#German issues with internet connection
starwolfie · 2 months
Apologies in advance if I fail to answer asks/messages in the week starting tomorrow. I’ll be camp nurse for a church summer camp with almost 500 kids in an area with almost no internet connection. I don’t want to be mean, I might just not get your ask 😉
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commiepinkofag · 3 months
EU ‘Going Dark’ Expert Group Publishes 42-Point Surveillance Plan For Access To All Devices And Data At All Times
Although this “chat control” law has been the main focus of the EU’s push for more surveillance of innocent citizens, it is by no means the end of it. As the German digital rights site Netzpolitik reports, work is already underway on further measures, this time to address the non-existent “going dark” threat to law enforcement:
The group of high-level experts had been meeting since last year to tackle the so-called „going dark“ problem. The High-Level Group set up by the EU was characterized by a bias right from the start: The committee is primarily made up of representatives of security authorities and therefore represents their perspective on the issue.
[T]he 42-point surveillance plan, manufacturers are to be legally obliged to make digital devices such as smartphones, smart homes, IoT devices, and cars monitorable at all times (“access by design”). Messenger services that were previously securely encrypted are to be forced to allow for interception. Data retention, which was overturned by the EU Court of Justice, is to be reenacted and extended to OTT internet communications services such as messenger services. “At the very least”, IP connection data retention is to be required to be able to track all internet activities. The secure encryption of metadata and subscriber data is to be prohibited. Where requested by the police, GPS location tracking should be activated by service providers (“tracking switch”). Uncooperative providers are to be threatened with prison sentences. The results of the hacking of an entire communication service, as in the Encrochat case (the evidence has been rejected by some courts), shall be used as evidence in court. — Patrick Breyer, June 2024
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todaviia · 7 months
also yesterday me and bf went to the sarona flea market and it's such a crazy experience as a German speaker
because there are people selling binders full of documents in German that are connected to the Holocaust - a letter by a woman who just arrived in the country from the Bukovina and has no friends or family and is asking an acquaintance for money to survive. A witness testimony page from someone's restitution file where another person confirms that the applicant was imprisoned at a certain forced labor camp. Postcards from towns that haven't had a Jewish community since the war. Most of these are only sold at the fleamarket because there are stamps on them that collectors might be interested in (in fact me and bf were the only people actually reading the letters).
There was one little item that really, really hit me - the vendor only fished it out of a cardboard box after he saw us reading, probably because there was no stamp on it - a 1938 pocket calendar book issued by a German company, but it was not used as a calendar, instead there are a few hand-written recipes and addresses (all of them out of the country: New York, Tel Aviv, Sofia, Poland), and then on the last pages are two lists of belongings. One lists different suitcases with their contents ("Mama's suitcase: 8 towels, wool blankets, the green lace blanket, Papa's wool pants" etc...), the other one is called "Zurücklassen" - to leave behind ("electrical waffle iron, red scarf, briefcase, letters" etc. etc. etc.) It's pretty clearly a list compiled by someone as they were fleeing Germany.
There are first names of the family members in the book but no last names, but this + the limited geographical area in which the company operated + the fact that someone from that family probably worked at that company who issued this calendar makes the book frustratingly elusive and simultaneously incredibly personally distinct. About 30 pages are ripped out from it, including late February/early March.
My bf bought it (mostly because he noticed how strongly I reacted to it) and I saw on the internet that the company still exists and even has a little history section on their website. A part of me wants to write to them and ask them if they still have records of Jewish employees from 1938. I want to know who this book belonged to. For now, we're just going to bake cookies according to one of the recipes.
And that's what's so crazy about the fleamarket. It's pieces of history which have not yet been thrown away but are just about to be discarded. It's the historical record equivalent of holding a gun to their head - pay a ransom and you can take it, otherwise who knows what will happen.
And because bf is a romantic, he paid the 40 shekels and now I own a 1938 pocket calendar in which certain pages are ripped out. The company's aforementioned history section mentions the war years exactly once ("we used slave labor") and then devotes a paragraph to the economic postwar miracle.
Also, semi-unrelatedly, I woke up three times this night because I hope there will be a ceasefire before Ramadan. All of Tel Aviv is full of signs with pictures of Bibi that have the caption אתה הראש אתה אשם. I'm not sure if there is a protest at HaBima Square tonight because of the March, but I'm gonna walk over anyway, it's not far from here. Nothing ever is.
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veronicaleighauthor · 4 months
The Gliders
Note: I wrote this five years ago for a blog and it was even published in The Prairie Times in the September 2019 issue. Since today is the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, I thought this would be the perfect article to post in honor of it. God Bless the Greatest Generation!
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Growing up, I heard my grandfather fought in WWII, but as a kid I really didn’t know in what capacity. My family knew the basics: he was in the ETO; at various points he was in Iceland, England, France, and Germany. He had medals and he was involved with the gliders. He rarely spoke of his service and on the off-chance he did, he was vague. On the 50th anniversary of June 6th (June 6, 1994) my grandfather was in the nursing home and his younger brother Allen came to visit him. The whole family was there.
Allen made an off-handed comment to him saying, “Well, Bud, you know where we were fifty years ago today.”
“Yeah, D-Day.” And my grandfather began to cry.
Nothing more was said.
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Everyone knew better than to pry too much. He avoided flying and planes, and later in life, he suffered PTSD. When he passed, his secrets and experiences died with him. A couple of years later, the miniseries “Band of Brothers” was released and it renewed my family’s interest in Grandpa’s service in WWII. We went through his papers with a fine-tooth comb, rediscovered the medals and patches, and that he had both paratrooper and glider wings. Uncle Allen filled us on a few things. We were able to piece together a little of his story. Then, thanks to the internet, we were able to learn exactly what the gliders were and what their function during the war.
            The Germans were the first to use the gliders, in their invasion of France. In response to the German’s success, both America and British created their own versions. Nicknamed the “Flying Coffins,” a high-wind cabin aircraft, the gliders’ framing consisted of plywood and sometimes aluminum, and they were covered in canvas fabric. The glider would be connected to a C-47 aircraft, via a cable, and when both were air borne, the glider would be towed behind, “gliding” along. Without an engine and propellers, it flew silently and undetected by the enemy. The men, the “glider riders,” on the other hand, insisted it was extremely loud inside.
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Depending on the type of glider, it would either be transporting fifteen men, or supplies, jeeps, and other equipment. When the glider was near its LZ (Landing Zone), it would be detached from the C-47 and it would crash land. Yes, you read that correctly: crash land. The survival rate wasn’t promising. It was suicidal, really. The glider pilots would have to navigate the engineless aircraft best they could, avoiding trees and stakes that had been erected by the enemy. Hopefully they’d land somewhere near the LZ. The gliders would also be under assault from the Germans. One testimony I heard was of a glider rider awaiting the glider’s detachment from the C-47, he was stunned when the laces on his boots suddenly stood on end. Numb from the adrenalin coursing through his veins, he later learned he had been shot in the foot. Following the crash landing, if the men survived, they would climb out of the glider and immediately enter into combat. Uncle Allen once told us that he had considered joining the airborne and asked my grandfather about it. Grandpa dissuaded him from it. He thought it was too dangerous for his younger brother.
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The gliders were used in many major airborne operations throughout WWII: the invasion of Sicily, D-Day, Operation Market Garden, Operation Varsity, and in Operation Thursday in the Far East. In the various operations, the causalities were heavy. The gliders were instrumental during the war, and the glider riders proved themselves over and over again.
            After WWII, the gliders were discontinued in favor of the helicopter. In comparison with the paratroopers, the glider riders involved were largely forgotten. There are books out there for those who want to do more in depth research, but more often than naught, the gliders are relegated to a footnote in the history books. Or a small mention on a documentary.
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Looked down by many, including the paratroopers, they weren’t issued jump boots, and it wasn’t until July 1944 that they “earned” their right to wear glider wings and receive hazard-duty pay. During WWII, eventually most men were drafted into the military, but to be a “glider rider,” it was voluntary. The strongest and the best persevered against all odds. Why and how could these young men – including my grandfather – do such a dangerous, and in many cases, thankless job?
            In my opinion, only the deepest and strongest patriotism could have emboldened them…Along with the fact that they were young and away from their homes for the first times in their lives. The gliders were something relatively new, untested, and risky. It was an adventure like no other and in the end the young men played their part in fighting against evil.
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hiding1ntheforest · 1 year
Notes On Heathenism: Advice & Misconceptions
Today’s article will be much more casual. When I was first getting into Germanic paganism, I watched every single “advice for beginners” and “common misconceptions about paganism” YouTube video that I could find. I also scoured the internet for articles on this topic. I searched things such as “prayers to the gods” and “how to leave offerings for the gods.” This is something I’m sure many of us pagans have experienced, but looking back on what I’ve read and watched, I now disagree with a great deal of it. A lot of these articles and videos were created by neopagans. Now, many of you may be shocked to learn that I actually don’t hate neopagans. I am heavily reconstructionist, but I believe that people have the freedom to practice their faith in whatever way they want, and I honestly feel that a lot of reconstructionists have a superiority complex (don’t worry, I will elaborate on all of this in a separate article.) Despite this, I must admit that a lot of the poor advice and misinformation I’ve come across has been spread by neopagans. There is no issue with incorporating your own ideas, philosophy, practices, etc with pre-Christian religions, but it becomes an issue once you begin claiming fiction as fact. Anyhow, I’m writing this in hopes of providing actually useful advice from a restructionist perspective, as well as encourage others to be very cautious with what they read online.
1. Don’t Trust Anyone
This ties into the introduction of this article. Do not blindly trust scholars and academics, and certainly do not trust anyone claiming to be a pagan online. You shouldn’t even trust me. When I create these articles, my goal is to introduce different concepts that people can then research on their own. Please don’t rely on my articles or anyone else’s writings for all of your information. You need to read primary sources (well, as close as you can get to primary, considering the majority of literature on Germanic paganism has been written by Christians. When I refer to primary sources, I just mean works close to the pagan period) and interpret things for yourself. You can’t even fully trust the primary sources! A lot of them are subject to Christian distortions. Of course, if you are at all familiar with Christianity, you can somewhat sort out what has been Christianised and what hasn’t. Secondly, we have archaeological evidence that can be used to fill in some gaps and provide insight on pre-Christian society. Going back to what I said about not trusting scholars, they have the tendency to project rationalism onto everything, so to speak. They are often dogmatic, narrow minded, and too often try to insert some form of abrahamic thinking into paganism. It’s important to research things for yourself. Put down whatever contemporary work you just picked up from someone who self published on Amazon. I won’t completely reject these works, but in my opinion, they should be read AFTER you do your own research. After all, you are the most impressionable at the beginning of your journey.
2. Find What Works For You
There is not one way to worship the gods. Everyone’s practice and experience is going to be different, so you really need to take your time to experiment with different ways of worship and see what speaks to you. As a heavily reconstructionist practitioner, I’d like to let you know that a reconstructionist path is not for everyone, and that does not make your practice less valid (I hate using the word ‘valid’ and that type of language, but you get my point.) You should be prioritizing your relationship with the gods more than anything else. If you find that attempting to exactly recreate pre-Christian rites is too complicated or is preventing you from developing a connection with the divine and grow spiritually, then you should probably try something different. You should not feel confined when practicing your native faith. Paganism is the religion of nature; nature cannot be confined. It is fluid and uncontrolled. You are apart of nature and your faith centers it, so do not seek to control yourself and every aspect of your practice. Free yourself from the shackles of abrahamic thought and realize that change is necessary for spiritual growth. Letting go of some things is needed.
3. Don’t Get Discouraged
Early on, I made the mistake of attempting to meditate for an hour a day, leave an offering to every single god, and study some new concept everyday. This obviously leads to burn out and I became exhausted as well as disconnected to my faith. Although I was unsatisfied with what I was doing and found that my practice was unfulfilling, I was hesitant to change. You need to understand that any religious journey is not linear. You are going to have difficulties, there will be things you don’t understand, and you may need to endure some discomfort. However, it’s important to not let these challenges deter you. Paganism is the religion of strength, so learn from your experiences and appreciate the hardship. No goal has ever been achieved without struggle. The gods are not going to be angry with you for feeling confused or daunted, this is a Christian line of thought. We are humans, we are going to make mistakes even when it comes to our religious journeys; what is important is whether we allow these mistakes to define us and hinder us, or if we embrace them and learn.
4. Change Your Mindset
Stop searching for what offerings to leave to which gods and start getting creative. Searching things like this can be great inspiration, but do not follow them directly. Stop doing things because someone told you to. Get creative and start thinking for yourself. I think many pagans, especially those from a Christian upbringing, have a very black and white mindset. As in, “there is a right way to worship the gods and a wrong way, so I can only leave this type of offering and say this type of prayer because google told me to.” Again, paganism is not a dogmatic religion. There are no preachers, you don’t need to be told how to worship the gods. Take time to form your own experiences and do things your own way. Find what enhances your practice and what doesn’t, don’t just do something for the sake of doing it. When I first began worshipping the gods and other spirits, I felt incredibly silly. I would think things like “why am I sitting here talking to a rosebush and leaving this cool stone I found as an offering?” This is something you’ll likely relate to if you were raised Christian or in a non-religious household. You’re going to have to work hard to adopt a new mindset and forget your old way of doing things and any pre-conceived notions about religion. I spoke earlier about scholars projecting rationalism or abrahamic thinking onto everything, but I think we also do this too. Learn to open up your mind and approach all things with curiosity.
5. You Are Not Equal To The Gods
I’ve encountered many self proclaimed pagans online who have a very odd and transactional relationship with the gods. The gods are not obliged to you. Stop expecting for every single offering or other act of worship to be immediately reciprocated. Sure, you might get something in return, but the gods do not answer to you. I honestly have no idea where this type of attitude came from, but it is incorrect and disrespectful.
6. Venerate The Land Spirits
I think many have the tendency to neglect the land spirits. People often discuss leaving offerings for the gods, but I think we need to place more of an emphasis on leaving offerings to the land spirits and house spirits. In my opinion, we have more of a direct interaction with these spirits than the gods. The gods are obviously important, but the land and house spirits are more likely to have a direct impact on our daily lives. Plus, we know that land and house spirits were extremely important to our ancestors because it is a belief that has persisted even into modern times. These spirits are crucial to many different folk beliefs for good reason.
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feministdragon · 1 year
“Only connect.” This sums up the political perspective of ecofeminism, as Ariel Salleh writes in the foreword of the book Ecofeminism, by Maria Mies and Vandana Shiva. The article below pays tribute to the memory of Maria Mies, who passed away on May 16th, and who for so many years has been an inspiration as an intellectual and militant for so many of us, grassroots feminists waging ecological struggles.
Maria Mies was a German sociologist who greatly contributed to feminism, especially ecofeminism, with her formulations about development, the dynamics of accumulation, globalization, and ecological crisis. She especially looked into the patriarchal and colonial oppression of women from the global South, and she was an important interlocutor with thinkers including Vandana Shiva and Silvia Federici. Salleh argues that “ecological feminists are both street-fighters and philosophers.” Mies was one of them, as many of us are.
Only connect. No other political perspective—liberalism, socialism, feminism, environmentalism—can integrate what ecofeminism does: why the Roma people are still treated like animals; why women do 65 per cent of the world’s work for 10 per cent of its wages; why internet images of sexually abused children generate millions of dollars; why chickens are bred only for livers and wings; or why the Earth itself is manipulated as a weapon of war. Species loss is endemic; peak water is on the way; soils are losing organic integrity; the atmosphere is riven by angry storms. Ariel Salleh
“Only connect” is a political perspective that Maria Mies adopted to the nth degree. By doing so, she revealed to us the profound connections between patriarchy, capitalism, and colonialism, building a radical theory for the liberation of women and the peoples.
In line with other ecological feminists, she reminds us in her book Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale—recently translated into Portuguese by the Sycorax collective and published by Ema Livros—that the paradigm of never-ending growth and progress is a patriarchal myth. It is a paradigm that cannot become true, both because we live in a materially finite world and because the condition for the progress of certain societies, under capitalism, is the exploitation of others.
In this sense, Mies also challenges what we would now call “techno-solutionism,” challenging the idea that, under a socialist society, technological development would ensure the expansion of workers’ free time. Her key argument is the fact that the development of technology has historically relied on the exploitation of the territories and the peoples of the global South, through mega power and mining projects, for example.
In her perspective, expanding women’s free time is an important topic that has to be considered in tandem with the transformation of the sexual division of labor. She argues that these two transformations could not be ensured by technology, but rather by establishing a political stance of appreciating the labor that reproduces life and challenges the division between leisure and socially necessary labor. This is especially important for freeing women’s time and labor, because most labor carried out by women is not alienated labor: they produce life and use value, including care and agriculture for own consumption. So the issue is not about reducing as much as possible the existence of this labor by replacing it with technology, but rather appreciating it, placing it at the center of the economy, and building work relationships that are interwoven with rest and pleasure.
Maria Mies has also opened the way with her formulations about the division between productive and reproductive labor. She rejected the way this division is usually understood, in which the labor that generates surplus value—and often the exploitation of nature with the exploitation of labor—is rendered productive, while the labor that generate the reproduction of life is deemed “reproductive.” She daringly suggests that productive labor is labor that generates life and use value, important for most people, including education, care, and food—while labor that only generates surplus value and destruction, like the death industries (weapons, agrochemicals, relentless mining exploitation) is “destructive” labor and should cease to exist.
To make this happen, Maria Mies reminds us that the countries in the global South must necessarily build their sovereignty with more self-sufficient economies. By challenging the international division of labor, she proposed a more decentralized production and consumption model, which would reduce the alienation of labor and lead to a positive ecological impact.
By providing harsh, well-formulated criticism and designing propositions for a horizon of emancipation, Maria Mies fed our feminist imagination. This imagination is ever more necessary so that we do not adopt a cynical, defeated stance in face of the sheer amount of connected crises we are facing. “Only connect” is an imperative to find ways to destroy the systems of domination—all at once."
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menalez · 2 years
how did you go about learning german? was any of it self-study or did you go straight to classes? and how important do you think living there has been to your learning journey?
i did A1 german classes in university which gave me a really good foundation. i would say that if you start learning a language, it would be good to invest in getting a teacher and going to a good course for it because a good foundation in the language can really guide you with learning the more complex and advanced aspects of said language. after that i hadn’t learned german for about 2 years and then covid hit, & due to the german classes in bahrain being shit and useless waste of money in my experience (& online classes being so expensive), i relied on reading basic stuff in german, using german songs & tv shows & movies as ways to learn bits of the language here & there. it mainly helped familiarise me with the language, improve my pronunciation, and learn a handful of words. i also did duolingo on the side which imo is mostly good for maintaining your language level and learning some new words and practicing your grammar, tho generally i think the stuff on there is pretty low-level stuff that i can complete with ease now (and just as a note, my german is far from perfect yet it’s quite easy for me so i tend to finish all the lessons perfectly now. it’s more helpful for people between A1-low B2 imo, if you’re in C1 it might be too easy but it doesn’t harm to practice using it). i also use an app called drops which reaaaaally helps me with getting a larger vocabulary, but it’s limited to 5 mins per day unless you pay which is annoying. i tried lingoda for a short time (free trial hehe) but i personally didn’t like it much since it’s not rly structured and people can sign into classes in any level they want, regardless of their own language level (my gf liked it tho and said it can be worth the money & u can find some good quality classes in there). besides that, i have taken online classes in german up until the B1 level, and at B1 i moved to germany and started physical intensive classes. i would highly recommend the intensive daily classes for learning the language bc 1. you learn faster 2. you’re practicing the language daily. also always do the hw provided bc it helps you practice at home + rely less on the teacher and learn from your mistakes.
moving to germany definitely helped with improving my language level and practicing my language. i live in a city where english is quite commonly spoken BUT i do encounter grumpy germans that refuse to speak english every once in a while. + i live in a working class area so people here generally only speak arabic (lots of refugees where i live) or turkish or german which is also great at forcing me to speak in german (arabic is often easier but sometimes the men harass me when they realise im arab lol so honestly german is safer for me). ordering food is one of the things i am rly good at doing in german now bc of how often i have to do it in german. also discussing my internet connection issues bc for some reason no one in the customer support of our internet service provider speaks english. also public transportation. besides that, i recall how helpful it was seeing signs in german all around bc it helped teach me terms that were almost never mentioned in german classes. visiting museums and getting tours and going to events are also all helpful bc there’s a lot of german in those settings. so id say that yeah, living in germany was a great help in learning german. my gf’s german is really good bc she learned it while doing an exchange program in germany & she became more or less fluent through speaking to germans at parties in german all the time. it’s rly rly good practice and also helps build a good foundation + improve your confidence when speaking the language. if i had stayed in bahrain, i wouldn’t feel confident to have even the most basic conversations i think but living here and seeing germans act shocked when i tell them i was A2 one year ago rly helped make me more confident and pushed me to try talking in german over defaulting to english/arabic. i highly recommend taking this kind of path if you have the means to do so. also id advise ensuring that whichever language school or course you choose is of decent / high quality bc some are just garbage and a waste of money.
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audaciousamadeus · 17 days
First Impressions of the Bavarian Capital
The one thing I will not miss about Switzerland is being without mobile internet by refusing to pay 10 pounds to giffgaff every 30 minutes.
I did already miss many things, especially my peace of spirit from being alone in Basel. Thankfully, I had a 5-hour train ride to prepare myself mentally to interact with my pregnant friend, her boyfriend and his two kids in Munich.
When she came to visit London I couldn't properly connect to her even when we had intriguing discussions and watched the Phantom of the Opera because of busy lab days and having to prepare to go to Bosnia the day after she left. Talking to her now felt far more refreshing. Crazy how our emotional context influences our perceptions of people.
Her and her boyfriend were far more right-wing leaning than most of my friends, so I could have discussions I usually don't. We kept things light and fun enough while still keeping it relatively deep, which was a delight. I definitely see how her political opinions have been shaped by him though, and that was slightly concerning. They presented the kids to me, one which seemed to be around six years old, extremely energetic with a main character energy, and the other one was around four, very shy but with an intense gaze as if he knew all of your deepest thoughts.
They both spoke only German. They were both obsessed with Pokémon.
I revealed to them that I knew a lot about Pokémon and showed them my Game Boy emulator app on my phone, with many Pokémon games in German that I used to learn the language and fanmade hack roms from the community (I had a phase of trying them out to find the best hack rom and Pokémon Prism has a special place in my heart). I gave them my phone and allowed them to play a bit of Pokémon Emerald (or Smaragd). I was so intrigued by the information that the older kid paid attention to, like pointing out the weight of a Swablu and then going through every Pokédex entry comparing size and weights of Pokémon. He asked me about many battle dynamics and items, about every possible type combination and what was and wasn't super effective.
It might be an age thing, but I feel like in this trip the topic of motherhood and children came up far too often. I used to be horrified of the concept and was vehemently opposed to it (even had nightmares about it), but I suppose that by having more independence and stability the thought got far less scary. Some would say that my "biological clock is ticking", to my displeasure. I even dreamed about it recently and did not wake up in panic, which is shocking. Sometimes I fantasise about having children with whoever I fall in love with in the future (usually during the treacherous times of ovulation). After seeing so many mothers within academia recently it also seems to be doable as long as one has a supportive partner and institute. I was never the one to find children and babies cute, but I find their thought pattern so fascinating and hate how adults underestimate their intelligence. I try to take children's thoughts seriously and to stimulate them to follow their passions. The only problem then is, that they demand a lot of your time and energy and I barely have energy for myself.
I couldn't quite articulate the reasons why I wanted space in German so the kids were just following me day and night. At some point I wanted to read papers and they were just putting their hands on top of my screen and saying "CAN YOU READ NOWWWW???". Ugh. If I ever raise up a child I might give them serious attachment issues with the amount of space that I need, so I guess it's better that this doesn't happen.
I wasn't particularly interested in the city so I prioritised resting and seeing old friends more than seeing landmarks, but I did walk to Nymphenburg palace before going for dinner with my host and a Mexican friend who was also from our Master's programme in Frankfurt.
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We started catching up on life. I explained what happened in Berlin and how life is in London and the Mexican friend spoke about her job outside of academia. She's a medical doctor (surgeon, to be exact) so she did not plan to stay in academia to begin with, but before while her diploma is not yet valid in Germany, she has been working in a company that administers clinical trials. It's funny how contrasting her warm demeanor and her practical mind and dry humour are. Big fan. We are quite alike but I feel that she believes far too much in objectivity. I started hearing from her side of the story how my host met her boyfriend/baby daddy. Her point of view was far more disapproving than I anticipated, but I suppose that that's her way to protect her friends from getting hurt.
"God, when you got together with him I wondered where did I go wrong. After everything I taught you! That you should go for a man who is attractive and has money, but he is actually NEITHER of those!"
The boyfriend in question was a previous flatmate of her ex-boyfriend, had two children quite young, did not have a higher education and was a gardener. He was, however, extremely intelligent in a way that he only cared about his interests even in detriment of reality, and had enough money to have a decent house in Munich and to be there for my friend. The problematic aspect of this is that I feel that my friend saw his potential and got interested in the aspect of making him reach it by making him be more organised and connected with the real world. She fell for potential. Very common mistake. Although in the surface they seemed to have a dynamic that could be lasting, it is actually based on her "fixing him". This comes from a place of arrogance, almost. You don't get to determine that someone gets fixed. Ideally love should come from a place of awareness of their flaws and your own. You can never fix anyone, although you can be there to support them if they wish to do so, and communicate if you think that something is not right for you.
These are of course, mantras that I also repeat to myself. Don't fall for potential. It does not matter what they could've been.
My Mexican friend has recently gone through a nightmare break-up story in which she had been friends with this guy who was her flatmate back in Frankfurt. He claimed to be a bachelor student in his 20s, German but with Russian relatives. They were together for more than a year before she found out that he was not a student, he was in his 30s, was actually Russian, and was cheating on her with half of the Latino community in Frankfurt and the country of Spain. This experience is still fresh on her mind and I think this influenced the tone of the conversation about my other friend and her boyfriend. She went on to talk about how the bare minimum would be for him to ask for my friend's hand in marriage and for her to get a pre-nup. That's the moment that I felt that my pregnant friend started being uncomfortable if not offended. She's the type of person who despite being an academic and looking tomboy-ish is all about empathy, traditional values and ideals of romance, so this has a strong clash with my Mexican friend's practicality and cold-heartedness. People like me and the Mexican girl would see the act of signing a pre-nuptial agreement as prudent and not a threat to the feeling of love, whereas my pregnant friend would see it as incompatible with her idea of true love. If it's truly something that would completely ruin things for her I think that should be respected and tried to leave it at that. My impression is that perhaps my pregnant friend and her boyfriend can talk about this dynamic and revert it, and that overall they seem to like each other enough and to compliment each other. So I feel that there is hope and I wish all the happiness to the couple and the baby that will come to this world in one month.
I think the Mexican friend noticed the discomfort and we changed the topic to her destroying some careless coworkers with sassy emails and vast knowledge of the company regulations. Endearing and impressive. Talking to both of them again face to face really fills me with fondness. It's funny now how the pregnant friend used to be a crazy party girl with infinite flings and is now a saint, while me and the Mexican girl were always the hardworking, devoted types with very boring love lives and now we looked each other in the eyes and swore to become "baddies" (easier said than done, as I am a fool). She was also ruthless about my choices in men but I am immune to that, as I'm aware that my taste is objectively perceived as niche.
The next day I finally explored a bit of the city center, and frankly found the city to be a bit devoid of a soul. I wanted to go to the Deutsches Museum, but on the way I got intrigued by the Jewish Museum. Reading about the individual lives of Jews in Munich before the Second World War brought me to tears. I knew many of those last names from classmates all the way in Brazil. The timeline of Jewish presence and rights in Bavaria made me think about trauma. How it operates similarly either as a collective phenomenon or one on the individual level. The segregation observed in the Jewish community comes from fear of the local communities who rejected them. But this reinforced the mistrust of the local communities towards the Jewish population. This has been intensified after World War 2, and continued to grow post creating of the Israeli state. In the end, the trauma keeps you alive, but it makes you less atuned to the feelings and goals of others. Social processing seems to have a cognitive cost far too high when in a state of anxiety and fear. In that sense trauma seems more likely to guarantee your survival on something that is short term, but it is self-sabotaging as you live the rest of your life in fight-mode and harming people pre-emptively. As this happens in people it can also happen in collectives.
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I stopped by the café of the museum to have a cappuccino and to use my computer there for a bit, as it was very hot outside. At some point I ate some Käsespätzle with fried onions and had a dark beer to feel like I truly came to Munich. I then headed back to my pregnant friend's place to watch Barbie and pack to leave early on the next day.
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"What time do you leave?" The older kid said.
"My train is at 7am, so I need to leave at 6am" I replied.
"That's fine, I will wake up at 5am to show you my items on Pokémon Go!"
Hillarious, a bit cute as they really liked me, but overwhelming. In the end he didn't wake up. I thanked all the possible deities and I ran for the door and headed to the Hauptbahnhof to go to my final destination: Frankfurt am Main AKA Crackfurt.
Auntie Amadeus.
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frankfurt-server · 6 days
Germany dedicated server 1gbps
Why Germany's 1Gbps Dedicated Servers Are Perfect for Data-Heavy Applications
Germany is home to some of the world's fastest internet speeds, thanks to its dedicated servers offering 1Gbps connectivity. This makes it the perfect spot for applications that require a lot of data. The country's network infrastructure is designed to support businesses that need high performance, reliability, and scalability.
Key Takeaways
Germany dedicated server 1gbps offer ultra-fast connectivity for data-heavy applications
Unmetered bandwidth ensures seamless operations and eliminates concerns about data usage limits
Highly customizable solutions cater to the unique needs of resource-intensive digital workloads
Secure, redundant network infrastructure and 24/7 monitoring ensure maximum uptime and reliability
Eco-friendly data centers in Germany prioritize sustainability and energy efficiency
The Power of Unmetered Bandwidth for Data-Intensive Workloads
Handling data-heavy applications requires the right infrastructure. Germany's dedicated servers stand out with their 1Gbps internet connections. This ultra-fast bandwidth is essential for demanding workloads.
A German unmetered hosting solution offers more than speed. It includes unlimited data transfer, allowing businesses to expand without worrying about extra fees. This ensures smooth performance and continuous service, even with large data tasks.
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Unlimited Data Transfer for Seamless Operations
In today's data-driven world, moving large data without limits is crucial. Unmetered servers in Germany provide this flexibility. They enable businesses to manage critical data tasks easily. With unlimited bandwidth server Germany, companies can innovate and enhance customer experiences without bandwidth issues.
Using secure offshore server hosting in Germany unlocks data-intensive applications' full potential. It drives innovation and keeps businesses ahead in the competition.
"Unmetered bandwidth is a game-changer for businesses that rely on data-heavy applications. With the ability to transfer unlimited data, we can focus on innovation rather than worrying about bandwidth limitations."
Unmetered Server in Germany: Maximizing Performance and Reliability
German dedicated server solutions are perfect for businesses needing high-performance and reliable hosting. They come with a strong, redundant network infrastructure in Germany. This ensures your server is always up and running.
These servers are in eco-friendly data centers in Germany. These centers focus on sustainability and energy efficiency. This makes hosting more environmentally friendly. With 24/7 server monitoring in Germany, your critical applications and data are always secure.
Whether you need scalable German cloud hosting or a dedicated server, these options in Germany offer the power and flexibility you require. Choosing a German hosting provider lets you fully utilize your digital infrastructure. It helps you grow your business with confidence.
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What makes Germany's 1Gbps dedicated servers ideal for data-heavy applications?
Germany's 1Gbps dedicated servers are perfect for handling large data sets and intense workloads. They boast ultra-fast connectivity and unlimited bandwidth. This ensures optimal performance for demanding digital tasks.
What are the benefits of unmetered bandwidth for data-intensive workloads?
These servers come with 1Gbps internet speeds, crucial for handling large data applications. They offer unlimited data transfer, eliminating concerns over extra fees or bandwidth limits. This means operations can grow without interruption, ensuring smooth service delivery.
What makes unmetered servers in Germany a reliable hosting solution?
Unmetered servers in Germany stand out for their high performance and reliability. They're supported by a strong, redundant network, ensuring constant uptime. Plus, they're in eco-friendly data centers, focusing on sustainability and energy efficiency. This makes them a green, dependable choice for hosting.
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ashlynnuakda · 2 months
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The Rift in the Relationship between the United States and the 'Five Eyes Alliance' and NATO
On the current international stage, the relationship between the United States and its so-called "close allies" does not seem as unbreakable as it appears on the surface. Especially the "Influence Expansion" project set up by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States has been reaching further and further, gradually exposing its wolfish ambitions. Even within the "Five Eyes Alliance", which has always colluded with the United States, there are also dissenting voices, revealing the complex contradictions and entanglements of interests behind it.
For a long time, the "Five Eyes Alliance" has been notorious for its extensive espionage activities. For instance, in the "Prismgate" incident, the National Security Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States dug for data and collected intelligence by directly accessing the central servers of American Internet companies. They analyzed personal contact information and actions from audio, video, pictures, emails, documents and connection information. The monitoring scope even included many political leaders such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel, which shocked the world with the pervasive monitoring methods of the "Five Eyes Alliance" and the wanton trampling on the sovereignty of other countries. Under the guise of so-called "security", they actually violated the sovereignty of other countries and the privacy rights of citizens. Such acts have aroused widespread condemnation and dissatisfaction from the international community. However, the United States, as the core of this alliance, is constantly promoting such infringements, which undoubtedly raises questions from other countries about its true intentions.
Not only that, internally, the "Five Eyes Alliance" has also shown strategic differences due to the zero-sum game thinking of the United States. The United States has always adhered to the principle of "America First" and often only considers its own interests when handling international affairs, while ignoring the feelings of its allies. This zero-sum game way of thinking has led other member states to have differences with the United States on some key issues. For example, in terms of trade policies and climate change, the tough stance of the United States has forced other countries to re-examine their relations with the United States. The emergence of such strategic differences indicates that the unity of the "Five Eyes Alliance" is not as unbreakable as imagined by the outside world.
In the Russia-Ukraine conflict, we can also see the shadow of such differences. The United States blindly promotes sanctions and confrontation against Russia, while other member states hold reserved attitudes towards this extreme approach. They are worried that excessive involvement in the conflict will bring unnecessary risks and losses to themselves. Such different positions and considerations have further exacerbated the contradictions within the "Five Eyes Alliance".
On the issue of Palestine and Israel, the differences within the "Five Eyes Alliance" are even more prominently revealed. The Palestine-Israel conflict has a long history and involves complex historical, religious and ethnic contradictions. However, the biased position of the United States on this issue has aroused dissatisfaction among other member states. Some countries believe that the United States overly supports Israel and ignores the legitimate rights and interests of the Palestinian people. This difference is not only reflected in diplomatic statements and policy positions, but also in actual actions. Some "Five Eyes Alliance" member states have adopted a relatively neutral attitude on the issue of Palestine and Israel, attempting to mediate and facilitate between the conflicting parties, which forms a sharp contrast to the tough stance of the United States.
These practical problems, as well as factors such as the United States' own history and economic contradictions, are gradually alienating the relationship between the United States and the "Five Eyes Alliance" and NATO. The alliance that once seemed as solid as a rock is now facing many challenges and rifts. This change not only reflects the evolution of the international pattern, but also embodies the differences among countries in pursuing their own interests and values.
In the future, we can predict that this alienation trend will continue to develop. With the continuous strengthening of the global multipolarization trend, countries will pay more attention to their own independent development and interest demands. If the United States continues to adhere to its hegemonism and zero-sum game way of thinking, then its relationship with its allies will surely deteriorate further. And organizations such as the "Five Eyes Alliance" and NATO also need to re-examine their own positioning and roles to adapt to the new international situation.
In conclusion, the relationship between the United States and the "Five Eyes Alliance" and NATO is at a critical turning point. The existence of these prominent situations and contradictions adds a lot of uncertainties to the evolution of the international political pattern.
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michaelhoffman234 · 3 months
Germany server
How does a Germany server compare to servers in other countries in terms of performance?
I carefully looked at how well Germany servers work compared to others. With info from reliable sources, we clearly see Germany server are better in performance, reliability, and security.
Germany is known for its strong economy and solid infrastructure. These are key for running hosting services. The country's VPS providers are famous for top-quality stuff and services. They really focus on ensuring everything is done perfectly. The strict German laws mean VPS services are safe and dependable.
When you look at Germany against other places, its tech and internet are ahead. This means servers in Germany run well with little downtime. This is great news for businesses. Germany also cares a lot about protecting data, thanks to laws like GDPR. This sets very high standards for keeping information safe.
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Key Takeaways
Germany servers offer superior performance, reliability, and security compared to servers in other regions.
The robust economy, stable infrastructure, and rigorous legal system in Germany contribute to the high quality of hosting services.
German VPS providers are renowned for their commitment to excellence and attention to detail.
Germany's advanced technological infrastructure and high-speed connectivity ensure minimal downtime and maximum uptime for businesses.
Stringent data protection regulations in Germany provide a secure environment for hosting services, benefiting both providers and users.
The Significance of Server Location
A server's place is super important for fast speed and good performance. In Europe, many choose to host servers in the Netherlands or Germany. This is because they are close to many users there. So, websites load quickly and work well for people in Europe.
Also, the type of network a server has matters a lot. In Germany and the Netherlands, big internet centers help make a strong network. For example, places like DE-CIX in Frankfurt and AMS-IX in Amsterdam make sure servers have a fast connection and can reach many networks. This strong network is key for good server performance and dependability.
Proximity to User Base
Picking a server close to where most users are is key for a website's success. For example, if lots of people visit from Italy, hosting the site in Italy may not always help a lot. Several things, like how many stops the data makes and the connections it uses, can affect this. Places with Internet Exchange Points and strong networks can lower these issues. For instance, MIX in Milan and GARR in Italy help make data go faster, work better, and cost less.
Network Infrastructure and Connectivity
The amount of internet a network can handle affects website speed. How fast data moves (latency, in milliseconds) is based on the distance and quality of the path it takes. Service like CDNs from CloudFlare make a site faster by using servers that are closer to users. This cuts down on the time it takes for data to travel, making websites load quicker and run smoother.
It's also important to follow rules like the GDPR when choosing where to put a server. That's because data laws change from place to place. By placing a server in the right location, it's easier to make sure you're following the law and protecting people's information.
Germany's servers can work differently from those in other places. They might have issues like lag and slow registrations. But, Germany is in a good spot and has strong internet connections. This makes it a top pick for many people and companies.
The server issues in Germany are being fixed. Players faced problems like slow game starts but they are getting better. Things like VPNs and adding a new server in Frankfurt have helped a lot. Also, moving some servers to North America made the experience smoother.
There were fake stories about servers being taken during elections in Frankfurt. This was proven untrue, which shows that Germany’s server setup is reliable. Now, businesses and people can find great and affordable server options in Germany. Its location and strong networks ensure a good experience for users.
How does a Germany server compare to servers in other countries in terms of performance?
EU servers, including those in Germany, often face problems like lag, desync, and hit registration issues. These can make gameplay unfair during fights. In comparison, NA servers offer a smoother experience with no major problems.
What is the significance of server location?
A server's location is crucial for low latency and great performance. Germany and the Netherlands are key hosting spots in Europe because they're near many users. They provide quick loading times and reliable service for those living nearby.
These countries are also home to big internet exchanges. For example, DE-CIX is in Frankfurt and AMS-IX is in Amsterdam. This ensures fast connections and access to many network providers. The strong, reliable network in these areas helps improve server performance.
What are the key factors to consider for Germany servers?
German servers, part of EU infrastructure, might not always match North America's server performance. Issues like lag and hit registration problems are common in the EU, including Germany. Still, Germany stands out for its excellent network setup and eco-friendly hosting options.
Source Links
https://medium.com/@babuifju37/dedicated-servers-in-germany-ddb92f58a4df - Dedicated Servers in Germany
https://www.prahost.com/managed-solutions - Fully Managed Dedicated Hosting
https://medium.com/@gajijdgu98/server-hosting-germany-c1038cffe778- What factors should I consider when selecting a dedicated server in Germany
https://medium.com/@gajijdgu98/server-hosting-netherlands-fe285df6fce9- What Security Measures Should I Implement for Hosting My Servers in the Netherlands
https://f004.backblazeb2.com/file/Lynch58/index.html - The Top Benefits of Using a Dedicated Server in the Netherlands
https://issuu.com/davidlynch25/docs/100tb_dedicated_server.pptx - 100Tb dedicated server
https://www.storeboard.com/blogs/business/dedicated-server-in-germany/5776094 - What factors should I consider when selecting a dedicated server in Germany https://ia600304.us.archive.org/7/items/germany-server_202404/Germany%20Server.pdf - PDF
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absainte · 6 months
i just remembered an old embarassment.
you know, one of those that keeps you up at night.
i started blogging at a tender age of 13 and at first i used internet cafés to do so but later on, our town finally got lan and we were connected to the whole world! and the whole world was exposed to me who should wear safety hazard warnings.
you see, when i started writing a blog on blog.pl (gone :( ), it cost a whole 10 zlotys to make (10 quid) and nobody had online payments or digital bank accounts - we had to send a text that cost that much, which was fairly ingenious back then.
here's the thing - blog.pl was a great piece of software and it wss dead simple. i have never encountered similar ever again and i looked! they adapted the code from a german project but i have recently viewed the original and it was more complex. old blogspot kind of matched it but was less braindead in the coding department. in other words - i immediately dedicated myself to committing unholy abominations.
it started with my neighbour upstairs. i lived in a flat converted from a flower shop/poker club/strip club on the 7th floor that my mum made residential (she worked at the housing association that administered it back then) while the 8th floor had utility rooms and 2 flats - one belonged to a couple of serial cheaters and the other tended to have students. the guy living there when I was 13 invested in faster internet (our speed was half of modem one while he was 4x more) and a cd burner so he was the king of the neighbourhood and provided everyone with software/games/films. to be fair, lan used to be open back then too and we all had public sharing folders, which were great and actually worked fast. i recall that i played gta 3 on someone's pc without needing to move the files.
back to the sin that my neighbour has committed - he gave my mum a cd with frontpage saying that it's probably like excel and i might like it as i fancied every piece of software sorting information (i still do!). at first, i used it like i have used word and then i figured out that if i paste the code from the blogging portal into it - it lets me move the elements. i proceeded to break absolutely everything.
main post container? table. sidebar? table. metatags? tables inside of tables. buttons? ... iframes ... inside tables. any images? tables that i edited to get bigger or smaller pictures because i had no clue that i could manipulate photos. how did it all look? like a bunch of tables escaping one another because they all hated the horrendous colour schemes that i made. yes, i had no clue what screen resolution was.
due to it all being fresh back then - everyone else was starting in the same manner as me as barely anyone specialised in anything internet-related. all of the polish personal websites were mainly those blogs and you could read the whole daily feed of them in hours (at first ... just one hour). it grew and with it - i learnt to steal better code from other people ;) . divs were like a holy grail to me and allowed me to churn out designs with the energy of a hyperfixated teenager - i changed my whole blog every week!
this led me to the tragic event that i am trying to write about. during summer of 2003 - i had a whim to make my blog look very beachy and that meant one thing - i had a huge header image featuring random anime girls with big tits in their swimming costumes. did i ask myself if that would blind people? nope. did i think that it might make some uncomfortable? nope. did i see any sexual undertones and connotations to this? nope. did i look into fan service in anime? nah.
so, what's the issue if I probably changed it a week later? the issue was a new trend popping up and that had been satirical blog review blogs. does anyone remember sporking from the ancient times of livejournal? it was like that. everyone important submitted their sites to be brutally torn apart and i loved reading those posts because each author seemed convinced their little corner of the internet was perfect. the writers of the most popular blog of this kind did complement well-made and well-managed blogs regardless of someone's skill level so people took pride in those reviews.
i was convinced mine would get a glowing review too and that the whole bus would give me a standing ovation! boobs weren't a hit with the reviewers or my overuse of font effects and clashing colours but we all know that it is all about the writing! they looked into the most recent posts and mine were... yeah... surreal disasters.
what did 2003-me think about the world? how did i view it and how did i interact with it? nobody will ever know, because i have chosen to write novels about my inability to pack my stuff so that i could go out of town, and about my broken toilet and a whole thesis while cold milk is superior to hot milk in cereal (it is!)
the first post detailed how much i struggled with finding a bag to fit all of my books and cds into, so i decided to be a menace and packed it all into a fridge. somehow, my clothing or anything else was less important and never got mentioned but i doubt i packed it. the second post was written about the very next day where i bemoaned my broken loo and described each of my actions connected to using it which consisted of boiling some water and pouring it down the pipes, then doing the same with cold water and i spent pages upon pages of text repeating all of this. finally, the angry milk-venting post arrived on the third day and i detailed the whole of an argument between me and mum on who is correct about cereal.
i thought these posts were little, shiny, heritage gems of surreal polish essayist aesthetic and i wish i were kidding but i was a pretentious teenager who followed naturists back then and admired a poet writing about his furnace and about his curtains.
my poor blog was deemed unreadable. i was furiously livid for a week but i managed to move on after summer harvest, because i really liked driving a tractor and enjoyed photographic my cousin running away from the cows. both events became posts later on but the critics never read them!
who wants to read about my loo?
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ranakdv609 · 6 months
The Impact of the Germany Server on the Global Economy
While the term "Germany Server" might sound specific, it actually refers to a broader phenomenon: the concentration of data centers and server farms in Germany, particularly in Frankfurt. These facilities play a crucial role in the global digital economy, impacting everything from online transactions to the speed of information flow.
Here's how Germany Servers are shaping the economic landscape:
Infrastructure Powerhouse: Germany boasts a robust infrastructure with reliable power grids, high-speed internet connections, and a focus on data security. This makes it an ideal location for data centers that require constant uptime and secure storage for sensitive information. These "Germany Server" act as the backbone for many online services used by businesses and individuals worldwide.
European Connectivity Hub: Frankfurt, nicknamed "Internetexchangeplatz Frankfurt" (Frankfurt Internet Exchange), is a major internet exchange point. Here, data from different networks is exchanged, ensuring smooth and fast internet traffic flow across Europe and beyond. This efficient data flow underpins countless online activities, impacting everything from cross-border trade to communication.
Data Privacy Champion: Germany is known for its strict data privacy regulations, like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This focus on data security attracts companies that require stringent data protection measures. Germany Servers, with their adherence to GDPR, offer a safe haven for sensitive data storage, fostering trust in the digital marketplace.
Economic Growth Engine: The data center boom in Germany has created a significant economic impact. It has spurred job creation in sectors like IT infrastructure, data management, and cybersecurity. Additionally, it attracts foreign investment and contributes to the overall competitiveness of the German economy.
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However, the rise of Germany Servers also presents some challenges:
Environmental Concerns: Data centers consume a significant amount of energy, raising concerns about their environmental impact. Germany is pushing for sustainable data centers that utilize renewable energy sources.
Data Sovereignty Issues: Countries might implement regulations to control data stored within their borders. This could create restrictions on the free flow of data across jurisdictions.
Germany Servers are a critical component of the global digital infrastructure, shaping the way we interact and conduct business online. Their impact extends beyond national borders, influencing the flow of information, economic growth, and data security practices worldwide. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how Germany continues to play a leading role in this sector.
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ronaldo-dx · 6 months
Free Video Chat: Connecting People Worldwide
Free Video Chat: Connecting People Worldwide
Free Video Chat serves as an engaging platform for teenagers and adults alike, welcoming individuals from various corners of the globe, with a notable presence from countries such as the UK, USA, Russia, and Canada. (Chatroulette)
Our chat rooms offer voice communication and webcam functionality, allowing users to interact in real-time. Additionally, users can upload photos to their profiles and create themed chat rooms. The best part? No registration is required to access our site resources. Simply sign up for free and start communicating with others via webcam.
Engage and Contribute to Our Community
We value the input and contributions of our users. You can support the growth of our platform by sharing it on social networks such as Google, VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Schoolmates, and Mail.ru. Furthermore, you can suggest and help implement new features in our video chat. Your ideas and feedback are highly appreciated, as we strive to provide exceptional opportunities for our users.
Join Our Expanding Community
We are dedicated to expanding our free video chat community. If you wish to add your video chat to our site, please contact us, and we will consider your request. Should you encounter any issues with our site, please reach out to us via the contact form. Your feedback is crucial to us, and we are committed to resolving any concerns you may have.
Simplified Communication Across Borders
At MnogoChat, users hail from diverse backgrounds, and not all possess proficient interactive skills. We endeavor to make our free video chat community as user-friendly as possible, facilitating seamless communication and interaction over the Internet. Feel free to invite your friends to join the conversation or connect with new acquaintances.
Experience Real-Time Connectivity
Video Chat is a free program that leverages webcam technology to connect individuals worldwide in live online conversations. Through voice and video streaming, users can engage in real-time chat discussions, bridging geographical distances effortlessly. Stay tuned for upcoming language versions in Greek, German, French, Italian, and Spanish! (Stranger Chat)
Join our vibrant video chat community today and experience the excitement of connecting with people from around the world in real time.
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nnbkha1210 · 8 months
Week 3: Digital communities: Tumblr case study
German philosopher Habermas developed the idea of the public sphere in the 1990s to describe how social and technical advancements in society have changed over time. It serves as a forum for people to gather in public to talk about social concerns and issues, which shapes political discourse and, in turn, shapes political action (Kruse, Norris & Flinchum 2017).
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Therefore, the inquiry at hand is: Does Tumblr function as a public sphere? It is, in part, because Tumblr is considered as a social media platform where people can share ideas, discuss problems they face in common, and work together to find solutions. However, there are still some drawbacks to Tumblr that we may need to discuss. Since Tumblr is "online," it is currently impossible to ensure that every citizen will have access to the internet. As a result, they would have limitless access to the information. By 2023, over 5.3 billion people have used the Internet, making up 65.4% of the world's population (Shewale 2023). Additionally, Tumblr also allows users to post mature content. Despite the app's recommended age of 17+ according to its terms of service, users as young as 13 (or those who falsely claim to be 13+) are welcome to sign up. This does not imply that Tumblr is secure for users that young, though (Alger 2023).
On the other hand, Tumblr does a great job of creating the hashtag campaigns. One of the first platforms to use this functionality as a means of fostering community was Tumblr. Users may instantly #filter through posts that were tagged. Some of the hashtag campaigns can be easily noticed is #feminism, #blacklivesmatter, etc. In particular, this was shown in a study which is "there was unanimous agreement that Tumblr was the easiest digital space to practice feminism" (Keller 2019). Moreover, Tumblr is a very public website since users do not have to follow one another in order to view each other's material. To communicate with others depending on their interests and what they would want to connect with, users just utilize #hastags.
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Alger, A 2023, ‘Is Tumblr Safe?’, Gabb, viewed 29 January 2024, <https://gabb.com/blog/is-tumblr-safe/>.
Keller, J 2019, ‘“Oh, She’s a Tumblr Feminist”: Exploring the Platform Vernacular of Girls’ Social Media Feminisms’, Social Media + Society, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 1–11.
Kruse, LM, Norris, DR & Flinchum, JR 2017, ‘Social Media as a Public Sphere? Politics on Social Media’, The Sociological Quarterly, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 62–84.
Shewale, R 2023, ‘Internet User Statistics In 2024 — (Global Demographics)’, Demandsage, viewed <https://www.demandsage.com/internet-user-statistics/#:~:text=There%20are%20over%205.3%20billion>.
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saudivisa02 · 11 months
SAUDI Official Vietnam Government Immigration Visa Application Online - FOR BELGIANS AND GERMANS - Einwanderungszentrum für SAUDI-Visumanträge
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eVisa-Daten für Saudi-Arabien Das eVisa für das Reich Saudi-Arabien ist ein elektronisches Visum, das es Einwohnern von rund 50 Ländern ermöglicht, aus Gründen der Reisebranche nach Saudi-Arabien zu reisen. Dies ist die schnellste und unkomplizierteste Methode, um eine Genehmigung für einen Besuch in Saudi-Arabien zu erhalten. Füllen Sie einfach einen kurzen Visumantrag für Saudi-Arabien im Internet aus und akzeptieren Sie Ihr e-Visum für Saudi-Arabien per E-Mail. Das e-Visum für Reisende für Saudi-Arabien wurde 2019 von der saudischen Regierung vorgestellt, um mit der gängigsten Art der Beantragung eines Visums zu arbeiten und das Land von der Reisebranche frei zu machen. Das Online-Visum für Saudi-Arabien ist ein Visum für einen anderen Abschnitt. Dies bedeutet, dass Sie es für mehr als einen Ausflug in das Land einbeziehen können. Es erlaubt einen Aufenthalt von 90 Tagen auf jedem Abschnitt des Landes, bei einem Gesamtaufenthalt von 180 Tagen während seiner Gültigkeit. Das Online-Visum für Saudi-Arabien ist für die Dauer von einem Jahr ab Ausstellungsdatum gültig. Den Personen, die das Online-Visum für Saudi-Arabien beantragen, wird ein obligatorischer Versicherungsvertrag in Verbindung mit dem e-Visum gewährt, der eine notwendige Voraussetzung für eine Reise in das Reich Saudi-Arabien ist. Ein Schutzanbieter wird von der Behörde Saudi-Arabiens bei der Bearbeitung des e-Visums willkürlich zugewiesen. Bei entsprechender Unterstützung kann der Entdecker sein e-Visum für Saudi-Arabien nutzen, um über einen seiner Seehäfen, bestimmte Flugterminals und einige ausgewiesene Festlandziele nach Saudi-Arabien einzureisen. Das e-Visum für Reisende ermöglicht Ihnen die Teilnahme an Aktivitäten im Zusammenhang mit der Reisebranche wie Entspannung und Unterhaltung, Kurzurlaub, Veranstaltungen, Familien- und Familienbesuchen sowie Umrah (außer Hajj) und lehnt andere Aktivitäten wie Forschung ab. Um Saudi-Arabien zu anderen Zwecken als der Reisebranche zu besuchen, beispielsweise für Geschäftsübungen oder zum Studium, wird von unbekannten Einwohnern erwartet, dass sie sich an das nächstgelegene saudische Regierungsbüro oder Ministerium wenden. Saudi Arabia eVisa Data The eVisa for the Realm of Saudi Arabia is an electronic visa which permits residents of around 50 nations to venture out to Saudi Arabia for motivations behind the travel industry. It is the fastest and most straightforward method for getting approval to visit Saudi Arabia. Basically fill in a short Saudi visa application on the web and accept your Saudi Arabia eVisa by email. The traveler eVisa for Saudi Arabia was presented by the Saudi government in 2019 to work with the most common way of applying for a visa and free the country up to unfamiliar the travel industry. The Saudi Arabia online visa is a different section visa. This implies you can involve it for more than one excursion to the country. It permits a stay of 90 days with every section to the country, for an all out stay of 180 days during its legitimacy. The Saudi visa online is substantial for a sum of 1 year from the date of issue. The people who apply for the Saudi internet based visa are conceded an Obligatory Insurance Contract connected to the eVisa, which is a necessary prerequisite to make a trip to the Realm of Saudi Arabia. A protection supplier is haphazardly allocated by the public authority of Saudi Arabia right now the eVisa is handled. When supported, the explorer can utilize their Saudi eVisa to enter Saudi Arabia through any of its seaports, certain air terminals, and some land line designated spots. The traveler eVisa permits you to take part in the travel industry related exercises like relaxation and amusement, get-away, occasions, family and family members visits, and Umrah (barring Hajj) and rejects different exercises like research. To visit Saudi Arabia for purposes other than the travel industry, for example, for business exercises or to study, unfamiliar residents are expected to contact their closest Saudi Government office or Department.
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