#Great Argus pheasant
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spinus-pinus · 7 months ago
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Great Argus Argusianus argus
3/2/2022 Disney's Animal Kingdom
The pair of great argus pheasants in this aviary are named Alfred and Frieda. This is Frieda, the female. I miss them both dearly.
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randofics · 1 year ago
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You see this? This right here is my favorite thing.
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Oh how I long to one day own an exotic aviary and house these birds!
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antiqueanimals · 3 months ago
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Animal Coloration: An Account of the Principal Facts and Theories Relating to the Colors and Markings of Animals. Written by Frank E. Beddard. 1895.
Internet Archive
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todaysbird · 9 months ago
I went to a bird park for my birthday last week and oh! My! GODDDDDDDDD! I thought it would be just local endemic species which still would’ve been amazing, but they had my absolute favorite birds from around the world and ahhhhhhhh!!!! so photo dump rated 1 to 10
1. Himalayan Monal because that’s my second favorite bird of all time and I never ever thought I’d get a chance to actually see one!!
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2. Blue-bellied roller. Rollers are one of my favorite groups of birds and I was so happy they had one and managed to get a fairly good photo of him in flight!
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3. Roseate spoonbill- one of the birds I’ve always wanted to see, and I didn’t know they’d be there! There were so so many of them it was amazing!!
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4. Parakeets!!!!! We got the chance to feed them and they were all over me!!! Definitely got a bunch of bites because they were pecking at me like crazy but so worth it!
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5. Scarlet ibis!!! They were so much more vibrant in person than in photos which I didn’t even think was possible!!
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6. Golden pheasant- completely took my breath away, just such a magnificent bird!!!
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7. Great crowned crane- so so fuckin magestic. Right up close to us and they’re my favorite species of crane- there were also some gorgeous Sarus cranes and demoiselle cranes too!
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8. Blue crowned pigeons!!!! Much bigger than I had thought they were, but just as majestic!!
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9. Great Argus. My family burst out laughing because I saw it and immediately shouted “OH MY GOD THE GREAT ARGUS” and they thought it was hilarious
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10. Malayan peacock pheasant. My jaw dropped when I saw them because again I never thought I’d see one in person ever. They also had mountain peacock pheasants a which are some of my absolute favs but they were much more shy so I didn’t want to bother them and didn’t get any pics
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Runner ups: silver pheasants, black-necked swans, toco toucans, satyr tragopans, magpie jays, red-billed blue magpies, hyacinth macaws, Brazilian teals, and so so many beautiful waterfowl. Best day everrrrrrrrr 😭😭😭
Congrats!!! I wonder if this was Sylvan Heights Waterfowl Park - it’s one of my favorite places I’ve ever visited and it looks familiar!
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vintagewildlife · 1 month ago
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Great argus pheasants By: Kenneth W. Fink From: Pheasants of the World 1993
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zarvasace · 1 month ago
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Description under cut. Aconite explodes. He can sure curse.
Masterpost for these guys
This comic is done in a sketchy, uncolored style with small-ish words and a light blue background.
Page One
Panel one: a hawk flies through the air and clouds and mountains. A pop-out panel shows an arrow flying through the air.
Panel two: this shows three people. On the left is Aconite (Acon), who wears a loose tunic and has a shy posture. In the middle is Malachite (Mal) who wears a quilted gambeson and has curly hair. His left arm appears to be missing. On the right sits Talon, who looks disgruntled. The bandage around his right eye isn't abnormal, but the sling on his left arm is. Mal speaks. “With Talon's wing—er, arm—shot out, we’re down a fighter. Looks like we'll be here for a few days… …which means we'll need to hunt or forage.”
Panel three: Same shot of Talon, but he's talking and gesturing over his shoulder, and the camera has moved to show the pile of supplies behind him.
“Hunting will be best, up this way,” he says. “Lots to shoot at.”
Someone off screen says snrk.
Talon continues. “Yeah, yeah. You can use my bow. Just gotta string it.”
Page Two
Panel one: Acon and Mal, in the same positions as before. Mal says, “That means you, Acon.”
“Me?” Acon replies.
“Unless you want to give the big, powerful, pointy thing to Link.”
Panel two: Link sits on the ground cross-legged, not doing much. A little arrow points to him and says: dead. Mostly inanimate.
Off screen, Mal and Acon continue to argue.
“He has a sword, Mal.”
“Do you think he could catch a rabbit or a pheasant with it?”
“…could you?”
Panel three: Mal puts his hand on his face in exasperation. “Yes—no—hold on. That isn't the point.”
Acon walks past him with a little smile. “I know. I'll do it.”
Panel four: full body shot of Acon in front of pine trees and forests. He holds an unstrung bow. He says, “Nice bow, Talon. What is it, a 30 lb?”
“40,” says Talon off screen.
“I could add some runes to it.”
“Food first, Acon.”
Page three
Panel one: Acon steps on one side of the bow and bends over to string it, which involves physically bending the wood enough. There's a little “tug tug” sound effect.
Panel two, a circle horizontally: Acon's face is surprised, with a “!?” effect.
Panel three: the same as panel one, but Acon is visible working a little harder now. The effect is in all caps: “TUG TUG.”
Panel four: A close up shot of Acon’s face, flushed and scowling. He his holding the unstrung bow horizontally.
“I can't do it…? >:(!” [mad face emoticon]
Panel five: Mal sitting cross-legged on the ground while watching, with Talon still sitting on his rock and talking.
“Acon, that thing is powerful enough that even my uncle has trouble. Don't be so bothered. I should have snares, too.”
Panel six: a further zoom in on Acon’s face. His scowl has lightened just a little. “I used to wear golden plate mail,” he says.
Page four
Panel one: Talon and Mal still sitting down. Talon winces and says, “That sounds.. . Ridiculous—”
“—ly unlikely…” Mal adds, smaller and presumably quieter.
Panel two: a big exclamation interrupts the panel. BY ALL THAT’S CRUSTY AND MOLDY!
Panel three: We see Acon from behind, throwing his hands up into the air and yelling into the sky. His words cover him and fill the whole panel:
By Hylia’s own hairy back, I can't believe my own incompetence—I might as well be wielding a tiny tin spoon instead of a weapon! Every sewage-filled, ridiculous year has conspired to rob me of any inflated ego I might ever have had—even a drunk Great Fairy would have trouble wiping more excrement over her life than I’ve clearly let you-know-who do! I'm a snivelling little Deku Scrub at a Goron wrestling match, to tried to absolutely nothing and burning enough that even a half-blind carpenter couldn't make paper out of me! Guess I'm safe from flesh-eating zombies! I'm a legend, all right—
Panel four: Talon and Mal again, both looking startled. “…who knew he had it in him?” Mal says.
White lines show Link as a ghost giving a thumbs-up and a big smile.
The end!
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witchofthesouls · 1 year ago
Hey! I saw an earlier post you had about the boys in the grocery store and it got me wondering about how they would react to hunting. I’m a hunter, have been all my life. I hunt deer, boars, ducks, coyotes, turkeys, quails, pheasants, wild Burmese pythons, and I fish locally too (strictly a vermin exterminator and food hunter, I find sports hunting to be distasteful and I strictly use a bow and arrow, no traps or guns as I take issues with those too). I can picture the absolute horror of the TFP or Lost Light bots seeing their/a human skinning and processing an animal that they just hunted for food, they see the modern convinces that are grocery stores so it’s easy to forget where human food actually comes from 😂
Weirdly enough, IDW/MTMTE does have Cybertronian edibles like cesium salami and rust sticks.
But then again, there's a big percentage of the crew members who were produced by the war, so there's a great chance that they didn't get a crash course on things that were deemed "unnecessary," like Cybertronian cuisine and fauna to forage and hunt.
TFP Cybertronians, on the other hand, have Questions.
Get ready to pull up diagrams, manuals, videos, and live demonstrations via YouTube or your own hands because they got the curiosity of two-year-old with the capacity to keep you in their palm for no escape.
Ratchet absolutely hates it. It's too messy and squishy and completely unalike the organized and relatively clean method of converting crystals to fuel. Horrified over the mysteries of hotdogs and how everything can and will kill humans without specific preparations to negate the toxins. Ratchet is boggled over spice challenges and how the hell humanity hadn't died in its infancy over culinary explorations. Someone told him to look up Hákarl.
He takes great displeasure when the kids sass him over Cybertronians eating their own blood. Different. Absolutely different. He clucks over the base kitchen and is not above making things disappear. He argues with June and Agent Fowler over the groceries and fast food bags. Ratchet's crunchy.
Bulkhead actually enjoys fishing. He's more catch and release rather than for keeping and gutting. He likes soaking up the heat of the sun, the sound of running water, birdsong, and insects buzzing, the gear setup and picking out the right lure and bait. It's a different kind of downtime, but it's nice. All he's missing is engex, but he's able to throw a line farther out than anyone else and has the capability to detect motion far greater than an average human. He still wants an engex cube.
Arcee has mixed feelings. She enjoys hunting. Patience, tracking, stealth, and the sense of accomplishment with a clean catch. She likes less the process of handling carcasses, but really hates waste anything that could have been useful. Meat, leather, tools, jewelry, and raw ingredients that could be sold or traded. Arcee just doesn't like sharing something with Airachnid's methods.
Bumblebee's a scout. People expected him to like foraging or the wilds. He prefers domesticated stock. In particular, beekeeping. To him, it represents a more equivalent partnership: he provides accessible resources and safe quarters and the bees yield honey, comb, and wax in return. If the hive don't like him or the area, then they can leave elsewhere.
Optimus is deeply fascinated by how Earth's biodiversity is so immense and how ecosystems are so diverse and complex, yet so fragile. He quietly wishes for Alpha Trion's presence because Optimus is seeing familiar similarities of Cybertronian long gone biomes: wetlands, woodlands, and reefs. The Sea of Rust once was a massive ocean of mineral-laden Energon. It has long since disappeared by the consensus of heavy, unregulated industrialization, but if Earth has the water cycle, ocean currents and belts, and complex system of thermoregulation that replenishes itself, then Cybertron had to have something similar at one point, no?
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triruntu · 3 days ago
Hello! Hope youre doing well. May i request an Argus Pheasant (or Great Argus, or whatever their proper name is rn) for a bird drawing?
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I work with this handsome lad :)
oh man oh man
I haven't done any sort of pheasant in a while, and peacock pheasants and the really intense ones like lady amherst pheasant scare me lol. I tried them a few times and it was rough.
But it's been a few years! I'll be happy to try again with this one and see if I can get it to work out. It's set for #592 but I may delay a week or so because I don't want the end result to look rushed. It's one that I've considered in the past but didn't have the time or motivation to go through with.
What a handsome guy though, they're truly beautiful birds. Thank you for sharing him with me!
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wingsoffirenames · 2 months ago
SkyWing Names - Letter A #2
Anhinga (A long-necked fish-eating bird. Also good for a Seawing hybrid.) Ani (As in the Smooth-billed Ani, a bird in the cuckoo family. Smooth-billed or Crotophaga can work too.) Anorthite (A white, gray or red feldspar mineral.) Anthracite (A hard, compact variety of coal.) Apatite (A phosphate mineral.) Apex (The top or highest part of something, especially one forming a point.) Aplomado (As in the Aplomado falcon.) Apollo (Greek god of several things, notably the sun and light for this usa case.) Apophyllite (A translucent, glassy mineral.) Appalachian (A North American mountain range.) Apricity (The warmth of the sun in winter. Also good for an IceWing hybrid.) Aquila (A constellation in the northern hemisphere represented by the figure of an eagle.) Aragonite (A calcium carbonate mineral.) Ardent (Burning or glowing.) Ares (The Greek god of war and courage.) Arête (A sharp mountain ridge.) Argillite (A fine-grained sedimentary rock.) Argus (A long-tailed pheasant that is typically brown. Not to be mistaken for the butterfly.) Arpina (An Armenian name meaning 'rising of the sun'.) Ascent (The act of rising or moving upwards.) Ash/Ashes (The powdery residue left after the burning of a substance.) Ashen (The pale gray color of ash.) Aspen (A tree with long, rounded leaves.) Asperitas (Rare, wave-like cloud formations that appear on the underside of a cloud.) Asteroid (A large hunk of rock floating around in space.) Atacamite (A copper mineral that is green in color.) Athos (A figure from Greek mythology. He is known for the creation of Mount Athos.) Atmosphere (The gases surrounding the earth or another planet.) Auburn (A reddish-brown color.) Auk (A type of bird that are great swimmer. Also good for a SeaWing hybrid.) Aureate (Denoting, made of, or having the color of gold.) Aureole (A circle of light or brightness surrounding something.) Aurum (The Latin word for gold and source of its chemical symbol.) Autumn (The season. Leaves often turn red and brown during it.) Aventurine (A form of quartzite, often green.) Aves (The Latin word for birds.) Avian (A bird or relating to birds.) Avocet (A type of bird with webbed feet and good swimmer. Also good for a SeaWing hybrid.) Axinite (A reddish-brown mineral.)
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shiloh-official · 11 months ago
Hello! I had an idea so uh
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I will reveal the answer after the poll is done! :]
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scotianostra · 10 months ago
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The renowned surgeon Lawson Tait was born on May 1st 1845 in Edinburgh.
Born Robert Lawson Tait, to a middle class family, he attended Heriot's Hospital School and showed great promise, In 1860, the 15-year-old Tait won a scholarship and attended the University of Edinburgh to study the arts, where he subsequently changed course to study medicine, graduating in 1866.
He started his professional career in Wakefield before moving to Birmingham, specialising in gynecology and is widely known as the first to perform salpingectomy to treat ruptured tubal pregnancy, to put it into layman's terms this was a treatment for ectopic pregnancy, a procedure that has saved countless lives since. He was also the first to record removal of an ovary for relief of pelvic pain and to induce menopause, this was way ahead of its time. His scrupulous cleanliness was undoubtedly the forerunner of modern aseptic methods.
Tait's bold, innovative surgical techniques led to a significant decrease in surgical mortality, and his prescient, aggressive approach was at the forefront of changes in the practice of obstetrics, which resulted in a marked decrease in maternal morbidity and mortality. This master teacher, whose contributions inspired the next great generation of abdominal and pelvic surgeons, deserves greater recognition than the few who know of him.
What I also like about Tait is that he was a fervent antivivisectionist. He argued that vivisection was a selfish act in which humans forced living animals to suffer in order for their own benefit. He also argued that the only people outside of medical fields who supported vivisection were the rich. These proponents acted as "amateur poultry butchers" and took to maiming pheasants for fun. As such, the less wealthy saw supporting vivisection as enabling the frivolous and wasteful lifestyles of the wealthy. And although being quite religious he believed in evolution and that humans share a history with lesser animals, they deserve equal rights. As such, despite their inability to speak for themselves, they should be treated with care and respect as one would treat a human being.
He is said to have had disagreements with the pioneering Joseph Lister and believed that using nothing more than boiling water for cleaning his instruments had the same results as Listers antiseptics, this was borne out with his results, mortality for this operations was over 90%. Tait was able to achieve exceptional results in his surgery using his techniques, as they were simple, low-cost, effective, and not limited by the presence of chemicals.
I think it is quite amazing we do not know more about this man, here are a list of his some of his firsts;
First removal of an organ (Ovary) (
Observation of association of cystic ovaries and excessive menstrual bleeding.
Surgical induction of menopause by removal of ovaries.
Removal of infected tubes.
Drainage of pelvic abscesses
First appedoctomy in 1880. It was later learned that he was anticipated by French-born English surgeon Claudius Amyand in 1735, but Tate removed the first appendix.
First Cholecystectomy (gallbladder surgery)
Tait's career began to decline in 1892. Due to his lifelong history of advocating for new techniques and against common practices (e.g. vivisection and antisepsis), there were many who saw him as an enemy and a nuisance. Tait’s productivity slowed to a halt due to his declining health, along with two legal situations. The first of these was a lawsuit from Andrew Denholm, and the second was a threat to bring action against Tait for supposedly seducing a nurse.
In his retirement, Tait continued to stay active within medicine. Many younger doctors respected and admired him, and he regularly contributed to meetings at several Medical Institutions. He died in 1899, at the age of 54 of
Nephritis and Ulremia , after a week and a half of severe illness. He remained lucid in his final days, and left instructions that his body be buried in a cave near his home! At the time of his death, several of his contemporaries published writings in praise of his medical advances, character, and work at hospitals for poor women
He isn't altogether forgotten though, The Lawson Tait Society at Birmingham University.
Oh his burial? Well he was cremated, still a relatively new concept for christians in the 19th century, his ashes however were interred in Gogarth's Cave, an ancient burial-place in the grounds of his Welsh home on the west side of Great Orme's Head near Llandudno.
I garnered most of the info for this post from Wiki, although other info came from several other sources.
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spinus-pinus · 7 months ago
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Great Argus Argusianus argus
3/5/2023 San Diego Zoo, California
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cat-boy-tits · 10 months ago
Consider the magnificent Great Argus Pheasant.
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i am....considering
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squidsystem · 5 days ago
literally no one asked, but I recently allowed the demons to win and i wrote a really long comment on some YouTube video about Pokémon design, and why some humanistic Pokémon designs work and others just really don't in my opinion, and because the demons are restless, I wanted to post it somewhere more than 1 human will see...
I think something that makes Hitmon line work a lot better than a lot of Pokémon like Cinderace or Incineroar is that Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, and Hitmontop are never sold to you as something that really lives in the wilderness like an animal would--Tyrogue is. And the context of Tyrogue really justifies those weirdos, in that it is a Pokémon that has an undying fighting spirit, but lacks a defined style, something it sort of strives for as a species, like an instinct to fight things and try to imitate a fighting style. It's a reasonable assumption that this Pokémon could only have evolved in the context of human intervention (esp. given Hitmons don't show up in the wild), so it's not weird persay that this Pokémon evolved to become like a boxer because only by following the lead of boxers was it able to achieve that form. Hitmons are only presented in the form of a Pokémon you go out of your way to train in a specific style, or as a Pokémon gifted to you that was trained in a specific style. It doesn't come across that weird that this weird critter that looks like a boxer exists when you only find them in a fighting dojo, or as an immature species with endless fighting energy, but no technique.
You can argue that the same is happening with Pokémon like Cinderace or Incineroar but the presentation is so off. Nothing about the pre-evolutions imply anything that this rabbit, cat, or lizard are particularly emblematic of some creature that would always evolve to become what they are--they're fairly believable, if not overly marketable, wild animals. When your exceptionally large housecat suddenly becomes a pro-wrestler, apropos of nothing, believability goes out the window. We have no reason to expect this creature would suddenly shift direction that far, so when it does, it stops feeling like an animal, and more like a specific character.
Another reason why I think things like Decidueye and even kind of Inteleon work a lot better than those two is that their behaviors have a certain believability. I'm not shocked that a bird with great eyesight and the ability to fling sharp leaves might evolve to become something that can launch sharper leaves even further to hunt for food, or a chameleon that can shoot water might evolve to be an ambush predator, a sniper. The creature needs a plausible reason to become the way they are, and Cinderace does the worst job justifying why this creature would evolve this way. Why a rabbit with the ability to light things on fire would become a creature that adopts the precise mannerisms of a soccer player is genuinely inexplicable, there's no logical reason why it wouldn't become a baseball pitcher, or track runner, or a hibachi chef other than the designers wanting it to reflect the UK.
Specific designs work, but they work a lot worse for the first Pokémon a player might choose ever. Their design going in a completely specific direction takes away from them being your partner and puts it all into their designer's intention. That sort of feeling is minimized when you are presented with it from the start; it's not a surprise that hitmonchan is a boxer because that's what you were shown from the jump he would be.
I did also want to just address in a short form way, that this extends beyond just starters, because this is an issue for a lot of Pokémon. Sawk and Throh are homages to the Hitmons, and they work so drastically worse than them because they literally are portrayed as wild animals. Why are these literal, human shaped muppet people in gis running around in the wilderness in the same exact role as a common rodent, wild cat, or pheasant? These are not monsters, and the fact that they just look like men who could theoretically work a 9-5 but are considered wild animals is so rough (and this is coming from someone who does actually have a fondness for those two freaks).
The overall point is that contextualising a Pokémon really matters, and a design that is carefully considered where they appear, and why they appear like that is what makes any given Pokémon more appealing and interesting to me. Your favorite Pokémon is probably your favorite Pokémon in part because you can imagine them in a reality where Pokémon are real, and the things they do not only kick ass, but feel real. Not to be an annoying oldhead, but there was a strong sense of consistency in the early generations of Pokémon starter evolution, where the start to finish was very logically consistent, and the monster you ended with felt like a natural extension of the monster you started with. I feel like that's the primary problem with most of the modern starters, the final evolution feels like a specific character to such an extent that I sometimes struggle to imagine what say, a flock of Quaquaval would even look like or do together. They wouldn't feel like a pack of animals, they would feel like a really weird pride parade. No matter how hard they slay, something fundamental has changed.
I just wanna finish off by saying I like all of the Pokémon I mentioned here, none of these are fundamentally bad designs, and in some contexts I think they're super fun. But I think something fundamental has gone awry in the starter design department, and I would really like to see a shift back, because its been feeling like we get 1 great starter design every other generation, and the rest just kind of feel like my friend's newest fursona. More adventuring buddies, less anthro with a job please... (Somehow this ended up even longer than the comment dear god)
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seek4intellect · 3 months ago
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vintagewildlife · 1 month ago
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Great argus pheasants By: Kenneth W. Fink From: Pheasants of the World 1993
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