#Gu Xing He
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wheredostarsgowhenyoudie · 1 year ago
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So I was looking for tags on the cdrama "The Mermaid's Pearl" but could not find one. I wonder why is that?
Admittedly, this one is not on par with most dramas I watch. The rating on the internet is also low. I think I know why.
But if you're looking for cuteness and fluff with scenes that make you smile like hot chocolate and if you don't care much about actresses crying without tears (aka not so great acting) and bad directing skills and cuts, this could be just it.
On to how I found this. So I was looking for a quick cdrama to binge. When too tired afterwork, I have this guilty pleasure of reading through plots, watching the first few eps. Then when I get the gist, I'll leisurely fast forward or move eps looking for cute or fun scenes. You know, like living leisurely through the characters (for the sake of feeling things and pretending you got a life outside work and home).
Plot wise, tbh, I skipped a lot on this one. The plot itself is pretty simple. Mermaid girl (FL) left water to look for her kidnapped father. The ML is a rich young man who is known as a detective. He is also sick and they believe finding a mermaid will help cure him. She agreed because he has a lot of food (being rich and all) and he also might be able to help her find her dad.
Suspecting she's a mermaid (kinda hard not to) when she literally threw her pearls at him when they first met, he decided to keep her by his side.
So murder mysteries happen along the way and the guy has a fangirl/fiancee who wants to marry him. The emperor is also looking for a way to live abnormally long and orders people to go on expeditions to look for mermaids to aid that quest.
That is basically the whole gist of it.
Cuteness wise, can I just say I love and adore how the ML cares for the FL? Like, she's like a fluffy bunny and he's the master who takes care of her. They are so cute together and he also is sensitive to his own feelings so there's not much waiting. Their scenes make me laugh and just smile, thinking I want to be loved the way he loves her. : ) 🩷 Plus, it's comedy XD
At first he was telling her to stay away from him because she has no boundaries. But all too soon, he just came to accept how trusting and comfortable she is with him. He also gets jealous easily lol.
In this scene for instance, she literally just fell asleep using his hand as a pillow (like a cat) and he lets her. #Fluff
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Acting wise, the ML actor, Shi An, is actually pretty good. It's just that the cuts and the scenes they were acting in are really like you're watching students' made film where quality is not the focus. So tbh, I blame the director and writer and producers more than the actors. Or maybe, that is indeed their goal? Idk. If it is then they succeeded.
Watch it if you dare, but as I said, a lot of things about it are pretty crappy. So don't expect too much.
But bottomline, I still very much enjoyed the very short cute fluff scenes between the ML and FL. :) I even replay them (just the cute scenes) when I need a pick-me-up. So it isn't so bad. At least not for me.
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kdram-chjh · 6 months ago
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Cdrama: Dawn Is Breaking (2024)
Gifs of Ending of cdrama "Dawn Is Breaking"
MULTISUB 【永夜长明Dawn is Breaking】 EP01 | 天罚 | 何宣林 / 李菲 / 王星玮 / 艾泓辰 | 爱情 古装 | 优酷 YOUKU
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_2fzu19mHQ
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chaos0pikachu · 1 year ago
so one of my favorite scenes in word of honor is after Zhou Zi Shu has bared his bosoms to the world like he spent time working at hooters revealing he's got eight nipples and a side dish of martial arts cancer leaving Wen Ke Xing to have Thee Only Gay Breakdown like it's raining (terminally ill men), the OST is going on in the background wkx is shaking and crying because his man, the love of his life, his soulmate, his moon and stars has eight nipples of cancer and eight nipples is totally something wkx could be down for he's from ghost valley he's seen weirder shit and more nips just means more to suck on and wkx loves to suck but NOOO the universe has to be against HIM SPECIFICALLY and how will he survive this pain, this torment, this agony????
meanwhile Gu Xiang shows up with an umbrella all like "master you're gonna die of martial arts pneumonia!!" and wkx is like "let me spit blood, let the streets be painted with the bloody bile of my broken soul!" and rips himself away from her b/c she wouldn't understand, no one understands!! and GX is like "is this an LGTV thing again???"
and just when GX thinks she's gotten through to her master BAM he smashes his flute against the bridge shattering it into thousands of pieces and everybody is like "not the phallic flute of metaphorical homosexuality!!!" and wkx is like "my dick is broken just like my heart!!" and GX watches him slink off like a raggedy ass wet cat in dramatic slow mo thinking "when he starts spitting up pneumonia blood I'm gonna have to clean it up fml"
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queerbrainrot · 1 year ago
A Very Subjective Show Recommendation
Basic Info:
Titles: Word of Honor
Main Leads: Zhang Zhe Han as Zhou Zi Shu and Gong Jun as Wen Ke Xing
Overall Tropes etc.: Morally Grey/Black Main Leads | Soulmates | Revenge Story | Childhood Friends to Lovers | Hidden Identity | WantedCriminal4WantedCriminal | Feral4Feral | Ride or Die | "I'm dying" vs "I won't let you" | Amnesia | Fake Identity | Found Family | Criminals adopting an orphan and being better parents | Villain(?) Fuckery | Non Traditional Husband-Wife dynamics | Playing House As Everyone Tries to Kill Them | "I WILL DIE FOR YOU" "no, I WILL DIE FOR YOU" | Villain Redemption Questionmark
How many episodes: 36
Trigger Warnings / Content Warnings: Non-graphic non-traditional self-harm, child abuse, child death, death of family members, death of loved ones, drugging, alcohol, torture, forced suicide via poison, non-graphic non-traditional suicide attempt, violence, brainwashing, hints of incest (between cousins), sexual harassment (background character perpetrator @ background characters, secondary femme character - perpetrator gets killed)
My plot description:
Zhou Zishu who is a former Wuxia-CIA leader gets so mentally unwell that he decides to leave his organization through a prolonged suicide to get at least few years of 'normal' life. He pretends to be a homeless alcoholic-beggar when a too pretty poetry-speaking Wen Kexing who sees Zishu's shoulder blades and decides 'that's my future husband'. Since that moment onward he stalks Zishu because yes he's that unwell. Zishu stumbled on a massacre and accidentally adopts an orphan in the process. The orphan has some very sought-after artefact so Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing try to keep him alive as the not-so metaphorical ghosts from their pasts try to kill them all.
MyDramaList plot description:
In order to leave the assassin organization The Window of Heaven, the leader Zhou Zi Shu performs an obligatory departure technique, leaving him with three years left to live. He disguises his face and tries to live the remainder of his days as a drunkard wandering the martial arts world. Three months later, he meets the mysterious Wen Ke Xing, who immediately notices Zhou Zi Shu’s façade. The two then grow closer when they get entangled in a conspiracy regarding the Glazed Armor, a protected legendary key to a powerful armory.
Chemistry between characters: Off the charts, convinced this show and the amount of the not subtle queerness in it is the reason why China did a temporary ban on queer romance adaptations. 1000000/10. Gong Jun made 'did you know i like men' into a facial expression.
Plot: 8.5/10, yes we have the artefact and armory thing but honestly the relationship of the leads and their relationships with others take the main chair. Overall though I liked the plot.
Ending: Cried. From two reasons. 10/10.
Did it drag aka did I feel the need to skip forward: Never, I rewatched it in full like 5 times by now I think. 10/10.
Was it easy to understand while going in blind: Honestly? Yes. It's more character driven than plot driven. 10/10.
Other characters: Honestly, loved everyone on screen. Obviously the villains were hate-able, but played well. Loved all of the supportive characters - especially Wen Kexing's and Zhou Zishu's little found family - so it was nice to watch even when main leads weren't on screen for X time. 10/10.
Other Big Pros:
Wen Kexing's costumes. His make up and wardrobe. Whoever was responsible - I hope your pillow is cool and you may never stub your toe. Chefs kiss.
Gu Xiang and her himbo husband - all they needed was her walking him on a literal leash along with the metaphorical they already have.
Zishu's wigs look amazing. Just wanted to say.
Everyone is so pretty I'm experiencing bisexual rage.
Thoughts/Opinions with some spoilers:
I know this show gave a heart attack to few censors at least. I have no idea how they got away with so much - ZZS and WKX calling each other sOULMATES? Overall cannot recommend it enough. It's easily digestible, engaging and will have you crying, squeeing and fanning yourself. Sometimes all at the same time.
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freisende · 3 months ago
Heaven Official’s Blessing (天官赐福) Audio Drama Season 2 Theme Song - “Guilt” 《辜/Gu》 (Hanzi/Pinyin/English) Lyrics & English Translation
✲ Heaven Official’s Blessing (天官赐福/Tian Guan Ci Fu) Audio Drama Season 2 Theme Song
✲ Singer: Wumian Xiaosheng (无面小生)
✲ Scream: Yaozi Tongxue (腰子同学)
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Youtube Music Lyric Video: here
•Original work: Heaven Official’s Blessing《天官赐福/Tian Guan Ci Fu》by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (墨香铜臭)
♫Production Group♫
📌Original Production Team ℗ 2024 猫耳FM:
•Planning: Gua Hao Jun (括号君)
•Composition/Arrangement: Li Dabai (李大白)
•Lyrics: Ming Huang (冥凰)
•Singer: Wumian Xiaosheng (无面小生)
•Backing Vocal: ciyo/王韩伊淋
•Fales cord(嘶吼):Yaozi Tongxue (腰子同学)
•Suona (唢呐):Piao Sanye (瓢三爷)
•Guitar: Da Niu (大牛)
•Mixing: San Xing Dui Gongzuoshi (三星堆工作室)
✲ Released on: 2024-08-27
Verse 1:
yōuyōu yè chénchén 
yǔ qiāoqiāo 
听 何人行踽踽 
tīng hérén xíng jǔ jǔ 
dēng chū xiāo 
yóu hún yě kè xuānxiāo 
gāo mén zhòng fǔ zhú yáo 
问旦福夕祸 世间知多少
wèn dàn fú xì huò shìjiān zhī duōshǎo 
Pre-chorus 1:
忽而风起 似谁笑 良辰吉时到
hū'ér fēng qǐ sì shéi xiào liángchén jí shí dào 
几家烹欢宴 肉骨喂邪妖 不足饱
jǐ jiā pēng huān yàn ròu gǔ wèi xié yāo bùzú bǎo 
他神色木然 既悲又喜 耳畔道
tā shén shǎi mùrán jì bēi yòu xǐ ěr pàn dào 
回头 却是恶言生寒 入髓窍
huítóu què shì è yán shēng hán rù suǐ qiào 
Verse 2:
mí míwù mànmàn 
kū miǎomiǎo
提 昏灯过长街 
tí hūn dēngguò zhǎng jiē 
tiān bù xiǎo 
huāqiāng gǔn bǎn wèi xiāo 
è guǐ yuàn chāng yòu gào 
问天公愚聩 善恶何以报
wèn tiāngōng yú kuì shàn è héyǐ bào
Pre-chorus 2:
社鼓阵阵 金铙厉 良辰吉时到
shè gǔ zhèn zhèn jīn náo lì liángchén jí shí dào 
造化如命数 欢恨谁借着 
zàohuà rú mìngshù huān hèn shéi jièzhe 
bù xiāng ráo 
他神色木然 似悟非悟 举斧刀
tā shén shǎi mùrán sì wù fēi wù jǔ fǔ dāo 
回头 却是青衣扶摇 登仙道
huítóu què shì qīngyī fúyáo dēngxiān dào 
xiū jiāng jiān jiǎo mèi shén zhī, 
huò fú rútóng zhú yǐng suí 
shàn yǒu shàn bào,
è yǒu è bào 
bùshì bù bào, 
shíchén wèi dào 
断足折颅 摧魄裂魂
duàn zú zhé lú cuī pò liè hún 
手起刀落 血飞肉滚
shǒu qǐ dāo luò xuè fēi ròu gǔn 
剜心剔骨 解我悲忿
wān xīn tī gǔ jiě wǒ bēi fèn 
易除厄罚 难偿苦恨
yì chú è fá nán cháng kǔ hèn 
断足折颅 摧魄裂魂
duàn zú zhé lú cuī pò liè hún 
有命还命 以待三更
yǒu mìng hái mìng yǐ dài sān gēng 
诸罪来受戮 见鬼神
zhū zuì lái shòu lù jiàn guǐshén
Last Chorus:
yǒu tóu zhě chāo, 
wú tóu zhě shēng 
guǐmèi yīqiè, 
sì shēng zhān ēn 
tài shàng chìlìng,
chāo rǔ gū hún 
tuōlí kǔhǎi, 
zhuǎnshì wǎngshēng
English Translation:
Verse 1:
The voices whispered in the dark night,
Listen; who is walking alone, ascending in the early night?
Wandering wild ghosts and guests are boisterous, candles are flickering in the high houses
Inquire about the blessings of the morning and the disasters of the evening, 
How many people in the world are aware?
Pre-chorus 1:
Abruptly the wind rises, as if a person is laughing as the auspicious time has arrived
Several families prepare a feast, meat and bones are fed to the evil spirits, yet they are still still not satisfied
He looked wooden, sad and happy at the same time, while whispering in the ear
Looking back, it was the evil words that made the person feel cold, penetrating through the bones and marrows.
Verse 2:
The foggy mist is thick, yet the crying voice is faint
The lights of the lanterns are dim, passing through the long street while the sky is still dark
The florid music is not yet over, with the hideous ghosts complaining
Ask the God of Heaven, how are good and evil rewarded?
Pre-chorus 2:
The drums are beating, the golden cymbals are loud, signing the auspicious time has come
Fate is like destiny, who unforgivably can mercilessly borrow joy and hate?
He looked wooden, he seemed to understand, yet not understand at the same time; as he raised the axe
Looking back, it was the blue-clothed man who is waving the road to immortality
Do not be cunning and ignorant of gods, misfortune and fortune follow you back like a shadow
Good will be rewarded with virtue, evil will be punished with vice [1]
It is not that there will be no retribution; it is just that the time has not yet arrived!
Broken feet and skull, shattered soul and torn spirit
The knife slashed, blood flew and flesh rolled
Heart and bones removed to relieve the sorrow and animosity
It is easy to remove the heinous punishment, but it is hard to repay the bitter hatred
Broken feet and skull, shattered soul and torn spirit
Return back the life if you have it, and wait for the third hour!
All sins will be punished, take a look at the ghosts and gods
Last Chorus:
Those with heads will be saved, those without heads will ascend
All ghosts and spirits, all four lives will be blessed
Supreme Command, your lonely soul will be saved
Escape from this sea of ​​suffering, and reincarnate
[1]: What goes around comes around
Don't forget to check the Youtube Music Lyric video: here.
Thank you for reading. Have a good day! ✨
Please feel free to tell me if you have any questions, or if you notice any mistakes-- whether they be the vocabulary, grammar or something else.
Navigation: ✤ Tian Guan Ci Fu (TGCF) Audio Drama Season 2 Theme Song: Unenlightened ✤ For translations, here. ✤ For more discussions and perspectives, here. ✤ For meme, here! If you like my writing, please consider giving me a tip through Ko-fi! 😊 ✤ More information (commission, messages, requests): Carrd
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reinaka42 · 1 year ago
Wang Chuan Feng Hua Lu (忘川风华录) Masterpost
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Wang Chuan Feng Hua Lu (忘川风华录) is a Vocal synth (Vocaloid and SynthV) music project. It consists of songs themed around different figures throughout Chinese history. The project is a collaboration between different artists and creatives, with music and videos featuring prominent traditional Chinese elements. The project's title translates to "The Records of Magnificence of the Wangchuan" - In Chinese mythology, "Wangchuan" (or River of Forgetting) is a river in the Underworld that can rid one of their past life's memories, similar to the river Lethe.
A mobile game adaptation has also been developed by NetEast. Unfortunately, I haven't played it so I can't give much insight on it. However, I assume that its premise is similar to that of the idea behind the project as a whole: all these historical figures meeting each other in the Underworld after they died. Maybe.
You can find all the songs on Bilibili. The official Weibo can be found here. The game's website, which includes all characters appearing so far in the game, can be found here, and its Weibo can be found here.
(If you prefer YouTube, I've also put together a handy playlist. Please know that most of these videos are reposts though, so please watch the original Bilibili MVs if you can!)
This blog is where I will be posting everything I feel like I need to say about the songs in this project. A lot of it is lifted from my Twitter account but will be in much more detail. Note that I probably won't touch collab songs, or songs that don't focus solely on the project's own characters.
Disclaimer: I do not speak Chinese, nor am I an expert on Chinese history. Therefore, I cannot reliably translate the lyrics to these songs, nor my words should be taken as gospel. I am merely a nerd gushing about my hyperfixation.
多情岸 【Duo Qing An】 ➼ B link
洛阳怀 【Luo Yang Huai】 ➼ B link
易水诀 【Yi Shui Jue】 ➼ B link
山河令 【Shan He Ling】 ➼ B link
簪花人间 【Zhan Hua Ren Jian】 ➼ B link
栖凰 【Qi Huang】 ➼ B link
心上秋 【Xin Shang Qiu】 ➼ B link
祖龙吟 【Zu Long Yin】 ➼ B link
如见青山 【Ru Jian Qing Shan】 ➼ B link
竹林间 【Zhu Lin Jian】 ➼ B link
天下局 【Tian Xia Ju】 ➼ B link
青鸟衔风 【Qing Niao Xian Feng】 ➼ B link
木兰行 【Mu Lan Xing】 ➼ B link
好字唯之 【Hao Zi Wei Zhi】 ➼ B link
不可道 【Bu Ke Dao】 ➼ B link
水叙湖风 【Shui Xu Hu Feng】 (collab) ➼ B link
是非 【Shi Fei】 ➼ B link
风起甘露 【Feng Qi Gan Lu】 (collab) ➼ B link
谓剑 【Wei Jian】 ➼ B link
万象霜天 【Wan Xiang Shuang Tian】 (New Year event song) ➼ B link
千秋梦 【Qian Qiu Meng】 ➼ B link
易安难安 【Yi An Nan An】 ➼ B link
惊鹊 【Jing Que】 ➼ B link
高歌破阵 【Gao Ge Po Zhen】 (collab) ➼ B link
不赴 【Bu Fu】 ➼ B link
西行 【Xi Xing】 ➼ B link
大航海家 【Da Hang Hai Jia】 ➼ B link
牡丹乱 【Mu Dan Luan】 (collab) ➼ B link
倾国 【Qing Guo】 (collab) ➼ B link
相虎 【Xiang Hu】 ➼ B link
补天裂 【Bu Tian Lie】 ➼ B link
此期盈期 【Ci Qi Ying Qi】 (1st anniversary song) ➼ B link
破云来 【Po Yun Lai】 ➼ B link
归钓吟 【Gui Diao Yin】 ➼ B link
始见千秋 【Shi Jian Qian Qiu】 ➼ B link
临川浮梦 【Lin Chuan Fu Meng】 ➼ B link
将军行 【Jiang Jun Xing】 ➼ B link
妄语人间 【Wang Yu Ren Jian】 ➼ B link
数风流 【Shu Feng Liu】 (2nd anniversary song) ➼ B link
问剑春秋 【Wen Jian Chun Qiu】 ➼ B link
起战令 【Qi Zhan Ling】 ➼ B link
人间应又雪 【Ren Jian Ying You Xue】 ➼ B link
旷古回响 【Kuang Gu Hui Xiang】 ➼ B link
墨隐侠声 【Mo Yin Xia Sheng】 ➼ B link
桃源故人 【Tao Yuan Gu Ren】 (3rd anniversary song) ➼ B link
燕双归 【Yan Shuang Gui】 ➼ B link
拜云台 【Bai Yun Tai】 ➼ B link
思华年 【Si Hua Nian】 ➼ B link
承天 【Cheng Tian】 ➼ B link
*Note: The anniversary songs are probably for the game's anniversaries, as the project itself is more than 5 years old.
Vol 1: 溯洄 【Su Hui】 Includes character songs from Duo Qing An to Zhu Lin Jian. Features human vocals.
Vol 2: 踏浪 【Ta Lang】 Includes character songs from Tian Xia Ju to Yi An Nan An + Shui Xu Hu Feng.
Vol 3: 数风流 【Shu Feng Liu】 Includes character songs from Bu Fu to Yan Shuang Gui, and the two anniversary songs.
Visual character guide:
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aworldforastage · 1 year ago
Just finished: 三嫁咸鱼/Thrice Married to Salted Fish by 比卡比
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Okay, not gonna lie, I'm a bit disappointed -- not to say the novel wasn't good, but my expectations might have been a bit too high due to its immense popularity, especially in the English-speaking fandom.
The story has some very interesting and refreshing ideas:
A transmigration novel told from the POV of an in-universe character rather than the transmigrator
Three separate transmigrations into the same universe
Main characters who unabashedly prioritizes their own interests
And it includes many popular tropes:
A genre-savvy transmigrator intentionally hijacks the plot from the original protagonist
A "feel-good" novel that mercilessly destroys the bad guys and other people standing in the main couple's way
Main characters are very smart and competent (if a bit OP)
The plot is action-packed and tightly-paced
The main couple has believable development and compatible personalities
But on the other hand [unmarked spoilers ahead]
I don't really like with the way the relationship arc has been handled. The gong transmigrates into three different bodies; even though it's the same spirit/personality that Lin Qingyu falls in love with, their dynamic is a bit different in each body and identity. A big part of Lin Qingyu's relationship with Lu Wancheng is them grappling with his declining health and inevitable death, and his relationship with Gu Fuzhou has a period of familiarizing with this new body. They are so distinct that I can't see it like one single relationship.
It is especially jarring to see Lin Qingyu "moving on" literally the night after Gu Fuzhou dies. Because he has been through this before, and this is meant to be Jiang Xing's "true body", there seems to be barely any adjustment. Qingyu becomes intimate with the new body before he is done processing Gu Fuzhou's death, and I feel like it was too abrupt given how deeply he has bonded with Jiang Xing-as-Gu Fuzhou.
The plot also feels more and more implausible as time goes on. The schemes Lin Qingyu and Lu Wancheng pull off in the Lu Household can be explained away by them being ballsy and smart, but as the scope of the story expands, their egregious interference of imperial politics just seems downright ridiculous. I really enjoyed the first part of the novel, where Lu Wancheng's poor health and Lin Qingyu's awkward political position give them more of an underdog-against-the-power kind of vibe. However, as they gain more political power and the "protagonist halo" , their progress becomes so smooth it can't even be called a conflict anymore.
I would summarize my impression of novel as "did not live up to the hype". It has many refreshing and enjoyable tropes, a sweet romantic arc and a feel-good kind of plot. It also has good and effective writing -- I was in tears reading about Lu Wancheng's death. Ironically, it starts in a way I really enjoyed, but shifts to a direction I enjoy less towards the end. Not a bad story, but I just hoped for something a bit more spectacular, or at least a bit different.
However, the song from the audiodrama is a bop ~
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incineraryperiphery · 5 months ago
Danmei Rec Meme
(thank you for clearing up my misunderstanding and the tag @endless-season! Original post here)
-How long have you been into danmei, how did you get into it / what was your first danmei? It's been a year or two (or three? time is irrelevant) at this point, but TGCF was my first! Asked around on a forum for character dynamic recs when I wanted to read something different and this was the one that caught my eye. I've been voraciously devouring them since. (Reading novels is my main motivation for learning mandarin; there's far too few translated horror danmei for my tastes and even less officially done ones)
-Favourite danmei? ask me again in three months and I can guarantee i'll give you a different answer. right now, it's a three-way tie between fake slackers (low stakes modern high school identity porn), married thrice to salted fish (ancient transmigration from the pov of a villain), and i can keep you alive till the fifth watch (desperate to live young master enters an unlimited flow horror game), but MDZS occupies most of my fandom brainspace at the moment.
-Favourite couples / characters? Man, there's so many. Off the top of my head for the couples that don't include my pet noncanon ships, chi ting and yue ren (please follow the rules of the game), ren yifei and saman (the days i clear escape games pretending to be an npc), xue qianshao and hui xing (where to find the remnants of spring), wei e and the creator (folklore's no. 1 boss), and song nanzhi and gu yanqing (穿成魔尊后与反派相爱相杀 - i'm not entirely confident in my own translation of the title) Character-wise outside of those boys up there, I love zhao yelan (after being forced to marry the evil star general), fu zhiyu (buddha-like rebirth), yu fan (wait for me after school), and san san (do you have any opinion on mechanical cat ears?). (Honorary mention to shenyuan svsss even without reading the novel yet, mostly because it feels like every post I see out of that fandom makes fun of him for reading a stallion novel for the plot but that's Thee most relatable-to-me character trait i've ever seen)
-Most recently read danmei? My most recently finished one is it's my turn to take the stage and fly/it's my turn to dominate (cryofrozen team captain gets defrosted and starts playing the vr version, meets his little cousin's shameless childhood friend in said game). I just started genius strategy theory (weak as hell little genius gets finally gets his hands on a holographic game he can actually play, i think the ML is the head of a research department?) and i'm very much enjoying it, but i'm juggling a few others in my open tabs for if the mood strikes.
-Any favourite authors? Qi jing nan qu and Nian zhong, no question. I love the way they both handle all the little details and really bring out the main couples relationships through them - the only downside is the emotional rollercoasters wear me out haha. My favorites from each are don't pick up boyfriends from the trash bin and sending the divine/sendoff. I also really enjoy the way mxtx structures her novels but it always takes me a few tries to really get into them.
-Any popular danmei you aren't particularly a fan of? Anything by priest, unfortunately - no fault on their part, all their concepts are fascinating but I just bounce off every one I try.
-Anything you've been meaning to read but still haven't? I've started both svsss and erha a couple times but the stars haven't been aligned properly or something for me to finish them yet (I already know i'm going to be terribly insufferable once i actually sit down and bang out the former, it has so many of my favorite tropes).
-Choose a random (the weirder and baitier, the better) memorable scene/danmei to describe! Okay so lets say you're some washed up magician who technically transmigrated into a novel, into the body of someone who was supposed to die in the first few pages doing something ridiculously stupid. You've already made it through an instance or two, made something of a name for yourself despite everything, and now you've got the big bad number one player trying to sabotage you inside another instance. everything is dealt with and you're this close to completing the instance when you're sucked into a coffin that you've just trapped someone in. said number one is in there instead, breathing your air and threatening you and being an irritating menace about all of it. it feels like there's no way to get out but, hey, you're a magician. you'll find a way even if it's a gamble. what do you do? You set the coffin on fire behind your back. (there's other really good scenes from thriller trainee but this one's my favorite and doesn't take fifty chapters of backstory to explain)
-Are there any particular genres/tropes you enjoy / don't enjoy? I mostly read unlimited flow/horror, xianxia/xuanhuan, and esports, (and wuxia, but there's not a lot of wuxia danmei floating around) but I'll read anything if the premise sounds interesting. For tropes, I enjoy omegaverse, court intrigue, pretending to be npcs, systems, and master/disciple - I like my protags cold, ruthless, and preferably some sort of sick or disabled. Even better if the main couple tries to murder each other a few times. As for dislikes, I'm not fond of cops/law enforcement main characters, anything dealing with suicide, or bully/victim ships (though, like I said, I'll read anything if it sounds interesting enough).
-Any recommendations to give? Badly describe them in a few sentences. A couple that I don't really see crossing my dash: Support is king (low stakes vr gaming about a poisonous healer, his pining dps, and a five-year misunderstanding. same author as please follow the rules of the game) Two Long Aotians' shura fields (scummy master completes his system quests but gets shunted to an alternate timeline where he can actually care for his little disciple instead of going home, protag from the original world discovers this and is not pleased. much stripping of vests and identity porn) PUBG online romance of the century (trashy voice-con livestreamer meets his terrible gamer boss and falls in love at first listen. same author as wait for me after school, i can do it is also really fucking cute too) Every day, the marshal is a love-struck fool for me (underground supposed-to-be-dead assassin ends up married to a war hero due to an error, terrible love advice abounds. short, sweet, plot-heavy and mecha-light - i heard my fiance is super fierce is also good) After marrying the lord of the underworld (wicked unlucky exorcist gets ghost-married as a kid to protect him, turns out his promised "beautiful female ghost" is a king of the underworld. feels like the author never misses, they also wrote how to feed an abyss and the dragon lord is weak and helpless but has a big appetite) His marriage partner is scheming (nominally-straight transmigrator can't bear to let the pretty minor villain meet his book-fate and marries him about it. Chi xueyan's family is so much fun.) Non-human seeking re-employment (lazy little ghost gets sucked into a horror game after two whole days of being human, proceeds to ruin the ambience by kicking everything he comes across. shen dongqing is not stuck there with the ghosts, the other ghosts are stuck there with him.)
(tagging anyone who'd like to do this, really, I don't think I know many people into danmei outside the big ones)
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wheredostarsgowhenyoudie · 1 year ago
Wooooh. Just finished The Last Immortal. :) :) :)
And since it is completed, I am now allowed to give spoilers from the novel Shen Yin or Hidden God by Xing Ling hahahhaa. Gosh, you don't know how much I wanted to fangirl with someone over this hahha!!
Thing is, I love the drama! I love the story and many more things about it.
But dang it, because the novel is even more heartbreaking.
WARNING: NOVEL SPOILERS BELOW. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. (Many things are not included/changed in the drama, so this may seem unfamiliar.)
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Disclaimer: Let it be said that it was very, very hard to find good english translations for this novel. I had to endure reading robot and google translation. XD
The points below are spoilers I noted from what I understood of what I have read.
Low and behold...
1) Yuan Qi's sacrifice
🪷A thousand years ago, when Yuan Qi used the spirit sword to punish A Yin, Yuan Qi had already been dead.
See, the power of chaos can bring the immortal souls to life. So when Gu Jin became a god, he used his power to ensure the reborn of everyone they lost on Daze Mountain. He did it at the expense of his own life.
Feng Yin learned this too late.
2) The last battles
🪷Feng Yin joined the contest for the role of heavenly empress. Ajiu disguised himself to join it with her. They were together fighting Hua Shu and Hua Mo.
While this was happening, Yuan Qi was using all he has to seal the purgatory. Bibo was with him, his heart breaking at learning that Yuan Qi only had a body because of the Spirit Sword. All that he was seeing was nothing but a piece of a soul still fighting to save the three realms.
His friend Yuan Qi had long been gone. The power of chaos was no more.
Now, these next parts are from the epilogues.
3) Feng Yin's Dreams
🪷After Yuan Qi's death, Feng Yin keeps dreaming about him. In those dreams, Yuan Qi will tell her, "As long as you're here, I will always be by your side. Believe me, I will never leave you."
4) Ayin's forgotten lifetimes
Did you ever wonder what happened to Ayin in all those lifetimes she had lived in her tribulations?
Remember in the drama how Yuan Qi visited every reborn immortal from Daze Mountain but they couldn't seem to remember him?
🪷 In Shen Yin, that piece of Yuan Qi that clings with A Yin, the very part of him that saved himself in the drama, that piece had been with Ayin in every lifetime in all the tribulations that she had.
In every lifetime that she lived, there was a person who had been a constant, always with her, always looking after her, always trying to save her and failing no matter how hard he tried.
He always looked after her from one lifetime to another. But at every end, he took away her memories of him.
5) Feng Yin goes to the god realm
🪷Feng Yin forced her way into the god realm to plead Gu Jin's parents for help.
But Shang Gu just told her that Yuan Qi is her own flesh and blood. If she could save him, she would have done so already. She told Feng Yin to go back as it wasn't her time to enter the god realm yet.
6) Uncle Devil God
🪷 The devil god appeared before Feng Yin. He said he's there to sight see. Oh, and he also wants to save his eldest nephew, Yuan Qi, who doesn't even look at him.
Feng Yin had no qualms believing the devil god if he says he can really save Yuan Qi. It made the devil god very amused.
The devil god was kind enough to reveal the fact that long ago, when Feng Yin's souls were scattered into the world, Yuan Qi took a piece of his soul for her. And this soul has been with her all along. The power of chaos had been with her affecting her karma in every reincarnation. Yuan Qi's soul and Feng Yin's soul were intertwined. So if she lives, then he would not die.
When Feng Yin asked him why he's telling her all these, the devil god answered that many years ago, a man told him that a devil is a devil and will never be recognized by all spirit and is meant to temper the spirits. He believed all these and so he played his role. But Feng Yin showed him that fate can be changed, and so he wants to give it a try.
Feng Yin used that piece to revive Yuan Qi.
7) Scheming true god in-laws
🪷Meanwhile, in the god realm, Bai Jue is asking Sang gu why she didn't just tell Feng Yin that Yuan Qi could be saved when she came for them.
Shang Gu replied that the son (P.S. she actually calls Yuan Qi 'bastard' lol) is just like his father. He lives as he says and dies at he says. She also wanted to teach her daughter-in-law (aka Feng Yin).
They could not help teasing each other, as always. It was cute haha.
8) Yuan Qi and Feng Yin's married life
🪷In the novel, they had a daughter and Yuan Qi calls her princess. They banter about who she takes after, and Feng Yin asks him who is more important, her or their daughter? XD
When said daughter goes missing, the hint is for them to look where there are handsome immortals. Hahhahaa.
She totally took after them.
Shen Yin link:
Epilogue link:
NOTE: Before you freak out, those links are Chinese and Indonesian. YES, I KNOW. I did say I had to read robot and google translate lol. So to read it in your language, log in to google. Open the link in mobile. At the upper right of the google tab, click on the three consecutive dots and select 'Translate' (to English or whatever language you need it translated).
Enjoy! :)
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kdram-chjh · 1 year ago
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Cdrama: Miss The Dragon (2021) 
So cute Dragon King. 😆🐲 #遇龙 #MissTheDragon #shorts #王鹤棣 #祝绪丹 #邓为
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bUScn5PEezQ
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kungfuwushuworld · 2 years ago
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Legendary Tsui Siu-Ming in Donnie Yen wuxia movie Sakra (2023)
Born in Hong Kong and a native of Guangdong, Hsu was once a recognized child star. Hsu had tried his hands in singing during the 1970s and 80s with such renowned tunes as "The New Chameleon", "Za Xiang Hu Shan Xing" and "Huei Sheng Gu Li Nian Li Qing". He has helmed various films in the 1980s and 90s, including "Gang Master", "The Fung-Shui Master", "The Holy Robe of Shaolin", "Mirage" and "Mistaken Identity". He was the martial arts choreographer in "Poison Rose and the Bodyguard", "Born to Defence", "Blood Ritual" and "The Revenge of Angel". He also produced drama serials for Rediffusion Television (RTV) such as the rating-topper "Chameleon". Hsu worked for ATV in 1998 and became CEO of Emperor Motion Picture in the subsequent year where he was responsible for film and TV business development.
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dream-thief-forever-amen · 1 month ago
A Valentine’s Day Ode to Characters That I Love & Adore…
1. Drunk Ninja Chun from Warrior Baek Dong Soo.
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I was down BAD for this dude from the second he swaggered and stumbled onto the screen. I still can’t explain it but it was instantaneous. Lust.
2. Tagon & Ta Al-ha from Arthdal Chronicles.
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I love a power couple. Especially when you’re never quite sure if they might kill each other one day.
3. Gong Shim from Beautiful Gong Shim.
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I just fell for her. She was so real. Sure the drama fell off towards the end but I always think of her.
4. The Post It Girl, Kim Miyoung, from Fated to Love You.
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She’s just so genuine and sweet and struggling but not at all a victim and I would die for her. Her personality is my ideal type in ladies. Nerdy, kind, softies who would throw themselves in front of a bus to rescue a kitten.
5. Kang Chi from Gu Family Book.
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I loved this character in this cheesy, feel good fairy tale show. He was so charming and good hearted. I loved Bae Suzy in this too but Kang Chi won me over completely. Monster boys rule.
6. Nan Xu Yue | Tian Mìng Shu from The Blossoming Love.
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My guy Fate just did not get it. And I’ve felt like the majority of my life, fascinated but closed off from all the feelings I’m seeing around me.
7. Zhu Yan from Fangs of Fortune.
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Mesmerizing character, mesmerizing performance, and mesmerizingly handsome actor. I love a monster boy.
8. The Shrink,Go Yiseok, from Heart to Heart.
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What can I say? I love a fun disaster man. I have a soft spot for people who are used to worming their way out of situations using their wit and quick reportaie - but are often their own worst enemies.
9. Xing Yun & Shen Li from The Legend of Shen Li.
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Another perfect couple. Flawless. I adore them and their entire storyline - their shared screen time was electric. Their quirky personalities were so yin yang.
10. Gao Shide from We Best Love: No. 1 For You season 1 & 2.
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Listen, if you’ve watched this show you know. He’s this patient, observant, caring saint of a man who is head over heels but in a very cool and collected way. In a too smart for his own good way. He’s confident and smugly flirtatious one minute and completely closed off and second guessing himself the next. I love his smooth low voice and his besotted eyes when he’s staring at his love.
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arwatchesandreads · 8 months ago
Love Me, Love My Voice (很想很想你) Review
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I went into this drama not knowing anything about it. I didn’t know the actors nor the plot. However, after watching this drama filled with honey dripping sweetness, I was so glad I gave it a watch. 
My Rating: 9/10
Episodes: 33
Country: China
Genre: Pure Romance with good Music and too many scenes with food
Aired: Nov 30th, 2023 - Dec 16th, 2023
Tan Jian Ci plays Mo Qing Cheng/ Qiang Qing Ci
Zhou Ye plays Gu Sheng/ Sheng Sheng Man
Hou Wen Yuan plays Zhou Zheng/ Jue Mei Sha Yi
Yang Xi Zi plays Geng Xiao Xing
Vincent Cao plays Feng Ya Song
Chen Hao Lan plays Dou Bing/ Mo Mo Er
Sheng Sheng (played by Zhou Ye) seems like a typical university student, however she has another identity online as “Sheng Sheng Man” where she makes music in the folk pop genre. One day, in a voice chat room while Sheng Sheng was talking to her friend, her idol, Qiang Qing Ci  who is a voice actor (played by Tan Jian Ci) enters the voice chat and speaks to her. Thus, Sheng Sheng’s world into professional music and love begins. 
This drama was adapted from the novel “Really, Really Miss You” (很想很想你) by Mo Bao Fei Bao (墨宝非宝). 
Beware of Spoilers Moving Forward!
What Episode did the Main Couple Start Dating?
Sheng Sheng and Mo Qing Cheng start dating as early as episode 8. She is reluctant to accept since they have only been together a handful of times, however, Mo Qing Cheng persuades her to start a relationship with him. 
There are literally no misunderstandings, no break ups, no petty problems between the main couple as they talk about their feelings pretty straightforwardly. This show was genuinely a breath of fresh air between two green flagged characters. 
Love Triangles?
None. Nada. There was no second male lead or female lead there to squash the other person’s feelings. Purely feel good. 
Love Me, Love My Voice Ending
Love Me, Love My Voice has a cute typical happy ending, where they skip 2 years into the future and basically wrap up the story where they show that Sheng Sheng has finished her postgraduate studies and is beginning to work professionally as a composer. She is also preparing to get married to Mo Qing Cheng as he has already bought them a house. They go on a little vacation to their first retreat spot, and take wedding pictures and essentially reminisce about their time together. 
We also find out that Zhou Zheng and Geng Xiao Xing are also officially together. We also get a cute ending for Feng Ya Song and Dou Bing, where he finally takes the courage to try to confess to Dou Bing and she essentially accepts by telling him to stop talking, and takes his hand. 
Love Me, Love My Voice Review- Cute, Fluffy, Wholesome Romance
I give this show a wonderful 9/10. This show literally was the fluffiest, cutest, most wholesome romance for a girly who loves romance. It fulfilled every checkmark. The main characters have the healthiest relationship, the premise of voice acting and folk pop music was new and super fun to watch and listen to. I’ve never listened to any folk pop music before this show, but I was genuinely loving every song in this show (P.S. i have all the songs from this show added to a playlist on Spotify luls). They were massive foodies, which didn’t help me as I was watching the show. It made me always crave food when they described recipes or he was whipping up a dish. 
My review of this show lost a point only because I felt the character’s romance stayed very stagnant close to the end and not much was changing. Also, with the random time skip I felt like the ending was rushed. It felt like it was supposed to have a 40 episode run, but the show was cut short. 
This show, all in all, was just pure fluff with a new fun premise of voice acting and folk pop music, with a lot of food added in to create a unique wholesome romance. 
In my opinion, it's a must-watch if you love romance shows with little to no misunderstandings, no love triangles and pure fluff romance <3. 
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dailyasiandramas · 2 years ago
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lunalovegood00 · 8 days ago
Moving on, I'm curious so I'm watching Everyone Loves Me. It started with FL playing the game that I absolutely wld play omg I love it so much. Anyway, for the actor who played ML, this was the second time I'm watching him but I didn't even finish the first drama of his that I watched, put ur head on my shoulder. Myb I will finish it in the future. So they concealed the mole on his nose huh. For actress who played FL, this was the third drama of her that I watch. Wait wait I know that guy with glasses on. The actor who also starred in story of Yanxi palace. This wld be the third drama that i hv seen of him coz the second drama was you are my sunshine. It was kind of funny bcs she likes him in real life, he dgaf but he likes her through her game persona, she dgaf.
Ep2: This drama reminds me of Playful Kiss ya know. Sksksks he gave the tips that she needs to be more feminine to attract her crush and she did that but he didn't like it at all. It was his fault. Even I was disgusted at the sweet girl image she tried to be, I'm sorry.
Ep3: lots of familiar faces in this drama. Aiyaaaa. idk if I can brave through her sweet girl image omg. Cringey.
Ep5: the cringe bar was through the roof omg that was so stupid like girl, time and places. Why just why??? At least she knew that it was stupid thing to do. I hv to say she was stupid for viewing the proposal of the rival in her cubicle, seriously. ML was too arrogant for his own good let's see how he will try to hire her after this.
Ep6: OK ML admitted he was wrong, good. Skskksks the way I knew it was not him in the golden mask with the way that man moves. The end of this episode... Idk what to say bcs ofc it was a misunderstanding. He was right to be mad but... How can she talk to that girl about that in front of other people?? find a private place omg. No! don't do it now. He was not in a good mood. Lmfao gonna be a mess.
Ep7: damn he said that with a mic on omg the humiliation I wld kill myself I'm so serious. I'm sad for her but it was definitely going to be like that after he overheard what she said to that girl. I'm glad this uhh her liking him and confessed to him part didn't drag on until another few episodes. Omg he also got to know her real identity in this episode. He messed up big time skskskskskw. It's quite satisfying to see him chasing after her and he confessed about his game id this early too. I like that this part didn't drag on.
Ep8: so he got to discover her other ID too. Well it wld just be a matter of times until he wins her back. He has to do lots of grovelling first.
Ep9: I feel like that other girl designer (I don't remember her name) will be her love rival and quite a trouble. Omg that empresses in the palace sets omg. Never thought I wld see the word kabedon in a drama skskksks. I really like Gu Xun all black jacket with turtle neck outfits.
Ep10: Zěnme kě néng? Pei Yuan/Cai Lang?!! Never thought I cld meet him again in this drama. omg like.. I just finished wonderland of love and she and her perfect husband. So he kind of ML love rival but just temporary ig. OK I got his name this for this drama, Tang Xin. I forgot Wechat and personal phone number might not be the same so... I thought before this Gu Xun real identity cld be exposed when he called her but yeah it was not the same. She was put on the spot omg sksksksks luck was not on her side. I ship Xinyi and Junnan.
Ep11: Gu Xun enjoyed teasing her. So Su Zheng was another ML love rival hmm... Skskksks he had works cut out for him to win her back. I knew Su Zheng wld bear the brunt of his jealousy. That was so unfair haiyaaaa. Even I was awed by her new version of Lin Zhi, that fan xing girl was just waiting to criticise her and replace with her design. That was brilliant idea and design. This new version silenced everyone in the room.
Ep12: omg Qianling dressed Xinyi up and she looks so gorgeous. Although a bit awkward in attempt to make Junnan notices her sksksksks. All the men without the glasses(especially Wei Han looks so fine omg). That punch was so overdramatic, he shld just push that creep hard to the side. OK Gu Xun FPS id had been revealed by this episode, good. Qianling needs to ask him, clear the air why he rejected her... Like that? Or he needs to explain why he did that?. I mean he had to experience that cold shoulder she gave him bcs he did the same to her too before.
Ep13: There was no way... Not again, Qianling was freaking dumb for doing her other company work in the place of her main company.... Like this was just made for the sake of another plot huh. Ofc her og comp employees wld steal the idea like what they did before many times. Oh Qianling was a slob too. Awww he bought them both matching wireless gamin. keyboards.
Ep14: oh nooo. Poor Xinyi. I am mad at Junnan. She shld not lower herself just to get him notice her. Both Jiang and Gu Xun had that history. Oh... Now Qianling started to melt a bit. Lot of progress in their relationship this episode. Next ep wld be a bad news then??
Ep15: skskksks Tang Xin was ML love rival. I hope Qianling didn't believe every words he said like one moment he wanted to attend his friend's wedding and then another he said he has an appointment for his heart checkup like.... That was a good VERY GOOD advice from her kind deskmate. Ah, Huang Jie! Gu Xun you were so possessive and sure I get it but you were interrupting her in the middle of rejecting the guy. Sksksk Gu Xun can be so overdramatic. At least Tang Xin knew how to concede that Qianling didn't like him. Gonna miss his handsome face. The way I suspected that the guard might be the creepy stalker and I was right. It was kind of easy to know he did it bcs all things he said just happened so easily like that and he kept deflecting. Omg girl, he cannot make it any more obvious that he likes youuuuu like come on he did everything with you and for you. CONFESS YOUR FEELING GU XUN! Ofc Su Zheng the another ML love rival, came in after Tang Xin gone. He never dated anyone at all?? I mean if he was a cold guy like in the earlier episodes, I get it. That was so childish of Gu Xun tbh like that was not nice of him to bother Su Zheng like that. Seriously... Anyway, for a few seconds I was distracted by Zhao Lusi appearing at the TV in the background.
Ep16: OK thank you Xinyi for telling Qianling about the keyboard things. I just... Qianling was not that smart at all, myb she was good in her field but like how can you think a very expensive keyboard was something normal an employee wld get just like that huh? Serve Jiang Junnan stuck with a clingy gf. Qianling already likes Gu Xun again, hope he doesn't screw it up. The bgm or sound effects when they were watching the movies was so... unique like what was that?? Hmphh see how Gu Xun puffed up after he said that to Su Zheng... I mean he wasn't wrong but it all depends on his performance, so close to the finish line coz Qianling already opened her heart to him again. Will the work relationship of SZ and GX umm wld be affected?? bcs of they both hv feeling for Qianling.
Ep17: yeah if Qianling was mad at him after this, I wldn't blame her at all. That girl opened her heart again for him and then this was what she got?? even if that girl wasn't Qianling, Gu Xun was still an a-hole for standing her up. Hah! This plot was set up just for him to discover his portrait in her closet right?? Skskksks. I feel like it was still unfair to her bcs before, he rejected her in public that was something ppl remember. I just hope he has decency to humble himself and proclaim he loves her publicly again. Lmao it was so random but they just want to put in that scene that she accidentally fell on top of him m the cut from one scene to next was so abrupt. Gu Xun.... First come first serve okay like take the L, Su Zheng approached her first. You still get a lot time with her anyway. Skskksks why they had to pop the balloons near the balloon stalls sksksks. That was so crazy.
Ep18: it was quite funny that Gu Xun prepared a love confession for Qianling but Su Zheng somehow pop up in the middle of her way to there with his own love confession set. I just... the way these scenes progressed were quite entertaining like if this was a low budget short drama, Gu Xun will misunderstand and there will be conflict, goodness. I feel like Gu Xun's love confession set was kind of... Low budget compared to Su Zheng's(ofc it was ridiculous that it was "Marry Me" set). To be fair to Gu Xun umm it was kind of set up in a short time so.
Ep19: are you freaking kidding me?!! He shld not answer that call. It just one sec to press that button, goodness. Qianling was so understanding and forgiving, Gu Xun better set up grand love confession to her after this. OK I'll give him some leeway coz it was perfect sunny bright morning and he earnestly meant every word he said. I mean, can't blame those kids for shouting that they both were about to kiss skskksks coz it was in front of them. It was so funny when Wei Han came at that time skskskskks. FINALLY FIRST OFFICIAL KISS.
Ep20: that was so... She thought of the other thing but he meant in a pure way. So many things happened. Why he didn't apologise to Junnan tho? Explain what happened.
Ep21: snacks in the first drawer omg that was so sweet. That couple mugs were really good gift. Not Wei Han stumbled upon two of them again skskskkskskw.
Ep22: I hope Hero's Path will be successful beyond their expectations so those old geezers wld eat their hearts out. they both did it right?? With the way they both were acting, there was no way people didn't notice it sksksks. Like they can't hide it. Wtf actually happened? Jiang Junnan wld be so pissed at Gu Xun I guess. Hmm oh he supported him instead.
Ep23: tbh my first reaction was to trust Gu Xun to know what he was doing. I can see why Qianling thought she was betrayed but I wld love if she had faith in him more. I hope Xinyi and Junnan can be together. I really love Xinyi's airplane earrings.
Ep24: I think most of us can detect how sketchy Mr Wang over several episodes. He was always the one against Gu Xun. Ah Gu Xun was lucky to find the other friend of his dad to invest in his game. Her dad was quite strict and he was valid for that. They were successful and happy.
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godofthelake · 21 days ago
of witches and familiars - Ch 2:  a haunting of the feline kind (wenzhou)
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[Chapter 1]
the familiar Zhou Zishu finds himself in the apartment of Wen Kexing with no recollection of the past two months. While he is trying to get his memory back and at the same time keeping his appearance as a regular house cat up, Wen Kexing struggles to understand his cat while also considering his apartment to be haunted.
The first time Wen Kexing found his clothes in a place they weren’t supposed to be; he blamed himself. So did he the second time. And the third. And the fourth.   
Then his hairbrush seemed to wander. He probably didn’t pay attention to where he was putting it in the morning because he was still sleepy.  
Dishes appeared around the apartment. Maybe Gu Xiang took them and forgot to put them away.  
Nothing to worry about. Just a little chaos caused by tiredness and carelessness.  
Wen Kexing started to pay more attention once food started to disappear. Nothing major. Only leftovers and already opened packages. He asked Gu Xiang, but she denied to even having opened the fridge in the entire week. She spent so much time away from the apartment and usually ate somewhere else.  
Wen Kexing hoped she was the thief because it would bring his mind at peace by knowing that Gu Xing was eating well and nobody else was using his fridge.  
Once he found out that not even his wine was safe from the thief, he got worried. He kept his bottles well hidden from Gu Xing (little did he know that she had been aware of their location since day one). Not because he didn’t trust her, but because this is something a responsible adult should do.  
The final nail in the coffin was a visit from the old lady living across the street. Wen Kexing was well acquainted with her since he helped her move into her apartment three years ago. Every now and then she would invite him and Gu Xiang for a cup of tea, or she would come by and bring sweets for Gu Xiang. So, he wasn’t really surprised when she showed up at his door one day with a basket full of fruits and vegetables. The conversation that followed on the other hand sent chills down his spine.  
“Oh, what a nice surprise!”   
Wen Kexing accepted the basket with a big smile. “What’s the accession?”  
The old lady just waved her hand. “Having some fresh fruit and veggies in your diet is always good. Especially if you have trouble sleeping.”  
He looked at her in surprise. “What do you mean?”  
“Well, I’ve noticed that you have been wandering around your apartment in the middle of the night. I got worried!”  
Wen Kexing got pale as a ghost.   
As soon as the old lady left, the young man called for a family meeting. Gu Xiang and A-Xu were annoyed, and both were convinced that Wen Kexing needed either a long vacation or a hobby.   
“The apartment is haunted. There is no other explanation!”  
“Are you sure that you aren’t just overworked?”  
“What about what the old lady said? She saw someone walk around the apartment at night!”  
Gu Xiang looked at the man she secretly calls her father with worry in her eyes while petting A-Xu. “Stress can lead to sleepwalking. Also, I’m more worried about the old lady. Why is she awake in the middle in the night and why is she looking at our apartment?”  
Wen Kexing groaned in frustration and ignored the part about the old lady. He would worry about that on a different day.   
The guilty cat was silently following the conversation. He knew this place wasn’t haunted. A-Xu would always be the first one to know if a place was haunted and all the incidents described by Wen Kexing were A-Xu's fault.   
He’s been changing forms every night after he was sure that everyone was asleep. It was a precaution to prevent the instincts from gaining the upper hand again but also because it’s almost impossible to open a bottle of wine without thumbs.  
He didn’t expect to be seen by an old woman. Gu Xiang was right. Why is she awake at 3 pm?  
But now he needs to be more careful, because he can already see the white hair appear on Wen Keing's head.  
“I’m being serious, A-Xiang!”  
“And so am I! What should I do once go completely crazy, and I can no longer stay with you?”  
Gu Xiang stood up and looked the man in the eyes. “Please take a break. Not just for me but for yourself.”  
She handed over A-Xu to Wen Kexing and walked over to the door where she put on her shoes.  
“Where are you going?”  
“A-Weining and I bought tickets for a movie. We planned to meet up two hours before the movie starts and get something to eat.”  
“Didn’t you see each other yesterday?”  
“And? You can meet up with people you like as much as you want. It’s called having friends. You should try it out!”  
“I have friends!”  
“The cat doesn’t count.”  
Wen Kexing didn’t say anything and just watched Gu Xiang leave the apartment.   
A-Xu looked at Wen Kexing and tried to read his expression. Did he really not have any friends? Was that the reason why he was so attached to the cat? Zhou Zishu almost felt sorry for him.  
Wen Kexing was just standing there for what felt like an eternity with his eyes glued to the door. Zhou Zishu would be lying if he said that he wasn’t worried.  
Suddenly he placed A-Xu on the couch and left the room.  
The familiar was caught off guard with this action and he was now confronted with two options. Ignore Wen Kexings strange behavior and go back to sunbathing. Or swallow his pride and comfort the man who provides food and shelter.  
Well, he was already living here without paying rent or anything so he might as well show his gratitude.  
A-Xu entered the master bedroom and the first thing he noticed was Wen Kexing lying in his bed and face buried in his pillow. The second thing he noticed was the soft sobbing sound coming from the man. This was the first time – at least the first time he remembered – that he saw that man in this state.  
The familiar didn’t know what to do in this kind of situation since his options were limited in this form and because he never had to deal with this kind of thing.  
He jumped up onto the bed and cautiously approached the master of this home. He nudged him lightly with his paw, but this seemed to not have any effect on the crying man.  
A-Xu decided on a more vocal approach and seemed to wield better results because the sobbing stopped.  
Wen Kexing turned his head in the cat's direction and Zhou Zishu was shocked. The handsome face he was used to was now red and swollen. Even the whites of his eyes were red.  
“A-A-Xu...are you...are you hungry? Do-do you need some...thing?"  
His voice was unsteady, and it was obvious that he was trying to keep it together in front of his cat.  
Zhou Zishu didn’t know why he did it, but he came closer until their faces were only a few centimeters apart and started licking away the tears on the man's cheek.  
“A-A-Xu! Are you...h-here to com-comfort...me?"  
A single meow was his only answer.  
Wen Kexing smiled and stretched out an arm to pull A-Xu closer to him.  
The familiar didn’t fight him and instead snuggled closer to his chest.  
"At least we both have each other..." he heard Wen Kexing whisper before falling asleep from exhaustion.   
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