#Ghost [HH]
mardyart · 1 year
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terzomega (cardinal terzo) h0rny hours i guess
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idiots-assembled · 2 years
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THE GHOSTS AND THEIR MONARCHS requested by anonymous
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fairer-tales · 10 months
‘I say, Havers, don’t let them turn me into a children’s cartoo-’
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wwcross · 6 months
While Danny was flying through the street freely on Saturday night, A brown haired boy who shouldn't be up this late approached him with an envelope. Than, he begged Danny to give this to his former teacher, Mrs. Mayberry. It's from him and all of his class.
Danny hesitated but nod his head. So he went to the far frozen with the envelope and used infi-map.
What he didn't know was that he would fall into the room filled with rubber ducks. ...and a guy with white suit looking down at him holding a rubber duck.
"...You don't happen to be Mrs. Mayberry. right?"
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weebsinstash · 3 months
people: oh wow weeb the new helluva boss episode was so good, have you watched it yet?
me: *sees that the theme of the episode is how Blitz despite being so lonely has actually had a whole lifetime of partners who genuinely liked him and HE broke THEIR hearts and the entire theme of the episode is that he lashes out and acts self destructive when things start feeling too safe and he just wants someone to truly like him but every time someone Actually Does Like Him he freaks out and runs away because he thinks he's not good enough for it and doesn't know what he can trust and now he's this really broken lonely adult who wants to be a better person but the things he does and feels comes from trauma and those things take time to fix, if they even CAN be fixed, oh and also all of his exes literally throw We Fucking Hate This Guy parties and Blitz has to watch the person he cares about whom he has really hurt hook up with another dude*
me: you know maybe this episode would hurt me a little TOO much
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boorou · 6 months
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i love tjhis game anyway have my sketches of all the indoor enemies
zoom in to see better canvas was big sorry!!
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breakandbuildfiction · 5 months
Long Distance Relationship (Heaven)
After learning that there was a new Ghost King, Sera sent Emily and a few other angels to go meet him and see if he was an improvement over the old one. When the younger seraphim returns she happily reports that the new Ghost King was named Danny, that he is a much nicer guy than Pariah Dark ever was, and that she needs something called a ‘cell phone’ to make use of a series of numbers Danny gave her.
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jupiterslifelessmoons · 4 months
Remember Dick Turpin?
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Well this is him now:
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Feel old yet?
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susieskinner93 · 10 months
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sounds familiar?
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mardyart · 1 year
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dancey dance
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yaboirezzy · 6 months
A Thing I Found On YT 11 Twitter
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Yup I'm over here with my own AUs and stuff
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kazumahashimoto · 10 days
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here's how mewgore can still win
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greghatecrimes · 1 year
objectively i know the amber in s5 is a hallucination of her constructed by house’s mind. HOWEVER. it makes everything so much funnier if you imagine it’s actually amber’s ghost haunting his ass from beyond the grave
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justanotherhh · 6 months
Thinking about Alastor and aroace loneliness
was chatting with @creepysora about the feelings of aroace loneliness that occur when one can't fulfill the requirements of relationship structures and connections that are demanded in an amatonormative and allosexual environment -- friendships that end because of being unable to "commit" to more, or because they faded out of ones life in favour of a monogamous romantic relationship, difficulties in finding a shared language through which to form connections in the first place, discomfort with spaces and people that cross sexual boundaries, etc. -- how does one find A Place and A People without entrance into this language and these desires?
this whether or not someone might be along aplatonic and/or loveless, and/or repulsed lines or not
so imagining Alastor (alive and dead) from this perspective, if he did ever feel that, and how he'd have muddled through it in his own particular kind of way (power, control, murder, mayhem, etc)
breaking down his relationships:
mimzy: seems to be quite cold-hearted about their relationship, that is, she turns up when she needs something and alastor has enough of a soft spot that until he was at the hotel/had something "more" to fight for potentially, he let her set those terms. that could indicate some desire for closeness that couldn't otherwise be met, until the hotel? it also suggests there is some fondness for the life he had while alive, although mimzy appears so far to be the only person in hell that has carried through. as for what they were doing while alive outside of drinking and dancing, well, that's still a little mystery. if the hotel gang have become closer to him than mimzy was, then maybe he's starting to feel like he can be involved with people without it simply being about being used. speaking of the gang...
niffty and husk seem to be -- more or less -- on friendly or (in husk's case) at least open terms with him, but he's forcing them into that relationship, so on his side is that "just" power or also a way to keep them with him, to control how and when they stay and leave, to remove the danger of trust. similarly to mimzy, it's not a healthy way to form relationships, but perhaps it's the only way he can be sure to do so on his terms?
rosie -- I think rosie (from what we've seen so far) appears to be the most "uncomplicated" of his relationships, that is, it's not unequal, there's no force, no subterfuge, they don't appear to be "using" each other, they seem to be pretty emotionally honest, and she's possibly the only person who knows he's (aro?)ace (which he doesn't of course, but point is she's seen through some of his barriers and she doesn't judge or try to push, while still clearly enjoying his company). they're colleagues, but they're also on friendly terms, and don't judge each other for how they live their lives (queer metaphor there). is there a teensy edge to it along the lines of overlords generally having an air of "as long as you still have power we're equals, but only as long as you still have power," to them? this a musing, i think carmilla and zestial would be on each others sides through thick and thin from the sounds of things -- would alastor and rosie trust each other to do the same?
the other overlords -- probably not close, but he wants them to acknowledge him/pay attention to him/not forget him
vox. well. vox.
charlie. complicated. joined on as a hotelier, definitely more than a little subterfuge and manipulation involved, and of course now she's made a deal with him. yes, all of this is Plot, but it's also very... alastor-as-person. keep'em guessing, don't let them get close, always have the upper hand, even with someone like charlie, who would probably have been in his corner simply because she (terror of terrors) likes him!
angel, vaggie, sir pentious: aka "the rest of the hotel gang." I think that alastor stiiiiill hasn't integrated entirely into the hotel-as-found-family-concept, although with the reactions to his arrival (save for lucifer and husk) it seems that he's gone from standing on the sidelines (emotionally) to potentially...? accepting that he has a real place there, that he is (scary word used again) liked. which, maybe not quite right putting those three characters in one section, because he had a different dynamic with all of them, but crucially none of them were close with him in s1. they ran the gamut from creeped out (pentious) to creeped out but would still tap that (angel) to open dislike/distrust (and i assume some of that distrust on vaggie's part might still be there, considering the deal, but she does seem relieved that he's Not Dead, so progress). he calls the the hotel gang as a whole friends -- that is, in a way that strongly implies he's still not accepting it/keeping the idea at arm's length "alastor altruist died for his friends" as something almost mocking, but perhaps with a grain of truth...? potentially in s2 he'll be fighting the wish to be sincerely close with these people (minus pentious in heaven), because his instinct is that it's dangerous to be vulnerable, because they could hurt you by taking your soul by turning away when something better comes along or demanding something that you can't give
gen questions: outside of mimzy what did his living existence look like? was he looking for closeness? it does seem like he may have been, considering he does look for that in death/has quite a social circle, considering. business acquaintances that were reading the word "partner" differently, girl friends who "fell in love," boy friends who "fell in love" (less likely considering how he feels about men but still), friends who disappeared when they entered into monogamous romantic relationships, a consistent potential nagging feeling of being left behind, but not knowing how to solve that and so becoming more distant…
and then of course, there's the murders which we still don't know the contexts of and so can project all kinds of things onto -- distaste with how people cross into his or others' boundaries potentially by abusing power they have, betrayal at feeling abandoned, a way to simply keep people close on his terms, (or something completely different. I also like the idea that he murdered racists, which is a different impulse than the vaguer above ideas, but may fit into people who abuse their power/cross peoples' boundaries)
I do think there's something about being Seen (or in alastor's case "Heard" if taken more literally) and controlling the narrative that is about drawing people in in a way he can control, that does feel like it mitigates the dangers that exist in relationships, in a very particular way if you're aroace. either he controls the fabric of the relationship so that they literally cannot leave (husk, niffty, potentially charlie) or he controls the closeness of the relationship so that the terms and conditions are clearly set and shouldn't be overstepped/if they are overstepped he can easily opt out, and/or if they leave, he can't get hurt (the hotel gang, rosie and vox to an extent in that they were/are colleagues which is a very particular Type of relationship, potentially mimzy)
so he is never without people around him, and needs to know they See him/Hear him, and if they don't there's a… twitchiness there. a sense of being forgotten perhaps? of being obsolete? of having nothing more to offer? if you're not pursuing the correct kinds of connections (the only kinds of connections that apparently really matter) then how do you make sure that people don't forget you? that you don't simply disappear?
romance and (to an extent) sex are powerful forces, but in alastor's case they're forces for bad that he's trying to crowbar some kind of place for himself in, no matter how disjointed and strange and even at times cruel his way of doing so may look from the outside
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nelsonlover666 · 8 months
Scratching my brain trying desperately to think of a combination of idiots that have not kissed eachother
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breakandbuildfiction · 5 months
Looking Into All The Destroyed Souls
After learning that one of the things that made Pariah Dark so evil was his willingness to destroy a ghost’s core, basically killing their very soul, Danny demands to be kept aware of anyone doing anything similar. And sure enough, there was a dimension a hop and a skip away where apparently thousands or even millions of souls were killed EVERY YEAR. Clearly, something was seriously wrong over there and Danny wants to know what the Hell is going on and put a stop to it.
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