pirateheir · 4 years
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“If you want to survive in this world, you need to start taking care of yourself because no one’s gonna do that for you.” – Eretria (The Shannara Chronicles)
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pirateheir · 4 years
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harriet hook (ivana baquero) and her siblings made it to storybrooke, in search of their father, harriet’s crew, and uma and her crew, as well as freddie and celia. not necessarily in that order. little do they know, however, that they’re about to find a brand new family to go with their old one, too.
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pirateheir · 4 years
Baby sharks are called pups.
New HC: Harriet refers to Harry as "pup".
Eventually, people think it's because he follows Uma everywhere and the way he looks at her. Harriet doesn't correct them because it's funny. And that way she can camouflage the affectionate nickname with something mocking.
Harry knows the truth. At first, he was a little embarrassed that she called him by that nickname in public. And deep down he liked that his sister uses it.
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pirateheir · 4 years
Harriet: That’s it! Calista Jane Hook, you are grounded! Get on the fridge!
CJ: *climbing onto the fridge* THIS HOUSE IS A FUCKIN’ NIGHTMARE!!
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pirateheir · 4 years
CJ: Why is Harry laying on the floor crying?
Harriet: He’s drunk.
CJ: And...?
Harriet: He saw a photo of Uma’s husband.
CJ: But he is Uma’s husband!
Harriet: I know.
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pirateheir · 4 years
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Happy Birthday Pirates of the Caribbean at world’s end. (May 25, 2007)
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pirateheir · 4 years
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Ryn with a phone
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pirateheir · 4 years
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of poseidon by anna banks
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pirateheir · 4 years
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You are not afraid of me.
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pirateheir · 4 years
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CJ and Harriet.
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pirateheir · 4 years
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harriet hook gets an invitation, too. her family insists she takes it. but she doesn’t wanna leave her crew behind, or her siblings. her parents both manage to talk her into it and so harriet goes, with a straight spine and fiery eyes and a resolve made of steel.
however, auradon is nothing like she expects and she has a hard time fitting in, adjusting. adapting. there are so many things to keep track of; so many people, and even more rules. 
add an evergrowing threat to it and you’d see why she’d want to go home, even though home is nothing more than a barren rock with way too many people on it.
netflix template from here
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pirateheir · 5 years
me: has no time at all bc homework! D:
also me: how nice would it be to just...revamp harriet completely. again. (insert thumbs up emoji here)
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pirateheir · 5 years
“Sure would be…” CJ agreed with Sammy as they joined the group. As her sister pressed a bowl of less than appetizing looking slush into her hands, she turned her head to check that Sammy also got his fair share, knowing that he’d had quite the mental work out and deserved a decent meal. Well as decent as you could get on the Isle.
“Well at least s’fresh…” she commented, looking into the bowl and shifting it around for a moment before forcing herself to switch off her mind and just eat. It took a moment to get into it, but soon she was just swallowing mouthfuls, making sure she didn’t rush it, not certain when the next portion would come from. She watched her sister making sure everyone was eating, and kept a quiet gaze upon her until she got her own portion, wanting to make sure she didn’t go hungry either.
“Well that was some of the finest slush I’ve seen in weeks, a new batch must have come in from the powers that be…” she smiled, twisting her empty bowl in her hands as she finished her meal.
Much like her sister, it always took her a moment to switch her brain off and eat. But once she ate, she ate. Sparingly, that was. Because mcuh like her sister, Harriet didn’t know when they’d get their next portion of slush. Afterwards, though, the eldest Hook laughed. “Yer righ’, CJ.”
Even though the food was horrible, it was moments like these that made the Isle worth it. Being with her crew, being with her family. “Now, ‘s anyone up fer seconds? ‘M pretty damn sure we still have some.”
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pirateheir · 5 years
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Contemplating Harriet’s words, Gil fell silent for a time, thinking on them carefully. He smiled at the mention of the brilliance of his crew, knowing each word she said to be true. Uma and Harry were the best friends you could ask for, particularly in a place as hostile as the Isle.
“Yeah… it does. The crew’s a family to get through the hard times right? At least that’s what it feels like with Uma and Harry and the others. I mean I know Harry is your family, but he’s mine too. And Uma… Better than my brothers by far…”
Nodding, he thought of all the things he could do to teach the heroes. Not like his father either, but actually teach them how to check the difference between food they could eat and food that will definitely make them sick. The best way to fix a hole in a hull or a roof, and the best ways to hide things you wanted to keep private. “We could teach them a lot of things I think.”
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“Righ’,” Harriet dipped her head. “’S okay. He may no’ say it much bu’ ah’ve got eyes. Bein’ wit’ th’ crew, bein’ wit’ ye an’ Uma, ‘s good fer him. An’ ‘s good fer ya tae, ‘s far ‘s ah can tell.” The point she was trying to make? She approved. 
If there was anyone she approved of, it’d be Uma and it’d be Gil. For sure. And she told him so.
Quiet laughter escaped her lips. “Aye, tha’ we could.” Harriet could teach them how to wield weaponry, how to win in a fight. How to make sure that one’s crew knew that mutiny was out of the question, and even if mutiny was on the table, how to de-escalate that conflict immediately. 
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pirateheir · 5 years
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     ❛      which is  unfortunate bu’ true.     ❜
@pirateheir   /   lyrical   starter   call NATURAL   -   imagine  dragons
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      ❛      nothing   ever   comes    without   a   consequence   or   cost.     ❜
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pirateheir · 5 years
“Aye,” he chuckled. All his children had been good at finding trouble. Partly because he thinks they got it from him and they all have some similar adventurous nature. “Though CJ may take the most trouble. And I had expected it to be Harry.”
Harriet laughed quietly. “Ah think a lotta people did, tae be honest.” She loves them, though, no matter how much trouble they get into. “Yer welcome, by th’ way,” she’s clearly joking, “figured ah did ye a solid by not bein’ th’ one tae get into trouble th’ most.”
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pirateheir · 5 years
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