#Breaker Night
wait so where IS daini. i gotta know
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He's fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. I'm sure putting all the single pringles in one room won't go horribly wrong at all.
Oh look, I found where all the women in this franchise are.
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sergeantsarga · 2 months
Imagine if Lord Obsidian used to be a cringy oc that Sergeant Night made when he was a teen and then remembered about, cringed, but took the name from the oc (Lord Obsidian) and just made it his “robot version” (or whatever) because it sounded cool
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askthealternateakis · 10 months
What Your Favorite MMFC Ship Says About You (Inspired By Eldena Doubleca5t)
Got bored and decide to make this for fun (andtofurtherputoffansweringasks) as I haven’t seen a post like this for any Mega Man iteration fandom, hope you all enjoy!
(Also, just a heads up, this isn’t meant to be an attack on anyone who ships any of the ships mentioned here, this is just meant to be a light-hearted joke, and as long as you don’t ship anything inc*stous, p*dophilic, or anything that romanticizes ab*se, I’m a-okay with it! And if your ship isn’t mentioned here, it’s because I couldn’t think of anything cool or funny to say for it. You’re more than welcome to come up with something for it in the reblogs though! I’d love to see what you all come up with!)
Aki x Ashley: Your ideal relationship dynamic is dumbass x smartass. Alternatively, you really like Spider-Man and/or Danny Phantom.
Suna x Bert: Your ideal relationship dynamic is girlboss x malewife.
Aki x Bert: You saw one of those memes where two bros have really tender homoerotic moments and you were like “yeah, I could probably get a pretty sizable amount of fanwork out of this premise”.
Suna x Ashley: Your ideal relationship dynamic is just girls being friends. Gals being pals.
Aki x Chaotique: Your ideal relationship dynamic is rivals to lovers and you think Chaotique is the best character in the show and possibly even the entire Mega Man franchise.
Suna x Chaotique: You like the dynamic of Aki x Chaotique, but you like Suna even more.
Daini x Chaotique: You’re either really into tsunderes, or really into bickering married couples. Or both. Alternatively, you are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of trolling.
Bert x Chaotique: When you were a kid, your mom told you some kid was being mean to you because they like you and you never let go of that.
Aki x Ice Man: You think Ice Man is a precious cinnamon roll that deserves the world and you feel like the two of them would actually be pretty close once Ice Man manages to get all his issues resolved.
Suna x Ice Man: This is just the same joke as Aki and Ashley, but even more so and with even less screen time.
Daini x Ice Man: Your ideal relationship dynamic is “Beauty and the Beast”, and whenever you see a really long fic tagged “hurt/comfort”, your eyes go wide because you know what you’re going to be doing until 3 am tonight.
Daini x Ashley: You ship Aki and Chaotique, but you also want good things for Daini. And really, who wouldn’t?
Dr. Light x Hypno Woman: You think Dr. Light can fix Hypno Woman and/or you shun “doing your mom” jokes in favor of “doing your dad” jokes. 
Fire Man x Wave Man: Your ideal relationship dynamic is a bickering married couple, and there’s a high chance that you’ve noticed that they seem to be the two nicest members of Night’s army and you’ve never let that go.
Blasto Woman x Mega Mini: You’re always a sucker for height differences and/or you want a partner that not only can kick your ass, but will do so upon request.
Wood Man x Principal 100100: I can’t say for certain if you’re attracted to dads, but you’re definitely attracted to father figures.
Ice Man x Cut Man: You believe every uptight grouch needs a sweet ray of sunshine to balance them out, and/or they’re both your favorite characters so you thought the only logical thing to do was to pair them together. There’s also a possibility that you’ve gotten into at least one heated internet argument over whether the two of them are minors or adults.
Sgt. Night x Dr. Light: You’re obsessed with lore and/or have a crippling addiction to the “friends to enemies to lovers” trope.
Air Man x Drill Man: You believe the two of them are extremely underrated and will forever be bitter about the lack of fanworks about them, you’re a theater kid with family issues that relates to at least one of them, and there’s a possibility that you’ve had a crush on at least one Tumblr Sexyman.
Elec Man x Cut Man: Your ideal relationship dynamic is a vaudeville comedy duo. Alternatively, you like the dynamic of Daini x Chaotique, but thought that they wouldn’t hate each other enough.
Dr. Light x Dr. Wily: You’re obsessed with lore, you think scientists are hot, and/or you will be making divorce jokes about them in every continuity they’re in until you draw your dying breath.
Chemistry Man x Ms. CHO: You’ve never seen an obsessive, heated rivalry that you didn’t think had at least a little bit of romantic tension. Alternatively, if you’re a fan of Man of Action’s other shows, you saw the chance to recreate whatever was going on with Dr. Psychobos and Azmuth in Omniverse and snatched it up as fast as you possibly could.
Dr. Light x Mrs. Light: You think shipping your OC with a canon character is a little too self-indulgent, but you REALLY want to ship your OC with a canon character.
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leleamo · 9 months
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They are the same, okay, one is a villain and the other is not, but the same
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sophie-avocado-girl · 2 years
Just my opinion, please don't judge too harshly
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tuliptheoshawott · 1 year
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(So, uh, the original poll draft only had 30 matches, so I added 2. These 2 weren't supposed to be here, but they got in anyway. #32 is just improv on my part.)
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laxi0v0 · 1 year
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Roller baby
He’s popular with the girls, perhaps it’s the purple?
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zowiemortem · 2 months
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I f***ing love the DLCs, I love them... ALL OF THEM....!
bonus art :P
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longowatchrepair · 5 months
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brookah-art · 4 months
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whole lot of tims
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dark-night-hero · 5 months
Imagine being Umemiya Hajime's significant other.
Imagine looking after his and your plants within the rooftop base of Furin. Sure you knew he could always handle them yourself but a helping hand would not hurt once in awhile. So as your laid there on the makeshift hammock, you humm. Turning to your side carefully not to fall as you watch your lover's back. "Watcha doin' in there Hajimeee" You knew that he was doing, but the look on his face as he goes into his endless talk about plant was worth the nonesense.
Imagine everyone knew chaos would come if Kotoha were to ever get involved in a fight let alone get hurt. So what more when it comes to you? "Tsk. Cowards." You utter before spitting blood as your lips got busted, watching the gang cramble away as you wipe your lips with your sleeves only to hiss. You busted your lips. Rolling your eyes upon seeing the no one on sight. You turn your back only to see a familiar figure coming your way. "Wha- what? Who told him?!" Looking at the silver haird guy approaching you in great speed, you started to walk back. Oh damn you are screwed. Before you knew it, you were running on your toes with your boyfriend chasing after you closely and of course to no avail, he caught you in an instant.
"Hey, aren’t you banned from patrolling for 3 weeks?" "Ha ha ha I was just walking around?" "With dishevelled clothes and a busted lips? I doubt." "Come on, it was an act of self defense." "Just because you don't like how they are looking at you doesn't men you can throw a punch first." "..." "Add a week more into your ban." "Hajime!" "Nope, not working." He was protective, sure. But more than anything, you knew you can handle yourself pretty well, you did not have his back for nothing. In fact, in some cases, he was more worried about those punks you beat up rather than you. After you all could be pretty scary when mad. Scarier than him.
Imagine often hanging out on the cafe, you love their meals after all let alone the adorable cook in there. Just like Hajime, you adore Kotoha but unlike your boyfriend, you feelings were returned. "(First name)! Welcome back, oh- you're not with??" "Your older broo got something to do at the moment. Who knew, maybe he'll make it if he finished earlier." You laugh, recalling your whinny lover upon realizing it will take him more time to leave. "How I love the freedom away form responsibilities." You sigh, a smile making its way on your lips as you bring your beverage close to your lips when the bell rings with a thud. "You traitor! How could you leave me alone to take care of it all?!"
"Are you sure you don't need an anti-rabies shot?" You chuckle at your own joke as you dab his bite wound on the neck before wrapping it in bandage again. "Dude, even I don't get to mark you like this." You chuckle once again. Humming to yourself, you grab his hand that has his knuckle wounded. You frown, then you blow on it before grabbing your tweezer with disinfectant cotton in it before dabbing it on his wounds. "Ow." "Don't be dramatic." You roll your eyes at him. "Dumbass." You whispered, started bandaging his wounds once again. "Dumbass." You whispered once again. "I'm sorry." He mumble. You hate seeing him get hurt.
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2024°
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oldmama · 4 months
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sergeantsarga · 4 months
Me and my friend ( @aziormin ) recently started talking about Aki and Sarge having a heart to heart moment on Discord, I said that I would write my idea on here and this is what this post is about! I hope you enjoy!
[Blue is Aki, red is Sarge, pink is Mini, and black + (( can be their actions]
(Sergeant Night is bailed out of jail by Dr Thomas Light, he is forced to babysit Aki Light.
“So, uhhh….how are you?”
(Night doesn’t respond.)
“Night? Breakerrrrrrr?? Breakie?”
(Night clenches his fits and teeth at Aki by calling him “Breakie”.)
“You good? Cat got you’re tongue?”
“Shut up.”
(Night said through gridded teeth, Light chuckles and smiles.)
“Why are you so rude? Cheer up, bud!”
“Ugh….I don’t wanna….”
“Why not? It’s fun to be nice and happy! Or are you a bit too old for happiness?”
(Night gets upset by that comment.)
“Shut up! I’m not even as old as you probably think, I’m only 29!”
(Light seems a bit surprised by that.)
“You are? Dang, I would have thought that you were in you’re 30s or 40s!”
(Light chuckles again.)
“You aren’t funny, robot.”
“Pfft! You’re right, I’m HILARIOUS!”
(Light laughs a little.)
“AUGH!!! Just shut up! Stop being so annoyin’!”
(Light stops laughing.)
“Sorry, sorry!….how was you’re day today, Breaker?”
“….Not sure why you wanna know that but it’s been okay, I guess.”
“Geez…he’s such a party pooper! Why did you’re dad even let him out?”
(Mini is whispering.)
“Shut up!”
“Excuse me?!”
“W-Wait!! I didn’t mean you, I was….just…..uhhh….I have a rat in my hair that can speak!”
“….uhhh…I don’t know how to explain it.”
“And I couldn’t care less about it.”
“….Why are you always so angry and rude?”
“That’s none of you’re business!”
“You can tell little ol’ me about it! I promise I won’t tell ANYONE!”
“My answer is still NO.”
“No it isn’t! You said “that’s none of you’re business!”, you just said it!”
(Light painfully (and sort of accidentally) mocks Night’s southern accent, this makes Night even more upset.)
“Oh my gosh….just be quiet!!”
“Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaasseeeeee!!! I won’t tell anyone in a MILLION years! It’ll be a secret between us both, forever and ever and ever and EVER!!!”
“Stop it, Aki!”
“Hey, you called me Aki! This is the first time you’ve called me Aki! Good job!”
(Night looks over at Light as he pats Night on the back, Night flinches when Light does this and Light notices it, he stops smiling.)
“You….you good, buddy?”
“Y-Yeah…and don’t do that without warnin’ me!”
(Night’s voice cracks.)
“Oh! Yeah, heh….sorry, dude!”
(Night pouted and looked away, he didn’t like being randomly touched.)
“Are you really ok or are you just-“
“Stop tryin’ to get into my business. That’s nothin’ YOU wanna know and somethin’ you shouldn’t know.”
“….I’m just curious about you. You’re always so rude to everyone and you’re always yelling and complaining about robots and humans. Why are you like this? Did something happen to you that made you this way?”
(Night fake chuckled and sighed, he stopped pouting.)
“You’re a needy one, Aki. Stop tryin’ to get into my business and you should probably get whatever homework you got done!”
(Night faked another chuckle as Light let out a real one.)
“I’ve already done it! Now, cmon, tell me something about yourself! You have to talk to someone about you’re life!”
“Do you think anyone in Silicon City would listen to a person like me? I bet even you’re dad would laugh in my face and call it all bluff if I told him!”
(Light nudges Night with his elbow.)
“Not funny! My dad isn’t mean! And…wait, why would he call you’re life bluff?”
“Uhhh….forget it! It doesn’t matter anymore.”
“Breaker, are you good???”
“Yes….just…..actually, no. I have to be honest now….uhhhh…..sorry, I guess.”
(Night looks away.)
“Hm. Hey, watch out!”
(Light suddenly hugs Night, he pats his back a bit, Night was about to complain but he didn’t, he liked the hug and it made him a bit happy….he then teared up, he wasn’t used to being hugged. He slowly started to cry, he couldn’t help himself now.)
“I-I’m sorry for cryin’! I didn’t mean to do this!”
“It’s okay….it’s okay….it’s okay, Breaker.”
“Holy shit…”
(Mini whispered again.)
“Just let it all out, Breaker, it’s okay.”
(Night hesitated for a second but then, he started to sob, Light rubbed and panted his back.)
“I hate everythin’ that happened to me! I want it to go away and never come back! Why couldn’t I have a good dad when you get to have one?! I-I’m not tellin’ you anythin’, you wouldn’t understand!!!”
“I know, but I never said that you had to tell me.”
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koskela-knights · 1 month
Night In Deer Springs
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thelastdayalive · 1 month
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werewolves... in night springs 📺✨
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sophie-avocado-girl · 2 years
Again just random thing of my AU bc i can
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(the blank I found on Google)
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