#Glenda Bond
svankmajerbaby · 2 years
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little glen and glenda moments from S2E4
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letterboxd-loggd · 1 year
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Torchy Blane in Chinatown (1939) William Beaudine
July 29th 2023
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nicascurls · 2 months
I’m back on my Jennifer the Doll bullshit Breaking the Dollhouse AU
Jennifer admitted to Glen once during a day where she was sad that she never got to hold them or Glenda and now it was too late to hold either of them because she was a doll. She tried to shrug it off after she said it but Glen lied down across the couch and placed their head on her lap so in a way, it felt like Jennifer was holding them. It’s something the twins started doing whenever Jennifer or one of them was upset, she’ll start playing with their hair or stroking their cheeks and just listen to them talk. Later on, Junior and GG started doing it too.
It almost becomes a little bonding activity and no matter what mood she’s in, Jennifer always cheers up afterwards.
I already imagined Glen lying their head in people's lap when they're tired or want comfort, they like having their hair played with.
I definitely ends up becoming a thing between the kids and Jennifer, she loves all of them so much.
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thornsofrosesdumps · 4 months
Head cannons for taiyang PRT two.
(No trigger warners this time pookies)
Taiyang was originally the most loyal to Ozpin, he would do anything Ozpin asked and when I say anything I mean anything. course he had like a moral code that he wouldn’t push but he did most of Ozpins dirty work as his enforcer.
Which is also why taiyang left, he saw the way Ozpin manipulated his teammates and those around him, the way he truly believed the ends justified the means. How they were all pawns or puppets in a game none of them truly mattered in. So the loyal knight threw himself of the chess board, the puppet cut its own strings. (Felt poetic)
He’s incredibly emotionally unavailable, he doesn’t know how to deal with any of his emotions without being destructive so he just kind of bottles them up.
bro has depression and anxiety, I mean who wouldn’t of you knew the world was going to end and there was nothing to do about it?
mommy and daddy issues galore.
Almost everyone he’s known has left him behind be it for one reason or another,
bro had intense beef with Ironwood when he was in Ozpins group, they had this like, kinda fucked up friendship that ended in a screaming match.
another one on Taiyang and Ironwoods relationship I think Tai saved ironwoods life once, which led them to being kind of close. Also they definitely fucked, tai was a manwhore.
En-Tai-re team.
he can do acrobatics and mostly does it to fuck with people nowadays
he does not let his grudges die.
when Yang and Ruby almost got fucking KO’d by a Grimm he woke up from his depression and actually tried to be there more.
He tried, like really really tried, he didn’t do it very well though. He was a okay dad, not good, not bad. Just a dad trying desperately to juggle everything and keep himself and his kids alive.
He can actually juggle!
if given the chance he’d punch everyone in Ozpins group, minus Glenda, she scares him.
if he didn’t have the kids and Qrow he’d end up joining Salem out of spite and rage. Consumed by his need for vengeance and hate for Ozpin, I think him and Salem would bond over that. They’d sip tea and talk shit about Ozpin, true friendship.
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barclaysangel · 1 year
Sometimes I forget about Chucky season 2 canon
What do you mean Junior's actually dead? Andy was tortured for a year? Nica got dismembered? Glen and Glenda's human bodies died and they're back in the doll? Caroline got corrupted and taken by Chucky and Tiffany?
No no, I think you're mistaken.
Junior's actually alive and was living in the middle of the woods for Andy for a year. No torture, just the Chuckies that would come by and then get brutally tortured and murdered by the new father and son duo. It's a bonding activity for them.
Nica never got amputated, it was a hallucination from the drugs that Tiffany was giving her, making her believe that she lost her limbs. But Nica's got her arms and legs, she's okay.
Glen and Glenda are still human but did split both of their souls to put into the doll, GiGi (is it GiGi or GG?? Which is canon??? Idk anymore).
Caroline is fine, she's with Lexy and probably killed Chucky herself, she's got a bit of a dark side.
Overall, they're all just one big happy Final Family.
Idk what show y'all were watching because that's not the one I watched...
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Andy attempting to bond with the twins. (Incorrect quotes edition)
Andy to Glen: It’s family fun day genius. We’re cutting off work and having one of those…bonding type deals
Glen: Andy is this gonna be anything like our last bonding day.
Glen reminisce about the time Andy made them and Glenda bond with him doing god knows what. The Chucky head is just watching them casually bonding as they’re doing an “art project”.
Andy: You call that Ben Franklin, he looks like a woman
Police sirens arising near the canon
Andy: Uh oh
Glenda: The county jail was so cold
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- The CGI wasn't actually to bad in this movie. It wasn't the best, but it was far from terrible.
-I wasn't a big fan of Ariel's sisters having their names changed, also them getting rid of their song
- I like that they gave more depth to Prince Eric's character.
- It makes him more likeable than Prince Eric from the first movie.
-Cause in the live action, he was adopted by the royal family when he was wased up by a shipwreck, and although he didn't want to rule like his adopted father, he still wanted the best for his people.
- I loved how they made it so that both Ariel and Eric loved and were curious about the world's that the other one came from.
-And both their parents forbidding it because they were scared for their child's safety.
-It all in all made it feel like a Romeo and Juliet story. Two people from opposite worlds growing a close bond over their similar unhappy situations
- Where is chef Loui!?!?!
- Puppy Max Supremacy!!!! 😍 ♥️ ❤️ 💕 💖
-I like how they did a doc-ock effect with Ursula: having her tentacles have a mind of their own.
-Ursula just came down in a bubble, Glenda, the good witch style
- It was cute how Aruel used the stars that Eric was showing her to help him find her name
- And the whole town travel day was absolutely adorable and I loved it so much
- It was also nice how they didn't put Eric completely under Ursula's spell.
-Seeing him having an internal struggle about how now that he's (supposedly) found the girl that he's been looking for, he doesn't know what he wants.
- He's in the struggle of choosing the girl who (supposedly) saved his life, and the girl who he got to bond with, grow a connection with, and share this mutual and caring understanding with.
-Vanessa (Aka Ursula) and Ariel just had a straight-up fist fight!
- They straight up just killed Triton!
-Instead of turning him into one of those garden things, Ursula actually just freaking kills him!
- Oh, never mind, They got him back.
- It was nice to see that at the end of the movie, both parents apologized to their children.
- I especially loved the apology from Triton. How he said that Ariel never should have had to lose her voice in order to be heard.
- And the movie ended with both Ariel and Eric off to travel tye world with one another.
- And making a new era of peace between humans and Merfolk
- So yeah, all in all, I would say that it's definitely one of Disney's better Live action adaptations
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marvelmaniac715 · 1 year
My first gift to Chucky is publishing extracts from his very own guide book on child rearing. It’s his perspective on the kids he’s encountered, including his own. I warn you, it’s not to everyone’s taste, even I winced when I read what he wanted me to publish on this blog, but then he reminded me that it’s Father’s Day and that he simply wanted to share his fatherly wisdom, so… here you go.
Why hello, my name is Chucky, welcome to my childcare guide book. I have many years of experience being around kids, I even have two of my own. In all of my years, I’ve searched desperately for a book or some sort of video guide that could help me understand the young people in my life, but nothing I found ever related to my exact situation. This is the guide that I wish I’d had back in the 1980s. If you’re somehow seeing this Andy, I blame you for everything that’s gone wrong in my life.
Modern Teenagers:
The most important thing I can teach you about the youth of today is that you have to relate to them on their level. One thing I like to do when I’m talking to a modern day teenager is reference Instagram. Remember how exciting it was when you were a kid and grownups would reference the Batman comic you’d just read? This is the modern day equivalent. Have I ever used the app? Not really, but I did talk to a teenager (thank you Junior, RIP) who assured me that Insta followers are a very valued commodity for today’s youth.
A lot of teenagers don’t actually like me. Can’t figure out why, I’m very cool. If you experience the same issue, I can recommend that you should not aim to traumatise teenagers unless you have a goal, because some of them have the strength of full grown adults along with raging hormones, it’s like fighting the Hulk. Word of advice - it’s usually frowned upon to try and offer a teenager drugs, and many teens will decline before murdering you in a brutal fashion.
Young Kids:
Kids under the age of ten make better stooges, but if they have good parents, it’s harder to make them do what you want. Some  manipulation persuasion tactics that I’ve used in the past with young kids include:
Convincing a boy that I was sent by his deceased father to be his companion/playmate (successful for about two days, not recommended for the long term)
Convincing a girl that her mother was not her biological mother in order to fill that maternal role with my ex instead
Convincing another girl that I wanted to play a game called ‘Hide the Soul’ then possessing her body (RIP Alice Pierce)
Little kids are surprisingly easy to convince that your way is for the best, but this gift is to be used sparingly in order to avoid the risk of said kid getting wise to what’s happening and not following your leadership. Another top tip - if the child you are trying to manipulate persuade has protective older relatives that are surprisingly skilled with a variety of weapons and forms of combat, figure out at least five potential exits from the situation or else you will be killed.
Introducing Your Biological Children To Your Interests:
As previously mentioned, I have two kids of my own. Can I tell you how old they are? …No, I’m not actually sure. I wanna say twenty? No… they were ‘born’ in 2004, so… nineteen at the most.
Anyway, my kids- twins, Glen and Glenda- are quite strange. The older one didn’t see the value of murder, and the younger one seemed kinda psychotic when I met them. But still, I tried to install a love of violence in my eldest child, because that’s how I bond with others.
What I did was I took my older child out hunting late at night when their mother was sleeping (‘recovering from addiction’, don’t ask). I even introduced the kid to a celebrity (before mercilessly killing them… oops, I did it again) as we made our way to the house of a guy I didn’t like. My intention was to have the kid watch, but they were clearly so inspired by the incident in the car that they decided to take matters into their own hands. I’ve never been more proud, and I was even prouder a day or so later when they used what I taught them to kill me.
Now, I’m not saying that this technique will work for everyone, but it was very effective for me. Of course, every child is different. I mean, take my little Glenda for example (not so little anymore really). They were in control for all of five minutes, but they used their limited time in control of the body to murder a woman with a flamethrower and then make an incredible joke about it. That’s the sort of talent that a kid has to be born with, whereas my older child Glen had to coaxed into killing, but when they did, it was absolutely glorious.
So my advice to you, dear reader, is to choose an interest of yours that you’re best at to focus on and pass on to your child. If they pick it up and have a talent for it, great! Your talent will live on. But if they don’t quite get it or like it, it’s still a much needed chance to bond with your child, especially if you don’t see them for years.
Reaching Out To The Children You Haven’t Seen For Years As An Adult:
I have a lot of experience with this. Andy Barclay, Barbara and Nica Pierce as well as my own kids have all gone many years without seeing me, and when I reentered their lives, I did it in a big way. Murder attempts are a classic way to go, but what if you’re looking for henchmen assistants? Two words for you, my friends: compliments and persuasion. Young kids will believe almost anything you say (see above) and older kids who are starved for affection will do whatever you ask in the hopes of receiving more affection. It’s foolproof.
Final Words:
Kids are interesting, complex tiny humans who don’t quite understand how the world works. I’m not an expert, but I did consult my childhood therapist whilst writing this, who told me the following:
‘Small children are ridiculously easy to mould and teenagers are ticking time bombs of anxiety. He or she who controls children controls the future.’
Do I think that’s a good takeaway from this guide book? Not quite, even I think that’s a tad too far. I just felt it was necessary to include it, because it’s… certainly a quote.
Before I leave you, I’d like to thank and acknowledge the following people:
Tiffany Valentine - the mother of my children 
Glen and Glenda Ray - the twins who made me a father
Andy Barclay - a person who taught me how irritating children can be
Nica Pierce - an interesting adversary and an even more interesting person to possess
Kyle Simpson - for teaching me to never underestimate a woman, especially a young one
Alice Pierce - a nice girl who went too soon
Junior Wheeler - a valuable source of information on modern teenagers
Jake Wheeler - same as Junior, also a promising artist
Caroline Cross - an interesting kid who shows great promise as a killer
I hope you enjoyed my book, hopefully, with the advice I provided, you can be as great as a parent as I am.
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rainbowdelicsunshine · 5 months
Whatever aU first comes to mind upon reading this for the 5 hcs game! :DD
As you probably predicted, I'm choosing to talk about my OceanBerry AU (aka my Chucky AU/Retelling of the Chucky TL)!
1. You remember the three human friends that Chucky is buddies with that I've talked about in this post long ago?
Well I FINALLY have found some live action faceclaims for them!! (Please don't take the IRL ages of these actors into account since I only need them to demonstrate appearance)
Here they are!
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Don Rivers: Bruce Willis (as David Dunn in Glass)
Zach Galifianakis: Jerry Hickens (as Ethan Chase in Due Date) (and w only a bushy mustache)
Blake Anderson: Bob Berkeley (as Blake in Workaholics)
2. I have also found live action faceclaims for Glen's boyfriend Kahuna and Glenda's girlfriend Natalie (OCs of mine) as well!
And same as the first time, real ages of the actors does not factor in choosing them as a faceclaim, only appearance is!
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Kahuna Mahelona: Jason Scott Lee (as Mowgli in Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book (1994) (add on hair/bangs that covers his eyes + slightly more muscular)
Natalie Winchester: Kim Director (as Kim Diamond in Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2) (have hair dye at the ends of her hair instead of being streaks in her hair)
3. Chucky and Eddie are in the midst of attempting to reconcile and reestablish their adoptive brotherhood (since before the Big Incident in 1988, Chucky and Eddie regarded each other as brothers)
They still have a LOT of sour feelings on each other's ends for their own respective reasons (Chucky for being abandoned when he needed his little brother the most and Eddie for literally being blown tf up)
Eddie is still much more resentful than Chucky since Chucky started to feel more thankful towards Eddie as time went on with having his family, Eddie tends to be a lot more snappier and grumpier around Chucky but is still able to tolerate him and even sometimes have a good bonding moment like they used to
Chucky on the other hand just acts like how an asshole big brother would to their little brother, just messing with them in stupid ways like how they used to do as kids/young adults
4. If anyone ever wanted to know what John/Dr. Death does in his free time/where he lives in the Ray house, he basically just keeps to himself in the attic of the house studying and practicing his magic and spirituality
He does come down to other parts of the house on occasion and regularly interacts with the Rays (but talks to and hangs out with Eddie the most), since he acts as the family's advisor/guide the kids and Chucky tend to go to him in the attic a lot since he tends to have knowledge they need
The state of Chucky and John's friendship is still... Icy but is much better than it was before!
I also HC that they were childhood friends as well, thus that being how Chucky found him to teach him Magic and Soul Bending/Shifting (what I'm calling the spell/s where Chucky would transfer souls and such) and Soulmancy (what I'm replacing the Voodoo with cuz yall know why)
If you are unfamiliar with John Bishop and his role in OceanBerry, here is this post!
His Appearance/Info
5. The Rays do, in fact, have a dog that acts as a family companion and guard dog that keeps the house and the kids safe (in Chucky's words) that they all got as a puppy when the youngest (my Chiffany fankid Buddy) was around 9 years old
The dog is a 4 year old medium sized but very muscular German Shepherd/Pitbull Mix that's dubly named King Ghidorah, very vicious, strong and protective of his property and family when need be, but is most of the time a giant sweetheart that likes to think he's a lapdog
Fun fact: King Ghidorah was given to The Rays by Chucky's friend Jerry when he had found the pup in a box of "free puppies" that was stationed in front of the Walmart that's in Hackensack and decided that a puppy from that box would've made a GREAT birthday gift for Buddy
Ofc, since Buddy was a 9 year old, he LOVED it! King Ghidorah is now closest/bonds the most with Buddy, Chucky, and June/Junior all in that order (though Ghidorah loves EVERYONE)!
I am soso sorry that this took SO LONG for me to post this, it took a lotta time to come up with all this info for you, let alone type it all out lol!
I hope that the wait was well worth it and that you let me in on your feedback on this my dear lovely friend!
I hope that you enjoy reading all this and have a fantastic evening!!
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cornerofhell · 1 year
Okay so as some may have guessed, this au is different.
You see, I have taken the plot from multiple movies and the series and meshed them all happily.
And it starts with with Curse. Nica never went to prison- because she had people testify on her behalf. 
Nica Pierce and Andy Barclay first met when he came to her to help her with her case. He was not going to let another soul be taken by that bastard. 
He, his mother Karen, his stepfather Mike, his adopted sister Kyle, and Jesse and Jade Kincaid all testified on her behalf. How they also had been acused of murder that had been proven false, and that the evidence pointed to Nica’s innocence.
Nica was released, and Andy awkwardly offered to take her in while she sought for custody of Alice, but Alice had disappeared completely. Her foster mother was not found either. They were both without a trace.
The woman worked night and day to find her niece. So hard to find the child she viewed almost as a daughter, the last remnants of her family that she’d been too late in saving. 
Andy was by her side the whole way and would try to help as much as he could, helping put up missing posters, and actually in doing so, this brought their bond closer.
The stress made them speak feelings that they kept from the world, how Chucky had ruined them, how far their lives had come, what they were....
And strangely enough that bond began to grow. And grow and grow. 
Nica still searched for her niece constantly but she also bean to fall in love with the man who helped. The man who listened, the man who ate cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, the smartalec man with a bajillion guns on his walls to protect himself and others...
And Andy was beginning to fall in love with the woman who cooked like Gordon Ramsay’s sister. The woman who spoke like a scientist’s dream, the woman whose jokes and laughter made him smile like he’d never before, the woman who held his hand.
And with that, a year after he took her into his home, the two began to date.
....Then the box came in. Andy shot the doll right as it prepared to kill him. 
This revealed a few things. One, they had a new way to find Alice, and two, their location was no longer safe. 
And three, Nica was pregnant. 
The two knew they had to leave fast, so with the help of the fellow Barclays, the two got a large cabin out in the woods. Not too cut off from society but just enough to be well hidden. 
They tortured Chucky tremendously, wanting answers out of the little bastard, and revenge for all of those years and deaths...
Until he just revealed it. He’d planned on revealing it before he gutted Nica but now was as good as any... Alice was dead.
She’d been used as a vessel for one of his soul’s clones and was stabbed in return by a victim.
This devastated Nica, giving her severe depression, but Andy was by her side through and through. The moment they were able, they’d hunt the sons of bitches down.
Nica gave birth at the hospital to a perfectly healthy baby girl, which she and Andy named Maggie. The two adored her, and promised the world and the moon to protect her and love her always.
Then they were thrown for another loop. See, with Nica being released, this sort of gave Chucky less time to plan, and less time to explain to Tiffany. And in doing so, she accidentally got sloppy. 
‘Jennifer Tilly’ was seen dragging a corpse by a jogger when she wasn’t looking and reported and arrested. Her children, Glen and Glenda, ten at the time, were placed in foster care. Meg Tilly wanted so badly to take in the twins she never met but at the time had no room in her home. She’d constantly visit the tow and promise them a home.
Nica and Andy watched this all as the pieces connected slowly. They’d been the last attacked by Chucky and Tiffany.... Oh no. It took a while of torture before Chucky admitted- yes. Glen and Glenda were his children, an Jennifer was his wife, Tiffany.
Andy was the one who sort of had the idea, but the two talked it over a bit. Maggie was a few months old, were they ready....
But both of them knew that they couldn’t bear to let another child, let alone two into Chucky’s clutches and trauma. So they took them in. 
It was a hard, awkward start. Raising a baby and new foster twins wasn’t easy. Not to mention Tiffany had escaped- run off, just like she had with Alice.
With this new horror, Glen and Glenda had slowly remembered who they were, and had no idea how to handle it... But Andy and Nica helped. They listened. Didn't judge them for their parents. They helped.
Years went by. They became closer. A new baby by the name of Mikey was welcomed into the loving family and as normal as they could be, the family chugged on.
Nica had become a teacher, Andy worked a factory job, both going out with Kyle to hunt Chuckys when they had time.
And then Andy, father of two seventeen year olds, a seven year old, and a two year old, received a message from someone named Jake. TO BE CONTINUED....
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streets-in-paradise · 2 years
Even If I Can't See You - Andy Barclay x Nica Pierce
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Inspired by @creativepromptsforwriting " One True Pairing Moments" prompts.
7 - Calling just to hear their voice
Word Count 2 K
Warnings: AU where is implied that Andy is looking after the younger Chucky survivors while Nica goes for her revenge against Tiffany. Prior to that she lived some time with Kyle and through that they found time to get closer.
Summary: Nica keeps refusing help when it comes to her plans for revenge against the woman who wronged her, but she can’t get to refuse Andy’s company. 
Notes: First time writing for the pairing, but i had to because i love them and there are no fics out there. Also, this includes and explores some headcanons that Luna ( losersclubisms) and i have not only of them but of some other characters.
Tags: @losersclubisms @series-thoughts @missmitchieg @cornerofhell​
Always at the same hour and every single night since they drifted apart the lovely ritual would continue. Nica awaited for the sound of her phone like the well earned comfort before struggling to get some sleep. 
In the path her life was taking, getting to hear Andy's voice was the main source of calm she had. Her thirst for revenge drove her into a consuming fight she felt she needed to approach on her own and he was an expert on the matter. However, he refused to leave her alone and she was secretly grateful for that. His affection would often manifestate from the knowledge of cause from a fight he led since she was still in diapers and the identification with her particular situation. 
He wanted to look after her like he never looked after himself. In every call Andy would prioritize trivial conversation before asking for the state of the Tiffany hunt just to keep her mind distracted from obsessive thoughts. His favorite topic was the kids. He would ramble to her about all kinds of everyday things of them: the bits of success in his bonding with Lexy, the new song Junior learned on guitar, the mess in the living room when Jake was working on a new sculpture and his cousin began to mess with the art supplies or how Devon shared him his ideas for the podcast. 
Nica loved to listen, but she would often get emotional to the mentions of Glen and Glenda. One of them was aware and supportive of her personal crusade, but she feared the other would never forgive her. Her phone companion once told her that, if they were fine with the many times he himself killed Chucky despite never being a witness of what he did to him, Glen will someday understand because they saw her pain.
The syntony of thoughts made everything feel easier during and after their conversations. Whenever one would run out of reasons the other would find a new one. 
Andy wasn't calling to make her desist, but to help her carry on. He was also missing her to death, smiling to the sound of her voice at least once per night and wondering if she ever remembered the goodbye they shared under the secrecy of knowing he was the only one who figured out what she was about to do. On her stubborn rush he got a glimpse of the immense frustration he made Kyle go through when he abandoned her at the gas station on the way to Hackensacks. If Nica was like him, if she wanted to kill Tiffany or kill herself alone trying, every chance to be with her could be the last. 
For so, he kept coming to her through the phone. Following her with his mind and heart was all he was allowed to do since she insisted on working the revenge alone. 
"... They were eavesdropping on us last night, can you believe it?" He was commenting halfway into another ramble. " Jake and Junior, i catched them at the other side of my door. I'm always in my room when we talk because I don't want them to hear. Don't get me wrong, I love those shitheads, but they are going to start asking questions I can't answer. Keeping Junior quiet since he found out has been hard, he is your biggest supporter. If you would let him, he would chase and kill that bitch for you by himself. " 
He fought against the impulse of telling her that he himself would do it if she would want him to. 
" He is really into the task of trying to make Glen feel comfortable with the idea of matricide, mostly through his dark humor and failing hilariously. " Andy continued talking about the Wheeler boy. " On a serious note, they are talking about Logan and Tiffany... I broke glass while washing dishes listening to them. I swear, Nica. If I had either of their shitty parents in front of me I wouldn't miss the shot." 
She couldn't help chuckling because he wasn't noticing his anger escalate. 
" I know, one is already down and the other one is yours to take, but I can't help it. " He defended himself. " Junior asks me how much food he is allowed to eat and Glen acts like looking after my feelings is their job. Seriously, they have a compulsion for trying to cheer me up and they get afraid if I raise my voice.  I did it only once, not even at them, and they almost cried. I wonder what the hell has Tiffany done to them and I drive myself crazy. I am afraid to ask Glenda because I know that if I hear it, i will cross that door gun in hand looking for their mother." 
" Narcissistic parenthood is terribly damaging even for the children of normal parents, which is the case of Junior. The narcissistic mindset of a serial killer can only get things worse. " She answered as a start for an analytical explanation. '' Logan was the success obsessed narcissistic parent, Tiffany is the self absorbed emotional vampire. In different ways both Junior and Glen have grow up dissociated from their needs. Junior was denied of his identity by a father who wanted to make him the most perfect version of himself. Tiffany encouraged Glen to be themselves, but put herself as the center of the world she showed them and taught them that her feelings matter above anyone's. The result is only oriented differently because the intentionality of the narcissistic parent was different. Junior is like an obedience machine who craves to please through success at performance. On the other hand Glen is a comfort machine who constantly gives love. I understand that seeing it makes you angry, but is part of guiding them into healthy unlearning of the toxic patterns." 
" Thank you, doctor. How much is gonna be this time?" He sweetly mocked her. " Let me pay with knowledge from my own discipline. You studied the human mind, but I studied war and that could be helpful to you ríght now. Chucky's strategy was possessing you to divide us because he knew how dangerous we could become together, but I bet Tiffany is not as smart. "
He heard a gasp, an expression of discredit. 
" You know better than anyone why I have to do this alone." 
" ... I know better why you don't have to." He quickly replicated. " I have learned the hard way that asking for help is not an unforgivable sin, that my compulsion of doing things alone thinking that would protect people has endangered others and myself. I know of hate and obsession... Hell, I want you to pursue yours... just let me help.."
" Stay where you are, enjoy the kids some more." She teased him. " I will be back, I promise. " 
" See? That's the sort of crap I would say to Kyle ríght before leaving to do something stupid. Don't be like me, you are the smart one here." 
" Maybe spending so much time with you has made me dumber, but i regret nothing. "
First smile of the night, Andy controlled his breathing to not let her know she got him flustered. 
" Very few people have spent time with me and do not automatically regret it. " 
" If I am still here it is because I want to. " She insisted, getting slightly softer. " I like this, Andy. I like the sound of your voice. You may not believe it, but you are the highlight of my days. " 
Happiness made him answer without thinking. 
" I love to help, even if I can't see you." 
Nica had a very particular reason to keep refusing his assistance, something that never occurred to him perhaps because it wasn't part of his experience with Chucky. 
" I like you, but I can't let her know that. Tiffany mutilated me claiming that she loved me, imagine what she would do for jealousy. It's because I like you for real that you can't be here with me. " 
For the first time he got silent because he had no idea of what to say. She only got to hear some chuckling, but it didn't sound like amusement. Nerves, surprise,peraphs. She was able to imagine him looking like a flustered boy.  
" Did you pay any attention to what I just said? A crazy bitch can go after you if she finds out that I like you." She repeated as if she doubted he was still there. " I'm serious, Andy. " 
" About how crazy she is or about how much you like me?" He finally replied. " You have to be more specific." 
" Tiffany is so delusional that she saw Glenda abandoning her and still choose to cry about my escape instead. " She commented as a verdict. " This may be new to you, but I am the one who is exposing you to a risk for liking you. She cares less about you stealing the love of her children than what she would if she finds out I have feelings for you. " 
Andy held a chuckle, another irony for the collection he spent a lifetime gathering. 
" What if I want it all? Them and you." He recalled, surprisingly unapologetically. " Nica, tonight I am calling just to hear your voice because I miss you. I'm too old for this shit, but here I am. "
 Nica remained silent for an instant. She was smiling, although he couldn't see her. 
" ... Well, if you think you can handle me and her tons of crazy..."
" Are you kidding? I also have a deathly enemy and we unfortunately come in a package. You are the only woman who gets it. " He joked in return, masquerading some truth on the pun. " There is no stalker romance from my enemy in my hate equation, but Chucky would want to kill anyone making me happy anyways." 
She couldn't help herself and stopped his speech on the tracks. 
" Do I make you happy, Andy?" 
As he thought since the first time he picked the phone to call her, he preferred to be wrong than late. 
" Yes, you do. " He confessed, willing to start admitting how he truly felt for her. " Please, let me help you not get killed or worse. We both had enough of ' or worse' last year. I'm not going to let her kidnap you again and I have some experience on this. My revenge on Chucky lasted four years, until you dragged me out of it. " 
The clarification surprised her. 
" Me? Why?"
" I dropped everything trying to help you... and I failed. Fuck, my fail was epical, but i can do better for you now. My instincts tell me that Chucky was afraid of what we can accomplish together. I couldn't save you from what he and Tiffany have done to you, but I can help you get revenge. I suck as a rescuer, but I am one hell of an avenger and an even better hunter." 
" Keep getting cocky, I like it. " She teased him once more. " Why are you so desperate to abandon domestic life? You fought for it, you deserve it. " 
" Just think about it, i was who discovered the most effective way to torture Chucky.  If you want to make that bitch suffer, I am your man. "
The offering was too tempting, but she had to share her plan to show why it wouldn't work at that point. 
" I'm going to go for her mind first. Only after taking the last drops of sanity, once she will be wrecked from the inside, i will get to the physical torture. Then it would be great to have your advice, but I haven't reached that part yet. " 
Nica made a brief pause before doing the hardest confession of that night.
" Keep me here, Andy. That's all I need from you ríght now. Talk to me, make me feel nice things so I can forget the hate and close my eyes thinking of you before falling asleep."
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if you were to write for a group of women slashers as counterparts to our main group of slashers, who would you include and why? What sort of shenanigans do you think they would get up to?
Well hello, hello, you~
God this is such a fun question! My apologies it has taken me so long to get to answering this! I answer this under the thought of WHAT IF: Instead of our murder men landing in Jennifer's house, what if we got the murder women instead? House of Horrors: Female Cast! -Tiffany Valentine -Glen/Glenda -Jennifer Check -Carrie White -Annie Wilkes -Leech Woman -Maybe the shadow woman from Lights Out? I do feel as though there are more male slashers than female ones, and especially when it comes to being enjoyable and memorable. (Mary Shaw is another underrated one) Though these I've chosen, I have done so because they have made the biggest impression on me. Reasons/Extra Info: -Tiffany: Tiffany would be dealing with her struggles of being a single mom with violent tendencies. Wanting the best for her babies and harboring a personal bitterness over her ex husband Chucky the Killer Doll.
-Glen/Glenda: I figure the twins come as a package deal. They would definitely befriend Alysson, and I can imagine some dark moments where the children bond. (all thanks to the more violent of the Ray children)
-Jennifer: Hot demon best friend? What more could a girl want? I would definitely do a running gag of the two Jennifers having to get their names sorted, too. Men in the neighborhood would definitely not be safe.
-Carrie: Come on, I have to have her! She's the sweetest! And she deserves the world. I think Carrie and Jennifer would get along swimmingly. Lots of girl time and cozy reading. Carrie would even get involved with Riley's friend group, from Jennifer Caddie insisting for her to, in order to have fun and make friends.
-Annie: More of the protective mother figure of the grouping. Would certainly be the caretaker, rather than Jennifer. Is definitely the most eager and capable to take care of shit and hide a body should she need to. (I think her and Tiffany would butt heads and have a "hate"/annoying-each-other kind of dynamic)
-Leech Woman: I love the Puppet Master Dolls. And this little cutie would cause some fair amount of chaos. Oh the leeches! There would be leeches for sure. Always finding herself in places she shouldn't be. (small enough to get caught and stuck places)
-Shadow Woman: I do find her very fascinating. Absolutely the most wild of the household. Would scare the shit out of Jennifer by crouching like a gargoyle at the foot of her bed. Would always follow and keep an eye on her too. (little does Jennifer know) Not the easiest to talk to and get to know, but very loyal once her guard gets let down. I know it's not the precise number to fit, but these female slashers are the ones I enjoy the most and could most realistically see myself doing. Hopefully you enjoyed this answer! <3
Thank you so much for your question, Oddity!
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fishyspider · 2 years
One of the things I find interesting about the franchise is the relationship between the twins (twin? I'm still confused on how the twin thing works with GG) and Tiffany.
They pretty clearly still feel a bond with Tiffany. Glen literally takes a bullet for her, and Glenda seems to enjoy having that final kill in their human body with Tiffany. During the send-off, they seem to be on pretty good terms.
And of course Tiffany absolutely adores them. She's shown that she's willing to go to extreme lengths for them. However, Tiffany has been shown to pretty selfish. Does she love them? Yeah. But a big part of her relationship with them is about how the relationship makes HER feel, not the kids themselves. In a heartbeat Tiffany would put her wants over the needs of GG and she wouldn't even realize it, which obviously puts a strain on the relationship between them.
Then there's the fact that GG pretty clearly has loyalties to Nica. They definitely sympathize with her, and Nica seems to genuinely like them. Nica is probably the closest thing to a responsible and caring adult GG's ever had. There's a sense of mutual respect between the two (three?).
In the end, I think GG's conflicting loyalties influenced their decision to travel to England. I really hope we see more of them and how they interact with the whole Nica/Tiffany conflict.
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barclaysangel · 1 year
Here’s this for a Chucky season 2 AU
Junior survives getting stabbed and while he was in the hospital, Tiffany was the one to take him in before foster care could. 
He began getting close to her and even starting to trust her after a couple months, living in Beverly Hills. But all that changed when Tiffany decided to introduce Junior to Nica, who was being kept captive. 
Junior’s almost horrified at this revelation, especially considering the state Nica was in, and knows it’s wrong. But he continues to physically act close to Tiffany while emotionally pulling away from her. Eventually, he starts sneaking into Nica’s room to explain everything to her, tell her how he’s going to find a way to get her out. 
Nica wants him to leave too but he insists that he can’t. Due to the injuries he sustained from Chucky, his heart isn’t the same and he needs medicine, medicine that Tiffany keeps on her at all times to make sure that Junior can’t leave. Without it, he could die so he believes he has to stay with Tiffany forever. 
They spend almost a year plotting on how to escape while also getting to know each other more and understand one another. Tiffany lets them be close, loving that her “girlfriend” and “son” are bonding. Junior also keeps up the act with Tiffany, even calling her “mom” to further earn her trust so he could figure out how to let Nica escape. 
Even though Junior is still weary over Nica being possessed by Chucky, he still opens up to her over time. He tells her things that he never told anyone else, the emotional abuse and manipulation he went through with his father, his dream to be a singer but knowing that his father would never let that happen, his regret over how he treated his cousin, everything. And Nica opens up too, about her family issues and everyone she’s lost, about Alice. And the more Nica knows about Junior, the more determined she is to get him out safely and with the medicine he needs. 
When Glen and Glenda accidentally find Junior—who was still being kept a secret from the twins because Tiffany didn’t want them to know about him “yet”—and Nica, that’s when their plan finally starts rolling and by the end, both of them escape with Glenda and Kyle. 
I’ve had this idea for a few weeks and have more things in mind that I didn’t mention. This AU can also include Nica actually being amputated or have it be a hallucination in Nica’s part due to the drugs Tiffany was giving her. I highly doubt I’ll write this because I’ve never even watched Chucky season 2 but if anyone wants to write it or have me be a co-writer, I would love that :)
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rainbowdelicgalore · 2 years
I'm also still trying recover from the fact that Nica!Chucky didn't even get mad at Glenda for being mad at him for not being there, he didn't yell, he didn't try to do defend himself or justify himself to them
All he said at first was
"Give your dad hell, kid"
Before he then explained why he was gone and said that he would help make up for his absence once their plan (whatever it is) gets pulled off
I honestly believe Chucky word for word that Tiffany was a huge reason why he was gone from his kids' lives, he would've been there and raised them like he wanted in Seed if Tiffany had let him, cuz me and my dad have been in their exact position (my dad ain't a serial killer but y'all know what I mean)
I also feel a huge reason why Glenda didn't kill Kyle was because they wants Kyle to tell them where the OG Chucky Head is so they can take it for herself and if they were able to tell Nica!Chucky that plan, I feel he wouldn't be mad at them at all and would've actually not yelled at them for not killing Kyle
I dunno, I'm just feeling the feels for both Glenda and Chucky and it really makes me think about the pain that they both feel being separated from each other against their will
I want them to at least be able to have bonding time and have Glenda run off with the head and Chucky's soul out of Nica's Body lolol
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stinkysstuff · 2 years
Ok so i watched episode 6.
I want some bonding time with chucky and the twins, especially with glenda, im sure we all need some cute father-child bonding in this show, plus the twins deserve to spend time with their dad. It probably wont happen but we can have hope.
I have a feeling episode 7 is gonna be wild, istg if Tiffany hurts nica or my non binary babies i will fight don.
Also imagine if andy met the twins, i wonder how that interaction would go 👁️👄👁️
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