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Inside Look at the Gem Mining Process in Sri Lanka
Discover the heart and soul of gemstone mining with Color Minings! 🌍✨
Our latest photo captures the real-life challenges and determination behind sourcing the finest gems. Featured here is a bustling gem mining site in Ratnapura, Sri Lanka, where the manager, owner, and dedicated workers are strategizing on how to remove rainwater from a timber-supported digging hole. This is where the journey of our exquisite gemstones begins, right from the rich, gem-bearing gravels underground.
At Color Minings, we are committed to bringing you the highest quality natural gemstones, ethically sourced and carefully selected. Our gemstones undergo a meticulous process, from extraction to the final product, ensuring every piece you receive is of unmatched beauty and value.
Stay tuned for more behind-the-scenes insights into our gem mining adventures. Explore the fascinating world of gems with us!
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Gemmin 🌱 (art by @fried_snakeU) Made by @ilovewater100
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-slithers up and gently places down a request for a random Kab SMP(Not Kab preferably), and a random Life Series-
once again sorry this took so long, motivation and body were collapsing but it was super fun to do this one!!
⁀clownie, jestie, jesterpenetrate
⁀transfem, cutecannibal, cutegoric, bloodgender, genderstab
⁀questioning, tends to say unlabelled though
⁀doll demon, pretends to be humanoid
⁀kaboodle smp
⁀transhumanoid, transharmlesslooking, transfamous, transcutesy
⁀cisharlequin, cisdoll, cissilly

art cred
⁀gemmen, gemminator, gemtay
⁀he/it, kill/killer, secret/secrets, betray/betrayed
⁀deer hybrid, sculk infected
⁀secret life
⁀transgreenlife, transwinner, triscannibal
⁀ciskiller, cisdelusional, cispsychosis

art cred
#pro radq#pro radqueer#radqueer#radqueer community#radqueer friendly#radqueer interact#radqueer please interact#radqueer safe#rq interact#pro endogenic#endo safe#pro endo#endo friendly#plural system#plurality#plural community#endogenic friendly#endogenic safe#endogenic system#endogenic plurality#plural gang#plural stuff#pluralpunk#actually plural#build a headmate#build an alter
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Conlang year 2025 · Day 10 - 18
I'm gonna try to get through all of the phonology prompts in this post, I don't think I'll do anything too interesting with the phonology, the surrealistic elements of the language will mostly be in the grammar.
Before I start with any of the prompts keep in mind that the phonetic inventory I'm making here is for the "base form" of the language. As mentioned in a previous post dream angels change the sounds they use when they're talking to humans, so for example if you're a native Spanish speaker they will shift a lot of their consonants and vowels to match those that exist in Spanish, this is so that it's easier for you to pronounce their language and so that it sounds a bit more familiar to you, even though it will still sound pretty foreign.

Day 10: Choose ��series” of consonants to incorporate
These are all (or most) of the sounds that are possible at the places and manners of articulation I picked. In the next few prompts we'll trim the inventory down to something more manageable, I'm not using all of these sounds.
A few things I wanna note:
I'm thinking there won't be labiodentals, only bilabials, even though I like [f] and [v] a lot I wanna change things up a bit.
I was considering adding a rhotic but I think it's more interesting if I don't have one, most of my conlangs have some sort of "r" sound (and in most of them it's a trill [r] or [ʀ]) so this one wont have one.
I like [θ] [ʂ] and [ħ] so that's why I added dentals, retroflex and pharyngeals. I assume it'll be difficult for these to get adapted into other language's phonologies but I'm fine with that.
Day 11: Decide if you want a voicing distinction
At first I wanted a voicing distinction but I ended up deciding against it mostly because that will make this language a bit easier to pronounce and easier to adapt into other phonologies. I also decided against it because I can add a bit of voicing distinction through allophonic variation later if I really want it.
I merged the lateral rows with their non-lateral counterparts to make the table more compact, so [ɬ] is next to [s] and [l] is in the same row as [w].
Some notes:
The only dental phoneme I kept is the fricative [θ], and the only pharyngeal I kept is also the fricative [ħ].
I added less distinctions in sounds made towards the back of the mouth, despite the fact that this language is not meant to be naturalistic I still feel like that makes for an appealing phonological inventory.
This ended up being a pretty fricative-heavy language, which I like because I happen to love fricatives.
Day 12: Research other consonant articulations
In this prompt Jessie tells us to research things like affricates, double articulation and non-pulmonic consonants (ejectives, implosives and clicks).
I added a handful of clicks mostly because I love the way they sound, I added dental [k͡ǀ], alveolar [k͡ǃ] and lateral [k͡ǁ], but I didn't add variations to them like aspirated or nasal because I struggle to pronounce those and tell them apart.
I imagine this is a feature that won't be easily adapted into other languages' phonologies, maybe these could be substituted with gemminates, affricates, ejectives, clusters, and other types of occlusive sounds, but a lot of languages might not have enough phonemes to cover all the occlusives that exist in the base form of the language, so the clicks might just have to remain as clicks sometimes or merge with other sounds when the phonology is being adapted to fit another language's phonology.
I added the alveolar affricate [t͡s] because I like it a lot, and I also added a couple of aspirated stops: labial [pʰ] and alveolar [tʰ], these could be substituted with other distinctions like voicing when adapting the phonology to other languages.
So we ended up with 22 consonant phonemes.
Day 13: Choose monophthongs
I'm going with a four vowel system: /a/ /e/ /i/ /u/, I was considering a system with height harmony (something like /i/ - /e/, /u/ - /o/, /ə/ - /a/) but I like the smaller inventory.
I also looked ahead a bit and saw that there's no prompt for tone, and I've been thinking that I want this language to be tonal, so I'm going to include tones here as well. I happen to really like how contour tonal languages sound and for some reason I feel like tone would fit the vibe of this language.
That's another reason why I went with the smaller vowel inventory, it's a pain to romanize tonal languages that have more than 5 vowels, you end up needing to put diacritics on special characters like <ø> or <ə>, or you could take a different approach like using digraphs for the extra vowels, or numbers to represent tone, but I think that makes the text harder to read (for me at least), plus I like this 4 vowel inventory.
I imagine the tones would be preserved when the dream angels speak to someone who doesn't speak a tonal language, they're too important to just drop entirely, and I'm not sure it could get substituted with a stress system in a way that doesn't merge a bunch of words together.
My girlfriend helped me to come up with the tonemes for this language, here's what we decided on:
There's 5 tones: mid (˧ - 33) rising (˧˥ -35) high (˥ - 55) falling (˥˨ - 52) and dipping (˨˩˧ - 213).
Day 14: Choose diphthongs (if any)
I was indecisive, but I included 3 diphthongs in my language: /aj/ /aw/ and /iw/, I'm thinking of using these kind of sparingly. Diphthongs don't get treated as if they were long vowels, there's just no vowel length distinction in this language at all (at least not phonemically).
Day 15: Compile IPA charts for your conlang
I've basically already done that lol
Day 16: Play around with syllable structures
The syllable structure will be (C)CV(C), I want consonant clusters to only be allowed in the syllable onset, and I don't want any syllables without an initial consonant, so the minimal syllable is of the shape CV while the maximal syllable is of the shape CCVC.
I want to allow most consonants to be codas, so all plain stops, nasals, fricatives, and the lateral approximant [l] can be in the coda position (so no affricates, clicks, or [w]).
In clusters I'm not allowing aspirated stops, affricates, clicks, glides or the fricatives [ɸ] and [ħ], plus all nasals get reduced to [n] (unless they assimilate, but the point is that there won't be contrasting clusters of [kn] vs [km] for example).
As for the clusters I'm allowing:
stop-fricative clusters, except for stuff where both sounds have the same place of articulation, so [pɸ] [ts] [ʈʂ] and [kx] wouldn't be allowed.
stop-/n/ clusters.
stop-/l/ clusters.
fricative-/n/ clusters.
fricative-/l/ clusters, except for [ɬl] because that's too funky for me.
Day 17: Create nonce forms of varying lengths
For generating random nonsense words I like using word generators like Lexifer online, I input the syllable structure I came up with in the last prompt and it output some words.
I will use diacritics to represent tone for ease of readability, here's the diacritics I'll be using:
mid - ◌ (no diacritic)
rising - ◌̌ (caron)
high - ◌́ (acute)
falling - ◌̂ (circumflex)
dipping - ◌̀ (grave)
I took the words Lexifer gave me and modified some of them, here's the result:
ħu tìxe ʈǐ lu wíɸu ɬa ʂně pʰá pʰǐnu ta sǎpʰá naħá k͡ǃù pɬiwħ xlíku ʈî tʰasí kà ník t͡sǔʈíɳ k͡ǀǎ ħéθǎ kě tûk k͡ǃaj ħek͡ǁaw plâwɸe ɸìt na ɬakûʈ
I'm feeling pretty happy with that, I like the way these sound and I think I can hand-craft some nice words using this phonology.
While some of these words might be a bit difficult to pronounce for me right now they're not unmanageable and I know I'll get better at it over time.
I will say, I can already tell this language is going to be a bit of a pain for most people to type because the romanization will need not only diacritics for the tones but probably some special characters to deal with things like [tʰ] vs [θ], the clicks, retroflex sounds, etc.
I tend to avoid adding too many multigraphs because it can make it a bit hard to read for me, we'll see how I end up romanizing this language. I have a custom keyboard layout that makes it easy to type all sorts of diacritics and unconventional letters, so I'm usually ok with adding weird stuff to my romanizations for the sake of legibility, but I'll try to make this usable for other people as well since I'm sharing it online.
Day 18: Write a section on syllables and stress
I basically already decided the syllable structure of my language, and it doesn't have stress. So I guess that's it for today.
As a little experiment I took the random words from earlier and "English-ified" them:
hʊ dɪ̀heɪ̯ dɹɪ̌ lʊ wɪ́fʊ flæ ʃněɪ̯ pǽ pɪ̌nʊ dæ sæ̌pǽ næhǽ kɹʊ̀ fljuːf slɪ́kʊ dɹɪ̂ tæsɪ́ kæ̀ nɪ́k t͡ʃʊ̌dɹɪ́ŋ tɹæ̌ héɪθæ̌ kěɪ tʊ̂k kɹaɪ heɪklaʊ plâʊfeɪ fɪ̀t næ flækʊ̂ɹd
And a (vaguely latin-american) "Spanish-ified" version
xu dìxe dɾǐ lu wífu fla sně pá pǐnu da sǎpá naxá kɾù fljux xlíku dɾî tasí kà ník t͡ʃǔdɾíɲ tɾǎ xésǎ kě tûk kɾaj xeklaw plâwfe fìt na flakûɾd
These are a proof of concept, I'm sure I could do a better job if I sat down and meticulously figured out exact rules for how to adapt the phonemes, I think there's some places where you kind of have to break the phonotactics of English and Spanish to make it work, and I did end up merging a few sounds in both examples (for example we lost the /x/ - /ħ/ distinction) but I just wanted to see how it would look and I think it doesn't look bad.
Next time I think we'll start actually making words! I hope this post wasn't too long hehe thanks for reading all that.
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#animation #funny #games #scpfoundation #gaming #audiocommentary #gemminers #cutlery #youtubegaming
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Radiant Ruby Gemstones: Unveiling Nature's Precious Treasures
Welcome to the captivating world of gemstones, where beauty and elegance intertwine to create magnificent treasures. In this short blog, we invite you to explore the enchanting collection of Ruby stones available at Gemmines. Prepare to be mesmerized as we uncover the allure, symbolism, and exceptional qualities that make Ruby gemstones a true embodiment of nature's wonders.
The Majesty of Ruby
Ruby, known as the "King of Gemstones," has captivated hearts for centuries with its fiery red hue and captivating luster. Symbolizing passion, love, and vitality, this gemstone holds a special place in the realm of precious stones. Through the skillful craftsmanship showcased in the Ruby gemstones available at Gemmines, you can embrace the elegance and beauty that has made Ruby a coveted gem throughout history.
A Kaleidoscope of Colors
While Ruby is renowned for its striking red color, it is important to appreciate the mesmerizing range of hues it encompasses. From deep crimson to vibrant pinkish-red, Ruby gemstones display a captivating spectrum that caters to individual preferences and styles. At Gemmines, you can explore a diverse collection of Ruby gemstones, each with its own unique shade, allowing you to find the perfect match for your personal taste.
Unleashing the Power of Ruby
Beyond its stunning aesthetics, Ruby is believed to possess remarkable metaphysical properties. It is considered a stone of courage, vitality, and passion, believed to invigorate the soul and ignite the fire within. Whether you seek to enhance your personal energy or infuse your life with a renewed sense of purpose, Ruby gemstones from Gemmines offer an opportunity to connect with the powerful energy held within these magnificent gems.
As we conclude our exploration of the exquisite Ruby gemstones showcased at Gemmines, we encourage you to embark on a journey of discovery. Whether you are an avid collector, a gemstone enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of nature's creations, Gemmines offers a treasure trove of Ruby gemstones that will leave you captivated. Embrace the magic, elegance, and power that these radiant gems embody, and let them become cherished pieces that adorn your life with their timeless allure. Begin your quest for the perfect Ruby gemstone today and unlock the captivating beauty that awaits you.
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How to price Zircon by Amit Gupta - Gem Mines
Zircon is the beautiful and natural gemstone available in different colours such as yellow, brown, orange, red, violet, green, blue, and colourless. It provides physical, emotional and spiritual balance.
Gemstones Store in Delhi at Gem Mines, you can get 100% Natural and Certified Zircon and other gemstones at genuine price.
To know more, Tap on the link: https://youtu.be/G4zqerKXaew
You can also visit our store, Gem Mines 2547 Gali No 6 Beadonpura, Gurudwara Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi Connect us on toll-free number: +91- 98108-00550 or Tap on the link to chat with us on Whatsapp, wa.me/919810091024/?text=Hi
Facebook - www.facebook.com/gemmines.in/
All Information to get - gemmines.in/wp-content/uploads/Gem-Mines-Open-Click-it.pdf
Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) - www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpipK1afhWI&feature=youtu.be
Blue Sapphire (Neelam) - www.youtube.com/watch?v=gccWWer7xbc&feature=youtu.be
Coral (Moonga) - www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOs3eh-7Fd8&feature=youtu.be
How to buy jewellery - www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlfLO23ud-0&feature=youtu.be
How to buy gold jewellery - www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1XZgNIzz6Q&feature=youtu.be
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I've been busy making customs the last few days, but had to go to one of my favorite places today for some crystal therapy and I got some pretties! 😍💗 got to take @infamousrider94___ to his first Gem Mine 💗 #crystals #crystalshop #gemmine #mining #crystallove #crystallover #crystalhealing #healingcrystals #ashevillenc #ashevilleartist #ashevilleart #avlsmallbusiness #avlnc #avlartist #avlart #hendersonvillenc #etsy #etsyshop #etsyartist #crystaljewelry #art #crystalshop https://www.instagram.com/p/B8K3Yn8nYYq/?igshid=1osbg2kvclgqk
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Hi long time fan here and in the topic of Gemma/Min, I don't think so? At least, not recently, aka in the past handful of months that I've been a part of your blog. If so I have a mighty want because Gemma deserves so much and I think Min is just stellar so again: if not, i'm p sure we'd all be down for it to exist. And if so, pls give links so I can come back in 5 minutes and gush lol
I wrote this thing (which I woke up in the middle of the night and suddenly remembered I’d written) but they don’t actually hook up.
I may write more! I was reading Chapter 13 of UMS last night (the chapter when Min and Gem pash) and I was like. Man. I could use more of this.
Trivia: Gemma and Min, in the original plan of UMS, were going to have a short, awkward relationship that was kind of hot but would never have worked because neither of them are in a place to manage that sort of sudden identity change. However, when it came to writing it I realised a drunken kiss is one thing, but Min would never actually voluntarily seek someone out to cheat on Henry - she wasn’t in the right place to. If I’d persisted with Gemma/Min, it would have made Min much less sympathetic, and I don’t think it would have been in character for either of them at that point. So I had to make some adjustments to the plot as I was writing the book.
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All About Me!
Hello! My name is Cheyenne Buffington! I’m a 20-year old just getting used to this crazy, wacky ride called life. But let's be real, who really gets used to it? Hop onto this twisted roller coaster with me as I go with the flow and wing it all! Follow me on mega adventures and as I learn how to take the G-forces.

My life is just beginning and I’ve been through the ringer a few times already. The Friday after Father’s Day 2016 I lost my father to cancer. The past few years without him has been hard but I carry on for him. When I get in a bind, I seem to often ask myself what would he tell me to do next. You might see a few of these moments in my Story Times.
I love taking pictures! Photography and writing are the two passions in my life that I have followed through with (I guess that’s why they are called passions, huh.) I inherited the love of photography and graphic design from my dad, to this day I use his camera to take all my business photos.
There is more to learn about me but I’ll leave you wanting more because, now this is my honest opinion here, cliffhangers are just the best part. They leave you hanging onto the edge of your seat and reaching for that next chapter. Don’t worry I got you, boo. So until next time…
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Many of you have been in and out of the shop the past couple of weeks. You've seen our overstock of items and stuff along the floor. We are happy to announce that we've reach a deal and are expanding from our 1,700 Sq ft space to a total of 14,000 plus Sq ft.. So please be patient with us as we start this transition. We may post a day here or there that we might be closed but we will let you know well in advance. But know the changes ahead you will ALL love ❤️. A lot of exciting stuff and events coming your way. #easternexotics #Oddities #odditiesandcuriosities #Wildlife #expansion #animals #crystals #crystalshop #metaphysical #metaphysicalhealing #gemstones #gemmining #metaphysicalshop #love #live (at Eastern Exotics Wildlife, Gemstones, & Oddities) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiBCoRIOSJ8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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So, we pretty much camp on every adventure, it’s allowed us even more freedom to explore, as camping is so cost-effective. We love KOA’s. 🏕 This one is @pigeonforgekoa and we loved it! Amazing pool and lazy river, gem mining, awesome playground, train rides, riverside views, close proximity to cute shops and restaurants, so relaxing. We loved it! Have you been camping? Do you love it? If so, why? If not, why? ☺️ #camping #koa #campinglife #campingtrip #campinghacks #unicorns #pool #gemmining #pigeonforge (at Pigeon Forge / Gatlinburg KOA Holiday) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeZWp-su9za/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Much of the gem mining in Madagascar is unofficial and therefore unregulated, so the impacts are high, both environmentally and socially. Even when the mining sites are remote, often hours or even days of walking from a neighboring town, during the peaks of activity everyone lives and breathes alongside the mine. It can disrupt the local economy: the price of chicken can triple locally, as it is easy to bring to the mine site and keep fresh if alive. Crime, prostitution (miners are mostly men), and child labor rise. Near the town of Andilamena, about 110 kilometers (68 miles) north of Alaotra-Mangoro’s capital city of Ambatondrazaka, this pattern has unfolded many times. The rush, the money, the mass migration. Then the mine dies. Or another one with better promises of fast riches is born somewhere else. And it all falls down. Then, some years later, the cycle starts again. -MONGABAY #Madagascar🇲🇬 #madagascargems #madagascar #gemmining #preciousstone #passion #rwanda🇷🇼 #gold #goldminings #diamondmining #diamonds #roughstone #roughgems #mininglife #gemstones #sapphiremining #rubymining (at Antananarivo, Madagascar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUqblwzBHC3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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