#GWAAHHH ;;;;;
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skybristle · 1 year ago
what is effigy n gauntlets relationship ,,,, staring i am so curos
kind of a continuation of this post
gauntlet is not really a part of her citizen's lives.. given the whole,.. situation eith her botched construction and their hatred of her for """being responsible""" for the hell theyre in and etc etc. shes kind of in her own bubble and at this point the direct abuse had whittled down to just extreme mistrust, a vague impression of hatred and isolation and them fearing her. and, yeah, if she got her hands on an ancient again she might fucking rip them apart. she tried for a while to appease them despite simply not having the faculties to but by now shes just steeping in her anger and frustration. her comms array is fucked to hell so she can't speak to anyone so she just. sits. shes kinda mean and nasty and cold by now because, fuck, man, she had no choice. her admins have kind of given up on her by now and basically only acknowledge her as the landmass they happen to be living upon. a mountain, not a man.
until, picking up from that previous post, effigy reaches out. hes kind of had an epiphany that hes been thrown down the scapegoat ladder as well and, well, why not seek the only company he has in this pit? thinking abt it more he just feels so terrible for her.
and so they do chat. gauntlet is initially very abrasive but- oh, he just... wants to talk to her. he tells her all sorts of silly stories. pulls her own out of her and gives her drive to seek out joy just to have something to tell him. one time, he flips his drone from his face after hes climbed up somewhere and insists on stargazing with her, naming constellations as she stares in awe at the beauty of the world. and. idk. through his lense she finally enjoys living, finally understands what he means when he denounces ascension and praises the knowledge they get to go around over and over. and he finally feels heard and understood and just cares about her so much. once she breaks down that anger shes delightfully witty and sarcastic and of course has the best guidance - not to mention how eager she is to tamper with things to get him out of trouble.
theyve thrown away so much time, him sat up there under the stars. jsut talking the time away secure in the knowledge they'll simply meet again once this goes away.
i imagine at some point he also broke into her structure. they chastize him saying its 'his funeral' when she rips him apart. but she doesnt. He flicks her head and laughs abt how tiny her puppet is and she grumble grumbles before reading all of his pearls and that only encourages him to bring her more and all of the things in her structure brush past him as a friend as hes teased for flailing through the antigravity and . man. man theyre so cute and wholesome.
her deep intellect, wit, and 'holy' status paired with his silly shenanigains just make soemthing sooo good to me. he lets her let loose and see the world the way it was meant to be seen. shes always at his heel backing him up and making the funniest jokes and etc etc. and he's surprisingly emotionally intellegent and always there. they leaned on eachother a lot, as very close friends. they gave eachother their whole hearts and trusted the other completely to keep it safe. and they would, until the end of the earth.
until mass ascension, anyways >;3
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jackmanifold-daily · 2 years ago
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fuck the act all my homies (cjack) hate the act
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robotsafari · 9 months ago
i miss the darkstalkers ova so bad maybe i should see her again sometime
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hinako-supremacy · 1 year ago
do you ever think about how much they loved eachother?
how they would make art?? make art of blorblos from their stories... make art of their family and the creatures around them...
do you ever think about how cavepeople dealt with the deaths of their family members? how they cried too and mourned for them? how they would bury them as well? how they would deal with grief?
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4bs0lut3-s0lv3r · 6 months ago
how do you forget to eat
+ I can't feel it until i'm in pain.
+ + once my mom implied i was fat by suggesting i go on a diet
and it affected me so bad i uh. Starved myself to be skinny.
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omg-itsmoon · 8 months ago
I got to 1000 likes 😭
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To celebrate this I shall show all of you my three kitties
Taurus and Aquarius are the orange twins, and Molly is the surprised looking one at the bottom
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mickmundy · 2 years ago
I sent through my playlist on submissions but just to make sure you see it it's going here too. It's collaborative so anyone can add stuff on. Enjoy!
OH MY GOD EEEE I DID JUST SEE IT IN MY SUBMISSIONS BUT IM HAPPY YOU SUBMITTED IT HERE TOO bc now i have it in my inbox Forever AND its published here!! >:) EHEHE!!! I LITERALLY CANNOT WAIT TO LISTEN TO THIS IM FROTHING AT THE MOUTH I AM SO EXCITED AND FLATTERED that someone made a playlist for my fics!! ;___; <333
AND OMG ITS OKAY i don't want to change it, i love that it's Your Perception Your Version!! ;u; <333 THATS SO COOL TO ME LIKE GWAH i never thought to make a playlist for my fics before you submitted this to me!!! IM SOOO HAPPY YOU MADE ONE LIKE GENUINELY I NEVER WOULD HAVE IMAGINED SOMEONE DOING THAT FOR SOMETHING I WROTE ;___; SCREEEAMSSS!!!!!!!!!
EVERYONE PWEASE LISTENNNN EHUEUHEUHEEEEE!!!!! do i have permission to share this to my twt as well with credit of course? ^v^ IF NOT ITS OKAY!! i don't want to make you uncomfortable!! <333
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plurralthiing · 6 days ago
Greetings! To start of: I ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOUR ARTSTYLE!!! the way the characters look both round/softer yet very adorable, the color scheme, the way you render and so much more!!!
Sorry if this is a bit intrusive but... may you kindly with cherries on top give a lil' tutorial on how you do anatomy? If you want to do it of course...
sacondly..... not intrusive at all!!! i'd be happy to explain (im praying you can follow along though cause im horrid at explaining stuff ashdfkahsdf)
im predicting this post will be EXTREMELY long so it will be under a cut :]
play this in the bg for the Full Experience if you want /silly /not forced
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OK SOOOO the way i've learned to draw anatomy is by viewing the body as a bunch of "building blocks". this is honestly the way i've learned to draw like. everything (everything is just made of shapes if you look hard enough!!!!!), but anatomy and organic things in general are a big more complicated in the sense that these shapes connect in really weird ways and sometimes (often, depending on the style) can't just be summarized as "circle" and "square"
the way i view bodies is like this! the numbers are mainly there to show the order in which *i* place these blocks, but by no means is this the order anyone has to follow! fuck up the numbers if you want!!!! start from 6 and head to 1 if you want!! whatever makes you happy :]
but after this base sketch is done, you can basically continue drawing details like clothes, facial expressions, hair, etcetc, and soon you can have your very own gay man like the one here (or. whatever youre drawing)! (you'll also notice i tweaked the arm on the left a bit cause it was messing with me)
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obviously though theres other body types out there! and luckily this "building block" thing also applies there too!
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(drawing armor is also a series of building blocks as well except its less organic and more rigid/shape-y and requires a prayer to the god you hold dear)
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(not very well drawn to scale cause i forgor)
you can draw all kinds of bodies if you view the body as just a series of shapes! obviously, your own personal style may impact how many shapes you see/draw, especially for more realistic styles, but generally i view em like this!
for especially complex poses, especially ones that involve perspective, its good to try to view the shapes in a more "3d" way. you can always grab a throwaway canvas/paper and practice some perspective on the side with some super simple shapes! (like how you mightve drawn 3d cubes n stuff on a 1-point or 2-point perspective plane when you were in like 6th grade or smthn i havent been to high school in years i dont remember what the grade is) drawing on the side, especially when you dont take it super serious and just kinda dick around, helps you learn a surprising amount :] if you dont get it down the first time, thats all good! there's always the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th, 500th, 1 billionth, fucktillionth time you can do it :]
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as for digitigrade/furry stuff, as well as more specific parts of the body (looking at you HANDS.), they also follow the building block stuff, just kinda in a really weird way!!
as much as i love to draw him, beenilla is literally just a mess of limbs and stuff and it takes a long ass time to draw him sometimes (especially with unique poses), but he also follows the general "building block" stuff too! his is more pronounced since his arms have visible joints, and are more divided into basically a bunch of ovals and circles, but the shapes thing still applies!
for hands and paws, they also do as well (again, just about everything out there is made up of simple shapes!). they definitely take! practice to learn! drawing them can be a pain in the ass but learning them is very worth it :] i personally only draw characters with 4 fingers since its easier for me to do (who needs the pinkie anyways)!
a good thing to check out as well are references from real life *and* studying from other artists and analyzing their works and how they use certain techniques! a majority of what ive learned is from analyzing other artists actually, it's incredibly fun to see how different artists do different things and how they execute them! speedpaints can be wonderful sources of learning for this reason :]
lastly, FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO SERIOUS sticking with the same old stuff may reinforce the skills you're practicing, but NEVER be afraid of doing new things or diving into new styles and trying a new pose! sure it may look like jank the first couple of times around, but that is the learning process!!!!!!!!!!! to learn new things requires you to *do* new things, and i think theres always time to learn! thats why i think art is such a fun wonderful subject, cause you learn so much from it!!!!!!!!! and you can just do fuckin ! whatever!! just start doin stuff!!!!
i have to leave for work rn so im ending this really abruptly im so sorry but YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my weird tutorial i hope it made sense ajshdfkahsd
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hiphopcherrrypop · 4 months ago
The new NegaPosi episode is out, bestie! ^^
How are we feeling?
happy negaposi thursday ^_^ !! I REALLY LIKED THIS EPP…
ICE IS SO CUTEEEE… i like how high energy she is, it’s a fun contrast with hiro! and she even roped hiro into her enthusiasm lol, i loved when they were high fiving like “YAYYY ^_^!” and then he got surpised by himself after 😭
showing him kind of being inspired by how she lives her life was nice! and even if he wasnt really upfront about it i was happy to see him having like. any form of discussion about having 2 years left to live.
them throwing him a surprise party was very sweet :(( and him crying when he realized he has ppl around him who care about him gwaahhh..!! i think it was kind of a mix of like hana said happy tears, but also going back to what ice said; the world doesn’t stop for the people around you, even if he doesn’t care he’s dying, they still will. if the ending is sad this is gonna kill meee
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vanglaggle · 5 months ago
not gonna lie to u buddy pal I got like six other jumpscares scrolling ur blog my dumbass trauma thing might stop me from following u but in my heart u will always be my beautiful real mutual that I luv.......
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sorryyyy :-( gwaahhh your so cool thlugh
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undasura · 8 months ago
rali is a sea lion so its only natural for her to go "ahhhuuuhh... gwaahhh... auuuughhghhhh...... gweeeh"
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pinkprettycure · 10 months ago
I love Ethan so so much I’m so excited for both him and Alex. Oh my god and Sophie…. This isn’t saying I’m not excited for the others though I just am enthused about all your romance routes. Best friends to lovers alwyas gets me especially
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agerechococat · 9 months ago
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gwaahhh… ilove themmm……
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catboymoments · 1 year ago
Pregnant Cake going on adventures on Aaa still, just like her mama! I can see her wearing a similar hat to what Margaret wore in “Joshua and Margaret investigations”
Though, maybe Monochromicorn can go on adventures with Fionna in place of Cake, or together :D
YESSS THE HAT!! Gwaahhh I love them
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reclusafanpage · 4 months ago
another autistic idea has just entered my head
When nerdcore artists inevitably make Reclusa songs and lyricize his themes, Vocaloid would be such a fitting instrument, you know what I mean? This is a creature who speaks through a speaker/radio we're dealing with, it'd give his voice that ~pre-generated~ touch.
If you're familiar with that sort of thing, which voicebank do you think would fit him best?
TRUUEEE ARGRGHHGHG i kinda have an idea for a fitting voice bank but like?? im not. familiar enough to give an exact name (ironic, i've been listening to vocaloid since forever) gwaahhh reclusa vocaloid....
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scaredandlaughing · 4 months ago
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WOW!!! thank you so much!! :D that means a lot, especially because i just took a look at your blog and your art style is really incredible and inspiring!
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