#Government job after mechanical engineering
krstseo · 1 month
The Astonishing Scope of Mechanical Engineering in 2024
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Mechanical engineering stands as an essential field in the realm of engineering, celebrated for its broad applicability across numerous industries. In India, this field remains robust, offering a wealth of opportunities for graduates. From crafting cutting-edge automobiles and developing sustainable energy solutions to advancing the field of robotics, mechanical engineers drive technological progress. KRCT graduates are particularly well-prepared to seize these opportunities due to their rigorous education and training.
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uniquejobs · 1 year
High Demand Jobs | Dassault Systèmes Off Campus Drive 2023
Introduction High Demand Jobs : Dassault Systèmes has Published notification for the vacancy of Apprentice The educational qualification required to apply for this is Post-graduation/graduation in Mechanical, Thermal, Computer engineering Interested and eligible candidates can apply for Dassault Systèmes. There is enough time to apply for any job. Read Dassault Systèmes Off Campus Drive 2023…
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catpriciousmarjara · 7 months
DP X DC: Dani Does Things and Leaves, Explains Nothing
Heavily inspired by this dp x dc prompt and the comments and reblogs under it:
Please go check it out and @stealingyourbones entire page. They have some great dp x dc content and meta.
Local Ghost Princess Decides to Help Out Fellow Clone, Leaves Chaos Behind, Heroes Left Concerned and Very Confused, More at 10.
Now Dani knew that this world had superheroes. She knew they had an organization of sorts that had a hate-hate relationship with various government entities and a love-hate relationship with the public, depending on who you asked. However she had no intention of being involved with them. She was on vacation after all. Besides this world was just a stopover anyway. Why bother when she wasn't here on official business? But it seemed that while she didn't want anything to do with the heroes, they, however inadvertently, wanted something to do with her. How else will you explain one of the worst cloning results she had ever seen crash into a tree right in front of her while she was enjoying a nice cup of litchi boba tea in the park?
The botched clone job slid down the branches and hit the ground with a thud. She raised an eyebrow at the the rampant malevolent magical lines running through the body exacerbating the overall instability of the clone's anatomy. Clearly this individual had run into an irate mage who cast some sort of destabilizing curse and shot them right out of the sky. Dani was thankful this was an isolated section of the park and that she had put a rudimentary avoidance ward over the area. Otherwise, a superhero crashing into a tree would've caused quite the ruckus and interrupted her boba time.
She took a sip of her boba and crouched down to examine the conked out hero. This one was the one they called Superboy wasn't he? She grimaced at the state of his engineering. Whoever did his cloning did not know what they were dealing with. Her own cloning went better and she was ectoplasmic goop half the time. And Vlad was dealing with halfa DNA! Probably the most complicated genetic material in existence. Superboy over here was constructed from actual tangible genetic sources and yet...ugh.
Honestly speaking beings of this plane probably wouldn't have noticed anything wrong. A level down in power scale compared to the individual who acted as genetic donor, most likely that Superman guy, and random instances of destabilization would most likely be the extend of their knowledge regarding their faulty cloning. And when those instances of instability gradually ironed themselves out they probably patted themselves on the back and thought all was well. She should cut them some slack.
Dani hummed as she chewed on her boba pearls. Unfortunately she wasn't known to be the most merciful when it came to ensuring the well-being of clones.
Suckers probably didn't pick up the fact they unleashed a possible catastrophe upon their world. Superboy was obviously fashioned from Kryptonian DNA. A species known for becoming near godlike upon absorbing solar energy from a yellow sun. That means that their bodies have mechanisms at play beyond simple biology. Specifically energy pathways and an energy processing core. Superboy wasn't a level down in power from Superman because of some biological imperfection, he was weaker because of flawed energy absorption and storage. And that meant that his energy core was unbalanced, and once it reached a particular threshold...well its gonna be a spectacular light show this side of the galaxy that's for sure. Of course it was just a possibility. There was no guarantee he would reach that threshold in his lifetime. Unless he ran into a white mage who was vicious enough to cast a juiced up imbalance curse that is. And what do you know! Turns out you can organically be that unlucky!
She put down her cup and ran a simple diagnostics. Sure enough the magic had intensified the issue. This man needed help, the kind of help that wasn't usually available in this part of the omniverse. But she just so happened to pass by and just so happened to have expertise in this field so today was somehow simultaneously Superboy's lucky and unlucky day. He really was going through it.
As to why she would interfere that's easy. She was the Guardian of Cloned Beings after all. She can't have a fellow clone suffer could she? And plus, what were the chances that he would end up like this right in front of one of the only beings that would know how to fix the issue? Dani grinned in glee. Truly the laws of causality worked in intriguing ways.
She stood up and let her talons manifest, plucking the strings of SuperboyConnerKon-el's make and striking them one by one in the tune of an old Krytonian melody. Shame what happened to them really, but all things had their fate. It truly was great to see some of them survive and make a home elsewhere. Dani wished them the best.
As she worked, untangling knots, and straightening out blockages, the hero finally began to stir. His eyes opened and they were understandably unfocused. Disoriented and confused, he looked kinda like a bamboozled Cujo and Dani felt her lips twitch up in a toothy smile. For some reason that seemed to startle him. She mentally frowned. Did he expect her not to smile at him? That would've been rude of her. Dani might be a gremlin but she was never impolite.
"I'm just about done with the curse", she told him. "Leaching out the corrosive magic was easy but I need to repair your energy coils and that's tricky. Don't worry though. Everything's on the house. Always did have a soft spot for the House of El ever since my aunt married into it for a short while."
Dani pulled a particularly stubborn power node open. "I would like your permission before doing that through. Body autonomy, informed decisions and and all! So yes or no? You'd detonate like a bomb if I didn't though."
The young hero's eyes widened. He still didn't seem to know what was going on so she hit him with a short term clarity spell. And a small information spell to cover her bases. That got him to gather his wits enough and she watched as he processed the influx of information. His complexion was ashen when he got through the bundle and he finally managed a shaky nod. Good enough.
Dani smiled at the Kryptonian. "Great! Now this would take like twenty minutes give or take five. You can sleep now." She promptly knocked him out cold and cancelled the spells so as to not overload his brain.
And just as she predicted, twenty minutes later, she plucked the last string with a flick of her wrist and surveyed her handiwork. Exemplary if she said so herself. One of her best work! Cheerfully she shot an awakening spell at Kon-el and crouched down again, patting his head.
"You might need to be careful for a few days while your body adjusts to its new energy capacity and conductivity. Your overall system has been optimized as well so be careful", she told the groggy young man.
She paused. "And don't worry. I didn't access your mind. This was all strictly physical repair aimed at preventing you from exploding like a supernova and taking the planet with you."
And once again that part made his eyes widen. Good. He truly understood the urgency. Or that could just be him being loopy after solar energy overload. It was a bright, sunny day after all.
She stood up, creating a portal to the next world on her itinerary. She looked back at the most likely high as a kite Kryptonian. "You kinda owe me for all that extra work hero! I might just come to collect one of these days!", she joked as the portal swallowed her body and she was lost to the spaces between spaces.
She'd already told him it was all on the house so Dani didn't think that anyone would take that last part seriously. However she forgot the fact that one Conner Kent was in her own words 'high as a kite' and hence might miss some crucial details.
She also forgot to leave behind an explanation packet.
And thus she was utterly unaware of the chaos she left in her wake, happily traveling through the multiverse.
"So you're telling me that not only did someone find me when I was out cold and get rid of the spell, but they also rearranged my guts and gave me an upgrade?"
"What the fuck?"
"Conner, do you remember anything? Anything at all? Whatever they did required some serious magical power. We don't know why they did it or how. For all we know they could've done something dangerous that we can't detect yet."
"Litchi boba tea".
"Kon what the hell?"
"...Its in bits and pieces...but I'm pretty sure there was a woman?...white hair, green eyes...something something on the house...something about an aunt and the House of El?...and there was this strange white symbol on her chest and this really soft music was playing that went something like this...(confused humming noises)...and something about me owing her?"
"Kara? Why are you looking at me like that? What's wrong?"
"Let me get this straight, Superboy was healed by the Kryptonian primordial goddess of portals, messengers, travelers and other such domains, and not only did she save him but also gave him a tune up? And explicitly said that he owes her now? And this powerful divine being, who is also supposed to be the daughter of Krypton's Death God according to legends mind you, is most likely still on earth with motives unknown? Plus your entire House is descended from her family?"
"...Yeah that about sums it up."
"Oh man why did this happen just when I was going to go on vacation? Why couldn't the Death God or whatever reschedule?"
"Death gods notoriously don't reschedule, they're death gods. Also she's the daughter of a death god, not one herself. Most death gods are also famously fair. If not fair by our standards, fair by theirs".
"...That's good to know?"
"I confess I don't know about the fairness of children of death gods however".
"...great. Thanks anyway J'onn".
"You're welcome".
"You okay there man? Someone just rifled through your body and did who knows what...that's gotta be terrifying. You want to talk? We're all here for you, you know that right?"
" Thanks guys. And yeah it was freaky. But apparently I would've exploded and blown up the planet with me if she didn't do that so I guess I'm more grateful than scared."
"...Explode and blown up the what now?"
"Is there anything more we should know about Clark?"
"Legends say she has a brother and he's associated with great calamities?"
"Bruce? You alright?"
DPXDC refuses to be done with me. Leave me be accursed crossover! Leave me be!
(Btw Kon didn't make the connection because he was really out of it, and not because Clark and Kara didn't introduce him to Kryptonian culture.)
Thoughts and suggestions are welcome!
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inoreuct · 8 months
inspired by me talking to reg after work and thinking about sanji fighting after a full shift at the baratie and then saying he must have heels of steel. lesgo.
zoro’s a police officer because of course he is. his lifestyle’s insanely militaristic and according to luffy, insanely mundane; he goes to bed at eight every night and has been wearing the same three white t-shirts for the past ten years. don’t even start about his socks— most of them are more hole than fabric. he has more emotional attachment to those things that a ballerina to her toe pads.
he has a pretty high position in the police force and his underlings are constantly trying to get him out to dinner or the bar, and he always says NO. he has to hit the gym. or go for a run. or go to kendo practice. that 1st dan rank of his doesn’t maintain itself.
anyway something big goes down that has the whole department up in a frenzy and zoro’s put in charge of it; he’s fully ready to take on the case and the investigations. chasing down crooks and pulling corrupt happenings into the light is his specialty. he gets the job done because he never changes his methods and he works just fine alone.
enter stage right: blackleg sanji.
blond. brilliant. beautiful. he’s a disarming smile and luscious golden hair wrapped up in a pretty silvery bow before you realise he could actually. like. strangle you with the ribbon. he could literally break more than half the bones in your body without breaking a sweat and then meet his friends for dinner after.
he got his namesake from the parts of him that aren’t quite human; everything below mid-thigh is reinforced carbon-fibre, sleek and dark gray. his veins are wires, his muscles pistons— there are knives hidden in his heels and there’s a gun in his right kneecap with a flamethrower in the other. he’s proficient in muay thai, savate, and kickboxing. he’s a badass. end of story.
judge, his biological father, is a high-ranking government official/scientist in charge of a military project called GERMA66. he mechanically engineered his children into the perfect supersoldiers by quite literally brainwashing and rebuilding them. think bucky barnes in the winter soldier, but more fucked up because these are his KIDS.
in any case. sora makes fucking sure that she plays a big enough part in sanji’s upbringing that he fights the mental conditioning and manages to get away before judge does everything he had planned. zeff takes him in, raises this snot-nosed little kid in the back of his restaurant for eleven years, and every part of sanji that counts takes after zeff and his mother.
(zeff’s also friends with garp, who happens to be luffy’s grandfather, and luffy happens to be zoro’s best friend and routine patrol buddy. small world.)
judge managed to make it so the mechanical enhancements would grow with the kids, so sanji doesn’t really need any adjustments. that doesn’t mean he didn’t get a little squeaky here and there, though, and zeff’s touch-ups with engine oil in the middle of the night can really only help so much.
and then he meets usopp, and then franky. they’re mechanics (technically) and mad geniuses (definitely) and they fix him right up. usopp’s the one who makes sure all his fuel and stuff is chemically optimal, and franky reinforces his hip with titanium to help his body withstand the sheer torque of his kicks. the grandma jokes are ENDLESS.
in any case, judge finds him. yeah. and sanji gets assigned to (read: forced to help) zoro and the mutual dislike/disdain/animosity is IMMEDIATE.
zoro thinks sanji’s a contrary asshole who starts fights for the sake of fighting. sanji thinks zoro’s just another law enforcer prick in cahoots with judge. they go on their first stakeout and almost get busted because they can’t stop biting and snipping at each other, but zoro gets grazed by a bullet in a shootout and that night they both sit a little quieter than they’re used to.
their bond forms slowly. they resist it at first but it’s just so easy to fall into step with one another, taking turns with offence and defence, trusting the other to fill whatever gaps in their attacks one of them alone can’t handle. they don’t bicker to intentionally hurt anymore— it’s more quips and harmless snark than anything. sanji cooks for the both of them and makes sure they don’t get malnourished while they’re off chasing baddies, and zoro helps him realign all the finicky little parts in his legs that aren’t big enough of a problem to warrant paying franky a visit. they’re good together, and it’s comfortable. they’re comfortable.
and then they realise that there’s something much bigger going on.
zoro’s feeling more and more uneasy as they unspool the thread of lies and motives because it’s starting to feel like the people they catch and bring in are being… targeted. like someone wants them out of the way.
he brings it up to sanji and the blond freezes. brushes it off like he hadn’t since the beginning and goes right on to talking about the next suspect on their list. a tiny voice at the back of zoro’s head tells him that something’s not right, but he brushes it aside for the time being and focuses on planning with sanji.
the feeling gets worse.
it all blows up one night when they’re having dinner in sanji’s apartment, and zoro’s staring at the plate of spinach pesto linguine in front of him with his fist clenched around his fork.
“what?” sanji laughs, scrubbing at the frying pan in the sink. “looking a bit too much like your hair?”
zoro swallows. “what’s going on?”
the air thickens, and zoro’s breath is shallow as sanji turns around. “what do you mean?”
“you know what i mean.” the blond’s been bitter lately, too much like how he’d been when they'd first met. it brings out something fiercely protective in zoro, underneath that initial glaze of anger, because he knows sanji well enough at this point to know when the other man’s being avoidant and not just secretive. sanji’s afraid of something and he’s running from it. there’s resentment in the way his spine curls, and it’s sour on zoro’s tongue because he knows it’s most likely directed at sanji himself.
sanji’s throat bobs as he turns away again, turning the tap on, but zoro doesn’t let up. “they’re innocent,” he continues, voice low. “they’re innocent and you know it. these people are being framed—”
“we don’t know that,” sanji interrupts.
“—we know,” zoro says fiercely. “you know it, curls, so what are you getting up to?”
the other man stays turned away, washing and drying calmly. the gears in his legs whirr as he shifts his weight.
“sanji.” zoro stands up and rounds the island, fingertips dragging over the countertop. “you know these people aren’t doing anything wrong and you’re still taking them in. tell me what’s going on.”
sanji takes a measured breath and tilts his head, before pushing out a short, “can’t.”
zoro can feel himself getting angry. it’s heat at the base of his skull, the back of his neck, the itch to grab his partner (they’re partners, now. what a thought.) by the shoulders and shake until he comes to his senses. sanji is kind. if zoro is sure of anything at all he’s sure of that. sanji is kind and he will fight to the fucking death to make sure justice is served with fairness, and this is how zoro knows that something is wrong.
(part 2)
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gunnrblze · 2 months
What jobs do you think the ghosts would have if they retired/ never enlisted? Including rorke plz 🙏
Ooh this is a thinker
Hesh- I definitely see him joining the military in some fashion regardless, but when he retired, I’d imagine he’d need some kind of hands on job to keep him busy. Blue collar type like construction or mechanic. I think not being physically busy would eat at him, so if not that, some kind of dog/K-9 trainer
Logan- if he hadn’t joined the military (which i definitely think he also would’ve regardless, following Hesh and Elias’ footsteps and all), I could see him doing some kind of forestry job, or being a firefighter lol. Something laborious and physical like that whether it’s from the get go or post service.
Elias- also cannot see him not being military lol, and he strikes me as the type to retire but not really retire. Talks about it for years, never does. Will carry out his service until the government tells him to gtfo. After that I think he’d actually retire and just live the rest of his life. It’d eat at him that he can’t work anymore, but I can’t see him doing anything else after his career, EXCEPT being very physically active. Could probably not sit still for too long lol
Merrick- another one that I can’t see not having enlisted, considering his father&grandfather were both big military career men. So I think similar to Hesh, he’d retire and need some kind of physical job to busy himself. Another blue collar guy, truck driver/carpenter/etc. OR he’d do some kind of private security contracting work in either scenario. He’d remain a ghost, just in a different way.
Keegan- whether he never enlisted in the first place, or did so after retiring, I also see him doing some kind of blue collar working job. Welder/mechanic/factory work is the vibe I get. OR, since I hc that he’s either a little southern/midwestern, I could see him being a rancher/farmhand (cowboy Keegan, yum)
Kick- since it’s implied he’s a tech specialist in the ghosts, and I hc that technology has been a big part of his life, I can see him going down that road either pre or post military service. Some kind of programmer/engineer/IT specialist/cybersecurity dude. Possibly would open his own tech business doing something along those lines
Rorke- I think if he’d never enlisted, he’d either be a police/security/correctional officer type dude, possibly on a big scale like FBI/CIA territory tbh. OR lol like a lot of these mfs, he’d be a blue collar worker, painting houses or some shit. However, after retiring from working with the Federation, I think he’d actually just retire and live the rest of his life somewhere in South America (most likely hiding from any remaining Ghosts🫣)
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inamindfarfaraway · 12 days
Hnnng dehumanisation in Spies are Forever. Curt's not a man, he's "property of the United States government". Tatiana wasn't a child, she was an “instrument of war”, a “killing machine". It’s particularly poignant that Barb calls Curt property of their government, a cog in the machine, because she knows that she’s in the same boat, and in fact socially inferior to him as both a woman and a support worker to his more prestigious career. She herself has always seen and valued him as a person and is constantly trying to make him reciprocate. But he initially views her as just a cool gadget dispenser. Technology appears to be her only means of asserting her worth and earning people’s attention, which might be why she’s working on a global information network, essentially the internet - the ultimate technological platform for human connection and collaboration. Cynthia is so committed to overcoming her human vulnerability in order to be the best tool her country could possibly ask for that she poisons herself every day to build up an immunity. One of the villains is a literal Nazi who uses a literal puppet. And the other is Owen.
Owen's evil vision is "turning everyone into a spy", aka property. Instruments for him to conduct. Creating a global surveillance network, because the internet has as much power to distance and isolate people as to unite them. The machine failed him when he was a cog in it, so he aims to replace it with a more efficient one and control it this time; he cannot comprehend any ethical improvement to or dismantling of the machine itself. His problem with spies is that they contaminate the ruthless political mechanisms with messy, fallible humanity... and vice versa. Agent Mega messed up the mission because he was human; Curt left his boyfriend for dead because he was a spy. You can’t be both. Person or tool. So Owen chooses the one that can’t be hurt. He willingly becomes a tool of CHIMERA, a living weapon. He kills and tortures hundreds of people, considers himself an actor in a story and others expendable characters, does everything he can to detach himself from ideas of personhood. “Who needs spies when a box in a room can do your job in seconds?" Humanity is worthless. Obsolete.
Except no, it isn't. Curt and his allies proves it. After the prologue, Curt simultaneously makes Owen’s mistake of binary thinking. First he wants to be purely a man, and an absolute wreck of one; then he wants to be purely the greatest spy ever, no sentimental weaknesses. But he can’t maintain that divide. He has to be both. The team win with their skills, training and expertise and by being human - social, irrational animals, working together, loving each for the sake of it, acting spontaneously. They aren’t tools that Owen can perfectly predict and manipulate. Curt surprises him. And Owen, for all his icy calculations and grand talk, cannot escape his humanity any more than he can destroy Curt’s, as his last scene makes painfully clear. He lowers his gun like a person. His voice breaks like one. He bleeds like one. Meanwhile, Barb is a genius engineer and Tatiana is a master assassin. You’d think that their climactic moment of triumph would demonstrate Barb’s amazing technology or Tatiana’s combat skills, but instead the focus is on them simply talking to each other and even Mrs Mega. Human connection and collaboration. Human error that doesn’t negate their victory. “You can break a computer box, but you can’t break the will of a man.” That’s what Curt is. Not property. A man. He is a gay, unemployed man; Barb is a woman in STEM; Tatiana is a female ex-KGB Russian immigrant; all in the United States of America in the 1960s, a very bad time and place to be all of those things. Yet they will survive. They are not alone and they will endure. Spies are forever because they are people.
And the narrative consistently emphasises that everybody is a person! It mocks the Nazis, obviously, but even then Baron von Nazi isn’t a one-dimensional monster, he has emotions and cognitive biases and a backstory and fondness for cheeseburgers. Sergio isn’t just an interchangeable criminal, he’s a devoted family man awkwardly trying to lighten his work atmosphere. Richard Big isn’t just a crass parody, he has moral principles. We hear all kind of characters’ thoughts and feelings: the Informant, Barb’s fellow scientists, the waiter at the casino, the guests at the gala. This affirmation that everyone has a inner life means that yes, anyone can be a spy.
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marquezian · 7 months
‘Some PRs won’t be happy until MotoGP is just a corporate event, stripped of its beauty and soul’
(OP Note: Mat Oxley has a new article out about his battle with KTM's PR but its behind a paywall so I grabbed it since it's a great read! here's the original link)
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The MotoGP paddock can be a battlefield between PRs and journalists, who have opposing goals. Once again Mat Oxley has a MotoGP PR machine coming after him and this time the fallout is gloriously entertaining
A couple of years ago I had a disagreement with the PR people from a MotoGP team who tried to stop me doing my job.
I wrote a blog about it. Because a journalist’s only power comes from his or her laptop. If we don’t tell these people to back off, pretty soon there’ll be no point in journalists attending races, so you’ll all just have to enjoy the PR releases instead.
Also, these stories offer fans an interesting insight into the weird and occasionally wonderful dynamics of a journalist’s life in the paddock.
Even better, this latest story is hilarious in its craziness. The team’s PR machine started out complaining that I hadn’t used a certain word in my story (even though I had), while banning their engineers from using that word.
Freaking weird.
It seems like PRs like these won’t be happy until MotoGP is no more than a soulless corporate marketing event, stripped of all its joy and beauty, existing purely to sell you stuff, with a bit of motorbike racing on the side. Just like Formula 1.
Most MotoGP PRs do a great job. They arrange interviews and generally help us to write about MotoGP. Back when I started, in the late 1980s, the only way to talk to a rider was to go knocking on his motorhome door. Or his tent.
Now some PRs behave like we’re there to help them do their job (flog product), rather than the other way around. If any PRs are in doubt about this, the clue is in their job title: PR, for press/public relations.
I still love MotoGP for the racing and technology, and I enjoy talking to the world’s greatest riders and engineers, but the layers of PR bullshit grow thicker and stickier each season.
Clashes between journalists and PRs are inevitable, because they have contradicting objectives. Journos want to dig into what’s going on, while a PR’s job is to protect the brand. Truth isn’t their number-one priority.
Like George Orwell wrote, “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations”.
The world’s first PR person was American Edward Bernays, who during World War I was hired by the US government to sell the idea of the country entering the war, when most Americans weren’t keen. He was so successful that he set up the world’s first PR agency after the war.
Among his numerous corporate gigs, Bernays was employed by the US tobacco industry to get women smoking, because at that time few women smoked. He consulted a Freudian psychoanalyst and promoted cigarettes to women as ‘torches of freedom’. This campaign was another big success.
Bernays’ work spawned a global PR industry that now works in every sphere of human endeavour.
Press relations – as Bernays proved – is a psychological game: you tell journalists selective truths, giving them information you want them to have, while hiding information you don’t want them to have. You cultivate friendships with journalists, because if they like you, they just may be nicer to your brand. And you stay friends, even if you hate their guts, because that’s a game.
Also useful is the possession of a vague idea of how journalism works. That’s why some of the best PRs are former journalists, who swapped sides to make more money. “Journalism is more fun,” one journo-turned-PR told me. “But PR is much more lucrative.”
The Red Bull KTM team is one of MotoGP’s best – hugely dedicated, massively hardworking and well looked after by its management. It enjoys possibly the best morale of any factory team. There’s always a buzz in the KTM garage – the mechanics really enjoy what they do and usually give a friendly nod when you walk down pit lane.
Its riders Brad Binder and Jack Miller are great to talk to and its engineers are generous with their time when you want a quick chat behind the garages. And I’ve had some great interviews with motor sport director Pit Beirer, engine designer Kurt Trieb, technical director Sebastian Risse, crew chief Paul Trevathan and others.
I last interviewed Risse (whose nickname in the team, which includes several Sebastians, is Clever Seb) during last November’s Malaysian GP.
The full interview was published on this site a while back, running to more than 2200 words. The print magazines I work for – in Europe, the USA, Australia and Japan – are more restricted on space, so I had just 500 words to cover each manufacturer, including rider and engineer quotes.
If an editor says he or she wants 500 words, you write 500 words, not 499 or 501. Magazine writing has to be tight, with quotes edited for clarity and brevity. I’ve been doing this for more than forty years, so I think I have the general idea.
PRs who try to control me by telling me what to write is like me walking into the KTM garage and telling the mechanics how to tighten the RC16’s brake bolts. I’d rightly get a slap.
And yet a KTM PR thought it a good idea to tell me how to do my job. This PR accused me of making “misquotations” in my magazine story and asked me to contact my editors, so they could make “the necessary corrections to reflect what was said accurately”.
At first, I thought it was a joke because I still have the tapes and transcripts of the interviews.
But I take the attack seriously. KTM asked these magazines to correct my text. I have no contracts with any of the magazines that publish my stuff, so I’m only ever as good as my last story. And why would an editor want to employ a journo who changes quotes to alter their meaning? Because that’s a serious crime in this job.
The attack seemed especially perverse because my story was very complimentary about KTM’s MotoGP project – “It’s a fantastic motorcycle to ride,” said Miller
To make sure I wasn’t being wrongheaded, I forwarded KTM’s email to two renowned MotoGP journalists, who between them have covered the championship for eighty years.
“I can’t understand what the complaints are about,” wrote Michael Scott, the doyen of MotoGP journalists, who started covering GPs in the early 1980s. “It is a journalist’s job to edit comments for brevity and comprehensibility. However, if someone is going to nitpick about exact wording, you either have to adopt the approach of [a former MotoGP journalist] and publish every ‘um’ and ‘er’ and every half-finished sentence and end up with overlong garble, or report in indirect speech, to preserve clarity and ensure brevity. They are nitpicking because they are nits.”
Sounds like a carpet stroller trying justify their existence,” wrote my other colleague, who covered his first GP around the same time. “It’s astounding, just mindless nitpicking. The really baffling thing is that the context of your story is 500 words of positivity about how KTM are tech trendsetters!”
I would’ve published the rest of this email, but it was way too rude.
I even contacted Britain’s National Union of Journalists to ask its opinion. “I can’t see anything that changed the meaning,” replied an NUJ advisor.
So why is KTM so mad at me?
The first complaint concerned my magazine headline and subsequent discussion about the RC16’s carbon-fibre frame.
(Italics denote their words.)
“We note that in the headline you included ‘CARBON’ whereas in the text itself you’ve removed this and kept it to just ‘frame’.”
A quick read of the story – below – reveals that the word ‘carbon’ did indeed appear within the story. Twice. Whatever they’re smoking is making them paranoid and confused. And a bit sleepy too.
Next, KTM complained about this.
“We are convinced that sooner or later everyone will have carbon frames,” says Risse.
This sentence was edited for clarity from the original, “We are convinced that sooner or later everyone will end up on this”. This was Risse’s answer to my eighth consecutive question about the RC16’s carbon-fibre frame, so there was no doubt that “this” referred to carbon frames, so the meaning hasn’t been changed.
Their last complaint concerned this Miller quote…
“We’ve been able to find more grip with the carbon-fibre frame, so the thing I’ve been working on is understanding the front end to carry more corner speed.”
This quote was subbed for clarity and brevity, from 49 words to 28. Cutting text is a major part of a journalist’s job – in fact it often takes longer to edit a story down to the required word count than to write the first draft.
This was Miller’s full quote…
“We’ve been able to find quite a bit more grip with the new chassis, so that’s the biggest thing we were trying to chase and we’ve got some steps coming to keep improving that and trying to understand the front end a bit more, to carry some corner speed.”
Again, both quotes say the same thing: the new frame gives more grip, but we need to find more corner speed.
What the PRs would’ve liked me to write was something like this, to signal each of my edits to the reader…
Risse, “We are convinced that sooner or later everyone will end up on [have] this [carbon-fibre frame technology]”.
Miller, “We’ve been able to find [quite a bit] more grip with the new [carbon-fibre] chassis [sic, the swingarm was already carbon-fibre], so [that’s the biggest thing we were trying to chase and we’ve got some steps coming to keep improving that] and [Ed: what he’s been working on is] trying to understand the front end a bit more, to carry some corner speed.”
There’s a reason you never read quotes like this: because they’re ugly to read, they make the speaker sound ridiculous and they use twice the space, so the story would contain half the information.
This is why I don’t like PR people telling me how to be a journalist.
As already noted, the story praised KTM’s valiant attempts to beat Ducati. Perhaps its PR geniuses would’ve been happier if I’d more accurately reflected KTM’s recent efforts in MotoGP and written this instead…
Despite massive investment from KTM and Red Bull, working with Red Bull Advanced Technologies (arguably the world’s foremost motor sport aerodynamicists), having one of the best riders on the grid and taking some of the key brains from MotoGP dominators Ducati and Öhlins, KTM is the only manufacturer not to have won a single dry-weather grand prix in almost three years, since June 2021. Even Honda and Suzuki have won more dry GPs in that period.’
During the Sepang tests I had a lively, er, conversation with KTM, in the hope they’d realise their accusations were false. The PR doubled down, so I suggested KTM sues me, so we could go to court and let the experts decide. My offer was declined.
When I got home from Sepang I contacted the magazines that had published the story, because KTM wanted them to make corrections, where possible.
And this is when things got really funny.
The first of my editors that contacted KTM’s PRs told them he had reviewed the transcripts and story and saw no need for any corrections. It provoked this response from KTM’s motor sport PR chief.
“To be clear on this – nobody from KTM clarified that the new chassis was a carbon fibre chassis in 2023 and we were surprised and disappointed to read it as a quote from an official KTM spokesperson.”
So that’s it! KTM engineers weren’t allowed to use the term carbon-fibre to describe the RC16’s new frame, even though everyone was talking about it.
Risse and I spent more than three minutes talking specifically about the carbon frame. He went into some detail describing how it improved the bike but couldn’t actually say carbon-fibre.
How wild is that?!
KTM’s PR wonks had gone wonky – they were in a terminal tank-slapper, triggered by diametrically opposing brainwaves.
What I would’ve given to be sat in that PR/marketing meeting…
“Ladies and gentlemen, our genius MotoGP engineers have designed a genius new frame, so our genius marketing plan is to ban our genius engineers from mentioning their genius creation to anyone. Even though everyone already knows about it.”
“Dude, you’re a marketing genius!”
High-fives all round.
I assume that following this great meeting of the minds the KTM PR team gave KTM’s actual chief MotoGP engineer a bollocking for not telling me that the carbon-fibre frame didn’t exist.
Talk about the tail trying to wag the dog.
And now the crowning glory to this comedy wild-goose chase.
A few weeks after my chat with Risse, another journalist interviewed Risse and he did say the word that should not be said. (I wonder if the crack PRs returned to the office of their actual chief engineer to give him another bollocking.)
So, the PR boss was being economical with the truth when he told me that, “nobody from KTM clarified that the new chassis was a carbon fibre chassis in 2023”.
These people have their knickers in such a twist that I wonder how they get out of bed in the morning.
One last thought: a PR’s job isn’t only to establish good relations with journalists, it’s their job to promote MotoGP to a wider audience.
Considering that motorcycle racing is currently the world’s 30th most popular sport (after horse dressage!), I believe these PRs would be better spending their time trying to grow the sport – by getting stories in mainstream magazines and so on – instead of chasing after journalists for petty nothings.
Finally, I’d like to wish Red Bull KTM all the best for the 2024 season. They’re a great bunch of people (mostly) and I’d love to see them winning GPs again.
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cedar-sunshine · 4 months
soft intro for a new project!
As it says SOFT intro. all of this stuff is subject to change, I'd LOVE ur opinion on it!
No name for it currently, but it's about a group of criminals arrested for crimes against the government being sent on an Australia type mission in a sci-fi space setting- around 100 of them, with consent, are sent into a 'sleep' (possibly through the freezing thing but yk whatever. It's futuristic who cares, I'll figure it out later) and set to go on a 150-year-long journey to a superhabitable planet that's being considered for a human colony (it has a breathable atmosphere and a relatively young star). Unfortunately, humanity (along with a couple other species from near us in the galaxy) figures out a faster method of space travel about 20 years after the journey starts, and the Australia type mission is forgotten about. 32 years before their mission should have landed on the colony, something goes wrong with the ship and the AI is forced to make an emergency crash landing on a nearby habitable planet. Only nine (<- in the works) people survive the crash, and those are our main characters!
Its found family/sci fi/survival stuff, I'm very fond of most of the characters and the general aesthetic.
The main characters so far are:
Carbon (he/they)
The leader of an anti-government group that led attacks on infrastructure and weapons storage units, etc. He's the oldest at 32 (younger is safer for the 'sleep' process), mostly human, and kind of ends up as a begrudging father/older brother to all the college-aged kids they decided to put on this mission. He's easily the most responsible in the group due to his old job, but he can be cold and impersonal, or too controlling. He has a prosthetic leg (from just above the knee) and hand, both amputated from diabetes. He doesn't sleep with them on, but he uses them for more intricate things and to maim people with if necessary.
Altar (he/she)
Half human, half squid guy, brightly colored pilot. She murdered a handful of corrupt government officials with help. He has tendrils in place of hair, which are a little thicker than your average air strand, have nerves, and have a bit of motion (not prehensile, but they get tense and sort of hover a little when he's stressed). Adhd as hell, high energy and fun. She doesn't really take much seriously, which can be annoying to work with. Second youngest at 17. They use forearm crutches.
Palace/Lace (any)
Synthetic (robot basically) with their intelligence in a small 'skull' that controls a large mass of tiny metal orbs to act as their body. He can manipulate both shape and color at will, and prefers to have a smooth form with rose, white and gold coloring. Pretty self centered and arrogant, but honest and uplifting. She's definitely sure that she's better at everything than everyone, but that doesn't mean they're not good! Or at least okay, compared to him. Smuggler. I think they're 20.
Olive (they/them)
Human engineer/mechanic who, on earth, would go on tours of government buildings and inspect them for a few days before figuring out how they worked and sending the blueprints to groups which would destroy them. They don't talk much, preferring to think thoroughly, but they often forget that they're supposed to talk after thinking and just start doing things without saying what they're doing. They're autistic and 19, and chronically covered in oil stains.
Lazuli/Laz (she/her)
Half plant person, half human. Mostly made up of different microplants. Photosynthesizes. Diplomat (officially) and hacker (why she got arrested). She can't speak (no vocal cords or mouth, she just needs sun and water) but she can process vibrations into speech. She uses sign language and teaches it to those in the group who don't know so they can communicate with Hermes. Calm, rational, and likes being in control of all situations. She's the youngest in the group at 16 and finds it very hard to admit that she's not ready to take on both surviving on an unknown planet and acting like an adult.
Hermes (he/him)
Transmasc deaf space pirate. Due to some bullshit ableism in the system and a lot of miscommunication and purposeful lack of accurate translation for him, he was put on the mission without consent and is dealing with a lot of grief for the beginning of the story, which affects a lot of people's veiw of him. He's quiet and warm, and prefers to sit in silence without talking and just experience others being around him than engage in conversation. 18.
Halcyon/Halcey (he/him)
Biologist and bioengineer, very excited about plants. He specializes in xenobiology (understanding how newly discovered plants that aren't from earth or other well known and populated plants work) and genetic engineering of plants. He made bioweapons (which is decently clear by now I hope). He's sort of silly, like if a Pokémon professor was 24 and mostly an alien. He's very sweet and just. So hyper about plants and biology.
Civet (she/they)
Half human, half 'ferox' (basically a fossa or civet type humanoid) with more ferox traits. Long term government plant and spy. Hot headed, fun and protective of the younger kids (she's 21). She's fully prepared to become a problem at any provocation and is probably one of the people who starts the most fights in the group. She's very sweet to the kids, though. She's basically their older sister.
Bardiche/Bard (they/any)
Mostly synthetic/mecha person (human base), they've got RAD legs (like if T Rex legs were muscley and agile and also have big cool talon feet) and a prehensile tail with a polearm tip (due to weird nerve stuff with synthetic parts, they can't feel it and need to grab it in their hand to stab people). She also has big forearms with armor plates and some spikes (same with their legs) and claws, plus cool horns. They're very sweet and gentle and really insecure (not abt the synthetic parts he KNOWS he's rad) and they're a former mercenary/assassin (that's why they got the murder mods). They're great and I love them. They're like 7 feet tall or something, their jump height is insane.
lmk if you want to hear more about this!
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ladychandraofthemoone · 2 months
What is Nia's backstory in your headcanon? Has she had some interesting incidents like for example, crashing into the stationmaster's house or accidentally leaving the guard behind?
Hi! Well for starters, Nia is actually narrow gauge in my au (a NGR Class N 4-6-2T 1906/South African NG 4-6-2T 1906)
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Nia was built by and for the Natal Government Railways in 1906, she worked around the KwaZulu-Natal province mainly the Weenen-Estcourt line where she worked for mixed traffic either delivering produce (after all the line was known as the Cabbage Express) then after being sold off to the Moçâmedes Railway in 1915 she ends up globetrotting about in South Africa and neighboring regions like the Cairo to Cape Town line (she was also a participate in ww1 delivering supplies to the locals she had entirely mixed emotions which is why she secretly leaves but ends up in Western Front where she meet Freddie and Stanley)
The trio ended up bouncing around together thanks to Stanley's "jinx" though both familial figures never held any grudge against him and defended him especially during their old railway (not the msr) where they were all mistreated badly, especially Stanley thanks to his "bad luck" the manager who also hailed from South Africa (the Western and Eastern Cape) often used Stanley being mistreated by the other engines as leverage where she and very fierce arguments with until he got rid of her (his uppercommence doesn't come until years later
She came to the Mid-Sodor in the late 1920s where she worked in the mines with Millie, Luke, Bertram and Atlas so when Stanley finally was reunited with her and Freddie in 1938, they're quickly took him under their nonexistent buffers to show them the ropes, when the railway started in decline after ww2, Nia was along soem of the engines who willingly themselves herself to be sold off to keep the railway afloat, wanting Stanley to having a regular working service.
She, Luke, Mighty Mac and Freddie were actually brought together to work at the aluminum works and electric power station companies. Now she tends to work on the either the skarloey's northern end of the line doing shunting at the quarries, being part of the Gleigh Fell Quarry Company, she now works with Luke Freddie and mighty Mac the most occasionally she takes up maintenance alongside atlas rusty and Fred even the weed killer train which she doesn’t mind often taking advantage of being alone with her thoughts and observing her new surroundings
Like She sometimes also helps taking passengers on the narrow gauge express that runs alongside with duke from ulfstead to crovans gate, even to the estate railway and even revisiting the cronk and harwick scenic heritage railway where’s shes reunited with kwaku after discovering he wasn’t scrapped and helps with her recovery of survivors guilt
Fun fact she was the maintenance engine for the skarloey railway until atlas comes in who in turn he and Nia take rusty under their nonexistent buffers, she’s tends to sees all of them (Falcon they bond over their fear of heights, Stuart cause he's cheeky she keeps Andreas on his wheels when he gets too big-headed), as brothers/siblings/familial, Luke and Stanley are her kids. She's a polygot and is one of the engines who helped Ivo Hugh learn to "speak" with whistles/morse code though she does have to tendency to put her work first before her own needs and health like if she's working with someone who's is giving her a difficult time or a mechanical issue she tries to complete the job first (having participated in a war totally doesn't help at all)
Nia often sings when she works to help her concentrate. She’s pretty popular with the coaches and passengers because of it. Unlike Duke's relationships, she and Stanley tease each other and push each others buttons, but it’s all in good fun. And when push comes to shove, they’ll always have each other’s backs. The other engines assume that Stanley or Freddie is Nia’s best friend, and while she does think he’s a good friend, he’s not her best friend. That honor goes to Millie, having also been part of a war but they got along swell the moment they met at the mines on the MSR, Nia offers to take passengers or anything to visit Millie at the Ulfstead Castle and keeps her updated on everything, from gossiping to a quick chat.
When they first met Duncan and Nia 100% teach each other swears. Why, imagine the thin controller’s (sir Handel Hans brown) surprise when he overheard Nia calling a particularly rude passenger a… well I don't think it’s best to know. And to be fair it was well deserved after the passenger called Luke and Stanley names and drove Luke to tears (bonus: Stanley joins in) She also expressed disappointment and tried to help both sides with strict tough yet understanding love over the remaining MSR engines treatment of Duncan when Andreas scarified himself and ended up in a coma
Some interesting incidents included her nearly falling off the tracks which was off the cliff during her wartime years, hence her fear of heights (she and Falcon bond over that), searching in the crystal caverns alongside some of the narrow and standard gauge engines Nia also has a flower garden and greenhouse I’m still figuring out where I’m thinking at Cros-by-curin by or inside the apple orchard but somewhere alongside the skarloey railway and she loves completing puzzles during game nights (she's up to a 1000 pieces right now) her and Stanley info dumping about creepy animals (she wants to see Duke squirm as she’ll clap back without hesitation for her loved ones or she and Stuart quiz each other with numbers equations or stargazing with kwaku and her friends
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mariacallous · 3 months
Western governments’ rapidly growing defense spending sounds like a straightforward equation: More spending equals more weapons. But skilled weapons workers are in short supply, especially explosives experts, and without a sufficiently big bang behind them, even the most sophisticated weaponry is pointless. But blowing things up is not learned in a quick crash course. We need more explosives professors.
NATO member states’ defense spending is on an extraordinary growth spurt. This year, Poland, for example, is spending 4.1 percent of its GDP on defense, up from 2 percent five years ago. Sweden, too, has doubled its defense spending. Germany, of course, is spending not just its regular defense budget but its special 100 billion euro fund introduced in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. There’s a ton of military equipment being ordered—and not nearly enough people with the skills to make it, producing massive backlogs at defense manufacturers. When it comes to the level of training needed to do a job, think tankers or bankers can’t hold a candle to submarine welders.
Amid the biggest problems: We don’t have enough people who know how to make things go boom. “In Sweden, we used to have a big explosives sector, both civilian and military—for example [explosives manufacturer] Nitro Nobel and [weapons-maker] Bofors,” Bo Janzon said. “People would graduate from university, and the companies would train people themselves, both at the manual worker level and at the academic level. But these days, the company-led explosives training barely exists anymore, nor do university courses in it.”
Janzon knows because he’s an explosives scientist himself. Until he retired in 2007, he spent four decades enhancing and studying explosives of all shapes and sizes at the Swedish Defence Research Agency, a career that included weapons and underwater effects, shaped charges, kinetic energy penetrators, advanced armors, land and underwater mine detection and clearance, humanitarian demining, IED and explosive detection and neutralization, wound ballistics, forensic ballistics, gunshot trauma, fragmentation warheads and effects, penetration mechanics, numerical continuum dynamic modeling, and more.
In the years immediately thereafter, he remained convinced that his field had a future. “I and others launched an explosives engineering course at KTH [the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm] in the 1990s, but it was shelved due to lack of student interest.” In the 1990s, bomb-making was as unfashionable a career choice as could possibly be.
Then Janzon and other explosives gurus retired, and they did so not with a bang but with a whimper. Their skills were just not in demand anymore. In Sweden, the explosives and specialty chemicals empire that dynamite inventor Alfred Nobel had built was merged into foreign firms and faded, both in size and in public awareness. Western nations even outsourced the production of gunpowder to China.
Today, though, explosives expertise is in massive demand again because without that kick behind it all, the sophisticated military equipment being made is impotent. This spring, Ukraine’s ammunition shortage was so acute that soldiers often couldn’t counter Russian attacks. Kyiv’s Western friends are not in a position to resupply it at the same rate that Russia resupplies its troops. The United States and Europe only produce about 1.2 million pieces of ammunition per year, while Russia produces some 3 million, CNN reported in March.
This alarming state of affairs has prompted the Czech Republic to scour the world for existing ammo among non-Western countries that use the same Soviet-model equipment as Ukraine. The goal is to secure 800,000 such artillery shells. That wouldn’t help the West’s ammo production, though, and Ukraine would of course need more rounds even after receiving the 800,000 shells (if they can be procured).
“Today, people’s interest in work in the defense industry has increased significantly, but there is a lack of specialists and engineers in specialized areas, such as explosives development,” said Matthias Wachter, who leads the Department for International Cooperation, Security Policy, Raw Materials, and Space at the Federation of German Industries.
We need more explosives engineers, and that means more explosives professors. To be sure, mining companies still train explosives experts, and a few universities—such as Britain’s military-linked Cranfield—offer master’s degrees in explosives engineering. So, too, do state universities in mining-heavy U.S. states. But even though a few ordnance experts join the labor market each year, and even though some companies have managed to entice retired explosives engineers back to their factories, there aren’t enough members of this rarefied profession to satisfy the needs of the booming defense industry.
The problem will linger for years even if governments act now because explosives expertise can’t be gained on the quick. To even qualify for an academic program that can lead to a job in industry or an academic career, applicants must typically have a degree in civil engineering, chemistry, or physics. A few universities and vocational colleges also run rudimentary courses for technicians. Though the courses themselves are usually relatively short, a year or so, given the nature of explosives they naturally have to be followed by lengthy supervised training in the workplace.
There’s no blasting a shortcut to expertise. “The problem is just that explosives are very dangerous,” Janzon said. “You have to produce extremely high pressure, and the materials involved are enormously destructive. And explosives are also very difficult and very different from anything else. That’s why you need trained people.” Janzon is proud to still be in possession of all 10 of his fingers.
Explosives are no business for amateurs or the faint-hearted. Although it’s a good thing that a few retired explosives engineers here and there are still willing to do a stint in industry, these Cold War remnants won’t be able to single-handedly fill the gaps. Their rare younger colleagues need to train the next generation. That means universities—and most especially technical universities and colleges—need to start offering explosives degrees. Industry is good at providing practical training and product development, but it doesn’t teach the fundamentals, nor does it conduct much basic research.
But seats of higher learning can’t build the curriculum and model the workforce needed on their own. On the contrary, explosives engineering is the sort of specialization that requires government steering. If governments, industry, and academia work together to identify the explosives expertise needed and project the size of the future explosives workforce, we can hope for a sustainable future, explosives-wise.
Until then, our best hope is silver-haired scientists whose expertise was considered passé just a few years ago. But even in Sweden, where the Nobel empire created a veritable cadre of explosives experts, there are few left who are willing and able to return to the field or the lecture pulpit. These days, Janzon is often asked to teach and even to help out in industry. Being well into his 80s, he doesn’t feel he has the energy for it.
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Hi fellow doll, I hope you're doing fine. I've been quite busy lately, college and life in general have been kicking my ass, so I was forced to take a step back from social media for a while to try to contain the chaos.
Firstly, I'd like to share a fun fact with you! I don't know if you're aware but did you know that Lou's Mansion has a Pool? You can see it more clearly in the Mansion's Concept Designs/Art on this site:
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However, the real reason for this ask is to present a possible answer/theory in regards to how the doll-sized phones came to be in the world of your stories (you can tell this is still related to our chat on Wattpad).
Recently, I came across the images you're seeing on Pinterest. They're Wide/Aerial Views of the Institute of Perfection and one thing that immediately stood out to me is that Giant Eye-Catching Dome behind the TV.
I mean what's its purpose, why is it even there to begin with and what's inside of it? I've been thinking about this for a while and would like to hear your thoughts about it as well, if you're willing to share them.
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By any chance, have you seen the movie Wreck-it Ralph? There was a part where the villain enters the code of the game he's in and I think the Dome's purpose could follow a similar, if not equal, vein.
Now that I think about it, Lou and Vanellope's circunstances are almost identical, trapped in the same place for years without the option to leave, simply because of who they are and the traits they were born with, but didn't choose to have.
Sorry, I let my mind run on tangent there for a while, it wanders frequently which makes it hard to keep track of my line of thought.
To circle back to the main topic of discussion, what if the Dome is a Central Station of the Institute, like a Panel or Center for Command Control (or Command Control Center)? CCC for short? Ok, I'll stop trying to be funny...
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Perhaps it could be a subroutine of the factory's software, a program linked to its network and wifi that contains all guidelines and rules that govern the Institute and must be followed and executed to keep it functional - a blueprint if you will - and is in charge of all commands, protocols, activities and operations being compiled and run by its machinery, such as the doll-scanner, the robots, the washing machine, the recycling, the Gauntlet plus the mechanical baby and dog and the Portal, just to name a few.
This means that it'd also take care of overseeing the integrity and performance of said machinery as well as its maintenance. It'd even be responsible for generating clouds and the artificial weather because apparently weather is still a thing, even though the Institute is inside of a factory.
I wonder if this subroutine would be run by an AI or simply an intelligent system/computer program. This world's version of Siri? 🤣
Or maybe I'm greatly exaggerating its function/letting my imagination run wild and it literally only gives Electricity for TV and Institute. Where was I going with this? /were we again?
Morever, it could be a storage unit that contains all collected, analysed and reviewed data regarding the inhabitants of the Institute and their responses, physical or emotional, to certain pre-determined stimuli.
It could also have a list of the factory's Perfection Standards: what consists/constitutes a Perfect Doll / product, its traits...
what can go to the market and which flaws/imperfections can't be ignored/overlooked and have to go to the recycling immediately, kinda like separating fruit/food
To sum up, it's the Institute's "rulebook", but instead of being specifically made for the prototype, it's more expansive and focuses on the Institute as a whole.
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After the events of the movie, dolls with engineer role job created phones with recicled parts dangerous/turned the recycling into a good thing/while recycling was turned of and parts are human sized, plenty to spare and create phone since dolls come back now, have free time to assemble the parts and construct them and connected them to the signals/frequency emitted by the dome or they hack/steal or find out the password/'hijack' the signals🤣, use it to make them connect with each other but can't enter the dome without proper authorizations/permissions
Fun fact #2: Lou animatronic, would be a hipocrite if he called the Uglydolls "Ugly" has never seen a Mirror before
Scroll almost to the middle (pre-planned concepts: dome by TV and washing machine, Big baby, Lou, Mandy, Tuesday and Kitty, Victoria, Perfection Council/of Dolls=board of investors directors reference)
Had to restart Two Times... I hope you found this ask both entertaining and informative. Hopefully it'll give you Inspiration for your stories...
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Okay, I had to do quite a bit of research and asked someone who knows a lot more about computers than I do.
So, I do agree that the dome has an electronic purpose. It really surprises me that STX animated an entire dome within the Institute and literally spoke nothing of it or what's inside of it. Like, seriously, it's huge and can't just be empty on the inside.
My theory, after some research, is that the inside of the dome is essentially a hard drive computer tower. For you younger folk who weren't raised in a 90's home, here's what I'm talking about:
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These things right here used to be what would get hooked up to older Dell/Windows computers. The ones that weighed, like, 50 pounds and took up an entire desk.
Instead of a dvd player (which I didn't get one until maybe 8 years old) I would stick my Kidz Bop cd or movie into that slot at the top and watch the movie on the computer with Video Player.
Count your blessings.
But this is what I believe is inside that dome. These things are what holds the CPU (central processing unit), GPU (graphic processing unit), and stores the memory, data, audio, and everything of the computer.
@natalie-the-writer and I have a running fanon that the company is older. The technology is older, the building is older, and everything is set in a pretty retro time period. So, this hard drive tower is connected to those bulky take-up-all-the-space-on-the-desk-computers.
The GPU in this system is also what control the day/night cycle in the Institute and the weather. It essentially simulates a troposphere and an environment that makes the dolls comfortable and prepared for the Big World.
The CPU is how the data is transferred. Info from the robots is controlled and processed, the Individualization scanners are monitored, the portal is opened and closed, the TV runs, and the holographic tutorials Moxy and her friends see in the beginning are kept on, all of it.
It basically functions as the brain of the Institute, but the sole controller and monitor of it is the CEO (Greyson Everett).
I also like to think that Lou's microchip (another fanon thought between Natalie and I) is also monitored via this hard drive tower. Any information that Lou learns and processes is sent into separate files on the computers back in the company building.
This is why in my Shell-Shock series, when Lou's emotions go south, the Institute begins to get windy when he's hyperventilating or rains when he cries. The ground trembles when he has body tremors and the lights flicker when his powers are used. He is literally connected to the whole Institute because his microchip and its data accidentally grow and manifest themselves into the files of the other Institute functions. His programming basically goes rogue and infects the Institute system like a virus.
I'm veering toward the explanation that results in Lou being the first successful form of Artificial Intelligence. But, for the moment, he is basically acting like a virus and it's not until he learns to control this new system he's connected to that it stops becoming a deadly thing.
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krstseo · 1 month
The Astonishing Scope of Mechanical Engineering in 2024
The Astonishing Scope of Mechanical Engineering in 2024
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Mechanical engineering stands as an essential field in the realm of engineering, celebrated for its broad applicability across numerous industries. In India, this field remains robust, offering a wealth of opportunities for graduates. From crafting cutting-edge automobiles and developing sustainable energy solutions to advancing the field of robotics, mechanical engineers drive technological progress. KRCT graduates are particularly well-prepared to seize these opportunities due to their rigorous education and training.
Understanding Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical engineering is a fundamental branch of engineering focused on the design, production, and maintenance of machinery. Also, it integrates the principles of engineering, physics, and materials science to analyse, design, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems. Further, utilizing mathematical and scientific principles, mechanical engineers create and evaluate devices, engines, and other mechanical structures. In addition, their expertise extends to understanding how these systems interact with forces and environments. Moreover, the field covers a wide range of areas including thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, materials science, robotics, and control systems.
Career Prospects in Mechanical Engineering in India
Indeed, mechanical engineering is one of the most time-honoured and esteemed engineering disciplines in India. It offers abundant opportunities across sectors such as automotive, aerospace, energy, and construction. The Indian government’s significant investment in infrastructure and technology further fuels the demand for skilled mechanical engineers. Also, Graduates with a B.E / B. Tech or M.E / M. Tech in mechanical engineering can look forward to competitive salaries, strong job prospects, and ongoing professional development.
Career Paths and Job Opportunities for KRCT Graduates
For KRCT graduates, mechanical engineering offers a diverse and promising career landscape. Here are some detailed career paths and job opportunities:
Design Engineer
Design engineers use computer-aided design (CAD) software to create and develop new products and systems. They work on the conceptualization, development, and testing of product designs. Opportunities abound in sectors such as automotive, aerospace, consumer electronics, and industrial machinery, with employers like Tata Motors, Mahindra & Mahindra, and HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Limited).
Manufacturing Engineer
Manufacturing engineers focus on designing and implementing production systems, managing production schedules, and ensuring cost-effective manufacturing processes. Roles in this field are available in industries such as automotive, electronics, heavy machinery, and consumer goods, with companies like Bosch, Godrej, and Larsen & Toubro.
Quality Control Engineer
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Quality control engineers ensure that products meet required quality standards through rigorous testing and analysis. Further, they develop quality control processes, conduct inspections, and ensure compliance with industry standards, working in industries like pharmaceuticals, automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing. Employers include Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), Siemens, and Maruti Suzuki.
Maintenance Engineer
Maintenance engineers are tasked with maintaining and repairing mechanical systems and equipment to ensure optimal performance. They plan maintenance schedules, troubleshoot issues, and ensure minimal downtime in industries such as power generation, manufacturing, transportation, and oil and gas. Key employers include Reliance Industries, Indian Oil Corporation, and NTPC Limited.
Research and Development Engineer
Research and development engineers innovate new technologies and products through research and experimentation. They collaborate with scientists and other engineers in industries like technology, pharmaceuticals, automotive, and aerospace, with organizations such as DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation), ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation), and Tata Consultancy Services.
Automotive Engineer
Automotive engineers design and develop vehicles such as cars, trucks, and motorcycles, focusing on engines, aerodynamics, and safety features. Employers in this field include Tata Motors, Ashok Leyland, and Maruti Suzuki.
Aerospace Engineer
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Aerospace engineers work on the design and development of aircraft, spacecraft, and satellites, concentrating on aerodynamics, propulsion systems, and structural design. Industries like HAL, ISRO, Airbus, and Boeing provide career opportunities in this field.
Energy Engineer
Energy engineers specialize in developing renewable energy systems such as wind turbines and solar panels, aiming for efficient and sustainable designs. They find roles in companies like Suzlon Energy, Tata Power Solar, and Adani Green Energy.
Robotics Engineer
Robotics engineers design and build robots for industrial and personal use, developing robotic systems and automation solutions. This field offers opportunities with employers such as ABB, Kuka Robotics, and Tata Robotics.
Biomechanical Engineer
Biomechanical engineers develop medical devices, prosthetics, and implants, blending mechanical engineering with biomedical sciences. Opportunities exist in companies like Stryker, Medtronic, and GE Healthcare.
Materials Engineer
Materials engineers innovate new materials for various applications, including aerospace and medical fields, focusing on materials with specific properties. Employers include Tata Steel, Hindalco, and Jindal Steel & Power.
HVAC Engineer
HVAC engineers design heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, ensuring they are efficient, sustainable, and compliant with regulatory standards. Companies like Voltas, Blue Star, and Johnson Controls offer opportunities in this field.
Average Salary
Salaries for mechanical engineers in India vary based on qualifications and experience. However, Aerospace Engineers typically start at around INR 6 LPA, Maintenance Engineers at INR 2.5 LPA, and Automotive Engineers at INR 4 LPA. Control and Instrumentation Engineers, as well as Mechanical Engineers, generally begin with a salary of about INR 3 LPA. Furthermore, these figures reflect the diverse earning potential within the field.
To Conclude
The future of mechanical engineering in India is bright, with continuous advancements and growing demand for skilled professionals. So, if you are considering pursuing a Mechanical Engineering course, KRCT provides exceptional educa
tion, placement opportunities, and internships to give students a competitive edge in the industry. Thus, with a distinguished faculty and high-quality education, KRCT is the perfect choice for aspiring mechanical engineers.
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praxieserver · 2 years
one interest of kyle's i personally like to dabble in is his long lost interest in compters slash not really 'interest' but general profiency in using computers/coding for someone his age
while i dont remember the exact details didn't he hack past a government imposed block on a forum or something in bigger, longer, and uncut? also didn't he help track down a terrorist attack in 'the snuke'? didn't he also somehow manage to track the exact location of a device in the school just via the fact it's connected to the school's wifi/it's ip address in the lemmiwinks episode? like not just geographical location, the exact floor and room it was in!
point in case kyle should be a cool, neurotic, and eccentric mad roboticist that has probably built a mecha suit that he's stashed away in his early 20s - late 30s and when he eventually retires to start working as a therapist and is practically the honorary IT guy in eli and aubrey's school and sometimes kids/neighbors ask if he can repair stuff for them.
he has degrees in computer science, mechanical engineering, psychology, and is and has been a board certified therapist before he actually started working as one. or something idk im 14 i dont know how college, education after college, and jobs work that well.
but i do know thay Mr. Kyle Broflovski is hot, a therapist in need of a therapist, and made his own robot prosthetic after he lost his left forearm in a freak accident <333
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Galaxy Destoryer ; a WIP (Re)Intro
(New and Improved!)
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Genre and Setting
high sci-fi, space cowboys, outerspace millions of miles away from earth, about 50 years after the earth overheated and became uninhabitable, humans have integrated into the rest of the galaxy/universe for the most part, the repurposed battle cruiser- the FU-BS.
Third person limited, multiple characters
Status and Length
Drafting, less than 1k ; 3 books or a duology, we'll see
Tropes and Themes
Found family but they're a bunch of criminals and fugitives, cyberpunk, found family but they're all dumbasses, androids and cyborgs, space pirates and bounty hunters, spaceships and laser guns, The Mandalorian and Guardians of the Galaxy vibes, a little to no romance, humans are space orcs, a bunch of criminals accidentally adopt a baby, accidental and reluctant heroes, the "we fucking hate each other but a paycheck is a paycheck" to found family pipeline, main characters avoiding the main plot like the plague ; questioning and exploring morality, choosing between two evils, forgiveness and finding people you can trust, a little touch of space politics but it's mostly background noise, the dangers and harm of capitalism in the background but the characters avoid the main plot so it's background noise as well
Warnings and Rating
sci-fi typical violence, some mental health issues and trauma, possible torture and blood, angst galore ; Teen and Up
Main Characters
Corie (she/her)
The bounty hunter cyborg who just wants some peace and quiet, really good pilot
AroAce, mostly Earthling with brown skin and curly blue hair
lost eye, arm and leg due to bounty hunting business
1000% done with this shit and just wants to be left alone
Knox (he/him)
the self proclaimed team leader (no one listens to him), and former PIE mercenary
The token straight that's on thin ice, full Dlakoonian with purple skin and pointed ears
the oldest crewmate and surrogate tired uncle/chaperone who did no ask to supervise these kids and a baby
NOVA (she/her)
the grumpy android with faulty wiring and wanted smuggler
Bisexual, epileptic (due to faulty wiring), silvery chrome skin with blue lights in the cracks between plates
easily pissed off and fite you
Astra (she/her)
the thief and lovable rogue flying by the seat of her pants who is reckless and cocky and smug af, resident comedic relief
Lesbian, full Earthling and black with very short curly hair, plus sized
rivals with NOVA, they are constantly butting heads just kiss already
Pandora (he/she)
the former PIE scientist who has done questionable projects and now sells his work to the highest bidder
Cis Female, Part time Wheelchair user, autistic and adhd (medium masking), tourettic, full Earthling with brown skin and hair, Muslim (coded?) and wears a hijab
scientist and talented bio chemist, sunshine personality
Aries (xey/xem)
the engineer and mechanic, private contractor and former Black Hole
Agender, half Earthling with brown skin and half Alltinian with pointy ears, social anxiety
Really bad at opening up and being vulnerable and communicating xer needs
Hades (he/him)
the baby, a literal infant, adopted by a bunch of criminals
full Froshether with blue skin and horns
telekinesis powers
mischievous little shit
P.I.E. - Peace Intergalactic Expansion. the micromanaging intergalactic republic government. they used to be better, but in the last couple of decades they were slowly taken over by their "all life and everything must be perfect and pristine" science division.
Black Holes - space pirates that are the extreme opposite of PIE. they claim to be the resistance and rebellion against PIE, but they're not much better in the long run, hurting whoever they need to without remorse to get what they want.
A bunch of criminals are hired for a job by PIE, the Peace Intergalactic Expansion of the galaxy. The job is top secret, and all they know is that PIE wants them to retrive some kind of weapon- but if they do follow through, their records will be clean and they'll get a thick paycheck. The rag tag team thrown together for this one job hate each other, but they figure a paycheck is a paycheck and decide to tolerate it for this one job.
But as they continue on their job, the crew starts to think something is off. The Black Holes offer them something huge to bring them the weapon instead, and no one even knows what this weapon actually is. Meanwhile PIE is breathing down their necks, reminding them constantly what will happen if they fail or try to betray the huge organization.
Then they find the weapon, and it seems that maybe no one should have the weapon. And that weapon isn't really a weapon at all.
Extra Stuff
Specifics on Corie's cyborg parts: her right eye, right arm from the elbow down, and her left leg from the knee down are prothstetics. She lost her leg to a job that went sideways, and her eye and arm to pirates attempting to exact their revenge on her.
^^^ The arm does have a laser gun attachment and her eye does have a little interface with aiming and targeting
NOVA's model was originally going to be a new line of military androids for PIE, but Nova- the first prototype of her line- failed all her diagnostic tests and they had her scrapped and abandoned the project
The ship they use and fly around in is an old military battle cruiser- called the Fifty-five Utility Battle Starcruiser, or the FU-BS. (I'm think i'm hilarious)
Hades's powers are mainly telekenisis, but he will straight up catch on fire or freeze everything within five feet of him if he's angry and throws a big enough tantrum
Astra and Nova have a rivals to lovers romance that's mainly in the background and for comedy purposes
Pandora and Aries have a kind of cute and fluffy friends-to-lovers romance happening in the background too
Dlakoonians and Alltinians are two alien specis in my worldbuilding that I'm currently working on developing
I took a ton of inspiration for this WIP from the Mandalorian and Guardians of the Galaxy. PIE is based on the Xandarians in GotG and The Black Holes are based on the Ravagers. The plot is inspired by the first two seasons of the Mandalorian (with my own fun additions and twists of course!)
Knox used to be named Lannie but that name was too close to a character from another WIP so I changed it
Memes for your viewing pleasure:
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GD Taglist: @fiercely-raging-writer @aesa @thatprolificauthor @writeouswriter @rose-bookblood (send me a message to be +/- from the taglist <;3)
General Taglist: @enchanted-lightning-aes @thatprolificauthor @wip-nook @writeblrsupport @outpost51 @dustylovelyrun (send me a message to be +/- from the taglist <;3)
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justdaniel-eh · 2 months
I wanna ramble so it's time to talk about
Pre-warning: this post is gonna be a LOT cos I don't think I've talked AnoVerse lore much publically. I will do a public AnoVerse lore breakdown at some point. Or at least what I'm fine with revealing.
Also, I really hate how there's no yellow text honestly I cannot keep sufficing for orange, that's not Minister's colour that's Danny's 😭
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Gonna be so real guys help I have no idea how to put his little patchy beard into the smaller format god send help (in short, the sprite is still not done)
Minister is our teams unofficial leader, not just by being the oldest (in his late 20's roughly), but also because he's by technicality the one who really started it all. Though, in the end of the day, the 4 of them have never even discussed the idea of a team name let alone roles or positions haha. Minister himself is a massive nerd engineering, mechanics, and science. He spends a lot of time locked down in the basement, tinkering away at little inventions, but ends up needing to go out and about now and then anyway.
His most beloved creation is Myr (seen to the left of Minister in the sprites above), his handy assistant robot. She follows her creator most days - the two only splitting if Minister is needed in two places at once, or if Minister needs an extra pair of eyes on the house. He would probably go crazy if she were to ever break or get damaged.
Minister's story though is also our beginning to AnoVerse. Appearing out of literally no where in Faremont roughly a decade ago, he began making a name for himself, fixing and creating devices for the townsfolk. The money he saved from these jobs allowed him to save to begin building his own house on the outskirts, sick of the noise the city brought, and also just wishing to be more isolated and alone.
Then one night in late Winter, there was a knock at his door. A poor kid stuck out in the cold and snow, needing a shelter to stay in. Minister really wasn't one for unexpected visitors, but alas he couldn't leave a child to freeze in the snow - and thus, Deejay began staying at Minister's house.
The two eventually formed a bond. Deejay got Minister to become a tiny bit more open and less isolated, even if it was with him. Minister gave Deejay a place to call home. Generally though, that's all you need to know for now.
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Above: Minister in his early 20's, shortly after Deejay appeared into his life, and before being fired from his job at the time.
Anyway, here's a list of Minister's relationships with other characters
I am about to name drop a ton of characters I haven't quite mentioned before be ready LMAO
As previously mentioned, Minister provided Deejay a home. Between the other 3, Minister has the closest relationship with Deejay. Someone he can confide in and rely on when he needs to.
Minister's relationship with Another is... rocky. You'd imagine Minister to be closer with one of his creations, much like Myr. But something about the way Minister looks at Another, you can see hints of... disappointment? It's odd and not something Minister wishes to open up about. The two generally tend to never speak 1 on 1 unless absolutely necessary.
Minister doesn't know much about Danny... just that he kinda barged into the house one day, made himself at home, and Deejay convinced him to let him stay. Though, he feels the less he knows the better.
Minister and Grant Evco (AnoVerse's main villain/the head of Escenic for those who do not know) have a complicated history. One that kind of stays in the past... but it really impacts how much they seriously dislike each other now. Though, for what it's worth, they still have enough respect to not destroy each others reputation.
The final major person in Minister's life is Samantha Heel - the head of defensive operations for Faremont City. The two end up working together a lot due to the amount of times the government commissions work off of Minister, but have had history before even then as they have both worked in the same company on a couple occassions in the past decade. And though Minister will never confirm anything... They might be sneaking off together now and then. She's definitely the person he's closest to, maybe barely just above Deejay.
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Above: my favourite piece of Minister and Deejay. A remastered piece, originally from a comic. All done by @/evilredyoshis. I cannot stress how much art she's done for my projects in previous years, as usual go drop her a follow or show her posts some support.
This. Is a really long post. For something that I probably need to give LOTS AND LOTS MORE context and world building around before anyone even touches this.
Anyway that's all goodnight hehe :))
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theredmark-dev · 2 months
Survivesmith: A Roguelite, Bullet-Heaven game with crafting mechanics
The Lore
Survivesmith is a 2D, vampire-survivors-like game with some new mechanics. You, the player, are on a quest to collect a rare resource. This resource is lost in time and the main protagonist is a skilled engineer/scientist who travels back in time to collect an endangered resource. Having barely escaped from an oppressive government, the survivor has to collect different resources in order to craft better gear, find enough of the rare resource, and travel back to his timeline.
The Gameplay
You are playing as the lone survivor whose sole mission is to gather a rare resource. In this top-down 2D shooter, you are constantly getting raided by robot hunters sent by an evil government in the future, from your original timeline. These hunters are stuck in a time loop, making them spawn infinitely after you.
To fight these baddies, you are provided with a primary and a secondary weapon. But that is not all! With your expertise in engineering and scientific study, you are able to craft futuristic weaponry with the bare minimum resources found in the early ages where humans didn't even exist.
Collect resources, travel to different biomes, and survive your way through infinite hordes of robots (and other enemies) while making sure you get enough of the rare resource you came after, before making your way back to the future!
The Background
"Survivesmith" was initially developed with the intention of further improving my skills as a game developer and showcasing them to the public as a means of landing a permanent game development job. The game wasn't supposed to take too long to make but the plans have changed, and I'm hoping to make a living out of making games on my own (with the help of my girlfriend).
Because of the change of scope, this game is now aimed to be released on Steam and will have a longer gameplay time, more polished graphics, animations, sounds, etc. than previously intended. This is unexplored territory for me, and I will need all the help I can get to succeed.
Alpha Release
The game will be released on itch.io by the 15th of June, 2024 as an alpha release and I hope to get all the feedback possible from you to make a better and more enjoyable game.
Cheers! MaRK
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