#Great Southern
branchflowerphoto1 · 1 year
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Where I buy my coffee beans, Denmark Western Australia ~ branchflower 2023
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tkingfisher · 5 months
A general reminder—periodic cicadas pose no threat to anyone and their plant damage is limited to nipping off the ends of twigs. Please do not hose them with pesticide. They are slow and clumsy and confused and only want to make friends with other cicadas and eventually die of sexual exhaustion.
Yes, the screaming is a lot, but they’ve been extremely quiet neighbors for thirteen years, cut them some slack as they go through the most fraught time of their lives.
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Pan Fried Spinach Recipe
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Delicious, and easy to prepare. Great Southern dish. Can be served with any meat as a side dish. Great with cornbread.
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bethanythebogwitch · 8 months
I heard it's Superb Owl Sunday so I have prepared some superb owls for you.
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The barn owl is the most widespread species of owl, living on every continent except Antarctica. Their faces are shaped like a disk to help their hearing, giving them some of the best hearing of any owl. They mostly hunt by sound.
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Snowy owls are the largest arctic predatory birds, They are born with black feathers and get whiter as they age. Females usually have more dark feathers than males.
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Eastern screech owls have a few feather variants that make them look like completely different species.
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The southern white-faced owl can increase its metabolic rate during winter to compensate for the cold and lack of food. They lay their eggs in nests built and abandoned by other birds.
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The great grey owl is the largest owl by length, but a lot of that is feathers and they're actually very light for their size. Their hearing is good enough to hear rodents burrowing through snow and they can break through hard-packed snow to catch prey.
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Blakiston's fish owl is the largest owl by mass and eats mostly fish. Despite the name, they may be more closely related to eagle owls than fish owls.
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The elf owl is the smallest owl species, barely larger than a sparrow. They hunt bugs and play dead when caught. They like to live in holes in saguaro cacti.
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Burrowing owls live in underground burrows. While they can dig, they mostly take over burrows from other animals. Farmers killing prairie dogs has severely reduced burrowing owl populations. They decorate their burrows with feces to attract bugs to eat.
The barking owl is called that because
Its nice to have a day to appreciate superb owls. Feel free to spread the love by reblogging with some more owl facts.
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souplover-69 · 2 months
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the worn down stairs of the caldwell house
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autotrails · 2 years
Irish Auto Trail-Borris-in-Ossory to Ballybrophy, County Laois
Irish Auto Trail-Borris-in-Ossory to Ballybrophy, County Laois https://youtu.be/n-aKbemj_e0 This Irish auto trail explores the R435 between Borris-in-Ossory and Ballybrophy in County Laois.
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innefableidiot · 4 months
Some aziraduck doodles because I missed drawing this lil fella
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ed13d1 · 2 months
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great old mother
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branchflowerphoto · 30 days
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great southern skies | albany | western australia
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bigoldeels · 4 months
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till 2037, brood xix <3
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nellasbookplanet · 6 months
Okay but I'm going a bit insane about the growing disconnect of "maybe we're meant to harness it"/"maybe we're meant to fight it". They both thought they were on the same page when they said it, when actually they were on polar opposite ends of the same spectrum. Imogen meant "I never plan to give in to this power even if part of me wants to, I will continue fighting it, but it’s a comfort knowing there’s someone who understands the temptation and who I know won't judge and will still love me and understand if I ultimately fail and give in". Meanwhile to Laudna it meant "I've been in this struggle for longer than I can remember and I don’t know if I can do it much longer. I don’t know if I want to. I don’t know if I even should, or if giving in would be better for all of us because I'm a lost cause. You understand this about me and won't judge as I inevitably am doomed by the narrative, and you won't demand of me that I fight an inherent part of myself, even if it’s destroying me". And Imogen is finally catching on to this disconnect, is realizing that to Laudna their connection isn’t just understanding but an excuse, not too different from Lilliana. And, desperate of losing Laudna to power just like she did her mother, she says, 'if you let me go, I'm gone', meanwhile Laudna is going 'all I can do for you is die and let you go to lift you up' and both of them are going 'why are you so upset about this. i love you'.
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daughterofcainnnn · 3 months
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even the iron still fears the rot.
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spinus-pinus · 3 months
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Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias
10/24/2022 Orange County, California
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soisaidfine · 2 months
Ethel Cain: "And so, you know, the Great Dark is not as bad as it sounds. So, on the flip side, we have the hole."
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Ethel Cain: “And so, you know, the Great Dark is not as bad as it sounds. So, on the flip side, we have the hole. Jokes aside, the hole is… I love to go there. I love to go whenever I joke with my friends and say, 'Oh, Winter’s coming. I’m going to throw blankets over the windows and go into the hole.’ You know, I’m in my hole. It’s what I always describe as being in this place of darkness and kind of despair, wallowing in self-pity, misery, you know, all those fun things, which I think is fine to go into from time to time as long as you’re not staying there. Which is why I’ve written, 'One can venture into the hole but will enter a perpetual sinking if one neglects to exit in time. They will enter the maze and become stuck forever.’
When you enter the hole, you are basically entering a period and a point of darkness, overwhelming darkness, which is fine. But when you’re in it, you will enter a state of perpetual sinking where you go deeper and deeper. You can never just remain where you are… You will go deeper and deeper. Darkness is inviting, and it will continue to pull you down. So you can go, and I think that there’s a lot to be found in the hole. There’s inspiration, there are answers to maybe the dark questions of yourself. 'What are you afraid of? Why are you afraid of it?’ You know, and I think that’s important to know about yourself. I think it’s an important place to go every now and then. I don’t think that you need to invite people to your pity party if you know that you’re throwing it. If it’s a conscious decision that you make to go into a dark place, like I choose to do often because I enjoy it, and I think that dark places are comforting sometimes to be in—a nest or a cave. Well, not a cave. I’m not a fan of caves, but you know, everybody has that place that they go in their head where they love to feel like bad. Sometimes you just want to feel bad. That sounds counterproductive, but you know that life isn’t about feeling good all the time. Sometimes you want to feel bad. You need to feel bad. Grieving and depression, all those places are kind of natural things that are okay to be in.”
Hayden Anhedönia (Ethel Cain): the ring, the great dark, and proximity to god Full video on YouTube
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souplover-69 · 6 months
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i can’t explain it but this room was haunted
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starchildghost · 1 year
bell’s hells compilation but it’s Laudna saying “imogen is very capable” followed by imogen’s wild magic making her hair fall out, turning blue, falling out of a sky ship, falling down the stairs and setting everything on fire (bonus if you edit in laudna calling imogen her ‘sister from another mister’ before this), thumb wrestling herself while everyone around her fucks, her rolling a 4 followed by a 5 followed by a 13 on her first teleport,
I love her
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