#Get lost love back in Goa
I'm up way later than I need to be and listening to music while I draw and this song gives me SUCH Sabo feelings and I would love to hear your opinions!! (Never Love An Anchor by The Crane Wives)
You dare bring. The Crane Wives. Into this peaceful household.
Never Love an Anchor no less.
The audacity.
Yeah it makes me think about how Sabo left Ace and Luffy on his own accord at the end. Of course it was a last resort but he left them because he knew that this was the only way for them all to be free.
He left knowing that he would probably not see him until they were 17. Or maybe even never again.
He left them so that they could be safe. Because as long as long as he was with him, as far as he could see, hands would still try to claim him, resulting in the ones he loves getting hurt.
There was no winning for Sabo or any of them. As long as he tried delaying the inevitable, it just never would have happened.
He had to give up what he loved so he could keep it.
And then after he regains his memories, him thinking how much he’s changed. His claws might hurt the one he loves so dearly, even though at this point he doesnt even know him anymore. What if when Luffy finds out that he was alive, it only hurts him deeper. Knowing that there was someone who would have made a difference that day wasnt there. Reliving not only that day in the moment of reuniting, but the say he lost Sabo, too.
I dont find it strange that Sabo didnt try to reunite with Luffy until dressrosa. And in fact i think that reuniting with luffy is something he did as an absolute last resort. I think he truly didnt want to meet him that day at all.
In the anime alone, it doesnt much show it, but in the manga and the Episode of Sabo his hesitance and nerves are really clear to me. He takes a second before he starts walking to talk to luffy. His hand is clutched and shaking. He walks as slowly as he can. And also he only does it after he knows that Luffy cant get the fruit.
They both need that fruit safe. An heirloom of their precious brother, the only thing they have left that can life on from him.
If Luffy could’ve finished that tournament, im fairly certain Sabo would’ve never revealed himself.
I think he feels like he might hurt luffy if he did, but i also think that he didnt feel he deserved it. To reunite with Luffy after all that time. After all that happened.
Going back to the song, the lyrics
“So, I did the only thing that i could And severed the rope to set you sailing from my harbor.”
Even though it was Sabo who went sailing from the harbor, what he was doing was sever the rope from his connections with luffy and Ace so that they could grow and be free without worrying about being held back by him and the weight of his life keeping him suffocating at the bottom of the harbor he’s being drowned in.
If sabo had successfully left Goa that day, and he had reunited with Ace or Luffy somewhere down the line, i think he would act the same way he did in dressrosa that day. I think he would feel his baggage is too much, someone could be after him. And he wouldnt want to reunite. Especially after how he left them.
To me, that letter didnt read as a “i hope i see you again”, but a “goodbye forever”. Which i mean,,,, it was one, at least in Ace’s case, so … 🤷‍♀️ kill me
Anyway, the sentencing of your crimes of Crane Wives-ing me will be capital punishment, i hope you understand.
Thanks for the ask!
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swimming-karyss · 3 months
I've been thinking about the screwed magnetic fields of the grand line recently, and while that train of thought didn't lead anywhere, the phrase I liked - "an invisible birdcage" - really applied to Sabo's situation nicely.
I mean, it's obvious how much influence Sabo's parents have on him, but have you ever thought that Sabo never felt freedom while he was staying in Goa kingdom? And it's even before he was brought back to his family and properly realized just how messed up nobles are!
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We've seen multiple times that his parents treat him as something they own, that he unquestionably belongs to them, and even after running away to the Gray Terminal the feeling of being tied down never went away. It seems like Sabo internalised that so much, that he didn't even realise that he was free this whole time! He was free to choose his future, he was free to choose his family! The only thing holding them down was that they were unprepared to set sail,amd even then they could always leave if they wanted! As Sabo did - by stealing the boat.
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And yet he still longed for freedom, to be "anywhere but here". We can see it in his design - he lives among the 'scum' of the Gray Terminal, and yet he still dressed as a noble, he wears a waistcoat and a top hat which reminds us of the fashion of the high town and especially his father, and his cravat is tied tightly around his neck. His life really was suffocating for him. Even if he was physically away from his family he still could feel their influence, though he was outside the city wall, outside of their reach! And he ran away 5 years ago! He's spent so much time living there, that his noble upbringing has faded - he felt compassion towards the people of the gray terminal, which nobles don't even consider human; he even put someone else's happiness before his own - which is unheard of in the noble circles; he has defeated men twice his size, fearlessly charged into battle while nobles don't want to get their hands dirty. And yet he was powerless when met with violence from his father, showing that despite all this time, despite how much he's changed he still was in that invisible birdcage, unable to act under the influence of his father. (which is why he leaves again)
Even Ace and Luffy feel that:
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And it's really sad that Ace says that Sabo was never able to grasp freedom, because even if briefly, he did. With you two :") But he could never feel freedom as long as he stayed in the country where people are treated no better than trash, and the shadow of his family and Goa's walls lingered above him.
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And a couple of hundred chapters later we see the extent of his parents' grasp! Even with amnesia this deep-seated feeling of confinement never left him. (Though I do think that it's not just the abuse from his parents but also his disgust with nobles as a whole: the burning of the Gray Terminal and nobles' indifference to it clearly affected him a lot)
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And what's worse, now he can't even identify what's wrong! I mean, it's clear that his parents were abusive, you don't need to be a Sherlock to figure that out, but the specific details are lost. Think about it! He ended up on a ship with people who at first didn't really want anything to do with him - not out of malice, they just have more important things at the moment; and then in an organisation(an army) where your value as a soldier is based on your performance(like rising through ranks and such). He doesn't know that his parents equated his worth with his usefulness, and the revs don't know that the boy being so eager to help isn't just a rightheous motivation. He needed to be sure that their efforts on getting him to health weren't in waste, to be useful, so that the only people he knows won't just leave him, plus pair it with his moral values, distaste of nobles, longing for freedom... – no wonder he is the second-in-command of the entire army by the age 22!
This guy's love language is acts of service, but no one (not even Sabo himself) realises that it stems from his screwed upbringing and fear of being cast away if he's not of use.
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Ok, to be fair, it's mostly based on the flashbacks - I haven't finished my reread to look in depth at him as an adult yet! After all we've only seen point A(his childhood) and point B(adulthood) with the journey between them obscured. He does seem to be faring well tho! He takes his job seriously when needed, but also fucks around when he wants to - even if ppl around him show displeasure with that! Good for him.
Same with Koala actually! It's so nice to see her being able to express her feelings so visibly! Be it positive or negative. And I think it's cute, that while Sabo is both the common reason and victim of her outbursts of emotion, he never berates her for it! He's not thrilled, but he's not complaining either!
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danwhobrowses · 11 months
One Piece Chapter 1098 - Initial Thoughts
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Who's ready to feel sad again this week?
If the answer was no then...well...yeah, sorry Another One Piece chapter is out and we are ready to get hit by the cast iron hammer of trauma
brace yourselves
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too
We'll start with the elephant in the room, I didn't want to believe comments that the chapter looked unfinished because I didn't want to also worry about Oda's health, but the chapter is very unkempt. The cover even has a message of Oda apologizing
I'm sure I'm not alone, but I feel like nobody would've thought less of Oda just delaying the chapter to make it look polished if he so wished, I am curious about the reasoning though because usually he's ahead on these things, did the sent draft get damaged or corrupted or something? I wonder if we'll ever know
But the cover page is Brook jamming with an Electric Eel, no continuity relevant covers like last time
It appears that during the Goa fire incident another uprising is looking dire, stretching the army thin
Kuma decides to go and solo it though, on a mission and acting recklessly after news of Ginny's kidnapping
Oh, oh no. It's much worse. Captured as a prisoner for being a Revolutionary would've been one thing, but Ginny was kidnapped because a Celestial Dragon wanted her as a bride
And we all can guess what that will mean...
Kuma does successfully help the Toomi uprising succeed for the army, but Kuma has being running himself rugged
2 years pass and a ragged ship sails the sea with a crying baby Bonney
Ginny is alive, contacting Baltigo to talk to Kumachi
Something feels off though, the Celestial Dragons aren't ones for simply letting people go, especially if they're sick, usually it's a bullet
The forlorn face of Ginny's Den Den Mushi does hide a more darker truth, maybe even one Oda's not fully telling us
Of course, Kuma clocks onto the fact that Ginny's sick, and it turns out that Ginny isn't gonna be able to make it to Baltigo
Kuma wants to be with her, but she doesn't want him to see her in her state at death's door, asking Dragon and Ivankov to look after Kuma
Kuma's already gone though, rushing to the Sorbet Kingdom to the one place he knew she'd go, but in turn missing her last declaration of love for him
Kuma arrives to the right place, but time has run out
Ginny's illness is something we've not seen, her skin hardened and crystallized in contact with the sun, a risk she willingly took to cross the ocean and get home, leaving a baby Bonney in the safest place she knew
It's heartbreaking stuff as Kuma reminds himself of all the times he had with her; he did everything right, everything selflessly, and he still lost everything
Kuma's a better man than me though; if I learned that the woman I loved and lived with for over a decade got kidnapped and spent the last 2 years being the enslaved plaything of the worst creatures imaginable only to come back dying of a disease that deprives her from the light and dies before I got to see her I would've gone full Shinra Tensei on Marejois
Still, Kuma will not let Ginny's death be in vain, and will raise Bonney well
Of course, since Kuma is gigantic, he struggles being delicate with a child, seeking advice from the elderly people
Bonney was a glutton since birth
A brief wholesome montage of Kuma being a good dad to make sure this chapter didn't get super dark
Until it's layered in with Kuma having to fight with the Revolutionaries at the same time
He did put an iron cage over Bonney's cot too so he didn't smush her
And a brief Sabo training cameo
Time passes but the two kids find the church boarded up and Kuma locked inside
And right where her piercing is, blue stones form on Bonney's face
Doctors aren't sure what it is, but it's clear Bonney inherited Ginny's condition, we can only confirm it's not White Lead Poisoning like Law had
As a result, Kuma quits the Revolutionary Army to tend to her
For a guy who quit raising his child to be a Revolutionary, Dragon seems more than understanding seeing Kuma quit the Revolutionaries to raise his child
Seven years ago, Bonney is 5 years old, meaning her true age is likely 12
Local kids bully her, calling her a vampire and running into the daylight to escape her
Bonney is still foul mouthed for someone raised by a pastor, giving the boys the finger as well
Kids aren't too smart though, trying to use a cross on her, while she lives in a church...
Bonney threatens to chase after them, but is stopped by Kuma, who worries even if she wasn't being serious
Bonney is at least aware that her facial stones are part of an illness, but Kuma still tries to uplift her, calling them her Jewels
I guess that's where the Jewelry comes from
Kuma asks Bonney where she'd like to go when she's better, leading her to talk about the Sky Islands
It's a bit obscure, but it seems the book she read it from is Kuma's bible
Bonney also feels like they could meet Nika up there, so they settle that as her 20th birthday, for her 19th she'll go to Fishman Island
Bonney's disease finally gets a name though; Sapphire Scale, feels like a Game of Thrones Greyscale kinda deal, it's allegedly incurable
It's super rare, but the stones grow when they touch any natural light, sun or moon, and even then avoiding the light just slows the disease
The doctor gives Bonney 5 years, traumatizing Kuma more
Bonney only partly overheard the conversation too, taking 'it'll be over on her 10th birthday' as the disease will pass by then
Kuma goes along with it though, you can't tell a child they're gonna die after all but he also feels the guilt of giving her so much hope
A year later, King Becori returns with fire
This time instead of making borders, he's gonna burn the south down himself
Oda please, it's sad enough
and it's gonna be 12+ weeks since we last saw Nico Robin too I haven't forgotten about that
The unfinished panels didn't hamper the chapter as much as it might have had the story quality not been strong, there was only a couple of panels I just had to look a bit harder at to distinguish.
But yeah, the story. I can't say it's great because it's heartbreaking and soul-wrenching, so let's just say it achieved its intent. Ginny suffered a cruel fate and unable to be saved by Kuma, but I also feel like there's more to it than her simply being 'let go', escape is probable but I also fear that Sapphire Scale was an experiment.
There's so much traumatic irony too, a disease that deprives you of the sun, of the light, of the dawn, it feels like something the Gorosei would weaponize. Also the irony of Bonney stopping Zoro from killing a Celestial Dragon who was going to forcibly take a woman as one of his wives, I feel like Kuma wouldn't let her know the full story but that is a tragic bit for us. It also implies that Bonney is technically a Celestial Dragon herself, almost a bridge between both since Ginny was also a slave, it could explain why the Gorosei keep offering a bit of leeway to her too.
The worst part of it all is that I can't be certain that the clone theory is off the table for Bonney, Law survived his disease due to the Ope Ope no Mi, I don't think Bonney's fruit can provide the same assurances. Oda can go super dark if he wants to continue to rip chunks out of Kuma by having Bonney not make her 10th birthday after all, and then Vegapunk clones a Bonney without the Sapphire Scale disease in her DNA. I do hope not of course but it still sadly remains an option.
King Becori's return was an odd place to end though, this is either the point where Kuma becomes King, a pirate, a Warlord or all of the above, perhaps as King he gets World Government information to find a cure for Bonney. We'll find out in 2 weeks I guess, but Oda please,
There has to be a way to end the story with Kuma being happy.
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charkyzombicorn · 10 months
Gods au Luffy took years to get back on kilter after everything with usopp and Sabo. He might have even (unintentionally) caused a drought or two out of anger.
So I'm gonna say Rosinante dies after Sabo so Luffy was there when Sabo died because I don't like the alternative. Luffy was dealing with life without Usopp mostly by being clingy with Ace and Sabo more than usual, but then Sabo "dies" and Luffy's dealt with mortals he loves dying before but it was always with Usopp. He goes into a rage when Sabo dies, the heatwave mostly affects goa's paved streets, starts fires and kills crops. He kills everyone on the celestial dragons' ship that Jimbe doesn't protect (everyone but the slaves, Luffy can't tell the difference atm) and Jimbe keeps him from wiping out the wildlife (not that it helps much, Ace is also raging, even if it's much smaller) Jimbe does get hurt stopping Luffy but he'll be fine.
After that, Luffy discovers Rocinante is dead and his son is lost at sea, Jimbe and Luffy take Ace with them to Law and Jimbe and Luffy kind of raise the two together for a while, Brook has just recently come out of his Episode so he's also there and is with Jimbe being the romcom these poor boys need
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vibrantindiatravel · 3 months
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hum-suffer · 11 months
Aaj jane ki zid na karo
As he leans back on the bean bag, Amish takes a moment to look at Rati.
She's gorgeous, he's known that since he saw her smirking, deliberately making noise from her payal to scare their mutual friends while one of them told a horror story. That was the third time he saw her, the first time he put a name to the face that was almost always scrunched in concentration.
But tonight, on a Goa beach, Rati is something that her namesake would be jealous of. Her hair is tied in a bun, she didn't want sand in it, and the buckle holding her hair is the one he bought for her. Her eyes are closed and he knows that she's one step away from falling asleep on him but he doesn't care. With her eyes closed, he gazes at the crowfeet at the corners of her eyes, an easy testimony of her ever present laughter. He looks at the red breakout on her jaw, he looks at the scar just at her chin. He looks at the shirt she's wearing, which fits her perfectly.
(It used to be his. She had it once for Holi and it never came back into his house.
His mother thinks that he lost the shirt at swimming practice. He doesn't correct her.)
Her legs are propped into his lap and one of his hands is covering the very payal that brought his attention to her, while the other has an Americano. Extremely inappropriate for night time, but. But he wants to stay awake.
He knows he will never get to see her like this again, probably. Moonlit and extraordinarily relaxed, this Rati was a contrast of the too much energy and too less patience mixture that she was in the day.
Anish looked away at the ocean. It was pretty, he thought mindlessly, the cafe lights above them making it better for his vision. But no ocean will ever compare to Rati.
"Amish," she calls him, eyes still closed and voice drowsy. He can physically see her struggle to flutter open her eyes. "Set your sadness aside, for tonight."
Her voice isn't as mocking as it would have been at any other time. He knows why that is. She's gonna leave Goa soon, her family way too angry on her decision to fall for him. A part of him understood their reaction. There was nothing special in him, nothing that someone as awe inspiring as Rati should like.
They were leaving for Delhi tomorrow.
Their last night on the beach, in the Midnight cafe and Rati wanted him to keep his melancholy aside for once.
He could never say to no to her.
As far as he cares, it's the last night that Earth will look beautiful. He will do right by whoever he marries, he knows his honour, and she will make sure to be honourable to whoever she marries. But this is their last night together, sitting on the same bean bags, drinking coffee and tea toghether, trying to be awake. Trying to watch old songs on that horrendous TV that the cafe has, doing just about anything to stay awake.
Trying to capture night in their hands.
And as the world caves in on his chest and lungs, Amish buries his feet in the sand and passes the Americano to her. She's the one between them that enjoys coffee. It's become routinely for him and he's forgotten just what is enjoyable in it. He likes her honey mixed lemonades better.
Rati smiles at him and he wishes he wasn't looking at her right now. The smile makes him want to take her in his arms and run now. She's melancholic too, but it's easier to just stick to their routine and call him the melancholic one. She loves him too and she's losing him too.
(With the way the grief of their impending doomsday creeped on him, he thinks she lost him before he will lose her. And oh, what he wouldn't give to have that year back, to love her better.)
He feels tears in his eyes spring at the way she's smiling. That's not her smile. That's his smile, the smile he smiles when he's watching Veer Zara and trying not to cry. When he's watching Lamhe and crying. When he's reading Richard Siken and crying. Whenever he's crying. This is his smile.
"I've infected you with my sadness, it seems." He says, because he needs to speak before the air turns colder and the night turns to day. He needs to speak before he never speaks of how much he loves her.
Rati scoffs, and somehow that sound is tear stained in her throat. "It's a love borne disease, this sadness."
He chuckles. Rati will never accept it, but between them, she's the better poet. She's the poem he wishes he could claim for himself. He wishes their ballad wasn't ending.
She takes a sip of the Americano. "Cheers," she says, lifts her hand in the air halfway,"to our final night together."
"To doomsday," he says instead, just to be contradictory.
The alarm clock on Rati's mobile rings, shrill and loud and everything he hates. He set it himself, and it's ringing near his feet, but he hates it still. He wishes he could trap time between the ice left on the empty lemonade glass at Rati's lap.
He snoozes the alarm.
She moves her feet slowly, her payal is much better than the alarm and much worse. She's leaving. She hands him the Americano back and the lemonade glass replaces her phone at his feet. She stands.
Amish follows her lead and stands too.
He swallows, and all the words he wants to say to her die in his throat. Rati smiles—his smile, his smile, his smile— and holds his empty hand anyway.
His lungs feels like it's burning and his eye lids are heavy now as he watches her.
"Goodnight, my love," Rati whispers between them and tears fill her eyes too.
He doesn't reply. He can't reply. He doesn't have words. He doesn't want to know what a goodbye means. This is supposed to be cordial, she can't leave without him acknowledging her leaving. He never wants to say goodbye.
As aaj jane ki zid na karo plays on that horrible tv, Rati's smile changes. It turns from his to hers, the upside down smile. Amish commits the look to memory; Rati, with her kajal smudged, her hair falling from the bun, cheeks lifting in her smile, jaw red and a rug burn on her forehead with the dancing ocean as the back drop.
As Farida Khanum sings jaan jaati hai jab uth ke jaate ho hum, Rati begins to let her hand slip from his.
He holds his tongue again, for he knows he can never say goodbye to her.
"Goodnight, my love." He whispers between them and it's Rati now that swallows. Her hand leaves his completely and he feels abandoned and cold. She shoulders her bag, licks her lips and sighs before she turns to leave.
She keeps looking back. He can't look away from her.
He stares at the pathway until he sees her no more. Aaj jane ki zid na karo plays in the background like a mockery of his love.
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
The loved & the forgotten pt14
Part 13 here
Taliesin: *walking beside Kaidan, holding his hand as they lead the group on foot* the airs surprisingly clear out today! I never thought I’d be happy to see the bulwark of raven rock again.
Kaidan: Aye, im looking forward to a proper bed and a rematch.
Sero: Will you be able to actually keep it down this time~ or will you be making my poor darling Geldis clean up after your mess again.
Kaidan: Oh aye. I’m coming prepared this time. I’ll be going at it with a full stomach and no mixed drinks~
Miraak: am I missing something here?
Inigo: my friend gave himself alcohol poisoning with sujamma.
Miraak: I see. *looks up* And this is the company you keep then, dragonborn.
Vivienne: *discovered he can surf on muatra, now gliding back and forth over the group* oh yes, life’s more fun with them I think. *hooks his legs over the spear and hangs upside down off it* wait until I tell you about Kaidan and the goa-Woaaah! *suddenly gets yoinked down and into Kaidans arms*
Kaidan: shhh, keep your pretty mouth shut you.
Vivienne: *giggles and grabs muatra before wrapping it up as they approach the settlement* oh who has my mask?
Taliesin: I do. *hands it to him* Dibellas mercy look at this place! It was a ghost town when we left!
Kaidan: *nods* aye, looks like things picked up fast with the mines reopening.
Vivienne: *looking visibly uncomfortable seeing a ship with the sigil of house indoril branded on its sails* let’s just… keep a low profile then we head for dumzbathar in the morning. *fixes his mask and walks ahead of the group towards the netch, only to freeze as he’s suddenly surrounded by temple guards, all of them appearing out of thin air and lashing at him with whip like ropes tangling him up long enough for them to swiftly knock him to the ground and restrain him*
Kaidan: OI WHOT THE FOCK DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING?! *reaches for his blade as the guards not holding Vivi turn their weapons to the group*
Guards: Step aside or be arrested for aiding a heretic god to the temple!
Taliesin: I- a heretic- No you’ve got it wrong he’s not a god!
Captain Veleth: *approaches with his men, surrounding the temple guards as a crowd begins to form to see what’s going on* What’s the meaning of this?! Unhand the boy!
Galdrus Hlervu: *suddenly steps into view smirking* With all due respect captain Veleth this is a matter concerning the temple and the safety of the people of raven rock. And this, boy, as you call him has fooled all of you in some poor attempt to regain all the influence he’s lost over the last few hundred years. Isn’t that right? Vivec?…
Vivienne: *looks up, visibly trembling believing now to be his final hour alive, his whole life having been warned to stay away from the temple, only for it to come find him instead* I am not vivec… my name is vivienne…
Galdrus Hlervu: *rolls his eyes* Tsk, ever the liar as always. Strip him.
The guards: *suddenly begin tearing at his robes*
Team dragonborn: *lunge forward with captain Veleth to stop them only for the guards to force them back*
Everyone: *falls silent as Vivienne’s mask and hood is ripped from his face, revealing his gold and blue skin to all. His red and blue eyes met with an audible gasp from the crowd surrounding him*
Vivienne: *smiles tearfully, looking at the crowd before him* I never deceived you… I only look like him… he made me but I am not him… I know you have no reason to believe my words, or trust that I mean no harm or I’ll intent… all I ever wanted was to help.
Galdrus Hlervu: More lies from the cut tongue of a false god. Guards, take him to the temple.
Captain Veleth: *steps forward* Halt it right there! This is an unlawful arrest! The temple must answer to the council first before-
Galdrus Hlervu: Then bring it up to the temple yourself captain, unlike you I clearly value the safety of our people over your stubborn pride for your authority. *huffs and turns walking back to the temple, the guards pushing Vivienne along as he looks back at team dragonborn with heartbreak in his eyes*
Vivienne: *looking at Kaidan & Taliesin as he’s dragged away* m-my loves… don’t cry for me… please… *looks up the temple stairs as he’s lead to the doors and forced inside*
Captain Veleth: … *looks to team dragonborn* You lot! With me! *marches to the front of the crowd* Please! To anyone who has been helped or touched by the kindness of the dragonborn! Speak up!! Let the councillor hear your voices!!! *hurries to the councillors estate*
Taliesin: *looks to Kaidan and takes his hand, a deep fear and pain in his eyes* let’s go-
Kaidan: *squeezes his hand* aye! Hurry! We’re running on borrowed time! *hurries with the group after the captain*
Vivienne: *whimpering as the guards strip him down to just his under cloth, their rough hands grabbing at him all over and shifting him one way and another as they shackle his hands, feet and neck with magic surprising irons before forcing him into a cell as they confiscate his belongings, his priest mask and muatra included, along with the ring of Khajiiti, leaving him locked behind bars, small and vulnerable against the wall* …Mephala… *sniffles and curls up* I feel like I’m right back where I started…
???: Azuras mercy…
Vivienne: *blood turning to ice in his veins and skin prickling up in fear as he recognises that voice* …no… p-please… *looks up to the doorway leading into the holding cells, to see sen dres, standing there, smiling at him*
Sen Dres: *taking in every inch of the demi god chained up before him* oh vivi… you look even more divine since I last saw you… *reaches into his sleeve pulling out the mask of vivec, and the pipe from the brothel madam* I’m so happy I finally found you again…
*meanwhile outside*
Nerevar: *hurries out of the councillors estate with voryn, the councillors and team dragonborn in tow to see the crowd now gathered outside the temple screaming and rioting in anger threatening to break down the doors if they don’t release vivienne* oh gods-
Voryn: *holds up his ordinator shield marked with the sigils of house dagoth & indoril* everyone behind me. Captain?
Captain Veleth: *readies his shield* men help us part the crowd!
Voryn: *pushes through the crowd moving the group through behind him as he goes before they reach the steps in time to witness Galdrus suddenly pushing Elder Othreloth from the temple doors, knocking the elderly mer to the ground with ease* Elder Othreloth- GUARDS! *points to Galdrus* KILL HIM!
Galdrus Hlervu: *laughs* Oh please yes do try~ by the time you breach these doors I will be in charge of this gods forsaken island~ *flares down at Elder Othreloth as the elderly mer struggles to get up* You’ve held onto your position long enough~ I think it’s time for a new change of managem-… *goes quiet as suddenly the space between him and the other dunmer is filled by the red and black robes of Voryn Dagoth as he teleports right in front of him* I-
Voryn: … *grabs his head tight and stares into his eyes as his third one begins to glow, showing him visions so maddening his mind practically turns to mush in absolute terror* Obey…
Galdrus Hlervu: *slack jawed, nods* yesss, my looord…
Nerevar: *runs up the stairs with tram dragonborn, gently helping Elder Othreloth up* e-easy my friend. *looks to Voryn* I’ll go get h-
Voryn: no. I will. I still can’t be sure if he’s the same as he was back then or not and I cannot risk you being killed a second time my love… stay here and help the guards get this crowd under control. You lot! *points to team dragonborn* with me. *pushes Galdrus down the stairs and hurries into the temple*
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nitannichionne · 2 years
If He Was Your Fan (A Henry Cavill Fan Fic), Chapter 73: Long Lost & Found
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Your watch vibrates. Time to get up. Your phone plays Goa, and you open your eyes. You sit up and sigh.
“You comin’ today?”  you hear John’s voice call from downstairs.
“I’ll bike over later,” you call back.
You look out of the window and see the garden below. It’s pretty bare due to the time of year, but it’s still nice to look out. Your vision turns inward as you remember how you got here.
You were dehydrated from crying. Luc stood by you and nuzzled you as you did. You stared out into the night, looking at the moon through the trees. Luc nuzzles you as you just go blank, looking up at the sky. You don’t even know how long you’ve been here, but you took one of Luc’s blankets to keep warm. He still had a thicker blanket and saddle on him.
Suddenly you see a flickering light. You realize it’s a flashlight and freeze, not sure what to do…until you hear John calling you over and over. You sigh, realizing he’s come looking for you, and he sounds worried.
You feel a tinge of guilt and call out. “Here!”
He comes and sits next to you. “I’m not going to ask if you are okay. I know you’re not.”
“I just feel like it’s all falling apart, John.”
“You don’t want to go home, do you?”
You shake your head, still unable to look at him.
“Well, you can stay at my place,” he offers. “I got a cottage not far from here and it’s on my parent’s property. My grandparents used to live there, but they are gone now so it’s mine. It’s nice, and you can go home whenever you’re ready—”
You look at him, and hug him tight. He hugs you back. “Thank you. I’ll pay you for staying, I’ll cook and clean, whatever.”
“Let’s just get out of here, yeah?” He looks around. “This place gives me the creeps.”
“It’s riddled with ghosts, I think,” you joke, but you really believe it.
“So why’d you come out here?” he asks, rising to his feet and offering his hand.
When you returned, you see Finn’s car still there.
“Thank God,” Finn smiles with relief. “Is your phone off?”
“Yes, I turned it off.”
He takes a deep breath. “If you like, I can take you home.”
“I’m not going home, thank you,” you tell him. “I am staying at a friend’s.”
“I can take you—”
“No, I’ve got it,” John nods. “I don’t mind.”
That was three days ago.
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You like it here, really like it here.
Churi brought Luna to you, food and all…even picked up a small pan and litter for her. The second she gives you your cat, she hugs you.
“Tell me everything,” she says softly.
“I knew you’d ask,” you nod, and gesture to the kettle boiling.
“I did what you said,” Churi says as you sit down in the kitchen.
“I never thought a stable boy would live—”
“His grandparents’ old home. His parents are in the bigger house.”
“Did you know he is studying to be a vet?” you inform proudly. “He’s attending the Royal Veterinary College just fifteen minutes up the road. He gets up and works at Trent, goes to school and then goes back to Trent.”
“Wow, he’s really driven.”
“Can you imagine studying all day and working around potential patients for the rest of it—”
Churi puts her hand on yours. “Hey.”
“Are you okay?” she asks you.
“I just…needed to breathe,” you admit. “Going back to the apartment felt like something I couldn’t handle. I mean…he put my desk together, we made love everywhere, I just—he was the first tea I ever hosted, Chiru!”
“Any idea when you’ll be back in Brixton or the city?”
“Soon,” you nod. “He should have left on the junket by now.”
“I think he left today,” she exhales. “He’s been looking for you, calling us.”
“You told him I was alright—”
“Yes, and he was grateful for the emojis you sent-the prayer sign, the plane,” she pauses. “He went to your apartment, you know.”
“I thought he might.”
“Which is why you didn’t go home?” Chiru’s eyebrows raised, and she shook her head at you. “Mitra, you must go home. You can’t stay here forever, can you?”
You sigh. She is right, but you just don’t want to hear it right now.
“Stella is giving me food to bring to you and John, by the way, and she says she’ll call you tonight. Sophie says she’ll come by the stables, too.”
“Good, I’d like to have tea here with you all before I go,” you say. “It’s very peaceful here and Trent isn’t far away. We could make a day of it…or at least a nice ride and tea before John comes home.”
Days go by, and finally you have to go home…well, at least to the recreation centre in Brixton. You told people there never to tell when you’re coming before you started volunteering and if anyone called and asked, to give false dates and let you know. You set that up the second you started volunteering.
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Much to your relief, no one was there. For days you were afraid if you left Ferny Hill, you’d be the subject of paparazzi. But, no, no one was there. Then, suddenly:
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“Why?” you ask under your breath.
“Because my sis works at Hyde Park and saw something…interesting,” she chuckles. “you are going to be my big break.”
“You want to be a photographer, then?”
“A photo journalist, yes.”
You shake your head. “This may not be the way.” You frown at her. “If you like I can ask if you can look at the programs I work on,” you say with a shrug. “I work with children here, and at a couple of orphanages? That’s more interesting—well, the children are.”
She stands for a moment, and you see her face as she lowers her camera. “You want me to come with you?”
“This is the story, uh—”
“Dana,” you reply. “You got a boyfriend? Girlfriend? Lover?”
She frowns.
“Ah, so you understand why I am not answering those questions,” you say. “No matter what you think, it’s still private. But this? It’s still good information, and a story can be written about it.”
You get the centre director’s permission to take pictures of certain places inside, and with a signed agreement, she could take the pictures as long as the children’s faces were not depicted for public consumption and the centre got altered and unaltered copies.
All in all, it was a nice afternoon, three hours total. You say your thanks and goodbyes, and head for the train station…
But then you notice it: four men get out of a dark car and start following you.
You see them. It’s so obvious.  You switch streets, and they are not far behind. They split and inner alarms go off. If you go into a building they plan on covering the back.
Why? Why is this happening?
You draw a shaky breath. Henry is out of the country. You don’t care what is going on, and you want him here, but that’s nonsense. You duck into call Finn on your cell phone.
“Hey, love—”
“What’s wrong?”
“Finn, I—I’m being followed.”
“Followed? By whom?”
“I don’t know—”
He chuckles lightly. “Are you sure--?”
“Yes!” you lower your voice as you duck into Argos Brixton. The department store is a decent size, and if you can just duck here or there you might be able to get out.  “I’m coming to Trent, alright? Something is up.”
You buy a white fleece hoodie, black jacket and large gray backpack. You make the switch in housewares, putting your coat and bag in the large one and donning your new outerwear. You run to the bathroom to use the soap then to the bath area and find some samples to change the smell and look of the coat. You change your boots for gym sneakers you brought with you. You are a mixture of bathroom soap and bubble gum. You pull out your phone and hold it, pretend to text. Since you aren’t very tall, you could be mistaken for a teen.
To your relief, you find some teens from the center, and you mix in. Some say hello, having seen you and you smile. They keep talking and you follow as one of the pack. Luckily they are headed in the direction of the tube. You wave goodbye as if you know them all, some even waving back, and get on.
You are trying not to shake and you are trying not to look weird. You get off a few stops before you are supposed to, and take a bus to Trent. You walk in, and start running as soon as you pass through the gate. “Finn!” You race inside the stables. “F—”
You freeze. The very men you evaded are standing there!
“They got here just before you did,” Finn explains.
You are about to run when you hear a gun click. Your hands go up.
“Bloody hell, Wilson! That’s not necessary.”
“Tired of running after her, Graham,” a deep voice grounds out. “Stop where you are.”
You turn to them.
“Lower your hands, madam, you are not under arrest—”
“Why are you here?!” you snap. “Why are you following me?”
“May we use your office?” the less aggressive one asks.
“Yes, of course,” Finn looks utterly intimidated and you feel unsafe.
You all file into Finn’s office, but the door is closed on Finn.
“I am Graham, and my trigger-happy partner here is Wilson.”
Wilson nods, and puts his hands behind his back, standing at attention.
You shake your head. “I don’t know why you’re here—”
“I know.” Graham says gently.
You start going into your leg pack. “I’m pretty sure I’ve done nothing wrong, and my passport and visas are in order—”
“We know that, too.” Wilson says gruffly.
“if you were in my place, wouldn’t you be a bit nervous, panicked, even?”
Graham sits across from you and leans in. His demeanor is relaxed and gentle, as if he was speaking to a frightened child, and you are willing to accept his instead of anything negative.
“Allow me to explain, milady.”
You breath catches and you frown. What did he just say?
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basedkikuenjoyer · 10 months
Tilting at Windmills
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🎶 "Such a fine and natural sight...everybody's dancing in the lab light." 🎶
It can't be the moon or Bonney would get worse, pay attention. This one's a trip. Because it's 95% of what I expected...then takes a wild last turn I'm still lost on. We fill in pretty much the stuff we kinda knew about Kuma. I like how Kizaru folds in and reinforces his maudlin attitude about his mission. The weight of self sacrifice is on display here and that is naturally something that's bled over from Wano. That concept of willingly giving up free will, individuality for another...you know what I'd say about that. But we're past the point it's worth the time to point out every example of that.
This chapter also takes us on a whirlwind tour of old faces and things that are reminiscent of our own experience with this story. Panel reminds you of the wolves on Upper Yard right? Very cool, it's like seeing a different angle of Luffy's journey which I'm big into. Since this appears to be going longer I hope we see Kuma watching the Moria fight from the sidelines. Speaking of...
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I love this panel of Moria and Perona. When we see so many cameos this time it doesn't feel right to say hey, look at them creeping back in, but it's a very cool panel of the pair to be sure. Warlord Jinbei & Miss Allsunday were excellent additions. What I do like is how it slips in Sabo/Ace in a way that'll subtly help out with putting this at the right point of the timeline. Like I said, a lot of this was just connecting dots we knew about it, it's cool but we sorta got what I was expecting? Most of the chapter was just that, then the last panel threw us a big curveball...
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Okay...we're not back to Egghead but this is 1000x weirder. No one saw this one coming. All of a sudden, Kuma's grand flashback just met the #1 most interesting character to cross paths with in a flashback. The fuck? This is such a wild proposition, if Ace is part of Whitebeard's crew Luffy is less than a year from setting out to sea. He cannot have a significant moment with Kuma directly. We smartly kept him unconscious during Thriller Bark yes but resolved that at Sabaody. That doesn't mean they can't interact. The tone of that or even if they never do but Kuma has say, some impact on Goa is a total toss-up and the answer can take the story so many ways. It also does not have to be a super big deal.
I'll say my first thought for sure. If we started this flashback with Ginny showcasing the role and end it with Kuma providing a vignette into the one core person Luffy has here, Makino, I'm gonna get very invested from a certain perspective. If he's in that stretch between Ace leaving and setting off himself, running down to Party's Bar frequently makes plenty of sense. Get what I'm saying? Luffy would never remember a big guy that stopped in for a drink one day when he went to go see her.
Like, if you wanted to drop the subtlety...have Kuma stop in and ask her for information. He comes in as Makino is being Makino, humoring Luffy and asking what kind of crew he wants when he sets off soon. To which Luffy rattles off nine ideas you recognize and caps it off by saying he wants someone like her to keep him in line. Maybe reinforce it with Kuma watching the Moria fight, chuckling about how he only needs two more. Show us the last notes of Bonney escaping and Kuma protecting the Sunny.
That's one way you could do it. Still do the same thing getting us back. Or maybe there's a whole fuckin untold story of Goa waiting in the wings that made Luffy the man he is. The playbook is straight out the window now and nothing makes sense anymore.
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alexbkrieger13 · 2 years
Ann-Katrin Berger: Playing football helped me beat cancer – twice
Chelsea goalkeeper’s love for the game helped her through darkest times
When Ann-Katrin Berger walks out of the tunnel at the Emirates stadium in front of more than 44,500 fans tomorrow lunchtime, the Chelsea goalkeeper will be covered in goosebumps and have the same nervous anticipation she gets at the beginning of every match.
Nothing has changed for the 32-year-old in all her time spent playing football, and — as the Women’s Super League returns from its winter break — a north London derby against title rivals Arsenal is as important as ever. While this season has been a “rollercoaster”, the past six months have featured far more dips than most professional footballers endure.
On July 31, Berger was part of the Germany squad that lost to England in the final of the European Championship. On August 1, her worst fears were confirmed; the thyroid cancer first diagnosed in 2017, from which she thought she had recovered, had returned.
“The only negative was that it was my last appointment to get the full clear [when the blood test came back abnormal],” Berger says. “Obviously cancer can come back at any time, but you can say after five years normally it is all done and dusted. That was the negative because it was so close to being finished. The positives were I knew what to expect and what to do and it wasn’t like the unknown like before.”
When Berger first had thyroid cancer diagnosed while she was at Birmingham City, she played throughout her treatment, and she has done so again this time. The only match she has missed this season was the opening Women’s Super League game against Liverpool.
“I needed that aim to get rid of the cancer,” she says. Having finished her treatment, Berger’s tests results have come back clear, but she is understandably cautious in her optimism. “Now we just have to hope and wait,” she says, explaining it can take up to two years to feel more confident the cancer has gone.
Berger’s statement on social media announcing that the cancer had returned has more than 25,000 likes. Her openness and strength moved Paul Green, the Chelsea general manager, to describe her as an “inspiration”, although it has taken Berger a while to adjust to the spotlight.
“I had to learn it over the years,” she says. “I know I am in a position where I can help people. If I can only affect 1 or 2 per cent of people that is good enough for me. Even after the diagnosis I looked after the people around me, I didn’t allow them to look after me.
“Too many people came to me, texting me. I’m not a social media person so I had to get my nieces and nephew and Jess [Carter, her partner and Chelsea team-mate] to explain how to work it out. It felt crazy because I never saw myself as a role model. How I did that, I don’t know.”
Berger is grateful for the motivation and discipline that being a professional footballer has given her, reflecting that her fitness as an athlete played a big role during her treatment. “You can’t tell me one athlete that likes to give up and I think that helps me quite a lot,” she says. “Even though I had cancer I feel like I still have a healthier body than anyone else.”
While the ever-positive Berger admits her second round of treatment “hit her quite hard”, it was the emotional toll she found difficult. Sarina Wiegman, the England manager, gave Jess permission to attend appointments with her throughout the Euros.
“It was during the Euros and Jess was allowed to come with me to two appointments so we were always together,” Berger says. “It was easier for the tournament to be in England because I knew if something happened she was not far from me, our hotels were not far from each other. It sounds crazy, but my main focus was being as good as possible in the Euros. The doctor’s side and the appointments was almost next to it. I took it seriously, but I didn’t want the thoughts to overcome me and the game be affected.”
Another difficult moment was having to break the news to her Chelsea team-mates, although Berger was relieved it had gone better than when she delivered the same news to her Birmingham colleagues.
“It was the hardest to actually tell them . . . not to feel sorry for me,” she says. “I learnt from the first time and how I came across. The first thing when I told them was that everything should be normal, treating me normal. That helped me.
“As good human beings, obviously it affected them a little bit and I could see that but I tried to say to them they could talk to me, because we are process driven. Any questions they have, I don’t feel uncomfortable, even to Jess because she has been through this with me twice now so she probably knows even more than me.
“My aim is to get healthy, but how do I get there? To be as normal as possible and do the things I always did before. If I don’t do the health side I can’t play football and if I can’t play football I will be miserable.”
Her health scare has left her even more determined to improve, personally and collectively with Chelsea. “I want to be one of the best goalkeepers in the world again. Off the pitch if I’m not healthy enough I can’t reach these goals so having a good balance between both is important for this year. Everyone at Chelsea knows we are going for all the trophies this year. The biggest aim is to win the Champions League. I feel like nobody can stop us, only us.”
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andyrxaxd · 2 years
Hello! Psychological Sabo fictionkin here, and I am looking for my canonmates. Sourcemates are also equally welcome! I'm especially on the search for my Luffy, Koala, Robin, Isaac (from One Piece World Seeker), and Ace, but anyone else I know will do fine. I am 15, so the range of ages I accept is 13-17.
I remember pickpocketing multiple people in Edge Town with Ace and Luffy, and Luffy and Ace sneaking to my room in the Goa Kingdom through the window after I was taken back by Outlook. I remember almost getting caught by bandits and being sold as a slave when it was just me and Ace, and Ace saved me. I remember playing tag with Luffy and me and Ace would swim into rivers to tease him. I remember pranking Dragon with Koala by climbing into the ventilation system to his office and dumping water on him, and I also remember eating out with Hack and Koala after I lost a bet and had to pay (we ended up leaving anyway and I left the bills on the table because marines walked in). Robin reading stories to us from her favourite history books like we were children (I certainly felt like it at the time) and teaching Koala to cook (I was the judge, it was good).
Isaac was a special case. I remember speaking to his sister Jeanne about family near her mother's grave. I also remember waking up near the graveyard after being saved by Isaac from poison gas and Lucci - we had a small talk and then he flew off in his cool robot suit.
These are memories to help canonmates recognise me! Please find me, and sourcemates do reply! I'd love to talk to anyone like me.
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gokitetour · 1 year
8 Fascinating Things to Do in Goa,
Goa is a small but lively Indian state on the western coast. It is a mix of different cultures, tastes, and experiences. It's known for its sandy beaches, but it's so much more than just a place to relax by the water. With its old forts that show its rich past and its busy night markets full of colourful goods, Goa is a treasure trove of adventures just waiting to be found. Water sports that get your heart rushing are available for people who like to be scared. People who love food will love Goan cuisine, which is a tasty mix of Indian and Portuguese flavours. And the spice farms are a green haven for people who want to get lost in nature. Goa has something fun for everyone, whether you want to relax on the beach, learn about history, or go on an adventure. Come along with us as we discover the many interesting things that this beach paradise has to offer.
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Here are some fascinating things to do in Goa:
1. Sandy Relaxation: Sunbathing, swimming, and sunsets: When you talk about Goa, you can't leave out its beautiful beaches. There is a different vibe at each beach, from the busy Baga to the quiet Palolem. You can lay down on the soft sands, swim in the warm water, or just sit back and watch the sun go down. Goan specialties are served in beach shacks while the sound of the waves plays in the background. You shouldn't miss this chance.
2. Get into water sports: Goa has a lot of exciting water sports for people who like to be active. There are lots of fun things to do, like skydiving, jet skiing, banana boat rides, and windsurfing. People like to do these things at Calangute and Candolim beaches. Professional teachers make sure that you have a fun and safe time, even if you're a newbie.
3. Architectural Wonders: Going through Goa's long past is easy to do because of its many forts. There are great views of the Arabian Sea from Aguada Fort, and the movie "Dil Chahta Hai" made Chapora Fort famous. Not only are these forts beautiful works of architecture, but they also tell us about Goa's history, especially during the time of the Portuguese.
4. Enjoy the night markets: The night markets in Goa are a riot of colours, sounds, and smells. You can find everything here, from jewellery made by hand to old clothes, from rare foods to detailed home decor. Some of the most well-known are the Anjuna Flea Market and the Mapusa Market. Try to get the best deal, eat some street food, and enjoy the lively atmosphere.
5. Take a boat ride on the Mandovi River: The Mandovi River runs through the middle of Goa and is a great place to go on a sunset tour. As you sail, you can enjoy live music, traditional Goan dances, and sometimes even a DJ night. A lovely and relaxed time is had with the soft sway of the boat and the lights of Panjim.
6. Take part in the Goan Carnival: You can't miss the Goan Carnival if you're in Goa in February. There are parades, floats, music, dance, and a lot of fun at this bright and lively event. People from all over the state, including tourists, dress up and join in the fun. The whole state is filled with the spirit of joy.
7. Enjoy Goan food: If you're going to Goa, you have to try some of its delicious food. There are a lot of different kinds of delicious Goan food, ranging from rich fish stews to sour vindaloos. The local drink, Feni, goes well with seafood, and no meal is complete without it. You can enjoy the flavours of Goa in beach shacks, local restaurants, or high-class places.
8. Natural Refreshment: Outside of the beaches, Goa has lots of trees and spice farms. Take a tour of these farms with a guide to learn about how spices like cardamom, vanilla, and pepper are grown and processed. The fresh air, green scenery, and chance to eat spices right off the trees make it a one-of-a-kind experience.
Goa truly stands out as one of India's top travel destinations, offering a wide range of unforgettable experiences. It's not just about the stunning beaches; Goa is a place where history, culture, and nature blend peacefully. Whether you're savouring the delicious Goan cuisine, exploring the vibrant markets, or immersing yourself in the tales of ancient forts, every moment spent in Goa leaves an everlasting impression on your heart. For those seeking a hassle-free way to capture the essence of this coastal gem, consider opting for a Goa tour package. These packages are carefully curated to provide a comprehensive experience, covering both must-visit attractions and hidden treasures. Moreover, they offer the convenience of transportation, accommodations, and sometimes even meals. So, when you're planning your next getaway, let Goa's enchantment beckon you to dive deep into its mesmerising world.
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manikrege · 2 years
If you turn 30 in 5 years or less, I need you to understand something.
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My best friend, who's 26 and a self-started small business entrepreneur now, told me her deepest wish & biggest dream was being on the Forbes 30 under 30 List.
Like a best friend, I hyped her up & told her it was inevitable - she'd definitely get there.
But then we marinated on the truth that she only has a few years left (now even less) to make it happen ... It looked too difficult.
In response, I assured her there's enough time because I didn't know what else to say. I didn't have the words that I should've used at that time, until today when I came across a stupid LinkedIn post which brought back the memory.
The post was from your stock footage old HR recruiter complaining about Gen-Z's tendency to prioritise all the wrong things. Yes, cue the eye rolls already.
She talked about how buying an iPhone for 1L is okay for us but using that as capital to start our own business feels too risky.
How we always complain about salads being expensive but going on a dinner date is okay.
How enrolling for a 3L course to upskill feels too costly but we're cool with spending that amount on traveling/vacations.
I usually just scroll past by, because I can't take LinkedIn less seriously nowadays - it's become Facebook at this point - but in this case I wrote back in the comments.
See, I did go on a fancy dinner date last month! *wink wink*
Omg this was my first one EVER. I'm turning 25 soon and I've never done something like it because I was always studious in school & then prioritised my career right from day uno of my first job, so I always told my friends that I find getting into a relationship something bored people do - I said dating is for kids & I'll look out for someone once I'm well settled.
But I was lying to myself. Of course I wanted to know & be with someone - emotionally & physically, too. Of course my body understands attractions & has certain needs, and my mind craves companionship from time to time.
So I did follow through with my Bumble match & we had sat down at a fancy café named Poetry in Powai - and we talked for 3 goddamn hours nonstop. I've become very health conscious but that day, the person's presence loosened me up & I had fried junk food & TOTALLY LOVED IT.
In passing, they said the most beautiful thing anyone has ever told me - they said they could watch time passing by as the Sun set outside the window but they let it go because they were so lost in me (and so was I in them).
Someday I'll talk about my first kiss because writers gotta milk out every opportunity bwahaha but the point is that this goes against everything the God-fearing, traditional mindsetted, 20-year-old Manik believed in. If he saw the future, he'd curse me for wasting my time on irrelevant useless stuff and ask me to focus on myself.
Secondly, I've been taking myself out on solo dates on the weekends (still do now, and my partner totally understands). I fell in love with this gorgeous mall called Phoenix Palladium & I spent 3 hours walking every square meter it covers last weekend after office. In April, I'm saving up to go on a Goa trip with friends. But the agenda is the same - I no longer hustle on the weekends. I'll either sleep and do my gym sessions in between, or I'll get myself out of my room. I have fun.
Thirdly, I did buy a fancy phone too because it had a good camera. I'm very camera conscious but one of my new year resolutions was to push myself out of that awkwardness & click a selfie every day - I've maintained that streak so far.
I'm saying all of this because it feels great.
It's what I'm supposed to do when I'm 24. I'm supposed to fall in love, go on dates, be intimate & get my heart broken just to see how the hurt feels like (although dear partner if you're reading this, don't break up so soon please!).
I'm supposed to start loving & respecting my own body & realising that while being healthy & working on fitness is definitely so important, the composition of my body doesn't define how beautiful I am so it's totally ok if I give into my craving and have that pizza today.
I'm supposed to be doing goofy things. I AM SUPPOSED TO BE WASTING THIS TIME OF MY LIFE PRECISELY BECAUSE I CAN AFFORD IT. Silly shit. I'm supposed to be failing & making silly mistakes so I can learn from them & pass the lessons to the next generation.
Why. The. Fuck. Should I feel guilty about having fun & doing things that made me happy? Why should I always take life so seriously? Where has that gotten me so far?
I lost my childhood because I was always focused on growing up. My parents first, my teachers next & my friends afterward - everyone has had these unsaid expectations from me that I'll become successful in life. And I'm grateful that they believe in me. But I was talking to one of my interns & was telling her I had a wild Friday. She said that she couldn't imagine me partying & dancing because Im always so focused & serious at work.
And she wasn't exactly complimenting me. It hurt that people can't imagine Manik Rege being a party person. And I don't like that.
All my hard work has always been steamrolled with obstacles politics & failures. Life has always pushed me down on the floor & laughed as I mustered the strength to stand up again, and start from scratch. I have rebuilt myself a thousand times but now I'm done with the hustle.
I'm not giving up on my dreams & ambitions.
I'm just throwing away the sand glass that emptied itself at the mark of turning 30 years old.
Because I didn't confess this to my best friend back then but being in Forbes was my biggest dream too and not reaching there in time to qualify was my darkest fear.
I personally know people who've been featured in the Forbes list. I'm happy for them. But I felt so jealous because that was my idea of being successful too.
My idea of success, as fed to me by others, was having a well paying job and a wife and a kid and a house by 30. My idea of success was fame and money and stability and career growth.
So every time someone asked me to do something that didn't directly contribute to those holy goals, I used to back out. I didn't realise how much I was missing out on. Because I thought it was all pointless.
Almost every fourth Reel I see on IG is about some entrepreneur repeating my uncle's wisdom about how I shouldn't waste this time of my life in anything else apart from building my career.
And i respect that but I've also secretly just wanted to be a goddamn teenager for once. And do teenagey stuff.
Why did I always feel guilty about it? Why did I regret having junk food once in a while. Or trying to find someone good on dating apps. Or just not working & exploring the city. Because it didn't make me successful?
Ok you know what I'm going to list down shit that I think makes me very successful. These are my achievements in the past few years:
1. I battled a severe health crisis & basically came back from the dead. I was 108kgs, now 84kgs and the transformation gave me so much confidence. I now love the gym, look forward to trekking in the monsoon, and feel good about my own body.
2. I made peace with my parents. They're lovely & have always loved me but like any parents, they're flawed & sometimes irritating too. But we talked about our differences in opinions & perspectives & agreed to co-exist. We worked on our past trauma - stuff we never had the courage to discuss because I felt it would make me look like an ungrateful kid. But we apologised for what we know was wrong & we're slowly healing.
3. I had sex.
4. I made a few new best friends who have become the strongest support system I've ever had. We have so many beautiful mature conversations & always hype each other up so much that it looks cringey & overdramatic but we love each other painfully to shreds.
5. I lost my well-paying job abroad because of COVID & had an year long gap but I fearlessly fought my way back into the industry. I'm 3 years behind if I consider my original timeline that I used to believe in when I was 20. I don't even earn half of what my friends do. But I now have a job & am figuring out my career all over again despite have faced such a deadly blowback years back.
There are so many others but my point is that I never stopped to congratulate myself on these achievements. AND THEY ARE ACHIEVEMENTS.
Finding so much body confidence & having the courage to fall in love with yourself is an achievement. Because I know so many people who struggle with it.
Healing difficult relationships is an achievement. And being able to talk about such mature themes so openly is achievement.
Experiencing real intimacy is an achievement.
Failing in your career but not giving up is an achievement. Regardless of whether your attempts are showing results or regardless of how slow the progress is. Changing professions and following your passion or simply surviving in a job until you have a better one. It all takes balls.
Gathering the strength to make your bed in the morning when you're so sore & hurt. Or just keeping the pillows correctly. Or making yourself breakfast or cleaning your room. Or just bloody smiling when everything is going wrong in your life. Or facing your anxiety by placing your own order at Subway in person.
These look trivial but I promise you, they're very difficult for a lot of people. And for once, I just wanted to tell YOU specifically that I'm so proud of you. You're doing amazing sweety.
I want my friend to know that she'll always be the most awesome entrepreneur I know. Because she's the first friend of mine who had the balls to step out on her own.
While I hope she does get into the Forbes list, it's nowhere in my list of priorities or expectations for her or myself now.
Because I know her. I've seen her struggle. And the fact that she carried on is reason enough to say she's awesome.
I also want her to know that she was the first one to take me clubbing. And I don't want all this hustle to take that special part away from her. She's a party person. Now so am I.
And I wish for both of us to continue finding happiness in that totally unproductive space.
I want us to be happy about doing something without calculating how better it makes our lives in the future.
If watching Netflix, for example, is your sin, please do enjoy it. Reading books isn't the only way to learn. Nor should learning every day be a norm. YES, it's okay to not grow & just experience normal fun stuff.
Pursue your ambitions with all your grit but do not let anyone guilt trip, gaslight or shame you into thinking that you must constantly be at it every single day.
I have been through multiple burnouts. I have seen others burn out too. It's not pretty trust me. It's not at all worth it.
Sure your job is your survival but please treat it only as that. It is what you do to afford the life you like or want to build. It is not the definition of your worth & talent because baby that is infinite.
So you know what, screw this, I no longer care about competing. I want everyone to be successful & I'll be successful in my own way. And we'll celebrate each other.
I am done with this bullshit tutorial tution class mentality where they used to separate us into the class of smart kids & the less smart kids. I was in the smart ones but now I realise how toxic that distinction was. And those adults do it because they love watching us fight with each other. They've always made us all compete against time because they don't understand the repercussions of running too fast.
I am now realising how powerful I become when I stop trying to win myself & reach out to help others from the bottom of my heart. Let me lift you up, and I'll tell you when I need you too. Let's support each other. Let's communicate our needs & figure out how we can work together rather than fighting to one-up each other.
And let's work together on the Forbes list. If we make it, great. If one of us does, great. If we don't, great because then we can accept it means absolutely nothing.
If you're going to turn 30 in 5 years or less, understand that 30 is not the cutoff.
You are on time. You have a shitload of time left.
You are on track.
And you deserve to have fun.
30 is actually when you start growing. 30 is when you set the foundation. And so is 60 - there is no such thing as being late.
30 is only the beginning. Are you excited for it?
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latestinbollywood · 2 years
Nikki Yadav Wiki, Murder Case Update, Family, Boyfriend, Age, Biography, Height, Instagram
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Nikki Yadav Wiki:- Nikki Yadav was a 22 years old Indian girl who was killed by her 24-year-old boyfriend on 9 February 2023. Her boyfriend Sahil Gehlot strangled her throat via a mobile cable in the car and kept her dead boy in the fridge of his dhaba. Police were told by someone about her dead body and police recovered the dead body on 10 February 2023. Sahil Gehlot was arrested on 14 February 2023.  In this article, you can get all the details about Nikki Yadav Wiki, Murder Case Update, Family, Boyfriend, Age, Biography, Height, and Instagram. 
Nikki Yadav Wiki
Nikki Yadav was born in Khedi Khummar Village, Jhajjar, Haryana in 2001. She was 22 years old when she was killed. She completed her high school study in Jhajjar. She moved to Uttam Nagar, South Delhi to prepare for the Medical Entrance Exam at Aakash Institute in Uttam Nagar. Later she joined BA in English honors in the D. Pharma at Galgotia College.
Nikki Yadav Murder Case Update
Nikki's boyfriend Sahil Gehlot's marriage was fixed by his family elsewhere. His marriage was on 10 February 2023. When Nikki knew about his wedding on 9 February 2023 then he called her to meet and planned to go to Goa but he canceled the plan in the evening when they were in the car. They had a fight in the car over marriage and things got so bad that Sahil strangled her throat with the mobile charger's cable a the ISBT located at Kashemere Gate. She died. He reached Mitraon village, 35 km away where he has his own dhaba. He kept her dead body in the fridge of his dhaba and he moved to his house. Police were told by someone about her dead body and police recovered the dead body on 10 February 2023.
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Sahil Gehlot hid Nikki's dead body in fridge Police arrested Sahil Gehlot on 14 February 2023 on Tuesday and the court sent him on remand for 5 days. Nikki's body was sent to Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital for postmortem.
Nikki Yadav Biography, Age, Wiki, Family
Nikki Yadav Wiki Name Nikki Yadav Birthplace Khedi Khummar Village, Jhajjar, Haryana Date of Birth 2001 Age 22 Years Old Parents Sunil Dutt (Father) and Mrs. Dutt (Mother) Religion Hinduism School Local Private High School in Khedi Khummar Village College Galgotia College Post Category Wiki
Nikki Yadav Family (Father and Mother)
Nikki Yadav was born to Sunil Dutt (Father) and Mrs. Dutt (Mother). Her family lives in Khedi Khummar village in Jhajjar, Haryana. She is the niece of Jawan Praveen Yadav.
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Nikki Yadav's Father Praveen was involved in the 1999 Operation Vijay in Kargil War who lost both his hands in the war. His right leg doesn't work properly. Nikki's father told that they have network issues in village Khummar that's why people have to go to the terrace to talk on the phone. When Sunil Dutt didn't call for many days from his daughter, he thought that the phone was not ringing due to network failure. But later they got worried and he reached Delhi to get Nikki's address and went to Sahil's house to inquire about Nikki. Sahil's relatives assured him that Sahil would bring her back. Sunil got the news of his daughter's death and her family left for Delhi.
Nikki Yadav Boyfriend
Nikki Yadav was an unmarried girl who met Sahil Gehlot in Delhi. Sahil is 24 years old from Mitraon Village of Najafgarh. They met in coaching in 2018 when after Sahil came to Delhi in January 2018 for preparing for the SSC exam at Career Point Coaching in Uttam Nagr. At that time, Nikki started preprations for the Medical Entrance Exam at Aakash Insititue in Uttam Nagar. They used to go and come in the same bus so they became firends and fell in love. Later Sahil joined Galgotia College, Greater Noida in February 2018 to study D. Pharma and Nikki joined BA in the same colelge. They started to living together in a rented house in Greater Noida. Sahil got married to a gril from Bahadurgarh in Haryan on 10 Febraury 2023.
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Nikki Yadav With Her Boyfriend Sahil Gehlot
Nikki Yadav Height, Weight
Nikki Yadav was 5 feet 6 inches tall. Her weight was around 65 kg. 
Nikki Yadav Instagram
Nikki Yadav's Instagram is not revealed yet. 
FAQs About Nikki Yadav Wiki
Q.1 Who was Nikki Yadav? Ans. Nikki Yadav was a 22 years old Indian girl who was killed by her 24-year-old boyfriend on 9 February 2023. Q.2 How old was Nikki Yadav? Ans. 22 Years Old Q.3 Who are Nikki Yadav's parents? Ans. Sunil Dutt (Father) and Mrs. Dutt (Mother) Q.4 Who was Nikki Yadav's boyfriend? Ans. Sahil Gehlot Q.5 What was Nikki Yadav's height? Ans. Around 5 Feet 6 Inches. Read Also: Nikki Yadav Murder Case Update Read the full article
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Hello! Psychological Sabo fictionkin here, and I am looking for my canonmates. Sourcemates are also equally welcome! I'm especially on the search for my Luffy, Koala, Robin, Isaac (from One Piece World Seeker), and Ace, but anyone else I know will do fine. I am 15, so the range of ages I accept is 13-17.
I remember pickpocketing multiple people in Edge Town with Ace and Luffy, and Luffy and Ace sneaking to my room in the Goa Kingdom through the window after I was taken back by Outlook. I remember almost getting caught by bandits and being sold as a slave when it was just me and Ace, and Ace saved me. I remember playing tag with Luffy and me and Ace would swim into rivers to tease him. I remember pranking Dragon with Koala by climbing into the ventilation system to his office and dumping water on him, and I also remember eating out with Hack and Koala after I lost a bet and had to pay (we ended up leaving anyway and I left the bills on the table because marines walked in). Robin reading stories to us from her favourite history books like we were children (I certainly felt like it at the time) and teaching Koala to cook (I was the judge, it was good).
Isaac was a special case. I remember speaking to his sister, Jeanne, about family near her mother's grave. I also remember waking up near the graveyard entrance after Isaac saved me from poison gas and Lucci - we had a small talk and he flew off in his cool robot suit.
These are memories to help canonmates recognise me! Please find me, and sourcemates do reply! I'd love to talk to anyone like me.
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findthebae · 2 years
Hello! Psychological Sabo fictionkin here, and I am looking for my canonmates. Sourcemates are also equally welcome! I'm especially on the search for my Luffy, Koala, Robin, Isaac (from One Piece World Seeker), and Ace, but anyone else I know will do fine. I am 15, so the range of ages I accept is 13-17. I remember pickpocketing multiple people in Edge Town with Ace and Luffy, and Luffy and Ace sneaking to my room in the Goa Kingdom through the window after I was taken back by Outlook. I remember almost getting caught by bandits and being sold as a slave when it was just me and Ace, and Ace saved me. I remember playing tag with Luffy and me and Ace would swim into rivers to tease him. I remember pranking Dragon with Koala by climbing into the ventilation system to his office and dumping water on him, and I also remember eating out with Hack and Koala after I lost a bet and had to pay (we ended up leaving anyway and I left the bills on the table because marines walked in). Robin reading stories to us from her favourite history books like we were children (I certainly felt like it at the time) and teaching Koala to cook (I was the judge, it was good).
Isaac was a special case. I remember speaking to his sister Jeanne about family near her mother's grave. I also remember waking up near the graveyard after being saved by Isaac from poison gas and Lucci - we had a small talk and then he flew off in his cool robot suit.
These are memories to help canonmates recognise me! Please find me, and sourcemates do reply! I'd love to talk to anyone like me.
! ! !
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