#ts4 storyteller
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cinamun · 8 months ago
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Operation: On My Mama | Next
The longer, more adult version of today's update <-
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mangosimoothie · 6 months ago
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Chapter 18: 𝕰𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖚𝖊 (6/6)
Dear reader, we've made it to the end.
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Thank you for reading! If The Familiar has brought you any joy skip the like button and tell me in the replies or tags instead 🖤 This is likely my swan song on Simblr, and it's a true labor of love. It's been an honor 🫡
@mobwhim @alltimefail-sims @invisiblequeen @bibliosims @gothoffspring @foxsimthings @lonvely @saruin
Massive thank you to yall for making the sims who brought this story to life and for being part of the Fam. Getting to write as a profession is something I'm very thankful for, but it does mean following a lot of other people's guidelines, so I really can't thank yall enough for completely handing me the reigns and letting me put these guys in every possible Situation. It's the freshest breath of air you can imagine. And bonus thank you to @m0ckest for being my production designer and creating the interior of Atticus and Ryan's lovely home! Yall are real ones.
Farewell, Mango 🥭
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jxyvrs · 2 years ago
UNCOVERED LIES | sims 4 series | Episode pt.6
Next Morning
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Caius: WAA *cries intensely*
Jordin: Evelin, you little munchkin what did you do to your brother?
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Evelin: I didn't do anything daddy; teehee he just cries no reason...
Caius: *cries* WAA... mwean WAA!!
Evelin: Hey! You said you wouldn't snitch you tattletale! *crosses arms grumpily*
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Jordin: Now Evelin... you know that Rex the dino don't like bullies... especially siblings who are mean to their younger siblings...
Evelin: No Rexy... teehee *covers mouth excitedly*
Jordin: Rawr *roars loudly and swoops up Evelin*
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Evelin: Hehe you cwan't find me Rexy the dino!
Jordin: Hmm... If I was a little girl, where would I hide?
Evelin: Teehee! *laughing quietly*
Jordin: I know what I can do... time to enable dino senses.
Evelin: Uh oh!
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Jordin: RAHH!! I Found you, now I'm going to eat you RAHHH!! *plays fully lifts the toddler in the air*
Jay (simself): *calls from upstairs* Jordin can you not wrestle with our daughter, she needs to get ready.
Jordin: *puts Evelin down* You lucky that papa save you this time, but you won't get so lucky next time little munchkin.
He then tickles Evelin as she laughs while quickly running away.
Evelin: *screams* AAHH!! Champ, help me the mwean dino trying to eat me again!!
Jordin: *calls out after while laughing* Champ won't save you either little munchkin, I will eat those little chicken legs sooner or later.
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Evelin: Champ, why didn't you save mwe?! Rexy the dino almost ate my little legs!
Champ (The Dog): *barks but talks where only Evelin can understand him* Are we talking about this same Rex that looks like your father?
Evelin: What? NO?! My poor father vanished!! Out of nowhere a big green dino came out of nowhere and tried to eat my tiny toddler legs!!
Champ (The Dog): *tilts head in confusion* (maybe toddlers are different breed then a human) Where is this dino? Maybe I could talk some sense into that green giant beast!
Champ growls as he spins around getting distracted, he begins to chase his tail.
Champ (The Dog): *barks* I WILL GET YOU ONE DAY, YOU STUPID TAIL!!
Evelin: *whines* Champ, you're getting distracted again!
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Champ (The Dog): *barks* I'm sorry Evelin, but I'm a dog I don't know what you expect. I was meant to chase my tail and take a dump on the carpet and wait to see how your dads will react.
Champ pants happily as he stares up at the small toddler.
Evelin: How come I can only understand you? But the rest of the family can't?!
Champ (The Dog): Well, some humans are gifted with the ability to talking to animals while others eh... You're just one of the lucky humans that can fully understand us.
Evelin: Yet daddy & papa thinks it just my imagination! *crosses arms*
Champ (The Dog): Well, that's because they're one of the humans who think we animals don't be talking or understanding them. But don't tell your father but... I know where he be hiding those leftover bacon strips AND THEY WERE DELICIOUS!! *barks excitedly as he spins*
Jordin: *walks in holding Caius* Evelin, if you keep talking to that dog instead of getting ready, I'm telling Rex the dino to be under your bed once you get back to eat those little chicken legs you got there.
Evelin scream intensifies as she runs upstairs to her room.
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Jay (simself) walks into Erik's room as I scrunch up my nose going up to a window and opening it.
Jay (simself): Damn Erik, this room stinks! Did you take a shower?! And why are you still in bed?! I told you don't stay up all night playing them damn games and get some rest!!
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Jay (simself): God, and why is it so dark in this room?
Looks to see Erik still not awake, as I get annoyed and clears my throat as I spoke up loudly.
Jay (simself): ERIK WILLIAM YU! If you don't wake up out of this bed, I will get yo daddy to get you out this damn bed!
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Erik: Ugh... I don't want to go to grandma and grandpa house. I'm tired.
Jay (simself): Boy, I don't care if you're tired. You should've thought about that before you stood up all night!
Erik: *puts pillow overhead* I'm not going!! I just want to go to sleep.
Jay (simself): *was to stun to speak* Uh no sir! That is not what we're going to do!
I walked over and pulled the blankets off him, as I grabbed the glass of water that was sitting on his nightstand and dumped it on him.
Erik screams as he launches out of bed as he shivers from how cold the water was.
Erik: Okay, I'll get ready. Just get ou-ou-out my room. *shivers*
Jay(simself): Don't make me come back up here!
I walks out his room as I heads to Evelin's room to check if she's ready.
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Evelin: Papa! I'm ready to go to see grandma & Apa! Are they going to see my ballet routine papa?!
The little toddler gets excited waiting for a response.
Jay (simself): Of course, my little princess, me and daddy will also be there to support you as well.
I gave her a big kiss on the cheek as I hugs her tightly. Evelin hugs me back as she gives a big smile.
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Evelin: Yay! I'm going to be pretty ballerina! *gets excited and gives a big twirl*
Jay (simself): Yes, you are! You're going to be a very beautiful ballerina, and you're going to slay that performance!
Evelin: Period!
Jay (simself): Oop! Yes girl, period! Now I know I definitely raised you right. Anyways, is Cairo ready?
Evelin: Duh, he been ready. *rolling eyes*
Jay (simself): Uh uh, now you are getting ahead of yourself. Lower the attitude or else I'm going to have a talk with Rex the dino.
Evelin screams as she runs away.
Jay (simself): *calls out while holding back laughter* You better run faster to that car before he catches up to you Eva!
30 minutes later...
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Jay (simself): Hey mom!
Dayah: Jay, my baby boy! You finally made it! And you brought the kids!!
Jay (simself): *gets embarrassed* mom! you don't have to call me baby boy every time I come to visit you and daddy. And I'm the oldest out of 6 kids, last time I check Tre was the new baby.
Dayah: I know, but you're still my little baby boy. I remember the first time when you had a little diaper rash on your bum and I-
Jay (simself): MOM! Not in front of my kids!!!
Erik & Cairo both giggles to themselves as they look down pretending, they haven't heard any of that.
Dayah: I'm sorry Jay, but you were just so adorable when you were younger. *sighs sadly* too bad you gotten older... you just grown up so fast. Now look at you, you have your own family and kids.
Jay (simself): Aw mom-
Dayah gazed at baby Caius as she gasped excitedly.
Dayah: Is that my new grandbaby Caius, Oh my goodness! Let me see him, what a cute little thing!
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I nodded my head and hand the baby to my mother as I smiles happily.
Dayah: Oh my god, he looks just like Jordin! How cute!
Jay (simself): That's what I said! *tickles Caius little tummy*
Caius: *giggles*
Dayah: You know, he may look like Jordin, but he still got your pretty eyes.
Jay (simself): Aw! Thank you, mom, I guess little Caius takes after the both of us huh?
Dayah: Mhm, takes after his papa and his daddy.
Someone comes out the house as they clear their throat.
Mystery voice: I guess someone already forgot about me already.
Jay (simself): *looks over shoulder* Hi daddy!
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I hug my father as I smiled happily.
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Jakob: I see you brought the little ones. What's the rules?
Jay (simself): *speechless* now why would you think I have rules? I don't make rules?!
Jakob: Jay, you're my child. I know everything about you, from you down to Tre. I know you're going to leave some rules.
Jay (simself): *rolls eyes* fine, you caught me. I was just going to say, before I leave the three bad children well two since Evelin is the only good child here-
Jakob: Caius not staying?
Jay (simself): No, he's still a little young. So, he's coming back home with me. But I'll pick the kids up after their 2 days break but while they're here Erik can't play any video games because he's grounded, and he stood up late when he was supposed to be in bed.
Erik: OH, COME ON!! I was on Apex Legends; I couldn't let my streak die!?!?!
Jakob: *looks sternly at Erik* Aye, the grown folks are talking. Shush!
Erik gets quiet as he crosses his arms grumpily.
Jay (simself): And Cairo can't order from Zoomers anymore since he decided to order from the app without parental permission...
Me and my dad looks at Cairo with a look on our face stating "Really?". Cairo just looks down at the ground feeling ashamed.
Jay (simself): Next time don't leave the evidence out in the grass by the mailbox Cairo!
Cairo facepalms as he starts feeling guilty about cursing out that poor delivery person for no reason but slowly stop feeling guilty cause he remembers the guy was being a creep.
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Jay (simself): Anyways, Evelin wants you and mom to attend her Ballet recital.
Jakob: *smiles slowly faded* I don't know if I'm able to attend... maybe your mother might be there.
Jay (simself): How come? Evelin was looking forward to seeing both of her grandparents there. Is this about Micah?
He was about to say something but quickly turns and sees the paparazzi sneaking photos.
Jakob: *gets angry* Ugh, are you kidding me? Jay let's go inside before we end up on SMZ.
Jay (simself): Good, I need to change anyways. Let's just say drinking coffee and driving at the same time does not go together.
Everyone heads inside the house.
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I went upstairs to quickly change out of my old outfit as I went back downstairs.
Jay (simself): Daddy, why did I find my old clothes in Micah's drawer? See I knew he be copying everything I do.
Jakob: Maybe he just wanted to be like his older brother...
Jay (simself): I can see that, but haven't you told us that it's okay to be ourselves. I know that I'm a big inspiration to my younger siblings, but that's what branching out and starting your own path is about.
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Jakob: It's not cool to talk about people when they can't defend themselves. You know that I raised you better than that.
Jay (simself): I know, I know... It just... why would Micah just leave like that? It's not like him to leave like that, especially when he's so young.
Jakob: I know... I shouldn't have yelled at him like that when I caught him sneaking back in the house one night. But I was just so disappointed in him, it's not like Micah to just runaway from home and not contact us for months.
Jay (simself): Dad, he's a teenager. Teenagers goes through these phases that they will regret later on. Trust me I went through it plenty of times, he will come back home.
Jakob: And what if he doesn't come back Jay? I had a dream last night that something bad happened to him, that he was somewhere that he couldn't get out of. He might be held hostage and I can't help him because I don't know where he's at. I feel like it's my fault that he ran away.
Jay (simself): It is not your fault that Micah ran away. We will find him dad, just try not to stress yourself I don't want you to get a heart attack from this whole situation.
He looks down as he clears his throat, I already knew he was going to shed a tear. I start feeling bad for my dad because I knew he worries about us every day, and he wants to protect us for as long as he's alive.
I was going to say something to cheer him up, but my mom called from upstairs.
Dayah: Can you boys come upstairs please? I need help moving this stuff out of this room.
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Me and dad went to go see what my mom needed help with as we walked into Micah's & Aki's old room. I looked around as I seen empty boxes ready to be filled, as I walked over to my mother and gave her a hug.
Jay (simself): So, mom, what do you need help with? *looking at the trophies that my siblings had won*
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Dayah: I need you to pack Aki's stuff and put them in this box. Since she graduated, she told me to put her stuff in the attic and she'll be here tomorrow to pick them up. And for Micah... uhm... put his stuff in the attic too.
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Jay (simself): Wait... but why move Micah's stuff? Isn't he coming home mom?
Dayah: I don't know Jay, just help me move his stuff anyways. I might turn this room into the guest room. Maybe the kids can sleep in this room for a couple of days.
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Jakob: *interrupts* You're not turning anything into a guest room, not while I'm living here. Micah is missing, he's not gone forever. He WILL be back.
Dayah: I'm not starting this with you again Jakob. It will only be temporary; Micah will have his room back when he comes back home but for now this will be the guest room.
Jakob: WHY?! Why can't you make Snow room a guest room?! He moved out 2 months ago, he's not using his room.
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Dayah: Why does everything has to be an argument with you?
Jakob: Because you're not giving a damn about our son! He been missing for 6 months. SIX damn months, and you don't give two f's if he's missing.
I started getting uncomfortable seeing both of my parents' fight.
Jay (simself): Guys....
Dayah: STOP putting words in my mouth, never once have I said I don't care about our son. I care about all my kids, but you're overreacting like always instead of thinking about the positive.
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Jay (simself): GUYS! Please, if the kids hear you guys argue they're going to get worried.
Dayah: Jay, my baby boy. Tell your father to stop putting words into my mouth and stop overreacting. This is why he gets more wrinkles than me, because he's stressing too much.
Jakob: Jay tell your mother she is being insensitive and not caring or at least not worried about her child being missing.
Jay (simself): I mean mom, you are being insensitive about his feelings towards my brother. Like I agree with daddy, Micah is turning 15 in a few days, and it seems like you don't give a care if he ran away into the dangerous cruel world.
Dayah: I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GUYS RIGHT NOW!!! YOU'RE DOUBLE TEAMING AGAINST ME!!! And Jay, I thought you were going to be on my side about this but what did I expect, you were always a daddy's boy growing up...
Jay (simself): Uhm...OUCH!
To be continued...
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Author notes: Chile...now that was dramatic and how dare she call me out like that. I can't wait to see what happens next but first we need to get back to what happened between Zayne & Micah. God, this storyline is getting juicy and ghetto now. Lawd, I can't wait to keep updating y'all about what happens in my game because in-game it's just more chaotic.
Anyways, what y'all think about this chapter? Was my simself father overreacting or was my simself mother being insensitive? I think my mother needs to talk with my dad about why she just doesn't really care if my brother is missing cause, it's giving a neglectful parent for me...
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thebramblewood · 12 days ago
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As storytellers, realism and continuity are important to us, and they're sometimes hard to achieve within the confines of the game. I’m personally a big fan of posing Sims in open doorways, and unless you want to be limited to the CC options that exist, you’re stuck having to make some poor Sim walk in and out and pausing at just the right moment for the desired effect. But it’s actually very easy to edit a door in Blender to make your own open version!
I initially learned about "posing" objects from surelysims' Wicked Whims posing tutorial, which I highly recommend as a whole. However, it might be a little overwhelming to learn a whole new posing system for the sake of a screenshot or two, which is where this tutorial is meant to come in. Some of my explanations might seem overly simplistic, but I wanted it to be approachable even for beginners. I am far from an authority on using Blender or making CC, and I'm sure there are flaws in this process or easier ways to achieve certain things, but it works well enough for my purposes and I hope it will work for yours too. 💗
Now, onto the tutorial...
Figure out what door or gate you want to create an open version of. If it’s from the vanilla game, all you need to do is make note of its name. If it’s CC, find the package in your mods folder, make a copy, and paste it into My Documents > Sims 4 Studio > Mods. This will allow you to find it in S4S in the next step!
Open S4S. On the main screen, make sure “Standalone Recolor” is checked under the “Object” button, then click the button.
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A new window should pop up (if it’s your first time doing this, it may take a while to load). At first, it will show every single object in the game. If you know the name of the object you’re looking for, you can use the search bar to find it. You can also use the filtering options to narrow the selection down by category, game pack, and whether it’s vanilla or custom content. Here, I’ve filtered the search to only base game doors. Once I find the door I want to adjust, I click on it and hit “Next.”
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This will pop up a window prompting you to save a new file. Place it somewhere you know you’ll be able to find it easily later and name it accordingly. This file will ultimately contain your mesh edit, so you don’t want to lose it! I suggest placing it in a dedicated folder, on your desktop, or in your Mods folder directly.
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On the next screen, you’ll be looking at the contents of the package itself. For this tutorial, you don’t need to worry about grabbing anything but the mesh. Click on the “Meshes” tab and then “Export Mesh.” You’ll again be prompted to save.
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Open the mesh file you just saved in Blender. (If the view is funky to start, I recommend hitting 1 on your keyboard’s number pad to get a forward-facing view.) [It should also be noted I’m using Blender 3.6, so my screenshots and the location of certain settings may be different than in earlier or newer versions.]
You’ll see that there are actually multiple meshes involved (and the number can vary from object to object). Right now, we’re only concerned with the “rig.” If you’re familiar with posing, you’ll know that all Sims have a rig that is used to move different parts of their bodies around. Objects also have a rig, and objects that can open will have “bones” that control their moving parts. So click on “rig” and then change “Object Mode” in the bottom corner to “Pose Mode.”
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Now, if you hit A on the keyboard, it will select all bones and you can see where they’re located. As far as I can tell, all doors have two bones that control their swinging movement. They both do essentially the same thing. I tend to stick with the top bone, which is called something like “bind_doorSwing.”
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Pro-tip: If you’re having trouble seeing or selecting the rig's bones, you can change the view on the right side of the screen to “dope sheet.” Then when you save the position of the bones, just like when posing a Sim, by selecting all with A then clicking I and selecting “Location & Rotation,” the list of available bones will pop up there.
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Rotate the door open using this bone or bones, if it’s a double door. On double doors, I recommend rotating each side individually rather than trying to rotate them together, as you may get unexpected results. You can use the R+Z combo on the keyboard to limit the direction of movement. (You can also use this in combo with numbers to swing them more precisely. For example, if you want a 45 degree swing, you can press R+Z+45.) Specifying the Z axis allows you to only swing the doors open and closed while restricting their movement in other directions.
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Once you’ve got the doors swung open to where you want them, hit A to select all bones, then hit I and select “Location & Rotation” to save the position. (If you’re a poser, this maneuver is already familiar to you - and you know how important it is! If you skip it, the new position won’t save and the doors will revert back to closed.)
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That’s it! You don’t have to do anything else to the mesh. Save your file in Blender. If you want to keep it separate from the original door mesh, save as instead and name it something different. (This is why you may want a dedicated folder, since the number of files does add up!)
Reopen the package you made earlier in S4S (or simply return to it if you’ve kept it open). From the same place you exported the mesh, you will now import the edited mesh. Hit “Import Mesh,” navigate to your edited Blender file, and you should now see your edited door replace the original. Since it’s the same mesh, all the swatches will still work perfectly with it.
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You’ll notice that you’ve only replaced the “LOD 0 (High)” version of the mesh. When you click the drop-down menu, you’ll see that there are also medium and low detail versions, as well as shadow meshes at all levels of detail. If you’re only making an object for personal use, you don’t have to worry too much about LODs. You can probably just import the same mesh into LOD 1 and LOD 2 and be fine (so long as your computer isn't a potato). And if this is just for you, I honestly wouldn't even touch the shadow LODs.
The only other thing you might do is go back to the “Catalog” tab and alter the object name so you can find it easily in the game catalog. You can also edit the description, price, etc. if you so desire. Hit “Save.”
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Test in game! If the package isn’t already in your Mods folder, move it there. As long as you didn’t mess with any of the tags, it should still be in the door section of build mode and work perfectly as a functional door. The door swinging animation will look different, and you could probably get rid of it if you wanted, but that’s above my current skill level and I don’t think it’s really necessary for our purposes. If all you need is an open version of a very specific door for storytelling purposes, it gets the job done.
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(First screenshot: doors swung open as intended, second screenshot: doors swinging in the opposite direction as they’re walked through)
These steps can also potentially be used to create open versions of other in-game objects like gates, books, chests/boxes, etc. I’m only just beginning to experiment with minor mesh edits, but once you get the hang of it they can often be faster and easier than trying to line up the best circumstances to get the perfect shot in-game. I might make more tutorials for small edits like this that help with storytelling realism and continuity in the future!
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pralinesims · 7 months ago
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...aaand back to the grind 📺
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lilamausmaus · 2 months ago
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cautiously0ptimistic · 2 months ago
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Do you even know whether you're running toward or away from something anymore? I guess it's all just running, all the same.
| next
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herecirmsims · 5 months ago
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Group Apology
Back again already with another niche pack that I made for myself lmao, but I thought someone out there might find use for it. It contains 3 couple poses for a smaller Sim feeling pain, before sharing a joke/flirtation with their worried partner; then 4 group poses for 4 Sims having a sad/uncomfortable discussion and then a slightly less uncomfortable hug lmao.
Poses made with masc and femme rigs and as always there may be clipping or floating depending on Sim body type or clothing. Height differences are included.
You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim
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Download here (always free): SFS | Patreon
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TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.
I’d love to see them used! You can tag me on Bluesky, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️
You can easily browse more of my posepacks using my Ko-Fi gallery. Want to commission me and help support my work? Details here! Want to leave a suggestion for poses you'd like to see? Form here!
@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc
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yiyuaner · 5 months ago
Three versions bodychains for male and pregnant male!
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nefaricussims · 1 month ago
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Hi everyone! Today I bring you two small sets of couple poses inspired by Arcane on Netflix! There are two scenes where Jayce gets comforted by Mel while he lies in her lap, which I both loved so I decided to create this posepack based on them! The bed version was actually made for my own story and then I added the desk version as a fun little extra. (I say fun as if it didn't give me a major headache. 🤣)
This posepack comes with two sets; one uses a bed and features 5 poses and one uses a desk which features 4 poses. They're made specifically for a masc Sim lying down on a fem Sim so if you try it the other way around they might clip!
In order to make the desk poses work I had to alter the chair's placement, which I know sucks, but it just wouldn't have been possible otherwise. The teleporter goes into the middle of the desk BUT the chair must not slot on it but be placed one half-tile further away:
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You need:
Andrew Pose Player
Teleport Any Sim
Download (always for free):
If you decide to use these, feel free to tag me here or on instagram! I would LOVE to see what you create with them! <3
TOU: please do not edit + reupload, claim or paywall my poses!
@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc
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melaninpov · 2 years ago
Reblog for my fellow simmers who love the sims 4 and a great sim story. I have a strong feeling that we’re gonna enjoy this.
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Named after one of my favorite books and albums, Things Fall Apart is an epic tale of lust, greed, betrayal, vengeance and, above all else, growth.
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This story never started as a legacy nor was it intended to be anything other than gameplay.  However, these characters evolved and, as such, so did their stories; each intertwined and forever impacted by the others. 
Written, played and photographed by The Watcher circa 2015
Should you choose to continue, please note that this story is rated MA for Mature Audiences and contains strong language, violence, adult themes, strong sexual content, nudity and a variety of triggers appropriately tagged for depression and abuse in all of its forms. This story is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18 (DNI).
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Pictured above is the original cast, from left to right:
Elise Farrow ~ Juan Rivera ~ Darren Drake ~ Indya Williams ~ Jerrilee Coleman ~ Dr. Julian Carter
As you make your way through their lives, names will change and you'll find that new characters emerge for either good or sinister reasons.
Shall we begin?
Act One
Chapter 1: Understanding Indya | Chapter 2: The Horsemen | Chapter 3: Toxic | Chapter 4: Demons | Chapter 5: Vengeance | Chapter 6: The Aftermath | Chapter 7: Chances | Chapter 8: Restart | Chapter 9: Moving Forward | Chapter 10: Several Steps Back | Chapter 11: Unfinished Business
Act Two
Chapter 12: The Trial of the Century | Chapter 13: The Demon's Return | Chapter 14: I Do | Chapter 15: Conception at the Summit | Chapter 16: Hopeful | Chapter 17: Milestones | Chapter 18: Growth | Chapter 19: Growing Pains | Chapter 20: The Fear of Letting Go | Chapter 21: A New Journey
Act Three
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Pictured above is the current cast from left to right
Elliot Mahajan* ~ Darren Drake Jr. ~ Indira Dior Drake ~ Jayce Carruthers ~ Hope Diamond Carruthers (Drake) ~ Indya Drake ~ Darren Drake Sr. ~ Jerri Coleman
Bonus Content
Story Commentary | Story Extras
In case you need a palate cleanser at any time, check out my Globetrotter Challenge or The Greenwoods for a little Rated E for Everyone fun!
Author's Note:
This story has been a labor of love, writing is a hobby and so is gaming. Combining the two has helped me in ways I cannot put into words. I am thankful to you for enjoying this hobby with me. Writing urban fiction using the sims, for me, will forever be inspired by mochasims, rest in paradise, dear friend. Mocha created a community for Black storytellers where one didn't exist anywhere in the Sims Community and paved the way for other Black writers to follow with her epic tale of Men and Stilettos and of course Kasim's adventures!
I will be forever grateful for the safe space she created to tell real, Black ass stories. Much love sis.
Reactions to Mocha's passing:
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mangosimoothie · 6 months ago
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Chapter 18: 𝕰𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖚𝖊 (4/6)
Teeth and talons, horns and fur We are grotesque and powerful
@alltimefail-sims Where do I even start? Not only did you make Wren, thee most iconic sim for this story, you've been the most supportive of the Mango Cinematic Universe from day one and I can't thank you enough for that 🖤
@foxsimthings I love Wesley and the backstory you created for him. Haunted by love and searching for meaning. I'm glad to bring him one step closer to finding it. Thank you!
@gothoffspring Literally the moment I saw her I knew Khia was way too fucking cool to stay human AND too cool to be a vampire tbh. Obsessed with this feral baddie -- thank you to the moon and back for being a part of The Familiar 🦇🖤🐺
@saruin EEEEVE she is so beautiful and cool I was sad to see her go so early but now she's living the life she deserved from the start 😈 I loved having Eve be part of this story, so thank you so much for being part of The Familiar!
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jxyvrs · 1 year ago
Sneak Peek/UPDATE | UNCOVERED LIES sims 4 series in the works pt.1
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Hey guys, just a little update for you guys. I'm writing the screenplay for the machinima while I have some music in the background. I struggled a bit while writing and trying to figure out how to make the screenplay sound just right.
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Basically, it's going to have the similar beginning like how the Tumblr series started, but a little different. I'm thinking about having the beginning start with the Narrator narrating the beginning of the story before it the episode starts.
It's not much yet, but I'm still working on it, if you also want to help out and share some suggestions, it will be appreciated, all suggestions are welcome here if you have any.
You have any questions or concerns regarding to the series, please feel free to contact me by sending me a DM on here! 😊
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invisiblequeen · 5 months ago
I Recommend These Active Sim Stories:
Langerak Legacy
Laandgraab Generations Legacy
Things Fall Apart
Clawcrest Legacy
Girls With Guns
The Grand Occult Baking Championship
The Stephens Continued
Failing At Romance 101
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prxnce · 10 months ago
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The Love Letter Save V.2 from: Prxnce
finally... its been just over a year since v.1 and just about 2 years since i started crafting this what is the love letter save? the love letter save is... a love letter to my childhood which mainly revolved around the sims *shocker* and various shows/movies etc. this save file embraces the idea that the sims 4 takes place on an alternate timeline... combining and altering the storylines from previous sims installments. i brought a TON of families from all previous sims games with some of their original lore and some twists of my own.
in the save bella goth is still missing... or she was... the beakers have a test subject, except it's claire ursine's love child with jared frio in this timeline. the caliente sisters are still up to no good! and the monty's still hate the capp family! and sooooo much more... i want to give a special thanks to LifeSimmer, who permitted me to use the Fenderson family in this save. i have been playing the sims since i was 9 years old and all these years later that family is just as special to my inner sims child as the goth family.
i made separate posts for pictures of the towns which you can find HERE same for the townies through the series of ten posts pt. 1 | pt.2 | pt.3 | pt.4 | pt.5| pt.6 | pt.7| pt.8| pt.9| pt.10
before you download!!!
i highly recommend going into your MCCC settings and TURNING OFF sim culling. what this will do is prevent the game from deleting unplayed sims as you play. which i didn't until after v.1 and was confused why i had to start from scratch around 9 months ago.
what packs are required?
all of them! (sorry)
no cc!
when you load in!!!
all households will be marked as played... simply because i wasn't taking my chances with sim culling
autonomy and aging are off, it is up to you if you would like to turn this back on
finally i am sure that i missed some things or relationships or maybe even forgot a mailbox somewhere... that is bound to happen with every save file. let me know if you would like i plan on only adding as the sims 4 goes on and would to get to near perfection
and with that that... i am sending all love... please enjoy V.2
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legacythesims · 3 months ago
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toy store tantrum posepack
download (patrons)
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