#Gil has the same tattoo on the wrist
jikimo-world · 2 years
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Italy and Germany playing soccer in the modern day
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isleofdarkness · 1 year
Look this post is so long it's crashed my computer three times, so I'll leave off here. If there's any particular characters you want to know about, feel free to shoot me an ask and I'll answer.
Harriet has
The name of every Isle kid to ever die tattooed on her back
The quote "reasons to live give reasons to die" on her chest, followed by a list of names (Harry's birth name, Calista Jane, Sammy, Squeaky, Squirmy, Uma, Freddie, Celia, Gil, Ginny, Diego, Anthony, Aeden, Faolan, Sunshine)
Several animals- a koi on her left forearm, a pelican on her right hip, a polar bear on her left thigh, a shark on her right upper arm, and a fox on her abdomen
A triquetra on her right wrist
Lyrics from "Storm the Castle" by Jonathan Young on her right calf "Look upon your countrymen"/"You can see that they are drowning in despair"/"Is a kingdom really mighty when"/"For a sick and starving child it doesn't care?"/"You pray unto a god who loves"/"The hungry and the weak"/"But your actions do not match the prayers you speak"
Mal has
Ire written on her left wrist, Malice written on her right.
The names of her crew written down her left side. Not because she's dating them, but because they're her crew.
A black, thorny tree going up her spine, with branches reaching all across her back
Jay has
"Allahu Akbar" written in Arabic on his right hip, reminding him that Allah has reasons for everything and that He knows what He's doing. Nothing happens for no reason.
"La hawla wala quwwata illa billah" written under that for the same reason
A triangle, the strongest shape, over his heart. It contains a symbol for each member of his family- a nightlock branch for Evie, a design page for Carlos, a dragon wing for Mal, a gold coin for Jade, one drop of blood each for Cora, Selha, Ire, and Malice, a black feather for Ash. Later, he'll add an Ankh for Riah and a cracked heart mended with gold for Claudine.
A thorny vine around his right bicep.
Carlos has
A thorny vine over his collarbone
The word "Genius" written three times on his left wrist; once in Jay's handwriting, once in Evie's handwriting, and once in Mal's handwriting.
Riah has
His rune scarred into his back
The symbol of Cabin 13, Hades cabin, at the top of his spine
"Lydia Alcina Olympian," his birth name, across his back. He feels safer knowing "she has my back."
Evie has
"I am" followed by several words in different handwriting ("intelligent," by Jay, "incredible," by Carlos, "perfect the way you are," by Mal, etc,) in white ink down her back
A thorny vine in white ink down her thigh
Ginny has
Several names (Clarissa Harlowe Barton, Florence Nightingale, Alice Paul, Helen Keller, Martin Luther King Jr, Ida Bell Wells-Barnett, and more,) tattooed in white ink on her wrists and thighs to remind her that if they did it, she can, too.
The names of her children (Aeden, Faolan, and Sunshine,) down her left side in white ink, right next to her heart.
Diego has
A wicked "metal-looking" design covering the scars on his back, going over his shoulders and down his thighs
Wings wrapped around his neck
Names (Carlos, Veronica, Ivy, Aeden, Faolan, Sunshine,) down his wrists, over his self-harm scars.
Lyrics from "Not Gonna Die" by Skillet tattooed under his collarbones ("When life pushes me I push harder" / "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger")
"Give my body to my Aunt Ella so that my father can bury me. Except for my middle fingers. Give those to the king and queen," on his chest, placed so that the words won't get cut during an autopsy
The names of every single member of his family, adopted members included, on his back.
"Look in the box hidden under the loose board under my bed," on his arm
Maverick has
A teardrop with an infinity symbol in it under her right eye
Lyrics from "Storm the Castle" by Jonathan Young on her upper right arm with a sword and a broken crown. (Either "Rise up"/"Stand and fight"/"Take your freedom"/"Claim your right"/"Rise now"/"Stand and sing"/"Storm the castle"/"Kill the king" or "Look upon your countrymen"/"You can see that they are drowning in despair"/"Is a kingdom really mighty when"/"For a sick and starving child it doesn't care"/"You pray unto a god who loves"/"The hungry and the weak"/"But your actions do not match the prayers you speak")
Lyrics from "Land of Broken Dreams" by Jonathan Young and Caleb Hyles on her upper left arm surrounding a sillouette of Auradon "In the land of broken" / "Dreams"
Lyrics from "Wake Up" by Black Veil Brides on her right wrist "We"/"Won't let them turn away"/"We'll show them what they've made"/"We'll be here when their heart stops beating"/"We"/"The nation of today"/"Our hopes that never fade"/"We'll be here when their heart stops beating"/"Wake up"
Lyrics from "Teenagers" by My Chemical Romance on her left wrist "They're gonna clean up your looks"/"With all the lies in the books"/"To make a citizen out of you"/"Because they sleep with a gun"/"And keep an eye on you, son"/"So they can watch all the things you do"/"Because the drugs never work"/"They're gonna give you a smirk"/"Cause they've got methods of keeping you clean"/"They're gonna rip up your heads"/"Your aspirations to shreds"/"Another cog in the murder machine"
The names of every single member of her family, Maddy included, on her back, around the remains of her rune. Some names (such as Riah's birth name) are crossed out, and some people have two names (for example, Lydia Alcina/Zachariah Olympian.) The names of the other twelve are in black ink while the rest are in blue.
Two rows of letters on her knuckles (MAVE)(RICK) (DEST)(INY2)
A black line across her face, over her eyes
The words "GET FUCKED" over her Mark on the back of her left wrist
The roles of the Thirteen and the order they have to die in to preserve natural order on the outside of her right thigh
"I LIVED" over the stab scar on her chest
Several names (Merlin, King Adam, Queen Belle, Yen Sid, Fairy Godmother, Maleficent, Claude Frollo, D'Arque, etc) on the back of her right wrist. That's her hit list.
"Maverick Motherfucking Mim" and her date of birth under her right collarbone.
An incredibly large amount of tally marks on her chest and stomach. Maverick is 6'3 with the build of a strongman, definitely not tiny, and the tally marks almost completely cover her chest and stomach from right under her pecs to just under her beltline, going almost completely to her back on both sides. Those are her record of all of the crimes committed against the innocent people of the Isle. She has a perfect memory and can recite every single one. She knows she'll probably need to expand the list down her legs, but she can dream she won't have to
"I was a child" on the left side of her head. This is usually hidden by her hair but, if she has her hair short enough, it can be seen.
"We were children" on the right side of her head, similar to the previous one
"You have failed us" on the back of her head, similar to the previous two
Mara has
Lyrics from "Wake Up" by Black Veil Brides on her left wrist, the same as Maverick
Lyrics from "Teenagers" by My Chemical Romance on her right upper arm, the same as Maverick
Lyrics from "Storm the Castle" by Jonathan Young on her right wrist, the same as Maverick
Lyrics from "Let My People Go" (specifically the cover by Jonathan Young and Caleb Hyles) on her chest, under her collarbones "I send my pestilence and plague into your house into your bed into your dreams into your sleep into your drink into your bread"/"Upon your cattle upon your sheep upon your oxen in your field into your dreams into your sleep until you break until you yield"/"I send my scourge I send my sword"/"Thus saith the Lord"
The names of the other twelve on her back
"You're welcome you son of a bitch" over her heart, where her Mark begins
The names of her siblings (Matilda/Lydia/Zachariah with Matilta crossed out, Mary, Molly) on her left side
The word "bitch" over and over again over the brand on her left upper arm, the brand from where her mother forced her to sell her soul.
Two rows of letters on her knuckles (PROD)(IGAL) (DAUG)(HTER)
"You'd better pray karma kills you before I have the chance" under her left collarbone
"DESTRUCTION" across the back of her shoulders
"I"/"Was"/"Twelve" just above her three hysterectomy scars
Her Mark, because she forced herself into her power before she was supposed to, covers almost her entire body. It looks as though she was burned but in an impossible way, with the worst of the damage being over her heart (on both the front and back) and extending outwards. It goes halfway up her head, disfiguring her left ear and most of the lower part of her face, barely missing her eye, all over her left arm to halfway down her right hand, to her right knee, and halfway down her left calf. She usually hides it with her shapeshifting (people are so nosey,) but she'll show it if she really wants to prove a point. Her Mark is as much a statement as her tattoos
Uma has
"Gonzalo, Ursula, Oceana, Riptide, Frederique, Cecilia, Morganna, Samuel, Samber, Sterling, Skyler, Anaïca, Panic, Amara, Callisto, Arika, Claudine" on her left side, near her heart
Light turquoise tentacles up her right arm
A white leatherback turtle on her back
A school five white seahorses (why did I want to call them horsefishes) on her right leg
"The Lost Revenge" and a picture of her ship on her left leg
The names of fifteen members of her crew who have been lost and how they died on her right wrist
Harry has
The names of his sisters, alive and dead, on his left side
"The Lost Revenge" and a picture of the ship on the right half of his chest
Dark blue tentacles going up his right arm
His birth name above his heart
"They're lucky we want reparations and not revenge- Harriet Jones," on his left shoulder blade.
Lyrics from "Storm the Castle" by Jonathan Young on the right half of his stomach, over a broken crown "Rise now"/"Stand and fight"/ "Take your freedom"/"Claim your right"/"Rise now"/"Stand and sing"/"Storm the castle"/"Kill the king"
Gil has
His real family tree (some of his biological siblings, his nephew, Harry's siblings, Uma's family,) over his back.
Dark blue tentacles going up his right arm
"Gil Eugene Facilier" on his left wrist, his real name
Seaweed covering his top surgery scars
Starfish over his partial hysterectomy scars
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
For part 3, the heiress has an intel inside and she knew what's the real deal with Gil and Thena's relationship. I wanna see what's on her mind, she's giving this 'daddys money' vibe🤣 but you decide what will happen here. But may I request some angst and action in this part?
My requests ends here but I hope there's still something more to write for this AU because it's so beautiful and the way you write it? It makes it perfect. Thank you so much!
"Hello," he nodded his head to her, "Little Heiress."
She frowned at the name, but perhaps she already knew that it was going to stick to her no matter how much she didn't like it. She could probably have guessed that as soon as she was called that by the Ice Queen herself, that it would be her name in this town forever.
"What brings you here?" she smiled, hoping to move onto more pleasant matters.
"I am here to sever ties," Gilgamesh cut right to the point, pulling his hands out of his pockets. He had a new tattoo. "The engagement is off."
She frowned. "That is not a decision you get to make on your own, Gilgamesh."
"No, I suppose not," he chuckled briefly, although the humour didn't stick to him like it usually did. "But the deal is done. The wedding is off, I've made my apologies, to your family and mine."
"You can't just do that!"
"I told them it was entirely my fault," he offered as the gentleman he was. "I'm to blame, and our families both know it. You can go back home and marry whomever you like."
"That's not-"
"But I'm staying here," he concluded, holding his head high as he said it. "My home is here--my life is here. It was a pleasure doing business-"
"I know, about it" the little heiress rushed out, leaving behind her desk with her fists clenched. "I know everything--about you and the Ice Queen."
He scowled at her mention of Thena.
She nodded, though, grinning at her upper hand. "I know all about your history together, how she was poisoned, how you beat her date within an inch of his life. I know how you took care of her for weeks--for months!"
Gilgamesh didn't wince or flinch at the accusations. They were all true, and they were no weakness of his. "And?"
"Your work-wife is a very public figure in business," the little heiress smiled cutely. "She's hardly unreachable, no matter how much security she has or how secretly she lives."
"Are you threatening her?" Gilgamesh asked very seriously, walking towards the little heiress with his own fists clenched. He could feel her own security detail drifting out of the corners of the room, but he didn't care.
"Not me," she pouted her lips at him, just oh-so innocent about it all. "But I'm sure you don't want everyone in the business to know how much you care for her--and vice versa. To have such a public weakness is bad business, is it not, jagiya?"
"I am not your jagiya," he snarled out with distaste.
The little heiress rolled her eyes. "Why even bother? If you really want to fuck her while you're here, I won't care-"
"Don't talk about her like that." She just stared at him, but he was quite serious when he said it. He held his ground, "don't ever let me catch you talking about her like that again."
The first two guards advanced on him with just a snap of her wrist. But they weren't carrying, and Gilgamesh was more than prepared to handle the same goons who had attacked him and Thena mere weeks ago. He slammed them to the ground, twisting their arms with even less mercy than he'd exercised before.
The next three ran at him. Gil turned, reaching into his jacket and throwing the knives with him with much better accuracy than last time. He'd been practising.
Gil took the last one down and even plucked the knife out of his shoulder again, slipping it back into his inside pocket just to make a point. He looked up at the little heiress, now without a single un-injured security guard to her name. "Am I clear?"
The little heiress shrank, just slightly. She leaned against the side of her desk, tracing her finger around on it in another outwardly 'cute' behaviour. "I was so excited for what business we could do back home."
"I told you," Gilgamesh reiterated. He waved his left hand at her. "This is home."
"You expect me to believe my father accepted that you stood me up?"
Gil smirked. "Your father does a lot of business in diamonds, kid. Do you know who is the literal Queen of the diamond industry?"
She flinched, slinking back behind the desk again, "not everywhere."
But Gil nodded, "everything goes by her, including the fakes. And your father knows better than to cross her, I'll have you know."
"He knows about you two?"
"He knows that you got a little carried away with his money and his security he hired for you," Gil frowned again, slipping his hands back in his pockets (and absently kicking the head of one of the men at his feet). "Everyone knows better than to aim their shot at royalty. Everyone but you, I guess."
"Well," the little heiress huffed, "I'll be sure to tell him that my assumptions about your affair with her were right anyway."
"You can tell him anything you want," Gil scoffed, already turning to head out. "So long as you stay the hell away from my Ice Queen."
"Yours?" the little heiress called after him on his way out of her temporary office. "She belongs to you, does she?"
"No," he waved with his left hand again, wiggling the fourth finger, where he'd gotten a ring tattooed just two nights before. "I belong to her."
Gilgamesh let the doors close without so much as a goodbye. Whatever consequences came from all this, he would deal with as they happened. He hadn't lied, he had broken off all ties with her family, and apologised to all parties involved with the fiasco.
But really, he was far too old for his family to be selecting brides for him. And he was far too removed from the family business in Korea for them to be thinking he would return to it, no matter their sense of tradition or duty they deflected onto him.
His home was here. His life was here. His business was here.
Thena was here.
He exited the elevator and strode straight out of the building and across the street. He could have guessed she knew he'd be coming here, no matter how much she claimed she didn't care how he handled things with the little heiress from now on. He leaned down, knocking on the window. "Ice."
The window lowered, just enough for him to get a glimpse of that killer blonde hair of hers. "Tyrant."
"She won't bother you anymore," he stated and then slipped his hand over the window edge before she could roll it up on him. "Us--she won't be bothering us anymore."
She sighed, rolling the window down the rest of the way. She looked tired, but it didn't do anything to distract from how beautiful she was. She raised her brows at him, lace pulled tightly around her. "Us?"
He just looked at her, eyes wide and pleading. She hadn't exactly forbidden him from ever speaking to her again, but he wouldn't say he was in her good graces yet either. He tapped his fingers on the door. "Us?"
Thena eyed his hand, examining the tattoo still showing signs of redness on his finger. "That's new."
He smiled at her hopefully, "I thought it would be an effective place holder. Y'know, until I get a real one to wear."
She only gave him a withering glare before making a point of attempting to roll the window up, despite his hand keeping it down.
"Not tonight."
"Tomorrow?" Gil persisted, finally letting go of the car door. The window got almost all the way up before it paused. It was blacked out completely, only showing him his own reflection. But his heart leapt as he heard that lace loosen from around her.
"My office, after end of business. Don't be late."
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I feel full of myself making this but at the same time I get sad when a page doesn’t have a master list. Also, if you like the concept of something but want a rewrite with different pronouns, feel free to send me an ask about it
♡-personal favorite
✎-dislike/possibly plan to rewrite
☾- series (fall week, etc)
◊- Soulmate AU
✰- Headcanons
ℂ𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕠𝕤 𝕕𝕖 𝕍𝕚𝕝
Saved  ◊ ✎ (She/her) Harry steals his sister back when she returns to the Isle, The first thing your soulmate ever says to you is tattooed on your wrist AU  (TW minor ab*se) 10/2017
Carlos having a crush on you would include ✰ (she/her) D1 Carlos 12/2017
I’ve Got You  ✎ (She/her) Carlos has a nightmare about his mother (TW ab*se, sh) 7/2018
PB&J   ☾ (They/them) Part of Fall Week  After finding out their boyfriend hates their favorite holiday, the reader is determined to find a way to give him a good Halloween. 9/21
I Loved You First  ♡  (They/them)  Carlos didn’t expect them to wait for him, but it hurts all the same to see another guy’s arms around them. (Angst) 10/21
Candied Apple ☾ (She/her) Part of Fall Week Evie tries to back out of a chemistry partner and her girlfriend reminds her that she is not her mom. 9/21
Being Hook’s Daughter and Gil’s Best Friend Would Include  ✰ (she/her) Harry’s younger sister and Gil are  best friends 7/2021
Orchard  ☾  (They/them) Part of Fall Week  Gil’s Partner takes him apple picking during his first September in Auradon. 9/21
ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕪 ℍ𝕠𝕠𝕜
Dating Harry Hook as a Child of Jafar  ✰ (They/them) A flirt joke leads to a relationship 7/2021
Fever  ♡ (She/her) Harry takes care of his sick girlfriend with the help of his captain 7/2021 (requested)
Haunted Castle   ☾  (He/Him) Part of Fall Week  Harry drags his scaredy-cat boyfriend to a Haunted Castle at Dragon Hall 9/21
Making A Splash (She/her) One wrong move leads to three panicked figures and uncovered relations. (requested) (TW: injury) 
Flirting Pirate (She/her)  She only hangs around the Fish and Chips shop to keep an eye on her favorite brother, it would be a lot easier if she didn’t have to deal with the flirty first mate.
Sealed With A Kiss (she/her) Ben’s win sister ends up being kidnapped with him, though her story takes a drastically different turn than Ben’s
Dating Jay Would include  ✰(Fem clothing mention but no pronouns used) D1 Jay dating a cheerleader (possible TW/very minor nsfw, ass slapping/one line about not wearing pants) 10/2018
Spidermonkey (She/her) Jay comes back to visit Mother Gothal’s daughter while she’s in the middle of writing a letter (TW, dirty jokes/comments) 4/2020
Stuffed Spook   ☾  (They/them) Part of Fall Week   Jay’s partner gets excited when they see a stuffed bat at a game booth and he’s determined to win it. 9/21
𝕄𝕒𝕝 𝔹𝕖𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕒
Game Planner  ☾  (He/Him) Part of Fall Week   After finding out Halloween makes Mal homesick, her boyfriend and friends organize an escape room for the Halloween Carnival 10/21
Letters to the Sea  ◊ ♡ (They/them) The reader and Uma write letters to each other. Everything that is written or drawn on your Soulmate’s skin will appear on your own AU 7/2021
Baking    ☾  (They/them) Part of Fall Week  Uma watches as her partner tries to prepare for the Halloween Escape room 10/21
Descendants, but not made for children  ✰ Changes I would make if Descendants was not a PG children’s movie 6/2021
Style Headcanons  ✰ ♡ How I would dress the characters based off of more than just where they’re from/ me complaining about the costume team (me on my Jane should be cottage core ranting) 7/2021
𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕕 ℙ𝕝𝕒𝕪𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕤
You Grew Up On The Isle 10/21
You Grew Up In Auradon  10/21
A VK With An AK inspired by anon 10/21 
You Had An Isle Relationship potential fic playlist 10/21
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bluehairedtracii · 4 years
Hooks and Coins|| Harry Hook x Reader Soulmate AU!
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Requested: by @lemonypink
Warnings: Harry being cute 
Pairings: Harry Hook x Swann-Turner! Reader
Author's note: Oh my gosh this took so long! I’m literally so sorry! My motivation for writing has been a little iffy lately. Buuutt I’ve also been binging Criminal Minds soo it kinda gave me a creative push to start writing again. (Spencer Reid fics comin in the future) Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this fic as I get back into writing again. 
P.S. Melody is Melody from the second little mermaid movie, and I know she's kinda not mentioned again in the fic but just know that this is y/n’s best friend and that’s who she is lmao.  I also thought the Coin would fit well in here because of the movies just sshhhh. Enjoy!!!!
"it's soon! I swear!" The night of your 16th birthday, the day your life would change.
The day you get your soulmate tattoo.
"Are you sure??" Melody whines. "I'm positive! Look, it's not even 12:00 on the dot yet- ONE MORE MINUTE!" You look back from the phone on your lap to your right wrist.
"It's twellveeee." Melody cooed.
"Please please please..." You muttered still hopeful.
Then it hit, well stung. "Ow, ow, I feel it!"
"Let me see!" Melody basically climbed on top of you and saw it before you could. She gasped "oh my gosh y/n..." "What? What is it?" You tried to pull back your wrist to see, but Melody kept it steady.
"Y/n, as your best friend, I have to warn you as to what you're about to see...."
"C'mon Mells, it can be that bad." You sighed and tried to pull away from her. 
"You have to PROMISE Me that you won't freak out?"
Annoyed, you sighed and smiled "I promise." "Okay.." she released your hand. You rubbed your wrist and looked at the small tattoo, "A Hook?" "Not just any hook... Penny told me about this." "This is the same hook as the famous Captain Hook himself! It must be his son!"
"Captain? So my soulmate is a Pirate? Like Dad and Mom?" Melody nods almost worried.
"It's late Harry, your sister is gonna kill us if we get caught and wake your dad." Gill rubbed his eyes as he walked towards the galley of the ship.
"I know, but this is where the best lighting is...in a few minutes, I'll get me soulmate...well uh, tattoo I mean." He whispered and unlocked the door, cursing at the squeaky floors.
Harry turned on the lamp nestled on his father's desk. The room lit up illuminating the maps that his father and oldest sister had drawn up while sailing the open seas. He dreamed of nothing more than doing that, sailing and hailing a crew of his own, but for now, he follows Uma’s orders. 
“One more minute Harry.” Gill whispered looking at the tickless clock on the desk.
“Aye, ow! fff-!” Harry cupped his hand and flipped it to see his wrist, he bit back the pain as he saw the black ink form on his wrist. He’d been confused and tried to make it out as it formed. “Bloody hell, this sure is detailed in’it?” Gill loomed over Harry's shoulder, wondering what it was himself, Gill was sure he wasn't ready for his soulmate yet if he had to endure this much pain. 
Harry closed his eyes and exhaled as the pain stopped.
He opened his eyes to see the grim Aztec Coin staring back at him.
“Holy shi-” “Gil do you know what this means?!” “She’s spooky?” “No GIl, you git, She’s a pirate! and she’s a Turner...” He says in awe as he smiles down at his wrist.
A few months later both of you seemed to forget. The events of your daily lives getting in the way. You’re training to go off on a sailing trip with your dad for a few months, and Harry is… currently Helping Uma get revenge on Mal by kidnapping Ben. 
But.. you were unaware of this. Obviously. 
Lonnie and you were fencing/sword fighting in the school’s courtyard (for fun) when you saw the boys rushing into the limo. You both caught up to them and questioned them immediately. 
“What’s going on here Jay?” Lonnie snickered full well knowing what’s happening because she overheard it earlier passing their room. “We.. uh..” “we’re going with you..” Lonnie cut the pair off. And this is how you went to the Isle of the Lost for the first time. 
They had told you the plan but left out the part about who they were going to have to deal with if the plan went south. You were nowhere near nervous. All those times you’d trained with Lonnie and your parents at the shop basically were all for this moment. Your pirate self was ready. 
Mal handed over the wand and you cringed a bit. “She’s gonna know it's fake…” you turned to Lonnie and whispered. “Shh I know, get ready..”  you prepped your sword and placed one hand on your lapel while the other was free to toss the swords. 
That’s when everything went south. You and Lonnie sprung into action and helped the others. The sounds of metal clashing mixed with the creaking of the ship and the salty sea air made you happy, it filled you with adrenaline. It felt like you were at home.
2 people fighting you at once, then three, then none, one by one you tossed them overboard.
You were caught in the crossfire between Carlos and some other goons so you ducked under them and sprung onto your feet right into someone else's back. 
You both turned to each other, swords ready, you saw him and you felt that burning in your body. The one that your friends always said happened when you met your soulmate… “Ow!” “Oi!!” Harry lurched back and held his hand. And so did you. 
“You…” he pointed at you “are you…?” you held up your hand and showed your tattoo. He gasped and smiled “I knew I’d see you one day..”  you said in awe. You heard Uma yell for Harry and his smile faltered into a smirk.
“Sorry lass, no ‘ard feelings right?” “Obviously.” You struck your sword first and your swords clashed with each other. “I knew you were good Turner, but not this good.” he laughed as you both turned a corner of the ship. “Thanks! Maybe I can teach you sometime Hook, You seem a bit rusty!” “Oi! My ‘eart Lass.. that one hurt!” 
You snickered and he had caught you by a wood post “awe, our first dance is over now?” your eyes sparkled. He smirked ”Aye if this were different, i’d very much like to get to know you lassy…”  he got closer almost closing the gap in between you two. And his lips brushed yours before you heard Mal and Lonnie yell that it’s time to go. You smiled “sorry Luv, it’s time for me to go!” you kiss his cheek and push him away into a hole that’s in the ship. “Oi! That’s not fair!”
You were the last one to leave and thought of an idea, you caught up with them and helped Mal to kick off the ramp back to the car. “Find me!” You blew a kiss to Harry and smiled, and so did he. on the inside, of course, he had to be “mad” for Uma’s sake. But right now he was anything but. He just met his Soulmate and she was everything he dreamed of.
Almost a year had passed when you had first met Harry. And you constantly think about him every day and so does he. 
He sat at the bow of the ship looking out to the ocean thinking about you. It’s all that he’s been thinking about actually. He’s waiting for the day you can be with each other and in each other's arms. You literally took his breath away, because you kicked him, but he was entranced by your skills and beauty. He dreams about learning with you, meeting your folks, owning a ship, and most importantly.. Sailing away with you to see the world. He was stuck here. 
Though he didn't know that you had convinced Ben (it took a lot of convincing) to let Harry over onto the isle for a while. Your boating trip with your dad had gone so well that you also convinced your dad to let you go alone this time. Your parents knew how a forbidden love felt more than anyone else. The love between the two of them, a humble blacksmith that was the son of a pirate and the daughter of a wealthy governor who found that boy so long ago. They were never supposed to be together in society's standards, but their love was the strongest bond. They granted their blessing to you, they knew you'd be safe. You’re a strong pirate and they want to see you the happiest you can be.
You smiled and looked out the window of the limo as it crossed the bridge. Mal and Evie both came with you so they could help you find him and tell him the news. You guys slip onto the docks while Mal and Evie keep guard on the limo and watch you just in case you need back up. “Ursulas…” you smile and cross through the swinging doors, you found him and you felt the burning feeling in your body again. So did he. “OI!” he dropped the basket of chips he was holding and growled at the mess he made. He was fuming until he locked eyes with you. “My princess has come back to me?” he smiled and walked towards you completely forgetting about the fries as he kicked them to the side. “Hey Hook.” you smiled and felt his hand on your face but he backed away. “Woah Turner you ain't gonna kick me ‘gain right?” “no.” you laughed and you both hugged each other. 
He took the two of you outside “what are ye doin here luv? I mean, you don’ ‘ave to make any excuses to see me, but you came all the way from the other side.” he laughed and pushed back a strand of stray hair behind your ear. You blushed and held one of his hands, but unknowingly played with one of the rings on said hand. He bit his lip smiling at your nervousness. “U-Uhm.” you were surprised by the nerves in your voice, you were never this nervous before. This boy is going to wreck you. “It took major convincing, but I finally convinced my family and Ben to let you come to Auradon with me for a three-month sailing trip…” you smiled and looked at him. His eyes lit up and he lifted you off the ground and spun you around. “Are ye serious?! Of course I'd go with you!”  “Great! We leave…” you check your watch on your left arm. “ In 30 minutes!” “Aye! I need to pack!”  you laughed.
 he backed you into the wall. You smirked, “oi, I've been trying to do this ever since the first time we met.” He closed the gap between you two and the feeling of his soft pillowy lips on yours brought you comfort and warmness. You kissed back and ran your fingers through his dark locks as he tightened his grip around your waist. You never wanted this to end. “25 minutes!” You heard the girls yell and you pulled away and laughed. “I've finally found my Turner..” “And I’ve finally found my Hook..”
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rolanberry-rebel · 3 years
Info sheet: Kjalla Nisemi
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Name: Kjalla Nisemi Nicknames: K, Two-Guns, “oh hell, not her!”, “Gun-bunny” if you want to get shot Race: Viera (rava) Age: mid-late 30s in hyuran years, exact age unknown (even to her, really) Gender: Cis female Orientation: Whatever suits her at the moment Relationship status: Whatever suits her at the moment Profession: Professional psycho, hired gun, mechanic
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Height: 6′2″ Weight: 160lbs. Eyes: Icy blue Hair: Dark blue Skin: Greyish-blue Build: Fit, busty Scars: Deep scar along the left side of her jaw, scarring around her wrists and fingers, scar tissue along her neck. Tattoos: Blue markings along her face; a thorny blue vine splayed down the back of her neck, along her right shoulder and twining around her right bicep Fashion: Spartan and street-tough; never goes anywhere without her kickin’ boots and a good jacket. Loves leather, loves fishnets, loves denim, loves spikes. Comfortable and not necessarily showy. Dark colors. Loves red; loves black. Not afraid to show off what she’s got. When she thinks she’ll need it she's outfitted in the one of the suits of heavy armor she custom-builds herself, varying from more mobile sets of light plate to bulky, gadget-augmented battle suits. Accessories: Kjalla wears a fair amount of jewelry, a lot of it worn and tarnished, suggesting it might have some sentimental value. Often seen with a smattering of dull gold and silver rings, earrings, and a bridge piercing with a pair of rubies at each end.
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Birthplace: the Golmore jungles somewhere. Residence: Her junk shop/personal safehouse off of a private jetty near Kugane. Alignment: Chaotic Evil Hobbies: Violence, rowdy nights out, any and every manner of indulgence, creating new weapons and gadgets for her armors, salvaging and experimenting with old junk, making and spending lots of gil Likes: Exciting experiences, adrenaline rushes, the opposite sex, the same sex, swapping stories, swapping punches, money, people with guts, alcohol, tinkering away Dislikes: Cowards, soft people, pretty things, lalafel, you if you get in her way. And chocobos. Disgusting things. Personality: Erratic and unconstrained, shifting wildly with her impulsive mood swings. One night you buy her a drink and you might flirt your way back to her junk-shop; the next she might put a round through your skull. More than anything she likes to surprise and be surprised, so always expect the unexpected. Always headstrong and often arrogant, and you should absolutely never tell her what to do. Ever. In spite of her crazed impulses, when she’s not in a bad mood Kjalla can be incorrigibly flirtatious, friendly, and fun to have a good night out with. Virtues: Strong, physically and emotionally; there’s very little that will break her, and she’s seen it all. Strong leadership instinct, whether through her charisma or force of character simply overwhelming others into following. Obsessively self-sufficient and fiercely independent. Determined and diligent when there’s work to do, and will not quit until she gets it done. Streetwise, clever, skilled; not conventionally smart but picks up new hands-on skills quickly. A fierce, experienced fighter. Unfailingly loyal to those who prove themselves worth it. Bad habits: The obvious - she’s utterly immoral, indulging in any behavior if it makes her feel good. Impulsive, reckless, violent, quick to anger and lash out at others. Heart hard as a rock and a firm believer in the survival of the fittest (the fittest, of course, being her). Trusts next to no one and will betray others save her closest circle if it helps her get ahead. Stubborn as hell. Promiscuous with little regard for whom it might hurt. Huge chip on her shoulder. Has a major problem with authority. Unintelligent by conventional standards, and completely dead to magic.
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Significant Other: *derisive laughter* Children: *even more incredulous laughter* Family: All presumed dead, except for her sister Eyrisse, from whom she is estranged. Pets: Linchpin and Electrode, her pair of baby coeurls, who live at her junk-shop. Their unique grounding and electrical powers help Kjalla with her electrical experiments.
Friends: People aren’t friends to Kjalla; they’re tools, things to be used, experienced and discarded. (Most of the time, anyway...)
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You might know Kjalla if...
Merciless Mercenary. Kjalla is a notoriously cutthroat sellsword, unscrupulous - more than willing and able to do any job big or small, just as long as kids aren’t involved. (That’s the one line she doesn’t cross.) From political leaders to petty thieves, she’s taken them all. Her race may paint her as a novelty - it’s not often you see a viera mercenary traipsing around the world, after all - but she’s no laughing matter. If you hire mercenaries, work with them, or are one yourself, there’s a good chance you’ve heard of her, under one of her assorted names - some flattering, some very much not.
Underworld Surgeon. Kjalla has no magical healing talent but she’s a darn good field surgeon, and has a great knowledge of alchemical remedies, salves and drugs. A ‘side-job’ of hers is to sell her services as a mundane healer to shady characters who, for fear of the law, of the attention, or otherwise - avoid visiting a reputable establishment for healing after an incident. Criminals on the run, overdose cases, just someone who wants to stay off the grid - if you’re in need of a quick patching-up and you’d rather keep it discreet, her junk-shop is always open.
Life of the Party. Kjalla is a staple in a few of her favorite seedy dives in cities across the world - and would certainly be recognizable to regulars, given scar-covered, foul-mouthed viera with backwater accents aren’t exactly easy to miss. If you frequent these kinds of establishments, you’ve no doubt heard of, seen, and maybe even gotten into a drunken brawl with her.
Purveyor of Dangerous and Exploding Things. Kjalla loves weapons - all of them, but especially guns, bombs, tasers, flamethrowers, dynamite, and weapons far more bizarre and exotic. If you’re a weapon collector, an arms dealer, or if you’re looking to outfit yourself with something significantly more dangerous, you’ve no doubt run in to back-alley gunrunners and smugglers who’ve mentioned her as a supplier. Conversely, if you’re searching for training in gunsmithing or engineering from a master, she might consider it... you’ll probably wind up dead, though, so maaaybe not a good idea... unless that’s your kink. 
Garlean Killer: There’re few jobs Kjalla loves more than the ones where she gets to pop Garlean heads like grapes. Though one could scarcely call the viera a principled woman whose violence is politically sophisticated, she takes a perverse delight in torturing and killing agents of the empire, even if she’s not getting paid to do it. Naturally her reputation for murdering prominent officers, personnel, facilities, and stealing lots of Garlean technology has made her a notorious outlaw in the empire, and if you’re involved in any of those fields, you’d recognize her scarred visage anywhere. Just be careful - she really does love planting bullets right in those third eyes.
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Hi! I’ve been RPing forever and I’m lookin for new friends!
Adult female OOCly who’s RPed in every game you can probably think of and happy RPing lots of themes/scene types so long as we talk about it beforehand.
Kjalla is violent, rude, crude, and lustful. I however am (well, in my opinion, anyway...) none of those things, and am happy to talk with nice people! Just be aware most RP involving her’s gonna be one of those things, lol.
Available at random times, usually late evenings EST. Will always try to respond to private messages here no matter when you send them though!
Discord: I’m not on there very much, but I know it’s become a big way for a lotta people to do most of their OOC communication/RP threads so I’m willing to get on there if you wanna talk!
In-game: Anylissa Sebastis (Balmung) or Kjalla Nisemi (Mateus)
If you’re not into psychotic rabbit-ladies, I have my playful spoiled heiress, Anylissa, if you’d prefer. :>
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Daughter of the Honorable Thief - Harry Hook x reader – part 7 – park p1
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Harry Hook x Daughter of Robin Hood!Reader
 h/c- hair color
 e/c- eye color
 h/l- hair length
 s/c- skin color
 y/n- your name
 clothing reference:
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  ---Harry Hook POV---
Its been a week and a half since (y/n) and Erza joined our little group, both even going so far to let me tattoo them with an anchor, the same one me, Uma, gil, and the rest of the crew had. Erza getting it just behind her left ear, and (y/n) on the side of her left ring finger.
Ben had bought me a proper tattoo machine a while back, after learning I was skilled in it, he and his mother had even gotten tattoos.
Which is still weird to me, but whatever. At the moment I was packing my clothes, because Fairy Godmother had announced earlier that week that the seniors (a/n: im making Carlos a senior, he skipped a grade) are going on a trip to an amusement park, somewhere called…”notts berry farm”? I think.
FG had also suggested bringing money because while all students going would be given an amount of money for the three days at the park for food, drinks, or items they wanted to get. it's not so bad to have extra, so I would be bringing the money I gained from doing tattoos.
Grunting as I closed my suitcase, I grabbed my hook before remembering Fairy Godmother telling me that I couldn’t bring it into the part unless I had a weapons permit, and even then it would be hard for me to enter.
Sighing I placed the hook into a protective box, sliding it into a hidden compartment in my closet.
Gil exited the bathroom, an excited grin on his face, placing his toothbrush in his travel bag.
“I really hope the place has a lot of food, jay said that amusement parks have really good junk food.”
I hummed, not really listening, more focused on getting my sketchbook into my bag. “probably, Auradon is kinda known for their food yeh know”
Gil nodded, throwing his bag over his shoulder, grabbing his wallet and phone, checking to make sure he had his charger.
“got everything,” he asked, glancing at me. I nodded, patting my pockets, phone in my pocket and wallet in the other.
“aye, let's go”
Lifting my suitcase I trailed after Gil, leaving the room, and locking it behind me.
Walking down the hall, we stopped in front of Umas dorm, knocking in a pattern to let her know it was us.
Opening the door, I saw (y/n) and Erza helping Uma pack, just like they had helped us an hour before.
I raised my brow, huh, “are yeh having a tough time deciding on what teh bring?”
Uma huffed and nodded, flopping on her bed. “I don’t know what's appropriate for an amusement park, so they’re helping me”
“a lot of the stuff Uma chose to bring was for colder weather, so we had to raid mine and Erzas closet for stuff we didn’t use anymore, luckily a lot of them fit Uma.”
I nodded, dropping my stuff on the floor, and making my way over to Uma, grabbing her hands to pull her up.
“come on Uma, pack up” Uma groaned, not wanting to leave her bed, hanging back on her weight.
“don’ wanna~”
Erza rolled her eyes, tossing a t-shirt at Uma’s face. Uma yelped, pulling on my hands to sit herself up, glaring at erza.
“Really?” she seethed, glaring down the smirking erza.
“yep, come on buses leave in an hour, and we don’t want to be left behind” uma huffed, standing and throwing her…undergarments into her suitcase.
Gil and I glanced at each other, before picking up our stuff, “we’re gonna put our stuff with the buses, see yeh soon”
The girls just waved us off, so we left the room and headed outside, placing our suitcases in the storage space in our designated bus, putting our bags with jays and Carlos’
We turned to head back to the girls, but they emerged from the dorm building with Uma’s stuff in tow. I raised my brow, Erza and (y/n) didn’t have their stuff.
“wheres yer stuff?” I asked, helping (y/n) load Uma’s suitcase into the storage space.
“oh, it's already loaded, my bags over there” (y/n) answered, pointing over to where her and Erzas bags lay.
I nodded, pushing in Uma’s case. We backed away when the man standing at the bus doors came forward and closed the storage gate.
Fairy godmothers voice came over the speakers “all students going on the trip please make your way to your designated buses.”
Gil tossed my bag to me, I nodded my thanks and climbed into the bus, flashing my bus ticket to the driver, she nodded and motioned me to move on, I made my way to the back, Gil, Uma, (y/n) and Erza close behind.
I took a window seat, (y/n) plopping next to me, Erza and Uma taking the seat across from us.
Harriet stomped onto the bus, flopping next to Gil.
She had that, ‘im exhausted don’t talk to me’ look.
I snorted, plugging in my earbuds, and turning on my music, preparing for the three-hour bus ride.
Fukcing finally!!!!! Hades Christ, I need to fucking pee.
Hopping out of the bus, I speed-walked over to beasty boy.
“oi beasty, wheres the loo, I need teh leak”
Ben sputtered for a moment, before saying; “in the hotel should be a sign for the bathrooms”
I didn’t even wait, rushing to the hotel and making my way to the bathrooms, I heard footsteps behind me, glancing back, I saw Gil trailing after me.
Ahhh much better, I washed my hands before leaving the bathroom, because not doing that is nasty.
I made my way into the lobby Gil once again following behind me.
“Harry!” I turned to the voice, Ben, he jogged up to me, handing me a card key.
“here your room key, oh, Gil here's yours,” Ben handed Gil his key, then he handed me a paper as well, the room number and floor our room was on.
“meet up down here in an hour, Fairy Godmothers going to assign groups and meet up times”
I nodded, pushing past ben. I looked down at the paper
‘ room A113, floor 7’  
And bellow that was FGs handwriting
‘your suitcases have already been taken to your rooms’
I nodded to Gil, heading over to the elevators, pressing for floor 7.
The room was pretty big, two queen-sized beds, a full bathroom, 1 large dresser, a full-body mirror, a desk with a vanity mirror, and a mini-fridge, with a note attached to it.
‘all snacks and drinks in this fridge are paid for by the school.- FG’
I checked my phone, 45 minutes until we needed to head down to the lobby, I relayed that to Gil and started to unpack, shirts in the top drawer on the left, pants and shorts in the middle drawer on the left, underpants in the bottom drawer on the left, Gil putting his stuff in the same order on the right side of the dresser.
I flopped on the bed, sighing
“not as good as our beds at the dorm building but it'll do”
“yeah” Gil nodded, pressing his hands to the mattress “but anythings better than the isle”
“aye right aye right”
I turned on the tv, sitting up when I saw Doctor Strange playing.
“hell yeah!!!”
Gil grinned, sitting cross-legged on the floor.
I sat with Gil, Uma, Erza, and (y/n) in the lounge chairs in the lobby, waiting for FG to assign groups and give us our cards (that had our money in them) and our tickets.
Gil and Uma were playing on Erzas switch, while (y/n) and I just chatted about….whatever was on our minds.
“alright children!!” FG stood at the doors, smiling at all the students gathered at the lobby.
“I want you all to line up and when a teacher calls your name, go to them and grab your papers, you will need them to enter the park, they will also tell you who your group is for the trip.”
the group of 45 students whispered among each other, waiting to be called, soon my name was called.
“Hook, Harry”
Walking up I took the papers and walked back over to my friends.
Glancing down, I saw a card with a note on it $150 dollars per day, a ticket with three days entrance to both parks, and a slip with fellow students names on it.
Your group for this trip
Harry hook
Uma Triskatillion
Gil legume
Erza O'Hara
(y/n) Hood
Harriet Hook
I sighed in relief, okay, people I get along with…and my sister.
“I guess were hanging out for the trip huh?” glancing down I saw (y/n) grinning up at me, her own papers in her hand.
“ya I guess, have yeh been here before?” I asked, raising my brow, (y/n) nodded, her eyes sparkling,
“yeah!! There are so many cool rides here, and so much to do, there's live-action plays and actors running around, each day is a different experience!”
Gil, Uma, Erza, and Harriet came over, all three glad to be with known people instead of getting forced with those they didn’t know.
“alright, students let's go!!”
The large group followed FG out, walking down the long path to….Knotts berry farm I think? I still don’t really know the name.
We passed through the metal detectors, reaching the entrance lines. I snatched a map as I passed through. I wanted to know exactly where to go.
“im hungry!” Gil whined, leaning on uma, making her stumble slightly from his weight.
“get off me Gil, you're heavy!”
“Thanks, im still hungry”
“well” (y/n) stepped through Harriet and erza “there's quite a lot of places to eat, there's a Jhonny rockets and panda express over that way and there's some country-themed places over that way in ghost town”
“panda express sounds good,” Harriet mumbled, looking down at my map. “Chinese place right?”
“yep, it's one of my favorite places to eat.”
“panda express it is” Uma announced, gesturing (y/n) to lead the way.
(y/n) nodded, passing through a walkway, under a huge hanging coaster. I glanced up at the red and silver coaster, my hands shaking slightly, I hated heights, my sister seemed to sense my brain going haywire, so she quickly snatched my wrist, grounding me.
“You good?” she whispered, a concerned frown on her face. Ever since leaving the isle, Harriet was more willing to show that she cared about her family.
I nodded, breathing deeply to calm myself “aye, just, yeh know, don’t like heights”
She nodded, squeezing my wrist lightly before releasing it.
“Alright I admit, this Is fucking delicious.” I praised, stabbing some orange chicken with my fork, “now wha’ are we doin’ after thi’s?”
(y/n) hummed, tapping her chin as she grabbed my map and scanned through it. “well we could go do a ride next, probably a calm one as we just ate….maybe?...”
“How bout that one?” Gil offered, pointing to his right, at the log ride next to us. (y/n) brightened grinning at Gil, he smiled back.
“that’s, that’s a good idea gil!” (y/n) praised “its pretty calm the entire ride, only two drops”
I froze, drops? I glanced at uma, she shrugged, patting my hand.
“How deep are the drops?”Harriet asked, sipping on her soda.
Erza tapped the table, answering for (y/n)
“The first one is….18 feet? I think? And the last drop is 42 feet, but they're not straight down, they're at an angle. So it's not bad, and this is coming from someone with Acrophobia, so that’s how you know it’s a good ride.”
My shoulders untensed slightly, okay, I think I could deal with that, wait Erza also feared hights?
“if I remember correctly, it's four people per log, so two of us are going to be on our own” Erza turned to (y/n) an odd gleam in her eye.
She just rolled her eyes, seeming to have a silent conversation with Erza.
“that’s fine” Harriet grumbled, getting up to toss her trash away. “as long as im not paired with a random stranger”
“kay let's go” I nodded, shoving my fortune cookie in my mouth (and yes I read the fortune before eating it, I almost didn’t, before (y/n) stopped me) and stood, tossing my trash away.
I ended up in the back seat with (y/n) in front of me, Erza and Uma sitting in the front. Gil and Harriet in the log behind us.
“warning we’re gonna get wet, especially Erza and Uma!”
I cackled, gripping the metal bars on the sides.
Uma looked over Erzas shoulder and flipped me off, only making me laugh louder.
The ride was pretty fast, faster than I thought it would be, the water splashing up and hitting my cheek. The fucking mannequins were real fucking freaky though.
Then came the first drop, “first drop!!” (y/n) called as we were cast into darkness. I was glad for the dark, I wouldn’t be able to see the hight of the drop.
I yelped as we went down, water crashing as we hit the bottom, soaking my pants and shoes.
I heard Gil laughing behind us, Harriet's cursing mixing with it.
More freaky ass mannequins then came the final drop, as we reached the top, I was distracted by the overlook of the park.
‘impressive’ I thought, then the feeling of falling split through my chest, and I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around (y/n)s waist.
“FUCK” (y/n) just laughed, holding her hands to the sky.
Water splashed up, mostly hitting uma and erza, but my pants still got soaked.
“eehg” I groaned, lifting my pants away from my leg, the fabric sticking. “that feels so weird!”
(y/n) snorted, peeling her shirt away “Yeah, but at least it cooled us down”
Oh, I forgot to mention that it was 87 degrees outside today, a contrast from Auradons weather, which always had perfect 75-degree weather, if it got hot, it only raised to 82.
“yeah,” I mumbled, releasing my pants, they made a squishy slap sound as they hit my skin. “that’s something”
The log entered the loading area, and I let (y/n) grip my shoulder as she exited the log.
(y/n) lead the way out, stopping at a hut, that had multiple screens on it, with pictures on them, (y/n) scanned them before stopping and pointing at one.
“there's ours!”
Following her hand, I saw a picture of us in the log, on the tall drop.
Erza and Uma were in the front, uma making devil horn signs in the hair, her eyes scrunched closed. Erza had her hands crossed in front of her, her aviators on, her thumb and middle fingers down.
Then there was (y/n) and me, (y/n) had her hands up, and I was behind her, arms around her torso and face in her neck.
Then Gil and Harriet's picture came up.
They each got their own seat, Harriet in the back, her face scrunched and she was gripping the metal bars beside her in a death grip.
Gil in the front, face beaming as he was in mid-laugh, hands in the air.
“do yall wanna buy them?” Erza broke through my thoughts, stepping towards the computers.
“sure” uma mumbled, smiling at the photos.
Harriet and Gil emerged from the exit, their pants and shoes wet.
“That was fun!” Gil beamed, shaking his head to rid it of excess water.
“that was wet” Harriet grumbled, taking off her beanie and flipping her hair back, putting the beanie back on.
(y/n)s phone beeped, she fished it out of her backpack, glancing at it.
“got the photo, thanks Erza”
“no prob”
“Okay, what's next?” (y/n) asked, glancing around at us, I pulled my map out, letting the others look at it.
Gil glanced at my map, pointing at the area next to us “oh how bout those!!!”
(y/n) looked to where he was pointing, nodding. “oh the games? Yeah that could be fun”
“let's go!!” Erza cheered, locking arms with uma and leading her to the games.
----(y/n) POV----
Games were a good idea, Erza had done an accuracy game, earning a teal seahorse, which she gave to Uma, Uma tried to deny it, not wanting to take something Erza worked hard for.
Then Erza made a comment, which made Uma go red.
“a pretty seahorse for a pretty sea witch”
Harriet had joined Harry in a wobbly ladder challenge. Which somehow they competed it, getting coupons for anything under $20 is free.
Harry got a novelty Knotts berry farm drink. Harriet had also gotten herself a Knotts drink.
Gil did a strong man contest, the one with a hammer that you need to rocket the little thing to hit the bell.
He won against 5 other people, choosing a string bag.
You yourself just stood and watched, simply enjoying the vks having fun, they deserved it.
“(y/n)!” Gil called to you, some dip in dots in his hand. “can we go on a ride now!?”
You nodded, looking around for a ride, your eyes landed on wipeout, oh this would be fun!
“that one!”
Your friends glanced at it, and nodded, not knowing what to expect, except Erza, she just grinned and fist-bumped you, “amazing choice Hood”
You were fucking right, seeing harry and his sister clutch onto each other yelping when the ride simultaneously rose and dropped at the same time.
You and erza cackled, looking over Harry and Harriet to see uma and gil, uma was clutching her seat bar for dear life, gil was laughing his head off, “this feels so weird!!!”
Harriet and Harry jumped off the ride as soon as they got the chance, stumbling slightly from the ride making them dizzy.
“never again” Harriet groaned, leaning on harry. Harry nodded in agreement, pouting.
Gil and Erza wanted to do hangtime, but you hated that ride, so you declined, Uma wasn’t in the mood, and Harry and Harriet were still dizzy from Wipeout. So they went on it alone.
It was fun to see them hang over the first drop.
You and Uma went on scrambler in the meantime, harry and Harriet going on the sail ride next to it.
Gil and Erza suggested either Uma or Harry suggest the next ride, so harry chose Voyage to the Iron Reef, which was air-conditioned and a blasting game, a good cool down from the last couple rides.
You and Gil had a mini competition, both being descendants of archers, so you wanted to know who would get the higher score, loser gets the other a cinnamon bun from the Cinnabon outside, needless to say, you won.
You getting 221,900, while Gil was close behind with 89,000. You both congratulated each other on getting the highest scores of the day.
You agreed you would claim your prize later, so you continued on, Harriet choosing the bumper carts.
Uma wouldn’t stop crashing into you, Erza teaming up with her.
You got your revenge later that night when a lot of you played I dare you in bens room.
Then uma chose the bigfoot river rapids, which you all agreed to, you all were really warm and needed to cool down.
Uma, now around free moving white rapid waters, used her powers to soak Harriet and you, letting natural water hit herself, so it didn't seem like she was using her powers.
By the end, Harry's shoes were speaking as he took steps, uma was once again using her powers to dry her stuffed seahorse, she seemed to already cherish it after having it for only an hour.
Erza is very pleased.
Now…ghost rider.
Harriet walked up to you, grasping your shoulder, whispering to you “hey, Harrys not a big fan of heights, if he wants can he sit this out”
“Hettie I can hear you!”
“I was trying to be discreet!”
“well great fukin-“
“well” you interrupted, stopping the oncoming argument of the hook siblings. “if he doesn’t want to he doesn’t have too, he can walk in line with us, but he doesn’t have to ride it if he doesn’t want to”
Harry nodded, silently thankful. But….he kinda wanted to go on, erza telling him that most of the ride was within itself, and even with her phobia, the adrenaline distracted her from the height of the ride.
He had ultimately decided to ride, sitting next to you and gripping your arm in a death grip.
After the first drop, Harry loved it, releasing one of his hands to hold it in the air, screaming along with you and the others.
“again again again again!”
You laughed, patting Harry's knee, “if we have time sure! And if the others want to as well”
Erza and Gil joined harry in his chores of “again”
“one more time, one more time, one more time!”
You, Harry, Erza, and Gil went once more, Uma and Harriet chilling in a jewelry store.
Soon you had all gotten a text from FG, telling you that you all had one more hour at the park before we were all supposed to return to the hotel.
So you proposed one last ride, the silver bullet.
As you arrived, you noticed both Erza and Harry tense, harry seemed to suffer from the same phobia that erza did, now erza loved roller coasters, so she would usually grip onto you till you were in the cart. Then she'd be fine.
Now you didn’t know how Harry would react, so you repeated your words from earlier.
“if you don’t want to, you don’t have to”
Harry nodded and ended up waiting for you at the exit.
Erza and Harriet's hair looked crazy after hopping off, you definitely took a picture of that.
“I’ll admit,” Uma said as she leaned into Erza, smiling softly, Erza was pink, grinning happily. You gave her a thumbs up “today was really fun, I thought I would be a bust.”
“yeah,” you hummed, drinking the last of your soda, placing the straw into the cap “my cousin hates amusement parts, always saying that the rides or aesthetic were really boring, but they really enjoy Knotts, it has such thrilling rides.”
“agreed” Harriet hummed, chewing on her Cinnabon. “I wonder what the water park is like?”
Gil agreed, beaming, exited for the rest of the trip.
“well I wouldn’t know, I've never really been to the water park part of Knotts” you mumbled biting into your prize for winning against gil in the shotting game earlier
“why?” uma inquired, playing with the tail of her seahorse.
“just never really had the opportunity”
You arrived at the hotel, running into ben immediately, who informed that in party room 2 was pizza.
“yes!” Erza squealed bolting away, uma trailing after her. Gil and Harry following Uma.
“Hey (y/n)” Harriet called, you turned and tilted your head. Humming for Harriet to continue
"Thanks for helping out harry today, he usually has panic attacks about stuff dealing with hights, but yeh helped him through it, so…thank yeh”
You teared up a little, you have known Harriet to be hard and closed hearted, so for her to be this open with you…just made you tear up a little.
”he doesn’t deserve to live in fear Harriet, he deserves to live life without fearing a thing like heights. ”
Harriet smirked, wrapping her arm around your shoulders, winking at you.
”I knew there was a reason I liked yeh”
You laughed, wrapping your own arm around her shoulder.
”and I knew there was a reason I liked you! ”
---end of part 7---
Comment or message me for part 8
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fuwafuwamedb · 5 years
A Cursed G Pt 5 (Hakuno, Gilgamesh, Emiya)
Previous Part: One - Haku POV / Gil POV, Two, Three, Four
The thoughts of dinner were gone. Her mind was immediately and immensely focused on the fact that Gilgamesh was back in his human form. Her thoughts were immediately on the door and the man that was on the other side.
Emiya needed to be heading out.
Gilgamesh needed to not ruin her relationship with the man.
“Stay there,” she demanded of him, knowing full well that maybe there was a half minute before he would be doing what he wished to be doing anyway.
Hakuno pulled the door open and found Emiya shoving passed her.
“You’ve been avoiding everyone, Hakuno. Sakura and Rani are concerned. You can avoid me if you wish but avoiding…”
His words trailed off.
She didn’t blame him a bit for it, taking a moment to look back at the mess she had just welcomed into her life.
There were two plates set up on the counter, a selection of food cooked and waiting on the stove. The wine was cooling in an ice filled pot on her counter. The room was set for two people to sit and dine together.
It wasn’t the preparations that stopped Emiya though.
She could have been inviting anyone over to her house with this set up. It didn’t necessarily mean that she had a date or anything going on. She’d done this kind of set up for celebrating events before. She tended to be a habitual celebration giver.
No, it was the fact that there was a naked blond leaning against the doorway to the living room.
The man was crossing his arms, his eyes closed as a smirk played on his lips. At the other’s silence, Gilgamesh was running a hand through his hair, brushing it back.
Somehow, it felt like merely brushing his hair back was revealing more of him than the fact that he was nude in her kitchen.
“…Who are you?”
There was no emotion in Emiya’s voice as he spoke. His eyes were locked on Gilgamesh’s face, waiting for his answer.
The room was growing colder by the minute.
“I don’t believe I gave you the right to speak to me,” the man replied, that voice smoother than silk.
“Hakuno is not someone who let’s random men into her home. After the last situation a couple months ago-“
“She has nothing to worry about.” That smirk grew more prominent, reminding her of the smile of a great shark or that of a snake with its jaws unhooking. “I’m surprised that you bothered to come here, since Hakuno has spent weeks with me. Tell me, is it the sweet taste of her skin that did you in or are you one of those men who merely trails after women listlessly?”
“Emiya,” she had to stop this now. “Can we meet up tomorrow? I ah-“
“She has things to do.”
He made it sound like there was only one thing that needed to be done. The way his body seemed to be modeling the length and slight muscle that ran along his body, it was without saying what that something was.
She needed to do something.
Speak up, argue, point out something towards what was going on-
God, but how did she explain that there was an ancient demi-god in her home that was her cat 90% of the time?!
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” Emiya stated, turning away from the man before him.
“She won’t,” Gilgamesh all but promised.
“If you need me, you have my number,” Emiya continued, speaking more softly as he pressed his lips to her forehead.
She could no more react than she could stop to explain.
Like that, Emiya was turning, pulling his jacket a bit closer and walking out of the place. The door was latching behind him and she was alone again.
Not alone.
She’d been right about the date for the change.
Gilgamesh, king of Uruk and long lost from his own people and world, was standing in her kitchen doorway. Red tattoos were criss crossing his chest and upper arms. His body had not an ounce of fat to it.
“He came back again.”
It took a moment to figure out who he was talking about.
It took another moment to realize she was still looking him over.
“I ah- I have a blanket in the living room.”
“No need,” the man moved to her table, settling in onto one of the seats and crossing his legs slightly. “I’ve been wearing a coat in your home for a month. It’s nice to be bare once more.”
It may be, but she was going to get him a blanket.
The red fabric was grabbed from the back of her couch, tossed his way as she focused back in on dinner.
There was no time tonight to be running after Emiya. She had waited an entire month to speak to this man and she was going to have her words with him. When he was a cat once again and the sun was up, she would go find Emiya and try to find an explanation.
If there was one to be found.
“…As you like,” Gilgamesh stated behind her, the sound of fabric rustling a bit.
How to begin this conversation…
She’d spent enough time hoping to get him into human form again, hoping to explain the world and everything that he was surrounded by, she hadn’t really thought about how to broach the subject of… well, anything.
“You knew that I was going to change.”
“You said that you had been the one on my doorstep when I had thought someone was invading my house.”
He nodded when she glanced his way.
“That was a month exactly before the night you changed last. I figured it was tonight or in the next few days.”
He smirked, leaning back a little.
Somehow, he made her blanket look like it was far more expensive than it had any right to look. He seemed to make his corner of the kitchen look far more opulent.
“You must have made a decision about how to return me to Uruk then,” he stated. “I’m open to your reach of a dream. Considering the useless gnat that placed me in this situation, I find myself more open-minded on the impossibles.”
“I have no idea how to help you.”
He scowled at her.
It was true though. She didn’t know what to do about him.
“Do you know how you turn into a cat?”
“If I had any inclination as to what magic places me into that form, I would not be lying on your couch during a vast majority of the month, entertaining myself with the quarrels of your modern day plays.”
“Television shows.”
He wrinkled his nose as he drank some of the wine she’d sat down.
At the food she set before him, he shifted it in mild distaste with his fork.
“If you don’t like it, then don’t eat it.”
“I’ve accepted that I’m subject to your whimsical experiments in cooking.” He took a bite, closing his eyes with that frown still in place. “What use did you find in going to this trouble, if not to provide me with assurances of my return to Uruk?”
She was asking herself the same question.
Talking to him about the present didn’t feel like a grand idea now.
In fact, any conversation about the situation around her felt like it would merely lead to-
He was leaning closer, his plate pushed aside.
“Are you still thinking about the last time I was human?”
The man smirked, leaning back in his seat once more. “You spent several days after my last bout as a human, wandering around the house and muttering away to yourself. You inquired about whether or not I would be someone who would take you from this place as well.”
Perhaps it was because her cat had turned into a human and had been wandering around her house, demanding that she take him back to Uruk.
“Many women have been in your position before. I cannot blame-“
The wine was particularly bitter this evening.
Hakuno downed the glass as the man spoke, ignoring his words and thinking about what to talk about now.
He was much more tolerable as a cat.
Maybe that was why whomever had turned him into a cat had done so. No doubt it was Ishtar or whatever her name was. The goddess had probably taken one look at the man, listened to a split second of his mouth opening, and had decided to do humanity the great service of shutting him up.
To think, he’d almost been fixed.
Her eyes drifted down, her glass being lowered as the other noted her attention.
“Are you listening to me?”
That seemed to tick him off.
“I thought we could talk and I could actually have a decent conversation with you. You don’t seem up for it. I’m going to wash my dishes and head to bed. You can sleep on the couch until you take cat form again.”
“Hold on.”
His hand was wrapping around her wrist, pulling her to a stop.
“I am in the mood to indulge this whim of yours.”
She didn’t need to be indulging him in anything right now though. Already, she’d done more than enough. She needed to just go to bed. She could find somewhere else-
“There is something off about you.”
Hakuno blinked.
“Are you a temple maiden?”
She knew this term. She’d seen it used in her books before. What had it meant?
“I don’t think so.”
A chuckle left him now.
“If you were, you would be telling me a simple yes. There is no maybes on the matters of a temple maiden.” He looked so smug about it, shaking his head. “We would not be having this conversation at all if that were the case either.”
She wasn’t a temple maiden then.
“I’m going to bed, Gil.”
“I do not recall permitting a nickname.”
“I call you G normally.”
Again, that smug look came to his face, his eyes closing in a manner that was ticking her off more than anything.
A moment seemed to pass. 
Then, a moment more.
She wasn’t sure how long they stood there, but the fact that he wasn’t saying anything was bothering her.
Those eyes opened again, seeming as though he were seeing something beyond her. He looked zoned out for a moment before he focused in on her. And then, she wasn’t sure how they got to this.
One second, she was breathing on her own. The next, her mouth was slammed against the naked man’s own at her kitchen table. The meal was thrown aside, her behind landing on the table a moment before he was yanking her hair back and kissing her hard.
She couldn’t breathe around him.
Despite how it seemed to make her feel, no air was no air. She was clinging to him, trying to pull back and finding herself falling back to the flat surface of the table.
A hand was pressing to her chest.
His head was tilting, mouth taking more of her own.
Her body seemed to burn in response.
What was she doing?
A leg was parting hers. His hips were suddenly there, the blanket a fluttering of red that seemed to come and go behind him like a flag.
“…How interesting,” the man murmured.
Interesting or not, this wasn’t how she was going to-
His lips were back against her own. She was starting to feel lightheaded from the feeling.
She needed to get him off of her. This was going to turn out the same way that it had turned out the month before. She needed to-
Suddenly, there were teeth against her neck. There was a flash of pain before she felt his hands-
As fast as he had been on her, he was off.
Gilgamesh pulled back, eyeing her a moment before he stood up.
“You want to go to bed, don’t you?”
Hakuno found herself standing there, her hand on her neck as the man headed towards her bedroom and the bath.
“Hakuno?” He glanced her way. “You need to gather your energies. Take pride in the fact that your king has deemed it worthwhile to mark you.”
“You didn’t need to mark me.”
Why did it look like he was pitying her with that expression?
Better to not ask and do as he says for now.
She really did need sleep anyway. She could get up early and go to talk to Emiya.
The man’s arms snaked around her shoulders, a low murmur meeting her ears as they moved from the kitchen towards the bedroom.
“What are you mumbling?”
He went quiet.
There was something wrong about the fact that the man was going silent about what he was doing. She had the feeling this was not someone that remained quiet.
I have a bad feeling again.
“Lay down,” he commanded.
Lay down.
It was hard to do that when he was climbing into bed with her. It was hard to rest when he was pulling her to his chest and holding her there.
Her hands pressed to his chest.
Sleep was the very opposite of what she felt.
He’d be human all night.
She had a feeling that the night would last much longer than the previous one had.
“Rest, Hakuno,” the devil of a man murmured to her quietly. “I require you rested. We shall see if I was correct.”
Correct about-
You know what? She didn’t want to know.
She had a feeling once she knew, she would be in a world of a mess.
 “Goodnight then, G.”
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xnovamore · 5 years
Part 2 of my previous entry for the Home for the holidays event run by @femslashfairies and @ftmlmages
Gratsu and Lucana, mentions of past Graycana
Gray entered through the door of his house quietly hoping to slip in past his parents. He threw one more desperate glance at his phone screen, yet it still remained blank. Mentally cursing his boyfriend, he rushed towards the stairs leading to his room only to be stopped by a booming voice in the kitchen.
“Gray! Did you get our drinks?”
Cursing once again, Gray walked towards the kitchen where his parents sat at the head of the table.  Their frown at his empty hands turned into a worried look once they saw his face. He must have looked as panicked on the outside as he felt on the inside because her mother walked over speaking in a concerned tone.
“Gray? I haven’t seen you look this worried in a long time! Did something happen?” She placed a hand on chin twisting his face around as if looking for an injury.
“I’m fine mom!” He stepped away from her hands. “But uh…Gil-I mean Mr. Gildarts invited me over to his house for dinner-but I don’t have to go if you want to eat together like we usually do! I can just tell him I can’t come and-”
“Nonsense!” Silver barked slapping an arm on his son’s shoulders. “You haven’t had a play-date with little Cana in forever! You two used to be so close until you started college. What happened?”
Chucklingly nervously, Gray avoided his parents gaze. “We just grew apart is all.”
They eyed him suspiciously before Silver shrugged. “Well it happens, but that’s no excuse to keep avoiding her. Your both adults now. it would be good for both of you to reconnect.”
At that moment, Gray’s phone went off in a familiar buzz. Moving away from his parents he quickly glanced at his phone and confirmed it was the man he’s been waiting for to text him. His parents suspicious looks doubled as he stuttered out an excuse of needing to change before running off to his room.
Gray slammed the door shut behind him letting its slam echo down the halls. His fist connecting to the brown wood came next. He hated this. Hated the constant fear and anxiety and lying whenever he talked to his parents about these things. Not only did they not know about Cana, they didn’t know about anyone he dated. From high school till now, Gray never said a word about any of his partners to his parents. He’s never been in a relationship as far they know. He’s not even sure what he’s so scared of either. Before, he never told them because he was still unsure himself, then he never said anything because he didn’t think the small number of relationships he had after Cana were substantial enough to bring home. Well, until now that is.
Gray pulled out his phone and eager to read Natsu’s response. Like magic, all the anxiety and fear he was feeling at the moment vanished as his lips twitched into a smile.
Im confused
Am I the girlfriend orrr??
Cus if I am fuck u snowflake
Chuckling Gray hit the ‘call’ phone.
“No you fucking idiot.”
“Oh shut the hell up! First you didn’t text me back when we were talking about your parents dick then Erza made me help her clean her apartment! Now I’m sore and Happy’s upset cause he’s home alone again since you’re not here. Then you texted me weird shit”
That’s right, Gray had texted him before leaving to the coffee shop. Before he started driving he texted Natsu a very important question that he has yet to read the answer to. “Oh yeah…my bad. Something came up and I didn’t read your reply before texting you again.”
“Dude what happened? You sound all weird.”
Rolling his eyes at his boyfriend’s vocabulary, Gray flopped down on his bed. “You remember my ex-girlfriend I told you about? The one that lives across the street from me?”
“The one into tarot reading? Yeah.”
“I ran into her dad. He wants me to come over to dinner…tonight.”
Gray retold the story with wild hand gestures and dramatics Natsu couldn’t see but the man knew his boyfriend well enough to envision. It took about 5 minutes and various threats for Natsu to stop laughing. It was moments like these Gray wished Natsu was there so he could punch him. “Natsu your still as annoying as when we first met!” He hissed into the phone.
“Calm down ice princess! It’s just funny you got so worked up. Didn’t you say you grew up together? What’s the big deal about going to dinner?”
“Because we dated! And we broke up without ever really talking about everything.”
“She doesn’t know your bi?”
“I told you Natsu no one here does. She knows I’d been with a guy but I wasn’t sure about my sexuality back then.”
“But you asked me if I wanted to meet your parents earlier?”
“Yeah I know…” Gray closed his eyes thinking about the text he hastily sent before leaving for the coffee shop. “I meant it. I’m tired of keeping this from his parents. I want you to meet them Natsu-that is if you want? I actually haven’t read your response.”
“Of course I do!” Natsu snorted as if the question was ridiculous. The words sent warmth throughout Gray. The knowledge that Natsu wanted this too, was just as serious about them as Gray was, made him swoon every time. Not that he’d ever tell Natsu that, of course.
“But only if you go to that dinner tonight.”
“What? Why!”
“Because she’s important to you Gray. Someone doesn’t need to leave your life permanently after a breakup. You can be exes and still care for each while just being friends. Look at me and Erza! Breakups aren’t always a bad thing. Sometimes you are both good people that are better off not dating.”
Gray took time to think it over as Natsu stayed uncharacteristically quiet over the phone. Gray couldn’t lie, he did miss Cana. The two years not speaking to her had always weighed down on him. He had met a lot of wonderful people at university, but none of them knew him and his history the way she did. Every semester break he would glance over at her house and imagine walking over to say hi, but he could never get the courage to do it. Gosh he wanted to though. “You’re not bothered by this?” He asked Natsu softly.
He could tell Natsu was rolling his eyes at him. “Are you bothered by me and Erza hanging out? No, I trust you idiot.  Buy her flowers, go to dinner, and get your friend back. Text me your address tonight and we can handle you coming out to your parents together.”
It was moments like this that he was so thankful Natsu had thrown up on him during their first day of university. He didn’t know where he’d be without his pink-haired fiery tempered little punk. “I love you. I love you so much.”
“I know, I love you too. I’ll see you tomorrow Gray.”
Gray had been mentally crafting a script of what he was going to say since he left his house. Armed with bouquet in hand, he approached the Clive-Alberona house only to freeze once reached the stairs. There leaning against the wall was the girl whom he’d been thinking of the entire day.
She smiled at him causally as if they were 16 again and Gray was coming over as always after school. Her hair was shorter than he remembered, maybe she cut it? And she had a tattoo on her wrist of what looked like keys but that was the only difference he could see. She still had the same chestnut brown hair and leather jacket she loved wearing when it was cold out. Still wore her blue jeans over thigh-high that he once told her made ass look great.
Still wore the silver necklace he brought for her 18th birthday, the last birthday they spent together.
“Hey.” He said when he finally reached her.
“Hey stranger.” She said back. Her eyes roamed over him the same way his did her before stopping on the banquet of irises.
He quickly jerked them towards her. “These are for you!”
She blinked in surprised before taking them hesitantly. Her fingers ran across the petals as she looked at the bouquet like it was mystery she needed to solve. “Thank you?”
He nodded and walked to sit on the stairs. She followed. They spent of few minutes in quiet until she broke it. “Why flowers Gray?”
“It just seemed like the right thing to do.”
“Why? You don’t…you don’t want to get back together do you?”
“What? No! It’s not that type of gift!” Gray waved his hands around in exasperation then tried to take the flowers back when she laughed.
“Sorry I was just making sure! I didn’t think you would avoid me 2 years if you wanted to get back together anyway.”
The silence came back.
“I thought you were avoiding me?”
She shrugged looking away. “Maybe I was.”
Gray wasn’t sure what to say to that. He tried to search her face but keep her head turned away. Instead his eyes were once again pulled to her tattoo. Now that he was closer, he could see that is looked a group of tiny keys held together by a golden string. The string made a loop with what looked to be like initials inside.
“Cool tattoo.”
Her hand covered it almost instinctively. The small smile that overtook her face immediately caught his interest. It was soft, loving almost. He had only seen her look like that when they had found time to sneak off and just be them.
“Is it for someone special?”
She turned back towards him examining his face. Whatever she saw, or didn’t see, seemed to make her relax. “Maybe. Would it bother you if it did?”
And he meant it. Even after these years, he could still read Cana and that small smile spoke a thousand words. The thought of Cana being happy in a relationship with someone else brought him nothing but joy. He felt the panic from earlier completely disappear. He was so stuck on viewing Cana as an ex that he forgot she was also his best-friend. And he wanted nothing more than for his best-friend to be happy. He now understand what Natsu meant during their call. He was going to get his best friend back.
“I’m glad Cana, I mean it.”
She smiled she gave him was a large one filled with unspoken warmth and relief. “Thanks Gray, that means a lot.” She bumped his shoulder with hers. “What about you? I don’t believe you’ve been single all this time.”
“Yeah well I uh-…” He paused taking a breath. This was far from his first time talking about his sexuality. All his friends at college knew he was bi and dating Natsu. And this wasn’t just anyone, this was Cana. The person who, once upon a time, knew him better than anyone. He smiled into her brown eyes.
“My boyfriend was the one who told me to buy you flowers.”
“Oh?” She didn’t even seem surprised. “Well tell him I said thank you. He seems like a great guy; you were never this sweet to me before.”
Its like a weight was lifted off his chest. He threw his head back in laughter. He laughed and laughed until he felt tears bristling to the corners of his eyes. “You’re such a lair Cana. You never liked this kind of stuff anyway. Does your boyfriend buy you flowers?”
She gave him that soft smile again. “Not a boyfriend. Lucy.”
“Lucy then.” They bumped shoulders again and Gray knew they were going to be alright.
Lucy, it turns out, was a bubbling blonde with a big smile and a matching tattoo of keys and initials on her wrist. She was also a frequent dinner quest at the Clive-Alberona household and Gildart’s proud future-daughter-in-law (both she and Cana went red when Gildarts said that making Gray laugh so hard he didn’t mind Cana’s punch to the gut). Lucy was also sweet. She didn’t look at Gray with any hint of malice and made an effort to make sure he was included in all of their conversations. She had pulled him aside before they sat down to eat and told him she was so happy he was back in Cana’s life.
“It doesn’t bother you?” He asked her the same question he asked Natsu.
“No way! You’re good for her. She doesn’t open up easily to people and I know she missed you. I’m glad you two and can move on together as friends.”
He decided then that he really liked Lucy. “I’m glad she has you too. I can tell she really loves you.”
Throughout the dinner Cana’s gaze never strayed too far from Lucy. It was on her hands when Lucy was helping serve the food. It was on her mouth when Cana told a stupid joke just to make her laugh. It was on her lips when Lucy caught her staring and threw a small smirk Cana’s way. It was on the tattoo when Lucy laced their fingers together and let them rest on top of the dinner table. Gildarts caught his look and gave a knowing smile. It made Gray wonder if Cana told him about them, but that was a conversation for another time.
Lucy turned bright red and gave him a wide twinkling smile. “I love her too, more than anything.”
It was after dinner that Gray and Cana headed back outside to together in front of what used to be their treehouse. They had talked about everything in lives from their high school graduation until now. They filled the time until the sun set and the sky darkened into night with tales of their college adventures and plans for their holiday break. It wasn’t until the topic of Natsu meeting his parents that they paused.
“I could come with you, if you want.”
The words were quiet but sincere. He knew that she meant it, that if he asked she would be there at his doorstep by his and Natsu’s side as he opened up to his parents.
His smile stretched wide wondering once again how he got so lucky to still have her in his life. “I think I’d like that.”
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ember-arrow · 5 years
Never-Ending Survey || Hilven Morrow
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RULES: Repost, do not reblog. Tag 10 blogs!
tagged by: @blood-of-the-dragons, @lavender-hemlock​ and @afreesworn​ (Thank you so much, the peer pressure was stroooonk)
tagging: @finishing-touch​ (THAT’S 5, BISH), @asraha​, @whitherwanderer​, @s-udarshana​, @ahlis-xiv​, @kazexvoss​, @cfs-melkire​, @gvnbreaker​, @the-hawkeyes​, @ephemeralrequital​
FULL NAME: Hilven Morrow
NICKNAME: That bitch
AGE:  28
BIRTHDAY:  14th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
ETHNIC GROUP: Highlander Hyur
NATIONALITY: Ala Mhigan by birth
LANGUAGE/S: Common, laughably poor Huntspeak
HOME TOWN / AREA:  Ala Ghanna, Gyr Abania
CURRENT HOME:  The deserts of Thanalan, though she may languish in Forgotten Springs for as long as she remains in good standing with the locals.
PROFESSION: Hunter, Tracker, Racketeer, Extortionist
HAIR: Light blonde, falls to her shoulder blades
EYES: Sharp, pale blue
FACE: Oval, high cheekbones, somewhat severe-looking features
LIPS: Full, dusky, often curled in a smirk.
BLEMISHES: A small mole just below the right corner of her mouth
SCARS: Dark, discolored skin over both knees; the ghost of a gash from right elbow to wrist. There will soon be a fresh one in her left side, below her ribs. 
TATTOOS: A faded yet striking black tattoo on the left side of her face, done in the fashion of an ancient Ala Mhigan sigil. She may or may not recall its meaning.
HEIGHT:  5′9″
WEIGHT: Constantly waffling between healthy and underweight for her height
BUILD: Athletic gradually transitioning to lean
FEATURES:  Arched brows, a smokey layer of kohl smeared over her eyes
USUAL HAIR STYLE:  Half-up in a loose plait
USUAL FACE LOOK :  Keen-eyed, alert, and either smirking, or scowling
USUAL CLOTHING:  Well-worn leather, thigh-high boots, belts and bandoleers, torn flounces, a tan turban and silver goggles, a trio of pilfered necklaces and medallions
FEAR/S: Deep water, open water, drowning, capture
ASPIRATION/S:  To live free without compromise; to escape the consequences of her choices; to accrue enough gil to purchase the freedom she desires
POSITIVE TRAITS: Clever, hardy, inconspicuous, silver-tongued
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, shrewd, apathetic, paranoid
SOUL TYPE/S:  The Sage
ANIMALS:  Jackal
VICE HABIT/S: Drinking, swindling, amassing loans she will never repay
FAITH: Agnostic at best, often only beseeching Nald or Thal in times of need, as her most desperate moments typically pertain to death and money.
GHOSTS?: Maybe
AFTERLIFE?: Also a maybe
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Once a firebrand for Ala Mhigan liberation, now mostly disinterested in politics
EDUCATION LEVEL:  Self-educated, with gaps; Well-read and spoken, but lacking any mathematical prowess
FATHER : Deceased
MOTHER :  Deceased
EXTENDED FAMILY: None to her knowledge
NAME MEANING/S: I thought I made this name up, but after some light googling, it’s a form of “Hilve,” which in a Finnish form of the Swedish “Hilvi,” which means “Strong Warrior.” Go figure.
BOOK:  Textbooks
DEITY: Nald’thal
HOLIDAY:  All Saint’s Wake
MONTH: What month is it right now? That one.
SEASON:  Winter
PLACE: At the desert’s edges, under the shade of an awning.
SOUND / S: Silence
SCENT / S:  Woodsmoke and lavender
TASTE / S:  Wine, fresh melon, rosemary, cool water
FEEL / S:  Worn leather, the weight of a knife, the bite of coarse rope
ANIMAL / S:  Ducks, dogs, rodents
COLORS: Sky blue, gold, rust
TALENTS: Silver-tongued, persuasive, hard to kill, deception, sleight of hand, archery, fletching, tracking, making enemies
BAD AT: Staying out of trouble, swordplay, making friends, talking to children
TURN ONS: Uhhhh power struggles, ropes, height differences, gags, domineering personalities, being on-eupped
TURN OFFS: Weakness, blood, foul odors, poor taste in music
HOBBIES: Who has time for hobbies? Target practice, hunting for sport (and snacks), botany
TROPES: Dark action girl, The Woobie because I said so, look I don’t actually know very many tropes
Q1 : If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1 :  It’d be a Scorsese movie shot in the style of the Departed, and would follow Hilven’s journey into the Ala Mhigan resistance, the beginning of the long con, her timely exit, and the subsequent fallout.
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2 :  Moody, melodic, with occasionally discordant and unsettling tracks. Some lyrical songs, but nothing in English.
Q3 :  Why did you start writing this character?          
A3 : I have no clue, really. I wanted to roleplay, and I wanted to roleplay a character paying the price for a life of lies and hubris.
Q4 :   What first attracted you to this character?          
A4 : Her spooky blue eyes. I’m a simple mun, ok.
Q5 :  Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 : She just isn’t nice, even when I want her to be. It doesn’t make sense. And I love soft things. She is not soft. It’s better this way. This is what alts are for.
Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6 :   I too have long hair and did an archery once. We’re also the same height.
Q7 :   How does  your muse feel about  you?          
A7 :   I refuse to acknowledge that my muse knows I exist because that is weird to me. 
Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with ?        
A8 :   The Drake tribe of Forgotten Springs. They’re the closest thing she has to allies, and even then, their favor is fickle. 
Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse ?        
A9 : Music, always music.
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete ?          
A10 : Days and days and days because I procrastinated well.
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keepermcge · 5 years
CHARACTER SHEET repost. do not reblog.
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME. Lann Farna NICKNAME. None/or Dummy which just makes me wanna cry, so I’ll think none. He deserves a cute nickname! GENDER. Male HEIGHT. 5′6 AGE. 15 (Mentally and physically) ZODIAC. Taurus SPOKEN LANGUAGES. After much debate with myself, Grymorian (English/Japanese)
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR. Strawberry Blond, leans more towards the blond side than red, especially in the light.
EYE COLOR. Deep blue more on the dark side, but not so dark to the point where you can’t tell they are blue, like hair appears lighter in the sun.    
SKIN TONE. Fair creamy light skin, although it takes a sickly pale form often due to him overworking himself.        
BODY TYPE. Thin, slim and lithe, although his cheeks unlike the rest hold some chubbiness of a childlike appearance. While thin, bones do not really stick out a lot minus around the collarbone, sternum and wrists and elbows.  
ACCENT. When not in Grymoire his voice probably sound a tad bit different from most, although not enough to pinpoint an exact accent it holds a strangeness, like Grymoire itself, that can’t quite be placed.      
VOICE. I imagine my Lann’s voice to be more like the Japanese voice, a little more on the high end due to his childlike nature, but a little more on the deep side when he’s angry or sad, although when crying it raises in an octave, also tending to be more in the high side when panicking. Regardless of pitch though, it tends to hold a general cheeriness and energy that sometimes is fabricated, although when helping and holding gratitude it can hold more of a soft tone, not like usual energy. When confused or worried, this energy tends to either drop or increase depending on the situation and like eyes that reflect how he feels his voice will give away how worried he is ect.
POSTURE. Usually pretty lax, although he doesn’t slouch by any means, he doesn’t usually stand full straight, letting his shoulders stay dropped, unless in dire situations where in panic or fear he will straighten up completely, the opposite for if he is trying to hide. Lann will make himself smaller and will more so slouch when he is being yelled at. When at fault he won’t hide as much, but if he is not at all at fault he will genuinely full on sink as low as he can as a defense measure.      
SCARS. A light mark on his left wrist from when Brandelis grabbed his arm, other small nicks here and there from fighting, although not a scar, left hands fingertips hold a more red hue due to casting a large amount of fire spells.      
BIRTHMARKS. Dark Markings that run along his left arm.
MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S). The Markings on his left arm, his hair both in color and style, and his eyes.
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH. Somewhere in Nine Wood Hills, possibly Lusse’s home.   HOMETOWN. Nine Wood Hills.   BIRTH WEIGHT. N/A BIRTH HEIGHT. N/A   MANNER OF BIRTH.
FIRST WORDS. Sis. Because imagine Lusse and Rorrik teaching him a bunch of basic words at the same time; Mom, Dad, Yellow, Dog, but they add in that one as well considering they are twins, and then they both wait in anticipation for the usual, will it be Mom or will it be Dad first… only for Lann to crawl over to his sister and say Sis.
SIBLINGS. Reynn Farna (Blood Related Older Twin Sister), Wyn Farna (Non Blood Related Older Sister) PARENTS. Lusse Farna (Mother) Rorrik Farna (Father and imma assume he took the last name cuz)
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT. While generally pretty involved when he was really little, they both became rather busy more and more overtime, starting from as early as his toddler years, leading him to become more clingy to his sister, the only real family he had around, this as an end result despite their father’s attempts made Lann strive to help his Mother, so she would no longer be ill, resulting in a disaster that would only end up damaging his mental state. It’s not that they were bad people or parents, they loved their children, but due to a lack of them never being around, a general lack of friends and even his sister hanging out with Wyn more than him, Lann was left alone and lonely in solitude most his childhood. They didn’t have much involvement at all, although he retains his Mother’s kind and loving nature.
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION. Eventually something like a Barista like he once was in their fake Nine Wood Hills. CURRENT RESIDENCE.  Unknown/Nine Wood Hills (Unknown if we go with Canon; Nine Wood Hills If we’re going with most threads things on my blog that assume he ends up back in Grymoire eventually AU style.)
CLOSE FRIENDS. (Too many to list, but here are some, plus some he’s not nec close friends with, but feels a deep connection to) Yuffie, Serafie, Princess Sarah, Reynn, Vincent, Runa, Wyn, Tama, Bartz, Tea Girl.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS. Single   FINANCIAL STATUS. Low/Middle (Have you seen Chocolatte’s prices? Plus the little fact of Reynn not letting him hold onto any of their Gil.) DRIVER’S LICENSE. None.   CRIMINAL RECORD. None.   VICES. None really.  
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Pansexual. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION. Panromantic/Demiromantic PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE. Submissive |  Dominant  |  Switch. PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE. Submissive  |  Dominant |  Switch.
LIBIDO. None really. Yes, he is a 15 year old boy, but he’s also innocent and was mostly left alone in childhood or bullied, later on his only company being family and friends, plus generally being picked on by his sister, and later other females makes him subconsciously have a preference to those of the same sex versus the opposite sex of females who picked on him most, plus the people of Grymoire are Lilikin’s also, leaving him no opportunity to ever really awaken such a thing.
TURN ON’S. I will think this as more emotional things in partners. He’s not picky, but someone showing genuine kindness is one.
TURN OFF’S. Although, he’s not mentally aware of this himself, deep down anyone who puts the blame on him for everything, generally degrades him all the time.    
LOVE LANGUAGE. Words of Affirmation
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES. He will put all of his partners needs before his own, would be incredibly loyal, and always caring and kind no matter how he is treated in turn.
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
HOBBIES TO PASS TIME. Napping, Baking, Playing Video Games, Drawing, Making little arts and crafts projects for others, reading Comic Books, Watching Movies, Helping others, Playing Board Games.
MENTAL ILLNESSES. PTSD (Flashbacks, Panic Attacks, Some memories still are blocked out, Nightmares and Insomnia at times) Anxiety.
PHOBIAS. Athazagoraphobia (The fear of being forgotten, ignored, or abandoned.) Autophobia (Fear of being alone or of oneself) Arachnephobia (Fear of spiders) Atychiphobia (Fear of failure) Eremophobia (Fear of being oneself or of loneliness) Isolophobia (Fear of solitude, being alone) Poinephobia (Fear of punishment) Sexophobia (Fear of the opposite sex) Thalassophobia (Fear of the ocean) Potamophobia (Fear of rivers or running water)
SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL. He has little, the only confidence coming from abilities that aren’t even his alone that he inherited, and from a fake world when it comes to the hobby of making coffee. Although it will occasionally spark upward with a success in a hobby, be it beating a level in a game or baking something right, it won’t stay high for long. He feels little self worth, or respect for himself because of the amount of self loathing he feels towards himself.
VULNERABILITIES. He’s extremely emotional, gullible, and likes to see the good in everyone making him an easy target to take advantage of, he’s also kind and always wants to help, leaning to the same thing of making him an easy target.
#;a memory long forgotten | headcanon |#;lann | the muse |#(I hate to say this cuz it oof it really hurts and I don’t wanna but since I’ve never had any ships I’m basically game to say whatever cuz#I dunno I doubt I’ll ever have any with all the like list of things I have making it harder so! If I ever get lucky I guess this#wont have to be true but since I don’t have any! Spec that whenever he actually endsup in a relationship it’ll probs be abusive#becuz even if a bunch of things are red flags the moment they even show the tad bit kindness or say smth to butter him up he’s#gonna like accept cuz he’s so used to be treated badly for so long even with the nice peeps in his life you know more so the RP#peeps and less anyone in the game tho there are some that don’t treat him like trash all the time or at all he’s still used to it so it’s#not gonna seem off and since he has no confidence it hurts my soul to be spec this stuff cuz it hurts but)#(I want my kid to have a happy relationship but I mean it would make sense in my eyes so unless I ever get a miracle ship or smth#to my blog this is probs now like official in the future)#(Anyway I og only had anxiety as like a sometimes thing ie italics but I changed my mind on the last thing I did that had you bold some#things and this reflects it)#(I know a lot of Reynn’s here tend to think her hair as more red so I like to do the opposite with Lann#I don’t really see his hair as more on the red side#Plus I like the idea of them having little differences and his being more blond if hers ismore red is 👌 to me that’s also why me and Sis#well aside from just generally seeing her eyes as more purple cuz look at the anime scenes the reason I think they are more is to#give ‘em even more subtle little differences I say me and Sis it’s more me but she does agree her eyes are more purple tho#I’m not like pushy force headcanons on so I will always do whatever someone’s bio says cuz that’s what I want done for me#we respect people’s headcanons in this house!)#(Yo going thro this fear list and there’s a million ones that are close but dif so I gotta out ‘em)#(The punishment one made me cry tho cuz he always assumes he’s gonna be punshied yelled at in trouble fuk)#(So I bolded the main ones and itclaized the sorta one cuz it’s sorta complicated)#(Still I went a down a damm list and there wasn’t a single water one the honk!)#(So I hada look it up)#(Tbh this took forever and then I’m like who’s even gonna read any of this but I had fun thinking about my child so it was worth it)#(Also this took so long I didn’t do my usual 3/4 times editing I ran thro it once so ignore any and all mistakes lol rip)#(Anyway I talk about the whole no self confidence thing a lot so I shortened it cuz if it hasn’t been gotten across at this point he has#none! Thanks for coming to my ted talk)#;off to grymoire | queue |
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mend-and-protect · 5 years
Meet Renna Atoel
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The Basics ––– –
Age: 23
Birthday: 14th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Race: Rava Viera
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Server: Balmung
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Long wavy dark-crimson hair, usually left down and loose unless she anticipates a fight. Occasionally Renna will braid parts of her hair, weaving flowers or trinkets into the braids.
Eyes: Pale blue.
Height: 5′11
Build: Toned, with a fullness to her hips and chest that lends to a pleasant hourglass figure.
Distinguishing Marks: Renna has plentiful tattoos. Both of her arms are covered with an assortment of little flowers, all attached by the same vine. The flow of the vine also melts into swirling patterns here and there, the images appearing to jump off of her skin in places. Although the designs on her arms have a cohesive look to them, the varying styles suggest that the tattoos began at her shoulders and traveled down her arms, to her wrists, over time. Bits of vibrant colour accent some of the flowers, but the majority is shaded and drawn in black.
Distinguishing Marks (cont): On her right, front upper-thigh is a jewel-toned butterfly in a range of red, orange, and gold. The insect is shaded to look alive, as if it might flutter away at any moment. -- Along Renna’s spine is a cascading tattoo design in black, with white highlights, that is very delicate and narrowing in size with each shape from top to bottom; beginning with a crescent moon that descends into floral shapes and a small teardrop gem.
Common Accessories: Body paint (various colours), a simple silver ring with a sun etched into the metal where a gem would typically reside, visible piercings on the left side of her nose, both ears near the base, and bellybutton.
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Personal ––– –
Profession: She is a traveling sell-sword of sorts. More often than not, she doesn’t take payment for her services from those who are really in need. Renna enjoys donating and sharing her earnings with others. She also enjoys conning exorbitantly wealthy people out of their gil.
Hobbies: Exploring the woods, humming, sketching/carving, climbing any, and all, tall structures, putting a smile on someone else’s face.
Languages: Eorzean and bits and pieces of other languages. Typically just ‘hello’, ‘goodbye’, and very basic phrases.
Residence: Check the nearest tree.
Birthplace: Twelveswood.
Fears: Renna is mildly claustrophobic, which is part of why she loves the outdoors.
Personality: Warm and outgoing, Renna isn’t shy about making friends or offering to lend a hand. She is very approachable and quick to join in group activities, even if everyone there is a stranger. More importantly, the redhead manages to do this without being pushy about it. She is very much a child of the forest, in love with nature and the outdoors. Despite some of the hardships Renna has been through in her lifetime, you would be hard-pressed to find her lacking a smile.
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Other Relatives: Unknown
Pets: None
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Rarely, unless it’s nicely flavored and herbal. Drugs: Depends on the drug, and who she’s with. Alcohol: Recreationally.
RP Hooks ––– –
Lost in the woods? Renna is always happy to guide, help, or save anyone lost amongst the trees. She has an uncanny ability to find her way through almost any part of the Twelveswood.
Odd jobs - Get paired up with Renna making some spare gil and maybe have a wild adventure along the way! She travels all over Eorzea.
Tattoo artist - Some would call her addicted to the needle, but Renna adores each and every one of her tattoos she has collected over the years. She would always be open to meeting any artist who want to decorate her, even if she is picky about what designs get a permanent spot on her skin. Renna loves body paint.
Other artists - As well as tattoo artistry, Renna is fascinated by other art forms as well. Music, pencil sketching, watercolours, dance, etc. - you name it, and she would love to see/hear it! She’s happiest when encouraging budding talent to grow and flourish. You don’t have to be a master of your craft for her to genuinely fawn over your work.
Please feel free to message me with any other ideas!
Contact Information  ––– –
I’m open for any kind of RP! Renna is a very friendly, outgoing individual that is happy to help and just as happy to share a drink or a fun evening with new friends.
You can contact me through tumblr, and I do have discord if you prefer to chat there.
Random walk-ups or sending a tell in game is fine too!
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lettersnorth · 5 years
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Music Theme
"I don't know what to do, Ren."
"I ain't know wha' t'do any better'n you, Aislinn. Probably less. Bu' I do know we 'ave t'do -somethin'-."
The conversation kept playing and replaying in her head like a broken orchestration stuck on the same sheet of music. It was there as she made adjustments to the aetherlocator. If Garrett was dampening aetherical signatures, she’d just have to enable her device to search for something else in tandem. Zig when your enemy expected you to zag. 
The words were there as she packed her bags and threw on her coat. As she checked her gun to make sure it was in good working order. No chakrams this time. No aether. She felt hamstrung by the restriction but she remembered how useless her aether had been against the last thrall. Not again. Let’s see them stop a bullet. 
Her ship was due to leave port by the evening bell. She was heading back to Gyr Abania and she wasn’t returning without one of those infernal devices. She’d reverse engineer Garrett’s work, she’d find the answer to the question of how to return a life to someone bereft of it, and the rest was out of her hands. That was all she could do. At least, that was the confidence-laden story she told herself as she made a final sweep of her apartment before locking the door behind her.
Shouldering her pack, she strode through the white stone walkways and bridges of La Noscea on her way to the tavern. Ren was tied up in Ishgard and had said they’d discuss next steps when he returned but she already knew what they needed next. She could theorize until the tide went out but until she had one of those devices in her hands, she couldn’t be certain of anything. 
The problem was, once Ren had set her back on track, it was difficult to think of anything else. She had tried taking on extra work to keep her mind distracted. Nymeia knew she could use the extra gil now that Sterling was breathing down her neck. But her mind could be a dog with a bone. The longer she sat, the more her innate need for knowledge and overthinking ways chipped away at her until she decided she could do this on her own. It was one thrall. She’d handled worse before. 
The Drowning Wench was busy for this time of day. A few more ships than usual must be in port. She edged her way through tables crowded with all manner of travelers until she reached the barkeep. Waiting patiently as he poured out the drinks to waiting customers, her fingers tapped out a staccato rhythm on the bar’s worn woodtop surface. He knew her by now and when there came a still space in the orders, he made his way to her. 
“Got things t’ leave wit’ me, lass?” he asked with a rakish smile. 
Nodding, she handed over a case of aetheric ammo for a gunblade and an envelope. Tucked inside the ammo case was a note apologizing that it might be awhile before she was able to make more and explaining the reason why. 
“The letter’s for a Barengar Armsbreaker. Highlander. Shark tattoo around one eye.” she explained. The least she could do was leave a note telling him she’d gone on ahead. 
“And th’ ammo’s fer the usual bloke.” The barkeep finished for her. 
She nodded. 
“You got it.” He said with a wink as he stowed the case and the letter under the bar. 
She gave a ghost of a smile by way of thanks before she turned and paused, digging a gil-heavy purse from the depths of her bag. Now, on to the less pleasant business. 
Her eyes found him through one of the great archways, out on one of the platforms that circled the tavern, leaning against the iron guardrails. Most people would be looking out at the stunning seascape as the sun dipped low on the horizon. Not him. His back was turned to the glorious sight as if nature’s display was nothing more than a backdrop to serve him. 
Sterling’s icy, predatory gaze pinned her as she navigated her way across the tavern, making her more aware of her movements and of the reassuring weight of the gun slung across her back. Everything about the man, from the sharp angles of his inky brows, deceptively slender shoulders and tapered waist, right down to the polished toe of his boot conjured to mind a finely honed blade. Pretty to look at but so sharp it could draw blood before you were even aware of the injury. The skin of one wrist itched and she rubbed it against her thigh, the thick olive green fabric of her gunner’s coat ridding her of the sensation. More than likely, he had pegged her the moment she stepped into the Drowning Wench. She hated that. 
“I got your note. What’s this all about. You’re early.” He said as she approached, the words forming around the hand rolled cigarette that bobbed between his lips as he spoke. 
She half-expected a wave of bitter, burnt saccharine smell to hit her nostrils but she detected nothing but the normal spice of cigarette smoke. Of course not. Sterling always knew better than to dip into the supply. Unlike some of the other runners. They never lasted long.  
“I have a job out of town. Don’t know how long it’ll take. Didn’t want you thinking I skipped out.” She stiffly replied. 
Long, elegant fingers came up and withdrew the cigarette as he eyed her with incredulity. 
“How fucking responsible of you, Aislinn.” He drawled, blowing blue tendrils of smoke off to the side, away from her face. “Ever the team player. What’s this business you’ve got?” 
“None of yours.”
“Now you wound me.” 
“How is it you survived the Calamity while good people like Stark Oak died?” She bristled, thrusting the purse at him with more force than necessary. 
He grabbed it and pulled it close before Aislinn had a chance to let go. She stumbled forward, closer to him than she’d like. Ever keeping her off balance. 
“Fate is a fickle thing, isn’t it?” he smiled as if delighted he provoked such a reaction in the aloof woman. 
She narrowed her eyes and stepped back, reasserting the space between them. 
“She has her reasons but I’ve no doubt She’ll cut you down in her own time.” 
“Well, happy travels to you too, Aislinn.” He chuckled, still amused by her ire. 
Their business conclude, she turned on her heel to go but he called out after her. Pausing, she glanced over her shoulder. 
“Stay safe out there.” He said, all amusement gone from his voice. 
It was a sentiment that had passed between them countless times, but that was before. Before it had all gone bad. In the sudden silence that bloomed, he took a final drag of his cigarette before flicking it over the platform’s edge and busied himself with collecting his coat from where it draped neatly over the railing.
“I’d hate to be out 5k next moon.” 
“Seven Hells take you, Sterling.” She shot back before striding away. The fact that she said anything at all a testament to how easily he burrowed under her skin. 
As she made her way down to the docks, her mind shook off the interaction like water off a duck’s back. She didn’t have time for this right now. She had a boat to catch. Everything else could wait.
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wildname · 5 years
A Blade in the Dark
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How many nights? How many sleepless and lonely nights had it been? Since those eyes appeared, since they've lingered. Always just out of direct sight, always alone, and always as the candles started to flicker and snuff themselves out. They were her's, Thalin could easily tell. Their shape, they way they watched his movements, and the color. A dull violet in the dark, brighter than the shadows around it, but never emitted it's own light. He couldn't take it.
This night, as a bright moon climbed into the sky, and a calm night carried the scent of fresh bloom and flowers, Thalin let his candle burn out. He sat in his chair, staring right at the eyes, those unblinking terrors.
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The flame danced and stuttered, dimming slowly until only a mote of smoke was left. Dim moonlight let Thalin know he wasn't alone in complete darkness, that he wasn't going mad... Or maybe he was? They didn't move, and nor did they blink or adjust. Just stared.
"Ave..." he murmured. "What do you want?" No reply was made. Again he repeated his question. Still no reply. He repeated again and again, growing louder as a soft rage began stoking into his chest. He stood, steeling his shaky nerve. She was dangerous, but had yet to do anything in months of his staying in this room. What would she do now? The floorboards protested against his form moving closer to the eyes. The room seemed to scream against his decision, every little sound growing deafening, competing with the pulsing beat of his own heart in his ears. "Tell me."
Darkness. There was a heavy weight over the man's body, it was hard to breath. No... No, it was impossible! The knight was submerged in water! How? When? It didn't matter yet, he was drowning. Thalin fought his armor, his panic, and the pull of the water itself to break the surface. He coughed and wheezed as he broke the surface. The air was hot, muggy, alive with the drone of insects and smaller wildlife. That wasn't right... "No..." Jungle. Towering trees lined the dark river, illuminated solely by an unnaturally large and pale moon. He coughed more water up, muddy and filled with Light knows what. He needed to make it to shore. Thalin pattled slowly, listening in the dark.
He froze, mid-stroke. A raven?
Another and more urgent call. Soon he heared the signal raised long and far up and down the river, maybe miles inward too! He paddled faster to shore, he was in danger anywhere but useless in the water. Hundreds of pairs of little purple eyes watched from the trees. He had eyes on him. They were watching. Then he felt the tug.
His ankle snagged on something, getting a curse from the man. "No!" he cried. Then he felt himself going backwards, the shore growing farther away. He was being pulled! He held his breath and went down, gripping at whatever held him below. It was slimey, without texture besides slick skin. There was nothing to grab, and nothing to see. Light help him. He broke the surface for air once more, barely past his chin. The ravens were laughing, mimicking the sound rather. Loud and cacophonous. The grip on him tightened. He had to fight it. He took a deep breath as everything swelled to darkness once more.
But now it was cool. Damp, yes, but cool. There was something solid beneath him. Stone? It had to be, there wasn't the creak of wood or softness of soil. What now? It was pitch black, no light, the soft drip of water, the quiet skitter of something insectoid in the dark. A cave? No...
He traced his hands along the floor, there were grooves, where flagstones would meet. He was in some sort of ruin. Gurubashi? His head shot forward, or... What he assumed was forward. There was a low drone, almost like voices, but too distorted to make anything out. He grit his teeth. He should turn away, go opposite of the sounds. But what if that thing that pulled him down was that way? What if this was a labyrinth?
He was cautious, feeling the wall's edge as he shifted closer to the source of the voices. Now and again he felt frescoes, carvings, creeping vines, and spiders' webs. He was in Gurubashi ruins, the carvings felt familiar. And his foot tipped something. Wood? Sticks and twigs, tied with vine... "Shit!" He hissed, pricking himself on a thorn. Thorn? He bent down and flet the object again, a headhunter's trap. A triggered one.
Thalin felt his heart stop. He knew this trap, he felt the wall. He knew that carving. His form slouched down in panic, hand grazing the ground and knocking aside some wooden pole. His torch. Light above, his torch!
The shadows hissed. He looked around the room, now dimly lit, but by nothing it seemed. His eyes couldn't have adjusted, they would've long ago. Then he saw the snaking trail of darkness. The chamber beyond. He had forgotten the voices. They were a chant now, in some dark and profane Zandali dialect he couldn't understand. Was it even trolls speaking?
Again he moved forward, less carefully. Sweat clung to his brow, despite the chill. His breathing was a panting, trying to calm himself as he turned a corner.
The chamber was large, filled with carvings of dark loa. He knew some, Hakkar the Soul-Flayer, Bwonsamdi, Shadra, and- "Cor'van..." A dark idol stood center of a massive altar across from Thalin. A mob of trolls of every tribe prostrating themselves before it. It was obsidian, impassively carved and even more impossible to hold in it's design. A raven who's wings were wrapped around itself, a troll's skull in its talons. But on the altar was a woman, petite and ebon clad, clearly not a troll. "Ave..."
Cor'van, heed the call of your herald!
The woman chanted, but how did he understand? The voice throbbed in his skull, like an intense migraine.
The man who has awoken you returns! As your prophet and herald had promised! Give thanks unto him! Make right unto your bargain!
A feather clad hand grasped Thalin's shoulder, earning a gasp and look from the knight. An aged troll smiled from his decrepit robes, a broken tusk capped with a similar obsidian as the idol. "It be too long, Thalin! Ya kept a poor old mon and girlie waiting! And... Our loa." Zaladrin warned. And without anything else to say, hands gripped and pulled on Thalin's body, dragging him before the altar. He fought, kicked, cursed, anything he could to break free, but to no avail.
Thalin was forced to his knees, staring into the idol. It hurt just to look at this close, but he was held. He couldn't turn his face away.
Son of Wildname
Ave removed her hood. Those unnatural eyes stared down to him, glee in them now. Her pale skin burned to look at, raven hair offering the only bit of relief from her visage.
Delicate fingers undid the man's gauntlet. Throwing the armor to the side without care, she caressed the flesh of his hand. It was intoxicating to her, no... Euphoric. Pale lips parted into a fanged smile as she lifted his arm. Why couldn't he fight her!? He could've easily torn his arm away from her!
This one gave of her flesh to me. You will do the same.
No! He panicked, watching her drag his hand to the idol. Agony ripped through his arm as it neared the corvid statue. Chilling and blazing, numbing and excruciating.
A Champion you shall be.
Thalin's eyes opened abruptly. The room was dark, still and silent. A soft mote of smoke escaped a nearby candle. His room? Lifting his right arm, he went to rub his eyes but jolted in pain. He screamed. It was like a thousand little needles all jabbed into him at once. Tugging his earring he shouted, "Gil! Help!"
Not a moment later, a ebon haired half elf crashed into the room, followed by Fairwind and Marigold. The room filled with violet light as Gil screamed, "The window!" There was an eruption as the pain subsided.
Thalin panted in his chair. Had he fallen asleep in that? He ignored that as he tasted iron in his mouth, his lips were bleeding he bit down so hard! His mind reeled as he watched the trio inspect the room and their commander. His shirt was stripped, garnering a shocked gasp from everyone.
Black and violet tattoos swirled across Thalin's arm. At the wrist were five raven feathers, arranged with the quill facing down to his hand. Evocations of mist and smoke created a helix up his arm to his shoulder, framing and wrapping around an avian skull in black ink. "Cor'van," was all Thalin could offer his friends.
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pirateheir · 5 years
rewritten season seven au in which milah gets a second chance at life from lady persephone herself, and ends up the captain of the flying dutchman, nicknamed the pirate queen (or the sea queen, depending on who you ask about it). 
then, yet another curse hits and she ends up in new york. a lawyer with a big love for the sea and an even bigger heart that belongs to her kids: calista jane, also known as cj, who is the youngest of three, has a healthy case of wanderlust and a sense of adventure. 
harry, the middle child, loves as fiercely as she does; she can see it in his eyes whenever he talks about uma and gil and his other group of friends, affectionately nicknamed the lost revenge crew.
and then there is the oldest: harriet. milah worries about her sometimes, worries about her kid’s cold skin and blue lips and how she looks like she’s got the weight of the world on her shoulders sometimes, especially after she’s had yet another fight with her frenemy ginny, while their mutual friend anthony resolves not to get caught up in between them. again.
despite the fact that they’re all together and that they’re happy, milah still feels like she’s missing something. or someone. (and maybe, a voice in her head whispers, it’s multiple someone’s.) she has a tiny anchor tattoo on her right heel and ‘bae’ on her left wrist, after all. the fact that she can’t remember when she got the two tattoos, she keeps to herself. 
when the weather permits it, they go to the beach and milah watches as her kids find solace in salty sea water, in each briny breath of air and finally allows herself to do the same thing. 
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marius-ffxiv · 6 years
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Meet the Character - Marius Pyr Septim, the Garlean Knight
- [Basic Info]:
- Name: Marius Pyr Septim - Age: Early Thirties (32 Summers old) - Height: 6’8” Feet tall (81.6 inches) - Weight: 245+ lbs (106.5 kgs) - Build: Herculean, Strapping - Hair Color: Dark Brown - Eye Color: Sea Green - Skin Color: Pale colored (Very lightly tanned)
- Personality Traits: + [Positive]: - Responsible - Courageous - Protective - Fearless + [Negative]: - Opinionated - Willful - Suspicious - Indulgent 
- [Class: Paladin]
+ [Proficiencies] - Armor: Heavy Armor & shields - Weapons: Martial Weapons - Skills: Athletics / Insight / Persuasion / Perception + [Paladin Oath: Of the Heavenly Storm] - Free Paladin Soulstone / Lightning aether based - Aether based combat abilities & defensive abilities
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- [Descriptions]:
- Tattoos: There is very little in the way of ink markings on his body as whole, however on the length of his right wrist, there is four bands that trail upwards. Jet black in color, each one has a diamond shaped symbol that the bands stem from which trail in a horizontal line pattern. While there aren’t any more markings of ink on his flesh, there is room for more to be added. - Scars: Two very prominent scars adorn his face from his very first fight as an Officer of the Garlean Empire. Having pushed his men to advance further into territory that was designated as a space to avoid with heavy artillery, the fresh Decurio marched onward. Seperated from his party, the Decurio’s helmet was crushed by a Roegadyn attacker, barely able to avoid the strike downwards which carved into his face and chest. Though he very rarely shows anyone the length of his back, there are multiple lines of deep scars which give a very clear picture that at one point or time within his training or position as an Officer he was lashed nearly sixteen times in counting. They all are of the same length and width, trailing from his shoulder-blades down to the small of his back. Marius’s flesh is marked with smaller scars from cuts, scratches and things that come naturally from someone who has worked and trained for a majority of their life. - Body:  From Garlemald, the aspiring Centurion is the epitome of a well bred, well trained and loyal soldier. Marius’ features are strong with a wide jaw, tapering down into a rounded chin with stubble lining the length of it. Resting atop a strong neck, it sits upon broad shoulders from years of lifting and moving in heavy armor. Solid cords of muscle coil down the whole of his arm with defined veins around his forearm and hand. His body is sturdy and well defined from years of manual labor, training and working for the Empire in both times of peace and war. Unlike many privileged children who are born into wealth with hands as soft as silk, Marius bears hands of callous and roughness, worn by gripping the hilt of a sword and various other tools during his time of basic training.
- [Quirks]: 
+ Can be seen wringing his hands together during moments of stress, often in his own personal abode or out in the world, never in front of a meeting or when speaking with a higher up.   + Prone to being sensitive to criticism, due to his up bringing he’s taught to be the best of the best and do everything right. And when he’s called out on doing something wrong, it very easily gets to him. + Smells of Vanilla, noted by those that come in close proximity of him. Seems whatever he showers with or wears for cologne smells of it and it lingers on him. + Much to the disdain of others who know him, Marius isn’t exactly stealthy or capable of truly going incognito. His wear is very formal, making many turn an eye to the Decurio as he moves about. 
- [Skills & Abilities]: 
+ Musically talented with the ability to play several different instruments, from the Harpiscord, Cello and the Harp. + Well versed in combat and tactics, trained from a very young age to not only earn the commission that was bought for him, but continue to keep it as he grew older and earned his title of Officer. + Skilled in combat with a sword, shield, lance, javelin and Magitek equipment. + Has the innate ability to manipulate and wield aether, more specifically lightning-aspected aether. Only further enhanced by his time in Eorzea and the abundance of aether in the air. 
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- [Roleplay Hooks]: 
+ His Paladin Soul Crystal - While still attempting to learn about both the history and the duties of a Paladin, Marius has been between all of the major cities in search of other Free Paladins and those well versed in soul crystals to learn! + Wandering Knight - Separated from Ilsabard and his family, Marius has been taking up missions and jobs as a Knight to protect merchants, families and the like as he gathers enough gil to try and manage a means back into the Empire.  + Other Garleans - A welcome reprieve from the denizens of Eorzea, Marius is always searching and attempting to network with other Garleans in Eorzea. Repairing his magitek armor and so forth! 
- [Out of Character notes]: 
- I am always more than eager to plan for scenes or simply do walk-ups! If you see me out and about RPing, don’t be afraid to interject or join in!  - Please do not Meta-game Marius, I know there are a lot of people who will be very respectful and not, but I have met those few who simply wouldn’t take being told against it for an answer.  - Feel free to add me on Discord if you’d like to discuss or simply talk head-canons, I always enjoy such talks! Please just message me with your tumblr handle so I know who you are! - Marius / Gujarek [Leo]#4625
Thanks for reading! Any helpful critiques, comments and such help!
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