#The Garlean Knight
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#ffxiv#gpose#hyur#garlean#solis#i just had to see him in micans' golden armor again#before mods go down#have a little flower knight#he may not be able to wield aether but he'll look good not doing it
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Reminder: A Realm Reborn wasn't particularly about us. It was about the Eorzean Factions, it was about the Scions of the Seventh Dawn and their interactions with and thwarting Gaius and the XIVth Legion. We were just a useful champion slowly growing to fame but not truly a Warrior of Light until literally the prelude to the Castrum raiding mission.
The Parting of Glass wasn't about us either. It was, once again, about the world. And how it had begun changing after Gaius's fall and the brief period of peace away from Garlemald's Shadow. About Alphinaud beginning his arc of growth with hubris and the creation the Crystal Braves and what it might of looked like IF the Scion's good nature was lent to anyone and everyone. And thus opening itself up to the very corruption Minfilia feared to move away from the Waking Sands and to the Rising Stones in the first place.
Heavensward isn't about us. It is about Alphinaud's continue growth, learning of Ishgard's past and history. Hubris, arrogance and narrow viewing lead Alphinaud to steps of the Foundation, it has lead Estinien astray and made Ysayle believe she is a messiah incarnate. And through the journey, each of them grow as they learn the terrible truth about the Dragonsong War. Estinien in particular has his eyes opened and no longer simply seeks revenge on Nidhogg but to get to the bottom of it all. So no other shepherd's son has to live as he has. Ysayle learns she is a shade and a faux Shiva not truly Hraesvelgr's beloved or even in the same category as her. She learns swallow such delusions and embrace what Saint Shiva stood for in its entirety. Which means leaning to lay the road for peace between Ishgard and the Dragons and opening a path to this by sacrificing herself for those she loved so dearly. Alphinaud learns from all of this and more and is humbled by the duty of a knight, the fervor of a dragoon, the sacrifice of a saint, and the courage of his companions and of Sharlayan's arrogance from Master Matoya. To put others before himself and allow others to support him when he falls.
The Far Edge of Fate isn't about us. It was about how Ishgard carries on after Thordan and the Heavens Ward are shown to be the monsters they are. How the remnants of the church, the knights of Ishgard, and the civilian population react to the realization with rejection. How facing off against Nidhogg possessing Estinien, the Warriors of Darkness, and the machinations of Ilberd force Eorzea and Ishgard to look inward and know truly where they should go from there. To ignore the easier road and take the higher path no matter the strife and hardship it provides them. Because when they reach the otherside they would be better for it. Finding that courage, after five years of procrastinating and hemming and hawing, the Eorzean Alliance finally begin to mobilize to free Ala Mhigo from Garlemald and perhaps take on the Empire itself.
Stormblood isn't about us. It is about Doma and Ala Mhigo fighting for the survival of their people and cultures. Facing the parts of their society that were spurned and used as tools of hatred against their principles. That provided the necessary cracks required for Garlemald to break them down and oppress them in the first place. And how reforging under those values and those long histories of violence can make a new path and come to terms to over throw the tyrants who fed on their weakened states and make a strong unity still.
A Requiem of Heroes wasn't about us, it was about the world facing down the barrel of war with Garlemald. And uncovering its origins, its founding father was an Ascian. How Varis is forced to face down the lie as Elidibus wears the skin of his son and the great grandfather he and other Garleans were taught was a walking god in all but name was a sham and a daemon bent on causing more pain and suffering than mankind ever deserved. How the effigies of hate and pain choose to use their fervor to help their people instead of turning against them once more. How every person can change and be given a second chance. How that second chance is what that person requires or if they are pushed the wrong direction, can caused tragedy to unfold. And lastly, it is about our companions, slowly. One by one. Being dragged to the unknown. The story slowly taking away the players on the stage until finally...
Shadowbringers was about us. It was about how we were instrumental to the world so much that it lost nearly all hope in another timeline. How a group of your fondest friends began and how your comrade's furthest decendents acting on the hope of your legend and stories. To provide a plan of action and lead to happier world. How even when everything seems lost and gone and your purpose seems to turned everything around you into twisted monstrosities. That you can bring the night and wait in comfort for a dawn to bring better days. And the tenacity of your aid providing a world on the brink, the love, the compassion, the understanding, the strength, and the will to stand up to a flood of destruction and spit fate in the eye. Even it costs them everything, they keep fighting until they can see a brighter tomorrow.
Death unto Dawn was about what the tomorrow brings. How it could be another fight but to find what is WORTH fighting for. The memories of those you fight and lived amongst, old studies and things of the past being made to provide the answer to the future, making right wrongs even against those you had wronged unfairly, and to gather together and keep each other safe. You are not alone out here. There are those who will help you along to a brighter future.
Endwalker was about you and yours. About how everyone reacts to an uncertain future in different manners. How some would make ready to flee at the approaching storm, while others would fight, and others might even push you further to the edge. But even when all is lost, call upon the memory of happier times to light the way with hearts aligned shining brilliantly against despair and finding your place amongst those memories.
Growing Light was about us teaching another to hear, feel, and think and experience the world seemingly gone. That everything needn't be give or take. It can be a charitable, warmer place if we make it. It can be kinder and even in the face of unrelenting and undying destruction. Hope will spit out a tooth and stand up once more.
I say all of this because, I've seen people mad that Dawntrail is leaning hard about being about Wuk Lamat and others. To which I say so what if Dawntrail is about Wuk Lamat and Koana? So what if its not about us? We've had four story lines about us. Now we must impart what we've learned to the future as they face similar and sometimes overwhelming odds. To stand tall against the onslaught and make their own choices, their own way to bring a smile to all they hold dear. How family needn't be blood related, they can just be a group who sit down at the table at the end of the day. And speak, laugh, cry, and love. Unto this trail to dawn we shall light way for the future of our world and everything this new dawn brings is worth it.
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[ day 11 - thirst ]
I ought to be flattered. Truly.
When I was younger, I recall getting a glance at Perette's personal ledger book; separate from the house's business dealings, this was where she tallied family matters specifically. Verain's prestigious boarding school, trips to the country estate, money set aside in trust for eventual grandchildren -- the sort of thing that might cause strife if too many eyes fell on it and felt the numbers were misapportioned. Indeed, I spied my dowry and thought for a moment I might require reading glasses. Such a princely sum! I was flattered then, too, for a brief moment. I must be valuable, no? I must be so valuable that Perette, with her iron grip on the House's accounts, would be willing to part with so much. Verain would have pitched a fit to see it.
Folly to believe it, of course. I grew older, and the dowry went unclaimed, and I came to realize that it was not a matter of value. It was a taunt. Perette did so enjoy breaking taboo; if there was an opportunity to spit in an eye that would not seem unladylike, she would seize it with tremendous satisfaction. Here, she has her prized lowborn orphan -- a mixed blood mongrel -- and in Ishgard, where station is so bound by blood that even the High Houses' hands are tied, there are none who would risk the ignominy of dirtying the pool, as it were. She was certainly not desperate to hand me off, nor was House Laussienne particularly hurting for alliances that a marriage could secure. She simply saw an opportunity to make a statement. She looked at all the waning lower houses, the ones in danger of losing their titles in a generation or two, and said to them: all your family's salvation will cost you is your pride. Any willing to rebel against precious tradition will find a bounty waiting for them, and you will not take it, because you are cowards.
There is some distant part of me that can appreciate a brazen gesture. In the art of the tactful insult, Perette was a rare talent.
Of course, it is only after I have given up on my home, left, and returned that I have found conditions have changed. How charming it is to have admirers -- with no financial incentive, at that! I spent so many years diligently molding myself into the definition of a perfectly proper lady, but it turns out that such efforts were wasted. All that was required of me to be seen as a worthy daughter of Ishgard in the end was to move heaven and earth. Simple! I shall go among my lowborn brothers and sisters and tell them this: all that is required of you are acts of such heroic magnitude that, were you a Temple Knight, they would struggle to find room to pin all the medals on your dress blues. Go kill a sum of dragons. Prise the Garleans out of their entrenched position in our ceruleum fields like a barber-surgeon pulls a rotten tooth. Kill a famed Legatus. And don't stop there while you have momentum. Kill the beastmen's gods while you're at it. Form the van during a historic attack on our own holy Steps of Faith. Done properly and you too shall be worthy of Ishgard's most well-connected bastards. You too will be allowed to take your meals at the high table -- this and no more.
I am being uncharitable to Haurchefant. I know this. He is a good man and it is not fair that I would spurn him for matters outside of his immediate control. But what was done to me -- what is done to those like me -- was not fair either, and the result is that no one will get what they want. If love were nourishment, we are all of us starvelings dying of hunger and thirst. We are all of us doomed to look for love in its negative spaces; to understand its shape not by where it is, but only by where it isn't.
#ffxiv#my wol: estelle#roegadyn#femroe#roevemberxiv#roevemberxiv2024#my writing#you know those trained cat videos#where the cat just presses the button that says “mad” 40x in a row#that's estelle i think
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Hello gposers of Tumblr!
I would like to get to know you all better and get more involved in the FFXIV community here on tumblr! My particular blend of brain weirdnesses make it difficult to be consistent about making gposes myself, but I do it when I can. I haven't made any recently because I've been on a bit of a hiatus from the game for personal reasons, but I want to share some of my older shots as a start!
So without further ado, here's a short introduction to my current cast of characters! Please feel free to leave comments or send asks with questions about them!
Name: Zhera Anki
Age: 35 (as of DT)
Gender/Pronouns: Cis female, she/her
Orientation: Polyam Lesbian
Canon combat jobs: SCH/WHM/SMN
Canon non-combat jobs: BTN/CUL/ALC
Homeland: Limsa Lominsa (raised there), Ala Mhigo (born there)
Notes: Mixed race Keeper/Seeker. Her Keeper family is descended from survivors of Amdapor. Her Seeker father was a member of the Fist of Rhalgr. She is autistic and has utilized her hyperfixations and special interests to learn multiple difficult skills quickly. Buff.
Zhera is a former Storm Captain and veteran of the Primal Wars, the Garlean War, and the Final Days crisis. Now retired, she became an Archon (her specialty is aetherology and Allagan Summoning) and now spends her time raising her adopted child Hhemetso and working as a freelance botanist. She is close friends with her worldline's WoL, but played a secondary role in most of the events of the MSQ.
Name: Retha Othan
Age: 84
Gender/Pronouns: Trans female, she/her
Orientation: Polyam Pansexual
Canon combat jobs: RDM/SGE/WAR
Canon non-combat jobs: ALC
Homeland: Tenth Shard
Notes: Was AMAB, but learned alchemy and transitioned by using transformative potions similar to Fantasias that she made herself, and continued to make them to help others transition. Was an Archmage of the Red in her prime, but an injury caused her to lose the ability to use magic, and she didn't get it back until getting her new body in the Source. Was happily married to a man named Tavel and had multiple children and many grandchildren.
Retha is Zhera's reflection from the Tenth Shard. She was her world's primary WoL and saved it several times over, but living a hard life eventually caught up to her in her old age, leaving her frail and unable to help when the Ascians made their final move to Rejoin her Shard. She escaped by volunteering for a desperate last minute plan to use experimental magic to send someone's soul to another Shard in the hopes of bringing back help. The transfer succeeded and she found herself sharing a body with Zhera, her counterpart in the Source, only to learn that she was too late: due to unexpected temporal weirdness in the Rift, she had arrived 1500 years after her Shard was already gone. She has since gained her own body and is now building a new life in her new home.
Name: Kjet Anki
Age: 143
Gender/Pronouns: Non-binary, he/him
Orientation: Asexual
Canon combat jobs: WHM/BLM/MNK
Canon non-combat jobs: BTN
Homeland: Hingashi/Gridania
Notes: He is a Viqo'te, as his other mother was a Viera. He is the reincarnation of Deudalaphon and was forced to take on his predecessor's memories against his will; he developed his time travel spell by adapting techniques used in one of her abandoned experiments. He briefly tried to learn the Dark Knight arts, and his Ascian memories took form and consciousness as his Fray before he accepted them; she is now his headmate, calling herself Hephaestia, the name of the previous Deudalaphon prior to taking the Seat.
Kjet is Zhera's son from a separate timeline than her. In his timeline, Zhera lost the war with her depression when he was about 20 and she gave in to despair. In an act of desperation to fix the world, she summoned a perfected primal using her own soul as it's core. The resultant entity was a fusion of her at her lowest and Ifrit at his strongest, calling itself Zhera Ifrita. Following her mandate to "end war by any means necessary", she started a campaign of political manipulation via tempered thralls and eventually outright conquest to unite the entire world under one state, with herself as something akin to a god-queen preventing war via tempering and draconian social policies. While extremely talented with both White and Black magic, Kjet is ill-suited for violence, and was forced to spend over a century in hiding as he watched the world around him succumb to the monster wearing his mother's identity. Finally, in an act of desperation, he managed to develop a primitive time travel spell and used it to travel back to before Zhera lost her hope, but unintentionally made a split timeline in doing so (the method he used does that to prevent a paradox). He has since started building a new life in this timeline, but the threat from his home timeline is not gone...
#ffxiv#ffxiv oc#ffxiv gpose#zhera anki#ffxiv miqo'te#ffxiv sapphics#retha othan#ffxiv hrothgar#kjet anki#ffxiv viera#ffxiv spoilers#endwalker spoilers#I love my blorbos#please give me an excuse to infodump about them
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These lines right here sum up why I feel FFXIV has much more superior, nuanced writing than the Star Wars franchise.
Star Wars has you believe that one side is right regardless of what they do, and the other side is so evil, rotten to the core in every way that their entire people, planets. culture, language, religion - everything - should be permanently erased if they can't be converted to an entirely different culture, language, and creed (And don't get me started on how they conveniently made the Sith alphabet - again considered terrabad - virtually identical to the Hebrew alphabet). It's a very black and white, dogmatic view that IMHO hearkens back to the evangelical belief that only one point of view gets to go to heaven, and if you don't believe that, resist converting and want to hang onto your identity, you're going to hell. And you're certainly going to hell if you point out anything questionable the other side has done.
What you discover in FFXIV is nuance.
Every single job can be used for good; every single job can be used for evil. The heroes of one story are the villains of another. Every heroic gesture comes with a very real price. Nobody is beyond reproach, and that includes the player character. Actions one person takes for the greater good can lead to devastating damage for others.
The "get back to nature" white mages rule a city-state where xenophobia rules the day and the elementals run a reign of terror. White magic executed without proper training can be fatal.
The black mages who congregate in a hall for the gods of the dead have an alliance among the marginalized tribes that spans all three city-states and saves Eorzea from calamity. Black magic executed without proper training can be fatal.
The Dark Knights dedicate themselves to protecting those who need their help, and teach that one's dark side isn't something to vanquish, but something to hear, acknowledge and make peace with.
The Dragoon story shows that one's archenemy can become one's ally - or consume them.
The fearsome reapers who treat with the dead are actually helping the downtrodden.
The community working hard to keep the peace and move forward in a productive way are ex-pirates.
And so on. Nobody is expected to forgive those who have wronged them. Atonement is seen as something that involves work on the part of the perpetrator, not the participation of the survivors. But atonement is there and in several cases characters do better.
Any thoughts that any group in Eorzea needs to be eliminated are eventually dispelled completely. Marginalization of various groups is something that eventually does need to be answered for, and is presented as a problem, not a necessity. When Eorzea finally marches on their nemesis, the Garlean Empire, it is on an aid mission, not conquest. There are no attempts to convert. Just to help.
Both Garlemald in Endwalker and Ziost in SWTOR deal with the issue of murderous possessed people. In SWTOR, the Republic - remember, our "good guys" - response with Saresh is to send an invading army to increase the hurt. In FFXIV, the Alliance's response is to send an army to help, with Scions striking out into the snow and into the smoldering ruins to rescue anyone they can.
If you asked me if I would live anywhere in a Star Wars universe, it would be an emphatic HELL NO. But FFXIV? I feel like they are at least striving for better, with common ground and peaceful co-existence, and everything is nuanced.
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❤︎ OC Kiss Week 25 ❤
Hello! 🌹
I've decided that I am going to do OC Kiss Week this year! I am a very beginner artist (started in December, have a lot to learn) and I thought it would be a fun way to learn how to draw more people and characters interacting. I can't promise that anything will look that great, but I want to give it a shot! 🩷
official ockiss info here!
I'll be accepting characters in my ask box from February 2 to February 16. Send in your OC and let me know which one of mine you'd like them to smooch! Little details are helpful too, especially if you prefer romantic or platonic kisses. You can also send a prompt from @ockissweek's list:
• desperate • first • stolen • reunion • worship • forbidden • caught
I am only going to do OCs from FFXIV, Dragon Age or BG3. You do not need to be a mutual or a follower, but please make sure screenshots of your OC are easily findable on your blog so I know what they look like.
❤︎ My Smoochable OCs ❤
❥ Aureia Malathar (FFXIV) half-elezen ✦ 30s ✦ she/her ✦ biromantic asexual ✦ black mage
Aureia is an ex-Garlean agent. She comes off very strong and knows what she wants (except when she doesn't and then it's a mess). She's firm in her beliefs and stands by her opinions, though she is also open-minded and deeply empathetic in her own specific way.
❥ Niam (BG3) Half-Elf ✦ 30s ✦ she/her ✦ biromantic asexual ✦ wild magic sorcerer
Niam grew up on the streets of Baldur's Gate with very little memory of her parents. She's clever and curious, with a tendency to bite off more than she can chew because she wants to find out what happens. Likely to accidentally set things on fire or polymorph her friends into cats and dogs. Also to turn her hair green.
❥ Venara Lavellan (Dragon Age: Inquisition) dalish elf ✦ 28 ✦ she/her ✦ biromantic asexual ✦ knight-enchanter
Venara is generally quiet and reserved, with a keen eye. From the outside she appears a stoic and unapproachable, but once you get to know her she warms up. She cares deeply for her friends and though she likes to keep busy and enjoys her time alone, she always makes time for them. Might have a slight vengeance streak.
Thank you!! This will be fun! 🌹🩷
#ockiss#oc kiss week#ockiss25#if you've noticed a theme of elfy asexual fire mages in my ocs you would be correct lmao#personal nonsense
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Well, if this sounds interesting to you, might I give this prompt?
Haurchefant witnesses the WoL (Anyone really. This is focused more on jobs. But if you need it: she/her xaela around his age) trounce Ser Grinnaux and Ser Paulecrain in trial by combat as a black mage.
Not just normally beating the knights - outright bombarding them in fire, lightning, and ice without a single word spoken.
And he's only known them as a white mage from all the time they've spent with him. A rather soft-hearted, stubborn one at that.
Wol x Haurchefant is encouraged but not necessary.
Writing Prompt Request | Main Timeline - Haurchefant x WOL (Xaela, she/her) Shipping Requested
The crackle of lightning and the tinge of flame hung in the air like the breath of a dragon, the battle room’s atmosphere palpable as the Warrior of Light and young Alphinaud stood fast in their trial against Ser Grinnaux and Ser Paulecrain.
Though Haurchefant told himself that he simply need not worry, the threat of danger to the Warrior of Light made him grip the bars of separation between them with white knuckles. Externally, he appeared determined yet supportive, not taking his eyes off the altercation.
Never had he known her to have other magics in her spell book, yet in the smothering torch light and among the scrutinizing sea of eyes, aether drenched the area around them with power.
“Amazing..” Haurchefant whispered to himself, knowing full well the consequences of perceived intervention of the trial.
All of their journeys thus far, his lover was a healer strictly. Pondering on this, the night that Haurchefant was healed by her for the first time came to mind between clashes of steel and spells.
“Ngh!” Haurchefant winced while sucking in a breath, the two hidden in a cave in the tundra of the Coerthas Highlands, a caravan of wandering Garlean soldiers plaguing the area near them and shambling by.
Hunkering down and positioning himself between the cave’s opening and their position behind a large boulder, Haurchefant kept his ears focused for enemies while pressing a gloved hand to his sliced thigh.
“Are you injured?” He questioned to the Xaela, his brow knitted in concern.
“No,” she replied, the glow of her lumbal rings illuminating her skin in the dark. “But you are.”
The balance of aether in the air shifted as energy was plucked from their surroundings, and the Xaela placed a hand encapsulated by light atop his own, the wound beginning to mend.
Looking up from their hands, Haurchefant met her gaze, their features illuminated by the ethereal greens of the healing spell.
Suddenly, the two were in their own world. No cold or conflict, and the knight felt a flutter in his chest as he remained in the warmth of her presence.
Another lightning strike pulled him from his thoughts, and Haurchefant covered his face slightly as a gust of hot wind and smoke pushed his hair back, a deafening silence filling the room before the clang of armor falling to ground broke the tension.
Ser Paulecrain fell to one knee as bits of his white armor cracked and clattered to the ground. Ser Grinnaux fared no better, ragged breaths escaping his grimaced mouth.
Alphinaud stood behind the Warrior of Light, his tome clenched tight and a hand extended before him at the ready.
And in the center of history’s attention, the Warrior of Light stood boldly, her staff held high and her aspirations higher so.
“The victor: the Warrior of Light and her companions, Ser Alphinaud and Mistress Tataru. By Halone’s might, you are hereby relieved of your charges.”
Haurchefant could hardly wait for those iron-wrought gates to open as he hurried over to the Warrior of Light. Noticing her wobble, he hurriedly caught her and supported her weight with ease. Upon her was the distinct marks of mana depletion, and he quickly fetched a potion from her side pack and opened the bottle with his teeth.
“Stubborn.” He playfully judged, bringing the bottle to her lips and watching the color return to her skin while the potion took effect.
“Me?” She replied back.
“You didn’t didn’t even tell me you were a Thaumaturge!”
“Black Mage.”
“Even more exciting!” He exclaimed, the two laughing. “Now you‘ll have to tell me that story.”
#writing request#I hope you like it!#this was very fun#honored#haurchefant#ffxiv#haurchefant greystone#ffxiv haurchefant#writing prompts#ff14#wolchefant#wol#warrior of light#asks
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ask game 8, 15, 18, 28
8) basics of the spear and bow from her clan mothers (for hunting, mostly), then continuing self-taught with the spear until she trained under ser alberic and with estinien. the spear and dragoon style of fighting is her pick for fighting large single targets, when she can trust defense to others, or just needs the most bighuge offensive power output she can manage
fray of course was her mentor in the greatsword, and continues to train her even after they have to leave his corpse behind. the heavier armor and big fuckoff sword of a dark knight is her go-to equipment loadout, starting in late hw by going out in public and basically daring the heavens ward to Fucking Do Something About It.
also Something Weird happened in ultima thule and now she can use a scythe in the garlean style out of nowhere. hm!
i'd commission art but i think the process of doing so would make me die of embarrassment tb quite h. i like to see other people's but They'll Kill Me for doing it. you understand
18) kethry isn't doing so hot post-sb and later severely regrets what happened with yotsuyu. she understands having some part of you that's nasty and violent, and yotsuyu made that the whole of her being because of her circumstances... thats just what happened to pakik, for a while. thats just what happened to her, for a while. wasn't there something else she could have done...?
28) nauuu dont ask her about history shes SENSITIVE about that!! (and doesn't know very much of it, until she gets put through kriles GED program post ew.) though the answer would be amdapor. when she lost her place in her clan, she sheltered in amdaporan ruins for a season, and she supposes she owes them for that.
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🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
OC Emoji Asks
The biggest change Hazel has gone through since deciding to make her an OC and not just my FFXIV character has been her canon job/skillset. As depicted above, she was originally drafted as a Reaper. I originally planned out that during the Garlean attack on the Steppe in the Stormblood story, Hazel would walk the battlefield and find a soldier holding a Reaper Soul Crystal in his hand. She'd take it back with her, and it would be what sparks her interest in leaving the Steppe to journey to Eorzea. Then she'd meet up with Drusilla and learn how to be a Reaper proper.
This early draft version was...rough to say the least lmao. It hinged on way too many coincidences and conveniences for my liking looking back, the result of me wanting a specific outcome and trying to find the easiest way story-wise to make it happen. I was playing Reaper in my Savage static at the time so I had a lot of affinity for the job and wanted to reflect that in Hazel. But, the idea was clunky and awkward and in the back of my head didn't feel natural progression wise.
So, I started over and tried to think solely on how Hazel would advance in this world, as if she was an NPC. This approach is what led me to making the Reg!Timeline version of her a Samurai and the WoL!Timeline version an eventual Dark Knight. After deciding to make her a SAM, finding a reason for a Soul Crystal to find its way to her felt way less contrived since the job's origins and main school of teaching are much closer geographically. While the same can't be said for making her a Dark Knight she doesn't actually get her DRK Crystal until the actual evens of the DRK Job Quest story, before then she was simply wielding a large sword because that's how she was trained.
Which then leads to the groundwork and fleshing out of Hazel's parents. Without her finding the Reaper Crystal, Hazel needed another reason to want to journey outside the Steppe. As such, her mother's fascination and collection of foreign books was written as her inspiration. Likewise, creating her father to be a Kha tribe warrior who wields a giant blade and being her mentor wouldn't have happened without the initial swap. Large chunks of what I now consider foundational to Hazel wouldn't exist as they do now without me dropping Reaper as her canon class.
#ty for the ask!!#ffxiv#ffxiv oc#au ra#xaela#hazel kha#one could argue that the hurdles she jumps through to get her now canon classes are just as contrived#but in my head at least it feels so much more organic
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thinking about how lucia was supposed to spy on ishgard only to become aymeric's most loyal knight. we never really hear about any other garlean spies so it's very funny to imagine that she was the last straw and they never bothered sending another one.
anyway here's my candidates for Potential Previous Failed Garlemald Spies In Ishgard:
first one was eaten by a dragon. it's ishgard, it happens
several who joined the ironworks and stayed because the union is better and they do little to no human experimentation
DRK wol killed one while mowing down inquisitors and doesn't even remember it as something particularly important. it's ishgard, it happens
one became a priest as a cover then found halone for real
another got wildly into the local figure skating competition, became their best coach in years and stayed forever
^years later they will get ishgard gold in the Etheirys Olympics because they're still salty about being made to join the garlemald military instead of following their skating dreams
#ffxiv#i posted this in my ffxiv friend discord but it dvd screensaves its way in my mind and i thought abt it again#^actually then it sat in my drafts but since ffxiv is off getting its polygons polished i decided to post it
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hello! this is a sideblog for my three FFXIV Warriors of Light OCs, as seen above, so i can put them in a jar and shake them a lot, watch them rotate in a microwave, and other such things we do with our blorbos.
i do some gposing, rant about my girls, and reblog everything from others' gposes and gushing about their WoLs to shitposts and dumb jokes about this award-winning mmo with a free trial up to level 70 including the first two award-winning expansions and no restrictions on playtime.
my likes and follows come from my main blog @wildknightblaze which is just my normal life shit, you don't have to follow that one lol
blog tags include:
#my ocs: ellie wiltarwyn, #my ocs: mia longhart, #my ocs: lilyana tsuki - main focus tags for each of my three wols, if someone wants to look at a specific one.
#oc loreposting, #ask games, and #tag games for the sort of character-building stuff i usually get from prompts or friends' questions
#ffxiv gpose - not a blog-specific tag, but it's what i put on all of my gposes
#my fanfiction - not quite as much use as gpose, but i do occasionally write stuff and put this on it! includes ao3 works, whatever spontaneous writing inspiration i get, and FFXIV Write entries
#ellie's ramblings - whatever other ffxiv-related musings i might have about playing the game or the story or anything else
re: spoilers, i tend to stick to the unofficial two-week embargo after patch releases and will tag them with "#[expansion name] spoilers" and "#patch [Y.X] spoilers" for some time afterwards. i do still tend to yap about stuff in the current state of the game untagged, so use discretion if you wish to remain spoiler-free.
I also play the game's savage raids with my static as they come out, and stream our progress on my Twitch channel, mostly for archival purposes and so our FC members can watch. currently* we raid on Sunday and Tuesday evenings, usually from 9:30 PM-12:00AM US Eastern time. *well, as of this writing (January 2025) we are done with the raid tier and are sort of in hibernation until the next one, though I may also consider streaming Ultimate prog if we get into it!
as for the WoLs themselves:
Elilgeim "Ellie" Wiltarwyn
The most well-known of the trio of Warriors of Light, Elilgeim grew up in Limsa Lominsa with lofty dreams of higher education and bettering the world, only to be rejected by the Studium and lose both her parents in the same day. She ran away from home and weathered the Sixth Umbral Calamity on the streets of Ul'dah, eventually making her way to Gridania to start over as a novice conjurer and rebuild her life. Fast-forward six years and she's the strongest member of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, dubbed Ellie by her co-Warrior of Light Mia and having taken the vanguard as a dark knight and multiple styles of melee combat in order to save the star and its shards from varying threats on numerous occasions. Even after achieving such victories, she's not about to let her thirst for adventure go unsatisfied. Yet for all that fame, she tries to keep a low profile and only truly relaxes in good company, where a seemingly grouchy and cold exterior gives way to a self-confident, easily amused, and deeply caring inner self.
She may care a little too obviously, though; tales abound of her doomed romances with multiple notable women of historical import to these worldly conflicts. While some range from truth-adjacent to flat-out fanciful faerie tales, only her closest friends know she's happily married to her co-Warriors of Light after far too many years of mutual pining.
Mia Longhart
As far as anyone could tell, Mia sprang fully-formed into existence as a member of Ul'dah's Gladiators' Guild, earning her keep on the bloodsands and eventually becoming the first swordswoman to claim the mantle of free paladin in decades. It's only deep into the battle against the XIVth Legion of Garlemald that it comes out that she too is Garlean, born and raised Maia jen Asina, having fled the empire after growing discontent with its colonialist ambitions. No one doubts her commitment to the fight against the Empire, however, which she drives forward with a levelheaded temperament, endless kindness to her peers and allies, and an incorruptible moral compass. Events in the First and a reckoning with the origin of her soul and its relation to the Ascian Emet-Selch shake her to her core, but with the support of her friends and the love of her co-Warriors of Light, she forges on, willing to shoulder burdens so her friends don't have to - which is how she ends up forming a pact with the voidsent whose strength Ellie used to fell Zenos viator Galvus. Coming to grips with the complicated tapestry of her homeland's history, she takes up the art of the reaper and the scythe that killed Zenos to prepare for any future battles she must fight.
Lilyana Tsuki
Born L'ilyana Shuru, she left home after traumatic events and escaped to Vylbrand, where she took a job waitressing at the Bismarck for some time before falling in with Limsa Lominsa's secret Rogues' Guild. After saving the Mizzenmast from destruction with them, she is recruited into the Scions alongside Elilgeim and Mia as another one blessed with the Echo, fighting by their side to become one of the three Warriors of Light. She has a bright and cheery air and is always smiling, supportive, and enthusiastic, managing to charm even the cold-shouldered Elilgeim, but the trauma of the past weighs heavy on her heart, crippling her with a lack of self-esteem and a deep-seated belief that she will never be good or worthy enough. It's not till she admits what and who is important to her that she is able to stand on her own two feet and reach out to take what she wants. Though she is a master of stealth and by far the most agile and light-footed of the Warriors of Light, when she finds happiness she feels motivated to express her creative side and takes up the art of pictomancy alongside her friend Krile.
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Join FFXIV we got:
Fuckable Monster Gods, Yandere General, SUCH DEVASTATION, Malevolent Breadloaf, Hate Fuck Philosophy between Church's Money Illiterate Doomslayer and the Heretical Dragon fuckers, Bestest Boy, Butch Scholar with an axe, France with hot single elves, Lesbian Gunslingers, Manwhore of Astrology, his love rival and the asexual woman who has no clue, Inner Feral State, his legal partner and their adopted daughter, Murder Bimbo, his angry red head and their sadistic feral viceroy with her himbo henchman, Hopeless Romantic who gets bullied, his very heterosexual tribe of male only warriors, the apeshit warlock stealing his women while being transpiritual and a shepherd wife, frat boy emperor, Iroh Samurai and the sickest ninja woman ever, Your Own Personal Catboy, his eligible straightforward daughter who is also captain the guard, THE HIMBO FAMILY complete with bomb throwing cat girl, adoptive mechanical nonbinary child, and psychotic hard line temper mother, entire village of rabbit woman, the most love struck catboy outside the Crystarium and his religious group, an entire kingdom of nonbinary fae folk and their they/them King, the Ghosts of Christmas Past as well the Ghost of Christmas Present with his talking dog, THE TRUEST BESTEST BOY and his robot companion, the Dragon Father and his brood of angsty teenagers, Genocidal Tsundere Emperor, his grandson no-nonsense Emperor and the pretty boy handsome girl of ancient times, the hero worshiping companion of eld who doesn't remember you BUT YOU CAN FIX HIM!, a entire continent of nerds ripe for the punching, an entire continent of geeks ripe for picking on you and your companions including their leader SCIENCE WIFE, SUCH DEVASTATON's extended family who will remain perfect if you don't touch that fucking side quest, an entire moon of bunny people not to be confused with the village of rabbit women but while we're talking about rabbit people have this stoic and handy rabbit man and his VERY ENTHUSIASTIC TRANS LION FRIEND! Did we mention you get a punchy very enthusiastic woman clad in red? Drop by Ala Mhigo she is always happy to help you punch things! Also while you're there meet the main soldier you're deprogramming from the Garlean Cult he likes giving buuz to people and has this...Great Dane vibe, I don't know how else to describe it. Got a moment? Meet your adoptive family, a knife daughter and her hammer girlfriend, a sword daughter and her scholarly brother, an entire orphanage out of both Ul'dah AND Idyllshire, and a berb daughter who almost ended the entire universe because she COUDLNT STOP FEELING!!!!!!!!!! Also meet more monsters for you to fuck Flayed Demon, MUSCLE GODDESS, Cowabunga, grumpy fire man, and Knight in Shining Identity Theft, and their friend nonbinary lass who can kill AND EAT! There is, of course, also...adoptive fathers in partnership with you and knife daughter, wine aunt of a thousand Fire IVs, a cantankerous short lad, scholar woman who is getting into art, Tataru the Most Powerful and Important Character in the game and therefore the only one I shall refer to by name here, THE HORNIEST WOMAN IN ALL OF FICTION, two Roegadyn brothers, a fabulous elezen healer and her exasperated sister, the adoptive mother and legendary dancer AND bartender, an equally exasperated woman who just convinced her patriarch to retire from adventuring, a short Sultana, an oblivious Seedseer, and the greatest admiral to grace this franchise, General Father and his son from the Shire, the inventor with a heart of gold, his companions, their stern manager, and the gremlin man who is here to make the inventor eat his shirt while laughing. AND THATS JUST THE PEOPLE IN THE MAIN STORYLINE.
So join FFXIV today.
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#some of these will come with like. bonus characters obviously#like i can't talk about nerise without talking about eyri and sohl amh#can't talk about khaidai without discussing his accompanying lalafell duo#tajna is joined at the hip with lyte#etc#and like obviously i have so..... many. more than this#but i've already taken my sleep meds
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another way to die [intro] (dawntrail)
"...So to summarize." Aymeric said. "Azdaja sent out a Call to summon her brood--some of whom were living in Dravania, with two of them partnered with the Knights-Dragoon, and they flew off to obey her command. Nothing was heard from them for almost two months, when suddenly they returned, telling a story of Vrtra and Azdaja coordinating a counter-attack against unidentified airships that were not only threatening Tuliyollal, but several major Turali cities. Ones that do not look Garlean, nor resemble anything Sharlayan might have put together in their secret underground laboratory."
"Yes." Brucemont replied. Honestly, it was all he could say.
"And further adding to the mystery, they described a large dome of electrical energy covering at least one-third of Tural's northern continent, and that nobody had heard from Riven, Reinhardt, Augustine, Mathye, and Sebastian." Aymeric continued. "Then they show back up--but by this point Azdaja, Vrtra and respective brood members--save for one or two--have returned to Eorzea, are gossiping like Limsan fishwives and Ishgardian mothers combined, and nobody knows what to believe until..." Brucemont watched as Aymeric reached a hand out to his desk and lifted two broken-sealed envelopes.
"Messages from Sharlayan and Limsa, reporting that their merchant ships had to conduct business under said mysterious airships, and by the time they came back to our side of the world and went back again, the airships in question were gone and the Turali are refusing to explain more at this current moment in time."
"And that somehow, Riven, Reinhardt, Augustine, Mathye, and Sebastian are in the thick of it." Brucemont finished. "That's...the gist of it, Lord Commander." He watched as Aymeric flopped back against his chair, sighing gustily.
"Normally I'd leave this be, as we can't do anything, but the fact that Limsa and Sharlayan are on the alarm--especially Sharlayan--means questions need to be asked. And then there's what you told me." Aymeric's gaze met Brucemont's own.
"Vedrfolnir being sent a request by Vrtra to send blood and scales for Reinhardt." Brucemont nodded.
"He's...worried." And quite frankly, so was Brucemont. "The last set of letters weren't what you would call forthcoming with information." Not even Sebastian's own had held any clues--in fact it'd been short. Too short for Brucemont's liking. Aymeric crossed his arms, closing his eyes in thought.
"Sharlayan is sending envoys to Raz-at-Han for answers. Merlwyb is...somewhat content for the moment to leave things lie and see what comes up." He began, opening his eyes. "I suppose we could reach out to our own ambassador there, but I imagine they're in the dark like the rest of us. Which leaves..."
"My idea." Brucemont finished. "I'm being forced to take a vacation anyway. I can go to Tuliyollal with Reinhardt's supplies, hopefully find him, and get some answers."
"And the Order will be fine?"
"Winter boot camp's underway, and we've got a steady rotation going with the patrol strings. If absolutely needed I can teleport back here--but the distance would have me incapacitated for a day or so."
<Would rather we really don't.> Bastion commented. Aymeric considered the First Lance, then nodded.
"How soon can you leave?" He blinked in surprise as Brucemont reached into his chestplate, holding up a small pasteboard ticket.
"I have the last airship out tonight, and the Limsan merchant leaves tomorrow." Brucemont resisted the sudden urge to squirm as the Lord High Commander pinned him with a glare--alright, perhaps he hadn't needed to know that Brucemont had been planning on going to Tural on his own if Aymeric had said no. Thankfully, Aymeric seemed inclined to let it drop. However, his next statement took the dragoon by surprise.
"Watch out for the Sharlayans."
"Excuse me?" Brucemont blinked in surprise.
"Watch out for the Sharlayans." Aymeric repeated. Memories of what Riven had told him about Astrid flashed through his mind.
"I imagine there are quite a few members of the Forum who aren't pleased that their city-state is now sharing the skies with another nation with powerful airships." It would be another year until the Garleans could start rebuilding their own airship fleet, Lucia had informed him in her last report from Ilsabard. Possibly longer, now that they weren't conscripting workers from the territories they'd seized. The black-armored dragoon considered this, then nodded.
"I'll be on my way then."
"Contact me by pearl once you've arrived." Aymeric ordered. Brucemont nodded again, saluting. Turning on a heel, he left Aymeric's office and headed out into the Congregation proper.
(and while I was writing this, walnuttery from the chat...)
#ffxiv#another way to die#otherwise known as brucemont goes on vacation...sorta#saesama deciding to come in with popcorn commentary#brucemont de vimaroix
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zenos for 1, 25, 26?
1. Why do you like or dislike this character? / 25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I disliked Zenos through to Endwalker because I thought they were angling at some kind of redemption arc with him, especially because a lot of his fans tried to emphasize that he was a tragic Sephiroth-alike and he got an unfair amount of screen time and second chances especially compared to my babygirl Ysayle.
And then in Endwalker they did so much hype shit with him honestly but the turning point was when he dips into the moral nihilism and asks if anything he's done would have made others happier if he had a good reason. Just a full-throated repudiation of all the poor little meow meowisms a full lean into "still murder" and away from "cool motive" (which he never really had) and I was like. Fully on board from that moment onward because it just eliminated the thing that was most annoying me about him, and all of his scenes in Endwalker were just so worth it.
Ironically, it also let me empathize with him a little more in the end, and I did feel for the guy during his final scene. I felt by then he had done me enough of a good turn to have earned his fight and it was a nice moment to send him out in a blaze of glory, plus I started to feel like he was working much better as a foil WOL-alike during Endwalker which so much was the culmination of all of FFXIV up to that point and which I had a lot of personal feelings about, since I played from beta and my life just looked completely different from when I started and where it finished.
I guess that kind of skimps on what I actually like about him, but... IDK, his whole deal? His obsession and ennui and unapologetic blood knight behaviour. I can call out that I specifically like that he saw something in Fordola (who I like very much) and is drawn to a snarling barking dog trying to rip her way up the ranks more than any of the garlean rank and file. Zenos likes people who burn because he doesn't. That's interesting.
26. What's something the character has done you can't get over? Be it something funny, bad, good, serious, whatever?
turned into a dragon broke through spacetime took one look at the embodiment of existential despair and said "? why haven't you beat it up yet." When people give these kinds of summaries it always kind of feels like they're embellishing things that happened or seeing the story as you would only see it if you paid close attention to blorbo but in this case it just. It just happens just like that. Everything from walking into Sharlayan through to the dodgeball fight at the end of the universe is golden.
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Sketches of Times Lost
Day 22: Threshold [FREE DAY]
a moment for aureia and aymeric on the threshold of change. aymeric x wol. stormblood spoilers. written for ffxivwrite2024. rated: mature 1273 words ao3 link
Aymeric sighs and sinks into the bath, idly watching the steam as it rises and curls towards the rafters.
It may not be the same as the pleasantness of a hot springs bath, but it is most welcome all the same. His body aches, his muscles stretched and worn. It is a concerning fact of his life how easy it is to strain himself not just from combat, but from a hard day’s ride. Some aides younger than he would find it easy to pin it on his age, but mid-thirties is not old, especially for an Elezen. This is the consequence of countless hours spent at a desk, in meetings, and otherwise remaining stationary.
Guilt twists in the pit of his stomach. He has not been lax, with his life or his duties. Aureia would say he has never once been lax in all the years she has known him, and could benefit from “going rogue”. He has kept regular training, though not as intensive a regimen as many knights can afford. He simply does not have the time. And yet he can and will grace the battlefield, when it is required of him.
He has not once put down his sword. He is both soldier and politician. The latter he is secure in, but the former…? Fighting Garleans is a different beast than fighting dragons. His skill feels eroded. Weathered. Not what it once was.
And it is certainly nothing compared to the tempest that storms the battlefield at his side.
He groans and shifts his position, water sloshing about him as he digs his fingers into the tense muscles of his calf. The bath is a wide rectangle pool sunk into the floor, surrounded by rich red and gold tile. A little ledge runs around the edge for bathers to sit on, carved from the same stone that was used to build Porta Praetoria. A brass chandelier hangs from the ceiling, its glow hazy in the steam. A few climbing plants stand scattered about the room, vines and leaves spilling over the lip of their pots and dragging on the floor. It must have been some time since anyone thought to care for them.
The Ala Mhigan resistance spared no expense finding the Alliance leaders the best rooms to be found in Porta Praetoria. He almost resisted, insisting that he can sleep in the tents the same as his troops, but—as always—his thoughts went to Aureia. She would not join him, if that was the case, for the sake of her own privacy. And so, a week out from their planned attack on Ala Mhigo, they have found themselves lodged in a room nicer than most Ala Mhigans could ever afford, enjoying amenities most of their soldiers will never have access to.
Who was this chamber’s last occupant, he wonders? A wealthy merchant? A Garlean spy? A distant scion of the Mad King? Perhaps Prince Zenos himself stayed in these rooms, though he cannot imagine it. Garleans think little of the people they conquer, their so-called “savages”. Why would he take refuge in Porta Praetoria when he has a whole palace available to him in Ala Mhigo?
Aymeric sinks deeper into the bath, allowing his legs to float up in the water. Ala Mhigo. It is impossible to block out now, even here in the safety of this room. The far wall faces east and the windows are shutterless, the remains of their wood still clinging to the window frame. Ala Mhigo looms on the horizon, beyond the sea of tents, beyond the dark waters of Loch Seld, its palatial silhouette glowing orange and red with the light of Garlean magitek.
A knock on the door. “Aymeric?”
Aureia. Her voice cuts through the din of his thoughts, and relief washes over him.
“I’m in here,” he calls.
The door creaks open and she slips inside. He raises his head and his shoulders sag with disappointment—she is still dressed in armour, her hair tied back in a tight bun, her weapon strapped to her back. The staff glitters, sharp and lethal, a blue-green focusing crystal interwoven with its deadly blade. A custom design, forged by Cid Garlond from salvaged Allagan tech and crafted to be used interchangeably as a black mage’s armament and a dragoon’s lance. It is impossible to know if she is coming or going.
“Heading out?” he asks gently, careful not to let his disappointment show.
She shakes her head and moves further into the room, favouring one leg. Is she injured? “Returning,” she replies. “One hells of a scouting mission. Thancred…” She closes her eyes and sighs. “Never mind.”
He pushes himself up. “Are you hurt, Aureia?”
“No.” She crosses her arms, one hand gingerly brushing her side. “I’m going to bed. I wanted to see you before I did. Say goodnight.” Her eyes flick across the room, distracted by the sight through the window. “If I can even sleep with that fucking thing out there.”
“The city may be a reminder of what’s to come, yes,” he replies. “But perhaps we should think of what our deeds will achieve once it is liberated, rather than what it is now.”
“I’m not talking about the city.”
The water’s gentle lap at odds with the fierceness of her voice. She speaks of Zenos—there is no one else she could mean. No one else who raises her ire. No one else who threatens to overtake her mind. He does not know why the crown prince figures so largely in her life. He is a Garlean legatus—a powerful one, of course, but she has laid low powerful legatuses before. The streak of vengeance in her voice gives him pause. It is too powerful, too twisted to simply be anger directed at the general who defeated her at Rhalgr’s Reach.
And a shade too close to the venom with which Estinien once spoke of Nidhogg.
Aymeric meets her eyes. She stares at him, her gaze sweeping over his body but seeing none of his nakedness. Any desire she may have for him has been pushed aside, locked away. With anyone else he could imagine this moment turning into a charming evening, a last romantic encounter between two lovers on the threshold of change. And perhaps it still could be.
“It’s a quiet night,” he says softly. “Why don’t you undress first? Come speak with me for a while. We may not have many chances left.”
Her jaw clenches. “I don’t feel like talking.”
“Then sit with me, then.”
She stares at him, eyes narrowed. With her hair drawn back so severely and her pointed ears on display, she is all angles—sharp and keen and stinging. If he could go to her, he would—to hold her, kiss her, tell her that it will be all right. But he dare not now. Not if she does not want him to.
“I don’t feel like that either,” she says at last, her voice low and ragged, as if she is on the verge of tears. “I just wanted to see you.”
“Good night.”
His heart pangs. He rises from the bath, water rushing off him, but it is too late. She slips back through the door, taking care to close it without a sound. A gesture, one of her many perplexing voiceless ways of communicating.
A way to say “I’m sorry, I’m not angry with you.”
A way to say, “I’m sorry, this is not your fault.”
A way to say, “I’m sorry I’m not enough.”
He would have preferred if she had slammed it.
#ffxiv#ff14#final fantasy xiv#ffxiv fanfic#ffxiv fanfiction#ffxivwrite#ffxivwrite2024#writing tag#myreiawrites2024#aymeric de borel#aureia malathar#wolmeric
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