#George and meditation
harrisonarchive · 1 year
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Photo by Stephen Shepherd.
Q: “You have a very rare perspective ‘cause you’ve been to the height of fame with the Beatles and out the other side.” George: “And I don’t subscribe to it. It’s totally bullshit. Stardom and fame is bullshit that sucks you in and if you’re not fortunate you can get so sucked in that you start believing it. You think you are superduper. And people are fickle. One minute they like you, then they don’t. That’s the nature of the world: relativity. You only have love because of hate, they’re both half of the same thing. If you accept the pleasure, you’re going to be setting yourself up for the pain. The thing is to be unattached to the game and then the loss doesn’t mean anything.” Q: “Is that really attainable? Not just in show business but in life?” George: “You can, you can. It takes practice and you just have to keep remembering. For me or for most people who have been fortunate enough to have all the things most people dream about. We’ve got the fame and fortune. That’s really what most people in life are looking for, they think that’s the answer. We got it relatively young and then we realized. Since I’ve been about 22 or 23 I’ve really been saying the same thing: We’ve been there, we’ve been famous and rich and that isn’t it. You’ve got to look somewhere else. Look inside and do meditation. That’s the answer. Meditation is the key to get from darkness into light, from suffering into pleasure, from ignorance into wisdom.” […] Q: “Do you feel that the good fortune you had early in life, the enormous success of the Beatles, means that you four were being rewarded for virtues accrued in past lives?” George: “I don’t know if it was that good! Who would want to do that? When we started we just wanted to become musicians, to make a record. The Beatles was a brilliant thing that happened, but if you look at it from another point of view, what a waste of time! The potential danger of forgetting what the purpose is supposed to be in life and just getting caught up in this big tangle and creating more and more karma. I wouldn’t want to do it again.” - RCD, 1992 (x)
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javelinbk · 7 months
Jessie Robins plays the drums for the Beatles (and the rest of the cast) in a deleted scene from Magical Mystery Tour (1967)
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limnsaber · 3 months
Limnnnn any thoughts on The Acolyte so far? Bc you have the best thoughts lol
Hi Ell! Thank you for the ask! The first thing that came to mind is something that's been bugging me recently- just enough to talk about it. The fandom of Star Wars, at large, seems very keen to ignore the Buddhist roots behind a lot of the ideals of Star Wars, attachment, and the Jedi.
Like. Recently I watched a SW YouTube video, which I highly advise against doing, and in it the video paraphrased a comment saying that the comment stated that Star Wars was inspired largely by "westerns, samurai films, WWII films, classic cars, and religious meditation practices." In ACTUALITY, what was quoted as "religious meditation practices" in paraphrase was written as "Zen Buddhism" in the original comment.
It's mind boggling to me why anyone (much less a YouTube channel about Star Wars, who would know about the roots of the themes and ideas of Star Wars) would reduce the real-world ideas that inspired the universe and all of the Jedi to "religious meditation practices". Like. Removing this context that George Lucas so strongly intended as a Buddhist himself is wishy washy at best and actively harmful at worst.
We can talk about Lucas's/SW's orientalism all we want, (and smarter people than me have said better things about that,) but I'd argue that this exclusion of real world religious and cultural ideas, by the fandom specifically, contributes to that. And maybe if we had greater intercultural understanding, we would have fewer arguments about what 'attachment' in SW really means.
In short, not great. Aside from that, I'm really enjoying the show itself so far!! I just finished the third episode! Like other people, I'm sure there's more to the story on Brendok, but I really appreciated the simple parable of Mae's actions. If you can't let go of your attachment, if you let your desire for control guide your actions, you will set yourself on fire. Also star wars is at its best when it has twins. I love Star Wars when Star Wars has themes! I'm excited to see what's coming next!!
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santmat · 2 months
George Harrison's Spirituality & Music - Beatles and Eastern Influences: https://youtu.be/6jm3a_Gvc5g?si=3dERNsMUelZ8_qBY
"Dive deep into the life of George Harrison, the legendary Beatle, and discover the profound influence of spirituality on his music. In this video, we explore how George's quest for spiritual enlightenment shaped his songwriting and personal life. From his embrace of Indian culture and the sitar to his collaborations with spiritual figures and his devotion to the Hare Krishna movement, witness the harmonious blend of his spiritual journey with his musical genius."
I believe the host of the channel, Filip Holm, is a Sufi. His documentaries are always impressively thorough, with this one even mentioning Swami Vivekananda, Yogananda, and the Vaishnava tradition. A great exploration of the Beatles, Ravi Shankar, and the various eastern influences.
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vintagecamping · 1 year
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Campfire on the shores of George Lake
Killarney Provincial Park, Ontario
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yorgunherakles · 1 month
iyi bir şey, bizim daha iyisinin keyfine varmamızı engelliyorsa, o aslında kötü bir şeydir.
spinoza - etika
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muzaktomyears · 10 months
there's literally a bit in the Apple Scruffs book where the author gives George her psychiatrist's name and address......... oh my god........ at least one (1) Beatle getting actual therapy was so close to happening.........
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houseofcatwic · 2 months
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Jenny Boyd, Pattie Boyd, George & Ringo - during trip to Indian in 1968 to study Transcendental Meditation..
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 4 months
Almost Shankara
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Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda Morning Meditation🙏📿🕉️🌞❤️ Almost Shankara ~Wonderwall Music ~George Harrison
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apenitentialprayer · 7 months
It is in this way that prayer becomes a real stay in our life; we must be able to open our hearts to God, as to our Friend, our Father, our Counsellor, our Everything. We have made a great step forward when we can see God in everybody, and in every event, when He becomes a living Reality to us; of Whose presence and nearness to us we become intimately conscious. There will be no presumption or rashness in turning your thoughts in this direction; no going beyond one's grace. How far you advance on the road will depend on the progress you make in this union with God, and on the grace He gives you: to advance on the road ever so little is a great gain.
George Porter, S.J., the future Archbishop of Bombay, in a letter dated January 3, 1880.
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The Road to Emmaus, by Jorge Cocco
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harrisonarchive · 1 year
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Photo by John Kelly (?).
“I feel this is something we’ve been trying to do all the time — keep that identification with people. It gets harder and harder the more famous you get. People see you, they put you on that pedestal, and they really believe you’re different from them. […] The maharishi says this level that we’re on is like the surface of the ocean, which is always changing, chopping and changing, and we’re living on the surface with these waves crashing about. But unless we’re anchored on the bottom we’re at the mercy of whatever goes on on the surface. So you go into meditation and your thoughts get smaller and smaller all the time, finer and finer, until that’s just pure consciousness, and you anchor yourself to that — and once you’ve established that anchor then it doesn’t really matter what goes on up on the surface.” - George Harrison, Rolling Stone, February 1968 (x)
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magicdashworkss · 5 months
When Luke Skywalker meet Butterfly 🦋 🥰
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bedforddanes75 · 2 months
general opinion on sub george before i embarrass myself online .
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jeandejard3n · 6 months
Star Wars: Coruscant
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harrisongslimited · 8 months
George Picture of the Day 1-29-24
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George meditating. Not sure who woman is balanced precariously on the wall.
Thank you to owner.
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cobotis · 1 year
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The mind is the devil, there is no other devil; and it is your mind... This insight has to be developed — of looking through and through... Cut the mind in two with a sharp blow of the sword. That sword is awareness... Cut the mind in two and go through it, go beyond it! And if you can go beyond the mind, through the mind, and a moment of no-mind arises in you, there is the answer — not a verbal answer, not a scripture quoted, not in quotation marks, but authentically yours, an experience... Truth is an existential experience...
~ Osho
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