#What’s tais and ironwoods ship name
thornsofrosesdumps · 4 months
Head cannons for taiyang PRT two.
(No trigger warners this time pookies)
Taiyang was originally the most loyal to Ozpin, he would do anything Ozpin asked and when I say anything I mean anything. course he had like a moral code that he wouldn’t push but he did most of Ozpins dirty work as his enforcer.
Which is also why taiyang left, he saw the way Ozpin manipulated his teammates and those around him, the way he truly believed the ends justified the means. How they were all pawns or puppets in a game none of them truly mattered in. So the loyal knight threw himself of the chess board, the puppet cut its own strings. (Felt poetic)
He’s incredibly emotionally unavailable, he doesn’t know how to deal with any of his emotions without being destructive so he just kind of bottles them up.
bro has depression and anxiety, I mean who wouldn’t of you knew the world was going to end and there was nothing to do about it?
mommy and daddy issues galore.
Almost everyone he’s known has left him behind be it for one reason or another,
bro had intense beef with Ironwood when he was in Ozpins group, they had this like, kinda fucked up friendship that ended in a screaming match.
another one on Taiyang and Ironwoods relationship I think Tai saved ironwoods life once, which led them to being kind of close. Also they definitely fucked, tai was a manwhore.
En-Tai-re team.
he can do acrobatics and mostly does it to fuck with people nowadays
he does not let his grudges die.
when Yang and Ruby almost got fucking KO’d by a Grimm he woke up from his depression and actually tried to be there more.
He tried, like really really tried, he didn’t do it very well though. He was a okay dad, not good, not bad. Just a dad trying desperately to juggle everything and keep himself and his kids alive.
He can actually juggle!
if given the chance he’d punch everyone in Ozpins group, minus Glenda, she scares him.
if he didn’t have the kids and Qrow he’d end up joining Salem out of spite and rage. Consumed by his need for vengeance and hate for Ozpin, I think him and Salem would bond over that. They’d sip tea and talk shit about Ozpin, true friendship.
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littlelewdmable · 11 months
Unlimited Harems AU: Team SRAW Part 1
Ruby: We need to do something.
Summer: I know dear, but getting to Anima in Winter and while everyone is on high alert is going to be difficult.
Summer: And considering that huntsmen in training were involved in the attack on Beacon, I doubt many of the few people traveling between the continents would be willing to help us. At least without some sore of official reason.
Jaune: I'm sure we can figure out some way to do it.
Ruby: Maybe Weiss can pay someone to take us over?
Weiss: With what I said to my father, I doubt I have a penny to my name.
Ruby: Oh...
Jaune: I guess we can always pull a Sun and try to stowaway on something.
Summer: They'd probably execute us if we're found out.
Jaune: ...Shit.
Weiss: Ms. Rose, surely you have a connection that could assist us.
Summer: Most of them are probably dead or wouldn't believe I'm the real Summer Rose.
Weiss: Are there any you could convince?
Summer: ...Maybe.
Ruby: What if we can't convince them?
Jaune: ...Well, my parents live out on the east coast, and we ship out a lot of grapes and wine through the port. Maybe I can ask my parents for help.
Weiss: Are you sure they would even help and not force you to stay home?
Jaune: ...It's worth a shot if we need to take it.
Weiss: It doesn't seem like we have many other good choices.
Summer: ...I can think of one bad choice I know will work.
I'm going to treat this series kind of like a choose your own adventure novel. Not every part will have one, but a lot will, and you won't always know what you're voting for.
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peterneptune16 · 1 year
Top 5 reasons I love RoseGarden
1. They help each other grow as people - Ruby and Oscar have really just helped each other flower into being the people they truly are meant to be. Oscar has became who he is due to support from the others, most commonly being Ruby. Meanwhile Ruby has became more of who she truly is with Oscar’s help in more subtle ways. With Oscar, she clearly has someone she wants to constantly look out for and make sure that he’s doing okay no matter what. Showing just how loyal and true of a friend she is to others, and how great of a protector she can be.
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2. They’re incredibly supportive of one another - The two of them have done everything they possibly can to show how much they really support one another. Ruby was there to support Oscar when no one else really did all the way back in Volume 5. Then in Volume 6 she continued to express support for him and was the only person to remind him he was his own person. Later on in Volume 6, Oscar openly supported Ruby, letting her know he knew her plan would work. Then in Volume 7, they supported what each other chose to do and didn’t do anything rash until they came upon the agreement to be honest with Ironwood. Finally in Volume 8, Ruby expressed support for Oscar despite him seeing himself as a failure after not being able to convince Ironwood to listen to him. Then there’s also how the two of them have a habit of looking out for one another and being pretty commonly concerned for each other. Ruby’s concern for Oscar in V6, Oscar yelling out Ruby’s name multiple times, Ruby being the one to go out and look for Oscar in V8, and even in V9 Ruby showed concern for Oscar’s well being both in the first episode- and the other scene, no major spoilers here but we all know the one.
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3. The amount of parallels is INSANE - Okay so, I’ll try my best to not spoil things as well as I possibly can. But oh my God the amount of parallels these two have is so freaking cute and really makes you think. Oscar in V7 & V8 foreshadowed so much that Ruby’s actions would mirror in V9. But even more than that, the two of them parallel other canon ships in the world like Summer/Tai and Ozma/Salem to a degree. They even have the whole Sun/Moon and Red/Green thing going on, not to mention Oscar only started wearing Red after he met Ruby and it’s been pretty much confirmed that people in Remnant will wear the colors of their partners/love interests. Then there’s even ones that have yet to get the proper payoff. Like- Oscar and Ruby FINALLY hugging, let’s hope that finally happens in V10.
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4. The idea they found each other at the right time - They seemed to have found each other right when the other needed someone to help lift them up. Oscar had just been randomly chosen to be Ozpin’s next host and the information clearly weighed super heavily on him, and Ruby’s kind words clearly helped him feel so much better. Meanwhile, for Ruby, she had just lost a ton after all that happened at Beacon- so her having a new friend and someone who really trusts and believes her no matter what, it had to be helpful and make her feel like she’s really doing the right thing.
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5. It’s too adorable to not love - This is the simplest reason, but they’re just two little dorks and it’s beautiful. The one reason that’s really not complex at all. I just love them.
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hamliet · 4 years
RWBY and the Philosopher’s Stone
So, I finally watched RWBY after a friend name-dropped several characters and I was like wait... those names are alchemical. I was still pleasantly surprised to find out just how deeply rooted in alchemy the story is, from its characters to its plot structure. 
Background: alchemical structure is a type of story structure that focuses on inner transformation via outward obstacles. You can find it in literary traditions across the world, from Moxiang Tongxiu’s novels to A Song of Ice and Fire to Harry Potter to The Witcher to Trollhunters. Carl Jung incorporated it into his psychology. Daoism plays heavily into Chinese alchemy. The Wizard of Oz, one of RWBY’s main inspirations, is a blatant alchemy allegory. It’s everywhere, so it’s not surprising RWBY is drawing heavily on alchemy, but it is neat to see how blatant the references are. 
Thematically, the goal of alchemy is a metaphorical philosopher’s stone. The philosopher’s stone, in legend, is said to produce an elixir of eternal life, and to be able to transform “baser” metals into gold. 
In stories, when positive, as it usually is, this usually results in a character either overcoming death (see, Harry Potter) and/or transforming the world and others around him (Harry Potter saving his friends, etc.) But the journey from how they get from prima materia (raw material) to the philosopher’s stone? Now that’s the story. 
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(When reversed, a metaphorical stone results in something that can destroy everything; see: the One Ring, also Salem, because Salem’s whole thing is that she cheapened the process of life and death, while alchemy states that death is a necessary part of achieving life.)
So, mostly I’m gonna talk about the symbolism I’ve seen so far and make some predictions for what’s likely to happen next in the story, and for the characters.
Each of the four main characters has a name that corresponds to one of the four phases of the Magnum Opus. “Blake Belladonna” refers to the nigredo, or black stage; “Weiss Schnee” to the albedo, or white stage; “Yang Xiao Long” to the citrinitas or yellow phase, and “Ruby Rose” to the final stage, rubedo, or red (Ruby’s name is quite literally taken from that stage). Naming them for these stages shows a dual purpose: while Ruby is the central character, she needs her team around her, and Team RWBY will save the world together. Team JNR is also a part of the stages, but I’ll get to what they represent later on. 
Jung associated each of the major stages with a major archetype. The major stages can be further broken up into a total of seven or twelve or even fourteen stages. Most commonly you’ll see George Ripley’s Twelve Gates referenced, and I believe that’s what RWBY is referencing as well since its allusions are pretty perfect. The "gates” or stages also sometimes overlap, especially when different characters might be at different stages. 
Nigredo: Seasons 1-3 
Alchemy begins by gathering the prima materia, or raw material. The characters assembling in season 1 is more of the gathering than the actual transformative process. But once we hit season 2, we dive straight into the process. 
Calcination occurs during the climax of season 2, during the fight on the train. Season 3 contains dissolution, or the washing of impurities through the exposure of certain secrets (like the fall maiden) as well as the literal dissolution of Beacon Academy, and separation (the end of the season, when Team RWBY is scattered). 
Narratively, Jung associated nigredo with the shadow, with someone’s dark night of the soul, their low point. In historical artistic depictions, often part of nigredo is dismemberment... which happens to Yang when she saves Blake from Adam. See, Splendor Solis: 
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The goal of the shadow is that it should be integrated with, accepted, rather than denied. Facing the shadow is a necessary part of growth and ultimate transformation... and the point is, through facing the shadow, hope and light come.  
Peacock’s Tail: Seasons 4-5
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Okay, I lied, there are sometimes five phases in alchemy. At the very end of nigredo, just before albedo, there is sometimes a flash of light, of rainbows and colors, that give hope. It’s not quite a phase, more of a moment, but it’s referred to as the peacock’s tail. While this is less plot-related, it does make sense that this is the point in the story where Team RJNR is formed. Why? Because look at their colors:
Ruby: red, black
Jaune: yellow, blue
Ren: green, purple
Nora: white, pink, orange
Between them we’ve pretty much got the full rainbow. 
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We also have, in Blake’s arc, the introduction of Ilia Amitola, whose last name is the Souix word for “rainbow.” 
Albedo: Seasons 5-7
Albedo is associated with the anima or animus, or the part of ourselves that we are lacking (it’s generally gendered as the male within a female and the female within a male, but please understand he’s not talking literally and more in terms of traditional qualities ascribed as feminine or masculine that we may repress), which more than fits the fact that this stage begins while team RJNR is literally wandering around a continent called Anima. 
Conjunction is a term in which all the separated parts that can be salvaged from the Nigredo come together. Obviously the main incident for this is the fight at the end of volume 5, but I’d argue it overlaps a bit with volume 4 and even with separation.
The characters are only able to come together again once they’ve accepted aspects of their shadows. Yang deals with hers in Raven and Blake with the White Fang. Nora and Ren’s fight at their home village represents them dealing with their shadow as well, and also relates to conjunction because conjunction is the stage where the first chemical wedding comes into play. A chemical wedding is the joining of alchemical partners, and while I’ll probably discuss ships in another post (there’s a lot of set up alchemy-wise), I’ll just reference the obvious one here: 
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The fountain image and a person shooting arrows is some pretty uncannily similar imagery to the fight at Nora and Ren’s home village. 
Next up in albedo is putrefication (focus on death and rotting). We see this with the encounter with the Apathy, who look like skeletons, cause death, etc. We’re also introduced to Maria Calaveras, aka the Grimm Reaper. (Her last name also means “skull” aka the white results of putrefication). 
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Congelation requires a lot of water, and we see this in the focus on Atlas, wherein snow (water) is everywhere. The point of congelation is to separate the thin from the thick, the latter of which will of course become the Philosopher’s Stone. We see this through Team RWBY’s break with the Ace-Ops (aka the Aesops), whose simplistic morality and rule-following are not going to bring about character growth or eternal life. 
Citrinitas: Volume 7-?
Citrinitas focuses on the light, or fire. That immediately after congelation, a giant whale brimming with yellow appears in the white-colored Atlas is not a coincidence. Citrinitas is associated with the sage or the wise old man/woman, so Maria and Pietro fill this role. 
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The first stage of citrinitas is cibation, which involves feeding with fresh material. I’d actually say that it seems quite possible cibation overlaps with congelation, in that there is a focus on food and on training with the Ace-Ops early in Volume 7. The next phases are sublimation and fermentation. I can see potential for sublimation in that it essentially is when solid becomes air (think of the setting of Atlas), but it’s too soon to say what this means for the plot. 
Fermentation, though... well, things will get worse before they get better. :’) 
Finally, Rubedo is associated with the fully individualized self. We can assume each of the main seven will come into their own, confident of whom they are. Oscar should, as well, and probably will have fully control over his body by the end (ie Oz will likely... find rest or whatever).
The stages of rubedo are exaltation (the creation of the stone after two contraries meet), multiplication (the stones’ properties increase), and projection (the stone’s abilities are projected over the entire world, aka presumably RWBY will save the world). 
The most common way to display multiplication is through, well, a lot of couplings. It’s why the main characters ending single seems extremely unlikely to me. Even if it seems a fairy tale ending, well.... *gestures to everything about RWBY being inspired by fairy tales* Fairy tales were also often alchemy based. But ships will get their own meta, because I actually don’t really ship much besides Renora and am for once not super invested in anything, but I can see the set-up for four or five ships.
I also want to highlight the other symbolic names that stood out to me: 
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Ironwood. While I know Ironwood references the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz (tin being one of seven metals associated with alchemy), his name also references a second metal: Iron. Tin and Iron are the two of the three basest metals in alchemy (the other is lead). Iron in particular is ruled by Mars, the god of war, meaning it is associated with violence. It’s not a coincidence that pretty much from the second Ironwood is introduced, the concept of war comes up, and his entire character has gone on to be the embodiment of the military and violence. 
Tai Xiao Long. His name literally means “sun,” and Ruby’s mother is defined by her silver eyes (silver being a color traditionally associated with the moon). Ruby is thus considered the child of the Solar King and Lunar Queen, two mythical alchemical figures who together create the “Philosophical Child,” or the personified philosopher’s stone.
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Pietro Polendina: his name literally means “stone,” and Penny is his philosopher’s stone. Penny is arguably a reference to copper, another of the seven metals, as copper references compassion and love, which seems like Penny to me. 
Qrow and Raven Branwen: crows and ravens are symbolic of nigredo, or the black phase; death, decay, etc. However, within the story I think Qrow and Raven fulfill this role as the Jungian shadows of hunters as a whole and of Yang. 
Sun Wukong: obviously a reference to the sun. 
Emerald Sustrai: Emerald is a reference to the Emerald Tablet, which in alchemical lore is a tablet containing the secrets of alchemy, as written down by Hermes (in legend). Hermes is, of course, Mercury. Everything about alchemy stems from the Emerald Tablet, so Emerald should be important. In addition, green is the color of the prima materia, so it references Emerald’s arc in being shaped and molded by Cinder. 
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Mercury Black: Mercury as the mythological god is the legendary founder of alchemy, so like, he’s important. Mercury is also the third most important metal in alchemy, after gold and silver. It is necessary to achieving the philosopher’s stone so, like Emerald, Mercury is probably important. Mercury is of particular note because mercurial characters are common in alchemical literature: they make stuff happen. Think of Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet, for example. Mercury transcends death symbolically (you can see the roots of this in Mercury’s backstory with his assassin father): it is difficult to pin down and can quickly shift from liquid to solid. Thus, in alchemy, mercury can shift between life and death. 
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Mercury is also a noted servant of the white queen. I initially thought this a surface reference to Salem’s appearance, and it might be, but Salem is more associated with a black queen in the recurring chess motif, and I don’t see Mercury staying on her side (mercury isn’t fixed, after all; that’s its central tenet), so I kind of wonder if the “white queen” will be later revealed. Or maybe it just is a surface mention.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Putting aside the FG controversy, I'm a little disappointed Qrow had more development with a character we had for one volume and is killed off, rather than any of his old teammates. Sure we get context clues from the characters but its hard to care about this "heavily-implied super important team" when that's all we get and the fandom has been making their own theories and headcanons for years.
Yeah, that's fair. Which, given Summer's death/disappearance/grimmification, obviously means development with either Tai or Raven. I'm well aware that this would bump up against the bloated cast issue, but there were absolutely avenues to get one or both of them at Qrow's side. Fans rightfully wonder what Tai is doing now that both his girls are back in dangerous situations, considering we have no in-world answer, only a meta one (Tai is not a character RT presumably wants to be focusing on, so he stays home). Raven was dropped from the story despite being a Maiden and seen visiting Tai. Though I maintain that RWBY really doesn't need more characters and additional plotlines to try and follow, the potential interactions with Qrow — and, as you say, some development of STRQ —as a result of weaving them back into the narrative could well have offset any problems with the cast size. What if Tai went with Yang? What if Raven followed the group? What if Qrow had actually separated from the team during the conflict in Volume 6 and had his own journey that connected back to the main plot? At the very least we might have gotten some more Summer stories in the Volume prior to her grimm reveal. The fact that the girls are surrounded by people who knew her — Qrow, Ozpin, presumably Ironwood — and all we get is a single conversation between Qrow and Ruby, Yang absent, feels like a missed opportunity, especially given Summer's sudden importance in the war. Delving some into her character — perhaps even getting a flashback — could do triple duty of setting up the grimm reveal, developing Qrow, and providing info on STRQ more broadly.
Thinking about the plot as we got it, I remain confused as to why Qrow's development is happening with Robyn. Clover I understood given his semblance, they were contrasts to one another, but overlooking that question of why they introduced him only to kill him off so fast, why was Robyn the character chosen to continue Qrow's development? They didn't have to end up in jail together. If Qrow was going to get character work with any random side character, I would have chosen Willow. Both of them are alcoholics, a conflict of Qrow's that RWBY didn't resolve so much as randomly drop. She's the mother of one of the group's members, specifically his niece's partner. Outside of her marriage, she's the rightful heir to the Schnee name, a company with its fingers in all of Remnant's pies. There's a lot there to play off of for both their development, even down to another 'opposites attract' contrast: grungy spy vs. high-society woman. Plus, we've known of her existence since at least Volume 5 (I can't recall if she's mentioned prior to Weiss' conversation with Yang. Maybe with Winter?). We don't even know if Robyn will be a part of the next arc, which would make Qrow 2 for 0 in picking up Atlas peeps who are quickly written out of the story.
I like that they've paired Qrow up with an adult and I agree that a member of STRQ would be great... but outside of that, Robyn feels like an awful choice. What do she and Qrow even bring to a relationship with one another? The closest to an interesting idea we got was pitting Robyn's truth semblance against Qrow's history of keeping secrets... but all we got was Robyn trying to compare it to his semblance, a comparison that fell flat imo. In the absence of STRQ and in light of the entire group ignoring Ozpin (does Qrow even know he's back? My OTP is dead), I liked Clover as a friend for Qrow (any potential shipping aside), so losing him for Robyn was a letdown.
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luimnigh · 4 years
So, I’m just gonna go through the Reddit AMA that happened today (December 2nd 2020), and compile the answered questions that I personally find interesting
Taking part in this AMA was Eddy Rivas, RWBY co-writer; Eugene C. Myers, write of After the Fall, Before the Dawn and Fairy Tales of Remnant; and Violet Tobacco, illustrator on Fairy Tales of Remnant. 
(Not all questions and answers are repeated here verbatim, if you want to check the exact wording, please use the link above.)
This is gonna be long, so I’ll place a cut here:
Eddy Answers:
JNPR Birthdays: Someday. They’d rather reserve that information for the show or other materials, but they felt it was well past due to learn RWBY’s birthday. 
Who is the girl in the photo in Theodore’s office?: “That’s something we’ll come back to later.”
Mercury Thoughts: He’s reserving them for later in the Volume, though he does find some people’s takes on his character “interesting”, but can’t say why just yet. 
Thoughts on the Em/Merc/Hazel dynamic:  “As for the Merc/Em/Hazel dynamic, moooooore to come. I've always enjoyed that little trio in the midst of these bananas villains.”
Are we ever gonna get an origin for Dust, even a biased one?: “Yes, more than likely.”
Are Ghira and Kali’s bands in each other’s colours “wedding bands”, and is this a faunus/huntsman tradition? (The asker also notes that Tai has a red armband):  “Different cultures/kingdoms have different ways of expressing their bonds to other people, and there's not even really a set standard for that across the board. Most often it comes to incorporating it on their clothes/person in some way, usually through color.”
Do the Gods have actual names, or are they only known by their titles as God of Light and God of Darkness?: “Certainly the Two Brothers might have other things that they are known by!”
Does the women who first followed the Infinite Man have a name as well? “Ozpin was choosing in the re-telling of that story to keep those things pretty general/vague -- more than likely to keep it from being perceived by the audience as truth.”
Things created by the Staff of Creation have no ontological inertia: a created object will disappear once the Staff is used again.
The Grimm in Before The Dawn were attracted to the amped Auras because “large flare-ups of Aura (the soul, which goes hand in hand with emotions) would read similarly to the emotions that Grimm are naturally drawn to.”
Remnant Holidays: “There are certainly different holidays in Remnant, many of them similar to our own. This is the kind of thing we always want to save for the screen or other materials if we can help it!”
Semblance Rules: “Semblances can basically be anything, we just make sure there is some kind of check on it -- take Tock, for instance, who could become invulnerable but it's going to lead to her Aura breaking. I wouldn't say there's a hard and fast rule against a Semblance being transformative, but it certainly would be uncommon.”
It seems Ironwood did issue an arrest warrant for Robyn, but the Council offered her safe passage to Atlas and Schnee Manor, in order to put Ironwood off-balance. 
Is Nicholas Schnee dead or is he still alive?: “Yes.”
Production of the 2D shorts on various Fairy Tales has been impacted by the pandemic, but more details are “hopefully coming soon”.
Sage is not connected to the AceOps, despite being based on an Aesop. There are more characters based on Aesops besides them. 
Beacon’s Academic Year: “It's fairly similar to our own semesters.”
The events of the books will impact the main series, but they want to fit them in in such a way that non-readers won’t feel like they’re missing out.
Will we ever find out more about Summer/how she died?: “It certainly seems like a pretty important thing for the show to touch on :)”
RWBY’s favourite fairytales: “We'll get to this.”
Eddy says we will learn more characters’ sexualities. 
Will We Ever See Roman Again?:  “I will say that Roman is a very fun character who has obviously made an impact on everybody. There will always be a desire to go back to that well.”
Aura would block a Lightsaber.
Cinder did not get any of the Spring Maiden’s power when she used her arm on Raven.
Is there is a link between semblance and magic?: “Yes.”
Are the Gods All-Powerful?: “This is a tough question to answer, but a very good one. I think it's something we'll actually learn more about... later.”
Eugene Answers:
At one point, Eugene, not knowing the ships of the fandom, named a location “Arkos”. His editor had to tell him why he couldn’t use it.
What inspired you to choose memory erasing and telepathy for Yatsu and Fox respectively?: “For Fox, it came about honestly because he had never spoken on the show, and I wanted to provide a canon reason for it, and then it just opened up so many interesting possibilities. For Yatsu, it probably started as I thought about Edward and Augustus and what might fit in thematically; and again, it fits in with Yatsu's more meditative nature, and I like the fact that his Semblance isn't based on physical strength.”
“”From my perspective, it was very important to me to not contradict anything in the series past or future, help expand on things that haven't been covered in the show yet, and help lay the foundation for things that may appear in later volumes. The RWBY writing team is terrific to collaborate with, answering all the questions I had as much as they could, and of course they review, approve, and correct anything needed to fit the show's continuity and its tone.”
Does the Chill have a physical form?: “I envisioned the Chill as being incorporeal, living in the shadows.”
Can you save someone from the Chill?: “You could save someone from possession, if you acted quickly.“
The books tell us Coco has an older brother, Toma; and a younger brother, Mate; as well as a third brother, Van. Eugene confirms Van to be younger than Coco.
He wishes he could have spent more time on Scarlet and Sage.
Favourite OC: Rumpole. Favourite Show Character: Penny
Fox’s Personality: “People often compare him a bit to Toph, who is my favorite Avatar character, so I think that influenced his character. Plus, the voice in your head would have to be the one that says things you shouldn't say aloud. That's Fox.”
If he gets to make a third novel, it would be SSSN-focused.
“I believe it took SSSN several months to reach Vacuo from Haven, partially because they weren't in any hurry, and it's a long way. And then the main events of BtD take place a month or so after AtF.” 
Before the Dawn takes place before Volume 8.
Violet Answers:
What are some of your artistic inspirations?: “Arthur Rackham was the biggest inspiration throughout. The grungy, rough nature of his work was very helpful in merging my style with something more traditional to match the fairytale feel needed for this book.“ 
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dragynkeep · 3 years
Qrow/ Tai/ Hazel for the character thing
it’s going to be too long to do all of these in one ask so feel free to send the other two in separate asks !  ♡
meme, accepting.
my top three ships for the character.
fireball ( qrow / taiyang )  —  i live for the implicit history with these two, even if canon has done very little to capitalize on that. i don’t think they were super duper romantics in love, especially after the consecutive losses of raven & summer, but they’re all they have left & i think qrow appreciates that even when everything else is gone, he always has that home with taiyang if he wants it.
snowbird ( qrow / winter )  —  on god, shipped this since day one. i just love the dynamic of cocky asshole & uptight uptown girl, it’s like crack to me. & this was done so great in volume 3, especially with their first confrontation & the chemistry the voice actors had. they killed it & the fanworks have kept me hooked where canon has let me down.
omens ( qrow / blake )  —  idk man, something about this ship just really has me by the throat, & i’ve never been a stranger to age gaps. i think there’s a lot of relatability between them & with both of them going on that self discovery & uplifting arc in volume 7, there was a lot of comparability between them. i just think the matching motifs is neat !
my three least favourite ships for the character.
fairgame ( qrow / clover )  —  while i agree they got fucked over hard by rooster teeth & the team queerbaiting them, the intial obnoxiousness from the shippers back when it was just them talking to each other turned me off. the writing of the characters themselves also did, i just don’t understand the appeal of shipping a character with what is essentially their self help book, feel good cum rag. not for me.
hummingbird ( qrow / summer )  —  again, the obnoxiousness of the shippers & also the proximity of this ship to that stupid “ qrow is ruby’s father ” fanon have majorly turned me off this ship. really i can only ship them together if it’s a thrupple with tai in qts. otherwise? nah.
ironqrow ( qrow / ironwood )  —  now this is only in v7 onwards but it really felt that qrow had just ... taken james for granted? & already made his mind up about someone who was supposed to be his friend & was struggling heavily, being the last member of the podsquad to actually be doing anything substantial while qrow was off travelling the continent for like two volumes. the contrast of qrow getting help & support vs james getting help & support really soured me & iq was dead in the ground when v8 started & qrow was crying about how he wanted to kill him to avenge the boyfriend that his dumbass got killed in the first place.
my biggest criticism for the character.
he has become such a whiny, self entitled toddler & it’s driving me mad !! qrow was an asshole in the earlier volumes but at least he was a competant asshole, most of the time anyways. now all he’s done is blame james for actually doing something, give ruby a pep talk, make googly eyes at his boyfriend, quit drinking with no repercussions, get said boyfriend killed & then spent the majority of v8 in a cell. i hate how much of a whiny, pathetic little bitch qrow has become; it’s annoying as all hell & i want him to regain his spine, please & thank you.
my favourite thing about the character.
i appreciate a lot of his ingenuity & strength, if qrow can’t do something, he will damn well find a way or die trying. that perseverance was obviously a quality that made ozpin pick him, but it’s also just really nice to see in a character that really has had the cards stacked against him supposedly since the beginning. he’s going to survive & it’s going to be out of spite & honestly, good for him.
a headcanon i have about them.
qrow became hard of hearing in his right ear after a close call when he was still in team strq, he knows some preliminary sign language from the four kingdoms but really, he’ll just pretend to be fully hearing as best he can so he doesn’t give away that weakness.
what i would change about them if i was making a re-write.
definitely his alcoholism arc. i think it’s downright offensive in just how it’s portrayed, that he just quits cold turkey with none of the repercussions & is now only teetering back on the edge because his boyfriend, who was his “ only motivation ” for going sober, has died & it was his fault. i know mkek may not have wanted to approach their friend who has struggled with these issues for his perspective but there are still plenty out there & they could’ve done research. also selling shot glasses with an alcoholic’s emblem on them? tacky. very tacky.
what i think of their character allusion and what (if anything) i would change about it.
i really like both of his allusions ! his scarecrow one is a little wishy washy but i can appreciate it for what it is, especially with the clever pun on his name; but i really enjoy the huginn & muninn allusion & while i used to be of the more popular theory that he was muninn, after hearing @spectralscathath‘s thoughts, i completely understand their idea of him being huginn instead.
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musings-from-mars · 4 years
Top favorite poly ships and why? :3
I cannot possibly name every single one, but here are some I am currently obsessed with and ones I will always adore
Omnichrome - This ship will sail with me as captain and as the sole person on board if it comes to it
Pollination (w/o enablahbler) - I need to dive back into this ship, I mean...Team RWBY in love! What more could you ask for??? (Also including Newspaper and Bee’s Schnees here)
Frosen Steel - Thank you V7, I am well fed
Very Happy Huntresses - Let’s see, we got trans rights, badass lesbians, Ironwood is a bitch ass motherfucker, Joanna Greenleaf, there’s a lot going for this one
Juniper Berries (Polyam JNPR, and JNR) - Team JNPR in love! What more could you ask for 2.0?!
Copper Stopwatch (Ruby x Penny x Ciel) - B A B E Y S
Team NAVYL (JNPR + Yang) - A ship that exists to remind me that I am bi/pan.
Whatever is going on in my TorD AU - I’ve created something I myself cannot fathom. AKA Ruby harem
Ruby’s Gingers (Ruby x Nora x Pyrrha x Penny) - Ruby has a type and that type is pure-of-heart redhead girl who would fight god and win
Cookie Dough Ice Cream (Ruby x Neo x Nora) - Thank you @same-old-cliche
Polyam Team CVFY (”Coffee Beans”? Coco’s just with Velvet, of course, QPRs with the others maybe?) - Also a ship that exists to remind me that I am bi/pan. AKA Velvet harem. Marry me Fox Alistair
Polyam SSSN (+ Nolan?) - A very dysfunctional polycule, feat. Good Boi Nolan
Polyam STRQ (w/o you-know-what) - Wow Tai, how come Ozpin lets you date 3 goths all at once?
That’s all I got for now, I will be merciful and not make this into one of those posts you have to scroll past for a good ten seconds
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warsmith-38 · 3 years
How I would do RWBY pt.4
World Travel Arc.
Season Four.
Cinder was found by Salem after fall of Beacon.
Missing arm and eye.
Salem helps her and even rewards her.
She accomplished her goal of shooting Ozpin with the arrow.
It didn’t take, sure, but that’s not Cinder’s fault.
Arm is replaced with grimm arm.
An eye was also offered but Cinder refused because she wants a visceral reminder of her failure.
Translation: Because chuunibyou.
Cinder spends her time training to compensate for and overcome her new disabilities.
Has massive grudge against Ruby.
What should have been two easy wins were stolen from her by sheer dumb luck and circumstance.
She has made it her goal to prove that she is more powerful than Ruby and will do so by tearing her heart out and turning it to ash.
Salem decides that Ruby will be an issue to her long term plans and sends her best assassin, Tyrian, to kill her instead of Cinder.
Just like Summer.
She doesn’t want to send Cinder on the grounds that she thinks that homegirl REALLY needs to chill.
Ruby is full murderhobo.
Killing grimm and taking whatever freelance bounty money she can on her way to Mistral.
Fuck if she knows what she’s going to do when she gets there but she hasn’t planned all that far ahead.
She just wanted to not be stuck at home again.
Finds JNR, who had volunteered for general assistance in the areas around Mistral.
JNR says that there’s both a grimm issue and a bandit issue in the area.
Ruby wants everything to do with it.
Blake is on her way back to Menagerie.
Encounters SSSN who are on light duties and are being sent to putz around in Menagerie.
Sun asks her ‘what the fuck is your plan?’
Blake says that the only place for her in the world is back home with her family.
Weiss is also back home with her family but is far less into the idea.
Dad is distant and detached.
Mother is drunk and miserable.
Winter is the only one she properly interacts with, training and sparring to keep herself in shape.
Winter offers a position in the military, a cushy one at that (Can I get an amen for nepotism?)
Weiss ignores the offer, is depressed, misses her friends.
Yang is stuck at home, also depressed, dealing with deepening abandonment issues, and constantly fiddling with the trinket Raven gave her.
Having Ruby run off only made things worse. Combining her abandonment issues with the feeling of letting her sister down when she needed her most.
Tai barely pays attention to her outside of his constant worrying about Ruby but eventually sees the trinket and tells Yang about Raven.
Is very clearly bitter about the whole thing but is pretending he isn’t.
VERY rose (ha) tinted glasses about Summer.
Not that she was secretly a piece of shit or anything, but to hear Tai talk about her she made saints look like goatfuckers.
Ironwood shows up and gives Yang robo-arm as an apology for saying he’d help her after the fight with Mercury and then letting her down.
Ironwood helps break Yang out of her funk, offers some military style counseling, helping her work off the muscle atrophy, even teaches her some spec-ops chokeholds and the like.
Yang says it’s nice to have an actual male role model/father figure in her life.
Ironwood rips Tai’s shit in for being such a bad parent to Yang.
Tai has no real counters to what Ironwood is saying.
He realizes that he’s been a neglectful asshole and starts helping retrain Yang too.
Weiss makes a scene at an event her father is putting on.
Jacques sits her down after it and says that they’re going to have a completely frank conversation.
Topic shifts to their viewpoints and life choices.
He’s fine with his daughter disagreeing with him, he just wants her to understand him and he her.
Weiss calls him out on the blatantly bad shit the SDC has done.
Jacques defends his points, saying that he tried to make things better for the faunus and the White Fang just made everything worse for everyone.
Weiss tells him that passing the buck is bullshit.
Agree to disagree.
Jacques gives her a spiel laced with double meanings about freedom and making your own path.
Weiss leaves that night. (keikaku doori (Translation: All according to keikaku (Translators note: Keikaku means plan)))
Jacques might be a dick but he does want his family to be as genuinely happy as he can make them.
Blake gets back home.
Gets royal reception on the grounds that she’s the daughter of the chief of the kingdom.
Sun sends SSN to get on with their mission, he’s gonna be a while, faunus business.
They understand, they’re hip to this sort of thing, and tell him that if he needs them they’re just a phone call away.
He calls Blake out for being one of the most privileged faunus alive while lecturing others on said topic.
Blake and Sun walk in on White Fang people trying to recruit Ghira.
Notices Blake in the process of telling them to leave.
Ghira shoves everyone out of his way to embrace his long believed dead daughter.
Emotional reunion.
Sees Sun, makes joke about ‘Adam’s cheerier replacement’.
Blake gets sad.
Ghira assumes Adam died or something and doesn’t press the matter.
Calls for a royal banquet to celebrate the return of his daughter.
Sienna is present.
Sienna is overjoyed to see Blake alive and well.
Blake is happy to see ‘aunty’ Sienna but is apprehensive to talk that much with Sun glaring at them both.
Ilia is there (as head of local White Fang cell) and is happy to see her old friend is alive.
She already knew but has to keep up appearances, especially after The White Fang was seen at Beacon.
Very poor publicity to be seen operating at a place like that.
Ilia had been reassigned to Menagerie before the fall happened so she’s not guilty of taking part.
Later has small meeting with Blake, Sienna, Ilia, Sun, Ghira, and Kali.
Sienna tries (again) to bring Ghira into the White Fang.
His joining would bring all of Menagerie and the connected resources into the conflict.
This is opposed by everyone else present barring Ilia.
Ghira says that he has washed his hands of the problems in Atlas and has local stuff that he believes is more important in the long run.
Supporting Wild Call is how he helps the rest of his people.
Kali’s been running Wild Call since Ghira stepped away to run Menagerie.
Sienna talks about how faunus are treated in certain parts of the world.
It really is nowhere near as bad as she says it is.
Blake brings up terrorist acts in places completely innocent of any faunus abuse.
Sienna ‘condemns’ these acts and blames them on ‘bad apples’ like Adam, citing the fall of Beacon.
Says that Adam was acting alone and without official endorsement.
She’s lying through her fucking teeth, but the only other one who knows that for sure is Ilia.
While taking part in the fall was technically unsanctioned, Sienna knows all about Salem and was okaying Adam’s efforts working with her.
Ilia suddenly feels very guilty for some odd reason.
Ghira is very confused, doesn’t keep up too much with world affairs, generally too busy.
Blake rounds on Sienna for trying to shift the blame to Adam, cites all of the bullshit attacks she was involved in, letting it be known that she herself was in the White Fang.
Ghira and Kali both become enraged at Sienna, who told them that Blake was killed years ago at a protest gone south.
Sienna tries to make excuses for the cause.
Is escorted with Ilia from the palace at gun point.
Kali and Blake reconnect as Ghira has a sit down with Sun, telling him to tell him everything he knows.
Weiss is stowed away on airship bound for Vacuo/Mistral (doesn’t really matter which, ship gets taken down either way).
Ship gets attacked by grimm and gets splashed.
Weiss makes it to shore and travels southward, realizing that maybe she should have planned this a little more than not at all.
Wonder who she picked that up from.
Ends up surrounded by bandits who see the pretty girl from Atlas who might just be worth a lot of cash.
Weiss kicks the shit out of them.
Raven shows up.
Weiss loses.
Yang decides enough of her sulking and gets ready to set off to find Ruby and either 1. Bring her home 2. Look after her and keep her safe on her personal quest 3. Kick her ass for running off and making everyone worried 4. Some combination of the above. (Maybe hit up where Raven’s map leads along the way if she gets the chance)
Tai acknowledges that he can’t always protect his girls.
Tells Yang to not be too hard on Ruby, realizing that she would never have been happy with a calm, sheltered, life.
Summer was the same way.
He also apologizes for neglecting Yang for as long as he did.
Yang gets a hug from Tai, a salute from Ironwood, and a slobbering from Zwei.
Yes, the dog is still here. He’s a good dog. Every story could use a good dog or twelve.
Gets to the continent that Mistral is on. (I do not care about the name)
Starts biking in the direction that the conflict zones are, hoping to find word about Ruby along the way.
Gets accosted by bandits along the way.
Kicks the crap out of them.
Raven shows up saying that she expected nothing less from her daughter.
Yang realizes that she is indeed around where the map was pointing her.
This was supposed to be a test to see if Yang was resourceful enough to track her down.
Didn’t really mean to come this way just yet, but sometimes things just work out that way.
Raven happily takes her daughter to the main camp.
Yang is apprehensive to get comfortable and seems a little disappointed that her mother is just some asshole bandit.
Raven gives her a speech all about survival of the fittest and might makes right and all that jazz.
Yang wants to know why she left her in the first place and why she is suddenly wanting to be back in her life after all this time.
She’s got a lot of questions and Raven has very few answers.
Raven avoids Yang’s questions and says that she’s always been watching her from behind the scenes.
Yang actually dislikes that even more because it means that she could have been there for her the whole time, yet wasn’t.
Raven continues by saying that if Yang’s so weak that she couldn’t beat a pissant like Neo then she really needs mama to teach her what’s what.
Offers Yang a position in the tribe and even offers to make her second in command.
Yang then sees Weiss in a cage.
Raven explains that she’s going to be given to Salem to use as a hostage in Atlas.
Yang had already given up on getting answers and was already going to tell Raven to eat shit but now...
Demolishes the camp, takes Weiss away on the bike, and leaves the trinket Raven gave her in the dirt.
Would have taken the time to kick the shit out of Raven, but she needed to get Weiss out of there.
Raven is livid.
In Menagerie, Ghira and Kali have very upfront conversation with Blake.
They are upset with her that she ran off with terrorists but are happy she’s alive.
They also admonish her for running/taking the easy way out of every problem she’s had.
Blake is exasperated that the last place she could run off to is calling her out for running off so much.
Adam is all like ‘what up bitches, imma kill ya’.
Has sizable team of White Fang commandos with him and some grimm Salem sent.
Ilia shows up with her own commandos to counter his.
Both sides duke it out with the Belladonnas (Nightshades technically) getting pissed and telling all of them to get off their lawn.
Blake fights Adam.
Starts losing.
Sun calls SSN in for the assist.
They help but not all that much.
Sienna shows up to break the stalemate.
Starts kicking the shit out of Adam’s posse.
Officially denounces and attaints Adam for his crimes.
Adam leaves and swears vengeance, telling Blake that if he can’t kill her, he’ll kill RWY and make sure they know it was her that sent him to them.
Blake finally learns her fucking lesson.
Start to pack up to stop Adam before he kills RWY and, either afterwards or in the process, find and reconcile with RWY.
Takes the time to actually explain why she’s leaving this time.
Ghira understands.
Sienna takes partial blame and offers Blake the last known location of a red hooded huntress with a big fucking scythe her spies found.
Blake thanks her, but refuses an escort, hitching a ride back to the mainland with SSSN.
Ghira and Kali thank Sienna for the help but still tell her to get the fuck out and that the White Fang and their war are both not welcome in Menagerie.
In the name of their past friendship, they don’t just shoot her.
Blake has parting conversation with Sun about justifications and personal growth.
She and Sun amicably part ways.
SSSN go back to their usual shit and Blake starts hunting for Ruby.
Her logic is that, as far as she knows, Weiss is surrounded with SDC security and Yang is probably somewhere safe-ish, while Ruby is actively in a dangerous locale and ripe for predation.
Speaking of…
Ruby and JNR are clearing out local grimm around Mistral as expected.
Include sad scene or two there they find the ruins of Nora’s home village, destroyed by bandits.
Tyrian is all like ‘what up bitches, imma kill ya’.
Ruby is actually very eager for a fight against one of the important bad guys.
That excitement is curbed when Tyrian lets her know that he was the one to kill Summer.
Ruby is now more scared than anything.
R+JNR fight him and get their asses handed to them.
They try running but Tyrian isn’t giving up the chase.
Turns into cat and mouse game.
Jaune is pushed to his tactical limit against an incredibly intelligent and just as unpredictable enemy.
Everyone is scared out of their minds.
The cat (Tyrian) is just playing with his food (R+JNR) at this point.
Could have killed them at any point but he’s a sadistic animal that gets off on this shit.
Nora flies into a fury, bellowing that she will never lose anyone close to her ever again.
This creates an opening in Tyrian’s style.
Jaune’s planning manages to exploit this enough so Ruby gets a good hit on him, severing his tail.
He is very unhappy at this development.
Decides that he’s done playing with his food.
Wrecks R+JNR.
About to kill Ruby when Qrow ex machina runs him off.
Jaune discovers his semblance is healing and uses it on everyone that needs it. Which is everyone.
Qrow is annoyed that Ruby ran off on her own but understands.
Says that there’s an abandoned chateau that can serve as a pit-stop.
Been in the Branwen family for ages.
They abandoned it after they lost their fortune and it got overrun with grimm in the past.
Grimm have since moved on but the building is still there.
He’ll explain everything he can when he knows they’re out of danger.
Raven contacts Salem and tells her which direction Yang and Weiss are going.
Salem barely cares about what one of her least important agents is up to.
Notices that Ruby is in the same area and gets wind that Tyrian failed.
Sends Cinder and company to meet up with Raven and get hunting.
Salem makes a point of ordering Cinder to let Tyrian take on Ruby and not get involved against her.
Cinder just happens to ignore that order.
Blake does a little extra tracking but heads in the right direction.
Yang and Weiss hear about a red hooded huntress with a big scythe and follow the rumors.
Everyone converges at the chateau at the same time.
It’s a very all over the place scene.
Ruby is happy to see Weiss and Blake but is a little wary of Yang after how their last conversation went.
Yang is eager to make things up with Ruby but more than a little scornful of Blake.
Blake is scared of everyone’s rejection but understands their anger and is more than willing to work through it if they’d have her.
Weiss is happy to see everyone but her happiness and excitement is curbed by how everyone else is reacting to each other.
The tension explodes when Cinder and co. arrive.
Ruby and Cinder lock eyes.
Ruby goes quiet for a moment-
And then goes completely Broly BERSERK!
Group of boss fights.
Ruby madly charges Cinder in a rage.
JNR, Qrow, and Weiss begin fighting Emerald, Mercury, Tyrian, and grimm they brought.
Blake fights Adam. (again)
Yang fights Raven, constantly calling her on her shit.
Abandoning her and Tai to be some asshole bandit, siding with Salem, being a coward, et cetera.
Says that she has figured out that the reason Raven left was because she’s just a chicken shit coward who can’t deal with the world.
All of her issues and traumas have manifested into a sort of nirvana of wrath that gives her a one-time, ‘fuck you, mom’, power up that puts her at Raven’s power tier level.
Ruby vs Cinder takes them away from the others.
Ruby is in berserk, adrenaline filled, wrath fueled, fugue state, taking hits that should be stopping the fight but aren’t.
Cinder is also not fighting at her best due to A. missing eye, B. her grimm arm having a built in weakness to Ruby, and C. the fact that she had no idea that Ruby would go fucking mental like this.
Ruby eventually knocks Cinder down a pit and promptly passes out from blood loss.
Blake beats Adam and tells him to fuck off, saying that she will not stoop to his level of murder.
Yang overpowers and beats Raven, but barely.
JNR is busy with the grimm and Qrow is busy with Tyrian, who has a freaky grimm tail now.
Weiss is fighting both Emerald and Mercury.
Is losing pretty hard.
Yang shows up to fight Mercury.
WY have their first proper rival fights against E+M.
And proceed to lose.
Raven has heel-face turn and bails them out.
Tyrian is killed at the same time. Small justice for Summer.
Qrow reunites with Raven.
The Branwen siblings intimidate E+M, faking not being fuckoff exhausted.
Dare they stand against this deadly alliance?
Emerald and Mercury cheese it.
Raven explains that since Yang beat her, Yang is now in charge of the bandits.
Raven says how proud she is that her daughter is such an ass kicker.
Yang is about to tell her off but then realizes that Ruby is still gone.
They find her in a widening pool of her own blood.
Jaune heals her.
Everyone wonder just what the fuck that was that Ruby did.
It’s not its own power or a sub-power of her new semblance.
She was just that fucking angry at seeing Cinder.
RWBY has a big ‘we beat the middle to high tier bad guys’ group hug.
Ruby affirms that she senses that Cinder is still alive but accepts the hug anyway.
Raven says that Salem’s next target is Mistral itself with Adam’s White Fang hardliners.
Yang says thanks for the info and then tells her to do what she does best and fuck off.
Literally everyone mirrors the sentiment.
Raven leaves in a huff but starts to question her morals.
RWBY is now reunited as a team.
They’re not quite back to normal, but they’re all together again.
Reunited RWBY, JNR, and Qrow now on course to Mistral proper to recoup and make new plans.
Season four done.
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blazingstar24 · 4 years
Ironqrow Week Day 4: Futuristic AU
Summary: Space pirate crew STRQ travels the galaxy, having adventures and stealing from people like the Schnee Dust Corporation. Today was meant to be a routine job: steal some dust from the SDC and cause a bit of havoc for those stuck up elites. What he didn’t expect was the ship they chose to attack to be a stolen vessel by operatives from the Black Queen Organization. More over, he didn’t expect to find James Ironwood, the supposedly dead crown prince of the Atlesian Empire, to be held captive aboard either.
Notes: I kinda got really invested in a whole story for this AU, so I might continue writing this after the week is done. I snuck in some elements from my Grimm Hybrid Ironwood AU in here. Also I have some Watt x Tyrian in here, idk what their ship name is though.
“Remember, this is a quick in and out mission. I don’t want to have to outfly the SDC Guard again, Qrow.”
“Relax, Summer. I’ve always been good at stealth missions.”
“Oh so crashing the ship into that asteroid field last week was your definition of stealth?”
Qrow let go of the controls of the ship and playfully shoved Summer. She giggled and shoved him back. The ship dipped slightly. He quickly grabbed the controls and the two of them shared another laugh. They were approaching the dwarf planet Patch. According to their intel, a SDC ship was going to stop off at Patch to pick up another shipment of Dust before heading to the Vale Frederation.
Summer, the captain of their little pirate crew, had insisted on coming along with him. Usually he would be going in alone, his ability to shift into a crow meant easy escapes. Well as long as they were on planet and not in space. But Summer had said she refused to spend this whole mission on comms while Raven and Tai were having another one of their arguments. Apparently Tai had been noticing Raven had been sneaking off at night when they were at home base on Beacon.
Qrow was interested, but he also knew his sister had her secrets. And she would probably die before telling anyone something she didn’t want to disclose. But Tai wanted to know what she was doing, where she was going. Hence the arguements. Honestly, he was also getting tired of listening to them as well.
“Alright set us down right there.”
Summer pointed out a small cliffside in the forest below them. Qrow slowly landed their ship and began prepping for the mission. Summer had gone out and pulled herself on the top of ship, scanning the skies for the SDC ship. He slung his sword scythe Harbringer onto his back and joined her on top their ship.
“Have you heard about the recent attacks happening at the headquarters of the SDC?”
“The ones by the White Fang?”
Summer shook her head. “Doesn’t seem like them, even though Jacques Schnee claims that they are. Apparently there have been rumors that a black queen symbol had been left behind at the scene.”
Qrow frowned. “The Black Queen Organization disappeared decades ago. I thought the last time they were seen was when the Great Hero of Vale took the throne.”
“Well sure the Great Hero brought peace between the Vale Frederation, the Atlesian Empire, the Republic of Mistral, and the outer rim planets in the Vacuo system, but it’s not like the Black Queen’s followers just disappeared.”
“Sums, they haven’t been seen in decades. Why come back now?”
Summer shrugged. “It’s just a rumor. But some people say that King Ozpin’s control over the Vale Federation is slipping.”
“Heh, that’s because the Atlesian Empire has been slowly invading into Oz’s territory. Strange move for an empire that just lost it’s crown prince.”
Qrow remembered seeing the news that the prince of the Atlesian Empire had tragically died in a military accident. It definitely threw all the big players in interplantary politics for a loop. Prince James Ironwood had done quite a bit for the Atlesian Empire and for the galaxy as a whole. The Atlesian Empire was known for its technological advancements, supplying their allies with technological marvels. But they were also highly militarized, constantly making upgrades to their defense and offence capabilities. Which was bound to make the other systems and kingdoms nervous. There had been talk after the news broke that it was actually an attack by one of the other systems. Yet, nothing had turned up from those rumors. In all honesty, it had seemed like the death of their prince had left the kingdom in a power vaccuum.
“Look! Right on schedule.”
Qrow snapped out of his thoughts in time to see the familiar symbol of a white snowflake painted onto the side of a massive ship. Definitely a SDC ship. However, what was strange was that there seemed to be blast marks scored on the normally pristine ship.
“Must have ran into the White Fang before getting here.”
Summer hopped down. “Makes it easier to steal from them.”
“Or makes them beef up security.”
“Chickening out, Qrow?”
“Hey don’t blame me if we get ourselves blown up.”
“Just don’t get caught then.”
Qrow let out a quiet laugh. He winked at Summer and then transformed into a crow.
Qrow had made it inside the ship without any problems. Yet, that was what alarmed him. He noticed a surprising lack of guards, but an incredible amount of Atlesian Knights. Something that the SDC never had before. Moreover, the Atlesian Knights weren’t glowing the calm blue, but instead an angry red.
Qrow turned on his comm link. “Sums? You copy?”
“Did you get caught?”
“No, but there’s at least a whole squadron of AKs here.”
“What? The intel didn’t say anything about the SDC aquiring that kind of security.”
“There’s something off about them too. I’m going to press on.”
“Be careful, Qrow. We don’t know what we’re dealing with now.”
Qrow turned his comm back off and stealthily made his way to the cargo bay. At the sound of metal footsteps, he quickly ducked behind one of the boxes full of dust. Six Atlesian Knights marched past his hiding space and then began taking some of the boxes back with them. Qrow frowned. Wasn’t this supposed to be a pick up of another shipment?
Ducking and weaving behind the boxes, Qrow followed the robots. Hiding in an empty corridor, he peeked around the corner to see what they were doing. They were taking the dust into one of the rooms on the ship. Perhaps a trade of some kind was taking place? The AKs left the room and walked back to the cargo bay. Qrow was about to step out and see what was happening in the room, when a man stepped outside. He was on his scroll, stroking his big bushy mustache.
“You can tell our queen that the experiments are going quite well. He’s lasted far longer than any previous subjects.”
Qrow could faintly hear the other person on the call. Their tone was full of manical glee. “Will he be fun to play with when you get back?”
“Now, now Tyrian. He’s not a toy. He’s going to be our weapon.”
“How awfully boring. But if it’s what our Goddess wants, it’s what she will get.”
“Don’t worry, darling. When Salem is done with him, you can break him to your heart’s content.”
Qrow shuddered as he could hear the tail end of chilling laughter. The man ended the call and walked back inside the room. This was not looking good. The man had mentioned a queen and the other had referred to her as a goddess. There was only one queen in the history of the galaxy that presented herself as a goddess. He switch his comm back on.
“Sums, I think those rumors were right. There are operatives of the Black Queen Organization on the ship.”
“Are you sure? What would they want with a SDC ship.”
“For what I heard, they are doing some kind of experiment on some poor soul.”
“Forget the dust. Get out of there, Qrow!”
“I’m working on that.”
He left his comm on this time just in case. He was about to sneak back the way he came when a scream rang out. Qrow winced as he could hear what was most likely the subject the man spoke of. He took a couple of steps down the hallway and then stopped. He really should just go. Make his way back to Summer and just forget about the conversation he heard. Put the cries of agony coming from the room out of his mind. But yet...
In hindsight, maybe he really should have kept going. Because the sight that awaited him when he flung open the doors was mindbreakingly unexpected. Qrow had expected to jump into action, save some poor guy from being experimented on, and make a hasty escape. He didn’t expect to see the crown prince of the Atlesian Empire strapped down to a medical table, with his entire right side being cybernetic and his left arm black as tar. It looked eeriely similar to the monsters that plagued the more backwater planets. The left behind creations of the one and only Black Queen herself.
“What!? Who are you”
Qrow didn’t even bother pulling out Harbringer and just punched the mustached man in the face. The man crumpled to the floor. Three Atlesian Knights in the room started shooting at him, but he quickly dodged and pulled out his weapon. The Atlesian prince growled as he managed to rip himself free from the straps that were pinning him down. As Qrow sliced through one of the AKs, the prince managed to disarm another and using his cybernetic arm, punched straight through it. The final robot shot at Qrow, who blocked it with his sword. He swiftly started blocking the array of bullets coming his way. A shot rang out and the AK fell to the floor.
Qrow smirked. “Not bad.”
“Where did Watts go?”
Qrow scanned the room. There was no sign of the mustached man. “He must have escaped during the fight.”
“He’s going to pay for what he’s done.”
Suddenly an alarm started blaring throughout the ship. He could just barely make out Summer’s voice coming over on his comm.
“Qrow, what did you do?”
“Uh, don’t worry. We’ll meet you outside the ship soon. Be ready for a fast getaway.”
Qrow looked over at the prince. He was searching through the notes that Watts guy left behind. Qrow wasn’t sure how the prince had normally looked like, but he definitely looked worse for wear. On his chest where the cybernetics met skin were scars, most of which looked decently recent. Not to mention his left arm. He kept clenching and unclenching his fist. Qrow couldn’t tell if that was voluntary or not. What Qrow did know was that this guy was not going to be able to make it out of here alone. No matter how much of a good shot he was.
“Picked up a friend along the way. Just be ready.”
“Hey we gotta get moving if we want to make it out of here.”
“You can leave, I’m going after Watts.”
Qrow scoffed. “You know that thing I did back there? It’s called saving your life. I heard what he wanted to do to you. It wouldn’t have been pretty.”
“I am grateful for your help. But I can’t let this man leave.”
“Look, your highness. He’s got a whole squadron of AKs. You have what? A gun and cybernetics? You wouldn’t even make it to him. Getting revenge can wait another day.”
“This isn’t about me! This is about what he is going to do to Atlas. My Empire! My people! If he lives, he will destroy everything Ozpin and I have worked so hard to build. He makes every sacrifice I’ve made meaningless.”
For a brief moment, Qrow could have sworn that the prince’s blue eyes flashed red and his voice took on an animalistic growling quality. He noticed that in the middle of that rant, the man had clutched his left arm. The prince was shaking, Qrow couldn’t tell if it was from fear or with anger.
Qrow sighed. “You can’t help your empire if you’re dead, your highness. If we leave now, my friend and I can get you out of here and bring you to a place you can contact your people. But if you go after Watts, you’re as good as dead.”
All the fight seemed to leave the prince at those words. His head dropped into his hands. In that moment, Qrow felt the urge to comfort the man, but he didn’t know how.
“Maybe you’re right.”
“I’m always right. Let’s go, your highness.”
“You can call me James”
The prin-no James stuck out his hand, blue eyes locking with his red ones.
They shared a nod then stepped out the door.
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theonceoverthinker · 4 years
Signs Clover Might Come Back
So if you’ve been reading this little blog for any amount of time since the end of the last year, you’d know I’ve had RWBY, Fair Game, and Clover Ebi on the brain. And if you’d been reading it for any amount of time since late January, then you’d know that both I and a lot of other people really, really, really hated the ultimate handling of each of those things following the release of 7X12.
But I’m not here to go off about that episode today (Though I still have PLENTY more to say on that front).
No, I’m here to look forward towards the upcoming volume with something a bit more optimistic (Given some of those quotes from the 7X12 commentary that have recently come to light and the possibility of a V8 trailer tomorrow, we could all use that right about now).
Volume 8 is about a month away, and with it, a large amount of the Fair Game/Clover Ebi community as well as myself are hoping Clover will be resurrected as a result of something we call the Staff of Creation Theory. 
Look, I probably don’t have to explain this to anyone reading this post, but just in case, the tldr of the theory is that the Staff of Creation will cease holding Atlas up and since it’s able to create, it just might be able to bring back the deceased as a form of recreation (I.E. Clover). I’ve made a theory or two about how it could work in the context of straight up execution, but again, that’s not what I’m here to talk about.
So -- incredibly long intro aside -- what AM I here to talk about?
Well, as the title states I want to talk about the signs that we can look for in V8 prior to any resurrection that can reasonably suggest that Clover might come back.
My overall thoughts on whether Clover will actually come back or not basically come down to a coin flip at this point. Trace amounts of evidence both in some of the animation from V7 and implications of comments heard here and there give off a real sense that he just might be revived after all, but then again, the writers have done little lately to inspire a lot of faith in me, and a large amount of my distrust with RT is that we had a lot more to go on that 7X12 wasn’t going to be...well, 7X12 before 7X12 was 7X12.
(Jenna, come on, you said you weren’t going to rant about it...)
Anyway, I compiled a brief list of realistic ideas that could happen in the context of Volume 8 (And its marketing, merch, etc.) before the theoretical resurrection as a means of foreshadowing it, as well as a brief explanation as to my reasonings for believing them to be meaningful and possible executions they could take in their implementations. Anything is on the table here, so now that this incredibly long intro that somehow got even longer is done, let’s get going!
List under the cut!
1. Clover appearing ANYWHERE in the V8 intro. Simply put, dead people tend to not show up in the RWBY intros following their passing. Maybe their graves will show up, as they have with Summer, but that’s about it. But even outside of that trend, Clover appearing in Volume 8′s intro would put some nice power in the theory’s corner. I don’t even think he necessarily has to be in it himself (though I absolutely want him to). Giving any amount of significant screen time to the pin would (while not as good for us as actually showing off Clover himself) still be a point in our favor of Clover’s importance to the characters. I could see this happening in two ways. First, if it’s not Clover appearing, but the pin, we could have Qrow looking at or wearing the pin and then the camera doing a closeup of it (Hopefully without the blood). Second, if it IS Clover appearing (And if he does appear in the intro, I’d say his chances of returning will be up significantly since they’re bothering to animate not just the pin, but Clover’s face/entire body), Clover could be dragged away from Qrow in sort of an abstract nightmare-ish thing akin to the visual of Qrow drinking in V6 directly. In both cases, they’d be followed by a transition to something relevant to his resurrection would be the real money ticket.
Now, the specifics of this as it pertains to Clover will be explained in the next point, but what you need to know right now is that transitions are incredibly important. Simply put, the sequences of events, especially as they exist in and pertain to large ensemble casts like the one we have in RWBY because so many things are happening simultaneously, are important. They have the ability to convey narrative insights; story beats can be glimpsed off of them and themes can be established or deconstructed by the order of plot and story points. 
What are those things that it would be really good to transition to after mentioning/showing Clover/Clover’s pin?
I am SO glad you asked, because I’m about to get to it!
2. Any mention of the sentiment of “dead is dead” in the context of Clover’s death followed by a transition to something that calls that very idea into question. Here we go. 
I’m of the mindset that we could be witnessing some very nice foreshadowing of a Clover revival if during a mention of Clover, something that’s said by someone (Qrow, Ironwood, Robyn, the Ace Ops) that’s akin to “there’s no way he can come back” or “dead is dead” is IMMEDIATELY followed by one the following things: The Staff of Creation itself or just the door to the staff’s vault, Penny or Ozpin (Formerly dead characters now resurrected, Penny being the current Winter Maiden and the only one able to access the staff) doing pretty much anything, or the base of the floating city and the blue magic under it. ANY of these things (And probably one or two others because I’m only one man here) carry with them a heaping helping of foreshadowing, the universe itself telling us not to count our chickens before they hatch. I can see this happening via a hard cut or a fade between the character mentioning Clover (Or Clover’s pin) and the aforementioned element.
The reason why I place such emphasis on these transitions is because without them, bringing up Clover or Clover’s mortality (or present lack thereof) only has a narrative function of quelling any hopes of him being revived, a proverbial twisting of the knife, if you will.
3. ”No hetero”-ing the Jailbirds ship/separating them as quickly as possible. A worrying point for many of us has been the possibility that with Clover absent and killed off in a way that seemingly showed that Clover and Qrow were too opposite each other to make it work, that Qrow and Robyn (Now off to prison together) could possibly become a thing. I think doing something to ensure audiences right off the bat that that’s not a concern anyone needs to have will do a little something to show that RT at least listened to the clear dislike the ship received from the get go (No offense intended if you do ship it, but it is what it is and both components of Jailbirds are shipped far more with other characters, and for good reason). Moreover, getting rid of the chance of Jailbirds off the bat might show that Qrow’s romantic future is still up in the air, possibly for a revived Clover to come back and be a part of. This can be done in a number of ways -- canonizing Springthyme, getting Robyn and Qrow out of jail and separated ASAP, canonizing Qrow’s romantic love for Clover, etc. The quicker this is done, the more I’d be willing to believe we could see Clover’s return.
4. Not just Marrow being shown contemplating deflecting from Ironwood. This one’s a little hard to explain, so follow me.
Prior to Clover’s death, Neath Oum made a Tweet that pointed out how odd it was that there were five Ace Ops in a world geared towards the number four (Four people on a team, Maidens, relics, kingdoms, etc). If this sentiment is to remain true with a Clover revival, something’s got to give to even out the inherently weird setup of the Ace Ops’ odd number (Pun intended). 
Look, if Clover’s coming back, then they’re not gonna make him a villain because it wouldn't make sense (Even with the garbage logic of 7X12). So that means that they have to make a big change regarding either just Clover or all of the other Ace Ops.
This can happen a number of ways. Clover can come back and take the place of the (possibly) deceased Summer Rose on STRQ (Best case scenario imho because it leaves the Ace Ops open to a redemption), another Ace Op can die (I REALLY don’t want it to be this), or Clover can back and deflects...but not alone, and that last point is the only one with real potential foreshadowing from the Ace Ops. 
Obviously, Marrow’s the one Ace Op everyone thinks will turn against Ironwood, especially with the reveal of Clover’s death to the Ace Ops now an inevitability. He’s going to have a reaction to that, and probably the biggest of his team’s. However, here’s the thing: If just Marrow deflects, that makes one member by himself (Or two if Clover comes back and joins with him) and a team of three. That absolutely doesn’t work with that sentiment of four being the central number of the show, either (Unless even more characters are thrown into the mix and...no...just no…). So if Marrow leaves the Ace Ops, I don’t think it will be alone.
Once again, there’s a couple of ways this could go. One of the remaining could be actually villainized to make space for Clover back on the main team (Harriet would be my most likely prediction because of that exchange she and Marrow had about killing team RWBY), or (ideally) all of them could deflect and create a hybrid of my first and third idea: Clover goes off to join Qrow, Raven, and Tai while Marrow, Elm, Harriet, and Vine stay as the Ace Ops (Maybe under a new team name).
The signs to look out for of this happening are bigger reactions from the non-Marrow Ace Ops than they’ve shown in the series up to this point (With the exception of 7X12), the Ace Ops mourning together and even growing closer during that mourning, or statements of doubt from the rest of the team regarding Ironwood’s plan or just Ironwood’s leadership as well.
5. Any marketing regarding Qrow mourning Clover. Why market a setup to something that doesn’t have a payoff? If Clover’s as unimportant as he was claimed to be, then showing Qrow mourn wouldn’t have a point, after all, right? So why do it? Perhaps because there’s something on its way. I’m just saying, if you see the official RWBY Twitter make a post of Qrow forlornly looking at Clover’s pin or putting on the pin, or a tweet that quotes the kind of “dead is dead” line I mentioned back in point 2, there might be more to it than the surface might have us believe. I’m not telling you to expect anything because as I said, my hope is not especially high right now either, but I will say that that could be a real sign.
6. Ace Ops merchandise with all five of them. A few months ago, a shirt of all five of the Ace Ops popped up on the RT shop. This set off an alarm bell or two in my head because why sell a shirt of a team that ended the previous volume with one member dead and the other four of them cast off to the side as basically secondary villains? I know people like the Ace Ops, but it was still a really weird merch choice. It was especially jarring because in that same wave of merch, the team ORNJ shirt was revealed, and that was effectively a spoiler since that team hadn’t officially formed yet (Just implied, but other teams like RNJR were given their team name on screen). However, I acknowledge that that could all just be a fluke. BUT, if we see more of this kind of thing during V8...you never know, right? 
7. Tyrian bringing up Clover a LOT. I can’t fully explain this one, but while Tyrian seemed to realize Clover’s importance to Qrow, him bragging about it a lot prior to or during his and Qrow’s inevitable next showdown would be a really solid potential mark in the Clover comes back column (If he’s not already back by the time this happens, of course).
So there you go -- a few signs that might be present if we really are going to get Clover back. Maybe getting all of these ideas together is just a means of working out my senses of hope and doubt as V8 grows closer -- it absolutely is (Especially after reading some of those commentary quotes -- YIKES). Maybe this will help someone who feels the same way I do cope as well. Whatever this was, I hope it makes things easier. 
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Rules, Headcanons, Ships (will be updated if necessary)
General, Ask, and RP Rules
Please. PLEASE be respectful towards others. That includes ships, characters, headcanons, and the mun.
Please try not to hit on, flirt, or have NSFW interactions with my muses unless you have read the Ships page.
Any muses who are characters that are crazy as fuck (i.e.: Adam and Ironwood) or who are abusive (i.e.: Jacques) I will NOT rp with (AUs are an exception, but I WILL be very cautious when doing so).
If you can’t follow the rules, then don’t rp with me. If you break them once, I will give you a warning. Twice will be a harsher warning. Third time will result in me ending the rp.
Rosebird (Summer x Raven)
White Rose (Ruby x Weiss)
Bumbleby (Yang x Blake)
Gambol x Ember
Qrow x Tai (possibly, but will most likely be a BROTP) (I don’t know the ship name, so please tell me)
ReNora and Arkos (Jaune x Pyrrha) (obviously)
SnowByrd (Winter x Robyn) (I LOW-KEY SHIP THEM. PLEASE DON’T JUDGE.)
Raven left Yang and her team in order to keep them all safe from the tribe. Qrow wasn’t aware of this until the Mistral Arc, but Summer knew the full story, which is why she went to convince Raven to let them help her, instead of trying to protect the team on her own.
Raven blames herself immensely for letting Summer get killed. She believed that if she had stayed with them, then her death would’ve never happened. Summer, on the other hand, believes that she would’ve died either way and doesn’t blame Raven for anything.
Summer and Raven’s nicknames for Ruby are “Little Gem” and “Little Petal” respectively. Their nicknames for Yang are “Sunshine” and, of curse, “Little Dragon”.
Ruby nicknamed Summer and Raven as “Alpha Mom” and “Bird Mom” respectively.
Raven and Yang’s relationship is much more tolerable and calm than in the show. This is partly thanks for Summer being alive and explaining why Raven left and how she saved the STRQ leader from death.
Winter is more aware of what Jacques is doing and tries her best to take SOME sort of action. She’s also in a relationship with Robyn.
Ozma’s previous incarnations did have their own identities. The Beacon headmaster incarnation was named Evergreen Ozpin Brown.
Besides english, Ruby speaks french, Yang speaks chinese and welsh, Weiss speaks german, and Blake speaks japanese and italian.
When they were at Beacon, Raven was the more dominant one in her and Summer’s relationship. However, Summer’s resurrected form has made her more dominant then Raven.
Raven hates how Summer is taller than her now. Summer, on the other hand, relishes it and takes advantage of the height difference very well.
Summer is quite kinky, as she enjoys being cuffed to a bed and bitten by Raven. However, there’s an 80% chance that she’ll break free from said cuffs. Also, she enjoys using Raven’s breasts as a pillow, a trait that was retained from her previous life.
Raven has a tendency to nosebleed whenever she sees a nude body. This worries Summer a lot, as it sometimes takes about 2 hours for the bleeding to stop.
It should be noted that depending on the weapon, Summer’s fighting style changes. For Summer, using Crescent Rose makes her more brutal and savage, while using Twin Crescents makes her far more calm, focused, and fluid.
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Most Popular Qrow ships in RWBY7
reposting because tumblr sucks
I'm making this list for fun and also to find and "collect" other popular Qrow pairings, it's not based on any actual statistics, just observations on the tags so take it with a grain of salt!
1) Fairgame (Qrow x Clover) 👑
• it's the one people are talking about the most at the moment and it has some canon base compared to most other ships, so it gets the first spot
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2) Ironqrow (Qrow x Ironwood)
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3) Snowbirds (Qrow x Winter)
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4) Hummingbird (Qrow x Summer)
5) Taiqrow (Qrow x Tai)
6) Cloqwork (Qrow x Ozpin)
7) ?? (Qrow x Robyn)
The layers of this man, lads. Anyways this is not necessarely accurate, i'm only consulting tumblr dot hell. Feel free to add other popular pairings if there are any or fill the missing ship names, i'm curious
Personal faves: Fairgame and Hummingbird.
My Qrow headcanon: a bisexual dusty bird
What is your favorite Qrow pairing?
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My thoughts on V7 Ch5, spoilers ahead.
Okay, all of jumping on the fg ship. No. Just no. I still think Clover has that cocky attitude, most likely do to his semblance, but this episode shows how he is trying to form a connection with Qrow. Building up his poor self esteem and trying to get him to accept a compliment. From someone who also has no self esteem, this is a damn near impossible thing to actually get across to us. Heck, I can't even accept compliments from my own mother. Qrow has been through alot, from his parents abandoning him and his sister to being raised by bandits (which couldn't have been easy), to meeting Tai Yang and Summer (probably one of the only highlights of his academy days tbh), to having Raven abandon her family and subsequently himself, to losing Summer, to having to be alone due to his semblance, to being "betrayed" by Ozpin, and to having to rely on alcohol. It's going to take alot for Qrow to even remotely want to form friendships with new people so I applaud Clover for trying. The boy is a charmer, and he and Qrow would make good friends, but not a relationship. Them playing cards shows that, Clover will always win due to his semblance and while their semblances are similar and could potentially balance each other out, I don't think Qrow would be happy with someone who constantly gets what he wants. Qrow needs excitement and the thought of the unknown, so someone like Ironwood, would be better for him. Plus, the endgame is clearly IronQrow. Okay, I rambled on the Qrow train again. I'm done... no wait, let's talk about alcoholism and sobriety and how tough that decision is. I'm proud of him for doing it, I hope we delve deeper into him becoming happy but with withdrawal signs because drinking as along as he has, there would be symptoms. I hope nothing happens that causes him to relapse but I have a feeling it will. For now, I'm proud of him. Qrow is everything to me.
Okay since I could ramble on and on about Qrow, imma going to move on now. Nora, sweet baby angel Nora, being able to braid Ren's hair while walking is an accomplishment and for all those who worry their relationship is on the fritz, I sincerely doubt that. I don't know many people who would be willing to let someone they weren't on good terms with touch, let alone, braid their hair. Also, loving the new weapon designs.
That training area, my god I want to train there.
Neon~ her new look is amazing! Anyone know if they(fnkl) are full fledged huntsmen or still in school? If they are, are they helping train the gang because they know them? Again, Ironwood is trying to connect with them, setting them up with people they know and treating them as equals. He tries, guys, he tries. He has a lot on his plate.
The winter maiden though... If Winter is "next in line" and I use that phrase loosely, she isn't the right fit and won't last long and Weiss may end up as the Winter maiden due to always being on Winter's mind.
I love Robyn, hate Jacques. Again, setting Ironwood up to be the fall guy. Dammit, why must I like characters who are probably going to die?
Okay, last thoughts, Jaune and Marrow becoming friends is cute, Penny using her "big girl" voice towards Robyn is adorable and five o'clock shadow is the best name she could have given Qrow. Also Yang and Blake are living in their own precious little world.
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dcstinythief · 5 years
Ship bias
Snowbird, my first and favorite ship for Qrow. You can’t convince me that beautifully executed fight scene happened just because Qrow didn’t approve of the Atlesian military presence. It was personal, it involved the use of nicknames that Qrow knew would get under Winter’s skin, and I gotta know what preceded it. Fighting is the same thing as flirting, right?
Fair game. I’m on the bandwagon and I will go down with this ship. Clover exudes just the brand of confidence Qrow is weak for. He’s self assured but not foolish, aware of his abilities and prepared to take a situation as it comes. There’s some level of Qrow just being glad that Clover is immune to the ill effects of his Semblance, certainly, but I think that was just the initial response. Now? Clover is an excellent flirt, he’s got a gorgeous smile, and Qrow has definitely noticed those arms.
Fireball. Raven wasn’t the only Branwen enamored with Tai. Sunshine followed wherever he went and Tai was happy to share that warmth with the people around him. He was the first friend Qrow made at Beacon and certainly his first crush outside of the tribe. Coming from a background in which monogamy was not commonly practiced, Qrow’s affections for Tai and Summer coexisted pleasantly. He felt no drive to compete with Raven, wanting only for the people he loved to be happy. Perhaps, though, when Raven and Tai burned their brightest and Yang was conceived, Qrow did feel a pang of jealousy.
Ironqrow? I don’t remember their ship name but this sounds right. The first thing Qrow notices about James Ironwood is those shoulders. The next is the way James doesn’t need to raise his voice to command the attention of a room. The new General sure has his attention. Physical admiration takes on a simmering undercurrent of irritation, the longer Qrow spends with him. James seems always to think that his way is the best way, that he is the most qualified to handle a given situation; he defers to Ozpin, at least, and that saves him from true disdain. Over time Qrow recognizes that James is gentle, and kind, and prepared to fight for who and what he believes in. Maybe Qrow finds himself wishing he could be someone James believes in.
This feels like cheating because it’s so specific, but my all time favorite Qrow ship is Bandit King AU Qrow and Ice Witch Winter in a closed verse with best friend. Villages across southern Anima tell tales of a man with eyes dipped in blood, wielding a wicked scythe capable of rending the unfortunate in two with one swipe. He brings misfortune wherever he goes and he’s said to keep a crow as a familiar. To encounter him alone is as good as a death sentence; worse still, when his Queen fights at his side. The devastating power of ice lies at her fingertips, delivered by intricate patterns she weaves into existence. While this is all true, the rumors fail to mention just how madly in love Qrow is with his Queen--and she never loses an opportunity to assure him that it’s mutual. Turns out living a life of freedom away from the pressures of a centuries-long war allows one to be their truest self, and their truest selves are living their best life.
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dragynkeep · 4 years
Know that you’re not big on Tai and Raven (fire bird? I think) but how about the mad lad power couple of Raven and ironwood
do i ship it?
taiyang  /  raven is called phoenix ! & damn i’ve never thought of raven  /  ironwood before but tbh, i’m not vibing. i just don’t rly vibe with raven ships tbh, but that’s just bc of my beef with her character.
what’s the name for this ship though ??
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