#Gate of Flesh
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silverscreencaps · 2 years ago
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Gate of Flesh (1964) dir. Seijun Suzuki
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181935 · 10 months ago
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randomrichards · 2 years ago
In War torn Japan
Prostitutes form alliance
‘Til ex-soldier come
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nepherit · 2 months ago
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My honored guests...dinner is served ✨✨
Go on, little mouse. Partake, enjoy your supper...
I was so disappointed when Larian dropped Patch 7 with its new evil endings, but no Raphael dinner included, so I vowed to make up for it with a dinner of my own. I was all set to color and shade, but things didn’t quite go as planned, and I had to take a little break. I picked it up again a few days ago, and here it is—finally finished.
Happy holidays!
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shewolfofvilnius · 1 year ago
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PSA: Know how Mizora sticks around your Act 3 camp and refuses to leave? Know how Mizora tries to get Wyll's dad blown to bits by spiders if you refuse Wyll's contract extension? Know how she's ruined Wyll's life for 7 years and been a pain for Karlach and for everyone else too?
Flesh to Stone. Sticks even through teleport, and if she fails all three CON saves, it is PERMANENT unless you use Basilisk Oil on her.
This way she can never hurt anyone else again (at least for a while) NOR can ruin the next few months for my fiancé Wyll and I.
Enjoy being a permanent fixture of the Elfsong Tavern, arsehole. Can't KILL her, but technically this doesn't qualify as harm. :)
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(edit 2: Love that this is my most popular thing. Still works as of Hotfix 19. Please NEVER remove this Larian)
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streamondemand · 2 years ago
'Gate of Flesh' – the mercenary world of Japan after World War II on Criterion Channel
Seijun Suzuki puts the candy colored art direction of an American Technicolor musical in the service of an erotically charged tale of desperation and doom with Gate of Flesh (Japan, 1964). The lurid melodrama of prostitutes, gangsters, and black marketeers is set on the ruins of the Tokyo waterfront in Japan’s post-World War II depression. Starving maiden Maya (Yumiko Nogawa) joins a group of…
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sofancydancy · 1 year ago
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The grip his stomach has on me is insane--
Hi!! Editing to thank you all so much and to say the finished version is now in the replies/with the link! 💜
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dr1f7w00d · 1 year ago
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blackjackkent · 3 months ago
Jaheira is Not a Deadbeat
I am, as always, deeply in love with the kids' ambient dialogue while waiting for Jaheira to come inside. And it's time for me to have Opinions.
FIG: I saw her! I swear! RION: Are you sure? Maybe it was just a laborer holding a shaggy grey mop! FIG: Be serious, Rion! Who puts braids on a mop?
FIG: She'll be here any second. Maybe she's sneaking! RION: Doubtful. We'd hear her knees cracking.
And of course my favorite:
RION: Enough, Fig. There's no point getting your hopes up. She'll be back when she's back. FIG: You don't think she will! RION: I know she will. But we'll wait a little longer, if you like.
Rion absolutely knew perfectly well what she was supposed to do from Jaheira's instructions. She just didn't want to. She's been hanging on to the desperate belief that Jaheira was going to walk through the door and make it unnecessary - and, as it turned out, she was right.
OK, fuck it, I'm doing a post about this now. :P
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Despite what the Tumblr BG3 fandom would have you believe, Jaheira is not a "deadbeat mom." Is she a parent with emotional constipation issues and way too much time at work? Sure. But so are plenty of other parents on both Toril and Earth. It's SUPER clear from the way all the kids (including Rion) talk to and about her that they LOVE her and she has been an enduring presence in their lives, and that her recent disappearance was both unusual and devastating. 
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There are books she reads the kids up in the bedroom! Fig is so excited to announce she's back, indicating that the absence is not a normal occurrence! Jhessem has convinced herself they share a bloodline! Jord got to go to the market with her as a boy! These are not the circumstances of children who do not give a shit about their parent or vice versa!
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The devnotes about Jord’s conversation in particular do not show a picture of a man with ill-will towards a mother who felt it customary to abandon him:
JORD: I tended to it. I just let it... thrive in its own independence. You know, same way you raised us. (Devnote: Well meant potshot at his mother, no malice in it) JAHEIRA: I raised you to be a sweet and kind boy. What happened? JORD: I watched what you did instead of listening to what you said. (Devnote: Amused, gently mocking his mother) JORD: This house has taken in a lot of children over the years. Mother dear was sometimes more commander than, well... mother dear. (Devnote: Smiling, explaining why he and Jaheira trade barbs. No criticism, just understated affection)
It is, perhaps, worth noting at this point as well that Jord - and Rion, and Fig, and even Jhessem - speak with that teasing, mocking tone towards Jaheira… but so does she - towards the people she cares most about, including you as the player. The kids are acting as they have learned, and words like this can and should easily be read as gestures of affection. And they clearly trust Jaheira enough to bring this playful rudeness to the fore without fear of it being misconstrued or turning into hostility.
And if they are like Jaheira in this way, they’re also not going to be comfortable showing the real depth of their feelings in front of you, the player character - who is fundamentally a stranger who has just walked into their house. Why would they? Jaheira clearly doesn’t; indeed, even her more serious conversation with Rion only takes place outside where even the other children aren’t listening. 
Perhaps most significantly, I truly don’t understand how anyone can interact with Tate for even a moment and think that Jaheira does not have a deep, if often unspoken, bond with the kids she raises:
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JAHEIRA: I hope you were hibernating, little cub, I can’t think of another reason you wouldn’t come down to say hello. TATE: Jaheira! I d-didn’t… didn’t w-want to see if you were r-really dead. They said… JAHEIRA: Who said? TATE: Jord and Rion. They didn’t think I c-could hear… JAHEIRA: You little sneak-thief. Well, they were wrong. Look! Not dead! I just… had a few adventures.
She is so soft and gentle with him in a way that she is with no one else, a way that indicates that she knows him and how his personality is different from the others. And he in turn has clearly been utterly devastated by the idea that she might be gone.
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Take, as well, the evidence provided by Minsc when he is present in these conversations! There’s plenty of evidence to indicate the degree to which Minsc is guided by Jaheira’s behavior - to the degree that a doppelganger wearing her face was the key ingredient to binding him temporarily into the Cult of the Absolute. And Minsc - far more comfortable with emotion than Jaheira, at least in some ways - is clearly very affectionate with the kids as well:
FIG: STAND ON YOUR LIVER! MINSC: It is stand and *deliver*, little Fig. Though I think I like yours better. You bellow like a true berserker!
JHESSEM: A fine day to you, saer. Are you known to this court PLAYER: Eh? JHESSEM: Ugh - play along, would you? MINSC: Lord Boo is most pleased to make your acquaintance, my lady! Word of your grace has spread far and wide among the hamster houses. (Devnote: Swooping in to preserve the child's make-believe after the player ruined it.) JHESSEM: Enchanted!
MINSC: Boo is also very well! And happy to see *you*, Rion. RION: And I him. Enough that I’ll let him keep his lumbering, sweaty steed inside.
Would Minsc have taken it upon himself to have such a comfortable relationship with these children if Jaheira did not? I doubt it. He’d be friendly, certainly, but this familiarity goes a great deal beyond that.
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And as for Rion herself - it's definitely reasonable to assume that she's had a strained relationship with Jaheira as she's grown older. (I have a lot of headcanons about this for my specific worldstate canon, but even just sticking to the game canon, it definitely seems like that's the case.) But leaving aside that - can you blame her for being upset at this particular moment?
As far as Rion knows, her mom was recently emotionally devastated for an indeterminate reason. (Minsc's apparent death. None of the kids are surprised to see him arrive, so clearly none of them knew he was supposed to be dead - but also there's no way that Jaheira didn't look afterwards like someone hollowed her out from the inside.) Then, without further explanation, she disappeared for what appears to have been several months (again, clearly not standard procedure), and after weeks of no contact, sends a seven-word message indicating she is about to die.
How exactly is Rion supposed to feel at this moment? This is an incredibly emotionally fraught circumstance, and if it's precisely representative of her overall relationship with Jaheira I will eat my hat.
Also - much is made by the game, by Rion, and by the fandom about that seven-word message, but if you try to chastise Jaheira about it, she gives further context:
PLAYER: Only seven? That’s cold, Jaheira. JAHEIRA: The cleric who cast the Sending was wounded. Should I have sobbed on her shoulder?
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Jaheira was caught in a no-win situation. Trapped in the Shadowlands, a terrifying ordeal all by itself, with a gaggle of Harpers she had to protect, many of whom had apparently been injured by their encounter with Ketheric Thorm. If the only cleric she had access to was wounded, this was before they reached Last Light and met Isobel. 
Jaheira had ZERO reason to hope at this point - but she also still felt her own inescapable responsibility towards the people under her command. To send a longer and more emotional message would have been to put strain on her injured comrade and also risk making it very clear that she felt the situation was hopeless. The Harpers very well might have broken and scattered, condemning themselves - and, frankly, many others, given their crucial contributions to the final Act 2 fight - to death.
And then she lives, against all her own expectations, and returns to the city. And her dialogue reflects her conflict over this fact as well: 
JAHEIRA: I have given you much reason to think that Harpers hoard secrets like precious stones. But I promise you, this was not some intrigue. Just, ah… plain and simple foolishness. As if by keeping clear of my family, I might keep them clear of the cult in turn. And if this fight were to go against us, well… they had already done their mourning. Why visit it on them twice?
She then goes on to discuss the city and her place in it - and relates it directly back to her kids as well.
JAHEIRA: I was wrong to think I could keep my children from this fight. They’re Baldurian born and bred - the only damned reason I root myself in this place. This city is a cesspit. An open sewer of the soul, that taints us with its filth and churns us out when all that is good has been stripped away. It also happens to be their home - and so it is mine. Ugh. That might be the first time I have said that out loud.
If Jaheira wanted to disappear and leave her kids to handle themselves, she would have done it a long time ago. It wouldn’t be hard; she is fully capable of vanishing into the wilderness never to be seen again - and in truth, there’s every reason to believe she would be considerably happier to do so… except that it would mean leaving her children behind. They “root” her in Baldur’s Gate despite all of her previous inclinations and everything that comes naturally to her, and everything she does is guided ultimately by the need to protect the city because it is their home.
And that, my friends, is love, a love that she shows even if she does not know how to voice it.
TLDR: Jaheira's absence in the Shadowlands was definitely not a normal occurrence, and her kids clearly love her deeply and were devastated by her apparent disappearance. That she is a woman who keeps herself far too busy with work and has no idea how to express her own strong feelings does not, has not, and never will make her a "deadbeat."
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silverscreencaps · 2 years ago
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Gate of Flesh (1964) dir. Seijun Suzuki
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voiceofthesilly · 5 months ago
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Bhaalists have the dumbest fucking problems, or What if you were so similar, looking to show your devotion most wholly, because your father and god is all you have left. What if with the little heart you had left you wanted to spare your only sister the rejection of god, make sure she was perfect the entire time, and if it means you make her hate you so be it. What if she saw the compassion as your faith wavering and she was right . Still she should've bathed the streets in red and not thought about it any more than what the arm needs to drive the knife through a heart .
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aelizel · 1 year ago
Tav: *tricks the tollmaster into killing herself* Tav: *tricks the bartender into killing himself* Tav: *tricks Yurgir into killing himself* Astarion, down on one knee: take over a cult with me
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shewolfofvilnius · 1 year ago
Confirming that YES, as of Hotfix 19 both Flesh to Stone and Flesh to Gold still work on Mizora. Hadn't actually tried using Flesh to Gold before. Not sure Mizora deserves the gold treatment tbh. Is there a "Flesh to Deep Rothe Dung?" scroll?
Reminder that the only rules are that she has to have taken up permanent residence at camp (Act 3 only) and she still has to fail THREE CON saves in a row. (Edit: also tested and verified, it persists after long rest)
(ps can you tell I romanced Wyll and have a personal vendetta against Mizora?)
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tadpole-apocalypse · 11 months ago
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random bits from sketch pages on my ipad. I'll have to link the full illustration for the bottom pic later, it keeps getting caught by the naughty filter and won't post
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year ago
OK okokok... gonna put this 'I just woke up' thought out there because this is tumblr and what else is it for? Someone has probably already said this and I haven't seen it, but whatever. I will throw it out anyway.
SO... Gale. We've all seen the posts where people quote the Gale lines about being naturally gifted with magic as a baby, a prodigy etc. and then point out that this is sorcerer behaviour.
BUT, what if... you're all right and it is sorcerer behaviour. BUT the orb feeds on weave/magic right? And sorcerers are born with innate magic... so what if he was born a sorcerer, then trained as a wizard, but the orb consumed his sorcerous magic. And that's why he's not as powerful as he once was, because, unbeknownst to him, all this time, he's been using that natural sorcerous connection to make accessing the weave easier. And now that's gone. Eaten up. Destroyed forever by the Netherese void.
And that's part of what's causing him pain. Because an instrinsic part of himself has been taken away. And he feels it like a phantom limb. Maybe he thinks it was actually connected to his relationship with Mystra, rather than a part of him, and that adds to his sense of loss from that relationship.
What if the first magic item Gale fed to the orb was himself and he doesn't even realise it?
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trappedinafantasy37 · 2 months ago
Can you believe that I have spent this entire year completely obsessed over one fictional character? Minthara Baenre, what a woman you are!
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