#Gantlos was involved
calissarowan · 21 days
Anagan: Hey, I’m going to the grocery store. Either of you want to come with?
Gantlos: We are no longer allowed in the grocery store.
Anagan: What? Why?
Gantlos and Duman, remembering when Duman rode a grocery cart all around the store before crashing through a wall: …
Duman: Personal differences with store management.
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spilledmilkfkdies · 2 months
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Grown men btw 🗣🗣
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devilheartsblog · 1 month
Wizard Headcanons 1: Anagan’s chill but he gets extremely jealous
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Gonna tag @calissarowan and @coredetenebris in this
I’ll be honest, it’s just to add depth to his character like how Gantlos will throw seismic waves and be evil but save his wizard friends from danger.
So the idea here is that typically Anagan’s pretty chilled out but under certain circumstances like Flora and Helia being together (he’s jealous Flora has a “perfect” life) or one of the other wizards getting an opportunity he never did before, he’s very salty AND sour about it. And he’s not silent about it either, trying to get himself involved when he can or making the other person know they did something he felt is wrong. He’s also pretty aware it’s a problem but it’s not gonna stop him from feeling this way.
I want more of Anagan being an asshole sometimes can you blame me?
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smittenbyvillains · 1 year
Could you do the Wizards falling in love whit someone who died? And I dont mean they fell in love and then they died, i mean their dead, they been dead for a long time, their some sort of banished soul/banished angel/fallen angel(you decide). They have some sort of feather or demon wings and horns. Their not allowed to go to heaven or hell, which is why their on earth. They cannot properly pass onto the after life so they can be seen, touched, heared, etc, but they can go "ghost mode", meaning they can turn invisible or so that you cant touch them, you will face through them if its activated. They can also use telekinesis.
Their just kind of roaming around earth lookibg for something to do, the wizards and the winx magic attracted their attention and tthey decided to involve them self and stick around. So they just started to mess whit both of them, like tippning them, destroying or deflecting their atacks, etc. They took an special instest in the wizards and mostly stuck around them, however because of this the wizards quickly notices someones doing these things.
So then somehow their able to now see them, because magic(idk), and they properly meet.
Ps, love your work
/ yessssss and thank you! I think I am going to exclude the horns part since it wouldn't make sense for how I will go for this request :) I like the idea of a fallen angel
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It had been a long time since you felt any type of happiness. It was taken from you. You were a fallen angel now because of one big mistake you regretted. You wish you didn't do it. All you did now was roam the earth searching for something anything. One day you were walking along the streets when you heard a battle happening. You decided to check it out. You did your vanishing trick, opened your now visible grey wings, and flew over. You gasped as the area was being messed with badly.
You watched the fight ensure. Then you wanted the next fight then the next. You became interested in each of the groups. The fairies were quite cool but something about the wizards drew you in. You join in the fights and started to deflect shoots from each side. They would be confused and you just giggled to yourself. Sometimes you completely offed their game making it unable for them to fight. It was a game for you.
It had been some time and they started to notice someone else might be here. The Wizards especially did. They would smirk when something would be messed with. They started to feel some touches that weren't there before and quickly left. It had been funny messing with them. You started to like them. You watched them often vanish as they retreated to the places they stayed at.
It was one fated day you followed them and didn't know they had set a trap because you were watching the fairies work that day. You were quite fond of them and didn't bother them like the wizards. In a way, you loved the chaos.
You gasped as you couldn't get anywhere outside the magic box and you were slowly revealed. The Wizards just watched and chuckled. You hit the box and glared at them. "Let me go, you idiots!" You hissed out annoyed.
"Seems we caught a little fallen angel hm? You are the one messing with us." Ogron said with a smirk stepping forward to examine you. "quite the small thing aren't you?" he asked teasingly.
"Shut up about my height," you said narrowing your eyes. "Now let me go." You demanded. You were surprised when they dropped the cage.
"We just wanted to talk," Gantlos said shrugging. "You were following us clearly."
"Come on, it's quite cute," Anagon said going over to you and grabbing your chin and inspecting your face. You blushed bright red. Duman smirked at you from against the sewer wall.
"I would say she likes us." He said. "With all the stalking and touches we could sense," Duman said.
"Now now let's not tease her too much boys," Ogron spoke and looked at you. "Tell us why.." He said with a mischievous smile. You were at a loss of words not knowing what to really say.
"I think you're all attractive and you interest me." You blurted out. They all laughed thinking it was the cutest thing.
"Good to know... but I think we need to show you what happens little angels get caught stalking us," Ogron said thinking. "In fact you are ours now and joining us.. once we win you will have everything you want." He purred.
That was a promise they kept.
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teawinx · 1 year
When it comes to Canon winx club what your opinion on the wizard of the black circle I'll be honest looking back the wizard seem pretty messy like they are supposed to be these powerful dangerous hunters that captured every fairy on earth but their powers seem lackluster for that job and they have little to no backstory and they don't even seem to have a reason for wanting to destroy magic besides were bad guys
Yeah I agree with you 100%
I think I was tricked into liking them because of 2 things 1) They're the first villains to not be related to the fall of Domino or the Ancestral Witches. That was pretty novel at the time. 2) Ogron's voice. Sorry not sorry, I find it sexy, I am a rat
And before I tear them a new asshole, I do want to be fair. Slightly. Season 4 had a LOT of new characters. Roxy, The Wizards, the Pixie Pets, the Terrestrial Fairies, and also keeping all the Winx and the Specialists involved. It's a lot. So a lot of them feel very undercooked and uninteresting simply because they had no time to be fleshed out.
Ogron and Duman are the best of the four, but that's not saying much. Anagan and Gantlos truly have nothing going on like wow. Plus Anagan's superspeed is laughable.
I'm not one for bringing back defeated villains usually, but in this case I feel like they should have. Give the Wizards a second full season with them as the main threat to properly flesh them out.
(my own rewrite under here, ignore if that's not your thing)
In Roxy Spin-Off, I've restructured Season 4 to make a little more sense. Nebula is Morgana's daughter, and Ogron's twin sister. Roxy isn't the princess in this version of events. Ogron wanted to be King and posses the Ancestral Wand, but Nebula was chosen instead of him. Enraged, he tried to take the wand by force, breaking it. It was broken into two circles, the White Circle and the Black Circle. The White Circle gives magic (Believix), and the Black Circle takes magic. And he wants everyone who opposes his rule to be eradicated, and for him to possess their powers. The other Wizards are his devout followers who wanted to see him become King.
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Headcanons: The Wizards of the Black Circle and Romance
Ogron: Doesn't flirt unless it's with someone he wants to manipulate. When it comes to people he actually has feelings for, he is pretty blunt. He absolutely loves to show off for his s/o and he soaks up their amazement at his abilities like he soaks up fairy magic.
Anagan: Easily the most romantic of the four. He enjoys some playful flirting. His perfect date would be the usual, candlelight dinner, walk on the beach. He also greatly enjoys showing off his strength, speed and magic.
Gantlos: It's hard to tell when he's trying to be romantic, because he’s so rough around the edges. Not the kind of person for grand romantic gestures. The most protective of the four to make up for being so emotionally distant. He doesn’t really do “dates”. Dare I say “He tends to be a bit tsundere”? yes. Yes I do.
Duman: Shows his love more through actions than words. Would totally buy matching shirts for himself and his s/o. Dates with him usually involve some kind of property damage. Once he thought it was funny to open all the cages in the zoo and let the animals wreak havoc. Would do anything to get a giggle out of his s/o.
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duman-anon · 4 years
Do you have some favorite fics about the wizards of the black circle?
I have posted it 1 time long ago. But I post again!
I don’t read a lot of fanfics so maybe I have missed a LOT of good fanfics about the wizards. But I remember when I used to look up the fanfics about them; it was always kidnapping winx club members, dating roxy, dating flora, and those kind of stuff.
And I can see the joy in reading ships but I got so tired of those kind of fics, I don’t enjoy so much people being kidnapped and fall in love with the bad one.
But here is one fic that is mostly around the Wizards, and Riven and Musa’s relationship! I love how they write the Duman’s dialect, how Riven and Musa start to trust each other, and how the Black Circle perhaps are actually good ones 👀 It also involves a lot with Duman btw.
The end was rushed and you will notice it, the author admits it and I can understand them. Sometimes we writers wanna start on a new project or has lost the interest in the fandom and just wanna get through it. So the end is a bit more disappointing but you need to have empathy for the author!
There is also these GantlosxDuman stories, not everyones cup of tea perhaps. I have never been a big fan of shipping the wizards together because I see them as brothers but others perhaps ship them.
ashangel101010 on AO3 has written small fanfics about GantlosxDuman and let me tell you; their writing is AMAZING in my opinion!! The one I will link now has sm*t in it (I censor bc idk if tumblr will block this post otherwise) but I give a short summary of these fics;
The first one “Trust” actually start when Duman has just joined the group and he is a teenager, it is mostly about that Duman feel that Gantlos doesn’t think Duman is capable of doing things on his own and think Duman is pathetic so he will show in a cruel way to Gantlos he is capable to look for himself. this mentions sm*t soooo
The one I link is called “Malice” and it is basically that Duman is jealous of the women Gantlos keep meeting and it will include a lot of sm*t, not saying anything more than that.
The two other fics is about Duman dying in season 4.
So as said; maybe not everyone’s cup of tea.
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drops-of-moonlights · 5 years
WINX REDUX AU SUMMARIZED: Season 4 (The White and Black Circles)
Or, in which I give the basics of what I’ve changed about the story for the AU. It was originally way more descriptive but if I kept it in that style I would have finished in 2039 and I ain’t got time for that. Let’s cover Season 4!
    WINX REDUX AU SEASON 4 - The White and Black Circles
The summer break has ended, and the girls are back in school, still somewhat tired from the last adventure but better overall.
The first week goes more or less as usual, but on the first Sunday, at 4AM, Bloom realizes she’s being observed. She turns around and sees a shadow in her room, and immediately transforms.
The shadow leaves just as fast, and after a small chase, the other Winx also wake up and help Bloom chase the shadow, who in the meantime has turned into a wolf.
Some teachers catch wind of this and also go after them, but the shadow-turned-wolf turns into a bird and escapes through a window.
The Winx and teachers are worried about this, and a quick check-up with the girls as well as the magical analysis performed on the school reveals the person that entered was a Witch, and that he seemed to have a very worrying aura mark on him - the Black Circle.
The girls are confused as to what is an aura mark, and Faragonda elaborates that some groups of magi used to “bind” their Auras together via a ritual, that left an imprint on them in an agreed shape.
The Black Circle being after Bloom worries everyone, as they might think her dangerous, but Faragonda herself admits she doesn’t know much about them - information has been scarce for millenia. (if ya want info, look here!)
On Earth, in a dark forgotten place, Duman arrives back with information - Bloom hasn’t come back to Earth all summer, so the recent magic outburst in Gardenia wasn’t from her.
This worries Ogron, as if it’s not Bloom and it’s not Selina (who they have finally added to their ranks), that means there’s another magi on that city.
Faragonda then relays the girls what they DO know about the Black Circle - and how they’re responsible for Earth’s magic stagnation. Given they targeted Bloom specifically the Winx think they might be looking for another magi on Gardenia, as they knew who she was and where she probably lived.
At this point, Bloom is determined to learn more about them and see if there’s another magi on Gardenia and hopefully save them. Faragonda advises against this but Bloom goes regardless, as she feels responsible for the town she’s lived in all her life’s safety.
The other Winx plus Diaspro decide to go as well, but Bloom tells Dia that she should remain here. They have a small argument about it but Bloom points out they’re gonna need someone as backup in case something bad goes down, and she can contact everyone they might not be able to on Earth.
Reluctantly, she agrees, and after some preparations (involving Bloom leaving Kiko with Daphne, which also had to take much convincing in not going with the Winx), the Winx teleport to Earth at last.
They stay with Bloom’s parents for a few days (who are happy to see their daughter again but also trying to see how can they handle 6 girls living in their tiny house), but soon the girls start looking for jobs after forging some identity stuff since the girls don’t have any of that that would work on Earth.
It takes a few weeks but soon everyone gets a job (Bloom is a waitress at the Frutti Music Bar, Stella works in a clothing store, Flora got a place as a security guard on a supermarket, Musa’s helping out Vanessa in her flower shop, Aisha is working at a gym, and Tecna got a place as a tech repairer), as well as a nice-size apartment they can all fit in.
Bloom meets up again with Andy while working, and catch up on lost time, while also meeting Roxy for the first time as her co-worker. She feels weird around her, for some reason.
Days go by and Bloom meets up with Mitzi again, telling her that she’s taking a free year and decided to get back to Gardenia for it. Mitzi informs her that she doesn’t see Selina as often, apparently working with her grandma Eldora on the outskirts of the city.
Bloom thinks back on that weird feeling she had about her around 2 years ago, and considers some things about it that don’t make her particularly excited.
She keeps this to herself, however, as she’s not sure if she’s overthinking stuff again.
The Black Circle members have arrived at Gardenia, starting to pick up faint magic traces around the places the Winx are working, but more specifically around the Frutti Music Bar.
After a few days of looking it up, they realize the extra energy comes from Roxy, meaning she’s the magi they’ve been looking for. Bloom realizes the same after seeing her interact with Artu and some other dogs, feeling the magic around her.
The Winx and the Black Circle both discuss and decide to simply ask Roxy outright, but it doesn’t go well. The Winx approach her first but she simply believes they’re insane and runs away, and the Black Circle try to convince her but the Winx’s interference makes them turn hostile. Battle ensues.
The girls are barely even damaging them - Gantlos’s good at disrupting their magic, Anagan is too fast for them, Duman’s shapeshifting is hard to deal with and Ogron’s control over blood is hard to fight against even with Aisha’s help. Roxy hides as far away from the fight as she can, scared out of her mind.
The Winx are more or less beaten but still give a fight, trusting each other completely even when they might be dealt even more pain.
This act is what finally earns them Believix, the culmination of the last 3 years of friendship and loyalty, and the tides of battle start to turn.
However, the battle is abruptly cut when both parties realize Roxy isn’t there anymore, and not wanting to cause a scene (as they definitely made some noise), they call it even and retreat.
The Winx believe the Black Circle wants to take Roxy’s powers away for their own gain, and refuse to tell Faragonda for now until they get confirmation. Black Circle 4 believes the Winx have other plans with Roxy and become paranoid they involve the White Circle, and refuse to tell this to Ydillith or Eldora for now until they get proof.
The Winx meet up with Roxy again and start explaining stuff properly this time, as well as analyze her magic level and Source thanks to Tecna.
She’s a morpher and has a source of Animals, they ask Roxy if she wants to come to Magix for safety but refuses, she still does not trust them much and she would like to remain on Earth thank you very much.
Few days pass, Bloom slowly teaches her about magic, Roxy starts having weird dreams about a woman in white, supposedly a fairy who reaches out to her.
She tells this to the Winx and also tells them she’s been having weird visions of a barn, and after looking some stuff off she actually has pictures of said barn in her room despite never having gone there.
The Winx plus Roxy then decide to go check it out after a quick google search, and the Black Circle takes notice of this, following them from afar.
The barn has been abandoned for a few years by now and the Winx are wary, but Roxy can feel something calling to her in that place.
The Black Circle appears and the Winx immediately start a fight, not letting Ogron talk at all.
During the fight one of Bloom’s spells gets redirected and the barn is set on fire. The barn Roxy is currently investigating.
Everyone mildly panics and in a weird twist of fate both Aisha and Ogron use their powers to douse most of the fire while Bloom absorbs the smoke, and in the ashes inside Roxy finds a white ring.
Ogron gets in and tries to get her out, but freezes when he sees the ring on her hand. He tries to warn her about it but she ends up blasting him away, her powers starting to show.
The Black Circle bails out and the Winx then start fixing the damages, even if the place is abandoned it doesn’t deserve to be destroyed.
On the trip back home everyone reminisces about why the Black Circle got so scared about the ring, and start to see if they can find any info about it.
A few days pass, and the girls have made no progress - if info about the Black Circle was scarce in Alfea, info about the ring is even more scarce - but they do learn about the White Circle, and what is known about it.
At the same time, Andy’s band is practicing on the Frutti Music Bar, and after seeing Musa sing a bit they decide to invite her for practice, which she accepts.
After the jam session, they ask her if she wants to sing with them for their next concert, which she agrees to - she’s excited, it’s been a while since she has performed in public.
Roxy decided to keep the ring rather than giving it to the Winx at the moment due to her connection to it, but she can feel it becoming… stronger somehow.
The ring is shining brighter and brighter and it’s starting to encircle her, she can feel a voice (tired, vengeful, bitter, angry) screaming in her head, getting louder and louder.
A red and gold aura surrounds her, fiery wings sprout from her back, magic comes from her eyes, a red witch mark on her left eye, now also red, a look of anger in her face.
“Roxy” immediately leaves the bar, ring floating in her hand, looking for “them” and rising to the skies.
Musa takes notice of this, however, and notifies the Winx, who then transform in a hidden place and start following her as well.
The Black Circle 4 are on their “base” (Ogron’s temporary house near the docks), planning what to do next. They still don’t want to contact the higher-ups in case they’re just paranoid, but as they try to come up with something “Roxy” shows up, wrecking the place.
Her voice is warped and echoing, and the Black Circle recognize it - Nebula, the Witch of War, has taken over Roxy, and is using her body to enact her revenge.
She makes quick work of the 4 men and is about to deal the final blow when she’s stopped by the Winx, demanding to know who she is and why did she take over Roxy.
Nebula tries to ignore them but the girls are adamant, and don’t notice the Black Circle getting away.
The Winx use their Essence Dust in a convergence spell on the ring itself rather than on Roxy, and manage to undo the possession, Roxy falling to the ground unconscious.
The Black Circle realize it’s time to finally talk about this and finally contact Eldora, who was going to Gardenia with Selina anyways soon.
The Winx also realize it’s time to finally update people so they contact Faragonda, telling her about Roxy and what they’ve found.
Faragonda immediately offers to study the ring on Alfea as it will be safer than to keep it around there, and also notifies the Winx that they will have to redo their year as they’ve already spent way too long on Earth to just be a short trip.
The Winx also take the chance to get an update on their friends and partners - Diaspro is doing well but has spent most of the year in Quarzis due to some political affairs having gone south, and might have to redo the year as well. Sky and Riven are doing fine though they’re going through a lover’s spat at the moment, Nabu has started to consider enrolling into Alfea to expand his knowledge, and Helia has managed to achieve Enchantix. Brandon, Nex and Timmy are doing fine as well, though they are tired of having to deal with the aforementioned lover’s spat.
Daphne gets contacted later by Bloom alone, and after talking about Kiko and their parents Bloom confides in Daphne that aside from Roxy, she feels an old friend of hers might also be a magi and is worried about her.
Daphne asks if it's that Selina girl she met a few years ago, and Bloom is dumbfounded - the blonde explains she felt strong magic around her when she was last on Earth but didn’t mention it to Bloom as she wasn’t sure it was her magic or just Earth’s low ambient energy screwing with her.
Bloom starts to get worried about it more but thanks Daphne and cuts the call, immediately calling Selina to see if she’s available soon. She tells her she’s currently out of town but she will be there in a few weeks, so they can meet then.
A few days pass, and Roxy’s getting a better handle on her powers after becoming afraid of them thanks to Nebula - enough that when a fire breaks out near them with the Winx going to help, she finally manages to transform into her Charmix, and now the Winx can start teaching her more advanced stuff. Roxy also tells her dad about her magic at around the same time, and he’s surprised but not overtly, and tells her about how he became her dad, having found her one day at the beach with a very weird cloth around her.
Several more incidents start to happen on Gardenia, and the Winx start to gather a reputation as heroines, though thanks to Believix’s changes to their form their identities are still hidden.
Around the same time, Musa keeps helping Andy’s band with their work, and during a performance at the Frutti Music Bar they get noticed by Jason Queen, a famous talent scout that offers them a small gig.
Everyone is excited about it but also clarify that Musa’s not really part of their group, and since he commented on her voice they’re not sure what to think.
Jason offers them the gig regardless, and does mention that Musa can simply work as a solo act later on to differentiate - after all, collabs are a thing.
A few more days pass of the Winx training Roxy, but she starts having dreams again with the lady in white, and the girls get concerned a bit, though they are surprised when Roxy mentions she keeps talking about the “White Circle”, and the name similarities catch everyone’s attention as they start investigating.
It was the official name of the kingdom of magi that existed almost 2 millennia ago, that was wiped out by the Black Circle, info about them as scarce as info on their destroyers. (You can, however, learn about them here!)
The Winx start believing the White Circle might still exist, and that they could be what the people trying to contact Roxy want - to free them from their prison.
A few more quiet days go by before the Black Circle 4 suddenly break into their dorm, trying to talk with them and also get the White Ring, wanting to properly explain everything since they might not be aware of what the White Circle truly is.
They’re not given the chance, however, as the Winx immediately transform and start attacking them aided by Roxy.
The Winx do have the Ring back with them as Faragonda couldn’t detect anything about it, and the fight goes on long enough that they end up going around the entire city.
Bloom and Roxy end up cornered by Ogron in a train station and Roxy uses the ring again, this time channeling the Fairy in White, who still gives Roxy more control. Bloom has fainted at this point.
At least, she does up until Ogron falls into the train tracks, as a train is coming fast.
Roxy tries to help him as she does not want him to die like that, but the Ring removes all control, the voice in her head telling her this is what he deserves for opposing “them”.
Roxy is confused and scared once more before an elderly Fairy in pink and a young Witch in green stop the train dead in its track, saving Ogron and taking him.
The Fairy in pink warns Roxy about the ring and that she would like to explain everything properly, and the Witch in green seems to be focused on Bloom before leaving with the rest of the Black Circle.
The rest of the Winx regroup and Bloom wakes up thanks to Flora’s magic, and Roxy tells them about what happened. Bloom has a bad feeling about the Witch in green, and decides that they need to solve the Ring’s mystery right now and see what the White Circle deal is.
After a ritual, the Winx learn about the Island of Tir Nan Og and how it was the place of the main castle of their kingdom, and thanks to Bloom being a folklore nut the girls also learn of its placement near Ireland.
After a few days of preparations and with Stella’s crosier, the Winx teleport to the island with Roxy in the hopes everything will be explained soon.
After some mishaps with shadow monsters and everyone giving Stella the biggest side-eye of the century, the girls finally figure out what the Ring is for - it’s a key, specifically the last key needed to undo the barrier spell on the island and finally free the White Circle.
At around the same time, Eldora shows up again at the Peters’s house to see if they know about Bloom, and finally reveals who she is - she’s a founding member of the Black Circle, and after the last incident she wanted to properly explain everything.
However, Mike and Vanessa tell them about the Winx’s trip to Tir Nan Og, and she panics, realizing it’s too late.
The Winx plus Roxy finally meet the White Circle, and are surprised at their appearance - 5 Ascendix magi are at the front, followed by an army of Glamourix, Enchantix and Valiantix magi, with some seemingly wearing a transformation they weren’t aware of, matching each Ascendix.
Morgana formally introduces herself to the Winx alongside her Generals (Diana, Aurora, Nebula and Sibylla). Roxy recognizes Morgana as the Fairy in White and Nebula as the woman that possessed her, and is reluctant around them.
Morgana then starts talking about her plans of reconquest, of how they’ve lost much land during their imprisonment and that it’s gonna take quite a while before they can “enforce” their will over the planet again.
The Winx pick up on what she means and confront her, about how she’s planning to basically take over the world. Morgana counters with saying that it’s only natural, the world has been overrun with non-magi and they cannot govern themselves.
Morgana offers them a place in her ranks as thanks for freeing her but they immediately refuse, telling her they will not allow her to simply take over the world - it’s doing just fine without them.
Nebula and Sybilla are angered by this but Morgana stops them, letting them go but warning them that if they interfere, she will not show mercy.
The girls go back to their dorm and find the Black Circle 4 there, and after what just happened they decide to finally learn their story.
Eldora is also there, and after the 4 finish, she calls Yllidith and tells him they will need to call up some reinforcements, meaning they need to start communication with the Naerys System again.
A portal appears in front of them, with Diaspro, Helia, Nabu, Daphne and the Specialists coming out of it, the girls having contacted them on their way back.
They’re all worried about what happened and are surprised by the Black Circle,but they listen to their story and decide to start planning for what will happen now.
A few days of calm pass before the city is suddenly overrun with giant plants, destroying some buildings as well as giant bugs appearing on the streets.
The Winx plus the Black Circle and their friends start trying to save as many people they see, and they decide to split to cover more area.
Bloom finds her parents as well as Mitzi and her sister Macy being cornered by a giant spider, and while she immediately jumps to save them giant mushrooms start surrounding the arachnid, warding it off.
Bloom looks for who could have done that and sees a Witch in green in the roofs.
She recognizes the Witch as Selina and immediately goes to confront her, having her suspicious confirmed that she was a magi.
Selina confronts her as well about the fact she never told her about her powers, but they’re both immediately called out by Mitzi after Stella frees her from the web, demanding the two of them to come down right now.
They have a stern talk about magic and about how long they’ve had these powers, and about how neither of them saw it fit to tell each other, their oldest friends, about the fact they can sprout wings from their backs now. Mitzi is hurt but overall not surprised, and after calming down starts teasing them about how their childhood fantasies are true now.
Everyone is able to laugh about it after finally properly talking about it, and having been open with her emotions also earns Selina her Glamourix. Mitzi questions what that is, but Bloom tells her she will explain everything properly once everyone is safe.
They rally everyone back to the Frutti Music Bar (as the vines don’t seem to affect that place for some reason), and after meeting with the Black Circle again they believe this is the work of Diana, the Witch of Lush Nature. 
The gang also meets Yllidith there, an elderly man who claims to be the Fairy of Dawn Fire.
With Flora’s help and some extra magic, they manage to find from where Diana’s magic comes from - the Amazon.
After some planning and with stronger rituals the Winx, Eldora and Ydillith teleport to the Rainforest, everyone else left back in Gardenia in case things go south again.
They manage to travel the land more or less fine, but they somehow stumble into a small secluded area, a small spring marked by pillars.
The Winx decide to approach it as it irradiated strong magic, with Ydillith and Eldora looking out for any signs of trouble.
The girls find a small, almost translucent flower floating in the middle of the spring, and when the girls interact with it they can feel a rush of energy coursing through them.
They look at each other and realize that a) holy crap Tecna’s hair is brown, and b) they all seem to be in that weird transformation they saw the Earth magis in.
They reunite with Eldora and Yllidith and they elaborate that they found the Shrine of Dianix, Diana’s handcrafted form to differentiate her followers from the rest.
at around the same time some of Diana’s followers find them and start chasing them, and a fight ensues.
After a bit Diana herself joins the fight, calling Eldora and Yllidith traitors to the White Circle and elaborating on who they are.
Diana also reveals that Eldora was once her tutor in magic having the same Source, and feels personally betrayed by how she left the White Circle.
The battle goes on, and after a bit both sides start getting tired. However, their fighting has masked another sound - a sound of destruction.
They all stop and decide to rush to the origin of the sound, finding Nebula and her followers destroying part of the forest, taking wood to craft more weapons, as her forge has been lost to time and has to do with what she can.
This makes Diana livid, and starts attacking Nebula for having destroyed her sanctum all willy-nilly. The Winx and the Black Circle decide to help as well, and being outnumbered, Nebula retreats.
Diana manages to calm herself down, and renounces her title as General of the White Circle - she cannot support those that will destroy nature for their own goals.
She joins the Black Circle officially now, and Eldora is happy to be able to connect with her former student once more, seeing her as a second daughter.
Diana undoes the spell on Gardenia and everyone returns to as close as normalcy as they can, with the Winx telling everyone else of how it went.
Yllidith and Eldora try to contact the other realms for help and do manage to get with the Order of Mana, but sadly preparations will take quite a bit, so they might need to wait.
A few more days pass and news come from Northern Italy that several towns have pledged alliance with the White Circle, claiming to “return to their rightful place as their servants”. This is, quite obviously, suspicious as all hell, and our heroes aided by the Black Circle 4 and Selina teleport to some caves near the Sibillini Mountains, where the “servants” seem to be working.
Ogron recalls the place as Sibylla’s sanctum, a place where she acted as the Judge of the White Circle.
Bloom and Selina have a proper talk on the way about how and when they discovered their magic, and of how each girl chose the path of fairy or witch.
Roxy starts to be more or less harassed by Morgana, using magic to get inside her head trying to convince her to come to their side. She doesn’t tell everyone yet, but they start to become more frequent.
On the way they are attacked by some of Sibylla’s magi followers as well as their mind-controlled servants, which forces the gang to be careful with their attacks.
The Winx default to fighting off the magi, while the Specialists try to contain the brainwashed folks as the Black Circle makes a convergence spell to dispel the mind-control (they tried Essence Dust, didn’t work on its own).
They succeed in freeing the people and defeating the magi, and finally reach the deepest part of the caves.
Sibylla decries them as traitors to the true kingdom much like Diana did and that they will face “Justice”, before starting a fight with them aided by some of her followers, displaying Sibyllix.
The fight is long, but they manage to overpower Sibylla and defeat her. She retreats back to Tir Nan Og, and her influence also disappears from the place.
Everyone goes back to Gardenia once more and start planning on what else to do, as the White Circle is starting to advance even further and they need to strike soon.
The planning takes a week and a half before Aurora herself shows up on their makeshift base, freaking everyone out.
She tells them that she’s there to join them - she was never interested in this reconquest, she just wanted to be back home with her followers. However, Nebula and Sibylla are making that difficult, wanting her back on their side and wrecking havoc on Antarctica, her sanctum.
Aurora also notices Roxy’s pains and, as proof of her turning, undoes Morgana’s spell - Morgana may be queen, but she’s not stronger than her (in her case former) Generals.
She requests the specific help of the Winx and Roxy, as Morgana seems to have a special interest in them, Roxy more than the others.
After a bit of last-minute planning Aurora, the Winx and Roxy depart for Antarctica, thought first Aurora brings them to a different place in the frozen scape - a small shrine-like ice construction near the shorelines close to Argentina.
She asks the Winx to enter it, and when they do, they gain Aurorix - the form created by her. She keeps Roxy from gaining it as she wants the Winx to blend in in her troops, and for Roxy to be noticeable in her Charmix.
Once everything is prepared, they go to her actual sanctum - a giant tower of pure ice slightly levitating above the ground. They find Nebula there trying to rally her followers to action, aided by Sibylla, but they remain loyal to Aurora and no one else.
The Winx quickly disperse into her people to go unnoticed, and Aurora and Roxy rise to her tower’s entrance.
Aurora tells her that she has managed to gain Roxy to her side, and if they manage an agreement, Roxy will willingly join Morgana for whatever she wants - they all know Morgana is strangely fixated on her, and they’re curious as for why.
Aurora wants details on what Morgana’s overall plan for the Earth is, and if they tell her, Roxy will go with them.
Nebula is eager to share the plans, but Sibylla can sense Aurora’s hiding something, and before Nebula can speak Sibylla activates the tower’s magical flight, rising it to the air.
The Winx immediately drop their pretense and chase after the tower, and with this Nebula recognizes them.
Sibylla stops the tower again and calls out Aurora for her betrayal, as the Winx join her sides. Nebula immediately gets a hold of Roxy and tries to simply kidnap her, but Aurora immediately freezes her to the ground.
At the same time, however, Sibylla does the same for her, disrupting her magic with her own control over sound and rocks and tries to make a deal: if she leaves them leave with Roxy, she’ll leave the tower alone and will let them go scot-free.
Nebula objects to this, wanting proper revenge on the Winx, and this gives Bloom an idea.
She jumps to the Ascendix magi and decides on another deal - she and Nebula will have a duel. If Bloom wins, Nebula and Sibylla leave the frozen continent with nothing, leaving Roxy behind, but if Nebula wins, they get them all as prisoners.
Sibylla considers it for a bit but Nebula immediately agrees, wanting a fight at last and not leaving Sibylla with a choice.
Bloom drops her Aurorix form and goes back not to Believix but to Enchantix, as a sort of handicap - Believix would give her an unfair advantage as being near the Winx makes Believix stronger.
The duel starts, and it initially it goes more on less in favor of Nebula (what with being in the currently most powerful transformation discovered and all), but Nebula’s more impatient and close-combat than Bloom is, which leads to her getting tired faster.
Bloom plays a long game evading and defending and nailing her with arrows when possible, and after a sudden attack on her Bloom finally uses her Dragon Aura fully, knocking Nebula out and winning the duel.
Sibylla angrily holds her promise and leaves with Nebula, but tells them this isn’t over yet, and that the worst is yet to come.
Everyone regroups on the South Pole after bringing back Aurora’s tower, and with the promise of her support, they start planning the last stages of the conflict.
On the way back, Aurora does seem fit to inform them that even if they defeat Morgana, her daughter might still remain - Aelianna, the Princess of Tir Nan Og who was sealed away for millenia in the hopes she could come free them.
Everyone is surprised about this, as nothing they’ve found on the White Circle ever mentioned a daughter - and after mentioning this to Yllidith and Eldora, they were also unaware of this.
Roxy feels her throat tighten at this news, worrisome thoughts filling her head.
Reinforcements from the Naerys System have arrived, and with their help they manage to force the White Circle’s forces back and back even further.
This last move will decide the outcome of the war - an all out assault on the Castle of Tir Nan Og, forcing a siege on them and breaking them apart entirely in the process.
The White Circle starts preparing for said siege, knowing it imminent and concocting a last-ditch resort plan.
Preparations are complete, everyone is as ready as they can be, and the trip starts.
The Black Circle alongside the reinforcements arrive first to Tir Nan Og, and manage to more or less easily deal with the first lines of defense.
The second lines prove more difficult, but the aid of Diana and Aurora make the duels more smooth overall, reaching the courtyards of the castle.
Sibylla, Nebula and Morgana are there, calmly waiting still, and before a fight breaks out Morgana announces their surrender, throwing everyone off.
As proof of her word, she gives Ogron the White Ring, holding most of her power, as she claims. All the magis around them also drop their weapons, which adds to her claims.
Everyone can tell something’s suspicious going on, buy Ogron does accept the ring.
Morgana smirks, and the ring explodes into a beam of pure shadows.
Ogron manages to back away fast enough, but the power expands, destroying everything around it turning into ash.
The White Circle retreats further into the castle as they cast a barrier around the entrance, and slowly everything starts to be absorbed into the darkness.
Everyone tries to contain the spell but it’s almost impossible, and a retreat is ordered.
However, Nabu rushes to the front - after all, his Source is Darkness, he might be able to do something about it.
Summoning his staff he manages to redirect the spell back to their casters and most of it dissipates against the castle taking a few towers with it, but there’s still some of it left and it threatens to expand once more.
Nabu then decides to absorb the darkness into his staff and into himself, pushing his magic to the limit and almost overloading his body.
He does manage to absorb all of the spell but his body ends up incredibly damaged, and he falls to the ground seemingly dying.
This great act manages something else - achieving Enchantix, removing most of the negative effects of what he just did.
He’s still dying, however, as the pain remains and it’s close to overtake him fully.
Most of the healers rush in and try to keep him alive for as long as they can before he can receive proper treatment, Helia between them.
In a desperate move to save his friend, and despite most of the team’s protests, Helia uses the Spell of Renewed Life on him, removing the last of his injuries and revitalizing him almost fully, earning Altheix.
However, Nabu has fallen into a deep coma, and detransforms while unconscious.
Helia and the Specialists offer to take care of him for the time being while everyone else charges after the remaining members of the White Circle, and the team advances into the castle proper.
Once there they manage to defeat the last few warriors inside, cornering Nebula, Sibylla and Morgana in the throne room.
In a last ditch attempt to get her to her side, Morgana reveals to Roxy that she’s her mother, and that she is Princess Aelianna of Tir Nan Og.
She tells her that this is her kingdom, this is her birthright, and that she should be alongside her, overseeing the planet, guiding them with their magical might - without them, the world has fallen into strife and pain. She has been attempting to contact her all this time in her dreams, trying to push her to do what she should, but she has refused, and she doesn’t understand why. Can't she see that we’re doing what’s best?
This is Roxy’s absolute breaking point, and angrily spits back to Morgana that she will never join them - she has done nothing but harass her, get inside her head, try to break her inside and out so she can join her side, and she thinks being her mother is gonna change that? The White Circle needs to be stopped, and the Earth does not need rulers like her.
Her blunt answer and outing of her feelings manages to earn her Glamourix, and Nebula and Sibylla are livid at this. If she dares to reject the crown like that, then she will die with the rest.
Morgana runs deeper into the castle even still, Nebula and Sibylla remaining to fight.
They’re vastly outnumbered, however, and while they gave a great fight, they’re soundly defeated and taken prisoner.
The Winx plus Roxy rush after Morgana during this, and in the deepest part of the building, they finally fight her.
She proves a difficult fight, as her powers over light are immense and even together they barely make a scratch.
Despite everything, however, she cannot bring herself to hurt Roxy, and after a few moments, the Winx use this to their advantage.
Roxy puts herself between every single attack Morgana makes, forcing her to undo the magic and try again, tiring her out and make her careless.
Getting even more frustrated she finally breaks, and simply starts attacking everything at once.
This ends up exhausting her greatly, and with the best opening they can get, the Winx plus Roxy use a convergence spell on her, knocking her out of her transformation and ending the war. The Black Circle has won, and Earth has gotten its freedom back.
Some weeks have passed, and everything is a mess: Nebula, Morgana and Sibylla have been taken to Magix for their crimes, and there’s a high chance their magic will permanently be limited to the point its unusable. The entire planet has to deal with the fact magic exists, has always existed, and it’s now coming back, with more and more people discovering they can use it, not to mention the fact life on other planets exist and they now have communication with them.
Thanks to the Black Circle’s help, however, the process has been smoother than it would have been otherwise, even if dealing with politics is a pain.
Those from other planets go back, the Specialists and Diaspro having to deal with the fact they more or less ditched school to go save another planet, and worried of what consequences they will face, same goes for Daphne.
Roxy is now an official member of the Black Circle, and she’s helping with searching for new magis around the country and trying to explain everything as she can. She will enroll to Alfea next year to further develop her magic in a more controlled space, as Earth will remain a mess for a few more years.
Eldora is considering getting help from the System again to build their own school dedicated to the use of magic, as most people will not trust interplanetary trips yet, and so magic can be better studied and controlled, avoiding a repeat of the White Circle’s situation.
Nabu has not woken up yet, and an analysis shows the spell absorption has more or less put him into a magic-induced dream of sorts, so for now Helia will take him to Ohm so he can be under the care of actual professionals, him also wanting to help out.
Bloom, Aisha and Stella are more or less forced to come back to their kingdoms as they need to act as ambassadors for both their realms and Earth, having experienced first hand everything that went down, with the other Winx going back as well to check on their families and help integrate Earth into their world.
Bloom, Mitzi and Selina promise to keep in contact fully this time, and after saying goodbye, everyone goes back to Magix, happy to have restored Earth’s magic even if that wasn’t the plan.
Everything is more or less peaceful once more, even if the path is still bumpy, and for now, everyone can relax...
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emsartwork · 6 years
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Major Villains part 2!! The Wizards of the Black Circle, Valtor(baltor?), and Darkar/The Shadow Pheonix.
again, I changed a lot. I changed the Wizards’ signature color to green because i got SO TIRED of red and black villain color schemes. Also Valtor’s original outfit and hair was like. so bad. dont @ me you know im right.
The Wizards of the Black Circle are earthen born, and really really old, like crypt keeper old, older than Morgana, maybe as old as Faragonda. The reason they still look young is that they’ve retained use of their magic when the rest of the earth hasn’t, and they eat fairy wings. Wings are the outward manifestation of a fairy’s magic and form a sort of battery loop with the fairy’s natural magic production, sustaining and boosting for as long as the transformation is held. When ripped off, the loop is broken unnaturally and severely damages the fairy physically and mentally, usually they can’t transform again for a week to a month. The wings retain a large portion of magic, and by consuming them, the wizards supercharge their abilities and prolong their lives, if they had kept doing this eventually they would become faded like the ancestral witches in my other post, but it would take a while.
Ogron is from early Scotland, he was the one who forged the black circle out of iron. Iron is a notoriously difficult metal to enchant (the specialists ships and weapon bases are made of enchanted iron and are hard to destroy with magic). He practiced for years before successfully storing his magic in the black circle. He was always power hungry and calculated, he knew he wouldn’t be able to conquer the world without help, and began to seek out fellow wizards while spreading anti-fairy sentiments. It took him awhile to find people who were able to use the Circle with him, and went through a couple other Wizards before setting on the three others. He first found Gantlos in the Americas, the Anagan in Africa, and finally Duman in Southeast Asia. They all use the Black Circle as a magic vessel, and begin to actively hunt down fairies and other magic users or creatures. Morgana had only just taken the throne when they started, and as a young ruler, mistakenly believed these four posed no great threat and wouldn’t dare question her rule. However, the Wizards attacked Tir Nan Og and it’s sister island Neverland. They purposefully didn’t fully destroy everything, wanting to keep any magical artifacts intact for their own use, but did strike a serious blow to the benevolent magic users. Fear mongering lead to fewer people pursuing magic in hopes of not becoming a target. One of the Wizards’ only large scale attack was on Tir Nan Og, usually they prefered to lay traps and pick off solitary fairies. Eventually people began to shun magic users in common society, and many fled to the injured Tir Nan Og to avoid being attacked or killed. Morgana and all the fairies on Tir Nan Og placed a barrier around the island, and created the white circles out of glass and moonlight as keys. When the Wizards attacked the island again, they couldn’t break through the barrier with out completely draining the black circle, so instead they returned to their guerilla tactics, and attacked all the fairies bringing other people onto the island for safety. After they believed all the keys to be destroyed, they began to hunt down any fairies that might have escaped, using spells to track and locate sources of fairy magic all over earth. They eventually raised their power levels enough that they were able to surround Tir Nan Og’s barrier with one of their own, trapping the fairies in their own haven. They then spent the rest their time keeping an eye on the any potential magic users, placing more black circles around other sources of magic so it would be directly funneled into their reserves,  and manipulating governments and societies to their own will. They started several wars and were the cause of some natural disasters for the fun of it. Sometimes they take a break from ruling dull stupid humanity and will spend several decades sequestered away on an island or something. They also need break from each other and will go off on their own occasionally. They each have iron gall ink tattoos that keep them connected to the Black Circle.
Fun facts about the wizards because they’re like almost my fav villains. Ogron refuses to say whether his obnoxiously bright hair is dyed or not. Orgon usually prefers kilts, but tbh its hard to get a hold of one now-a-days unless you know how to use the internet. Orgons skirt is a shitty faux leather one from forever 21. Anagan is actually the most popular with the ladies~~ Gantlos is actually the oldest, and is potentially from before the Mayan civilization’s era. Duman is from Thailand and his skirt is technically a Sarung(which i think were used in Thailand but correct me if im wrong). Duman likes to change his hair color every couple years or so. Duman actually convinced Gantlos to dye his hair once but messed up the bleaching spell and oops now Gantlos is permanently blonde(and duman has one less rib) Anagan shaves his head every 20 years. The last time they were all involved in society was the 60s and they’re clothing reflects the mod/punk fashion at that time. Anagan and Duman barely tolerate each other in day to day situation, but their fighting styles actually complement each other pretty well. Ogron is a total narcissist and considers Gantlos the closest thing to an equal in the group. Gantlos spend the most time with duman so long as he’s not being too annoying(duman is basically the obnoxious little brother of all of them lmao)
Valtor isn’t “human” even in a loose sense of the word. He’s more like a homunculi created by the Ancestrals. As such he doesn’t need to eat or drink, tho he can enjoy both. He doesn’t necessarily have a “true form” as he can use his magic to mold and change his body as needed. His heart is a spark of the dragon flame and the shadow flame encased in the ancestrals magic. He was originally intended to be a servant, going out and physically searching for the dragon flame while the witches researched where the dragon could be hiding. He briefly took a young starstruck Ms Griffin on as an apprentice, but it didn’t last very long. After the witches were defeated he was still able to use remnants of their magic leaving him still very powerful, and connecting him to their spirits. He was defeated by Faragonda and the Company of Light, but being a homunculi powered by the dragon and shadow flame he couldn’t really be killed, so was banished to the frozen planet Omega as punishment. Valtor stores and channels his magic through his body, making him a sorcerer instead of a wizard. He resembles Dominians but this is thought to be because of his connection to the dragon flame.
Lord Darkar isn’t an ancient entity, but he does possess one. The Shadow Fire is the ying to the Dragon Fire’s Yang, and originally both were considered neutral, keeping the light and dark in balance. Domino’s royal bloodline passed both the Dragon and the Shadow from one generation to another, but a young prince sought to possess both of the flames and summon the ultimate power. He killed and stole the Shadow Flame from it’s bearer, tainting it with blood and violence. His murder was found out and defeated by the holder of the Dragon Flame, and thrown into the then newly formed Obsidian as an execution. While it was hoped he would die in Obsidian and the Shadow flame would pass to a more worthy bearer, Obsidian turned out to be a pocket dimension instead of a death sentence, and he emerged again, was defeated again, emerged yet again, decided to be a little smarter, and found the Ancestral Witches to do his bidding. However, the witches eventually betrayed him, and sought to possess the Dragon flame for themselves, they created Valtor with sparks of both so he would, hopefully, be protected to both powers. Darkar’s time in Obsidian tied him to the pocket dimension, so every time he’s defeated he gets sent back there lmao. Due to the “equal-opposite” rule, When Obsidian was formed was also when the Relix was created, it holds the only power strong enough(theoretically) to destroy Obsidian in the power crystal, but using it is more than likely to destroy you in the process so it was sealed away with the codex. After the Winx defeat him he’s not destroyed, just sent back to Obsidian. The only way to kill him would be to separate the Shadow Flame from his body, or use the water stars on him.
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spilledmilkfkdies · 3 months
So ever since @calissarowan posted their Dumantlos fan child, my brain has rotting about my old Gantlogron fan child and couldn't help but ask, in your opinion how would Gantlos and Ogron be like as parents to their own child other than Duman?
Oooooo hm!!
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Jk- Kinda.
Though I have given Gantlos a dead daughter from his "pre-wizard" years, so I don't doubt he has more experience. I was gonna remove her from the equation temporarily, but you said MY opinion, so I'm letting her stay 🗣🗣
Now I do think it depends on when they manage to acquire a child, in whatever way, but rn let's pick the foggy period between locking away the fairies and S4, my absolute favourite one for random stuff to take place in fr. Enough room for them to slip into a more normal lifestyle, but still with that sneaky lil "We're not done yet." to add a bit of drama oOoooOooo
All things considered though, I would like to think they do try as parents. They'd never intentionally harm their kid in any way, and they do care so very much, even if they don't always show it in the most obvious ways. But I'd hope a gantlogron baby would know that at some point, having spent enough time with them to pick up on all the cues and all that. Can I guarantee that a person raised by them is the kindest, most understanding individual around? Probably not. But neither are Ogron and Gantlos themselves, so there. I guess.
Next on my list of things I wanna bring up; would the child be magical? BECAUSE, don't get me wrong, they'd love em either way- But. I know for a fact Ogron especially would be ecstatic to learn their child had magic in there somewhere. Exploring it with them, training, that's so much more interesting to him than all the reading and writing (even though he absolutely adored all of that too, but shhhh don't tell anyone). Might go a little overboard, can definitely see that happening, so Gantlos will have to help balance it all out.
At the end of the day, I'm a "There's worse parents to have" TRUTHER idc idc. Gantlos might need a sec to adjust to things and get used to the idea of having another child after what happened to his last, but also that was so long ago fr, who's to say that even matters anymore (me??). Things would end up fine either way, Ogron would help him right through it. That and the. "I fear I'll break them with the slightest touch" period he'll undeniably go through as well. In which Ogron did all the holding, but Gantlos would be on his ass constantly about "doing it wrong", all the while being too stressed to hold the baby himself. Getting out of that phase was a joy for everyone involved.
Overall they both have their parenting flaws, but again, they're not the worst. They do a decent job and have a pretty good time. Until the kid becomes a teenager, they're gonna be fighting for their lives. Ogron is gonna "While you're under MY roof-" it up, Gantlos would pull a "Because I said so." I'm so sorry 😔😔
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calissarowan · 6 months
Gantlos’s Unknown Plan
Hey, so does anyone remember in season 4, episode 5, just after the Winx stop the wizards’ spell on the pets by feeding them, and just before the wizards teleport away, Ogron says: ‘Gantlos, you were right. Next time we’ll do it your way.’ Now, across the whole episode we haven’t heard Gantlos mention anything about his way, or any alternate plan he may have had. (Actually, we haven’t heard Gantlos say anything, really, but that’s a separate issue.) Ogron didn’t mention it before that point either. And ‘next time’ is when they track Roxy down because the Winx approached her. (That isn’t confirmed, but if they could track her, they’d have done so already, and it feels too coincidental for it not to be due to the Winx finding Roxy.) Unless Gantlos can see the future, that can’t have been his plan. So we’re left in the dark about what his idea was.
Was it related to the pets? To the spell? The store? Or was it something totally unrelated? Did it involve targeting the Winx? Maybe he wanted to go after the Specialists? Or something else! A friend and I are very, very curious about what his plan was; maybe it would have worked! (And it almost certainly wouldn’t have been undone by pet food.) So I’m asking if anyone has any ideas about what his plan might have been. If you do, please share them! I’m really interested to hear what you think.
My theory is that he wanted to just fight the Winx. They already knew they could beat them; the only reason the Winx had walked away from those last fights was because Ogron had ordered them to retreat. It’s a simple plan, but effective. With the Winx gone, there would be no-one to stop them stealing the powers of the last Earth fairy. But perhaps Ogron disliked the idea of another head-on confrontation, and preferred his idea of attempting to take the Winx out using a spell. And when that failed, he admitted that they just needed the Winx out of the way, so he agreed with Gantlos’s strategy. Of course, before they could enact it, the Winx found Roxy, they gained Believix, and a confrontation became a lot less desirable as the Winx gained the ability to finally do some damage, so they continued with Ogron’s strategies.
But that’s just my theory! It’s not massively complicated, but Gantlos feels like quite a straightforward kind of guy, so his plans would likely not be as convoluted as Ogron’s. Please, tell me what you think! Share your theories!
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calissarowan · 2 months
A little random, but how do you think the wizards would act in a water park? (Except for Ogron who would just die/not go)
Ooh, that is random. And I love random! Great question-asking skills, anon! You’re totally right, Ogron would absolutely refuse to go. The absolute best you’re getting from him is him sitting in the car the entire time with a book and issuing threats if anyone tries to get him near the water. Him at a water park is just not happening.
Gantlos would argue against the idea the entire time, because it would be loud and busy and involve putting his fate in the hands of whoever the hell designs waterslides, but he’d get dragged along anyway. He’d spend most of the time in the shade, just watching Duman and Anagan, until Duman decides his boyfriend needs to have some fun and drags him onto the nearest slide he can find, and Gantlos is wet and annoyed, but Duman’s happy, so he’s tolerating it. But nobody is allowed to get his hat wet. Nobody. Then eventually Duman concedes to have fun Gantlos’s way, and they just lie down somewhere in the shade, so Gantlos can get some of the rest he deserves.
Anagan probably has to make sure Duman is supervised, in the name of public safety. Honestly, I think he’d find a water park a little disappointing when it comes to anything designed to cause an adrenaline rush, because he already goes so fast anyway, so a waterslide is a little slow and underwhelming.
Duman…is pretty much a kid. Goes on absolutely everything, gets huffy about having to wait in line, and he definitely turns into a shark to freak people out. He’s so crushingly disappointed that Ogron won’t come, because he so dearly wants to give him a shark scare, but no force on Earth is getting Ogron in there, so he settles for Anagan and random people. Eventually, he will get them asked to leave. He probably falls asleep on Gantlos’s shoulder on the car ride home.
Thank you so much for sending in the ask; it was really fun!
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spilledmilkfkdies · 3 months
Dunno if anybody asked you this before but
opinion on different ships involving wotbc? (that you know of)
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ALL of them?? Deranged ask, muting you on the server for a thousand years, no trial. Jk of course but :O!! I have gotten asks about ships before, plus I did a silly lil ship bingo that I may have to bring back- But just for YOU, joyous one, I will simply summarise and link things! Put it all together!
Starting within the Black Circle itself:
There is no ship combination between them I'm inherently against, I say boldly and bravely. Could probably write for most of them too, even if they're not my absolute favourite, because again, I don't straight up dislike any of them.
Of course I do have my personal top dogs cough cough cough- Like at this point it's no secret I'm a very normal and casual enjoyer of Ogron x Gantlos (gantlogron? ograntlos?? I like gantlogron better ngl). Maybe it's the way I personally enjoy writing Gantlos, but it's just so easy? To make them work?? And if you're not a fan of easy, you can always take the more angsty route and make them. Slightly less equal. They come in multiple flavours!! I think this might be my favourite ship for both of them currently, but I'll elaborate on that in a sec.
Next is my other top dog, Duman x Anagan (DUMANAGAN 🦅🦅). I feel like I've talked about them way more than I actually have?? Maybe it's hidden in reblogs and tags but dang sjsksk, either I should tag better or yap about them more. It's probably gonna be the latter. There's just something about their 'decently normal guy x the HORRORS he keeps inviting everywhere' that does something for me idk, in a platonic way as well. I just really appreciate them as a duo, in whatever dysfunctional form their relationship comes in. Frequently bought together ass couple smh.
About both Gantlos x Anagan (anagantlos? GANAGAN!!!) and Ogron x Anagan (????anagron?) I can be kiiinda brief. Haven't seen a lot of Gantlos x Anagan, but it's fine, why not. Ogron x Anagan is slightly more interesting to me, but maybe that's because I personally enjoy making them clash a bit. Probably still doable though.
Now- Not to slut shame Duman, definitely not during pride month, but this man gets around in a way the others don't and it must be said. Maybe it's his adaptability but DAMN. Ig that's kinda the point of him though. To me. Just the age old question.. Duman is every wizard's favourite, but who's his favourite? Nobody knows. If it's between Ogron x Duman (..dugron?) and Gantlos x Duman (dumantlos) I probably like Ogron x Duman slightly more? They both have angst potential though. Is something I've noticed. Duman gets around but at what cost? Maybe I should just read happier fics.
Actually NO it's Duman's fault there's so much angst around him, that's what he gets for canonically dying and having ties to envy. Dumed Doomed from the start fr.
Moving on to?? There being ships with three of them?? Which is extremely funny to me. Exclusion. Some of these I've only heard about, some I've seen actual content for- Ogron x Anagan x Duman, brought up by someone in the server unironically, Gantlos was NOT invited. Ogron x Gantlos x Anagan, ah yes, sometimes a family is three husbands and the weird pet they found that's their son now. Ogron x Gantlos x Duman was just angst, and Gantlos x Anagan x Duman gives me dumanagan convincing Gantlos to mess around with them vibes I'M SORRY. This is really taking me places.
Y'know you could always just have them all date each other at that point. Affectionately nicknamed 'dumanagantlogron' right here right now. Don't see it a whole lot, but that's probably because it gives you less group dynamic wiggle room. Understandably not for everyone because of that, but there's nothing inherently wrong with it. Me personally, I could be convinced. Be wild be free. Also imagine being at a bar or whatever, one of them comes up to you and goes "Hey, me and my three boyfriends just love your vibe" what do you do where do you go from there bye
This is gonna be a BIG one bro, I might have to cut it here for now and make a second part just so it doesn't become scroll hell- I'm only now "done" yapping about ships INSIDE the Circle. I still have so much to say, I know too many ships. Yeah I'm really cutting it here sjsks
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calissarowan · 3 months
So, since @lonelybiscuits has started writing their super awesome one-shots using my Gantlos half-vampire headcanon, I’ve been getting far more into it, and thinking over the lore a bit. I did a post about it a long time ago, but some stuff is being tweaked, especially due to the fact I’m not as squeamish over the idea of Gantlos hunting anymore. So, I might do a post with some more lore surrounding his family, if anyone would like to see that. (I used to have an oc that was his sister, but she doesn’t really come up in anything, so she may have fallen by the wayside. If anyone actually remembers her, let me know.)
Anyway, today I wanted to talk about his vampire/wizard physiology a little, namely him switching between his two sides.
So, most of the time, Gantlos looks…I’m gonna say human? He doesn’t look supremely normal, but neither do Ogron or Duman, so…human. We’re going with human. (We don’t really have a species label for Duman, but I don’t think he needs one. Also, Anagan does look human. I’m so with @spilledmilkfkdies when they say he’s ‘just some guy, in the nicest way possible’.)
Gantlos could be human or vampire, depending on what he chooses, but people tend to take ‘human’ way better than ‘blood-drinking immortal monster’, so he’s human most of the time, even if he’d be much stronger in battle as a vampire. Though he’d also be far more vulnerable to sunlight, so that’s not good when you’re fighting the Fairy of the Shining Sun. Plus, if someone got hurt and started bleeding, he’d have a hard time keeping himself under control, and if he couldn’t force himself back into human form, he might just have to run so he didn’t try and kill anyone.
But there are some times when Gantlos can’t stay human. The first, as I showed in my one-shot, is during a blood moon. This is pretty much the same as werewolves during a full moon, except the changes are more gradual, and Gantlos is fully aware of everything happening to him. He can try and stay human, and there are ways he can, but they all involve pretty dangerous levels of sunlight which, while it can keep him in human form, also burns him and makes him weak and sick, so his friends put a firm stop to that a while ago.
The second is rooted in actual biology. So, during the fight-or-flight response, adrenaline is released, and this causes changes such as a raised heartbeat, increased blood sugar, and higher blood pressure. The point of all these changes is to optimise the body for fighting or running away. Now, Gantlos is evidently more equipped for both of those things with vampire speed, strength and agility, and so, when he experiences high levels of adrenaline, his vampire side starts to come out. Sharper fangs, longer claws, etcetera. This is why, in the series, sometimes he has fangs and claws, and sometimes he doesn’t. He’s got a lot of adrenaline, and he can only keep so much control. Also, if Gantlos were to experience a panic or anxiety attack, since his body would be responding as though in actual danger, and adrenaline may be released, the effects would be similar. Also, I imagine if Gantlos had a panic attack, he’d wind up unleashing seismic waves out of panic, so that would be doubly bad.
I hope you thought this was interesting! I’m pretty happy with the link to adrenaline I came up with, since that feels like it actually makes quite a bit of sense. If anyone has any questions about this headcanon, please do ask! I love answering them!
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calissarowan · 1 month
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Great question, @coredetenebris! For anyone wondering, this was a reply to this post here.
Yeah, I’m with you, ice cream is definitely involved. And a lot of it. First, there will be the announcement of the breakup, which comes in two flavours. Angry, yelling and kicking stuff, and moping around, being generally detached and staring morosely at things. The first one is the reason why breakables get put away if Ogron and his partner are in a big fight. Then Anagan has to first make Duman go be somewhere else, because he’s generally prone to saying well-meaning but unhelpful things, then very carefully ask Ogron what’s up. This has mixed responses, but usually ends in Ogron snapping that he and his partner broke up, and he doesn’t want to talk about it, before proceeding to rant about it in great detail. There’s about an hour of pacing and venting, before Ogron finally runs out of things to say, and just gets very quiet and sad. This is when ice cream gets involved. Ogron isn’t allowed to know this, but Anagan makes sure they have plenty of ice cream whenever Ogron starts a relationship, just in case they need it.
Other breakup things include the ceremonial clearing out of anything Ogron’s partner gave him, which all gets kept safe in case Ogron ever wants it. Ogron doesn’t know that, but he gets sad and nostalgic sometimes, so Anagan keeps it for him.
Ogron also tends to put his hair back when he’s sad, because it gets in his face and he gets very frustrated with it, so he borrows one of Anagan’s hair elastics, since he tends to be camped out in Anagan’s room and can’t be bothered to go get his own. He can’t be bothered to do much, to be honest.
A potentially less than healthy breakup habit of Ogron’s is to meticulously go over every aspect of the relationship and write it all down, compiling a list of everything he might possibly have done that led to their ultimate implosion, so he can change his personality next time. Anagan tries to get him to stop this, because it makes him sad, so Ogron’s notebook has to be confiscated. Repeatedly. Trying to steal back his personal issues book is the one thing Ogron can be seriously motivated to do.
Eventually, Ogron gets tired of trying to dissect his own personality, and they watch the least romance-based movie they could find, and Ogron falls asleep. Sometimes, if Duman’s come back by now, he turns into a cat and goes to sleep on him while Anagan reassures Gantlos that Ogron is fine now, his heart is not broken, and could he please, please not go hunt down the person that dumped his friend, because it won’t be very helpful.
Thanks so much for the great ask! I hope you liked my answer. (And, in case this is interesting, Ogron’s preferred ice cream flavour is salted caramel. If that’s interesting to anyone.)
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calissarowan · 3 months
If anyone remembers the post where I said I think Ogron gets seasick (here), I will build on that to say that beyond that, Ogron just hates water. Hates being in it, hates being on it, just hates it. Aside from the seasickness thing, it’s probably partly a result of the ocean making him feel small and insignificant, and I just know he hates the feeling of just water beneath his feet, and cannot stop thinking about the fact that there is nothing between him and drowning. And he could learn to swim, but that involves actually getting in the water, so that’s an absolute no. No way. I figure Gantlos and Anagan have both tried to get him to learn, but it just turned into a panicked Ogron clinging to them and refusing to let go, so everyone’s just given up.
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