#Germanic God
fernthewhimsical · 1 year
Prayer to Loki
Change-bringer, Flamehaired deity of mischief, You who break chains, and social conventions Who burns what is old, to grow what is new Who brings a smile, and bright ringing laughter Who gives strength to the weird, the outcasts and the queer I love and honour you
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going-to-superhell · 2 years
"Cæsar, to spread devastation more widely, divided his eager legions into four columns, and ravaged a space of fifty miles with fire and sword. Neither sex nor age moved his compassion. Everything, sacred or profane, the temple too of Tamfana, as they called it, the special resort of all those tribes, was levelled to the ground. There was not a wound among our soldiers, who cut down a half asleep, an unarmed, or a straggling foe. The Bructeri, Tubantes, and Usipetes, were roused by this slaughter, and beset the forest passes through which the army had to return."
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namedvesta · 2 months
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— unknown, Conversation between Athena and Aphrodite.
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— Max Nonnenbruch, Junge Schönheit (𝟣𝟪𝟫𝟤)
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the-evil-clergyman · 3 months
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Psyche in Mourning by Wilhelm Kray (19th Century)
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siryyeet · 5 months
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atwhughesversion · 3 days
the smirk at the end lmaoo
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mfdragon · 2 months
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Knowing Vegapunk is German, I had to pay tribute to my favorite accent joke by @prismaticdragee 👌🏻
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lionofchaeronea · 5 months
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"Magical rapture / Pierces my heart; / Fixed is my gaze / Burning with terror; / I reel, my heart faints and fails!", illustration by Arthur Rackham from p. 86 of Siegfried and the Twilight of the Gods, published by William Heinemann in 1911.
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mayonaisalspray · 8 months
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Can you tell I like these two. can you
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foldingfittedsheets · 6 months
My beloved wife is not just a doctor of acupuncture, they also have a Master’s in both English and German. Language is their jam. To their eternal suffering, I do not have perfect grammar. When prompted they said it’s “fairly acceptable” on a day to day basis.
But I do have quirks that make them quietly grit their teeth. One of them is my indifference to differentiation between “is” and “are”. On multiple occasions they’ve tried to explain to me when I misuse “is,” and generally I can’t even parse what’s upset them. They gave an example of me asking, “Is there pickles in the fridge?” rather than the correct “Are there pickles in the fridge?”
They’ve told me that to pacify the editor in their brain they’ll mentally correct my sentences and that’s usually enough. Tonight it was me saying “There is other narrators,” in reference to a series we’re reading. When they pointed it out tonight it was to say that “are” would have been correct because there’s multiple other narrators.
“No,” I countered, “I was trying to use ambiguous language but there is really only one other narrator, so in my mind I knew that and spoke incorrectly because I knew it was singular but the sentence implied it was plural.”
This incensed them further (I also don’t know the difference between further and farther and the pneumonic is just as unhelpful to me as the one for stalactites and stalagmites.)
What’s funny to me though was that I asked about my use of “kind’ve” that people got worked up over in my 20lb ass post. “Doesn’t that bother you? It’s blatantly wrong.”
“No, that’s just a colloquialism, it’s fine.”
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illustratus · 6 months
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Wotan's farewell to Brunhilde by Ferdinand Leeke
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blorbocedes · 1 year
Chinese Grand Prix 2016 cool-down room. everyone remembers the iconic seb blowing up at kyvat but before that he actually congratulates nico in german, needs to get his attention like 4 times. (there's also a longstanding belief that nico spoke in german in cooldown rooms only to mind game lewis, but it's actually seb who would start speaking to nico in german first)
rough translation because nico's voice is muffled and seb swallows half his words:
seb: (FOUR TIMES) nico, you won't be able to sleep tonight huh? - you won't be able to sleep tonight, 'cause you're so well rested - I said, you won't be able to sleep tonight, you're so well rested, it was so quiet up front/you were so untroubled up front...
nico: something was possible today lol
and then seb turns to kyvat to yell at him in English 😭😭 (and here's Nico's reaction)
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the-evil-clergyman · 2 years
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Amor a Psyché by Károly Lotz (1890)
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Every time I read Fernando cursing in fic, I can only think about this clip and then my brain short-circuits
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bookshelfdreams · 4 months
Hey you! Do you take a grim, mean sort of delight in right-wing extremists mauling each other?
Then it may please you to know that all 9 members of the European parliament belonging to german right-wing extremist party AfD (under official investigation by the intelligence agency that deals with threats to the constitution. btw.)
on Thursday were excluded from the right-wing extremist fraction* Identity and Democracy. For being too far on the right. This fraction is chaired by Marco Zanni of Italy's Lega, and made to collect everyone for whom conservatives are too lefty. Basically the Nazi fraction of the EU parliament.
Why? Well, Maximilian Krah, top candidate for the AfD, after already having had a huge scandal recently (one of his employees was arrested on suspicions of espionage for the Chinese government), thought it was a smart idea to publicly state that "Not every member of the Waffen-SS was a criminal."
Which lead first his French, then his Czech, then his Italian colleagues to respond with a sound "Hey, what the actual fuck, bro". The AfD tried to do last-minute damage control by offering for him to go voluntarily (from the faction not for him to like. step down lmao). But to no avail. It's telling, but not surprising, that this was the least straw after the many, many scandals the party had over the last few months.
Now note that none of the people in there are like. Decent. They are all xenophobic, nationalist, far right dickheads.
Imagine being kicked out by that lot for being too much of a Neonazi.
*Members of the EU parliament come there as delegates from their own national parties; in the parliament these parties from alliances, called fractions or political groups, based on programmatic and ideological overlap. There's currently seven of them, Identity and Democracy is the furthest on the right.
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