fruitcakebro · 1 year
Rewatching MCSM season 2 ep 2, and oh my god, this reads like Jesse and Lukas are new parents and Radar is their kid lmao.
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plutoarttv · 4 months
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happy pride month daniel cain’s hair
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ilesiumtwo · 4 months
it's pride month 🙁
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gardenofshadcws · 2 years
Voyage of the Nautilus Day 24
The Torres Strait Part 3
Ned stop getting your hopes up, it never goes well
It’s interesting that Nemo goes through this strait so cautiously. (Spoilers) He gets more and more reckless later on, so this scene contrasts tragically with his character… development? Degredation?
Nemo takes the Nautilus running aground really well. Nothing rattles this guy, it’s incredible
“I’ve no desire to deprive myself so soon of the pleasure of your company”. gaaaaaayyyyy
I’ve used that exact line in my Pokemon RPs. Several times.
I don’t blame Ned for being skeptical of Nemo’s plan. “The moon will float us away” is a buck wild statement
But our weird gay uncle believes in his boyfriend!! And his boyfriend can’t say no to him!!
Oh god it’s this scene isn’t it. 🫤
I always think this scene happens later than it does because it’s towards the end of the movie but argh
Okay I’ll stop getting ahead of ourselves here but uh. You know how Victorian lit tends to not be great about talking about other cultures? Yeah. Yeeeeah.
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I dreamed about a young lady who was an absolute cunt to her sister who lost her husband. She was like “why are you so upset? He wasn’t even a good man.” The two stop talking indefinitely because the sister is like what the hell?
Then it switches to some point when this lady is destitute completely broke. Nobody to help her, but sone super kind dude she knows finds a way to unlock $173 for her. And she tries not to take it. She’s all “you should use this for people like my sister, or my best friend or..”
And the man looks so disheartened. He says “if you really don’t want it, you can just donate it to the people you’ve pre-approved to be worthy of it then.. and unburden yourself the money.”
Seeing as he looked somewhat shabby himself she quietly whispered “or yourself..”
He sighed and touches her forehead so she goes to a deep sleep. Her dream is meant to show her her deepest fear In this sleep an evil robot of her best friend starts physically attacking her, yelling “GAYYYYYY GAAAAAAYYYYY GAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!”
And the main chick who was frightened to see this robot chick stands up and says “I am gay. So what?”
The robot stops, reassesses. Her fear wasn’t rejection from being gay hmm. The face changes and the robot says “what do I know.. I’m just a widow.” And the robot is her sister attacking her instead.
And the main character is just like oh fuck and tries apologizing to evil robot sister. But the world explodes.
And I woke up.
WhT the fuck was that dream (also every female was played by Jennifer Lawrence somehow, and the male was Nikesh Patel)
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Birds of Prey (1999) #73
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trying to hang up on me and she can’t. i always have to do the dirty work. 😂😂😂 @randomgirlusername
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overdrugs-mayhem · 7 years
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The wedding part 5 is gay.
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immnemosine · 3 years
Writing Prompt #5
You created a world when you were young. There was everything you could think about from vampires to dragons and gods. But, as you grew up, you started to forget about it, always focusing on another things. One day, however, you suffered an accident and you have woken on in a strange, strange place. Suddenly, a young man walks into the room and you discover where you are. You are on the world you created so many years ago and that young man is the protagonist.
Which means you are the protagonist's love interest and, by the looks people are giving you, you should be dead. But you remember what happened after your death and, ok, the protagonist is kinda cute. So nope, not happening.
Now, tell me, how do you do it?
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calamar-ii · 6 years
I meant
What I said, you know?
That I could live
In a moment like this;
Your wandering hands making every freckle a road-stop, my body becomes the
Map and you are
The only worthy explorer—
If I could,
I would swallow your ghosts whole;
smother them in the backseat and leave them
To rot in the trunk of a car stuck somewhere
Between the nearest gas station and
of desert,
You kiss me and my bed becomes a chapel,
I think
I find something holy in the space between us, like
Lately you’ve been hanging around so much
I’m starting to taste like you and
Everyone knows where I’ve been—
They don’t have a word for this,
Do they? I use your name instead,
Say it again.
My heart,
My love,
My dear,
I say:
I may not know how to tell you I love you in every language,
But I know this:
I would dismantle the sky and glue every star to the ceiling if it meant you would never again know fear;
I would plant you a garden
full of sunflowers
if it would mend the ache,
I know that I’m writing again and
Every poem tastes like strawberry lemonade which is to say
They are all about you—
You make my hands feel like hands.
For the first time in maybe ever, my heartbeat sounds
Like a heart and
I swear to god you’re the only one who
Knows how to make music out of it.
How could I possibly answer
To anything but
I know
That Next to you
Every broken piece
Of my body rebuilds itself,
That movie nights and a home
Built out of bedsheets and a mixtape that
Will never work in a CD player
is the closest to heaven
I might ever get—
There will never be a word for this,
Maybe the sum of it
Will only ever be
Your name.
— Joanne
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johnhedgehogwatson · 7 years
"When I woke next morning he was in my room, and a funny looking object he was. His dressing-gown lay on a chair, and he was putting up a fifty-six pound dumb-bell, without a rag to cover him. Nature didn't give him a very symmetrical face, nor the sweetest of ex pressions ; but he has a figure like a Greek statue."
The Stark Munro Letters by Arthur Conan Doyle
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I made this awhile back when I had a fan account on Instagram 😂
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bardaholic · 7 years
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Pride march today with @beauty-in-the-smallest-things She was grinning the entire time 🏳️‍🌈
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ask-dnd-sides · 4 years
I understand Roman.... but for now I must wreak havoc on Virgil... Hey! Hey! Virgil! Remember me?! I'm the duck one! What are you doing? Is it something gaaaaaayyyyy?! - duck anon
(Virgil barely stifles a laugh.)
Virgil: You act like I am not gay in everything I do >;3
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axton-blogs · 6 years
Spoilers ahead, You’ve been warned. 
So, catching up on all of Rami’s fantastic work is taking a while but while I’m watching The War at Home immediately after watching Mr. Robot, it’s easy to tell how he plays a lot of characters with such open vulnerability that makes them relatable to a wider audience. 
Let’s take Elliot Alderson for example. 
I tell my therapist that I relate to Elliot a lot, which worries him (my therapist watches the show, go figure). But, it’s not in the sense that I do drugs to numb the dull ache of life. It’s more on the side that Elliot is closed off and reserved unless he absolutely needs help, like in Season 3. He doesn’t talk much to Krista throughout the series, but after the 71 buildings explode, he rushes to Krista to talk to her, he desperately tries to tell her what he did, until Mr. Robot shows up in that moment of weakness to take over and give him that push. 
In times of desperation and emotional breakdowns, I tend to seek isolation until a moment of ‘intense courage’ happens, and I reach out, mostly when I come back from it I regret that decision, but hey, whatever gets me talking. 
Elliot has gone through emotional trauma that has hardened him into an antisocial, paranoid vigilante hacker that tries to fix a broken system. No matter how stubborn he seems to be, if it’s not the right thing to do, he will try to fix what he broke. 
His points of vulnerability come from other people suffering or finding out that what he thought was the right thing to do turned out to be a complete clusterfuck of bad decisions that need to be fixed. 
Kenny Al-Bahir, a quirky gay teenager from The War at Home was meant to be played as just a hormonal teenager that gets put through some weird situations. As one of the few roles of a gay person of Middle Eastern/Asian decent, Rami took him and made him into someone who was relatable to both parents and teenagers. Mind that most of this show had its own homophobic and transphobic tendencies, anyone who watched the show long enough realized that this adorable child with bright eyes could be someone they knew. Parents could see their child, teenagers could see themselves, teachers could see their students, etc. Rami played Kenny in a way that we could see him (laughably) try to hide who he was while, at the same time, was terrified of having people know who he was. 
The iconic “I’m gaaaaaayyyyy” moment was both a gasp of shock and sigh of relief, as the boy could finally be himself, but no one knew at what cost. 
TL;DR  I’m really fucking tired and Rami has ripped my heart out of my chest for the third time this week and he deserves all the Oscars. 
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mylordshesacactus · 6 years
specific things about dogs and their behavior, fantasy fandoms (i am including star wars in this because it is fantasy in Space TM) and then gaaaaaayyyyy
indeed The Gay
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