#Grand salinas
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dknuth · 11 days ago
Salinas Grandes field trip
Since we were at the Pristine Camp, we went on a field trip and learned about the community responsible for the camp, San Francisco del Alfarcito.
The government owns the salt flat, but local communities have concessions to various sections. Alfarcito has a square kilometer with the right to harvest and sell salt. But they were looking for something more, to provide more opportunities in the community.
At the same time, a man in the tourist industry had the idea to build a hotel in the isolation of the salt flat. He attended a big meeting of the villages with concessions and made a presentation. Alfarcito responded and agreed to a sub-consession for the camp. He agreed to have the construction and staffing done by locals.
We went to visit Alfarcito and were impressed by the progressive community spirit.
Their village church was built by locals in 1945, followed by a community hall and a local hotel, all built, owned, and operated by the community.
The church has a unique and attractive design.
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They are proud of using local materials in the construction and furnishing of the buildings.
Their use of traditional materials and designs has gotten recognition from the federal government
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I noticed that while they are using traditional adobe in most walls, they are now adding reinforced concrete columns and lintels for seismic strength.
They also have a local craft group that makes items for tourists, mainly knit and woven wool goods.
We were also shown their trout farm. One man started it but then turned it over to the village and trained locals in the requirement of trout farming. The trout is used in the local hotel, Pristine Camps, and hotels in Purmamarca, as well as providing additional protein for the villagers
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There also appears to be a village llama, that was hanging out in the schoolyard when we arrived.
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Our local guide let her out so she could go to her calf.
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The calf was three months old and looked pretty close to full-grown.
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After the visit to the village, we headed out for a picnic.
The camp provided a picnic that would be generous for 6 or 8 people instead of just us two.
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As we sat at lunch and drove around, we viewed and discussed the salt flats and surrounding valley.
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There were herds of llamas around. We learned that the farmers prefer llamas to sheep or goats as the llamas are smarter. They head out in the morning, know where the best vegetation and water are, and return home to the safety of the corral in the evening. Dogs go with them mainly for protection, not herding.
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When we returned to the salt flats, the wind was blowing, and dust devils and clouds of salty dust were visible.
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pangeen · 1 year ago
" Salinas Grandes " //© The Adventurer Guy
Music: © Adrian Berenguer - Meadow
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eopederson · 1 year ago
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Salina Grande, Jujuy, 2007.
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gabrielaaguero · 9 months ago
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mantecol · 1 year ago
GOD, being a tour agent for my mother is literally committing suicide
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deefeeme · 2 months ago
El Hotel de las Salinas Grandes: Una noche de lujo en Jujuy por más de 1 millón de pesos
El Hotel de las Salinas Grandes: Una noche de lujo en Jujuy por más de 1 millón de pesos El hotel Pristine Salinas en Jujuy se destaca como uno de los más caros de Argentina. Un influencer revela su experiencia.
En el vasto y árido paisaje de las Salinas Grandes, una de las maravillas naturales más imponentes del norte argentino, se erige un hotel que ha captado la atención de turistas y viajeros de lujo: el Pristine Salinas. Este hotel, considerado uno de los más caros de Argentina, ha sido recientemente objeto de un sorprendente testimonio en redes sociales, donde un joven influencer compartió su…
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nousenargentine · 1 year ago
Les salinas grandé sont des salines d'altitude. Un creux à 3500m d'altitude et il faut passer par un col à 4170 m d'altitude !
Les salars sont exploités pour le lithium. Les populations locales ne sont pas trop d'accord avec cette exploitation minière.
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luismipires · 1 year ago
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Memories of Argentina
Salinas Grandes, Jujuy
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justforbooks · 5 months ago
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Icône du cinéma français, Alain Delon s’est éteint ce dimanche 18 août, à 88 ans. De sa révélation sur le grand écran au début des années 1960 à son César du meilleur acteur, retour sur sa carrière en sept films emblématiques qui ont campé son style.
Il était l’un des acteurs qui a enregistré le plus d’entrées en France, totalisant plus de 136 millions de spectateurs avec l’ensemble des films qui l’ont mis en scène. Alain Delon est mort ce dimanche 18 août 2024, à l’âge de 88 ans, ont annoncé ses enfants. La star du grand écran a marqué le cinéma français de son empreinte avec 90 longs-métrages, qui ont façonné sa réputation de légende et son style caractéristique. En voici sept particulièrement marquants.
« Christine » (1958) : sa rencontre avec Romy Schneider Alain Delon n’a que 23 ans et a fait ses premiers pas au cinéma un an plus tôt, dans Quand la femme s’en mêle d’Yves Allégret, lorsque l’actrice allemande Romy Schneider le choisit sur photo pour tourner avec elle dans Christine, de Pierre-Gaspard Huit. Il y incarne le lieutenant Franz Lobheiner, amant d’une riche baronne autrichienne dont il veut rompre, qui tombe follement amoureux de la charmante Christine Weiring, jouée par la jeune star du cinéma qui n’a alors que 20 ans. La première rencontre entre les deux acteurs, à la descente de l’avion, deux mois plus tôt, n’était pourtant pas des plus concluantes. La barrière de la langue les sépare et le duo ne s’entend absolument pas. Ils finiront pourtant par tomber amoureux et former un couple connu comme « les plus beaux fiancés d’Europe ».
« Plein soleil » (1960) : la révélation d’un « jeune premier » Deux ans plus tard, Alain Delon est choisi par le réalisateur René Clément pour jouer dans une adaptation du roman Monsieur Ripley, de Patricia Highsmith. Alors qu’il devait jouer le deuxième rôle masculin, il parvient à convaincre l’équipe de réalisation qu’il serait plus adapté dans le costume du personnage principal, Tom Ripley, qui colle plus à son caractère un peu « voyou ». Avec ce rôle, Alain Delon se révèle sur le grand écran et pose les jalons de ce qui deviendra son style, charismatique et un peu rebelle. « Personne ne savait qui j’étais. Le film qui a fait le tour du monde, a été la base de ma carrière », avait d’ailleurs reconnu l’acteur.
« Le Guépard » (1963) : la palme d’or à Cannes Alain Delon y incarne Tancrède Falconeri, le neveu du prince Fabrice de Salina (Burt Lancaster) qui se lie d’amour avec une bourgeoise, Angelica Sedara (Claudia Cardinale), dans une Italie du milieu du XIXe siècle marquée par le déclin de l’aristocratie traditionnelle. Adapté du roman éponyme de Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, cette fresque obtient la Palme d’or au Festival de Cannes en 1963 et devient un succès commercial et critique dès sa sortie. Alain Delon, au sommet de son élégance (moustache fine et raie sur le côté), y est l’incarnation de la noblesse. Le couple qu’il forme avec Claudia Cardinale entre dans l’histoire du cinéma. Le film comporte notamment une scène de bal devenue iconique, qui marque la victoire de la bourgeoisie sur la noblesse et où les trajectoires du trio principal trouvent leur aboutissement.
« Le Samouraï » (1967) : la consécration du « genre » Delon Cette première collaboration avec Jean-Pierre Melville donne l’un des chefs-d’œuvre de la filmographie de Delon, qui incarne le tueur solitaire Jef Costello. Fantomatique, inexpressif (son personnage n’a quasiment aucune réplique), obsédé par la maîtrise, avec son regard bleu froid, son imper et son chapeau : ce personnage est à la base du mythe Delon. L’esthétique de ce polar glacial influencera nombre d’autres cinéastes, dont John Woo ou Quentin Tarantino. La collaboration Delon-Melville accouchera d’un autre chef-d’œuvre, Le Cercle rouge (1970, avec Bourvil), avant Un flic (1972).
« La Piscine » (1969) : les retrouvailles avec Romy Schneider Mi-drame, mi-polar, ce film de Jacques Deray marque les retrouvailles entre Alain Delon et Romy Schneider, avec qui il a formé un couple mythique du cinéma français. Il n’y aura pas de retour de flamme entre eux mais la carrière de l’actrice allemande, alors en demi-teinte, redécolle. Plus de 3 millions de spectateurs plongent dans la piscine au-dessus de Saint-Tropez, fréquentée par le couple mais aussi par Maurice Ronet et Jane Birkin. Delon dira plus tard : « Ce film, je ne peux plus le regarder. Trop douloureux de revoir Romy et Maurice (morts en 1982 et 1983, N.D.L.R) rire aux éclats. »
« Borsalino » (1970) : son duo iconique avec Belmondo C’est encore grâce à Jacques Deray qu’Alain Delon connaît un vrai succès populaire avec Borsalino, où il forme un tandem iconique avec Jean-Paul Belmondo. Le film, histoire de deux jeunes voyous qui tentent de devenir les caïds de la pègre marseillaise, marque le point d’orgue du duo entre Delon et son rival, mais aussi ami. « Heureusement qu’il était là. Ni l’un ni l’autre n’aurait fait la même carrière sans l’autre. Il y avait une compétition mais aussi une sorte de stimulation entre nous. Ça m’aurait vraiment emmerdé qu’il ne soit pas là. Qu’est-ce que j’aurais foutu sans lui pendant cinquante ans ? » Le succès est au rendez-vous : le long métrage enregistre plus de 4,7 millions d’entrées et une suite, Borsalino and Co, sort au cinéma quatre ans plus tard.
« Notre histoire » (1984) : son seul César du meilleur acteur Malgré son immense carrière, Alain Delon n’a décroché qu’une seule fois le César du meilleur acteur obtenu en 1985 pour son rôle dans Notre histoire, de Bertrand Blier, sorti l’année précédente. Cette comédie dramatique, parfois absurde, parle de solitude et d’amour, autour de la rencontre dans un train, entre Robert, la quarantaine fatiguée, et une jeune femme désabusée, incarnée par Nathalie Baye. Le public ne suivra pas, mais la critique a majoritairement aimé ce film dans lequel Delon a pris des risques pour camper un personnage fragile, un ivrogne, bien loin de celui qu’il interprétait dans le Samouraï.
Alain Delon, qui avait commencé sa carrière à la fin des années 1950, était l’un des derniers monstres sacrés du cinéma français.
Né le 8 novembre 1935 à Sceaux (Hauts-de-Seine), Alain Delon fait ses débuts sur le grand écran à la fin des années 1950, dans Quand la femme s’en mêle, d’Yves Allégret.
Ces premiers pas au cinéma, il les doit à un « scout » qui les repère, lui et son charisme, lors d’un casting sauvage réalisé en marge du Festival de Cannes, à une époque où le jeune Alain Delon enchaîne les petits boulots. Quelques mois plus tôt, il était revenu d’Indochine, où il a servi dans la Marine, avant d’être renvoyé pour avoir, selon la légende, « emprunté » une jeep pour aller faire la fête. Un beau gosse un rien rebelle. Tout Delon est là, déjà.
Ce personnage de voyou magnifique, auquel sa nature semble le prédestiner, Alain Delon va l’étrenner, le perfectionner durant une bonne partie de sa carrière.
Très rapidement, on le verra ainsi incarner un tueur à gages dans Le Samouraï (1967), dans l’une de ses nombreuses collaborations avec Jean-Pierre Melville. Puis, dans Borsalino (1970), où il partage l’affiche avec son meilleur ennemi, Jean-Paul Belmondo, il prend les traits d’un éminent membre de la pègre marseillaise.
Toujours en 1970, dans Le Cercle rouge, il joue un autre bandit de classe, traqué par un Bourvil à contre-emploi. Mais, plus tard, les Français le verront passer de l’autre côté de l’insigne, dans Parole de flic ou Pour la peau d’un flic, film qu’il produira, comme une trentaine d’autres.
La rubrique des faits divers, celui qui ne cachera jamais ses attaches à droite la côtoiera également dans le civil. À la fin des années 1960, alors qu’il est au faîte de sa gloire, il sera ainsi entendu dans le cadre de la médiatique affaire Markovic, du nom de son ancien homme à tout faire yougoslave, retrouvé assassiné. La procédure, dans laquelle un ami d’Alain Delon, François Marcantoni, était le principal suspect, avait débouché sur un non-lieu pour preuves insuffisantes. Elle aura néanmoins perturbé le tournage du Clan des Siciliens, dans lequel il partage l’affiche Jean Gabin et Lino Ventura. Rien que ça.
Puis, au tournant des années 2023 et 2024, il sera l’objet d’une brouille entre ses enfants, Anouckha, Alain-Fabien et Anthony, sur fond d’héritage et de présence d’une « dame de compagnie », Hiromi Rollin. La découverte, quelques semaines plus tard, des dizaines d’armes que possède l’acteur dans sa résidence de Douchy (Loiret), finira d’alimenter une chronique qui aura quelque peu terni l’image de l’acteur.
Mais, entre-temps, Alain Delon aura peaufiné son autre facette, celle du séducteur à la gueule d’ange. Celle-ci crève l’écran dès 1960, dans Plein Soleil de René Clément et dans Rocco et ses frères, où Delon donne la réplique à Claudia Cardinale, sous les ordres de l’un de ses mentors, Luchino Visconti.
Ce séducteur patenté, les spectateurs le retrouveront régulièrement par la suite. Dans Le Guépard (1963), film-fleuve issu de l’œuvre de Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, par exemple. Mais aussi, et peut-être surtout, dans La Piscine (1970), film sensuel dans lequel Delon donne la réplique à Romy Schneider, son ex-compagne.
Plus que ceux qu’il forma avec Nathalie Delon, Mireille Darc ou, un temps, avec Dalida, le couple mythique qu’Alain Delon forma avec l’interprète de Sissi, contribuera à le faire entrer dans la légende du cinéma français, celle à laquelle, diront ses détracteurs, il était si conscient d’appartenir. Difficile toutefois, en regardant dans le rétroviseur, de le contredire sur ce point.
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lyssophobiaa · 1 month ago
You're so much like your mother. Luis sera
The lab was colder than usual, but Luis hardly noticed.
He was hunched over his workstation, the steady scratching of his pen filling the air as he added another line to his notes. He should’ve stopped hours ago, but the stillness of the lab felt better than the restlessness in his mind. He told himself the work was for the greater good—always for the greater good—but lately, that belief was starting to feel thin, like a thread fraying under too much strain.
“Still at it, eh?”
Luis glanced up, startled. Dr. Salinas leaned against the doorframe, his cigarette smoldering between two fingers. The older man’s sunken eyes gleamed in the low light, always watching, always prying. He had a knack for showing up at the worst times.
“Work doesn’t do itself, viejo,” Luis replied, forcing his usual smirk. “And you? Shouldn’t you be off somewhere making everyone else miserable?”
Salinas chuckled, stepping into the room with his uneven gait. “You’ve got some mouth on you, boy. Just like your mother.”
Luis’s pen froze mid-stroke. He stared at Salinas, his chest tightening. “What did you say?”
Salinas exhaled a plume of smoke, the corners of his mouth curling upward. “I said you’re just like her. Sharp. Ambitious. Always chasing some grand idea.” He stepped closer, tapping the ash off his cigarette into a nearby tray. “You didn’t know, did you?”
Luis set his pen down slowly, his heart pounding in his ears. “Know what?”
Salinas smirked, leaning casually against the edge of the workstation. “Your mother. She worked with us—well, before you came along, that is. She was one of the brightest minds in her field. Passionate, too. Thought she was saving the world.”
Luis’s stomach turned. “That’s not true,” he said, shaking his head. “My mother—she wasn’t part of this madness. She was a good person.”
“Oh, she was good,” Salinas said, almost mockingly. “Had a heart so big it blinded her. Thought the work we were doing here would save lives, make the world a better place. Always talking about ‘helping people.’” He snorted, taking another drag from his cigarette. “But we both know where good intentions lead, don’t we?”
Luis stood abruptly, his chair scraping loudly against the floor. “You’re lying,” he said, his voice sharp.
Salinas shrugged, unbothered by the sudden outburst. “Believe what you want. But the way you throw yourself into your work, the way you need to fix things…that’s her, right down to your bones. Makes me wonder—how long before you realize it’s all for nothing, like she did?”
Luis’s fists clenched, his pulse pounding in his temples. “Why are you telling me this?”
Salinas smiled thinly, extinguishing his cigarette in the tray. “Because it’s true. And because the truth has a funny way of eating at you, doesn’t it?”
With that, Salinas turned and walked out, leaving Luis alone with the quiet hum of the lab equipment and the sound of his own ragged breathing.
He stood there for what felt like an eternity, staring blankly at the sketches of the Las Plagas parasite in front of him. His mother—his mother—had been part of this? The idea felt impossible, wrong, like it didn’t fit with the few scraps he had of her in his memory.
But the more he thought about it, the more he realized he didn’t really know her at all. She’d died when he was a baby, leaving behind nothing but a handful of photographs and vague, warm recollections from his grandfather.
Was it true? Could it be true?
Luis sat back down, his hands trembling as he flipped to a blank page in his notebook. He didn’t know the answer, and maybe he never would. But one thing was clear—whatever choices his mother had made, whatever good she had tried to do, they hadn’t stopped this nightmare from growing.
He wouldn’t make the same mistake.
He couldn’t.
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cosmerelists · 11 months ago
What Autocorrect Does to Cosmere Character Names
@cosmereplay suggested this list about how characters' names autocorrect in my phone--a great idea! However...I write so many lists on my phone that my phone has learned pretty much everyone's name. If I legitimately mistype "Kaladin," the phone will just correct it to "Kaladin." It knows.
So instead...I went into my phone messaging app and looked at what was suggested as I typed the character's name. I also hopped into Microsoft and looked at their suggested spelling corrections. This did produce some...interesting results. 
So here are my phone/computer suggestions for Cosmere names!
1. Kaladin
Phone suggestion: malady
Computer suggestion: paladin
This is so real. Kaladin feels that he himself is a malady while everyone else sees him as a (sometimes literal) knight in shining armor. 
2. Zellion
Phone suggestion: zero
Computer suggestion: zillion 
Ah yes. The age-old question. Is Zellion nothing...or is he everything? Zellion asks himself this question daily.
3. Shallan
Phone suggestion: shall and
Computer suggestion: shall an
If there is one thing both devices know for sure, it's that "Shallan" isn't a word. It's two words. And is there any better representation of Shallan, she who sees herself as multiple people in one? 
4. Leshwi
Phone suggestion: lesbian
Computer suggestion: lechwe
My phone believes Leshwi to be a lesbian. My computer believes her to be the noble antelope, galloping over the plains of Africa (apparently that is what a "lechwe" is). I'm not sure I totally buy either of those headcanons, but I can appreciate them both.
5. Adolin 
Phone suggestion: advil
Computer suggestions: adjoin, adoring, or addling
Yes, yes, I can see it. Adolin truly is a type of pain relief. He brings people together. He adores his wife and his friends. And I guess he...is confusing sometimes? 
6. Dalinar
Phone suggestion: Salina
Computer suggestion: decliner
My phone is trying to find a lovely name for if Dalinar turns out to be trans, while my computer is like "Man he says no to everything." 
7. Navani
Phone suggestion: navigate, java
Computer suggestion: nagana
Once again, my phone takes the positive track: Navani is an explorer! A computer programmer! Maybe the embodiment of coffee! My computer, meanwhile, has identified her as (looks up word)...some sort of parasitic disease that infects animals? Who wrote this? Moash?
8. Renarin
Phone suggestion: Renaissance, remarkable
Computer suggestion: remain
Okay, I'm noticing a definite pattern here. My phone (correctly) sees Renarin as a remarkable Renaissance man! My computer is like, "Well, he sure is there." 
9. Raboniel 
Phone suggestion: rabies
Computer suggestion: baronial
The positivity/negativity polarity has switched! Now my phone thinks Raboniel is a disease with a 100% fatality rate whereas my computer believes her to be "grand, impressive, opulent."
I think Navani would be like, "Both fit."
10. Rlain 
Phone suggestion: flair, email
Computer suggestion: rain
Okay...I think these all sort of work. Rlain definitely has flair. He is the bridger of minds, just like, uh, email? And singers do go into storms to transform, so rain is a fair association too. 
11. Hesina
Phone suggestion: Jedi; hesitate; he's in; he's insane; he's inside
I don't think I even need to go to the computer for this one. It's already a, uh, lovely (?) poem. Well, less lovely and more terrifying...who is the "he" who is terrorizing Hesina?? Luckily, she's a Jedi, so she'll definitely be able to handle it.
12. Vivenna
Phone suggestion: video, vice
Computer suggestion: Vienna
I feel that Vivenna herself would be unhappy with these suggestions. She does not see herself as a person of vice nor is she a big city person. And I feel like original flavor Vivenna wouldn't be a huge fan of videos either. 
13. Zahel
Phone suggestion: Zach
Computer suggestion: hazel
Something about Zahel autocorrecting to Zach cracks me up. "Yup, that's just ol' Zach over there. Zach with his sword. Ardent Zach." 
I'm pretty neutral on "hazel." It has a "z" I guess.
14. Susebron 
Phone suggestion: dude, dude right, dude rocks
Once again, no computer is needed here. The phone has already produced such a lovely poem. And unlike the Hesina one, it's not a horror show! It's like someone is commenting on Susebron himself. "Dude! Dude, right? Dude rocks!"
15. Steris
Phone suggestion: stern, sterile, sterilization
Computer suggestion: steric
I mean...yeah. Steris can be stern. She can seem sterile. She would definitely be a fan of sterilization of, like, equipment after experiments. "Steric" apparently means "relating to the arrangement of atoms" which, uh, sure?
16. Kelsier
Phone suggestion: keep, keeping
Computer suggestion: Kelsie
My phone seems Kelsier as a survivor--someone who keeps on keeping on!
My computer is now the one headcanoning a character as trans.
15. Sadeas
Phone suggestion: safe, safety
Computer suggestion: sides, saddens
I think that, uh, Adolin would have some words to say about my phone's suggestions here. Sadeas as "safe safety"??
But Dalinar might agree with the computer. Sadeas did pick sides. It was indeed sad.
18. Moash 
Phone suggestion: Moana
Computer suggestion: mash, mosh, moat
Yes, yes, the computer is definitely on to something here (he smashes, he's in a pit, he makes himself an island...)
But can we appreciate that my phone just thinks he's a Disney princess? Tumblr's with you, phone.
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dknuth · 12 days ago
Tilcara to Salinas Grandes
We left Tilcara to head up the mountain to Salinas Grandes, but first, we stopped in Purmarca to see the Cerro de Siete Colores, The Hill of Seven Colors. We parked where it seemed like the entrance, and I headed up the pedestrian way. Cathie decided that my photos would be good enough for her.
I walked a couple of blocks up a street, then onto a trail for a couple more, arriving at a spot to pay the entrance fee. Then, on up a trail into the hills above the town.
The hills surrounding the trail were interesting, but not THE hill.
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Then, the trail started heading down and toward the town, which is on the right.
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As it turned toward town, I realized I had entered the area at the wrong end. But the hills were interesting.
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Finally, as I reached the edge of town, there was a lookout to see the famous Cerro for a few dollars.
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There is a lot of color there, but seven? I'll let someone less colorblind decide.
I looked at the map and decided it was much quicker to walk back through town. It was a nice walk, and I needed the exercise, but it was good that Cathie decided not to go.
Then, it was onward and upward, emphasizing the upward from 7,600 feet to 13,700 feet in a continuous climb.
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It was visually stunning but challenging driving, especially with the manual transmission. Then we were over the top and heading back down to the salt flats.
We met our guide from our hotel/camp on the flats at Tres Morros, a tiny isolated village with several families living there and a small church that a priest visits several times a year.
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The church bell is actually the steam dome from an old steam locomotive. It actually has a decent tone.
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Our guide met us, and we headed to Pristine Salinas Grandes Luxury Camp. Along the way, we saw more guanacos along the road.
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Leaving the altiplano, we headed out onto the salt flats.
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The camp consists of six resident domes and several common-use domes. It is very isolated out on the salt. We stayed there for two nights.
We were told that sunsets could be spectacular, and they were right. It was perfect for an impressive display with a vast, flat open space, surrounding mountains, and partly cloudy skies. As the sun started going down, we got beautiful colors in the sky that were reflected in the salt.
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Then, a brilliant band just above the horizon formed.
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Remembering to turn away from the sunset, the clouds lit up there, too.
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But the show was just starting. The underside of the northern clouds were glowing.
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But the real show was to the west.
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It extended across half the sky!
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The colors changed as it got darker, but they were still amazing.
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It was the greatest sunset we had ever seen!
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angelap3 · 7 months ago
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"Non dimenticatemi"
Massimo Troisi ❤️
Camminando sulla spiaggia nera del Pozzovecchio, aleggia ancora l'anima di un personaggio forse tutt'oggi ancora troppo poco apprezzato nella sua vera grandezza.
Nn a Procida però, dove il suo ricordo è ancora vivo.
Diverse persone durante le riprese del "Il Postino" si accalcavano fuori le ringhiere del set per rubargli uno sguardo.
A Massimo.
Sempre gentile, simpatico, dicono.
Ma anche molto silenzioso.
Che si faceva vedere poco, e che aveva una controfigura per le scene in cui il postino andava in bicicletta, anche tra altre strade, oltre a quelle di Salina.
Quando a Corricella, Massimo ha girato la sua ultima scena, a fine set, tutti gli applausi sono per lui.
Massimo sorride, ringrazia.
Poi sale su un gozzo che lo sta per portare via.
Si gira verso il molo della Corricella.
"Nn dimenticatemi.", dice.
Saluta con la mano, sorride un'ultima volta.
Il giorno dopo, a Ostia, si spegne nel sonno.
Il tempo di lasciarci un'opera indimenticabile.
Che nn riesce a vedere realizzata.
Ultima di pochi film, ma sempre pieni di pensiero.
In una Napoli dove il sole, il famoso sole, c'è e nn c'è, dove un ragazzo nn vuole emigrare ma solo "viaggiare, conoscere...", dove se il Napoli perde col Cesena è un bel problema, dove basta perderti nella campagna per ritrovarti nel 1492 ("quasi millecinque"), o sederti su una sedia a rotelle perché nn sai affrontare la vita, dove parli dell'amore in tutte le sue forme, provando a pensare fino alla fine che sia soltanto "un calesse".
"Nn so cosa teneva d'int 'a capa", diceva Benigni.
Ma sicuramente "ha fatto più miracoli il suo verbo di quello dell'amato San Gennaro".
Il 4 Giugno 1994 ci lasciava il Grande Massimo❤️
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labuenosairesfrancaise · 9 months ago
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Grimsthorpe Castle
Hi guys!!
I'm sharing another grand english state! 
House History:  The building was originally a small castle on the crest of a ridge on the road inland from the Lincolnshire fen edge towards the Great North Road. It is said to have been begun by Gilbert de Gant, Earl of Lincoln in the early 13th century. However, he was the first and last in this creation of the Earldom of Lincoln and he died in 1156. Gilbert's heyday was the peak time of castle building in England, during the Anarchy. It is quite possible that the castle was built around 1140. However, the tower at the south-east corner of the present building is usually said to have been part of the original castle and it is known as King John's Tower. The naming of King John's tower seems to have led to a misattribution of the castle's origin to his time.
Gilbert de Gant spent much of his life in the power of the Earl of Chester and Grimsthorpe is likely to have fallen into his hands in 1156 when Gilbert died, though the title 'Earl of Lincoln' reverted to the crown. In the next creation of the earldom, in 1217, it was Ranulph de Blondeville, 4th Earl of Chester (1172–1232) who was ennobled with it. It seems that the title, if not the property was in the hands of King John during his reign; hence perhaps, the name of the tower.
During the last years of the Plantagenet kings of England, it was in the hands of Lord Lovell. He was a prominent supporter of Richard III. After Henry VII came to the throne, Lovell supported a rebellion to restore the earlier royal dynasty. The rebellion failed and Lovell's property was taken confiscated and given to a supporter of the Tudor Dynasty.[2]
The Tudor period
This grant by Henry VIII, Henry Tudor's son, to the 11th Baron Willoughby de Eresby was made in 1516, together with the hand in marriage of Maria de Salinas, a Spanish lady-in-waiting to Queen Catherine of Aragon. Their daughter Katherine inherited the title and estate on the death of her father in 1526, when she was aged just seven. In 1533, she became the fourth wife of Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk, a close ally of Henry VIII. In 1539, Henry VIII granted Charles Suffolk the lands of the nearby suppressed Vaudey Abbey, founded in 1147, and he used its stone as building material for his new house. Suffolk set about extending and rebuilding his wife's house, and in only eighteen months it was ready for a visit in 1541 by King Henry, on his way to York to meet his nephew, James V of Scotland. In 1551, James's widow Mary of Guise also stayed at Grimsthorpe. The house stands on glacial till and it seems that the additions were hastily constructed. Substantial repairs were required later owing to the poor state of the foundations, but much of this Tudor house can still be seen today.
During Mary's reign the castle's owners, Katherine Brandon, Duchess of Suffolk (née Willoughby) and her second husband, Richard Bertie, were forced to leave it owing to their Anglican views. On Elizabeth's succeeding to the throne, they returned with their daughter, Susan, later Countess of Kent and their new son Peregrine, later the 13th Baron. He became a soldier and spent much of his time away from Grimsthorpe.
The Vanbrugh building
By 1707, when Grimsthorpe was illustrated in Britannia Illustrata, the 15th Baron Willoughby de Eresby and 3rd Earl Lindsey had rebuilt the north front of Grimsthorpe in the classical style. However, in 1715, Robert Bertie, the 16th Baron Willoughby de Eresby, employed Sir John Vanbrugh to design a Baroque front to the house to celebrate his ennoblement as the first Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven. It is Vanbrugh's last masterpiece. He also prepared designs for the reconstruction of the other three ranges of the house, but they were not carried out. His proposed elevation for the south front was in the Palladian style, which was just coming into fashion, and is quite different from all of his built designs.
The North Front of Grimsthorpe as rebuilt by Vanbrugh, drawn in 1819. Vanbrugh's Stone Hall occupies the space between the columns on both floors.
Inside, the Vanbrugh hall is monumental with stone arcades all around at two levels. Arcaded screens at each end of the hall separate the hall from staircases, much like those at Audley End House and Castle Howard. The staircase is behind the hall screen and leads to the staterooms on the first floor. The State Dining Room occupies Vanbrugh's north-east tower, with its painted ceiling lit by a Venetian window. It contains the throne used by George IV at his Coronation Banquet, and a Regency giltwood throne and footstool used by Queen Victoria in the old House of Lords. There is also a walnut and parcel gilt chair and footstool made for the use of George III at Westminster. The King James and State Drawing Rooms have been redecorated over the centuries, and contain portraits by Reynolds and Van Dyck, European furniture, and yellow Soho Tapestries woven by Joshua Morris around 1730. The South Corridor contains thrones used by Prince Albert and Edward VII, as well as the desk on which Queen Victoria signed her coronation oath. A series of rooms follows in the Tudor east range, with recessed oriel windows and ornate ceilings. The Chinese drawing room has a splendidly rich ceiling and an 18th-century fan-vaulted oriel window. The walls are hung with Chinese wallpaper depicting birds amidst bamboo. The chapel is magnificent with superb 17th-century plasterwork.
More history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grimsthorpe_Castle
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This house fits a 64x64 lot and features several impressive rooms, more than 29 bedrooms, a servants hall and several state rooms!
I only decored some of the main rooms, for you to have a glimpse of the distribution. The rest is up to you, as I have stated that I do not like interiors :P
Be warned: I did not have the floor plan for the tudor rooms, thus, the distribution is based on my own decision and can not fit the real house :P.
You will need the usual CC I use: all of Felixandre, The Jim, SYB, Anachrosims, Regal Sims, TGS, The Golden Sanctuary, Dndr recolors, etc.
Please enjoy, comment if you like it and share pictures with me if you use my creations!
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DOWNLOAD (Early acces: June 30) https://www.patreon.com/posts/grimsthorpe-101891128
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gothcsz · 2 months ago
This is not a formal request but feel free to write something for it if you would like! I just need to talk abt it and hear thoughts abt it. I have had a thought that I haven't been able to get out of my head. Like two weeks ago at my tías house at a celebration of life for my tío they brought in a mariachi and for some reason I just thought of what if Javier was in a mariachi band? The mariachi had a dad with his daughter and her husband was in it as well. And I was like what if a mariachi!Javier Peña was in a mariachi band that was started by the readers dad and there was an obvious attraction between reader and Javier but the dad would not let reader date Javier. There was a Mexican novela that had to do with mariachi that played at some sort of club or something(I don't remember it well), I don't think it played out that way, but I just imagined this as like a novela.
AMIGAAAAAA this is so so good omfg i’m imagining him in the full get up (con el sombrero y todo) and it’s making me FEEL lots of things… also it’s so hard not to get entranced by a mariachi! they have this way of making you feel grand and emotional… god i love being mexican 😭🙏🏽 nuestra cultura es tan hermosa
also estoy segura que yo soy tan dramática por las novelas que miraba como chamaca con mi mamá, quedándome despierta tarde on school nights para verlas con ella! i had the fattest crush on sebastian rulli, jorge salinas y pablo montero 🥰 and many, many more…. don’t get me started on the absolute DIVAS of those shows, specifically miss teresa… i love an evil woman 🙂‍↕️
the forbidden love of it all… and you know it would take place on some beautiful rancho on the countryside…. imaginándome a javi singing?! oh jeez…. i can’t handle it…. mira if one day i get the time and inspiration to write something for this—i literally so will. the feminine urge to make it as messy, dramatic and outrageous as a novela is so fucking real… and the smut? don’t get me started….
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saturnpxtter · 5 months ago
Como venezolana, me siento obligada a escribir un mensaje en todas mis plataformas, así no sean las más grandes, es un compromiso que tengo con mi país y la gente que más quiero en la vida.
Nicolás Maduro y su cuerda de delincuentes han amañado los resultados de las elecciones presidenciales realizadas el domingo 28 de julio de 2024, autoproclamándose presidente de la república.
Venezuela lleva sufriendo bajo el régimen chavista 25 años, la gente ya está harta, cansada y desesperada. La gente ya no quiere morirse de hambre, no quiere sufrir en los hospitales por falta de medicamentos y recursos, la gente no quiere irse de venezuela por cuestiones de su futuro, LA GENTE QUIERE VIVIR, VIVIR EN PAZ Y LIBERTAD. Y esto es imposible bajo la dictadura chavista, de la cual está a cargo Nicolás Maduro.
Por esto la gente votó por Edmundo González Urrutia, la gente hizo victorioso al candidato Edmundo González, pero el partido socialista de los chavistas manipulan todo a su conveniencia y ahora la gente está muriendo en las calles, luchando por sus derechos.
Hay muertos, detenidos, heridos y desaparecidos en todas las ciudades del país, incluyendo menores de edad. A estas personas las llevan a un sitio llamado “El Helicoide”, el centro de tortura más grande de toda Latinoamérica (cortesía de los chavistas, ya que el proyecto principal era que este fuese un centro comercial enorme). Aquí se someten a las peores torturas (privación de sueño, sofocación metiendo sus cabezas en bolsas de plástico con pesticidas, entre muchas otras cosas), y si estas personas tienen suerte, mueren y no sufren más.
También hacen que estos prisioneros hagan vídeos diciéndole a la gente que no salga a las calles, estos presos obviamente son coaccionados, amenazados y con la promesa de que los dejarán libres sin repercusiones para ellos ni para sus familias.
Nada más el día 29 de julio asesinaron a UN MENOR DE EDAD (15) de un disparo en el cuello.
Y para la gente que apoya a Palestina (como es debido) NO CAIGAN EN LAS PALABRAS DE NICOLÁS MADURO. Ese hombre NO es pro-Palestina, solo es anti-Estados Unidos.
Ese palabrerío de “Viva Palestina libre” en frente de las cámaras es puro cuento, ¿en serio se lo creen? ¿Cuando ni su propio país es libre?
En un próximo post voy a recopilar links para que puedan donar para gastos funerarios, donaciones para comprar productos médicos para los heridos (soluciones salinas, gasas, medicamentos, guantes, etcétera…) y, si no puedes donar, por favor ¡CORRE LA VOZ!
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