#wizards of the black circle headcanons
calissarowan · 2 months
I think Ogron exists in a perpetual state of just barely not having a complete mental and emotional breakdown. He’s been trying to lead this team for centuries, been doing a pretty good job going off the fact there was just one fairy left, and now, thanks to a group of what are basically high-school students, everything he’s ever worked for is falling apart. I think, though it’s not shown, season 4 is just Ogron progressing towards breaking point. He’s probably had a number of quiet breakdowns that he didn’t mention to the others, because he’s the put-together leader, and he doesn’t have flaws or self-doubt or any of that, but he does, and he’s upset and scared that it’s all falling apart, which we all know it does. When the Winx found the White Circle, when Roxy got her wings and Gardenia started believing in fairies, when the Earth fairies were freed, and when they were in Omega and it hit him that Duman was dead. These are the times I am certain he has snapped.
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mushroomf · 2 months
Wizards of the black circle headcanon
I feel like at some point in their life they had different hyper fixations about different eras of time
Ogron would have theories about what happened to princess Anastasia and other monarchy gossip
Anagan at some point in his life had a collection of Viking axes and other weapons . Maybe he has a tattoo of a rune as well
Gantlos probably likes pirate tales about treasure maps ,sirens ,ghost ships etc. he probably listens in current time pirate songs as well
For Duman is a tricky question when he was younger he liked tales about knights and had a dragon plushy later in life he probably read about different mythologies and the various creatures it's one of them had
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kifkay · 2 months
Winx memes once again
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that-bitch-kat3 · 2 years
(the girls trying to get remus to admit he likes sirius)
remus: guys stop, sirius is like a brother to me
lily: isn’t there enough fucking incest in his family already?
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lonelybiscuits · 3 months
Ogron: I absorb magic and turn it into strength! You’re weak little fairy attacks won’t work on me!
Stella: Oh yeah?
Ogron: Yes.
Stella: Wanna know what will?
Ogron: Humor me.
Stella: This gun I found
Ogron: Wait wha-
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nabhx · 5 months
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I just. I just think.
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spilledmilkfkdies · 17 days
..a concept.
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lx1920jmax · 2 months
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Summer is a great time. Nature. Lake. Tan.
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But with friends, you can forget about the serene tranquility. )
(Ogron's pleased face shows that he has collected all the dirt on the culprit.)
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At least one or two of the Wizards of the Black circle don’t know how to read. Like c’mon. Literacy wasn’t as common back when they were born as it is nowadays. Maybe they’ve learned since, but really? Those guys?
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charmixpower · 1 year
Okay, so Selina the earth fairy as an antagonist
S6 did this by, for some insane reason, by making Selina Bloom's childhood friend who's always had magic which doesn't work on literally every level. So I'm going to try and come up with some ideas that make parts of it work
Selina the earth fairy that was taught by Eldora:
Tbh this is the easiest option
Selina is an earth fairy from the old days along with Eldora. During the WotBC attempted wiping out of all magic users they fled to Tir Na Nog and live under Morgana and Nebula
The Legendarum is a book created by ancient Faries that Selina's family has been in charge of caring for for generations
When the fairies of vengeance are released Selina is soooo excited to help kill the Wizards and the Winx, and their leader Bloom take their revenge away from them by complaining that they shouldn't be allowed to kill the people that tried to WIPE THEM OUT
Selina is pissed, and her teacher Eldora, the woman that saved her life, going on about how forgiveness is the way isn't helping
Season 5 teaches her about the rest of the magical dimension, season 5 teaches her about the Trix
The Trix are blinded by their desire for revenge and make the perfect pawns. They don't care what they lose as long as the winx don't win
And Selina assures them, the Winx will not win
Selina the earth fairy that was Bloom's friend:
This one is a very elegant solution me thinks and it's the FUN one.
Selina and Bloom are childhood friends and the main targets for Mitzi's bullying. Bloom has kind parents, Selina does not, and for eight hours a day they have to listen to people talk badly about them. Mitzi never puts hands on them but they're social pariah's and deal with constant verbal harassment and false accusations
First year of highschool is more of the same and Selina is prepared for it to be them against the world again in their second year, and then Bloom never comes to class
Selina is alone to deal with the bullying she at least had a confidant in Bloom to at least tolerate it with, and now she's alone
Mitzi tells everyone that Bloom was sent to a school that caters to the mentally ill to finally convince the 16 year old that fairies aren't real, and Selina makes things worse for herself by defending Bloom
They text each other, not often and Bloom won't tell her what new school she's going to but they still text. Selina comes over when Bloom goes back to earth (and goes home before the Trix show up)
And then the next year Bloom goes to Mitzi's Halloween party with her new, cool, pretty, friends. Bloom excitedly tells her about it, she's finally going to make Mitzi the butt of the joke and all Selina can think is that she's been replaced
That's not fair though? Bloom is allowed to be happy at her new school so she bites her tongue and pushes down her resentment and rejects Bloom's offer to come with
Next year is...fine. Bloom comes to her graduation party, and she's a bit mopey that she didn't graduate with honors like her new friends but is over all more excited to hear about Selina's college plans. Bloom goes on a trip in the middle of summer and comes back glowing because "the mistake in my grades was fixed and now I have honors!" And it sounds like a lie but Selina doesn't bother calling her out on it. I mean? What if she's telling the truth
Then season 4 happens, and then it's revealed that Bloom is a fairy
Not only did Bloom replace her with better, prettier friends, but she also lied to Selina about being a fairy. Lied to her face about everything related to magic because apparently Bloom never trusted her
And Selina burns with resentment
Selina stops responding to Bloom's texts and avoids her. Everyone asks Selina if she knew, if Bloom told her, who those aliens are, and all Selina has is half truths from the stories Bloom spun her to respond with
Seeing Mitzi become a fairy, unaware of the dead magic that run though her, unaware that the power Mitzi was given comes with a price no one should have to pay, Selina is furious. Incandescent
Magic returned to earth and Selina can float small objects. She's one of the few people that after the earth's magic core was repaired gained magic and she's on the bottom of the scale of power in a group categorized by how they're not as strong as those who can use magic without the core
Hatred fills her lungs like smoke
Season 5 Selina sticks to herself. Bloom usually isn't on earth like she was last year and this Diaspro chick who came from a different planet to help earth get caught up with the rest of the dimension is on the TV all the time talking about Bloom. Selina hates the fact that this woman who met Bloom though a knock-down drag-out fight knows Bloom better than Selina ever did
Did Bloom ever think of her as a real friend?
(Bloom couldn't take the one person that was her friend though all of that calling her a liar, she comes to regret this)
Eventually, while stumbling around the woods, far away from faces that could mock and lie to her she stumbles across a book. The Legendarum. It promises her power, Bloom's regret, importance. All she has to do is open it, anyone with magic can, her strength doesn't matter with the Legendarum doing the work for her
How could she ever refuse?
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temoti · 2 months
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Another headcanon
A deadbeat father and a loving (struggling) witch mother
Got the hair and height from dad but eyes from mom
Dad regretted having him
Dad is in some deep (magical?) political shit
Son wants world domination
Mother wants a normal family dinner
Son hates dad
Dad hates son
Mom is stressed (but doesn't show)
Father is 'Dolus'
Mother is 'Ambrose'
Father left when mother got burn at the stake, leaving Ogron when he was 8 years old
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calissarowan · 2 months
Wizard Driving Headcanons
Ogron: Gets lost all the time. He's convinced he knows better than the map, or satnav if someone has coaxed him into using one, so if it says turn left, but he's certain right is faster, he's turning right, and no force on this Earth can stop him. Doesn't exactly get road rage, but finds anyone not obeying the rules of the road utterly infuriating. Of course, if he's in a hurry, he considers wherever he's going to be more important than where the other drivers are going, so he has self-imposed right of way. Other drivers are just expected to magically know this.
Gantlos: Speeds and brakes like a maniac. He's not trying to, he just combines drastically underestimating the sensitivity of the pedals with putting too much force behind everything he does. Incredible at finding his way. The man has genuinely never got lost. He tries to help Ogron when he gets lost, but Ogron is insistent that his way is the only way, and Gantlos must be wrong. And then they somehow wind up halfway across the country when they were trying to drive to the supermarket.
Anagan: Good driver, but a bit overly cautious. Duman is perpetually incredulous that the Wizard of Super Speed always drives at least five miles below the speed limit, and tries to get him to pick up the pace, but Anagan is not having an accident, thank you very much, so Duman is usually just told to stop distracting the driver. Anagan drives like a professional cab driver, trying to keep the ride smooth and his passengers happy. Definitely owns driving sunglasses.
Duman: Is officially banned from driving. Drives like he thinks he's on a rollercoaster, incessantly tries to race Anagan, and has built his own stunt driving courses out of junk he found lying around. Genuinely doesn’t know which pedal is the brake and which is the clutch, he just hits the accelerator, then hits the road. The team voted, and Duman was banned from driving, three to one. Even Gantlos voted against him, because he’d really like his boyfriend not to die whilst driving like a maniac. When he’s the passenger, he constantly asks if they’re nearly there, not because he wants to know, he just knows it annoys the heck out of Ogron and Anagan.
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padfootsvers · 2 years
Sirius: Remus is like a brother to me.
Regulus: I'm terrified.
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cynicalangel05 · 2 months
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You're honor they're dating, they told me so
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
Hi, I really love your rewrite, your writing is amazing. What are you planning for the Wizards of the black circle, in terms of backstory and characterization?
I’ll be honest, as much as i love complex villains, I won’t be diving too deep into the Wizards past
There will be hints and little facts about them but it won’t be explored that much
Now for the characterization I am still working that out but it will be pretty close to the OG, even if I will incorporate more of their dynamics between them (namely Ogron and Gantlos having to put up with Anagan and Duman and regretting every single decision ever)
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lonelybiscuits · 2 months
Stormy: Omg they’re so in love
Duman: it’s crazy how we matched them so easily
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