gemsofgreece · 21 days
I wasn't very familiar with the dialects of the Griko community, the Greek minority of Italy, residing mostly in Calabria and Apulia. Once in a travel show I had seen a grandpa speaking in one of them but it was so fast and idiomatic that I could only catch one word or two and I consequently thought the Griko dialects had grown really distant from Greece's or Eastern Greek dialects.
Recently I watched this Griko song performance in Italy and it moved me deeply. First of all, it impressed me how it could seamlessly pass as a Modern Greek music style. Of course, Italy and Greece do share a lot of similar sounds, so it perhaps was to be expected. Even the la-la-le-o-la-la pattern, I have heard it in many familiar Greek urban songs (as in, not folk).
I just read that there are in fact two Italiot Greek dialects, Griko (spoken by ~ 45,000 people) and the smaller one, Grecanico (severely endangered and spoken only by ~ 2,000 people). The latter is believed to have incorporated more Italian influences. According to Wikipedia, there are many similarities with Standard Modern Greek, although linguists assert they evolved independently from either Ancient or Koine Greek. If you ask me, judging from the song, there is no way they evolved independently from Ancient Greek. Not only that but if the linguists did not only examine the Ancient and Koine theories, I would have thought they evolved independently from early Modern or super late Koine at most. This could be explained by an influx of Greeks to Italy as a consequence of the Crusader conquests or the Fall of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire to the Ottoman Turks because - fun fact - the type of Greek spoken during both those periods was Modern Greek. Very early Modern Greek at the times of the Fourth Crusade (1202 - 1204), yet modern nonetheless. So the Greeks that might have fled the Latin and the Ottoman blows to the East Roman Empire may have perhaps influenced the language of the ancient and medieval Greek communities of Italy. Then, this late koine - early modern Greek dialect also got influenced by Latin / Italian, especially in the pronunciation and some of the vocabulary. That’s my theory that’s just on me. Perhaps they indeed developed independently from Koine Greek because the Greek language is pretty conservative after all. But Ancient, as in prior to 200 BC, no fricking the frick way.
The song is in Grecanico of Apulia. The video of this performance had the lyrics in Grecanico (they use the Latin alphabet) and a translation in Standard Modern Greek. I was shocked by how much more I could understand in the slower way they were singing compared to the mumbling grandpa. It was deeply touching so I decided to share the video and I even decided to offer the Standard Modern Greek equivalent version in a Latin transliteration, in case any of you is interested in the study of the evolution between Standard Modern Demotic Greek and the Grecanico of Italy.
Lyrics in Grecanico and Standard Modern Greek (with Latin characters) below the cut:
G: Ti en glicea tusi nifta, ti en ória SMG: Ti glikiá in' túti i níchta, ti oréa íne
G: cíevó plonno penséonta 'ss' esena SMG: ki eghó xaplóno skeftómenos eséna
G: C'ettú mpἰ's ti ffenéstra ssu agápi mu SMG: Ke káto ap'to paráthiro su agápi mu
G: tis kardia mmu su nifto ti ppena SMG: tis karðiás mu su ðíchno ton póno
G: Evó pánta ss' esena penseo SMG: Eghó pánta eséna skéftome
G: jati 'sena, fsichi mmu 'gapó SMG: jatí eséna psichí mu agapó
G: ce pu pao, pu sirno, pu steo SMG: ke ópu páo, ópu sérno, ópu stéko
G: sti kkardía panta sena vastó. SMG: stin karðiá pánta eséna vastó.
G: T' asteracia pu panu me vlepune SMG: T' asterákia pu páno me vlépune
G: ca mo féngo friffizun nomena SMG: ke me to fengári psithirízun omú (?)
G: ce jelú ce mu leone ¨ston anemo SMG: ke jelún ke mu léne ¨ston ánemo
G: ta traudia pelis, i chamena" SMG: ta traghúðia petás, íne chaména¨
G: Kalí nifta! Se finno ce féo SMG: Kalí níchta! Se afíno ke févgho
G: Plaja 'su ti 'vó pirta prikó SMG: Plájase jatí eghó févgho (?) pikrá
G: ce pu pao, pu sirno, pu steo SMG: ke ópu páo, ópu sérno, ópu stéko
G: sti kkardía panta sena vastó. SMG: stin karðiá pánta eséna vastó.
Hopefully, the Greeks of Italy and the Greek state will aid in rescuing Grecanico from fading forever. 🙏
Oh and here’s an English translation of the song to not leave it entirely obscure:
What a sweet night it is, how beautiful
and I lay down thinking of you
and under your window, my love
I show you the pain of my heart.
I always think about you
because it’s you, my soul, that I love
and wherever I go, I set to, I stand
I always keep you in my heart.
The little stars look at me from above
and they chat together with the moon
and they laugh and tell me “In the wind
you throw your songs, they go wasted”.
Good night! I am leaving you and I am going away.
Go to bed for I am leaving in bitterness
and wherever I go, I set to, I stand
I always keep you in my heart.
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icedteadrinker · 1 year
2 notes · View notes
qualbuonvento · 2 years
Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino
La pizzica (al Teatro della Tosse - Genova)
Il sangue scorre veloce nelle vene
18 notes · View notes
melis-writes · 1 year
Moth to Flame (Part II) [Michael Corleone x Reader Series, 18+ Smut] Chapter 42 – Matrimony.
Read on AO3 / Read Chapter 41 / Chapter Masterlist. / Fic Playlist.
18+, explicit smut read.
“You’re a Corleone woman now, after all." / “You’re my bride. You deserve that and all the more, do you understand?”
You married Michael Corleone in the summer of 1949, binding the allyship of your two families together but sealing your matrimony with love, bliss and trust. Falling in love, compatibility, love languages and a change in your lifestyle met you in an instant, and being Mrs. Michael Corleone altered your life forever. You can still remember how you fell for him and every bit of affection and intimacy shared from the beginning. You remember; you remember it all, and as you look into the past to compare it to your present and expect for your future, you realize nothing remains changed.
[WARNINGS]: Mentions of virginity/loss of virginity, nudity, sexual themes & depictions, heavy touching & kissing, fingering, mentions of pregnancy & planning for children, sex.
[AUTHOR'S NOTE]: The first in-between chapter of Moth to Flame: Part II is finally here!! 😫🙏🏻 I'm sooo sorry for such a delay in posting this chapter, but life has been extremely hectic and busy. 😭 The Vichael girlies are going to adore this chapter is all I'm going to say! We delve into Victoria and Michael's marriage from the very beginning! 🤭❤️‍🔥 This is filled with romance, fluff and domestic wholesomeness. How Victoria and Michael fell in love to how their lives changed as husband and wife and more is all included. I wanted this to be very romantic and sensual before we dive back into the action of current day Moth to Flame! 😳
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1956. Your name is Victoria Ferrari Corleone, and you’re the wife of the most powerful mobster in North America–Michael Corleone. A lifestyle of crime and secrecy is all you've known and ever wanted to know, complimenting the cruelty of Michael Corleone's influence in the United States. With your enemies fallen before you and all loose ends tied up, you continue your life and marriage with the Corleone family while refusing to look back on your past. Yet it's the skeletons in your closet that a shine a light on revealing you're a true mafiosa. Ensnared in the shadows just as much as Michael is, you find yourself betrayed by the unexpected with all of your secrets ready to spill–especially ones you've hidden from Michael. With more than one pair of eyes watching your every move, you find yourself trapped amidst potential scandals and a familiar, lovesick secret admirer adamant on removing Michael out of the picture to have you all to himself. Like a moth to a flame, you've reached the point of no return and the light that breaks down the darkness threatens to take you next.
Bouquets of pink and white roses, white silk, lilac adornments, angel food cake, the lace finishing over your wedding gown, and the taste of Michael’s lips over yours; you married Michael Corleone in the summer of 1949.
Planning for your wedding was one of the few and only times in your life when you felt you had a million things going through your mind at once. 
After weeks of careful planning, the hardest part—the wedding itself—came in bliss and resonated perfectly with everything you had in mind for your perfect wedding day. 
The colors you chose for your wedding ranged from an equal hint of décor in baby pink, lilac, and beige, whereas peonies, lilacs, and dahlias were your flowers of choice.
Silk tablecloth, handcrafted Italian furniture imported from Sicily, seven-tier angel food cake, seven varieties of cannoli from pistachio to limoncello, over a hundred bottles of wine—Grilo, Inzolia and Grecanico just to name a few—aged at least ten years, French champagne, little pastries of sorbets and mini cheesecakes served throughout and freshly squeezed juice from the fruit from the Corleone garden itself were just some of the highlights of your wedding day.
Even your wedding gown itself had been custom designed and tailored with the finest Italian silks and fabrics, following a lengthy session of perfecting your hair, makeup, and manicure with your mother, Mama Corleone, Connie, and Sandra down to rehearing how you would walk down the aisle to which sets of jewelry with diamonds and pearls suited you best. 
Everything was planned and executed to perfection—to say the least. Scarcely were there moments throughout the planning period where the wedding wasn’t mentioned in one way or another; it was the only topic on your mind for days to come.
Consummation of your marriage was expected next from all through tradition and customs, but it wasn’t a concept you and Michael personally believed in. 
Although you were a virgin before you met Michael, he most certainly was not. After his brief marriage with Apollonia, the concept of no intimacy until marriage let alone time spent together or some form of physical affection before marriage was seen and strictly enforced as heavily taboo in Sicily only reminded him of how backward he believed the concept to be, as did you.
Of course, you and Michael were both anticipating and thinking about the intimacy you’d share with one another after your wedding celebration, but not immediately after. That would be eagerly waiting for the both of you at the end of the night.
With the wedding cake having been cut, final drinks served and last dances shared, both of your families collected together all of the bridal gifts, thanked and said goodbyes to every guest they could get to while the wedding staff began to clean up.
Michael and you stood for more photographs by and with guests, thanking them for attending as well before you both made off with security to the vehicle that would take you to your first estate.
You’d both arrive at your new estate by the time security did a full sweep and search of the Corleone manor and all festivities had officially come to an end.
Before you and Michael would settle down for the remainder of the day after the wedding, you both went to meet with your families and new in-laws.
Tomorrow morning there’d be the wedding reception to look forward to after all, but there was more than enough for both you and Michael to think about and do before then.
Upon stepping out of your chauffeur’s vehicle at your new estate’s grounds, the first thing your eyes found were those of your bodyguards surrounding your new estate.
Noting the heavy yet inconspicuous security around, it was only a split second longer before you blinked and a warm smile crossed over your lips in reaction to Michael standing by your side; his hand laced with yours as you both began to make your way inside the estate.
Just a few feet from the front door you could already hear the cheerful voices and banter of your parents and in-laws in the foyer; you couldn’t help but feel your exhilarated mood amplify with excitement once more.
“Victoria! Michael! Sweetheart!” Your mother beamed, extending her arms out as she skipped over to the both of you.
Hugged, congratulated a dozen more times, and kissed by your parents and new-in-laws, happy tears are shed once again for you and Michael as a newlywed couple.
“Promettimi che mi chiamerai se ti serve qualcosa!” (Promise me you'll call if you need anything!) Carmela gently squeezed your shoulder after pulling away from a hug, smiling at you. 
“Home sweet home,” your mother cooed, bewildered by the grandiose luxury your new estate has to offer just by standing in the foyer alone. “How wonderful.”
“We’re looking forward to that wedding reception,” your father grinned, redirecting his gaze to Michael. “It’ll be an honor to dine in the newlyweds’ home.”
“It’s an honor to host,” Michael agreed, giving a small, quick smile. “I look forward to it, Don Ferrari.”
“Mm,” Vito nodded, approaching both you and Michael. “And the bridal gifts… I had them arranged to be placed in your guest room. Humble gifts as they may be from our family friends, but they’re close to overflowing.”
“A problem I’d actually like to deal with,” you giggled back. “Thank you, father.”
Naturally, the gifts you received from attending friends, family, and guests aren’t exclusive to gifts newlyweds would benefit from, but a wide variety of items ranging from cash bills to jewelry almost as if the givers were trying to appease you and Michael directly.
Without even having to look inside all of the bridal purses and open each individual gift, you already assumed to yourself there are thousands of dollars worth of gifts there alone waiting for you and Michael that may very well take days to completely open.
Your families deliberately didn’t stay for long to give you and Michael as much privacy as possible today, and you and Michael were more than happy to see them out with waves and smiles before settling down for the rest of the day.
“It’s not over for them,” Michael commented by the gates of the estate, loosening his tie.
“No, it isn’t,” you let out a light laugh, smoothening down your wedding gown. “Not until after the wedding reception, at least.”
Michael chuckled—a rare first time he’s in a somewhat lighthearted mood for the entirety of the day. “Do you need anything, darling?”
“No,” you blushed, gesturing down to your dress. “Only to get this lovely gown off of me in one piece and my makeup at last.”
Just a split second later, you both heard a sharp whistle come towards the gates of the estate which prompted you and Michael’s attention immediately. 
“Hey, Mikey!” Sonny hollered from the gates, leaning against his car and waving at both of you. “No invitations for Tom, Fredo, and I to see the new place, eh? Come on down!”
“I’ll be right with you,” Michael glanced back at you.
You nodded understandingly, relieved you’ll at least get the time to quickly undress and take off your makeup before finally getting to spend some time alone with Michael, and you’re more than happy to have Michael bond with his brothers before retiring for the rest of the day with you too.
The endless amounts of gifts and stuffed bridal purses crossed your mind once more as you entered the estate, imagining you and Michael would more than likely have to get Tom to secure any precious assets or cash bills while the other items remain secure.
You carefully slipped out of your wedding gown and let the lacy, tulle fabric pool at your feet as you grabbed a white, silk nightgown to step into; careful not to let any of your makeup smear against the fabric.
You’re not one to wear a full face of makeup on any regular day, but outings, special events, and evenings—especially your wedding—remain exceptions each time you enjoyed getting dolled up, but your daily beauty routine only consisted of your normal skincare steps, light eye makeup, a bit of eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick.
Upon Michael’s return inside the estate and to the bedroom to undress and unwind, it was his first time gazing upon your face without any makeup as you cautiously stored your nightgown away in an empty closet.
You hadn’t even noticed Michael’s eyes on you at first but picked up on his presence immediately; right then and there, Michael had found himself admiring your beauty and looks, stunned by your natural appearance.
“More congratulations?” You smiled shyly, turning around to face your new husband.
“Something like that,” Michael answered, tossing his tie onto the edge of the bed. “Nothing we both haven’t heard enough of.”
You held back your laughter, “then I hope you don’t mind I retired my glamor for the night already.”
“Not at all,” a ghost of a smile crossed Michael’s lips as he slowly began to approach you. “I’m sure the bridal gifts have nothing but your name on them, after all. I don’t think I need to go and see for myself.”
“Oh, please,” you felt a blush stinging your cheeks as you gazed up at Michael.
“You look beautiful,” Michael murmured, tilting your chin up to face him. “You know that?”
Your skin gave a healthy glow under the evening light as Michael admired every inch of you from the shape of your cheekbones to the color of your eyes, the curve of your lips, and your body language towards him filled with desire.
You expected then and there for Michael to lean in and kiss you, and he did, but gently upon your forehead as he let his warm lips linger over your skin.
You closed your eyes for a brief moment and embraced your husband, taking in the scent of his heavenly cologne as your heart began to race in your chest against his.
“You should expect all of this, you know,” Michael spoke to you in an ushered voice. “You’re a Corleone woman now, after all. Those gifts want nothing more than to appease and impress you, I’ll make sure of it myself.”
Michael’s intention is to spoil you to no avail and not only with material gifts but your every request; the luxurious lifestyle you can expect to live with him as Michael’s wife and the future mother of his children holds you on a separate pedestal next to being Don Ferarri’s wife, and Michael will continue to keep it that way.
The very gifts with your name engraved upon them awaiting you consisted of everything from cosmetics, luxurious perfumes, oils, and creams, full sets of dazzling jewelry set with diamonds and precious stones, congratulatory letters, towel sets followed by pacifiers, bibs, baby bottles, and cloth diapers that made you blush as you unwrapped them—knowing all would be expecting the news of your first pregnancy next.
An amused look crossed Michael’s eye as he wrapped his arms around you seeing you open the final present for today a set of two pacifiers, he saw a look of excitement over your own expression but also blush spreading over your cheeks as the two of you made eye contact once again, knowing the rest of the night began to the both of you. 
The first home you and Michael owned together and settled in was a grand estate in Long Island but outside of the Corleone mall unlike Connie and Carlo’s home and that of Sonny and Sandra’s that were inside the gated family community.
Still, your new home was not far from Michael’s family or yours, and you could make the commute in twenty minutes. 
The plot of land in which your new estate would be built was purchased immediately on the day of your engagement ceremony with construction where your father and Vito had given the green light for construction to begin the day of.
Normally for the size of your estate, it would have taken a good construction crew six months with daily work, but the home was completely finished in just one. Bringing in extra of the best workers and paying a premium always worked well in the end. 
Your grand estate stood at just slightly over five thousand square feet with state-of-the-art architecture, taking inspiration from Modern American design to Italian fixtures and marble imported from Rome. 
Your estate was two stories, finished with an attic consisting of a master bedroom with a walk-in closet designed to be almost the size of a small bedroom for you and Michael, a study that was half a private library, two guest rooms downstairs, a nursery upstairs, a wine room in the basement, full front and back yard, three other extra bedrooms, an office for Michael and four bathrooms.
A mid-sized swimming pool was built in the backyard where your home’s carefully curated and trimmed garden surrounded the sides and fences protected your family’s privacy so one could neither look into the estate grounds nor out of it.
Twenty-four-hour surveillance was always to be expected with varying bodyguards and a careful selection of specific windows—such as the ones in Michael’s office—were selected and built to be soundproof.
Your bathtub had 24k gold claw-finished, quartz countertops as well as in the kitchen, marble floors, a foyer in the front of the estate fit with a French handcrafted chandelier, a private exit to the gardens and plenty of storage with a full laundry room at the end of the hallway downstairs.
Crown fixtures adorned the kitchen and a wide spiral staircase decorated with a blood-red carpet led upstairs to where one of two hidden emergency exits only you and Michael knew how to activate could be found.
The price of your home came to a grand total of $250,000 and was exactly where you and Michael wanted to be; exactly where the two of you planned to start your family and raise your children.
Michael and you had both grown up in Long Island; meaning nothing short of symbolic with the feel of home settling into your first house in New York together.
You and Michael only had a brief discussion about where your first home could be since the two of you came to an agreement so quickly to choose Long Island to stay in.
At the time, thoughts of buying another home elsewhere or even moving in the future were not on your mind although Michael had begun to think of Nevada and a villa in Sicily almost immediately on; the latter being a familiar and mutually agreed upon idea to you.
Of course, both you and Michael’s family knew just as well as the both of you why you didn’t have a honeymoon after your wedding, and there were no questions asked or teasing to be made.
Going on a honeymoon with Michael after your wedding was in your mind just as much as your wedding was, but the same could not be said for Michael who was much too preoccupied with the danger and threat of another family war, especially with hostility coming from the Ricci family.
Going outside of New York—let alone going to Sicily—would paint a clear, red target over both your and Michael’s backs and especially create vulnerability within the Corleone family considering Vito was semi-retired at the time.
It didn’t matter if you and Michael decided to visit Rome, Venice, or anywhere else in Italy just for the sake of visiting home but staying away from Sicily; the mafia families including the Ricci’s still had power stretching there legitimately.
Naturally, both you and Michael yearned to take a true honeymoon trip to Sicily and Sicily only. Even with the rest of the world as a choice to visit, you would have rather continued to postpone your honeymoon until you could safely visit Sicily again without having to worry about anything but how to spend quality time with your husband.
You’d very well have your honeymoon with Michael a little after your first anniversary together, somewhat defeating the purpose of a true honeymoon but with the threat of your lives and your family on the line, it was all very worth it with a legitimate reason to delay.
In Michael’s second marriage now come hell or high water he would never risk a slight chance of you being anywhere where there’s a notion of danger, even if you begged him to.
“Well,” you bit your lip, shrugging your shoulders. “I’m a little disappointed, but I understand.”
“I know, darling,” Michael raised his water glass to his lips, taking a sip. “I feel no different than you do.”
You brushed your fingers against the fabric of the window’s curtains and glanced over to Michael again. “They’ll know, won’t they?”
Michael’s eyes met with yours almost instantly; his expression appeared grim knowing you referred to the Ricci family, but with the Barzinis and Tattaglias to worry about as well.
“As they do,” Michael replied and set his glass down. “Does it bother you?”
“Not exactly,” you shook your head and faced the window—blushing as you felt Michael’s presence approach you from behind. “But it’s been on my mind again and again these past few weeks. I can’t shake it off.”
“And on mine,” Michael lovingly embraced you from behind and lightly pressed his chest against your back. “As much as I would like to degrade them to such, they’re not animal enough to disgrace a wedding, even without an invite.”
“They should know better,” you murmured under your breath.
“And they more than likely do,” Michael nodded and moved his hands down to your hips to tenderly caress them. “None of those men deserve further justifications, but above all, they’re curious about you, and just who you are.”
You placed your hands over Michael’s and gave them a soft squeeze as you remained quiet.
“If it’s about safety—” Michael began.
“I feel safe with you,” you told him as you turned around.
Michael’s eyes locked onto yours as he gave you a small nod; you swore to yourself for a moment that you could see a glimmer of a brief smile over his plush lips. 
“I do,” you continued, “always. And as you can guess…” You blushed sheepishly, “I was thinking about our honeymoon too, and we can’t even go.”
“We will soon enough,” Michael rubbed up and down your arms gingerly. “When we are able to and when we can. You know it’s not something I want to put aside to forget or neglect.”
“I know, baby,” you smiled back shyly. “I believe you.”
“I’ll make it up to you,” Michael lowered his tone of voice and pressed a warm kiss over your forehead. “I promise I will. None of what our family is going through now will last. I personally guarantee it,” as Michael moved back from the kiss, he tilted your chin up to gaze directly into his eyes. “You’re my bride. You deserve that and all the more, do you understand?”
Blushing furiously and feeling a wave of butterflies rush to the pit of your stomach, you nodded at Michael before leaning up to give his lips a sweet kiss.
“I’ll wait until you say we can go,” you whispered against his lips as you wrapped an arm around Michael’s shoulders.
“Until then,” Michael murmured and closed off the distance between both of your bodies, ensnaring you in a deep kiss once more.
Michael’s changed lifestyle to a mafioso and your continued one as a mafiosa would never change. You both married one another knowing what your lives are and would continue to be, but also remaining unaltered.
You’re a lawyer, after all, and a skilled prosecutor with a name made for herself—reputation and all—in New York. Your career is more than something you see to corrupt and use for your “family business”, but is also a passion; something you want to continue doing until you feel ready to retire.
Michael was always impressed as to how you were able to find a passionate career that also benefited both sides of the family business. 
Through being a lawyer, you also bonded well with Tom and had another fellow lawyer as a brother-in-law to bond with.
Regardless of whether you and Michael choose to have one child a fear down the line or four back to back, Michael has no intention of interfering in your career or keeping you from it; the same can be said for any of your other passions and hobbies.
You already know your maternity leave from work and raising an infant will take priority in your life which will result in a break from work, but you’ve accepted it and will make it happen. 
Perhaps if you weren’t a mafiosa yourself from a powerful crime family, you would have fit the bill as a mafioso’s housewife better but Michael recognizes your true talents and abilities just as well as you know yourself.
Now married, you attend trials and continue with your cases at most three times a week. After all, you’ve always been careful in choosing which cases to get involved in while maintaining a flexible schedule for yourself.
You built a reputation with your prowess this far without Michael and his family’s influence, which begs the question of what Michael’s lifestyle has become after marrying you.
Michael is always working, even when he’s not. More than ever, Michael spends time with his father and brothers. Even when Michael is alone in his own office, he’s talking over the phone to his men or family and constantly keeping himself preoccupied until he’s with you.
Michael’s unwavering dedication to the family business, his loyalty, and his work ethic don’t bother you. As a matter of fact, it’s everything you expected from Michael and saw coming before you married him.
What you love about Michael’s work with the family business is that he can separate it and he will separate it very well from his personal life. 
Michael does not mention anything related to his work when he’s with you regardless of how casual the circumstances or if your own curiosity arises since your family is also almost always involved. 
You know then and only in those scenarios would you ask Michael a question if you had one and your family could not answer; you know your boundaries and where the line remains when asking Michael about his work.
To Michael, any mention of what he does and what he is outside of work is nothing but severely unpleasant and he would rather avoid it altogether; something you respect and agree with.
At dinner one evening, you saw Michael’s tension settled within him as he ate—sitting across from you in silence. 
Michael sighed quietly and took a sip of his red wine before his eyes met yours; seeing curiosity spark in your expression.
“Ready to settle down, baby?” You asked with a soft smile.
“Something like that,” Michael nodded, continuing to eat his risotto. 
“Everything alright with your father?” You asked and rose up from your seat to begin cleaning up. 
“He’s fine,” Michael’s answers were dry and to the point on purpose. “We’re working on it.”
“Alright,” you gathered a pile of empty plates, brushing off crumbs upon the tablecloth next to Michael.
Only a split second later did you look back up at Michael and catch his eye—almost feeling embarrassed for asking but you neither see annoyance nor discomfort in Michael’s expression. 
You understood Michael didn’t want to talk about this with you and you didn’t push it. You also knew last night he didn’t come home from his father’s estate until 2 AM, and you had no intention of bothering him about it now. 
You’ve always had more than enough to do for yourself and for the home regardless of how long Michael worked in or out of the manor. 
You’d have your own day to worry about; cleaning up after breakfast, prepping for lunch, tidying up the house, laundry if required, getting any other daily errands done, focusing on a bit of your own work projects, then relaxing with a good book or in front of the television with a glass of wine. 
You could step out into the garden for some fresh air, pull weeds, water the lawn, go for a walk or a dip in the pool; you balance your work and life well and you’ve never felt neglected or lost without a sense of purpose.
The compatibility between you and Michael is like none other and the two of you have always recognized this; there is no lack of transparency or intimacy, and there is no elephant in the room blocking the two of you from bonding with one another.
You and Michael could and always will make it work. 
When it came down to planning to start a family with each other, having children was brought up immediately between Michael and you; a crucial concept and the second step into a married life with one another.
Of course, the brief conversation that only consisted of asking one another if you wanted children when you and Michael had first met did not count as a real and insightful conversation, it did strike you that Michael was a mature and serious man, ready for fatherhood and expecting to start a family in the very near future.
Michael would not have minded waiting a year or two before having children, but he would personally not wish to delay it any further past that.
To Michael, it was as if he had an urgency of some kind to start a family but there was no reasoning behind it or pressure coming from anyone. Still, you came to appreciate how much Michael anticipated entering parenthood with you, regardless of his reasons.
Perhaps you did sense Michael’s urgency when he first met you and asked if you wanted to have children in the future, but you simply had brushed it off for all that it was—a simple question.
You were twenty-five years old when you met Michael, and you were the second youngest sibling in your family and the only daughter.
With your little brother Dante being fifteen years younger than you, you practically raised him alongside your brothers and because you came from an equally large extended family, you loved children for as long as you could remember.
Just as you and your brothers had grown up, you knew the importance of proper parenting and how love would mold a child’s life forever.
Michael believed children were the products of their parents’ discipline, love, and behavior, saying, “If adults can bring out the worst in each other, they can do the same for children”.
Michael himself was twenty-nine when he met you and neither of you had objections of any kind to starting a family immediately after getting married.
Coming from the families and reputations you both grew up in and had, things such as time and money would simply not be an issue for you and Michael.
It was more of a matter of readiness and active parenting heavily required from both of you equally, not just yours as the mother. 
You also knew Michael would be a stricter parent than you, but this did not imply anything harsh or along the lines of cruelty whatsoever. 
Michael is not the type of man to ever raise a hand against a child or even raise his voice; calm, and collected, and with thorough explanation comes discipline and understanding. Michael knows how a child’s mind copes and works. 
You are most definitely not the kind of parent to yell, threaten, let alone glare at children to have them respect or tolerate your fear let alone beat a child.
Neither Michael nor you ever faced such things growing up, but you both saw your fair share growing up with other children at school and in the neighborhood who did not have the same childhood as you two did.
Any type of abuse or psychological manipulation was a severe hard line; it was something you and Michael would never subject any child to, ever.
From being the only big sister to your little brother Dante, you knew there were a million ways around teaching and disciplining children without being physically, psychologically, or verbally abusive—even to children who have behavior issues. 
You and Michael had been stressing to yourselves subconsciously the need to be nothing but good, loving parents teaching your future children manners and discipline early on without fear of repercussions or pain, but simply just to learn and understand.
Just a week ago you walked down the aisle and faced your lover—for the last time only as a lover before becoming Michael’s wife, wedded as Mrs. Corleone.
Now as you gazed at yourself in the mirror, the role of Michael Corleone’s wife had already truly embedded in you; seeing your husband clasping a new diamond necklace around your neck gently.
You blushed as you caught Michael’s eye in the mirror, placing a hand over your necklace carefully.
Michael admired the glistening diamonds over your neck; his eyes adoring the very shape of your collarbones before he leaned toward your shoulder and planted a soft kiss over it.
With a bit of arousal having flared up in you, you shivered from Michael’s warm touch as he let his hands linger around the back of your neck before he placed them on your hips.
“Mm,” your eyes fluttered shut as you took in the brief moment, feeling Michael’s breath over the side of your neck.
Michael’s hands slowly made their way over to your stomach where he rubbed tenderly, watching as your body language submitted to how good he was already making you feel.
“Are you late?” Michael murmured over your shoulder.
Butterflies churned in your stomach and blush stung your cheeks at the very question. “I think it’s still too soon to tell, baby.”
“Mm,” Michael nodded and began to massage your sides.
“Why do you ask?” You slowly opened your eyes and spoke to him in a soft, ushered tone. “Do you suspect I am?”
“Perhaps,” Michael answered, “I want to be the first to know.”
You cracked a shy smile, “and you will be without a doubt.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” Michael took your hands in his, turning you around to face him directly before he pulled you into his embrace. “Although you never did tell me how many you wanted.”
“I can tell you now,” you rested your head over Michael’s chest and nodded. “Four little ones… That would be something.”
“Mhmm,” Michael kissed the top of your head. “A topic better suited for the future after we have our first.”
“Boy or girl?” You grinned and looked up at your husband.
“Doesn’t matter,” Michael told you. “But ultimately a son somewhere down the line to succeed our family.”
‘Of course.’ You knew it must have been the same with Michael’s father as it was with yours; one son at the very least to carry the family’s legacy under his name. ‘Understandable.’
“If you’re not…” Michael’s hands touched your hips again; his eyes beckoning to you. “Then we can try again.”
“And again?” You teased back, giggling. “Tonight.”
“Tonight,” Michael murmured and pulled your hips into his.
“As many times as we need to, hmm?” Your breath hitched as you bit down on your lip.
“As many times as you want to,” Michael corrected before he sealed a kiss over your lips.
The intimacy and love continuing to blossom between you and Michael unfolded in feverish desire and yearning. Like the beginning of an eternal and dangerous addiction, neither of you could get enough of the other.
Michael knew your love language was physical affection and words of affirmation just as you knew he was spending quality time with you and touching. 
Michael couldn’t care less for material gifts and preferred experiences above all, but you would be lying if you said you didn’t care, enjoy, or appreciate either.
“Ah…” A breathy moan escaped your lips as your hand clutched over Michael’s back; feeling his firm, flexing muscle as Michael remained leaning down and hovering over your naked body.
Between the sounds of Michael’s lips leaving a trail of hot kisses over your neck, you heard his breathing hitching as his throbbing erection pressed against your stomach.
Barely a week into your marriage and filled to the brim with insatiable love and desire, Michael was unable to get enough of his new bride and her beauty.
Inhaling deeply, Michael took in your scent as he nuzzled your neck; now glowing pink with the love marks he left behind as you had let your free hand roam through Michael’s tousled hair.
“Look at me,” Michael whispered against your lips as he grazed his thumb over your mouth, parting your bottom lip. “Look at me when I make love to you.”
‘Oh God, yes…’
The first three months of marriage may as well have been a fever dream for both of you. 
Of course, none would be surprised at the sudden stamina the new bride and groom have for one another although some teasing and a dirty joke here and there would be in order, but if it wasn’t a night out or quality time spent with the family, Michael and you were doing nothing else but getting lost in one another again and again.
You’d lay in bed naked with the blankets barely covering yourself as you’d watch Michael strip down right in front of you before approaching you on the bed, and Michael enjoyed every second of undressing you himself with his own hands; the way the curves of your hips and fullness of your thighs felt against his hand as your skin was hot to the touch, brimming with passion and your body begging for pleasure was nothing short of ecstasy to Michael.
With your bodies intertwined with one another, you could practically feel Michael’s heart racing against yours; nothing but toe-curling, eye-rolling, intense orgasms, and memorizing every part of each other’s bodies filled your evenings for days to come.
You woke an urge tailored to your pleasure inside of Michael he could not ignore. Even after a night of ecstasy, if you approached him half-naked in the living room and begged Michael to fuck you again, he wouldn’t say no. 
You straddled Michael’s lap and let your lace panties slip off your ankles as you felt the smooth, Italian silk fabric of Michael’s suit brush against your bare skin.
On his lap, you let out a whimpering moan as you pressed your hips against his and ran your hands up Michael’s half-unbuttoned dress shirt; his chest hair brushing past your fingers as you clutched onto his shoulders.
Michael leaned his back against his seat comfortably; his hands ran from your calves to your upper thighs before he cupped your ass and gave it a greedy squeeze.
Michael’s eyes expectantly looked at you. “You play the innocent, sweet role well…” 
“Mm—” You whimpered as you pressed your lips against Michael’s neck from him giving your ass another harsh squeeze.
“But I see right through it,” Michael whispered to you—his tone low and husky. 
“I…” You breathed shakily against Michael’s skin before planting a deep kiss over it; your free hand roamed through his black, silky hair.
You heard a barely audible, soft moan escape Michael’s lips which only intensified the feverish arousal coursing through your veins as you continued to hungrily kiss up and around Michael’s neck.
Michael wrapped one arm around your waist and kept his hand over your ass; his eyes half remained half-opened as he let you get lost within him, taking and getting everything you want.
Your kisses grew wet, hot, and sloppy around Michael’s jawline as you moaned through them yourself; severely aroused to the point where you thought your wetness pooling over the fabric of your panties was soaking through Michael’s trousers.
“Mine…” You cupped Michael’s cheek and turned his face to look him in the eye directly. “All mine…”
“Yours,” Michael said back before his lips sealed over yours in a crushing, needy kiss.
Your pussy throbbed from arousal over Michael’s knee; it practically had a heartbeat of its own from how horny you were feeling towards your husband—so much so that it was almost criminal.
“Look at you,” As Michael pulled away from the kiss, he gripped your throat with his free hand and let his thumb trace the outline of your bottom lip. “Can’t get your hands off of me.”
“You’re mine,” you panted back and took Michael by pleasant surprise as you licked his thumb. “
“That’s right, baby,” Michael murmured before pulling you back to him by your throat to give you another wet, rough kiss over the mouth. 
As you fully straddled Michael’s lap and began to slowly grind your hips, gyrating them against Michael’s pulsating erection, Michael let his hands slip up through your skirt and play with the band of your panties.
Lost in insistent, passionate kisses, Michael pulled at your panties only to let it snap back against your skin as you were distracted between his lips.
Michael let his fingers go further, parting your dewy pussy lips to spread your wetness with one hand while squeezing your breast and massaging your nipple with his fingers on the other.
Aside from such fiery, mutual infatuation and lust, there was more; there was and always will be more. 
The love between you and Michael blossomed so naturally that it could never feel forced like it was some sort of obligation that had to be fulfilled.
In public, despite the two of you being not so fond of blatant displays of affection, held hands or had Michael wrap an arm over your waist in casual but adoring affection you craved and yearned for always.
Just one touch from Michael—let alone his presence—was more than enough for you. It did nothing but thrill you all the more knowing this man is yours and you’re his; you’ll have all of Michael whenever you want and however you want. 
Distance makes your heart grow fonder when Michael’s away on his business trips or doesn’t come home for a night. You’ve never felt insecurity, unsafe, or any sort of lingering sadness about Michael’s consistent absences to begin with.
Even at the end of a long night with little time to yourselves to follow another eventful one, you’d have just the same satisfaction in Michael’s embrace without the sexual intimacy. 
Some of your most loving, romantic nights with Michael were the two of you skin-to-skin on the rooftop, naked and exchanging soft kisses as Michael smoked a cigarette.
Saying, “Yes, I do” and signing your marriage papers, your legal name became Victoria Ferrari Corleone; a unique love and lover to Michael in the sense that Michael could never treat you the way he treated Apollonia or Kay, but exponentially more protective, loving, and open to you in all aspects.
Your compatibility with Michael only resulted in him being all the more open with you; not feeling obligated to because you’ll get upset or ask, but because Michael wishes to—because he wants to. 
There’s simply no entitlement; only love and caring. You could not describe your marriage to Michael Corleone in any other way.
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helleniclanguageboy · 3 months
Names of the Greeks
Let’s do a deep dive into the different ethnonyms for the Greek people. As a matter of methodology, we will be focusing primarily on Greeks from Greece rather than highlighting individual identities: e.g. Cypriots, Cappadocians, etc. Furthermore, one asterisk equals the term for the language and two for country.
Homeric and Mycenaean
Two main names used: Achaeans and Danaans which are echoed in the Bronze Age accounts of Greeks, but these are not used to represent the whole of Greek people in the modern day. Both terms have possible parallels in two groups of sea peoples recorded by the Egyptians: Danyan and Ekwesh. Achaean also is also potentially paralleled in Hittite sources. 
Danaans - Δαναοί
𓂧𓄿𓇋𓋔𓇋𓅱 (d3iniw) - Medinet Habu
Ἀχαιοί (Ἀχαιϝοί)
𓇋𓀁𓏘𓄿𓍯𓄿𓆷𓄿 (iḳ3w3š3) - Merneptah, Kanak
** 𒄴𒄭𒅀𒉿(Aḫḫiyawa) or 𒄴𒄭𒅀 (Aḫḫiya)
The ancient Greeks would largely refer to themselves as Ἕλλην. Later, under Christianity, this would become synonymous with pagan, so it declined in usage throughout the Roman and Byzantine periods but didn’t disappear. During the revolution from the Ottomans, leaders called for the revival of the term, wanting to emphasize the relationship to Ancient Greeks.
Ἕλλην - Ancient Greek
Έλληνας - Modern Greek
Ελ̣ηνικέ - Tsakonian
Έλλενος - Pontic 
*Ελλενικά - Pontic 
Ελινικάνο - Romani
The term Greek is largely an exonym that stemmed from Latin. The first Greek tribe that the Romans came into contact with was the Γραικοί (Graeci). This would spread into most languages to describe the Greeks. The only modern endonyms coming from this term is from the Southern Italian Greeks. There was an Italian loan present in Smyrniot, but it was one of a few. Kaliarda similarly featured an Italian loan for Greeks. Aromanian features the term as an exonym, but it is spoken in Greece so will be listed. (Sarakatsani does have Γρικιά listed as the word for Greece, but the textbook does not elaborate the usage)
Griko - Salento
Grèko/Grecanico - Calabrian
Γκρέκος - Kaliarda 
Γραικός - Smyrniot
Γκρέκου - Aromanian
Grek - Tsalka Urum
*Grecheski - Tsalka Urum
**Gretsia - Tsalka Urum
Coming under the Roman empire and gaining citizenship, the Greeks adopted the term Ῥωμαῖος. This maintained the most common ethonym until Greek independence. When Byzantine territory fell, the Turks and Arabs adopted the term Rum for the territory and the Greek Orthodox christians (e.g. Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch (Arabic - بطريركية الروم الأرثوذكس في أنطاكية) or The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate (Turkish - Rum Ortodoks Ekümenik Patrikhanesi). The term survives until the modern day in Eastern Greek populations (Anatolian, Ukrainian, Caucasian, etc). These often distinguish Greeks from Greece from these Eastern Greeks. One derivative, Urum, denotes Turkophone Greeks in Ukraine and the Caucasus. 
Ρουμαίος - Sarakatsani
Ρωμανιώτης/רומניוטי - Romaniote Jewish
*Ρωμανιώτικα/רומניוטיקה - Romaniote Jewish
Ρωμιός - Constantinopolitan
Ρουμιός - Lycian
رومیکا - Cappadocian (Rumi)*
Ρωμνός - Axenitic
*Ρωμάικα  - Axenitic
Ρωμνιός -  Aravaniot
Ρωμός - Pharasiot
Ρωμαίος - Pontic
*Ρωμαίικα - Pontic
Румеюс/Ромеюс - Mariupolitan
*Румэку/Румеку - Mariupolitan
Romeyos - Romeyka
**Romeyka - Romeyka
Ρούμ/Οὐρούμ - Karmanlidika
*Ρούμδζε/Οὐρούμδζε  - Karmanlidika
**Ρουμιστάν - Karmanlidika 
Urum - Cypriot Turkish
Урум/Ουρούμ/Urum - Crimean Urum
Urum - Tsalka Urum 
Ουρούμιν - Pomak
Similarly to Greek, the term Ionian stems from the Persians first coming into contact with the Ionians or Ἰάϝωνες (𐎹𐎢𐎴 /yauna/). Thus, most Eastern languages will use a derivative of this despite many coming into direct contact with Alexander the Great and later diadochi: Persian/Arabic - یونان (Yunan), Pali - 𑀬𑁄𑀦 (Yona), Sanskrit - यवन (Yavana), and Chinese 大宛 (Dayuan, Great Ionians). While this does not refer to Greeks as a whole, the word Ionian was first attested in the Bronze Age with the Egyptian ‘Great Ionia’ or 𓇌𓅱𓈖𓏭𓉻𓂝𓏛 (ywnj3’) and the Mycenaean word 𐀂𐀊𐀺𐀚(i-ja-wo-ne). As for modern endonyms,  there are two interesting examples: Karamanlidika and Judeo-Greek which use both Roman and Ionian. For Karamanlidika, Γιουνάν refers to Greece rather than its native Greeks (Ρουμιστάν was listed for Greece, but Γιουνανιστάν is the more standard term). Cappadocian Greek and Smyrniot, in term, adopted the Turkish term for Greece (though Smyrniot also had other loans for the word). Judeo-Greek, however, has taken Yevanic to refer to the register to liken it to Ladino and Yiddish. It takes the Hebrew יון (Yevan) meaning Ionian and re-Hellenizing the term to have the -ιτικά ending. 
Γιουνανλής - Smyrniot 
**Γιουνανιστάν/Γιονανιστάν - Cappadocian Greek
Γιουνάν/Γιουνανλή - Karamanlidika
*Γιουνάνδζα - Karamanlidika
**Γιουνανιστάν - Karamanlidika
*Γεβανιτικά/יווניטיקה - Judeo-Greek
Ραγιάς (slave) - Potamiot Cappadocian 
Σ̈κλα (foreigner) - Arvanitika
*Σ̈κλιερίσ̈τικα/Σ̈κλιερίσ̈τε̱ - Arvanitika
Καλαμαράς (squid, coming from mainland Greek scholars using squid bones as pens) - Cypriot Greek
*Καλαμαρίστικα - Cypriot Greek
**Καλαμαρκά - Cypriot Greek
Kalamara - Cypriot Turkish
Χαουτίκ - Cypriot Arabic
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mama-mera · 9 months
okay you know what? I think it's time for me to take advantage of the release of the Percy Jackson series to talk a little about the relationship between the Greek and Roman gods, because I have a feeling that we're going to have a new generation of people who are convinced that the Romans "stole" the gods of the Greeks and... um, I feel the need to talk and analyze this thing with you. Because the matter is much more complicated than you think
Like SERIOUSLY, the pjo fandom and Greco-Roman mythology enthusiasts in general need this chat.
First of all it is important to understand how the Italic populations came into contact with Greek culture, and who the first Romans were.
Southern Italy (Sicily, Calabria, Campania and Puglia) was colonized by the Greeks since the 8th century BC.
Like any colonization, the local population had to adapt to the culture, religion and language of the colonizer (in Italy there are still two dialects coming from ancient Greek. Griko in Puglia, and Grecanico in Calabria). Every part of the territory considered Magna Graecia (Megàle Hellàs) presents archaeological finds relating to the Greek colonies, and with them also temples dedicated to the gods. (So much so that in Sicily, at the beginning of spring the Antesphorie (or antephorie) were celebrated in honor of Demeter and Persephone, for example).
The entire Etruscan pantheon was strongly influenced by the Greek one. The indigenous deities were joined by the Hellenic ones, creating a new religion.
But still: who were the Romans? The legend of the foundation of Rome refers to Romulus and Remus, but from an archaeological point of view the Romans were probably the result of a mixture of Latin, Sabine (plus Samnites and Sabelli*) and Etruscan peoples. The latter influenced the initial Roman Pantheon the most. Just think of the similarities between the Etruscan goddess Menrva/Menerva and the Roman goddess Minerva.
The same applies to Maris and Mars, who among other things share holidays in March (a month dedicated to them moreover).
Unfortunately there is not much information on the Sabine and Latin ethnic group, but it is known for certain that Etruscans had contact with Magna Graecia, and the Greeks in general, so their culture was never unknown to the Romans.
So what does this tell us? That the Italic populations knew the Greek Pantheon, because they had been colonized and/or influenced by the Greeks. The first Romans can't exactly steal something that's already part of their culture.
*Samnites, Sabelli and Sabines were part of the same ethnic group, and although all three groups can generally be called "Sabines", I preferred to specify. At the same time it is not known how involved the Picenes and Irpinians were initially with the birth of Rome, so I have not mentioned them.
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unfilodaria · 4 days
Taranta - Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino (ft L. Einaudi) - Official Musi...
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bttrflyblu · 11 months
Taranta - Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino (ft L. Einaudi) - Official Video
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sabervelvet · 7 months
tagged by @ginkashino and doing it immediately or I'll forget lol
The rules of the game are to write one song for every letter in your url, and then tag as many people as there are letters in your url.
Shut Me Up - Mindless Self Indulgence
All That Glitters - Earl
Boss - The Correspondents
Enemies to Lovers - Joshua Kyan Aalampour
Rattlesnake - Kabaret Sybarit
Vieni A Ballare In Puglia - Caparezza
Eat You - Caravan of Thieves
Looking Like This - Lyre Le Temps
Video Killed The Radio Star - The Buggles
Ein Wiener Kaffeehaus - Orchester der Vereinigten Bühnen Wien
Taranta - Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino
I don't have many active moots anymore so sabdiusdfs If you see this and wanna do it, be my guest- Thank u for tagging me Ginka, I tried to make the selection as interesting as I could <3
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tratadista · 1 year
Taranta - Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino (ft L. Einaudi) - Official Video
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blogexperiences · 1 month
Ad Ancona AdMed Fest: Petros Markaris, (il Camilleri greco); Raiz e Almamegretta
Torna ad Ancona l’Adriatico Mediterraneo Festival, 26-29 agosto. Raiz e Almamegretta di nuovo insieme per celebrare i loro trent’anni di attività; il Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino nella loro unica data marchigiana, Eugenio Bennato live in chiusura AdMed Fest. Trenta appuntamenti tra musica, incontri e mostre diffusi in città. Tra gli eventi Slow food il recupero del mosciolo (il mitile…
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blog-aventin-de · 1 month
Wein vom Vulkan - Geschichte des Ätna
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Wein vom Vulkan · Geschichte des Ätna in Sizilien · Wissen
Der Ätna ist mit einer Höhe von mehr als 3.500 Meter der größte aktive Vulkan in Europa. Er liegt an der Ostküste Siziliens und ist auch eine einzigartige Weinregion. Die ersten Siedlungen am Ätna entstanden in der Jungsteinzeit. Ab dem 8. Jahrhundert v. Chr. entstanden dann an den Hängen des Vulkans die ersten von Griechen gepflanzten Weinberge. Die Griechen gründeten viele Orte in Sizilien und auf dem Vulkan. Sie hinterließen eine große Spur in der Kultur und in der Weinherstellung in dieser Region. Am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts gab es in der Ätna-Region die meisten Weinberge Siziliens – etwa 90.000 Hektar. Doch dann verfiel das Gebiet aus mehreren Gründen. Viele Weinberge in der Nähe wurden durch die Reblaus zerstört und auch die politische und wirtschaftliche Situation trug zur Massenflucht von Menschen in Städte und Länder der neuen Welt bei. Während des gesamten 20. Jahrhunderts vegetierte dann der Ätna in Verwüstung und Verfall. Doch seit einigen Jahren kommen wieder Winzer und Weinhändler aus die Insel und bauen das vergessene Potenzial der Gegend wieder auf. Der Ätna wird auch als das »mediterrane Burgund« genannt. Dieser Name entstand unter anderem, weil die hier produzierten Weine stilistisch an die Weine der großen französischen Region erinnern. Sie sind gleichzeitig komplex und subtil, streng und elegant, stark und sinnlich. Und natürlich auch das Terroir des Ätna hat seine eigenen Besonderheiten. Die Region ist in die Liste des UNESCO-Weltkulturerbes aufgenommen. Es handelt sich um ein geologisch komplexes Gebiet, das hinsichtlich der unterschiedlichen klimatischen Bedingungen und der verschiedenen Arten vulkanischer Böden sehr heterogen ist. Vulkanische Böden sind eine Quelle verschiedener Mineralstoffe, die die Rebe benötigt, und sie beeinflussen die Schärfe und Pikantheit des Weines. Weiter verfügen sie über eine gute Entwässerung und in ihnen hat in der Regel keine Reblaus Überlebenschancen. Der Ätna ist aber auch ein aktiver Vulkan, der ständig unter der Aufsicht von Wissenschaftlern steht und etwa alle drei bis vier Monate aktiv ist. Daher ist die Weinherstellung in dieser Region besonders riskant. Kein Winzer ist vor den Launen der Natur gefeit, und jeder Weinberg kann eines Tages durch einen Ausbruch zerstört werden. Die Qualität der erzeugten Weine auf dem Vulkan gleichen das Risiko jedoch aus. Die Hauptrebsorten für Weine vom Ätna sind: - Nerello Mascalese - Dies ist die wichtigste rote Rebsorte der Region. Sie produziert komplexe Rotweine mit guter Säure und kräftigem Tannin. - Nerello Cappuccio - Eine weitere rote Rebsorte, die oft zusammen mit Nerello Mascalese verwendet wird. - Carricante - Die wichtigste weiße Rebsorte des Ätna-Gebiets. Sie wird auch unter dem Namen Grecanico angebaut. - Minella Bianca - Eine weitere bedeutende weiße Rebsorte der Region rund um den Ätna. Diese autochthonen Rebsorten sind besonders gut an die einzigartigen Bedingungen des Vulkangebiets angepasst. Sie gedeihen in den mineralreichen Vulkanböden und profitieren von den großen Temperaturunterschieden zwischen Tag und Nacht in den Höhenlagen des Ätna. Die Weine aus diesen Trauben, insbesondere aus Nerello Mascalese und Carricante, haben in den letzten Jahren zunehmend internationale Anerkennung erlangt und gelten als Spitzenweine Italiens. Wein vom Vulkan · Geschichte des Ätna in Sizilien · Wissen Read the full article
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gianlucacrugnola · 2 months
Suoni di minoranzaPrima edizione del festival sulle musiche delle minoranze linguistiche in Italia
San Costantino Albanese (PZ)  7-16 agosto 2024 Si terrà dal 7 al 16 agosto a San Costantino Albanese (Potenza) “Suoni di minoranza”, il festival sulle musiche delle minoranze linguistiche in Italia che, per la prima edizione, ha questo ricco programma:7 agosto Robert Bisha10 agosto Orchestra Bottoni11 agosto Claudia Crabuzza, Peppa Marriti Band12 agosto Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino14 agosto…
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emilianobertelli · 11 months
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tarditardi · 11 months
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26 ottobre: Il Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino apre la stagione "IN VIAGGIO" di Spazio Teatro No'hma - Milano 
Si inaugura giovedì 26 ottobre, alle ore 21, la Stagione 2023/2024 dello Spazio Teatro No'hma, a Milano (Via Orcagna 2) con il tradizionale concerto d'apertura che, per questa attesa partenza, è affidato al più importante gruppo di musica popolare pugliese, il Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino.
Prende così il via In Viaggio, la nuova programmazione dello Spazio Teatro No'hma, che ha nel suo  titolo un invito a esplorare il mondo e a guardarlo con occhi nuovi, nella convinzione che una vera rinascita per l' umanità sia possibile.  
Gli appuntamenti in calendario – 67 alzate di sipario dal 26 ottobre all'11 luglio -  sono ispirati a una nuova consapevolezza antropologica e spirituale e vanno a formare le quattro imperdibili rassegne entrate nel cuore di un pubblico sempre più vasto e internazionale: la Stagione di Prosa,  il Premio Internazionale dedicato al Teatro Nudo di Teresa Pomodoro, Armonie e Suoni, le Domeniche Speciali, a cui si aggiungono le due serate-evento, la Prima della Prima alla Scala e il Dono alla Città di Milano. 
In Viaggio è la stagione che sottolinea l'universalità di un teatro libero e indipendente, dove l'ingresso è sempre gratuito.
"Con questa serata ha inizio un nuovo cammino di No'hma, uno spazio che ha compiuto un lungo viaggio nel mondo creando quell'incontro di culture che ci fa sentire uniti oltre le diversità e capaci di portare, con coraggio e curiosità, il nostro sguardo oltre gli orizzonti" – spiega Livia Pomodoro che firma la sua sedicesima stagione. 
In tema con il titolo della nuova stagione, giovedì 26 ottobre il Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino propone un "viaggio" dal passato al presente, sul battito inconfondibile delle percussioni e, in particolare, del tamburello, cuore pulsante della tradizione salentina.
I musicisti,  tra i principali protagonisti dell'attuale scena pugliese,  acclamati a livello mondiale, reinterpretano in chiave moderna la celebre pizzica tarantata rituale, che aveva il potere di curare il morso della taranta, attraverso la musica, la trance e la danza.
Guidato dal tamburellista e violinista Mauro Durante, il Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino, con venti album e numerosi tour internazionali, è stato premiato  ai Songlines Music Awards 2018 come  miglior gruppo di world music al mondo.
Il Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino è composto da Mauro Durante (voce, percussioni, violino), Alessia Tondo (voce, percussioni), Silvia Perrone (danza), Giulio Bianco (zampogna, armonica, flauti e fiati popolari, basso), Massimiliano Morabito (organetto), Emanuele Licci (voce, chitarra, bouzouki), Gianluca Paglialunga (voce, tamburieddhu, percussioni), Francesco Aiello (ingegnere del suono).
L'evento sarà trasmesso in streaming sui canali del teatro. L'ingresso è gratuito previa prenotazione obbligatoria. Per informazioni consultare il sito www.nohma.org oppure scrivere a: [email protected].
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so-not-a-psycho · 1 year
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