#fire names
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siingomuse · 7 months ago
some of the book names in pjo/hoo/toa are actually FIRE mate like. "the lightning thief" that's actually so fire???? "the titans curse"??? that's so epic bro like. that's so cool "the battle of the labyrinth"?? that would be the COOLEST band name mate "mark of athena" like. greek mythology song named that WHEN?? and ALL of the book names in Trials of Apollo? FIRE "the hidden oracle" thats so awesome like WHAT??? "the dark prophecy" fire song name "the burning maze" aidoneus song drop named that when?? "the tyrant's tomb" call your band that drop the songs and I would be your NUMBER 1 listener like thats so cool "tower of nero" fire shit mate rick you were COOKING with these names
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wingsoffirenames · 2 months ago
SkyWing Names - Letter A #1
Ablaze (Burning fiercely, or something brightly colored.) Accentor (A dull-colored Eurasian songbird) Accipiter (A genus of medium-sized forest-dwelling hawks that have short broad wings and a long tail.) Achondrite (A stony meteorite without rounded grains) Acorn (Fruit of the oak tree.) Actinolite (A fibrous mineral that can be pale green, yellow, blue and black.) Adret (The sun-facing side of a mountain.) Adularia (A white or colorless mineral often found in the alps) Aegolius (A genus of small owls) Aerial (Of, relating to, or occurring in the air or atmosphere.) Aerie (A large nest of a bird of prey, especially eagles, typically built high in a tree or on a cliff.) Aerosol (Small particles suspended in the atmosphere.) Afterburn (A burning sensation.) Agate (A variety of chalcedony that comes in many colors, often with swirl or banded patterns throughout.) Aiguille (A sharp-pointed pinnacle of rock.) Airstream (A current of air.) Alabaster (A mineral often used for carving.) Alabio (An Indonesian duck breed.) Alate (To have wings or wing-like appendages.) Albite (A pale-colored, usually white, mineral.) Alder (A type of tree from the birch family with toothed leaves.) Alev (A Turkish name meaning 'flame'.) Alexornis (A prehistoric bird.) Algodonite (A copper arsenide mineral.) Alizarin (A red pigment.) Almandine (A type of garnet with a violet tint.) Alp (A high, rugged mountain that is often snowcapped.) Alpaca (A domesticated mammal related to the Llama and known for its wool.) Alpenglow (The rosy light of the setting or rising sun seen on high mountains.) Alpine (Relating to high mountains.) Altitude (The height of an object or point in relation to sea or ground level.) Alto or Altocumulus (A fleecy cloud formation that occurs at a medium altitude.) Altostratus (A fairly uniform mid-altitude layer of gray cloud.) Alunite (A white, gray, or reddish mineral that can be found in volcanic rocks.) Amaranth (A purple color.) Amaterasu (The Japanese Shinto goddess personifying the sun.) Amber (A hard and translucent fossilized resin, or a yellow/orange color.) Amblygonite (A pale yellow gem.) Amethyst (A violet or purple quartz gem or a violet color.) Ammolite (An opal-like gemstone made of the fossilized shells of ammonites.) Analcime (A white, gray or colorless mineral.) Anapaite (A green mineral.) Anatase (A rare gemstone that comes in many colors.) Andalusite (A gemstone that is typically brown, red or green.) Andes (A South American mountain range.) Andesine (A rare gem known for it's orange-red and red colors, but also comes in yellow, green, and blue.) Andesite (A gray lava rock with white and black speckling. The speckles are crystals such as feldspar or quartz.) Andradite (A kind of garnet that comes in many colors.) Angelite (A blue gemstone but can also be white, violet, colorless, or dark gray.)
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queersrus · 2 years ago
Fire theme
made with pyromaniacs in mind, but not exclusive.
excluding sun related names/words
tagging: @bpdxhoardic, @ponygirl-izzy
pyr/pyre, pyra, pyro, pyry/pyri/pyrie, pyroess, pyroette, pyroetta, pyret/pyrett/pyrette, pyretta, pyrel/pyrell/pyrelle, pyroelle, pyrella, pyroella, pyrello, pyroello, pyrine/pyrene, pyrena, phoenix, prometheus, pyrrhus, polum'ya, plamya, plomien, pyralis fi/fy, fir/fyr, fire/fyre, fla, flam, flame/flaym/flayme/flaim/flaime, firess, firey, fiery, firette, firelle, firetta, firella, fiammetta, fiamma, flint, fintan, fuego, feu, feuer, fotia, foc, flamme, floga, fervor, flare, flash, flick, flicker ember, enya, egan, edan, eld blaze/blase/blaise/blais, bedelia, bridget, brandr, branton, brand, burn/bern, burna, burnaby, burnet, burnadette/bernadette, bal, bonfire tana, titus, tyson, tanwen, tanguy, tuli, torch, torrefy vatroslav, vulcan, vesta, vuur, vohon, vlam haphaestus, heat, heath, hearth, hestia, hagan, haco, hakan, haphaistos aodh, aodhnait, aodhamair, aguya, aithne, aiden, alev, agni, alight, ardor, afire, ablaze, aflame, ardent, arson logi, loki, liekki, llama, laga, lit, lighter calida, cinaed, conleth, conley, char, caut, cauter, cauteri, cauterize, cal, calc, calci, calcine igni, igno, igna, ignite, igniter, ignacio, inigo, ignatius, ild, incendio, inci, incini, incine, incinera, incinerate, infern, inferno, inferna, inflame kenneth, keenness, kindle mccoy, match, matches ogon, ogien geni, glow smold, smolder, scorch, singe, sear, scald
1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
fi/fe/fii/firine/fireself fli/flame/flii/flamine/flameself i/igne/igni/ingine/ingiself(igniteself) bli/blaze/blii/blazine/blazeself bi/burne/bii/burnine/burnself pi/pyre/py/pyrine/pyreself py/pyre/pii/pyroine/pyroself py/pyrome/pyromi/promine/pyromaniaself ki/ke/kii/kine/kindleself smi/sme/smii/smoldine/smolderself sci/sce/scii/scorchine/scorchineself si/se/sii/sine/singeself si/sea/sii/searine/searself mi/me/mii/matchine/matchself li/le/lii/lightine/lighterself
2nd p prns: you/your/yours/yourself
fo/fire/fires/fireself flo/flamer/flamers/flamerself io/igner/igners/igniterself blo/blazer/blazers/blazerself bo/bur/burs/burnerself po/pyre/pyres/pyreself po/pyror/pyrors/pyrorself po/pyromer/pyromers/pyromaniers ko/kindler/kindlers/kindlerself smo/smolder/smolders/smolderself so/singr/singrs/singerself so/sear/sears/searself mo/matcher/matchers/matcherself lo/lighter/lighters/lighterself
3rd p prns: they/them/theirs/themself
fi/fire/fires/fireself fi/ire, fire/fires fla/flame/flames/flameself fla/me, flame/flames ig/igni/ignis/igniself ig/ignite/ignites/igniteself ig/ni, ig/nite, igni/ignis, ignite/ignites igni/ignite bla/blaze/blazes/blazeself bla/ze, blaze/blazes bur/burn/burns/burnself bu/rne, bur/urne, burn/burns py/pyre/pyres/pyrself py/pyro/pyros/pyroself py/yre, pyre/pyres, py/ro, pyro/pyros pyre/pyro pyre/pyromania, pyro/pyromaniac pyro/maniac, pyro/mania, pyromania/pyromaniac, pyromania/pyromanias, pyromaniac/pyromaniacs kin/kindle/kindles/kindleself kin/dle, kindle/kindles smold/smolder/smolders/smolderself smo/der, smolder/smolders sin/singe/singes/singeself si/inge, singe/singes sea/sear/sears/searself sea/ear, sear/sears mat/match/matches/matchself mat/ch, match/matches light/lighter/lighters/lighterself ligh/ter, lighter/lighterself
the fire. the flame, the lighter, the match, the burner, the arsonist, the pyre, the pyro, the pyress, the pyroess, the pyromaniac, the kindling, the burning fire, the blazing fire, the smoldering fire, the scorching flame, the ignition, the igniter, the firewatcher, the fire starter, the firefighter
(prn) who burns, (prn) who blazes, (prn) who sets fires, (prn) who starts fires, (prn) who loves flames, (prn) who owns a lighter, (prn) who owns matches, (prn) who watches fire, (prn) who fights fire
this fire, this flame, this pyre, this pyro, this pyromaniac, this arsonist, this firefighter, this firewatcher, this fire starter
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richesthermit · 1 year ago
hiiii <3 if you can pull up any dl tango names, and/or any icons where he has canary wings, i would be more than grateful 🫶 can be done separately or you can do just one! love youuuu -pearl
Hope you don't mind me doing just names :) Love you too! :D
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❀ NAMES : - Adar - Aiden - Aithne - Aitziber - Blaze - Brando - Brent - Calida - Cole - Conleth - Fintan - Hagan - Ignacio - Ignacia - Inigo - Kallai - Nuria - Topaz - Uriel - Vesta
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title · 5 months ago
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“May I rest my weary head on your shoulder?” (insp.)
In the Mood for Love (2000), Rafiki (2018), Cold War (2018), Your Name Engraved Herein (2020), But I’m a Cheerleader (1999), Moonlight (2016), Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019), And Then We Danced (2019), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004), My Own Private Idaho (1991), Anatomy of a Fall (2023), Lovesong (2016), God’s Own Country (2017), The Handmaiden (2016), Notorious (1946)
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thatonedudeinthecorner · 11 months ago
His ass does not pay attention enough to know all of their genders. Toph wears baggy clothes, he squinted at her and went “yeah that’s a boy. Or boy adjacent. Probably.” and moved on. Ally???
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muffinlance · 4 months ago
Hi ! prompt idea : What if Zuko was armed during the first episode and was stranded with the water tribe while the avatar left with Katara and Sokka, Iroh on his trail for white lotus reasons.
Oh we are going to have us some FUN with "stranded with the water tribe", say no more.
Zuko was dripping, and steaming, and staring down two dozen women and their gaggle of small children, plus that old not-the-Avatar crone from earlier. They were all cowering away from him. Which was--
Good. It was good. If they were cowering, then they hadn’t noticed how steam was not flames. He wasn’t sure he could make flames, not after the arctic water he’d landed in, with that last sight of the Avatar glowing; not after surfacing under the ice pack, after swimming, after kicking slamming breaking through and his ship was gone and there was only ocean all around and
and he’d made it back to this pathetic little camp of the Southern Water Tribe, because that was the only place he knew for sure would have shelter, and he wasn’t going to die just because they were all staring at him, even if felt like he would.
Even if the old not-the-Avatar woman could probably take him, right now. But she didn’t know that.
Zuko pulled himself up, taller than her by at least a few inches, and blew steam from his nose.
“I am commandeering one of your huts,” he said. And added, because Uncle said even a prince should be gracious: “You may choose which one.”
She choose her own.
...The only one without children that flames might scar, or younger women to catch a soldier’s interests.
Zuko sat by her fire and determinedly started struggling out of his wet clothes and she was still in here with him--
Zuko pulled one of her animal pelts over himself, and finished fighting off his clothes. When he stuck his head back out, cheeks still reddened from what was obviously the cold, she dropped a parka on his head.
“Dry clothes, Your Highness,” she said.
The parka was much bigger than he was. He fell asleep hoping that the camp’s men were on a long, long hunting trip.
He woke up again. Kanna tucked her favorite ulu knife away, newly sharpened, and stopped contemplating the alternative.
“I am commandeering a ship,” he said.
The crone led him across the village, all twenty paces of it, to a row of canoes.
“Take whichever one you want,” she said. “Will you need help getting it to the water?”
Zuko looked at the canoes. Looked at the ocean. Watched a leopard seal, easily the size of the largest canoe, dozing just past the ice his own ship had broken through the day before. It was frozen again, a great icy arrow pointing from the waves to the village, snow already starting to cover it over.
Beyond was blue sky and gray ocean and white ice, floating in blocks like stepping stones, like boulders, like cliffsides.
There wasn’t even a hint of gray steel, or smoke. Or any land, besides what they were standing on.
He looked down at the canoes again. Somehow, they seemed even smaller.
“I, uh,” Zuko cleared his throat. “I’ll require supplies. Before I go.”
They... did not have supplies. Not extra ones. This didn’t stop them from trying to give him supplies, food and blankets and anything else he could think to ask for. But each blanket was a pelt hunted by someone’s grandfather, had been inked with images and stories by someone’s mother, was the favorite of someone’s husband or brother or uncle or cousin--
They couldn’t go to the nearest market to replace things, here.
And when they talked about food, about what they could spare, they kept sneaking glances to their children, who were sneaking glances at Zuko from the huts, sticking their heads just over the snowy ledges like their fur-trimmed hoods would hide them. Their mothers and aunts shooed them away, and they crept back, like barnacle-crabs. Zuko glared, and they disappeared.
“When are your men coming back?” he asked. “They’re hunting, aren’t they?”
Oh. So that was what they looked like, when they weren’t trying to hide their hate.
Zuko wrapped himself up in the same blanket that night. It was printed inside with fine lines and images, telling a story he didn’t know. He wondered whose favorite it was.
Kanna wondered how quickly he’d wake—if he’d wake—if she built the fire up with wet driftwood and tundra grass, if she had one of the younger girls boost up a child to plug the air hole, if she let the smoke draw its own blanket down over this fire child.
It was hard to know when to wake up, because the sun never set. So everyone was up before him, and they all had spears and clubs and—and nets, and trap lines, and snow googles with their single slat to protect the eyes from snow blindness. Zuko had seen those once, at the Ember Island Museum of Ethnography, where they’d gone when it was too rainy for anything more exciting.
Oh. They were going hunting.
“Give me that,” Zuko said, and took a spear.
The women looked at him. One of them adjusted her googles.
“I can hunt,” he scowled.
He did not, in fact, know how to hunt.
“Give me that,” the Fire Prince said, and Kanna almost, almost gave him her ulu. Humans, like most animals, had an artery in their legs that would bleed them quick enough.
She kept skinning the rabbit-mink one of the women had snared.
“I can help,” he said, with less grace than most of their toddlers. Likely with the skinning skills of a toddler, too. She wasn’t going to let their unwanted visitor ruin a perfectly good pelt.
“Chop the meat,” she said, and gave him a different knife. “It’s dinner.”
“...This is really sharp,” he said a moment later, looking at the knife with some surprise.
“Is it,” said Kanna.
Things the Fire Prince was convinced he could do: hunt (until he realized he couldn’t tell the tracks of a rabbit-mink from a leopard-rabbit apart); spear fish (at least he could dry himself); pack snow for an igloo (frustrated princes ran hot); ice fish (the prince was a problem that kept coming close to solving itself).
Things the Fire Prince could actually do: mince meat, increasingly finely; gather berries and herbs, once he stopped trying to crush them; dig roots, under toddler supervision; mend nets, after the intermediary step of learning to braid hair loopies.
“Can’t I take him ice fishing again?” asked one of the women, as she watched Prince Zuko put as much apparent concentration into braiding her daughter’s hair as his people had into exterminating hers.
“Wait,” said another woman, sitting up straight. “Wait wait wait. I just had an idea.”
Three words: Infinite. Hot. Water.
Summer was coming to an end. The sun actually set, now, and the night was getting longer, and colder. The salmon-otter nets were mended and ready. The smoking racks were still full of cod-lemmings. The children were all a little older, the women all a little more used to doing both halves of their tribes’ chores; a little more used to not watching the horizon, waiting for help to come.
The Fire Prince was staring at the canoes again.
“Are you actually going to try leaving in one of those?” Kanna asked.
“Come on, then; someone needs to watch the kids while the women are hunting.”
She didn’t leave him alone with them, of course. But she could have.
Elsewhere, the war continued.
The moon turned red, for a moment none could sleep through; they did not learn why.
The comet came and went, leaving their castaway prince laying on the beach, his breath fogging up into the night sky above him, as the energy crashed from his system as quickly as it had come. Above, lights began to dance in the sky; Zuko pulled his hood up, so none of those spirits—children, dead too soon—got any ideas about kicking his head off to be their ball.
The war had ended. The world didn’t feel any different; no one in the south would know until spring came again.
Suffice it to say, Sokka and Katara were not prepared for this particular homecoming.
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allastoredeer · 4 months ago
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Deer's shed the velvet on their antlers. Alastor is no exception.
Bonus! They also eat it and cannibal besties always share.
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+Bonus: Bucks shed their velvet right before rutting season, so take from thar what you will
Follow up post ➡️HERE ⬅️
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cup-o-stars · 8 months ago
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Happy B-Day to the Corasante!! ❤🕯🎂🕯❤
(Featuring way too many drawings)
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nocreativityfornames · 2 months ago
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HAD to zoom in on each outfit because WHAT, they actually have drip for once?!
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itsajollyjester · 8 months ago
Family Portrait
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The only family he has.
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vintrage · 8 months ago
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motherless, friendless, and damned
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wingsoffirenames · 2 months ago
SkyWing Names - Letter A #2
Anhinga (A long-necked fish-eating bird. Also good for a Seawing hybrid.) Ani (As in the Smooth-billed Ani, a bird in the cuckoo family. Smooth-billed or Crotophaga can work too.) Anorthite (A white, gray or red feldspar mineral.) Anthracite (A hard, compact variety of coal.) Apatite (A phosphate mineral.) Apex (The top or highest part of something, especially one forming a point.) Aplomado (As in the Aplomado falcon.) Apollo (Greek god of several things, notably the sun and light for this usa case.) Apophyllite (A translucent, glassy mineral.) Appalachian (A North American mountain range.) Apricity (The warmth of the sun in winter. Also good for an IceWing hybrid.) Aquila (A constellation in the northern hemisphere represented by the figure of an eagle.) Aragonite (A calcium carbonate mineral.) Ardent (Burning or glowing.) Ares (The Greek god of war and courage.) Arête (A sharp mountain ridge.) Argillite (A fine-grained sedimentary rock.) Argus (A long-tailed pheasant that is typically brown. Not to be mistaken for the butterfly.) Arpina (An Armenian name meaning 'rising of the sun'.) Ascent (The act of rising or moving upwards.) Ash/Ashes (The powdery residue left after the burning of a substance.) Ashen (The pale gray color of ash.) Aspen (A tree with long, rounded leaves.) Asperitas (Rare, wave-like cloud formations that appear on the underside of a cloud.) Asteroid (A large hunk of rock floating around in space.) Atacamite (A copper mineral that is green in color.) Athos (A figure from Greek mythology. He is known for the creation of Mount Athos.) Atmosphere (The gases surrounding the earth or another planet.) Auburn (A reddish-brown color.) Auk (A type of bird that are great swimmer. Also good for a SeaWing hybrid.) Aureate (Denoting, made of, or having the color of gold.) Aureole (A circle of light or brightness surrounding something.) Aurum (The Latin word for gold and source of its chemical symbol.) Autumn (The season. Leaves often turn red and brown during it.) Aventurine (A form of quartzite, often green.) Aves (The Latin word for birds.) Avian (A bird or relating to birds.) Avocet (A type of bird with webbed feet and good swimmer. Also good for a SeaWing hybrid.) Axinite (A reddish-brown mineral.)
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a-chaotic-dumbass · 7 months ago
arya naming herself after catelyn once in braavos + brienne constantly thinking of catelyn's oath and sansa + sansa wearing tully colors in the vale + jaime trying to fulfil an oath he swore to catelyn + constant lady stoneheart mentions... catelyn stark u could never truly die
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kiisaes · 1 year ago
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apple of my eye 🔪
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bleeding-seraphic · 8 months ago
so apparently I’m incapable of shipping any healthy pairing
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