Sex Out Loud”, and Margaret Cho’s “Monsters of Talk” podcast. She’s even spoken about Kink at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton.
Molena is also a leather titleholder– International Ms Leather 2010 and Ms. San Francisco Leather 2009. She’s the co-author of the “Toybag Guide: Taboo Play.” and “Playing Well With Others: Your Guide to Discovering, Exploring and Navigating the Kink, Leather and BDSM Communities”. 
A professional stage performer since the age of 5, Mollena’s credits include singing on the soundtrack for The Wiz and co-starring with Danny Bonaduce in underground cult-classic America’s Deadliest Home Video. Her short film, IMPACT, won the “Cinekink’s Best Experimental Film" Award. Mollena’s latest performance piece is Hyena, a collaboration with her husband. They are also both the subject of the documentary The Artist and The Pervert. Mollena also appeared on Sex with Sunny Megatron on Showtime. Her latest endeavor is The Kink Doula.
Mollena's Full Bio: http://www.mollena.com/about/ 
Episode 203 Helpful Links & Resources
All That and Mo, Podcast hosted by Mollena Lee Williams Haas https://allthatandmo.com/
Kink Doula https://kinkdoula.com/ 
Mollena Lee Williams Haas Website http://www.mollena.com/
Mollena Lee Williams Haas Facebook https://www.facebook.com/mollena
Mollena Lee Williams Haas Instagram https://www.instagram.com/mollena_lee_williams_haas/
Mollena Lee Williams Haas Twitter https://twitter.com/mollena
Mollena Lee Williams Haas Patreon https://www.patreon.com/MollenaLeeWilliamsHaas
Mollena on RISK! Episode 442 “Slave” https://soundcloud.com/riskshow/slave-by-mollena-williams-from-episode-442-slave
Hyena Teaser Trailer https://youtu.be/UrAJji7qdwk
The Artist and the Pervert Trailer https://youtu.be/ko_6bGeADGU
The Artist and the Pervert Documentary on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Artist-Pervert-Georg-Friedrich-Haas/dp/B08NC5C1PK
The Restrict Act Bill S. 686 https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/686/text 
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hotspotseo · 22 hours
How to Get Your Website to the Top of Google: Proven Strategies for Success
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Achieving a top ranking on Google is a goal for many website owners and businesses. With over 3.5 billion searches conducted on Google every day, getting your website to the top of Google search results can significantly impact your visibility, traffic, and overall success. A higher ranking not only increases your chances of being seen by potential customers but also establishes your credibility and authority in your niche.
However, achieving that coveted top position is no easy feat. Many factors influence search engine rankings, including competition, keyword relevance, content quality, and user experience. Understanding these elements and employing effective strategies can help you rise above the competition and attract more visitors to your site.
Understand the Basics of SEO
Sometimes referred to as Search Engine Placement or Search Engine Submissions, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the act of making your site as appealing as possible to the search engines. Begin by reading more about important aspects of SEO – keywords, meta tags and backlinks. This will help create a good background to your optimization process because it will give you a clue of how search engines work.
Conduct Keyword Research
The choice of the keywords is very important for viewing the traffic on the website. Looking for the right keywords will take you a shorter time if you use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush. The key here is to consider keywords that have low competition for the greater amount of traffic. Using the keywords listed above follows writing and tips, guidelines so as to better your positions. Additionally, HotSpot SEO’s competitor keyword analysis tool can provide valuable insights to help you identify effective keywords for your content.
Optimize Your On-Page Elements
Once you've identified your keywords, optimize your website’s on-page elements:
Title Tags: It is important that each page has a title tag that is distinctive and that contains your keyword.
Meta Descriptions: Meta description needs to be well-written summaries of what you’re offering to the users and guiding them to click on the links.
Headers and Subheaders: Use headers (H1, H2, H3) to organize your content and include keywords where appropriate.
Image Alt Text: For images, always resort to using descriptive alt text with an emphasis of using keywords.
Create High-Quality Content
In the aspect of SEO, the content is the ultimate monarch. Produce high-quality, engaging, and relevant, and helpful content, which is aligned with your audience’s requirements. It is recommended to prepare high-quality articles that would answer all possible questions and unwanted misconceptions. This is preferable when your content is updated frequently which is likely to improve the rank of your page.
Improve Website Speed and Mobile Friendliness
Google puts much emphasis on the customers’ experiences and so make sure your website has a fast loading speed and its mobile equivalent. There are things one can use to determine the speed of one's site, tools such as Google PageSpeed Insight can assist in identifying areas that one needs to work on. Resize your pictures, reduce the amount of code, and it might be smart to enable a Content Delivery Network (CDN) if possible.
Build Quality Backlinks
Backlinks at that concerned web page point to the fact that your content is desirable and beneficial to other sites, and therefore is desirable and beneficial to Google. Write quality guest posts and aim for backlinks as well as seek partnerships from other sites as well. Produce content so attractive that others embed it on their sites, for example, through informative graphics, investigations, or complex tutorials.
Utilize Social Media
It also acts as a way through which people get to see your content and then visit your website. Publishing your articles, ensure that you share on the social sites such as; Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. The more people view your content, the better the chances of getting backlinks and thus a better search engine optimization rank.
Monitor Your Progress
Monitoring your SEO is important for several reasons because it allows you to see what SEO strategies are effective and which are not. There is also the option to regularly use Site Check Google Analytics and Google Search Console for website analysis. Monitoring results will help to determine which site needs improvement, watching such values as ranking, traffic, user actions.
Stay Updated with SEO Trends
SEO is a very dynamic area to work in, and Google in particular is known to change its algorithms very often. It is important to continually update your knowledge about SEO practices and current trends including SEO blog, Webinar, or forum discussion. It’s therefore important that one pursue an adaptation process which will assist him/her reinstate and augment their rank overtime.
Appearing a website on the top of Google is a tactical and progressive process that is time consuming but very effective. When you know the basics of SEO, when you find good keywords to target, when you make the right changes on your website content, and when you acquire backlinks from relevant and authoritative websites, clicks can increase. Just note that, the road to the top is not easy but the up and end of it is so rewarding. Use them to start right now and see your website sitting on the apex of search engines!
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kisames-corner · 4 months
Kisame Week 2024 Rules & FAQS 🦈
What is Kisame Week? Kisame week is a week that we dedicate to our favorite shark man! Whether you'd like to make art to celebrate or write fics about him, anything goes! Just as long as what you post is your own work, the world is your oyster. If you have permission from the artist to repost for this specific event, that's okay too!
How do I participate? Check out this guide for how to participate.
Do we accept submissions which use AI? We here at Kisame's Corner do not tolerate AI art/fic of any kind. Basically, if you use an AI bot to create your art and/or your fic this is not elidable to be submitted. Using AI for ideas is okay, however your creations must be your own. Reposts are okay so long as you have the explicit permission of the original poster. Since it is nearly impossible to get explicit permission from the original artists whose art is fed into AI bots, and original fic writers who've had their stories scraped, we have decided that all AI work is prohibited. We repeat, all creations must be your own or you must have explicit permission to post them.
Is there a limit to how many prompts I can do? Nope! You can do all or just one, two in one day, whichever! If you want to combine prompts be our guest! The only rule is that if you combine prompts, they have to be for the same day. We want to make sure the specified content gets the spotlight.
How many prompts will there be? 21 in total! We will be hosting three for every day of the week with a bonus "any au' day!
What does "Any AU" mean? "Any AU" refers to any alternate universe you can think of! Modern AU, College AU, Mob AU, etc. Since we ask everyone for prompt submissions, you can guess the amount of AUs are suggested, so we usually just group any and all AUs in this category. If you need inspiration for this category, check this list for the ideas that people submitted.
Can I only submit works with Alternate Universe on the bonus day? Nope! You can create alternate universes in the other prompts as well. The bonus day is more like a free-for-all type day. Just with a fun list added to it :)
How should I interpret the prompts? Any way you'd like! The prompts are to spark inspiration, so go wild! Just make sure that Kisame is at the center of them!
Are prompts going to be ship based? They are not going to be ship based. It's more along the lines of an idea like a word or a phrase or a scenario, and you create content based on that. If you want to write a non-romantic Kisame-centric piece, that is totally welcome!
What pairings are welcome? All ships including Kisame are welcome! As long as the characters in question are of age, everything is accepted as a ship. This includes non ships, × Reader, × OC ships, and childhood aus as well. If you want to keep it platonic, that's okay too! Just remember that if someone doesn't share the same idea as you, it's okay to take a breath and move on.
Is there a word limit for fics? Not at all!! Write as little or as much as you'd like for any of the prompts!
How dark can the content be? As long as everything is tagged correctly and the rating is appropriate, as dark as you want. We don't want to put very much limitation as to how much freedom creators can have. Whatever you feel comfortable making is fine for us:)
Can I submit art and fic? Of course you can! You can do the same prompt with art and fic, you can do one prompt with art and the other with fic, or you can do either or and switch off. There are no limitations for how much you'd like to contribute.
I didn't see my submission in the Voting doc, and I submitted on time. What happened? Since we do get so many submissions (a whole 101 this time!), we like to combine all the Alternate Universe suggestions in one huge ongoing list! Every time Someone suggests an AU, it gets added to the list that you can use to generate some ideas!
I saw something about a Discord Link but I can't find it. Where can I find it? Right here!
Are you accepting late entries? Yes we are up until the 31st of August! Feel free to post your stuff by then :)
Have additional questions? Don't hesitate to ask!
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tirupathitiru · 1 day
Write for Us + Furniture 
Are you a passionate writer with expertise in furniture design, home decor, or interior design? We’re constantly on the lookout for fresh voices and expert opinions in the furniture space. If you have valuable insights and want to contribute to our growing platform, Write for Us + Furniture could be the perfect opportunity. This article will guide you through our submission process,, and specific guidelines to follow.
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Why Write for Us?
At [Your Company Name], we aim to provide readers with the best information about furniture, interior design, and home decor. By contributing, you can:
Showcase Your Expertise: Publish articles that highlight your knowledge of furniture trends, styles, and materials.
Reach a Wider Audience: Our platform receives thousands of visitors every month, offering a perfect opportunity to expand your reach.
Build Credibility: By writing for us, you get an author bio and backlinks to your website or social media channels, improving your personal brand’s credibility and SEO.
Keywords: Write for Us, Furniture,
 Guest Post Furniture, Furniture Blogging,
 Interior Design, Home Decor, Submit Furniture Article, 
Furniture Guest Post Guidelines.
Submission Guidelines: Write for Us + Furniture
To maintain the quality and relevance of our content, we require contributors to follow certain guidelines. Here’s what we expect from you:
Originality: All submitted content must be 100% original and not published elsewhere. We value fresh perspectives and innovative ideas.
Word Count: Articles should range from 1,000 to 1,500 words, providing in-depth coverage of the topic.
Formatting: Use subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to make the content easier to read. Content should be well-structured and scannable.
Language and Tone: Write in a clear, concise, and engaging tone. Articles should be free from jargon and easily understood by a general audience.
Images: We encourage you to include relevant, high-quality images that enhance the article. Be sure to credit the image source if necessary.
Keywords: Use the provided keyword “write for us + furniture” naturally throughout the article (around 4-5 times) to ensure SEO optimization.
Topics to Cover: Some suggested topics include but are not limited to:
Latest trends in furniture design
Sustainable and eco-friendly furniture
Tips for choosing the right furniture for different rooms
Reviews of popular furniture brands and products
DIY furniture projects
Furniture care and maintenance tips
How to Submit
Once your article is ready, email it to [[email protected]] with the subject line “Write for Us + Furniture Submission.” Our editorial team will review your submission and respond within 7-10 business days. Please also include a brief bio (2-3 sentences) about yourself and links to your website or social media profiles.
1. What type of articles are you looking for?We are looking for articles related to furniture design, home decor, DIY projects, furniture maintenance, and other relevant topics. Articles should be well-researched, insightful, and offer value to our readers.
2. Can I include backlinks in my article?Yes, we allow one do-follow backlink to your website or blog. However, we reserve the right to remove any links that appear overly promotional or irrelevant.
3. Do you accept previously published content?No, all content must be original and unpublished. We do not accept republished or duplicated content.
4. Will I get paid for my contribution?At the moment, we do not offer monetary compensation for guest posts. However, contributors benefit from increased exposure, author credit, and backlinks.
5. Can I submit more than one article?Yes! We encourage you to submit multiple articles, especially if you have expertise in different areas related to furniture and interior design.
6. How long will it take for my article to be published?Once your submission is accepted, it will typically take 1-2 weeks for your article to be published, depending on the current editorial calendar.
7. Can I share my published article on social media?Absolutely! Once your article is live, feel free to share it across your social media platforms. We encourage contributors to promote their work to reach a wider audience.
What is Furniture?
Furniture refers to the movable objects intended to support various human activities such as seating (chairs, sofas), eating (tables), and sleeping (beds). Furniture also serves as a form of decorative art and is considered a significant part of home decor. Furniture can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, metal, plastic, and textiles, and can range from mass-produced items to high-end, custom designs.
Types of Furniture:
Seating: Chairs, sofas, stools, benches
Tables: Coffee tables, dining tables, desks
Storage: Wardrobes, cabinets, shelves
Beds: Bed frames, headboards, mattresses
Furniture not only provides comfort but also helps define the style and functionality of living spaces.
Writing for us on topics related to furniture can be a fantastic way to grow your audience, boost your SEO, and share your knowledge with an engaged community. If you’re ready to submit, follow our Write for Us + Furniture guidelines carefully, and we look forward to featuring your work on our platform
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  Downloading guides on how to build cool little projects. – Guest Submission
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