talkshowboyluvr · 3 months
lil treech rant bc i'm ANNOYING
the perception of treech has changed so drastically from the fandoms understanding of him when the book first came out to the movie. before the movie, the main agreement on treech's character was that he was a circus performer (still gen one of my fav he's, i love the idea of him being a performer im some way, though i usually make his parents past circus performers instead of himself) he had some clear trauma with touch (i personally make him autistic because of this, imagining sensory issues to be the main reason, though there are older theories abt past sa happening to him) and - one of my favourite ideas - was him being a foil to lucy gray.
both book treech and lucy gray were fairly passive until the ending of the games, both of them preferring not to engage in confrontation and instead kill in more sneaky ways (when someone wasn't looking, with poison and both seemed to be popular in the capitol.
i almost think the movie gives more proof of this with treech having the highest sponsor count after lucy gray and being the only other tribute we see struggle with guilt and morality during the games. both clearly cared about their district partners, both had a hand in their partners death. both seem to charm the capitol.
so, the majority of my own depictions of treech come to down to making him a sort of twisted version of lucy gray. his life is slightly harder than hers - i usually write him to be looking after his two sisters, struggling with a job in the lumberyard and being incredibly poor (more on that in a minute) - so he's naturally lost some of his spark.
he enjoys preforming, but sees it as a chore more often than not due to how tired he is these days, he's no longer truly happy in life.
i believe he's poor simply due to his outfit in the movie. everyone seems to be wearing something intricate, something that clearly has work and money put into it, while he's in his work clothes. i also imagine this would make him weak and much like katniss, i think he'd be underfed in his attempts to provide for his sisters and put them above himself.
a lot of the time, i see people act as though him joining the pack in the movie didn't make any sense when compared to the book, and though i agree it does change the plot, i don't think it at all changes his character. he's a coward in both book and movie, he avoids confrontation in the book, only steals from the already weakened and hides the entire games. in the movie he leaves lamina despite wishing to stay with her as he's more concerned with his safety that with being courageous.
personally, i think book treech may have also joined the pack if given the chance. i do think his survival would always come above morality for him, no matter how clear it is that the guilt tears his up about it.
treech's death, however, is the most impactful for me in both the book and movie. in the book you see a boy so desperate for comfort that he latches onto lucy gray's embrace, or you could instead see a boy so fearful of touch that he freezes in her arms. either way, he's clearly filled with rage when the snake bites, because book treech knew he was going home. he could have beaten lucy gray and reaper had rabies - treech had practically already been basking in his victory.
then a snake latched onto him and in his final moments he bashed the snake to death in revenge as he couldn't reach lucy gray.
movie treech, however, was in agony. he didn't digest the poison as dill did, meaning it instead would have had to enter his bloodstream, which would have been more painful and slower. you can see him covering his face, shaking, retching and practically sobbing before he dies, all while he's ignored and left to lay there forgotten.
movie treech is also never placed in the morgue and book treech's body is dragged around by lucy gray, so even after death he's the only tribute never left to rest :)
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nerflufser · 3 months
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HAPPY BLOG BIRTHDAY @rayix !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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twingeoftism · 1 year
I hate the way the word “neurodivergent” has changed over time. It is a word with a meaning but people treat it as if it only means ADHD/Autism, which even then are very different things. they may have similar “traits” but they are still two different experiences. Not only is this invalidating the experiences of adhd/autistic people, but to other people who fall under the “neurodivergent” umbrella.
maybe it’s me being autistic, but people saying neurodivergent when they MEAN autistic or adhd confused me because why won’t you just say what you mean? if you want to say autistic why don’t you just say autistic???
so shout out to bipolar people, people with learning disabilities, people with cerebral palsy, people with depression, anxiety personality disorders, and every other non-“normal” brain. You are part of the neurodivergent community. don’t let the people who treat neurodivergent as if it only means “adhd/autism” alienate you.
fellow adhd/autistic people, i’m sorry our experiences have been lumped into one, invalidating our individual struggles. I’m sorry people ( NT and ND alike) are so scared of the words Adhd and autism to the point that they label us something more “appealing”
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dreamsy990 · 8 months
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dreaming of color
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childnuggetti · 6 months
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This man is my precious. I love him more than u.
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angy-grrr · 2 months
i have an issue I see with ppl trying to make shippers "understand" their ship could not become canon, and I dont think many would expect it.
Why are we pretending being in your late 30s is being middle age? Dont get me wrong, being a middle aged person doesn't have to mean anything about someone, but its just- not middle age literally.
I dont really understand bringing that up anyways, iit feels wrong to me to believe just ppl in their teens and 20s could ever do anything pro LGBT+ in general... I find it insulting, as if this is a new thing or impossible to believe older people could believe in queerness in a positive light or be queer themselves. The main reason in the west, and im assuming other parts of the world, there arent as many or as visible is, well, because people were dying because of the AIDS crisis + the isolation from being older and every single public space made for or just young queers or cishet older adults.
I get the point, but if I remember correctly every time I see someone trying to do that (of course im believing they have the best intentions in mind), they have to bring up how this is a Japanese middle aged man as a good enough reason.
I don't really mind about what others want to believe or how much they care in terms of shipping -if you prefer to be casual and not paying that much attention to what's canon or not, good for you! Many ppl are also like that and its completely valid, here in this side of Tumblr might seem like all of us believe and theorize about their endgame potential bc we are the ones that usually make more posts or longer content. But I dont like those assumptions about queerness being tied to young westerners, and I wanted to rant a little bit.
Again, I dont believe that was the intention in any of those posts, and im not trying to call out anyone, just rant.
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mairghost · 1 month
lil rant for the JJK chap:
so yeah that was my little rant :3
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It's wash day. Y'all pray for me🤣
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hannahbananawadders · 8 months
don't get me wrong i LOVE the new Ted Lasso Barbie dolls, they're so cute,,,, lowkey mad that even with heels the Rebecca doll is shorter than Ted :( and the same height as Keeley. LET TALL WOMEN BE TALL BARBIES AND HAVE TALL BARBIES PLEASE
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like,,,, why have they made her short ,,,,, the even describe her on the back as 'standing tall and fierce' WHY DOESNT SHE STAND TALL THEN MATTEL
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fujoshawty · 2 months
idk if people read the same manga i did because chilchuck isnt divorced but estranged.. marcille clocked that so hard and its clear hes ashamed of it and wants to reunite with his family just kind of annoying like i'll make lol disgruntled divorcee jokes but that is not what happened at all.. chilchuck is the inverse of laios (has a family he was estranged from that he wants to see again vs estranging himself and cutting off contact) i think thats really important. marcille and senshi are also inverses the four of them are supposed to represent different kinds of familial losses and the choices you make or choices that were made for you in that regard
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wylansvanhendriks · 1 year
i know the 2017 tony’s was six years ago now but someone HAS to pay for all the incredulous crimes that were committed
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hpd--ena · 6 months
saw someone make an edit that had akito with bpd and then I did some research and oh my god???? He is literally the bpd..
For instance, he has some abandonment issues, fearing the rest of vivid bad squad is going to move on without him, which is one of the big symptoms of bpd.
hes also willing to do anything as a last resort for those he loves, resulting in impulsive actions with negative consequences. This is shown when he punches Toya.
I could go on and on but those two are just the things I found so far and I'm willing to do a lot more research on bpd for him.
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pro-birth · 1 year
The most BENIGN parenting article will talk about what did or didn’t work for the author concerning kids in a non-judgmental way, and share it exclusively in spaces that are targeted at other parents in a world that lacks support for families, and childfree people will STILL find a way to make the comments section about themselves 🥴 if you dislike parenting and want no part in raising the nursing home workers who will wipe your ass in 50 years then cool. But maybe fuck off and stay in your own lane?
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maudiemoods · 1 year
Every few weeks I remember that as of right now my life really isn't going in the direction I want it to go and I have a little month long freak out about how I'm wasting my life and how I absolutely need to find a career
I'm trying to make a list of goals and the steps to get there but it's hard. I'm so worried about investing all my time and energy into something I end up not liking. Idk I have a lot of fear in my heart. Makes things very difficult for me skenksmdjsjn
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ozzyeelz · 9 months
I Need to go back to my roots (need to make more FlashFire art)
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stinkypire · 10 months
what people don't understand is that it goes from enemies to friends then friends to lovers (queue incomprehensible curses)
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