#Gertude Stein
queerographies · 2 years
[Gertrude Stein e la generazione perduta][Valentina Grande][Eva Rossetti]
Gertrude Stein e la generazione perduta di Valentina Grande e Eva Rossetti è la nuova graphic novel su una donna poliedrica e dalla grande personalità che ha raccontato l'Europa delle avanguardie artistiche
Questa graphic novel racconta l’anello di congiunzione fra arte e letteratura, fra America e Francia durante le avanguardie del Novecento, fra amore, passioni personali e questioni di genere. Gertrude Stein nasce negli Stati Uniti da una ricca famiglia ebraica di origine tedesca. Agli inizi del Novecento si stabilisce a Parigi dove vive con il fratello Leo e poi con l’inseparabile Alice B. Toklas…
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fabiansteinhauer · 11 months
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Kennen sie Johann Peter Hebels Kalendergeschichten?
Bevor man zu legalen oder illegalen chemischen Psychopharmaka greift, sollt man Kalender führen. Der Kalender ist psychoaktiv und psychotropisch, denn alles, was sich und andere dreht und sich und andere bewegt, das ist auch psychoaktiv und psychotropisch. Kalender sind nicht natürlicher, legaler oder illegaler als die Chemie, sie sind aber billiger, belasten die Krankenkassen nicht so stark. Darum soll man erst einmal Kalender führen, das ist ein ökonomischer und effektiver Rat, nicht unbedingt wahr, gut und und schön. Die Kalendergeschichten von Hebel setzen sich mit dem auseinander, mit dem sich die S. auseinandersetzen. Sich auseinanderzusetzen heißt erstmal, sich nicht zusammenzusetzen, sondern zu zerteilen, also zu analysieren. Die Kalendergeschichte und die Schönbergers setzen sich mit dem Phänomen geteilten und teilenden Glaubens auseinander, das oft damit einhergeht, dass man Worte und Wörter wörtlich nimmt und einem kaum etwas anderes übrig bleibt, auch wenn man andere Worte und Wörter zufüttert.
Verhext! Aber immerhin Phantasie - und der Mensch ist von Natur aus, mit seiner und deren Chemie und Physik ein aufsitzendes Wesen und hat auch so mit Illusionen eine Zukunft. Hebel, dessen menschenfreundlicher Ton einen unserer Direktoren Futsch so begeisterte, dass ich auch noch von diesem Direktor Futsch begeistert sein kann, setzte also da an, wo heute auch die Schönbergers ansetzen. Ansetzen ist gut, durcharbeiten besser, auf auf.
Großer Männer sind gefährlich, weil kleine Leute ihre Gefolgschaft bilden: Bazon Brock im Lockbuch Bazon Brock, in dem schönsten und verkehrensten Buch, bei dem ich je kooperiert, mitgearbeitet habe, aber nur als kleiner Mitarbeiter. Gertrud, die wunderschöne Prof. Gertrud Nolte, hat damals dafür gesorgt, dass das Buch pfennigfarben wurde, die hat einen geradezu wernerherzogartigen Aufwand betrieben, um die Kupferfarbe für den Druck hinzubekommen. Gertrud wurde dafür aber immerhin belohnt, für das Buch bekam sie einen Preis von der Bücher- Designer oder Druckerzunft, irgendwie für das schönste, herrlichste oder tollste Buch des Jahres 2000, das jährt sich gerade in meinem Kalender. In dem Erfolg würde ich mich gerne sonnen, aber stelle ich mich neben Prof. Nolte, strahlt immer schon was mehr als Sonne, von daher muss das auch nicht sein.
Kalendergeschichte: Das schönste, herrlichste und tollste Buch des Jahres 2000! Ist es auch, aber auch das verkehrenste, you know it, when you see it. Das Buch liefert auch eine Einübung in das Hundeleben, auch jenes Hundeleben, das Dogmatik heißt.
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ofoceanandwaves · 2 months
and this is life (better than all we ever hoped for) 
Pairing: Gert Yorkes x Chase Stein
Words: 1k
Warnings: Absolutely none
The box is weightless in his pocket, often startling him into checking its presence. He chuckles at the thirteenth time: It had cost him only every dime he had earned over the years, fixing cars for strangers on the road and on the run. It had been a choice, to buy it with his own money instead of using the millions left to him by his parents. Chase didn’t want to use that money for something that had always been so pure and untainted. Thank you very much, but he would like to keep it that way; even if it meant he had to work his ass off for weeks, miles away from her.
It had all been worth it, he thinks as his thoughts go back to the cushion cut diamond strapped on a double band of smaller stones sitting snugly on its velvet bed in his pocket. He almost smiles trying to keep the nerve-wrecking excitement in check.
There is still so much planning to be done because this has to be perfect. After everything that they’ve been through, he owes it to Gert. And Gert deserves the absolute best of everything.
A sudden flare of hunger has him looking up their favorite Chinese restaurant and he almost hits the dial icon before abandoning and turning towards their kitchen to make some pasta. Gert quite enjoyed his cooking.
By the time he is done, the only thing he has decided on is the day, which is exactly a week from now and just enough time for him to get his nerves together. His planning is cut short as he hears the sound of Gert’s keys from the other side of the door.
Gert walks in, still chuckling to herself about Karolina’s suggestions while they had been lingerie shopping.
“Something smells nice.” She comments, stretching on her toes to press her lips to his cheek.
Chase snakes his arm around her waist, pulling her in for a soft kiss. She hums before pulling back with a smile.
When he walks in their bedroom ten minutes later, Gert is near the dresser, observing the roots of her hair; he thinks she needs a cut and dye because the brown roots have started to show. He slips his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. A small smile stretches on her lips.
“Karolina is so helpless with lingerie shopping, it’s almost funny.” She looks at him from the mirror. “And before you ask, no, I did not get anything for myself.”
He hums against her neck, “I wasn’t gonna.”
She chuckles, causing his teeth to graze on her shoulder before raising her eyes to meet his. “And that is why I love you.”
And right that instant, he knows. He just knows he has to do it right now. So before Gert even pulls in another breath, he inserts himself between the mirror and Gert, landing on his knees, the hard wood of the dresser-knob digging painfully in his back as he fumbles to take out the box from his pocket. Gert is suddenly left grappling empty air, fazed for a moment as her brows furrow in confusion.
“I want to hear you tell me that for the rest of my life. I want to annoy you until you stomp your foot and tell me how much of an idiot I am. I want to go stargazing with you and have you admonish me for getting the star names all wrong. I want to wake up right next to you, every single day and I want to have the sole right to hold you close when you’re upset. I want to tell you how much I love you as many times as I can, every damn day for the rest of my life. You make me happy, you make me laugh and more often than not, I’m too blinded by you to even think straight. You are amazing, kind, passionate and I’m sure words to convey the extent of my love for you have not been invented yet, I’m sorry. So Gertude Yorkes, will you please be mine and give me the honour of taking your last name?”
Gert feels the air leave her lungs at the sight before her, hearing words an 18 year old her could have never dreamed of hearing from Chase Stein. It is everything, she realizes even as she feels the first signs of her anxiety trying to surface. It lasts until she looks into his hopeful eyes, shining brightly; with his lower lip trapped between his teeth as he waits for an answer. Her heart skips a beat at all the love he is radiating with, his brown eyes clear with hope and nervous anticipation. It quashes her anxiety, reminds her that this is the man who would find a way to get her stars should she ever ask for them and gaze at her like she is the moon. And a lifetime with this man sounds like contentment mixed with protection (she considers that one patriarchal but God, just his presence is enough).
Finally, Gert smiles, a smile that threatens to make his heart stop as he dares to hope that the answer might be in his favor. “I’m more inclined to hyphenate; Yorkes-Stein has a nice ring to it.”
He will forever find it funny that he couldn’t decipher her answer and it had been Gert who had to crouch to his level and press her lips against his to chase away the confused furrow on his brow.
And then he is kissing her back with the hunger of a starving man, all lips and teeth before abruptly stopping to ask the stupidest words she has ever heard him say, “Wait, is that a yes? You never said yes!” Gert cannot see his face from where she has pressed herself against his chest to avoid bursting out laughing but she is sure he has that wild-eyed, panicked look which is just a step away from the hysterical ramblings. She leans up to press a soft kiss to his jaw and pulls back with a wide grin on her face.
“Yes, yes, a thousand times yes, you silly and adorable jock!”
An instant later, Chase has her trapped against himself; hurriedly slipping the ring on her finger and Gert concludes that even a thousand galaxies couldn’t hold a candle to the smile stretched on his face.
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queerasfact · 4 years
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Happy birthday to Gertrude Stein, who would be 146 years old today, February 3rd.
Gertrude was a novellist, poet, and playwright. She wrote several explicitly lesbian books, including QED and Tender Buttons. She is pictured here (right) with her partner, Alice B Tolkas, and their poodle, Basket.
[Image: Alice B Toklas and Gertrude Stein walking along a street - Gertrude is walking a large white poodle]
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fleetling · 2 years
Certainly glittering is handsome and convincing.
Gertrude Stein, Tender Buttons
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flamejob · 3 years
they took the and you will find them in the basement synth compilation off spotify
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fan-demonium · 7 years
Words can't explain how much I ship Gert and Chase, in the comics, in the show, just every scene they have together kills me, I can't wait to see them get closer week after week and then to see them kiss and date and love each other with a burning passion of one thousand suns
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smartbanshee · 7 years
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moodboard: Marvel’s TV Series Runaways (2017-)
“Finding out my mom is evil would actually be the least surprising explanation.”
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chases-gerty · 7 years
Gertchase Drabble
Episode 6 was a let down on the GertChase front so I thought I write a drabble.
They’d been discussing how and when to release the tapes incriminating their parents.
“We could do it now. Get it over with.” Karolina brazenly said.
Chase looked over to Karolina who was staring at everyone with annoyance.
“I just think we should let the whole affair scandal with our parents die down a little.” Nico quietly added.
Karolina blew out an annoyed breath.
“What is going on with everyone? Up until last night everyone was on board. Now everyone seems distracted or against taking our parents down.” She turned to Nico and continued. “I get that this affair has your family in a wreck, but what changed? You were so ready to take her down.” Nico opened her mouth as if to answer but shut it and looked away. Karolina looked to Alex who shook his head and then to Molly who shrugged her shoulders timidly. She seemed to be stressed and this conversation seemed to be weighing down on her. Karolina looked to Chase who was standing beside her.
“I kind of agree with Nico.” Chase said under his breath as he looked away from Karolina’s accusing eyes.
“Gert. Back me up here.” Karolina said looking to her purple haired friend.
Who at the moment was staring down at her phone with a smile on her face.
“GERT!” Karolina whispered in hard tone.
Gert’s mirth filled eyes changed into confusion.
“What?!” She quipped with annoyance.
Karolina looked at Gert with a confused slightly irritated expression.
“The tapes. We should release them right?”
“Yeah, agreed. The sooner the better. We don’t want them killing someone else.” Gert replied causing Karolina to smile.
Gert’s phone pings causing her to look down at her phone with a huge smile. Chase couldn’t remember the last time he saw Gert smile that wide at anything or anyone besides himself. He felt a small twinge in his stomach as he watched as her eyes lit up and her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. He watched as she chewed on her glossed lip as she texted. Who could possibly cause Gert to act like this?
“Look we’ve got class in 5. I say we pick this up after.” Alex said causing Chase to look away from Gert. Everyone nodded in agreement. The group quickly dispersed.
Chase watched as Gert and Molly walked away together. He followed close behind the pair of sisters.
“Is that the guy from last night?” Molly asked with a grin on her face.
Chase felt the small dip in his stomach again.
What guy from last night? He thought she was supposed to be helping Nico and Alex not meeting some guy. Chase felt weird.
“Maybe.” Gert replied with a teasing tone. Which he knew was a yes.
“He’s really funny and smart. We are like totally on the same level.” Gert said with excitement.
Chase felt like his stomach was filling with sand. He didn’t know what to make of this. Gert with some random guy was not sitting well with him.
“Gert do you think you can help me study for my Spanish test?” He didn’t know what came over him but it just tumbled out of him.
Gert turned around quickly with surprise written all over her face.
“Please.” He added.
Gert quirked a brow and said.
“As long as you promise to show up.” She said with a smile.
Chase felt a small pang in his chest. Her smile was different. She wasn’t beaming at him like she usually did. He didn’t know if his smile faltered but he tried to act like he wasn’t upset.
“I’ll come to your house. You won’t have to wait for me I promise.” Chase replied eagerly.
Gert smiled again and it was wider, brighter even, but it wasn’t his smile. Chase felt the pang harder this time.
“Bueno. Nos vemos mas tarde.” Gert’s replied as she walked away. 
Her spanish response left Chase confused but none the less the pang in his chest turned to a small tightening he couldn’t explain. He watched as Gert walked away only to be interrupted by someone clearing their throat. He looked to find Molly giving him a small smirk and amused twinkle in her eyes. Molly began to giggle as she ran off to follow Gert.
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secreto-draco · 7 years
gertchase fic based on the last episode of the season.
so yeah,based on the last episode, an answer from the whole runawaysanswertime a few days back and @rowansdagger writing prompt post,specifically #91. ‘ can i hold your hand?’.
Next to him in the close confines of the Church of Gibborim's van gert is stiff, but every few seconds she quivers,her breaths are shallow and too quick.turning on the trash bag they’re sharing as a pillow to look; her eyes are squeezed shut tightly-like she's bracing herself for impact or protecting herself from some kind of horrifying attack. Seeing gert like this-it scares him,cause for the most part gert is fearless and fierce,she’s a silent storm,calm and then biting strong winds,loud crackling thunder and pelting bombardment of pulverizing rain.now though, shes making herself small,curled up like a closed armadillo,hands clutching his coat-he draped it over her earlier since she gave her blanket to karo and nico to share-God this girl.
gert let out a wet whimper and it breaks everything in him,reaching out, his large hesitant hand,he turns her over to face him,and gert’s is a deer in headlights-how much can he break?.quietly as not to scare her further or to break the silence ,he picks her hand and lays it low on his abdomen, under his palm.
4,7,8 he breathes,while gert watches and feels the calming rhythm under their hands.slowly,so slowly ,the panic recedes from her eyes,and bit by bit she uncurls and than her breathing begins to match his own.till shes just laying there next to him,face and form leaning towards him,eyes shiny and trusting and hesitant -she’s all soft and vulnerable-open to him.and chase wants to clutch her to him,give her every ounce of  security and warmth and love in him but right now gert doesn't need to be enclasped,she needs that little distance between them,she needs to just hold his hand and see him-needs space and the connection they have right now.And as her chase,he will be what she needs,especially in moments like these.
it’s in the wee hours of the morning, molly holds in a giggle,those two-could they be any more in wuv, sharing a pillow,turned towards the other,gert’s palm on his lower abdomen under chase’s. ugh luvy dovey gross,and eww they're hands must be all sweaty too.wait  that coat gert’s clutching to her-it’s chases.there’s a bubble of giddiness and the soft, cozy warmth filling her up once again from seeing them like this. this feels like old times,gert and chase,gert chase and molly it’s home,all thats' missing is their beloved dinosaur.
when gert wakes up,it’s to see chase,his eyes -all doe like looking at her-that look ,it makes her blush and hurriedly she gets up and goes outsidefor air and to probably on molly.and the sorry sap that he is,he’s left with a pained smile cause-gert does feel something for him,she feels safe with him but she’s holding back and running away,no matter. he isn't going to push her, there will be a moment for all that later but till than he’ll be here for her.
it’s still sunny and they're hurdled up God knows where, molly’s is pressed against gert,her head buried in the crook of her sisters’ neck.The two leaning against the dinosaur, now named Old Lace.its cute,adorable and yeah,he’s a puddle of goo.and it's at that very moment when he’s the puddle of chase goo,that gert’s green eyes,catches his and wordlessly she holds up her hand-palm up.voice low and hesitant when she asks ,’’can i hold your hand?’ and okay now he’s a puddle of goo.there is nothing more vulnerable than asking to hold someone’s hand,and this is strong defensive gert asking - meaning it’s even more. gert doesn't leave herself open to be hurt and rejected,but still she asks to hold his hand.thus,Chase can feel his face, all soft and smiling warmly at her, he knows he’s red so, quickly and steadily he takes her hand,settles next to her - she’s warm and he once again he’s feels home,she and molls and now Old Lace are home.he eye’s her reaction and she’s awkwardly shy and cute but she’s seems serene now compared to minutes before,before his hand held hers.
so here they are,after hours of running and dogging the public cause -now the five of them are America's most wanted,they're hidden away in some scheduled area -nico and karo are curled up diagonally to the right right and Alex, sitting a little ways ahead,hands in pocket. gert next to him,his hand holding hers,molly on her right-cuddling into her,and old lace; a steady leathery and cool assurance of safety and protection at their backs.
let me know if any of you like the fic.
p.s if there’s anyone who can polish this or just wants to work on a gertchase collab,inbox me. 
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dbzchic · 7 years
I am so hapoy that Runaways decided to make the parents the good guys, but still have them do the dubious shit they did in the comics. It brings a new light to their reasoning and adds so many layers of characterization to them
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americanhoney913 · 7 years
Why is everyone hating on Marvel's Runaways because it takes place in high school or that adding gay characters will make it bad when one is canon bi and one is canon gay?
Supernatural/superhero shows (Legends of Tomorrow/Wynonna Earp/Supergirl) that have LGBTQ characters tend to do really well.
The fact that they're in high school just makes it more authentic. The fact that they dislike their parents (more the comic version then the show) also feels authentic. Most teenagers resent their parents for something. These kids just have more to resent than just not being able to watch TV or go out with friends when they want.
The author of the original comics said:
"...I always thought that there was something slightly suspicious about the way adult comic writers had protagonists like Spider-Man or Batman revere their guardians. I mean, if Uncle Ben or Dr. and Mrs. Wayne had lived to see their children turn seventeen, Peter and Bruce probably would have ended up hating them, the way so many kids grow apart from their parents around that age. To me it felt like grown up comic creators were suddenly suggesting to their young readers that true heroes always respect their elders and blindly follow their teachings.
(On the other hand, maybe the real message was that the only good parent is a dead parent?)
...It's always important to question authority and challenge the status quo established by the previous generation." (Brian K. Vaughan, Runaways Complete Collection V1)
The creators of the show, while taking their own liberties, are hopefully keeping true to that statement. The kids in this comic (and show) challenge authority and reject the ways of their parents. That's just what the new generation does with the old generations' teachings. It happens all the time.
So to see kids in high school rejecting the status quo of their parents just makes me see myself in them, not turn me away. These kids have powers but so did their parents and their parents are evil. Kids need to learn to living with what their parents gave them but also to forge their own paths.
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soupnomancy · 7 years
the fact that I haven't seen 1x09 of marvel's runaways yet cause nobody has put a link up yet is just straight up biphobia
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queerasfact · 6 years
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Happy birthday Gertrude Stein, born February 3rd 145 years ago!
Gertrude was a novellist, poet, and playwright. Her first well-known work was The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, told in the voice of her partner Alice. She also had several other explicitly lesbian works, including QED and Tender Buttons.
Gertrude is pictured here (left) with Alice, and their dog, Basket.
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cherishingstydia · 7 years
Everyone's entitled to their own opinion but Chase x Karolina...I don't see it like there's not much chemistry there like romantically speaking especially after the limo ride and awkward kiss she was not in to it at all, plus she's a lesbian so you might as well get over it she's not interested in Chase ((She likes Nico...I ship it))...but Gert x Chase is what you should be shipping like how can u not they're underrated ((which is dumb since they're together in the comics))..they just need to tone down her pining and make him pine for her
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kiwiasbeck · 7 years
"Gert saw something, you wanna know what? My junk."
- Chase still being salty
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