shadowlight-week · 1 year
Shadowlight Week 2023
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Event Fan Art by @oryu404​
Welcome to Shadowlight Week 2023, a celebration of the friendship/relationship between Sting Eucliffe and Rogue Cheney of Sabertooth!
We’re back, baby! It's been a while, and a little quiet in this corner, but we're hoping you are just as excited as we are! The event will run from October 27 - 31 this year.
Our prompts are:
🖤 Rebel / Dare
🤍 Thrill / (Un)dress
🖤 Haunted / Watch
🤍 Potion / Monster
🖤 Sweet / Spice
Of course, these are for inspiration only. Feel free to submit other prompts if they work better for you!
We’ll be accepting:
Fanfics (any length and in any language)
FanArt (any kind)
Edits (edits, aesthetics, videos, memes)
Social Media Posts
Incorrect quotes
Manga Coloring
Event Rules:
All content must be original and previously unpublished. Updates to an existing multi-chapter fic are not eligible, but standalone one-shots from an established work/AU are fine.
Pairing or Brotp only.
There should be no character bashing of any kind. This event is meant to be fun and positive.
Please tag all triggers and adult content appropriately.
We will not accept any work that contains incest or pedophilia.
You may enter as many times as you want!
Late entries will be accepted!
We will track the tag shadowlightweek2023 so make sure it’s in your first five, or mention @shadowlight-week​ in your post. Fics posted to AO3 can be added to our Shadowlight Week 2023 Collection.
If you have any questions, you can reach out to us through Asks. We’ll be happy to answer them.
Our event page has a complete list of rules and answered questions.
Have fun, and please reblog to help us get the word out!
@fyeahstingue @faneventshub @ft-reboost @ftmlmages @ftlgbtales
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ft-dads-au · 4 years
We Are Unbreakable
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Rare Pairs Week 2020 Prompt: Opposites Pairing: Silver x Gildarts
A Collaboration by @mdelpin​ and @oryu404​
AO3 | FF.Net  Takes place after You’re My Fantasy
Summary: When Silver and Gildarts set out to tell their parents of their plan to move in together they experience two very surprising yet opposite reactions.
May 29, 1988
“For God’s sakes Silver, breathe,” Gildarts squeezed his hand quickly, letting go before anyone could see, “It’s gonna be fine. I’ll be on my best behavior, I promise.”
“That doesn’t really make me feel any better,” Silver muttered under his breath.
“I heard that,” Gildarts stopped on the sidewalk, “I can still stay home if you think that would be better.”
“No!” Silver protested, “I’m sorry, I’m just nervous. My dad is... not going to take this well.”
“I’m not gonna pretend to know the first thing about dads, but I mean he’ll either accept us or he won’t.” Gildarts pointed out, “Is that going to change how you feel about me?”
“Of course not!”
“Then what does it matter? We’ll go in and get it over with. Whatever happens, at least we won’t be lying to them anymore. Then we’ll go see my mom, be home early enough to go a few rounds. I’ll get my roommate out of my room somehow,” Gildarts grinned confidently, and it made shivers run up Silver’s spine.
It always felt like his boyfriend never worried about anything, and yet somehow, things usually worked out the way he wanted. Silver worried about everything. What people thought of him, his grades, his performance on his hockey team, his future. All in a bid to please a man who was at best distant. The same man they were going to see today.
It had taken him months to get up the courage to ask Gildarts to move in with him, going against every single belief he’d ever been taught. In that time, he’d brought up all his grades, gotten a job as a research assistant at one of the labs on campus, and applied to the same graduate school as Gildarts. All in preparation for this moment.
Silver had taken his future into his own hands so that he could tell his father that he didn’t need his approval or his financial support to be with the man he loved. He could stand on his own. But now that the moment was finally here, he was terrified.
Silver desperately wanted his family to like Gildarts. To see how kind, fun-loving and intelligent he was, and how absolutely perfect they were for each other. How much he needed him.
The best way he could explain it was like this. His whole life he’d felt like he’d been waiting for something, never really being able to pinpoint what it was. When he’d seen Gildarts at that bar the first time, surrounded by women but looking bored behind his smile, it had intrigued him. He could only imagine that was how he often looked as well.
It hadn’t helped that he was incredibly attractive. Enough for Silver to break his own rule of approaching other men on campus, well aware it was dangerous. But he couldn’t help himself. He’d been drawn to the other, much like a magnet is attracted to its opposite pole.
And he hadn’t been disappointed. From that first night, Silver had been smitten, and the moment he’d sensed that Gildarts had been interested, he’d pursued him shamelessly. Even going to the extent of learning his schedule so he could bump into him on campus.
Little by little, his efforts paid off, and that first time that Gildarts held his hand, it was like he’d released a breath he never knew he’d been holding. It had been the most liberating experience of his life, and it had only gotten better as their relationship deepened. He couldn’t give that up.
No, he wouldn’t give that up, no matter what obstacles his father tried to put in his way. He could feel Gildarts watching him, and when he looked up, he saw the concern reflected in his dark green eyes.
“We’ll be fine,” Silver reassured him, giving him the biggest smile he could muster. “Are you ready? We’re almost there.”
“Yeah, although I think I should have brought something stronger,” Gildarts looked down at the bottle of scotch he’d brought as a present for Silver’s father.
Silver snorted, “It’s not for you, moron.”
“You never know,” Gildarts mumbled, showing his nerves for the first time since they had left the college campus.
Silver took a quick look around, and when he didn’t see anyone, he whispered I love you and gave Gildarts a quick peck on the cheek.
“That’s it right there,” Silver pointed to the house he’d grown up in. It didn’t surprise him that everything still looked pristine. The garden was in perfect condition, and the layer of paint on both the house’s slats and the classic white picket fence looked brand new, as always.
They approached it slowly, enjoying their last few minutes together before they faced their first hurdle of the day. Silver gazed at Gildarts one last time, hooking their pinkies together briefly before opening the door.
“Ma, I’m home,” Silver yelled out, closing the door behind them.
“Hey Loser!” Ur, his twin sister, ran down the stairs and threw herself at him.
“Who’re you calling loser?” Silver teased after giving her a big hug, “I believe MU kicked Lamia’s ass all season.”
“Whatever,” Ur scoffed, stepping back to appraise Gildarts. “Who’s your friend? He’s gorgeous.”
“This is Gildarts,” Silver began, but he should have known better. Some things were just too ingrained in his boyfriend.
“Not half as gorgeous as you,” Gildarts practically beamed at Ur, “Damn Silver, you didn’t tell me your sister was so beautiful.”
“You are incorrigible,” Silver elbowed his boyfriend good-naturedly as Gildarts chuckled, winking at him to let him know he didn’t mean anything by it. “This is my twin sister Ur.”
Ur looked from one to the other, and Silver could pinpoint the moment she realized this was the guy he’d been telling her about. Her eyes darted to their father’s study and then settled on him. She raised her eyebrow at him, and he nodded, letting her know that was indeed what he was planning. They knew each other so well that half the time, they didn’t need words to communicate.
Before anything else could be said, his mother came out of the kitchen wearing one of her flowery aprons. “Silver, you’re home!”
“Hey mom, “Silver hugged her tightly. Ever since he’d started dating Gildarts, he’d been coming home less often, wanting to spend most of his free time with him, especially now that he was also working.
“I made all your favorites. Is this your friend?”
“Gildarts Clive, nice to meet you. These are for you,” Gildarts handed her the large bouquet they’d bought the previous day at Rose of Yüen, a flower shop in town. “It was kind of you to invite me, Mrs. Fullbuster.”
“Call me Elise, it’s so exciting to meet one of Silver’s friends, he rarely brings any home,” she admired the flowers, “These are beautiful, thank you so much! Argent, get out here, Silver’s home.”
“I’ll be right back, I’m going to put these in some water,” Elise announced before disappearing into the kitchen.
Silver felt the muscles of his stomach tense up as soon as he heard the sound of his father’s chair scraping the floor, signaling his imminent arrival. He stared at the door of his father’s study with trepidation, preparing himself for what was to come. He felt a hand grip his and squeeze it tightly. He was touched to see his sister giving him an encouraging smile.
It wasn’t enough.
The door opened, revealing Argent Fullbuster, a tall, broad-shouldered man with short dark hair that was starting to gray. He flashed Silver a smile, “Silver, my boy!”
Argent walked past Gildarts, for the moment giving him only the most cursory of glances as he beelined towards his son, enveloping him in a bear hug before examining him intently.
“You look good. We barely see you anymore,” Argent complained before grinning at him with a knowing expression, “What’s her name?”
Silver chuckled nervously, “No girlfriend, I got a job, actually. I’m working as a research assistant at one of the labs on campus.”
“Wonderful, it’s good to see you stepping up,” Argent patted him on the shoulder, “Did you apply to graduate school like we’d discussed?”
“Yes, sir, I -,”
“Stop interrogating him, Argent,” Elise scolded, returning from the kitchen with a large vase that she placed on the dinner table as a centerpiece. “This is Silver’s friend from school, Gildarts.”
Argent turned his attention to Gildarts, holding out his hand in greeting, “Nice to meet you, I’m Argent Fullbuster.”
Silver watched Gildarts shake his father’s hand, grateful that he didn’t do anything over the top. He really was on his best behavior.
His mother interrupted his observation, “Dinner’s ready, Ur and Silver, please set the table?”
Elise grabbed Gildarts by the arm as Ur and Silver headed to the kitchen. Silver looked back to see his boyfriend looking lost between his parents.
Ur grabbed plates and cutlery, making as much noise as she could manage so they could talk. “Are you sure about this?” she whispered.
“We’re moving in together,” Silver confessed, “We found an apartment last week, we’re moving in on June 1.”
“Holy shit, Sil, that’s huge!” She grinned, giving him a hug, “I’m so happy for you! And he’s so hot, why can’t I get a guy like that?”
Silver smirked, “I have to imagine most guys at Lamia are terrified of you.”
“Only the boring ones,” Ur retorted, “Sadly the remaining ones are no good for me.”
Silver snickered, knowing she was probably right. He was starting to relax when he heard his mother giggling in a way he’d never heard before, followed by his father’s loud guffaws. Gildarts must be working his charm. For one moment, he dared to believe everything would be alright.
“That guy of yours sure is something, huh? Didn’t know Mom could laugh like that.”
“Tell me the truth, how do you think they’re going to take it?”
Ur shrugged her shoulders helplessly, and Silver appreciated her honesty, but it did only made him even more nervous.
“I’ll back you up,” Ur assured him as she grabbed the utensils, letting Silver grab the heavier plates.
They entered the dining room to find Argent had already opened the Scotch bottle and was sharing a drink with Gildarts while Elise filled everyone’s water glasses. Silver and Ur set the table, and as the food was already laid out, they all sat down to eat.
Ur sat next to him, while Gildarts ended up on the other side of the table. His parents sat at the ends.
“So tell me, Gildarts, do you play hockey like Silver?” Elise asked, serving slices of the beef roast onto a plate.
“No, I don’t really do team sports. I train in a few different martial arts.”
“Is that the kicking thing from Alakitasia?” Argent asked, frowning.
“I believe a lot of them started in Alakitasia, yes,” Gildarts acknowledged, “I was bullied a lot as a kid, so my mother thought I should learn to defend myself.”
“Didn’t your father teach you?” Argent grilled.
“Dad!” Silver protested before his father could continue on what he knew was a touchy subject.
“It’s fine, Silver.” Gildarts gave him a terse smile, before answering his father. “I’ve never met my father, Sir. He abandoned my mother before I was born.”
“Oh, Silver,” Elise changed the subject, “Mika was over here yesterday to see Ur. Have you talked to her lately? You two used to be so cute together. If you’re not seeing anyone, maybe you should give her a call.”
Silver could feel Gildarts eyes on him, urging him to just get it out, and he knew there likely wouldn’t be a better chance than the one his mother had unknowingly given him.
“I, uhm, didn’t say I wasn’t seeing anyone, just that I didn’t have a girlfriend.”
“Playing the field is all well and good son, but you’re not a kid anymore. You should really start thinking about finding a nice girl and settling down,” his dad commented as he was cutting his meat, his eyes not leaving the plate in front of him.
“That’s not what I said,” Silver cleared his throat, “I am seeing someone.”
“Well, which is it?” Argent looked up with the same face he’d had every time Silver had done something he wasn’t supposed to do as a kid, “Do you have a girlfriend or don’t you?”
He could feel Gildarts’ foot press against his, the only comfort he was able to offer from his current position.
“I d-don’t,” Silver did his best to meet his father’s irritated glare head-on. “I have a boyfriend.”
His declaration was met with silence, but he knew that wouldn’t last long. He could hear his heart beating in his head, and as he watched his father’s face, he saw the struggle.
And then Argent started to laugh, “A boyfriend, huh? That’s a good one! You looked so serious, I almost believed you. Next thing you’re gonna tell me it’s Gildarts.”
Argent peered at Gildarts, expecting to see him sharing his laughter.
Silver had no idea what his face looked like, but Ur had grabbed his hand under the table and was squeezing it as hard as she was able, and that was the only thing keeping him grounded as his panic grew.
“That would be correct, Sir,” Gildarts finally replied, his expression unreadable even to Silver, who knew him so well.
“Now see here, boys, I like a good joke just as much as the next guy but this has gone far enough.”
“Silver?” Elise called out, her voice fluctuating between a question and a plea, “Is this true?”
“Yeah,” Silver managed to look at her, recoiling when he saw the disappointment in her eyes. Any hope he might have had of her support dashed. “Gildarts and I have been together for over a year. We’re getting an apartment together.”
“Like hell, you are!” Argent snapped, slamming his hand on the table so hard all the drinks spilled.
“Argent, calm down, not in front of our guest!” Elise pleaded, rushing to get some paper towels to sop up the water and scotch that was dripping everywhere.
“That is not a guest, and he needs to go. NOW!”
“There’s nothing wrong with them being together,” Ur stood up for them, “There are some gay couples at Lamia, no one even blinks an eye.”
Argent pretended not to hear her. Silver appreciated the gesture, but he couldn’t seem to say anything. He was frozen, terrified of the anger he could see on his father’s face. All the words he’d practiced, everything he’d done to prepare himself for this moment completely escaping him.
“Silver, I’d like a word with you,” Argent seethed, getting up from the table and glaring at Gildarts, “As for you, I would like you gone by the time we come out. You are not welcome in this house.”
To his credit, Gildarts didn’t say anything, merely watched Argent walk into his study and slam the door. As soon as the door was closed, he rushed to Silver’s side, “Are you okay?”
Silver could only nod, already filled with dread at what surely awaited him.
“Do you want me to go in there with you? Cause I will.”
“It will only make things worse,” Silver stood up and hugged him tightly, knowing Gildarts wouldn’t do it out of respect for his parents, but he needed to feel him, to remember why he was doing all this.
“I’ll be okay,” he assured him.
“Of course you will, you’re one of the strongest people I know,” Gildarts hugged him back.
“Tell me you love me?”
“You know I do,” Gildarts kissed his cheek, “I’ve never loved anyone else.”
And although he knew he shouldn’t keep his father waiting too long, he couldn’t seem to let go of the warm embrace.
“I’ll be waiting right outside for you, okay?” Gildarts patted him on the back, letting go slowly and leaning in to give him the chastest of kisses. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” Silver smiled up at his boyfriend. They gazed into each other’s eyes, engaging in a silent conversation, ignoring the fact that both his mother and sister were watching them.
“Sil, you shouldn’t keep him waiting long,” Ur reminded him, “It’s only going to make him angrier.”
“Thank you again for the invitation, Mrs. Fullbuster, I apologize for the unpleasantness,” Gildarts offered her a smile, “Ur, it was nice to finally meet you.”
Gildarts mouthed Right outside at Silver before showing himself out.
God, he loved him. He walked towards his father’s study, and just as he was about to turn the knob, he heard his mother ask, “Do you really love him?”
Silver could only nod as he entered the room and closed the door behind him.
Gildarts sat on the front steps of the house, waiting for Silver to come out. He quickly stood up when he heard the door open. He could hear Argent screaming, and it took every bit of his self-control to stay where he was and let Silver handle it on his own.
“I’m so sorry you had to listen to all that,” Ur came outside, and Gildarts hurried to close the door for her when he noticed her hands were full. She had brought out a tray with two plates and two beers.
“We didn’t really expect it to go well,” Gildarts shrugged, accepting the beer but shaking his head at the food. “Thanks, but I’m not really hungry.”
“Right,” Ur put the tray down on the steps, “Me either.”
“You didn’t seem surprised,” Gildarts commented, “Did you already know?”
“I mean, I’ve always known he was bi. Up until we went to different colleges, we did pretty much everything together. He didn’t tell me you were dating, but he mentioned you a lot, so I suspected. I figured out the rest when I saw you together.”
Gildarts nodded, “I’d hoped that it would go better.”
“I’m sorry,” Ur patted his shoulder, “My dad isn’t a bad man, but he has some very definite ideas about relationships. Silver knew that. It’s why he never told them. He figured he was gonna end up marrying a girl anyway, so what was the point.”
“I never felt like this about anyone,” he didn’t know why he felt the need to explain himself, but it was important to him that Ur knew he wasn’t playing with Silver. “I sort of thought I’d just always be alone, you know? But then he came into my life and just blew everything I thought I knew away. I don’t even know what I am, I just know that he makes me happy.”
Ur offered him a smile, “That’s beautiful. I wish I could tell you it will blow over, but I don’t know. The men in this family are super stubborn, it’s probably gonna get worse before it gets any better.”
Gildarts chuckled, “Yeah, Silver’s pretty stubborn too.”
“Does your mother know already?”
“Nah, we’re going there next, figured we might as well get it over with all at once.”
Ur offered him her beer, “Here, you’re probably gonna need this more than me.”
Gildarts thought about it for a moment and, with a jolt, realized she was right. “Thanks.”
“Take care of him, okay? Dad has always been tough on him, and Silver has done everything he can to impress him. Even if he tries not to show it, this is going to be hard on him.”
“I will,” Gildarts promised, already changing their plans for the evening.
“I better get back inside, it was really nice to meet you, Gildarts,” she squeezed his hand.
“Yeah, same.”
She opened the door, and screams that had been muffled rang perfectly clear now that the study door had been opened.
Silver’s voice came through loud and clear, and Ur and Gildarts stared at each other in shock, watching him leave the room.
“Silver, Argent, please!” Elise begged as Argent flew out of the room in a rage, chasing after Silver. He grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him to face him.
Silver immediately shoved him hard, pushing him into the wall, leaving a dent in the drywall.
“How dare you?” Argent stood livid for one moment, enraged by the defiance as well as the destruction of his home, and then he lost all control. He grabbed Silver by the front of his shirt and threw him into the china cabinet as hard as he could.
The glass doors shattered as Silver’s body slammed through them like a rag doll, his momentum pushing him through until he hit the back of the large piece of furniture, obliterating it. Shards of glass shelves and pieces of broken china were transformed into sharp projectiles that rained atop Silver’s body.
“Argent! It’s just stuff, it’s okay,” Elise begged, placing herself in front of Silver with her hands held up in surrender.
“Elise, get out of the way,” Argent demanded, his fists clenching at his sides.
“N-no, you’re too angry, you’re going to hurt him, and I won’t let you.”
“He’s bleeding!” Ur screamed, having gone to check on her brother while her parents argued.
That was all Gildarts needed to hear to rush into the house, manners be damned.
“Get away from him, faggot! “Argent yelled, turning his anger on Gildarts.
It shocked him, the hatred he heard in that word, one that had never been used to describe him before, but he shoved it aside. He was more concerned with the large number of cuts on Silver’s arms, all of which were bleeding. Not to mention the shards of glass that were still lodged in him and would have to be carefully pulled out.
“My boyfriend is hurt, so unless you have something useful to say, shut the fuck up and get out of my way,” he snarled.
He could tell that Argent was not used to being spoken to in that manner, and he gave exactly zero fucks about his feelings. He checked Silver’s breathing and checked his eyes.
“Can you hear me?” he asked, not liking how out of it Silver seemed.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just let me-”
“Don’t move,” Gildarts commanded, running his fingers through Silver’s hair, grimacing at the glass that was in there and the blood he could see on his fingers. “Shit, you’re covered in glass. This is gonna be a bitch.”
“Ur,” he called out, not wanting to take his eyes off his boyfriend.
“Yeah, I’m right behind you.”
Gildarts took his wallet out of his pocket and grabbed a card that was tucked inside it, “Call my mother, she’s a doctor,” he instructed, giving her the card. “Don’t give her a chance to rant, just tell her what happened and that I’m bringing Silver to her place.”
“Okay,” Ur ran off, and he could hear her talking, she sounded relatively calm. Good, his mom didn’t do well with panicked people. Completely lost her shit on them.
Argent started to move toward them, and Gildarts had no idea what his intentions were, but he’d be damned if he let him anywhere near Silver while he was hurt.
“You’re not taking him anywhere,” Argent roared, “this is all your fault, anyway!”
“Argent, Silver’s hurt,” Elise tried to reason with her husband, cautiously placing a hand on his arm to hold him back, “Please…”
Gildarts was about to respond when he noticed the sadness in Silver’s expression, and he managed to bite his tongue before he said any of the things that he knew the man deserved to hear.
“I honestly don’t care whether you like me or not, but you are Silver’s father, so I am going to warn you this once,” Gildarts growled, “you don’t want to mess with me when someone I love is hurt.”
Ur ran back into the room, “She said some things I can’t repeat, but she’ll be ready for you.”
Gildarts chuckled. “That’s my mom, alright.”
“Can you call us a cab? I don’t want to make him walk,” Gildarts asked as he lifted Silver carefully from within the remains of the china cabinet, being wary of the glass that continued to fall with every move of Silver’s body.
“I’m sorry, I made a mess of things,” Silver mumbled, looking embarrassed.
“You did no such thing,” Gildarts soothed, checking for the source of the blood now that Silver was up and paling at what he saw.
In addition to the head wound, Silver had many cuts on the back of his arms. Gildarts could also see there was a large bloodstain forming on his shirt, just under one of his shoulder blades.
“I’ll drive you,” Ur declared, “Just let me get my keys.” She rushed up the stairs, reappearing less than a minute later.
“Silver, if you leave with him now, I will cut you off,” Argent stated calmly. “You will be responsible for yourself.”
Tears welled in the corners of Silver’s eyes when he said, “I love him,” and it almost broke Gildarts heart. How could anyone mistreat someone they cared about this badly? It was not something he could understand.
“We don’t need you,” Gildarts spat. He draped Silver’s arm around his neck, placing his arm around the man’s waist, trying to bear as much of his weight as he could. Although he knew there was nothing he could do to really help the pain that Silver must be feeling with those injuries.
Ur did the same on Silver’s other side, and between the two of them, they managed to get him outside and into the car, ignoring Elise’s sobs as she saw the condition Silver was in and the group of neighbors that had been lured out by the yelling.
Gildarts sat in the backseat with Silver, carefully stretching him out and being careful not to jostle him too much.
“Is it bad?” Silver asked, “My back feels funny.”
“You’ll be fine, my mom’s a great doctor, although I apologize in advance.”
“You’ll see,” Ur and Gildarts replied at the same time, but they were both too worried to laugh.
Gildarts gave Ur directions to his mother’s house, and they remained silent for the rest of the short ride.
“You idiot! What do you think I am, the town ER?!”
Gildarts’ mother was already waiting by the front door when they arrived and carried Silver through the door of her treatment room, where she’d prepared all the things she’d expected to need.
“Well, we were supposed to be coming here anyway,” Gildarts retorted, flashing his mother his most charming smile and managing to look completely unrepentant, “At least we called first?”
“Save it.”
Carefully, they helped Silver sit down on the treatment table, ignoring all the complaints Gildarts’ mother was muttering beneath her breath as she washed her hands and put on a pair of sterile gloves.
“Mom, this is Silver,” Gildarts introduced quickly, “Silver, this is my mother, Porlyusica Clive.”
“Nice to meet you,” Silver offered his hand in greeting, grimacing when he saw how shaky it was, “I’m sorry to barge in on you like this.”
“Everything’s gonna be fine, my mom’s gonna fix you right up,” Gildarts squeezed Silver’s thigh, not wanting to touch near his injuries, “She might not look like much, but she’s really good at what she does.”
“God, I still can’t believe that happened,” Ur fumed as she was finally able to look at her brother’s injuries.
“Okay, that’s it! You two-” she gestured towards Gildarts and Ur, “out. I don’t need any busybodies while I’m working. Go buy food. I am not cooking after this, and if I’m not done when you return, go sit outside or something, the weather’s nice.”
“But-” Gildarts wanted to argue, but one look at his mother’s face was enough for him to think better of it. “Okay, okay, we’re leaving.”
“As for you,” she spoke with a stern voice, observing the stains of blood that were seeping through his clothes. “Say goodbye to your shirt.”
Without further warning, she grabbed a pair of scissors and started cutting his shirt into pieces, removing them one by one so she had better access to the wounds that had been underneath.
Silver was suddenly left alone with Gildarts’ mother, who somehow seemed to be more terrifying than his own father.
“Who did this to you?” Porlyusica growled, observing the bruises that were forming below his shoulder blades on top of the glass and what looked to be a head injury.
“It was an accident, I-I shouldn’t have shoved him,” Silver hurried to explain.
“Gildarts did this to you?” Poylusica’s eyes widened in angry shock, right before she glanced at the door through which Gildarts and Ur just left.
“No, he’d never,” Silver reassured, “My- my dad.”
“Looks like you’re in luck, it isn’t half as bad as it looks.” Porlyusica mused, rinsing his hair with saline solution to get a better view of his head wound.
“So you told them first.”
“I’m not stupid, son,” Porlyusica chuckled, “Gildarts has never once in his life asked to bring someone home. The fact that he did so is pretty telling.”
She put some skin glue onto the cut in Silver’s scalp and pressed the edges of the cut together. Then, she moved on to the wounds in his arms, grabbing a pair of tweezers and starting to pick pieces of glass out of Silver’s skin, placing them all into a kidney-shaped metal dish.
“Some of these are going to need stitches. Do you want me to give you some local anesthetics, or do you think you can do without?”
“No, it’s fine, just get it over with.”
Silver hissed and clenched his jaw as Porlyusica cleaned the nasty cuts on his arms and sutured the deepest ones. The wound below his shoulder hurt the most, the flesh around the cut was sore and bruised from where he’d crashed into the cabinet’s metal doorknob. Thankfully, she was amazingly skilled at her job, and it was over before he knew it, leaving only a few shallow cuts and scrapes to be bandaged.
“So you’re not, uhm, disgusted?” Silver frowned in confusion, “About us?” he added, wanting to make sure she didn’t think he was referring to the injuries or the way he got them.
“A little surprised, maybe, but why would I care who he loves? As long as he’s happy, that’s good enough for me.”
“But you sent him away,” Silver continued, he didn’t know what to make of this woman.
“Yeah, he was only going to get in the way. The girl, is she the one who called me?”
Silver nodded, “That’s my sister.”
“She’s got a good head on her shoulders, most people panic at first sight of blood.” Porlyusica continued to apply bandages as she talked.
“Gildarts, is he, is he doing okay?” she asked, and Silver had to smile at the concern in her voice. “He doesn’t talk about school much, and I know he used to have a hard time.”
“He’s been doing good. Since he hasn’t been chasing after every skirt on campus, he’s been studying a lot more.”
Porlyusica snorted, “Never thought I’d see the day.”
“He’s smarter than he lets on,” Silver remarked, knowing how much Gildarts enjoyed it when people underestimated him.
“You don’t have to tell me that, idiot, I’m his mother,” Porlyusica snapped, “but I’m glad you realize it. How long have you been together?”
“Don’t you want to wait for Gildarts to talk about this?”
“I get the feeling I’ll get more from you. Besides, it will help keep your mind off the things I still have to do. Relax your arm, I need to give you a tetanus shot, your sister said you haven’t had one in a while.”
Silver tried to relax, thinking about what he wanted to share with her as he felt the slight pinch of the needle piercing his skin.
“Owww! Uhm, we’ve been together over a year now, we’re moving into an apartment in a few days.”
“Is that what you were coming to tell me today?”
Silver nodded, “Gildarts wanted to be honest with all of you before we moved in together.”
Porlyusica smiled, proud of her son’s actions, “Gildarts never had much growing up. No father, no money. He was picked on constantly, and he had me for a mother. I have no idea how he turned out as well as he did.”
“I wish my parents had taken it as well as you,” Silver sighed, looking down at his arms.
“In my experience, humans are self-centered, ignorant beings. That’s why I hate them,” Porlyusica declared with flashing red eyes, and Silver couldn’t tell if she was joking or not, but her expression soon softened. “This path you’ve both chosen, it won’t be easy. You might come to regret it in time.”
“I know it won’t be easy, but it’s the right one.”
“I won’t ask you if you love him, I doubt you’d put yourself through all this if you didn’t. But if you ever change your mind, please be honest with him. Gildarts has already been hurt enough by people who should have loved him.”
“I’d never purposely hurt him.”
“See that you don’t.” Porlyusica patted his hand gently, signaling that she was done, and he stood up from the treatment table, suddenly remembering his shirt had been cut away.
“Gildarts room is through that door, you can find some shirts in there, maybe try to take a nap or something. They should be back soon.”
“Thank you for taking care of me.” He wanted to say more. How much her approval meant to him, how thankful he was that Gildarts wouldn’t have to deal with any of the things that were probably in his future, but the words wouldn’t come.
“Don’t make a habit of it,” Porlyusica warned. She handed him two bottles of pills, painkillers and antibiotics, along with a cup of water. “Take one of each, 4 times a day, starting now,” she instructed, waiting for him to swallow the pills, and then proceeded to ignore him as she went about cleaning up her treatment room.
Silver wanted to check out Gildarts’ bedroom, but he was too tired, so instead, he collapsed on the bed and tried to find a comfortable position.
Silver woke to find it was already dark outside. The room was illuminated by a dim night light, and though he could feel Gildarts next to him, Silver couldn’t tell whether he was asleep or awake until he spoke to him.
“How are you feeling?”
“I hurt pretty much everywhere,” Silver admitted, “How long was I out?”
“You missed dinner, are you hungry? I got some of your favorite pizza.”
“Not right now,” he hissed as he sought for a more comfortable position and felt sore all over.
“Did my mom treat you okay? She can be a bit much,” Gildarts fretted, his hands moving towards Silver but holding back at the last minute.
“She’s not at all what I expected, but I like her. And, you know, she didn’t break any furniture with me, so...” Silver shrugged, trying to make light of the situation, but deciding it hadn’t been worth it when Gildarts didn’t laugh. All he’d managed was to reawaken the pain in his shoulders.
“I’m so sorry, Sil,” Gildarts said softly, “When I said we should be honest with our parents, I never thought it would lead to this. I didn’t realize-, this is all my fault.”
“It was mine, I shouldn’t have shoved him, I just angered him even more.”
“Are you mad? You didn’t do anything to deserve that!” Gildarts protested.
“Can we not talk about this now?”
He could feel Gildarts fume next to him and tried to defuse him, “You’re so cute when you’re overprotective.” he chuckled. “I don’t think anyone’s ever talked to Argent like that before. It was kinda hot.”
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t pretend you’re not heartbroken over this, I saw your face. This isn’t going to go away.”
“I know, but just for tonight, can we not? I need time to process what happened, it hasn’t really sunk in yet. Did Ur go home?”
“Yeah, she sat with you for a little while, then went to tell your mom you’re okay,” Gildarts recounted, “I don’t think she was planning on staying at yours, though.”
“So your mother, my sister. It’s not much, but it’s a start.” Suddenly remembering Porlyusica’s appearance, Silver tried to picture what Gildarts would’ve looked like if he’d inherited her pink hair and dissolved into painful giggles.
Gildarts peered at him with concern, and Silver could only imagine he must be thinking he’d finally lost it, but a smile tugged at the corner of his lips, and it made Silver want to kiss him desperately.
“What’s that about?” Gildarts asked.
“I was just thinking that you could have been my little sakura,” Silver giggled some more, feeling some of the tension leave him.
“How many times am I going to have to remind you there’s nothing little about me?” Gildarts teased, making Silver laugh even more.
“As many times as you want,” Silver grinned, moving slowly until he had managed to straddle his boyfriend, still desperate for that kiss.
He sat there without moving, wanting a moment to take in everything that was Gildarts. The concern in his eyes, the playful smile that promised mischief if he were up to it. The love that just radiated from his being. All for him.
They’d done it, they’d come clean to their parents, and despite their rather opposite reactions to the news, it changed nothing between them. They belonged to each other, Silver was sure of that, and he’d do everything in his power to not let his parents’ disapproval come between them. He’d just have to work harder to be able to pay for things. He could do that.
Silver finally leaned down, barely brushing his lips on Gildarts’, smirking when he grumbled and gently pulled Silver down until their lips met and their tongues danced. As always happened between them, things escalated quickly. Gildarts was beginning to strip his clothes when they were both doused with a bucket of cold water.
“What the fuck, Mom?!” Gildarts yelled.
“Keep it down!” Porlyusica shrieked, “Some of us are trying to sleep! And you-” she glared at Silver, “This is not what I meant by bed rest, keep your goddamn dick in your pants!”
“Yes, ma’am!” they chorused, mortified at having been caught.
“Stupid humans,” Porlyusica muttered on her way out, her solo rant sounding through the hallway until she’d retreated to her own bedroom and slammed the door.
After she left, they burst into giggles, and Silver got off Gildarts, laying back down on the bed. Gildarts got up and grabbed some towels from his bathroom and sheets from the linen closet. He helped Silver off the bed and dried him off, finding him some clothes to replace his sodden ones. Once everything was back in place, Gildarts waited until Silver snuggled into him before pulling up the sheets around them.
He kissed his head lovingly, “Three more days.”
“In three more days, we’ll get to do this forever, without interruptions,” Gildarts reminded him, a dreamy smile softening his features, “I can’t wait.”
Silver’s heart fluttered in response, head full of his own dreams for them. “Me either.”
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ft-wwtdp · 5 years
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edits by @mdelpin
Home for the Holidays 2019 - (November 27 - January 1)
Here is a list of the prompts for the event, feel free to use them or come up with your own if these don’t work for you. You can use any prompt for any day!
Remember, the theme for this event is friendship, family, and solidarity between people of different orientations and walks of life! We can’t wait to see what you come up with! 
Reminders - 
Use the following tags in your entries:
 ftlgbtholidays2019 (all entries in the first five) 
 femslashfairies (for wlw content)
 ftmlmages (for mlm content). 
Please also callout @femslashfairies​ and @ftmlmages​ in your post so that you can make sure they will reblog it!
If you have an AO3 account please add your entry to our collection !
Dress up
Meet the Parents
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splendidlyimperfect · 5 years
Written for @ft-wwtdp​’s Home for the Holidays Event; prompt: siblings
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Relationships: Natsu x Gray, Sting x Rogue Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Christmas, Family Fluff, Home for Christmas, Meet-Cute, Airports, Blind Character, Disabled Character, Fluff, seriously just lots of fluff, Sting and Natsu are brothers, and are total shits to each other, Tumblr: FTLGBTales Series: Part 2 of Home for the Holidays 2019 @ftmlmages​
Sting yawned and leaned back against the bus stop sign, feeling along the edges of his watch for the time. The cab was already late – he was supposed to be at the airport in an hour.  
“C’mon,” he muttered, tapping his watch impatiently. “This is ridiculous.”  
It was three days before Christmas, and a light snow drifted down through the air around him, carried on a chill breeze. Everyone in Sting’s office complained about how dark and gray it was, but Sting liked the way the air felt on his cheeks. It was the perfect weather for apple pie and hot cider and cozy scarves. 
Finally, Sting heard a vehicle pull up in front of him – he hoped it was the taxi. He was seriously going to be late.  
“Mister Eucliffe?” an unfamiliar voice asked. It sounded like an older man.
“Yep,” Sting replied, reaching for the handle of his suitcase. “You the cab?”  
“Well…” The voice was hesitant. “We, ah… we cannot accept pets in the vehicle.”  
Continue reading on AO3
Sting frowned, then shook his head. “Oh no, Lector’s my service dog, he’s not a pet.” Lector stood from where he’d been curled up under the bench and sat at Sting’s feet, nudging his hand.  
“No animals,” the man repeated. “Too much hair – it costs too much to clean it.”  
Sting felt the familiar mix of frustration and self-consciousness growing in his chest. He rubbed his face, trying his best to keep from getting irritated.  
“I’m blind,” he said. “I need him to help me get around; you can’t refuse to take him.”  
“No dogs.”  
“C’mon, man, I’m already late.” Sting could hear the chatter of the crowd around him, and his cheeks felt warm with embarrassment – he hoped nobody was watching. “Don’t do this to me. I filed a discrimination case last time and it was a pain in the ass, I really don’t wanna do it again.”  
“You must call a friend,” the man insisted, and Sting groaned.  
“I just moved here! I don’t know anyone!” He put a hand on Lector’s head. “I just… I need to be at the airport soon or I’m gonna miss my flight. Please?”  
There was no answer, and Sting’s heart sunk as he realized that the man had already walked away. Seconds later Sting heard the car start up, then pull away from the curb.  
“Fucking hell,” Sting muttered, reaching into his pocket for his phone. Lector huffed, headbutting Sting’s hand. “Yeah, I know, boy. You’re very handsome, and he was a jackass.” He sighed as he realized he hadn’t even asked what the taxi number was so he could report them.  
“Hey, are you okay?” A deep, warm-sounding man’s voice came from Sting’s left and he tipped his head toward it.  
“I’m fine,” he sighed, thumb hesitating over the ‘home’ button on his phone. He could call another cab, but they might refuse him too.  
“That guy was a dick,” the man said, moving a little closer to Sting. “They can’t do that, can they?”  
“Nope,” Sting replied, rubbing his face. “Not the first time it’s happened, though.”  
“That sucks.” The man hesitated, then added, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but you said you needed to get to the airport?” Sting nodded. “I, um, know you don’t know me or anything, but I’m heading to the airport too… would you like a ride?”  
“Really?” Sting sighed with relief, then paused, frowning in the general direction of the man. “You’re not gonna like, kill me and harvest my kidneys or something, right?”  
The man snorted. “No, I swear I’m heading to the airport too.” There was a rustling sound, then he said, “See? My tickets, so you…” Sting could hear the exact moment he realized his mistake. “Okay, that was dumb.”  
Sting shook his head, laughing, and reached out his hand. “I won’t hold it against you,” he said, and was pleasantly surprised to feel warm, soft fingers grip his. “I’m Sting.”  
“Rogue,” the man replied, and Sting could still hear the embarrassed tinge to his voice. “Sorry about that.”  
“Do you like dogs?” Sting asked, petting Lector’s head.  
“I’m, uh, more of a cat person,” Rogue admitted, “but I don’t not like dogs.”  
“Lector’s an excellent judge of character,” Sting said. Rogue laughed, and Sting could feel Lector’s tail beating against the back of his leg. “I think he likes you.”  
“I’m glad I pass his inspection,” Rogue said, and Sting could hear the smile in his voice. “I’m, um... just parked around the back, did you want to...”  
“Lead the way,” Sting said as Lector stood up and moved to follow Rogue. “Thanks again, I really appreciate it.”  
The ride to the airport was long, but Sting was talkative, and Rogue was glad for the company. Lector, who sat in the back seat, put his head forward on the console and kept nudging Rogue until he scratched behind the dog’s ears.  
“Thank you so much,” Sting said when they finally got to the parkade and Rogue helped him pull his suitcase out of the trunk. “You’re a life saver, seriously. Can I at least pay for your parking?”  
Rogue shook his head, then realized Sting couldn’t see the gesture. “Seriously, don’t worry about it,” he said, nudging the handle of Sting’s suitcase under his fingers. “It’s Christmas, people are supposed to be nice to each other, right?”  
Sting smiled, then surprised Rogue by squeezing his hand before he could pull away. “I get the feeling you’re a nice person even when it isn’t Christmas,” he said. Rogue blinked as an embarrassed flush crept up the back of his neck.  
“Oh,” he said softly. “I mean… I try?”  
“Well, you’re definitely my Christmas miracle,” Sting said as they headed toward the elevator. “My brother would kill me if I missed family dinner.”  
“Same,” Rogue laughed, holding the door open for Sting. “My friend’s parents are hosting Christmas this year and his mom is a bit… well, last time I visited she had everyone’s seats at the table color-coded to match the Christmas sweaters she made.”  
“That sounds like my brother-in-law’s family,” Sting said. “Looks like we’re both in for a fun holiday.”  
Their conversation continued until they made it to the check-in counter, and Sting’s story about a fireworks incident at last year’s New Year’s party slowly petered off. Rogue felt a disappointed tug in his stomach as Sting felt for the time on his watch.  
“Just in time,” Sting said. “I, uh… I’d better get checked in, I guess.”  
“Yeah.” Rogue nodded as disappointment thrummed in his chest. A tiny, romantic part of him (the part that had cried while watching ‘Love, Actually’ last night) had hoped that they might be on the same flight. Unfortunately, they weren’t even taking the same airline.  
“Thank you again,” Sting said. “I really don’t know what I’d have done without you.”  
“It was nice to have company,” Rogue insisted. “It’s been…” He cut himself off before he could embarrass himself by telling Sting how lonely he’d been lately.  
“Can I get your number?” The words tumbled out of Sting in a rush as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, fumbling with it for a second before holding it out to Rogue. “I don’t really know anyone here, and you’ve been really nice, and maybe, y’know, when we’re both back from holidays…”  
“Yeah,” Rogue said as a smile crept across his face. He reached out for Sting’s phone, trying not to jump when their fingers brushed. “There’s, um, a really nice café near where I picked you up. Maybe we could…”  
“I’d like that,” Sting said. Lector nudged his hand and Sting laughed. “And Lector would, too.”  
Getting off the plane in Magnolia was a nightmare. The airport was packed with thousands of people going home for the holidays, and by the time they made it into the Arrivals area, Sting already had a headache.  
“I hate airports,” Sting said to Lector, grateful for the gentle tugs that guided him through the crowd. Yet another stranger bumped into Sting’s shoulder and he sighed, shifting his suitcase behind him and trying to keep out of everyone’s way. Lector stopped, suddenly, and Sting nearly stumbled forward but was caught at the last minute by a firm hand on his elbow.  
“You should really watch where you’re going,” a familiar voice teased, and Sting sighed in relief.  
“You’re an asshole, you know that?” He reached out and pulled Natsu into a hug, then punched his arm for good measure.  
“Hey!” Natsu protested, batting Sting’s hand away. “You would hit a man in a wheelchair? You’re a terrible person.”  
“Oh, fuck off,” Sting grumbled, resting his hand on the back of the wheelchair in question. “You gonna get us out of here or not? Where’s Gray?”  
“He’s back at mom’s,” Natsu said. “Mom stole him away to help make butter tarts.” When Natsu started to move forward, Sting followed close behind, with Lector by his side. “I drove today.”  
“You finally got the hand controls installed in the van?” Sting asked. He let out the breath he’d been holding since the plane landed as a door opened and they moved out into the chill night air. It smelled different, here – even out at the airport, there was still a hint of ocean salt on the breeze.  
“Yeah, last week!” Natsu said, reaching back and tapping Sting’s hand as they stopped at the elevator. “Now Gray’s being a lazy asshole and making me drive everywhere.”  
Sting rolled his eyes. “You can’t even pretend to be upset about that, you love driving.”  
When they finally made their way through the maze of the parkade to the van, Lector immediately hopped up into the back seat, panting happily as he lay his head down. Sting tossed his suitcase into the trunk, then turned to Natsu.  
“You want a hand?” he asked.  
“Yeah, I can usually get myself in and out, but your dog’s taking up the wheelchair space.”
“That’s because Lector is handsome,” Sting said, laughing as Natsu took his hand, “and handsome boys don’t ride in the trunk.”  
Walking in the door of their parent’s house was, as always, an overwhelming affair. Sting heard familiar footsteps in the hallway, and before he could say ‘hello,’ his mom was hugging him and pressing a kiss to his cheek.  
“I’m so glad you made it,” she said, sliding her hand down his arm and squeezing his fingers. “Gray said it’s going to storm tonight, and they might be cancelling all flights – you’re lucky you made it in when you did.”  
Sting kicked off his boots and knelt down next to Lector, slipping off his harness and petting his head before saying, “Release.” Lector wriggled happily, then trotted off down the hallway – likely to beg for scraps in the kitchen.  
“I am lucky,” Sting said, standing back up and setting Lector’s harness down near his shoes. “I almost missed my flight because the cab gave me trouble again.”  
His mom huffed, and he could hear her earrings jingle as she shook her head. “Those jackasses,” she muttered.  
“It’s the truth,” she insisted, taking Sting’s elbow and guiding him around the mess of shoes in the front hall. “You’d think they’d know better by now.”  
Sting hummed in agreement as they walked into the living room, running his fingers along the back of a chair before settling down. “Someone actually ended up driving me to the airport,” he said. “Just a guy who overheard the whole thing, I’m lucky he was around.”  
“A stranger?” his mom asked, concern clear in her voice, and Sting laughed.  
“It’s fine, mom,” he said. “He was nice, and he didn’t try to murder me or anything.”  
“Was he cute?” Natsu’s voice came from Sting’s left and Sting rolled his eyes, reaching out in Natsu’s general direction and feeling a sense of satisfaction when his hand connected with Natsu’s shoulder.  
“Oh, yeah,” Sting said sarcastically. “A super cute grayish-black blur.”  
“Natsu, stop teasing your brother,” their mom admonished on her way back to the kitchen.
“I was just asking!” Natsu insisted, moving up next to Sting and nudging something warm into his hand. “Coffee,” he said. “You want anything else?”  
Sting shook his head, then turned when another hand landed on his shoulder.  
“Merry Christmas,” Gray said, leaning down to give Sting a hug and kissing his cheek. “Is my husband being a pain in the ass?”  
“Always,” Sting said, returning the embrace. “At least you’ve only had to deal with it for six years.”  
“Mom,” Natsu called into the kitchen, “They’re being mean to me.” Then he added, much quieter, “I’m gonna run over both your toes.”  
“Go ahead and try,” Gray teased, and Sting could hear Natsu grumbling as Gray moved toward him. “I’ll put the cookies on the top shelf where you can’t reach them.”  
“You’re a jackass,” Natsu said, squeezing Sting’s thigh gently as he turned and settled next to his chair. “I’ll tell your mom.”  
“My mom is going to have her hands full tomorrow without you being a pain in her ass,” Gray argued. “You’d better—” There was a quiet ping and Gray trailed off – Sting assumed he was looking at his phone. “Ugh, looks like the layover got delayed again. They’re putting him up in a hotel overnight, hopefully the storm will pass, and he can fly in tomorrow morning.”  
“Who?” Sting asked.  
“My friend’s Ryos is coming for Christmas this year,” Gray said, setting his phone down on the table. “I think I told you about him, we met through the volunteer exchange in Cairo and he was here for the holidays a couple years ago.”  
“You were with dad that year,” Natsu interjected. “I don’t think you met him.”
“No, but I do remember you telling me you thought he was cute,” Sting teased, nudging Natsu with his elbow.  
Natsu snorted. “I only got away with that ‘cause he looks a bit like Gray – dark hair, brooding, handsome.”  
“I do not brood,” Gray insisted, but the indignance was half-hearted. “And you’re just jealous because my mom likes him better than you.”  
“Your mom doesn’t like anyone better than me,” Natsu said, and Sting smacked his arm. “Fine,” Natsu sighed, “She doesn’t like anyone more than Sting, but I’m a close second.”  
“That’s fine because I’m your mom’s favorite,” Gray said.  
There were footsteps behind Sting and then his mom was leaning against the back of his chair and pressing something into his hand – one of the tarts she’d made with Gray. “Gray’s right,” she said, laughing and squeezing Sting’s fingers. “He is my favorite.” Then she kissed Sting’s temple. “But I’m very glad made it home for Christmas, darling.”  
Sting wrapped his other arm around his mom, mind wandering wistfully back to Rogue’s kindness and soft voice as he sighed happily and said, “Me too.”  
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gaymirajane · 5 years
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— — x First x — —
For @the-disaster-tiefling
Freed knew that meeting Bickslow’s family would be difficult, but he was certainly not expecting this.
“Is that a knuckle-duster?” He hissed into his boyfriends ear. Bickslow didn’t even raise his head from his phone.
“On Gajeel? Probably.”
His brother was sat staring at Freed, not moving and barely blinking; his sister, Juvia, was the opposite. She filed her nails into sharp points, eyes trying to force Freed to meet them. They were both so intense, and odd. He had expected as much, seeing as Bickslow was also both of those things. Freed took a deep breath. Bickslow was the youngest of the three siblings, and had already warned Freed that the other two may try and intimidate him. It was a test. He could get through this. He had to.
Freed took a swig of his gin and tonic.
“Here.” Bickslow was grinning, taking Freed’s hand under the table and pressing a deft kiss to his cheek. Freed had never been a fan of public displays of affection, and he felt his entire face and neck ignite with a severe blush. There was a snap of a camera, and Freed turned to face Bickslow’s siblings with a horrible mixture of embarrassment and confusion. Juvia held a polaroid camera and was aiming it at the couple.
“What?” Freed stammered, glaring at Bickslow as he stifled a laugh.
“It’s tradition to get a photo when we first meet our sibling’s partner.”
Gajeel nodded solemnly, as though they were discussing a blood pact and not a strange familial custom, and Juvia almost managed a smile.
“Great.” Freed huffed, and Bickslow rubbed his thumb across Freed’s hand.
“Sorry, baby.”
The petname did nothing to lessen the redness of Freed’s cheeks, and he averted his gaze to the isle of the restaurant.
“You’re annoying.”
“But you love me.”
His siblings were one thing, but Bickslow’s parents would be arriving soon. Freed eyed up his drink, wondering if it was too early to order another one but knowing that he would need it anyway. It was going to be a long lunch, and he sighed internally at the lengths people go to for love.
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xnovamore · 5 years
Part 2 of my previous entry for the Home for the holidays event run by @femslashfairies and @ftmlmages
Gratsu and Lucana, mentions of past Graycana
Gray entered through the door of his house quietly hoping to slip in past his parents. He threw one more desperate glance at his phone screen, yet it still remained blank. Mentally cursing his boyfriend, he rushed towards the stairs leading to his room only to be stopped by a booming voice in the kitchen.
“Gray! Did you get our drinks?”
Cursing once again, Gray walked towards the kitchen where his parents sat at the head of the table.  Their frown at his empty hands turned into a worried look once they saw his face. He must have looked as panicked on the outside as he felt on the inside because her mother walked over speaking in a concerned tone.
“Gray? I haven’t seen you look this worried in a long time! Did something happen?” She placed a hand on chin twisting his face around as if looking for an injury.
“I’m fine mom!” He stepped away from her hands. “But uh…Gil-I mean Mr. Gildarts invited me over to his house for dinner-but I don’t have to go if you want to eat together like we usually do! I can just tell him I can’t come and-”
“Nonsense!” Silver barked slapping an arm on his son’s shoulders. “You haven’t had a play-date with little Cana in forever! You two used to be so close until you started college. What happened?”
Chucklingly nervously, Gray avoided his parents gaze. “We just grew apart is all.”
They eyed him suspiciously before Silver shrugged. “Well it happens, but that’s no excuse to keep avoiding her. Your both adults now. it would be good for both of you to reconnect.”
At that moment, Gray’s phone went off in a familiar buzz. Moving away from his parents he quickly glanced at his phone and confirmed it was the man he’s been waiting for to text him. His parents suspicious looks doubled as he stuttered out an excuse of needing to change before running off to his room.
Gray slammed the door shut behind him letting its slam echo down the halls. His fist connecting to the brown wood came next. He hated this. Hated the constant fear and anxiety and lying whenever he talked to his parents about these things. Not only did they not know about Cana, they didn’t know about anyone he dated. From high school till now, Gray never said a word about any of his partners to his parents. He’s never been in a relationship as far they know. He’s not even sure what he’s so scared of either. Before, he never told them because he was still unsure himself, then he never said anything because he didn’t think the small number of relationships he had after Cana were substantial enough to bring home. Well, until now that is.
Gray pulled out his phone and eager to read Natsu’s response. Like magic, all the anxiety and fear he was feeling at the moment vanished as his lips twitched into a smile.
Im confused
Am I the girlfriend orrr??
Cus if I am fuck u snowflake
Chuckling Gray hit the ‘call’ phone.
“No you fucking idiot.”
“Oh shut the hell up! First you didn’t text me back when we were talking about your parents dick then Erza made me help her clean her apartment! Now I’m sore and Happy’s upset cause he’s home alone again since you’re not here. Then you texted me weird shit”
That’s right, Gray had texted him before leaving to the coffee shop. Before he started driving he texted Natsu a very important question that he has yet to read the answer to. “Oh yeah…my bad. Something came up and I didn’t read your reply before texting you again.”
“Dude what happened? You sound all weird.”
Rolling his eyes at his boyfriend’s vocabulary, Gray flopped down on his bed. “You remember my ex-girlfriend I told you about? The one that lives across the street from me?”
“The one into tarot reading? Yeah.”
“I ran into her dad. He wants me to come over to dinner…tonight.”
Gray retold the story with wild hand gestures and dramatics Natsu couldn’t see but the man knew his boyfriend well enough to envision. It took about 5 minutes and various threats for Natsu to stop laughing. It was moments like these Gray wished Natsu was there so he could punch him. “Natsu your still as annoying as when we first met!” He hissed into the phone.
“Calm down ice princess! It’s just funny you got so worked up. Didn’t you say you grew up together? What’s the big deal about going to dinner?”
“Because we dated! And we broke up without ever really talking about everything.”
“She doesn’t know your bi?”
“I told you Natsu no one here does. She knows I’d been with a guy but I wasn’t sure about my sexuality back then.”
“But you asked me if I wanted to meet your parents earlier?”
“Yeah I know…” Gray closed his eyes thinking about the text he hastily sent before leaving for the coffee shop. “I meant it. I’m tired of keeping this from his parents. I want you to meet them Natsu-that is if you want? I actually haven’t read your response.”
“Of course I do!” Natsu snorted as if the question was ridiculous. The words sent warmth throughout Gray. The knowledge that Natsu wanted this too, was just as serious about them as Gray was, made him swoon every time. Not that he’d ever tell Natsu that, of course.
“But only if you go to that dinner tonight.”
“What? Why!”
“Because she’s important to you Gray. Someone doesn’t need to leave your life permanently after a breakup. You can be exes and still care for each while just being friends. Look at me and Erza! Breakups aren’t always a bad thing. Sometimes you are both good people that are better off not dating.”
Gray took time to think it over as Natsu stayed uncharacteristically quiet over the phone. Gray couldn’t lie, he did miss Cana. The two years not speaking to her had always weighed down on him. He had met a lot of wonderful people at university, but none of them knew him and his history the way she did. Every semester break he would glance over at her house and imagine walking over to say hi, but he could never get the courage to do it. Gosh he wanted to though. “You’re not bothered by this?” He asked Natsu softly.
He could tell Natsu was rolling his eyes at him. “Are you bothered by me and Erza hanging out? No, I trust you idiot.  Buy her flowers, go to dinner, and get your friend back. Text me your address tonight and we can handle you coming out to your parents together.”
It was moments like this that he was so thankful Natsu had thrown up on him during their first day of university. He didn’t know where he’d be without his pink-haired fiery tempered little punk. “I love you. I love you so much.”
“I know, I love you too. I’ll see you tomorrow Gray.”
Gray had been mentally crafting a script of what he was going to say since he left his house. Armed with bouquet in hand, he approached the Clive-Alberona house only to freeze once reached the stairs. There leaning against the wall was the girl whom he’d been thinking of the entire day.
She smiled at him causally as if they were 16 again and Gray was coming over as always after school. Her hair was shorter than he remembered, maybe she cut it? And she had a tattoo on her wrist of what looked like keys but that was the only difference he could see. She still had the same chestnut brown hair and leather jacket she loved wearing when it was cold out. Still wore her blue jeans over thigh-high that he once told her made ass look great.
Still wore the silver necklace he brought for her 18th birthday, the last birthday they spent together.
“Hey.” He said when he finally reached her.
“Hey stranger.” She said back. Her eyes roamed over him the same way his did her before stopping on the banquet of irises.
He quickly jerked them towards her. “These are for you!”
She blinked in surprised before taking them hesitantly. Her fingers ran across the petals as she looked at the bouquet like it was mystery she needed to solve. “Thank you?”
He nodded and walked to sit on the stairs. She followed. They spent of few minutes in quiet until she broke it. “Why flowers Gray?”
“It just seemed like the right thing to do.”
“Why? You don’t…you don’t want to get back together do you?”
“What? No! It’s not that type of gift!” Gray waved his hands around in exasperation then tried to take the flowers back when she laughed.
“Sorry I was just making sure! I didn’t think you would avoid me 2 years if you wanted to get back together anyway.”
The silence came back.
“I thought you were avoiding me?”
She shrugged looking away. “Maybe I was.”
Gray wasn’t sure what to say to that. He tried to search her face but keep her head turned away. Instead his eyes were once again pulled to her tattoo. Now that he was closer, he could see that is looked a group of tiny keys held together by a golden string. The string made a loop with what looked to be like initials inside.
“Cool tattoo.”
Her hand covered it almost instinctively. The small smile that overtook her face immediately caught his interest. It was soft, loving almost. He had only seen her look like that when they had found time to sneak off and just be them.
“Is it for someone special?”
She turned back towards him examining his face. Whatever she saw, or didn’t see, seemed to make her relax. “Maybe. Would it bother you if it did?”
And he meant it. Even after these years, he could still read Cana and that small smile spoke a thousand words. The thought of Cana being happy in a relationship with someone else brought him nothing but joy. He felt the panic from earlier completely disappear. He was so stuck on viewing Cana as an ex that he forgot she was also his best-friend. And he wanted nothing more than for his best-friend to be happy. He now understand what Natsu meant during their call. He was going to get his best friend back.
“I’m glad Cana, I mean it.”
She smiled she gave him was a large one filled with unspoken warmth and relief. “Thanks Gray, that means a lot.” She bumped his shoulder with hers. “What about you? I don’t believe you’ve been single all this time.”
“Yeah well I uh-…” He paused taking a breath. This was far from his first time talking about his sexuality. All his friends at college knew he was bi and dating Natsu. And this wasn’t just anyone, this was Cana. The person who, once upon a time, knew him better than anyone. He smiled into her brown eyes.
“My boyfriend was the one who told me to buy you flowers.”
“Oh?” She didn’t even seem surprised. “Well tell him I said thank you. He seems like a great guy; you were never this sweet to me before.”
Its like a weight was lifted off his chest. He threw his head back in laughter. He laughed and laughed until he felt tears bristling to the corners of his eyes. “You’re such a lair Cana. You never liked this kind of stuff anyway. Does your boyfriend buy you flowers?”
She gave him that soft smile again. “Not a boyfriend. Lucy.”
“Lucy then.” They bumped shoulders again and Gray knew they were going to be alright.
Lucy, it turns out, was a bubbling blonde with a big smile and a matching tattoo of keys and initials on her wrist. She was also a frequent dinner quest at the Clive-Alberona household and Gildart’s proud future-daughter-in-law (both she and Cana went red when Gildarts said that making Gray laugh so hard he didn’t mind Cana’s punch to the gut). Lucy was also sweet. She didn’t look at Gray with any hint of malice and made an effort to make sure he was included in all of their conversations. She had pulled him aside before they sat down to eat and told him she was so happy he was back in Cana’s life.
“It doesn’t bother you?” He asked her the same question he asked Natsu.
“No way! You’re good for her. She doesn’t open up easily to people and I know she missed you. I’m glad you two and can move on together as friends.”
He decided then that he really liked Lucy. “I’m glad she has you too. I can tell she really loves you.”
Throughout the dinner Cana’s gaze never strayed too far from Lucy. It was on her hands when Lucy was helping serve the food. It was on her mouth when Cana told a stupid joke just to make her laugh. It was on her lips when Lucy caught her staring and threw a small smirk Cana’s way. It was on the tattoo when Lucy laced their fingers together and let them rest on top of the dinner table. Gildarts caught his look and gave a knowing smile. It made Gray wonder if Cana told him about them, but that was a conversation for another time.
Lucy turned bright red and gave him a wide twinkling smile. “I love her too, more than anything.”
It was after dinner that Gray and Cana headed back outside to together in front of what used to be their treehouse. They had talked about everything in lives from their high school graduation until now. They filled the time until the sun set and the sky darkened into night with tales of their college adventures and plans for their holiday break. It wasn’t until the topic of Natsu meeting his parents that they paused.
“I could come with you, if you want.”
The words were quiet but sincere. He knew that she meant it, that if he asked she would be there at his doorstep by his and Natsu’s side as he opened up to his parents.
His smile stretched wide wondering once again how he got so lucky to still have her in his life. “I think I’d like that.”
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ftmlmages · 5 years
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As part of Pride Month @ftlgbtales would like to announce our newest side blog @ftmlmages. This blog is meant to be our mlm equivalent of @femslashfairies ! We hope to help bring attention to all of the great content and content creators on Tumblr for mlm ships, you might even discover a new favorite!
We are already planning our first event in September, but we would also like to help promote existing ship weeks or blog events. Make sure to use the tag ftmlmages in your first five to get our attention. We would love to reblog your content. Our asks and submits are open as well!
We’d like to thank the amazing people who run @fuckyeahgajeelxnatsu @fuckyeahgratsu @fuckyeahstingxrogue @fuckyeahjerik @fuckyeahjelray @fuckyeahlyoke @fyeahstingsu​ and @lyoray-week​ for their help in getting set up. Check out their blogs for ship-specific content!  
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ftguildevents · 3 years
Love is in the Air / Rare Pairs Week 2022
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Event edit by@oryu404 and@mdelpin
We're thrilled to host this fun event again! It's always exciting to see what you all come up with! 💕
Check out the Rules section for the list of ships that are excluded from this event.
Event Information
Dates: April 3 - 9
Submissions  - Anything and everything - art, fics, poetry, amvs, headcanons, manga colorings, aesthetics, etc.
Prompts: Thank you to everyone who voted in our prompt poll! These were the most popular choices. As always, they are for inspiration only. You can also use your own! 💕 Day 1 - Dream 💕 Day 2 - Flowers 💕 Day 3 - Secret 💕 Day 4 - Dance 💕 Day 5 - Wish 💕 Day 6 - Moonlight / Stars 💕 Day 7 - Promise
Event AO3 Collection: Fairy Tail Rare Pairs Week 2022
Event Tag: Use the tag ftguildevents in your first five so that we can see it! You’re also welcome to mention the blog @ftguildevents. Please make sure to tag any triggers appropriately.
Extra Info: This event is open to all ships (excluding the ones listed below), including brotp, lgbt, and poly. Please read the Rules below for more info.
No character bashing
No incest
No canon minor x adults ships
All entries must be previously unposted and original to the blog posting.
The following ships are not eligible for this event. You may still include them as side ships in your entries if you wish, but the focus must be on the rare pair. ✨natsu x lucy (nalu) ✨gray x juvia (gruvia) ✨gajeel x levy (gajevy) ✨jellal x erza (jerza) ✨mirajane x laxus (miraxus) ✨elfman x ever (elfever) ✨loke x lucy (lolu) ✨zeref x mavis (zervis) ✨natsu x lisanna (nali) ✨gray x lucy (graylu) ✨laxus x lucy (lalu) ✨gray x erza (grayza) ✨bickslow x lisanna (bixanna) ✨gray x natsu (gratsu) ✨sting x rogue (stingue) ✨freed x laxus (fraxus) ✨erza x mirajane (erzajane) ✨erza x lucy (erlu)
We will accept late entries. Please reblog to help us get the word out!
@fairytailevents @ft-reboost @fairytail-rarepairs @ftmlmages
@femslashfairies @ftlgbtales
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silverfoxarchive · 4 years
In The Closet- Fraxus Commission for Furidojasutin
Moved over from @rougescribe Series: Fairy Tail Pairing: Fraxus Genre: Romantic/Comedy/Fluff/Minor Adult Themes
Commission for: @furidojasutin @ftlgbtales  & @ftmlmages
There was nothing to be said about Laxus’ power and ability to complete anything he set his mind to with little difficulty.  From assisting the rebuild efforts of the Guild, to dangerous S-Class jobs:  He never broke a sweat. Strong and capable were modifiers to his name and Laxus wore them with pride. Even when he worked for Blue Pegasus. No one, not a soul, could say he wasn’t a good example for wizards through all of Fiore.  
Unfortunately, no one knew him like his closest friends. The Thunder Legion saw the cracks others would miss. The poor sense of direction. The socially awkward moments with women and men alike as they fawned and idolized him. Most of all, the one that a certain Rune Mage noticed- was his absolute poor attention to time and schedules.
Did you make a lunch date with him, just for friendly chit chat, two weeks in advance? Forgotten. Mis-timed. Mismanaged. Never on purpose. His organization was questionable at best, often handled by Freed carefully reminding him or Bixlow and Evergreen needling him with jibes and nudges with their elbows. Friendly teasing, but the point never failed to sour his mood, hiding the subtle hint of a blush that blotted the tips of his ears.
Laxus was not a man of schedules. Freed knew this.
Freed knew it and he should have expected it. Planned for it even. Reminded Laxus to check on any recent obligations. Yet, somehow, it reared its ugly head at the worst of times.
The knock on the door came when the two were enjoying time against the black, silky sheets of Laxus’ mattress. “You’re not goin’ anywhere,” He had growled- sending shivers down Freed’s spine as he attempted to dress for the day. Clothes never made it on his body. Half worn pants were cast aside and stubborn hands pulled him down to drown within the blankets.
Freed hadn’t resisted. Grasping Laxus’ broad shoulders to hold him on the bed, they played a riveting game of dominance with the other. Cat and mouse. Who would win? Who would give in?  Many times, it ended with Freed overcome by Laxus’ heated, open mouthed kisses along his neck and collar bone- hands grasping his hips as they sent each other to bliss. Other times, it was Freed who came out on top- far more lithe and easier to slip away when he wanted. Teasing Laxus with hands and mouth only to pull away before he could topple over the edge. Over and over until they both finally sated themselves with the other.
That morning was Freed’s turn. A sneaky smirk was Laxus’ only warning before he’d escaped the bedsheets and with surprising force, rolled Laxus to his back, straddling his hips in one fell swoop. His green locks draped down his shoulders in a messy curtain as he teased his pelvis against Laxus. A building pressure through the fabric of their boxers that left Laxus panting and snarling through his teeth.
“Since I’m not leaving,” Freed purred, stare piercing though thick lashes, “I may as well make the best of it.”
The immediate reaction was Laxus’ hardening cock, bulging through the fabric of his boxers. It empowered Freed. His hips rolled and the teasing continued as Laxus grasped his hips. He bared his teeth- impatience burning beneath his skin.  “Damnit, Freed, this ain’t what I had in mind when I said that!!” “But it IS what I had in mind.” Freed said, grinning wickedly.
His hand snuck between their bodies, grasping Laxus’ thick organ through the slit in his boxers, pulling it through to tease it between his thighs and fingers, but he didn’t deny Laxus too much. Freed’s own need for touch dried his mouth and he fell forward, groaning, eagerly sliding his lips against the others to trade their need in a way that didn’t require verbal communication.  
Tongues pushed against the other and lips sucked and pulled. Their breathing intermingled in hot pants while logic and thought was replaced by the intense desire to taste and fulfill the others growing needs.  Freed’s hand never ceased in it’s exploration. He pumped along the length of Laxus’ shaft in swift, shallow strokes before teasing the base.  Each, jolting move and change of speed pulled more delicious grunts from his lover’s lips. Freed loved these moments. He loved the power he could hold over another, impossibly strong man, but most of all, he loved-
The knock slammed through them like a nail splintering wood. They froze, eyes wide. It came again seconds later. It rapped so loud, it sent echoes down the hall and the walls vibrated. Freed’s grip remained against Laxus’ turgid, far from flaccid length and loosened while he stared at the other. His face changed from sexual heat to a slowly rising and panicked embarrassment.
Laxus stared back, equally befuddled.
Another knock. “Laxus?” “…. err.. Yeah?” It came again.
“…. did you forget something?”
His brows knitted together and he frowned, “do you really think I’m THAT bad?”
Freed opened his mouth to deny the accusation, but was interrupted by a knock so loud he jumped in place. “I’m inclined to… well- question that right now.”
Another loud, booming knock and Laxus growled, “Just ignore it then. Whoever it is, they’ll get the hint and leave.”
As if the world was bent on proving him wrong, they reacted on reflex when an entirely different sound came from the entrance. The telltale sound of squeaking hinges and a door slamming open as it bounced against the wall. Many things happened at once. Freed tumbled off Laxus in a flurry of limbs, sheets and cascading hair and Laxus sat up, snarling at the door as if prepared to maim whoever dared break into his home.
“Laxus?” The familiar, wizened voice of Makarov broke through the house, tentative and curious, “are you still sleeping?”
The revelation of what was happening came quick to both of them. Freed whirled upon his partner, startled. “The Master?! Does he often come here uninvited?!” Laxus stared as he collected his thoughts. After a few seconds he shook his head, “The old man is nosey but he aint that ba-” a pause and realization struck like a bag of bricks, “- shit.”
“What? Shit what?” Freed hissed, his voice now a low and hurried whisper.
Laxus ears were burning as he palmed his face. “We were s’posed to have brunch.”
“You mean to tell me you really forgo-!”
Footsteps were coming to the door and Freed’s mouth shut. They hadn’t revealed their relationship to him. Not yet. For many reasons, they just weren’t ready to take that step and here they were, about to be discovered with their pants down. Obvious tension on erect display.
“I can hear you scuffling around in there, Laxus! Why are you ignoring me?” He was coming closer. Close enough that all thoughts between the two fled through the window and instinct took hold. Grabbing the blankets, Laxus quickly covered his lower half and angled himself to hide the evidence.
Falling into flight mode, Freed made for the nearest escape: the closet. The door clicked shut just in time for Makarov to stroll through the main door, mustache twitching while his nose scrunched at the scene.
Laxus’ expression was dour, staring at the door as he affected nonchalance and apathy.  The two stared from one to the other for seconds, but for the man in the closet, it felt like an eternity of silence. When it seemed the two Dreyar’s would only continue to study each other, Laxus inhaled to speak.
Makarov was quicker. “We planned brunch today.” It was a statement that fell between them like a sack of cement. Laxus resisted the urge to grimace, knowing Freed would use it against him later. Instead, he screwed his expression into a frown and grumbled.
“I don’t remember that meaning you get to walk in whenever you want, old man.” He said with a growl that rumbled in his low baritone.  It was meant as a warning, a reproach. One that was ignored.
“You gave me a key.” Makarov reminded, shrugging.  “I worried you might be sick or something. Is there a reason you didn’t show up?”
“Tch, well- it wasn’t ‘cause I forgot. I didn’t.”
The look on Makarov’s face was nothing short of dubious. Though short in stature, his presence felt like a mirror to his giant magic and after another pause, Laxus looked away. Stubborn pride dusted his cheeks as he spoke under his breath.
“What was that?”
“Ugh, you’re too nosy!” Laxus said., eyes sparing a glance to his closet before he added, “I just didn’t have any clean clothes.”
The room was silent. Makarov looked to Laxus and Laxus looked to Makarov. The expression on their faces spoke volumes.
Makarov’s nose twitched, rustling his mustache as his eyes surveyed the room, as if attempting to calculate the accuracy of Laxus’ words. “No clean clothes?”
His tone was hollow in it’s reiteration and Laxus pulled the best expression of indifference he could muster. “Yeah that’s right. Your hearing isn’t going out is it, old man?”
“You’re serious? This is the hill you’re standing on, Laxus?”
His eye twitched as he cleared his throat. “You saying I’m lying? About clothes? Really.”
“All right…”  While in the closet, Freed couldn’t see their expressions, but his own was hidden in his palm. Makarov sounded disbelieving, amused even while Laxus… Good grief, aren’t you a better liar than that? He thought.  His body stiffened amidst the thick coats and shirts that hung beside him, realizing belatedly that Makarov had begun to move.
Soft steps through the room, becoming louder and louder as he approached the closet. Freed covered his mouth to mute his own breathing and further attempted to hide himself amidst the mixed fabrics.
“What,” Laxus sat up, almost dropped the blanket from his hips, and quickly readjusted, “What are you doing?”
“I’m looking for clean clothes.” Makarov stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “I never imagined you for a slob, and if the nearby hamper is empty, then I can only assume they’re in the wash or-”
His hand grasped the closet knob, “stuffed inside your closet.”
“It’s not like I’m going to step all over my clothes,” Laxus defended, “so what if they’re in there? My closet is none of your business, anyway.”
“True, but -” And Makarov’s gaze slid mischievously back towards his grandson, eyes gleaming, “if that was all, then why look so nervous, Laxus?”
He had no chance to answer as Makarov turned the knob and flung the doors open. No clothes slid out. No obvious piles of dirty, unwashed pants or boxers littered the ground. There was just a mass of shirts, fur-lined coats and shelves housing boots, socks and other unmentionables. All the things one would assume to be in a closet and one extra Freed, partially stuffed behind the thickest coat he could find, but the green of his hair stood out like a sore thumb.
“Uhm-” He began, only to fall silent when Makarov grabbed the coat and slid it in front of his face as if he hadn’t noticed a man hiding in his grandson’s clothes. He sifted from shirt to coat, from coat to shirt, hemmed and hawed away as he chuckled.
“Now, would you look at this!” He exclaimed, “Not a single dirty item in sight! I see you have plenty of options, m’boy. Shirts, pants,” And he opened one of the shelves to find the carefully folded pants that looked far too tidy to have been done by Laxus alone, “Socks and briefs- in fact, they look freshly washed even. Are you sure you’re not wanting to admit to forgetting you had plans with me?”
Laxus balked, “That’s- look, I didn’t forget a damn thing, now would you get out of there-”
He continued sifting, grasping the first coat to bring it out once more, revealing Freed’s flustered, but now scraggly hair falling before his face. “Oh! Hello Freed, I hope you’ve had a good morning, at least.”
The coat moved before him yet again and Makarov shut the door, looking unperturbed, but highly amused.  The telltale sputters of Freed’s confusion echoed from the closet as he struggled to move out from the mass of clothes Makarov had flung against him and the Fairy Tail Guild Master raised a brow towards Laxus. The silent point hung in the air.
Laxus managed to look guilty in that moment as he scratched the back of his head sheepishly, “Yeah, fine, so I forgot. You happy?”
Makarov smiled, “Was that so hard?”  Laxus rumbled his response, his patience running thin. He waved a hand to back off and turned to exit the way he’d come. “No need to answer. How about we reschedule for tomorrow, then?”
Quite put out, Laxus grunted, “Fine.”
“Excellent!” He paused at the door, looking back as he chuckled, resembling a cat that had caught a canary, “Oh and Laxus?”
“Bring Freed would you? I’m sure your boyfriend would appreciate a meal too.”
The door shut and Laxus gaped.
Both Freed and Laxus held their breaths. One still naked in his bed, the other still traversing the closet as he clamored out through the door. Makarov’s footsteps echoed down the hall, to the front doors, and much like his entrance, he left without another word.
Head peeking from the closet door, Freed looked to Laxus, but Laxus wasn’t looking at Freed.
“…. when did you tell him?” He asked, under the impression their relationship had been a tight-lipped secret from everyone but the two currently in the room together.  Laxus, ears brimming with a redness Freed relished despite the situation, finally met his gaze and shrugged.
“I didn’t.” He said., “but are you coming to breakfast tomorrow or not?”
The implication was clear. Unspoken, but understood. Coming with meant admitting to what Makarov obviously knew. To be comfortable in the fact and allowing others to see what was between them. A thrill ran down Freed’s spine as he smiled.
“I’d love to.”
Bonus Scene - A convo During Breakfast
“Were you SPYING on us or something?” The question was pointed and Makarov’s lips twitched in his attempt to hide his grin.
“Well now,” He drank from his mug, gulping down the substance without a care towards Laxus’ accusing stare. Makarov’s smirk over the rim was devious, “did you really think I wouldn’t notice?”
Freed and Laxus looked towards each other and shrugged, “That was the point in keeping it quiet.”
Makarov couldn’t hold it. He burst into laughter and slammed the mug down, “How would I NOT know after what you two did on the upstairs floor? I might be old, but I’m not oblivious!”
Their jaws dropped.
Well, shit.
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watcher-ofthe-sky · 4 years
Slash September 2020 by @ftmlmages
Gratsu + Hanahaki
Because Gray looks at Natsu with the tenderness of the leaves flowing in the winds on an autumn day. He looks at the man whose laughter has opened chambers of his heart where a thousand suns now glow. He looks at the man who has taught him the capacity of love and its depth and how the world looks when it's golden and bright. And gods, he wishes he can hold Natsu and tell him how this love has softened him; how this love has shaped and moulded the map of his heart—the crooks and the  creeks, the rivers and the hills and the oceans inside of him.
He wants to tell him that he can hear the vibrations of his bones and the ribs when these emotions collide and crashe with the overwhelming realisation that this love will now always be a part of him. Stitched into the core of his existence.
But he does not do any of that.
Because there are flowers blooming in Gray's chest that are as yellow and bright as Natsu's sunshine smile. And when he coughs, the petals on his palm fly away with the wind and the pain his lungs coil around tightly till he cannot breathe.
He slumps back on the wall and watches from the distance as the man whom he loves, walk away from him, while he sits on the floor, pooled around the yellow flowers and a pain throbbing inside of him.
But when he closes his eyes, he can see the wild pink hair and the stupid beautiful grin. And in that moment, the ache give way to all the love flooding inside of him.
He smiles and tells himself that he'll be okay.
Some lies are harmless anyway.
[A/N]: Yeah, well, I didn't want to study in the lecture so I did this instead.
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fairytailevents · 4 years
FT Summer Events 2020
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July 1-July 7 - Nalu Week 2020 - Hosted by @nalu-week
July 2 - Natsu Day
July 3-July 5 - Gajevy Love Fest - hosted by @gajevyevents
July 5-July 11 - Slayers Week - hosted by @fairytailevens
July 14-July 22 - Fraxus Week - hosted by @fuckyeahfraxus
July 16-July 22 - Gratsu Week - hosted by @gratsu-week​
July 26 - Nalu Day
July 29 - Gratsu Day - hosted by @fuckyeahgratsu
August 1 - Levy Day - Hosted by @gajevyevents
August 2-8 - Poly Ships Week - hosted by @fuckyeahft-poly-ships​
August 9-15 - Jerik Week - hosted by @fuckyeahjerik
August 9-15 - Lisanna Week 2020 - hosted by @welovelisanna
August 11-18(19) - Cojeel Week - hosted by @fuckyeahcojeel​
August 18-24(25) - Grayza Week - hosted by @grayzaweek​
August 23-29 - Erzajane Week - hosted by @fuckyeaherzaxmirajane
September 1 - Gray Day
September 1-September 30 - Slash September - hosted by @ftmlmages​
September 1-September 30 - FT Reverse Bang Posting Dates - hosted by @ftguildevents​ ​
September 6 - Graylu Day
September 7 - Mescana Day (Mest x Cana) - hosted by @tobethefairybest​
September 21-September 23 - Stingue Fall Equinox - hosted by @fyeahstingue​
September 22-September 28 - Sinfully Nalu - hosted by @thenaluarchive
These are the events we are aware of for these months, if you know of any that are missing please let us know in an ask or in the comments and we’d be happy to add them.
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ft-wwtdp · 5 years
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Event edit by @gaymirajane​. Thank you to the mods of @femslashfairies, @ftmlmages and @ftlgbtales for planning this event!
We would like to announce our holiday event Home for the Holidays, hosted by @femslashfairies and @ftmlmages​ . The theme of this event is friendship, family, and solidarity between people of different orientations and walks of life!
The holidays are a time of year we both love and dread.  No matter how you celebrate them or who you celebrate them with, it can lead to some rather unexpected situations.  
This year, we’ve gotchu! So come spend the holidays with your Fairy Tail family and share your stories through art or fiction!
Event Info
Dates: November 27th -  January 1st
Type: Prompts based.
Pairings: Every day will be all-inclusive with content accepted for all gender identities or sexualities.
Event Rules: Can be found here
Prompts: Can be found here! We know you’re busy so we opted to make this event fairly mellow. The prompts are not tied to any particular day and you can also use your own prompts. Create what you want, when you want!
Event Collection: If you publish on AO3 please post your entry to the event collection.
Event Tags: ftlgbtholidays2019 (all entries in the first five) , femslashfairies (for wlw content), ftmlmages (for mlm content). Please also callout @femslashfairies and @ftmlmages in your post so that you can make sure they will reblog it!
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splendidlyimperfect · 5 years
Written for @stingueweek​ 2019; prompt: gratitude, and for @ftmlmages​ Home for the Holidays; prompt: family
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Chapters (1/?): 1 Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Rogue Cheney/Sting Eucliffe, Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster, Levy McGarden/Gajeel Redfox Characters: Sting Eucliffe, Rogue Cheney, Original Child Character(s), Gray Fullbuster, Natsu Dragneel, Weisslogia (Fairy Tail), Gajeel Redfox, Levy McGarden Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Family Fluff, Family Feels, foster parenting, Adoption, Parent-Child Relationship, Adopted Children, Childhood Trauma, Language Delays, parenting, Fluff, Sting's so excited to be a dad, him and Ryos are just super cute, Rogue is called Ryos as usual in this series don't ask me why, Tumblr: FTLGBTales, Stingue Week, Christmas Series: Part 14 of the only hope for me is you, Part 1 of Home for the Holidays 2019
“Okay, little man, I know you can do it.”  
Sting crouched down on the floor, hands out in front of him, wide smile directed at the little blond boy who stared at him seriously from a foot or so away. The boy’s chubby fingers were curled tightly around Ryos’, and he wobbled unsteadily on the carpet.  
“C’mon, Noah,” Sting said softly, beckoning with both hands. “C’mere.”  
Noah frowned, and for a second Sting thought he might start crying, but then he looked up at Ryos and took an uncertain step forward.  
“There you go!” Sting grinned as Ryos wriggled one finger out of Noah’s grasp, encouraging him to move forward on his own.  
Noah took a small step, then another, and when Ryos finally pried his other finger from Noah’s grasp, Noah stumbled forward for a second on his own before tumbling into Sting’s arms.  
“Good job, buddy!” Sting said, pecking Noah on the cheek and brushing the blond curls out of his face. “Pretty soon you’re gonna be tearing around here like a little tornado, making messes everywhere, huh?”  
“Mess,” Noah agreed, pressing his sticky hands against Sting’s cheeks. He reached for Sting’s earring, but Sting moved his fingers away gently, then stood up and shifted Noah to his hip.  
“Mess, indeed,” he said as Ryos moved over and wrapped an arm around Sting’s waist. “Isn’t that right, Ryos?”  
Continue reading on AO3
“Always,” Ryos said seriously, and a smile quirked at the corner of his lips as Noah giggled and buried his face in Sting’s neck. The sound sent a warm flush through Sting and he hugged Noah tightly. It had taken so long to get him to laugh – four months ago, at his second birthday party, he’d smiled at Natsu for the first time since Ryos and Sting had started fostering him.  
“He’s very taken with you,” Ryos said, kissing Sting on the cheek and brushing his fingers through Noah’s hair.  
“Feeling’s mutual,” Sting said, kissing Noah’s head.  
“He even looks like you,” Ryos murmured, then covered up a yawn.  
“We are very handsome, aren’t we?” Sting teased, laughing when Ryos pinched him. “Oi,” he says, turning and kissing Ryos. “You’re handsome too, promise.”  
Ryos rolled his eyes. “Well, I think this handsome little boy needs to take a bath,” he said. Noah pouted as Ryos tugged at his t-shirt that was stained with spaghetti and chocolate milk.
Sting grinned, taking Noah under the arms and lifting him up above his head. “You hear that, bumblebee?” he asked, scrunching up his nose at Noah, who squealed with glee as Sting tossed him up in the air. “Let’s get your stinky little butt into the bath.”  
Nearly an hour of giggling and splashing later, Sting had Noah wrestled into his pajamas and sitting next to the pile of books that never seemed to end up back on the shelf. Noah grabbed one of them and held it up expectantly.  
“’Little Yellow Bee,’ huh?” Sting said, scooping up Noah and the book and settling into the rocking chair. Noah yawned, curling up and resting his head on Sting’s chest. Sting kissed the top of his head, then opened the book. “’The garden is full of colors to see… greens, reds, and purples, and…’”  
“Bee!” Noah exclaimed, pointing at the picture.  
“That’s right,” Sting said. “What color’s the bee?”  
Noah frowned at the picture for a moment, then brightened and answered, “that.”
Sting laughed and flipped the page. He knew the speech therapist was concerned about Noah’s lack of vocabulary – by two, he should know more than the twenty or so words that he could say. Sting tried not to worry about it, though. Noah had enough trauma to work through that learning colors wasn’t high on his list of priorities.  
As soon as the book was done Noah grabbed another one – a toddler version of ‘The Night Before Christmas.’ “Are you excited for Christmas tomorrow?” Sting asked when they were done reading it. Noah frowned. “We’re going to my mom and dad’s house, remember?”  
Noah nodded uncertainly. He still wasn’t completely comfortable around Sting’s parents.  
“Gray and Natsu are going to be there,” Sting added, and Noah immediately brightened, touching his hair in the gesture they’d come to recognize as his way of referring to Natsu. “That’s right, I’m sure he’ll play with you all afternoon. And my dad told me there would be cookies.”  
Noah sat up in Sting’s lap suddenly, expression serious. “What’s up?” Sting asked, running his fingers through Noah’s damp curls. “You wanna go say goodnight to Ryos?”  
Noah nodded, then looked at Sting curiously again before touching his chest and asking, “Daddy?”  
Sting sighed. “Your dad’s…” He hesitated, uncertain how to explain to Noah that his biological father was in prison. Noah hadn’t seen him in over a year, and even once he was out of jail, Garret wasn’t allowed anywhere near Noah. Sting was surprised Noah even remembered him. “He can’t come for Christmas, I’m sorry sweetheart.”  
Noah shook his head, frowning. He put both hands on Sting’s chest and pushed him gently, then repeated, “Daddy.”  
Sting froze and stared down at Noah, whose bright blue eyes were wide and serious. “Daddy,” Noah said again.  
“Oh, bumblebee,” Sting whispered, wrapping both arms around Noah and holding him tight.  
He could already feel tears welling up in his eyes – he and Ryos had talked for a long time about what Noah would call them, especially once they’d decided to go ahead with the adoption. They’d both agreed to let him choose, but had introduced the concepts of ‘Daddy’ and ‘Papa.’ So far, he’d preferred to just point at them.  
“Yeah, buddy,” Sting whispered, wiping at the tears that were spilling down his face now. “I’m Daddy.” He kissed Noah’s forehead, letting out a wet, emotional laugh that had Noah looking up at him with concern.  
“Sad?” Noah asked, and Sting shook his head.  
“No, sometimes we cry when we’re happy, remember?” Sting managed, sniffling and rubbing his face with the sleeve of his shirt. “I’m happy, promise.”  
“’kay,” Noah said.  
“What’s wrong?” Ryos appeared in the bedroom doorway, face drawn in concern when he saw Sting’s teary face. “What happened?” He moved over and knelt down next to the rocking chair, running his hand over Sting’s knee and up Noah’s back.  
“Nothing,” Sting mumbled, still unable to stop crying. “’s fine, ‘m just being ridiculous, he just—”  
“Daddy!” Noah said brightly, pointing to Sting and giving Ryos a shy smile. Ryos’ expression flipped from concerned to adoring, and he gripped Sting’s hand tightly. Noah reached out for Ryos, grabbing his arm and asking, “Pa?”  
Ryos’ eyes widened, and Sting felt somewhat better about the messy tear tracks on his own cheeks when he saw Ryos start to cry too.  
“Yeah,” Ryos said softly as Noah patted his hand. “Yeah, Papa.”  
“Daddy, Papa,” Noah announced, then yawned, rubbing at his eyes.
“We love you so much, sweetheart,” Sting said softly. Those two tiny words made everything worth it – the sleepless nights, struggles with the speech therapist, Noah’s nightmares and meltdowns and angry frustration.  
Noah reached out toward the crib and Sting stood up, pressing one last kiss to Noah’s cheek before settling him down in bed. Ryos scooped up a small stuffed dragon from its hiding spot under the bed and handed it to Noah, who made a pleased sound and closed his eyes.  
“Good night, my love,” Ryos said as they both backed out of the room and turned off the lights. “Sweet dreams.”  
As soon as they were down the stairs, Sting let out a shaky breath and blinked hard, trying to stem the tears that were still falling. “God, I don’t even know why I’m crying,” he said.  
“’cause you always cry when you’re happy,” Ryos said, pulling Sting close and kissing his temple. “You’re so good with him. I love watching you be a dad, you’re amazing.”  
“That’s not helping me stop crying,” Sting mumbled into Ryos’ shoulder. Ryos laughed gently, running his hand up and down Sting’s back.  
“You don’t have to stop,” he said. “It’s a lot to feel.”  
Sting sighed, wrapping his arms around Ryos’ waist. “I love him so much,” he said. “I never thought... I didn’t know it could be like this. I just want to be everything for him, I want to give him all the things he didn’t have before.”  
“You are,” Ryos reassured him. “He’s safe now, and loved, and happy.”  
“I know, I just think about... sometimes...” A memory of the first time they’d met Noah surfaced in Sting’s mind. Noah had refused to look at either of them and had spent most of the time curled up in the corner of the social worker’s room against the wall. After several meetings Sting had been able to convince Noah to sit next to him while they read a book, but it had taken nearly a month for Noah to let either of them touch him.
“I know,” Ryos said, and Sting could hear the edge of tears in his voice, too. “He went through so much, and it was so unfair. But think about how much he’s changed with us. He’s happy now – he laughs and plays with you, and he’s starting to walk, and he’s going to be okay. We all are.”  
Sting nodded, swallowing down the lump in his throat. He pulled back from Ryos, taking a deep breath and rubbing his face with the sleeve of his sweater.  
“We’re good parents,” he said, grabbing Ryos’ hands and squeezing.  
“We are.” Ryos leaned in and kissed Sting’s nose, then turned and nodded at the stockings that were laid out on the back of the couch. Lillian, Sting’s mom, had made the ones for Sting and Ryos, but Sting had taught himself to sew in order to make one for Noah – bright red and white stripes with his name in large letters across it.  
“C’mon,” Ryos said, pulling Sting toward the couch. “It’s Noah’s first real Christmas – let’s make it the best one we can.”  
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gaymirajane · 4 years
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- mermaids
For @ftmlmages and slash September 2020
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xnovamore · 5 years
Flowers For My Past Beloved
Home for The Holidays #1
Pairing: Gray&Cana and past Gray/Cana minor Lucy/Cana minor Gray/Natsu
Warnings: Mentions of underage drinking
Additional Tags: Modern AU, graycana brotp, bi gray, bi cana
Characters: Gray Fullbuster, Cana Alberona, Gildarts Clive, Lucy Heartfilla, Natsu Dragneel, Gray's parents
Prompt: Flowers
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Gray had always thought he had a fully functioning fight-or-flight response up until he stood gaping in the downtown café doorway as Gildarts Clive flirted with the barista handing him his coffee. Logically, he knew it made sense for Glidarts to be there. They all grew up in the same small town after all. While Gray and Cana chose universities in towns away, Gildarts, like his parents, where determined to stay in their little small town until it was time to retire down south. And while Gildarts job took him on business trips all over the world, it made sense that he would be back in town for the holiday season just like Gray was home on his holiday break.
Gray just wasn’t expecting to see him here, now. Immediately his eyes scanned the little shop for a familiar sight of long flowing brown hair and a teasing smirk only to come up empty. He let out a small sigh feeling guilty about how relieved he was. It’s not that he didn’t want to see Cana again. No matter what, she would always be his childhood best friend and one of the people most precious to him. He just didn’t know what to say her.
The last time the three of them were in the same room, Gray, Cana, and Gildarts, was at their going away party thrown by their parents where Gray and Cana played the role as just best friends while avoiding eye contact across the table. Everyone else in the vicinity seemed unaware of the tension surrounding the 18-year-olds newly exes.
It had all started when they were 16 and still discovering themselves and each other.
They were in Cana’s room since Gildarts was gone again and his parents didn’t like the girl being in their big house alone. Gray had dubbed her room the ‘pit of darkness’ since her walls were painted purple and black and the lighting was low to “match the aesthetic”. What aesthetic that was, Gray had no idea. He had been learned not to try to understand Cana’s logic. They were 16 and angry at the world during those times. Their anger mainly came from feelings of uncertainty and confusion about their place in it, so they dealt with those feelings through fighting, drinking, music, and hooking up with any available person they could. In fact, that played a big part in their current argument.
“I don’t get why your being such a big baby about this.” Cana said rolling her eyes as she hung upside down off her bed. Her feet were in the middle of the bed while her head and neck were positioned above the floor so she could better make eye contact with Gray. “If you kissed him then what’s the big problem with him calling you gay?”
Gray glared at her from his spot on the wall. “Because I’m not. I might not know who all I’m attracted too yet but that doesn’t mean he can just go and assign me whatever label he wants. Only I get to decide who I am.”
Cana rolled her eyes again. “He was only trying to help Gray.”
“Yeah well I don’t need help like that. He lost the right to help when he started to argue with me about my own fucking sexuality. He’s just lucky that I didn’t-”
“Hold on!” Cana abrupted sitting up on her bed. She crossed her legs and looked expectantly at Gray. “Does that mean you will expect other kinds of help?”
“Depends on the help.” He asked warningly
Cana bit her lip and stared thoughtfully in his direction. He wasn’t sure what to make of her sudden change in posture. She seemed worried about something but what? After a few minutes of having an unofficial staring contest, Cana hopped off the bed and made her way over to him. She sat in front of him hugging her legs.
“I have an easy way to find out if your still attracted to girls.”
And before he could speak, her glossed lips were pressed against his.
It should have been weird, and in some ways it was, but gosh he needed this. After weeks of going over every romantic and sexual encounter he ever had questioning if had truly enjoyed it or if he’s been lying to himself the entire time like the last jerk he’d been with said, he needed to lose himself in someone again. Needed a healthy sexual encounter he could rely on that didn’t involve alcohol or other substances. And what better person than Cana, someone he knew since they were toddlers and trusted with his life.
“Is this okay?” She whispered against his lips. He pulled back to look at her blush slowly growing on her cheeks. Her eyes were still pulled closed tight like she was afraid of his reaction. Now that was weird. In all of the years he knew her, he had never seen her so openly afraid before. Usually she hid it behind a tough girl act no one besides himself could see through.
He leaned in and pecked her lips again. “Look at me.” He called softly. He placed gentle kissed down her cheek and across her neck. He took her hand intertwined their fingers placing them at the bottom of his shirt before slowly lifting it off. “Keep looking at me Cana.”
That had been the start of a new beginning for them. They transitioned from just best friends to friends who kissed sometimes and occasionally went on these things that could be considered dates to a secret couple not even their family knew about. Why they kept it a secret, he’s not sure. Maybe it was because if they parents knew they were dating the sleepovers would stop. Or maybe it was for a deeper reason neither were ready to talk about. With their new relationship, they grew together in many ways but drifted apart in some. Gray was…hesitant to talk about his attraction to guys with Cana as his girlfriend. He knew she wouldn’t react bad to it, they talked about it enough before they started dating so he knew it wasn’t a problem. But something about being in a relationship with Cana made him feel like he had hide that part of himself. Like he was supposed to be straight while with her because he was in a “straight” relationship. (Looking back Gray could only cringe at what his mindset used to be).
Despite that they feel deeply in love and remained close avoiding any and all talks of sexuality up until graduation. Once the reality set in that they were going to separate schools in different towns, they decided to cool off their romantic relationship and go back to being just friends. Only, that wasn’t as easy as they originally thought, and the awkwardness became too much to bear. They had lost contact after their freshman year of university 2 years ago.
Now Gray stood frozen as Cana’s father’s smile grew as he rushed over and pulled Gray into a squeezing embrace.
“Gray! I can’t believe that’s you! I haven’t seen you around in forever! I almost thought you were a ghost of a younger Silver.” Glidarts threw his head back laughing as he finally released Gray.
“Yeah you know, I’ve just been studying and stuff.” Gray stumbled out awkwardly. He hadn’t been this lost for words in over a year.
“You and Cana both. Look at you two, I raised a couple of scholars!” He clapped Gray once on the back hard. “I know, why don’t you come over for dinner tonight? Cana’s back in town and I know she’d love to see you.”
Gray went into full blown panic mode. “Oh, I can’t! Its my first night in town so I gotta spend it with my parents. You know how they are.”
Glidarts waved him off heading towards the door. “You probably see them all the time me and Canabelle haven’t seen you in forever. And I’ve done a ton of renovations I want you to see. Tell your folks I said hi and that your eating with us tonight. Feel free to stop by in a few hours.” And with that he was gone.
Gray watched the gentle yet destructive man stumble his way out of the coffee shop with a yell of protest stuck in his throat. Forgetting the order he entered the shop to place, he pushed open the doors fingers already pulling is phone out of his pocket. With quick fingers he looked for the contact name Dumbass <3 and typed a quick message
Do you buy flowers when going to dinner with your ex-girlfriend again???
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ftmlmages · 4 years
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Slash September 2020
We are excited to announce our first big event! This will be a month long prompt event to mirror Femslash February which is hosted by our sister blog @femslashfairies. We thought it would be fun to see the mlm takes on these popular tropes, with a few changes added in. 
So bring out your favorite mlm ships and have some fun!
Event Information
Dates: September 1 - 30
Submissions  - Anything and everything - art, fics, poetry, amvs, headcanons, manga colorings, aesthetics, incorrect quotes,etc.
Prompts: The full list can be seen on the calendar above (click on photo for better quality),  As always these are for inspiration only, feel free to use your own!
Downloadable Files:  Prompt Calendar
Event AO3 Collection: If you post to AO3 please add your work to our collection Slash September 2020
Event Tag: Use the tag ftslashseptember in your first five so that we can see it! You’re also welcome to mention the blog @ftmlmages ​. Please make sure to tag any triggers appropriately and poke us if your post isn’t reblogged within 24 hours.
Extra Info: This event is open to all ships including brotp
Rules: No character bashing, no incest, and no pedophilia. All entries must be previously unposted and original to the blog posting. Late entries will be accepted. 
We are still a small blog so every reblog will really help us get the word out. Please send us an ask if you have any questions!
Art Credits: Jelray art by solofelt, Jerik by @watcher-ofthe-sky, Najeel fanart by akira, Lyoke edit by @jinx13gxa, Laxeel fanart by @butcherza, Midco edit by @gaymirajane
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