#Government Sectors
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tender-247 · 4 days ago
Top 5 Government Sectors in India with Expanding Tender Prospects in 2025
The Indian government continues to invest heavily in various sectors to drive economic expansion and infrastructure upgrades. As 2025 nears, numerous industries are poised for a surge in tender opportunities. Below are the top five government sectors in India that are expected to offer substantial tender prospects in 2025:
1. Infrastructure & Urban Development
Infrastructure growth remains a primary focus through programs like PM Gati Shakti, Bharatmala, and Smart Cities Mission. In 2025, tenders related to roadways, railways, metro projects, and urban development will increase. Private developers, civil engineering firms, and material suppliers can seize these opportunities. Platforms like Tender247 simplify the process of identifying and bidding on relevant tenders.
2. Green Energy & Sustainability
India’s transition towards sustainable energy is accelerating, with an ambitious target of 500 GW of non-fossil fuel capacity by 2030. This will drive tender opportunities for solar farms, wind projects, energy storage solutions, and grid modernization. Tender247 provides up-to-date tender details to help businesses stay competitive in the renewable energy sector.
3. Healthcare & Medical Innovation
Post-pandemic, healthcare remains a priority, leading to increased government spending on hospitals, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and telemedicine. Programs like Ayushman Bharat and Make in India for Pharmaceuticals will create diverse opportunities for healthcare vendors. Tender247 offers real-time access to the latest medical and pharmaceutical tenders.
4. Technology & Digital Transformation
Digital India and E-Governance initiatives are fueling demand for IT services, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and AI-driven applications. Government tenders in 2025 will emphasize smart city solutions, digital infrastructure enhancement, and automation technologies, providing extensive opportunities for IT companies and startups. Tender247 helps tech enterprises discover and secure government tenders in this domain.
5. Agricultural & Food Processing Innovations
The modernization of India’s agricultural sector is creating new avenues in cold chain logistics, farm mechanization, advanced irrigation systems, and agri-tech solutions. Initiatives like PM Kisan Samman Nidhi and Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) will continue to boost investments. Tender247 facilitates easy access to agricultural tenders, helping businesses capitalize on emerging opportunities.
Final Thoughts
With 2025 set to be a transformative year, businesses seeking expansion through government contracts should proactively monitor tender notifications and align their capabilities with active projects. Platforms such as Government e-Marketplace (GeM), Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP), and Tender247 offer streamlined access to tender opportunities, helping businesses grow efficiently.
Stay competitive by exploring these dynamic sectors and leveraging government tenders to drive your business success in 2025!
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mostlysignssomeportents · 1 month ago
It's pretty easy to cut $2 trillion from the federal budget, actually
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Picks and Shovels is a new, standalone technothriller starring Marty Hench, my two-fisted, hard-fighting, tech-scam-busting forensic accountant. THIS IS THE LAST DAY to pre-order it on my latest Kickstarter, which features a brilliant audiobook read by Wil Wheaton.
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If Elon Musk wants to cut $2t from the US federal budget, there's a pretty straightforward way to get there – just eliminate all the beltway bandits who overcharge Uncle Sucker for everything from pharmaceuticals to roadworks to (of course) rockets, and then make the rich pay their taxes.
There is a ton of federal bloat, but it's not coming from useless programs or overpaid federal employees. As David Dayen writes in a long, fact-filled feature in The American Prospect, the bloat comes from the private sector's greedy suckling at the government teat:
The federal workforce used to be huge. In 1960, federal employees were 4.3% of all US workers; today, it's 1.4%. Zeroing out the entire federal payroll would save $271b/year (while beaching the US economy!), a mere 4% of the federal budget.
On the other hand, zeroing out the budget for federal contractors would save over a trillion dollars – the US spends 4 times more on private sector contractors than it does on its own workers, and while some of those contractors are honest folks giving good value for money, the norm is for federal contractors to pick the public's pocket and then use the proceeds to lobby for more fat contracts.
One key job we ask our federal employees to do is root out private sector fraud in federal contracting. We should hire more of these people! Private contractors steal $274b/year from the public purse – nearly enough to pay for all the employees in the federal government:
Musk doesn't know any of these, and he doesn't care to know. As Dayen writes, he's doing "policy by anecdote." Take Ashley Thomas, the director of climate diversification for the US International Development Finance Corporation. Musk sicced a mob on her, decrying her for doing a "fake job" that was somehow related to "DEI." But Thomas's job isn't employment diversification – it's crop diversification.
If Musk wanted to run DOGE as a force for waste-elimination, he wouldn't be attacking the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and PBS (whose budget accounts for 0.012% of federal spending). He wouldn't be attacking federal fiber subsidies (he's mad that he can't get more subsidies for his dead-end satellite service that caps out at one ten-millionth of the speed of fiber). He wouldn't be attacking high-speed rail (which competes with his Tesla swasticars). He wouldn't be fighting with the SEC (which defends the public from costly stock swindles, which is why they've been investigating Musk for seven years).
He could, instead, go after private sector Medicare waste. 33 million seniors have been suckered into switching from federally provided Medicare to privately provided Medicare Advantage. Overbilling from Medicare Advantage (whose doctors are ordered to "upcode" patients to generate additional bills) costs the public $83b/year:
Medicare Advantage patients are, on average, healthier than Medicare patients (Medicare Advantage giants like Unitedhealtcare cream off the cheapest-to-service patients). Yet, this healthy cohort costs more to treat than their sicker cousins on the public plan – the fraud costs us about 11-14% of the total Medicare bill, and we could save $140b/year by zeroing that out:
Zeroing out Medicare Advantage overbilling would pay for "an out-of-pocket spending cap, a public drug benefit, and dental, hearing, and vision benefits" for every Medicare patient with tens of billions to spare.
Of course, as Dayen points out, the guy in charge of Medicare is Dr Oz, who has spent years shilling for Medicare Advantage, while holding massive amounts of stock in Unitedhealthcare, the nation's largest Medicare Advantage provider, and the worst offender for Medicare Advantage overbilling.
Then there's Medicare itself. Rates for Medicare doctor reimbursement are set by committees of specialists, who award themselves sky-high rates while paying rock-bottom wages to the frontline general practitioners who do the heavy lifting. Lowering specialists rates to match the rates paid in Canada and Germany would save the federal government $100b/year:
Then there's Big Pharma. For years, Congress legally forbade Medicare and Medicaid from negotiating drug prices, which is why the US government pays the highest rates in the world for drugs developed in the US, with US federal subsidies. US drug prices are 178% more than other wealthy countries, and many drugs are sold at 20-30x the cost of production:
A few of these drug prices are going to come down in the coming years, thanks to timid, but long overdue action from the Biden administration. To really tackle a source of government waste, the US government could use its "march in rights" to federalize production of the most expensive drugs:
One possibility floated by economist Dean Baker is for the US government to invest $100b/year in clinical trials, keeping the patents for itself and licensing multiple manufacturers to compete to produce these publicly owned drugs, which would save an estimated $500b/year:
Then there's price-gouging, useless middlemen like Group Purchasing Organizations who soak the public purse for $20b/year – a "moderate" enforcement action could cut that to $10b. Speaking of eliminating middlemen, community health centers are a way cheaper source of care than big hospitals – $2371/year cheaper per patient, per year. By subsidizing these, the US government could save another $20b/year:
Next, Dayen moves onto the Pentagon, which pulled in $841b last year but has failed seven consecutive audits:
The DoD firehoses money over private sector contractors, like the $3.6b it hands over to Musk's Spacex every year – a number Musk hopes to grow through Spacex's participation in a new consortium:
Military contractor wastage is the stuff of legend, like the $2t F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, a lemon that has over 800 outstanding defects and was just greenlit for another year's worth of full funding:
This kind of wasteage isn't merely shameful, it's illegal. The Nunn-McCurdy Act requires that these large-scale boondoggles be reviewed with an eye to shutting them down. But when beltway bandits like Northrop Grumman’s produce expensive lemons like Sentinel, the DoD continues to hand public money to them, citing "national security":
The DoD contracts out so much of its essential functions that it literally doesn't know what it has. It pays contractors and subcontractors to produce parts for its systems, but has no way to know if those parts have actually been produced. Meanwhile, private equity rollups like Transdigm have merged every single-source aerospace supplier and jacked up the price of spare parts for existing military systems, pulling down 4,500%+ markups:
To estimate the easy military savings – the ones that won't require shutting down jobs programs scattered in every key Congressional district – Dayen takes the CBO's estimate and cuts it in half, to get an annual savings of $150b/year.
Then there's general prodcurement, where the GAO estimates the US loses $150b/year to bid-rigging and another $521b/year to fraud (the USG also spends $70b/year on management consultants who do no discernible useful work). Dayen estimates the annual savings from "stringently enforcing fraud and abuse, insourcing operations, and no longer paying for bad advice" at $150b/year.
Then there's tax cheating. The IRS estimates that it undercollects about $606b/year in taxes. The top 1% account for $163b/year of that (Elon Musk's own effective tax rate is just 3.27% as of the five years preceding 2021, the year for which we have his leaked tax return; he paid no taxes in 2018). Every dollar the IRS spends on auditing brings in $2.17 in tax, and every dollar the IRS spends auditing the wealthy generates $6.29 in tax. A dollar spent auditing the top 10% brings in $10:
Audits are durable sources of tax. People who've been burned by an audit are far more honest in the decade after that audit.
The GOP has zeroed out Biden's IRS increases. The CBO estimates that a fully funded IRS could easily increase the taxes it collected by a net figure of $200b/year.
There's also new sources of tax. Dayen likes Dean Baker's proposal for taxes on stock returns: just add dividends and stock appreciation at the end of the year, then multiply by the tax rate. Baker says this is a loophole-free way to bring the effective corporate tax rate up from 20% to 25%, generating $65b/year:
This would be especially hard on heavily financialized companies with "impossibly high stock price/earnings ratios" – e.g. Tesla.
Dayen also proposes rejigging the tax rate on retirement and health insurance plans, where nearly all the tax breaks are scooped by the highest earners. The Tax Policy Center has $1.12-$1.38t/year worth of other tax reforms that would shift the tax burden from working people to the idle rich:
Dayen says, "let's ask for about 20% of that" and ballparks the tax income at $200b/year.
How about subsidy cuts? $10b/year in fossil fuel subsidies. Eliminating the notorious sources of fraud in crop insurance would save $5b/year:
There's $7b/year in subsidies to the Home Bank Loan system and $5b/year lost to pass-through entity loopholes.
Add it all up and you're saving $1.4215t/year without even breaking a sweat, just by tacking (some of) the country's worst looting and tax evasion. Dayen points out US expenditures will fall even more than this, because it won't be paying as much T-bill interest if it doesn't spend this money. We could also just make the Fed stop using the blunt, expensive tool of interest rate hikes to manage inflation. There's plenty of scenarios where interest payments result in the remaining $580b/year in savings, bringing the total up to $2t.
Now, sucking $2t/year out of the US economy all at once – even $2t in waste and fraud – would not be good for America! That kind of economic shock would bring the US economy to its knees, for years to come. All that money still fuels the demand side of the economy. But a slow rampup, and more public spending on useful programs (say, climate resiliency and retrofitting), would strengthen the economy while still bankrupting the fraud sector.
DOGE is wildly unpopular with the American electorate – even large pluralities of Republicans think its stupid. Campaigning on cutting fraud and profiteering would be a wildly popular way for Democrats to separate themselves from Republicans. Few Democrats are rising to the occasion, though.
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Check out my Kickstarter to pre-order copies of my next novel, Picks and Shovels!
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Image: Steve Jurvetson (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/jurvetson/52005460639/
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
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moleshow · 1 month ago
the 2020s political argument for unionization is that the only activity/location that rivals the phone in terms of time spent is the workplace. once they clock out they are lost to phone
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pon-farr-night · 8 months ago
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jelliegirl · 10 days ago
i am so lucky i went into nonprofit work. hell the government fellowship grant that got me through the door at my dream workplace last year is probably going to be discontinued by next year. literally got hired on as staff 3 days before the inauguration otherwise i would have been totally fucked
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morninkim · 9 months ago
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"Years of fighting. Bots and Cons falling left and right. Dying on our behalf. No more. We settle this now, Megatron." "Just the two of us then? To the death? Ahh, brings me back to the pits all those centuries ago. Very well then, today will be the day the great Optimus Prime finally falls by my hand." "Only one of us is walking away from this rock functional, old friend. It will not be you."
~ Audio from Optimus Prime's remains at the sight of his final confrontation with Megatron that ended the Great War. circa 2003.
Audio encoded by Soundwave, Memory bank recovered by Ratchet
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gamer2002 · 5 months ago
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Petty political spat of the current administration has not only halted technological advancement, but it also possibly put lives at risk or worse
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I am, among other things, lurking LinkedIn to try and get a bit of a sense what the new workplace will be like but obviously it’s going to be skewed because the only people on it are the ones who use LinkedIn
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insightfultrends · 26 days ago
Elon Musk’s Ally Pushes for ‘AI-First’ Strategy in Government Agency
Elon Musk’s Ally Pushes for ‘AI-First’ Strategy in Government Agency In a groundbreaking statement, a close ally of Elon Musk has revealed that embracing an “AI-first” approach is the future for a key government agency. This bold vision outlines how artificial intelligence (AI) will shape the operations and policies of government entities, especially those tied to technology and national…
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trannydykepuppybot · 4 months ago
Kinda funny but also sad how often people go "why didn't the president do xyz" and then it's something they'd need congress for. This is true about Biden, Trump, Obama, all of them. If you ever catch yourself wondering "why didn't he just–"
The answer is separation of powers. Congress doesn't always play ball. The president is legally incapable of legislating. Stop assuming the president is a dictator and vote for a legislature you want to see, because it's just as important as the president and too many of you clearly think of the state of our government as binary Blue Guy In Charge or Red Guy In Charge
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windienine · 11 months ago
oh! and i went to see a bread and puppet performance in my area last night. the artists and performers are really skilled! i came away very impressed and with a stronger desire to [act that would get me put on a list] and to keep supporting my community through organization and protest than ever before. the poetry readings especially were very moving, and the giant animal puppets have these striking expressionist deigns that have been present since the troupe's founding.
honestly the best part was that the audience had some very young kids who were answering every rhetorical question-- about existence, about war, about the future-- really earnestly, as they tried to wrap their heads around the nature of what was being asked. watching a kid's gears turn about that sort of thing for the first time is kind of magical.
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I remember that my high school guidance counselor consistently refered to FAFSA as FASFA, so maybe she wasn't the best person to take financial advice from
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prussianmemes · 1 year ago
I want to thank the IDF and the rest of the Israeli government for having the most out of touch PR department imaginable.
Nobody has done as much for the peace movement and anti-zionist public support as you.
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emma-ofnormandy · 5 months ago
Maybe it’s just me, but has anyone else in the customer service/ public service sector of employment noticed that people have been getting increasingly shittier over the past like 10 years?
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faelapis · 2 years ago
so uhhh just moved to one of the most northern cities in norway. i now live in the actual arctic circle.
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deslizada · 1 year ago
I am very excited about this new job and I know it will be both fun and good for me but in all the onboarding legalese paperwork I have to sign the contracting company calls themselves "The Company" and I am just. looking DIRECTLY into the camera
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