#Ghosts 1x06
quietparanoiac · 2 years
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Let me show you how it works.
Ghosts (BBC), 1x02 | 1x06 | 2x01 | 3x06 | 4x05
[inspired by @spineless-lobster's post]
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cbsghostsdaily · 2 months
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Proud Grandpa Pete GHOSTS | 1x06, Pete's wife
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drsilverfish · 2 years
Dean’s Soul in the Bardo -   The Art of Dying 1x06 The Winchesters
Catching up British-time, so a bit late to the party as usual, and coming to it fresh, as I like to do, without jumping into the time-line first. 
Screeches a bit because I am overwhelmed.
This episode suggests that, on one level, we can read every character in The Winchesters as manifestations of Dean’s consciousness, as he hovers in the “bardo”, the liminal realm in Tibetan Buddhism, between death and reincarnation. 
Mary - the leader and hunter who wants to get out of hunting; John - filled with wounded rage, Daddy-issues and violence; Carlos - the fabulous bisexual who dares to get into therapy and to go after the men he wants; Lata - the abused child who manages to chose love over violence - ALL OF THESE ARE ASPECTS OF DEAN WINCHESTER’S being, his experience/ soul/ desires <sobs a little because it’s beautiful>. 
Now I’m back on my meta, I’ve previously mused on The Winchesters as a reparative narrative told by Holy Ghost Dean Winchester; a counter-point to the traumatic narrative of Supernatural.
1x06 The Art of Dying offers further illumination and elaboration on that concept, namely:
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The episode title, “The Art of Dying” is a George Harrison song, the right time-period for The Winchesters (1970), from his album All Things Must Pass. 
The Beatles, in keeping with the hippie counterculturalism of the time, were interested in Eastern spirituality, particularly Hinduism and Buddhism, and this Harrison song was inspired by his reading of Timothy Leary’s The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on The Tibetan Book of the Dead (1964). 
Harrison’s lyrics are about the religious philosophy of perfecting the soul through cycles of reincarnation:
“There'll come a time when all of us must leave here There's nothing Sister Mary can do, will keep me here with you As nothing in this life that I've been trying Can equal or surpass the Art of Dying....
There'll come a time when most of us return here Brought back by our desire to be a perfect entity Living through a million years of crying Until you realize the Art of Dying “
A theme which fits well with the Ouroboros (serpent swallowing it’s own tail as it ascends) narrative of latter-day Supernatural, which drew on Jung and esoteric alchemy to manifest the Winchesters’ journey as the journey of the soul towards God.  
The Tibetan Book of the Dead is the Bardo Thodol, which means “liberation through hearing in the intermediate state”. It is a 14thC esoteric text (or possibly older but that’s when the written text we have dates from).
John, Mary, Lata and Losy all struggle with pain, parent-induced and violence-induced and hunting-induced trauma, but they are able to communicate their feelings to one another in a way which is strikingly and remarkably different from the enormous struggles with emotional articulation which animated Supernatural, which we watched Dean suffer with throught his life. 
So we can read The Winchesters as Dean’s revelatory hallucinations in the liminal state between death and liberation (or rebirth) - his revelatory sexual and emotional healing soul-dreams (in which, and what could be more Freudian, he returns to the scene of his parents).
And look, Lata is teaching John, who surived being possessed by the vengeful spirit of abused-as-a-child and violently out-of-control Mac, how to meditate and achieve higher consciousness (with an image of a globe in the background):
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And isn’t it interesting that the rare type of vampire which Mac’s vengeful spirit first possesses is called a “soucouyant”, which means (incongrously, one would think) “carefree” in French. But not so incongruous if The Winchesters is about the journey of Dean’s soul to liberation, to bliss, to being “carefree”...
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Pete’s Arrow is Missing an Important Detail
Our favorite Girl Scout Troop Leader Pete was teaching his troop how to use a bow and arrow. Unfortunately a girl let her intrusive thoughts win and shot her arrow in Pete’s neck. New ghost in the mansion y’all!
Like Thorfinn, there is again something we overlooked about Pete’s death.
There’s no blood on the arrow.
If an arrow got shot at Pete through the neck and like us his body is full of blood, shouldn’t the arrow where it exited out of Pete’s neck have blood on it? Was it a miraculous moment in the human body that blood just didn’t get on the arrow?
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thebeautyofspnanime · 8 months
— 🎞️ —
episode tag list:
ep: 1x01 alter ego
ep: 1x02 roadkill
ep: 1x03 home
ep: 1x04 ghost on the highway
ep: 1x05 savage blood
ep: 1x06 till death do us part
ep: 1x07 temptation of the demon
ep: 1x08 everlasting love
ep: 1x09 the spirit of vegas
ep: 1x10 moonlight
ep: 1x11 nightmare
ep: 1x12 darkness calling
ep: 1x13 what lives in the lake
ep: 1x14 reunion
ep: 1x15 devil’s trap
ep: 1x16 in my time of dying
ep: 1x17 rising son
ep: 1x18 crossroad
ep: 1x19 loser
ep: 1x20 what is and what should never be
ep: 1x21 all hell breaks loose part 1
ep: 1x22 all hell breaks loose part 2
— 🎞️ —
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It's a slippery slope. All right? [Into what?] Powers, ghosts, drugs, sex, oblivion.
The Umbrella Academy: 1x06 | 4x02
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lightbluetown · 11 months
i saw some people say ed and zheng are master strategists while stede is just some guy with ridiculous luck, but i think that's unfair. sure stede's ideas are insane, but they fit the looney tunes ass universe of ofmd perfectly. they're mostly well-thought-out, well-executed and they showcase stede's strengths and growth! so allow me to talk about them:
1- ghost of the forest - 1x02
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a fuckery™ before stede even knows what a fuckery™ is! this is amateurish and stupid in every way. he's not even threatening izzy with a real dagger-- that's a letter opener. does izzy actually believe that stede has a huge crew hiding behind the bushes? doubt it! but this weird little act is enough to establish stede as a (ridiculous) pirate figure to the legendary izzy hands and to accomplish his goal of taking a hostage back
2- lighthouse - 1x04
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imagine coming up with the exact same idea at the exact same time as the most brilliant tactician of the seven seas! we don't know who came up with which parts of the plan (honestly it was probably mostly ed) but this is still bloody impressive
3- stark revelations - 1x05
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stede's first big success! he uses his knowledge of the aristocratic world to get a shipful of rich assholes to destroy each other, but he's also showcasing what sets him apart from them: this plan only comes to fruition because stede talks to frenchie, olu and abshir as equals. as people he can learn from, as sources of inspiration
4- duel with izzy - 1x06
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this one was absolutely unhinged, but its success was far from dumb luck. only stede could think of using a brazillian cherry wood mast and ed's weird stabbing lesson to win a duel, and that's what makes this plan so undeniably stede and brilliant
5- faking his death - 1x10
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i love that he just had to "die" in the most dramatic way possible. a heroic fight (tiger), a realistic accident (carriage) and the most cartoony death in the book (piano)... not only is his triple-death able to convince everyone in barbados that he's dead for good, it also allows him to have closure with his family. it's filled with stede's ridiculous unique flair, but it's designed to be a fuckery™ through and through. ed would be SO proud
6- stealing jackie's indigo dye - 2x01
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quick little stealth mission. did ricky manipulate stede into trying this out? sure. did ricky also ruin it? absolutely. but it was working until then! the swede isn't part of stede's crew at this point, but his respect for stede is what gets him to cooperate and risk his relationship with his beautiful wife. also, it's thanks to his love for fine things that stede immediately recognizes the value of "blue dirt"
7- prison break - 2x03
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in my eyes no scene depicts stede's growth better than this one. knocking zheng's entire crew out with tea is the most stede thing out there, and this plan uses the cherry wood mast as well! this plan relies on stede's (unrealistic) tea knowledge, overly-fancy ship and ability to coordinate his crew. what makes it breathtaking is that he secretly sets this plan into motion while actively mourning the "death" of the love of his life. he's putting his life on the line to rescue ed's "killers" because he's emotionally mature enough to look at things from their perspective and forgive them
8- inciting a mutiny - 2x06
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yet another brilliant plan that could only be executed by stede. this entire episode revolves around his idea of "turning poison into positivity" and here he, well, fights poison with positivity. stede captains his pirates with respect and care (best he can) which just so happens to be the opposite of ned. he exploits this and gently gets ned's crew to turn on him. he singlehandedly saves himself and his entire crew from a notorious pirate! oh he also literally invents walking the plank right after this
9- "it's only suicide if we die" - 2x08
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okay, yes, this one didn't go that well (sorry iz). but it's not like ed, zheng or anyone else had any other ideas! stede's weird suicide mission, for the most part, worked. they needed to get through british soldiers to reach their ship and they did exactly that. if only they'd remembered to check if ricky had his gun... oh well, you live and you learn
sure, ed and zheng are legends and stede is a silly newbie with wild luck. but he's also quick-witted, creative, confident and brave! he's a damn good captain and he deserves to be recognized as a good strategist!
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goodwhump-temp · 10 months
Shawn Spencer Whump | Psych
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1x02 Spellingg Bee - Motorcycle crash, hospital, knee brace, limp, bumps into bin, pain 1x03 Woman Seeking Dead Husband - Held at gunpoint x2 1x05 Lives - Held at gunpoint 1x06 Weekend Warriors - Held at gunpoint 1x15 Scary Sherry - Nightmare
2x02 65 Million Years Off - Shot at, scared 2x03 Psy vs Psy - Hostage 2x04 Zero to Murder in 60s - Brief boo-boo (chair race sabatoged) 2x05 And Down the Stretch... - Childhood bully 2x07 If You're So Smart... - Bullied by children 2x09 Bounty Hunters! - Handcuffed, jumps off boat, held at gunpoint 2x13 Lights, Camera… - Nearly nailed to death (38:00), character funeral 2x15 Black and Tan - Sad (18:30) 2x16 Shawn (and Gus) of the Dead - Mummy 'curse'
3x01 Ghosts - [Flashback; emo/arrested] Increasingly angry about mothers' return, confrontation, heartbroken 3x04 Greatest Adventure in the History of Basic Cable - Shot at, chased x3, restrained, held at helicopter-point and gunpoint, betrayed 3x06 There Might Be Blood - Held at gunpoint, dangerous confrontation 3x08 Gus Walks Into A Bank - Held back, worried, bank hostage, tight gus hug, manhandled 3x10 Six Feet Under the Sea - Held at gunpoint 3x11 Lassie Did a Bad, Bad Thing - Punched unconscious, hostage, held at gunpoint, pistol whipped, fatherly care, nearly passes out (40:15) 3x12 Earth, Wind And… - Runs into burning building, oxygen mask, held at firepoint, caught in burning building, briefly thought dead, coughing/smoke inhalation 3x13 Any Given Friday Night at 10PM - 'Abducted' 3x14 Truer Lies - Held at gunpoint 3x15 Tuesday the 17th - 'Trips', held at 'knifepoint' 3x16 An Evening with Mr. Yang - Angry, mom held hostage, scared, heartbroken
4x01 Extradition: British Colombia - Held at gunpoint x2 4x02 He Dead - Daddy issues 4x03 High Noon-ish - Stampede/pushed, falls into mineshaft, pain, held at gunpoint, trapped 4x04 Devil is in the Details… - Confession 4x05 Shawn Gets the Yips - Scared/dumb ("bomb" on treadmill) 4x06 Bollywood Homicide - Slapped (39:15) 4x07 High Top Fade Out - Held at gunpoint, shot at 4x09 Shawn Takes A Shot in the Dark - Shot, abducted/missing, bleeding, pain, knocked unconscious, choked, jumps on moving car, weak, sling 4x10 You Can't Handle This Episode - Shot at 4x12 A Very Juliet Episode - Held at gunpoint, punched x2, knocked down x2, kicked 4x16 Mr. Yin Presents - Nightmare, angry, heartbroken x2, fatherly love
5x01 Romeo & Juliet & Juliet - Held at gunpoint, falls through window, kicked through wall, insane dodging skillz, knocked down, sore 5x03 Not Even Close, Encounters - Held at gunpoint/abducted by 'aliens' 5x04 Chivalry is Not Dead - Hanging upside down (tomato face), poisoned, collapse, hospital, unconscious 5x07 Ferry Tale - Held at gunpoint x2, hostage, kicked in the face, tear gas inhalation, restrained, trips/tumbles down a hill 5x09 One, Maybe Two, Ways Out - Seriously heartbroken 5x12 Dual Spires - Trapped in burning house 5x13 We'd Like to Thank the Academy - Held at gunpoint x2 5x16 Yang 3 in 2D - Held at shotgunpoint, scared
6x01 Shawn Rescues Darth Vader - Jumps off roof 6x02 Last Night Gus - Hungover, stressed, jumps from balcony, shot at 6x04 Amazing Psych-Man & Tap-Man - Trips, found unconscious, punched, kicked x2, thrown, sand to the eye, exhausted 6x06 Shawn Interrupted - Mental patient, hands covered, knocked unconscious, restrained, held at gunpoint 6x09 Neil Simons Lover Retreat - Robbed, heartbroken x2 (29:35), smile through the pain (42:00) 6x10 Indiana Shawn and the Temple - Hand stuck, slapped, manhandled, held at gunpoint, 'crying' 6x13 Let's Doo-Wap it Again - Appendicitis, collapse, hospital drama-queen, held at gunpoint, drugged, drugs wear off, le rigor mortis, le pain, le kitty cat! 6x16 Santabarbaratown - Held at knifepoint, knocked unconscious, black-eye
7x01 Santabarbaratown 2 - Scared, angry, thrown, active mine, held at gunpoint x3, Lassie love 7x02 Juliet Takes A Luvvah - Traumatized (27:00) 7x03 Lassie Jerky - Shot at, held at gunpoint 7x04 No Country For Two Old Men - Held at gunpoint 7x06 Cirque Du Soul - Pain from pull-ups 7x07 Deez Nups - Huge confession, heartbroken 7x08 Right Turn Or Left For Dead - Insomnia, regret, depressed, head slammed into glass, bruise, concussion, denial, stabbed, nearly hit by truck, headache, tackled 7x11 Office Space - Poked x2, trips, bloody nose, scared, framed 7x14 No Trout About It - Painful yoga, choked, fired
8x01 Lock, Stock… - Held at gunpoint, "restrained" 8x05 COG Blocked - Jumpscared out of hammock, painful poke, body decked by cane, held at gunpoint 8x07 Shawn & Gus Truck Things Up - Hand squeezed painfully 8x09 Nightmare on State Street - Slapped, zombie 8x10 The Break-Up - Nervous, held at gunpoint, shot at, emotional
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amuseoffyre · 6 months
Since I put together a rather massive thread about the probable S3 final fuckeries on the dead-parrot site, I figure I'll bring it over here as well :) This is bearing in mind that the show loved using history when it was useful or funny.
Blackbeard's death was in a battle and afterwards, his head was cut off and hung from the bowsprit of the ship, then later as a warning by a harbour. Urban legend said that his headless body swam around the ship, trying to find the head. Stede, meanwhile, was executed by hanging after being captured and tried in Charles Town.
My theory is a giant faking-their-deaths fuckery and this is the collection of extensive foreshadowing in sequential order.
1x01 - He's holding his own head! That's terrifying!
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The Swede's flag with a skeleton holding his own head. Given Ed's flair for the dramatic and the urban legend that BB's body swam, headless, around the ship, this feels like a very him thing to do. (also ties in with Blackbeard's flag with just the skeleton in S1)
1x01 - Stede's first fuckery
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Stede using mannequins as a diversion so they can escape from the British Navy and the British Navy fall for it. Also, significantly, one of the fake heads falls off.
1x03 - Stede hanged
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I facepalmed so hard when I realised that we had already seen Stede get hanged and survive it. Also, the fact that the person who intended to kill him by hanging is the one who dies first? INCHRESTING.
1x04 - "People just see the flag - I don't even have to be on the boat. I'm a ghost"
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And he won't be on the boat in the end :D (@wastingyourgum reminded me of this one :D)
1x04 - "He's wearing Blackbeard's clothes. He's on Blackbeard's ship".
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Combining this with Stede's fake-heads-to-escape idea, Blackbeard's official 'death' is tied up with a bow :D They just need to find a suitable person to sub in *coughHornigoldcough*
1x06 - "Over here, child!"
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HOOBOY this entire episode is basically emphatically pointing at Ed's skill in the art of misdirection. Ed is an expert at fooling people into seeing what he wants them to see. The Master of the Theatre of Fear.
1x06 - The crew fuckery
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Stede, the Swede and Black Pete literally holding heads that aren't theirs And once again the allusion to swapping faces/places. "Are those supposed to be the same guy?" "But with very different hairstyles, ja?"
1x06 - "I'm supposed to burn your face off and take your identity"
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Stede getting another layer of "how to get away with dying/disappearing" added to his arsenal of knowledge.
1x08 - The Unicorn's head
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Oh look. A mythical creature's head is removed by the English, when Ed has been compared to a demon, devil, vampire and kraken. I wonder what that could be foreshadowing 🙃
1x09 - "You've kept the clippings so we can make fake heads and escape"
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When in doubt, Stede turns to arts and crafts.
1x10 - "Now that's a fuckery"
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Stede has already faked his own death not once, not twice, but three times in ten minutes. Now that's overkill 😂He's done it before, he'll do it again! In Stede's town, wearing Stede's clothes.
2x01 - "He can't possibly look like this"
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The S1 propaganda pics are all full/half body, but now, he's reduced down to a head with very snaky looking hair. "He can't possibly look like that" (and this ties into something from 2x04 as well)
In related things, there is one historic piece of art referring to Blackbeard like this, as a disembodied head and I feel like there's a bit of a resemblance going on.
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2x02 - "There's some beheadings on here"
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Okay, yes, this one is a stretch, but head removal, people. We have more head removal :D
2x03 - "I'm not me, I'm you"
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Yes, I know, in the context of the Gravy Basket, but there would be some poetrical vibes if Hornigold's body was the one left in Ed's place so Ed can live a long and happy life. (And yes, fully convinced he was an S3 villain)
2x03 - "I knew they killed him"
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Will fully admit I yelped a bit when I saw this scene in higher res than a stream because with the drape of cloth over his head matching the colour of the surroundings, it's gives the illusion of a headless body.
2x04 - "He can't hear you. He's got no head"
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Again, the symbolism of the mythical creature without a head. Especially when we see Izzy yelling at it as if its Blackbeard, his own personal figurehead.
2x04 - "Pulls his entire fucking face off. Turns out this one had stolen the face off some Brit and come to my rescue"
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Of all the specialist skills for someone in Ed's old crew to have, disguising themselves with someone else's face? :D (That's romance ;))
2x04 - The Head of Medusa
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Buttons' transmogrification bowl is under a painting of The head of Medusa (Caravaggio). In the story of Perseus, he used Medusa's severed head to defeat a terrible sea monster (hello, kraken :D) and a King.
And I mentioned earlier Ed's wanted poster had a connection to this episode and look at these images side by side:
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Coincidence??? I THINK NOT XD
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geronimomo-spd · 10 months
and there we go! the full Confidential Archive!
here are all the episodes, according to tardis wiki list, including all of the mini specials and chrismas specials and most if not all in good quality! the full list of everything is under the cut because yeah, its a longgg list!
all in order, including some youtube videos and dvd rips hehe, all according the the tardis wiki list
1x00 - A New Dimension (a prolog to season one, narrated by David Tennant)
1x01 - (rose)
1x03 - (the unquiet dead)
1x04 - (aliens of london)
1x05 - (world war 3)
1x06 - (dalek)
1x07 - (the long game)
1x08 - (father's day)
1x09 - (the empty child)
1x10 - (the doctor dances)
1x11 - (boom town)
1x12 - (bad wolf)
1x13.1 - The Ultimate Guide (another little documentary right before
parting of the ways, about key aspects about filming the season)
1x13.2 - (parting of the ways)
1x14 - Backstage at Christmas (the nine minutes they gave us from some of behind the scenes of The Christmas Invasion)
2x00 - One Year On (a general preview for season 2, including the series 2 press launch, a lot more behind the scenes of The Christmas Invasion and some Torchwood stuff)
2x01 - (new earth)
2x02 - (tooth and claw)
2x03 - (school reunion)
2x04 - (the girl in the fireplace)
2x05 - (rise of the cyberman)
2x06 - (the age of steel)
2x07 - (the idiot's lantern)
2x08 - (the impossible planet)
2x09 - (the satan pit)
2x10 - (love & monsters) - (featuring the winning of the contest of designing a monster)
2x11 - (fear her)
2x12 - (army of ghosts)
2x13 - (doomsday)
2x14 - Music and Monsters (the behind the scenes of doctor who's first music show, including some behind the scenes stuff of The Runaway Bride)
3x01 - (smith and jones)
3x02 - (the shakespear code)
3x03 - (gridlock)
3x04 - (daleks in manhattan)
3x05 - (evolution of the daleks)
3x06 - (the lazarus experiment)
3x05 - (42)
3x06 - (human nature)
3x07 - (the family of blood)
3x08 - (blink)
3x11 - (utopia)
3x12 - (the sound of drums)
3x13.1 - (last of the time lords)
3x13.2 - Children in Need Special (the behind the scenes of the special where 10 meets 5, really cute stuff)
3x14.1 - Kylie Special (series 3 christmas special. version 1 - the full version in less of a good quality i found on youtube, bless this youtube channel honestly)
3x14.2 - Kylie Special (series 3 christmas special. version 2 - the shorter version that was up on iplayer)
3x14.3 - Kylie Special (series 3 christmas special. version 3 - the version i edited to include the low quality parts that were missing with the good quality shorter version)
4x01 - (partners in crime)
4x02 - (the fiers of pompaii)
4x03 - (planet of the ood)
4x04 - (the sontaran stratagem)
4x05 - (the doctor's daughter)
4x06 - (the posion sky)
4x07 - (the unicorn and the wasp)
4x08 - (silence in the library)
4x09 - (forest of the dead)
4x10 - (midnight)
4x11 - (turn left)
4x12 - (the stolen earth)
4x13 - (journey's end)
4x14.1 - The Journey (So Far) (a documentary about the entire show so far)
4x14.2 - Confidential Christmas 2008 (behind the scenes of The Next Doctor christmas special)
4x14.3 - Doctor Who: Top 5 Christmas Moments (a sort of confidential behind the scenes clip show of all of the episodes set at christmas)
4x15.1 - At the Proms 2008 (behind the scenes of doctor who at the proms 2008)
4x15.2 - The Eleventh Doctor (the special they used to announce Matt Smith as the new doctor who)
4x15.3 - Desert Storm (behind the scenes of Planet Of The Dead)
4x16 - Is There Life on Mars? (behind the scenes of The Waters Of Mars)
4x17 - Lords and Masters (behind the scenes of The End Of Time, Part One)
4x18 - Allons-y! (behind the scenes of The End Of Time, Part Two. version 1 - full dvd version)
4x18 - Allons-y! (behind the scenes of The End Of Time, Part Two. version 2 - shortend higher quality version from iplayer, this version has a song in the soundtrack that is diffrent from the dvd version, this is the most accurate version to what aired on tv at the time)
5x01 - (the eleventh hour)
5x02 - (the beast below)
5x03 - (victory of the daleks)
5x04 - (the time of angels)
5x05 - (flesh and stone)
5x06 - (the vampires of venice)
5x07 - (amy's choice)
5x08 - (the hungry earth)
5x09 - (cold blood)
5x10.1 - (vincent and the doctor)
5x10.2 Monster Files: The Daleks (a little documentary about victory of the daleks/daleks in general)
5x11 - (the lodger)
5x12 - (the pandorica opens)
5x13 - (the big bang)
5x14.1 - Monster Files: The Weeping Angels (a little documentary about the weeping angels episodes this season)
5x14.2 - Monster Files: The Silurians (a little documentary about the silurian episodes)
5x14.3.1 - Monster Files: The Alliance (a little documentary about the alliance of monsters from the pandoica opens)
5x14.3.2 - Backstage at the Doctor Who Prom 2010 (behind the scenes of doctor who at the proms 2010)
5x14.4.1 - Charlie McDonnell - Runner (the first Charlle behind the scenes videos, pretty quiet - Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos) - Charlie McDonnell - TARDIS (another Charlie video, she explores the tardis set this time -Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos)
5x14.4.3 - Charlie McDonnell - Decorating Bus (another Charlie video, she decorates the food place with christmas decorations, i liked them Charlie - Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos)
5x14.4.4 - Charlie McDonnell - Christmas Presents (badger) (the famus Charlie video where she brings the cast and crew presents! this is where Matt gets his badger puppet - Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos)
5x14.5 - Christmas Special 2010 (behind the scenes of A Christmas Carol)
6x01.1 - (the impossible astronaut)
6x01.2 - My Sarah Jane: A Tribute to Elisabeth Sladen (a special memorial for the late Elisabth Sladen 😭😭)
6x02 - (day of the moon)
6x03 - (the curse of the black spot)
6x04 - (the doctor's wife)
6x05 - (the rebel flesh)
6x06 - (the almost people)
6x07.1 - Charlie McDonnell interviews Neil Gaiman (Charlie interviews Neil Gaiman, appewrently causing some ruckes on Charlie's blog at the time hehe - Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos)
6x07.2 - (a good man goes to war)
6x07.3 - The Monster Files: The Silence (a little documentary on the silence, thank god because i needed that)
6x07.4 - The Monster Files: The Gangers (a little documentary on the gangers, my beloveds)
6x07.5 - Charlie McDonnell Becomes A Dalek (the last Charlie video, released late because it had the 1-4 tardis set, also she gets to ride a dalek in this one - Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos)
6x08 - (lets kill hitler)
6x09 - (night terrors)
6x10 - (the girl who waited)
6x11 - (the god complex)
6x12 - (closing time)
6x13.1 - (the wedding of river song)
6x13.2 - The Monster Files: The Antibodies (a little documentary on the antibodies from lets kill hitler)
6x13.3 - The Monster Files: The Cybermats (a little documentary on the little adorable cybermates because awww)
6x14 - The Nights' Tale (a little documentary on on the nights mini episodes! the last confidential stuff ever made rip)
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quietparanoiac · 2 years
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Oh, we don't need Patrick.
Ghosts (BBC), 1x06 | 4x02
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cbsghostsdaily · 10 months
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Sam Arondekar in every episode ↳ 1x06 | Pete's Wife
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drsilverfish · 2 years
Taking a Closer Look at 1x06 Art of Dying as Dean’s Subconscious (The Winchesters)
This episode feels like a really significant one, so I went and had a re-watch, this time specifically to take a closer look at the set-dressing (hello set-dressing narrative, my old friend).
There’s so much in there which speaks to Narrator-Dean’s subconscious and (significantly, given the episode’s title) to Dean’s own death.
The barn (a barn was, of course, the mise-en-scène of Dean’s death):
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The shots of skulls (twice - one in Losy’s van, and the other in the background as Carlos sews up John’s shoulder):
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The Soucouyant is a type of vampire, just like the vampires were the monsters at the scene of Dean’s death. But the Soucouyant-vampire here itself is (double?) dead. It’s only animated because it is being possessed by Mac’s vengeful spirit (layers and layers of correspondences and death and spirit symbolism). 
The claw of the Soucouyant and the bloody wound this double-dead vampire makes in John’s shoulder recall (in the way in which, in dreams, objects symbolise other objects) the cursed rebar at the scene of Dean’s own death:
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Then there’s the beautiful, slow sequence of Darla’s hunter’s funeral with Judy Collin’s “Joan of Arc” (1971) (written by Leonard Cohen) playing in the background. We don’t know Darla, but the funeral is given great emotional depth. Her body is prepared, and she is wrapped in white and tied with yellow cord. The scene is shot in golden light, with long lingering sorrow. And the song, about Joan of Arc’s death, is couched in the metaphor of a marriage:
"Then fire, make your body cold, I'm going to give you mine to hold," saying this she climbed inside to be his one, to be his only bride. And deep into his fiery heart he took the dust of Joan of Arc, and high above the wedding guests he hung the ashes of her wedding dress.“
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And what has Narrator-Dean already explicitly told us? He’s picking the music. 
This funeral really recalls the funeral for Castiel in SPN 13x01 Lost and Found - the way Dean prepared Castiel’s body, wrapping it in white and tying it with the torn yellow curtains. In his heart, it was a funeral for his husband; that’s what The Winchesters’ Narrator-Dean’s song choice here suggests (as if we didn’t already know, Dean):
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And oh look, there is a freaking (Soucouyant) hand-print on the barn door to the right of Tracy!
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Which of course recalls the significance of Castiel’s own death hand-print on Dean in SPN 15x18 Despair:
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And in this episode, Losy is wearing a necklace that says “Love” in 1960s lettering (recalling Cas’ dying “I love you” confession to Dean). But (hello wish-fulfillment for Dean’s subconscious) Carlos manages to get a date with his crush, Anton, (not a funeral):
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And is that a statue of Michael and Lucifer locked in combat on the left there by the window?!?! Why, yes, yes it is, Dean’s subconscious:
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There’s an Ankh symbol on the chest behind John in the post-possession talk he has with Mary. The Ankh is the Egyptian hieroglyph known as the “key of life” which had enormous significance for the passage of the soul after death to eternal afterlife:
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There is also a triquetra symbol in Tracy’s house. The triquetra is a Celtic symbol which is sometimes understood to symbolise the cycle of birth, death and rebirth:
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These symbols of life after death, and of life, death and rebirth, fit with my earlier 1x06 meta musing on Narrator-Dean as being in the liminal state between dying and rebirth (known as the Bardo in Tibetan Buddhism).  
All of which is to say, that one way we can read The Winchesters is as a dream-like sequence where God-Narrator Dean re-mixes things of deep emotional significance to him. And this episode, read that way, seems to be a re-mix in particular of the scene of Dean’s own death in 15x20, and his painful experiences of Castiel’s deaths in 13x01 and 15x18.
NB: This reading does not promise a Dean/ Cas reunion - this level of The Winchesters’ narrative is subtextual (no surprises there - hello subtext my old friend) and will probably remain there.  
But isn’t it heartbreaking and beautiful?
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ophelieverse · 2 months
Another thing that truly baffled me is how they made Alicent betray her own side of the family in the last episode.
In season one we had her already planning to take over Rhaenyra and usurp her throne in Aegon favor,telling him that he is the king first born son so why would she back down when Rhaenyra tells her that her father in his last moment was talking about Aegon the Conqueror?
Like?She was already planning to take the power on her own,even Aemond knew about that when he told Aegon that Helaena would become his future queen when they were in Driftmark.
What happened during those years to make her change her mind?When in the episode 9 of season 1 she is shocked that her father and the Small Council was planning to usurp the throne and she goes like “What?😟” girl that is what you wanted to do why are you surprised and why didn’t you schemed with them?
The way the wrote Alicent literally made no sense since the final episodes of season one,she went from wanting to take the power to not wanting to do it anymore.The years that she had spent apart from Rhaenyra,she was ruling for Viserys so why did she changed her mind and changed it again only because of a misunderstanding?
Also Alicent believing Rhaenyra when she told her what Viserys actually meant.Like okay that Viserys would never chose Aegon as his heir,but girl a little bit of benefit of the doubt?
Is Rhaenyra we are talking about,the girl that swore on her dead mommy that Daemon didn’t touched her and you believed her at the time only to find out that she was lying.So why would you believe her now?You know nothing about the song of ice and fire,so it could be something that Rhaenyra made up to confuse you for all that you know.
And she succeeded because you became a ghost of yourself and for what?For what she told you?For a prophecy that,for all that you know and care,could be false or literally not even exist?She decided to believe her ex best friend and to betray her children.All of this again for what?Because of what Viserys wanted?Fuck him and his wishes,he deserves nothing.
“I thought your father wanted it🥺”
This is not about what that abuser wanted,this is about you being who you were supposed to be just like in the book.
In the book the love of Alicent life were her children,all of them.Meanwhile in the show we go:season 1 the favorite is Aemond,season 2 is Helaena,season 3 I expect to see Daeron to take this place and let’s not talk about Aegon when in the book she did everything for him.
Meanwhile in the show apparently the love of her life is Rhaenyra.For as much as i love Rhaenicent,it will never sit right with me that Alicent loves Rhaenyra more than her own kids and will literally have her son beheaded because she said so.
I honestly don’t understand how they wrote Alicent character.They made her forget all about her past,making her saying that she loved Viserys after he abused her/graped her/neglected her and their children.Making her forget what had happened to her son in Driftmark and how Rhaenyra wanted him to be “sharply questioned”.Also making her forget that they killed her grandson in his bed.
And most importantly that she was the first one that wanted to put her son on that fucking throne (episode 1x06)
Honestly I have no other words besides what a disaster it was.
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whumparound · 5 months
Midnight Studio - Whumplist
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Summary: Struggling lawyer Han Bom (Kwon Nara) has fallen on hard times: She’s behind with her rent and can’t find any clients who will pay her. But might she enjoy better luck representing clients in the afterlife? After she meets a short-tempered photographer named Seo Ki Joo (Joo Won) and his clientele of disgruntled ghosts and restless spirits, her luck begins to change. Will this unusual duo’s new partnership prove a hit for the living...and the living dead? 
**Description from VIKI, Show is a VIKI original**
Thoughts: I actually really enjoyed this drama. I feel like some pieces of it were never explained like his mother, and he only talked about his father once. Outside of that, the story was really entertaining and, as you can see, filled with whump. Joo Won is a great whumpee, and I would suggest watching Stealer: the treasure keeper or Alice if you want more whump from him. For this list I started paying attention to Baek Nam-gu around episode 7 but there is an ep early on that shows his death. I don't really count death as whump so I didn't add it.
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Seo Ki joo Played by Joo won
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Baek Nam-gu Played by Eum Moon Suk
1x01 - Seo Ki joo: carried (comical) ●● choked in air ●● Sick, Feverish, smoke Inhalation coughs ●● scared, attacked, choked
1x02 Seo Ki joo: thrown on accident●● attacked by spirits pinned down, saved
1x03 Seo Ki joo: *from last ep***pinned down, almost killed, saved*** ●● Arrested, manhandled, woke up yelling from a nightmare
1x04 Seo Ki joo: concerned for someone, ran into traffic to save FL
1x05 - Seo Ki joo: sleeping, woke frantic, someone throws salt at him, crowded and yelled at, ●● concern for someone ●● in fight ●● pinned against wall ●● Nightmare, wakes up sweating falls off bed unconscious
1x06 - Seo Ki joo: Sweaty, can't hold up his head, passes out ●● carried home by FL *it's was so funny I has to pause to laugh*, laid down, wakes up slowly, struggling, goes to work but is sick for 3 days
1x07 - Seo Ki joo: Choked, cared for Baek Nam-gu: fought, struggling to stand
1x08 - Seo Ki joo: scratch on arm ●● Sick, sweaty, falls asleep, wakes up, frantic (comedic) Baek Nam-gu: fought ●● found out upsetting news
1x09 - Seo Ki joo: Concerned for someone ●● Worried ●● Thrown by a visitor, concerned for, helped to stand Baek Nam-gu: upset, crying, throws vase through glass with powers. Concerned for, comforted, thrown by spirit
1x10 - Seo Ki joo: upset, crying ●● thrown to the ground, choked ●● found out shocking news, pretending to be okay ●● crying while confessing he's scared (really heartbreaking and great acting) ●● attacked with a wrench, chased, fought, choked with said wrench, almost passes out, choked again, saved, protecting FL, bruises on neck Baek Nam-gu: thrown to the ground
1x11 - Seo Ki joo: Client breaks glass that cuts ML cheek
1x12 - Seo Ki joo: scared, in ambulance, unconscious, sweaty, worried for, bleeding, flatlines Baek Nam-gu: Cries
1x13 - Seo Ki joo: found out shocking information, Fought, stabbed, knife twisted, struggling to run, falling, holding wound, falls wound bleeding more, finally makes it downstairs, passes out **this whole sequence was kind of funny on the Bad guys part because he looked so content** (from previous episode) in ambulance, unconscious, sweaty, worried for, bleeding, flatline ●● In hospital, coma, loved ones concerned for him●● Concerned for, slapped *comedic* ●● Concerned, saved FL worried Baek Nam-gu: slapped *comedic*, Upset, almost becomes evil, calms self, upset
1x14 - Seo Ki joo: crying, upset, bittersweet reunion with loved one ●● walking around with IV, looks weak ●● pain in stomach (Pretend), pain in neck (real, no consequence) ●● sad ●● teary Eyed, shocked, fought, throw Through wall of photos, chocked, dropped, chocked, almost stabbed, crying, screaming Baek Nam-gu: fought, thrown bookcase falls on him, fought, Collapsed, continues fighting, taken over, stabbed, crying
1x15- Seo Ki joo: dragged out of studio by a supernatural force, crying, comforted ●● Worried for loved one●● Worried for●● upset, trying to punch a ghost, collapses, teary Eyed, upset
1x16 - Seo Ki joo: Drunk, admitting he's scared, worried for ●● scared, chased, attacked, man's was jumped, jumps off a cliff into a gate, Rolls, grunting, cut on face, ●● stumbling, falls down hill, loosing energy, chased ●● thrown back by energy, upset, falls down a hill into rocks, knocked out ●●wakes up, kicked *comedic*, cut on hand
Sorry for any spelling errors. I am dumb 😊
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baynton · 1 year
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One Whole Humphrey Bone in BBC Ghosts (2019–) 1x06 Getting Out | 2x06 Perfect Day | 3x04 I Love Lucy → ( requested by anonymous. )
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