#Gimme my man back
stellarbit · 3 months
Im a huge fan of your tbb x reader works! Especially tech x reader.
Can I make a request for a one bed scenario? (NSFW or SFW, no preference) On a mission maybe, or just generally tech up to his mischief, I adore the way you write his methodical testing and teasing. It appeals to my fandom trash heart *and* the ‘tism 😆
May your next ibuprofen kick in swiftly 💛💛
~And there was one bed~
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Word Count: 1.3k Pairing: fem!reader x Tech Warnings: light petting Summary: It's not your fault there's one bed - you don't speak Rodese. Tech's not mad though.
Tech turned to you carrying an unimpressed deadpan expression. “Care to explain how your planning resulted in insufficient accommodations?”
You took a deep breath, stifling your rising frustration. “I did mention I’m not fluent in Rodese.” Turning a similarly unamused face on Tech, you offered a stiff smile.
Letting out a contemplative noise, Tech shifted his attention to the bed in question. “While it is of adequate size for two adults, I have no issue resting elsewhere.” He pivoted in place to assess the rest of the room. Pointing to an armchair tucked in the corner, he continued. “That will do nicely.”
Without pause, Tech stepped towards the chair only for you to catch him by the arm. His uncanny ability to fall asleep under any circumstances was no secret, but you couldn’t ignore the way he rolled kinks out of his neck and shoulders afterward. You didn’t want to be the reason for his soreness this time. You just had to keep your hands to yourself — no big deal.
Tech glanced between your touch and your tired expression. Nodding to the bed, you attempted to shrug off the situation. “It’s not like anyone is around to see.” You’d been dancing around your nerves concerning Tech for weeks. The idea of him avoiding sharing a bed due to your awkward reactions strengthened your resolve to professionally share the space.
 That very resolve cracked when his armor started dropping. While Tech stripped, rattling off Hunter’s mission briefing, you dialed in on the way his biceps flexed and relaxed as he moved. The tight fit of his blacks highlighted the definition of his muscles, a rare sight you couldn’t break away from.
“Are you listening?” Tech tilted his head to meet your gaze, pulling you back to reality. When your response was just a few absent blinks, Tech sighed but patiently repeated the details he had provided earlier.
After dousing yourself in a cold shower, you joined Tech in the bed. He was propped up against the headboard, sitting over the blankets with the soft glow of his datapad reflecting off his goggles.
Scooting beneath blankets, you debated the most appropriate position to take. Facing him was the last thing you could stomach, but you worried facing away would add to his evidence of your avoiding him. You ended up on your back, leaving it to fate once you were asleep.
“Are you comfortable?” Tech asked, his voice unusually gentle—a rare question for him.
You hummed an affirmative, breathing through the flutter in your chest at the reminder of his proximity to you. You weren’t sure you could manage even a simple ‘yep’ without a crack in your voice. Thankfully, the deep breathing at least eased you into a sleepy haze.
Tech wouldn’t say that he had been waiting for an opportunity to observe you under such intimate conditions. Nevertheless, he wasn’t about to let the time go to waste. Sharing space with you was seemingly stress-free for him. Your response indicated minimal hesitation, which was intriguing to him.
You sparked his intrigue weeks prior during a fast escape. As he pulled you out of the path of blaster fire, Tech sheltered you against a wall, his body shielding yours. Trapped in his embrace, you were wide-eyed and with something like pain on your face, a reaction that lingered even after the danger had subsided.
 Initially, he thought your discomfort stemmed from his leg pressed between your thighs. However, when he shifted his leg and he saw you flinch, he was at a loss. You regained your composure once you completely disentangled, but there was a flush to your skin Tech had yet to witness. 
From then on, Tech meticulously observed your behavior under stress, around his brothers, and during physical contact. Yet, none of these situations triggered the reaction he had witnessed. Eventually, driven by impatience, Tech decided to take matters into his own hands.
He subtly closed in on you during ship repairs, selected you as his partner for running errands, and seized any opportunity to initiate contact. Through these interactions, he deduced that the common denominator in your reactions was his presence. He also realized the limitations of his experiments under the watchful eye of his brothers.
So, while your planning had landed you in one bed, sharing a night alone was entirely Tech’s maneuvering.
Tech waited until your breathing evened into a slow, controlled rhythm before setting his device aside. The room was dark, but his goggles provided him with sufficient visibility. He began his 'test' by slightly moving his leg against yours. When you didn't react, Tech wondered if he had missed his window with you.
Determined, Tech pushed back his side of the blankets and gently slid in. Again, he pressed his leg against yours. You mumbled through a twitch, spurring Tech to move further against you. You let out a long breath, but otherwise were unfazed.
Tech knew he was walking a fine line. While he wanted to test you, tease you even, he didn’t want this to be unpleasant for you. If he wanted to continue, he decided, he needed your consent and he needed you awake.
Deciding that any further steps required clear communication, Tech tapped his finger nervously against his thigh as he pondered his next move. With little experience in these matters, he was charting unknown territory, which only enticed him more.
Carefully rolling onto his side, he propped his head on one hand and prepared to wake you gently. His heart raced slightly at the factor of the unknown. Tech was leaning over you, taking perhaps his last chance to watch you so closely, when he spotted the tint of your cheeks through the low light.
A knowing smile ticked Tech’s lips. Diligently scanning your face, Tech rolled his thigh into you. The twitch of your lips proved his theory right. 
In a low voice, Tech announced, “You are awake.”
Unable to maintain a pretense of calm, your breath hitched and your eyes opened. You blinked against the soft glow of Tech’s goggles hovering above you. He was closer than you’d realized.
“Are you comfortable?” Tech asked you again. He adjusted his stance, purposely resting his free hand over his waist to barely brush your stomach. The light touch sent a shiver through you.
You didn’t immediately answer. You recognized the look in his eyes enough to know he was cataloging something about you. Noting all the places he was pressing against you, a thought occurred to you. 
Shifting your head back for a better look at him, you returned his smile. “Are you?”
His gaze caught on your smile for a moment. Drifting his hand closer, he spread his fingers over your stomach until his whole hand rested on you. Meeting your gaze, Tech gently tapped a finger on your stomach.
“No.” He answered and, before you could panic, added, “But that is to be expected when trying new things.”
Your breath hitched. “And what exactly are you trying?”
“To be blunt, you.” You made a small noise at his confession, flaring Tech’s eagerness. “I’ve noticed you often react like that to my presence and I’d like to see how else you might respond to me.”
Heat flooded your core. “How are you planning to do that?” you asked, a hint of nervousness in your voice.
Tech’s head lifted off his hand with some surprise, processing his next move quickly. Leaning in, he rested his arm on the pillow above your head, subtly shifting his weight onto you. “Would you like me to show you?”
Your response was immediate, your hips instinctively squirming under him. “Very much.”
Tech gave a low chuckle. “Well, for starters, I want to see how you react-” The hand on your stomach drifted lower, over your pelvis, and tucked between your thighs. “When I touch you here.”
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thesamoanqueen · 2 months
It's been 100 days.
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jaylaxies · 10 months
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 months
Jianzhu in his chapters: *talking about/mentioning Hei-Ran* Me: Baby boy I need you to stop narrating for a second and give me a POV switch real quick. I need to know what's going on in Fire Mama's head.
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kamurawaffles5684 · 2 months
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Imma put a leash on this bitch ISTG !!!😭😭😭
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britcision · 9 months
Watched The Giggle.
About 10-15 years ago I went on an Old Who binge. Like, raided Daily Motion, downloaded the full episodes list from Hartnell to Baker and then every episode with the Master or the Rani
And went for every “lost episode”, a bunch of which are on Audible
You know who my favourite was?
My most favourite Old Who thing that I went on a jillion tweet rant about how they should bring back immediately?
The fucking Toymaker
Favourite guy
And you know the other thing? That… complicates the memory?
I don’t visualise. At all, ever, so I also don’t really remember things in visual aspects, so not being able to visualise what those episodes looked like? Meant nothing to me
That’s normal
I spent the whole damn episode with just the very most nostalgia and delight and also yes, the feeling of “this is so very familiar but I don’t know what it should look like”
Like… I knew it was black and white cuz it was Hartnell
But I couldn’t remember a single visual aspect of those episodes, but it still felt so… perfect. So right
There fucking ISN’T video of the first three fucking episodes in that arc. There just isn’t. It’s gone. We have the audio and some stills and some saint has made a kinda audiobook version and then shackled themselves to Audible for some ungodly reason and given us the arc that way
this is all the Toymaker’s fault and Neil Patrick Harris was so fucking perfect and I loved that he came in to do a musical number and then left for no fucking reason
He gave me life and also epic catch was Fine I Guess but someone needs to challenge the Toymaker to a ttrpg, particularly one like DnD or Pathfinder that does not have a win condition because I feel like that would upset him so much but also he wouldn’t notice for like 8 years
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theyluvbix · 7 months
Wld Sony please release the version of atsv that I specifically saw in theatres bc it changed my life and I wld like it back, please
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moongothic · 7 months
On the train of your last ask, what are your thoughts on dragons sexuality?
Personally I think he’s Demi something (more attracted to personality than looks or gender)
Honestly because we don't know that much about the guy it's kind of hard for me to form an opinion, and if Crocodad Real then we're going to find out his orientation eventually (since we gotta find out if that was a contributing factor to the Dragodile Divorce (assuming they're divorced)) so I'm kind of okay with not forming any headcanons, since the headcanon could get thrown out the window
If anything, what interests me is how Dragon's orientation could impact the story-- like when I've discussed the Dragodile Divorce I have mainly focused on speculating how Crocodile would've felt about it, but how Dragon felt about that is interesting too
Because if he's straight then yeah that probably contributed to The Divorce, but how did Dragon feel about it? Learning that the love of his life is now happier than ever before after transitioning and being happy for him, while also losing the version of Crocodile that he fallen in love to begin with? No longer feeling thet draw to him because of the thing that has brought him so much joy and comfort? Knowing that even if they did take down the WG the family Dragon had hoped to have would never come to be, because their relationship would now end? And that it would be on some level his fault, because he's not attracted to Crocodile anymore?
Like even if Dragon took things well and the divorce happened "on good terms", it would've been sad for Dragon too.
But then there's a slightly juicier option, because what if Dragon was bi, but the Divorce happened under unpleasant circumstances (be it Dragon lashing out or things getting violent because he couldn't recognize Crocodile) and he didn't figure it out until it was too late?
Because you'd still have Dragon going through some if not all of those previously mentioned feelings, of having to come to terms with the version of his significant other whom he had fallen in love with no longer existed, the family had pictured in his mind would never become a thing, that those things were be kind of his fault and that he had hurt Crocodile deeply in the process. But then he'd be looking at some news article of Crocodile's most recent heroic stunt, seeing his handsome face with that usual, unbothered expression, and realizing he still loved him? That he still wanted to be with him, wished they were together, even now that Crocodile was a far more handsome man than he was? And then the realization that he's bi hitting him like a fucking truck But it's too late. The divorce already happened. He already hurt Crocodile too deeply. Knowing Croc, he had probably already moved on. There was no fixing it, the relationship was over. At least for now, trying to go see Croc could be dangerous due to the WG and not wanting to risk the WG finding out about them and The Kid and Croc would probably be furious if Dragon even risked that at this point, after what he had done. Oh, and then Crocodile killed thousands of innocent people attempting to usurp a country by manufacturing a civil war. Something Dragon can't forgive. (Not to mention, hearing he had been taken down by their own son... Oof)
But what if despite all that, and not knowing the full circumstances behind what had happened (like the fact that Crocodile didn't know who the hell Luffy was), Dragon still loved Crocodile? What then?
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#Moon posting#Asks#Dragodile#OP Meta#Answering an unusual amount of asks today because 1) Compensating for being AFK for a while and#2) The Tumblr News are deeply fucking upsetting and I need something to lighten my mood desperately ngl#So clearing my ask box it is wheeeee#Sorry this is a little incoherent lmao#Something about Dragon looking at Crocodile and being like ''why the fuck are you more handsome than me'' cracks me up okay#When your transgender husband gives you gender envy#I just love the story telling potential bi Dragon would give us because like. Yeah if they're straight then the relationship is joever#But if he was bi then there's that theoretical possibility they could maybe reconcile and get back together#And the fucking drama? The possibilities? I'm so here for that man give it to me#Luffy and/or Ivankov telling Dragon to get over himself and admit that he still loves Crocodile and wants to be with him? Gimme#Dragon taking a deadly blow to protect Crocodile because he doesn't want to lose him again? It's a trope for a reason#OR Dragon craddling a dying Crocodile begging him not to die because he still loves him? Oh yes#Crocodile trying to sneak away while everyone celebrates the destruction of the World Government#And Dragon showing up like ''I don't wanna lose you again pls don't go ;_;''#And Croc telling him to either piss off OR to hurry up and get on the ship so they can leave before Luffy finds out#I am. Obsessed. Dragodile Retirement Romance let's fucking go#THE POSSIBILITIES MAN. Like I don't wanna get my hopes up because I doubt we'll get Canon Gay Dragodile BUT IT COULD BE SO GOOD
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takonxmz · 11 months
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yesterday was wip Wednesday huh
podfic covers for gimme shelter and writ in blood. wangji is finished; xichen is in the "trust the process" stage. LMAO
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wildlyfreemoon · 1 month
s5 ep15 of twd... tf does rick mean he wouldnt stop a man from abusing his wife and kids, but he's only doing it because that man is married to someone rick finds attractive...
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void-with-a-keyboard · 4 months
thinking about solar and how absolutely fucking pathetic of a man he was
constantly nervous and trying to not offend ppl while also just trying to have ppl like him
while i COULD talk about solar/lunar bc thats a very obvious ship (like. theyre right there lmao) but i came here to talk about solar/sun bc i was looking through some of my old oneshots i made when solar first showed up (like- literally on ao3 there were FIVE fics about him. I WAS EARLY) bc i wanted to kiss his flat fucking face so badly
BUUTTTT one of the oneshots was of solar and wutever fuckin insert i used interacting and like. trying to get solar used to gentle touches since im a FIRM believer that that man had NEVER felt a gentle hand on him once he existed (except for maybe when he interacted with his sun in the headspace but thats not actually physical) and it was like "okay lets see how u react to certain things and get u used to it"
and i was like... wut if it was sun doing it with him? i feel like in the beginning he would try and avoid sun as much as he could while also DEEPLY yearning to be around him. bc he just misses his brother so much and he wants him back but he knows this isnt his sun but it hurts to see him and not be able to even touch him. not bc hes not allowed to, hes just too scared to make any moves to get closer.
IM GETTING A BIT OFF TRACK BUTBUTBUT- ill discuss sun and solars early relationship LATER in another post so imma talk about wut im REALLY here for
sun is just hanging out with solar and tries to help him figure out his feelings cuz hes like "i have no fucking clue wut im feeling or wut to do with myself" and sun is like"fuck it i can help" (pretend this is in character LMAO im just being silly and over simplifying :]) and they like- "practice" with solar being used to more gentle touches. like just holding hands and hugs and petting and all that stuff. bc even tho solar trusts sun he still has a deep burning feeling that he will be hurt at some point and sun makes it his personal goal to at least help him not feel like that as much
and ofc they end up kissing. y do u think im here??
solar is an EMOTIONAL MESS. bro does not know wut to do with himself but it doesnt matter bc he feels happy and safe and DAMNIT is he gonna enjoy it
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niccage · 4 months
I’ll stop talking about work in a sec but goddamn i really killed that shit today. They left the entire hotel side of the business in my hands - we have a full house and motherfuckers didn’t even leave me a housekeeper - and not only did i kill it with every guest but i honestly did my best to help with brunch whether it be hosting or dealing with the pissed guests or making desserts or fucking whatever i could do. AND! I spent $400 on eggs and learned how many eggs can fit in my car. Twice!!
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Good Omens Season 2 Spoilers
You know what? After a while of thinking, I dont want fix-it fics. Or Coffee Theory.
I want Aziraphale, as the new Head Archangel, to try to 'fix' heaven and convince Crowley to come up with him. I want him to realize how lonely it is up there but stubornly refuse to give up, because if he gives up then he admits that Crowley was right, and if Crowley was right then the entire fight was completely his fault. That he could have gone with Crowley and he didnt instead choose the side that has been playing him like a fool this entire time. He wants to prove himself right to affirm that this wasnt all for nothing. But most of all he wants to see Crowley just as happy as he was when they first met, when he was creating the stars. Not knowing that clinging to the memory of someone who disappeared so long ago blinded him to the fact that Crowley was content right where he was, with Aziraphale.
I want them to fight, I want to see the Messy Aftermath of their fights
And then Aziraphale can start healing, slowly but surely.
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megatronsimp · 10 months
Since we got tennant back can we have simm back pleeeeeease?
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theboarsbride · 11 months
me: *is overwhelmed by multiple WIPs, writing assignment, essays, and newspaper articles, and-*
my brain: time to plan a new WIP!
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