#Gartic Air
geekpopnews · 1 month
Gartic na BGS 2024 trará novas experiências, ativações criativas e destaques da Onrizon TV
A 15ª edição da Brasil Game Show contará com a participação do Gartic, trazendo experiências inovadoras, torneios e brindes exclusivos. Confira mais detalhes! #BrasilGameShow #BGS #BGS2024 #Onrizon #Gartic
O Gartic na BGS 2024 promete ser um dos grandes destaques do evento. A plataforma de jogos de desenhar, desenvolvida pelo estudio brasileiro Onrizon, está preparando uma série de ativações inéditas com brindes exclusivos, para engajar o público na 15ª edição da maior feira de games da América Latina. Entre os dias 9 e 13 de outubro, no Expo Center Norte, em São Paulo, o estande da Gartic terá…
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catgirlesex · 6 months
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gartic phone is a wonderful thing
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mulling-over-milgram · 9 months
Oh wait happy birthday!!!!!
I should've followed you after garlic phone...
thank you! Happy birthday to you too in advance for the 22nd!
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miyaheestar · 2 months
Hello everyone I am here simply to prove to all of you why i should be THE Guy fan 🌻🍕
@plaqying thank you for hosting this fun event!
1. My first audio is Getting Your Stolen Hoodie Back From Your Chaotic Boyfriend the Fun Way. I found Guy through tiktok and fell in love with him on the spot the moment he said "Hi! Hi baby, I love you" I immediately opened the comment sections and ran to youtube to listen to the full audio so thanks to tiktok and Guy, I managed to find redacted audio.
2. It took me pretty long time to listen to other characters because I was too attached to Guy and even after months of listening to others, Guy still managed to be my number 1 and no one I MEAN NI ONE can take his place not even david shaw and asher talbot aka the two characters that is on my top 5 list of my favorite redacted boys.
3. The moment I see that his icon is a pizza and not to mention A HEART SHAPED pizza, I fell for him even more and the fact that his name is Guy is just so silly to me, no one could ever make me hate him and that's final.
4. Most of my redacted posts are about Guy.
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5 . I developed a habit of saying WA-AH-WA-AH-WA-AH from Your Chaotic Boyfriend Hates Scary Movies (So You Made Him Watch one) at minute 06:45.
6. I crochet a pizza last night BECAUSE I MISSED GUY
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7. I have made a custom printed totebag with me and guy's icon few months ago.
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8 . My bestfriend of 8 years literally said this herself.
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9. Some discord and whatsapp ss
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10. I literally tried my best to color a background the art of me and guy @mhmmaybe draw on gartic phone. MANUALLY.
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11. I used to only listen to japanese boyfriend asmr because I think the english ones are cringe but then the door of my heart got crashed over by a pizza delivery guy named Guy.
12. Most of my favorites are associated with either the color yellow or red WHICH IS ALSO GUY'S COLORS AND ALSO I LOVE SUNFLOWER AND SUNFLOWER IS YELLOW
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13. Because of Guy and because I wasn't satisfied with my work last night.
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16. I love Guy so much because he reminds me of my past self before I grow up and it's such a fresh air to breath to meet a character like him. I love him like a bee loves the flowers. If he told me "the moon is beautiful isn't it?" I won't hestitate to answer with "I can die happy."
17. Personally I dont think I need reasons to love him, I just love him as he is.
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so i was playing gartic phone with some people in the omega timeline poppy's story discord
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this character named "air sans" just got created halfway through and like
yeah this is canon
Univer will just kill air sans every chance they get
(This masterpiece was by @tramon81)
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chubs-deuce · 1 year
Heya! if you don't mind me asking, what is it like in your ultrakill discord server? I'm mostly wondering about its set up and atmosphere, but I'm all ears if you have anything else you'd like to mention lol
I've been looking to find more people to talk about the game with, but joining discord servers make me a bit nervous, you know?
Hope you're having a nice day!
Hiya! :D
First of all, I'm flattered you're thinking about joining our server (join link here if you need it) and I appreciate your inquiry about its insides! :D I'm sorry that this became such a long response, but I hope it gives you some peace of mind either way xD
We're currently two mods if you include me as the admin, with @cogsanity being the other, and ca 85 people total.
In terms of setup, I've designed the categories roughly after the layers of hell within the game, although the channels within don't necessarily all reflect that lol. It's more for easier sorting and visual distinction really.
Limbo is more for moderation, organization and information.
You can read up on the rules, assign yourself some roles via a reaction-roles system, write an optional introduction with the pinned template in #terminal-entries, see any announcements me or Shin make (dw we rarely ever ping @everyone unless it's dire or important, tho I also just generally use it to log changes made to the channel structures) and ask us mods if anything's unclear :3
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Then we have two gen channels with some fun extra channels to dump photos and pet related things in...
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...and two main art channels (a lot of us are artists), as well as extra channels for headcanons, brainstorming, AUs, OCs, off topic infodumping and memes/spam as well as a spoiler channel for screenshot saturdays hype and whenever act III may release, so that people can catch up in their own time without getting spoiled prematurely :3
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Oh! And we also of course have a channel for bragging abt your high scores in and another to ask for gameplay help from more experienced players!
We have carl-bot for reaction-roles and PluralKit for systems, and while we technically also have a music bot, the one we have rn is kind of a bitch to get working the way I need it to so I'm probably going to replace that one soon, until then it's functionally not really count-able lmao.
We allow a certain amount of sex jokes for the most part (with the deliberate exception that they are never to be directed at other members) since this is a 16+ ultrakill server - however actually explicit content (i.e. memes, writing, artworks) are to be kept to their own secluded section that an access role has to be given manually for and is only given to people that are 18+. We strictly moderate in this regard to ensure it's a safe and comfortable space for everyone.
In terms of atmosphere we're all very neurodivergent and very queer :'DD some very chatty folks, some more quiet ones, lots of good jokes and an overall pretty easygoing and respectful air.
We are strictly against any and all forms of discriminatory and phobic behavior and try to encourage mutually supportive creativity.
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Here's our current lineup of emotes^ (the drones spin, one slower, one faster and the sideways v1 and v2 are doing patty cakes), all of which are credited in a pinned message on-server within the emote suggestions channel.
We have an event planned for november (we're setting up a pool of server banner designs made by the members that we're then picking every month via randomizer to be the server banner for the next 30 days) and are currently cooking up another event for around christmas as well >:3.
We also have a minecraft realm with extra channels for that purpose (locked behind a self-assign role just so it's not visible and bothersome to people that have no interest in it) and try to do somewhat weekly activities such as gartic phone, magma and I've also heard talks of a karaoke night being attempted soon, as well as some jackbox and cards against humanity being considered some time :D
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Since this server is a very chatty one that loves hanging out en masse in vc, we've set up 5 main voice channels:
one for specifically art streams
one for game streams (or really streams in general, we often have some artists stream art on the side while another streams gameplay lmao)
one for just talking
one for activities like gartic phone
and because people tend to get overwhelmed with more than 5 people in vc, we also have a limited capacity vc for those that prefer a calmer hangout spot :3.
There might be more added in the future depending on activity and demand tho.
As a frame of reference, when we did the gartic phone session last weekend, we were ca 16 people in vc, and we only lasted about 3 rounds before everyone got a headache from overstimulation and needed to log off or split up into the campfire vc lmfao.
I'm surprised that one went as well as it did though, since it was very chaotic but still in a very controlled and fun way. VC sessions rarely get that big anyways, but I'm very glad that when they do, it's not pure, unadulterated, deafening chaos and that the means we've provided for self-managing your needs do get used as intended :').
Also just as a sidenote, there's a lot of users on there that are also floating around the main Ultrakill tag frequently, so I'm sure you'll recognize a few familiar faces if you do decide to join :3.
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indigayghost · 1 year
Pre season airing party with wwdits related gartic phone that would be so fucking funny
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penname-artist · 2 years
A belated but loving happy 1 year anniversary to Volo Pro Veritas:
We are still around and still vibrant as ever, despite the challenges and the hurdles and the deep-seated scares we have all had in this single year. We have laughed, loved, cried, screamed, sneezed, coughed, rated burps, and made every moment in this place worth while. In this year alone:
Gained around 30 members, close to 40 in grand total
Many people made their own emoticons for the server, and I think we have 30 some-odd custom WoC emoticons now
We had several exceptionally memorable online game experiences, in places such as Jackbox, Cards Against Humanity, Uno, Roblox, Minecraft, Skribbl.io, Gartic Phone, Mad Libs, and more
Had lots of great get-togethers for monthly movie nights and show binges
We cried. A lot. And that's okay because we all supported each other too.
Shared works in progress, gave constructive critiques and great feedback, and helped support each other's interests (inside and outside of Planes)
Read some really cursed fics
Made gift arts and writings
Designated special (useless but fun) titles to various members of the server
Listed the insane amount of similarities between our two (as far as we know entirely unrelated) server dads
Cursed like sailors
Screamed into the void
Made handfuls of dumb and weird server quotes for the Book of Quotes that actually exists
Air-dropped our dinners to people in other states and countries
Volunteered to beat up people's horrible parents
Compared temperatures in Celsius and Fahrenheit
Had wars over gif vs jif and whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza
Made an insane amount of dick jokes
Got raided by random strangers I was not in any way related to and turned them to the dark side
Insulted each other (affectionately)
Had relationships inside of and around the server
Committed very gay crimes
Created the Mod-fia
Ran a bunch of polls to vote on things
Banned dolphin porn
Watched members survive through multiple injuries, illnesses, and scary situations
Shared pet pictures
Wrote porn
Drew porn
Wrote and drew things that were not actually exclusively porn
Told a bot to fuck off
Never let people live down their best moments (*ahem* ...ferret-)
Wished many happy birthdays
Said "oof" a lot
Fucked up a few British people's sleep schedules but it's okay because they don't need sleep ANYWAYS
Had a great time with these crazy wonderful people
If you are a member feel free to add any additional cool things that went on from VPV (I feel fully confident in you guys that they will be family-friendly and positive lol) and any thoughts you want to share on the place. (And if you're not a member and want to be, what are you waiting for?? Shoot me a DM or anybody who is in the server and we'd be glad to have you! (We recommend you be 18+ but this is not required))
It's incredible to me that we have made it so far already, and done so much, and we are still standing strong. Many of us have come from places of grief and pain, and I hurt with those people for the events we've suffered through, both together and alone.
This is the thing that makes us different, and this is the thing that makes us strong. When we succeed we celebrate together, and when we hurt we grieve together too. And that's always going to be the thing that makes this place so special to me. We are a bunch of weirdos in every corner of the earth, and we come together for a little speck of a fandom and stay for the bonds we've built between us all.
I know today was not the happiest day for a lot of us, myself included. There was a happiness in the anniversary of VPV, but there was also a grief in the memory of times before, where a lot of us were in dark places and battling fresh wounds. Though it hurts to grieve for loss, it's comforting to know that we are still in this together, building a bigger, better, safer place for this community, this family. I well and truly could not have done this without the love and support of this group. So thank you guys. This isn't my victory. It belongs to every one of us.
Until the morrow, and happy anniversary, Volo Pro Veritas.
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threenorth · 10 months
Played some games with my d&d group.
Jack and box games and some picture drawing games like gartic phone.
Going to bed slightly early but I gotta check the messages.
Twin flame / soul mate / best freind / muse... Your a list of things but there's none that can summarise all of them.
You make me weak and strong, you make me feel alive... You make the air feel cleaner when I feel like I cant breathe... Your the taste of medicine...
I really hope I get a job that allows time off because I really want to take you around my country but I'll warn you it's not all pretty...
I wonder what our first activity will be and I look foward to shopping for food with you, you guys in America have so much variety it's crazy the power of your dollar and the market...but some things are crazy priced even compared with us.At least the mundane will never bore me with you.
Thinking about you.
Dranngo is nice but some property looks a little crazy priced, depending how much I make job wise I'm not sure what we should do... Looking forward to talking to you about it at some point...
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tteenagertthings · 1 year
Everyone has slept at a friend's house, we do a lot of cool things and everything, but there's always a time when you have nothing to do, so we created a list of things to do when you go to sleep at a friend's house.
karaoke is one of the best this is sing with friends, sing the hits that everyone knows free your voice and keep the whole neighborhood awake, you can even buy one, you can just use youtube.
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Smores if you want to eat some food at a sleepover, you have to make smores, you just need to put candy, chocolate, and marshmallow cookies, you can put them in the air fryer, microwave, or oven, for like 5 minutes, and it's ready, make it and you'll see how delicious it is.
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Punch now if you want to drink something, you could try making a punch, in this one you have to use your creativity, put soda, energy drinks, candies and everything in it, you will stay up all night, and as strange as it sounds it is delicious.
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Games everyone has some uno or detective at home and this is perfect for a pajama party, if you don't have it you can do it on your cell phone, there are great games like who I am or gartic phone, believe me everyone will be have fun.
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d0ttt · 3 years
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I DON'T LOVE YOU,,, I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!!! Lovecore Design Made By @spaceraceart
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