#Greco GF
jcrmhscasereports · 2 years
Emerging infectious agents: an unusual case of Metapneumovirus pneumonia in an adult patient by Greco GF in Journal of Clinical Case Reports Medical Images and Health Sciences
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Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV), a relatively new virus, is a common cause of acute respiratory infection, especially common in the pediatric population. Despite hMPV infection in adults is possible, this rarely results in serious clinical manifestation. Here, we describe a hypoxemic respiratory failure related to pneumonia in an adult patient in whom hMPV was detected in respiratory samples.
Human Metapneumovirus; SARS-CoV-2; Covid-19.
A 61-yr-old caucasian man presented to the Emergency Department (ASST Mantua Hospital, Mantua, Italy) with fever up to 39°C, poorly responsive to antipyretics, nocturnal dyspnea and productive cough with mucus-purulent sputum for three days. On physical examination he appeared in good general condition, collaborating and oriented. The following parameters were recorded: blood pressure 140/90mmHg, heart rate of 100 beats min-1; respiratory rate of 23 breaths min-1; and body temperature of 38.4°C. His arterial oxygen saturation on room air was 87%. Chest examination revealed abnormal breath sounds with rhonchi and fine crackles in the middle lobe and inferior lobes bilaterally, no wheezes were heard. Laboratory findings revealed lymphocytosis (81000 x 103/µl), low platelet count (113000 x 106/µl) and an increase in alanine transaminase value (59 U/L), total bilirubin value (1.13 mg/dL) and CPR value (112 mg/L). Room air arterial blood gas analysis showed a normocapnic hypoxemia: pH 7.43, carbon dioxide tension 40.5 mmHg, oxygen tension 60.4 mmHg, and HCO3 24 mmol L-1. The  SARS-CoV-2 antigen detection test on nasopharyngeal swab was negative. A chest radiograph showed multiple, small, patchy opacities in the right upper and middle lobe and  no pleural effusion was observed. Based on these findings he was admitted to the Respiratory Department.
His medical history included chronic lymphocytic leukemia in follow-up which did not require any specific treatment. He denied taking any medications or to be a smoker, he drinks a glass of wine once a day and has no known allergies. The patient was a farmer who cultivates wheat and maize but he had no animal exposure and no travel history in the last few years. There is no family history or childhood history of respiratory complaints. He was vaccinated with three dosesagainst the SARS-CoV-2 infection (Pfizer) but not against the influenza virus.
Based on the patient’s presentation and testing results, on suspicion of bacterial pneumonia he was empirically treated with IV Piperacillin/Tazobactam, the patient required oxygen support at 3L min-1 and an inhalation therapy with Beclomethasone/Formoterol was set up ex adiuvantibus. In the following days, several microbiological investigations were carried out to determine the etiology of pneumonia: blood culture, urinoculture, sputum culture, Legionella, Haemofilus and Pneumococcus serologic tests, Legionella pneumophila and Pneumococcal urinary antigen test, all of which were negative.
A  nasopharyngeal swab FilmArray Respiratory Panel Assay (NP FARP) was then requested: it was positive for human Metapneumovirus and the result was confirmed by repeating the test. For non responder fever and further increase of CPR (230 mg/l) and PCT (0.27 ng/ml), Levofloxacin and later Meropenem were added in the perspective of a resistant bacterial etiology.  On  the 6th hospitalization day a chest computed tomography (CT) scan was obtained (Figures 1 and 2) which demonstrated large opacities with gradient borders, distributed in the peribronchial area at the right upper lobe, middle lobe and both the lower lobes; they tended to the confluence configuring parenchymal consolidations with aerial bronchogram at the level of the cost-phrenic angle. Imaging also showed bilateral hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy (max diameter 3.4 x 2 cm), splenomegaly and absence of pleural effusion. Blood chemistry tests for HIV, Aspergillus antigen and galactomannan were also investigated but turned out negative. To rule out other infectious agents the patient underwent bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) into the middle lobe. BAL provides material for various microbiological and cytological tests: Gram stain, culture, Koch’s bacillus DNA, Galactomannan, Cytomegalovirus and P. Jirovecii and immunological analysis were negative. From respiratory virus panel on BAL only human Metapneumovirus was isolated, this unique microbiological data was according to the NP FARP’s result,  thus supporting and confirming the new hypothesis of a viral pneumonia in an adult patient with probable secondary mild immunosuppression due to his hematological disease. About ten days after entering the ward, there was a gradual decrease of CPR and a progressive improvement in clinical conditions and respiratory function to allow the suspension of oxygen therapy. At the end of hospitalization, pulmonary function tests were performed and showed a restrictive syndrome (FEV1/FVC 76.2, TLC 68% and VC 79% of predicted) and mild reduction of diffusion capacity (DLCO 62% and KCO 99%), probably representing the residual functional impairment due to viral pneumonia. The patient finally suspended all therapies and at discharge was referred for a one-month follow-up visit.
Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV), a relatively new virus first discovered in 2001, has been detected in 4-16% of patients with acute respiratory infections [1] [2] [3]. In particular, a recent review of 48 previous articles, including 100,151 patients under the age of five hospitalized for CAP, identified this virus as a cause of pneumonia in 3.9% of patients [4]. A recent study of 1386 hospitalized adult patients identified hMPV pneumonia in only 1.64%, indicating that it was much less common than in the infant population [5]. Metapneumovirus causes disease primarily in infants, but rarely can infect immunosuppressed individuals and elderly as well. Seroprevalence studies have shown that 90-100% of 5-10 years old children have previous infection [6]. Reinfection can occur during adulthood because of defected immunity acquired during the first contact with hMPV and/or because of different viral genotypes. The incubation period varies widely but is typically 3-5 days. The disease severity depends on the patient's condition and it ranges from mild upper airway infection to life-threatening pneumonia or bronchiolitis [7]. Clinically, Metapneumovirus infection is often indistinguishable from RSV infection, particularly in the pediatric population, and common symptoms include hypoxemia, cough, fever, upper and lower airway infections and wheezing [8]. hMPV infant patients are often hospitalized  for bronchiolitis and pneumonia [9]. In young adults, a flu-like syndrome with fever may occur in a small number of instances, but infection in geriatric subjects may cause severe clinical manifestations such as pneumonia and, in rare cases, death [10].
As described in this case, it was not surprising that antibiotics and corticosteroids were administered in most patients infected with Metapneumovirus mainly for two reasons: in most cases the specific diagnostic tests for hMPV are not carried out at admission and/or physicians prefer to continue steroid and antibiotic treatment to control potential unidentified bacterial infections in patients in which no etiological agent had been identified associated with hMPV infection. The overuse of these drugs could therefore be reduced through the adoption at admission of specific diagnostic tests for such etiological agent, especially if specific risk factors are present (age, immunodepression, etc.). In addition, the adoption of such tests could reduce the nosocomial spread of this virus, allowing an early isolation of the infected patient [11].
Conflicts of interest: The authors certify that there is no conflict of interest with any financial organization regarding the material discussed in the manuscript. Funding: The authors report no involvement in the research by the sponsor that could have influenced the outcome of this work.
Authors’ contributions : All authors contributed equally to the manuscript and read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
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For more submission of articles: https://jmedcasereportsimages.org/
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eroticlamb · 7 days
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Juliette Gréco in bed at the Hotel La Louisiane in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, 1950 ୨ৎ Photographed by Georges Dudognon
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smidgemarner · 4 months
cava and greco are gfs, but, champions two years in a row. i could cry rn, i love them sm. my faves honestlyyyyy
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twocrabcake · 1 year
everytime hoffman has a girlboss slay i say go offman
LMAO I JUST REALIZED HE WENT “you your gf and your friends arrrrrracists” HES SO DISGUSTED LMAO go offman ig!!
did amanda ever use the voice thing? did she ever voice billy?
who was donnie greco was he like. her dealer or something? or was he just some poor bastard like “hello donnie. i wanna play a game. prepare to die lmao”
nina’s fishing hook has the edge on it. unless they ripped a giant fucking gash in her throat, once it got stuck in her skin, it was stuck there. you can’t get that out
where the fuck did john get thousands of used syringes. did he dumpster dive or smthn. did he custom order. are those the needles from all the people that got pigged lol (i wonder if lawrence got them bc you know hospital and stuff)
did we figure out what trevor did to get in the mausoleum trap. do they tell us or am i just stupid
so many traps are just “ya you did your job a little bit too well. a little too successful. sorry bro you’re getting mutilated maybe try to be more incompetent next time :(“
you ever look at 2 characters and go “oh yeah they fucking”
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oliver-nova · 3 months
i'm done with nopixel after last night. you got any good suggestions? can be crim or not too
This is gonna be a long post with different suggestions. I also will say to use the hasroot pages for all the servers I am going to mention. More after jump!
ONX - A lot of the good people from NP and Ignite who cared about RP over "content" based "pogs per minute" are over here. WG is very active over there recently helping with updates and is putting out daily patch notes. This is a different server from about 2-3 months ago. I'll admit that I don't watch a lot of crim in general, but some of the really great accounts include:
Myles_Away - His main character right now is Harold, the captain of the LSSD/Grapeseed SD. He also recently brought back his NP main, Connor Stubble. Harold/Stubble is mainly active during shift 1, but you can see him pull out different characters throughout the night as well. He is currently using his pirate character to fuck with Dr. Q
Vondill - He plays Newton Weems, a textbook "beta cuck" cop for the LSPD. He mainly plays in shift 3, but the majority of the city rn wants Weems dead for different reasons.
Mattrp - He plays JR Nixon. (The JR totally means Jack Ripley btw). He is the Lt of the Highway Patrol, essentially the troopers without the trooper name. You will likely remember him for his NP character, Trooper Jack Ripley. He is active during late shift 2 into shift 3.
S0upes - He plays a whole shitton of characters on Purple and ONX, but on ONX he mainly plays Apples, the lead of towing lot LOT Q. He gets into a lot of shit on Apples too. Last I watched, he was having beef with another tow lot. He also brought back his NP character, Silas Grimmer recently. S0upes also plays Adam Sosuke, the genius behind the Moonlight Cabaret, which is totally not a knockoff of the Yakuza games. He is very active in shift 1 into early 2
wtfmoses - He plays AG Salvatore Greco, his Ignite character he brought over to ONX. He is better known for his NP characters George W Nelson and Derek McNulty. He has recently took a step back from some of the AG duties, and he also streams Red Dead content and a crim, but I haven't watched enough of anything that isn't Greco. He is all over the place, but he mainly stays in late shift 1 and almost all of 2.
Momo - She is one of the newer players to rp in general, but she is great. Her main character is the Game Warden, and eventual Lt, Mickey Faraday. Mickey does a lot of other stuff in town on her off time including helping put together the concert for Pride Month. She also plays one of the police K9s, Luna. She's all over the place, but she mainly stays in shift 1 and 2.
Bananaduck - This name should be familiar to posters on here. He is best known for his NP characters including Holden Maddox and Chuck Danger. His main(s) on ONX include Holden's grandson, Edward Maddox. Edward is a balls to the wall cop who is also a massive slut and will fuck any woman that breathes at him. He is currently in conflict right now because his ex gf found out about his new gf. He also dabbles in Holden from time to time as well as Billy Sprinkle. Depending on the day, he is usually late shift 3 into almost all of 1 and part of 2.
Jonthebroski - Another name that is well known for his NP character. He played the beloved cop turned crim Johnny Divine. Over on ONX, he plays Wayne Carcano, a cop that is obsessed with baseball and is learning the ropes from Bill Raptor. Jon mentioned that he wants to take Baastards to ONX as well, so maybe we will see Divine in the future on ONX. Wayne is usually active late shift 2 into a large chunk of 3.
luka_aus - He is known for his NP characters including Luka Kozlov and Holden Maloo, both characters have yet to hit ONX, but I believe they're made as well as some of his other NP characters. He has been going hard on his cop character Marik Chapman, a good ol boy from England. He is seen a lot with Bill Raptor and recently made full deputy. Luka has mentioned that one Chapman made full deputy, you would see more of his crims, including Kozlov who is a crim now. (Imagine how it's gonna be the first time he sees Stubble again!!)
cocobrooklyn - She came over from Ignite, where she plays/ed Barbara Capo. A lot of watchers of old 3.0 NP say that her cop on ONX reminds them a lot of Martell. She plays Sloan Morgan Slaughter. A cop trying to redeem herself after an unfortunate accident led to her being fired for a short time. She isn't as active streaming as some of the others on this list, but she also plays a character on Purple who hangs around with Fingle Dan a lot. Sloan is usually around shift 2, but coco is a degen and is all over the place.
Fozwo - He came over from Ignite as well. His Ignite character is Mickey O'Shea. His ONX character that he mains is Ranger Danny O'Shea, a James Bond loving madman who jumped off Mt. Chilliad multiple times dressed up as Bond to bug test the new parachutes for the admins. Danny cares a lot about the wild in the forests of San Andreas, and he cares a lot about the Game Warden. I just recently started watching him myself, but I've really enjoyed his recent streams. Danny is around mainly in shift 1.
aleks - A name that should be very familiar to anyone who watched NP back in 2.0 and 3.0. Aleks is best known for his cop, which he has brought over to ONX and is now the Director of Public Safety, Bob Smith. Bob is currently bald and in a wheelchair because of an assassin trying to kill him. His streams on Bob are really cozy if you like meeting rp, which I personally really like. He also plays the owner of TurboMax, one of the mechanic shops in town, Maksim Volkoff. He has a handful of other characters, but these are the ones that make streams the majority of the time (RIP Dr. Soupes)
D4N1ELLE - She should be familiar to NP watchers as former HOA member Quimbley Hayabusa. She is going by the same name on ONX, but she is the Medical Director. She spends a lot of time either talking with Bob or hanging out off duty with people like Sean. If you watched her on NP, there are subtle nods back to her former husband, Jerry Sweets, who passed away in a waterslide accident. She always keeps a picture of her and Jerry in her office, and her ties with Stubble are strained now because of the accident.
New Day - New Day is a beast that is totally different from NP, Purple, or ONX. New Day focuses more on long term storytelling over pings and the fast paced story that most servers run with. This is one of my favorite servers, and for a while, I was considering trying to get a spot on the server. I have some friends that either do admin work or play on the server too. The only downfall is that majority of the player base doesn't stream or they stream on YT rather than Twitch.
Homesikh - this is my go to streamer for New Day. I absolutely love both of his characters too. He plays Larry Tate, leader of the Black Lotus Motorcycle Club. Larry cares deeply about the club, but will fuck you up if you do anything stupid too. Larry is best described as "kind, yet cruel." He also plays Kyle Jacobs, his cop character, who runs K9 a lot too, but I mainly watch for Larry because ufff
WhatMuppet - He plays Barry Hill, an absolute shitter, but really when he's not fucking around with his friends, he is leading the Troopers. He's been kinda MIA for a while, like with the rest of the streamers I would usually suggest for ND people, but it is what it is
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hotnew-pt · 4 days
Gf: Enzo Paolo Turchi contra Marco Garofalo: “Ele me limpava” #ÚltimasNotícias
Hot News O tom não acalma após o primeiro episódio do reality show de Alfonso Signorini. E apesar da censura da Mediaset, Enzo Paolo Turchi cria um novo escândalo Ricardo Greco Editor da Web Ele abordou a publicação estudando no IED como Editor de Moda. Em seguida, especializou-se em Comunicação Digital, Jornalismo e Novas Mídias na La Sapienza, colaborando com alguns jornais e assessorias de…
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kritere · 2 years
GF Vip 7, Oriana e Daniele litigano furiosamente: “Ridicola sei te”
DIRETTA TV “Ridicola sei te, ridicola sei te, ridicola sei te”. Il tutto condito dallo yogurt greco. Se gli Oriele si auguravano un ritorno alla normalità, la lite andata in scena nelle ultime ore tra Oriana Marzoli e Daniele Dal Moro è il segnale di come la situazione tra i due sia piuttosto pesante. E a questo punto forse nemmeno risolvibile. Non almeno dentro la casa del GF Vip. Grande…
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connabeth · 4 years
i don’t think the most unrealistic thing in all of pjo and hoo was flying horses or water powers or shifting underground mazes, it was the fact that despite everything percy had been forced to put up with, he never cried. not once. bitch, i would’ve cried on DAY ONE.
there’s an attempt on my life during my school field trip? crying. my fucking mom’s dead? bawling like a baby. someone tries to stick my head down a toilet? i’m beating their ass, and then crying. i have to fight demigods and monsters with basically zero training? cursing and crying. and this is all just day one baby.
snake lady tries to turn me and my friends into an ugly garden statue? crying. i fall off the gateway arch? screaming and crying. my dad says i was a mistake? giving him the middle finger then crying. one of my best friends gets kidnapped (two books in a row)? sobbing. i have to be physically active at summer camp? whining, refusing to get up, and crying. the girl i love is giving me the cold shoulder? under-the-covers sniffling. i accidentally kill a dude in the middle of battle? dissociation and then crying.
i finally get to settle down and be happy with my girlfriend and then get swept away to the other side of the country only to wake up surrounded by a bunch of wolves? punching a bitch then crying. i remember basically nothing about my life except my girlfriend who i can’t find anywhere? weeping. finally reunite with her and then am forced to see her off on a quest to get herself killed? cry. ing.
she succeeds but then we both get tossed into hell? gutted wailing. having to shove motherfucking fire down my throat to survive? crying except no sound comes out cause my vocal chords are burnt. i accidentally freak my gf out when i try to choke a bitch on her own poison? guilty crying. evil spirits inflict a thousand cursed on me and the girl i love and i’m bleeding all over the place and she’s blind and terrified? crying cause that shit hurted. the face of hell looks me in the eyes and sucks all the hope out of my soul? crying. i’m forced to leave to leave good people behind to die? heartbroken sobbing. of all things, my nostrils are the reason the earth mother is woken up? embarrassed crying. finally reuniting with camp and then seeing my friend die? crying.
i have to go to a shitty high school for senior year because nowhere else would take me? crying. i get to take a backseat and finish school with my girlfriend but then i have to fight greco-egyptian deities with two other random kids when i’m just trying to get by? lamenting. and then a god-but-not-actually-a-god shows up at my doorstep like an ungrateful little bitch? shutting the door in his face and then crying. hearing my other friend got skewered like a shish kebab? crying. getting to drive to college with my two best friends but running into trouble every step of the way? banging my head against the steering wheel and crying.
in conclusion it was bad writing to not have him cry at least twice in each series, end of story. let percy cry 2k21💅🏽.
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tarditardi · 3 years
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Il 12 marzo ’22 Alex Belli all’Etoile Club - Cassinetta di Lugagnana (MI)
Alex Belli, classe 1982, personaggio chiave del GF Vip, celebre attore tv (CentoVetrine),  influencer (quasi 600.000 fan su Instagram) ed affermato fotografo di moda, sabato 12 marzo arriva come special guest all'Etoile Club & Lounge di Cassinetta di Lugagnano (MI). 
All'Etoile Club, appena rinnovato dal punto di vista del design e di tutto ciò che conta in un luogo di ritrovo che nasce per far ballare (impianto audio, schermi video, luci, etc), il 12 marzo va infatti in scena una festa dedicata alle ragazze di ogni età. L'8 marzo, la Festa della Donna, è passata da qualche ora, ma celebrare la parte femminile del mondo è sempre una buona idea.
Insieme ad Alex Belli, al microfono, come guest voice c'è infatti Leonardo Greco, già protagonista di Uomini e Donne, anche lui molto amato per la sua capacità di coinvolgere il pubblico visto che da circa dieci anni è un vocalist di grande livello.
Come dj guest invece arriva Marco Beats, per una serata dalle sonorità eclettiche e coinvolgenti (pop dance, reggaeton, hip hop). 
La serata inizia alle 23 30 e si balla fino a tarda notte. 
Viale Lombardia 16 - Cassinetta di Lugagnano (MI)
Info & Reservations: 346.8507337
Un recente post su Instagram di Etoile Club
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tergestin · 3 years
Pietro Taricone portava il nome di suo nonno e adesso dorme sepolto vicino a lui, nel nuovo cimitero di Trasacco, comune della Marsica chiuso per lutto. C’è uno striscione, all’inizio del paese: «Muore giovane chi è caro agli dei», famosa citazione del poeta greco Menandro. L’hanno lasciato lì i «camerati » di Casapound, che di Taricone erano buoni amici: «Ma lui non era un fa***sta, era solo un uomo libero, per questo aveva voluto incontrarci, senza pregiudizi o preconcetti di sorta», racconta ora Gianluca Iannone, il leader carismatico del movimento.
Taricone, aveva contribuito anche a fondare il gruppo di paracadutismo sportivo di Casapound, Istinto rapace. Per simbolo avevano scelto insieme un artiglio, ispirandosi all'iconografia dei vecchi indiani d'America. Casapound ricorda Pietro Taricone, "lui era gonfio di vita, era la forza tranquilla e adesso ci manca già". Meglio, dunque, opporre un dignitoso silenzio». La fascinazione di Taricone per Casapound nacque una sera del 2008, quando i ragazzi in camicia nera assaltarono la «bolla» del Grande fratello, a Ponte Milvio, la tensostruttura che ospitava gli aspiranti partecipanti al reality di Canale 5. Un’azione di protesta al grido di «La casa non è un gioco» per rivendicare il diritto alla casa, quella vera. A Pietro, che aveva sempre vissuto con distacco e senso critico il successo spaventoso avuto nella prima edizione del «Gf», quell’azione restò impressa: «Casapound mi piace moltissimo, mi piace il mutuo sociale, mi affascina l'idea del fare a prescindere dalle ideologie, credo che questo sia il futuro della politica...», disse una volta a Vanity Fair. Così, un anno fa, si presentò a sorpresa nella sede del movimento, mentre era in corso una conferenza su «Nicola Bombacci e la sinistra fa***sta». Fu un colpo di fulmine. «L’idea che Pietro voleva realizzare con noi - ricorda Gianluca Iannone - era quella di diffondere il più possibile nelle scuole il paracadutismo, sport elitario perchè estremamente costoso, attraverso la formula dei prestiti d’onore, con rateizzazioni agevolate per gli studenti. Credeva nello sport come alternativa alla discoteca e agli altri svaghi superficiali. Ci credeva seriamente». 🌹
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squizlers · 5 years
OC master post I’ll add to more as I make more ocs
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Ronnie Oey
Immortal and a big ass crackhead
“Uhh hate to break it to you but for a good portion of those centuries I was high or sleeping😐” “So like I know I told y’all all that stuff about the past but please don’t put that in you documentary it’s all BS I just wanted to sound smart😭🥶”
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He’s immortal and is a funky lil dnd nerd boi
“I will cosplay my dnd character YOU CANT STOP ME IM OLD ENOUGH TO BE YOUR GREAT GREAT Great great great...” “I think I almost had a fist fight with a toddler outside of Denny’s”
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Bonny Boop
Immortal cartoon nerd lesbian
“Hello Ronnie my dear how has it been since you dumped me outside of Dunkin’ Donuts 1936 New York USA time? Doin well?” “If one more human asks me for nudes I’m gonna break my neck like a glow stick”
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Remy Delora
Stupid science puppet man
“WITH THIS THE TRISTATE AREA WILL FINALLY BE M- wait a second” “My roomate is dating a demon while I ain’t even dated my own species😭😭”
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Myrtle Khuu
Contacts many non-human things cause she thinks they’re swell
“REMY WHY THE HECC IS MY TOASTER TRYING TO BITE ME ME??” “I swear to god if I open my phone and suddenly I’m fired and the bank wants to eat my ass I’m gonna just go live with my gf in hell”
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Demon lord of chaos that dated a human for kicks and would now kill for her, no dying here
“Hey babe what is this? A poptart? Looks crusty as shit what the fu-“ “Man sporks are to die for. What do you mean you can’t eat sporks’ I think you mean YOU cant eat sporks”
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Bianca and Luca Greco
possessed gold fish
“HEY LUCA WHAT IF I ATE THIS?” “Lesson learned, faeries are mean”
Voice of reason is tired of all this shit
“BIBI WHY THE HELL ARE YOU ON THE CEILING” “Is that a ouja board? Nice let’s contact my grandpa and ask him why he let the bloodline continue”
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Godly puppeteer bitch
“Why do you cretins insist on me not throwing the baby? It’s making noise, it must know to be quiet in my presence” “Walmart is my home now and I love it here”
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jazminnauroraa · 4 years
For my third journal entry, I’ve chosen @theguerrillafeminist, who is both on facebook and instagram. I discovered her first through facebook, but she’s since then transitioned to being more active on instagram. GF has had quite a journey-- it started off as something Lachrista Greco, MA &MLIS, created on her own, in Chicago. She soon moved, and now lives in Madison, WI. It ran for a couple of years, until she added a team that eventually turned the page into a nonprofit. After another couple of years, she had it return to its original roots, to bring a page solely representing herself. She felt it was too much, being see as an ideology or an organization, with too much pressure and expectations from her followers.  Lachrista Greco is young woman in her 30s, with Italian lineage. She has alway stated up front that she has an immense amount of privilege: she is cis, white, able-bodied, and has a higher education. She is disabled, with two learning disabilities, mental illness (anxiety disorder, PTSD, PMDD, and depression) and STI+ (who has had HPV in the past, and lives with genital herpes).  She got her BA in English-Writina from Edgewood College and her first master’s in WOmen’s and Gender Studies from DePaul University.  She is currently working on a her second Master’s in Library & Information Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has written for Bitch Media, Ravishly, Scarleteen, Luna Luna, etc. and has spoken at many nonprofits, colleges, and universities around the world. Her topics include digital consulting, online abuse, feminism, disabilities, domestic and sexual violence, and Italianità. She has published two books: the first is anthology called Olive Grrrls: Italian North American Women & The Search for Identity (where she was also an editor); the second being a book of poems called Leftovers. What I love most about The Guerrilla Feminist is that way her posts make me actively think about my privilege, despite being a POC. The majority of her posts I whole-heartedly agree with, and even learn from without qualm. But it’s that other small percentage, the part that makes me uncomfortable, and makes me think. That’s what makes me stay. She was the first person/account that made me learn about the concept of privilege, but specifically white privilege and how use it, more accurately how we should use it.  I think about in the beginning of the semester when learned the meaning of white privilege and the invisible knapsack. Tems and concepts I was already familiar with because I follow pages like The Guerrilla Feminist. But the biggest similarity I see between this semester’s content and my multimedia choice is when watching The Angry Eye (2001). It’s a video that makes you reconcile with the realities of every day systemic racism and prejudice-- and how one who is Black (or even any other minority) withstands the weight of an unjust system. https://www.instagram.com/p/CH8Z1eBAUwh/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link  Here is an example of content she shares-- the comparison between a young black boy whole stole a backpack and wen to Rikers for 3 years, while a young white man posts a $2 million dollar bail for killing two people during a protest not even in his own state.   https://www.instagram.com/p/CHdmvTZgTN3/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Here is another example of calling out whiteness within white women-- an identity she herself is part of. I appreciate her dedication to knowledge and self-improvement and self-discovery, no matter how difficult or ugly the reality may be. It’s the sort of content that doesn’t pat someone on the back, and ignores the reality of the injustices one might face every day. Her content highlights the intersectionality of gender, race and identity-- it is a social media account that benefits from the use of multiculturalism and projecting voices and media content above our own privileged soapbox.  
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thattallsummonerguy · 7 years
I get the whole feminist thing and I'm with it but you the one who train mma 9 years and want a fight? I'm game let's go
I didn’t train in “MMA” I have combined 9 years of martial arts training, 5 years in 1 and 4 years in another, MMA has evolved predominantly into a sports martial*(still practical for self defense) that is comprised of Muay Thai, Brazilian Jujitsu, Western Boxing, and a small amount of other practices(mainly wrestling) I have studied isshin ryu karate(5 years) and Western Boxing(4 years) with a tiny splash of Greco-Roman wrestling. Also dude, this post is literally like almost 4 years old. You are late to the party, I have had many challenges to spare that have never panned out. I work 50+ hours a week as an automotive tech and am currently wracking myself to get back to the gym on a solid consistent basis.   So by all means if you want to “fight” me I am more than willing to accommodate you, just send me a PM with a prospective time and date in the So Cal area because honestly I don’t have enough time between Working as a tech, testing for my ASEs, purchasing more tools, saving to buy a new car, planning to move in with my GF, figuring out a solid work out schedule/having the time & energy to work out, working on any sort of cosplay, and also working at conventions with the other company that employs me I would love a good chance to get my butt to the gym to spare you. Also why do this anonymously?
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gayratslut · 8 years
@biwitchofthewest fucked me up by suggesting evelyne brochu should play diana’s girlfriend in the dceu, so here we go, evelyne brochu as wondy’s gf:
she works at the Louvre, her office straight up on the opposite side of where diana is
they never run into each other, because the place is so huge and they work in different departments
like not even at employee get-togethers do they see each other
elodie, our french nerd, is an historian, an art collector, and extraordinarily attuned to detail
also a bit of a sci fi geek. she lived in the US for a few years as a teenager.
her latest side project has her focused on this one woman she’s seen scattered all over history, in some very rare, very esoteric photographs.
she knows it’s the same person
the bags under her eyes will admit no other alternative
she’s got that woman’s face so ingrained in her mind at this point that she could recognize her by the tip of her nose
and she does. sort of.
it’s more diana’s whole profile, but still
a co worker at lunch asks if elodie could drop off some forms at the greco-roman offices 
she hardly ever visits there because she knows pretty much everything about that time period anyway, nothing new or exciting. 
she says yes, though, and she walks.
there’s no one in the offices so she leaves the forms on the first desk she sees, but there are sounds coming from farther in
she slips her glasses up her nose and investigates
there’s a woman high up on a ladder, analyzing a large marble sculpture
elodie doesn’t say anything while she approaches, forgetting her manners for a moment. something in the room feels too significant.
she thought she was being quite but, as she gets near.... 
“can you pass me that brush?”
she’s shocked, obviously. she doesn’t move because that... that’s her nose. the time traveler’s nose!
diana turns to look at her firmly now, and yup. that’s definitely her. this is the woman her late night’s have revolved around.
and she’s way hot in person.
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grecocristiano · 6 years
Tumblr media
“ mi merito proprio una bella serata ricca di emozioni forti, divertimento, sesso, alcool e rock n’roll “ —-> { realtà : letto, cioccolata fondente e GF 😅 } 🤷🏻‍♂️ (presso Casa Greco) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpXo-umFfuy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3mmer3w8ssqv
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giancarlonicoli · 6 years
13 ago 2018 09:33
Annalisa Chirico per “Il Foglio”
Per Aldo Grasso, critico televisivo d’Italia, la prima domanda è tranchant: c’è ancora vita a viale Mazzini? “No”, la stringata risposta. Dal suo buen retiro estivo a Dogliani, nel cuore delle Langhe, Grasso guarda la tv, con un occhio alla vigna. “M’impongo la ricetta delle medicine: quel tanto che basta”. Ai piani alti della Rai prosegue il braccio di ferro per la designazione del presidente, preludio alla pioggia di nomine in epoca gialloverde. Tutti attendono di sapere chi occuperà la cabina di comando di tg e reti. Nessuno si domanda per fare cosa.  
“Lo slogan che vorrebbe i partiti fuori dalla Rai è la palla che i partiti di opposizione si passano da sempre – dichiara il professor Grasso – Michele Anzaldi s’indigna per la lottizzazione quando il Pd, fino a ieri, ha usato la tv pubblica come carne da macello, al pari degli altri. O si cambia la Rai oppure la si accetta com’è, con il suo azionista pubblico”.
Intanto i vertici editoriali vengono designati nella totale assenza di un piano editoriale.
“E’ qualcosa d’inaudito, senza precedenti in Europa. La selezione pubblica dei curricula è stata presto accantonata per scegliere come direttore generale un professionista, Fabrizio Salini, che ha sempre operato in territori distanti rispetto alla tv generalista”.
La commissione parlamentare di Vigilanza ha spedito una lettera per far sapere che, in assenza di un presidente, il cda deve limitarsi all’ordinaria amministrazione.
“E’ un organismo parasovietico, da abolire all’istante”.
Le opinioni personali di Marcello Foa su Putin e Crimea rilevano ai fini del ruolo Rai?
“Sono del tutto irrilevanti. Che importa che pensa Foa della Russia? E poi, con l’entrata in vigore della riforma voluta dal governo Renzi, consiglieri e presidente non contano”.
Fuori i partiti dalla Rai, lei diceva, è uno slogan démodé.
“Lo riformulerei così: fuori la Rai dalla Rai. La tv pubblica, con quindici reti, è una mostruosità. Basterebbero una rete generalista e un paio di reti educational. La funzione del servizio pubblico va riscritta ovunque, non solo in Italia. Se la magnifica Bbc non riesce a impedire la vittoria della Brexit, significa che anch’essa ha esaurito la propria funzione. Il servizio pubblico, per com’è oggi, non ha più senso di esistere. La Rai ha fallito in almeno due occasioni: ha optato per il digitale terrestre, vale a dire per la più obsoleta delle tecnologie moderne, in una scelta di comodo, condivisa con Mediaset, per paura della concorrenza; e poi ha mancato la sfida europea: in un’Unione spesso accusata di perseguire intenti unicamente monetari, i servizi pubblici di tutti i paesi membri dovrebbero operare sul terreno del simbolico per ispirare lo spirito di appartenenza comunitaria”.
Si ripete come un mantra che la Rai è la prima azienda culturale del paese.
“Che sia un’industria non c’è dubbio. Taglierei l’aggettivo culturale. Esclusa Rai Storia, quali sono i prodotti di pregio culturale? All’università, quando uno studente impreparato vuole darsi un tono, afferma di non perdersi una puntata di Piero Angela. L’ideatore di ‘Quark’ è il luogo comune della televisione italiana. La verità è che quest’anno la Rai ha prodotto due soli programmi culturali: il viaggio di Edoardo Camurri nella provincia italiana e l’approfondimento storiografico di Paolo Mieli. Se Fiorello approderà in autunno, il suo sarà un programma culturale”.
Al Foglio il vicepremier Matteo Salvini ha tratteggiato la Rai dei suoi desideri: o canone o pubblicità, troppi canali, una rete totalmente privata.
“Una Rai ridotta a tre reti può vivere di solo canone. Lo sostengo da almeno dieci anni, vale a dire da prima che Urbano Cairo diventasse il proprietario del Corriere della Sera”.
Proprio Cairo, patron di La7, lamenta la concorrenza sleale ad opera della Rai che si alimenta a canone e pubblicità.
“La battaglia giusta, a mio parere, è quella sul servizio pubblico. Fa più servizio pubblico Enrico Mentana o un contenitore Rai?”.
Il tetto agli stipendi, in vigore per dirigenti e giornalisti, disincentiva passaggi di peso nell’emittente pubblica.
“Un vero manager devi pagarlo per quanto vale, sennò recluti soltanto professionalità di serie b che non trovano posto altrove”.
Negli auspici di Salvini, la nuova Rai dovrebbe potenziare le testate regionali.
“Sono in fermo disaccordo. Le tv regionali sono un serbatoio per piazzare uomini, a uso e consumo dei politici locali. Se la Rai le eliminasse tutte, ne trarrebbe un guadagno straordinario. E poi che cos’è questa battaglia di retroguardia all’insegna del localismo? Grazie al satellite abbiamo allargato i nostri orizzonti, ci siamo accorti di essere un paese bello ma piccolo. Esiste un mondo lì fuori”.
Nella partita dell’informazione si preannuncia un catfight tra Mediaset e La7. Il Biscione ha promosso e arruolato pezzi da novanta, da Barbara Palombelli a Gerardo Greco passando per Nicola Porro, con una short-list di opinionisti in esclusiva.
“Sarà una sfida interessante. Rete4 deve cambiare target: perdere il pubblico di riferimento è facilissimo, conquistarlo è un’impresa titanica”.
Con una formula erudita e laconica, il presidente Fedele Confalonieri ha annunciato la svolta: “Stiamo portando i vasi a Samo”.
“Se ne sono accorti tardi. Con sei mesi di anticipo, avevo scritto che la televisione di pancia dei vari Del Debbio e Belpietro portava acqua al populismo e alla voglia di trasformare la tv in una sorta di vindice rancorosa, con il coltello tra i denti”.
L’iperpresenzialismo di Salvini e le ospitate grilline prive di contraddittorio non sono stati un’esclusiva Mediaset.
“La7 però ha avuto il coraggio di chiudere la Gabbia: il programma dei grillini prima che i grillini si dessero un programma”.
Gianluigi Paragone oggi è un senatore pentastellato mentre Dino Giarrusso, che nei panni di Iena ha montato il processo mediatico contro Fausto Brizzi, è stato candidato dal M5s senza essere eletto.
“Se fosse dipeso da me, le Iene le avrei chiuse all’indomani del caso Stamina: portano avanti l’ideologia della controinformazione”.
Lei ha scritto che nell’equivoco antropologico dell’uno vale uno i giornalisti vogliono spettacolarizzarsi e i volti dello spettacolo mirano a nobilitarsi con l’informazione.
“Tutte le figure d mediazione sono state delegittimate. L’unica moneta da spendere deve essere quella della competenza. Basta con i contenitori frivoli che vogliono darsi un tocco giornalistico e autorevole”.
Per i Mondiali di calcio Mediaset ha sbaragliato: per la prima volta in chiaro, boom di ascolti.
“La Rai ha commesso un clamoroso errore credendo che senza l’Italia in campo sarebbe mancato il pubblico. Mediaset ha schierato una squadra di giornalisti capaci dimostrando che Rai sport è un reperto archeologico”.
Con il campionato alle porte e l’ingresso di un nuovo player, Dazn, lo spettatore rischia di restare con il telecomando in mano?
“Confesso che anch’io sono spaesato, non ho ancora capito come farò a seguire le partite del Torino. Purtroppo il calcio italiano vive solo di proventi tv”.
S’intona ciclicamente l’epitaffio per talk politici e reality, poi gli uni e gli altri risorgono sotto nuove spoglie.
“Nella storia dei mass media è sbagliato profetizzare la morte di un genere. Nulla si crea e nulla si distrugge. I reality hanno vissuto una crisi di saturazione. Adesso Canale5 è diventato un canale monogenere: offre reality no-stop. Io li guardo, non ho prevenzione: quelli italiani difettano d’ironia e leggerezza. Ci vorrebbe sempre un Taricone, e una conduzione affidata a un’intellettuale, simpatica o meno, non importa. Soltanto così c’è la possibilità di sfaccettare anziché limitarsi ai soliti periferici, agli esaltati della passeggiata in via del Corso”.
Anche i talk resistono.
“A un certo punto ce n’era uno ogni sera, un po’ troppo. Il talk è un genere in sé bellissimo ma in Italia è spesso usato al ribasso: tende a rafforzare le idee di partenza, non spiazza né stupisce”.
Un tempo la Rai3 di Angelo Guglielmi testava volti e idee nuove.
“Oggi la sperimentazione è una prerogativa delle piccole case di produzione. Rai e Mediaset preferiscono andare su prodotti sicuri”.
La Rai rilancia con Portobello condotto da Antonella Clerici.
“Se ci fosse una legge per vietare simili ripescaggi, la voterei. Come per il Rischiatutto di Fabio Fazio. Tali operazioni rappresentano uno sgarbo nei confronti del conduttore originario. Un atto vieppiù grave se si considera la parabola drammatica di Enzo Tortora. Il mito di Portobello non doveva essere scalfito. Le racconto un episodio”.
La ascolto.
“Quando mi hanno chiesto di individuare i tre programmi con maggiore impatto, io ho scelto quelli non a me più graditi ma con la platea più ampia di spettatori: Lascia o raddoppia, Portobello e la prima edizione del Gf”.
Cairo sostiene che il prodotto va concepito con la testa di chi compra, non con quella dei padroni.
“Se tutte le emittenti facessero i programmi come li vuole il pubblico, avremmo un programma identico su ogni rete. In realtà, la tv funziona sulla diversità. Senza una personalità e un marchio riconoscibile, cadi nell’indistinto. Talvolta dimentichiamo che facciamo comunicazione di massa: dobbiamo parlare al maggior numero di persone, non solo a noi stessi”.
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