#Gandalf the gray
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meteors-lotr · 11 months ago
Imagine the fellowship showing each other pictures and paintings of themselves as children
Everyone cooes over Gimli with the tiniest little beard and mini axe, the Hobbits all sleeping in a little pile of curls and tails, Aragorn in formal elven clothing but his hair is still as messy cause they couldn’t style it even if they tried, Boromir holding a baby Faramir cause he refused to part with him after he was born
And then Legolas shows the ugliest fucking thing any of them had ever seen, looking like a fleshy newborn bird with enormous eyes and ears, and he’s proudly boasting over how he’s seen as one of them most beautiful elven infants in millennium, and the rest of them are afraid to say anything because What The Fuck
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gandalf-the-fool · 7 months ago
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hedgehogoftime · 6 months ago
Dragon Age Origins Companions react to Gandalf the Gray joining their company (and his sacrifice in not!Moria (the Deep Roads) against a Balrog)
Alistair: At first Alistair is reminded far too strongly of old tutors, harsh of tongue and sharp of wit, seeing Alistair in every way that he lacks, his flaws and shortcomings. But there is a compassion in the strange old wizard that was not present in those others. A desire to see Alistair to become more, to grow beyond or with hiss flaws. Alistair comes to regard Gandalf well, a friend, even. And, secretly, a grandfatherly figure, though he's certain the old man would wallop him upside the head if he ever said it aloud. It's Gandalf who makes him think that, yeah, maybe he could be a king after all.
After Gandalf's sacrifice: There's a hole in his heart, Alistair realizes. An aching part of him where Gandalf and all his gruff compassion used to be. He hardly realized how much he'd come to rely on the old wizard, on his wisdom and council until now that he is gone. Sacrificed against a monster older even than the archdemons. But Alistair has no time for weeping. At last, he takes Gandalf's words to heart. Enough sitting around. Enough waiting. It's time to set aside the Grey Warden, and become who he was born to be. It's time to be the King of Ferelden.
Morrigan: At first she detests the old man. His cutting eyes, too perceptive by half. His high and grating words, too close to truth. His REFUSAL to leave her in peace. And yet, she comes to look forward to their verbal sparring. She is a proud creature, Morrigan, and she will not be held to judgement of any little old man who think he knows better than her. And yet... there's a respect she feels for him. And it feels reciprocated in turn. Their words become less barbed in time. Not friendly, but there's a certain... give there. A camaraderie that she... doesn't mind. And... she supposes he has some good ideas at times. Feh, what a bother.
After Gandalf's sacrifice: Heh. Funny. She never expected to feel this... weight on her from losing the old man. This heaviness of heart and spirit. Is this grief? She likes it not. It feels hollow, in her. An inconvenience. And yet, she cannot shake it. This feeling that she has lost something dear. And it is only now she realizes she considered Gandalf a friend, of sorts. She finds herself missing him, their verbal spars, even his advice. she refuses to show it to the others, but in private, or perhaps with the Warden if they romanced her, she allows a scant few tears to fall.
Leliana: She finds him delightful, truly! A little poorly dressed, perhaps, but a joy to be around. He's wise and kind and never seems to judge her for her past when its revealed, merely proud that she has chosen a better path. And his stories! The tales he tells. She loves them all. She would love to set them down in song if only she could find the words for them. But ugh, it's hard to find the right words, the right notes. Gandalf laughs at her anger, and promises to introduce her to a friend help her. Whoever this Bilbo is, he must be a supreme wordsmith to receive Gandalf's support.
After Gandalf's Sacrifice: She weeps. Openly. It's wrong. It's all wrong. This- this isn't how it should go. It isn't right that such a man should disappear like this. Claimed by some ancient evil to buy his friends a precious few seconds of escape. Her heart feels scarred by it, in a way it hasn't since Marjorline's betrayal. And yet... she refuses to allow it to harden. It would be a disgrace to her friend's memory. So instead, she takes up her harp, and begins to play a tune, with melody to break the heart. She hopes... hopes it might be worthy of what her friend meant to her.
Zevran: When Zevran joins the party, he at first doesn't know what to think of the strange old wizard who advocated for mercy in his name. He's strange, and Zevran's flattery and attempts to worm his way into his good graces fall on deaf ears. He feels dismissed. But then he finds, its when he's honest in his words and thoughts that Gandalf pays him heed. the two strike up a cordial relationship of sorts. They swap stories. Zevran his wild tales of his storied life, and Gandalf ancient tales of ancient people. Men who tried and failed, but mattered in the trying. He gets the feeling Gandalf is trying to tell him something.
After Gandalf's sacrifice: Well, isn't this a thing? It always seems to go this way, in the end. Men like Gandalf do last long in his life. Those with some mercy in their heart. It feels wrong that the wizard leave like this. Their time together cut short. But perhaps... perhaps its time he puzzled through those stories. Those tales Gandalf told. Perhaps its time he figured out who he should be.
Wynne: She like the old man. They develop a fast friendship, quicker than the others. She senses a kinship with the old wizard, not simply because of their age. And she has endless questions about his magic?! Since her... incident in the Fade, she's been more aware of its presence... and yet Gandalf does not seem to use it. It makes her suspicious at first. What is the Secret Fire he refers to? But it doesn't stop their early morning meet-up and the joy it brings. Though sometimes... she gets the feeling she's talking to someone else. That he sees through her to the Spirit of Faith within her. And one day, he tells her its name. She wonders, vaguely, who this Gil-Galad might have been.
After Gandalf's Sacrifice: Wynne, alone does not grieve, for she feels, in her heart of hearts, that Gandalf is not gone. Not truly. Maybe its the spirit in her. Maybe it's something else. But she knows that Gandalf has not left them. And yet, she knows what must be done. It's Wynne who holds the party together after Gandalf's fall. After all, things must be kept together, shan't they?
Sten: Of all of them, Sten most easily sense the command with Gandalf. the capacity for leadership and even rulership, though he thinks that the man would reject such dominion. Despite him being a mage, one of the Saarebas, Sten feels no danger from Gandalf. He stands... apart. So Sten defers to him and the Warden alike. They exchange few words, but there is a powerful understanding between them. Even when Sten's crime is revealed, Gandalf seems not to judge him. and yet, Gandalf also seems to defer to Sten. He once refers to Sten as Arishok, something Sten is quick to correct. Gandalf apologizes, but his smile is knowing.
After Gandalf's sacrifice: He grieves in the Qunari way, quietly and grimly, but he does not let it slow him. It would not do to stand and tarry in grief. There are things to do. Sten, along with Wynne, carry the group during the immediate aftermath. But despite it, Sten's heart grieves. Qunari discipline keeps him in line, and yet it grieves him all the same. Let the past fall where it may.
Oghren: The dwarf doesn't know Gandalf long, and at first they do not care for each other. The wizard seems too high and mighty for Oghren's liking. Andd yet, he knows another soldier when he sees it. And the way he slings that sword around! Heh, might be worth something after all. They come to like each other, somewhat, and Oghren's willing to share a drink with the old wizard, though he finds himself developing a love of that pipe-weed the old man shares. Hah! Maybe he's alright after all.
After Gandalf's Sacrifice: Well if that don't sod all. Just as he was starting to like the old codger. Still... he sees how hard the others are hit, and does his best to keep it together. Gandalf seemed a good guy. And, when they finally make camp, Oghren pours one out for the old man. He resolves to do his best by this little group, if the old wizard isn't around to.
Shale: Gandalf is more tolerable than the other fleshy things, at least. It doesn't poke and pry and attempt to make Shale feel more human, at least. Rather it seems content to talk of things that interest Shale. Their conversations are pleasant, and Shale finds themself lacking a desire to crush the head of the old wizard. But it's in Gandalf's presence that shale first recalls the name of Shayale of Cadash. It feels... strange.
After Gandalf's sacrifice: Ah. Well, that's they way it goes with squishy things isn't it. They break. And yet, against that nightmare of shadow and flame, Shale felt fear for the first time in their memory. And Gandalf... Gandalf stopped it. Shale finds themself grieving for the first time. Grieving for the strange wizard who helped them remember. It's odd... but it feel nice, almost. To love a friend so, and then mourn them. Heh, strange.
Dog: He loves the strange not-human! They always smell nice, and share treats with dog! Dog decides they have to protect the strange not-human from harm. They're pack, after all.
After Gandalf's sacrifce: Dog isn't worried. Not really. the not-human with bushy brows and funny hat will come back. Dog knows, in that strange doggy-way, that he will. In the meantime, dog's people are unhappy! They need love and kisses. And dog will give all they can.
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chrimsonfoxdon · 6 months ago
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I’m watching lord of the rings
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autistook · 8 months ago
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The Fellowship of the Ring - 42/?
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my-beloved-kili · 10 months ago
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vashtibruna · 2 years ago
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Gandalf and Bilbo
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werkwerkelizaaa · 5 months ago
Shire Purgatory Or: Gandalf's Hobbit Agenda
I love them equally and there's no law against multiple titles so they both belong to me now
A major factor of this AU hinges on the two-parter idea that 1. Bilbo and Frodo are not the only two people Gandalf has dragged out on adventures before (canon according to Bilbo in The Hobbit iirc) 2. Elrond is not the only person he has dragged into his Hobbit Agenda (might as well be canon, if not in word then in deed)
One of the leading players of this AU is someone who gets hit with both ends of this stick.
follow me for more and all that.
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gamerbearmira · 1 year ago
Short people
Lmao I was thinking about this movie. Marathoned it plenty of times and. I'm totes rematching it. Specifically for Desolation of Smaug, because it's my favorite
But basically just Mirabel asking questions 😭 then she gets made fun if for being the baby of the company❗❓❗❓
"So...why are you called "King Under the Mountain?" Mirabel asked from atop her horse, looking over at Thorin. The dwarf stared ahead, not answering. Mirabel waited for a moment, before turning back. She didn't want to be rude and keep pressing, her mamá taught her better. Bwsdies it could've been a...sensitive topic.
There was a tense silence before Oakenshield finally spoke up. "The castle is under the mountain. Or, rather within it," Thorin explained, and Mirabel turned to him with bright eyes. "It is a grand place, where my family used to reside."
"Used to?" Mirabel asked. She knew of the kingdom, and how great dragon attacked. But she didn't know the whole story. Balin spoke up next.
"Ay, lass. Until Smaug overtook it. He lit Erebor ablaze. It was truly something to behold," he said, throwing his hand up. "All of the gold and riches you could imagine are in that castle. A room filled with gold and treasures. And dragons love gold. Greedy creatures."
Mirabel thought for a moment before speaking up. "So...we're going back to Erebor...to take back the kingdom and the castle?"
"Exactly," Thorin said, his face growing dark for a moment. "171 years have passed. And I'm done waiting."
Mirabel's eyes widened as she looked at Thorin and the other company. "Wait, wait...171? Like one, seven, one?" She got nods as she gawked. "If I may ask, how old are you, Thorin?"
Thorin looked at her strangely before looking ahead again. "I'll be 196 soon." Mirabel looked at him in disbelief. He looked younger than her abuela!
"A-And you?" Mirabel turned to Balin, who laughed. "Just a tad younger than Thorin---178."
Mirabel sat on her horse, looking baffled. She then turned to Bilbo, he looked like he was in his 30's. "Bilbo, how old are you?"
Bilbo looked distracted and looked at Miravel for a moment as he walked. "Oh, I just turned 50."
"Lass, you're nothing but a wee baby," Balin said, laughing. "Only 10 years old. Not even of age for a Hobbit."
"But then...Gandalf?" Mirabel said, and Gandalf turned his head slightly, blowing smoke. "How old are you?"
Gandalf chuckled, gesturing for Miravel to lean closer, and she did, her eyes having stars in them as she awaited his answer. "That is a secret you aren't ready for, my small adventurer," Gandalf blew smoke into her face, which turned into butterflies. Mirabel sputtered, his face turning into a pout as the others laughed at Gandalf's antics.
"I'll find out one way or another!" Mirabel declared and the others continued to laugh at the small girl. She had determination, they'd give her that.
WOAHAKSBUS so. So rad right. Don't flame me for the dialogue, I aint seen the movies in a minute, but I'm working on it 🤨
ANYWAYYYYY I'm probably gonna post a couple more asks later, currently playing wit a friend rn 🦅🦅🦅🦅 will also be doing art
I discovered the power of genderbending aus. Im abusing it with housebroken.
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meteors-lotr · 1 year ago
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Lotr + The Hobbit as The Onion Headlines
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gandalf-the-fool · 1 year ago
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that-one-fandom-girl · 8 months ago
So basically all the rest of the wizards in The Lord of the Rings besides Gandalf, lol
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werkwerkelizaaa · 5 months ago
(Previous post )
The child, who they call Eryneth*, is taught how to read and write, basic arithmetic, geography, and the history of the world. Being raised by elves means she also has access to a wide variety of musical instruments, and is taught how to play the ones she takes interest in.
She devotes herself to education, devouring every book she can get her hands on until it is simply no longer enough to satisfy her thirst for learning. Soon, she finds herself inexplicably drawn to a large, ornate archery bow displayed in the hall.
She is brought to the training grounds and started off on a much more size-appropriate version. She is also taught how to wield a sword. "You won't always get the luxury of fighting from a distance," her archery instructor explains as she hands her off-- a (relatively) young female elf with red hair who has nonetheless seen much of the world.
The elves who appointed themselves as primary caretakers note their concern at her slow rate of physical growth.
The first time she is introduced to Gandalf, she bows with reverence, mistaking his name to mean "Grand(est) Elf". Being the only person with facial hair she has met in her short life, he must indeed be older and wiser than even the elves that rule, is he not? Gandalf is amused, and notes a grave air about her, practically unheard of in one so young. He resolves to keep an ear out about her progress. * (Eryn (Woods) + eth (female))
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meteors-lotr · 1 year ago
Bilbo and Thorin: *flirting* Gandalf: I may be gay but I am feeling extremely homophobic right now
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gandalf-the-fool · 1 year ago
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tillandbed-travelingvlog · 4 months ago
The Shire from Lord of the Rings
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bill and ted are in the shire! these little hobbit dudes are super down-to-earth ...
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