#Great Stink
fuckingstupidbracket · 5 months
Funniest historical events bracket
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Details under the cut:
Great Stink: ignore how hard the illustration goes. Summer of 1858, Central London. River Thames is more disgusting than usual. It smelled like shit, because, well. The river was basically a mix of sewers and industrial waste disposal. But yeah, it smelled so bad they built a real sewer. They were too busy colonising before then. Not even joking this is an actual quote: "We can colonise the remotest ends of the earth; we can conquer India; we can pay the interest of the most enormous debt ever contracted; we can spread our name, and our fame, and our fructifying wealth to every part of the world; but we cannot clean the River Thames." Lmao.
Dublin whiskey fire: So there was this warehouse with over a million litres of whiskey in it. It caught on fire and then the barrels of whiskey exploded from the heat and alcohol started pouring through the doors and windows. 13 people died, all from alcohol poisoning. I wonder if they regretted drinking from the whiskey streams.
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eldritch-posts · 6 months
I wouldn't expect you to it was a thing in London in the victorian times. Just figured with the silly banter we have yall would make fun of us for it more. like we learn about how stinky it was in primary/elementary skl and everything
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laku-incarnate · 2 years
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Crossness Pumping Station, London 
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abyssruler · 1 year
no thoughts. just zhongli’s territorial instincts rising up after you return from fontaine stinking of another dragon’s scent. and neuvillette nuzzling his face in your neck to scent you every time you have to leave for liyue.
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The Great Stink, July-August, 1858
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gojoest · 2 months
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he can’t smile like that and get away with it every time
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konigsblog · 2 months
Loser!König still keeps his childhood teddy. 🧸
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mothwingwritings · 2 years
Christmas Traditions with Baki, Retsu, Katsumi, Hanayama, Biscuit, Jack, Doppo, Yujiro, and Motobe <3
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! I hope you are all having a fun, nice, peaceful holiday! I wanted to write a little something for the day (I actually started a full on Christmas fic but very quickly realized I would run out of time oops) so here’s a little blurb I whipped out during down time at work. It’s nothing huge, and it’s basically unedited, but I wanted to give you all a little present of sorts if I could. I know I take forever to update and post things, so thank you all for your patience and being wonderful superb humans. I love you all~
So HAPPY HOLIDAYS! If you don’t celebrate-I hope you have a bitching weekend regardless. B)
(Also this is my first attempt at writing something slightly romantic for Yujiro where he isn’t horrible, so there’s that loooool)
Warnings: None really, it’s very fluffy. Maybe the tiniest hints of sexy stuff?
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Your tradition with Baki is opening presents early. He never really had much of a holiday growing up, so the prospect of having a traditional Christmas with the person he loves gets him amped. Though you told him countless times you don’t really need material possessions from him, he approaches the task of gift giving with a sense of childlike enthusiasm. He’s thrilled to act as ‘Santa’ for you, feverishly going over in his head all the things you have ever mentioned wanting or liking in the course of your relationship. You in turn also have fun shopping for him, happy that you get to create pleasant memories for him during the holiday season to replace all the lackluster ones. The day’s leading up to Christmas mount his anticipation-he is as pumped to see and spend time with you as he is to exchange gifts. You’ll be lucky if you can get him to hold out tearing into presents by Christmas Eve, let alone the day of.
Your tradition with Retsu is preparing a big meal. Christmas isn’t something that Retsu ever really celebrated previously, but he knows it’s an important and fun time for you so he wants to make it special for the both of you. He’s delighted to spend the day with you, and takes great pleasure in cooking a holiday meal the two of you can enjoy. So though he may not go all out on decorations or other holiday activities, you are sure to have a delicious feast in preparation for you at home-a mix of your favorite holiday foods and some of his own favorite recipes. He pours his heart and soul into it, and is sure to shower you in love and affection throughout the day. Seeing your face light up in joy as you take in the food spread before you is the only assurance he needs that he’ll have the honor of being your personal holiday chef many years to come.
Your tradition with Katsumi is sightseeing. Christmas Eve each year is spent out on the town as you take in all the sights and activities the holiday season has to offer. You look at lights, listen to carolers, go ice skating, grab some hot cocoa/coffee. The whole day you stay linked arm in arm, smiling so hard your cheeks start to hurt. And when it’s time to wind down in the evening you both return home together to spend the remainder of the night wrapped up in each other’s arms, falling asleep to the favorite holiday movie or show of your choosing. He always seems to last longer than you do and considers those moments when you are nestled safely in his arms, right before he drifts off after you, some of the happiest moments of his entire life.
Your tradition with Hanayama is traveling. It doesn’t matter if you want to go someplace warm and tropical, or cold and frozen. It can be the same place each year or someplace new. As long as he’s able to whisk you away from the hustle and bustle of your daily lives and spend the season in your presence, he really doesn’t give a damn where the two of you end up. He wants to be around you and only you, the best present he can provide and receive being your happiness and love.  Just understand that as soon as your reach your destination, that’s when the real holiday magic begins ~
Your tradition with Biscuit is story reading. Biscuit’s life is chaotic, and the holiday season does little to lessen this burden. Sometimes it can feel like you barely have time or access to each other at all. That’s why on Christmas he makes sure to dedicate the entire day just for you. Nothing fills him with warmth and peace like Christmas night does, snuggled up together in front of the fire place, taking turns reading each other Christmas stories from an old, well-loved book you’ve had since childhood. When you first suggested it you were afraid he would find it silly or childish, but he was delighted by the idea. He loves listening to you speak, finds peace in the stories your voice weaves for him. He can think of no better way to spend the holiday.
Your tradition with Jack is a movie marathon. Like his brother, he doesn’t have too many fond memories of Christmas time to reflect on, so when you enter the picture you made it your mission to change this. Appalled that he hadn’t even seen the classics, you suggest a movie night, complete with homemade cocoa and all the Christmas cookies you can eat.  You were concerned he may not like the idea at first, Jack wasn’t one to sit around for long periods of time and you were worried the movies may just bore him. But as he held you firmly in his laps, basking in homemade treats and your silly commentary, you knew this was the right move. Even as he poked fun at some of the films, calling them ‘kiddie movies’ you were ‘forcing him to watch’, you knew the small smile on his lips and the way he held you close relayed what he was truly feeling. This was cemented when he finished the marathon with the question “Same time and place next year?”
Your tradition with Doppo is decorating. He humored you when you told him you wanted to do up your home for the holidays, and he let you go all out when it came to picking out and purchasing decorations. Unfortunately for him, all those decorations meant you needed help putting them up-and he was your prime target for assistance. Though originally he agreed begrudgingly, he ended up having a lot of fun decorating with you. It warmed his heart to see the smile that graced your lips as you dressed the tree, and he took great joy in the playful banter you shared over what decoration looked best in this corner of the room, or if the star atop the tree was crooked or not.  It was also nice showing off for you whenever heavier decorations needed to be assembled, he lived for the little blush the fell over your face as you laughed, telling him his flexing and posturing was ‘too much’. Next year he’d have to remember to purchase some mistletoe to add to the arrangement, he already knew the perfect place to hang it ~
Your tradition with Yujiro is skiing. You had never done it previously and were concerned how good you would be at it. It also didn’t help your anxiety that the one who invited you was Yujiro, and he had gone out of the way to clear out the entire slopes for just the two of you. But even with all your nerves the trip ended up being surprisingly peaceful and enjoyable. Yes, Yujiro picked at you and was obviously disappointed with your lack of immediate skiing skill, but he was also shockingly patient and helpful, giving you tips and guidance that made navigating the slopes much easier. Hours flew by without you realizing, and by the end of the day you were exhausted, but had successfully navigated a hill all on your own (albeit it was a beginner one, which Yujiro made sure to make fun of you for, but a slope is a slope in your humble opinion). Thinking this was a onetime deal you thanked Yujiro for the experience, letting him know it was the most fun Christmas you had had in a while. You were taken aback when he busted out laughing at you, explaining you weren’t anywhere near done-he’d repeat this every year necessary with you until you could get on his level.
Your tradition with Motobe is to build a fire. It’s a simple thing, and not necessarily a strictly Christmas event, but you both find happiness huddled up together on Christmas night by the fire. You relish in each other’s company, sipping a warm beverage, sharing a blanket, and talking about anything and everything under the sun.  The only time any banter occurs is when you argue over who needs to leave the comforting warmth to go get more firewood. This goes on late into the night until the two of you are too tired to keep your eyes open. The final words to leave both of your lips are affirmations of love and the promise to make the New Year great.
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manawari · 5 months
Learning how Cha Hae-in had also been judged by hunters around her because of her "smell" and that they were the ones who got offended because Hae-in got irritated by the smell of their mana, which they deemed as they were stinky to her— SHE HAD JUST AWAKENED AND ADJUSTING TO HER ENVIRONMENT!
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ezekiel13 · 1 month
I need to play fallout London purely so I can make a bunch of stupid british jokes. Mostly to insult London.
I can’t play it.
Can someone please tell me what the water in the Thames is like. Because I wanna make a Great Stink joke.
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autogeneity · 18 days
getting better earphones is like, "oh, I didn't know that song had those sounds!"
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boxheadpaint · 11 months
how do i start coming up w more interesting character designs like urs. they are sooooo cool and i try to make a character like that but it always comes out stinky
if it stinks thats great
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xbraveheartx · 2 months
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New reaction meme-- 3, 2, 1, GO
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ponkch0 · 4 months
Realistically MCD pheonix drop would kinda stink, unless there’s like bathhousing which we never see built and there are no bathrooms in PD (i know it’s minecraft idc). They might bathe in rivers or like in rebirth there’s a specific thing brought out for that,
Anyways to my main point
•you guys think garroth had to get used to the smell
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 9 months
Random Person: Who’s the best Grishaverse man?
Me: Obviously Kaz Brekker or Nikolai Lantsov
Random Person: That’s such a basic bitch answer
Me: Ok you want the real answers??? The King of Scars, pessimistic, one armed squaller Adrik Zhabin. That’s my favorite Grishaverse man.
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columboscreens · 1 year
every time there is a columbo based question on an episode of match game from the 70s/80s its almost always aboit how his raincoat is stinky :{
i mean, think about it. columbo sweats. a lot. he smokes cheap cigars, isn't afraid to crawl around on the floor, pulls all-nighters in his car, drinks coffee, eats spicy food. keeps eggs in his pockets. i don't imagine he stinks to high heaven all the time but if you catch him at the end of a long day i would indeed assume his raincoat offers you a...unique bouquet of scents, to say the least
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