#kriti writes fanfiction
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Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: เขาจ้างให้ผมจีบนักฆ่า | The Heart Killers (Thailand TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
“You want poison. Here it is. And you know what? Let's play a game.”
Theyre dumb, they're bored, they're stuck in Bison's under furnished mansion on a secluded island and they're also halfway to certain death. So they play truth or drink.
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fawad-khan · 4 years ago
Me! With Peter hehe🙈
Ahh I knew you'd be the first one to request hehe love you sisso 😘
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Pairing- Peter Parker x stark!reader (coz it's just better that way amirite?)
Warning- none, some swearing, shouting, enemies to lovers?
Word count- 1.3k whoops
Masterlist ☆ Blurbs
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"Peter why do you have to bring up such atrocious ideas? Why can't we just go about it in a simpler way?"
"Because, I'm not your fucking puppy alright? For once let us just do this my way!"
No matter what the situation was, Peter and you always ended up having a first class row with five to ten minutes of being together in a single room. Be it missions, be it a movie to watch, be it suit improvements, he always managed to counter your opinion in some way or the other, and you hated him with your guts, your rage would rise and you'd end up shouting at each other till one of the avengers ripped you apart. He always had to find something to point at and criticized every single thing in your life, just to annoy the hell out of you.
Now, you maintained your composure when it came to school, as you did not want to get into trouble in school, and so did Peter. But this time, he had crossed the line.
You both had unfortunately been partnered up for your chemistry finals project. Normally, you wouldn't worry about passing it as chemistry was one of your strong subjects. However, the teacher just had to pair the two of you together, and none of you were eased about it.
You always liked to be as creative as possible and loved to integrate some art and splash of colour to intrigue your audience and to add creativity to your projects. Which is why you had come with a simple, yet effective plan to do a project on chocolate analysis, something that would catch everyone's attention, and at the same time with the fusion of chemistry be a very interesting experiment indeed.
Peter would rather die than admit that he actually thought this idea was pure genius. He had never really thought about something like this which was actually not very hard to do. But his arrogance got the better of him. He kept on giving stupid excuses on how this and that could go wrong, and how they could instead do something machine related. Of course, doing that wasn't easy as you required various complex tools to make a project related to machines and wiring which weren't easy to procure and neither your dad nor Bruce would give them, they themselves getting blasts of messing around with them.
"Peter this is not the time, okay? I've never once just brushed your idea by the side and went ahead with my thing without your consent. I came up with this idea for the both of us and I thought you'd be more interested in this, but clearly you have to go against every single idea I have." Your voice was now very loud and practically the whole tower could hear you..
"can you just shut up? Just calm down for fuck's sake."
"No no I am calm, alright? Here I am, trying to plan out a project with a guy who always disagrees with me, will find fucking faults in every little thing I do when I'm trying to score a grade for the both of us, yeah sure I am CALM!" You shouted the last word and picked up your stuff and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind you.
He let out a frustrated groan, and held his head in despair. Tony saw you storming out yet again, and decided to take matters in his own hands. He entered your room, where Peter was still there.
"Another fight, huh kid? What is it this time?"
"it's nothing, Mr Stark. Just between (y/n) and me."
"Kid I've seen enough of you both bickering and almost at war at each other to say that it's nothing. It is something, isn't it? What's the matter?" He asked calmly, taking a seat beside him.
"I don't know, I just, every time she suggests something, and they're good too, I don't know, I just find myself counteracting towards them, you know? Like my brain somehow decides to just disagree and shout at her for everything. And it hurts me when I realise that I hurt her each time, you know? I really don't know what to do about it." Peter took a deep breath followed by this rambling, his face holding an upset expression.
Tony knew his protege very well and could sense that he did not want to go on like this. There was a high chance of why he always behaved like this.
"Kid, there is a possibility as to why you're behaving like this." He said, patting his back.
"Really? What is it?" He asked, perplexed.
"Normally when a guy and a girl argue a lot everytime they see each other, it usually means that they like each other. But sometimes they don't want to express it and so it comes out as rage and end up fighting."
"What? I- uhh" Peter had no words. He was thinking of how your cheeks always were flushed red and your hair wild and toussled whenever you two fought. The way your lips pursed together, made you look like a tornado and even then, he never failed to notice your beauty. Oh god Tony was right, he liked you!
Judging by his expression, Tony realised that what he said was true. Without uttering a word, he pointed his head towards the door, silently urging Peter to go to you.
He got on his feet and rushed out of the room, searching for you. He climbed downstairs to the kitchen and walked towards the storage cupboard where all snacks were kept, as this is where you usually came to eat from your secret snack stash whenever you were upset or angry.
He knocked on the shut door and waited. He could hear some shuffling inside, indicating that you were going to open the door. You opened the door, revealing your tear stained face, sniffles escaping your mouth. He had made you cry. He was now internally kicking himself for upsetting you. Yet how did you manage to look beautiful even when you cried?
"What happened, Parker? Come to tell at me more? Because I can't take this anymore." You said in a quivering voice, looking down at your feet.
"I -uh, don't know where exactly to begin, but uh I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. I just shouldn't have. You know better, and I uh- how do I say this?" He let out a breath and continued, "your idea wasn't that bad, y'know? I think I kinda liked it." He shrugged.
"Uh that's actually different than what I expected. Anything else?" You asked curtly.
"Yeah, I'm sorry, I hurt you. I don't have any right to treat you how I treated you, and now that I look back, I was such a dick, it's a wonder you didn't run for the hills." He laughed at this.
"Oh, Peter uh, that's, uh really sweet of you." You paused, thinking of what to say next. "Actually, I uh am sorry too. I shouldn't have shouted at you like that today or all the past times I've shouted at you. It was just wrong, and I should've been more calm, I guess."
"Yeah, but also you look pretty cute when you're all flared up like that you know?"he said in a cute shy voice.
"Wait what? You really think that?" You asked, playing with a loose hair strand coming out of your ponytail.
"Yeah" he said, scratching the back of his neck.
"Well what would you say if I said that I think you're kinda handsome too?"
"Really? Are you serious?"
"No I'm (y/n)" you giggled.
"Shut up." He laughed.
"Well I'm the only one of me, and that's the fun of me."
"Well you're right about that. Maybe wanna go on a date sometime?" He shrugged.
"I'd love that Peter."
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Spotify Wrapped Blurbs Event
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Permanent taglist- @mischiefmanaged011 @justanothermarvelmaniac @fancyxparker @deans-daffodils @meme-lord-shit @lovewolfspirit @keilabug406
Peter Parker taglist- @hollanderfangirl @peterspideysstuff @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @call-me-baby-gir1 @more-like-reyna @givebuckyhisplumsnow @starlight-starks @yoongi-holland @the-panwitch @quaksonhehe @spider-babe @parkerpeter24 @hollands-weasley @holland-styles @quxxnxfhxll @musicalkeys @itscaminow @chewymoustachio @yikesyikesyikes95 @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @theamuz @siriuslyslyslytherin @theliterarymess @anjalika03 @agentnataliahofferson @perspectiveparker @little-baby-vixen
Add yourself to my taglist
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Page dividers are mine, take permission to use them :)
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spideyspeaches · 4 years ago
The difference between home and house is that house is an establishment and home is where the heart is <3 UwU
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rasnak2 · 4 years ago
20 Fic Writer Questions
Thanks @theboyfrommakapu for the tag!
Note: This is not going to include works from my deleted AO3 account cuz they will be on Wattpad and Fanfiction. There might be mentions of my Wattpad and Fanfiction accounts though.
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
At the moment? 67
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
2,15,524 words. This is honestly a surprise cuz I thought I wrote much less than that cuz most of what I've written are OS that's less than 2.5k... I dread to imagine what it would be if I were to include my Wattpad and Fanfiction fics also.
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
I am doing an overall from all 3 sites for this one:
Harry Potter, Avengers, Sherlock (BBC), Percy Jackson, Kane Chronicles, Mahabharata, Bollywood (cuz I have quite a bit of fics written for those movies and I don't want to list them out individually), Avatar The Last Airbender, Legend of Korra.
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Anniver- Wait What? - Kudos: 90
2. Cuddles Please? - Kudos: 58
3. Letters - Kudos: 41
4. Dates - Kudos: 32
5. It is a tie between The Hair is on Fire!!! and Demons - Kudos: 31
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes. Every single one cuz I consider them to be precious.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Well... I can't really say I have a fic with an angsty ending cuz most of my angst are aimed to be angst with a happy ending... but the top might be Luka Chuppi, We Part... Only to Meet Again, 2 songfics I am writing or the secret fic I am writing for someone. Maybe I'm Tired too.
7) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
That's a tough one... though if I were to say the top something, it's between Love is blind (from Rang De Basanti Drabbles), and Photographs (It's on Wattpad which I've yet to crosspost) and Through The Years: Mother's Day.
8) Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Yes, I do write crossovers but most of them are on Fanfiction/Wattpad. As for the craziest ones... There's Characters Meet, The Ultimate Paagalkhana and There is More Than What Meets The Eye.
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
There was this one fic I took down after people assumed I was being transphobic because the story apparently came across like that, which wasn't my intention. Apart from that one instance, maybe those people who hate my fic cuz "Good Gabe? Not possible at all!"
10) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I did attempt one though I don't know if I will post it. Other than that the only time I did write smut (which I won't post) was for reference sake for Eye Opener
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Hopefully, not. But I did have my fic taken down, twice, because, apparently, I was plagiarizing it. It was a reading PJO fic -_-
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes. Blood Doesn't Complete This Family (though my co author walked off due to personal reasons), Eye Opener, Demons, ADHD and a few other fics I have planned with @busy-bii (AO3 - sour_rose61)
14) What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I am a multishipper and my favourites keep changing constantly. At the moment tho, Huan/Mako, Makroh, Johnlock might be the top.
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Well... There Is More Than What Meets The Eye, Can We Ever Be Together?, Greek? Egyptian? Maybe Both? and Let's Figure Out The Hero's Past. It's not like I don't want to write them but more like my idea of where I want them to go keeps changing constantly that... I don't want to go back and rewrite the previous chapters, again and again, every time something changes. I've rewritten them all at least once at this point before taking them down and putting them on hold.
16) What are your writing strengths?
Probably writing songfics and imagination. Maybe covering what I want to write some way or the other. Writing H/C and angst is my fav.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Almost everything possible. Imagery and description are the worst for me. Maybe character development and having a steady plot (aka finishing a multichapter fic for once). I have been trying to improve but there is a long way to go.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
If it is necessary for the plot/story, I am completely comfortable with it as long as I know the language. Most of my Bollywood fics do have Hindi dialogues and KKAKK has some Tamil dialogues in it so... yeah.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. Even though I hadn't read the book at that point. Teachers and their unreasonable demands... tbh I wasn't even interested in writing at that point and she's like "There's this short story thing and I want you to participate and submit the story tomorrow" and refused to budge even after I said I haven't read the series.
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Unfair :( I have too many to count and they are all my babies and I love them all. But since it is specified, top are the Closure series, Bumi's Strays series, Kirti Kriti Aur Kartik Ki, and most of my one shots.
Tags: @orangepanic, @sukiekagamine, @busy-bii, @old-and-new-friends, @ohmygodtheywereparabatai and anyone else who wants to do it.
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Yotha has gay eyes, Gun has a body that was sculpted in greek streets. Both were put together and that produced this.
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not a prompt but a prompt for the truth dare.
A vibe where the sexual tension increases slowly between fadel kant - reciprocated or not
Kant style tension with fadel not sure if turned on or jealous or both
Style bison exchanging bdsm tips (even up to practical rope examples. Kant fearing for his life in advance 🤣
Anon thank you for the idea. While i do not write smut (or at least dont publish it just yet because my inexperienced ramblings embarrass me in my docs enough)- you have made me want to write a second chapter to this fic!! Thank you
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fuck-i-like-too-much-stuff · 6 months ago
Part one and two:
The airport is three hours away from the university, the flight is one hour away from the airport and Peem is about to bring earthquakes with how much his knees are bouncing up and down under the table.
“Hia, are you okay?” 
“What?” Peem, having grown too accustomed to only being called Professor Peem these days, startles on catching sight of Toey in the staffroom.
“I asked if you're okay.”
Before he could answer, a group of his students accumulated at the door, seeking permission to enter.
“Come in, you guys. Are you here for submissions?” 
They don't answer, feet dug into the floor and eyes trained onto Toey. 
“Guys, I get that you're all fine arts students and must observe the world and what not. But the staring is getting out of hand these days with you lot.”
Again, no answer. This time, however their feet move backwards and take them on the same path they had arrived from. 
“What was that all about?” Toey's eyebrows move towards each other and Peem almost laughs at the proof that he is not the only one who sees his students acting weird. 
“Hell if I know. They've been this way for four weeks now and I still can not fathom why.”
“And what's going on with you? Jae Fai and Hia Fang told me you haven't been taking care of yourself.”
“I'm fine, Toey. He's coming back today. And I'm fine.”
“Alright. Then I'll go prepare for my lecture.”
Peem had been grateful to not have any lectures today. Peem had been grateful to be in the staffroom and do personal consultings for an hour and then proceed to do the gradings Q unloaded on him, after complaining about how not a single one of them was in sequence. Till an hour back, that was.
Peem was now contemplating his life choices of putting the gallery on autopilot to become a professor. A professor, who is either being pitied or hated by the first years, because if Q hadn't asked him to rearrange the assignments, he wouldn't have had anything to do. Hell, even Toey has more work to do than him and he gives two guest lectures a year which are both just additional guides.
He can't be hated, right? He did pretty well the first two years. This is actually just Phum's business trips taking a toll on him. Yes, that's it. He will be back to his normal, not nauseated and not puffy eyed self in just a couple more hours.
Couple more hours, that's doable.
“Professor Peem?” He realizes his eyes have been shut closed for the past ten minutes. 
“Yeah?” He looks up to find the teacher's aid peeking through the door.
“Professor Q is asking for you. Could you please go to lecture hall C.”
The hallways he walks through fall into a gradient of heavier and heavier silence as he nears lecture hall C. 
“Prof Q?” he asks, leaning into the deadly silent class. 
“Professor Peem. Yes, please come in.” While Peem can't ever digest his best friend of twenty years talking to him with this much respect, in their professional environment he has learned not to trip over his feet because of it.
“You mentioned that our students have been behaving somewhat weird these past weeks, right?”
“Yeah… what's going on?”
“Let's hear what one of them has just said. Right, Wai?”
Peem turns to find Wai amongst the students, everyone does the same and eyes converge on the boy sitting with a look that could compete with ghosts and win.
“Professor, I'm- we are so sorry. We didn't know- we didn't understand, or actually even try to understand anything. We're so sorry.”
“Okay I'm fed up of asking what's going on, it's the only question I've been asking for four weeks now. So will someone please tell me what on earth is going on?” The irritation in Peem's voice cracks through his throat and for the first time in four weeks, he is not getting a single eye contact from his audience.
“Remember the theme sequence they all messed up and I asked you to help with correcting it? I mentioned it in class today and it turns out it wasn't a mistake or a misread instruction.” Q's voice feels as if it was dipped in melted metal.
“They've been convinced that you and I were dating, that I cheated on you with Toey and left you to go with him to Europe.”
If Peem was nauseated before, he does not know how to describe the current pit in his stomach. “Is this what- is this what the looks, all those pity filled looks, were about? You all thought, not that it was any of your business, that Q cheated on me.”
“Who cheated on who now?” A voice pierces through the suspended tension of the room and Peem truly does not believe in the ground anymore. There standing in the doorway is his boyfriend, who did not cheat on him in the very least, with a bouquet of roses. His boyfriend, for who's presence his entire being had been aching for two whole months now. His boyfriend, who looks much more confused than Peem is himself.
 “How was this any of their business in the first place? We were never once interested  in Prof Po's love life.” Q has been fuming for the course of the past forty five minutes in which they have managed to cancel class for the rest of the day, and leave.
“And to be honest, we didn't even care about it. It's a professional relationship.”  
Q and Toey's apartment is just a seven minute drive from the Uni, making it extremely convenient for Peem to crash on a comfortable sofa right after a long day Although right now, its a comfortable sofa in addition to his boyfriend's side, and arm and hands and scent and existence.
He knows and agrees with Q with his whole heart, and he knows so do Toey and Phum. However there is only so much agreement one can do in his state. He nods off to sleep, the first deep sleep after weeks.
The next thing he recalls is waking up the door closing on the opposite side of the car, watching Phum make his way to his side and open the door for him.
“I told you, I can open the door for myself.”
“I know you can. I, as a gentleman, just don't feel like letting you.”
“And you do, as a gentleman, feel like letting me walk all the way to the front door and then through the hall and to the bedroom-” assuming his mumbles aren't coherent enough to make it to Phum's ears, he tries to climb out of the car. 
His feet don't touch the ground, Phum is carrying him up to the front door and through the hallways and to the bedroom and not once did Peem's feet come near touching the ground.
“You didn't have to do that. I was only joking.”
“I don't mind an excuse to carry my boyfriend around- just as I don't need an excuse to sit on his lap.”
Maybe there is more agreement Peem can do in his state.
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Chapter 2 of Truth Or Drink Out!!
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fuck-i-like-too-much-stuff · 7 months ago
Soulmate AU Idea for the whole of We Are Gang
[This is because i quite literally cannot stop thinking about @thunder-point 's AU.]
Chain has been seeing colour since he entered third grade home room to introduce himself. So has Pun, along with twelve more of their classmates.
The first colorful thing Tan sees is red from the small drop of blood on his knuckles after he has punched the cheer captain of the opposing school.
Q doesn't realise that he has guessed the color of the sky accurately till he starts seeing his painting in dimensions like never before at P'Oh's cafe on a random Wendesday.
Peem has high hopes for colors, and they do not disappoint as he sees uniforms of red and blue run across the football field. After the match is over, Tan brings over his soulmate and his soulmates' friends, one of whom stops mid track upon setting eyes on Peem.
Matt has been friends with Toey, and by extension the huge gang of Toey's Hias. Now when Toey finds out that Hia Peem's boyfriend and Hia Tan's boyfriend are actually two of his Hias from school, there are four more boys to become friends with. One of them is into video games, he hears.
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fuck-i-like-too-much-stuff · 3 months ago
Sometimes you stay up late because your favourite barely canon couple only have one ao3 menu page worth of fics.
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spideyspeaches · 4 years ago
Wattpad fanfiction, I say as I write it on Tumblr.
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spideyspeaches · 4 years ago
shoutout to writers who still write “Disclaimer: [company] owns the rights to [character(s)]” and all in the beginning of a fic, because they’re still used to writing on ff.net 😌
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spideyspeaches · 4 years ago
Thanks for tagging me @merceret !!💙
1. Why did you choose your url?
Because I love spidey and his 🍑 😋
2. Any side blogs?
Yuh! @peterparkersgirlfriendx and @tr3acherous !
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
That depends! On this particular blog? A little over 7 months. On Tumblr the app? 2 years and going 💙
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Yes! It's called "queue tea"
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I started my very first blog to read Destiel fanfiction, abandoned that blog, started another blog in 2020 for writing and reading peter parker fanfiction, and this one in November 2020 for writing fanfiction as a continuation of the previous blog!
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It's pride month so the bisexual ring! And that picture of Tom in Monaco cause it's IconicTM
7. Why did you choose your header?
Because that scene makes me feel some way 😭
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
I think it's the meme after tfatws episode 2 came out.
9. How many mutuals do you have?
100+ I think?
10. How many followers do you have?
I just hit 2200! Thank you everyone!
11. How many people do you follow?
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
Have you seen my blog? 😥 go check the tag "kriti talks"
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
Have you not seen me logged in 25 hours a day?
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
Uhhh not gonna name drop any lol but they deserved it.
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
I feel my skin crawl and brain scream "REBLOG IT! OR YOU'LL DIE! YOU'RE THE WORST HUMAN EVER!" In short? Not good 💔
16. Do you like tag games?
I do! And I try to participate as often as I can but 99% times I forget that I even got tagged 🤡
17. Do you like ask games?
I love them!
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
So many lol @merceret @duskholland @sinisterspidey @hollandcrush @peterbenjiparker @peeterparkr @one-time-i-dreamt (I still can't believe you actually followed me😭) @stuckonspidey @selfcareparker @tomhollandsgirlfriend @harryhollandsgirlfriend @tinyyoungblood @worldoftom SO MANY MORE!! I cannot believe you guys are following me!!
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Nope 😳😳
20. Tags!
No pressure tags!
(The ones listed above) + @allegra-writes @tom-holland-is-spiderman @tomsrebeleyebrow @t-lostinworlds @alinastarkrovs @parkerpeter24 @parkerbunny @piscesparker @ms-misery @artistrymisery @londonspidey @lovelytholland @lovelybarnes @itsallyscorner @itsapeterthing @celestialholland (y'all are famous too btw 😘 I'm so grateful for you guys following me 😭) and anyone who wants to!
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rasnak2 · 4 years ago
Author Self Interview
Thanks for the tag @flamehotman!
ATLA, LoK, Mahabharata, RDB, PJO, Kane Chronicles, (Kinda formerly: Sherlock (BBC), Marvel, Harry Potter.)
Where do you post:
AO3, Wattpad and sometimes crosspost on Fanfiction.
Most popular multichapter fic:
Kirti Kriti Aur Kartik Ki (KKAKK) on Wattpad and Mahabharata OS on AO3 (based on votes/kudos accordingly).
Most popular oneshot: Tough one there... If I am going by the Kudos, Just Give Me a Yes or No from my former AO3 account and Anniver- Wait What? from my current account.
Favourtie story you've written so far: I love all my fics. They are my babies, even if I am not always satisfied with what I've written and might have to abandon them cuz of time and when I feel I don't connect with the idea anymore. But if I had to choose... probably KKAKK. And the Closure series. Mother's Day and maybe Demons too.
Fic you were nervous to post: I am nervous to post any of my fics 😂, especially the ones that deal with trauma/PTSD in some form or the other. But I think it's a tie between Artist Bros (considering it was a fic I wrote without even watching LoK), Of Con Artists and Royalty (as it is kinda a mixed bag of a lot of stuff) and tbh, my songfics.
How do you title your fics: I struggle with it. Songfics are the easiest as the title is just the song's name (original or translated.) Otherwise most titles are like a... 'Ok this is the theme of this fic so it shall be the title,' which ends up being a random word(s) that is related to the whole fic (Kiran's Journey, Street Food, all fics in Closure series, etc.)
But I think the most thought I gave to keeping titles was for Eye Opener, maybe Demons and KKAKK...
How do you outline:
I usually don't. And in the rare case I do so... It starts with me ranting to my mutuals about a random idea, condensing the rant into a very rough paragraph as an outline and later on expand it to a page or two of the main details and finally a rough idea of what goes into each chapter.
Like for KKAKK it started off as 'what if A and B time travel to this time period and make drastic changes?' Then expanded it to a nearly 3 page outline of the major events/the idea of the OCs and I had chapter outlined and wrote nearly 40 chapters before I took it down for a rewrite.
Eh... All my OS are complete for sure 😂 I have a bad luck when it comes to multi chapters so only A Mission to the Past, Kiran's Journey, Second Chances and Operation Makroh have escaped that curse for now. I should be completed with Equalists and the rest of the Closure series by November hopefully. Apart from that, none of my multichapters are in a state of getting the complete mark any time soon.
Do you accept prompts:
Yes, I am always open to them. I might take my time to come around finishing them but I do complete them *looks at Mahabharata OS and Lockdown Shenanigans and Hair Styling*
Upcoming story you're most excited to write about:
My Bumizumi AU+Bumi's Strays series for one, which I should start off at Sokka week and continue to Bumizumi week and Bending Brothers Fortnight.
As much as I dread them... Revenge and Hearts to Hearts from the Closure series.
Con Artist and Royalty.
The untitled Mako and Bolin adopts Jinora AU.
Story you're excited to read:
Now that... too many to count but my top ones definitely are the Unrequited(?) and it's spin off by @busy-bii, The Candle or The Mirror by @old-and-new-friends, Creeping like Ivy and Silence of the Blue Spirit by @flamehotman, Iroh Alone by @orangepanic and rereading each and every Makroh fic of @sukiekagamine and @old-and-new-friends...
@old-and-new-friends, @ohmygodtheywereparabatai, @busy-bii Anyone who wishes to do it tbh.
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spideyspeaches · 4 years ago
KRITI, I know it’s late (I think? Time zones, man) but I just saw the “do you have proof?” writing post you made and I’d just like to say that a few years ago, when I first got into writing, I made the mistake of mentioning the fic I wrote BY NAME because then like, two days later, my mom brought it up and was describing all the chapters I wrote in vivid detail at a restaurant while I was forced to sit there just awkwardly sipping my drink like:
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(also, I don’t mind if ya answer this publicly, do whatever ya want)
JDSKHSJSJK OKAY OKAY BUT YOU WRITE WHUMP!! WHILE I WRITE SMUT 😭😭😭😭 So yeah I mean I have mentioned fanfictions here and there but like, they don’t pay attention lol and if they knew I basically write p*rn LMFAO. Like I know I have my fair share of whump and fluff but IF THEY FIND OUT- MDNKJSHK I LOVE YOU THO LOL WOW 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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fuck-i-like-too-much-stuff · 6 months ago
Ch 4 updated and Ch 5 posted!!
Soulmate AU Idea for the whole of We Are Gang
[This is because i quite literally cannot stop thinking about @thunder-point 's AU.]
Chain has been seeing colour since he entered third grade home room to introduce himself. So has Pun, along with twelve more of their classmates.
The first colorful thing Tan sees is red from the small drop of blood on his knuckles after he has punched the cheer captain of the opposing school.
Q doesn't realise that he has guessed the color of the sky accurately till he starts seeing his painting in dimensions like never before at P'Oh's cafe on a random Wendesday.
Peem has high hopes for colors, and they do not disappoint as he sees uniforms of red and blue run across the football field. After the match is over, Tan brings over his soulmate and his soulmates' friends, one of whom stops mid track upon setting eyes on Peem.
Matt has been friends with Toey, and by extension the huge gang of Toey's Hias. Now when Toey finds out that Hia Peem's boyfriend and Hia Tan's boyfriend are actually two of his Hias from school, there are four more boys to become friends with. One of them is into video games, he hears.
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