forestlingincorporated · 6 days ago
wait so where IS daini. i gotta know
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He's fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. I'm sure putting all the single pringles in one room won't go horribly wrong at all.
Oh look, I found where all the women in this franchise are.
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mostlyponies · 5 months ago
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rockmangurl · 1 year ago
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Some Archie characters plus Bree Ricotta.
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lovelybeautifulsleep · 5 months ago
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Emma Stern Nielsen by Ellen Von Unwerth for Vogue Italia Beauty, December 2014; hair by Odile Gilbert, make-up by Ayami Nishimura. Fashion Editor/Stylist: Alice Gentilucci.
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violetvulpini · 7 months ago
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Doodled a little exchange my friend Axolotl Parade#8795 came up with! + some extras
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oldshowbiz · 4 months ago
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Stuttering John's music video featured Gilbert Gottfried, Al Grandpa Lewis, and Barry Williams of the Brady Bunch.
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📸: Fairlight
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evilhorse · 8 months ago
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DCI with Johnny DC from May 1990
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chicinsilk · 11 months ago
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US Vogue November 1, 1965
Sue Murray (left) wears a backless dress. A headband of jewels glittering on the nude; muslin volumes tight on the chest layers of red, green, black. By Galanos, from Bianchini Chiffon. Freirich earrings. On the right, Astrid Heeren in a red and taupe silk jersey Bianchini dress also by Galanos. Earrings: Jack Gilbert. The two hairstyles by Ingrid de Michel Kazan.
Sue Murray (gauche) porte une robe dos nu. Un bandeau de bijoux scintillant sur la nudité; volumes de mousseline serrés sur la poitrine couches de rouge, vert, noir. Par Galanos, de Mousseline de soie Bianchini. Boucles d'oreilles de Freirich. À droite, Astrid Heeren dans une robe rouge et taupe en jersey de soie Bianchini de Galanos également. Des boucles d'oreilles: Jack Gilbert. Les deux coiffures par Ingrid de Michel Kazan.
Photo Bert Stern vogue archive
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perfettamentechic · 7 months ago
12 aprile … ricordiamo …
12 aprile … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Gilbert Gottfried, Gilbert Jeremy Gottfried, comico e attore statunitense. Ha sposato la produttrice Dara Kravitz e hanno avuto due figli. (n.1955) 2022: Sonny Caldinez, attore trinidadiano.  (n.1932) 2021: André Maranne, nome d’arte di André Gaston Maillol, attore francese naturalizzato britannico. (n. 1926) 2017: Michèle Rosier, Michèle Lazareff Rosier, è stata una giornalista e stilista…
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soracities · 1 year ago
hey!! i hope this doesnt come across weirdly but can you think of any poems that are "blue"? not necessarily that are about the color, but rather that evoke that feeling
This was such an intriguing question. Blue poems (to me), either in tone or feeling:
"The Wild Swans at Coole" by W.B. Yeats
"Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven" by W.B. Yeats
"Rain Song" by Badr Shakir al-Sayyab
"A Little Tooth" by Thomas Lux
"Night. The city grew calm..." by Alexander Blok
"Fire Graffiti" by Tomas Tranströmer
"Vermeer" by Tomas Tranströmer
"When She Told me..." by Jean Valentine
"black magic" by Sonia Sanchez
"Shapechangers in Winter" by Margaret Atwood
"I Sleep a Lot" by Czesław Miłosz
"Between Ageing and Old" by Jack Gilbert
"Imaginary Morning Glory" by C.D. Wright
"And Then I Tried" by Rene Ricard
"Rain" by Michael Bazzett
"Rush Hour" by Gerry Murphy
"The Hole" by Richard G. Stern
"in the rain" by e.e. cummings
"it may not always be so and i say" by e.e. cummings
"[And when I embraced you]" by Kiwao Nomura
"I Dreamed Again" by Anne Michaels
"Somewhere Night is Falling" by Anne Michaels
"Flame" by Adam Zagajewski
"Postscript" by Seamus Heaney
"Down by the Station Early in the Morning" by John Ashbery
"Love Poem" by Denise Levertov
"The Years from You to Me" by Paul Celan
"In Spite of Everything, the Stars" by Edward Hirsch
"Earthly Constellation" by Vasko Popa
"Waiting Room" by Ingeborg Bachmann
"Woman" by Saadi Youssef
"Night in Hamdan" by Saadi Youssef (no online source, but the collection is Without an Alphabet, Without a Face)
"I'm Speaking" by Rafael Guillén
"Head, Heart" by Lydia Davis
"Dwelling" by Li-Young Lee
"Aubade" by Louise Gluck
"French Novel" by Richie Hofman
"Counting the Beats" by Robert Graves
"Cascando" by Samuel Beckett
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kifflepiffles · 15 days ago
Festival Skipper
Sam x AFAB (neutral terms) reader
Because I'm a new Sam simp and realised you guys are STARVING
Word count: 5.7k
Content: Praise, softdom Sam, smutty hurt/comfort, and tbh a lot of goofing around because I doubt Sam would be super serious AKJSHD Also because I just never really liked dirty talking that much
I'll edit this post more and post this to A03 later... I'm going to eep, it's past my bedtime
Update: its up on A03! And if you wanted more immersion, heres the playlist I listened to while writing this AKAHSH
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Shoutout to @loverboykirstein for letting me use your banner -7-;;
Winters in the valley were always calm and slow. Quiet and beautiful, the villagers embraced the icy scenes while waiting for their home to come back to life. 
Calm, slow, quiet, and beautiful were all things that [y/n] had gotten used to over the past year of living on their grandfather’s old farm. A calm environment, a slower life, and quiet, beautiful surroundings had dissolved all of the ailments they lived with on a daily basis in Pine-Messa city. The hopelessness, the burn-out, the anxiety and insatiable exhaustion had been left in their Joja cubicle. 
But winter was different. This was an all-consuming, eerie kind of quiet. you had only started getting fully used to the brand new silence and slow living in the fall. You were far from ready to be plunged head-first into the abyss that is Pelican Town’s winters. There was genuinely nothing to do, and you couldn’t stand it. The Adventurer’s Guild has been your saving grace. It was something to keep you busy. But lately, you have been a bit too busy for comfort.
The usually cheery and social farmer had seemingly gone missing for a few days. The guild has given you a quest that they thought you were ready for, but you proved to be in over your head, even if you wouldn’t admit it. 150 slimes needed to be slain by the end of the week. Today was the last day, and you had only dealt with 90. Marlon was annoyed, and had given you a stern talk about the guild policy.
 “These slimes are breeding like rabbits!” He would hiss, “If they head upwards, guess what? The town is fucked, [y/n]. fucked!” His voice grit in the farmer’s skull like sandpaper. Your teeth grinded with rage over Marlon’s thoughtless blame. 
For the first time in days, you had plopped down on your living room couch and unlocked your phone. What seemed like hundreds of notifications flooded in. Missed texts from Abby, from Sam, even from Sebastian. Arching a brow, you scrolled down on the notification block to read more
Rock Eater
Johnnie Gilbert’s lookalike
Where are you?
 I thought you would like the ice festival :(
Dog Boy
“Fuck,” you whispered to yourself. You had been so caught up in the slime bounty that you completely forgot one of the festivals. It sounded like a fun one, too. It was a tradition older than Pelican Town itself. The festival started as a ritual to ward off winter depression, but it was given the Christmas treatment and now centered around ice carving, fishing and shopping. Abigail even sent a picture of the Gotoran cart merchant’s pig in a little jacket.
With a heavy sigh, you tossed your phone to the other side of the couch and rubbed your face. you’d answer them later. Right now, the last thing you wanted was to explain why you were gone. So why not pretend to be gone for a few more hours? It’s already been days. 
Slumping down against the plush of the couch, [y/n] turned on the new TV you had just bought from Robin, a smart TV in limited stock. You knew you had to grab one while you could; Tech products like that were a bit of a rarity in the valley. They were hard to get unless you wanted to travel to the cities, or pay a ridiculous shipping fee. 
Curling up against the armrest with a blanket, your brain went on autopilot as a streaming service booted so you could watch a comfort show. With your head resting on the armrest like it was a pillow, you found your arms clutching over your torso. Usually a plushy would sit there, but you couldn’t be bothered to get up. You didn’t even notice your blinks slowly becoming longer, filled with tranquility, until…
The heavy, yet gentle knocking had made you jump out of your skin. Your eyes darted around as your body tried to come back to life. Hesitantly, you let your legs leave the blanket.
“Just a sec-!” you called out whilst scurrying to your feet. Oh Yoba, please don’t be Lewis asking for bills or Pam asking for more homemade alcohol. 
You quickly tried to fix your clothes and hair as they walked over to the door. You needed to look somewhat presentable if you wanted to avoid excusing your disappearance. Upon opening the door, A heavy load flew off your shoulders; It was just Sam
“Oh thank fuck,” you huffed. your heart rate slowed and you let your head rest on his shoulder. 
Your friendship was odd. You two were close. Really close. Not to say you weren’t also close to Sebastian and Abby, but this was… different. You were touchy. Everyone but you two acknowledged the tension and hesitance. 
“Hey,” Sam whispered, lazily wrapping a heavy arm around you. . His skin was cold, chilled to the bone from the frigid night. “I left the festival early to check on you. I… haven’t heard from you in days, I was getting worried,”
“Sorry,” you whined, “It's been… rough,” you sighed. A breeze flew by, causing both of you to shudder. “Here, come in, maybe I’ll start something in the kettle,” you invited, Which Sam quickly obliged. 
“Really? That’d be awesome, thank you so much [y/n]! You got any more of that mint hot chocolate? It was sick!” He suggested, closing the door behind him with his foot
“I can do that,” you hummed, grabbing your kettle off the stove and filling it in the sink
A shiver ran through Sam’s bones as removed his snow boots, leaving them at the door and made his way to the couch while you were occupied with the drinks. While sitting down, he rubbed his hands together and sighed into them in a sad attempt to warm them, 
“Um… Where have you been again?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you as you returned and sat next to him. You paused and took a breath. Did you really want to open these flood gates?
“Marlon,” you finally grumbled, “Adventurer’s guild stuff. Slimes are breeding like crazy, which is odd because they usually don’t start until Spring. They’re starting to infest entire floors and rise closer to the surface. We’ll keep it under control but… Spring might be rough. I might need to cut back on my crop load” you vented. The release made you release tension in your face that you didn’t know you had., Sam’s smile contorted into a look of worry.
“Holy shit, dude. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you insisted as you rubbed your face with open hands, as if attempting to scrub off the stress and sleep deprivation “Just,, hnnnggff,” You leaned forward, placing Your elbows on your own knees. “Marlon’s been on my ass, dude. Bad,”
“That’s not fair, he was at the festival earlier,”
“He was?” you snapped up with wide eyes
“Yeah! he cheered Willy on for the fishing competition,”
Suddenly, you felt your blood run hot, “That motherfucker,” you hissed. As if timed for this exact moment, the kettle began to whistle, and Sam had tried his best to keep his giggling quiet
In a swift motion, you stood from the couch and made your way over to the kitchen, “I’ll put arsenic in your drink,” you threatened as you opened the cupboard and grabbed two mugs along with the box of powdered drink mix. As grumpy as you were, his laughter was contagious. You needed to bite the inside of your cheek and clench your jaw to avoid giggling with him
“Aww, come ooon. You know you love me,” Sam teased. you rolled your eyes, ignoring the fact he was kind of right
“Please,” you giggled. After a few noises from the kitchen, you returned with two steaming mugs in hand and placed them on the coffee table. you plopped down beside your best friend, a heavy, slow sigh leaving your lips, “That mother fucker… was he seriously there?”
Sam tilted his head and hummed a curt “Hm?” 
“Marlon,” you whined. You shifted in your spot, then leaned your head on his shoulder. Sam’s eyes darted down at you. He had to admit, he felt a bit of pity for you. How could he not?. With a slow breath, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and nodded
“Yeah. He was. … Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, just… ugh, forget it,”you grumbled. You snuggled into your friend’s body, wanting to hide from the rest of the world with him. His jacket had just been washed, but the smell of weed still lingered under the faint scent of detergent. Domesticity was something that you had to admit you craved. It’s been a long time since you loved someone, and out of everyone in the small town, Sam may be your best candidate. You tilted your head up once you decided to stop hiding. Your gaze met his own for just a second before he anxiously looked away. A smirk tugged at your lips. You had to admit, his coyness was cute.
“I really missed you, y’know,” you commented. You kept your head down, but looked up through your eyelashes, a calculated puppy-eye to test the waters. Sam looked back down to you. A small smile joined the pink blush on his face
“Really? I mean, I uh, I really missed you, too,  [y/n]. I… I really did,” He stammered out with an embarrassed grin. Yoba, he was adorable. you snuggled closer, letting your hand rest on his thigh
“I like,, really missed you, Sammy
Sam’s eyes slowly widened as he started to realize what you were implying, “... Did you?” He whispered back, turning his body to face yours more, “...It really was quiet around here without you,”
Then there was silence. His wide, sweet blue eyes met yours, but you were focused on his lips. A precious mauve pink, complemented by the silver hoop filling his single lip piercing. The flesh looked smooth and soft, you couldn’t help but wonder if he had done that on purpose, in hopes you would kiss him one day. A slow blink adjusted your gaze to meet Sam’s eyes.
As if someone had told both of you that now was the moment, both of you leaned in. When your lips met, Sam’s hand moved to cup your cheek, just to feel a bit closer to you as his lips tingled from the contact.
Despite it being brief, the two of them had pulled away from the kiss with beaming grins and flushed faces. 
“... wow,” Sam whispered through shy giggles. How could you not share his laughter? He was so cute. If he had a tail, your drinks would be all over the floor and the mugs would be broken. His pretty eyes seemed to glisten in the light from the television and crackling fireplace, it being the only light in the whole cabin.
With a bright red face, Sam fidgeted with his hands, unsure of what to do next, let alone what he was allowed to do. He was terrified to overstep a boundary and ruin this moment, the kind he would dream of at night and wake up from in a wet spot. 
“Here Sammy, come here,” you whispered, placing your hands on top of his to guide him. his hands landed on your collarbone. You led him downwards, and directed his hands to cup your breasts. His eyes widened and his lips parted, making you giggle in a whisper
“Sam… are you… inexperienced?” you asked, trying to phrase it lightly. Sam swallowed, but seemed mesmerized by the warm, clothed flesh in his hands. He shook his head,
“Not exactly… just… It’s been a while. A long while, And I really like you,” he whispered. His eyes didn’t even twitch off of your body as his hands began to grope. Before you could question him, his eyes finally darted to your face. “Uh,, can I… is it okay if I keep touching you? I.. I want to explore a little bit," he asked. The sentence making its way past his lips was enough to feel himself swell into his jeans, the fit quickly becoming snug on him. With a smug grin, you nodded.
Sam leaned down, pushing you down into the couch. His irises seemed to tremble along with his hands as he took in the view beneath him. He couldn’t help but admire his beloved friend. You were prettier to him than anything his imagination could ever build. His fingertips snuck under your shirt, just to explore the body beneath it. A shiver ran up your spine from the contact, feeling the sensation get stronger and sweeter as his calloused pads ran upwards, then back down and towards the front, running down your ribcage and pausing at the belly button.
 Even though the sight and sensation was blissful, you continued to worry. You continued to worry about the trouble you may be in with the guild. Then you remembered the fun Marlon must’ve had at the festival you unwillingly missed… the fun he stole from you.
A stuttering hum crept up from your throat as Sam’s hands trailed down to your hips. Feeling his thumbs gently trace your hip bones, you gazed down at him 
Sam’s hand’s paused and his eyes flickered back up to meet yours.
 “Yeah?” He asked. 
There was silence again. Well, now you had to admit, you were a little embarrassed. But you already had his attention. Your stomach churned and you looked over at the wall to break eye contact.
“... Was he having fun?”
“... huh?”
“Nevermind, nevermind,” you stammered out. Sam sat up a bit,
“[y/n], if you don’t want to this this, I totally–”
“No!” you nearly shouted, making Sam jump, “Sorry,, I… I really want you. Please. Let's keep going,”
“Okay… okay,” Sam mumbled with a nod. 
He lowered his body again, letting his chest land on yours. He planted a kiss on your cheek, then another. He was so sweet…
He let his peppered kisses travel down, to your jaw, then to the side of your neck. His gentle, warm hand landed on your cheek again, and you let yours trail upward on his temple, your fingers tangling his hair
“I just…” You sighed out, staring at the ceiling. Sam stopped what he was doing and lifted his head again. You could’ve sworn a whine left his lips. He stared at you, like a dog waiting for a treat.
“I can’t believe he would do that and not tell me, he stressed me the fuck out all damn week-”
“[Y/N], are you sure you don’t want to pause and talk about this? Because I’m totally cool-”
“No, no, I’m sorry, please keep kissing me,”
Sam hesitated for a moment, but just shook his head and sighed, admitting defeat (and slight disbelief) with a raise of his eyebrows. His shy hands wandered back under the hem of your shirt, and his soft lips landed back on your neck, trailing towards your shoulder. His hands wandered up, his touch lingering on your rib cage until his hands landed on your bare breasts. A perverted smile tugged at his lips as he massaged at them and let his palms flatten against your nipples. A hum rose from our throat, you had to admit it felt good. Especially since it was him. Your hand ran through his hair, yet you continued to stare at the ceiling. You wanted to be immersed so badly, to surrender, but for some reason, you couldn’t make the leap…
“Y’know, I don't think I’d even be so bothered if h—”
“Alright,” Sam interrupted. In a fit of becoming a bit annoyed, he clasped his hand over your mouth and leaned over you. Your eyes grew wide and you quickly shut up. His head leaned down next to yours, his warm breath petting your earlobe, 
“Here’s what we’re gonna do.” 
He adjusted himself so that his weight was supported by his elbows and he raised his other hand: a clenched fist with his pinky finger up.
“Pinky promise me this is what you want. No feeling bad, no “sure why not”. You want this. You want me, truly,”
You were a bit stunned. This was almost uncharacteristic of him. But you had to admit, you kind of liked it. Though without hesitation, you lifted your hand and interlocked your finger with his.
“Okay, good,” He removed his hand from your mouth, using it instead to brush his knuckles against your cheek, “I’m gonna try something, okay? Nod if that’s okay,”
Your cheeks heated up, and you quickly nodded.
“Okay, perfect, awesome,” Sam mumbled to himself. His hand began to trace down your waist again, slowly. “I need you to stop talking for me, okay?” He whispered in your ear before kissing your temple. His finger trailed your hip bone, threatening to dip under your waistband. “I need you to clear your mind, as best you can. I need you to release that tension in your jaw,” 
Slowly, his finger dipped under your waistband, simply caressing the skin underneath,
“And I need you to surrender yourself, and let me make you feel good. Can you do that for me?”
His voice was soothing and loving, gentle and coy. But his words, they were so, so hot. His breath was hot, running down your neck. it made your crotch begin to throb. It made your breathing quicken with anticipation.
“Mhm…” You hummed with a nod, your voice faltering under the situation.
“Good, good,” 
His hand crawled even lower, until it met your lower lips. Despite being excited, he kept it slow. Carefully, he slipped one finger into your lips, then a second one, and spread them apart. 
“You’re… wow… you’re really wet,” He whispered, mostly to himself with wide blue eyes. His fingers explored the new territory a bit, grazing on the labia until his fingertip found itself on your clit. 
Your body spasmed, and a slightly startled gasp left your lips. His teasing drove you mad.
“I know, honey, I know. It’s okay,," He whispered, tilting his head downwards until his breath caressed the shell of your ear. "That’s an outside problem. It’s just you and me in here, baby, Okay?" His whispers echoed within your foggy head, and he began to press loving kisses onto your cheek again. 
He rubbed the thick, calloused pad of his finger over your clit, rubbing back and forth at a painfully slow pace, “Just like that. Good. ... You’re doing so good, sweetpea,” It left his soft lips in a delicate whisper, as if it was a secret for you and you alone.
 You reeled your head towards his. A helpless whine passed your lips and your back arched, revealing just how pent up you let yourself become over these past few weeks. It was a manifestation of how many times you pushed down your feelings for your beloved skater boy. 
He kept it going for a little, letting your body warm up while lewd whimpers and hums echoed into his ear. Such a sweet noise for him, one that made him rock his hips into the couch cushions with a groan 
“You’re so cute, you know that? Especially like this,’ He teased, 
The graceful movements of his hand slowed, leaving you to pout. Though your attitude switched up quickly once you realized he stopped so he could take his shirt off. You sat up, a new wave of excitement rushing over you.
“Lets go to my room,” You suggested in a hushed voice, as if anyone else was around to hear you aside from your pet. Sam dropped his shirt to the floor and smiled, the chain around his neck with his father’s old dog tag jingling as he moved
“Sounds good,” He agreed, “wait, we should try that thing they do in movies, y’know, where they’re trying to kiss and remove their clothes at the same time while going to the bedroom. It’ looks kind of fun”
Ah,There was the idiot Sam you knew and loved.
You couldn’t help but laugh and nod, “Okay, let's try it,”
Sam had become a bit shy again, “Wait, time out,” He muttered before he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, letting the bulge in his navy blue cotton underwear a bit more free, “Sorry, it got tight, It kind of hurt, time in,”
You snorted and covered your mouth with your hand, giving into your fit of giggling,
“What? It did!” Sam tried to defend, before the giggling overcame him too, “I’m sorry dude, I’m just, absolutely packing, y'know? I can’t keep my foot-long contained in these skinny jeans, he’s gotta breathe,” He joked between gasps and laughter, making the both of you erupt
“Okay, okay,” you said in an attempt to calm the situation, “Okay, come here and kiss me pretty boy,” You flirted, making a ‘come closer’ motion with your hand. He obliged and pressed his body to yours, taking your jaw in his hands and letting your lips collide. 
Both of your lips parted, deepening your kiss and allowing the tips of your tongues to meet each other. His hands wandered to the hem of your shirt again, this time pulling it up,
“C’mon, let's try to move a bit,” Sam suggested, shifting backwards while you shifted forward,
“Left Left, right left,, I don’t know my right from left,” Sam softly sung while pulling your shirt over your head, making you giggle more,
“What was that?” You asked,
“A military marching cadence my dad taught me when I was a kid. I just remembered it because this is… a lot harder than they make it look in the movies,” he rambled, the two of you giggled together again. With a grin, sam dropped your shirt to the floor and pecked you on the lips, 
“Maybe I’ll teach you the whole chant later,” He placed his hands on your bare waist, and turned so he could gently push you against your living room wall, “I’m a little busy right now,” 
“It’s a date,” You agreed with a rasp in your voice. You tilted your head to the side, letting Sam begin to nibble at your neck, this time with more intention than his gentle kisses. One hand found its way back to your face, the other found its way back to your breasts to continue his soft squeezing and massaging. He let his teeth sink into your skin, over your collarbone and shoulder. He kissed the bite marks he left, and carefully sucked some, leaving bruises, hickies, and your whimpers in his wake. 
“Sam…” You whined, “Mm,, You’re driving me crazy,,”
“Yeah?” He hummed, leaving one final kiss on your neck, “Come on,” He took your hand in his. His pretty eyes flicked at yours, and he placed a kiss on the back of your hand with a grin before pulling you back towards your room.
Your body collapsed into your mattress as Sam kneeled on the floor beside your bed frame. He began to work his way down, placing kisses between your breasts and down your abdomen. His hands took a firm grip of your hips. With a bit of a haste, he pulled down your pants and took a moment to admire you, your almost naked body with nothing but underwear. A big smile cracked his face
You looked down at him, feeling a little nervous,
“Is everything alright…?” 
“Yeah, yeah,” He assured, his eyes seeming to glow, “I’m just… You’re so pretty,” he whispered. He gazed up at you, his eyes meeting yours as he attempted something new; He grabbed the hem of your underwear in his teeth, and slowly dragged it down your legs.
Yoba… you could feel your hole start throbbing.
‘Heh,, learned that one from a comic Seb showed me,” he admitted a bit bashfully. You put your hand over your mouth to hide your smile and turned your head. Of course he would say that.
He took a second to admire you yet again, but the sight in front of him teased him beyond just gazing,,
He dragged his fingertips up your labia again, stopping once he reached your clit and flicking his eyes up so he can watch you squirm
“Where did we leave off?” He teased, “Something like this… right?” 
He continued his back and forth motion, regaining his confidence as he watched your face contort and heard your restrained moans. He let his pace quicken, and let his other hand begin to tease your hole with another fingertip. 
“Sammy…” You whimpered. Your walls throbbed and clenched around nothing, waiting very impatiently for him to make his move.
“Patience, honey… patience,” He cooed, letting his finger run a small circle over the rim before sinking in. You let out a groan and tilted your head back. Once pushing in to the second knuckle, he began to pull out, push in and pull out, then added a second finger. He leaned his body closer, keeping the pumps of his hand slow and methodical. You gripped at the blanket beneath you and let a small moan pass your lips. He was doing it on purpose
“Sammy… come on…” You whimpered, rocking your hips against his hand. He obliged, allowing his fingers to sink deeper and faster, an upward curl joining the routine as he leaned even closer. He moved his other hand away from your clit, and instead replaced it with his tongue. Soft, shy flicks of the tip of his tongue joined the rhythm of his hand. His masterpiece, and the finishing touch to his symphony was the moaning and mewling that left your chest. 
“Fuck-!” you cried out. Your knees began to tremble around his body, your nails scratched into your forearms and your hips rocked. In a fit of needing something to hold onto, your hands quickly switched to holding his shoulders.
Sam picked up his pace again, the tips of his fingers rubbing your walls and his head bobbing a bit for more movement. The velvety feeling grew stronger and stronger. You dug your nails into his skin, making him groan into your crotch, his voice reverberating into your core. 
“Ugh,, Sam! I’m so… I’m…!” You tried to whine, but the sweet sensation he provided made it hard to speak.
“I know, I know,” He hummed, “Give in, it’s okay,”
You threw your head back, a howl escaping your chest while your thighs vibrated. Your hole spasmed around his fingers as liquid arousal dripped around them, and your clit twitched in his mouth. 
“Fuck! Sammy-!” you whined, followed by one more long groan. He slowed down, helping you ride out the high of your first orgasm in weeks. 
Your body went limp and he leaned back. He extracted his fingers, and noticed how hot his face was. His skin was bright red, his eyes were puffy. And he was ecstatic. 
He crawled up into your bed with you, immediately kissing your face like a puppy,
“That was perfect. Beautiful,” He praised, “You did so good, so good,” He laid on his side, gazing at you while you continued to come down and catch your breath. You turned your head to face him, and a smile tugged at your lips. 
“...Round two?” you asked. Sam’s attention piqued. 
“Really? I figured I would give you an extra minute,” He commented. Not that he was complaining though. He stood up, and his knees cracked from kneeling on the hardwood floor
“Ow, holy shit!” He yelped, more so in shock than in pain. Even after having one of the roughest orgasms of your life, he made you giggle.
“You okay, honey?” you asked through deep breaths and giggles,
“Yeah, holy shit,”
He pulled down the waistband of his undone, sagging jeans. Seeing that your eyes were still on him, he decided to raise his hands beside his head and wiggle his hips in a hula hoop motion, earning a laugh from the both of you. You turned onto your side, watching as he kicked off his jeans and pinched the waistband of his briefs.
He pulled them down, and your eyes nearly popped out of your skull. It wasn’t the foot-long he pretended to have, but at first glance he could’ve maybe had you convinced. What bounced out proved Abby’s speculation of him being well hung. He was thick, and blushed dark red with arousal. 
You crawled back towards your pillows, and he joined you on your bed. 
He leaned over you again, the dog tag around his neck hanging down and laying against the skin of your chest. 
Your legs opened around his hips, and you bit your lip with anticipation. The tip of his penis rubbed on your wet slit, making him puff up his cheeks a bit. He was already so worked up, but didn’t want this to end so fast. He flicked his eyes to yours, and stabled himself on his elbows so his hands could touch your face.
“Don’t worry. I promise I’ll be gentle,” He whispered, “You ready?”
You nodded, and he adjusted his body so he could line up with you and grab your shoulders. He paused for a second, then began to slowly push in. 
both of you gasped. There was a slight, sweet sting with the stretch as he tried his best to keep moving so he could keep the friction going. As you encapsulated him, a groan left his throat. 
“Shit,” He whined, “You’re fucking great, [Y/N]” he mustered out, giving you a rush as he began to pull out, then push back in and begin a steady pace, or at least attempt to. It took everything for him to not fuck the shit out of you, but he knew he could never. You were too precious to him, the last thing he wanted to do was hurt you. 
Your arms hooked under his and you let out a groan. You felt him rocking through your whole body, filling the room with a squelching noise, heavy breathing and the quiet creaks of your bed,
“More?” He asked with a bit of a strain, almost as if he was begging, 
“Please,” You huffed. He picked up his pace, allowing himself to go deeper. In and out, in and out, his tip began to rub against the rough spot inside you, shooting electric pulses through your body. 
“Hnn-! Sam!” you yelped, making his body heat up. “Good,, So good!” You let out, a sad attempt to mimic his praises and sweet nothings that got you so riled up in the first place.
 With a guttural groan, he adjusted himself, attempting to get a better angle and speeding up again. The creaking of your bed gradually turned into a rocking. The heavy breathing gradually turned into a song of pleasure and bliss. The squelching turned into an arrangement of continuous wet friction. 
Your back arched as his tip began to kiss your cervix and massage your favorite spot. Your head reeled back against your pillow as Sam’s tilted down, watching you squirm and writhe worked him up more and more. 
“[Y/N]... I’m… getting really close, [Y/N]” he whimpered, 
“I am too, Sammy,” You mewled. You reached down through what little space there was between the two of you and began to rub on your own clit. It only took a few rubs for your body to spasm and for you to yowl.
You began to see stars as your hole throbbed and convulsed around Sam, turning his thrusts sloppy and rough. It pushed him to the edge as well.
 He whined and moaned out, grabbing tightly onto your upper arms so he could rock himself through his orgasm. Ropes and pearls of hot semen shot out from him into you. 
He slowed down into a stop, this time leaving both of you panting. With a tired groan, he pulled out and let his body ragdoll beside yours. 
“Are you okay, sweetpea?” he asked through heavy breaths. You turned over to face him and nodded,
“Yeah, I’m okay, I’m alright,” you assured, leaning into his touch while he pushed strands of hair out of your face. 
The two of you gazed at each other, taking the other’s fucked-out looks; face red, hair a wreck, eyes glimmering. 
“You did so good, honey,” You hummed, attempting once again to mimic his praises. You planted kisses over his face, making him grin and chuckle with what little energy he had left,
“Come here,” he mumbled, pulling you into his arms so he could snuggle his head into your shoulder. 
“...What are you going to tell your mom?” you asked, using your knuckles to pet his hair,
“I’m sure she’ll understand. She knew I was leaving early to see you. … I’ll probably sleep over though, I really don’t want to deal with that right now. Ugh, I’m so lucky she and my dad like you.”
A smile spread on your face as you allowed yourself to reciprocate his snuggling. Though Sam spoke up again,
“... What are you gonna do about Marlon?”
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koolkat9 · 2 months ago
Sick and Tired
Rating: T
Relationship: Germania + German Bros
Word Count: 775
Read on AO3
Author's Note: This was supposed to be fore German Bros week, but it turned more into a Gil and Germania fic than a Gil and Lud fic. So it will be it's own separate thing. But still...I wanted to release it on the same day. Based on a teen dad prussia au I have.
It had been a long day and a long night. Poor Ludwig had come down with his first cold, and given it was the weekend, it was Gilbert’s turn to take care of him. Gilbert had finally gotten him to sleep and was sitting down to start on his studying when a raspy cry rattled down the hall.
“Shit,” Gilbert muttered under his breath.
He tried to focus on his textbook and the notebook in front of him. He read the sentence over and over, the meaning of the words getting drowned out by the cries.
“In 1741, Frederick the Great…” he read aloud, hoping that would get him to focus. “Fredrick the Great achieved…Agh.”
He pressed his hands against his ears, screwing his eyes shut.
When the crying continued, Gilbert finally shot up and strode down the hallway. He threw open the door, it slammed against the nearby wall. For a moment, Ludwig stopped crying. Until he started right up again after getting over his shock. Gilbert groaned.
He picked up the baby and began rocking him. Bouncing him back and forth, frustrated.
“Shhhhh,” Gilbert hushed, “You’re fine. It’s fine. You’ll feel better if you sleep, you know?”
Rock and plead, rock and plead. It went on for an hour. But with his tired brain and Ludwig’s constant screaming, time was lost on Gilbert.
“Just please be quiet,” Gilbert begged, vision blurring with tears. “Please… please… please.”
Gilbert swayed slightly. He couldn’t tell if he was dizzy from being overwhelmed or tired or maybe he hadn’t drunk enough water today. He pulled himself over to the rocking chair and began rocking Ludwig once more.
But no matter what, Ludwig wouldn’t stop crying, face beet red.
Gilbert sniffed, pulling Ludwig closer and just breaking down into sobs.
“What’s going on–” A voice started to ask, only to cut himself off. A shadow shuffled amongst the darkened room.
“Papa…” Gilbert blubbered, finding his father kneeling in front of him.
“Someone still not feeling too good?” Adalbert asked, rubbing Ludwig’s head.
Gilbert shook his head no, swallowing thickly. “I’m sorry.”
“Hush now.”
Adalbert’s hand came to rest on Ludwig’s forehead. “Fever.”
He nodded to himself, rising to his feet, and headed to Ludwig’s closet. He pulled out a thinner set of PJs.
“Give him to me,” Adalbert instructed.
Gilbert handed Ludwig over tiredly. He collapsed back into the rocking chair. He couldn’t watch as his father dressed Ludwig in the lighter closed. He buried his head in his hands, tears soaking his palms. Why couldn’t he stop?
He hadn’t even noticed that Adalbert had taken Ludwig out of the room. When Gilbert finally looked up, he scoured the room frantically.
Luckily Adalbert returned a few minutes into Gilbert’s search.
“Don’t worry, I just was giving him a little lukewarm bath,” Adalbert explained, “Did wonders for you when you were a baby.”
And it seemed Ludwig took after Gilbert in that way. He was already dozing off in Adalbert’s arms.
“I’m sorry,” Gilbert mumbled wetly.
“You have nothing to apologize for. You did your best. Especially considering you’re under stress about that test. Speaking of…” He placed Ludwig back in the crib. “You should have come to me. I could have taken care of him today.”
“But he’s my responsibility, I–”
“Gilbert.” Adalbert’s voice was stern and his eyes cool. Gilbert winced. “When we decided to go through with this, you promised your studies would come first and I’d support you and Ludwig to make that happen.”
“But we also said the weekend would be my time to take care of him.”
Adalbert sighed. “Yes. But the importance of your studies trumps that. So right now, I want you to go to bed and sleep. I’ll take care of Ludwig tomorrow until you finish studying.”
Gilbert wanted to argue, feeling like a failure and that his father was angry at him. But he knew it was fruitless. He joined Adalbert beside the crib, wanting to at least check Ludwig one more time.
He looked so peaceful now. Still a little sick, but at least he wasn’t sobbing. Tears burned behind Gilbert’s eyes.
“I think he likes you better,” Gilbert choked.
Adalbert put a hand on his shoulder. “I think he likes you just as much.”
Ludwig cooed at them, little hands reaching out, not to Adalbert but to Gilbert. Gilbert quirked a brow. Cautiously, Gilbert reached out, letting Ludwig grasp his finger. After a few minutes, Ludwig closed his eyes and was fast asleep.
When Gilbert turned back to his father, Adalbert had a small smile on his face. “What did I tell you?”
Gilbert returned the smile. 
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lovelybeautifulsleep · 4 months ago
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Please forgive me, I'm obsessed with this photoshoot. This picture especially is so stunning I can't help posting it again on its own, enlarged details included, since the internet photo resolution does it no justice. Everything about it, and the whole editorial, is just perfect. I can't blame you for thinking I'm a nutcase and unfollowing/blocking me after this post.
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frost-queen · 1 year ago
Black rose in a sea of red (Reader x Jerry Baynard)
Requested by: @alicethewriterandfangirl , Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
Summary: TW! Selfharm! You are upset of how your friends have such amazing lives while yours is terrible. Coming from a bad home, your coping behavior is self harm. Struggling with the idea of wanting to end it all, is Jerry there to save you from doing so.
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The chattering died away when Miss Stacy settled everyone down. Specifically Anne who was proclaiming her opinion as loud as she could. Almost standing on the table to declare her words. Diana was tugging at her dress to pull her to sit. – “Miss Cuthbert if you please.” – Miss Stacy said giving her a stern glare. Anne chuckled settling down. Ruby was still whispering to Tillie. With one look of Miss Stacy pressed Ruby her lips together with force. Billy snorting across the classroom at how silly she looked.
Miss Stacy cleared her throat letting his chuckle die. When finally the peace had settled clasped Miss Stacy her hands together. – “I hope you all brought your assignments that I handed out last week.” – she started. Anne who was always eager already set her basket on the table, ready to show it to Miss Stacy. Miss Stacy smiled politely ushering her to wait. – “You may all set it on the table if you please.” – she continued giving the signal.
Everyone ducked down to reach in their baskets to set their work of art on the table. You felt uneasy taking out your artwork. Glancing to the side you saw Charlie’s piece of art. Billy and Paul laughing loud. – “Is that an aardvark?” – Billy joked laughing his ass off. Charlie groaned. – “No! It’s a dog.” – he mumbled setting his hand under his chin, pushing his artwork closer to his chest. Gilbert turned around in his seat looking at Billy’s work.
“Is that a self-portrait?” – he said snarky. Billy mimicked a childish laugh, annoyed by his words. – “Well yeah yours…” – Billy got a bit up to look at Gilbert’s work. Gilbert moved aside on purpose for him to see. – “Well yours… yours…” – Billy said trying to find an insult. Gilbert was smiling beyond himself when Billy couldn’t find something bad to say about it. – “I thought so.” – he said turning back around silencing Billy.
Paul laughed loud at how Gilbert had left Billy speechless. Across back by the girls was Anne proudly showing her masterpiece to everyone. – “Did you do this stitching?” – Diana asked pointing at it. Anne shook her head. – “No, Marilla helped me.” – she then pointed at some paint work. – “This is Matthew’s work, and this weird thing was added by Jerry.” – she finished pointing at a wobbly thing at the top. Diana held her art up. – “My mother helped as well. She painted the flowers.” – she commented.
Ruby got up waving her hand in between them for attention. – “My mother helped too! She did this, this, and this.” – she said pointing at several things in different angles. – “What did you do?” – Tillie replied as it appeared Ruby’s mother did everything herself. – “I did this.” – Ruby answered annoyed pointing at her name written in the corner. Diana rolled her eyes at how silly she was.
Seeing their work you rather wanted to crush it or throw it out of the window. Compared to their, yours seemed like it was made by a child. Also hearing them speak so lovingly about how their parents helped out felt like a punch in your gut. It was something you could only dream off, having a loving mother. Your mother didn’t help in your project. You dared ask her one time. That didn’t end well.
You got yelled at for ruining her moment and annoying her with silliness. Looking at your art again of paper mâché you noticed the dent of where your father had stepped on it. On purpose or accident. It didn’t really much as it had ruined it much. Seeing your friends talk so godly about their parents made you want to cry, pull your hair out and scream your lungs out. Ruby and Tillie turned around to you.
“Let me see yours Y/n.” – Ruby spoke as Diana and Anne looked over them. You pulled it closer to your chest, shaking your head. – “It’s…it’s terrible.” – insisting on it. – “Come show us Y/n.” – Tillie said pulling at your hand. You really didn’t want to show her, finding it unworthy. Ruby helped her to pull your hand away. Tillie then snatched it from you. – “Hey!” – you called out catching the attention of some boys across and Miss Stacy who waited to see where this was going.
Tillie held it up before her looking at it with a questioning brow. – “Did your mother help out?” – Ruby asked probably not meaning anything with it. She was always this innocent and naïve, yet it struck a nerve with you. – “No!” – you called out snatching the art from Tillie back. You then it on the ground setting your foot hard on it. Everyone gasped loud at your little act. – “Y/n!” – Miss Stacy called out concerned. You let your fingers brush automatically over your inner arm, knowing of the scars lingering there.
“Brute.” – one of Billy’s friends called out. Miss Stacy shushing him immediately. Miss Stacy approached you, kneeling gently down to pick up your crushed work of art. – “We can still mend this.” – she said with a warm smile. You shook your head. – “It is broken!” – you answered. Just like yourself. Turning your face away from her, you felt ashamed.
Ashamed and unworthy. Truly wondering what the exact point of you was. Not one of them here knowing a darn thing about your family. They had no idea with their wonderous lives, living like princesses. While you crawled through the gutter with no way out. Consistently surrounded by darkness. The only way out of the sinking was the carving. The marks on your inner arms that helped you coped with it.
Miss Stacy reached up to take your hand. The second she had your hand, you pulled it away. Needing to escape you took a run for it. – “Y/n.” – Miss Stacy called out as some jumped up. Gilbert being one of them. He wanted to run after you as Miss Stacy held him back by his shoulder. – “Let us give her a moment in solitude.” – Miss Stacy said sensing you didn’t want any company at this moment. – “But…” – Gilbert started seeing Miss Stacy shake her head.
He sighed deep, slouching his shoulders. He returned to his seat. Miss Stacy set your artwork on her desk, seeing how sloppy it was once your foot had tackled it. You ran frantically into the woods away from the school. Unable to cope with it. The sugary of your friends biting like sour in your flesh. Their life was something you could never achieve. Not with the home situation you have now.
A mother and father who barely looked at you. A brother who tackled you whenever he pleased. All the workload put on you. Treated like dirt by your own family. Never once said an ‘I love you’ or ‘thank you.’ Maybe this was just how things were meant to be. Unloved. Panting loud you kept running coming into different parts of the woods.
Jerry was whistling loud, carrying a sack over his shoulder. He had come back from the market, making his way back to Green Gables. Something caught his sudden attention as he noticed it was you. – “Y/n!” – Jerry shouted happily waving your way. He frowned when you didn’t seem to see him. Simply running past. Jerry lowered his sack questionable. Why weren’t you at school? Why were you running away? Was everything alright?
Feeling a bit worried he picked up his sack again, going after you. Near a shack crashed you down; out of breath. Leaning against the wood you let your head fall back. Still panting till your breathing steadied. Then the thoughts came. Those dark thoughts that always pushed you to the edge. You already know what to do. Reaching in your pocket, you pulled out a sharp object. Then slowly pulling your sleeves up. Scars of old on your flesh.
Those dark thoughts became louder as it made you bring the tip of the sharpness to your wrist. Tears rolled down your cheek as your hand trembled. It would take one impulsive thought for you to bleed. Bleed till your life would slip away. Why shouldn’t you do it? What good was there in this life? There was no one to pull you out so it was easier to just accept it and be rid of this hell.
Gently setting the tip deeper onto your skin, your sight got blurrier from your tears. – “No!” – you suddenly heard startling you so hard, the tip had pressed deeper into your skin. A single drop of blood forming. Jerry rushed over to you, grabbing the sharp thing from your grip, and throwing it as far away from him. – “Don’t you dare!” – he breathed out.
“Don’t you even think about it!” – he said a bit firmer kneeling down in front of you. Grabbing your shoulders, he pulled you close to his chest for a hug. – “Find hope in the hopeless.” – he told you. – “I don’t know what made you do it, but please don’t. I don’t want to lose you… I don’t.” – he embraced you tighter fighting the urge to cry himself. – “Please Y/n…” – he whispered out as you started crying louder.
In the brink of almost doing it was Jerry there to pull you out. – “We’ll figure it out together. I am fighting for you, and I don’t want you to give up.” – wrapping your arms around him, you hugged back. – “Jerry…” – you cried out. Jerry simply held you, no needing an explanation. Just holding you. In that moment where he knew you needed to be seen, heard and loved.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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aquagirl1978 · 1 year ago
Little Lies - Gilbert von Obsidian x Reader
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A/N: Part of the Late Summer Rendezvous hosted by @xxsycamore. This prompt was suggested to me by @gilbertvonobsidian and the idea has haunted me since.
Pairing: Gilbert von Obsidian x Reader
Prompt: Forced to share a tent while camping
Tags: NSFW; Minors - DNI
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“No! Absolutely not. No way.” You stood with your arms crossed, a deep frown etched on your lips, ready to stomp your foot like an angry child.
“It’s your only option. Every other tent is filled.” 
“You can share my tent,” Nokto offered, a sultry smirk gracing his handsome face as he leered at you.
“No,” Licht replied. “There’s no room in our tent.”
“But we could make room…” Nokto was immediately elbowed in the ribs by Yves who was standing next to him. 
“Am I invisible to you? Do you think I would leave Licht in a tent alone with you?”
Jin shook his head, leaving his younger brothers to squabble amongst themselves. “As I was saying…” he continued. “This here is the only tent that has room in it.”
You let out a loud, exasperated sigh as two loud voices filled the air. 
“Unless you want to stay with those two?” Jin motioned his thumb towards Rio and Silvio who were yapping at each other like two rambunctious dogs. 
“Definitely no. I’ll take my chances with –” 
The sound of a cane tapping was soft against the dirt, your body trembling at its familiar sound.
Gilbert tilted his head as he gazed at you tenderly. “The little rabbit has finally agreed to stay in my tent?”
“Not by choice,” you replied. “And there needs to be some ground rules.”
Gilbert’s eye widened, glittering in the setting sun, as he leaned on his cane. “Such as?” When you stared at him silently, he let out a soft breath. “I’m not really in the mood to get violent today.”
“Okay, then.” Your stomach was in a knot of unease as you began walking towards his tent, Gilbert following just a few paces behind.
“Why does your tent have to be so far away from the others?” you asked as you navigated the narrow trail, paying careful attention to not trip over tree roots or rocks. 
“No one wants to be near the villain.” Your gaze met his, and for a split second, you swore you saw a flash of sadness. But that was quickly replaced with his amicable smile. “I didn’t want to be anywhere near those yapping dogs.”
You continued to follow the path, the space between your bodies growing smaller as you approached Gilbert’s tent.
“That was quite the performance you put on back there, little rabbit.” 
He brushed your hair to the side, his mouth a whisper’s breath away from your neck. “Did you mean what you said earlier?” he asked, his teeth grazing your skin sending tingles down your spine.
“This is precisely what I was afraid would happen,” you replied with a soft sigh. Tilting your head slightly, you further exposed your neck, your vulnerability, to Gilbert. Your breath hitched as his teeth sank into your sweet skin, the sting of his bite a delicious pain you had grown used to, maybe even loved.
“What happened to no violence today?” Your gaze, cast down, met his rose-red eye. 
“Biting is not violence.” His voice was as soft as a whisper, his breath tickling your skin as his gloved fingertip traced the outline of the fresh mark he just left. “It is a sign of my affection for you.”
“And I have a great deal of affection for you.”
Gasping loudly, your eyelids closed as Gilbert bit you again, this time on the slope of your shoulder. His teeth pieced your skin, never deep enough to cut, but enough to leave his impression on your skin. 
“I should punish you.” Gilbert’s face loomed over yours, his amicable smile replaced with a stern expression. “Don’t make that face,” he said, his voice softening as he cupped your cheek in his palm. “You know I don’t like liars.”
Your body writhed under his vise-like hold, his body pinning yours to the ground beneath you. His usual smile returned as he watched you, clearly enjoying playing with his prey. 
“I didn’t lie,” you whispered back. “I was only doing what you’ve done so many times before - keeping a secret.” 
Gilbert let out a soft groan, your words hitting their targeted destination. “That was low, little rabbit.” He pressed his mouth against your skin, your nipple stiffening as he swiped his tongue against it, your moan low as his teeth dug into your skin.
His gaze flicked up to meet yours, his tongue darting out to lick your wound. “There’s no need to hold back.” Another lick. “No one can hear you out here.”
"If we're going to do this…" you said, lifting your hand and gently removing Gilbert's eyepatch, "I want to see your face."
The bedroll in the tent was surprisingly plush; you knew then that this was Gilbert's goal from the beginning. Your fingers tangled in his dark, messy locks as soft sighs slipped from your lips. His hands spread your legs wide, his fingertips tracing the marks he left earlier as his tongue teased your clit.
"Gil….ahhh…" Your body squirmed under his ministrations, his tongue torturing you as he teased your most sensitive spot. 
Just a little bit more, and you were almost there. Almost.
Gilbert lifted his head, shifting his body away from where you needed him most. An embarrassing whimper left your lips as the cruel prince laughed. 
“I told you I was going to punish you tonight,” he said, his erection stiff against your thigh. Your moans were soft as he entered you, getting louder as he stretched you. “Be as loud as you like,” he coaxed as he thrust deep inside you. “No one else can hear you out here. Just me. And the trees. And the moon and the stars.”
His name escaped your throat with a ragged breath as he bottomed out in you, his mouth covered yours, his hips slamming against yours in a cruel and merciless pace. 
The flames inside your belly burned bright, their embers stoked by every stroke of Gilbert’s shaft hitting deep inside. Your arms clung to his shoulders, your fingers digging into his skin, leaving marks of your own on his pale skin. 
When he was close, he covered your mouth with his, stealing your breath and your words as his own. Your bodies tensed and trembled as he spilled inside you, his lips kissing yours tenderly as you both came down from your high.
“Your punishment isn’t over, little rabbit.” His whisper was a seductive purr as he rested his head on your chest. “You are mine tonight.”
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady @queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @melodiousramblings @wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap @aria-chikage @nightghoul381 @itsjudesfault @maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu
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