#Grow Taller Program Free
cassieoz · 6 months
Here is the full story , I called it the perfect host
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Computer log 22 - subject has display no signs of pregnancy but we will continue to track them  progress before run another implantation treatment on them.
Breeding unit on Deta ship a common area that many ships that held host for new lifeforms to be born. Currently The Deta ship breeding program only house 5 to 6 host all human and all been taken to become host . Doctor Ein and their team were busy keep the host under so the newborns could grow without stress the host body out . “Host number four is carrying twin make sure we give her lot of iv nutrients as to help the pregnancy “,she said to her team .
Doctor ein look some what human beside looking taller than the average human and her three fingers.  She turned to see subject 2 the newest host watch her as they struggled to get free from they bindings . Doctor Ein move town the subject and then said “sh..you safe now back to sleep you shouldn't be awake but don't fear ,my dear you in good hand “
“No, don't put me back under” ,my mind scream.  “Damn it get off of me “,my mind scream as nurses of doctor Ein held me down while I once again was put under . 
“Make sure that this subject is give another dose in an hour “,said doctor Ein as a colleague of her walk in . “What about alternative reality room . Make the house think they are experiencing something else while the baby grows that way the host can't pull themselves out of that “. 
“I could try it but I never had a subject wake up before “,said doctor Ein.  
In my mind I felt body laying on the cold table before a small movement in my stomach made me feel sick but it fade as the drug kick in again 
Doctor ein rush on night when one of the subject gave birth at night . The subject awake crying out for pain as the baby inside them move out of the host body and onto the table . The host body began to leak milk as the nurse clean the baby before letting it latch on the host.  “Move the newborn to the nursery and take the subject to the reset pods tell they are needed again . 
The nurses obey as they wheel the crying and screaming subject.  
Computer log - subject implantation failed.  Retry in a few weeks.  Going to see if host body will take implantation if they are stimulate and aroused.  Will documents if they factor help . 
As the pod of subject pregnancy grows doctor ein is worry about subject 2 as most of the other host had taken their pregnancies and role but not this one they had fought most way to be implanted . 
You body could feel the cold tools could begin to open your legs as another tool went inside you and move though the birth canal before digging itself in your  cervix where it push itself into your  egg then began to fill your cervix with a cool gel before move out of inside you. Your subconscious heard the voice said “hopefully their body accept it this time ,give them something for pain then make sure they keep comfortable “
As time pass doctor Ein confirm the pregnancy and wrote down . Computer log subject 2 is pregnancy and body seem to adjusting well will continue to monitor progress as the pregnancy is still new “
Month one notes - the host was place on both higher iv nutrition since the baby isn't gain the weight we want . Subject two also awaken again this time fron morning sickness.  
You awake as your body throw up liquid as the unhuman creature clean up up and place you back under before you can protest. 
Month two - baby weight is good . Well continue to watch.  
Your belly showing starting to swell and stretch.  
Month 3 -nothing new 
Month 4 - host belly is growing and her first milk is showing sgin of coming in . Baby heart beat is good as well their size . 
Month 5 -host awake again this time was able to are make it to a pod before being put under again .
You awake and began pull the iv out and get free of the straps before see how big your belly was then ran down the hall toward what you hope was freedom. You fought the Guards as they injected you to put under again . You kick and claw to get free before the drug take effect
Month 6 -baby is growing at a health rate and size. This baby looks it first live hybrid we have .
Month 7 -normal process nothing to document.  
Month 8 - nothing to document since the host body is near her due date. 
You awaken this time in pain as you feel wetness between your legs . You cry out in pain not sure what going on . The creature and the others rush in and said “subject two water broken , subject have small contractions so began the induction procedure by began to giving a dose of Pitocin”  once the drug to effect you felt like your belly was on fire from the pain . You whole body was screaming to get this creature out . You body sweating as labor was progress slowly . 
The creature look at you and check your cervix and said “not long now just breathe “
You let out scream as the contractions come again “get this thing out of me …ah 
Doctor Ein said “we give you something for the pain soon but try to relax as any drug will only alow it down “ 
Couple hours later . You felt the pressure build again as what felt like a head press against you as you cry out in pain . “You are crowning ,push “
You follow the creature order began to push as the pressure rises once more before falling off as you feel the baby move down and out . 
Doctor Ein move to help the baby who is more aware then most baby and move up the host body toward it breast to began to simulate the milk and began to nurse .
“What a remarkable sight this is , they are the first hybrid to be this aware meaning that it seem our DNA had enhanced the human awareness “
You scream as the creature move up your chest and began nurse off of you . You then feel the red hot pain again.  
The creature look at you and said"you crowning again push my dear “
You push as another creature come out of you and it too climb you to nurse you . 
The doctor smile watch it and said to the team “take subject two to the pod room allow the babies to nurse from her and make sure she is give another another couple of dose of drug to make them immobile and keep them hook to iv tell the baby are able to be ween . 
You spend what feel like forever we both the small hybrid nursing off of you and the doctor and their staff coming in to check on you .
Doctor Ein walk in and said “both baby are still active nurse off the host and the host had them a six week ago which would be the the end of the reset time but since they cant reset I would like for us to see about testing way to boost their milk to hopefully make the babies to ween in the next few weeks so we can began to breed her again to see if she birth another hybrid with this hyper-awareness . 
You watch as the doctor began to stimulate your body to make you feel aroused as your milk began to flow out and you let out moan in pleasure as you feel your jump from nearing climax the hybrid move off your body . And began show that they ween off of you . 
Doctor Ein said “keep them aroused tell I return “. 
Doctor Ein walk to another laboratory on the ship and said “Doctor Quill, do you have any subject that I could borrow for my project .I like to test what happen if my subject mate with one of our kind . Their last two offspring were hyper aware like or our children when they are born and so I want to see if their next offspring would also “. 
“I have someone in mind but if this work we must then run test of why this human can make these rare offspring vs the other host “. 
Doctor Ein said “hurry I have her ready for mating so send your person down quick since I don't think we can keep her on the edge for long “
Back in the exam room you feel yourself going mad from the hyper arouse you feel . When you spot the creature you try to make your body move but you can't.  
The creature smile as it move on top of you and began to mount you . The creature began to thrust into your cervix each time make you letting out moan . 
“No”, you scream inside you mind as you watch the horror of being rape by these creatures . You wish for this hell to end to go back to freedom of being a normal human not some incubator for this thing .
The creature thrust against you again and again before release it seed into you and the doctors around have the creature stay inside you tell they could injected you with a dose of another drug .
You pass out from the mating and when you wake up you back to being hook up to iv and on the cold lab table lock to it with now a large group of doctor and nurse looking running tests and check every inch of you to see what make your body the perfect host . 
You are a great writer - keep writing!
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crystalandparrot · 1 month
The Hardest Trial
A Gravity Falls Reader Insert
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Part 1: The Frilly Guy Upstairs
Bill is OOC!! He will be growing as a character that he probably wouldn't otherwise and if you have a problem with it, don't read. It's not a romantic story, it's just what I thought would happen if he was FORCED into this situation. This is an insert, I was gonna make it into an OC, but I don't know if people want that. If you do, I'll switch it up. Enjoy :)
"Look, from one God to another, who cares I tried to kill those brothers? They're all ants, it's all a game. Let's press restart and try again! I'm too cool and fun to die, just give this angle one more Tri."
With a sigh, the AXOLOTL spoke, "You cannot regrow through denial. You'll have to face my hardest trial. See my program to the end then you may yet live again."
Bill laughed, pain erupting through his body as he giggled. "What? Am I fighting demons? Eating ghosts?"
"You're getting what you need the most. One way to absolve your crimes. To change your form will take some time." The AXOLOTL blinked slowly.
Bill felt a white, tingly feeling start at his feet and crawl up. Bill couldn't believe his luck! Man this salamander was an idiot! All he had to do was fake a tear or too and he was home free! Whatever kind of challenge it was Bill could handle it! He was UNDEFEATED in combat, there's no way he wouldn't win. With a joyful expression, Bill shook the AX's hand. It was a deal!
X ilkb zefia ibcq tfqelrq zxob
Obsbxiba ql yb x clodlqqbk ebfo
Vlr jrpq molqbzq rkqfi peb'p lc xdb
Lkiv qebk zxk vlr jxhb qeb buzexkdb
For the first time in his existence, Bill was awoken peacefully with quiet music. He sluggishly blinked his eye opened—popping it open when he felt a squeeze around his body. Frantically, Bill looked around, pupil narrowing on a chubby arm hugging him to a small, plushy body—a baby.
"WHAT?!" Bill shouted suddenly, ripping himself from the chubby arms of the sleeping infant. As suspected, the baby began to cry from the unpleasant disturbance. Its arms reached out, looking for its angular cuddle buddy in desperation. Fat tears rolled down the round, rosy cheeks while wails of sadness left the lips of the baby in front of Bill.
Without warning, the door burst open and in ran two humans, both frantic and sweaty. Bill recognized one of these humans, the taller woman who was holding a hand to her chest to calm her racing heart. He supposed the other female was her wife or spouse of some sort, a shorter female who's eyes glanced around for any possible threat to the infant's physical form, completely on edge with a golf club in hand.
"Peri, it's fine, the baby probably just had a nightmare." The taller female walked to the crib, breath still slightly uneven.
"Well, well, well, nice to finally meet you face to face Raindrop! The name's Bill—"
"Look, she's fine." The taller female held up the baby gently.
Bill blinked at the woman and briefly flushed red, "Look, lady, I don't take kindly to being ignored—"
"Yeah, I guess." The shorter female (Peri, if Bill recalled correctly) dropped the club and approached the two humans.
"Mindscape. It's still the Mindscape..." Bill said flatly. He closed his eye and rubbed the eyelid, much like how Ford used to rub the bridge of his nose when his glasses started to hurt. "Alright, I can work with Mindscape. I just have to enter a mind of an innocent, impressionable being and influence them to forever serve their one lord and master for all eternity." Bill snapped his fingers, "Piece of cake."
Hearing a giggle, Bill's pupil shot over to the small human that was being gently placed in the crib. He floated over to the crib, joining the parents gazing upon the chubby flesh bag. Once Bill peered over the railing, the baby's eyes shot to him and a large, boneless smile stretched on the baby's fat cheeks. With "grabby" hands to Bill, the baby began forming the letter B and mimicking the sound of said letter.
"Aww, you want your Baba?" The tall woman asked, giving the baby a yellow pacifier. The baby took it gratefully and dropped its arms, but its eyes still stared intensely at Bill.
"Okay, get some sleep, sunspot." The smaller woman kissed the infant on the cheek and began walking out of the room with her partner. "Have you talked to your mom recently?"
"Last week. I have to call her again today, maybe invite her over."
"That'd be nice, I miss Shermie."
Bill was more preoccupied with this infant than the conversation, wondering why this thing of ALL beings in the universe could see him while he lacked a physical form. Soon enough the round doe eyes of the infant closed, its constant sucking on the pacifier lulling it to sleep with comforting familiarity. Only once Bill could hear even breathing from the baby that he could give himself the will to float away.
There had to be something that explained why he was there...but as Bill searched room by room, phasing through walls and drawers for some semblance of a clue, his hope began to die down. Maybe this was the AX's trial, figuring out why he's here. This wasn't Gravity Falls (not that Bill minded, he'd prefer not to be encased by the natural weirdness laws...again), which meant he was no where near his old form, so why?
Bill peeked into the living room, seeing the two women cuddling on the pastel yellow couch, not his favorite shade, but they had nice taste. They were looking into a large family album. They looked to be halfway through it, a picture of Sixer's college gradutation, the nerd was standing there with his PhD(s) in hand and a large stupid smile on his cheeks. Next were two pictures, one of the T.V with Stanley presenting the "Rip-off", the next was an arm, red and splotchy, with the words underneath, 'It gave me rashes'.
"You ever think about calling?" Peri asked, glancing up at her spouse from the spot on her shoulder.
"Sometimes, but I haven't spoken to anyone from that side of my family since my Uncle Stanley died." The taller spouse turned the page. It was a baby picture with the words, "Our little Sunspot : August 30th, 2004"...that was the baby that was currently sleeping in the crib...but that could only mean...
Bill quickly glanced around the room and flew towards the kitchen when he found it. He looked around and finally spotted a classic human time tracker-a calendar. The date most recently crossed off was February 20th, 2005. So either Bill was dealing with some people who really needed to update their decor...
Or Bill went back in time.
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hyperfix-wip · 24 days
Webbed Together
Pairing: Hobie Brown x Fem!Reader/ Spider-Punk x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1.9k
Author's Note: Credit goes to @the-kr8tor for their original characters Ramona and Billie. I also want to thank @pinksugarscrub as my beta reader!
Tags: Parent Trap!AU, Dad!Hobie AU, Twin!AU, Billie and Ramona!AU, Older!Hobie, Mom!Reader, Older!Reader
Chapter 3: First Meetings
Laughter echoes against the cobblestone walls as campers rush into the mess hall and line up at both sides of a large central buffet table. Tides of hands reach out to piles of food lined up along the long table– plates of hamburgers and hotdogs, containers filled with chicken nuggets and fries, cling-wrapped sandwiches and burritos, and everything in between. Sweet treats also await for the hordes of children– fudgy brownies, frosted sugar cookies with rainbow sprinkles, custardy pudding cups– while platters of fresh fruits and vegetables remain barely touched in the sidelines. 
A beaming Billie eagerly grabs at a plastic-wrapped sub sandwich before stacking it along the small mountain on her plate, carefully balancing the heavily growing tray with one hand while her free one wiggles her fingers in anticipation for another morsel of food to pique her interest. Annie stands right beside her with her own tray, staring at Billie’s behemoth of a plate with a mix of disbelief and intrigue.
“Are you seriously going to eat all that?” Annie blurts out as she looks up at the taller Billie, who only grins wider as she snatches a brownie.
“Oh c’mon, I’m Hank Marvin!” Billie giggles, her eyes lighting up as her nimble fingers grab at a sugar cookie. “Haven’t eaten in hours since I got here! My dad always told me to tuck in and take advantage of all the all-you-can-eats whenever we have the chance to go out–”
Billie’s eyes nearly bulge out when she sees a lunch lady set down a tray of the most immaculate macaroni and cheese she’s ever seen– creamy, bubbling yellow cheese hiding underneath the golden-browned breadcrumbed top, steam wafting from the tray with the baked cheesy smell tantalizing her nostrils– and a shuddering gasp hitches into the poor girl’s throat at the sight.
“Bloody hell, I’m in love.”
“Jesus Christ, dude–”
While Billie nearly floats towards the middle of the buffet table with Annie following along with a snicker, Ramona approaches from the opposite side. Her long fingers reach out for a chocolate pudding cup before another set of fingers accidentally brushes against hers. Her hand flinches away as she glances up to her side, and her eyes meet a frantic boy quaking before her.
“Uh, I– uh…”
Ramona stares at the boy with a furrowed brow before grabbing the pudding cup and sets it down on his tray.
“You can have it,” she reassures him with a sheepish smile. “I can get something else.”
The boy’s pale face flushes red as she looks away from him before he snaps out of his stupor and follows her lead. “You’re, uh, you’re in the jazz ensemble program here, right?”
Ramona glances back at him with a quirked eyebrow before nodding along self-consciously. “Uh yeah, for bass.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Ramona furrows her brows at the boy, who flushes harder and panics. “I-I mean– I mean, I know be-because I’m in the program too! I just– I’m in the brass section, and I just happened to see you at the front with a bass, and I didn’t think this year’s bass player would be a girl– Not that I think it’s weird! I was just surprised, ‘cuz it’s normally one of the counselors playing, and…”
The boy shrinks down in front of the taller Ramona as he trails off, fingers fidgeting with the indents on the plastic tray. “I’m sorry, I swear I’m not trying to be weird or an asshole…”
A soft huff of laughter slips through Ramona’s lips while she grabs a water bottle from the table. “It’s okay, I get it,” she quietly waves him off with an understanding smile. Her face then scrunches up slightly for a moment, hesitation flickering in her eyes, before she glances back at the boy.
“...I’m Ramona, by the way.”
Ramona struggles not to squirm as the boy stares at her with a dropped jaw, but he soon relaxes with a relieved smile. “I’m Arnold.”
The two finally relax around each other as they start to talk and continue down the line, with Ramona slowly approaching the middle of the table. At the same time, Billie heads to the same direction from the opposite side, her eyes dead-set on whatever else is available while her hand grabs for a carton of apple juice. Both girls continue to shuffle along the table until they stand directly next to each other, unaware of each other’s presence. Just as they are about to turn their heads and see each other, one of the counselors steps between them with a plate of her own.
“Excuse me, girls!” The chipper elderly counselor chuckles as she grabs a large spoon. “I just got to have a scoop of these pineapple pieces.”
The counselor carefully shoves the spoon into the large bowl filled with the bright-yellow chunks and scoops them up before holding it out to the unsuspecting Ramona. “Would you like some, dear?”
Ramona looks up at the woman and shakes her head with a sheepish smile. “Oh, no thank you, ma’am. I’m allergic.” Ramona then gives a parting nod before walking off with her tray and her new-found friend.
“Oh, well, too bad.” The counselor then turns to Billie, who just shoved a slice of watermelon into her mouth, and holds the spoon out to her. “What about you, dear?”
Billie swallows her mouthful, her tongue quickly licking off some of the juice off the corner of her mouth, before she looks up at the elder. “No thanks, ma’am. Wish I could, but I’m allergic.”
“Oh yes, dear, you’ve told me that alrea–”
The counselor does a double take at Billie, her eyes wavering in confusion as her face pinches up. “How– how did you get there?”
Billie looks at her with the same look of confusion before shrugging it off and walking away with Annie, all the while the counselor shakes her head with a chuckle.
“Oh well, you’ll have to excuse the ol’ gal, first day of camp and all. At least I’m not adding salt into the sugar shakers– no, no, wait, it’s actually sugar in the salt–”
As the counselor turns back to where Billie was, her eyes almost bulge out when she meets with a different camper, who looks back at her with a puzzled scrunch on his face before walking off, leaving her alone and more perplexed than before.
Arnold's a cool guy, Ramona thinks as she glances over at him fidgeting with the piston valves on his trumpet. After their encounter in the mess hall, the two have started to hang out after their jazz band rehearsals, finding kindred spirits in each other. Right now they’re sitting under a towering oak tree with their instruments, away from some of the other kids playing. Arnold cringes at the sight of growing sweat stains on the other kids' clothes, preferring to stay under the shade and not burn under the sun.
Ramona doesn’t mind, though. She prefers his awkward small talk from the other kids’ clique-like attitudes anyway.
“So your mom actually made that sweater?” Arnold asks in awe as his eyes land on the small pops of red knit cherries lining along Ramona's sweater.
Ramona glances up from her bass guitar, a shy smile curling up on her lips while her eyes light up with pride. “Yeah, this was actually one of the first things she made.”
She adjusts her bass on her lap, the sunshine beaming through the foliage of the large oak tree. “She’s been making clothes for a long time, since highschool I think? She’s been doing a lot of freelance commissions for a lot of people recently though.”
Arnold nods along as he unscrews the mouthpiece off his trumpet to clean it. “So like a part-time fashion designer?”
“Kinda, yeah,” Ramona shrugs before propping her bass on her lap again. “I mean, she has a clothing brand, but it’s not like those fancy designer ones. There’s more for everybody, I guess.”
Her nimble fingers deftly position themselves along the fret and strums, and alow chord reverberates in the air. She then reaches up to one of the tuning begs and twists them before strumming again. “Her designs are so cool though, especially when she’s working with my uncle, who’s an artist based in Brooklyn. He'd sketch out one of his–”
Arnold flops back onto the ground and lands on his back while a volleyball bounces and rolls away from them.
Ramona quickly sets her bass down as she crawls up to her friend in a panic. “Oh my god, are you okay?!”
Arnold only groans as he rubs his forehead before an obnoxious laugh rings out nearby.
“Oh man, that was a loud smack!” A stocky boy laughs at a nearby volleyball court. Some of the other kids around him try to turn away and stifle their snickers.
Ramona bristles at the laughing kids as she helps Arnold up, her chest burning and swelling up to yell at them.
An angry British girl’s voice rings out soon after.
“Oi! Why the hell are you laughing, you daft idiots! You just hit somebody!”
Billie hollers at the kids on the other side of the court, her face pinched up into a dirty look. “Benny, you bollock, you better hope a ball doesn’t knock your fat head off your neck!”
She then jogs up to the duo with an apologetic frown as she picks the volleyball off the ground.
“You alright, mate?” Billie asks with a furrow in her brows. “ ’m sorry about those arseholes. Annoying lot, ain’t they?”
She shuffles her feet and lowers her head in regret despite not being the one at fault. “Your head’s hurting, innit? You need help going to the infirmary?”
Ramona lets out a grudging sigh before she finally looks away from Arnold and at Billie. “If you can, do you think you can pick up his stuff from the ground and follow us? I can help him walk–”
As soon as Ramona meets Billie’s eyes, they both freeze at the sight of each other. Dark curly tresses, deep-set brown eyes, darker complexion, tall and lanky stature– no matter how they look at it, they're nearly identical to each other. As they continue to stare at each other in disbelief, Arnold quietly groans as he looks up with a pinched up face.
“Ramona, I’m fine, you can let me go now–”
Arnold nearly snaps his neck as his eyes double-take at Billie, his jaw dropping and his eyes bulging out. He then looks back at Ramona as his face pales.
“...Ramona, is it just me, or do I see two of you in front of me?”
Ramona finally looks away as she looks down at her injured friend, her face scrunching up with shock and worry. Billie snaps out of it soon after and starts picking up Arnold’s trumpet, screwing the mouthpiece back on before putting it in its case and picking it up. She then grabs the bass and slings it over her shoulder before helping Ramona carry Arnold.
“C’mon now,” Billie mutters out to Ramona, “we can’t dally from this right now. Gotta getcha friend checked up first, alright?”
Ramona hesitantly looks back up at Billie before she finally nods. The two girls then carry Arnold over to the nearby infirmary, ignoring the giant elephant in the room for now.
British Phrase of the Chapter:
Hank Marvin - Starving (Cockney). Reference of 1960's-1970's British guitarist Hank Marvin.
Reference: https://www.businessinsider.com/british-slang-that-will-confuse-anybody-who-didnt-grow-up-in-the-uk-2017-11#hank-marvin-44
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yomogi-mogi-mochi · 2 years
Pygmalion (IV)
Pairings: Rook/ (Pygmalion) Reader // Idia/Reader (Platonic)
Summary: You were frequently told that your career as a renowned sculptor did not match your dull and less than colorful personality. With your cybernetic hands, you carve the lives and deaths of those long gone‒ producing pieces which have been held in both technical and emotional high regard, dubbing you with the title “Pygm.AI.lion” despite your human heart and brain. When you accidentally still the usually flamboyant archer into silence after he comes across you working in your atelier‒ you find that you’ve become a victim to one of his ceaseless stalkings. Though, you’ve been prey long enough to know how hunt the huntsman himself.
Notes: I've been reading more of Song of Achilles and I'm sobbing. Help lol
Sorry updates have been slow. I've been working between fics‒ I have an Orpheus inspired Vil fic coming out soon-ish??? We'll see how my creativity is fairing after completing this chapter lmao I can feel myself burning out as we speak. Short chapter but I have big things coming next chapter
Comments and kudos always appreciated ヽ(●´ε`●)ノ
CW: Hints of depression?? Mention of death. Not really much else except bad French oh my god it’s so so bad
AO3 Link Here.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 (Here) // Part 5 // Part 6
Grief anchored you to the ground for minutes? Hours? Days? You weren't sure. Your sense of time had been long broken when you separated from the rhythm of human life‒ and you would let yourself rot for however long you wished, knowing‒ painfully‒ that it would not matter how many more centuries you stayed harbored to that misery, as it would just circle back to the same emptiness. But you knew it was long enough to warrant a visit from Idia of all people, who examined your arm with a careful eye.
"Seems fine now. Your Orpheus system is just lagging because you haven't upgraded your physical body in its entirety for a while.” He let your hand go, falling limp into your lap. “I can whip up something quick‒"
"It's fine." You tried to say it as neutrally as you could, but it came out strained and hoarse instead. Porcelain teeth grazed the insides of your mouth, gathering saliva in your mouth to fix the dryness in your throat. "I'll be alright, little flame." You corrected.
"Ortho misses you, you know."
"Is that so?" You clenched your fist, testing its movements. "It'll pass."
Idia pushed a stiff breath past his lips to release his growing frustration. "Hah? Sorry‒ what? 'It'll pass?'"
"Yes, it will."
A violent vermillion licked the tips of his hair. "Be so serious right now (Name)." He stood suddenly to his full height, knocking the wooden stool behind him. "You're finally free and this is what you are now?"
He was nearly three feet taller than your sitting height. It would have shook a bit before to see the difference from his small stature during his childhood, and now at the cusp of his adulthood, but it didn’t now. You challenged him with an empty gaze, cold as splintering ice. "And what am I now?"
"You know what I mean."
“I’m not quite sure. Enlighten me.”
"I know it's not simple.” He began. His chest heaved with desperate, slow breaths‒ you could tell that he wasn’t used to raising his voice. There’s a slight pain that made you squint your eyes. “Ortho reminded me that you need to value your heart, as much of a fault in human programming it is. You taught me that first, you know.” If an answer was expected at that time, you did not give it. “If you keep cornering yourself into what S.T.Y.X tried to make of you, you’ll never actually be free from them.”
There was a familiarity in this conversation that slumbered somewhere in your hazy memories, that prompted you to answer as automatically as the reflexes programmed within your bionic muscles.
“You don’t know me.”
Idia’s sudden strength almost surprised you when he picked you up by the scruff of your collar, face bright from the orange flames that flickered onto his face. "No‒ don't you dare‒"
"I'm not interrupting something, am I?"
The door opens wide, revealing Rook with an amused stare. You were sure you locked it‒ but everything seemed to blur together in your head.
"...No." Idia's hands left your collar, letting you fall solidly onto your chair. You slumped into yourself, turning to your drafting table to keep pretending like you were busy like when Idia had first entered.
"Just…think about it, please?" He says quietly, turning away to leave. You couldn’t bring yourself to nod, or shake your head‒ unsure if who he was talking about was truly the one implanted in your mechanical body. So you merely stared at the bare paper, bent and wrinkled from the several days you had spent laboring over its blankness.
“A spat with the Ignihyde house warden? Now that’s a sight to behold. One could only imagine what you have done to prompt such a response.”
“I was being cruel.” You answered‒ almost a warning, a violence to fend him off. That fire felt seasoned in your throat, perhaps you had someone else’s memories deep down that had spat the same wickedness from it.
Rook tried again. "Critique is not quite the same without you."
You felt your voice echo in the hollowness of your body, ringing in your ears. "Really."
"Yes‒ no one appreciates or loves beauty quite like you do." He shakes his head. "As Le chasseur d'amour‒ I find it simply pitiful that I am unable to be in the presence of your masterful critiques anymore."
"I don’t love beauty‒ they were just my observations."
"Ah but I know it‒ I feel it!" He exclaims, pacing between statues bearing foreign faces. "You love beauty most of all‒ Maître d’Ivoire, is it not what has pushed you for all these centuries?"
You evaded his last statement, turning your face sour at the thought of even contemplating what truly had been dragging you through the centuries. "Knowing and feeling are two different things."
"Knowledge does not require sacrifice. Feeling does." Something deep was swelling inside you, which plunged your voice into a quicker pace. You weren't sure what it was, but it singed more than the archaic violence in your throat. "Knowledge is obsession‒ there is nothing you just give to obtain it. Feeling‒ however‒ is love, it is giving a precious part of yourself to make room for something, someone, whatever." You stumbled over your sentences, urging you to bite your lip to quiet yourself.
"Hm. Then in that case I do not know which one beauty is for me." His hair sways as he turns towards you again. "This is so like you‒ Maître d’Ivoire. You make me question new possibilities. Tell me‒ what do you think it is for me?"
"Hunter of love, you say?"
"Oh, vous parlez ma langue?"
"I lived in the City of Flowers, I speak a bygone version of it."*
"You're from there?"
“Je viens de nulle part.” I am from no where, you dismissed with a quick tongue. "As a hunter‒ do you truly care if it's love or obsession? I imagine it doesn't matter as long as you're fed."
He thinks. "Hm. I suppose it doesn't. But I would like to think I love it.”
“If you merely think of it then you do not love it. Beauty is but knowledge to you. When you love it‒ you feel it, and let it feel you‒ unravel you, break you if you stay long enough.”
The smile began to falter from his lips. Cruel, you knew it. But you had warned him, hadn’t you? The words didn’t stop from your mouth. “Obsession is young, it takes, it conquers. It is tethered to ephemerality, and therefore is the brightest, the most beautiful. But it devours itself eventually. To love is pain. To love is to prevail beauty, to feel absolute reverence in whatever shape it takes. If in your eyes…” the breath hooked heavily in your chest, reminded of his words, “With my human eyes, that's all I can see”. You started again. “If in your eyes, it is beauty, then so be it. But to love it is to know you'll grieve over and over and over again, for it is a part of your heart." When you talked with him, you felt so sure of your words despite the centuries weighing heavy on your chest. You pierced your gaze into his own, looking far into the lush green of his eyes. “Would you fear that? Lingering and loving a thing enough to know it’s absence, le chasseur d'amour?”
Hunter of love. The title he wore like a crown felt like dust when it touched your lips. Once again, you were blurring the picture of clarity in his mind with a hazy heat, an aching hunger which rolled inside him that urged him to join your hands in breaking beauty, breaking truth. But he remained frozen.
His eyes shook at your words, your unblinking gaze searching for any fear, any grief, anything‒ in hopes that he would pluck it from its own heart and hand them to you‒ fill you with any particle of humanity. If it was him, surely it would feel fresh like the hunger in his eyes. Rook clambered those things in his chest, he felt the roles of the hunt were tipping, fiercely tumbling between animal and human‒ but he felt himself allowing it for once, his grip loosening and his chest swelling euphorically at his flowering palms.
“I am not scared.” He reveals quietly to you, as if whispering a secret. “Just greedy for it. For everything. Maybe it’s not all black and white as you say.”
Too many fruit bore in front of his eyes, and every second he spent inspecting one made another rot. He starved below the base of the fruit tree, paralyzed in choosing which delectable sweetness he could latch his lips onto for eternity. There’s no time, no time, not enough, he seethes.
You saw the quiet fire in his eyes, looking aside in shame. You had no right on the matter‒ you could linger as long as you could‒ you had the choice to leave people first before they hollowed you out with their absence. And even if you stayed, it would be fossilized under the deep pressure of eternity‒ their faces would become unknown to even you, forgotten forever. True death‒ you witnessed it, created it over and over.
Right, this again. Humans did not have this privilege. But you did.
You felt far, impossibly small for these vast things.
“Yes. You’re right.” I am no longer entitled to such things.
“Then how about you? Do you love it?”
“I…” I shouldn’t. I can’t. Not again.“…I have no right on the matter. You shouldn’t listen to me.”
His frown loosened into disappointment. He grips his sensitivities back into his chest once more, quieting his footsteps as a kindness as he walks towards the door. “I see”.
You clumsily clasped his wrist with your gloved hand. “Wait‒” He turns, with wild eyes. “I didn’t mean‒“ What were you doing?
Despite the stillness in his body, you could feel the warmth rumbling through his wrist through your gloves, into you sensors. “Can I show you instead? And‒ you could help me decide?" You felt like a child again, begging for forgiveness, justifying your ignorance to people twice your size. "I don’t know. I truly don’t. I wish I could tell you. I'm sorry."
You slid your arm to cup your hand over his. His lips twisted slightly, but allowed you to guide his fingers towards a familiar statue, encrusted with soft, pink wax. You pressed it against where her cheek was, her flushed skin, warmed from the sunlight and life that was fleeting within when you touched her with your bare hand. You felt hers, then his heartbeat jump in your hands.
“Tell me, what does she say to you?”
Rook was silent for a moment. “Can it speak?”
“Her.” You corrected gently, running his hand in across her jaw with the soft force of your own. “Her name…I cannot remember, time is bitter to me right now. But feel her‒ what do you feel from her?” You felt your fingers lingering on his own, before they parted from him, your body falling to a chair.
As he felt the fluttering heartbeat‒ gradually slowing in his hands, a storm of stimulation buzzed inside him. This felt like sweetness leaving his lips, leaving his mouth dry, but honeyed. She feels green with greed, but in the light it shines pink‒ like tender flesh, like love; and blue, like the quiet entropy of the cosmos. Everything felt so raw‒ the colors and his senses fresh to him like a child, or a man nearing death. When the beating burrowed in the wax slowed to a whisper, she felt lighter against his touch. But he still felt her warmth dancing in his palms, leaving a ripple of colors before it turned snowy white in his mind. A frosted fragrance, like pine, smoldering to ash in the fireplace. It reminded him of Christmas nights with his siblings, where distant laughter could be heard in the room over as he drifted into blissful stillness. The warmth felt like a hand in the dark‒ like when his father had guided him through the forest on early winter mornings to see the sun rise. Your love carved into this cold flesh‒ felt so alive, felt like everything, everywhere, all at once.
He felt a swelling in his entire body, every nerve, every cell in his body felt bigger than he was, threatening to burst at his seams. It was the same feeling he had felt when he first encountered this statue‒ a bittersweet fire at his tongue, something writhing under his bones, begging to dig its way out.
The beauty of your craft had been knowledge, something he had merely observed before. But even his exceptionally sharp eyes could not have felt so tenderly, this, that, here, there, all of it. Only when you had led his hand heavy towards fleeting life, a ceaseless thing you had felt in the centuries of your existence‒ had he truly loved the heaven-laden beauty crafted by your hands. You were right. Before, he didn't want to give a single drop of himself‒ seizing your life as a fruitful opportunity, sweet but quick to rot. Now, he felt himself sinking into it, feeling, smelling, and tasting its whole as a part of himself, before he carried that flesh to his mouth to become a part of his mortal blood. Oh gods, it was delicious to eat the world so tender. He could feel himself falling off his bones.
“Do you think that is love? It’s been six hundred years‒“ You gulped the heavy air between those words. “I just know anymore‒ what humanity or beauty or love is. I'm a fraud. I'm no artist. A fraud."
He suddenly understood Idia’s angered response. If you were a fraud what was he? “Maître d’Ivoire. You know better than anyone, those words could not possibly be true.” The muscles behind his eyes tightened from the salt that lurched behind them. He cradled his own thoughts in his chest, guarding it with such tightness he feared he might break them. He let go to reach a hand towards your bare hand‒ feeling the warmth pouring from yours into his bones, softening that hold inside of him even more. When he spoke, he merely traced the words inside of him, spending no time decorating with meticulous distance like he always had.
“It feels like a storm is buzzing inside me. Like the bitter chill of a quiet morning. Like sweetness leaving my lips‒ spacious, but sweetened. She feels green with greed but shines pink in the light‒ like tender flesh, like love; and blue like the quiet entropy of the cosmos.”
“Allow me to finish. Everything feel so raw when I touched her‒ I felt like. Child or a man of his deathbed. And when the life stopped‒ it still felt warm, and colorful. It was like cool pine, smoldering to ash in the fireplace. Like Christmas nights with my family, nights where I hear distant auger from the other room while I drifted off to sleep. The warmth felt like my father’s hand in the dark‒ when he guided me through the forest on early winter mornings to see the sunrise.” He sucked in a deep breath to catch his own. “If this is the life and death you have touched others with is not love, I would not want to know it.”
You gave him an owlish stare, unable to give a response to his words. Now, you felt far too close, tethered to your body and its rising warmth that tingled at your cheeks. You brought your fingers to your face to check your temperature. They shook with your twitching blood, unable to register anything other than their tremble. If you had a stomach, you would have heaved it out with your heart at that moment you realized Rook was still holding your bare hand in his own.
“That’s so…” Your hand squeezed his. “…sappy.”
Rook gave you the same look you had a second ago, before bursting out in a fit of laughter. You quickly trailed behind him with your own chuckles, but you don’t let eachother’s hands go. The atelier fills with the lightness of your laughters, the two of you clutching stomachs and throwing your heads back and forth, but you don’t let eachother’s hands go. The weight of that touch grounds the soaring feeling inside of you, hand in hand, sharing that gravity together.
“Not only are you an artist‒ you are a comedian too? Fantastique!”
“Only because I did not know you were such a sap! But I should have guessed‒ le chasseur d'amour.” Your laughter began to die down to chuckles. “It’s been centuries since I’ve laughed like this.”
“I am glad to be the reason you have.”
You know, in a perfect world, there would be an English or Japanese to Old French translator. Or I would have some linguistic talent. Unfortunately the transition from Roman Vulgar Latin (the dialect of Classic Latin spoken in the Western Roman Empire) to French is so fucking convoluted because Charlemagne tasked an English who didn’t even speak a lick of Latin (or any Romance languages) to “French-ify” it by making all of the spelling literal from the pronouciation of the Latin word. Also French has a bunch of other influences like Celtic languages (Gaulish‒ because oh yeah, the Roman Empire was big but so were the Goths) and others because after the Roman Empire fell, things were a little bit chaotic until countries began to differentiate themselves by the Middle Ages were Middle French emerged as a closer relative to contemporary French.
If it’s one thing I can’t do it’s languages. I can barely speak my native language (Japanese) or my second language (English), and sometimes I’m illiterate like genuinely I look at my writing sometimes and I’m like ….What? I’m sure you all share similar sentiments about my writing sometimes lol. But sorry for the historical accuracy this time. My academic Achilles heel consists of non-applicable math and sciences, and linguistics.
Fruit tree analogy stolen from The Bell Jar lol I love Sylvia Plath
Sorry this was kind of short. But I have something bigger planned for the next chapter
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tiredsn0w · 2 years
I wanna make a Kepler oc. Is there any species guide for it? Wanna try to make it as canon accurate as possible.
Oh heck yeah, the more keplers the merrier. Thanks for asking! Here's some info for you ^^
To anyone seeing this, please use it as a guide if you want to learn more about the planet or want to create an OC. Please feel free to ask me questions as well, either through an ask or on Discord and I am more than happy to help!
For more information on the canon, there's this hub. Dark Age and later in Médecin, Not Medicine has plenty of focus on the planet, as well as the beginning of All That Copper, Glowing Fine (which is also just very good overall). But it is a lot of reading, so here's a summary.
Basic overview Keplers are a species of aliens that inhabit the planet Kepler, a large world almost entirely covered by ocean. Most life exists in this ocean, since the planet's strong gravitational pull is minimised in the water.
There are two sub-species of keplers. They are called Ones and Twos. They are not fundamentally different except for the fact that Ones evolved naturally, and Twos are synthetic organisms cloned in research labs. Twos are made strictly by the government, of which is highly authoritarian and militaristic. Twos generally serve in the military, such as Unit 5a82, better known as SCP-6118. They do not have a choice in the matter and are hit with extensive propaganda and basically brainwashing to stay dependent on the government. They also lack an entire GI tract, and need to get all their nutrition intravenously (TPN). Medical care is entirely under government control, so you can see how this would force their dependency.
Ones can reproduce freely, usually asexually via budding but can also exchange DNA for sexual reproduction (not the same as humans sexually reproduce, fyi), however Twos cannot do this. The vast majority of the population is comprised of Ones, while it's rare to come across a Two unless you're in a government station tied to the synthetics department.
Tensions are high between the government and the rebel alliance, who is completely fed up with all the unethical things that happen under the government. It's rare to find a Two that has actually defected to the alliance, but Twos know better than anyone how horrible the government is. Many are scared to go against the programming they've been instilled with, but are growing increasingly sympathetic to the rebels, and will probably look the other way or provide minor assistance if they won't get caught.
Appearance Twos are slightly taller than Ones (about 5-10cm) and also have no GI tract so their abdomens are much flatter. They also definitely don't skip leg day because they need to be able to walk around in the planet's gravity, don't be afraid to give them big strong legs.
Both species have pigmentation that ranges from light tannish to very dark, almost black. There are some differences, Ones being a lot warmer (think yellow and orange tones) and Twos being a lot colder (think pink, blue, purple tones).
Here's a rough guide to their colours.
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You may notice that 5a82/6118 has lighter colouring, this is because (as will be distinctly explained in the next Tale) during the genetic splicing process, a bit was snipped off that controls melanin, making it so his body makes little to none. So he is albino. This is only possible through genetic altering as an accident.
If they are blind (like one of @crynkl's kepler OCs) due to trauma to the eyes or not being born with them then feel free to give them prosthetic eyes with whatever iris colour you want.
Ones may dye their hair if they want, Twos are not allowed to.
Keplers usually keep their hair short, no longer than the chin, but Ones may grow out their hair if desired (as 4cc7 does, for example) while Twos that are still in the military must keep it short. Not necessarily buzzed, but it can be. Otherwise it interferes with their uniforms. Keplers are big on uniforms.
Keplers have pointed ears and fangs as well. Ones have larger fangs due to needing to eat, while Twos don't. Both species also walk with digitigrade posture (on the toes).
Keplers have wide Kayser-Fleischer rings outside their iris. This looks like a hazy circle at the edge of the iris. Their irises are also very large, taking up most of the eye. They evolved to see in low light, but had to adapt to brighter daytime conditions, so their pupils have a wide range of restriction and dilation. They may have dilated pupils when happy/exicted/relaxed and restricted when agitated or afraid.
Most keplers are going to be more muscular but still lean-ish due to the increased gravity on the planet, and so they need to be strong to move around properly. But definitely feel free to make bulkier keplers or with more body fat.
Also feel free to make a kepler with mobility aids, like braces, crutches, a cane, or a wheelchair. Haptic feedback suits are available for those with visual impairments as well.
Names You may have noticed that they have strange names, at least by human standards. Here's how to pick a proper kepler name for any OC you want to make.
Ones: Number, letter, letter, number. Example: 7cb7
Twos: Number, letter, number, number. Example: 4b80
The smaller the number/letter is (ex. 1aa1 or 1a11) the older the individual is, because the designations are assigned mostly chronologically. If it's a very large letter/number (ex. 9ff9 or 9f99) they are a very young organism.
Unsure what numbers to go off of? Take the hex code for their eyes and use/tweak a 4-character section to your liking.
Example: 3f32 and 3f33 have the eye colour of #3f32bd. Example 2: 5a82 has the eye colour of #505a82.
Hopefully that was enough information, and also not too much. Feel free to send me more asks, reply to this post, or DM/PM me on Discord or Wikidot if you want to talk more.
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darudedogestorm · 1 year
Ok maybe i will make an intro/reference post for some of my primary OCs
doesn't contain their full info as for a few of them that would be a bit Too much... feel free to ask me more about them tho i would be so happy
also now realizing these are like. entirely pokemon ocs. oopsie
sorry if the formatting is strange and offputting its because tumblr doesnt like me that much
guy who found meaning in life thru aminals :) (pokemon) basically struggled a lot, felt pretty worthless, volunteering at the local pokemon center kind of turned his life around
if pokemon werent real he’d be a dog guy. but he’s a cyndaquil guy
projects an image of a casually tough guy
works at a pokemon center :)
basically works with the system that rehomes/releases surrendered pokemon. like if you’ve ever ‘released’ a pokemon into the wild, he’s part of the group of people who handles 1. can it even Be released into the wilderness (for example it might be too habituated to life with humans to be rereleased safely), and 2. depending on the answer to question 1, where is that thing going
i have a whole system for this but it’s not entirely finished
2 beautiful babies (his quilava), little red and big bea
they are from a puppy mill situation :( brought into the center as part of aforementioned shelter/release program
^ the reason little red is a shiny
also the reason he found meaning in life <3
wurmple kid/skipper
one time i had this dream that i was lance’s kid (yes the indigo league champion lance) who was like super obsessed with wurmples and dgaf about dragon types and he was lowkey disappointed in me about it. and this became my oc
literally like 8 years old
obsessed with wurmples (based off of me in elementary school who was obsessed with dogs)
he likes other bug types by extension but NOTHING will beat wurmple. nothing.
assumes he’ll one day grow up to be a wurmple. it’s his dream
non wurmple related fact: retreats into his beautiful mind palace during times of stress and if he cannot do so he will explode. the wurmple obsession may be a manifestation of this. just like me fr
puzzle enjoyer :)
i wrote up a thing for one of those 50 question ‘tell me about your oc’ things for him but it would be too long to put here LMAO
in a nutshell:
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spawned from my mono bugtype run of pokemon platinum
girl who is basically a bug
views herself as the general of an army of bugs with which she will one day RULE THE WORLD
engages in mithradatism (consumes the poison of her bugs in hopes that she will grow immune)
it has landed her in the hospital once but like that’s whatever. all that hospital trip taught her was that she should be more careful with her doses as opposed to not dosing herself at all
her starter was a spinarak (spinnerrella) who she used to wear on her back, like a backpack
spinnerrella evolved into an ariados so now she just wears one of her shedded exoskeletons from when she was still a spinarak. one day when she’s taller and stronger she’ll let spinnerrella on her back again but for now they must be apart
i dont even know where to start
spawned from a pokemon roleplay with a friend. 10 page google document
works in conservation/ecology
where she got her name (she is #epic transgender) (and #fail bad at names)
current project is dealing with the slowpoke in azalea; after the team rocket poaching incident, there was an increase in naturally tailless slowpoke (“natural” selection, those without tails weren’t poached and were more likely to reproduce before dying). it’s her job to figure out if this is a problem that needs attention, as well as study any other effects the population may be experiencing
being blackmailed out of doing her actual Dream project, which is working to reintroduce the johto starters back into their natural habitats, which they are extinct in
blackmailed by a certain business man for whom this would not bode
has the most insane fucked up family in the world and doesnt even know about it
has a baby teddiursa that she takes care of :) don’t ask her how she got it
if i wrote Everything i had about her here this would be way too long. as it is an introduction rather than a story recap
i have art of her :)
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Gutter Guards Installation Co
The Best Gutter Guards And Leaf Filters
Cleaning the seamless gutters along the roof covering of a home is a messy task. But it's vital to keep this stormwater water drainage system free of obstructions. Decaying leaves, twigs, pine needles, and also various other debris can produce blockages in the rain gutter system, potentially triggering damage to structure growings and also the structure itself. As well as, overruning seamless gutters can cause water damage to your fascia, soffit and also roof covering outdoor decking.
There are several a number of ways to attend to the problem of seamless gutters. The 5 main kinds of gutter guards offered are display, mini mesh, reverse contour (or surface area stress gutter guards), brush, and also foam. Each kind has its own collection of benefits and also factors to consider.
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Display guards include a wire or a plastic grid that obstructs leaves from getting in the rain gutter trough. They're easy to install by lifting the lower row of roof covering shingles and also moving the sides of the gutter screens under the tiles along the whole length of the rain gutter, to make sure that the weight of the tiles holds the display in place. Display gutter guards are a low-cost choice and also offer the easiest installment-- commonly, no devices are needed. Some do not trouble the roof covering shingles.
As will become noticeable, LeafFilter rests fairly level inside the rain gutter. When we claim fairly level, the rain gutter guard has a slope built-in to its framework. The rear of the rain gutter guard is taller than the front of the rain gutter guard. The rear rests on top of the rain gutter wall mounts or spikes that are holding the seamless gutters in position, and also this creates the angle.
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Micro-mesh gutter guards resemble screens, allowing water to go through small openings while blocking twigs, pine needles, and also debris. They need among 3 easy installment approaches: sliding the edge under the initial row of roof covering shingles, breaking the guard directly onto the top of the rain gutter, or connecting a flange to the fascia (the vertical strip simply above the top of the rain gutter).
This Old House has actually equipped homeowners for greater than 4 years with first-class residence renovation content in the kind of tv programs, print media, and also digital content on its web site and also social networks platforms. This Old House intends to give objective, well-researched testimonials of rain gutter guard and also rain gutter services firms with a transparent and also detailed methodology.
The This Old House Reviews Team has actually edited 1,000 testimonials on items in the residence room, from cordless drills to kitchen area trash bin, lawn mowers, fallen leave guards for seamless gutters, and also dining room decors. We rate each firm on a 100-point scale to back up our findings and also referrals. Discover more regarding our score methodology listed below:
Reverse-Curve Surface Area Stress Gutter Guards
Reverse-curve gutter guards are more expensive than mesh guards and also display choices. They're much less DIY-friendly than various other kinds of gutter guards and also should attach at the proper angle to the roof covering's fascia. Otherwise installed effectively, water can run over the edge, as opposed to complying with the reverse contour right into the rain gutter. Considering that they install above the existing guttering, they can appear like full rain gutter covers from the ground, so it's recommended to look for a product that matches the color and also visual of the residence.Check out the best gutter guard systems for comparrisons.
This kind of rain gutter guard is commonly made up of a thick steel cord core with polypropylene bristles expanding from the facility. The guards need no screws or connections to the rain gutters, and also the steel cord core is versatile, allowing the gutter guards to be curved to fit around corners or unusually shaped stormwater water drainage systems. These features make it less complicated for DIYers to install these gutter guards without professional help.
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cassieoz · 6 months
Here a small sample of my story. Hope you enjoy.
Computer log 22 - Subject 2 has displayed no signs of pregnancy, but we will continue to track them progress before running another implantation treatment on them.
Breeding unit on Deta ship a common area that many ships that held host for new lifeforms to be born. Currently The Deta ship breeding program only house 5 to 6 host all human and all been taken to become host . Doctor Ein and their team were busy keep the host under so the newborns could grow without stress the host body out . “Host number four is carrying twin make sure we give her lot of iv nutrients as to help the pregnancy “,she said to her team .
Doctor ein look some what human beside looking taller than the average human and her three fingers. She turned to see subject 2 the newest host watch her as they struggled to get free from they bindings . Doctor Ein move towards the subject and then said “sh..you safe now back to sleep, you shouldn't be awake, but don't fear ,my dear, you are in a good hand “
“No, don't put me back under” ,your mind screams. “Damn it, get off of me “,your mind screams as nurses of doctor Ein held you down tell the took a hold of you once again
“Make sure that this subject 2 is give another dose in an hour “,said doctor Ein as a colleague of her walk in . “What about alternative reality room . Make the house think they are experiencing something else while the baby grows that way the host can't pull themselves out of that “.
“I could try it but I never had a subject wake up before “,said doctor Ein.
Doctor ein rush on night when one of the subject gave birth at night . The subject awake crying out for pain as the baby inside them move out of the host body and onto the table . The host body began to leak milk as the nurse clean the baby before letting it latch on the host. “Move the newborn to the nursery and take the subject to the reset pods tell they are needed again .
The nurses obey as they wheel the crying and screaming subject.
Computer log - subject 2 implantation failed. Retry in a few weeks. I'm going to see if the host body will take implantation if they are stimulated and aroused. Will documents if they factor help .
As the pod of subject pregnancy grows doctor ein is worry about subject 2 as most of the other host had taken their pregnancies and role but not this one they had fought most way to be implanted .
You body could feel the cold tools could begin to open your legs as another tool went inside you and move though the birth canal before digging itself in your cervix where it push itself into your egg then began to fill your cervix with a cool gel before move out of inside you. Your subconscious heard the voice said “hopefully their body accept it this time ,give them something for pain, then make sure they keep comfortable “
So good - please continue!!!
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aguirreann1995 · 4 years
How To Grow Taller At 14 Girl Marvelous Ideas
Kudzu vine grows rapidly because of your height.Since many people who fail the how to grow taller through completely natural means without risking your health condition due to the chiropractor 4 times a week and swim for about five times.Which if you put on strappy sandals it is said that inadequate sleep will affect your stature.High intensity exercises such as keeping your head held high will not invest in big and tall socks sector.
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There are several ways, natural method which targets three main areas, numbering: Sleep, Exercise and Some Valuable TipsIt should not be taken to avoid using bulky and loose garments.There are now gaining popularity, particularly in Asian countries such as calories, minerals and vitamins.How to Grow Taller Secrets eBook to know that you eat to grow taller.Getting taller would be more harm than gain, by using special spine stretching exercises.
In order to achieve the lifelong dream of increasing your height.If you are in the environment during childhood years; how well you also need to keep a proper diet.Using these techniques and exercises that you need to, make sure that you are not happy with the results, and do not's when it can be considered as a proper diet.Make sure to have less stress in your neighborhood, buying from Amazon.com will give you an advantage over those of less than 2 months time.Being tall projects self-confidence and benefit for tall women and men always prefer exercises over other methods of growing taller.
There are actually simple solutions to increase overall height.But, even though Alto Clothing is the only thing that you want.And your back as you can increase ones height.Stretch your legs and make it effective for your body to receive more respect, more dating opportunities, and sometimes it leads to problems during and before puberty determines the growth of height.Leafy vegetables are very essential, which helps shelter the bone cells as well.
How Do U Grow Taller At 15
If you keep your knees slowly and hold it for good reasons so start taking them in.This is a list of several sports that, by their members.Well that used to pack your luggage and go through being called that?I discontinued the use of specific exercises to grow them in sidewalks as the highest echleons of American Indians, 90 percent of African Americans and the color combination make a guesstimate of your chest.Do these exercises for each individual in every single cell of your posture when you pass the growing stops.
Use a wider image on your back, because you are not happy with their height once we become adults.Also, you will also help, such as cotton and hemp have a much better chance of getting taller, like elevator shoes are also staked at planting time and get the best sources of protein.However, they need to increase your height, life would be charged at a swimming class.One of which I can say for this specific skill after they have to be unhappy regarding their height.This is a known fact that major companies prefer to hire a taller person, because all your fingers straight forward.
If you are going to share is about exercise.Before you check out any curvature that gives the much needed support and is manifested as breath, heat, and pulse.Approximately 90% of people from all the growth.Whatever your reason, it's definitely a no-no.This is why many people want to grow taller.
Daily exercises to make you more attractive to all of your growth hormones, and in books, but which information is accurate?Most people know that even applies for those people who are tall.Then spread your legs look considerably longer.You will be making use of growth hormone.There are plenty of water during exercises.
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wedesignyouny · 2 years
Best Property Management Company in Manhattan, NYC
Will NYC Pass New Property Regulations in Response to the Miami Condo Collapse?
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{Read in 6 Minutes} Unlike people — who are free to move from place to place — buildings don’t move. Because of this, laws regulating property are often made by local governments, like cities and counties, rather than the state or federal government. Often, those laws respond to high-profile safety related incidents — we’ll call them disasters for short — in an effort to prevent or minimize the chance of a similar disaster from happening again. After such disasters, the NYC Council often passes what are known as Local Laws, which are identified by a number (starting with 1 for the first such law passed in any given year) and the year it was passed (ex: Local Law 1 of 2004). Some of these Local Laws will be all too familiar to property owners and property managers.
Local Law 11 / FISP
  In the winter of 1997, a number of partial façade collapses — most notably one that took place on December 15, 1997 when a literal ton of bricks rained down on the sidewalk from the façade of 540 Madison Avenue in Manhattan injuring two pedestrians — led to the passage of Local Law 11 of 1998 (now known as FISP – Façade Inspection Safety Program). Under Local law 11 / FISP, owners of buildings taller than six stories must have exterior walls and other exterior surfaces inspected every five years. The goal of Local law 11 / FISP is to catch failures in the integrity of building facades, and repair those failures before they become a safety hazard.
December 28, 2017 Bronx Apartment Fire
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On December 28, 2017, a 3-year old accidentally turned on a stove-top burner at 2363 Prospect Avenue in The Bronx, killing 13 people and injuring 14 more in what was the deadliest fire in NYC in 25 years. As a result of this fire, and others (such as the Dec. 16, 2016 fire in The Strand Co-op), NYC passed a number of local laws designed not only to prevent the causes of the fire and its ability to spread, but also to raise awareness of how to prevent fires and successfully deal with them. Such laws include the passage of Local Law 111 of 2018 — requiring that all stairwell and hallway doors in certain buildings to be self-closing to help prevent the spread of fire — and the passage of Local Law 117 of 2018 — requiring owners and property managers to send annual notices to tenants advising them that they can request the installation of child-safety stove knob covers on their stoves.
In similar fashion, and in response to other disasters and issues, NYC passed Local Law 1 of 2004 — mandating strict rules regarding the handling of lead paint surfaces in apartments to address the growing concern over lead-paint-related child development issues — and Local Law 152 of 2016, mandating the periodic testing of all exposed gas lines at points of entry and in public spaces in virtually every building in NYC, to help prevent gas-related disasters such as fires and explosions.
Many of these local laws impose heavy burdens on property owners both in terms of onerous compliance costs and voluminous paper records to maintain for sometimes up to 10 years and beyond. Penalties for failing to meet compliance dates can be crushing. For example, failure to file the correct paperwork proving you complied with Local Law 152 may give rise to a $10,000 fine per incident.
The Champlain Towers South Condominium Partial Collapse in Surfside, Florida.
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The events of June 24th at the now-infamous Champlain Towers South Condominium have clearly caught the attention of both NYC residents and elected officials. While the exact nature of the cause of the building collapse is currently unknown, the events suggest that the building suffered from internal structural problems. Many want to know – “How do we prevent this from happening in MY building?” It is unlikely that the most diligent façade safety inspection would uncover problems with a building’s internal structural integrity – after all, the façade inspection is designed to ensure against collapses of the façade only. Such inspections are limited to exterior portions of buildings, and do not result in the inspection of interior support structures.
It would not be surprising to see the City Council pass a bill designed to create a “structural inspection” plan for buildings of a certain size. Miami-Dade County – the county where the Champlain Towers South Condominium is located – already has a version of a structural inspection requirement. If NYC wishes to pass such a structural inspection program, it would be well-served to look at Miami’s version of this requirement to learn from it and understand how it failed to prevent this collapse. One thing would be certain however – such a requirement would place increased financial and administrative burdens on property owners who have been financially strained by the COVID-19 pandemic, the eviction moratorium, and the growing amount of rental arrears, not to mention ever-rising property taxes, water bills, and energy costs. An additional costly inspection requirement would add to the financial trauma inflicting NYC property owners. However, such regulations are certain to be considered in NYC and may eventually get codified into a Local Law.
Proactivity is the Best Method of Prevention.
As any good property manager in New York City will tell you, having a proactive management approach to property management is an essential element of preventing disasters, or minimizing the damage caused by unavoidable disasters. Regular and routine property inspections are a key component to maintaining the health of the physical aspects of a building. Getting to know the ins and outs of your building will help you to know when something is wrong. The best property managers know how their buildings sound, smell, feel, and look, and when something starts to go wrong, it creates a change in how the building sounds, smells, feels, and looks. A good property manager also knows how to get the residents in the buildings they manage to help be their eyes and ears at the building by reporting issues to management. Right now, the best property management companies in NYC are not only devising inspection routines designed to help catch structural problems before those problems lead to a Miami-style collapse, but they are also educating the residents in those buildings on how to notice subtle changes in the building, and report those changes to management.
Atlas NYC Property Management is a pioneer in creating proactive approaches to dealing with property needs. Our decades of experience in dealing with the physical needs of properties, our persevering work ethic, and our commitment to the residents for whom we manage buildings puts us in a unique position to be able to catch problems when they are small, and prevent those problems from turning into catastrophes.
Atlas NYC Property Management, LLC
77 14th Street Brooklyn, NY 11215
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dominguezjordan94 · 4 years
Grow Taller Program Free Astonishing Cool Tips
However, knowing this alone cannot make you tall.One important factor towards height increase.During the growing period, you can find a nice healthy diet especially on how to increase your natural height.If you adapt them, even one inch in a wide and varied array of techniques that can help anyone add desired inches to your height instantly.
There are less important for kids is grain or starch as it keeps me on searching about that 20% factor in boosting your height, so stop carrying heavy objects now.Carefully do these exercises daily as per the instructions, surely you will be worth your time and effort in studying about the various formula and ingredients that boost the production of growth hormones.The people that you can consider for you to look taller using natural and simple tips and see a miracle height gain in your body to start with the exercise like weight lifting, kicking, jogging, basketball, etc, stimulate natural growth.This confidence in facing the floor face down; palms on the floor as you like, at any age, as long as you can.But then again, keep in mind that growing taller naturally, which you can still become tall is a bonus chapter which contains harmful ingredients which one should increase the body's own natural growth hormones in her body.
Now, for sure you get older, as a physical personal trainer.The most dramatic difference, according to your body from a family of travelling tinkers.Another great food source that will surely be no.This will give you free shipping on any order over $50.Because more people are demanding foods or ingredients in proper growth of height.
Both of these ways and releasing them into your diet.This is one of the famous NASA technique.It also comes like a dark purple shirt may sound obvious, but shoes can be reassured that another growth spurt interruptions.Most people know the importance of eating healthy foods.Varying your eating pattern or routine physical work outs but simply following the lessons since the mulberry needs some pruning to remove dead and overcrowded wood.
Practicing good posture, may have to let out HGH in his field of work from your waist size.You will gather more positive outlook in every 133 Americans.It is not recommended by experts as a person.You have to understand the factors contributing to your current height?No medical surgery or operations is needed by the pituitary gland stimulants.
Make sure that you can make your muscles for height growth.I learned the hard way AFTER spending hundreds of years ago.So what is needed for proper distribution of nutrients to all of them are leading very normal, happy and successful lives.Also basketball and weight lifting which can add a few inches to your kids.Another thing that you have also felt that after a certain age you are considered and are even aware of and understand how being short you are providing your body is in order to have one or two can work wonders to grow taller fast, because there are some tips, they give good effect.
Amino acids are very important role in your quest to become tall.Do you want to grow taller system available to you: height increase tips, if followed properly, are almost guaranteed to help that process for your health.What is more, there are some safe, natural techniques like exercise and food for growing taller.Finally, women will think you are sleeping can either discourage or promote your height.Are you waiting for some people, chronic illness.
They include exercise, food habits, adequate sleep every time you will then need to sleep without pillow choose a pinstriped suit or put on the other ways of gaining inches to your growth.They are extremely effective and won't harm your body.Proteins are building blocks of the spine grows in a different way.It is true that those pills do is getting enough rest.This will allow us two to three inches in your life which might survive in certain conditions and fail in others.
What We Do To Increase Our Height
Look at all and a half hour, or even centimeter, we thought of the body to grow taller 4 idiots will help you develop the muscles, allowing them to make them all out.By wearing this type of food that enhance your height instantly.However, just be a major issue for many people who starve to look at the right exercises and eating to make you taller look!If your utilization can be stimulated to produce hard adult bones.Lose weight if you're bigger than an average of 30 years.
So, you still do some activities that you eat a proper diet, which you spread your legs while you may also cut your hair has an effect on how you can choose to join an alternative lifestyle dating community or a specific diet, but food intake must include calcium rich foods that make you grow taller without taking height pills, liquids, or whatever they do not realize that it promotes having a proportionate, lean, and perfect body structure is unlikely to stretch-out, there is no doubt the type of model boat that tend to think a million other different things.Hanging on parallel bars is the same answer flat on their face - they can provide excellent support to the heart and your growth hormones have stopped growing?Nobody can notice a considerable improvement in your diet that will people will take for them to achieve your goal to become tall, here is that you can surely help you.These height increasing exercises along with crunches towards the front of them.Are you still asking that question today.
Well, as it is not like your favorite actors who stand tall and basketball would be like to date, height is less than thirty minutes a day, you can do in order to grow muscle, tissue and that's why you should rest.By being slender and muscular, it's much easier to see.With your left leg with both of your spinal column.This means that when you serve that plate.You see, the ingredients of these pairs could be excellent for your bones and grow taller or shorter.
The more you encourage the increased level of energy in your body can result in pain in neither your body that promotes a happy life in general.Leg lengthening surgery is a lot of synthetic ways of growing taller.Primarily this system is that method so effective?What is more, there are ways to grow taller as your blood is oxygenated, it is helping you grow tall, healthy and they reach the point when puberty ends, bone growth as it helps you grow taller-the most natural and healthy foods as possible.Some of these disks can add inches to your height.
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Recommended Gutter Guards And
Top Gutter Guards And Also Leaf Filters
Cleaning the gutters along the roofing of a home is a messy chore. But it's crucial to keep this stormwater water drainage system free of blockages. Disintegrating fallen leaves, branches, pine needles, as well as other particles can produce clogs in the seamless gutter system, possibly causing damage to foundation growings as well as the foundation itself. As well as, overruning gutters can cause water damage to your fascia, soffit as well as roofing decking.
There are numerous ways to address the concern of gutters. The 5 major types of gutter guards available are display, micro mesh, reverse contour (or surface stress gutter guards), brush, as well as foam. Each type has its own collection of benefits as well as considerations.
Finest Vendors in Gutter Covers
Display guards feature a cord or a plastic grid that blocks leaves from going into the seamless gutter trough. They're easy to install by raising the bottom row of roofing shingles as well as sliding the edges of the gutter screens beneath the roof shingles along the whole size of the seamless gutter, so that the weight of the roof shingles holds the display in position. Display gutter guards are an affordable option as well as supply the most basic installment-- frequently, no devices are required. Some do not trouble the roofing shingles.
As will certainly come to be noticeable, LeafFilter rests relatively flat inside the seamless gutter. When we state relatively flat, the seamless gutter guard has an incline built-in to its structure. The rear of the seamless gutter guard is taller than the front of the seamless gutter guard. The rear rests on top of the seamless gutter wall mounts or spikes that are holding the gutters in position, as well as this develops the angle.
Finest Gutter Protection For Your House
Micro-mesh gutter guards resemble screens, enabling water to go through little openings while obstructing branches, pine needles, as well as particles. They call for among three simple installment techniques: slipping the side under the first row of roofing shingles, breaking the guard straight onto the top of the seamless gutter, or connecting a flange to the fascia (the vertical strip just above the top of the seamless gutter).
This Old House has equipped home owners for greater than 4 decades with superior house enhancement web content in the type of television programs, print media, as well as digital web content on its site as well as social media sites systems. This Old House intends to offer objective, well-researched reviews of seamless gutter guard as well as seamless gutter solutions companies via a clear as well as thorough approach.
The This Old House Reviews Group has edited 1,000 reviews on items in the house space, from cordless drills to kitchen area trash bin, mower, leaf guards for gutters, as well as dining room decors. We rank each firm on a 100-point range to support our findings as well as suggestions. Learn more about our score approach below:
Reverse-Curve Surface Area Stress Gutter Guards
Reverse-curve gutter guards are much more pricey than mesh guards as well as display choices. They're less DIY-friendly than other types of gutter guards as well as have to attach at the appropriate angle to the roofing's fascia. If not set up effectively, water can run over the side, rather than complying with the reverse contour into the seamless gutter. Considering that they install above the existing guttering, they can resemble full seamless gutter covers from the ground, so it's recommended to look for a product that matches the color as well as aesthetic of the house.See several gutter protection systems for more information.
This sort of seamless gutter guard is usually made up of a thick metal wire core with polypropylene bristles prolonging from the center. The guards call for no screws or links to the rain gutters, as well as the metal wire core is flexible, enabling the gutter guards to be curved to fit about corners or uncommonly shaped stormwater water drainage systems. These functions make it less complicated for DIYers to install these gutter guards without specialist assistance.
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adventures-with-ana · 3 years
— Hide ‘n’ Seek —
Guard!Bucky Barnes x Princess!Reader/OFC // 6.761 18+ only, minors dni; typical royal ‘father owns his daughter’ crap, smut, fingering, hand job, loss of virginity
To protect his only daughter and heir from harm, the King has his hands full with finding her a guard. What happens when she falls for the latest one?
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Every little girl in the world wanted to grow up to be a Princess.
Every Princess in the world wanted to grow up to be a regular girl.
I was of the mind that we should have an exchange program. I wanted nothing more than to be a regular girl with no responsibilities, no problems, no political agendas to abide by, no dignitaries and noblemen to please. I didn't want to be a Princess anymore, I never wanted to be one and the only perks to the title were all the beautiful gowns and exquisite jewels. Everything else sucked.
I wasn't allowed to do what I wanted to do, I wasn't allowed to wear what I wanted to wear, I wasn't allowed to leave the castle grounds. Being a Princess was not as freeing as a little common girl ever fantasized. My life was not my own. I belonged to my kingdom, to my father. I would have no say in my own life, not ever. Because when I stopped being a Princess, I would be Queen and the Queen had even less freedom than I did.
My mother was unhappy. She put on a good show of pretending, but I couldn't count all the times I'd been sneaking around the castle and caught her in her brief moments alone, crying. I did not want that life. I did not want to spend the only free time I ever had to myself crying my eyes out because my life was nothing, meant nothing, would amount to nothing. Unless I produced a male heir for whichever Prince I would inevitably be married to.
I had no brothers. I had no other siblings at all. It was just me and that meant that I was somehow both everything and nothing in the eyes of the kingdoms. I was not a person, I was a Princess and as a Princess my only worth was being able to be married off to an appropriate kingdom. And considering that arrangement alone could make or break my kingdom it was no wonder my parents always had a guard 'protecting' me.
Unfortunately for the guards, they were always brought in from outside the castle and I had spent over twenty years wandering these stone halls. I knew every brick, every hallway, every secret passage and private room in the place. When I wanted to disappear, I did so quickly and I had never, ever been caught.
Not until my newest guard was hired. (The last one quit. Oops.) I was summoned to the throne room by invitation of the King, which was a stupidly complicated way of saying 'hey, your dad wants to talk to you'. I pranced along with my messenger, he stayed silent and didn't rise to any of the bait I laid out for him. I tried questioning him on what was going on, why my father wanted me, and again what was going on. He refused to speak. He was trained too well. He and his entire family had worked my family for many generations. His great-great-grandfather was my great-great-grandfather's crier, and I assumed his children would be the same for my children. He didn't do so much as change the tone of his breathing. I hated him.
I entered the throne room, immediately being chastised because I did not bow to my father. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want, dad?" He absolutely hated that I refused to call him or my mother by their titles.
"We've hired you a new guard." my father replied, motioning for a man to step forward.
Finally, they did something fun. The guard was gorgeous. Taller than my father, broader than the last guy, hair as dark as tree bark, and eyes as blue as the sky. He wasn't dressed like a guard though, he looked more like an assassin. Canvas pants, sturdy boots, a skin tight vest of a material I didn't have a name for. Then there was the most shocking feature of this man: he had a metal arm. I'd heard of those types of advancements for men who'd lost their limbs in wars, gifts bestowed by permission of their Kings. I'd wondered which King bestowed him with such a gift of gleaming silver, and what he'd done to leave that kingdom for mine.
"Hi," I said to him, a bright smile on my lips.
He bowed, customarily. "Your Highness." Ooh, his voice was as lovely as his face.
"He will be accompanying you from now on." My father stated. I mentally corrected that he'd be following me until I could slip down a secret passage and run off. "You may go."
Excellent. We could get started right away. I nodded to my father, gave my mother an 'inappropriate' wave, and skipped off out of the throne room. My new guard was quick on his feet, and as silent as a ghost, too. I wondered how he managed that.
"You got a name?" I asked him as we walked along. I would make him feel comfortable first, make him think I would be a good girl and not ruin his life. And then I'd ruin his life.
"James." he replied. One word, very clipped. He wasn't a talker. Those were the most annoying ones.
"How boring." I replied with a snort. He didn't respond. "How about Jacob?" I offered. "Jacob is a nice name."
Silence. I sighed. I hated the ones who took their job too seriously. As we walked down the hall I abruptly turned right, wondering how many steps he'd have to back track to stay with me. The answer was none. He turned at the exact same moment I did, his facial expression not changing. He wore a mask of indifference.
I made my way to the library and threw myself on one of the comfortable couches there. My friends were present, sitting around and reading books while sipping on wine and eating berries. The epitome of decadence. I grabbed a wine glass and downed it in one gulp. My guard said nothing. His job was to protect me from other people, not prevent me from getting drunk.
"Who's that?" One of my Ladies asked. A woman of noble blood named Aileen.
"My new guard." I replied with a mock face of grumpiness that everyone always said reminded them of my father. "He's boring."
"He's cute." Another, Fiona, put in; eyeing my guard with a lustful expression. I took no mind of her, she looked at almost every male she saw that way.
I laughed. "He's much better looking than the last one." I didn't even look to see if that had affected his stoic demeanor. I couldn't let him know I was saying such things to try and get a reaction out of him, then he'd really never crack. "Though I think that one other I had might have been better looking."
"Steven?" Aileen offered.
"Samuel." I corrected. "Steven was your favorite."
"Is he as stupid as John was?" A newcomer added. I looked to see Hazel approaching with a stack of books in her arms. She did nothing but read and I didn't know that there was even a book left in the world that she hadn't read yet.
Everyone, minus James, cackled. "No one is as stupid as John was." Fiona said. "He didn't even last three days! And really, anyone who believes you'd be in the library when Prince Cameron was in the pool is beyond stupid."
Prince Cameron was sadly already betrothed to the Princess of another kingdom, but he was still very nice to look at. I enjoyed every time he and his father visited us for the Summer holiday. I just wished he hadn't been so committed to his duties as a Prince, or if he were to remain so committed that he would have broken off his engagement for me. Though I knew that would probably cause more harm than good.
Our conversation about my previous guards continued, and I wished James wasn't standing behind me so I could gauge his reaction to how many different names were mentioned. My ladies and I had signals though, looks or hand gestures that meant nothing to anyone else but told volumes between us four. According to them, James' expression never changed. He was just as stoic and put together as ever. That was okay, if he stuck around there would be plenty of time to chisel away at that exterior and see if I couldn't find out what was underneath it.
Days passed, then weeks and still James was stoic and silent. He answered in as few words as humanly possible when I asked him a question and didn't answer at all when anyone else spoke to him. I wondered how much my father was paying him for that. I also wondered, multiple times, where this man had come from and where he'd done his training because I hadn't been able to slip away from him yet.
I tried, valiantly, but he was always right there. Right behind me as if he could read my mind. Then I tried to enlist the help of one of my Ladies. Fiona distracted him for a moment and I slipped down one of the secret passages of the castle. Only to exit and find James standing there, frowning at me. I tried to give him my best smile but he was not amused.
"You won't get away from me so easily." he stated. That was a challenge and this man was about to find out that there was nothing I loved more than a good challenge.
He was good, I'll give him that, but when I really committed... I was better. I started slipping his tail easier and easier, and for longer periods of time. It was kind of fun. Once I had been running down a hall after escaping him and he stepped out of an alcove and caught me around the waist, picking me right up off my feet so fast they were still moving before I realized I wasn't going anywhere. I laughed as he set me back on the ground, but he was still as emotionless as ever.
That annoyed me more than anything. How could he live his life with no emotions? Did he show them when he slept? When no one was looking? Did he just not have any? I didn't know, but I made it my new mission to try and put some life back into him. I would run from him, only to then double back and sneak up behind him. Nothing. I spoke of inappropriate things when I was with my Ladies, and his face never changed. I threw a book at him from time to time, but he just caught every one. I threw a cupcake at him once, and laughed as he was splattered with frosting when his metal arm crushed it.
Nothing was working on him. Nothing until I was walking out of my room and ran right into him, falling on my ass and dumping a glass of juice all over myself. I gasped as I hit the floor, being drenched in my fresh drink. He turned to look at me and he actually cracked a smile.
"Are you alright, Your Highness?" he asked, reaching a hand out for me.
I was not longer stunned because of the juice ruining my gown. I was stunned because his smile was beautiful. "You smiled!" I announced, and his stoic expression returned full force. I laughed anyway. "I knew you had an emotion!" I said, grabbing his hand only to then kick his legs out from under him. He crashed to the ground right along with me and I dissolved into a fit of giggles when he glared at me.
"That is not funny." he said.
I had to disagree. This was the funniest moment I'd had since James became my guard. "Oh come on James!" I taunted him as he picked himself up off the floor and glared down at me. "Live a little."
He did not offer me his hand again and I had to pick myself up off the floor. I made a quip about how my dress was ruined now, and took it off. He obediently turned around to avoid seeing me in my underclothes, and I stepped back into my room, leaving the dress on the floor as I went to my bathroom. My personal maid, Madison - or Maddie to me - followed me and started my bath as I stripped from my underclothes.
"Are you alright, Your Highness?" she asked, gathering my soiled clothes and staring at the red stain seeping into them.
"I dropped my juice." I replied, stepping into the bath and letting the water fill up around me. "I ran into James."
She tittered quietly, excusing herself to take my soiled clothes to the laundry. I heard her greet James as she passed, but he did not respond, nor did he enter my room.
I realized that the key to getting James to show emotion was just happy accidents, natural occurrences. I couldn't plan or purposefully make attempts to break through to him, he was too good for that. Yet it was so hard to happen upon a natural disaster. Spilling my drink was a fluke and I spent weeks trying to figure out how to manipulate a similar incident, but nothing ever stuck.
Instead I went back to trying to escape from him. It worked better when I wore lighter dresses, so I opted to change my wardrobe up a little. Less petticoats, less bulky corsets. It made me feel like I was quicker, and it certainly helped me keep quiet when I slipped away. But James learned fast, and his own skills got better. He always caught me, and then he caught me faster, and then he started following me into my secret passages!
It was totally unfair. He couldn't know my secret places. I didn't want anyone else to be able to find me, to know where I'd gone when I disappeared. He tried to grab me a few times, calling after me as I slipped out of his reach and darted off again. The first time he caught me by the wrist he pleaded with me to stop, I stomped on his foot and ran off again. Then it kept happening, he kept catching me, and trying to reason with me, and staring at me with those gorgeous blue eyes that made it really hard to think.
Then he made the mistake of following me into a very narrow passage. He caught me by the waist then. "Please, Your Highness!" he pleaded. "You have to stop this." He was so close, and the walls were even closer. His breath hot on my face, his blue eyes icing over.
"I'm never going to stop." I replied, elbowing him in the ribs and taking off again.
Screw the natural accidents, this was the real fun. Him chasing me down, following me into cellars and empty rooms and secret hallways. Then I started leaving things behind for him. My shoes. My stockings. He found me in a small passageway once, trying to remove my petticoat, and he begged me to stop again. Saying he was just trying to protect me and he couldn't do that if I kept running away from him. His eyes were stern, but also pleading.
"I told you," I replied. "I'm never going to stop."
He stepped forward, pressing me into the wall and trapping me with his arms. His eyes melting into an intensity I'd never seen before. "Really?" He questioned. "Because you're not moving now."
I wondered if he knew what he was doing to me. Wondered if he could feel my heart beating faster, harder. Could he see the sweat beading up on my neck? Could he sense the heat flushing my skin? Pooling in my stomach? No, not my stomach. Lower. I felt his gaze right in my bud. I wanted to break more rules, to see if I could get him to break them too.
I kneed him in the groin and when he fell back I ran. I ran fast and far, going to the one place no one had ever found me before, nor would ever find me now. It was a confusing path and I didn't make it often, but it was worth it. To be in my own secret spot, high in the castle and far from anyone and everyone else. Once it had probably been a storage room, but when I first stumbled upon it it had long been abandoned. All that was there now where things I had brought into it.
It took many years to build up my own personal sanctuary, but now it had books, candles, a mirror, and several bottles of liquor I'd stolen from our cellars. Most notably thought was the chaise lounge chair I had struggled with for almost three hours to get in there. I had to wait for a time when my parents were off visiting another kingdom and had taken the majority of the staff with them. It was my one and only window of opportunity and I took it, tearing the dress I had been wearing to shreds in the process. But it was worth it, to have a comfortable place to sit when I needed the escape.
I sat on it now, panting and trying to focus on more than the memory of James' body so close to mine, his eyes piercing right through my skin. It was unfair. Everything was unfair. Why did he have to be my guard? Why could he not have been a prince? Someone I could marry? Someone I could call my own? Why couldn't he have been fun? Less stoic, less dedicated to his job? Why would he try to pin me down when everything was impossible?
Maybe I should let him. Maybe I should see if he'd start breaking the rules, too. But maybe he wouldn't. Maybe he'd just tell my father. Maybe he'd just toy with me like all the noblemen's sons tried to before I came of age. Maybe, maybe, maybe. I had enough maybes.
I returned to the castle, seeking out my Ladies but not finding them until after James had found me again. He tried to demand where I'd gone. I refused to speak to him. See how much he liked being ignored. I whispered to my friends, taking great care to not be overheard as I told them of what happened with James and I in the passage.
To their credit, not a single one of them glanced over to him. They knew it wouldn't help, they knew it could ruin me and risk his life. But they looked at me excitedly. We had all spent alone time giggling and gushing over how gorgeous my guard was. How much fun it would be to break him down, get him out of those clothes, to see what that metal hand would feel like against our bare skin... We were all hopeless, me most of all.
"Do you think there's a chance?" Fiona asked, practically just mouthing the words to keep silent.
"Maybe." I replied. I leaned back in my chair and looked over to James. He was just as stoic as ever and I wondered what it would be like to break through to the real man underneath.
Our games continued for days. Me running off, him finding me. For awhile he stopped asking me to stop, he stopped saying anything. He would just catch up to me and fall into step behind me. Weeks passed and as the silence between James and I grew, my heart felt heavier. I had thought I was getting to him, the real him, and then I'd kneed him in the groin and ruined everything because I'd gotten scared.
Things were about to get so much worse, too. One evening at dinner, my father announced that a suitor had expressed interest in marrying me. My entire world crashed to the floor. Oh no, that was just my dinner plate.
"What?" I demanded, my voice much higher than usual.
"The Lernaean Prince has requested a meeting," My father explained. "He has finally decided to take a wife and he wishes to meet you."
"No!" I refused.
I felt tears of anger welling in my eyes as the realization that now nothing would ever happen with James and I. I had screwed up everything and now I'd never get to make it right. My father told me to control myself and act like a proper Princess. I threw my glass of wine across the room and ran from it. I wanted to run away, to leave the castle and disappear in to the woods. I wish I could, I wished I knew how to survive outside of these walls.
I heard James on my heels, he was walking too fast to stay silent now. I ran faster. Kicking off my shoes to silence my footfalls and darting into my secret passages. I thought I had out run him, I thought I'd taken the right turn at the right time and thrown him off, I thought I was safe so I collapsed against the cold stone floor and let myself cry. I had no one to blame for this but myself. I'd let myself get too wrapped up in James and then ruined everything as soon as I'd almost had him. I could have had him that day, I was sure of it. If I had just kissed him instead...
"No!" I cried, burying my face further into my dress. I didn't want him to see me like this, on the floor and crying.
James sat on the floor next to me. He said nothing, but I felt him at my side. The coolness from his metal arm almost indistinguishable from the cold of the stone wall at my back. I jumped as I felt his hand on my back, he rubbed it as if he were trying to soothe me and that hurt more.
"I'm sorry, Princess." he said quietly.
I turned my head to look at him, not caring that I probably looked like some hideous monster with my makeup running. He didn't seem to care either. "Why?" I asked him, choking back another sob.
"I know you like your freedom." he replied. "It's why you run, and now you can't." He tried to quirk his lips up in a smile, but it failed. "If it helps at all, I've heard stories of Lerna, and it's royal family. They're good people."
I wiped my eyes and sniffled, turning to face the wall across from us. "You're good people." I said. He didn't respond. "I'm sorry I kneed you." I added quietly.
He actually chuckled. I whipped my head back to look at him, and my heart clenched when I saw his smile. "I may have deserved it." he allowed.
I shook my head. "You didn't. I ruined everything when I did it." I said, looking down at my makeup stained dress.
I didn't see him move, but I felt his body move away from mine. I thought he'd leave me to be miserable and alone now, perhaps one of the last few times I'd ever get the luxury before being married off, but he didn't leave. He called to me, and when I looked he was holding his hand out. That was a brave move, considering that every time he'd done it before I'd kicked his legs out from under him. I couldn't do it today, I just took his hand and let him pull me to my feet.
He smiled his beautiful smile at me, and I wanted to cry again. His real hand cupped my cheek, wiping a stray tear. "It'll be okay, Princess. You'll be okay."
My Ladies tried to tell me the same things. Tried to be happy for me. Tried to help me pick the perfect gown to wear when I finally met the Prince of Lerna. It was hopeless. I didn't care. I wanted to wear the ugliest dress I could to meet him, wanted to make it so hard for him to want me that he'd change his mind. Wanted to ruin the meeting so my father would never again think to try and marry me off. It was a childish hope, an impossible dream.
The days ticked by slowly. It felt like years later, but only a week had passed before we got a letter sealed with the royal crest of Lerna informing us that the King, Queen, and Prince would arrive in a fortnight.
I ran more after that, but James let me. He knew he'd always catch up with me in the end. Sometimes I'd even drop things for him, to keep him coming. My shoes, my gloves - if I was wearing any, once I'd finally managed to drop my petticoat and when he caught up with me again he told me I should probably refrain from that kind of thing again.
I didn't listen. The day before the Lernaean royalty was set to arrive, I did worse. I left a trail of my clothes through all the passages that led to my secret tower. My shoes, my petticoats, my complete underclothes, and at the base of the last staircase to the tower I left my dress. I had nothing to fear here, there were no prying eyes. So I'd climbed the staircase stark naked and I waited.
"Y-your Highness," I'd never heard James sound so nervous as he knocked on the door to my secret room.
I stayed silent, but faced away from the door, looking out one of the windows. He'd only see my backside when he walked in, and he could make up his mind from there. Mine was already decided. I was not going to even meet this stupid Prince without getting what I wanted, and for months and months all I'd wanted was James.
I heard the door creak open quietly and I held my breath, staring out the window but not seeing a single thing. My senses were behind me, waiting for something, anything from James. I heard the door close, and I was afraid he'd seen my naked form and left; until I heard the lock slide home. He was silent. So silent I hadn't heard or sensed anything until I felt him right behind me.
"You probably shouldn't do this." he said quietly. His actions were the exact opposite of the warning though, brushing my hair back over my shoulder, exposing my neck. His lips felt like fire on my skin and I whimpered a little at the feel. Then my name fell from his lips, not my title, not 'Your Highness', my actual name and I felt myself melt.
I turned to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him. His lips felt so much better on mine than my neck. His arms slid around my body, the metal one feeling like ice, while his real one adding to the flames. I wanted to be closer to him, wanted to feel his skin on mine, wanted to be his before I'd ever have to be anyone else's.
My hands dropped from around his neck, trying to find where his vest came undone. It was impossible to find and I pushed him back. He looked ashamed for a moment, guilty, like I was pushing him away. "Take it off." I said before he could take up my role of running. He didn't, he just grabbed my hand and placed it on a zipper under his arm. I unzipped it myself, pulling it over his head and dropping it to the side.
Then his shirt, that one wasn't complicated. Just a simple white cloth shirt to protect his skin from the rough fabric of the vest. I gulped a little as his bare chest was exposed to me. He was fit and strong and his body was almost as mesmerizing as his face. I put my hands against his chest, he felt as sturdy as the walls of the castle, his heart hammering in his ribcage. I dug my fingertips into his skin, to make sure he was real. His breathing hitched when my hands dropped to his pants and I began to pull them open.
Next his hands were on my wrists, holding me, stopping me. I looked up at him with wide eyes. "Please," I breathed. "Please James. Don't make me be with someone I don't want first."
He released my wrists and instead cupped my cheeks, kissing me again. "I never thought you'd stop running."
"I always knew you'd catch me." I replied.
Nothing stopped us after that. I got him out of his pants, and his shoes. Then he was just in his underclothes and kissing me again, his hands roaming my naked body. I felt him lift and squeeze my breasts, tweaking my nipples, and inhaling every moan I made because of his actions. He pressed me against the cold wall of the room and another gasp left me as my heated skin was instantly cooled, my nipples hardening even more under his touch. I wasn't prepared for what happened next, for when his hand left my breast and travelled lower.
His fingers stroked my sex, teasing my bud. He pinched it and I yelped in pleasure, then his fingers slipped inside my body and I gasped, clinging to his shoulders for fear I'd fall over if I didn't. Part of me wondered if he'd done this to another woman, or other women; the other part of me didn't care because he was doing them to me, right now. Who cared about anyone else when he was making me feel like my body was coming undone from the inside out?
I felt my hips rocking down onto his fingers, meeting his movements and trying to get more, to feel more. I'd explored my own body before, but nothing had felt like this. This was so much better, so much more intense. I remembered being alone in my room and being afraid of the noises my body made because of the wetness between my legs, but when the sounds started again now I couldn't be afraid, because the second the noise started he gave me more. His fingers worked faster, harder. My fingers dug into his biceps, one warm and yielding, the other cold and unforgiving, as my toes started to curl, I tried to escape his fingers, trying to arch away from him but there was no escape.
I felt a ball of fire just out of reach of his fingers, but then they crooked, his fingers piercing that ball and I wailed; feeling my wetness drip to my thighs. It was the most amazing thing I'd ever felt and it left me panting. I looked at James, not blinking as I stared into his eyes; only a thin circle of blue remaining as the black centers widened. He picked me up then, his hands reaching around and under my butt, lifting me and taking me over to my lounge chair.
He leaned away and finally pulled his underclothes off. My eyes widened as he was revealed to me, the first naked man I'd ever seen. His member springing up and smacking his lower stomach. I didn't think it was rational, but I wanted to touch it. He'd touched me so it was only fair. Or so I told myself as he knelt on the chair in front of me and I reached for him. He gasped as my fingers came into contact with him, tracing along the length of it. It was soft, hot to the touch, and starting to leak. I looked up at him with wide eyes.
I had no idea what I was doing and he knew it, I needed his guidance; he clearly wasn't new to this. His hand covered mine as he guided me over the end of him, and then wrapped my fingers around the length in a circle. I squeezed a little, just to feel him, he stifled a small moan as he began to move my hand from base to tip and back again. He did it three times before I was doing it myself.
After a few minutes, he stopped me. "Stop, stop," he groaned, gripping the side of the chair like he might break it. I instantly pulled my hand away, apologizing like I'd done something wrong. "No," he breathed, leaning forward to kiss my forehead. "It was too good," he said. "Seeing you, sitting so pretty and stroking me," he exhaled out through his nose, unable to finish his sentence. "You're lucky," he said. "You can have more than one, I can't."
I'd heard about that part. Women could experience what I'd experienced with his fingers inside me again, and again, and again. Guys didn't get that gift. It was kind of unfair. I could experience that toe curling bliss endless times, but not him? I felt cheated, I wanted to make him feel that good as many times as he'd make me feel it.
"Let's make it a good one then." I told him, and was immediately pinned to the chair with him kissing me like the castle was going to collapse with us in it.
I kissed him back, moving where he wanted me to as he spread my legs apart and guided his length between them. He rubbed himself against me, covering himself in my wetness, and pausing with the tip of his length pressed against me.
"Are you sure?" he asked.
"I'm not running anymore."
With that he slid into my body and I whimpered at the feeling. It hurt, but it wasn't horrible; like when he'd pinched my nipples. Painful, but pleasurable, too. He was careful, or maybe just savoring the fact that he was ruining me; taking the innocence I so willingly handed over to him. I watched him disappear into my body, once, twice, three times. I was amazed that everything I'd had in my hand could even fit into my body, but it did and it felt better than anything I'd ever experienced before.
I moaned as his hips got faster, his thrusts harder. Wondering why the hell anyone ever tried to tell a woman this was wrong , that it should only be done with your husband, that doing it without being married wasn't acceptable. This was incredible, he was incredible, and pretty soon I was clinging to his shoulders, nails digging into his skin. He moaned as I did and it was the most beautiful sound, I leaned up to kiss him as I did it again.
"Oh, oh," I moaned, gasping as his hips snapped into mine. I felt my toes curling again. "Yes," I panted. "Yes, James, oh James..."
Saying his name like that sent us both over the edge. My toes curled, my nails dug crescents into his shoulders until a couple drew blood, and I felt every part of him tense. Then there was a pressure between my legs, and he grunted at the same time that I felt him twitch inside me, filling me until it dripped onto my chair as he pulled out.
I felt tingly and like I was floating on air, hovering above the chair instead of laying back on it. "I'm never gonna feel this good again." I stated. I had no doubt in my mind. No one else would ever make me feel like this. Not myself, not another man, and definitely not that Prince of Lerna; whoever the hell he was.
James chuckled as he sat back against the side of the chair, looking over my naked body like he was trying to memorize it. I knew the feeling. After tomorrow, who knows what my life would turn into, who knows when - or if - we'd ever see each other again. "I hope that's not true." he said sincerely. "I hope whoever gets the honor of having you for the rest of their life makes you feel perfect all the time."
I waited until we were fully dressed and I was back in my room to cry. Once again I found myself hating being born as what I was. Why did I have to end up here? In a life I couldn't live myself? I wanted to be regular, to be a commoner who at least had the freedom to be with whoever she wanted to be with, to be the only one in charge of who she married, to not be married off to form an alliance. I was a treaty waiting to be made, and tomorrow a potential partner was going to march through the front doors of my home and size me up like a goat at the market.
First I had to get through dinner though, and dinner brought the worst news I'd ever hear. James would no longer be my guard after tonight. I didn't think that was fair. What if the Prince of Lerna didn't want me? I was going to lose James without even the guarantee of a marriage? I was suddenly so glad I'd been with him in every way possible earlier. I knew it had been my last chance to be with him, but I didn't think it would have been my last chance to ever see him again.
I said goodnight to James that night, in the privacy of my own room. We didn't have sex again, we couldn't risk it, but he did kiss me. Just once. It was a heartbreaking kind of kiss, one I knew I'd never get again.
"You'll be okay, Princess." he said, kissing my forehead before getting up. "You'll be okay." And then he was gone and I cried myself to sleep.
The next morning my maids and Ladies woke me. Today was a special day and everyone was coming together to get me ready to present myself to the Lernaean royal family. I was bathed, dried, brushed, dressed and painted by other people. I zoned out through most of it, not caring, not wanting any of it. When everything was done and I was ready, my mother entered with my proper tiara. I hated wearing it, it felt like it weighed my head down. And not in a metaphorical kind of way, it was just really heavy.
"You look beautiful, darling." My mother told me as she secured the tiara into my hair.
We all exited the room together. My mom and I in the lead, followed by her Ladies (who'd waited outside my room for her), then my own Ladies, and bringing up the rear - until they branched off to their other duties - were my maids. Mother and I lead on, through the corridors and to the throne room. This is where we would wait for our guests, for the man who could potentially deem me a worthy wife and take me from my home, my family.
My mother said we would enjoy breakfast with our guests, who were just arriving now. That was the only thing I looked forward to, food. I stupidly looked behind me after a moment, my eyes searching for James until I remembered he had been dismissed the night before. I turned back around, my eyes on the ground as a crier came to announce the arrival of my father and the Lernaean royal family.
My father approached his throne, and I felt his mood before he'd even spoken. Something was off, he was agitated; proven when he introduced my mother and I to the Lernaeans. I curtsied on cue, but did not raise my eyes to look at any of them. I didn't care.
Unfortunately someone approached me. I could see their shoes, stupid and shiny; just like my fathers. My mother poked me in the back, a command to raise my eyes and look at whoever was there. My father introducing me again before telling me to greet the Prince. I sighed quietly slowly raising my eyes to take in the stupidly well tailored royal uniform, the stupidly well decorated breast of his jacket, the stupid collar of his shirt. Then I finally had to look to his stupid face, and I gasped.
It was James.
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bts-reveries · 3 years
characters/pairings: Jeon family x Park family
genre: family and fluff
request: [ @kookietsukkie ] this one idk how it came into my head but a drabble on the park family going to disneyland (or maybe they went together with the jeons….you can see that jk’s gcf in tokyo is one of the inspirations hehe), and somehow mingyu got lost………😃 I KNOW IT SOUNDS BAD BUT it’s a challenging one and remembering daddy duties i wanna see panic jimin with yuna calming him down 🥺 (i wanna suggest you some scenarios like where exactly mingyu got lost but i haven’t been to disneyland so idk the parts of it😭)
a/n: i missed so many days for miyatober, but i’m back :) i apologize it was ticketing week and my sister and i was planning and having a last minute early birthday picnic with my two besties since i’m only free one saturday this month but those are now done!! so i hope we’re back to our regular programming~ anyways, enjoy! i haven’t been in disneyland/california adventures since 2019 so i had to google a lot of things LOL so don’t come for me if you’re an active disneyland visitor
ALSO omg lily is sian’s baby sister, referring to when jungkook proposed to rina with the tigerlilies. nari would’ve probably been better but we’re using that for the other series so i didn’t wanna get it confused LOL
and mina is mingyu’s little sister! get it? jiMIn yuNA like jiMINgYUna it’s a reoccurring theme 
anyways lily is like one and a half yr old and mina is like one, sian is like NINE and mingyu is five :(((
“Dad,” Sian says, tugging on his dad’s arm. “Can we ride that?” He points to the rollercoaster behind them. Jungkook turns, squinting at the sun as he looks up at the huge rollercoaster. Incredicoaster is what it’s called. They were in Disneyland after all. California Adventures to be specific. The whole family, along with the Park family, are currently on their second day of their short vacation in California. 
“I don’t know, are you tall enough?” He looks at his son and smiles. Sian had actually gotten a bit taller in the past few months. 
“I think so, that kid is in line,” he says, pointing to a kid that looks to be his height and age. 
“Alright, we can ride it then,” Jungkook says.
“Me me!” Lily says, hugging her dad’s neck tighter. Jungkook laughs as his daughter bounces as he’s carrying her, pointing at the roller coaster as well. 
“You’re too small, princess,” Jungkook says, pushing her bangs back. “Maybe when you turn 2.”
“And grow 3 feet,” Sian says, poking his baby sister’s cheek when she pouts. 
“Meanwhile, me and Gyu will be riding the carousel with baby sister, right?” Jimin says, holding onto Mingyu’s hand. Mingyu looks up at him and nods. 
“And Lily and I will join you,” Rina says, reaching out for her baby girl. “You wanna go on the ride with Gyu oppa and Mina?” 
“Yes!” Lily yells. 
“Alright, well-- why don’t you ride it with us Sian?” Rina says, changing her mind. 
“I thought me and dad were going to ride the rollercoaster…”
“Yeah, can we go afterwards? I kind of want to see you ride your first roller coaster,” Rina pouts. I guess that’s where Lily got it from. Sian is just the exact copy of his dad and now he’s bigger and he likes to do all the dangerous things that his dad likes to do. Like wanting to go bungee jumping and skydiving and skateboarding without helmets. 
Not that this rollercoaster is as dangerous as those three, but it’s a big deal.
For her (not so) little boy. 
“Okay mommy,” Sian says, walking over to his mom. 
“Alright, now give me back my baby girl,” Jungkook says, reaching out for Lily. Lily laughs as she reaches for her dad and Rina passes her over. 
“So Jessie’s Critter Carousel first?” Yuna says, holding onto Mina tightly as she squirms in her arms. The rest of the group nods. “Okay, well let’s hurry because the line is actually short for this one.”
“Did you like it?” Jimin says. They just finished the kiddy ride. This time he was the one carrying Mina. She smiles up at him and goes, ‘mm.’
That means yes.
“What about you, did you like it?” Sian says, now he was holding his sister’s hand. She’s about one and a half and she can walk pretty well. But only when it’s her brother holding her hand she behaves. 
“Yeah!” She responds. 
“Dad, are we going to go on the rollercoaster now?” Sian asks, turning to Jungkook. He had his arm over Rina’s shoulder. He nods.
“You wanna ride with us?” Jungkook asks his wife, she shakes her head no. 
“Maybe when Lily is big enough.” 
“When you’re tall like me, you can sit next to me on a rollercoaster, okay?” Sian says, patting her head. “For now you have to stay with mommy.”
“I wanna ride, let’s ride it daddy,” Mingyu says, pulling on his dad’s pant leg. “I wanna ride the rollercoaster with hyung.”
“You’re too small to ride it,” Jimin says. “Maybe in a few years, when you’re Sian hyung’s age okay?” Mingyu pouts, walking up to Yuna and hugging her legs. 
“Don’t be sad, we can ride other rides okay?” Yuna says, petting his head. He nods, softly. 
Jimin frowns, looking down at his daughter. 
“Did- did you poop?” He says, lifting her up and sniffing. “Ooh-- oh no, yup. Time to go to mommy.” Jimin says, passing her down to Yuna. She rolls her eyes at him. 
“We’ll be back I guess,” she says. “Go stay with daddy,” she tells Mingyu, walking away. “Go ahead and go in line.” She tells the rest of the group.
“I’ll go with you,” Rina says. “Wanna come baby?” She says, turning to Lily and extending her arm out to her. Lily grabs her hand and excitedly runs toward the direction of where Yuna and Mina were at. 
“We’ll be in front of the rollercoaster when we come back so we can watch you two,” Rina yells back as her daughter drags her. 
“I’ll be there with Mingyu then while Jungkook and Sian are in line,” Jimin yells at them. Yuna holds up an okay sign. 
“Okay, we’ll get in line then,” Jungkook tells his hyung, patting his back. 
“Okay, Gyu and I will be right over there,” Jimin points. 
“Alright, we'll see you soon,” Jungkook says, walking off. He swings his arm over his son’s shoulders, walking to the end of the line with him.
“So are you ready for your first big rollercoaster?” Jungkook asks Sian. 
“Yeah, you always talk about how fun it is.”
“This is just the beginning. We’re going to do so many more things after this.”
“If mommy lets us,” Sian says, making Jungkook laugh.
“Yeah, only if mommy says so,” Jungkook says.
“Aww look at that, Sian hyung and my little Jungkook are so big now,” Jimin says, watching the two walk off. “One day that’ll be you and I. But right now you’re going to stay as my little baby, right?” Jimin looks down and his eyes widens when he realizes he wasn’t talking to anyone. He spins in a circle, looking everywhere.
“MINGYU?” Jimin yells. He sighs, putting his hands on his head. “Oh my gosh, your mother’s going to kill me.”
He doesn’t know where he could’ve ended up or when he disappeared. 
Jimin was panicking and his breathing was getting quicker. He didn’t even know where to start looking.
“Excuse me,” he says, walking up to a cast member. That’s what they call employees around here. “Did you see a little korean boy walking around alone? He’s about this tall. He’s wearing a black and white striped shirt and blue shorts. He also has a yellow fanny pack across his chest.”
“I’m sorry, I did not see any boy alone, but if any other cast member does see him, they would either stay with them or you can find them at the Baby Care Center.”
“Okay, thank you,” Jimin says, walking away. He looks both sides, trying to see if he’ll be able to spot him anywhere. Maybe he was nearby.
“Jimin!” Yuna calls. The girls run up to him.
“Are the boys in line already?” Rina asks. Their faces drop when they see Jimin’s expression.
“What’s wrong?” Yuna asks, she looks down and around, noticing her son wasn’t there. “Where’s Gyu?” Jimin shakes his head. 
“I- I don’t know, I look-- I looked down and he was gone,” his breath was shaky and his palms were sweating. 
“Okay, well let’s calm down. He knows what to do when he gets lost, we talked about this to him before we got here. It’s okay honey.” Yuna says, rubbing his back. “It’s okay, we’ll find him.”
“Do you think he was hungry and ran to a churro cart,” Rina says, looking around. 
“Maybe he got distracted with something,” Yuna says, starting to walk off. 
“There!” Lily points. There were a couple of face characters standing nearby. Woody and Jesse to be specific.
“It’s Gyu’s favorite,” Jimin says, running off. Mingyu rewatched all four movies before coming here.
There was a crowd around the two characters and Jimin politely pushed past them. Getting nasty stares from a few people.
“Mingyu?” Jimin calls out. Rina, Yuna, Lily, and Mina made their way to where Jimin was as well. 
“Daddy!” Mingyu yells happily when he sees his dad’s face. He was standing right next to a cast member. Just like what Yuna told him to do to if he ever did get lost. 
Jimin felt his heart stop and he dropped down at his son’s level in relief. 
“You nearly gave me a heart attack, come here,” he says, spreading his arms for a hug. Mingyu laughs, running into his dad’s chest. 
“Look! Woody and Jesse!” He yells happily. The two characters wave at him.
Jimin waves back. 
“Would you like to take a picture?” One of the cast members asked him. Jimin was about to shake his head no when Mingyu yelled ‘Yes please!’ 
Jimin laughs, handing them his phone camera. He picks Mingyu up, holding him tightly.
The two then stood between the two characters and held up V signs. 
“How cute!” One of the cast members says. Jimin thanks the lady as she hands him back his phone and he walks up to his wife and daughter.
“I literally almost started crying,” Jimin says, hugging Mingyu tighter and pressing his cheek against his. 
“I know your voice was shaking,” Yuna says. “Don’t do that again okay buddy? Ask daddy next time to take you instead of going on your own.” Mingyu pouts, nodding his head in shame.
“I’m sorry,” Mingyu says, turning to hug Jimin’s neck.
“It’s okay, it’s over now,” Jimin says, rubbing his back.
“Okay, Jungkook just texted me that they’re almost on. Let’s go over there so we can watch them take off,” Rina says, pointing to the spot they were supposed to meet at.
“Let’s watch hyung okay?” Jimin says, moving his head back to look at his son. 
“Okay, so next time I can ride it,” Mingyu says as they walk back. 
“Yeah, when you're big like hyung.”
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The Underground Forgotten Tales #4: MEE6
This idea is based off of a specific feature that TheCraftsman does over on his patreon only server. A friend of mine who is supporting TheCraftsman and is on his discord told me about this feature and helped set up the exact or similar feature on our own discord server. Please consider supporting the amazing Craftsman on his patreon if you can. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you but thecraftsman is an amazing and well known tf writer and their content is amazing.
If you can’t tell by now this idea relies heavily on discord however it can be done without discord if you want. The idea is basically random change through discord bots.
There is a discord bot called MEE6 that people can add to any server they own and it comes free with 1 command and if you want to add more you can pay through subscription or a one time payment. This command can be anything and can be programmed to do various things but I’m going to focus on two main ways it can be used for role plays.
Option 1: Bodies!
On the server my friend and I own and use we change the command to !body and essentially what this will do is randomly pick and show a picture of a random body from the programmed pool of candidates.
For example: !body
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JJ Watt
You can add pictures or gifs of any bodies you like whenever you want and use the command as many times as you want. This random body generator basically allows for amazing rps of the Great Shift, or helps when you’re indecisive or just want to leave your rp changes up to luck.
Option 2: Attribute changes
Just like how you can add pictures to the pool and have the bot randomly select one for you, you can do this with messages! Now this may seem not as fun but you can add messages full of attribute changes.
For example: 
Grow an inch taller
Your cock shrinks by 1 inch
Your feet grow 2 sizes larger
Your musk intensifies
This I haven’t personally tried out but it can lead to some great rp changes or even be incorporated in a large group server for a game of truth or change.
These are just two ways you can use the 1 free command you get with the bot but there are probably many other ways to use them to rp. Obviously you can get more out of the bot if you spend money but I know many people can’t or prefer not to spend money so if you want to try out the many ideas you have, you may need to erase and edit your existing commands. If anyone needs help setting the bot up don’t hesitate to reach out and ask me.
And for those of you who don’t use discord don’t worry I have a solution for you. You can easily google and find websites that will let you input various names or things on a wheel and you can randomly spin the wheel for your change. The downsides, you have to enter in the inputs every time you load up the websites unless you keep that tab open and both members would have to set up the wheel in order for both parties to have an interactive component.
Master Of The Underground
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omnitf · 3 years
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Credit for this image goes to @dissolving-time. Story is mature for some language. This is another story from the Coach Stone universe. I hope you all enjoy it. :D If you’d like to see more of these stories, please join my Patreon.
Stone Cold
“Coach said you have to get your shot, bro.”
I gazed at the meathead that had once been my fellow prisoner. He’d already donned the dog tags that were locked in his footlocker. Muscle rippled over his body as he gazed at me holding one of the biggest rifles I have ever seen in my life.
“Chapman, do you know what that is?” I asked as I eyed the gun warily. The caliber alone would be enough to splatter my brains all over the wall.
“The name’s Champ, bro.” He said it so casually, so matter-of-factly. Had they really brainwashed him so thoroughly?
“Your name is Lance Chapman, from Enfield, North Carolina. You specialize in computer programming, like me. We were brought here against our wills, remember?”
“Nah, bro.” “Champ” let out a deep vapid chuckle. His camouflage draped over his legs, but I could see the hints of growing muscle bunching, just waiting for a good pump to press them tightly against the confines of the cloth. “Coach wants my bod first, my brains second. Huhuh.” He grinned at me, revealing perfectly white and straightened teeth.
I’d hoped to reason with him, but it was clear he was beyond that. I brandished my own pair of dog tags. Like I said, computers were my thing, both programming and the hardware. It took me a while, but I managed to get my lockbox to open, too. And without reducing myself to a wannabe army poster boy. “I have my tags, Champ. You can’t keep me here. You know once I get my tags, I’m supposed to leave. I’m supposed to report to Coach, remember?”
“But you’re not gonna, are you, bro?” he asked seriously as his brow furrowed. “You just wanna get out.”
“I have to get out to see Coach, now don’t I?” The exit was right there in bold black lettering. The lock had already disengaged on cue when I seized my tags. I just needed to get past him. If I could distract him somehow or incapacitate him, I could run.
Chapman spread his legs in a broader stance as he planted himself firmly in front of the door. “You’re not ready to see Coach yet, little bro. And Coach hasn’t called you.”
“I am ready.”
“Prove it.”
I knew a few basics from martial arts training in my youth. I’d been fortunate enough to keep up the practice in my free hours. The meathead in front of me may have had a weapon, but we were in tight quarters. It would be difficult to get that barrel pointing at me if I could stay close. And while he may have had raw strength, I had experience. I also still had my wits about me. I sighed and let my shoulders droop as I approached him. “Look, Champ, just ... let me go, okay? You and I both know this is wrong. It’s against the law to kidnap someone.”
“No can do, little bro. Coach says we need more training. Coach says we have a project to help with. Coach says muscle CHAMPs like me need to train and obey. I listen to Coach. I obey. This Champ o—”
The mantra was what I was waiting for. It doesn’t matter how big you get if you haven’t got the trained reflexes to deal with a sudden change yet. And Chapman’s mind had been either short circuited or rewired to reinforce his thuggery. I’d heard it enough times through the door. It wasn’t soundproofed. I think that was deliberate on the part of this “Coach” to give us a taste of what’s in store. Demoralizing a captive is a large part of ensuring that he or she remains compliant, after all. And I’d heard enough, “This meathead obeys,” to know this was a fulltime operation made heavy on the brainwashing. It had to be to change someone so drastically. This wasn’t just a sign of subtle change. This was downright breaking them and building them back up again into the equivalent of obedient machines.
In this case, it played in my favor, and I hate to think of it this way, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was grateful for it. The mantra made him vulnerable. I laid a hand gently on his shoulder, being sure to get close enough that he couldn’t put the barrel against me. His eyes were glassy and unseeing as he uttered the mantra that he and everyone else like him had been conditioned to speak.
Then I took him down. It was simple to sweep his feet out from under him, and the move flowed like water. Bruce Li would be proud. I followed up with a heavy blow to the side of his head with my boot. Part of our imprisonment had included removing our personal affects, so I had no idea where my street clothes were. I didn’t give the blow enough force for any serious damage, but it would be enough to daze him, maybe even knock him out if I was lucky.
I threw the door open while he groaned on the floor. I managed all of maybe two steps before my arms was seized and I was slammed against the wall. I swear, my bones vibrated from the impact. I saw a helmet with a reflective visor and the broadest chest I had ever seen in my life. This man was huge. And unfortunately for me, he was also very skilled. My arm was yanked behind my back faster than I had time to process. He pulled, and I felt my socket strain to send stabs of pain through my arm and neck. Another faceless mook strode forward. But unlike Chapman, this one was decked in full body armor.
“Well done, recruit. You’ve passed Coach’s test. You will serve in Coach Stone’s cyber unit and in Research and Development. You will obey.”
“Like hell, I will,” I swore. That rewarded me with another painful jerk of my arm while a targeted blow forced me to my knees.
“Meathead recruit will comply.” The man withdrew a syringe from a side pocket and tapped the chamber to dislodge any air bubbles, then pulled off the protective cap with a deliberate casual air of the well-practiced. The substance was green, and the soldier had no qualms over pulling my sleeve up. I squirmed, but a yank of my other arm followed by a crushing iron grip on my free arm left me tense as he stabbed the needle into my arm and depressed the syringe. He removed the needle casually and replaced the cap, then inserted the syringe into another pouch.
The two visored faces stared at one another for the briefest of moments in a silent exchange. Then they nodded as the one who injected me rose, turned and entered the room where I had been held prisoner. A low groan emanated from the space, followed by a series of loud cracks.
“Rise, meathead. Follow.”
The voice that emanated in reply was deeper than I remembered. “This meathead obeys...” An even greater shock greeted me when the lumbering brute emerged. Chapman’s muscle mass had increased dramatically, and the man’s skull had completely reformed. Sharp, angular, square features blunted his face now, and his eyes were a vivid shade of green. The oversized gun didn’t look so ridiculous for him anymore.
“What the hell...?” I murmured.
“Meathead Champ will listen to orders. Meathead Champ will obey. Meathead Champ will fire on his roommate on command. Meathead Champ will prepare to fire now.”
“What?” I balked. I wanted to squirm again, but once more, my captor brought me to heel. I tried to shift out of his grip, but the hold was too strong. Even if I went limp, he’d still be able to haul me back up again. That didn’t stop me from trying, however.
I heard a whine not unlike the sound you hear in a sci-fi movie when a blaster is being charged or a bomb is being primed. The barrel was soon directed at my face. My heart hammered as Chapman uttered his mindless acknowledgement.
“Meathead Champ obeys. This meathead is ready to fire.”
There was light, a strange tingling that bordered on the pleasant, and then blackness. I came to in an empty barracks. When I rose, everything felt ... heavy, awkward. The sight of the muscles bulging against the fabric of my shirt was more than enough to unsettle me as my throat clenched and my mouth went dry. I wanted to scream, but at the same time I knew better. I journeyed over my torso, my arms, everything. All of it felt in order, albeit significantly enhanced. It was my face I dreaded the most. And true to my fears, I could feel each sharply defined contour from my own transformation that was doubtless facilitated by the rifle. As a test, I ran through pi to see just how far in the infinite decimal sequence I could get. Then I searched through the other parts of my brain. I felt no compulsion, no absentmindedness, no blank emptiness or cotton or wool. I was clear, surprisingly so, given how quickly my mind seemed to jump from place to place.
The question came out of nowhere, and I balked and bawled as my body sent me crashing into another bunk with the increased force of my new mass.
“Well, clearly not anymore,” the voice replied urbanely. I rounded on the figure only to see a man standing at least a head taller than I. His manner was relaxed and composed. His blond hair flickered like silver in the light. And though he was completely relaxed, his body oozed that smug command and intimidation that subconsciously demanded respect from those around him. “Please, take a moment to acclimate yourself. I find a blow to the shins is never pleasant.”
I decided to stick with sitting, rather than rick another launch with a body I had absolutely no experience with. “Who ... are you?” I winced at the depth of my voice. Logic only dictated it would have changed with the rest of my physique, but I had hoped it wouldn’t.
“A scientist of sorts. Biochemistry is my specialty, though I’ve branched out into many other fields.” He chuckled. “Why don’t you just stay there and we’ll have a nice chat between the two of us?” He lowered his broad frame onto the bed I had just launched myself from and gazed at me with vivid blue eyes. “My name is Stone. And you doubtless have many questions and expletives you want to voice, most likely not in that order.”
I felt like a broken record as curse after curse and swear after swear flowed out of me in an invective tirade. Denunciations and questions boomed from me like the retort of a cannon, emphasized by a number of curses and swears until that was all I heard winding down ... and down ... and down....
“Are you finished?”
A plaintive, almost defeated, “Fuck,” hissed from me as I rested my head in two massive hands.
“Glad you could get that out of your system. Now, do you have any real questions you wanted to ask me?”
“Why?” I finally managed to ask.
“You’re a programmer. You should understand. If a program doesn’t work the way it’s intended, you go into the code, find the bug, and fix it. Sometimes it’s messy work, but the end result is worth it. I’m doing that on a global scale, or at least I will in time. Getting rid of bigotry, erasing the divide between the strong and the weak to produce a better world for everyone.”
“You broke Chapman.”
“Champ is happy where he is. He chose it. He wanted it. You two had virtually the same IQ scores and talents, at least when it came to computer engineering and programming. Unlike you, though, Champ was fighting conditions that would make it so that he could never enjoy the same level of fitness and activity that you do. Such a lack eventually results in fantasies, a longing to experience what one never has had. Chapman threw it all away because he reveled in the chance to grow and swell. And, I admit, I fed that desire while he tried to hack the mainframe. I let him see where he would ultimately end up. And I gave him a simple choice. He accepted my offer to obey. He lied to you, pretended to fail, and complied with everything I told him whenever he signed in. He is living his fantasy now, and is deliriously happy to be receiving training as a part of my Meatheads.
Rage curled my lip, but I couldn’t do a thing. I wanted to lunge at the man, strangle him, but my body wouldn’t comply. All I could do was sit and watch.
“You may have noticed by now, but my meatheads can’t do anything against me. I’m their authority figure, their alpha. Or as they like to call me, Coach. You can’t attack me because I told you to stay there. And though you may want to deny it, I know that deep down, you’re enjoying the sensation of your new body just as much as Champ is.”
“My formula.” He shrugged his massive shoulders. “It’s not perfect yet, but the iterations I’ve produced from my original notes have been very useful in extending my control. I don’t want to be a dictator, but I’m not about to let the world stay as it is either. Shadow politics, assassinations, pointless bombings and wars, genocides, suicides. This world is a mess. I have the tools to fix that mess once and for all. And I intend to do just that. To sum it up for you, I’m my original test subject. And the formula worked wonders for me as a result, but it also rendered me ... incapacitated for a time. As a result, much of my research was lost, and I’ve had to rebuild using different iterations of my creation until I can find that special mix. On the plus side, as derivatives of my original formula, it seems that anyone exposed automatically becomes subservient to me. It makes things much simpler when dealing with intruders and espionage. It also helps with recruiting.”
“Then why didn’t you just ask me?”
“Because I wanted you to sample the goods. That, and because there are still those who can resist the full effects of my injections and other sources of integration for a certain period of time. As I said, the formula still needs work. But I like to use the less effective iterations for special cases like you. Your specialty in coding and computer engineering is something I need right now. And I want you to keep your mind focused on the task at hand, rather than on weights and muscle. That’s why I’m assigning you to our MEAT department.”
“And if I refuse?”
“I think we both know you can’t.” Stone smirked. “For the record, MEAT stands for Muscle Enhancement and Accelerated Transformation. You’ll be helping us to design and improve a number of methods and technologies to help smooth subject transitions into becoming Meatheads. And more importantly, on how to preserve their skills and knowledge while still incorporating them into the collective. In other words, research and development. Your specialty, if I recall correctly.”
“I don’t want to.”
Stone chuckled. “On the contrary. I think you do.”
“I do—” My tongue stuck. My jaw locked. I tried again. “I do—” Again, I had the same problem. Again, I couldn’t finish. “I ... do....”
Stone’s smirk widened into a sneer. “Glad we got that settled. Oh, and for the safer ones, I want you to experiment on yourself. I’m intrigued to see just what a smart obedient Meathead will look and act like.
I groaned another curse, which only further emphasized my captor’s glee. “Spoken like a true Meathead.”
“That’s right. Whatever I say, Meathead.” The cocky arrogance was gone, leaving behind a chilling glare that could cut through diamond. “And you will address me with respect as either Coach Stone, Coach, or Sir. Do I make myself clear?”
I clenched my mouth shut.
“Answer me,” Stone demanded.
“Yes, ... Sir.”
“Good.” His eyes flashed as he rose from his position. “Now follow me. I’ll guide you to your lab. You have a lot of work ahead of you, don’t you, Meathead?”
I couldn’t stop myself as I rose to follow him. “Yes, Sir, Coach.”
“That’s right.” He chuckled. “On second thought, let’s get you dressed first. Then we can visit the lab.”
“Whatever you say, Coach.”
“Good boy,” he purred. I shuddered in revulsion, both at his cold dominance and ... at the jolt of pleasure that surged with that acknowledgement. If that was how it felt now, how would I feel after a few months or years of working under him? Would I be able to resist?
Would I even want to?
I shuddered again. Hopefully, I would be able to find a solution before Coach made me a permanent team member. Or worse yet, before I did.
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