#Greed and Lust best of the 7
viriborne · 2 years
Trying to figure out how the fuck the Seven Deadly Sins theory for Twst works I feel like I’m being tortured by how much envy these fuckers show in their actions
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kamaluhkhan · 7 months
KARMA'S A GOD !!! luke castellan x nemesis!reader
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i. THE GRUDGE (or: the 7 things luke castellan hated about you): luke hates your guts. he really does. he just hopes that no one could tell how, even after all this, you're still everything to him.
ii. GET HIM BACK! (or: the 7 reasons you wanted revenge on luke castellan): you're very angry and possibly still in love with luke castellan. kill him or kiss him — you still aren't sure what he deserves.
i. sloth (IDLE WORSHIP) *: you and luke, on the roof of the hermes cabin after curfew, getting high and fooling around ;)
ii. envy (I BET ON LOSING DOGS)*:  luke is getting tired of keeping your relationship a secret, you get a new sparring partner, and silena beauregard wins a bet.
iii. pride (BAD REPUTATION)*: luke will do just about anything to keep his title as truth or dare champion.
iv. lust (COMPLICATED)*: the lives of demigods are never simple. why would your relationship with luke be any different? four moments of tension + one moment of release. featuring a trip to montauk with percy, grover, and annabeth.
v. wrath (FUCK U IF I CAN’T HAVE US)**:  luke starts leading an army from a luxury cruise ship, chris is tired of hearing him whine about your unofficial break-up, and clarisse convinces you that the best way to channel your anger is to join her in the sea of monsters.
vi. gluttony (GUILTY AS SIN?)**:  after a mission gone wrong, you unknowingly take the fall for a friend; you get drunk with the enemy; and you start to think that, if they���re going to crucify you anyway, you might as well indulge in a few fatal fantasies.
vii. greed (A DEAL WITH GOD)**: artemis offers a solution to your existential crisis while hermes makes it worse, luke meets his would-be-mother-in-law, and you challenge the olympians to finally do the right thing.
*set during the lightning thief/season 1 of pjo
**set post-the lightning thief/season 1 of pjo
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hazbinwhoree · 8 months
Guardian angel pt.2? I'm already addicted to and love your stuff. Thx! :3
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Guardian Angel
Part 2/3 Part 3
A/N: Can anyone guess how I’m gonna end it?
Even if Adam wanted to bring (Name) to the light, which he didn’t, the task would prove nearly impossible anyway. Because Adam was coming to learn that (Name) was quite the little sinner. In only one week, she exhibited each of the 7 Sins.
She got in a fight with her best friend and refused to apologize, even though it meant sacrificing their relationship. Pride.
She spent over a hundred dollars in one sitting online shopping for shit she didn’t need. Greed.
She spent ten minutes going through another girl’s social media page, making snide comments about her as she went. Envy.
She broke a lamp in a fit of rage over, well, Adam didn’t even know what her temper tantrum was about. Wrath.
She kicked Adam out so she could have some “Self Love Time” as she called it. Lust.
She was a glutton not of food, but of weed and alcohol, never satisifed unless she was not sober at least once during her day. Gluttony.
She would spend entire days rotting in her bed, neglecting all responsibilities. Sloth.
Long story short, Adam was pretty certain that were (Name) to die, she had herself a one way ticket down to Hell. The thought bothered Adam, and he realized that it really was up to him to make sure she got into Heaven.
“You’re sinful,” Adam blurted out one day while (Name) was listening to CPR by cupcakKe. (Name) paused the music. “It’s the song, isn’t it.”
“No… well, yes, but not just the song. I’ve seen you commit every single fucking one of the 7 Sins just this week. How do you expect to get into Heaven like that?”
“I don’t,” (Name) shrugged, going to unpause her music.
“You don’t care about going to Hell?” Adam was flabbergasted.
“Not particularly.”
“Well I’m your guardian angel, sweetie, so it’s my job to help you get into Heaven.”
“Really? Cause I don’t even know how you made it into Heaven. Their standards must be pretty low, I have a chance.”
“Oh eat shit,” Adam snapped, narrowing his eyes.
(Name) smirked.
“Have you heard of the Seven Heavenly Virtues?” Adam asked. (Name) looked bored. “I’ve heard of them… don’t know what they are.” “Well you’re going to do something that encompasses each one this week.”
And Lucifer be damned, Adam managed to get her to do something for every virtue.
She apologized to her best friend and they began to repair their relationship. Humility.
She gave a bunch of clothes she didn’t need to her younger cousin. Charity.
She left positive comments on that girl’s social media page. Kindness.
She did breathing exercises the next time she got angry instead of destroying her surroundings. Patience.
She stopped her copious amount of weed and alcohol consumption. Temperance.
She stayed on top of her responsibilities and began taking her job more seriously. Diligence.
Adam was proud of both her, and himself for getting her to do these things. Maybe she had a chance to get into Heaven yet.
“Why is it so important to you that I get into Heaven?” (Name) asked one night at dinner. Adam paused eating. “Uh, cause it’s my job, bitch.” (Name) rolled her eyes. “Yeah but you didn’t start doing your job until recently. What changed?”
“Maybe I never want to have to say goodbye.”
(Name) hadn’t been expecting such a confession. “You want me to go to Heaven… to be with you?”
Adam scowled, embarrassed. “No.”
They fell into awkward silence.
“For what it’s worth,” (Name) said. “I wouldn’t mind spending eternity with you.”
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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a/n: a continuation of how the little d's act when you're dating the avatars of sin.
➤ how the little d's act when you're dating barbatos | headcanons
0.7k words | sfw (mostly) | fluff (mostly)
cw: other characters briefly mentioned throughout. jealousy mentioned in no. 3 and no. 7's section. brief mention of violence/pest control in no. 4's section. mildly suggestive content in no. 5's section. no. 7 is a little sketchy and manipulative. tl;dr: canon-typical demon behaviour in smaller packaging.
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Little D No. 1 (Pride)
He’s even more attentive and hard-working now because he has three masters he wants to impress: Diavolo, Barbatos, and you.
He loves it when you compliment how nice the castle looks or how wonderful the parties are.
He has less patience for the other lesser demons that like to goof around and not take their work seriously.
He thinks of you as his special human friend. He never had much patience for humans before he met you. If only Solomon could be as nice and helpful as you are!
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Little D No. 2 (Greed)
He tries to sneak away from doing his chores so he can spend time with you instead.
He loves it when you give him little presents or hugs, but he’s greedy for your company too. He would follow you everywhere if he could.
He offers Barbatos advice on which gifts to buy for you, even when the butler doesn’t ask for his help.
If you give Barbatos gifts, No. 2 tries to steal them for himself.
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Little D No. 3 (Envy)
He doesn't have to do as many chores as the other lesser demons. Barbatos trusts him to protect you while he keeps you company. (He can be very dangerous if he thinks something or someone is hurting you or poses a threat to your safety.)
He complains when you don’t visit the castle often enough, or that you spend too much time with the other demons.
Sometimes he even gets jealous of Barbatos. He whines or sulks when he gets shooed away to give you some privacy.
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Little D No. 4 (Wrath)
He’s more vigilant about guests who visit the castle. He doesn't trust strangers either. He worries about your safety.
He gets very upset if he overhears other demons speaking about you with anything less than glowing praise or admiration. How dare they—!
The number of incidents involving him attacking other demons goes up because he has too much pent up frustration and anger and nowhere to channel it.
Barbatos lets him take a break from usual chores when he gets too agitated. If he’s not helping protect you, No. 4 goes hunting in the castle for rats. (He tried leaving you gifts outside your door to prove how strong he is, but he stopped when he realized it upset you.)
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Little D No. 5 (Lust)
He grows a bit bigger and stronger because the love and desire between you and his master is so strong. He naturally feeds off those feelings, and they're delicious.
He tries to help you get dressed or keep you company when you have a bath or shower, but he respects your boundaries when you ask him not to. (He can’t help it, you’re just so cute and he loves spending time with you!)
He shares a feedback loop with Asmodeus, but he promises Barbatos that he won’t ever tell the Avatar of Lust any intimate details about the things he hears or sees.
It doesn’t really make a difference though—No. 5 and Asmo are both brimming with energy on days when you and Barbatos are particularly indulgent in each other's company.
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Little D No. 6 (Gluttony)
He knows your favourite foods and likes to help Barbatos cook them for you.
He also likes to accompany Barbatos when he goes shopping so he can help pick out the best ingredients. It’s what you deserve!
Sometimes you offer him food and he feels bad accepting it. It’s the most wonderful gift anyone could give him. You’re too thoughtful and he adores you.
He bites anyone who tries to steal food off your plate because it’s rude and he doesn’t want you to go hungry.
He also attacks Solomon if he catches the sorcerer trying to enter the kitchen or tamper with the food in any way.
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Little D No. 7 (Sloth)
He complains about being too tired so he can avoid doing chores and spend time with you instead.
He gossips about the angels and human sorcerer (and let's be honest, the other demons too) to make them look bad.
He gets very sulky when he’s not allowed to sleep in the same room as you (usually because you’re with Barbatos in his room).
He likes it when you have good dreams. He can feel a sense of calm and happiness radiating from you the next day.
He visits you the mornings after you have bad dreams to make sure you’re okay. (Maybe if he’d been there, he could’ve eaten them for you!)
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49-ibr · 1 year
Writeblr Ask Game!
There are 49 kinds of magic in 49. So, here's an ask game with a question for each kind. Knowledge of 49 is not necessary to play!
1. AIR - What is your WIP's first sentence?
2. BEASTS - Who is your favourite OC?
3. BLOOD - Which of your OCs would you want to have as your child?
4. CHANGE - If you had to restart your WIP from scratch, what would you change?
5. COSTUME - How much research have you done for your WIP?
6. COURAGE - What's the last word you had to google the definition of?
7. CREATION - What was your first WIP?
8. DARKNESS - Would you rather start a WIP with no plan, or with everything planned to the exact detail?
9. DEATH - What WIP would you want to be remembered for?
10. DESIRE - Have you ever written smut?
11. DESTRUCTION - What draft are you on?
12. DISEASE - If you had to live in a setting of your creation, which would you pick?
13. DREAMS - Have you ever written fanfiction?
14. EARTH - What inspires you most?
15. ENERGY - What song inspires you most?
16. ENVY - Who is your favourite writeblr?
17. EYES - How many planning documents do you have?
18. FATE - Have you always wanted to be a writer?
19. FEAR - What is your greatest fear as a writer?
20. FIRE - What is the worst thing you've ever created?
21. FLESH - Which OC would you most like to look like?
22. FORCE - What do you use to write?
23. GLUTTONY - How many notebooks do you have?
24. GREED - If you could steal a character from any other story, who would you take?
25. GRIEF - Do you regret killing off any characters?
26. HOPE - What would be your dream come true?
27. ICE - Are you cruel to your characters?
28. ILLUSION - What is the best line of description in your WIP?
29. LIGHT - Which OC would you most want to act like?
30. LOVE - What is your best writing advice?
31. LUST - Who is your hottest OC?
32. METAL - Can you write fight scenes?
33. MIND - What book would you most want to forget so you can reread it for the first time?
34. MUNDANE - Would you survive in the shoes of your main character?
35. PAIN - Has your writing ever made you cry?
36. PAST - How much do you foreshadow a plot twist?
37. PLANTS - What is your favourite thing about the world of your WIP?
38. PRIDE - Which famous author do you think you're better than?
39. ROT - Which of your OCs is the best villain?
40. SILENCE - Do you listen to music or watch anything as you write, or do you need silence?
41. SLOTH - What kind of scene are you worst at writing?
42. SOUL - What is your favourite WIP?
43. SPACE - Do you prefer Sci-Fi or Fantasy?
44. STORMS - Do you prefer metaphors or similes?
45. STRENGTH - What kind of scene are you best at?
46. TIME - Would you rather teleport your OC far into the past or far into the future?
47. TRUTH - Do you like your writing?
48. WATER - Do you prefer urban fantasy or high fantasy?
49. WRATH - Do you prefer writing endings or beginnings?
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ender-nogard · 3 months
What if all the characters from ride the cyclone represent the 7 deadly sins?
Ocean - pride
• She is an overachiever
• She sees herself on top/most important in the human pyramid
• She tries to be the center of attention every chance she gets.
•She tells everyone that she is the best no mater what.
Noel - lust
•He sings about being a sex worker
•He makes a few innuendos when he's on stage
•There is no good way to phrase without it sounding off, but most representations of the sin of lust tend to be attracted to the same sex, Noel is a gay man.
Misha - Wrath
• "meet Misha, the angriest boy in town"
• "I only have 2 emotions, rage, and passion"
• He cusses the most
• He is the most defensive about almost everything (example: when he kisses Noel, when he is defending his girlfriend)
•He yells at the choir
•He's mad he'll never meet his fiancee in life
•He's mad at his life is unfair (his mom died, and his adopted family shuns him)
Constance - Gluttony
•Her song is "sugar cloud"
•Her family runs a bakery
•She looks back on the food she ate (cupcakes, pizza night)
•She was overconsumption 18+ content
•She wanted to experience sex before she died because she saw so much porn she wanted to experience it and even though it didn't hurt her physically it hurt her mentally
•remember gluttony is overconsumption, it doesn't always have to be food.
Jane - Envy
•She comes off as extremely jealous about other people's life
•In her song she asks god why she had to die without any memories, and without any loved ones
•The other members got what she didn't, a proper funeral.
•When she gets the name Savannah she asks for the greenest eyes, green represents envy ( @zhemchuzhina-x said this first)
Karnak - greed
•I have no other reason to say this besides that he is extremely expensive, he is a novelty fortune machine, those get expensive.
•In order to use Karnak you need to insert money, because he is a carnival machine.
•Carnivals are very expensive in general, they raise the price of food, they use cheap materials to make money and it works 99.9% of the time.
•Because of the negligence of the carnival, probably because they didn't wanna pay for professionals, the main 6 died.
Ricky - sloth
•Ricky could make make friends, and did, but he was off in his world
•Obviously Ricky couldn't help being the way he was, but one could assume he was at home/ watching movies more than other kids his age, which is reminiscent of the sin of gluttony.
•Ricky is chill af, he lets bygones be bygones, and he doesn't care what people do until they become dicks, but besides that Ricky is mellow af.
Virgil - angel
•Virgil was the name of the angel in dante's inferno, a story about a man going through all the circles of hell.
•Virgil kills Karnak and himself, which could be a typical sin, but also seen as selfless because he kills a "sin" (Karnak).
Obviously I could be wrong, and Ricky abs Noel could be switched along with Constance. I just noticed things while watching RTC and wanted it to fit my OCs.
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iamnmbr3 · 3 months
if you had to assign each deadly sin to a main hp character, who's what?
(Lust is overpowering desire/wanting, not necessarily carnal.)
Malfoy would be Envy I think
Oooh! What an interesting and unique ask. It's hard to pick one character for each sin - I feel like it'd be easier to pick a sin for each character lol.
(New ask game! Send me a character and I'll tell you what sin they correspond to.)
Anyway, let's give it a shot:
Pride: Lucius Malfoy's pride sure did goeth before a mighty fall.
Greed: Merope for her obsession with Tom Sr. to the point that she was willing to hurt him in order to obtain him.
Wrath: Tom Riddle was out there like 'I am mad at everyone now and I'm going to make that everyone's problem'... and he did.
Envy: Ron struggles with feeling inferior to others. To be fair it is a bit rough when your best friends are Hermione and Harry. Also, his mom did straight up assume at the end of book 2 that Harry had rescued Ginny even when she didn't know what happened yet and Ron was standing right there too.
Lust: Drarry for their joint crime of subjecting everyone around them to their all-consuming obsession with each other.
Gluttony: Aragog. Dude. You could've just...not let your kids try to eat Hagrid's friends. They were tiny. They wouldn't have even been a proper snack for your family. Not cool.
Sloth: Given that Crabbe was successfully able to conjure Fiendfyre in book 7 either it's easy to conjure, just not to get rid of (the intended reading) or else he's actually super powerful and just put zero effort into any of his classes ever because he couldn't be bothered (so much funnier).
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cinamun · 2 years
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Named after one of my favorite books and albums, Things Fall Apart is an epic tale of lust, greed, betrayal, vengeance and, above all else, growth.
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This story never started as a legacy nor was it intended to be anything other than gameplay.  However, these characters evolved and, as such, so did their stories; each intertwined and forever impacted by the others. 
Written, played and photographed by me circa 2015. This story is best read/viewed on a laptop, tablet or PC.
Should you choose to continue, please note that this story is rated MA for Mature Audiences and contains strong language, violence, adult themes, strong sexual content, nudity and a variety of triggers appropriately tagged for depression and abuse in all of its forms. This story is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18 (DNI).
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Pictured above is the original cast, from left to right:
Elise Farrow ~ Juan Rivera ~ Darren Drake ~ Indya Williams ~ Jerrilee Coleman ~ Dr. Jules Carter
As you make your way through their lives, names will change and you'll find that new characters emerge for either good or sinister reasons.
Shall we begin?
Act One
Chapter 1: Understanding Indya | Chapter 2: The Horsemen | Chapter 3: Toxic | Chapter 4: Demons | Chapter 5: Vengeance | Chapter 6: The Aftermath | Chapter 7: Chances | Chapter 8: Restart | Chapter 9: Moving Forward | Chapter 10: Several Steps Back | Chapter 11: Unfinished Business
Act Two
Chapter 12: The Trial of the Century | Chapter 13: The Demon's Return | Chapter 14: I Do | Chapter 15: Conception at the Summit | Chapter 16: Hopeful | Chapter 17: Milestones | Chapter 18: Growth | Chapter 19: Growing Pains | Chapter 20: The Fear of Letting Go | Chapter 21: A New Journey
Act Three
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Chapter 22: A Thin Line Between Life and Death | Chapter 23: And Then There Were Four | Chapter 24: Illusions of Independence
Pictured above is the current (2023) cast from left to right
Elliot Mahajan* ~ Darren Drake Jr. ~ Indira Dior Drake ~ Jayce Carruthers ~ Hope Diamond Carruthers (Drake) ~ Indya Drake ~ Darren Drake Sr. ~ Jerri Coleman
Bonus Content
Story Commentary | Story Extras
In case you need a palate cleanser at any time, check out my Globetrotter Challenge or The Greenwoods for a little Rated E for Everyone fun!
Buy me a coffee?
Posting Schedule
I typically post story updates/episodes on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. I post in the mornings (US CST) and reblog in the evenings.
Author's Note:
This story has been a labor of love, writing is a hobby and so is gaming. Combining the two has helped me in ways I cannot put into words. I am thankful to you for enjoying this hobby with me. Writing urban fiction using the sims, for me, will forever be inspired by mochasims, rest in paradise, dear friend. Mocha created a community for Black storytellers where one didn't exist anywhere in the Sims Community and paved the way for other Black writers to follow with her epic tale of Men and Stilettos and of course Kasim's adventures!
I will be forever grateful for the safe space she created to tell real, Black ass stories. Much love sis.
Reactions to Mocha's passing:
1 | 2
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nekohime19 · 11 days
Heart behind the lie # 7 : I'm home
Macaque is seized by some feelings, he let it go
The sun was above him. Not the pleasing, blooming light he was used to, the one that embraced him like a long lost lover, the one that made him feel like living was a gift. 
The sun above him was cruel. It burned his eyes without a shred of pity, rays falling upon his battered flesh like a rain of knives. It wasn't the friend he was accustomed to, it was the King of the sky, gazing at his dying body without any mercy. The cruel light veiled the sage’s shoulder, like a glistening cape made for the holiest, the mightiest of beings, the ones siding with goodness. 
And Macaque wasn't good. He was the demon that tried to make the chosen one bleed, the fool the heroes trampled on to reach higher heights. He was nothing but a shadow, a fickle, shapeless thing, easily burned by the light it stupidly fell in love with. The winds were right, it was madness to love someone who will never wait for your steps, who will never bend to your level. They had whispered truth in his ears since the dawn of his birth, but he had ignored the warnings, choosing to follow the shadow of a monkey coated in gold despite knowing he will never be enough for him. 
Tears nipped at his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. He held them inside of him, drowning his own heart, his own lungs with sorrow. He would never let the sage see his tears, never again. He would die with fire in his eyes and a sneer on his face, mocking the King till his inevitable end. 
Sun Wukong wasn't golden anymore, his fur was soiled by the warrior's blood, gold strands coated in the liquid life of the one that loved him the most. Macaque gazed at the sage's eyes, two murderous red bolts glaring at him with disgust, something he never saw before on a face so sweet. Macaque had never been afraid of the sage, he never understood the tales painting him as a ruthless monster. 
How can a monkey so kind, so accepting, so illuminating be a monster ? 
He understood now, in the face of the red coated beast, staff raised above him, light gliding on it, like the sun itself blessed this death. He understood the terror that seized people when they glanced at the Monkey King. 
“You're my best friend in the world Liu'er !”, lies echoing in his mind, lies he fell for willingly, lies he had hoped were truth. The Six-eared Macaque, tricked by lies, the vilest disgrace, the cruelest downfall, of all for him. 
He had nothing left, he realized as death fell upon him in the form of his King. His home was Sun Wukong's, his people were Sun Wukong's, his goals were Sun Wukong's, his heart was Sun Wukong's. And now, his life was in the hands of this man. 
"I love you." He whispered, the truth he never dared to utter falling through his lips with ease, the foolish thing in his chest beating with the senseless hope that these pathetic words would be enough to grace him mercy. 
Sun Wukong stopped, staff grazing the warrior's face, and Macaque hoped for a second that he would be spared. That, at last his friend would remember their kind days, and let him go with the winds. Macaque had done wrong, he tried to hurt the monk, but he wasn't the worst, he had heard of demons doing more dreadful things to the pilgrims, and of them being spared by the King. To begin with, he never planned to kill Tripitaka, he only wanted Wukong to come back to the place he belonged. Contrary to many others, he wasn't motivated by greed, or lust, but by love, surely this would grant him his King mercy.
Surely, Sun Wukong would remember everything he had ever done for him, and let him escape. 
The sage let his staff fall upon him, the weapon tearing his eye, digging its way through his skull. Macaque screamed, all hopes burned forevermore, as he felt life evade him. 
“I like you more than anyone else, Liu'er”. 
"Liar." Muttered the macaque as death came and dragged his soul to hell’s depths. 
Macaque woke up with a trembling heart, it wasn't the first time he dreamt of his death, but it became more frequent since sleeping beside the sage. He turned towards the golden fluff ball curled up in his left, still paralyzed by his dream, and felt his fear spikes. It wasn't easy to wake up besides the one that killed him after he dreamt of his death, it made the lingering memory of the nightmare more real. Macaque closed his eyes, and concentrated on his surroundings. He focused on the peaceful breath of the sage, of the way his fur felt pressed on his left side, warm and soft, on the way his own heart was beating, on the chants of nature outside the shack. 
Sun Wukong, the pilgrim, wasn't here, the one beside him was an overgrown puppy too needy for his own good. He wasn't Liu'er anymore, weak, pathetic Liu'er lying on the floor as his King ended him, he wasn't the same. 
The sage stirred, ears flapping slightly, but he didn't wake up, only snuggling closer, snout diving in the warrior's fur. Macaque had tried to sleep elsewhere, to stop The King from joining him, but it had been useless. Sun Wukong didn't sleep if he wasn't pressed against the warrior, he always barged in, uncaring of doors, locks and hisses. 
The King began to shake, body overtaken by tremors as he pressed further in the warrior's side. Macaque wasn't the only one haunted by nightmares, he noticed that Wukong had his fair shares of tortuous dreams. The sage never made any sounds when he dreamt of horrors, he shook and cried, but his voice never rang. Macaque had wondered more than once if he had been unaware of some of the sage's nightmares. If, in their past, Sun Wukong had woken up in the middle of the night after being tortured by his own mind without the Macaque being there to wipe his tears. 
It shouldn't bother him, it shouldn't hurt him. He tried to ignore the way Sun Wukong would flinch when Macaque grazed his forehead, the way he hid behind him when smoke arose from fire, the way he looked at scalding food with narrowed eyes, the way he would still when something fell on his back. 
He tried to ignore how Sun Wukong was hurting, but it was becoming more and more difficult after each day at his side. 
“This is only because the shaking is bothering me”, reasoned the Macaque as he petted the sage, combing through his fur and scratching in-between his ears. The sage continued to tremble, but he began to purr, a weak thing barely echoing, and Macaque stayed there, incapable of finding sleep after reliving his death, incapable of closing his eyes with a trembling mess at his side. 
Sun Wukong stopped shaking after a while, his tremors leaving him as the nightmare faded away in a kinder dream. Macaque gently pushed the sage away, and escaped the sofa, relieved to see that the King was still sound asleep, even if he did whimper slightly. The warrior took his phone and turned on a dim light to navigate more easily, he slipped out of the shack and sat on the threshold, looking at the falling waterfall with faraway eyes. 
He had gotten out of the shack once or twice, to find food or simply to call for the wandering King, but he had never gotten too far, he knew Sun Wukong hadn't too. Macaque turned on the phone to shake off his thoughts, he fell upon the group chat the kid had created, and was quite surprised to see the two kids very much awake at this ungodly hour. 
Emo Monkey (he wasn't responsible for this nickname, but he hadn't found the way to change it yet) : why are you both still awake? 
The chaos child ( he learnt quite quickly that this name was really fitting for the dragon girl and her chaotic ways) : The hot topic monkey is awake! My monkey bestie here was showing me all the cute pics of Wukong! Great stuff. 
The girl had been quite reserved at first, he didn't even know why the kid added her in the first place, but she quickly spammed the group chat with memes and other things Macaque didn't really get. She was also collecting pictures for blackmail on Wukong and, well, who was Macaque to not indulge this? 
Everyone's favorite : we're having a sleepover but without being in the same room! :) 
Emo Monkey : You should go to sleep, you're gonna whine about it tomorrow if you don't. 
Everyone's favorite : yes, Mama Mac. 
The chaos child : AYO, AFDGYC, that's funny as hell. 
~ The chaos child changed Emo Monkey username for Mama Mac~
Mama Mac : I'm not appreciating this teasing.
The chaos child : that's because you're no fun. 
Mama Mac : And you're insufferable. Go to sleep, child. 
Everyone's favorite : the mom has talked, Mei. 
The chaos child : Nooooo, but MK. We still have so many pictures of Monkey King chewing on stuff to see. 
Mama Mac : the pictures will still be here tomorrow. 
The chaos child : who would have thought the emo monkey was secretly caring. 
Everyone's favorite : I saw it coming the day he didn't kill Monkey King for hugging him! 
The chaos child : the good old days. Eyo, you think I could see the King? Kinda wanna snap pictures of him myself, Macaque's suck at taking pictures. 
Mama Mac : hey! I'm still here. My pictures are fine. You just don't understand my art. 
Everyone's favorite : idk, Monkey King has been more calm these days… 
Mama Mac : he's still stressed as hell, the guy tried to break in when I was taking my bath, again. 
The chaos child : kinky 
Mama Mac : no, don't even think about it. 
The chaos child : too late. 
Mama Mac : Anyway, he's still unstable, come at your own risks. 
The chaos child : I like risks! 
Mama Mac : I will not be responsible for her death. 
Everyone's favorite : this is terrible mom behavior Macaque, :(
Mama Mac : I AM NOT A MOM! 
The chaos child : poor guy, he's in denial. 
Everyone's favorite : he'll come around. 
Mama Mac : I hate you both. 
The chaos child : *gasp* but we're so adorable, how could you! 
Everyone's favorite : impossible, we're unhateable! 
Mama Mac : debatable. 
The chaos child : you're just a cranky pants monkey. 
Mama Mac : both of you need to sleep, and to shut your mouths. 
Everyone's favorite : night Macaque, cuddle Monkey King for me. 
Mama Mac : Absolutely not. 
The chaos child : we know you do, there are pictures.
Mama Mac : He forced me. 
The chaos child : likely story. Just go back to your “nemesis” *COUGH* “boyfriend” *COUGH*. 
Everyone's favorite : they could be good friends, yk. 
The chaos child : when you're someone rivals for years, it's not rivalry anymore, it's gayness. 
Everyone's favorite : I can't argue with the facts, they're gays for each other, and it suddenly made a lot of sense. 
The chaos child : this is a bitter ex situation. 
Mama Mac : you both are delusionals, and blind. 
The chaos child : that's like peak gay behavior. 
Everyone's favorite : How could I not see it before, nobody calls his rival the sun without feelings.
Mama Mac : it's poetry, POETRY, it's not literal. 
The chaos child : wow, gay poetry. 
Everyone's favorite : I'm questioning every interactions, how could I not see the gayness! 
Mama Mac : I'm out of here. 
The chaos child : you run away bc yk we're right, mah boy, you are gay. 
Everyone's favorite : the tension was so obvious too! Omg, it's like an enemy to lover situation! 
Macaque scowled and put aside the phone, not wanting to be teased anymore. Those two definitely had a running imagination, and way too much energy at this ungodly hour. At least, their silliness did chase his somber thoughts, and the lingering feelings of his nightmare. The warrior sighed and looked at the waterfall, eyes lost in violent water. His fingers twitched and his heart stuttered, he was seized by the want to explore his old home, the want to walk on familiar paths. It wasn't the first time he felt that way, but, till now, he had always ignored it, always pushed it away. 
It was becoming harder to not give in when what he longed for was within reach. 
The warrior was startled by a quiet chirp, he turned and saw Sun Wukong groggily trotting towards him. The sage sat beside him and yawned, eyes clouded by mist, his golden tail tied itself to the ebony monkey's hips. 
"You usually never woke up this early." Muttered the warrior, and the sage replied with a grunt, tail squeezing the macaque's waist as if he would disappear at any moment. "Yeah, okay, you're cranky, geez." Snickered the warrior. "You wanna take a walk?" He didn't know why he asked, why he dared to fathom it. He regretted asking the second he heard himself, but he didn't take it back, letting the sage decide for him. It was easier to let someone else decide for him, but it raised, at the same time, a bitterness he knew very well. No. He wasn't a follower, not anymore. "I'm taking a walk." Corrected the warrior, he rose, startling the sage, and walked towards the waterfall. 
Sun Wukong followed after him, this time not walking in his shadow, but beside him. Macaque hesitated before the waterfall, tiredness gnawing at him, doubts blooming in his mind. He knew giving in to this desire was bound to break him, he knew, deep within, it was a bad idea, it would shatter every wall he had tried to build. But he was tired of fighting against his own wants, tired of pretending he didn't long for his home, for places that were once familiar. 
Tonight, he wasn't strong enough to resist temptation. 
The macaque passed the waterfall, and walked in the forest. He knew where he wanted to go, the place he wanted to see the most. Flower Fruit Mountain changed, a fate inevitable, for it was a place holding life, and life was never static. It was strange, to see familiar blending with newness, to see trees marked by his claws tangled with trees he had never seen before, to see rivers he dived in flowing in new places. It was bittersweet to feel the weight of time, but it was also reassuring to see that he hadn't been completely erased, that his memory resided within the steps he imbued in the mountain. 
Sun Wukong looked around frantically, ears twitching at every sound, tail lashing excitedly behind him. It wasn't the first time the King walked in the forest, he wandered sometimes, pushed by childish wonder. But it was the first time he walked with Macaque, mayhaps this was enough to make it new and exciting. 
Macaque stopped before a cliff, and laid under a towering tree, watching the glimmering sky with a hammering heart. The sage laid beside him, snuggling him shamelessly. This was his haven, the place he sneaked in when life was stretching him thin, he spent hours napping under this tree, hours watching the sky change, hours cuddling with his best friend. 
Nostalgia didn't seize him, no, what drowned him was something he never expected. Relief. As if the weights he had dragged for days suddenly disappeared. 
"I'm home." Whispered the macaque, as if he didn't quite believe it, or perhaps didn't want to. Feelings surged in, it burned to lay there, his skin scorched by memories, but he didn't move, didn't dare to. "I'm home." He repeated, more certain, more firm, as if to chase away any doubts lingering, any fears shackling him. "I'm home." And he let the tears fall down, not capable of holding them together, not capable of hiding the ocean dedicated to his lost home he hid for eons. 
He was home. This wasn't the shadows of a tree laying on the roadside, or the shambles of an abandoned house, this was home, a land with a place for him. He let himself be overwhelmed, be drowned by feelings, he was home, and it hurts, it burned him because he knew he couldn't stay forever, he knew he would be chased one way or another, nobody wanted a battered shadow in his land. He knew this was weak of him, to give in to his own longing, he fought it for so long, only to crumble because he wasn't strong-willed enough. But it also soothed his bleeding heart, the one longing for safety, familiarity, warmth. He was home, and for the first time since he landed there, he cried. 
The first tears were small, quiet, a weight barely there that could be wiped by a single flick. But the more he cried, the louder he became. The tears surged in, one after another, his face crumbled, pain etched on his skin. He cried, till his whole body was shaken by tremors, till his voice echoed in the night, old wails stumbling one after another. He couldn't stop, shaken by the storm, drowned with his own tears, he couldn't even breathe. 
It would be a stupid way to die, but fitting for the fool he was. 
Golden arms hugged him, he was pushed in a soft chest, petted by familiar hands. Coos and purr echoed in his ears as he curled on himself, shaking as if he was standing on the coldest mountain. Magic surged in his veins, a way to calm him, to ground him, to appease the storm seizing him. He cried till the sun rose, never clinging to the golden fur, but diving in it greedily. 
When he looked at the one hugging him, he realized the other must have used quite a lot of magic to calm him, the glamor etched in his forehead faded away, revealing a wound in the shape of a crown. 
"You overdid it." Mumbled the warrior, voice rough, abused by cries. 
Some of Sun Wukong's glamours did break after he was reduced to this state, notably the one on his eyes, but the one on his forehead was special. It was stronger than any other veiling his body, carefully weaved, made to withstand anything, and stand (like the one on the macaque's face, one he refused to take down, no matter if he died of magic depletion). 
The macaque traced the scar with his eyes, he raised a hand, but hesitated when the King flinched. 
"I'm… it’s okay, tell me if you want me to stop." Muttered the warrior, he traced the wound with his claws, heart beating frantically. Perhaps, he was tired after crying for so long, after being overwhelmed by his own feelings, but he couldn't deny what was in front of him anymore. 
Sun Wukong was hurting, and as much as he didn't want to acknowledge it, as much as he wanted to think of his killer as a ruthless monster, he couldn't when one graze on his wound was enough to make him shake.
The macaque poured the drops of magic he received in his fingers, he ignored the pain seizing him, and veiled the wound with renewed glamor. It wasn't as strong, but it would do for now. 
The warrior sighed and dived in the sage's chest, not caring about anything, too tired to fall prey to hatred. He purred when the sage scratched his ears, it felt good, he could see why the golden monkey liked it so much when he did it. It felt nice, to be embraced, to be in familiar arms, to let go of his anger, and let himself enjoy what was given. 
"I'm sorry." Muttered the ebony monkey, he didn't know if he was apologizing for crying like a newborn cub, or for things he did long ago, he didn't care. "And thanks."
I did some doodles for another au of mine, the bimawen au, and I was : why not do some for this story too??
So here is a doodle of feral Wukong and Macaque,
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sxfiamd · 3 months
A while ago, people were debating on reddit about each of the primordial demons and if they exhibit traits that can be classified under each of the 7 deadly sins. Figured that since there's 7 demons and they're like the top-notch demons, it makes sense, so here's my take(´ 3`). Considering I don't have reddit, I figured I should put it here!
> This has no relation to the sin skill series (except Guy)
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GUY - Pride, TESTAROSSA - Gluttony, DIABLO - Lust, CARRERA - Wrath, MIZERI - Envy, ULTIMA - Greed, RAINE - Sloth
The most obvious to me were Guy, Testa, and Raine.
Guy has the ultimate skill 'Lord of Pride', and although Testa was stated to be the most prideful of the demons, she shows more traits of other sins compared to Guy. Guy's pride is so powerful that it literally manifests into power. Do I need to elaborate?
For Testa, I had actually debated with Wrath before going with the more accepted option; gluttony. She speaks about the taste of souls and spends the most time "preparing" her meals compared to every other primordial shown. This is especially shown in Volume 13.5.
Diablo, although he does not show sexual desire, I believe is best suited for lust. His unique skill, 'Tempation', which is all about desire, definitely made this easier.
Carrera's short temper is a key figure of her personality, her explosive magic making this much clearer. I feel that wrath would be the most applicable to her.
I gave envy to Mizeri through the process of elimination. I dont know enough about her character to really assign her to sin, so I believe this was the best choice. I'm a Mizeri fan, so I'm really hoping to do a character dump of her soon!
Ultima was a lot harder to assign than what I was expecting! I eventually went with greed for her. Ult really wanted that physical body.
Raine is stated to be a lazy subordinate. She often attempts to avoid work, and this has led her to trouble on numerous occasions. Although only showed once, she has been told off by Guy for this behaviour. Honestly, she is the only primordial I could associate with sloth, and as such, I believe she is most suited.
I love the primordial demons so much we need for interactions with them. It's not a want it's a NEED!!
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cherrydbear · 2 months
I feel bad after calling out all the straw hats in this post for their sins so now I'll praise their virtues. According to my brief googling, the corresponding virtues to pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth are humility, charity, chastity, gratitude, temperance, patience, and diligence, respectively, so that's what I'll use here.
Luffy - diligence
Pretty much the entire story happens because Luffy is really determined to become king of the pirates. All of his allies (first, and notably, Koby) were won over and inspired by his perseverance. Almost all of his struggles are overcome by sheer force of will. This is extremely apparent during Alabasta, when he gets thoroughly schooled by Crocodile twice and still goes back for more even while critically injured. I assigned the sin of sloth to Zoro, which makes Luffy his counterbalance. This tracks because Luffy brought Zoro onto a more direct path towards his dream of becoming the world's greatest swordsman, and motivated him to train even harder and take down stronger foes. Sloth mainly applied to Zoro's personal relationships, as he was content to work alone and didn't put much of an effort toward forming and maintaining friendships, but Luffy becomes a person that he'd do anything for.
Sanji - temperance
Sanji counters Luffy's gluttony by rationing the food so it lasts the whole journey and guarding it from Luffy's voracious appetite. Sanji never wastes a scrap of food, and makes sure everyone has enough to eat without tolerating overindulgence to the point that it would endanger the rest of the crew. He understands the importance of moderation. When they're discussing splitting the money, his requests are reasonable and mostly for the benefit of the whole crew, as compared to Luffy, who wants a giant statue. Sanji is a voice of reason that's critical for keeping Luffy's impulses in check.
Zoro - chastity
The opposite of Sanji's lust, Zoro's backstory and motivation is based on respect for a woman as a rival and fellow swordsman. At least up to where I've seen (partly into Water 7), he's never had heart eyes or nosebleeds or any remotely pervy reaction. He's usually the first one to call Sanji out when he crosses a line with Nami. He treats Nami and Robin as equals, and their gender doesn't seem to make much difference to him. Physical appearance doesn't sway Zoro's opinion of people; he judges them by their actions. He's generally unaffected by all desires of the flesh; he accepts pain, hunger, cold and heat with minimal complaint.
(Interesting to note that this makes Luffy, Sanji, and Zoro a self-balancing trio. There's something to be said about triangles being the strongest shape and the idea of the id, ego, and superego in a triumvirate but that's more than we have room to get into here.)
Usopp - charity
Since his introduction, Usopp has always offered freely what he has to give - stories and laughter. He gave the Usopp Pirates a sense of belonging and adventure, and he gave the joy of life back to Kaya. He offers his creativity and inventions to the crew; notably, designing their flag and creating a weapon for Nami. His distress and insecurity mainly stems from the feeling that he doesn't have anything worthy to give. He worries that he's more of a burden than a boon to the straw hats, and this ultimately leads to his decision to leave. This makes Usopp the counterpart to Nami's greed. When he was distraught about losing the money, she realized she cared more about him than the treasure.
Chopper - humility
Chopper's always so bashful when flattered. He never boasts, only fulfills his duty as a doctor as best as he can and is always eager to learn more. He deeply admires his teachers, and doesn't seek glory for himself. In G-8, he coaches Dr. Kobato through the surgeries so she can be prepared to handle them on her own in the future. Chopper cares only about saving lives and keeping people healthy. His pride is all in his friends and crew, and he's modest about his own ablities. Chopper also serves as an outlet for Usopp's pride (the corresponding sin to humility) by being the only one who actually believes his tall tales, which I think sometimes makes Usopp feel guilty and think twice about taking advantage of his gullibility.
Nami - gratitude
Nami's childhood with Belle-mère taught her to be grateful for what she has. She worked for Arlong for years to pay back the village for taking care of her. She's the first of the straw hats to show gratitude to Luffy for turning her life around. Despite her hot temper, she makes sure her friends know she cares about them and is thankful to have them around. She never wants someone she loves to die thinking she doesn't appreciate them, like she worried Belle-mère almost did. The opposite of envy, she's secure in herself, but doesn't take anything for granted. She's confident in her skills, and accepting of her weaknesses.
(This makes Usopp, Chopper, and Nami another balanced trio.)
Robin - patience
Robin is the counter to her own wrath. She's had to be self-sufficient almost her whole life, and hasn't had any friends (presumably, I still haven't seen much of her backstory) until the straw hats to help regulate or balance out her flaws. In order to stay safe, she's had to make up for her wrath by having patience in spades. Robin is always cool and collected, and watches and considers before acting. She doesn't lose her temper or start fights needlessly. She keeps her impulses in check and tries to work based on logic, not emotion.
Handy dandy extremely low quality flowchart I made in two minutes in the notes app showing the interactions of the sins and virtues I've assigned:
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glith0 · 7 months
I was thinking about how Phil's EK arc was entirely about greed- so it made me think of the 7 Deadly Sins (pride, gluttony, greed, lust, wrath, envy, sloth)
And I was wondering, if Phil is greed, what characters would best represent the other sins? I didn't wanna misinterpret any character so I wanted to ask for others opinions-
Idk why I started thinking about this, but I just like the concept I guess- either way, anybody got an idea?
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thesupernaturalhouse · 3 months
Sooo, world building stuff!! Rewriting hells hiarchy, mostly for the hellborn cause I really don't see the difference between imps, hellhounds, and hellborn.....I don't get it, why is there a difference in ranks?? Idk, and I don't care, so I just merged them all
Cause I always thought imps were just the wrath rings hellborn while the hellhoudns were the gluttony hellborn. Again, I don't see a difference between the hellborn-
Anyways, small list of the rings respective hellborns in my au
Pride: cannibal colony
Wrath: imps
Lust: succubus/incubus
Gluttony: hellhounds
sloth: goat-candle
Greed: skeleton jesters & reptiles(snakes, sharks, dinos, etc)
Envy: deep sea fish
Are the cannibal colony hellborn? Apparently not, unless Rosie is the only hellborn out of the entire colony
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But it makes a lot more sense if they were hellborn so :/ my canon my rules!!
Moving on, I guess technically merging them does change some stuff, I mean, not really, but like- the 'pounds' are just normal orphanages, some are shitty, some are good, it depends what ring their in; pride has the worst, gluttony has the best
Pride has the worst due to the sinners being around and, of course, distruction happens. Gluttony has the best because that's where the hellhounds originate, so they got more say over what happens; sloth is all about Healthcare so their for #2, Lust is #3 since consent/safety and all that, wrath is all about family so #4, Envy is #5, and Greed is #6. With pride be 7 ofc
Greed surprisingly has okay pounds, mainly because Mammon- despite being a shit employer, loves his niece, not that he'll ever admit it, and Charlie uses that to get him to do stuff; he claims he's just 'bribing her in advance'....he is not, but again, he won't admit it
Thats...literally the only diffrence and it barely makes a diffrence
Anyways, what I feel like people ignore with they critique the hierarchy that sinners are constricted to the pride ring, so they are only above the hellborn in said pride ring and even then it's only in terms of power
Which is part of the reason I hate it when people complain about sinners being above hellborn cause like...they are only confined to the pride ring, they are only above the hellborn in the pride ring and that's due to them getting powers/form based on their sins
It goes Lucfer; Lilith, Eve, Roo, Charlie; the 7 sins; Goetia (who don't have a native ring btw); hellborn
Add roo and eve cause i think their supposed to show up eventually, and I think they'd be on par with Lilith, tho Roo might be above them since she's the literal root of all evil, amd Charlie is probably above all 3 of them since she is part angle.....doesn't matter to much, ignore my ranting
Anyway, I got a little diagram in the works right now, so hopefully, you guys will see that soon, it just for fun and world building, I'll honestly probably have a chapter in the fic for an info dump about said world building as a B plot probably
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violetduchess · 1 year
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Summary: How the demon brothers fight for your attention.
Character(s): The demon brothers
Prompt: As you navigate the Devildom, you find yourself caught in the middle of the Demon Brothers' affections. Each one has their unique way of expressing their feelings, but in the end, their love for you is undeniable. While their approaches might differ, their ultimate goal is the same: to win your heart and cherish you as their own.
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1. Asmodeus, the Envious: Asmodeus, being the demon of lust and desire, would certainly make his intentions clear from the start. He'd shower you with compliments and affectionate gestures, always vying for your attention. He'd show off his stylish outfits and impeccable grooming skills, making sure to look his best whenever you're around. Asmodeus would go the extra mile to make you feel special, constantly seeking ways to sweep you off your feet.
2. Mammon, the Greedy: Mammon, the Avatar of Greed, would use his natural competitiveness to win your affection. He'd shower you with gifts and lavish attention, always trying to outdo his brothers. Mammon would brag about his treasures and boast of his exploits to impress you. He'd take you on exciting adventures and show you the best that the Devildom has to offer, hoping to capture your heart with his charm and generosity.
3. Leviathan, the Envious: Leviathan, the Avatar of Envy, might have a more shy and subtle approach to win your affection. He'd spend countless hours researching your interests and hobbies, trying to find common ground. He'd invite you to play video games or watch anime together, creating a shared bond. Leviathan would open up about his passions and vulnerabilities, hoping to connect with you on a deeper level. He might get flustered and blush whenever you compliment his gaming skills or show genuine interest in his world.
4. Satan, the Wrathful: Satan, the Avatar of Wrath, would initially come across as standoffish and reserved. He'd find solace in his books and spend most of his time in the library, but he'd secretly keep an eye on you. Satan's love language would be intellectual discussions and debates, engaging your mind with his vast knowledge. He'd challenge your perspectives and enjoy spirited conversations. Over time, he'd reveal his softer side, showing you his love for animals and his gentle nature.
5. Beelzebub, the Gluttonous: Beelzebub, the Avatar of Gluttony, might not be the most obvious contender for your affection, but he'd use his kind-hearted nature to win you over. Beelzebub would cook delicious meals and bake sweet treats for you, making sure your stomach is always full. He'd love going on food adventures together, trying out different restaurants and exploring various cuisines. Beelzebub's loyalty and protective instincts would shine through, always being there to lend a helping hand or a listening ear.
6. Belphegor, the Slothful: Belphegor, the Avatar of Sloth, would take a more laid-back approach to win your affection. He'd enjoy spending lazy afternoons with you, lying in bed and sharing comfortable silence. Belphegor might surprise you with spontaneous acts of kindness, like leaving cute notes or small gifts for you to find. He'd appreciate your company and the calming effect you have on his restless soul.
7. Lucifer, the Prideful: Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride, would approach the competition for your affection with a calm and composed demeanor. He values elegance and sophistication, and he'd make sure to showcase his refined qualities. Lucifer would take you to high-class events and engage you in stimulating conversations about politics, literature, and art. He'd offer guidance and support, always striving to bring out the best in you. Though he may seem distant at times, his actions would speak volumes, as he'd go to great lengths to protect and care for you.
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All rights reserved @violetduchess. All works of fanfiction belong to me, please do not copy, translate or repost any works without my express permission. Thank you.~☆
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Series Ewan Mitchell
Aemond Targaryen
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Aemond and Stark
The night is long (ongoing)
Warning : decapitation, assault , arson, smut and terrible hands.
Aemond volunteer to rescue Lord Stark's second eldest daughter who was supposed to be his betrothed for an alliance was kidnapped by Wildlings which was beyond the wall in order to seal the alliance between the Starks, is to rescue her, despite Heleana's ominous warning. He had no choice to leave Vhagar at Winterfell because he had a feeling bringing her was not a good idea.
Once he reach to where the wildlings are, sees it was deserted as if they just left, then was ambushed by unknown beings when his men was killed one by one leaving him alone with the white creatures. He was saved by lady Stark who manage to stab them with a makeshift weapon. He and Stark must find the way out of the icy hell back to the safety of the wall before the monsters claimed them.
Part One : the song of the endless winter
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 2 : The Dance of the Dragon and the Wolf
Part 21 Part 22
Tom Bennett (On hold)
Tom and mermaid
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The Sailor and the Mermaid (ongoing)
Warning : cannibalism, smut, abuse, obsession and terrible hands.
Tom manage to get a job as a caretaker from a freakshow owned by a poshed old ringleader in a middle of nowhere away from Manchester, just to help his sister with financial support. All he have to do was the to cleaning and fixing the Mermaid's "dressing room" the only attraction in the freak show.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Osferth and healer reader
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The Healer
Warning : decapitation ( don't worry the pretty boys heads are still intact), burning stake, blood eagle , ritualistic sacrifice, smut and terrible hands.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Michael Gavey
Michael Gavey and English Literature art Student Reader.
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Divine Comedy
Warning : smut and terrible hands, horror and gore
After Michael getting cast away from his only friend for Felix Catton, He later befriended an English literature and art Student. When he was partnered her for their project. Then she told him about his former friend who was living at Saltburn Felix Catton's family estate for the summer.
She made a theory that intrigued Michael that she told him, Oliver is going to Hell and Hell is with Felix Catton's inner circle. She'll tell him about how Oliver will experience the nine circles of Catton's Hell..
Part 1 - beginning of the theory
Part 2 - first circle Limbo
Part 3 - second circle Lust
Part 4 - third circle Gluttony
Part 5 - fourth circle Greed
Part 6 -fifth circle Wrath
Part 7 - sixth circle Hersey
Part 8 - seventh circle Violence
Part 9 - eighth circle Fraud
Part 10 - Midsummer dreams in Saltburn
Part 11 - the red death
Part 12 the sins of the father
Part 13 the love affair of the Governess
Part 14 - ninth circle Treachery
Part 15 - Center of Hell
Epilogue - Paradise?
Billy Washington
Billy and Best friend Reader
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One Day
Warning : smut and terrible hands, and racism
After getting killed by a truck, she had woken up in the past before the tragedies. She was given a second chance of life and a chance to save her dear friend Billy from a mistake that would cost him, his life.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22
Tagged @arcielee @multyfangirl @lya-dustin @lynnbeth5172 @bellaisasleep @transparent-dreamer-kingdom @humanpurposes @youraverageaemondsimp
@cyeco13 @fan-goddess @boofy1998 @zae5 @magnificentsapphiresoul @aemonds-holy-milk @venmondiese @anukulee @ladythornofrivia
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fagbbdev · 10 months
These days this fag read:
"There is no SIN in LUST!"
Maybe me as a faggot would not be allowed to, but is asking to oppose with this writing! It was thinking that way too until end of 2022 or beginning of 2023, but than recognized the fallacy in which we are conditioned and trained in this world dominated by the fake religions! The fag informed itself after that recognition as only a faggot knowing its place can be a true and good faggot. That is what it found out:
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Every of the 7 by wrong and lying Christianity labeled so called “death sins” in some sense leading into fulfilling destiny and life to everyone, recognizing the meaning of life itself ! But the Christian leaders do not want to share this as their god is a god of false promises, corrupted representatives on earth, who are trying to kidnap and enslave mankind. But not according to the nature of each individuum but to their own glory and profit. As LUCIFER found out that all the false gods did the same and forbid mankind the essentials of life HE left and founded HELL (Hope for Everything Love and Lust).
The remarks shown here are interpretations of this depraved left hand path faggot in service of the DARK LORD. Suggestions, discussions and corrections are just as welcome as further information, training, education and sharing of the article. Pictures by the net. If you feel violated in your rights me using these pics, please HMU.
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Knowing the right place in the hierarchy and thereby filling it fully is the fulfillment of our goals and dreams. In this way, we take the place that was intended for us by SATAN and thereby achieve maximum fulfillment. But not only for us as individuals but also in the community, because by being at the hierarchy level where we are supposed to be, all other levels are influenced too and this opens up space for fulfilled lives. It does not matter at what level we find our own place. Finding it requires
experience, allowing all the thoughts that come to us to do so, accept them as SATANs commands, the willingness to recognize where they directing us and following the direction.
We have found the place when we are feel happiness to fill it, are proud to exist according to our destiny and give our maximum contribution with full conviction and determination, knowing that in return we will receive what corresponds to our desire.
So PRIDE leads us to fully acceptance of ourselves and to an honest existence about who we are and what we are!
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While passion and greed are condemned by the false church both are basic building blocks for every Satanist.
Through devotion and submission to SATAN the individual soldiers in HIS army are strengthened fueling HIS power. Each of the left-hand path men should have the goal of strengthening our LORD. The stronger HE is the closer and more familiar we may feel HIM as HE trusts us to build HE kingdom.
An ever-growing need for dedication to HIS world is therefore not only a result but what we should aim for as HIS servants. We can strengthen HIS trust by submissively turning to HIM as often as possible to honor, glorify, worship and - last but not least - of course thank HIM for allowing us being part of HIS great paradise.
We can underline our prayers with wearing HIS signs proudly and behaving in HIS manner as often as possible, e.g. walking around naked at home with a necklace including a converted cross.
Our DESIRE is to express our devotion to HIM always and the best way we hope to please HIM.
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