#Good animation though 👌
lemonxlimee · 4 months
look at yew😣 look at mi😣
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9/10 AGREE!!
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thatlittledandere · 2 years
At this point you can pretty safely assume that if I suddenly get into a piece of media that isn't like current or relevant to my prior interests it's because Yuri Lowenthal is in it. It's getting embarrassing
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theophagie-remade · 1 year
Both opm seasons have an overall solid italian adaptation but some translation choices... why
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you should watch alien stage 😁 it’s a really wholesome and heartwarming web series on YouTube by VIVINOS. Nothing bad happens! And I think that you would like it!
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So before I checked out Alien Stage, I asked an irl about it to get a feel for the series. They jokingly described Alien Stage to me as "Hunger Games with doomed yuri and yaoi plus some toxic het on the side", and after catching up with the playlist of hits... yeah, that's pretty accurate. I'm so invested in this now 🤡
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I think part of his charm is that contrast between how he's seen as a "prince" by his fans when he's anything but. The artists outdid themselves with the MV; it perfectly conveys how truly terrible Luka is. I was so uncomfortable watching the video play out. The way he progressively creeps closer and keeps invading Mizi's personal space, taunting her, imitating her dead bestie/crush, putting his hands all over her, AND THAT GROSS WHISTLE HE DOES IN THE BEGINNING???? That made my skin CRAWL. Luka is for real so awful and I love that for him-- MIZI WAS RIGHT TO SWING AT HIM, IT WAS CATHARTIC 💀
I wanna give big props to Mizi's facial expressions too... They're so despair-filled and delicious, even when it's just her widened eyes repeating on the screen. The animation specifically for the line "I don't believe you're a liar" is top tier 👌 It's nothing fancy, but it conveys just how distressed Mizi is and how that's impacting her ability to sing. The way she gulps is so punchy and visceral. THE HATE IN MIZI'S EYES AS SHE'S RESTRAINED FROM COMING AT HIM AGAIN???? Good stuff. The twist at the end where the stage gets smoke bombed (?) and Mizi is rescued by the rebellion was great too. It robs Luka of the satisfaction of seeing his rival gunned down and him being declared as the victor. (P.S. I thought Hyuna was Jamil when I first saw her design; this is proof that Jamil has cool onee-san energy/j) Super looking forward to seeing Luka square off against Till, who is another favorite of mine. The eyebags— Till the End is probably my second favorite song so far; it's so intense in the close-up shots of Till singing his heart out to the audience. (Poor Mob-kun though, bro's getting DESTROYED out here...) I admire Till's fighting spirit but at the same time I feel so bad every time he's subdued 💦 Whereas I want Luka to get knocked down a peg, I want Till to find happiness and safety...
qweliboqeuvqied Anyway, that's my current brain rot 😊
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ourlittleuluru · 2 months
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No Restraint
(and oh boy did Xavier really stop restraining himself 😳🫣 but beyond this lies such level of intimacy too 😩 but yes spoilers in the read more along with my commentary)
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A small tech babble: I realized the highlight usually found in their eyes are technically constrained to a certain position, so certain angles just really sells the dark expression they have going on (or it unintentionally feels that way due to it xd)
Back to the memory... The way Xavier just... Lightly brushes MC's knee and puts lotion on it... AND THEN SNIFFS AND KISSES THE KNEE?!?!!! ASDFGHJKL _(:ì」∠)_
Is this considered soft body worship?????
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In EN the kiss is not voiced but in CN the kiss sound was clear as day
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MC just playing with his ears here and him being sensitive. Xavier LOVES to nuzzle his face into MC's palm (˶˃⤙˂˶)
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And his need, his craving for her touch 🫠🫠🫠🫠 so desperate that he nibbled her finger!!!! NIBBLES!! This man at this point was about to throw all restraints out the window
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He's still trying so hard to keep himself in check... 🥺 But at the same time, egging MC on like. You two please 😩 the amount of tension is killing me!
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And his little gasps and just the sounds he makes (๑/////๑ " )
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This part being the last straw was so... It felt so raw and hot and just (,,o//o,,) my soul left my body right at this point... The straw that broke this camel's back
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And this being his breaking point too! MC YOU SO BOLD, I could never 😳🫣 (ngl I kinda wanted to hear MC's whisper of his name voiced, and see him break. But one can only dream)
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And a classic fade to black but I find this a good point to stop. Followed by the after story 😩👌 love the intimacy and pacing of this memory. It was good. (But this last part, the animation is just a lil jank. Other than that though, overall the memory story is 💖)
My brain was so broken (in a good way? Maybe?) last night. I don't think I've recovered yet... _(´ཀ`」 ∠) _
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 1 month
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 103... You have been warned...! 👌
This was such a cute little chapter to return to after the month long break...!! 💗😊💗
Mission 103 was a short, but fun little chapter staring the Forger family, so let's talk about it shall we...? 😄
We start this chapter with an EXTREMELY bored Anya on break from school...!!
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Anya always be lookin' so dang goofy when she's bored, I LOVE IT!! 😂
After Twilight comes home and makes Anya do her homework, Anya sees a news report about a seal named Belle and decides that she wants to go see her...!! 😆
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...But, Loid quickly declines Anya's offer because he isn't letting her go anywhere until she finishes her homework...! Then Twilight goes to change the channel and is annoyed to see that other channels are also talking about Belle the seal, when brings up a good point to the frustrated Loid:
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I COULDN'T AGREE MORE YOR!! 😊 I can't even watch the news sometimes because of how sad and depressing it can get, so it's always nice to wholesome stuff like Belle the seal for change...!! 💗
So the Forgers decide to go see Belle and guess who they run into...:
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(Also I love this panel with Beck...!! 😂😂😂):
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Anyway, it turns out that Becky is also here to see Belle and even asks Anya if she would like head over to the news crew and possibly get on TV, but because Anya read Twilight's mind about how that would be a bad idea (i.e. he's a spy and must not draw attention to himself and she's originally from an orphanage), Anya must decline Becky's offer...!! 😌
After waiting awhile (and even wanting to throw hands with the seal for not showing up 🤣), Becky decides to head home while the Forgers stick around...!! Anya starts getting bored of waiting and goes to play for a bit while Yor sit and talk in my probably favorite part in this entire chapter...!! 😁:
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I adore that Yor is doing her very best to get Loid to relax for a bit, it truly warms my heart...!! 💗🤗💗 Also, the two page spread in this chapter is just SO BEAUTIFUL!! 🥹
After that beautiful moment, as Bod and Anya are playing, they stumble across the elusive seal Belle...!! 😲:
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It turns out (after Anya read her mind) that Belle was hiding because the humans kept following her around, which is totally understandable for Belle to do because usually when some people see a cute animal, they don't really consider how that animal might be feel about all this new found attention they're getting... 😔 So, the Forgers decide to sit quietly near her and after a while of watching her, Belle decides to leave and get them a crawfish as a parting gift!! 🤗 After that exchange, Twilight has a thought:
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He thinks back to what Handler said all the way back in Mission 78 and wonders if Belle could be another animal experiment... But before he could think any further on that, Bond gets bit on the nose by the crawfish that Belle left and decides that he might be over thinking this and so, the Forgers finally decide to head home after their little adventure with Belle the seal...!! 😄
And that was Mission 103, a really fun and sweet chapter to return with after the month long break...!! 💗😊💗 I just loved everything Yor did throughout this chapter (though I love Yor all of the time), she was most definitely the best part this chapter...!! 😍 Loid was quite grumpy this chapter (he even called Anya a brat at one point) and though I understand where he's coming from, I hope that he'll fully take Yor's advice to heart one of these days...!! 🤗 Also, Belle was SOOO ADORABLE, I love her!! 💗😍💗
Anyway, that's pretty much all I wanna say, so until the next Mission; take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! 😄SEE YA!! 👋😁
Actually... THIS was my TRUE favorite part of the entire chapter:
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Okay, now I'm done...!! BYE! 👌😎
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waokevale · 9 months
Looks at you with my eyes sitting in front of you like I'm interrogating you (but it's actually a really nice cozy room). I have heard tale of this WXwood ship. Tell me what you find compelling about the ship I'm considering joining you in WXwood land. Literally just say words at me I'm listening
Alright, very well then, so I shall! 🫡
At first, it was kind of an ironic ship for me, because they seemed like the classic "opposites attract"
But once I got digging, I found they're not actually that opposite, they share plenty of things in common and neither is actually a black or white character. Inevitably I became enthralled with this ship and now it's one of my top 3 or so OTPs.
Here's my reasoning and what I found:
1. WX-78 is actually a bit of a softie if you dig through their quotes enough. They act tough and logical to presumably hide whatever ounce of empathy they have left, that didn't escape them completely. (But they're not doing too good of a job)
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Etc. They either use this uncharacteristically soft tone or hide a kind gesture or well-intentioned thought behind robotically constructed sentences and insults.
And of course, I don't have to show the quotes for machines or metallic structures, since WX openly sees them as their family and acts basically the same as Wormwood does with plants.
Meanwhile, Wormwood isn't always an empathetic creature. He can sometimes be callous, apathetic and even have favorites amongst plants (and people too), though he doesn't directly state that. He also isn't as dumb as he portrays himself to be, he definitely knows something, but either has too limited English speaking skills or is actively choosing not to say much.
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He often sobs or cries when a creature dies, but there are times he reacts with either "whoops", "oh" or "too bad" like it's a small inconvenience at best.
And those are only some of the examples (I can't show them all since I'm answering this on my phone and therefore there's an image limit)
2. Here's a reason why, despite being vastly different at first, they'd ultimately become friends:
WX-78 actually likes plenty of things that correspond to Wormwood, it's likely for them to eventually settle, once they know enough about him.
And what are those things they like, you might ask?
Bees (going back to their previous quote) since WX is frankly enamored by bees, and since Wormwood blooms, there's countless of them surrounding him. if they were to hang around him, they'd hang around bees too. 👌
Their quote for green gem is: "PRESSURE AND IMPURITIES HAVE PRODUCED PLEASING PERFECTION" which is. well. Something.
They're very fond of pumpkins, describing them as: "IT HAS A PLEASANT SHAPE" while their seed as "IT IS A SOURCE CODE FOR PLEASING PLANTS" And guess who just happens to have a pumpkin skin ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
The lunar affinity. WX practically WORSHIPS the moon, it wouldn't be surprising that, if they found about this aspect about him, they'd get very excited and embrace it, because c'mon, it's the moon. They have dozens of quotes describing how THE MOON IS SUPERIOR, I wouldn't be able to fit all of them into this post, just trust me on that.
WX-78 doesn't hate all organic life, besides they're just playing out a role. But they do certainly appreciate some plants, such as potatoes and lureplants. The former because they can relate to them (potato battery) and the latter because "AWW, IT'S JUST AS EVIL AS I AM". Would it be too farfetched if with his influence they'd grow to appreciate organic life more?
3. Wormwood's quote for W.A.R.B.I.S armor suggests that he admires WX and would like to mimic them. (Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery after all)
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4. The survivors farming animation is quite charming, I certainly loved their small interaction there. They're also shown in the official Return Of Them vignette, farming on the side.
5. I like the fact that one of them is afraid of water and the other of fire. Adds an interesting dynamic.
6. They just work. Despite wanting to "DOMINATE ALL ORGANIC LIFE" WX-78 appreciates people who can stand up for themselves. I'd guess Wormwood would be a huge pushover at first, no doubt, but with their influence, he would certainly have to grow a spine (metaphorically speaking)
Likewise, WX-78 struggles to show kindness to non-robotic creatures, because they fear they might come off as WEAK and SENTIMENTAL. Things they loathe to expose about themself. Wormwood could help them show that it's okay to love organic friends and be nice to others! (sometimes at least.)
I'd say they balance out each other perfectly and that is quite rare to see in modern pairings. While they'd definitely struggle to get along at first, they'd surely grow fond of the other one day :)
I hope this convinced you. if not, I'll try and dig up some more stuff. Then again, keep in mind that there aren't many canon character interactions besides whatever crumbs we've got from their quotes and official animations.
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female-hysterics · 5 months
So I know there's been a lot of talk about pussydrunk characters, but can I suggest a twist with a guy who's obsessed with your mouth?
Obviously I'm on a big kick for some perv!Professor Levy, so now I can't stop thinking about Jonathan who just occasionally reaches over and sticks his fingers in your mouth. Sometimes he tells you to suck, sometimes he gags you other times he'll pull your jaw open just to see you drool. He loves tucking you up under his desk at home (or at work on a weekend/late at night when no one's around) and having you warm him with your mouth until your jaw is too achey to keep going.
Perv!Jonathan isn't a total monster though. After he fucks your throat and watches you swallow his entire load, it's falling asleep to jaw and neck massages on the couch with your head in his lap while he talks about how he's gonna wake you up from his nap with his face between your legs (cause let's be honest, the professor gets pussydrunk too 😈).
Listen....I love pervy takes on these characters and I absolutely LOVE this twist 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
Thank you for blessing me inbox, my friend 😩👌
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Jonathan reaching over to you while you’re talking about your day and slides his fingers into your mouth, his dark eyes heavy-lidded as he stares with intense focus on the way you automatically close your mouth around his fingers, and he calls you his good girl when you begin to suck. 
He will gag you with his fingers or hold your jaw open while he’s fucking you. His gaze never leaving your face as you scream with pleasure around his fingers.
Jonathan would ABSOLUTELY have you under his desk to warm him. At home you have a plush pillow underneath his desk and a soft blanket incase you get cold and at his work he would let you kneel on his jacket. He keeps himself pressed deep into you mouth, reaching down occasionally to pet through your hair or stroke over your cheek, before gripping your hair and moving your mouth up and down his cock with a small hiss.
He’s very much into throat fucking and will make you swallow every single drop that he spills on your tongue. Afterwards he would clean you up and give you soothing massages over your jaw, neck, and shoulders. He will pepper your face in sweet kisses as he massages you, completely besotted, and he would totally whisper filth in your ears with pure adoration and love. 
You only whimper and sink further into his grasp and letting him tilt your head to reach all the sore spots. You do drift off with his warm body pressed against you and his gentle hands working your muscles, but you are eventually woken up by him tonguefucking you frantically. He’s groaning against your slick flesh, eating you out without care over how messy he’s being, and he has your thighs pinned open on the couch so he has full access to your dripping pussy. His eyes are squeezed tightly shut as if he’s trying to memorize your taste and his fingers bite into your soft thighs hard enough to leave bruises. You yank on his hair and sob out his name as he pulls orgasm after orgasm from you, him murmuring muffled words of encouragement against your cunt with each one, and he finally takes mercy on you when you barely have enough energy to whimper his name.
He trails kisses up your body and nearly rips his pants open trying to get his cock out, and then he’s thrusting into you. He has one hand braced on the arm of the sofa, his other his busy sliding his fingers into your mouth with a gruff order to “suck”, and he’s plowing into you with deep hard thrusts that make your eyes roll back. He’s panting like an animal above you, wild eyes darting between your mouth and where he’s sinking inside you, and it’s not long before spills inside you with an almost pained sound. You suckle at his fingers weakly as he gasps for breath and he stays inside you until he gets hard again.
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olympeline · 1 month
More thoughts on national animal forms in Hetalia:
Their beast selves are slightly bigger than what’s considered normal for the species. Not to such a degree that they’d look like freaks, but big enough to make you take a second glance.
They’re incapable of human speech while in animal form. I’m on the fence as to whether they’d be able to speak to each other as beasts or whether they’d have to change back to hold a conversation. Leaning towards the latter, honestly. These forms are wild and primal and speech of any kind just feels too human.
The appearance of a nation’s human guise stays mostly consistent throughout their lives, but their animal form is different. It can change radically depending on what’s happening in the world. This is most often seen with territories and settler colonies who break away and ascend to true nationhood. Like Alfred, who only became a bald eagle after the USA won independence from the British Empire. Before that he was a young lion. And if you’re wondering whether a super badass Lion King style battle ever took place between him and Arthur during their war? I’m happy to inform you the answer is: yes. Absolutely Hell Yes it did. 👌
Only real animals count. So no unicorn form for Scotland, dragon for Wales, etc. They’re cool but I prefer the consistency of everyone having creatures that actually exist, you know? Oh and, if you’re curious, I picture Scotland’s animal form being a stag. Not sure about Wales’s yet.
Speaking of the UK family, Arthur is a lion but he didn’t start out that way. He was a rabbit in the distant past. Quite the transformation. When did he change? Hard to say. Definitely not before Roman Britain ended. Most likely it would have been either during the reign of William the Conqueror, or else at the start of the Hundred Years War.
The manner in which an animal form changes depends on the circumstances behind why it’s changing in the first place. For Alfred, who won his freedom in battle’s flame, it was a fast, violent, and painful process. The first night after the war was won, Alfred bloodily tore off his golden lion’s pelt and cast it into the fire. Then he resculpted his fleshy, naked, skinless body and reclothed it in a bald eagle’s feathers. The whole thing was over before the sun rose above the newly made country. And as agonising as it was, it was also a relief for Alfred. His lion’s skin hadn’t felt right ever since the start of the war. It itched, and chafed, and burned, and almost drove Alfred mad. Even as a human, it tickled and whined and gnawed at him in the back of his mind. Only getting worse as the war dragged on. Eventually Alfred was assuming his beast form regularly just so he could bite and tear at himself in a frenzy. The revolutionaries got used to seeing their fledgling country covered in the wounds he’d gouged into himself in a futile attempt to find relief. None came until victory was won and he could cast off his lion form - and his old self - for good.
Meanwhile Matthew, who peacefully slipped into a fluffy lion cub form after Arthur won him from Francis, was very different. His independence was gradual and diplomatic so there was no need for a violent ripping of flesh. Instead, over time, Matthew quietly started using his lion form less and less the more Canada drew away from Britain. Until one day, when he badly needed release from the trappings of the human world, he assumed his beast form for the first time in decades. Only to find it had changed. Something Mattie had been expecting for a while but it was still a shock when it suddenly happened. There wasn’t any pain or anguish for him, though. Just a small feeling of wistfulness at the realisation he’d never wear his lion form again. It’s fine, though: a Canadian horse suited him better. Fit like a glove right from the start.
Mattie ultimately becoming a horse is funny too because, while I haven’t made up my mind yet about what Francis should be, a horse is an option I’m considering. Which would mean Matthew went from French foal, to British cub, then ultimately back to horse again, lol.
Maybe…maybe a horse is good for Francis? Maybe? Urgh, I don’t know! Seriously, I’ve only just started this AU thing and already Francis has become the bane of my existence. 😂 France is a world power and England’s historical rival. So his animal form would need to be something that could not just fight, but win against a lion. Yeah, a rooster ain’t cutting it, lmao. A big destrier style war horse could conceivably kill a lion by kicking or trampling it. Horses are prey animals but that doesn’t mean predators aren’t still scared af of a horse’s kick caving in their skulls and smashing their bones to powder. Also, historically horses are symbols of wealth, grace, war, and just plain pretty to boot. All of which fit Francis. My only other idea is that he’d be another lion. Because England got its lion from French nobility. Or maybe he’d be a lion up until the French Revolution? Then he’d pull an Alfred and rip off his pelt - or have it ripped off him by force during the Reign of Terror - and be remade as a horse. Lions are one of the symbols of monarchy so it’s some nice imagery there. Napoleon relied heavily on his cavalry too. Yeah, it could work. Maybe…? What do you guys think? Any other ideas? Post em below if you have em.
A nation-person doesn’t always change their animal form completely if their real world circumstances are altered. Take Argentina for example; a Spanish colony who started as a black calf and still remained a bull after locking horns with Antonio and driving him out of his part of South America. A bull suited Argentina so a bull he stayed. Though his coat and horns did turn from black to silver post-independence. Argentina. Land of beef. Land of silver. Silver bull, geddit?
Finally, there’s the differing effects of conquest where the original inhabitants of the land aren’t replaced like what happened in the Americas. Cases like Romano: a nation whose animal form never changed through all his ups and downs. Not after Antonio conquered him, not after being set free, and not after unification with Feliciano. Romano remained an Italian wolf through it all. Change was possible but it never happened for him. I guess it would depend on factors like how much of the original culture survives, how tightly the controlled nation is under the thumb of the master nation, etc. In the most extreme cases a conquered nation’s animal form might change completely to mirror that of their conqueror. Other times they might shift only a little. Like, say, if Ireland’s original animal was a wolf. Then, after being crushed and occupied by England, that wolf began to look more doglike. Symbolic of the English (later British) goal of “taming” wild Ireland. Stuff like that. A case by case basis, really.
(That’s all for now. Hope you enjoyed reading. I’m tagging this as my national animals AU ☺️)
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dreamingcloudie · 2 years
hello! I'm kinda shy to request about this if you don't mind at all, but is it okay that you write about dottore with a s/o adopting a child and basically just cute married couples with family type of shit? it would be interesting to see his dynamic with the kid would be!
If you want too ofc! ^^
also i really like your content! it's so well written and it cheers me up so much :) 💖💕
❛❛ A Step Into Fatherhood ❜❜
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✎ ❛❛ What do you mean I'm getting soft? ❜❜
Pairing(s): Dottore x GN!Reader
Genre/Format: Fluff (oneshot)
Warning(s): Use of Dottore’s (speculated) real name
wc: ~3k
Notes: Oh god I'm sorry I haven’t posted in a while 😭 I was on writer's block and still kinda am. But at last, here's finally a fic!! Haven't written in a while and got rusty, so this might not be good :') Anyways, I LOVE THIS REQUEST AHHH 💕💕💕 Dadttore is so UGH 😫👌This request got me all giddy. I hope you'll like it :D
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Gentle flakes fell to the ground as you went from store to store. Your husband was in need of some materials to carry out his experiments. He asked a segment to gather them but you offered to help instead. You wanted to go out for a stroll anyways, so why not?
You were about to go back to the palace when you heard a noise coming from a nearby alleyway. It sounded like someone was rummaging through something.
You knew it was dangerous to investigate on your own without any weapons on you. But you couldn't help it, curiosity got the best of you and your legs subconsciously brought you closer towards the sounds of clanking.
Following the noise, it led you to a dumpster. The lid was closed so you weren't able to tell what was inside. Judging by the size of it though, you assumed it would be some sort of animal. You were expecting to see a raccoon when you opened the lid but what you saw made you scream and stepped back instead.
What the…
You slowly opened the lid again and an equally shocked but frightened face stared back at you. 
What is a child doing here? You thought.
It was a little girl who looked no older than ten. She was wearing a thin layer of clothing and her hair was stained. In her hands she was holding a paper plate of thrown out food from a restaurant.
When you got closer again, her hands that were holding the plate recoiled to her torso and turned into fists. Tears were forming at the corner of her eyes and her form shook.
"Hey… it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you," you said in a hushed voice.
Once the little girl seemed calmed down enough, you spoke again, “What are you doing here? Where are you from?”
"I'm from over there…" She pointed. You followed where her finger was pointing at and your heart dropped.
House of the Hearth.
The orphanage where Arlecchino trained the kids to become soldiers? What was this kid doing here?
"I see… I don't know how you got here but why don't I take you back—"
"No!" She yelled, taking you off guard.
"Please… I don't want to go back there… The others are mean to me…"
She was now sobbing and you were trying to think of what to do.
She looked like she really didn't want to go back there… You would feel bad for forcing her to go back. But it couldn’t be good to just leave a kid all by herself here as well. 
From the looks of her fragile frame, she definitely hasn’t eaten a sustainable meal in a long time. Poor kid, it was cold out and that bread didn’t look edible.
What other options did you have?
You were someone who adored kids, and the protective instinct inside of you screamed.
Without thinking, you blurted out, “Why don’t you come with me? I can take you to a warmer place and give you something nicer to eat."
The little girl was hesitant, but you could see her eyes lit up a little.
“Of course! Being out here by yourself is dangerous anyways.”
She got out of the dumpster and approached you with small steps. Once she got close enough, you took your own coat off and draped it over her.
“There we go, this will keep you warm enough until we get back,” you muttered, gently taking her hand into yours as you made your way back to the resting quarters.
- - -
When you reached the palace, you quickly took her to your room, trying to avoid anybody on your way there. You couldn't risk letting anyone see the kid here, who knew what they would do to her if they found out she escaped Arlecchino's orphanage?
And you most certainly didn't want to face that harbinger's wrath.
You let out a breath of relief when a Fatui agent only nodded to greet you as he passed the hallway without making a comment on how your stance was off, while simultaneously holding the bag of materials at an awkward angle. You waved back at him with a sheepish smile. Once you made sure he was out of sight, you reached behind you to take a hold of the little girl's hand again before continuing on your way.
"Alright, we're almost there."
You looked both sides of the hallway, taking a double check to make sure nobody saw you before grabbing the door handle and pushing it open, pulling the kid inside with you.
The door closed with a click and you leaned against it, trying to calm down how fast your heart was beating. Archons, were you glad that Dottore convinced you to take some basic stealth lessons. You didn't think it was necessary… up until now.
"Okay, well, welcome to my room!" You walked over to a desk and set the bags there. Thinking you could just give them to your husband later.
The girl looked around your room in awe, it was huge. To her, this felt like a bedroom a royalty would own from the tales she had heard of. There was a queen-sized bed in the middle and the blankets looked really soft and fluffy. She could imagine how nice it would to sleep on it.
"Wow… I've never been in a room this big before!" She exclaimed, her eyes wandered through different pieces of furniture and objects decorating the room.
"How about we give you a nice warm bath? Then I can show you around more later."
You took her to the bathroom and ran a hot bath for her. She was making bubbles in her hands while you washed her hair, rinsing the suds off her head.
"And we're done!" You clapped your hands together, feeling satisfied with how clean she was now.
You wrapped a towel around her and took her back to your room again, digging through your closet for clothes that were suitable enough for her to wear for the time being. Fortunately for you, you were able to find some of your old clothes from when you were a kid. You didn't throw them away just in case you wanted to reminisce about your childhood.
Well, instead of sitting at the bottom of the drawer collecting dust, you could put them to good use again.
Once you were done with dressing her up, she looked at herself through the closet mirror and her eyes widened at how nice they looked on her.
"Mr(s)... Um…" 
"What's wrong?" You asked, worried that she might not like them.
"I don't know what to call you…"
That was when you realized you never told her your name, nor did she ever tell you hers.
"Ah, how could I forget! My apologies. You can call me (Y/n)! What about you, sweetie?"
Her eyes glinted at your name and smiled.
"Thank you, Mr(s) (Y/n)! I really like these clothes. They look so nice!" She paused before responding to your question.
"My name is Lilly."
Right as she finished her sentence, someone knocked on the door.
"Dear? Are you in there?" A voice you knew too well spoke.
It was your husband. And there was a random kid with you. 
Oh no, what am I going to tell him?! You panicked. How were you going to explain to him you brought a child to your shared bedroom?
Your thoughts were disrupted when he knocked on the door again.
"Dear? I'm coming in—" The door handle twitched, but stopped when you yelled, "Wait!"
You told the child to hide in the closet and to not come out unless you said so. A look of confusion mixed with fear appeared on her face but she obliged anyway, hiding at the corner of the closet.
Closing the closet doors, you jogged over to the bedroom door and opened it, revealing your husband who was standing there, twirling a vial of blue liquid in his hand.
"There you are, darling. That took you a while, is everything alright?" He asked.
"Oh nothing, I was just, uh, examining the materials I went to collect for you!" 
Archons, you hoped that was convincing enough.
"Really? Since when did you get interested in Chaos Cores?" He teased, showing you his signature grin.
"Just today! Haha…"
"Is that so…" He trailed off, noticing something on the ground.
"Hmm?" He hummed, taking his mask off to take a better look of the floor.
There was a water droplet. No, multiples of them.
"May I ask why the carpet is wet?"
Oh no, it must've been from the little girl's hair. It was still wet and you didn't dry it fully.
"I-I spilled some water! Yeah… I was clumsy." You smiled sheepishly at him.
He looked around the room and raised a brow.
"But I don't see a cup anywhere around here?" His attention went back to the droplets on the ground and noticed it was a trail. 
A trail leading toward the closet.
He walked over to it and stopped right in front of it. You were about to stop him but he was quicker. His hands swung the closet doors open.
From where you were standing, the clothes on the hangers casted shadows on her form and they were hiding her well. They should be able to hide her from your husband's sight too… you hoped.
But of course, with keen eyes such as his, nothing could escape him. His squinted eyes were now slightly widened. He expected to find someone or something, but definitely not a kid.
"W-wait! Zandik, let me explain."
You told him how she ran away from the orphanage and she was all alone out there, so you wanted to help her.
"So you're telling me… this is a kid from Arlecchino's orphanage? Darling, you know how she could get if she finds out," he reasoned with you.
"I know, but she was scared! And I couldn't just leave her on the streets on her own either. So with no other choices, I decided to just take her here, and maybe take her in…" You trailed off. Gesturing to the little girl that it was safe to come out now. She got up and approached you, hiding behind your leg as she looked at Dottore.
"So, can she stay, please?"
He stared intently at the ground, seemingly deep in his thoughts.
Now, you knew that Dottore was not fond of kids. But unbeknownst to you, occasionally he would dream of having this fantasy of his. To have a little family with you…
And of course, he wasn't ready to become a father to his own kids yet, so maybe he'd take this opportunity to practice parenting.
He signed, faking his annoyance to conceal his unexplainable excitement.
"Fine, she can stay."
- - -
For the first week of her stay here, she was shy. The only person she wasn't afraid to talk to was you. She tried to talk to Dottore once but he unintentionally acted cold towards her, causing her to back away. 
You couldn't blame him though, he was awkward around kids.
So, to make it up to her in his own way, he ordered his segments to set up a new room for her.
You brought her to the room they were preparing in, wanting to know how she was liking her room so far and to also introduce her to the segments.
You knocked on the door and went in, while she trailed after you, hiding behind you as usual.
The segments stopped what they were doing and turned to the sound of someone coming in.
"Ah! So this is the kiddo Prime told us about." Beta was the first to speak.
Theta got closer to the both of you and kneeled down to Lilly's eye level. 
"Hello! I'm Theta, you must be Lilly, yes?" 
Lilly was too distracted by the white and black mask he was wearing, not listening to a single word that came out of his mouth. She tugged at your pants and said, "Mr(s) (Y/n), he looks like a clown!"
Upon hearing her words, you and the other segments began to laugh, all except for Theta.
"S-She called you a clown!" Beta wheezed.
"Quite fitting, don't you think, Theta?"
"I'm not a clown! God, what was Prime thinking when he chose to wear this mask back then…" He said, deadpan.
Omega quieted down his chuckle and asked, "So, how are you liking your room so far, little one?"
Lilly looked around the room, the wall was painted with her favorite color and animal for the pattern. The bed she was given to was smaller than the one in your room, but was still big to her. A unicorn plushie, which was made by Delta, was placed on it.
"I love it!" She bounced slightly in excitement.
- - -
For the second week, Dottore and Lilly would start to interact with each other more. He has been taking notes by observing the way you'd talk to her, how you'd take care of her… 
He was still awkward around her, of course. But at least he wasn't being cold to her anymore,  so that was an improvement. 
And Lilly, she was starting to grow more comfortable around him, as well. He wasn't as intimidating as she thought he'd be when he gifted her a mini robot, made with the leftover parts of a ruin guard. And now, she would sleep with it next to her at all times.
You were out to run some errands today, leaving Lilly in Dottore's care. She was reading a children's book on her bed, while Dottore sat next to her, patting her gently on her head.
She got to one of the pages and her eyes shined at how pretty the princess looked in the picture.
"Mr. Zanny?" She called out to him, using the nickname she gave him.
He hummed in response, signaling her to continue. 
"I want my hair to look like this pretty lady's, do you know how to do that?"
He leaned over to see an illustration of a woman with long, braided hair.
"Why yes, I do, angel. Would you like me to do that for you?" He said.
In return, he also had a nickname for her. He thought the word "angel" suited her. As she's such a pure and innocent child.
Lilly nodded eagerly and turned around, her back facing Dottore. Grabbing a brush from the vanity table, he brushed her hair and undid the tangled locks, until it was tidy enough to be put in a braid. 
You'd expect him to not know anything about braiding someone's hair but he was surprisingly good at it. 
Once he was done, he grinned at how it turned out. Lilly went over to a mirror and admired her hair, it looked neat and exactly how she thought it'd look like. 
She turned back to where Dottore and muttered out a little shy "Thank you."
- - -
It was late at night and everyone was sound asleep. Well, almost everyone.
Lilly was turning in her sleep, horrid images of scary monsters flashed in her mind and she woke up with a gasp. Her eyes darted around her room and it was dark. The moon light from the window barely lit the room up. She got out of bed and took the tiny robot Dottore made with her.
Luckily for her, the room you and Dottore slept in was not far from hers, she opened the door slightly ajar and peered inside. Noticing the two slightly moving silhouettes in the room. 
She tiptoed to your side of the bed and poked your arm.
"Mr(s) (Y/n)?" She whispered.
You were a light sleeper so it didn't take you long to stir awake.
"Mmm… Lilly? Why are you awake?" You asked, turning over to face her fully, waking your husband up as well.
"I had a nightmare and I'm scared…" She told you, her voice trembled and her arms wrapped around the robot tightly.
"Oh, you poor thing…" 
You helped her to get on the bed and laid her down between you and your husband. He yawned and was trying to comprehend why Lilly was in the bed with the two of you.
He looked at you for answers and you only said, "Nightmare." 
"Would you like to listen to a story to help you sleep, Lilly?" You asked.
She pondered for a while before answering, "Yes please."
“Let’s see… Once upon a time, there was a little girl,” you began, then looked at Dottore to continue. He groaned a little and tried to think of something in his sleepy state.
“The little girl had a knife— I mean uh… A teddy bear? His name was… Bob,” he said. Making his sentence a bit more family-friendly when you glared at him.
“She and the teddy were best friends, they would go on an adventure together.” You added more to it.
“Then the little girl later strangled the teddy—“ He stopped when you hit his arm. 
"What he meant to say was, the little girl later helped the teddy bear with a mission…"
The both of you carried the story on, well, more like you having to constantly make changes to Dottore's… questionable imagination.
But overall, it went pretty well, sometimes Lilly would snicker at the jokes Dottore made. But laughed even harder at his horrible attempt at talking in a high pitch voice to mimic the teddy bear. 
His face was red from embarrassment, to say the least, that he made a fool out of himself just to make the two of you laugh.
It was embarrassing… but it was worth it, to hear the laughter of his two sweet angels.
"And finally, Bob made it home safely… The end." You ended the story.
You turned your attention to Lilly and you could tell she was getting tired, her eyes were droopy and she could barely keep herself awake.
As her mind was about to take her away into the land of dreams, you heard her muttering.
"Night night, daddy… Night night (mommy / other daddy)..."
Dottore walked into Arlecchino's office and slammed some papers onto her work desk.
"The papers are signed, she is now officially my daughter."
"Very well."
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yeehawpim · 8 months
i am so sorry for bothering you but. i have a few questions. Do you have any tips or books/youtube videos to help people interested in making comics or webcomics? and, also, how big do you make your canvas & is it the same size on your site (to read your comic)?
ayyy not at all 👌(side note sorry to the ppl I don't get to, I read all my asks even if I can't answer all of them and they cheer me up)
I've answered comic-making related stuff in my q&a tag somewhere, if you want to go digging 🤔
here's one of them
but as for books and youtube videos hmm
supereyepatchwolf on youtube has a few vids talking about manga, I especially like the chainsaw man one where he talks about how the author doesn't have the most polished style but the layout/composition/panelling is insane. There's another one he does about gantz where he talks about empty space can be used to make a lonely feeling. Those are more about the specific titles than comic making 😅but they defs inspired me haha
I watch a lot of video essays about movies and shows and they make me wanna go out and tell more stories 😤🫶 (breadsword, ladyknighhtthebrave, hazel... etc)
I haven't read any specific comic-making advice books? I just read a lot of manga/comics and stare at the things I like in them. Off the top of my head, One Piece, Anya's Ghost, and The Adventures Of Dr. Mcninja are all fun.
A more succinct advice book I think is The Animator's Survival Kit by Richard Williams. It's about animation, but comics has always felt kind of like a cousin. You're still making movement and timing look good, but it's in more select snapshots. (Though the advice about not listening to music while you're working is not for me 😂)
Also Griz and Norm have this really cool book of drawing tips that I want to get one day, but I think you can find everything as individual posts online too.
I usually work with 1650x2550px 72ppi for digital stuff, and 300ppi for print stuff. This is coming from a rube in all computer matters though, so take it with a grain of salt. It should be the same size on my site unless posting it somehow altered it w/o me knowing 😅
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Recently became obsessed with cowboy au's again so I did what any reasonable person would do and made a silly Clone Wars au for pure self indulgence.
Please enjoy my silly little headcannons and maybe one day I'll actually write the thing (I've said this several times before...but one day!)
•Usually with modern au's I try to justify why Jango has so many damn kids but not this time. The man just does okay? Also he's not attracted to women so like..who knows! My favorite plot point is Jango just has a bunch of kids and no one knows why and they just have to accept that
•Jango/Myles supremacy. They're married, thank you. Silas is their third wheel that's just always sorta there.
•Good dad Jango! Always good dad Jango. I just love him okay? It's like a little treat for myself.
•Ages are like...semi...cannon? For the clones the alphas are all adults, as are the commanders. After that, Rex, Kix, Jesse and whoever else I deem to be in that like age range- are 18/19/20. Domino squad, are teenagers. Tup, Dogma, Wooley, Comet are like..ranging from preteen's to 8. Boba is the baby at 3 years old. Don't ask me about Omega or the bad batch please I haven't decided what I'm doing with them yet, probably gonna make them Arla's kiddos like the other modern au of mine. These are also like..just a general guidelines of ages I haven't really fleshed anything out.
•Boba LOVES animals. It's a good thing they live on a farm. He just..befriends all of the animals even the ones that he isn't supposed to (raccoons) Jango nearly had a heart attack. Boba was fine though, just a little grumpy that Jango took him away from the raccoon.
•It's a miracle Boba knows how to walk because he's just constantly being carried/demanding to be carried. If he has the option to be in someone's arms he will be. Spoiled little thing. Honestly all of the Fett kids are probably spoiled, but they like to tease Boba about it cause he's the baby.
•Real talk though, I think Boba is a little sweety. He just loves his aliit(family) so much and wants to spend all his time with them.
•Mando'a is a language because I said so. Mandalorians are still a culture. That's just my go to for all modern au's tbh.
•Jaster is the best grandpa EVER. He's the reason they're all spoiled. Auntie Zam ALSO spoils them rotten. Uncle Bossk does as well it's just a lot less. Hondo...is Hondo let's be honest here. They're spoiled sure but Jango would really like to know WHERE Hondo got everything from (he would not like the answer)
•I haven't figured out how or anything but Codywan IS happening. Same with Blyla (is that Aayla and Bly's ship name?? Gonna pretend it is-)
•In the vain of keeping ages semi cannon Fennec is 19 and a farmhand 👌. She's like..not legally adopted but she might as well be. Jango's baby girl right there. Boba follows her around like a puppy and it only annoys her a little. She's definitely the reason he knows bad words let's be honest.
•I'm leaning towards most face tattoos are just birthmarks. As far as names go those are just their names. No one ever said Jango was good at naming things. Isn't there a comic in legends where they have a pet eel and it's name is just eel?
•Everything I know about 3 year olds comes from the times I have babysat actually 3 year olds and google. So in that spirit, Boba does have a paci in the art depicted below simple because I wanted to draw a pacifier- but Jango is also trying to ween him off it so he doesn't mess up his teeth.
This au has consumed me like..ugh I'm obsessed with it. There may or may not be a pinterest board just entirely dedicated to it. You don't understand how in love with this silly little au I am-
If you made it this far through the post- have some traditional art that may or may not get turned digital eventually! (There was one of Myles and Jango but I literally cannot decide on Myles hairstyle and couldn't erase it anymore for fear of ripping the paper so...)
Join me next time (maybe-) for when I inevitably think of more headcannons for this au.
In order: Jango and Boba, Jango braiding Fennec's hair, and Cody!
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Analysis of a Whump Awakening in a great movie
So I’ve seen some posts about whump awakenings, some of them mentioning Disney movies, but not a single one points this movie (well, this one is Pixar’s, but owned by Disney) I really wanna point it out, because I spent some time searching in the tags, as many ways I could think of, and got no success.
After seeing this movie again after so many years, I got this exact feeling:
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I remember watching it over and over again in VHS, because I really liked it and I enjoyed one scene even though I didn't knew exactly why.
Now I know why and I’ll point it out. So please, bear with me cause it's a long post. (I swear I tried to be as brief as possible but there are just so many things I needed to point out cause this movie is so good, this character is so badass and this scene is so intense I've just find myself obsessed with it once again)
The movie is A Bug’s Life and I seriously can’t believe how underrated it is. Yes, I know the animation seems outdated, but come on, it’s Pixar’s second film, from 1998. The story is simple but executed in a such a GENIUS way it stands above the recent soulless movies Disney has made.
Now, if you enjoy whump and have seen this movie, you know exactly which scene I’m gonna mention.
Yes, I'm referring to this one.
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But first, I just got to admire Flik’s development on this scene.
The first time there’s a confrontation with Hopper, he is totally terrified, hiding behind other ants when Atta tries to point him as the responsible for losing the offering, which he totally is. (But come on, why did they put it at the edge of the cliff?)
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And then, when he stands up for Dot, he immediately regrets drawing Hopper’s attention. Just look how scared he is.
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He breaks eye contact and steps back as Hopper commands him to do.
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And now, back to THE SCENE
This time is different, he has changed since the last encounter. But also it’s not the same Hopper, he’s angrier and determined to regain control. Flik is fully aware he is intending to squish the queen just to set an example.
And now he just tried to trick him with the fake bird, which make things so much worse. Once again, everyone is in danger because of him (The bird fail was not his fault, but he already is stigmatized for being a constant failure)
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So there he is. Standing up for Dot and Atta, taking full responsibility for his idea so he can stop Hopper from hurting anyone, proving the last thing he is thinking about is himself. He knows whom he’s talking to and knows there will be consequences.
"Leave her alone Hopper! The bird was my idea! I'm the one you want" (This line and the way he delivers it 👌)
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And this is what he gets.
Not only does he gets brutally beaten, but also it must have been humiliating to be put as an example to all of those who felt disdain at him.
It's not too graphic but everyone’s reaction to it and the sounds he makes are enough to know how bad it is. Also the poor ant is left all bruised.
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Look at him!
Come on, is there any other Pixar's movie in which a character gets hurt like this? Yes, there are other characters getting hurt. But none as viciously as him. Holy shit, they went too hard on him!
Now Hopper is using him to set the example for everyone, to keep them in line.
But Flik is not having it and somehow gathers the strength to get up.
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(The sounds he makes and the effort it takes him to stand up 👌)
It took just a look from Hopper to intimidate him before, but now even when he is menacingly approaching him, Flik doesn't stop talking back. He's so defiant right now and doesn’t break eye contact. Not until Hopper hits him, confirming what he just said.
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Hopper looks so terrifying with that raged expression and the fire behind him. He's such a vicious villain and it’s so well established I really thought at this part: Oh, no! He is so screwed!
Filk was so badass with his speech, even though he is visibly in pain. He didn’t know he would inspire everyone and get saved from a certain doom. They never believed in him, so why would they now?
They all knew how screwed they were, they didn’t meet the quota and it was impossible to do so. The bird was the only hope and they we’re so eager to do it but they dropped the plan so easily as soon as they knew it was his idea. That’s the faith they had in him.
Still he didn’t show Hopper any fear. Damn he was so fucking brave!
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Just look at this sadistic smile when he is about to squish him. Flik is so weak he can’t do anything about it.
But then Atta stands up for him.
(I love the parallels, first she is so terrified she is about to throw him under the bus, but now she doesn't hesitate to put herself in front of Hopper to protect him. Also I love how she mimics Hopper’s circle of life thing he told her first)
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Flik looks so vulnerable, poor ant. I love that Atta tells him she’s proud of him.
And then all the ants finally attack the grasshoppers, making them fly for their lives. Leaving Hopper behind.
But it isn’t enough to stop him.
Now that he completely lost control over the ants and his gang abandoned him, all because of Flik, he only has one thing in mind: revenge.
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(The way he targets Flik 👌)
I love how Atta is now so protective towards him.
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(The way he snatches and takes him away 👌)
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It was short, but still a great and intense chase scene.
I love the way the gang grows to respect him. When he is gonna tell them his idea to make a bird they don’t wanna listen, until they get their egos inflated by getting asked for autographs. But in the scene were they’re celebrating and Flik approaches them to set them free, cause he is not going to put them in a position in which they have to fight, they take some steps closer to him and pay full attention, they genuinely care to listen to whatever he has to say.
And now they get into action so fast, as soon as they see he is in danger they turn themselves into the warriors they were reluctant to be, motivated for his sake. That’s so heartwarming.
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Flik is at Hopper’s mercy now. It is now when he’s seen truly terrified. He screams for help, hoping for his friends to rescue him. He knows how screwed he'll be if Hopper succeeds in taking him away.
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For a moment it seems like Hopper is gonna get away with him. Where is he taking him to? What is he gonna do to him? It’s clear he wants him dead, but seriously, HOW was he intending to do it?
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(Pay attention to Flik's free leg, he's trying to kick Hopper's hand but it's useless. There's nothing he can do.)
But fortunately Atta comes to the rescue again.
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Then, it comes this moment.
(The way Hopper lands cutting his path and towers over him👌)
It's also admirable how Flik doesn't get blinded by fear and remembers the real bird they encounter before. (That scene is such a key moment, not only foreshadowing Hopper’s doom but Fliks wit. While the circus gang is panicking, he quickly comes up with a plan)
Flik knows they can’t escape from Hopper nor fight him, they have no chance with him. So he hides Atta and tells her “No matter what happens, stay down”, knowing exactly what he’s getting into and being willing to take it.
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Look how terrified Flik is. Yes, he knows what he is doing but it doesn't seem like he's fully acting it. Even though he’s begging, giving Hopper what he wants so he thinks he won and puts his guard down, he does seems scared. There’s no guarantee he’ll be okay.
This poor ant has been put in distress three times in a row now.
(The way he grabs him by his neck and strangles him. Again, the sounds he makes 👌)
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The way he strangles him is so brutal.
"I'll get more grasshoppers and be back next season. But you won't!" Damn the way he says the last part.
Hopper has such a murder face, he is so vicious. The way he effortlessly grabs him and the violent movement of his hands is terrifying.
Flik's expression as he gasps and reaches Hopper's hands shows how hard he's squeezing. If the bird had taken a few more seconds he would be dead.
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And thankfully the bird comes out, being this his third rescue.
Just look how tiny and fragile Flik looks in Hopper's hands. He just lolls along with his movements, totally helpless 👌
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I just love how relieved and proud of himself he looks as he says “Yep!” when Hopper ask’s if it’s another fake bird.
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Just look at him, this poor ant has had enough.
And then the scene ends in the most satisfying and gruesome way.
The way Flik gets to defeat Hopper is genius. It is clear how dangerous he is and how helpless Flik is against him, so he outsmarts him and the fact he is able to do so under so much distress is just badass.
Everyone acknowledges how Hopper’s death is one of the most gruesome and horrible from any other Disney and Pixar villain to have, and it's true. But not so many mentions the fact that Flik is put through so much distress, poor ant shouldn’t be able to get up so easily after that.
I would've liked to watch some aftermath involving a lot of comfort, because he really deserves it, along with a HUGE apology from the colony. Except from Dot, of course. Also I think Atta does redeem herself by saving him twice.
The Queen is the one that owes him the biggest apology for accusing him of putting himself before the others. Yes, he made a lot of mistakes cause he is clumsy, and the miscommunication with the circus bugs wasn’t entirely his fault (The fact he did take the time to explain but talked to the rollie pollies was hilarious)
They lied to him first. But I liked that detail when everyone cheers for his departure and he thinks they’re supporting him, that was so cruel but anticipated how gullible he is. Of course he was gonna believe the circus bugs were warriors that easily.
He was in no good position to just tell the truth even if he wanted to, so he had to work with what he had, pleasing the colony and pleasing the circus bugs. That was a shit ton of pressure over him and he was doing it so well. His plan was good, he gave hope to the colony for the first time ever and gave all the credit to the “warriors” since no one believed in him. He was always thinking of ways to make things easier for everyone. And he further proves that by putting his life at risk for them.
He deserves more praise, the colony should've received him back like: "Hey, we're really sorry for judging you and also, take this: 👑 you dropped it king"
Taking such a brutal beating, getting so violently taken away and getting so viciously strangled isn't something someone just can go about as if nothing happened. I really wish for an aftermath scene full of comfort.
I know, I know, they have to stick to a running time and for the sake of the plot and the tone of the movie it has to skip the aftermath and that’s okay. I just I like to imagine how it might went between that scene and the next one. There’s definitely a time skip cause Flik isn’t bruised anymore, and Heimlich got time to grew wings
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Overall, I think it’s a great movie (my Pixar’s favorite, if it isn’t obvious already) and a great scene that concludes with the message put through the movie, by Flik and Hopper, about a seed becoming something bigger. (It's a great thing they both have opposing speeches about a seed, Flik meaning inspiration and Hopper meaning a warning) I can’t emphasize enough how this movie deserves more praise!
I really miss the evil and merciless villains that were evil for the sake of being evil and intimidating we don't get to see anymore in modern movies.
But anyway, because of all the things that happen in the scene and because there's that trope of a Whumpee sacrifying for others, using a phrase such as: "I'm the one you want" the whumperflies this scene gives me are just...
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So tell me fellow whump enjoyers. What do you think about this?
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Just read chapter 3 of lucky break and I absolutely love Zoro and reader relationship, I think there would have an interesting/fun dynamic 💗
pfft idk why but I hope it comes a running gag that reader has a hobby attracting wild animals 🤣👌
amazing chapter as always love how you wrote the characters, the fighting scenes were amazing, hope your doing ok and drinking plenty of water ☺️
You're close, but the running gag is that Lucky just kinda has the touch with cats specifically
Aww thank you, I had a lot of fun writing for Zoro in this chapter! Lucky is essentially his external self preservation instinct since he doesn't have a single one.
When we get to the Baratie arc, Zoro will be the first to realize that Lucky is suspiciously absent purely because she isn't getting on his ass. Have a little drabble
Zoro screwed his eyes shut and forced himself to breathe through the pain stemming from the wound across his chest. The Baratie staff were doing their best to treat it, but this was significantly above their pay grade. Lucky was going to have a field day nagging him to 'get some rest' and 'see a doctor'.
Wait. How is Lucky not already doing all that. Frankly, he surprised Mihawk was able to leave without getting yelled at by her.
Zoro pries his eyes open and lifts his head to look around. She isn't anywhere in sight. This is rubbing him the wrong way, and he says as much, "Something's wrong."
"Wrong with what? You? Yeah, I would say there is if your dumbass thought it would be a good idea to take on Mihawk of all people," Sanji couldn't resist the opportunity to take a jab at the swordsman.
"No, curly-brows, Lucky isn't here," Zoro huffed, annoyed that this was the person that Luffy just had to have for a cook.
"Curly-brows? Wait, what do you mean Lucky isn't here?" Sanji's head swiveled around violently, trying to locate her and prove Zoro wrong. He wasn't though, she was nowhere to be seen. Neither was Nami or the ship you all came here on, he noted.
"Are you kidding me?!" Sanji kicked a nearby broken table, sending it hurtling into the sea. "The second I join is when both of the ladies disappear?! We need to find them! What if they were kidnapped?!"
"Kidnapped? Who was kidnapped? What's going on?" Usopp whipped out his slingshot and swung it around wildly, trying to figure out where the danger was so he could go the other way.
"Lucky and Nami are missing, we need to hurry!" Sanji didn't even know where to begin, but that wasn't going to stop him from throwing himself into this head first.
"They're gone?! Hang on, where's the Merry?!" Usopp screeched, hands pulling on his hair from the shock and terror of the beloved ship being absent.
Zoro forced himself up onto his feet despite the protests of the cook around him. He wasn't about to leave these two idiots in charge of figuring out where Lucky went (and Nami too).
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clobertina · 10 months
Random cat fur mutations (and other info) I feel could be REALLY, REALLY good inspiration for people who want it!
1, Cats can have absolutely GORGEOUS fur mutations! Ones I always use as reference when I make feline-inspired original creatures! (Also, these are real mutations btw, though these are not ALL of them! As Tumblr won't let me share more than 10 pics ofc lol)
--The King Cheetah-- a cheetah born with it's spotted pattern conjoined together; making these beautiful 3 stripes down it's back and unique splotch patterns!
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--The Spotless Cheetah-- a newer descovery... Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure it's only been seen once, like, ever. It's called a Spotless Cheetah, but what's interesting is that it still has a speckled spotty pattern despite being “spotless”; Just MUCH different to a regular cheetah! I'm ginuinely really interested on what could have possibly caused this honestly!
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--The Maned Lioness-- Lionesses' born with too much testosterone. They are more aggressive and can, funnily enough, unintentionally trick rival males into thinking there's more males to protect a pride.
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--The Black Tiger-- Tigers born with too much melanin; resulting in these tigers having an absolutely GORGEOUS striped pattern! It can also extend to White Tigers too (even though White Tigers are purely man-made to clarify)
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--The Strawberry Tiger-- I unfortunately don’t know much about what causes the mutation… so I’ll quote Google (whatever causes it, it results in the tiger having a golden color to make the long story short) “Due to no official name, people mostly refer to these tigers as strawberry tigers. This obscure color variation is caused by a recessive gene called the 'wide-band gene,' which is only found in captive tigers.” -Google
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--The King Leopard-- it's basically the exact same mutation wise with the King Cheetah, but just with a leopard! (I think it's only been recorded and seen twice)
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2, AAAAAND, In case anyone wants some inspiration for animal sounds for animalistic OCs and Species n stuff 👌
Each cat sounds almost completely different to eachother, I highly recommend watching if you want some cool ideas to headcanon or take inspiration from!
That is all for now, Sincerely, the huge animal nerd who had no reason posting this but wanted to anyway LOL!
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 5 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 98... You have been warned...! 👌
This chapter literally broke me in more ways than one...
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This chapter is a continuation of Martha and Henderson's backstory from Mission 97, so let's talk about it shall we...?
So when I opened this chapter and saw a radio...:
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...I literally got PTSD from seeing it because it immediately made me think of the first part of Mission 62, Twilight's (or rather [REDACTED]'s) past, so I knew that things were about to take a turn for the worst...! 😔
On the same page, Martha asks Henderson what he's doing here and he tells her that there's a personnel shortage, so he got to graduate early. Then, Henderson turns off the radio and says this:
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This is just... It's so sad, but true that things, like radios, that were once made for helping others can easily be used to spread hatred and cause harm... It's just not right... 😞
Moving on, after being separated for so long, Martha and Henderson were able to have another tea party like they used to have, but it wasn't long before things started to take a turn... During a school safety drill, Martha asks Henderson if he's excused from being drafted, and he tells her...:
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"It may be that even education is powerless now."... 😟
Hearing Henderson say that hurts my soul... But nothing could prepare me for the next few pages...
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Why... Why do things like this have to happen... 😣
No, things like this SHOULDN'T happen...! Innocent people dying because of senseless violence, because of war, it's just not right nor is it fair...! And I will always stand by that...!!
Continuing on, Henderson finds out that Martha is volunteering for The Women's Defense Auxiliary and he's upset by this. She tells him that the ballet company she was a part of is going to disband and her dream will go with it, so he scolds her again and she tells him this:
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My heart hurts just seeing the anguish in face and in her words...!! 💔
And the heart break continues because Martha overhears that Henderson is going to be married off and she is devastated... But while in tears, she overhears that the dance is coming again, so this is her last chance to tell him how she feels...!
At the dance, Martha approaches Henderson:
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Martha looks so cute here...!! 💗 I was so excited to see them dance together, that when I turned the page, something unexpected happened... I started to cry...:
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Seeing them happy, even though just for this moment, it reminded me why I love Spy X Family so much... It's for these moments, the moments that most of S×F's cast is fighting for, the moments that we all should strive for...!! There are just so many bad things going on in the world that it makes wish that moments like these could be the norm for all instead of some...!! I just don't understand why must there be so much hatred and malice in the world... Why can't we all live in peace instead of conflict...
Gosh, I'm even crying now just writing all of that... I should probably start to wrap this up...!
So, just as Martha is about to confess to Henderson, this happens...:
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...and the chapter ends... 💔😭💔
And that was Mission 98; truly such a heartwreching chapter to read, just like Mission 62 was...
I don't even know what else to say except thank you to Endo... Thank you for making this manga, for getting me feel all of these feelings, for giving me the opportunity to share these feelings with everyone that loves this series as much as I do...!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart...!! 💗
And thank you to all of you that reads this post...!! There's a lot of things that I wish that I could do to make the world a better place, but if this post inspires you in anyway, that's good enough for me...!! 💗
Sorry for rambling, but anyway... Until the next Mission; take care, be safe out there and thank you for reading...!! 🤗 Later!! 💗
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