#Great Demon King Koopa (Bowser)
cherryfennec · 2 months
Quickly wrote a long overdue summary of the Bad End AU that I can send to people if they ever ask me about the plot. Ahem!
The Prologue:
The story begins following the first Paper Mario game in the series where Bowser originally obtains the Star Rod. During the final battle between Mario and Bowser, Peach watches as her hero in red starts to loose to the Koopa King, due to not being able to match the Star Rods accumulated power. She gets a chance to make a wish to the stars, however instead of wishing for the Star Rods magic to be nullified (like in the original game), she instead wishes for her and Mario, who is at the brink of Game Overing, to be taken to safety immiediately. The heroes proceed to stay low during his recovery, planning how to stop Bowser who continues his evil deeds unbothered for now.
After this we skip to the events of the second game in the series, The Thousand Year Door. Just like in the canon, Peach invites Mario to search for the hidden treasure of Rogue Port. Due to the rumors, she believes that whatever they find behind the legendary sealed Door can help them defeat the now Star Powered Bowser. Mario of course accepts.
The plot continues similarly to the original game plot, up until Chapter 4 that is. Mario proceeds to get his name and body stolen by Doo_liss, however in this timeline he and Vivian happen to be out of luck since the crows who originally had the information about the tricksters name are nowhere to be seen. Mario becomes trapped in Twilight Town, with his memory starting to fade as a side effect of turning into a shadow. Meanwhile Doo_liss leaves the town, with now 4 Crystal Stars in his pocket, and proceeds to exploit his new identity. Shortly after he disbands the party, simply because he has no care for the original quest.
He is later found by the two remaining Shadows, Beldam and Marilyn, who convince him to give up the Stars after peaking his curiosity about what's behind The Thousand Year Door.
With no more Mario around, the remaining stars are discovered with the map that was left in Doo_lisses pocket and Peach is ultimately used as a vessel for the Shadow Queen who has world domination plans of her own. Doo_liss also swears his loyalty to her, alongside the remaining Shadow Sisters, since he doesn't want to get on the bad side of someone who could end him right then and there when he can just follow some orders when summoned once in a while and use the rest of his time for having fun.
The Queen returns to the Mushroom Kingdom and proceeds to make a treaty with Bowser, who returns the castle and the rule over Toads to her under a few conditions.
After this we do yet another skip, this time referring to the plot of the third game, Super Paper Mario. Count Bleck arrived as the castles doorstep, making a proposition to the Queen of The Mushroom Kingdom. He promises an artifact of great power that could destroy whole worlds, known as the Chaos Heart by the Ancients. As an old demon herself she recognises the potential of gaining it and agrees help summon it.
With little trouble to convince Bowser to marry her, the ceremony is held and The Chaos Heart appears as planned. There starts to be sudden big ruckus among the guests caused by unexpected explosions around the altar of unknown origin. Before anyone could however react, someone steals the ancient artifact and dissapears without a trace.
The thief is seen again after some time, now looking different than before as well as acting rather off with talking to seemingly air and going from being able to fulfill certain tasks to being unable to do them mere seconds later. He is recognised by Bowser as Marios brother, much to Doo_lisses annoyance.
One day the thief he just started hanging around The Mushroom Castle before being ultimately accepted as a part of the main group of evil, as uncooperative as he can be, with the Queen hoping she can one day turn him into a loyal servant or take what's rightfully hers.
The General Description of The Current Plot:
The current events of the AU revolve around the group of villains, that the main four has now become, trying to take over the rest of the land and other Kingdoms, inconveniencing and eliminating their enemies, finding artifacts of power as well adapting to the current reality. Unfortunately their plans tend to get inconvenienced, or even foiled, by their own faults such as overestimating their own abilities, being stubborn and unable to cooperate effectively often and just not getting well alongside eachother in general. In other words: hijinks ensue!
Main Events of The Story: TBA
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superthatguy62 · 2 months
Bowser Day: A quick note on the influence of Sayuuki
So, as it's commonly known, Bowser was inspired by the Bull Demon King from Journey to the West. Specifically, he's inspired by The Bull-Demon King from the Toei movie "Sayuuki" or "King Gruesome" from "Alakazam The Great".
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Now, most people are aware of the design similarity and that's where their knowledge of the comparison stops.
However, Bowser shares another thing or two in common with the Bull King in this movie.
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The Bull King (and Princess Iron Fan, his wife) make their lair inthe Flaming Mountain. At the climax of the movie, Wukong engages the Bull King while his allies fight against the Queen and the other demons. Wukong leads the bull outside and takes the fight to the skies. Using his cape, acts as a matador, stabbing the bull king with spears while provoking him with a red cape.
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Eventually, he allows the Bull King to run into the cape, which disorients him and causes him to fall into the volcano.
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And, well, we all know how King Koopa tends to go out.
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Bonus random fact:
For further irony, this adaptation of Journey to the West is one of the ones to not feature Red Boy: Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan's son who trolls Wukong and his allies (They do have an imp minion who generally fulfills a similar role, but they don't treat him as a son and the Bull-King even reneges on a deal they had). While Bowser lacks a Princess Iron Fan equivalent (though he does carry a torch for Princess Peach), Bowser Jr. could be considered his equivalent to Red Boy , especially when using the Magic Paintbrush which resembles a spear.
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Great Demon King Koopa
There is a lot of information and imagery in the games that connects Bowser the King of the Koopas to some more hellish imagery.
First off his Japanese name is Daimaou Kuppa, which translates to either Great Satan Bowser, Great Demon King Bowser, or Great Demon King Koopa. Which definitely matches up a lot. Side note yes the literal translation of Daimaou isn't always supposed to be literal.
There is also the various castles Bowser has built over the years. Many of them have an entrance where you enter through Bowser's mouth, which seems to be similar to a hellmouth. This Castle design shows up in Super Mario 3D Land, Paper Mario 64, Mario Kart Double Dash and Wii, Paper Mario: The Origami King, and even The Super Mario Bros. Movie.
There is also the fact that World 8 the Koopa Kingdom is often depicted as a hellish landscape, aka the Bowser Badlands or Dark Land.
Note this is just making some connections with this type of imagery, it's best seen as a hypothesis. By no means is this useful for satanic panic nonsense.
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koopzilla · 4 months
name. Bowser Koopa
nickname(s). King Koopa, Great Demon King, King of Awesome, His Majesty, Round Fella
title. King of the Koopas
P E R S O N A L .
morality. lawful/ neutral / chaotic / good / grey / evil
religious belief. King Koopa is the only deity worth worshipping! trash the rest!
sins. lust  / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride /envy / wrath
virtues. chastity / chump charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
primary goals in life. conquer the Mushroom Kingdom. make Princess Peach his bride. expand the Koopa Kingdom. raise Junior to be a worthy successor.
languages known. - English. can understand the Yoshi tongue but is too gruff to speak it.
quirks. - frequently folds arms. master of the death glare. always wearing spikes.
savvies. - ruling, conquering, fighting, torture, writing music and poetry.
P H Y S I C A L .
build. slender/ fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese / other
height. TALL
weight. BIG
scars/birthmarks. multiple scars on his face and arms.
abilities/powers. - fire breath. black magic. high strength and speed.
F A V O U R I T E S .
favourite food. spicy chicken. MEAT.
favourite drink. tea
topping. meatlovers
favourite colour. red
favourite music genre. heavy metal
favourite book genre. all those words are alphabet soup. a picture tells it betterrrr ♫
favourite movie genre. horror, romantic comedies, and soap operas.
favourite season. summer. HEAT.
favourite curse word. royalty never swears.
favourite scent.
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POST GYM KING. barbeque.
F U N S T U F F .
bottom or top. top
loud burper or soft burper. loud and right in your ear.
sings in the shower. yes /no
likes bad puns. yes / no fine until used against him.
their opinion on the mun. "Good tastes, but ain't writing enough!"
Tagged by: @red-man-of-mustache tyty
Tagging: @pichipie @championofdarkland @gerudospiriit @timid-plumber @jonathancjones
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profmusic · 2 years
Seize The Kingdom
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Oh how I imagined the great power
Oh how I wish to gain riches from unworthy weaklings
They think I’m a bad guy to stole their precious things…
Oh… it’s so true! Because I going to seize the kingdoms! Hahaha!!
How long I waited for this moment when I was fierce prince
To have their weak rulers to be humiliate!
And if they don’t like it, well that’s too bad
They will have their inescapable pitiful fate!
Hahahaha! Ha!
Now that I’m mighty king of Koopa kingdom
It’s time to build cannons and weapons to make them feel dumb
That we are rightful kingdom to rule the world!
Fight back? They have to answer to my thumb
{Koopa Soldier: It’s true, he have scary power to prove it!
Second Koopa Soldier: He even destroy the wall!}
All hail King Bowser
Great Demon King
Future High Ruler of Mushroom Kingdom
And he’s here to seize the kingdoms!
Yes, that’s me! King Bowser! Hahahahaa!!
{Blows fire around}
Ahh, it feels great to gain power from weak rulers
The lands turn to something better than last
My fire burning their precious throne
Unlike them, I don’t feel I gotta cry… it was the blast!
{Bowser: Am I great or what?!
His subjects: Yes you are, mighty king!
King Bowser: Oh yeah!}
What I really love about conquest is to see the rulers cower in fright
How they went from “great” to losers deep down
Especially that they’re in cage, seeing nations fall to my might
It’s really shake my sharp shell! Hahahahaaa!
All hail King Bowser
Great Demon King
Future High Ruler of Mushroom Kingdom
And he’s here to seize the kingdoms!
Yeah, I succeeded my long goal, fools!
Who’s going to stop me now?!
For you too, @smallpwbbles !
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carolingarts · 9 months
I have personal beef with William Afton taking care of his kids head canon and it's not because of the reason you'd think.
My reasons are twofold. There's a distinct lack of nuance in the FNAF fandom. It's very possible for William to care about his kids in a crappy way and still be a monster or have a nuanced relationship but my beef is not with that.
It's very possible for him to be a decent person motivated by personal demons and torture - but those who believe that need to gut check yourselves because when the actor calls him the "voldemort" of the series and there are some very obvious similarities between him and other characters my dude is not good.
Yet this is not my beef with the issue. This is not my personal borderline violent beef. My beef is twofold.
Anyone who wants to explore that sense of nuance (this is a guy who actually doesn't just eat puppies and shit evil and kick children down the street like bowling balls.) has to deal with people on both sides - the "this man can do no wrong" side and the "this man is the ultimate terror" side. Which if you don't have a strong constitution results in conversations like this.
Individual: I think this character has some nuance and maybe in another reality...-?
Second individual: I disagree with your opinion.
Individual: Ah. Well that's a shame-
Second individual: I don't just disagree with you. I despise you utterly. your very existence is a blight on mine. Everything wrong in this world is your fault. Everything wrong that has ever happened to humans is your fault. Don't just unalive yourself, do the world a favor. Unalive your entire bloodline, anyone who has ever had contact with you, and then go to God and beg the higher powers of the universe to erase your existence from reality. If you were on fire I'd put you out, then I'd get gasoline and set you on fire again so that I could watch you burn.
And I take issue with that mostly because of the idea that there are a lot of people who do that and then feel so constricted idea wise that they cancel their stuff and make it original works. Now I love that. That's the best thing. I keep seeing people talking about their fnaf fics however and how sad they are but how excited they are that they are now original and I don't like the idea that anybody's points of view (unless they are truly oppressive violent and evil) are cast aside. Funny bear game opinions and thoughts don't deserve people being yelled at because they think different.
2. I'm gonna get my ass handed to me for this. But it has to be done. It has to be put in bold letters so the world will see it. Seeing aside the ideas pertaining to work I want to say 2 things:
Scott Cawthorn is a great *great* game designer.
Scott Cawthorn is a *terrible fucking writer*.
That's not entirely his fault but I had an epiphany which led to this rant which has to do with my ultimate fucking beef with the humans of this series. How they are all really badly written, how they are all like so confusing it starts shit like my point in one...
Yeah, the pixelated characters. Who never really had an identity until like...5 years in?
It hit me the other day that they reminded me of something. Mario.
The original 1985 mario description in the instruction booklet is this:
<b>One day the kingdom of the peaceful mushroom people was invaded by the Koopa, a tribe of turtles famous for their black magic. The quiet, peace-loving Mushroom People were turned into mere stones, bricks and even field horsehair plants, and the Mushroom Kingdom fell into ruin.
The only one who can undo the magic spell on the Mushroom People and return them to their normal selves is the Princess Toadstool, the daughter of the Mushroom King. Unfortunately, she is presently in the hands of Bowser, the King of the Koopa.
Mario hears about the Mushroom People’s plight and sets out on a quest to free the Mushroom Princess from the evil Koopa and restore the fallen kingdom of the Mushroom People.
You are Mario! It’s up to you to save the Mushroom People from the black magic of the Koopa!</b>
Simple and to the point right? Not a lot of detailed backstory? Kid's game.
Then you get to sonic who was apparently modeled on <i>Bill Clinton</i> which if you are familiar with Sonic!lore and you know some of the more iconic...figures is <i>really kind of hilarious</i> in the worst fucking way.
And then it hits me.
Of course these guys don't have consistent and solid backstories. They are <i>eight bit pixel game characters who were never supposed to.</i> and the stuff that comes out after it <i>explains it</i>.
But Scott, in his effort to capitalize on his property and I cannot blame him at fucking all, tried to put in video game easter eggs that make the pixelated characters into something more human, in what is supposed to be a sonic and mario style game - a simple kids game - and <i>that's when shit clicked.</i>
So Scott is a <i>great</i> game designer, but he's a crappy writer. Not maliciously! He was making a triple A game story on a pixel character's budget. TBQH it would be super cool if he'd built a whole mario-esque studio and in a way he kind of finally has with the glamrock characters and steel wool. It's not <i>about</i> the humans and yeah - cause the humans <i>screwed up</i> which is why all the stuff with the games is vaguewashed in Help Wanted 1. "Well this is slander made up by a video game guy."
It's why the character who's the most obvious scott avatar - the video game creator guy - is genuinely panicked and ends up feeling trapped by his creations.
It's the reason why this dude is living like a fucking hermit and why he keeps making this jokes about disappointing people. if people figure it out - that his characters <i>were supposed to have very simple backstories that people like matpat kept making ridiculously complicated</i>. If people found out they were effectively just supposed to be mario-levels of simple. Bad guy defeats good guy - but no. No he had a triple A story in a pixel budget which makes sense. He was doing it himself.
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"That's it! That's the connection!" - Eddie Valiant (who framed Roger Rabbit.)
All the lore's a sham that he tied himself into a knot over until he could get to the books...but how do you translate fucking <i>Doctor Robotnik</i> to a character like William Afton?
So yeah. He's a great game designer who made great characters but a bad writer ...because he tried to shoehorn in a triple A storyline into a pixel kids game on the level with Mario and Sonic.
"but kyle he's a good writer-"
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One man - especially this dude with his politics - would not be happy with anyone considering his work like the bible. "But it's open to interpretation-" sure. <i>Because people are having cognitive dissonance over the story</i>.
It's not fucking complex and yet complex. It's simple and yet not simple. It's trying to introduce stuff in real time and...it's done badly because it seems like there's no real motive for the main characters and Scott hasn't set a firm boundary in that "this is what really happened" because - somehow despite his politics - he seems like a decent person who wants to make kids happy. and make his fans happy. Which I kinda get. I mean Miyamoto-san is supposed
Cause it's not about the humans it's about the robots.
"But he knows what's happening-"
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Yeah he does *now* because he's accepting he wrote a triple A game story with Nintendo ideals and game design elements. Maybe - but again he's not gonna admit to it which is why there are <i>so many holes and reasons for the shit to be so confusing and cause so much fucking drama.</i> He's never come out and said <i>this is what happened</i> because he's <i>never conclusively been able to say this is what happened</i>. "Look to the books to explain some backstory...but also look to the other books to fill in the story going forward" The back half of that is the better written stuff cause he's course correcting but the front half and why it's so disconnected is the issue.
Also it's a serious issue but I'm gonna close with that.
Especially because, especially because so many people built their careers on all of this. It can be argued that FNAF launched a lot of current culture regarding youtube and lets plays. It shaped childhoods the same way Mario and Sonic and Zelda did his. And that's a lot of pressure for one person.
(does this mean I forgive him his politics fuck no I focus on paying my dues and trying to make donations to offset the karma for this fucking shit thing I love so much.)
The final part is the serious issue stuff and that's that <i>you can't do a nintendo style game with the kind of subject material that FNAF talks about.</i>
That's where my brain was trying to find the nugget of fuckery.
<i>That's</i> where I was losing it.
You can't write a kids game <i>about the kind of material that FNAF deals with</i> and that's what it started out as.
You can't have a funny Doctor Robotnik esque <i>child murderer</i>
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Robotnik's whole goal is to turn the world into his perfect empire and make his perfect creations.
That's...effectively Afton's goal too but you know. With <i>kids</i>.
so that's it. Like. that's solving it to me and it explains my beef with it. and I'll argue - I don't know it's a weird visual depiction of an 8 bit game crossing into a triple A story?
Because it's a triple A story *for sure* one that I hope Steel Wool does something with. *But fucking Hell* that's it. I'm not out (Damn I'll never be out.) But suddenly a lot of things make sense.
I have absolutely no idea what to do with this information but holy shit.
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ratralsis · 2 years
Mine name
The thing about writing is, I have no idea how to do it, but I know sometimes I'll find something that, despite being absurd, works.
Today's piece is another example of that. I've shared a few others. This is just one more.
Have you ever played Chrono Trigger on the SNES? Don't bother answering. It doesn't matter. I'm gonna tell this story either way.
There's a moment in the game, where this dude, this tiny frog man:
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Shouts at a mountain, "Mine name is Glenn!"
At least, he does that in the original English version. In the original Japanese version, which is even more original, he says "我が名はグレン!", which just means "My name is Glenn," but it's kind of old-fashioned talk. Because, you see, his name is Glenn. Except, up to this point, he's only called himself Frog to you and the rest of the playable characters.
You meet Frog fairly early on. He appears out of nowhere when you're infiltrating a church full of monsters on a mission to rescue the kidnapped queen. I'm not gonna explain more than this, so either play the game, or don't. Either way, as a wise man once said, "If you can't keep up, don't step up."
Frog is a swordsman, as you might have guessed from that ridiculous picture of him by Akira Toriyama earlier. You know, the dude who did Dragonball. Or… does Dragonball? I guess he still does Dragonball. He also does Dragon Quest, which is way better, but I'm probably the only dude around who thinks that, so I tend to keep that opinion to myself. Anyway, as a swordsman, Frog is just as good, if not better, than your main character Crono, who is also a swordsman of a slightly different variety. Crono uses a katana, and Frog uses a broadsword. One is a curved sword with only one sharp side. The other is a straight sword with two sharp sides.
There might be swords out there in the world with three or more sharp sides, but I don't really like to think about those.
There are, of course, swords out there with no sharp sides at all, only sharp points. Those are called "edgeless swords," and they really do exist, primarily for dueling, because they're still pointy on the end.
Swords with really long handles and short blades that are pointy are often called "spears."
Anyway, enough talk about swords. This is about Frog, by which I mean Glenn. Because we learn, as we play the game, that Frog wasn't always a little frog man. He used to be a little regular man. Actually, a pretty normal-sized regular man. A regular regular man, if you will. He was friends with a great knight, named Cyrus, who was a really big regular man. Cyrus was very strong and cool, while Glenn was average and extremely uncool. Glenn was the kind of guy who let the other kids beat the shit out of him when he was also a kid, because, as he put it, "it hurts to be hit," and therefore he couldn't bring himself to defend himself from the other kids. He didn't want to hurt them.
Cyrus told Glenn in no uncertain terms that saying that meant that Glenn was simply too kind, or "soft," in English. But Glenn didn't change. He was soft up to the very end.
The very end being, of course, when Cyrus attacked a dude named Magus, or 魔王 in Japanese. 魔王 is, you SURELY know, just a generic title meaning "demon king," and is part of the name of Bowser in Japan: 大魔王クッパ, or "Great Demon King Koopa." See, Bowser adds that 大 to the front that means "big," because he's bigger than Magus is.
That is because Bowser is far stronger. Bowser is not in Chrono Trigger, but if he were, he would simply kill Magus with his fire breath and/or by pulling his arms and legs and head into his shell and spinning fast and crushing Magus to death with his body. Magus would not be able to handle that. Magus is pretty strong, but Bowser is far stronger.
Anyway, enough talk about Bowser. This is about Glenn, by which I mean Glenn's horrible and embarrassing defeat at the hands of Magus. Because we learn, as we play the game, that when Cyrus attacked Magus, he lost spectacularly. Magus murdered Cyrus SUPER HARD, and Glenn, well, Glenn was also there, acting as Cyrus's squire and/or little buddy. I'm not really sure what their relationship was. I think Glenn was trying to become a knight, but he was just too goddamn soft. He saw Magus kill Cyrus, and what did Glenn do? Well, it sure as hell wasn't kill Magus right back, I can tell you that.
Instead, what Glenn did was get zapped with a big spell by Magus, and that spell turned regular-sized Glenn into a smaller version of himself who was also a frog. So he started calling himself Frog, but he also became a pretty good swordsman, and he even rescued the queen of the kingdom… TEN YEARS LATER.
Glenn spent ten goddamn years being Frog, living in a hole in the forest all by himself. A lonely existence. A miserable existence! But he did it, without complaint, because what else was he gonna do? Stop being a little frog man? Fuck no. He didn't have the luxury to make a decision like that.
But then Crono comes along. Crono has learned a thing or two about Cyrus, and Magus, and how Magus is trying to summon a giant monster capable of destroying the world. And we know that this monster can destroy the world, because it does, 1399 years later, because, surprise surprise, Chrono Trigger is a time travel story, even though I haven't mentioned that before and won't mention it again.
So you might think, wait, if this thing destroys the world in 1399 years, doesn't that mean we know Magus fucks up the summoning? And yeah, we do, but Crono doesn't. At this point in the story, Crono thinks Magus created the thing here, and it destroys the world later. He doesn't know that it already existed.
That doesn't matter.
Forget all of it.
What matters is that Crono knows there's a sword out there in the world, called the Grand Lion (Masamune in English), that Cyrus used to have. It was made of a special metal. Crono has the broken Grand Lion and a big enough hunk of that metal that he was able to bring it to the world's greatest blacksmith, the man who originally forged it, and get it fixed up. And he also has the Hero's Medal, which Cyrus used to wear, which Cyrus got by defeating a really big frog.
Don't worry about the really big frog. He isn't important. You'd think he is, given that there's also a smaller Frog who used to be a man, but he isn't. He's just a big frog.
Crono hands over the Hero's Medal and the Grand Lion to Frog and tells him, somehow, it's not clear exactly how, because Crono is a silent protagonist, that he wants Frog to help fight Magus. And Frog, well, he doesn't know what to do. He's been beaten down by life. By ten years of living alone, in the forest, much the protagonist of the book I'm writing, because I don't have a single original goddamn idea in my head.
But Frog knows that sometimes a man has to stand up for himself.
男はな、立ち向かって行かなきゃいけない時もあるんだぞ。 There are times when a man must stand and face the things that trouble him.
Those were Cyrus's words to Glenn, years ago, and Glenn knows now that they are true. So, when Crono brings Frog to the mountain that blocks the path to Magus's castle, Frog asks Crono for the Grand Lion.
Crono stabs it into the ground. Frog draws it. And he announces to nobody, and to the world, simultaneously:
"我が名はグレン!" "Mine name is Glenn!"
And he swings the Grand Lion and cuts the mountain in half. He clears the way. He puts the sword away, and that's that.
And God help me, it's one of the greatest lines in any game I can think of, and it's as simple as a man telling us his name. His real name. Not the name he's been using for ten years. Not the shame he's borne for the last decade. He's done being ashamed. He's done running. He's done hiding. He's Glenn. And he always was, even if he forgot for a while. Even if the world forgot for a while.
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grand-odyssey · 5 years
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"If Mercury Black or Adam Taurus made it to Super Smash Bros. Tournament, how would you react?"
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"Then it's Blazeblue: Cross-Tag Battle all over again if Ragna the Souledge joins in! That'll make Team RWBY Jealous, especially Yang! Gwahahaha!"
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Dumb question: If you could make a smash "what if" (similar to Marvel's), what would it be like?
Behold! The first two Episodes! Feel free to add more if you think of them.
Episode 1: The Koopa Guardian
Bowser has always sought to conquer the Mushroom Kingdom, and Mario and Luigi have always stood in his way. But this time, the impossible happened. This time, Bowser won, killing both Mario and Luigi. The way is opened, and Bowser takes over the Mushroom Kingdom.
But, victory soon proves sour. Bowser becomes bored, feeling hollow inside with not Mario Brothers to fight him. Bowser falls into a deep depression that it seems nothing can drag him out of.
His children can't understand it. They love being in charge, bullying people and generally getting their way. Bowser realizes too late how much damage victory has done to them, and his own children betray him, dumping him off a great cliff and leaving him for dead.
Bowser is rescued by an old woman who is revealed to be Mario and Luigi's mother. She intended to kill Bowser in revenge, but couldn't bring herself to do it. Bowser sees the error of his ways, and strikes back against his children with the blessing of Mario and Luigi's mother, swearing to save both the Mushroom Kingdom and his children.
Episode 2: The Black Knight
In a world where the King of Evil found the Hero as a baby, Link rises as the Black Knight, the right hand man of Ganondorf and the incarnation of his wrath. In truth, Ganondorf, murdered Link's father and left his mother for dead, claiming that they abandoned the boy to fuel Link's hatred.
Leading his adopted father's forces against the people's of Hyrule, Link brings Hyrule to heel. But at the gates of Castletown itself he is held back by a single knight. For a full day and night they crossed swords until Link finally struck her down, but as he did, he recognized his mother's face.
Realizing he has been lied to all his life, Link betrays Ganondorf, creating a civil war between the forces of darkness. As they duel, Ganondorf castigates his adopted son, saying he only ever wanted greatness for him. Link counters by saying he wants his life back.
The Princess takes advantage of this, and uses ancient magics to strike down Ganondorf's fortress where he and Link still fight. Link slays Ganondorf, but as the Demon King dies, he says he will always love his son. Link's fate is left ambiguous as he lies at the bottom of the broken castle he once called home.
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cryptofadventure · 2 years
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Has Pollen allergies
The koopalings are his kids
Kinda scared of Princess Daisy
Has high blood pressure
He can dance but is tone death and horribly embarrassed about it
While he dreads Mario he respects him as a rival
^With that in mind he’s comically possessive of their rivalry. He doesn’t like King Boo or Sonic because BOWSER is supposed to be Mario’s ONLY rival
Loves Peach but also respects her a ton
Grows a beard but constantly shaves it
Good at poems and hikaus
Terrified of Clowns (feels his Clown car would bring fear to enemies)
Deriving from his Japanese title of “Great Demon King Koopa” and his abilities with dark magic Bowser does have some demonic traits
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obae-me · 4 years
Devil Kart
Fire. Still-burning flakes of ash floated down from the now smoke suffocated sky. Rubble laid down at their feet. Splintered wood. Glinting shards from broken windows. Bricks and foundations of pieces of their home, the House of Lamentation, scattered amidst the yard like abandoned tombstones. For but a moment, all of the residents and their invited company stood still, gazing at the pillar of fumes pouring out from the enormous gap that had been blown out from the sturdy mansion wall. They took in its destructive beauty, taking note of it as the result for their horrendous mistake. One that would not be made lightly again. Suffice it to say, this hadn’t been the first nor the last time this building would be torn asunder. It’s beloved owners were demons after all. However, this fact did not bring comfort to those soaking in the situation at hand. Although for some it did bring great amusement. 
“Well…” MC sighed. “This definitely ended worse than Uno.”
Our favorite demon brothers along with MC, invited Diavolo, Barbatos, and the residents of Purgatory Hall to invite them in a fun game night. Who knew Mario Kart could be such a deadly game?
Character: King Boo
He offered the character with the title “King” in it to Diavolo first, but when Diavolo chose someone else, he didn’t hesitate to pick the ruler of...whatever these specter-like creatures were. 
He plays ruthlessly, constantly throwing bananas, hiding fake boxes in the real ones, whatever devilishly sneaky trap he can lay, he’ll have it done. Even if he doesn’t win, he’s going to take whoever threw that red shell and drag them down to the last in line with him. More often than not, he finds himself winning anyway. He’s not a huge fan of playing games that he deems...childish and illogical, but secretly he deeply enjoyed it. Even for only the value of all his brother’s various expressions when he’s the cause of their suffering.
The destruction wasn’t quite his fault...fully. He’d never do something so idiotic in front of the Prince of Demons, but in his anger and desperation to stop the fight to save face, it was more figurative fuel for the eventual literal fire.
Character: Roy Koopa
He really wanted Bowser, desperately so, but Diavolo had picked him already. He almost had an idea to fight Diavolo for the right to play him, but one look at Lucifer’s expression, now sporting a very angry vein in his forehead, and he settled for someone else. Roy Koopa, whatever he was...with his sunglasses and spikes, was a decent second choice. 
He’s not quite sure what the goal is, to be completely honest. He’s seen racing before, even gambled on it, but this one has a lot more rules and...weapons than he’s used to. Is he supposed to be killing people? Is he supposed to have the most money? He’s more focused on collecting items and coins rather than making sure he’s the first in line. Unfortunately for him, he’s often the one targeted for bombs and bananas. 
He ended up being one of the main suspects of the destruction. He didn’t start it, but once he got involved, he made everything so much worse. Why did everyone always go right to him to accuse him of something, eh? Why was Satan spouting off that all of this might as well be his fault? He’s upset over his constant losing too.
Character: Mario
If you think he’s choosing anyone else other than the popular main character, you’d be comically wrong. He considered maybe taking Princess Peach, but someone already chose her. 
He knows too much about this game. After all, it was a special gift MC had given him. A game from the Human Realm. He did want to explain and rant about all the things it was lacking, but he had played much worse before. So, like he did in most-if not all-of his games, he quickly learned all the ins and outs. He’s a master at drifting, finding the secret shortcuts, and dodging items. However, anything can happen in this game, and for all his talents, his brothers are experts in misfortune. He almost rages more than the demon of Wrath himself. 
It’s possible a lot of this is his fault. He couldn’t help it, when it came to video games, no one should be able to beat him so easily. He couldn’t contain his anger. He had been AT the finish line when someone unleashed a blue shell. He ended up getting hit with such a bombardment of items after he’d been stunned, he ended up last place. Dead last. People were going to pay.
Character: Dry Bones
Honestly he chose the character that looked the least annoying and cartoony, that was his only motivation. So a skeletal Koopa with glowing yellow eyes seemed a decent enough choice. 
How did he get roped into such a childish game? He’s not exactly sure himself. It might’ve had something to do with MC’s begging eyes or even just the thought of digitally torturing his brothers. He’s even more brutal than Lucifer. While Lucifer puts all his tricks into sneaky items, Satan will not hesitate to be brash and use all his items on one person. Is three red shells a bit overkill? Probably, but he doesn’t care. He’ll also bump people off edges, and of course, somehow he always gets the blue shell. Does he typically win? No. Does he always make everyone else scream in anger and openly love it? Yes. 
For once, he didn’t throw the blue shell, but right after Mammon, Levi figured it was him. Accusing him of always sabotaging people, always stirring up people just to tick them off. Levi hadn’t been wrong, but he didn’t like being compared to Mammon, it insulted his intelligence. Also he just had a lot of pent up anger he needed to release. This game for all it’s merits was starting to drive him mad. He and Levi kicked things off, Mammon joining in soon after.
Character: Princess Peach
He has no idea who these characters are but you know he has to go with the pink princess. And with a name like Peach? He had no other choice. She’s almost as cute, flirty, and pink as he is. Almost. 
He doesn’t really care for this game or the idea of winning it either. The thing he specializes in is drama. He adores messing with the other player’s feelings. He’ll randomly make alliances for the sake of spicing things up, but he won’t hesitate to quickly switch sides if it makes for a good match. Oh yay, he’s almost helped Solomon past the finish line, how beautifully heartbreaking would it be if he used the red shell he’s been holding onto? The only person he’ll truly team up with to help them win is MC. Or will he? 
Oh he is loving this. The fighting, the drama, he was hoping for something to this scale. Leave it to his family to always be causing trouble. The whole video of what happened is now on Devilgram, and it is blowing up. Almost like that wall did. 
Character: Yoshi
He’ll admit, he wasn’t even fully aware they all would be playing a game. All he heard was that everyone would be hanging out together, having a fun time, eating snacks. He’d go anywhere if there were snacks. When he shrugged and asked Levi to choose a character for him, Levi suggested Yoshi, the adorable and iron stomached dinosaur. Beel enjoys him. 
He’s the only person who doesn’t stir things up on purpose. He doesn’t like being aggressive, and honestly, he’ll brake his digital vehicle and let someone else pass him if they’re being chased by a shell so he can take it instead. The only time he sabotaged a match was when they played on a tasty looking map and he subsequently tried to eat the TV. If he ends up winning it’s just because no one has the heart to throw anything at him. That or they’re too focused on targeting someone else. 
When stuff goes down, he’s just trying to keep MC out of this. He went to work scooping up the humans and the tiny angel and brought them to safety. It was a good thing he did too, who knows what would’ve happened to all of them had they stayed in the room. He does now have a craving for roasting marshmallows, though.
Character: Rosalina
He really didn’t care who he played, he barely had the energy to play in the first place. He eventually settled on Rosalina because she looked like a soft character, surrounded by stars. He liked stars.
He didn’t even realize that Beel had carried him to everyone while he was asleep. When he woke up, MC had asked him kindly if he wanted to play, and even though he had coldly said no, he grabbed a controller anyway. If he can even manage to stay awake enough to start the race, he’ll put no effort into anything. He’ll just shrug anytime he falls off the course or gets hit by someone. No one knows he’s actually quietly seething. Part of his struggles might be due to the fact he’s trying to play while he’s laying down. Once he started sitting up, eyes laser focused on the screen, MC knew it was starting to spell trouble.
It was him, he did it. He threw the blue shell. Why? Curiosity maybe, mixed with a hint of spite and laced with some sweet revenge. He was sick of seeing everyone win when he hadn’t won a race himself. He was ready to cause some problems, they always ended up being entertaining.
Character: Bowser
He had a hard time choosing at first, he’s just so excited to actually be playing a game, with friends! It’s a very youthful thing to do. He eventually settles on Bowser, appreciating his features, big and menacing, and they both have the same red hair! He finds it immensely enjoyable. 
He also has absolutely no idea what he’s doing. He always has to ask what the buttons do, even if he’s already asked three times already. Admittedly, he’s just happy to be doing anything other than work. Corruption, torture, and ruling his kingdom of demons can wait. He never really has the chance for this ever, and he’s playing with a bunch of friends. He’s extremely elated. The only one who really dares to even attempt to sabotage Diavolo is Lucifer. It’s possible the eldest brother is taking this game a bit too seriously. Diavolo ends up winning a few times purely out of respect for his royal status, and the little gold trophy brings such a smile to his face. 
He could’ve done without the destruction part. He does love a good explosion from time to time, but his fun adventure with his friends has now gone up in flames, and right after he had been neck and neck with Lucifer. He does prefer that his student council uphold an image, but he had been having too much fun to worry about it now. He’ll look over it this time.
Character: Shy Guy 
He’s not sure who to choose, so he might as well pick the little...creature with the mask and mysterious aura. But, to be fair, he chose mostly at random. 
He was very grateful to have been invited to play along with his Lord and his friends. He can’t remember the time he was allowed to just...play something...for fun. However, all he really knows is his duty and his job to serve Diavolo at every turn. His main goal in this game is to make sure Diavolo wins. He’s surprisingly on par with Levi at this game despite having never touched it before, and he can single-handedly force the match to go in Diavolo’s favor.  
He helps Beel in escorting people to safety, and already he’s made preparations to put out the fire and get to work fixing the damage. Again. Now he has to change his ‘Days Since The House Of Lamentation Was Damaged’ sign in his room back to zero. To think they had almost made a new record. 
Character: Random
He can’t just decide on one character, not when they all look like so much fun. He doesn’t want to leave any of them out, and so each match he’ll choose a new character. He wants everyone to have a chance. 
He’s the same as Diavolo in the case that he has no idea how to control this thing. He’s still learning how to use a D.D.D. for heaven's sake. Which button is ‘go’ again? Once he thought he almost won, when in reality, he ended up doing three laps going in the opposite direction. He did actually win once, but no one knew for the life of them how, when he had been holding the controller backwards the entire time. He won’t throw anything at anyone ever. Mostly because he’s an angel, but also because he has no idea how to even use items. 
He was a little confused and disappointed when the fighting started. He mostly just worried for MC’s safety. He was disheartened to hear how casually they were reacting to this. He made sure to promise to invite them over sometime for a nice calm game that wouldn’t end in inevitable chaos.
Character: Waluigi
He’s a human, he’s been on the internet, he knows the memes. He doesn’t need to say anything more on the subject. 
Like Asmo, he’s almost more focused on the people playing the game than the actual game itself. He might even help Asmo in secret alliances. He’s just incredibly amused with how the demons are acting. He also might have set his phone to record audio during all the matches. He now has several amusing phrases from multiple demons such as ‘you’ll take my banana and like it or choke’, ‘I would’ve finished first if you hadn’t rammed me so hard’, ‘I’ve been covered in goo’, and many more. The recordings ended up being mostly cussing, sadly, but those few gems he’ll be keeping for the foreseeable future. 
He was prepared for something like this. MC had recounted the many stories of games that met unfortunate ends. He’s got a spell prepared to at least attempt to mitigate some of the harm.
Character: Toad
His main motivation for picking Toad was because he thought he was some kind of muffin. Apparently there’s a popular Celestial world treat that looks shockingly similar, much to Solomon and MC’s silent distress.
He keeps trying to tell anyone that he’s not a child so he’s not enjoying this. Everyone can tell he’s lying due to how wide-eyed he is about it. He’s honestly having the time of his life until all the demons keep cussing so badly he feels like his ears are going to literally bleed. After Luke started to question exactly where Satan meant when he said Lucifer should shove his shells somewhere, MC and Simeon decided to take turns covering his ears to preserve his innocence. 
He’s going to do his best to act like he didn’t cry when all the fighting and explosions started. After his shock, he focused on making sure MC is extra safe. He insisted that MC stay at Purgatory Hall until things were fixed.
Note: I am so behind on finishing headcanons and yet... despite having strange writer’s block I managed to come up with this at 3 am...I have no some regrets. 
Based off of:
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Hi, but um, why did I see no one talk about how the strict and grumpy Lucifer played Mario Kart with the Prince of Hell?!
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musefilledgalaxy · 5 years
Tag Dump part 3a: characters
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weirdmarioenemies · 4 years
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Name: Koopa Clown Car
Debut: Super Mario World
In today’s edition of “things from the Mario series that no one really questions because they’re used to it but are really quite weird when you think about it”... it’s the Clown Car! 
If I asked you what our frightening demon king Bowser here would use as a method of transportation, would you answer “a flying propeller capsule with a clown’s face on it”? Probably yes, because it’s so iconic! But why! What is it, even?
It’s called a car, but I think we can confidently say that's not the case (especially when Bowser has an ACTUAL car!) The wiki says it resembles a helicopter, and I suppose that is the closest thing there is, but that’s nothing like any helicopter I know! The propeller should be at the top, for one! 
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And the clown face! Oh, the clown face! Without a clown’s icon red nose, mind you! Not just the one face, but a variety of expressions, with blinking eyes and all! Is this thing sentient, or rather, should I be concerned about that, when nearly all objects in the Mario world have faces? I dunno!
Do I sound outraged at all this? I’m really not! I actually quite like the Koopa Clown Car... it’s cute and silly! But Bowser sure looks awfully goofy sitting in there, all snug. Why, the only other thing that would be goofier, would be a hyper-realistic, muddy-textured Bowser in a Clown Car!
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Yup, thanks Brawl. Remember when this was in The Subspace Emissary? That was weird!
But if Bowser looks silly using it, then surely it should go to someone else? A character, perhaps, who would fit the aesthetic of a funny flying machine that looks like a toy? Someone quite close to Bowser, even!
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Ta-da! Enter the Junior Clown Car, Bowser Jr.’s new personal vehicle as of New Super Mario Bros. Wii! You can tell it’s different since the eyes are smaller, and it’s got more of a smirk than a grin. Besides it being completely adorable that he matches his dad, this little gadget quickly became a staple of Bowser Jr.’s character, appearing alongside him in nearly every game since!
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Heck, this thing was so iconic, it even got him into Smash! I’ve seen people who violently dislike this, claiming that it's not “really Bowser Jr.”, or that he should use the paintbrush instead... And to that I say: phooey! They go together like bread and butter! It’s a lot more interesting for this spoiled little kid to pilot a childish mech equipped with all sorts of wacky gadgets! Not everything has to be a reference- sometimes things are just fun! 
The fact is, Bowser Jr. had something of an identity crisis after Sunshine, where they weren’t quite sure what to do with him. And the Koopa Clown Car was fairly underutilized, too... But they came together, and something beautiful blossomed! Shouldn’t we celebrate that? 
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Look, it can even play tennis! With boxing gloves! How could you hate this? Do you hate fun? Do you hate folly? Do you hate joy and wonder, hm?
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Of course, if you’re an avid Maker of Marios like myself, you likely associate the regular and Junior Clown Cars with Super Mario Maker, where they’re a brand spanking new object unlike anything else! They’re bouncy, you can put anything in there, and you can even ride them yourself! I don’t know why they did this! But it’s pretty great! Look at how HD this render is!
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So was the Senior Clown Car (name pending) mostly retired after this? Quite the opposite, my inquisitive reader! It shows up in the very same game that introduced the JCC (acronym pending), in Bowser Jr.’s final boss fight! And here it is in New Super Mario Bros. 2, with all of the Koopalings trying to squeeze in there. How silly! Lemmy doesn't even get a seat!
So alls well that ends well, huh! This bizarre little orb of clownliness made its way into a series staple, and our lives are all better for it! Thank goodness clowns are unanimously loved by all, with no negative connotations in popular culture whatsoever! And thank goodness we’re still not done, because there’s MORE clown cars to talk about under the cut! This post is gonna kill me!
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In a certain update for the aforementioned Mario Maker, the Clown Car gets a snazzy new paint job in the form of the Fire Koopa Clown Car (or the Fire Junior Clown Car, in this case)! It can spit out fireballs from its suspiciously puckered lips, letting you basically make shoot-em-up levels! Hot!
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Speaking of Mario Maker, you can make the Clown Car do this face by playing as Link, and dropping a bomb while riding it. Uh... Great! Try it on your friends.
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RemoCon Geta! Er... Clown. RemoCon Clown. In NSMBWii, Bowser Jr.’s second boss fight involves grabbing a Clown Car of your very own and duking it out in an electric arena! I LOVED this gimmick as a kid, and I’d replay the stage over and over just for this fight! So I guess Mario Maker kind of granted my wish, huh? On a different note, it’s very cute how “RemoCon” is a Japanese abbreviation for “Remote Controlled”. I think it’s more charming than just RC.
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In Mario Kart DS, Bowser’s Hurricane kart has a Clown Car motif, but like, as an actual vehicle! Sorry it’s so low-poly. Mario Kart DS is just like that. 
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Prefer the more klassic kind of klown? The Koopa Clown from Mario Kart 7 onwards has you covered! Yeah, it’s called that, despite arguably being MORE of a car than the original! That’s actually the Clown Car’s original Japanese name!
Say, that’s an awful lot of Koopalings. Don’t they get their own cars too?
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Indeedaroo! Since all the Koopalings exist as alternate costumes for Bowser Jr. in Smash, they all get their very own Clown Cars! But they look a little off, with those cold dead eyes... according to the game’s Palutena’s Guidance, these are a mass-produced kind of Junior Clown Car, which I just love! Bowser Jr. gets preferential treatment for being Bowser’s son, while the Koopalings were... disowned, I guess. Isn’t it fun when Smash makes up new lore like that?
I don’t want to post all those images individually, so enjoy that screenshot of all of them from the wiki. It’s a lot nicer. You can look it up if you REALLY want to! 
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And last but not least, it’s an actual clown car! Hey, at least it’s a real car this time!
Dang, that’s crazy. How do they all fit in there? Clowns are wild, man. 
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metamelonisle · 4 years
assorted headcanons i have (fandoms involved: Kirby, Super Mario, Sonic, Smash)
mayro hcs:
Within the three central characters of SMB, the order of weakest to strongest is: Mario -> Peach -> Bowser. Bowser is an incredibly strong beast of a king, and has the magical prowess to match. Peach is able to match Bowser in terms of magical power, as she is usually the one who undoes all of his magic at the end of the game. However, she’s still physically weaker than Bowser (it’s not because she’s weak though. It’s just that no one is as strong as Bowser). Judging from how she’s playable in some games, she is just as physically strong and agile as Mario is, which puts her dead center between Mario and Bowser. Mario is the weakest, as he has no magic of his own, and outside of external aid (Powerups, Caps, Power Stars, FLUDD, Luma, Cappy) he really only has his acrobatic skills (which admittedly, are pretty impressive) and his wits. From what I remember, Mario has never beaten Bowser in a direct straight fight. He’s always either A. aided by an external force (like powerups or friends) or uses the environment to his advantage to circumvent the power difference (like the Axe in SMB or the brick-block floor in SMB3). Peach is as strong as Mario physically and Bowser magically, but usually gets kidnapped because Bowser never plays fair (using multiple people to capture her, using sneak attacks, i mean, i’d be surprised if he didnt employ an ultimatum of “get in the koopa klown car, or i’m eating mushroom stew tonight! Gwah ha ha!”)
Dr mario is mario’s dad. he is the main protagonist of DK 81, mario bros 83 (alongside his twin brother Luigi, Sr.) and the first Dr. Mario, and the main antagonist of DK’s Circus and DK Jr.. He dated the Lady from DK 81 (no relation to pauline) but nothing came of it. his significant other/mario jr and luigi jr.’s mother is unknown, if they are even the same person. He is still practicing medicine to this day and is a vetetan in Smash, having attended every game since Melee as a fighter but Brawl and attended every game since 64 to cheer on his sons. (Don’t ask me who nurse peach is idk yet also DM64 and DMW are different)
there are two Mad Pianos. One is a mechanical trap made by Boos (64) and the other one is a real piano possessed by Boos (DS).
the Unagi from 64 suffers from anxiety and is more afraid of Mario than anything else. Peach thinks very fondly of them.
Sonic sometimes asks Mario to babysit Classic Sonic (the one from Mania) and as a result they get along pretty well. CS regards mario as a kind of “cool older brother/father figure” and Mario just thinks he’s adorable. They do extreme sports together
kriby hcs:
bandana dee is nonbinary (he/them)
king dedede probably runs a memepage on facebook about how great he is (it has 3 followers)
dmk listens to linkin park and considers them to be “way better than whatever that punk listens to”
the four otherworldy kings (parallel woods, parallel kracko, parallel meta knight and parallel dedede) are still alive for some reason and HOO ARE THEY MAD (at kirby & co specifically. they’ve chilled out regarding anyone else but if they see the dream friends or that cheeky piece of gum it’s ON SIGHT)
Kracko is related to dark matter in some form. i dont know how but they are. they’re suspicious. also kracko is scared of shrek bc they saw that one tumblr post where he eats lightning then reaches into his bag for the gun that kills clouds
dark nebula has two interpretations: first is mine: an extremely overconfident and egotistical blob of dark energy that thinks he’s lucifer. he talks with a disgusting amount of prose and a fake vague european accent bc he thinks it makes him sound refined. he calls himself names like “the lord of darkness” and “the beast within us all” and stuff and tries to get people to sell their souls to him. the thing is, he’s weak. like, PATHETICALLY weak compared to most beings on popstar. he were actually locked in a box by someone in response to being given a “proposal” to be his servant and herald. (that “someone” may or may not have been Galacta Knight) the other interpretation is that they’re a chaotic and malevolent demon with a very intense friendliness with nothing behind the eye. (like bill cipher, or tom cruise.) they got locked in a box bc Zero made them and was like “you are a mistake” and locked them in a box so they wouldn’t have to deal with them. it’s unclear if they resent zero for this and may be unaware of their existence entirely. When entities are killed, they release all of their power in a big explosion. this is why enemies “pop” when they are defeated, why mid-bosses violently explode after a while, and why bosses explode multiple times and then vanish in one last big one. the more powerful the entity and the more energy they retain at the time of death, the more powerful the explosion. This is largely the reason why Void Termina was sealed in the Jamba Heart instead of being slain by the heroes of yore, as the resulting explosion might destroy the entire galaxy. It is theorized that if Galacta Knight were to take his own life, the resulting explosion would irreversibly devastate the universe. (this remains unproven, as he only dies after being extremely worn down and eventually fatally wounded by Meta Knight.) 
galacta knight is one of the heroes of yore who defeated and sealed void before the series started. people feared and demonized him because of his power, and it made him scared he might accidentally hurt innocent people as a result. he became a hermit and wondered how he could neutralize himself as a threat to the world, and ultimately decided the best choice was to seal himself away in a crystal. Whenever he is unsealed he is extremely upset (as he considers himself a living WMD who’s very presence presents an immediate danger to everyone around him), and fights whoever he believes unsealed him (as since they revived him, they must have known about him, and why else would anyone unseal the greatest warrior in the galaxy if they’re not gonna use him as a weapon/attack dog?) He eventually dies for good in ironically, his first appearance, at the very end of Meta Knightmare Ultra. When he is beaten by Meta Knight, he’s lost so much power and strength that he can finally let go, realizing that with warriors like Meta Knight around, not only is he no longer a danger, but he can rest easily knowing that the galaxy is in safe hands. Finally at peace, Galacta Knight dies, releasing an explosion on par with Nova’s. Due to the way time works, Galacta Knight is fated to survive everything that happens to him up until his very last fight with Meta Knight in Ultra. He has known that he would die in a duel to the death with a winged masked knight in the stars since the days of yore, and used to frequently exploit the law of Forgone Conclusion up until the sealing of Void. Post-Seal, he began to believe the vision he saw was symbolic rather than literal, believing that this masked knight likely represents the darkness within his heart, and that his “death” actually meant his inevitable snapping and descent into fallen heroism and wanton destruction. When he finally sees Meta Knight in Robobot, he does not actually recognize him until he’s been badly wounded, but still escapes, as they’re not in the right place yet. He is elated to realize that the vision of the future is not describing his fall, but his actual death. When MKU finally rolls around, Galacta is hopeful (which is likely why he doesn’t kill Nova like he did with SD), as he’s knows going to die, which means the universe will be safe. Knowing that this is his last dance, he pulls out all of the stops to give Meta Knight the greatest fight he can before he croaks. When the final blow is struck, he loses control of his wings and is flung around by muscle spasms, but is able to regain control long enough to relish in his defeat. Galacta Knight and Hyness are not the only currently living heroes of yore. Given that Gooey, a piece of Dark Matter who is very loving and friendly, is clearly able to not only receive love, but give it as well, I think that all Dark Matter is capable of it, except for Zero, and possibly Miracle Matter. (I’d be willing to give them a chance, though.) They are unable to tap into their positive emotions because of their loyalty to Zero. This has changed as of Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards and Kirby Star Allies. After Zero’s death in 64 and Void’s purification in Allies, all remaining Dark Matter is free to do as they please without Zero to tell them what to do. Most have disappeared, but four major members remain. Gooey, Void, Miracle Matter, and Dark Matter Swordsman. He was the first Dark Matter to realize that he cared about others when post DL3, he questioned why he was so adamant to fight Kirby and Gooey even when it could have easily resulted in his death. He ultimately came to the conclusion that it was because he genuinely cared about Zero, and his intense loyalty to him was a result of that. Until Void’s purification, DMS hung around Gooey frequently, as they’re really the only family he has left. After Void’s purification, he was elated to learn that Zero had effectively come back, but now able to give love as well as receive it. He’s a little sad Void doesn’t remember his time as Zero, and as such doesn’t remember him, but believes it’s for the best that Void is not burdened by his past mistakes. His relation to Miracle Matter is unknown.  Now that Void has been purified and DMS has embraced his positive emotions, they are no longer weak to the Love-Love stick or the Rainbow Sword. As such, the Love-Love Stick has been disassembled back into the heart stars and returned to their owners, and the Rainbow Sword is currently in the possession of DMS, having replaced his old sword. Similarly to all native Dream Landers becoming animate yarn outlines in Patch Land, all native Patch Landers become animate three-dimensional plushies in Dream Land. The bosses from Kirby’s Epic Yarn are still around. Even Yin-Yarn is still alive! (but Shhhh don’t tell anybody its a secret) They’re doing a lot better now that Yin-Yarn isn’t around/active to boss them around. Fangora- Mostly just vibes in Weird Woods. They’re a lot less hostile then they used to be, so give em’ a visit! They’d love to eat-er... Meet you! Squashini- Still performs magic. He uses a weird mix of stage magic and actual magic and occasionally performs in Dream Land. He’s especially popular on Halloween! Hot Wings- Continues to look after her chicks in Hot Land, although they’re adolescents at this point rather than babies. She’s cooled down in terms of intensity and has begun to warm up to visitors, but only really trusts Fluff and Kirby. In Dream Land, her fire is cloth, but still burns like real fire. She has occasionally been known to barbecue as of late, complete with a cheesy apron and cheesier jokes. This has made her popular in Patch Land but she mostly just cooks for friends or her kids. Most of the time they just forage. Calimari- Resents Double Bubble and the Fuzz for ruining his cap, and has made himself a new one. He continues to hoard treasure, and will pickpocket anyone who comes by him. He could theoretically make a fortune with his knitting skills, but is too lazy to do so. A really good way to piss him off is to tell him he looks like a potato. He will hurt you. Meta Knight and Dedede - Oh You Know Fluff once ate an entire bar of ZOTE he found in Kirby’s laundry room and no one noticed until it was too late
idk there’ll probably be more but i’m kinda tired rn. feel free to add or edit as you please. i’m bad at being consistent i think so help is greatly appreciated 
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koopzilla · 11 months
Tagged by: @skxrbrand
Tagging: @pvachypessa, @garlculean, @gerudospiriit, @championofdarkland, @bxtonpxss, @timid-plumber
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NAME: Bowser Koopa
NAME MEANING: a large container or vehicle supplying fuel for aircraft or other vehicles, or water (a big shell)
ALIAS(ES): King Koopa, Great Demon King, His Ruthlessness.
Whilst Strikers comes close for being an excuse to hit people, his favorite sport of the bunch is golf. It's a perfect excuse to have some solo time with Junior or Peach.
Bowser is a bit more of an introvert than his volume lets on. This is especially true when delving into his real feelings. He values his alone time.
Despite being proud of Junior, Bowser is going to cling to his throne until he physically cannot.
Indulge in creature comforts. Bowser is simple: eat, reap, sleep, repeat. Glutting and putting his feet up are his favorite rest activities.
Monster Handling. He has a special interest in the fiercest fauna and flora. Training/Playing with chomps and piranha plants was his childhood pastime.
Arts. On his own, he'll write in his diary, create music, and even attempt poetry. If asked about it, he'll immediately deny it.
Bowser loves himself truly and absolutely.
Everyone else gets... a sort of altered selfish version of love, but he does care for Princess Peach and Bowser Jr. more than anyone else. Kamek is a father to him.
Not riding a Yoshi before he got too big.
Eating a Giga-Carrot.
Don't think Bowser has any true phobia, but there are things that can pull a reaction out of him.
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dahpurplehatgirl · 3 years
All of SJ family and friends are here.
First batch.
Her best friend/parter in crime, Koops
Her main Pokémon, Charizard
And best friend in Animal crossing. Clay
Second batch:
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The king of koopas and SJ’s boss. Bowser
The nasty piece of work. Koopa K
And Gums. K best friend.
Third batch:
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Goop. Can’t have all my OCs without this dim goomba.
Umbreon. ( okay that’s mainly cause it’s my favourite Eeveelution) but a dark type gose well with SJ.
And Kyle. Causes hes cool. ( and worked for the pop star job) XD.
And here’s the Darklord:
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Soulless. This works as a fever dream cause only SJ can see Soulless in well her dreams.
( this game is perfect for my OCs and yeah. )
Raven. She’s a purple demon horse. A great companion for SJ.
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This is game of the year!
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