Good Omens Fic Rec: A Little Life
When Professor of Botany Anthony Crowley met bookshop owner Ezra Fell one November afternoon both knew their lives had irrevocably changed. From that moment forward, Anthony and Ezra’s existence was intertwined. Their story was written in the moments and memories they created as they moved through life’s chapters of coming together, building a family and facing the challenges of being human. This is a story of unconditional love and the joy and humour, obstacles and grief that inevitably come with choosing the same person, day after day, over and over and over again.
Length: 71,624 words
AO3 Rating: Explicit/ Spice Level 🔥
Best for: Safe in Public, At Home, Romance, Angst
Triggers: Main Character Deaths, Memory Loss, Grief
Read it here, fic by GaiasEyes
*Minor Spoilers* There are so many fics that I have loved throughout my time in fan spaces, but there's a select few that have stayed with me for years. I expect this one to be added to that selection. I will always remember what this fic helped me process and feel about my own bottled up grief, and I will always remember how," grief is just the other side of love."
We start with Ezra and Anthony's first date, they have such a charm and charisma in this story. Their chemistry is electric, as it always is, but in a quiet real life way. We grow with them as they build their home and family together. Tracy and Anathema becoming the mother and sister they never had, and their little bundle of joy Adam. Moments and vignettes of their life rush past, slipping through our fingers, each with a longing to stay in that moment. But the clock is ticking down. We are also introduced to one of my favorite characters in this story, Evelyn. She will become Adam's wife, and she was such a beautiful and strong addition to this story. It can be tricky with OC's but consistently her interactions with Anthony and the family were my favorite moments. Then finally, we will bear witness as Anthony's memory and life start to fade. It's the unbearable inevitability of death that we march towards. I wanted to plead with the story to give them more time, it's not fair, don't you see how much they love each other and their family? But life is not fair, and we only have so much time here. It's horrible, it's beautiful.
This story won't be for everyone, please read the tags on it, this is an emotionally charged work. But the one thing I want to make absolutely clear is: this is not angst for angst sake. This is not trying to hurt you, and it's not trying to make you cry. This is above all a human story, and we will all experience grief and loss in our lives. So if you can manage it, even if it might be difficult for you, I really would love you to try this story. If you don't read because you're scared of the grief, you will miss out on the most wonderful romance! The fullest and happiest life. A story of devotion and care, how love is choosing to be there day after day, through the good and hard times. There are so many moments of joy and passion that I want to bottle up and live inside. I will never tire of their love story. While I would classify this as "safe in public" this really should be a distraction free read for you. Somewhere safe and quiet so that you can process this wonderful story.
Read it here, fic by GaiasEyes
A couple more thoughts/spoilers, and personal musings on grief below
So personal note, I was with my grandpa, my Pa, on his final day of life. This fic really healed something in me, it saw me, and knew how I felt as my Pa's breaths slowed, how he was no longer in his body. He was similar in age to Anthony. We should have had more time with him, he hadn't made it to his 70's. Grief is awful, wretched, and unbearable. But it's also love, and the memories of our loved ones don't leave us.
There's just so much I loved about this story, and I'm so grateful to have been able to experience it. I really especially have to commend it for how it shows us multiple angles and experiences of grief. How each of them handle it in their own ways. The support groups were some of the most affecting chapters for me. It was often when I would start crying. Because it was giving the characters and us the space to feel our grief and ask for help dealing with it. I didn't want to spoil in the main post, but losing Ezra as well was an absolute gut punch and I did need a second to process that one. I feel like I should have seen that coming, and part of me would have liked a version where we did get to see him heal and find new purpose in life, but he was so tired. He deserves to rest. I think it will be awhile before I can reread this story, but again, I'm so grateful for the experience.
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maddyjones2 · 4 months
This fic is far too engaging, I was completely distracted from work, unable to concentrate. I cried buckets at the end and just reading the first chapter again is threatening to set me off. It's a love story, a story about family and choices. If you can live with the overwhelming distraction and the crying, I hope you enjoy.
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doonarose · 7 months
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31 Authors. 100 Chapters. Over 100,000 words. Over 100 different journeys.
Written as part of the @goodomensafterdark Smut War!
To watch the cinematic masterpiece that is the trailer - and get a pretty good idea of what this behemoth fic is about - Click Here!(Epic thanks to u/IneffableCrankShaft and u/FourCatsAndCounting!)
To check out the fic's Bingo Card so you can play along – Click Here! (Thanks to FuzzyGoblin!)
CW/TW: Lots!!! All triggers are clearly listed at the start of each chapter they feature in and the fic is comprehensively tagged on AO3. Major warnings for parts of the fic include: dubcon, snake sex, under-negotiated kink, spanking/impact play, figging, and watersports/pissplay, all of which can be navigated around as needed!
Summary: Having thwarted yet another attempt at ending the world, Aziraphale and Crowley are, in fact, ready to have sex now. Just how successful their sex shall be depends on the discerning decision-making of you, dear reader…
More than thirty authors combine to bring you over one hundred possible ways that the first night at the South Downs cottage might play out. Aziraphale and Crowley - and you - will embark on a thrilling voyage of self-discovery from which no one will emerge unchanged.
Enormous thanks to all our writers: u/Admingumbo, u/AngelZash, u/Blackjeans93, u/-Cheeseplants-, u/Schmengie01, u/Doonarose, u/ElysiumLeo90, u/Fishey_Me, u/FuzzyGoblinoid, u/Gaiaseyes, u/GlitteringPeanut42, u/Hakunahistata, u/Harlotofupdog, u/IneffablyRuined, u/Intelligent-Dragon, u/Kiripin, u/KotiasCamorra, u/Lemon-Tart-221, u/Likeafuckingninja, u/MrsCakeIsHere, u/Natyu0815, u/Niknak90, u/PaperclipNinja, u/Pepper_Bird, u/-Polychrome, u/Savyl_Steelfeather, u/StartledPlatypus, u/TransplantedMate, u/UKCalico, u/WingsofOpal, u/y2bx, and u/Zin_Lynn
Thanks also to our betas: u/SouthernFriedAmy, u/DBacklot99, u/NegotiationReal6508, u/CrystalSilhouette, and u/badbitchbarenziah
And thanks to all the mods and members of this amazing sub and especially those in the Writer’s Guild!
Start you journey now on AO3
Or come and join the party on reddit!
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goodomensafterdark · 8 months
Writers Guild Cock Fight
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Art by woaini_ogelskerdig
Crowley wants Aziraphale, but does Aziraphale want Crowley?
Moreover, Crowley has the hots for Aziraphale, hasn't ever had the hots before, and isn't even sure what "hots" are supposed to feel like. He can't even cuss properly because every sex-related cuss word just reminds him how fucking (see?) confused he is.
But there's help on the horizon -- in the form of one Greek demigod they just happened to rescue off the side of a mountain. Not that our ineffable idiots have the sense to ask for help. But they're getting it anyway.
Written by startledplatypus, find them on Reddit and AO3!
Word count: 16,049 words
Trigger/Content Warnings: Explicit; dubcon; sex pollen; anal sex; oral sex; masturbation; mild exhibitionism; naga sex; snake sex: Ancient Greece religion and lore
Crawly woke up on a low couch covered in deep navy velvet studded with tiny gold stars. A matching neckroll pillow nuzzled his head. The air was warm but pleasant, scented with cinnamon and cassia and… myrrh.
“OH, my God,” he heard from across the… room? Well, it was more cylindrical than that, with fluted columns around its circumference and a ceiling lurking somewhere above. Night-dark curtains of tassel-edged heavy damask hung between each pair of columns, masking whatever lay beyond. Tiny lanterns floated here and there, strobing saturated, shifting colors across what little he could see of the lush, carpeted floor.
The Greeks did not have carpet any more than they had soap.
“OH, my GOD,” he heard again. This time it sounded less surprised and more mortified. And more familiar.
It sounded like Aziraphale when he’d realized one of his “rare statuettes” was a dildo.
Crawly groaned. Quietly. This was not going well. He thought about calling out to the angel, but changed his mind when he looked down.
He was starkers. Even his sunglasses were gone. And he was very… male.
Something made a muffled sound from not nearly far enough away. Then there was a thump, a quavery curse which might have been that awful “f” word, and a rather desperate groan. And a cream-colored neckroll pillow with pale blue stitchwork came sailing toward the demon’s head.
Crawly, too busy considering the ramifications of this situation, failed to duck. The pillow flumphed into his face and fell onto the couch-bed. It was, of course, tartan.
A feminine alto laugh echoed around the chamber. And something ssssed.
“What the FUCK,” a very Aziraphale voice shrilled… and all the lanterns flared, revealing a too-tall woman standing on a low, round, central marble platform with a long, sinuous snake coiling up her linen-draped legs, over her cloth-covered shoulders, and down her bare arms. Its great head lifted, amber eyes lazily opening.
“Ohhhh,” it said. “Guessssts.”
Read more on AO3!
Special thanks to!!!
For beta-reading: DoonaRose, harlotupdog, ckocek, Paperclip_Ninja, and blackjeans93
For snek-jucation: blackjeans93
For ao3 formatting help: cheeseplants, GaiasEyes, mrscakeishere, and polychrome
For ART!: woaini_ogelskerdig
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hawt-pants-exe · 4 months
Day 13 of ineffable may
Heavenly Hosts
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Also YEP I’m fashionably late and yeah unfortunately skipped 14 & 15 but let me tell you the reason why
Cuz I’ve been busy reading a beautiful and bittersweet fanfic by GaiasEyes “A Little Life” .
Read it if you haven’t
Here’s the link
I swear I’ve never shed a single tear over a fic but this takes the whole cake.
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nosferatini · 9 months
An Angst War submission for @goodomensafterdark
My first OC post to Tumblr! Please enjoy a little short story of Crowley after Season 2, available on AO3 with links to the Podfic in the notes!
Crowley and the Bentley have run aground. The angel is gone, and there's nothing left to keep going for....
Is there?
Knock knock knock knock.
Four knocks. Something about that made me shiver, and I pulled away. The fog on the glass evaporated to reveal a white cockatoo pressing its beak between the bars and up to the glass. It knocked four more times, then cocked its head to regard me curiously.
It was animated enough to have been a youngster, but this bird had seen better days. The feathers were overly fluffy, the blackness of the beak was charcoal with scratches, and the white plumage was discolored enough to indicate they’d gone the way of a senior’s hair.
It knocked again.
Impertinent little shit…
And yet, as if that was a magnetic feature, I found myself dinging the bell that inevitably rings when one enters a pet shop.
tldr; Crowley makes a friend, but this is the Angst War - How will it end?
[ TW - Pet Loss]
Special thanks to hakunahistata, GaiasEyes, Mrs_Cake_Is_Here, Aidaran, No_Replacements (cheeseplants), Adept_Dragonfruit_54, Ceejiesqueejie, PaperclipNinja, Ines2925 for beta assistance, and the @sohoscribblers for your support and encouragement in getting me to write this in the first place!
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crowleysgirl56 · 5 months
God damn it god damn it GOD DAMN IT! I shouldn’t have read this one immediately after finishing Don’t Fall Away from me by @phoen1xr0se. I should not have done it. But I did. And it was BEAUTIFUL!
A Little Life by @gaiaseyes451 now marks the sixth Good Omens fan fiction that I have come completely undone reading. Sobbed non-stop through the last four chapters.
Human AU of Crowley and Aziraphale (Anthony and Ezra in this instance) meeting, falling in love, having the most wonderful life, and the most bittersweet ending. I won’t spoil, you can view the tags on AO3 for warnings. But seriously read it. It is phenomenally written and simply gorgeous.
One explicit scene early on (though not too explicit and it’s very nice), and the rest is just a beautiful though sometimes heartbreaking life.
The story is complete. Here it here now:
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chaoticgo · 6 months
Just a 'J' Really (Chapter 3)
CW: none
Chapter 3 Summary: Aziraphale unlocks the BAMF powers of reading. Crowley and Aziraphale finally talk when Aziraphale returns to Earth for the first time. Crowley recollects The Fall.
Premise: What if Crowley was Archangel Jophiel before sauntering vaguely downwards? Aziraphale and Jophiel (angel!Crowley) Before the Beginning and post-series 2. This is a chaptered fic with lots of humor, fluff, action, and light angst which will have smut in future chapters. Chapter 3 is the longest chapter so far, so it's a great time to start reading! Read the whole thing on AO3.
Previously on Just a 'J' Really: Before the Beginning, we watched Aziraphale and Jophiel's lives before and after they created a nebula together. In present times, Aziraphale was shown to his Heavenly office by the Metatron and found a familiar face on a photo in the Tree of Life file. While on Earth, Crowley mulled over exactly how Aziraphale and Jophiel's old companion, the Metatron, and had acted-causing a paradigm shift.   
Excerpt from Chapter 3:
Aziraphale felt something unlock in his brain once he saw a picture of an angel with Crowley’s features. He looked up from the file and where there had once been two white walls in his office, there were now two bookshelves from floor to-well, goodness knows where, but Aziraphale couldn’t see the bookshelves ending when he craned his neck upwards.
Eyes widening, he slowly approached the bookshelf closest to him-afraid perhaps it was a mirage that would dispel if he moved too quickly. As he drew closer, the smell of ancient papyrus, palm leaves, and hide bindings made his nostrils flare. These books were quite real; however they were unlike the heavenly matter of his new desk or the material objects of his books in Soho. When he placed a hand on the closest scroll he could feel it warm beneath his skin-as though it was eager to be read by him.
“Why, hello there.” 
Aziraphale’s suspicions of a form of sentience in the object were confirmed when the scroll responded by unrolling itself. He gingerly placed it on his office floor and moved out of the way. The scroll then rolled back up so only one foot of writing was visible.
Aziraphale leaned over and studied the writing. It was written in Celestial. 
Mine first created, I grant thou thy own realm.  Doeth as thou wish.  Mostly.  Yet know that the angels who followed thee shall remember mine grace and the remaining hosts of heaven, yet those still with me, shall not remember thee and thine.   Thus thou mayst but decree thy underlings to alter their names.  Or I shall be something cross.  Also, Jophiel shall arrive one day prior to the creation of the humans.  Doth greet him upon his arrival and grant him a beguiling chore-it shall serve thee well.
Aziraphale’s eyes widened as the puzzle pieces fell into place in his mind. Whenever he had mentioned Crowley as an angel, he hadn’t actually recalled who Crowley had been specifically, just a vague notion of what angels were like. He looked back at the photo of archangel Jophiel. He didn’t just look like Crowley, this was who Crowley had been before falling. Continue reading on AO3.
Thank you to dbacklot99, GaiasEyes , and Taraiha!
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doonarose · 2 months
GOAD Writer's Guild presents: Give Me Jizz or Give Me Death - A Choose Your Own Jizz (CYOJ) Adventure
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(yes, you should feel equal parts pleased and terrified, we wrote you choose your own jizz/graveyard/dark/ghost/crack/weird fic)
And yes, the rest of you can read it too!
Summary: It is a dark and porny night. Everything feels… spooky. And salty. Really, really salty. Tread lightly in this Choose Your Own Adventure fic, our Ineffables have the odds stacked against them as they step foot onto an island with danger around every corner. All they really want is to have a nice picnic… Well, maybe a bit more than that.
Enter if you dare.
TW: Although this is very much for fun (and yay happy birthday, we love you!), we have hit the big ones: major character deaths, graphic violence (and death), noncon. As well as disgusting jizz, ghosts and cameos by characters you perhaps would rather not see in ways you definitely don’t want to see them. Basically: dead dove, don’t eat. On steroids. But for fun.
A/N: Yes, so happy birthday u/harlotofupdog!!! And welcome to the second iteration of the @goodomensafterdark Choose Your Own Adventure style fic. This wasn’t meant to happen. We only had a week or so to whip up something quick and easy to celebrate our dear, dark, jizzy Harlot, and instead here we are with some of the most ghastly, gooey choices a reader will ever have to make.
The premise is simple, borrowing heavily from Harlot’s own very brilliant Good Omens fics, our story begins with Crowley and Aziraphale on a windswept island, out for an adventure and choosing to explore the lighthouse (of course), the graveyard (obviously), or a pub (the trifecta of Best Ever Fic Settings). Within each, our heroes could find their bliss or their very worst endings. How happily they end up depends entirely on your choices.
At the end of each chapter you will have to choose what happens next. Navigate by clicking the links, NOT by clicking ‘next chapter’.
Amazing thanks to u/wingsofopal and u/nosferatini for thinking this was at all a good idea to try to pull off in a week and for wrangling our exceptional writers, betas and cheerleaders!
Shout out to each and every author: u/adverbian, u/-cheeseplants-, u/blackjeans93, u/startledplatypus, u/FuzzyGoblinoid, u/depressedpenguin2, u/yes-its-unholy, u/Natyu0815, u/gaiaseyes, u/nosferatini, u/happynachohologram, u/wingsofopal, u/paperclip_ninja, u/badbitchbarenziah, u/blackjeans93, u/likeafuckingninja, u/sensiblesquirrels, u/she_makes_things, u/doonarose, u/dbacklot99, u/hakunahistata, u/zin_lynn and u/PurpleMoonPagan for the intro limerick.
I think we all found out some interesting things about ourselves and each other during this journey into the darkest, weirdest, jizziest corners of our brains! Many authors also helped beta each other’s work, as well as special shout-outs to u/pepper_bird, u/ghst_signal and u/tawnyowl95 for extra beta help!
Enormous shoutout to u/IneffableCrankShaft for that amazing cover art!!!! And also to u/likeafuckingninja for some extra special saucy art within the fic!
All of this spunky, gooey, frankly quite weird jizz is for u/harlotofupdog to celebrate their birthday!!! And as a little thank you for their lovely/soul-shattering fic!!
“Well, this place feels…spooky.” Crowley’s words are whipped away in the wind as it lashes relentlessly through the grass. It howls past them, across the red sandstone cliffs and down to the docks they’ve left behind one trudging step at a time. There’s no turning back, not with rain threatening to pour forth from the evening skies at any moment. Not now that they’ve made it this far up the narrow path to the highest peak of the island, panting and heaving a picnic basket back and forth between them. How many books did the bastard pack, exactly? “WHAT?” Aziraphale calls out, and Crowley turns to face him, locks of his own hair flickering like flame across his vision. “I said, this whole place feels spooky .” “That’s why we’re here, my dear.” Aziraphale has properly caught up to him now, his cheeks pink and his pale curls hopelessly tousled. Crowley’s heart twists at the sight, beating faster. “WOT?” Crowley shouts back, attempting a grin. Aziraphale hands him back the picnic basket with a hearty shove and the makings of a smirk about his lips. “I thought you liked spooky! Big, spooky, um, fan, wasn’t it?”
Read the fic here! And don’t forget your amazing bingo card to play along as you go!
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goodomensafterdark · 4 months
Feature Fic Fursday - Bathing/Washing
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FFF - Feature Fic Fursday!
This is a special day of the week: fic recs Thursday (pronounced à la Française)!
Each week, we will browse the Good Omens After Dark official AO3 collection, choose a tag and promote the fics that are featured in it!
Have a tag idea for the next week? Comment it!
Have other fic recs, or your own fic would qualify for the tag? Reblog and throw in the link!
Tag of the week: Bathing/Washing
Coming Home - A Choose Your Own Adventure Story brought to you by the GOAD Writers Guild!
We are not biased at all pushing it up first on this week’s FFF.
Writers are: Aerenii, AngelZash, anna_bird, Calico, cheeseplants, cordsycords, crowleyscardigan, domesticated_cryptid, DoonaRose, ElysiumLeo (The_Nerd_Alert), fishey_me, FuzzyGoblin, GaiasEyes, hakunahistata, harlotofgod, IneffablyRuined, kiripin, Kotias, LemonTart, Letha, Mrs_Cake_Is_Here, NooRose93, PaperclipNinja, polychrome, SecretlyWingedPhantom (NoraStVincent), sixbynine, startledplatypus, Transplantedmate, whatareyou42, Wingsofopal, y2bs, Zin_Lynn
Rating: Explicit
Genres: choose your own sexy times.
Word count: 117,216 words
Chapter count: 201 chapters (complete)
Summary: Having thwarted yet another attempt at ending the world, Aziraphale and Crowley are, in fact, ready to have sex now. Just how successful their sex shall be depends on the discerning decision-making of you, dear reader…
More than thirty authors combine to bring you over one hundred possible ways that the first night at the South Downs cottage might play out. Aziraphale and Crowley - and you - will embark on a thrilling voyage of self-discovery from which no one will emerge unchanged.
Someone is Calling Him Shoreward by harlotofgod
Comes with a podfic by Nosferatini!
Rating: Explicit
Genres: This is a ghost story.
Word count: 61,467 words
Chapter count: 13 chapters (complete)
Summary: “There’s a storm coming.” The stranger’s words are torn neatly away by the wind like India paper from a Bible, but Crowley reads them on his lips. No shit, he thinks. He nods and shoves his freezing hands deeper into his pockets as icy rain stings his cheeks. Silly idea, wandering up here as the black, roiling clouds coursed towards the shore. The waves are white-tipped and boiling, and any sounds not snatched up by the wind are swiftly claimed by the steady rumble of seawater crashing against indifferent cliffs below.
A Bathhouse Pretense by Doonarose
Rating: Explicit
Genres: smut
Word count: 17,837 words
Chapter count: 2 chapters (complete)
Summary: Aziraphale seeks Crowley out in 38 BC Rome, finding him in a bathhouse which just so happens to be hosting an orgy. Aziraphale is there to discuss upcoming celestial business, Crowley is there for a good time, but when a certain demon happens to drop by, it gives them an (admittedly flimsy) excuse to get close, and then closer still. First time sex in the back corner bath, canon compliant, much edging, feelings and filth.
The Queen’s Burden by OneDapperCat
Rating: Explicit
Genres: smut, angst
Word count: 34,101 words
Chapter count: 14 chapters (complete)
Summary: While Aziraphale is out of town, Crowley decides to exact some vigilante justice on a particularly detestable human. A curious Lucifer is drawn out from Hell, and decides it’s time Aziraphale and Crowley play a game with him; a game which threatens to separate the couple forever.  CW: dubious consent, non-con drug use, emotional abuse, physical assault, non-consensual touching, body dysmorphia, mentions of past non-con.
A Covenant of Temptation by Yes_its_unholy
Rating: Not Rated
Genres: priest AU
Word count: 13,408 words
Chapter count: 3 chapters (to be completed)
Summary: “I am no longer my own, but thine. Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt. Put me to doing, put me to suffering. Let me be employed by thee or laid aside for thee, exalted for thee or brought low for thee. Let me be full, let me be empty. Let me have all things, let me have nothing. I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal. And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, thou art mine, and I am thine. So be it. And the covenant which I have made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven. Amen.” 
In which a naive bookseller is seduced by a vicar who is used to getting what he wants.
The Pickled Angel by Depressedpenguin2
Rating: Explicit
Genres: Crack
Word count: 1,298 words
Chapter count: one-shot
Summary: Crack- fic based on an inside joke in the after dark writers chat.
Alphabet by Depressedpenguin2
Rating: Explicit
Genres: smut
Word count: 30,000 words
Chapter count: 26 chapters (complete)
Summary: Smutty Alphabet for our ineffable husbands.
Steamy April Showers by mellow_cello_charm
Rating: Explicit
Genres: smut
Word count: 3,969 words
Chapter count: one-shot
Summary: The South Downs, spring. ---------------- “Have a shower? Together?”
There were two wine glasses on the coffee table. Next to them, an empty bottle of Chateau Lafite 1875, and a plate with crumbs. The fire was still going strong, of course, and it was dark and rainy outside, of course.
Crowley stretched across the sofa like a cat with a plan. “You deserve it, angel. We deserve it. After such an arduous week. All those meetings with the Street Traders Association—”
Aziraphale groaned. “Yes, I suppose. But we don’t need baths. I can just miracle away all traces of the London smell.”
“ ‘Course you can, but that’s no fun. We don’t need any of this.” Crowley waved his hand at their cottagey surroundings. “Or food, or wine, or y’know, what we did earlier today.”
Aziraphale blushed and smiled.
“I beg to differ on your last point.” ---------------- It's an awfully rainy day, but that doesn't stop Crowley and Aziraphale from enjoying themselves around their new home.
You and I by ASouthernPansie (Dykotomy)
Rating: Explicit
Genres: smut
Word count: 4,654 words
Chapter count: one-shot
Summary: Takes place just after the end of season 3. Another Apocalypse averted, Heaven and Hell have left the building and indeed the galaxy, and the ineffable duo finally got to have some Us Time. And then some more.
* * *
“You… we… your mouth… ngk…” Crowley materialises black silk pyjamas onto himself, with a charming crimson trim, feeling self-conscious beside the fully-dressed angel.“…You were in me.”
“Yes dear. A few times. And you in me. You seemed to like it.”
give ourselves one more chance by crowleyscardigan
Rating: Explicit
Genres: smut
Word count: 9,164 words
Chapter count: 2 chapters (complete)
Summary: Pressed against the wall by a very not-nice demon three days before the world is scheduled to end, Aziraphale makes a bold move. The result is rather… nice.
They were safe by Transplantedmate
Rating: Explicit
Genres: fluff and smut
Word count: 4,444 words
Chapter count: one-shot
Summary: Soft domestic fluff and smut, set after all is resolved in season 3. The ineffables deserve a break and so do we all. Set right after Christmas.
Featuring: mentions of ducks, hair grooming as a love language, bathtub fluff, bathtub spice, somewhat emotional sex.
The Stars Are Brightly Shining by milk_teeth421
Rating: Explicit
Genres: fluff, angst with a happy ending
Word count: 31,917 words
Chapter count: 11 chapters (complete)
Summary: Crowley thought about the night of the Christ child’s birth now as he stood on the sidewalk, anxiously playing with the ribbon on top of the small gift. It hadn't been December on that night thousands of years ago, and it certainly hadn't been snowing in that Satan forsaken desert. But the biggest difference between that night and now, for Crowley at least, was that he still had ages to go before he realised what Aziraphale meant to him. They still had centuries ahead of them to dance around each other - denying their association, denying The Arrangement, denying their feelings for one another. That night in Bethlehem, neither one of them could have imagined what their relationship was going to become, or how badly they would hurt one another some 2,000 years later.
A post season 2 fic with a Christmas twist
In Motion by sixbynine
Rating: Explicit
Genres: fluff and smut
Word count: 19,632 words
Chapter count: 8 chapters (complete)
Part 1 of the series In Motion
Summary: Crowley can't help himself from looking at things he shouldn't. Or putting his foot firmly in his mouth when apologising for it.
Aziraphale tries his hand at poetry, Crowley was never meant to find it. Let alone respond!
That’s all, folks!!
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*sweats in having to change the meme again very soon*
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goodomensafterdark · 8 months
Writers Guild Cock Fight - I Only Have Eyes For You
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Contents: Explicit, Top Crowley, Bottom Aziraphale
Summary: Aziraphale is self conscious about his body and doesn't believe Crowley could be attracted to him. Crowley gets him in front of a mirror to show him just how much he appreciates every single part of his body. (2k words)
Written by ckocek. Find them on Reddit and AO3!
"I see soft lips,” he whispered, skimming his thumb along Aziraphale’s lower lip. He leaned his head further over the angel’s shoulder and cupped the angel’s chin to tip his face closer toward his own. “So very kissable.” Their lips met in a chaste kiss. Even Aziraphale was smiling now, relaxing into this exercise. Crowley wrapped his long arms around Aziraphale from behind. “Another thing: I love how warm you are when I hold you like this.”
One of Crowley’s hands moved up to undo his angel’s bowtie. He undid the shirt’s top button, exposing more skin to kiss. He continued moving down the row of buttons, starting to undo a few more. But he felt Aziraphale’s posture stiffen again slightly as his shirt fell further open.
“No, angel, listen. I told you, I want to make you believe that you’re as gorgeous as I know you are.” He cautiously undid one more button, pausing to allow Aziraphale to say no if he really didn’t want to entertain this exercise. Seeing that the angel didn’t protest, albeit he still looked a bit uneasy, Crowley opened the last button. Crowley again ran his hands along the skin of his angel’s torso under the open shirt.
“You say you’re soft like it’s a bad thing,” Crowley purred, “but I love it. I love being able to grab at you, hold you. Mmmm. ” Crowley pushed Aziraphale’s open shirt off his shoulders to expose his arms. He stroked along his biceps. “But you’re strong too. We both know how you can pick me up, throw me around so easily.” Crowley’s hips twitched involuntarily at the thought. He noticed Aziraphale too was growing hard in his trousers. Crowley’s hands returned to the angel’s chest. His fingers lightly traced circles around his nipples.
“I love your pink, little nipples for the noises you make when I do this.” He pinched them gently. Aziraphale reacted with a breathy whine. “And I think it goes without saying how much I love this.” Crowley slid one hand down his front to palm at his crotch through the fabric. “Mmm, so thick, you fill me completely. Equally delicious to have you in my mouth,” Crowley groaned. He realised he might be getting just as much out of this mapping of Aziraphale’s body as the angel was, himself.
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Thank you u/GaiasEyes and u/pepper_bird for beta reading!
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goodomensafterdark · 8 months
Writer's Guild Cock Fight: To Create So Much Beauty
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Summary: written by christina-joy, find her on Reddit and AO3!
Aziraphale and Crowley (both femme) arrive back at the bookshop after a visit to the pub during which Aziraphale indulged in some casual flirting with other patrons. Crowley is not happy about it. Fortunately, the mood turns quickly.
Word count: 3,587 words
Trigger/Content Warnings: Ineffable Wives (female Aziraphale/female Crowley), Jealousy, Top Crowley, Soft Dom Crowley, Oral Sex, Tribadism (AKA tribbing), Enthusiastic Consent, Lesbian Sex
“Let me repent, Crowley. Let me beg you to forget what I’ve done.” Aziraphale took another step closer as she spoke, and now they were only a short reach apart. Aziraphale’s chest rose and fell deeply, and there was a twitch of mischief on her lips.
That did it. Crowley realized what was happening. Yes, Aziraphale really did care, and really did not want Crowley to be upset, but now… this was turning into a game. A game that made Crowley’s belly hot with excitement.
“Go on then. Beg me.”
Read "To Create So Much Beauty" on AO3
Writer's note:
I hope that perhaps a F/F daliance might be a welcome change of pace during this, our epic War of Smut.
I must thank my incredible beta readers, u/EybeFioro, u/ckocek, u/y2bx, u/GaiasEyes, and u/Puddinpocalypse.
And finally, a thank you to my clown u/Lullanda, for the most stimulating suggestion to make this a F/F story. 🫠🥰
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chaoticgo · 5 months
Just a 'J' Really - Chap 4: Aristophanes Got It Wrong
CW: none
Summary: Aziraphale visits Heaven to discover more Clues and runs into the Metatron. Crowley remembers a much more positive memory of him and Aziraphale.
Premise: What if Crowley was Archangel Jophiel before sauntering vaguely downwards? Aziraphale and Jophiel (angel!Crowley) Before the Beginning and post-series 2. This is a chaptered fic with lots of humor, fluff, action, and light angst which will have smut in future chapters. Chapter 3 is the longest chapter so far, so it's a great time to start reading! Read the whole thing on AO3.
Excerpt from Chapter 4:
When their lips met, Jophiel felt a zing flow through his entire being that seemed even stronger than all their previous kisses. It never failed to fill him with wonder that this gentle angel could have such a profound effect on him. Their lips slotted together and Aziraphale’s tongue darted out, licking Jophiel’s lower lip. Jophiel felt part of himself melt a little and he surrendered even more of himself to the kiss, opening his mouth and allowing Aziraphale to taste him. As he allowed his mouth to be explored, he basked in the sensation and the low moan Aziraphale let out, as if he was tasting the most delicious thing in all of Her creation. The sound and vibration of that moan increased the heat Jophiel felt tenfold and he snaked his tongue along Aziraphale’s, their tongues pressing against one another, hungrily tasting each other while their hands began to roam up and down one another’s back. Keep reading on AO3.
Thank you to dbacklot99, GaiasEyes , and Taraiha!
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goodomensafterdark · 10 months
A volley in the Good Omens After Dark Angst War, by subreddit user GaiasEyes.
Aziraphale blinked as a horn rang out over the fields of heaven. The battle was over, the sun was approaching the horizon to set on the day. He was on his hands and knees, panting, blinking sweat and blood from his eyes. Slowly he pushed back to sit on his heels. Every muscle ached, he never knew a heavenly corporation could be so sore. He pushed the sweat hardened curls off his brow and winced when his hand came away streaked with blood. Later, I can worry about healing later. Get to the garden. Now. He grabbed his sword and extinguished the flame, paying no mind to the blood stains on the blade, sheathed it and ran.
They had agreed to meet in the garden, their garden. After. To know that the other was safe. Whole. Here. He had promised, Aziraphale had made him promise. As soon as the horn blew, to the garden - their garden - time enough to aid the injured, mourn the fallen, commend the dead to the stars once they were together. Once they were safe in each other’s arms.
He ran, heart in his throat, shallow breaths that burned with brimstone. He’d have flown if his wings weren’t injured. Past the wounded, dying, dead, and mourning. He blocked out the aftermath, calling forth every memory of him to assuage the fear that memories might be all that remained.
A smile played at his lips as he recalled the first memory. The day we met, again.
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