#GP Jobs Australia
doctoru-au · 10 months
From Overseas to Oz: A Guide for GPs Wanting to Work in Australia
Been dreaming of swapping your scrubs for a stethoscope down under? You're not alone mate - the allure of Australia's top-notch healthcare system and breathtaking landscapes is indeed hard to ignore.
Our guide gives you the full lowdown on how international medical graduates can become fully-fledged GPs in Australia.
Key Takeaways
Australia has a strong need for doctors. There are many paths open to start such work. This includes the AGPT Program and the RACGP Fellowship.
Locum jobs let health workers choose where and when they work. It gives them freedom and lets them explore new places across Australia.
Getting a visa needs points from language skills or job experience. Special training can even add more scores! Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) is one type that can help GPs to move here.
All Paths and ways have unique rules and benefits for overseas doctors willing to kickstart their career in Australia including Standard Pathway, Competent Authority Pathway, Specialist Pathway & Short-Term Training.
Understanding the Australian Medical Landscape
Venturing into the vast Australian medical landscape, we will delve into various pathways to becoming a GP in Australia, discuss the necessary qualifications for registered nurse jobs and mental health nurse roles, highlight the perks of locum work, and explore how payroll tax exemptions provide relief for patients.
Different pathways to become a GP in Australia
There are several routes to work as a GP in Australia. One of these is the AGPT Program. This gives hands-on training for doctors, both from Australia and overseas. It offers good skills needed to care for people.
For those who got their medical degrees outside of Australia or New Zealand, you have other choices too! We call these folks International Medical Graduates (IMGs). You can aim for an RACGP Fellowship by following a guide we will talk about later on.
There's also room for non-specialists or specialists seeking GP roles in Australia. Let's explore these options together so you can find what suits your needs best!
Requirements and qualifications for registered nurse jobs
Nurse jobs in Australia ask for special checks. First, a self-check of your skills needs doing. This finds out if you have the right learning to be a nurse in Australia. You might need tests too.
To work as a nurse, you must also sign up with the Nursing and Midwery Board of Austraila (NMBA). All nurses, not just some, must follow the rules set by the NMBA to work here.
If you're from overseas, there's more you need to do to get signed up as a nurse in Australia. English those who wish to register themselves as nurses should show that they know how to speak English well enough.
Exploring mental health nurse jobs
Mental health nurse jobs in Australia open many doors. These roles offer a chance to grow in one's career. They are full of chances for you to learn and improve. In our country, around 67% of mental health nurses work full-time.
This shows that there is a real need for these roles.
Jobs like this can be hard but rewarding too. Each day brings its own set of tasks and challenges. You have the chance to make things better for people who really need your help. It's not just about giving pills or writing notes.
You become part of their journey towards better mental health.
There is more than one kind of nursing job though! Many other special fields are waiting for your skills as well. These include midwifery, emergency department work, acute care, and intensive care positions amongst others.
Benefits of locum jobs in Australia
In Australia, locum jobs offer health workers great perks. You might love the freedom and flexibility of these roles! Locum Doctors can pick when and where they work. This lets them balance their personal life and job in a way that suits them best.
Locum work also opens doors to travel across Australia. You can explore rural or remote areas while helping people who need medical care. The role often serves diverse populations, offering a rich learning experience.
Emergency medicine is another area with good prospects for locum doctors in Australia. Switching to this type of job means you'll never have a dull day at work.
Relief for patients through payroll tax exemptions
Payroll tax can be a big issue for doctors and medical centers. It treats the money paid to us as wages. But some good news is here! The Queensland Government has brought in a payroll tax amnesty for payments we make.
This helps general practitioners like us.
This new rule gives more relief to public hospitals and some private ones too. They now don't have to pay this tax anymore. This move also benefits our patients, offering them better access to healthcare services without any cost hikes.
In South Australia, though, many doctor's practices are under threat due to payroll taxes. That's why it's vital that all payments made in medical practices follow the right rules.
Doing things right will keep everyone safe from extra costs or legal problems caused by taxes on contracts.
Pathways to Become a Doctor in Australia for International Doctors
There are numerous avenues for International Doctors to kickstart their medical careers in Australia, including the Standard Pathway - perfect for those without specialist qualifications, the Competent Authority Pathway - designed specifically for doctors who have completed training from a recognised institution, and the Specialist Pathway – suitable for overseas trained specialists seeking recognition of their skills.
Lastly, there's also the Short-Term Training in a Medical Specialty Pathway which offers limited registration to train in a specific field. Each pathway has unique requirements and benefits; choosing one will depend on individual circumstances and career goals.
Standard Pathway
The Standard Pathway is a good choice for all doctors from overseas. This way lets doctors work in Australia. It was made for those who can't use the Competent Authority pathway. To be able to use this way, you have to show that you have learned enough about medicine.
First, you must own an okay medical degree from another country. Then, we check if it's real and fits our rules here in Australia. In this step, they look at your skills very closely before they say okay.
If all goes well, then we let you work as a GP here in Australia through the Standard Pathway.
Competent Authority Pathway
The Competent Authority Pathway is a good route to take for doctors from overseas. This path is for those who don't have a special area or for general practitioners. To use this way, your first medical degree has to be given by an MBA-approved group.
This pathway leads you to the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM). The Australian Medical Council (AMC) makes sure that it meets all the needed standards. Your overseas medical skills will need to be checked and approved too.
But not everyone can use this pathway. For example, young UK doctors can't use it unless their school is on a short list made by the Medical Board of Australia. Make sure you study well about each path before choosing one!
Specialist Pathway
The Specialist Pathway is a good choice for doctors from other countries. This path lets your skills be checked against what Australia needs. It's handy if you want to get better at your work.
This path is not just for general doctors. Experts in one area, like pathology, can also use it. They took their training outside of Australia and New Zealand but want to work here.
There's even an option called 'Area of Need'. Doctors with unique skills apply through this part of the Specialist Pathway. It helps fill gaps where we don't have enough local experts.
Short-Term Training in a Medical Specialty Pathway
We want to tell you about the Short-Term Training in a Medical Specialty Pathway. This path is for doctors trained outside Australia. It helps them get more training in their field.
But, there are some things we need you to know first.
You will not become a Fellow of the College on this pathway. You also won't be seen as a specialist doctor here in Australia. The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) doesn't give credit for this type of training either.
Your medical qualifications must be checked and okayed before you can work with us. Usually, our exams and programs for specialist doctors last between three to seven years full-time.
With the short-term path though, there's a faster way to get far along in your training.
Some may call it an 'advanced' route because it taps into top-notch training here Down Under fast! Just remember that while it does make use of awesome resources, it doesn't offer all the perks and titles like other paths do.
Comparing different pathways
We can find four main ways for overseas doctors to work in Australia. Each has its own set of rules and perks. Let's break them down one by one.
The first way is the Standard Pathway. This lets you, as an overseas doctor, get ready for your job through exams. You must pass these exams before starting your GP role.
Next up is the Competent Authority Pathway. This pathway works well if you've got training from places like the UK, Canada or USA. If you've done this kind of training, it makes getting to work as a doctor in Australia quicker.
Now let's talk about the Specialist Pathway and Short-Term Training Pathway. These two methods are handy if you have special skills or want to learn new ones fast! For example, heart specialists might use the Specialist Pathway.
Finally, we come to rural areas where help is needed most - that’s when working in Regional Healthcarecomes into play! They need doctors just like you!
Each way has things that make it great. But remember what suits others may not suit us all! It's important to think about what path works best for ourselves based on our needs and goals.
The Ultimate Guide to Securing a GP Job in Australia
First, we need to know clearly what it takes to be a GP in Australia. The guide helps us with that. It lists the rules and steps we must take. As UK GPs, we get tips on finding a good place to work quickly.
We should keep in mind our skills and goals when deciding on a job.
Next, we look at the kind of doctor jobs available here for us. There are different types of GPs with different requirements in Australia. This is all listed out neatly in this guide for us to compare and choose.
Finally, this guide makes sure we understand everything needed before applying for jobs as GPs here in Australia. This includes minimum standards that every international medical graduate needs to meet before they can practice medicine here.
But wait! Do not forget about one important thing - getting registered as a Medical Practitioner too! This step matters as much as any other part of the process if you want to become an Australian GP.
Remember your goal: You have travelled far from home; aim high and do well! So follow closely each step in securing your GP job using our ultimate guide!
How to Migrate to Australia as an International GP
Navigating the migration process to Australia as an international GP involves understanding the points-based visa system, obtaining relevant training and qualifications, meeting age and experience requirements, and overcoming potential challenges during the application process.
Points-based visa system
We have to talk about the points-based visa system. This is how Australia decides who can move here. The visa you need as an international GP is the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189).
It has a points table that tells us how many points you get for each thing they look at.
What do they look at? A few things! They check your language skills, work experience, and education. If you are good in these areas, you will get high scores. Doctors with special training or qualifications in jobs we really need also get lots of points.
You don't want to forget this main point: You must score 65 points or more on their test to be able to live, work, and study here forever.
Specialised training and qualifications
To work as a GP in Australia, you need to have the right training and qualifications. One key point is that areas of great need can give you higher scores. This means if your training fits these needs, it will be easier to move to Australia.
As an international doctor who got their degree outside of Australia or New Zealand, you can still practice in Australia. The Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) Program is there for doctors from all over the world who want to become GPs.
Another option for specialist doctors trained overseas is the Specialist Pathway. This lets them check if their skills and degrees are similar enough to what Australian doctors get.
Just make sure you are ready with all your important documents when applying through this pathway!
Finally, don't forget about the different visa options available! If you meet certain standards, there are many ways for skilled doctors from other countries to move here.
Age and experience requirements
Your age plays a big role in your ability to work as a doctor in Australia. The country has age requirementsthat international medical graduates must meet. These rules make sure you are at the right point in your career for this move.
You also need to show your years of work experience. But just saying you have done the job before is not enough. We will check if your skills match what is needed here. This review looks at all you know and can do, including checking how well you use your clinical skills.
Process and challenges
Moving to Australia as an international GP has its steps. The journey begins with a points-based visa system. GPs with special skills get more points.
Some areas in Australia need doctors right away. The Visas for GPs Program tells you about these places. You can earn extra points by choosing to work here.
There are other things, too, that you must show before working as a GP in Australia. A main one is having the right classes and training from your home country.
While this all may seem tough, remember we're here to help each step of the way! We know how much it means to bring your skills and care for our people in need.
Working as a General Practitioner in Australia
As General Practitioners in Australia, we provide comprehensive healthcare to patients of all ages and medical conditions. Our role is a vital one, requiring us to complete the Fellowship of The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.
This offers attractive benefits and opportunities such as working in diverse environments including metropolitan areas, rural settings or remote Indigenous communities. To excel in this role, essential skills like strong communication, empathy towards patient conditions and a broad knowledge base are indispensable.
Overview of the role
Working as a General Practitioner (GP) in Australia can be very rewarding. This role is for healthcare professionals who love to care for the health and wellness of others. These medical practitioners work mostly in clinical practices, focusing on primary care services.
They are more like family doctors trusted by people of all ages.
GPs play an important role in patient care in Australia. Their training gives them the skills they need to help with many kinds of health problems. People come to see GPs when they are unwell, but also for regular check-ups or advice on how to stay healthy.
As a GP, you might also get special benefits if you choose to live and work in a regional area!
Requirements for Fellowship of The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
You'll need to earn the Fellowship of The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) if you want to work as a GP in Australia. This rule applies even more so for international medical graduates or IMGs.
You become an IMG if you get your qualifications outside of Australia or New Zealand.
The RACGP's fellowship is hard to get but it's worth it. It needs lots of tough training and tests. These steps ensure that all GPs working in Australia meet high standards. With this certificate, not only do we prove our skills and knowledge, but we also show our commitment to providing top-notch healthcare.
To chase this goal, let us be ready for the challenge ahead! Getting into a foreign system can seem scary at first, but with every step taken and every hurdle crossed, we're closer to achieving our dreams.
Benefits and opportunities
Working as a general practitioner (GP) in Australia is full of benefits. The pay is good and there's plenty of time to enjoy life outside of work. It's not just about money though, it's also about making a real difference.
Many GPs help people in far-off places where doctors are few.
Australia takes care to put medical services all over the country. This means that you have the chance to see new parts of this great land while doing your job as a GP.
Being a GP here opens up different ways for you to learn, grow and live your best life. Not only will you take on an important role in the healthcare system, but you’ll also get to know another way of life.
Working in rural areas can bring rewards that city life can't offer.
Living and working in regional areas
There are many chances to be a doctor in Australia's rural areas. Over 41% of our doctors come from other countries. Many small towns and country places want more general practitioners.
Even outback communities, far away from cities, need your help!
Living and working in these nonurban places can be great. It gives us a close feel of the true Aussie way of life. We can learn about the rich history that shapes every part of this amazing land.
Plus, we make special bonds with the people we take care of! Working as a doctor in regional parts opens up new sights for us too - seasides, forests, mountains all around us!
Essential skills for success
You need good skills to be a top GP in Australia. One key skill is knowing how to find out what's wrong with patients. We call this diagnosis. After you know what the issue is, treatment comes next.
This means giving the right care to make the patient better.
Another vital skill is helping people who can't work because they are sick or hurt. You should know how to look after people with long-term and short-term illness or injuries that stop them from working.
The ability to manage healthcare settings, like clinics, is also crucial.
Skills for disability support are needed too. When someone has an injury or illness that lasts a long time, they might need special help at work or home so they can still have a good life.
Lastly, you should know about "work capacity assessment" and "occupational health". Sometimes it's hard for someone to do their job because of sickness or hurt body parts. You'll guide them on ways they can still do their job well without making themselves worse off.
You can make your dream of living in Australia come true. This guide will lead you on the right path to become a GP in Australia. Start today! Go for it!
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ruyakasunshine · 6 months
Formula one has some of the most insufferable fans I've ever seen (and this is coming from someone who's been in Kpop fandoms), so I'm gonna type a couple of reminders for y'all :
Max is not ruining the sport by being "too good". I honestly don't understand how people can have the same reaction whenever someone is actually good at the sport (e.g. Hamilton during his prime days), and never learn. He's not going to start losing just to entertain you (and that wouldn't work anyway, he DNF'd in Australia and the race still sucked).
You should be happy enough to witness the making of one of the biggest names in F1, because he will for sure be a considered a legend in the future (if that's not the case already).
The whole 'Hamilton is washed' narrative is starting to become annoying. You know, even as someone who hasn't been into the sport for long enough to remember his prime days, I can call you out on how baseless this narrative is. A seven-times world champion doesn't forget how to drive over the course of a season, obviously there is something that is going on behind the scenes, and his sudden move to Ferrari is only a proof of it.
Likewise, you guys need to drop the "Ferrari fired the wrong guy uwu" narrative. Firstly, Carlos wasn't fired, they decided to not renew the contract with him. This happens all the time, and we don't even know all the reasons behind this decision. This is a sport, not a boyband, they don't owe each other eternal fidelity for the fans or something.
Ferrari saw the opportunity of signing The Lewis Hamilton (which; like it or not, the guy is a legend), and took it. And, as Max himself said it, it isn't too surprising that they re-signed Charles and not Carlos, considering that the first has been more consistent throughout their career as teammates. He had chances at the championship, and could have new chances in the future with the right team orders (and with the maturity he's gained over these years).
Finally, Carlos will most likely have a seat in 2025, considering that he is a good driver and that most of the seats for next years aren't taken yet. Stop crying under each instagram and twitter posts of ferrari, stop bringing down Charles at every opportunity (seriously, hearing you talk you'd think the guy is finishing at the end of the grid each race and not within the top 5 at the very least since last year), and start cheering on their last season as teammates instead.
Overall, fans need to learn to whine less, be more respectful (drivers are human beings who deserve basic respect, I can't believe I need to remind this in this day and age), and appreciate the sport more.
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wejustvibing · 1 year
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Not much new out of the Sydney SailGP Press Conference today…Welcome Diago Boutin to the table!
Presenting Rita’s new wrap (picture courtesy of SailGP).
It’s gonna be quite strange to see…
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… the Emirates brand on the GreatBritain F50!
SO MANY RED & WHITE BOATS on the water that announcer Todd Harris is gonna get even more confused.
Great for the league and that team, in particular. They certainly don’t seem to have any problem finding sponsorships.
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coco-loco-nut · 5 months
Revelations - part 2
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x Reader
Summary: bringing the kids to a gp
A/n: whoooo double drop day! Enjoy!!!!
requests open masterlist part one
“You know the drill, stay with me or your dad,” you remind your son and daughter as Daniel parks. Oscar immediately came to visit your home when you got back to Australia, wanting to catch up on the hidden parts of his fellow Aussies lives. The exchange? Free babysitting.
Daniel is such a girl dad, it almost pains you that your daughter likes him more than you, but your son is a mama’s boy so it balances out.
“Florence, keep a tight hold of me,” Daniel says, carrying the four year old on his him. She dozes on his shoulder halfway to the paddock entrance. Your son, Sidney, had a tight grip of your hand. You decided to get here early, before media, so there was a less stressful entrance. Even the video that Red Bull posts of Daniel walking through the paddock blurs out your children’s faces.
“Uncle Maxie,” your daughter stretches her arms out to the Dutchman. He carefully takes her and walks off, chatting away. If it were anyone but Max, you might be concerned.
“Hi Uncle Christian,” Sidney greets his godfather excitedly, the older man equally happy to see his godson. Christian gives you and Daniel the go ahead to walk away and grab breakfast at Hospitality.
“Will you be okay watching them the whole race while being my engineer?” Daniel asks as you both pick at your plates.
“Kelly is going to keep an eye on them, they will be with her in the garage. I think your Mom is coming in for the race tomorrow,” you tell Daniel. You decided to test out their F1 tolerance during FP3 and Qualis instead of just the race.
They do well enough that you feel comfortable with having them in the garage for the race. You do your race engineer work from the garage instead of the pit wall, preferring to be closer with the mechanics and other engineers. Halfway through the race, your mother-in-law carefully hands you a fussy and tired Florence. You let her sit on your lap as you work, holding her close, something that F1TV caught. She notices you talking to her father.
Daniel, overtake is available at the next DRS
Copy, DRS is enabled
Nice overtake, continue to defend. Daddy?
Is that Flo? Tell her I said hi and to let you work.
Copy, focus on your race, please.
Florence is happy to know her dad heard her and quickly falls asleep on your shoulder.
Daniel, box, fresh set of hards are ready for you.
Copy. How are the kids?
Flo is sleeping and Sid is watching with P. Please focus on the race, Danny. Box, box.
Alright Mrs Ricciardo, I see how it is, all business no fun
Someone has to keep you focused, Daniel.
You honestly don’t know how no one had picked up on Daniel’s radio messages to you before your relationship was revealed. He does focus on the race, it’s his job, but every once in a while he does make comments that aren’t racing related. As the last few laps are underway, Florence wakes up from her nap. You point out her dad on one of the screens and decide to surprise him by letting her talk to him.
“Okay Flo, just like I told you,” you gently remove the headphones covering her ears and put the far too big headset on her. Christian is the one who suggested that you do that.
Great race Daddy, P5
Hi Baby Girl, did you help your mama out this race?
I did, just like you told me to.
Good job, I’m so proud of you. Now, let me talk to your mama, she has some special things to tell me. I’ll see you soon sweetheart.
Hey Daniel, great race. Team’s proud of you. Pull in for weigh ins and media. We will have a quick debrief but we are happy with the race.
Copy. Couldn’t have done it without you and the team. Thanks guys.
Kelly and Daniel’s mom entertain the kids while you and Daniel have post-race meetings, but when you get to his drivers room after your last meeting with the engineers, you find him passed out on the couch with your kids sleeping on him. You snap a picture, sending it to one of your Red Bull group chats as well as directly to Max and Oscar.
Social media was loving the radio clips of you and Daniel talking, as well as Florence congratulating her father. Pair that with the videos of her sleeping on your shoulder mid race and every other clip of you and Daniel with the kids, it’s no wonder why your family is trending.
“Dan,” you whisper, gently shaking your husband’s shoulder.
“Hm? Have I been asleep long?” He whispers, trying not to disturb the kids.
“Probably not. Let’s get back to the hotel,” you smile softly, gently picking up Florence so he can get up. He carries Sidney, who is still asleep, while you carry Florence. Thankfully for the both of you, you were ready to leave.
“No more races for them until they are older,” Daniel proposes.
“Unless it’s here, I think I will agree to that,” you nod, brushing hair off of Florence’s head. You realistically know Daniel only has a couple seasons left in him, and that Florence wants to race just like her dad, so it might be better to wait until one of you is available to be with them the whole time. Sidney stirs as you get closer to your car.
“That was fun, when are we going again?”
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sinofwriting · 4 months
Water Bottle - Max Verstappen (I ❤️ MILFS verse)
Words: 546 Summary: Logan has a thing about water. Note(s): Takes place in 2024, Japan GP. Also just like 2023, the 2024 season will be different with different point scorers and events. (Part of the I ❤️ MILFS verse)
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Masterlist | Support Me! | Part of Sin's 5k & B-Day Celebration | I ❤️ MILFS verse
Logan was horrible at drinking water, Max had come to find out. Or rather, was horrible at remembering to carry water around. If it was in his hand, he’d remember it and drink it. If it wasn’t though, forget it.
It was surprisingly endearing the way Logan would just forget water existed as soon as his water bottle was out of his hands. Max knew it drove Pan crazy, he had seen the way she pushed water into his hand constantly, but now, and he can’t help but grin, that was his job.
Passing a bottle of water to Logan, he pats the younger on the shoulder before joining him on the sofa. It was a relief to be right at the end, Logan next to him, then Lando, Esteban, and Kevin. The latter two drivers had made his nose wrinkle a bit when his press officer told him his schedule.
As the interviewer begins with talking to Kevin, Max lets himself zone out, looking at the rest of the people in the room, observing them.
He briefly registers Esteban beginning to speak, when the very quiet muffled sound of Lando laughing hits his ears. It makes his eyebrow raise and he glances to look at him. Lando’s face is slightly pink as he tries to stifle his laugh. Max has to give him that’s doing a somewhat good job at it. Better than he ever did last year, at least.
As he looks at Lando, wondering what made him crack up, the corner of his eye catches on Logan and his attention immediately shifts.
The younger was frowning at his lap, and Max looks down and sees him staring at the water bottle in his hands, his dominant hands fingers struggling with the cap.
Max looks over at Esteban as the Frenchman says his name, nearly rolling his eyes at the shit joke of him winning everything.
“Well,” he begins, reaching over grabbing the water from Logan. “It’s the car and the team really. I mean, the car just feels excellent. How is the car for you Esteban?” He asks, passing the now opened water back to Logan and cap, giving a small tap to the bottom of the bottle and smiling when immediately Logan takes a drink.
His attention refocuses on Esteban only to see him looking at him slack jawed.
“What?” He asks, confused. But as he looks at Kevin, the interviewer and the other people in the room, they all have the same response. Lando even is no longer laughing, having the same expression as everyone else. Looking at Logan, the American shrugs, just as confused as him. “Did you,” the interview starts. “Did I what?” The interviewer’s mouth opens, then closes. “Did you just open Logan’s water for him?” Max looks at Lando in confusion. “Yes. Why? What’s the problem?” The Brit continues to look at him, slack jawed. “Mate,” he finally manages to say. “What?” Max shrugs. “Can we go back to questions about Australia?” He sends a sorry look to Logan, who just shrugs. And Max in response can’t help but ruffle his kid's hair. One of these days he really was going to go into Williams garage and strangle James Vowles, one of these days, he sighed.
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@spookystitchery @saintchxx4 @lovecarsgoingvroom @bloodyymaryyy @lilipiggytails
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agendabymooner · 2 months
maiden, hungary, and all that romance fiasco ! oscar p. x ofc (filo!gen z!ofc) - the piastri fiasco smau
summary: maiden wins and maiden names - two of the most important things that oscar aimed for in one night.
OR paloma 'lomi' san pedro was subjected to changing her twitter handle all because of her boyfriend oscar's intuitions and stupid bet, which left some fans confused until the hungarian grand prix winner gave more context to it.
content warning: use of explicit language, sexual innuendos, flirting on main, 2024 hungarian gp spoilers, marriage proposal, oblivious to proposal hints, carlos sainz's in-law!ofc, fluff, text/smau fic, ofc and oscar's mom canonically facetiming each other during oscar's national anthem
note: i can't write smut today guys the melatonin hits hard ☹️ enjoy xx
the piastri fiasco masterlist
a - n masterlist // o - z masterlist
if you’d like to get on one of my taglists, check this post out
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tagged oscarpiastri
liked by landonorris, patriciooward, carlossainz55
carlossainz55 see you later, princesita! liked by lomisanpedro
user1 i love my queen paloma balagtas san pedro slay queen
lomisanpedro how tf you know my middle name?
oscarpiastri ...miranda isn't your middle name?
user2 WOWOWOWOW okay oscar i see the man that you are 😩
user3 not knowing your girlfriend's middle name is crazy work
oscarpiastri silly me, of course i'm joking. i know it's your second first name. philippines is silly like that 😂
user4 oh darling wait til you hear about the government
oscarpiastri look at my missus being everyone's most pinned pinterest post 😇
user5 your 😀 what 😀
lomisanpedro oscarpiastri stop mass commenting on my insta 😳 you're making me blush hard
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BREAKING: Australia's Oscar Piastri, driving for McLaren F1 Team, becomes the 115th race winner in F1 history after his maiden win in Hungaroring.
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tagged lomisanpedro
liked by lomisanpedro, logansargeant, carlossainz55
user1 the multi 21 that ended well in the end 🥰
user2 insane behaviour from our resident wombat
nicolepiastri finally! another piastri girl! 😘 liked by oscarpiastri
user3 a dub in our book (i'm not a piastri)
logansargeant nice to know you didn't bawl your eyes out while proposing. you've been texting me left and right about it
user4 i love how logan's always so in-tune with most ppl in the grid then he becomes deux moi in anything oscar 😩
lewishamilton congratulations on the engagement and win! a job well done!
user5 when is it ur turn, lewis?
user6 user5 i volunteer
user5 user6 girl 💀 you and the entire world
landonorris mrs. piastri ❤��
carlossainz55 glad to know you asked me for blessing first, hermano. welcome to the family! liked by oscarpiastri
user7 ??? how are you even related to lomi?
user8 carlos' wife is lomi's cousin
lomisanpedro not to be funny but my initials are going to be pp ❤️ pretty hyped about it tbh liked by oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri my fiancee is a clown i'm afraid 😳
lomisanpedro my fiancé is a race winner lfgggggg 😭🙌 liked by oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri eheh. love you darling 😇
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♡ moony’s reminder 🅶 (general): @hiraethrhapsody @avaleineandafryingpan @enhacolor @roseandtulips @woweewoowa @magnummagnussen @happy-nico @architect-2015 @hiireadstuff @biancathecool @scorpiomindfuck @stinkyjax @youdontknowmeshh @hyneyedfiz @decafmickey @lightdragonrayne @marknolee @xylinasdiary @anotherblackreader
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everythingne · 3 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ➛ wing damage ch 3 (mv1)
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Australia ends up hotter than expected when Nadine finds herself in a mess of unwanted feelings left over from her fun night in Monaco. Max isn't too confused about how he feels, he just knows he shouldn't be feeling it.
halliwell!reader x max verstappen / fc : sophia la corte
warnings/notes: I UPDATED THE PAST CHAPTERS. PLEASE READ THOSE BEFORE THIS!! holy fuck i finally got this out? yippee!! pretty chill chapter compared to the last few. mentions of alcohol,weird flirting, overprotective max
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liked by oscarpiastri, maxverstappen1, charles.leclerc, and 450k more...
nadinehalliwell: bring ur eldest daughter to work day (australia edition)
user1: we love and support the halliwells in this house ‼️
user2: literally redbull royalty.
gerihalliwell: My good luck charm!! Looking beautiful.
⤷ nadinehalliwell: ily mama ♥️
⤷ nadinehalliwell: if u let me drive the porsche i’ll be back asap.
⤷ monanotlisa: ur such a whore for a porsche 911
⤷ thenadinehorner: CANT WAIT MY LOVE ♥️♥️♥️
Australia is hot. Blazing hot. I've decided for the next several months to spend time with my mother and sisters, travelling the world and distancing myself from the hell that is home for a bit. Even with my roommates at home with me, my apartment in Monaco doesn't feel like a home.
Ally's not home half the time, too busy being a bit shot movie producer, and Mona's got a huge job lined up. We're never home together anyways. Even though we all love each other to bits, we're all living such different lives. Maybe we should just go our own ways again.
It was nice to live together even for a bit, though.
Dipping into the garage, I pass Checo and give him a fist bump before finding Max and whack his shoulder. GP laughs softly as I dramatically drape myself across Max's back, popping my head atop his as he huffs.
"How's it going, Mad Max?" I muse, "New racing strats?"
I can hear the grin in Max's voice as he says, "Nothing I'm telling you, paddock princess."
"Paddock princess? Excuse me, do I look like George Russell?" I huff, which gets a full body laugh from GP and a decent one from Max as I pry myself off his back and come to just sit next to him like a normal person.
"What's the occasion for the dress? Just the paddock fashion?" Max looks up and down the pink sundress I'm wearing and I perk up, happily blabbing on about how I'd bought the dress in Sydney a few days before the race and wanted something to wear to the race and the part tonight.
"What party?" Max asks, leaning over to fix a hair thats gotten stubbornly stuck to my earring.
"My mom is having a yacht party tonight for all the teams to celebrate the beginning of the season. She couldn't do it in Saudi or Bahrain because of how busy we all were." I look at the notes Max is focused on reading, even though they make little sense to me. GP excuses himself to speak with Hannah, leaving Max and I alone in the little outcove of the garage.
"Ah." Max sighs as a mechanic moves past, tossing a helmet to his colleague as they set up to do some sort of extraction training. Max catches my attention as he says, "and I take it I'm set to attend this?"
"Of course you are. My mom would be devastated without her 'eldest son' there, right?" I lean over to peck a kiss on his cheek as I stand up and brush off my dress as if it'll have anything on it, "gotta run off and find my mom, I'm helping her with media."
"Good luck." Max smiles to me and I can't help the grin that finds my lips as I whisper back the same words and rush down the garage hall to hide the blush that threatens to run up my chest to my face.
There's no fucking way I'm letting this get to me. No, no, no. What Max and I had done was a mistake, and that was how it would stay. Some drunken mistake I thought about a bottle or two deep on a friday night.
I did not love Max Verstappen, and that was that.
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1, monanotlisa, and 850k others...
nadinehalliwell: my photographer @ maxverstappen <3
user1: cannot get over how much she actually looks like geri.
maxverstappen: stop drinking all the champagne the party hasnt started yet !!
⤷ nadinehalliwell: no <3
user3: i swear every story post of nadine recently has been her drinking
charlesleclerc: very pink today
gerihalliwell: so so pretty!!
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By sundown the party was in full swing. The yacht massive, even by my mothers standards, but comfortable enough to fit everyone with room for plus ones and random additions to the roster. Leaving the bar I make my way to the little longue chair area on the top deck, waving happily to some of the drivers and such who mill about up there.
As I go to snag my spot between Max and Charles again, I'm intercepted by one of the newer Sky News reporters. I peeked over his shoulder from the conversation he had left, and saw some people just casually milling about. So I felt a bit better about this random guy coming up to me.
But, from the corner of my eye, I could see Max lean forward a bit more.
"Hello, sorry, I don't think we've met." He holds out a hand with a small grin as he looks me over, "I'm Luke."
"Luke, I'm Nadine, it's nice to meet you." I shook his hand, keeping my eyes firm on his face as he then chooses to keep his eyes firm on my mine. His eyes light up, as if he's realized exactly who he's talking to and it makes me want to scream. Of course.
"Geri's daughter, correct?" He grins and I nod, biting the inside of my cheek as I curl my hand a bit tighter around the fruity little margarita I got from the bar, "Wow, it's great to meet you. I'm sorry about everything that's been happening to you within the past few months, that must be rough.."
"It's been rough but I've got a good support system here, and I'm here with my family too, so they've been very helpful." I keep up the usual wall I keep up with any reporter. I know Luke notices, at the tick of his jaw, but he doesn't say anything else.
"That's good. I'm really glad to hear they're supportive." Luke smiles, "other than doing media for Red Bull, what do you do for work?"
"Just influencer stuff. I post fashion, beauty, and lifestyle content on social media, mostly Youtube, TikTok and Instagram. I also have a podcast on Spotify." I use my usual elevator pitch, "I pay for everything using the creator fund, sponsorships, and other means of ad revenue."
"The whole -- creator fund thing, thats fascinating to me." Luke starts to talk, continuing on and on. The more he talks, the more I begin to realize that this guy just wants to blab on and on about himself. I nod, keeping my interest as he talk about reporting and doing media, and then asking if I do it too.
"I've done some sort work for Sky News before. When Seb did the beehives I was one of the reporters over there with him, which was nice because he and Mark kinda raised me a bit and I hadn't seen him in a while." I smile and Luke nods, and before he even says anything I can tell he's about to try something stupid
"Well, someone as gorgeous as you would definetely be succesful in any field." Luke grins, taking a sip of what I think is an Old Fashioned in hand before his grin falls to a smirk, "and man in charge would be an idiot to not promote a face like yours."
I don't dignify him with any answer. Taking a long sip of my drink as my eyes are level with him. I can tell he's nervous at my lack of response, but before he can talk, Luke's eyes flicker to the side of my head. He squints before a firm, warm hand is pressed to the small of my back.
"Sorry to interrupt," Max smiles placidly, his hand sliding to grip onto my hip, his fingers warm against the skin of the cutout of my dress and sending a shiver down my spine, "but Miss Halliwell here has a certain seat she needs to snag again."
"No worries." Luke gives a stiff response, before turning away with a soft goodbye over his shoulder. Max turns me and tucks me back against his chest as he leans down to ask, "You alright?"
"Yeah. He was just a weirdo." I roll my eyes as he guides my back to my seat, securing me between him and Charles once more, and I happily fall back into conversation.
Not failing to notice the fact Max's hand never leaves my back.
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"Max Emilian Verstappen, I swear to god." My voice rings across the quiet hotel room, nails clicking on my cracked phone screen as I type a reply to his comment. Charles laughs softly, his hand pausing midway through fixing my hair as he looks over at my hungover state in my bed. Thanks to him and Carlos, I managed to get back from the yacht party last night with all my belongings and my dignity.
"You're getting full named." He says to Max as if he isn't actively ignoring my complaints. I watch Max peek at my tiny lump in the blankets behind him in the mirror he stands in front of, the back of his hair still drying from the shower. We had to leave for the flight back home within an hour and I was still laying in a ball, still nauseous, still tired and aching.
"Because of the reporter?" He asks, turning his head to Charles who smiles at him with a shrug.
"What was so bad about him?" I ask, "You and Charles are all up in arms about it! I don't even know what he said that was so outlandish!"
"He looked like a damn predator." Max says and if I wasn't as nauseous as I was from blacking out last night (not my proudest moment) I would've chucked a pillow at his head, "and I can't control Charles."
Charles laughs, moving from the mirror to come sit at my side, letting me pop my head onto his lap as he absentmindedly toys with my hair, before he starts braiding it back for the flight home and I groan and cuddle into his touch. Charles was basically my new brother at this point, ever since I moved to Monaco last year.
"He flirted with her infront of everyone, I don't take back my attitude about this." Max turns around, walking over and kneeling in front of me. Brushing the side of my face to feel the heat from my red cheeks, "did you even drink water, Nadi?"
"It was kinda funny!" I protest, careful not to move too much as Charles' nails run along my scalp to collect little sections of my hair, "and I did drink water, and Gatorade. I had like... four big bottles of Gatorade."
"Drink more." Max sits now, long legs folding under himself as he sighs, "before your mom kills me for letting you go out with us."
"Oh hush, you're more of her kid now than I am." I grumble out a complaint before Charles taps my shoulder so I sit up and roll to the other side so he can braid it too. Before Max can reply, the door is knocked on and I close my eyes--pretending to be asleep is easier than being hungover.
"Geri, hey!" Max calls at the door and I groan, Geri suppressing a laugh into a soft huff through her nose. Sitting me up slowly, Charles used the comforter to hide my dress that I was still in, and I curled a bit deeper into its warmth and his touch.
I would literally do anything for Charles in this moment.
"Morning, morning," my mother gives Max a tight hug, the two more mother and son now that team owner and racer. As she comes into the room, she laughs at my burrito, leaning over to peck my forehead.
"Late night?" She asks and I grunt in response. My mother shrugs her bag off one shoulder and digs in it--handing me a water bottle and a thing of Advil.
"Yes, Mama. And I love you." I say as I take the items, popping two Advil and washing it down with the entire bottle of water.
“Mhm.” Geri laughs, taking the empty bottle and tossing it as she shoves the Advil back in her bag, “and you love liquor more.”
“Mama, they had soju.”
“My daughter’s an alcoholic.” Geri huffs as he stands and Max laughs. I made grabby hands at her much like I would when I was a kid and she was my lifeline.
“Oh, she’s very hungover.” another voice calls, before someone comes running into the room and tackles me to the bed.
“Daniel!” I complain, hitting him as I writhe under his weight, “get off!”
“Stop talking to that reporter, and I’ll get off.”
“What is it with him? I’ve been seeing stuff online.” Geri pops her bags down next to Max’s, watching as Max climbs on top of Daniel—effectively putting about three hundred pounds on my already nauseated self while Charles just laughs.
“Did you see that guy yesterday?” Daniel says, whacking Max’s head, and begrudgingly both of my pseudo brothers climb off of me. But Daniel is hungover as well, I can see it in his eyes, so I let him stay on the bed while we shove Max off. Giggling when the Dutch driver unceremoniously thumps to the floor.
“The reporter was flirting with me, apparently.” I shrug, leaning forward to lay my entire body weight on Charles who grunts in response.
“Apparently? He called you gorgeous!”
“Could be a compliment.” Geri smiles, looking over at Max to gage his reaction. He looks less than pleased.
"Alright, well, come on. We have to be at the airport in like... an hour or they won't let us take off until later." Max huffs, taking Daniel's hand to help him up and then Charles. The two of them grab most of the bags and before I know it we're at the airport, me using my Airpod Max's on their soundproof mode to keep my headache at bay. Luckily it doesn't take long for us to get on Max's jet, and my mother takes me to where the bed is so I can sleep.
The little bedroom has a door to close too, so my mom sets herself up on a chair to answer her emails and shuts the door so the boys can be louder without bothering me.
Which, leaves Max, Daniel, and Charles alone towards the front of the jet. Charles stretches out, sitting on a chair next to Max as Daniel sits across from Max.
"Nadine looked sick," Max sighs, running a hand through his hair as he takes a long sip of water, "and I know turbulence gets to her stomach, so I imagine it's worse now that we're in the air."
"I'm sure she's fine, Max. Geri's in there with her." Daniel hums, looking over at the door as if reminding himself of that.
"How do you even remember turbulence gets to her?" Charles yawns, taking a sip of his own water in turn with Max. Leaning back in his chair as he watches Max.
"I just... I dunno. I remember weird shit like that." Max shrugs, looking out the window as they dip through the clouds. He looks back at his two friends, who are sharing looks, and he raises his eyebrows, "what?"
"Why did that Luke guy piss you off so much? Nadine has dealt with her fair share of sleazy reporters." Charles finally bites the bullet and asks, making Daniel raise his eyebrows in shock over the question being asked, and Max sighs.
"Do you really wanna know why that Luke guy pissed me off?" Max murmurs against the rim of his water bottle and both Charles and Daniel nod.
"Because he was flirting with her." Max shrugs softly, capping his bottle and setting it down and he leans back and stretches his back. His hands run through his hair, tugging on it, and closing his eyes as he sighs.
Daniel picks up where Charles left off, "But he flirted with a lot of girls, and it didn't bother you, but the second he set his eyes on Nadine? Why did you get so pissed off?"
"I really don't know but..." Max's voice is almost dark, "Oh, god, it was like seeing red. And he was flirting with her so boldly, in front of everyone, like he owned Nadine and it pissed me off."
"And you still think you don't like her?" Charles groans, kicking Max under the table, "you're so dense."
"I can't like her, you guys know how it is. Geri would fucking kill me, that's her daughter." Max complains and when Charles and Daniel raise their eyebrows he groans and slumps back, "okay, alright, fine. Maybe."
"Maybe?!" Daniel exclaims, getting hushed by the other two. And as Charles carries on the teasing, Max can't do anything more than gnaw on the inside of his cheek and try to swallow his smile.
He's in love with you, and that is that.
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taglist (thank you, and I know this taglist is old, so if you'd like to be removed you can send me a message or an ask!)
@itsponybeaches @awritingtree @1655clean @biitch-with-wifi @heesungthel0ml @newlifeforus @rosegasly @sideboobrry11 @formulaal @justalittlejess
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cheriladycl01 · 5 months
My Job is Beach ... - Valtteri Bottas x ItalianOlympicBeachVolleyball! Reader
Plot: You spend time with your boyfriend after the Australian GP doing what you do best, Beach Barbie and Beach Ken
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Valtteri had an incredible race, him and Lewis both in a fantastic car as fantastic drivers. And you’d luckily been there to celebrate with him.
You loved going to Australia with him, it was so warm at the time of year the race was and it meant you got to go to the beach.
Which of course was one of your favourite things. Growing up in a small coastal town in Italy, meant you were at the beach pretty much all the time. You went there before school, after school, on the weekends. Even during school, your school was right next to a beach which is where you picked up your sport.
At first it was just for fun, like most hobbies start of as.
But after playing in some matches against others schools across Italy, your teacher and parents realised there was something special there.
You didn’t see it or get it, you just loved the beach do anything you did there was fun to you.
So of course they ended up getting you a coach. Someone who was willing to privately train you and get you into better teams in Italy.
In 2016 you competed in Brazil. Rio De Janeiro was an incredible place and it’s actually where you met Valtteri.
He and a few of the drivers had ended up coming to watch some of the Olympics and you’d bumped into him on the beach with Lewis.
You’d recognised both of them straight away, and struck up a conversation with them.
“Oh! Your Valtteri Bottas! And Your Felipe Massa!” You’d exclaimed at the men and they’d awkwardly nodded thinking you were a fan wanting a picture or autograph.
“What are you guys here for?” You ask, knowing that the race this year wasn’t until November. They were in summer break right now.
“Oh, we are here for the Olympics. We got invited” Felipe admits and you grin.
“Oh, I’m here for them too!” You grin.
“Oh yeah, you here to watch any sport in particular?” Valtteri asked.
“Watch? No im one of the beach volleyballers! Team Italia” You smile.
And the rest was history after that. You and Valtteri got together and he got a promotion to Mercedes after Nico Rosberg left the sport.
It was early the next day, the Monday after the race and you and Valtteri were still shacked up in Australia. You wanted to spend some more time here travelling to your favourite Aussie beaches.
So you took the 1hour flight from Melbourne to Sydney so that you were on Bondi beach. You guys had rented out a place close to the coast for easy access.
You guys were with a few friends, some of Valtteri and some of yours. Somehow your friendship groups just mixed together well. You were both apprehensive at first but realised after a house party that it was fine, the language barrier at first was a little awkward but English being a common ground for most of the group worked.
“Amore mio, please come join us! Then I promise you we will go on a bike ride!” You say cuddling up to him… you’d just finished unpacking and he was laying on the bed cuddling up to you.
“Im no good. And I just embarrass myself Rakas” he sighs pulling you into him and kissing all over your face affectionately making you giggle.
At first Valtteri was very shy when it came to showing you any level of affection and your overly affectionate side thanks to your large Italian family upbringing was very overwhelming to him at first.
But soon he learnt it was your love language and the more confident he got, the clingier he got.
“It’s meant to be for fun! You don’t have to be good at it” you giggle running your finger through his hair as he looks up at you.
“But all your friends are so good!” He exclaims sitting up.
“Mmmm and now you know how I feel when you take me karting!” You laugh knowing you have the bruises to prove just how bad you were at the sport.
“Okay okay fine. But just because I love you!” He says in that gruff lower voice.
You guys play beach volleyball for the majority of the morning until the suns at full peak.
“Barbecue sulla spiaggia?” One of your friends suggest whose English wasn’t great, especially when she was tired after a long morning of playing volleyball, in the sand and under the hot Australian sun.
“She suggested a Rantagrilli?” You say trying your best to translate for Valtteri and his friends who wouldn’t have understood the Italian.
You weren’t allowed to do this on Bondi but closer to where your beach Villa was, you knew you’d be able to cook on the beach there as it was private to the Villa.
They all nod eagerly and before you know it, you guys are using two barbecue for the amount of people you are cooking for. One that’s on the back garden of the beach villa and then one that was already in the sand.
You guys spent lunch munching on burgers and salad, and chicken and hot dog. It was for sure a chest day for all of you, most of you guys being athletes and being on strict diets.
After you’d spent the afternoon cuddling with Valtteri on the beach letting lunch go down, you both went out for a bike ride. He of course had chosen the longest and steepest route to take, meaning you came back drenched in sweat and cursing at Valtteri for making you endure that.
"I want a Dolce Sorpresa!" you groan your head leaning against him and he looks at you.
"A what?" he asks. You'd learnt a little Finnish for him but he still struggled with some of you little idioms.
"Sweet Treat, I'm craving Boba, I saw a shop on the way back!" you grin, kissing him before taking his hand to drag him to the Boba Tea shop!
"Then, can we go to the beach again?" you ask.
"You just love the beach don't you!" he smiles.
"Mmmmmm, my job is literally beach..." you giggle.
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Liked by valtteribottas and others
y/user: Beach, Bike, BBQ and Boba all in Bondi
Tagged 2 people
View all 126 comments
valterribottas: nice alliteration hunny!
-> y/user: thank you baby! Thought it was very funny!
fan1: say hello to our resident beach Barbie and beach Ken.
-> fan2: no because the way her job is literally beach and his job is literally car 🥲😅
->fan3: yeah not an f1 driver and Olympic Silver Medalist lmfao 🤣
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Instagram Story Caption:
We attempted … we fell lots!
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olicitymckono · 8 months
Verstappen's Heart
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First Max X reader 😊
AN: All mistakes are mine
Warning: Mention of abuse.
Working as Max Verstappen’s Personal Assistant was an opportunity of a life time. Yn was a young American/British woman who had grown up watching Formula 1 with her grandfather during her teens and knew more about the sport than anything else. She had been studying for her masters degree in administration and had been taking a break for the holidays when she had literally ran into Geri Halliwell the former Spice Girl and wife of Christian Horner, team principle for her favourite team Red Bull. The two women had got to talking and some how Yn found herself at dinner with the Horner’s and with a job as Max’s assistant. She had yet to meet the man and as the new season grew closer she found herself more and more nervous about the meeting. That day happened to be the day Max was leaving to join his team for some pre season training. Max had been busy talking to GP his engineer when Christian had introduced her to him. She had quickly realised that she need not have worried because Max was a really nice and genuine guy who made her feel at ease and accepted from the get go. She could definitely see them becoming fast friends. And she had been right.
Max had been quite intrigued by the young blond woman who had entered his life and he could not deny that she was good at her job. In just the space of a few short weeks she had managed to familiarise herself with his schedule and everything else that was important to him. One thing that really surprised him though was the fact that his father Jos seemed to like her as well. That might have to do with the fact that she stood up for herself and never allowed him to intimidate her. That first day when she had called out his father Max had never liked the girl more.
One person however who did not seem to take a liking to YN was Kelly, Max’s girlfriend. The fact that Penelope had taken to Yn didn’t do her any favours. Max was convinced that Kelly was just jealous and had called he out on it a few times but Kelly had been adamant that there was something off with the American/Brit.
Yn was by no means a bad person and was genuine in everything that she did but Kelly had been right at least slightly. Yn had a secret well not so much that she had to keep it hidden, it was just something she didn’t like talking about.
Two days before Qualifying Max had asked her to dinner. He wanted to thank her for the great job she was doing. She couldn’t deny that there was something about him that made her heart flutter. They had both had a lot of fun that night but the next day the media had a field day with pictures of them, all with the same question, “Was Max cheating on Kelly?”
Max and Yn decided to ignore it as it was the 21st century were a man and woman were allowed to be friends and true fans of Max and Formula 1 knew who she was and loved her just as much. Kelly on the other end was not impressed and she had caught the next flight to Jeddah. She had started a huge argument and demanded that Yn should be let go. Max equally pissed at the demands of his girlfriend refused and told Kelly that Yn was not going anywhere. The atmosphere between Kelly and Yn was thick and the fact that Max refused to get rid of the her. Kelly knew she had to do something herself. She hired a private investigator.
2 weeks later:
Max was busy getting ready for media day in Australia when Kelly came walking into his drivers room, a smile on her face. “I need to talk to you.”
“Hi yourself,” Max looked over at her. He was a little surprised she had wanted to come to this race as she usually missed this one due to her work schedule, but yesterday she had called him to say that she was on her way.
“Hey baby.” She kissed him deeply.
“What did you want to talk about?”
“Max, I know you like Yn but she isn’t who she says she is.”
Max sighed annoyed. “Kelly please I’m tired of your suspicions and accusations. I don’t know why you don’t like her and that’s fine but she is my co-worker and friend. You don’t have to like her.”
“I wish you could just listen to me for a change. Yn Logan doesn’t exists at least not till 6 years ago.”
“Not everyone posts their lives on social media Kelly.”
“I’m not talking about just social media. I mean she doesn’t exist anywhere. I hired a PI.”
“You what?” he snapped. “Are you out of your mind?”
She reached for him but he pulled away. “I’m trying to help you Max. This girl is dangerous.”
“No, you’re just jealous!”
“I’m not jealous. Oh her? Please.”
“I can’t believe this.”
“Listen she’ll find another job and that will be that. Like you said she’s good at what she does.”
“I’m not firing her Kelly.”
Kelly huffed, “Still? Just how good is she in bed?”
“Excuse me?” he was fuming.
“Well,” she crossed her arms annoyed. “there is no other reason you won’t get rid of her unless you’re sleeping with her.”
“He’s not.”
The couple turned towards where Yn was standing. She had been on her way to go over some possible questions he might have to answer when she had heard them arguing. She was going to turn back to give them some privacy when she had heard her name.
“Of course you would say that. Little slut trying to protect herself.”
“That’s enough Kelly!”
“I think you should ask that investigator for your money back.”
“You heard that?” Max asked looking a her. She nodded. “I’m sorry, Kelly had no right to do that.”
She shook her head, “It’s ok. She was looking out for you.” She turned to the Brazilian. “They didn’t do a good job though.”
“They didn’t look that hard. Up until 6 years ago my name was Yn Alexander when I was legally allowed to change my name. Logan is my grandmothers maiden name.”
“And why would you need to change your name?” Kelly asked sarcastically.
“Because I wanted to get as far away from my family as possible. I wanted to rid myself of any connection.”
“Kelly, stop.” Max could see how uncomfortable Yn was and he didn’t need an answer unless she wanted to share.
“My biological father died when I was 2. Killed in action. My mother remarried her boyfriend less then 8 months after my dad died. Turns out they had been having an affair while my dad was on tour. My step dad had my name changed to his. Which he decided was enough of a reason to take what he wanted. I was 4 when he touched me for the first time and 5 when he raped me for the first time.”
Kelly’s face fell, she had not been thinking anything like that. Max walked over to Yn and put an arm around her shoulders. “Yn I’m so sorry.” Kelly replied.
“My mom never believed me and choose him. So I got rid of that name. But thank you for making me relive all that.” She moved away from Max and hurriedly wiped her eyes. “The media is waiting Max. You need to get out there.” She turned and walked out the room.
“Max,” Kelly started but he simply put up his hand to stop her before leaving the room.
She was quiet during the media and avoided any unnecessary contact with him. Charles who had been in the same group as his friend picked up that something was a miss. “Is Yn okay?”
“No,” Max couldn’t take his eyes off the girl. “Kelly fucked up.”
“What do you mean?”
“Not my story to tell but she violated Yn’s privacy.”
“Why? Is she still acting jealous?”
Charles nodded softly. “Can I asked you something without you getting mad?”
“Do you like her?”
Max knew who he was asking about and it would have been easy to say no. But there was something there, he had realised it weeks ago but he had not said or done anything. He did love Kelly. Yn had this way about her, she was warm and caring. Everyone she met instantly connected with her. She never treated him like he was untouchable. She always saw him as just Max. He could be himself with her, something he had recently realised he was not able to be around Kelly anymore. She was too much of a wag and what that entailed that she had forgotten about her boyfriend and even at times her own child. “I do.”
Most of the weekend passed by uneventfully. Kelly, Max had noticed had made herself scarce and avoided Yn at all costs. She felt terrible for what she had done but she didn’t regret it, as she had just been trying to protect Max. But he was more worried about Yn. She didn’t spend anytime alone with him, making sure that she was the first to leave. He was worried he was going to lose her. And he was right.
After the race and celebrations for his win, Christian called him over. “Where’s YN?”
“She quit.”
Several weeks had passed since Australia and she was finally getting settled into a new job and routine back in Texas. She missed the races and the drivers especially Max but she had lived so long in a toxic situation and wouldn’t endure that again. Her feelings for Max was not easy as well. She had felt guilty for days for thinking that she had somehow made Kelly jealous, but soon enough she had realised that she hadn’t done anything wrong. No matter how much she had grown to like Max, she had never done anything inappropriate. Max had tried getting in touch with her over the weeks but she had ultimately decided to move past all of that and had simply sent him a message thanking him for everything and that she would miss him greatly before blocking his number. Charles on the other hand had become quite a good friend and had been keeping her up to date on the red bull driver. Just because she was gone didn’t mean that she had stopped caring about Max.
It was midway through the season and Max was doing well at least from a driving perspective. He was top of the championship and had yet to lose a race but that was because he had been determined to hide how sad and angry he was. Things with Kelly had soured significantly after Yn had left to the point were the two were barely talking to one another. The only thing in his relationship he cared about was Penelope. Most people wouldn’t have noticed the change in Max as he had always been focused and determined but both Charles and Christian knew something was wrong with the Dutchman and it had everything to do with his former PA. A week into the mid season break and Charles took the opportunity to help out his friend, both of them. He knew they had feelings for each other and deserved a chance regardless of what anyone said.
“Hey man, how is everything?” Charles asked one day over the phone. “How’s the break?”
Max sighed and Charles could tell he was tired. “Not great man. Kelly and I....it’s just exhausting.”
“Don’t you think maybe it’s time? You obviously don’t feel the same about her anymore. Why make yourself sick over a relationship that’s over?”
“I want to bit what about P?”
“Max I know you love that little girl but what about you? You’re in love with someone else. Someone who gets you and makes you feel like you matter. Not as a driver or athlete but as Max.”
“She doesn’t care about me.”
“Are you sure about that?”
“Charles, she blocked me from everything and hasn’t spoken to me since Australia which was months ago.”
“Because she was hurt. She hates her past and what happened to her. They way she had to tell you was not how she would have wanted to. In fact she might not have told anyone if she had the chance. Did you know the abuse lasted till she was 14?”
“Yep, once a month for 9 years. Sometimes more. Her stepdad would lie in wait till her mom would be either out of town or too tired to notice. Each time threating her afterwards. She tried telling her mom but the woman refused to listen. It was only after her grandparents visited for the birth of her half brother that anyone helped her. Her grandfather woke up one night for something to drink when he saw her stepfather coming out of her room clothes not quite right. He had waited till the other man was back in his own room before he went into her and found her crying. She told him everything and when he confronted his daughter, you know what she said?”
“Yn was a little liar and was trying to ruin her family and was jealous of her baby brother.”
“I would have killed that son of a bitch on the spot.”
“They removed her from the home and she changed her surname as soon as she turned 18. I’m sure you can imagine wanting to forget something like that as best as you can.”
“It’s terrible and I wish she could have gotten the chance to tell me on her own terms.”
“She asks about you all the time.”
“You talk to her?” Max asked now fully invested in the conversation.
“We’re friends.”
“How is she?”
“Aside from missing you for some reason, she’s doing okay. Lives in Austin. You should go see her. After you break up with Kelly. I like Penelope too but you can’t deny your own happiness because of her. She wouldn’t want you to.”
Max nodded before realising his friend couldn’t see him. “Will you help me?”
“What can I do to help?”
Yn was a little surprised that Charles had asked if he could come visit her for a week. Just days ago he had asked her to join him and Alexandra in Italy for a break but she had sadly had to decline do to work commitments. Although she was happy to get to see her friend again. He had arranged to met her at her apartment after work and now she was hurriedly trying to pull it together before they got there. She was just putting the last piece of her clothing away when she heard the door bell. “Coming.”
When she opened the door though the smile she had fell. “Hi Schat.”
“Max, what are you doing here?”
“Can I come in?”
“Sure,” she stepped aside allowing him in.
He looked around her apartment at everything that made sense. Her home represented her in every way. Minimalistic but classy and sophisticated. “Looks amazing.”
“Thank you. You still haven’t answered my question. Why are you here? And why do I get the feeling Charles has something to do with this?”
“Because he does. He was never coming. He was helping me.” He looked over her, drinking in the sight of her. He had missed her more than he could express. He walked towards her, stopping right in front of her.
The way he was looking at her cause her stomach to flip and the fact that he was so close to her wasn’t helping. “Stop looking at me like that.”
“Why?” he asked reached a hand out and brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. The part of her skin he made contact with felt like it was on fire. “Because.”
“Because why? Are you afraid of me?”
“No,” she responded quickly shaking her head. “You just can’t look at me like you want to kiss me.”
“You’re not wrong there. I do want to kiss you. Have wanted to for weeks even before you left.”
“While as much I want that too you can’t.”
She made to move past him but he grabbed her hand and pulled her flush against his chest, lips mere inches from hers. “See now that’s where you are wrong.” He closed the distance and pressed his lips against hers. At first she wanted to resist but he was a really good kisser and it felt so good. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her up. Wrapping her legs around his waist he carried her to the couch lips never leaving hers.
Laying in his arms felt right but of course there was the elephant in the room. Kelly. Yn felt guilty that she had slept with a taken man. He could sense something was wrong as he lazily traced patterns down her bare arm. “I broke up with her.”
Yn lifted her head and looked at him, “You broke up with Kelly? Why?”
“Well, things had been weird between us since Australia but the main reason was because I fell in love with someone else.”
“No Danny,” he rolled his eyes playfully. “Of course you. I knew I felt something for a while but I knew for certain that I loved you after you left. Life just sucked.”
“I doubt that, you’re leading the championship.”
“Winning isn’t everything Schat. And truth is the more I won and you weren’t there by my side, the more it lost any appeal. My life is empty without you. Not to mention my cats miss you too.”
“Should have led with that.”
“Oh, so you love them more than me?”
She chuckled, “I didn’t say that.”
“And you didn’t say you didn’t love me too.”
“I do Max. I love you.”
“Come back. Be with me.”
“I want to but I have a contract and an apartment.”
“We’ll rent it out and use it for holidays. And as for your contract, Ill buy you out. I want you with me.”
“What about your new PA Greta?”
“I’m sure Danny will take her off my hands and she’ll be happy with that too.”
“What did you do?” Yn smiled knowingly.
“Nothing....too bad.”
She laughed, “You’re a stubborn man sometimes.”
“Exactly, which means I’m not taking no for an answer.”
“You make a tough offer to turn down. But I have one condition.”
“Let me have it.”
She shifted so that she was on top of him causing him to groan as she touch his sweet spot. “Can we keep this between us? The fact that we’re together, at least for the time being. Its so soon after you and Kelly split and I know how the fans can get.”
“I don’t care abut the fans, but I can do that for you. For a while a least. But we have to tell Charles and Alex. He is the reason we’re together. “
“Okay, we can tell them, and maybe Daniel, he is your best friend.”
“And Christian. I know he’ll be thrilled you’re back, second only to me.”
“Ok. I have one more request.”
“Do you think you can do that thing with your tongue again?”
In one swift move he had them turned over with him hovering over her. “Anything for you my liefie.”
Feel free to send in any requests
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doctoru-au · 11 months
Unveiling the Ultimate Career Secrets of Specialist Pathway Doctors: Learn How to Find Your Dream Job!
Delving into The Specialist Pathway for doctors can feel like you're trying to untangle a complex labyrinth. Having navigated these winding roads myself, I get it - understanding the intricate weave of specific registration standards and assessment criteria is downright crucial.
So, through this blog post, let's turn those mind-boggling procedures into digestible steps that are simple to follow. Ready? Let's make your ride towards becoming an Australian specialist GPs smooth sailing!
Key Takeaways
The Specialist Pathway checks if overseas doctors meet Australian standards.
Before starting the pathway, a doctor needs to finish primary source verification.
After the check, they have to pass RACGP's Comparability Assessment.
To start the PEP - SP program, you need an approved job offer for general practice work.
Understanding the Specialist Pathway for Doctors
The Specialist Pathway is for overseas-trained specialist GPs. It checks if they meet the same standards as an Australian-trained specialist GP. The RACGP carries out this check looking at training, skills, experience and more.
If you pass the check, you can join the Practice Experience Program - Specialist Stream (PEP-SP). You need a job offer to start PEP-SP. This job must be for six months of general practice work under supervision.
This pathway helps doctors from other countries get their skills checked in Australia. Then they can work and help people here too!
Key Steps in the Specialist Pathway
Embarking on the Specialist Pathway requires a few key steps, commencing with the completion of Primary Source Verification, an essential process handled by EPIC or AMC portfolio. This is followed by application for RACGP's Comparability Assessment - a critical evaluation that determines if you are deemed comparable to an Australian-trained specialist GP.
Lastly comes securing a job offer in general practice, which can be achieved through various means or enlisting help from medical recruitment agencies like Doctoru.
Completion of Primary Source Verification
To start the Specialist Pathway, you need to finish primary source verification. This task is done by the Australian Medical Council (AMC). They look at your credentials to make sure they are real.
You have to use an Electronic Portfolio of International Credentials (EPIC) account for this step.
Creating an EPIC account is not hard. Once you have it, you upload all your degrees and certificates there. The AMC will then check them one by one.
This process can take some time. It may be as long as 10 weeks before it is over. After that, you should get going with your Comparability Assessment application in six months or less.
Applying for the RACGP’s Comparability Assessment
I'm ready to apply for the RACGP's Comparability Assessment. This is an important step of the Specialist pathway. The aim is to see if I match Australian-trained specialist GPs. They will look at my skills and experience.
During this assessment, they focus on many things. For example, my training, work history and how well I can practice as a doctor are all checked for comparability with Australian standards.
If they find me somewhat or fully equal to their specialists, I can go further in the Specialist pathway. Then, it’s time for me to join the Practice Experience Program- Specialist Stream (PEP-SP).
To start PEP-SP, I need a job offer first. After that, six months of supervised general practice awaits.
Securing a Job Offer in General Practice
To start the Practice Experience Program, you need a job offer. This must be for work that fits with a 3GA program provider number. You can ask the Rural Health Workforce Agency or a medical recruitment agency to help you find a general practice job.
Once you have your job offer, send it to the RACGP. They need to approve it first. Make sure to include all needed details about the job, who will watch over your work, what kind of work you'll do and where the work location is in your message.
During this time in your new role, expect six months of watched-over work as part of PEP-SP.
Eligibility and Assessment Criteria
Understanding the eligibility and assessment criteria is a crucial element for doctors seeking to traverse the specialist pathway. These criteria include abiding by ACRRM's Codified List and fulfilling minimum clinical care requirements.
Delving further, we'll explore these parameters in detail to help you navigate towards your professional objective confidently. Keep reading!
Codified List Criteria
The Codified List Criteria matters a lot in the Specialist pathway. It helps to check if overseas-trained specialist GPs are right for this road or not. The RACGP, which deals with general practice, uses these rules to see who can join.
These rules look at many things. They check qualifications and training of doctors. They also look into how well doctors have been doing their job in general practice. CPD points matter too so they count them as well.
If a doctor passes these tests, he or she might be called 'substantially' or 'partially comparable'. If that happens, the door opens for them to apply for the RACGP's Practice Experience Program - Specialist Stream (PEP-SP).
This whole testing process takes about six months after payment is made and you could learn about your outcome up to 10 weeks later.
Minimum Clinical Care Requirement
There are set rules for the clinical care requirement. These include your study records and results and your training.
Another part counts how much work time you put in as a general practice doctor. You must also show that you go on learning about being a better doctor. And lastly, it shows if you kept working as a doctor without any gaps in practice.
So all these rules make sure only top doctors can get into this special program.
Benefits of RACGP International Membership
Joining RACGP as an international member comes with plenty of perks. It opens doors to the Specialist pathway for overseas-trained GPs. This means you get the chance to use your skills in a new place.
This is great news if you want a change or seek better work options.
Being part of RACGP also allows access to their Practice Experience Program - Specialist Stream (PEP-SP). If assessed as similar, this program lets you apply for jobs soon after joining! But first, make sure the job offer is approved and that six months of supervised general practice are completed.
RACGP International Membership helps guide your steps as a GP in Australia. From checking your qualifications and training, to making sure you keep up with good practice methods, they have got you covered! So why wait? Start enjoying these benefits today!
The Specialist Pathway is a rewarding journey for doctors. It requires steps, exams, and hard work. Yet, the effort gives you great skills. So go ahead and start your specialist path now!
More articles about Registration Pathways for IMG´s
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Sebastian Vettel x RBDesignEngineer Reader.
Set in 2013 during the GP, Jennifer is fresh out of uni and has made a name for herself within the F1 world. She joins Redbull-Renault as one of their engineer designers and easily fits into the team, forming friendships easily. Most of all, she captures the attention of three time world champion, Sebastian Vettel.
Part 2 - here the LINK to part 1. Warning: Jen’s bf is a controlling, toxic ASSHOLE, so mentions of abuse that may be triggering to some. Bf is a dick bcs the angst is fun to write- Seb takes an instant dislike to her bf because he just has a good eye for evil people 😈 let’s just say Sebastian slays her bday whilst her bf… is a flop.
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Australia, Albert Park, March 17th. “-And I told them, you gotta look out for Sebastian’s tires, but nobody wanted to listen to me!” I explained, leaning over to speak directly into the drivers ear over the loud club music. Our first race in Australian with the RB9 went relatively good apart from a good teething issues. Teething issues that I did point out but the mechanics were happy with the tires that brought Sebastian down from pole to 3rd- still not a bad result.
“Next time, I am listening to you.” Seb slipped an arm over the back of the booth, behind me, the comment and smile he flashed me sending a rush of warmth through my chest. With Dutch courage I was able to chatter freely to Sebastian. “Well, I’m not really a mechanic.” I shrugged. “Hm?” He leaned in a little closer. My breath hitched, scanning over his face as the tipsy man leant against me slightly. “I just said, I’m not really a mechanic…” I gently spoke, eyes falling to the small gap between us. Feeling a little tense, my eyes roamed around the room, suddenly catching a glimpse of a tall, dark haired man ahead of me. The warmth that once spread through my chest was ignited into an uncomfortably hot fire. It raged deep inside of me, the sensations of panic, guilt, comfort all hitting me at once. It was my boyfriend. All the way from England. An odd sickness knocked me still, and it wasn’t from the alcohol. “Luke!” I borderline choked out, feeling Sebastian pull back slightly, eyeing up the figure with an awkwardly dirty expression. I cringed instantaneously.
“Who is that?” Sebastian questioned jusf as I was pushing myself out of the booth. “My boyfriend.” I was just as shocked, if not more than everybody else seemed to be. It wasn’t that I acted single around here, I just never told anybody about Luke, my anxieties and uncomfortable sensation that surrounded the topic was no exception in the current moment. “Hi!” I breathlessly walked over, halting in front of him. “What’re you not gonna give me a kiss? C’mere.” He pulled me, as I tripped forwards, feeling his lips on mine. The sensation felt foreign, it had been over 2 weeks since I’d last seen him, I hoped with the distance came separation- but Luke was insistent that if I took this job he would follow me. Yes- follow me.
“Oh, you’ve still got that shit on your lips.” He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as I stared at him, forcing a smile. It was weird, I felt nothing, nothing but a slight fear seeing the bottle of alcohol clutching in his left hand. I already had the breakup rehearsed so perfectly in my mind, ready for my next venture home. The same breakup I’d attempted four times over in a mere six months out of the eighteen we had spent together. “Sorry.” I awkwardly spoke, not loud enough so he could hear me. When he turned to the rest of my friends sat around I felt a pang in my chest knowing what he was expecting.
“This is Luke, um, here’s Christian- you know Christian, Molly, James, oh there’s Manny, that there is Sebastian-”
“Yeah, I know who Sebastian is, hun.” Luke nudged me off as a joke as I now sat across from where I previously was, unable to meet anybody’s eye. “Oh, you never mentioned a boyfriend, Jen!!” James exclaimed. “Oh, you didn’t?” There came that passive aggressive laugh from Luke’s clenched jaw. I mentally swore as James’ word. I knew he didn’t mean it to sound so bad, but I just knew there’d be an argument later that night. Across from me, I watched Sebastian’s eyes narrow towards the man before he seemed to shake it off and sip from his own drink. It was only a brief glance, sparingly looking at Luke. Maybe I was just being dramatic, but he didn’t seem too happy. And when he looked at me, he just looked purely confused. That’s pretty how much it went for the rest of the evening, Luke’s anger was becoming more and more noticeable until we got inside the hotel room. To our left, was Sebastian, and to our right was a poor Hannah, RedBull’s Senior Strategy Engineer.
I was silent when the bedroom door closed, Luke stumbled straight to the hallway, spinning around to me and spitting when the door was shut. “Yeah now you’re being so quiet, hardly happy to see me after three weeks, are you?” “I was just shocked.” I stumbled, placing my bag on the side. “It’s your birthday next week, why wouldn’t I be here?!” He snapped. “I said I was just shocked, that’s all.” I repeated, reaching over for my makeup wipes. “Don’t bother wearing all that shit on your lips next time, looks stupid anyway.”
“Luke!” I exclaimed in shock as he blew me off, stripping off his shirt and dropping himself into bed. “You and I both know why you’re wearing it.”
“Because I like it.” I defended, harshly ripping an wipe out of the packet. “I don’t… I know the other men do though.”
“Oh my god, don’t start this…” I felt borderline defeated already, standing like a lemon as I wanted to plead with the drunk to shut up. “Yeah, oh my god!” He shot back up out of bed, still jean classed. “You never fucking said how many men you were working with, now you’re dressing like this, acting like this! You don’t even tell them you have a fucking boyfriend!”
“Please be quiet, everybody’s next door-” “You think I give a fuck who’s next door?!” He hissed back as I sighed, hurrying to make my way to the bathroom. I locked myself in, feeling and hearing him slam on the door in response. I could hear the heaviness of his angered breathing from the other side of the wood. I hated when he got this intense and riled up, it struck a fear inside me then I figured it was just better to shut up rather than ignite his anger further.
“You’re the only one who gives a fuck, Jennifer! Nobody else! None of these people give a shit about you either! What, after three months you think they want to be friends with you?!” I felt complete and utter humiliation as he yelled away, I knew these hotel rooms weren’t soundproof, the thought of everybody knowing we were having a domestic after one night felt humiliating and damaging- never mind his words that hit a sensitive part deep inside of me. “A world champion, F1, fucking celebrity, wanting to be friends with you. You’re fucking kidding me, Jennifer. Get a fucking life!” That night I slept in the bathroom. It sounded absolutely pathetic, I know it was, but it was the reality of being with Luke. It’s like now he was back I felt this odd attachment to him, like without him I’d be lonely and he was my crutch to this whole world. Pathetic, again. I knew, but I couldn’t control it. I missed the separation I once had from him, and when my birthday rolled around the week after he was still there, this time, in a different country, Malaysia.
“Happy birthday! Happy, happy birthday, why didn’t you say it was your birthday?!” An all so familiar voice walked in through to where I was seated in front of my computers, I audibly gasped, feeling arms wrap around my front. It was Sebastian. “Oh!” My hands flew up to the warmth of his skin, his hands gentle as he gave me a light squeeze into his chest.
“I- thank you!” I laughed, feeling him glance over my side to give me the most adoring smile. “23?” “22. I accidentally told the camera guy the other day I was already 22.” I winced as he laughed, arm sliding off me. “No need to keep your birthday a secret though?!” Seb stood up straighter as I pushed my head phones off, gazing up to him with that fluttering feeling lingering in my chest. “I know… how did you know it was my birthday?”
“I know everything. You’ll be here until 4, right?” “5 tonight.” “Perfect.” “Why?” “Just perfect.” god knows what he meant, he was back and fourth all day, working out, chatting, checking out his car, tyres, eating, chatting some more, getting back to work and meetings. Eventually I’d wondered if nothing was to come at all from our brief conversation, it wasn’t like I expected anything, but I was just confused.
“Your boyfriend treat you to anything nice?” Hannah perked a brow, offering me an oddly knowing look. I knew she’d heard our argument back in Australia, I could tell by the way she’d look at me the next morning, ask if I was okay- I didn’t continue any further discussion about it with her.
“Yeah!” I took a deep inhale, pushing one headphone off. “Yeah.” I responded again, gathering my thoughts. Correction- lies. “What’s he got?” She responded as I awkwardly laughed, letting out a gentle exhale through my nose.
“He’s not given me it yet.” I defended, biting down on my lip and returning my attention back to my computer. My teeth were gritted together and my leg began to bounce uncomfortably from under the desk.
“He’s not got you anything has he?” She honestly spoke as I cleared my throat. “No.” The urge to get upset was creeping up on me.
“What? Did you say your boyfriends got you nothing?” This time, an Australian accent approached, Mark Webber was there, brows furrowed. “Ah- not yet.” I forced a laugh. “Well it’s a good thing we’re all-”
“Happy birthday to you…” Oh my god… “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Jeeeeeen, happy birthday to you!” I gasped in complete and utter ecstasy seeing everybody gathering, singing happy birthday. At either side of the cake stood Christian and Sebastian (of course) with a huge 22 in pink fondant spread across the cake. My heart swelled and lips immediately lifted, I almost felt tears fill my eyes as I perched on the edge of my seat, blowing out the 22 candles lit across the cake. Nobody had ever done anything like that for me before, ever… and the mastermind behind it all?? Sebastian Vettel.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, for today!” I practically threw my arms around the German man. He audibly giggled into my embrace, leaning down to kiss my cheek as I laughed, slightly tipsy from the few glasses of champagne I’d been fed. Christian told me to ‘fuck off work’ and the lot of them all enjoyed a few drinks with me. “You deserve a good birthday, everybody does, no?”
“I know but… I just didn’t expect it today, I appreciate it, thank you.”
“I would’ve gotten you a present if I knew sooner, but… hopefully your boyfriend treats you with something good.” He honestly spoke as I felt my heart pang. A sad kinda laugh escaped my lips as Sebastian cocked his head to the side with a confused expression.
“What’s funny?” “Nothing, really, just… I don’t think anything can top all that today, thank you again.” I smiled as he nodded back to me, lips stretched. He reached out, rubbing my upper back before we headed back to our rooms.
“Oh and Jen?” “Yeah?” “If he shouts at you on your birthday, I’ll come barging in…”
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norlestappen · 5 months
The Williams Shitstorm - LS2
Summary: After Alex crashed in Australia, Logan was just ready to be sad with y/n, but y/n was having none of that. She was ready to fight everyone to make sure her boyfriend was happy again. Sad-boyfriend!Logan x confident gf!reader
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Time flew by, you cheering for your boyfriend, feeling so confident in his performance in the current season. You felt so happy knowing that Logan got his second chance and could finally prove that he was just as talented as the other drivers on the grid.
When you used to work in a boring office, you would always miss your boyfriend, seeing him on the television that was positioned on the other end of the room.
Dating a racing driver had its ups and downs, but you would never trade it for the world. You had a gentle, kind, and wholehearted man by your side, who never once doubted your abilities or you.
It seemed like the perfect opportunity when you were offered a job in Williams when Logan resigned for another year. You felt ecstatic being able to stay with your boyfriend, still being able to work and finally having that free time together that you guys always missed out on.
All of that gratefulness ended when you were in Melbourne, Alex had just crashed in FP2 and they had to find a solution on what to do. You were on edge a little bit, not liking the fact what the team was talking about. Getting Alex to race in Logans car? Impossible. Trying to repair his car? Unless they were magicians, that would be pretty impossible too. You were getting impatient, waiting in Logan’s drivers’ room, wanting an answer on this whole situation. You knew that Logan would agree to anything that James made him do, because he was just that person. Never arguing, in hopes to not raise any attention to himself.
So, when the door opened and he just laid down next to you on the tiny couch, you just knew something must have happened. He would always try to escape his mind by cuddling into you, like an infant. But you also knew that there was no way to get the information at that given moment. He needed to calm down, collect his thoughts and just relax before approaching the subject.
In the meantime, you were texting the wags group chat, trying to get more information on whatever drama was going on in the other teams. But most things weren’t new.
Kika and Flavy were complaining about Alpine being shit. Alexandra and Rebecca had their own conversation going on, while both Lilys, Luisa, and you were discussing what was going on with Logan. Barely a few minutes went on, when you got a message of Alex’s Lily:
Lily Albono: heyy girl, so I just talked to Alex, and I got horrible news. Alex is fine btw, but idk about Logan. Is he with you? Alex is worried. Apparently, Alex is driving Logans car tomorrow? Wish I had better news, but James said that Logan is sitting out this GP since Alex always has more points than him.
Your phone fell down, accidentally hitting Logan’s head as it fell down onto the floor. You couldn’t even process what happened as your whole body was suddenly fueled with anger and frustration.
Sitting up, you looked at your confused and sleepy boyfriend and you just hug him tightly. “Why didn’t you tell me, Lo? You do know that you can always tell me anything, right?” He looked up at you, nodding slightly, tears escaping his eyes already.
“You know about it, don’t you? That I can’t race anymore this week?” You nodded, not wanting to scare Logan because you knew that he was just the babygirl in this relationship.
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554ever · 6 months
I'm a dad now! My wife here did an amazing job giving birth to a healthy baby girl ❤️ We gonna name her Australia GP 2024! ❤️🍾🎊
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zyxwl2015 · 1 year
Excerpts from Lando Norris biography - part II
What's the naughtiest thing you've ever done?
When I was five, I stole a sweet from the sweet shop. My parents found out and I lied and said they were given to us from school. Then my mum said she was going to ask the teacher, that’s when I knew it was all going to go wrong, so I had to own up to it.
lol 😂
Charlotte said Lando was at the MTC a LOT when he was a McLaren junior, more than Fernando, Jenson or Stoffel, because he lived nearby. When there's media commitments others don't want to do or cannot do, it's always Lando's job to do it
When Lando became an F1 driver in 2019, Jon and Mark made it clear to Charlotte that they should "in no way mollycoddle him". They actually asked Charlotte to tell them every time Lando's late or did anything wrong. On the other hand they are all very supportive of Lando when he did good, eg. getting a podium, and Lando would be very chuffed about it
But Lando was "forever trying to rebel" (😂), by not wearing the correct team gear etc, and Charlotte had to become a big sister for him. "He once asked me why I was always telling him about Carlos, and I told him to come back to me once he’d done five years in F1." Lando and Charlotte also got really close over time, "Sometimes I’d just go and sit with him in his driver’s room and chat about life."
Charlotte on Carlando (at the beginning): she said Carlos came into McLaren with a mindset of trying to establish himself, as a valuable F1 driver and as no.1 driver in the team, so he treated Lando as a little brother
Before his first GP in Australia 2019, Lando was very very nervous, "he just went very, very quiet. Like steely quiet". He texted Charlotte that he did not want to muck up, and Charlotte had to try to lower expectations for him and reassure him. He did not sleep at all the night before Sunday's race. Charlotte said he put way too much pressure on himself
The accident in Spa 2019 hit his dad Adam really hard, that "he felt very sick". Lando had to reassure his family about his safety (🥺)
Charlotte said that podium for Carlos in Brazil 2019 became a defining moment for Norris, "deep down, he wanted to be the one who had delivered that podium for the team"
(I'll move on to 2020 and 2021 tomorrow)
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valexformula1 · 1 year
Electricity - DR3
Request: No
Summary: Reader and Daniel being fools for each other but not confessing after Daniel heard Lewis is gonna ask reader out
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x best friend!reader
Word Count: 1323
Warnings: little sad and fluff, house moving, Daniel and reader being a pair of fools for ice cream, cursing
Author’s Note: Inspired by the song electricity of Silk City, Dua Lipa. Don’t be a ghost reader, it took me a while to write in it.
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At your 7 years you got to move from your country because your father got a job offer at Perth, Australia, you got to admin it was scary at first, moving from Peru to Australia was not easy especially when it was a different idiom, people, school, basically everything. Your mother died when you were 4, so it has been you and your dad only until you meet him.
Your dad was a mechanic engineer, and he was working at the Australia track when you meet him. 
It was a very hotness Wednesday when you were looking around for your dad since you got lost looking the other cars when suddenly him bumped you, a pretty boy with big brown eyes and a cheeky smile.
“Sorry, I didn’t see where I was going” 
“Sorry too, are you okey? ” he said cheking on you to see if you were fine
“Yep, I’m y/n by the way”
“I’m Daniel, nice to meet you” he said shaking hands with you “Come on, let’s go for some ice cream” 
Before you could answer he was already running and holding your hand, so you could follow him.
Since that you and him start to hang more and more becoming best friends, you attending to his races and him been for you in every broken heart.
When I'm with you
Ooh, baby
Giving up my ghost for you
“Gosh Daniel, I’m so proud of you debuting for F1” you said
“What you think about the race?” he replied
“That someone is getting an F1 seat soon” 
“You really think so?”
“Absolutely, you’ll see”
“Thanks, changing theme” he said looking behind you “where is Michael?”
“He isn’t coming, actually he isn’t coming anymore we split out, think it wasn’t meant to be”
“What? Why? You okey?”
“Yep, we just wanted different things” you said trying to recover the reality “come on let’s go for some ice cream” you said grabbing his hand.
The truth was that Micheal want to call it quits since he saw how much time you spend with Daniel and you attending to the race and cancelling your date 3 days before was the straw that broke the camel's back. 
He told you that it was clear you and Daniel were in love, so he broke up with you, you didn’t agree with him saying that you got a thing for Daniel when it wasn’t he was your best friend that was all.
All I see is you, lately
Wide awake and in my dreams
I see your face so vividly
I don't know what I'd do
Ooh, baby
If you only saw a friend in me
I'd be bittersweet
That casual kiss on my cheek would have meant nothing up until recently, every time that you saw, hug or touch Daniel there was a feeling, a feeling in your stomach.
This started to happen since that GP 2 years ago when he wins, you watch him get off the stage to hug you and since then you could stop thinking about him. 
Now you weren’t dumb you knew what it meant, but it didn’t matter, today you decided to give it a shot and tell him after the race. 
“Hey Dan, congrats on p4” you said after entering on his driver's room
“Thanks y/n” okey it was now or never
“So, I want to tell you something” said both of you
“Go ahead” he said
“No, you” you said thinking he would say what you think it was, was it that he felt the same? He also likes you ?
“Well, I meet this pretty girl yesterday and I ask her to go on a date tomorrow” he said smiling
After that you learn that online date apps were not that bad at all.
I know you've been treating, treating yourself wrong
So let me care for you
Ooh, baby
I'ma love you differently
I'll give you electricity
“Hey, you wanna grab some ice cream?” you said to him after he opens the door of the hotel
Everybody knew Daniel wasn’t having the time of his life this season with Mclaren treating him like shit.
“Thank but not in the mood” he says a little sad
“What’s wrong?” you could feel something was not fine
“Imleavingmclaren” he whispered 
“What?” you replied confused
“I’m leaving Mclaren y/n” he said more loud this time with tears in his eyes
This past few weeks Daniel was the center of attention on the paddock but not for a good reason, everyone wanted to know where he was going to go or do after the news. Daniel started to push everyone, fake smiling all the time, there wasn’t that smile that you saw years ago anymore, he started to lose weight and cancelled to your friend dates.
“Daniel, talk to me” you beg, this week you found out Daniel wasn’t eating
“I am fine”
“No you’re not, you being skipping foods” 
“Just wasn’t hungry, that’s all”
“What about our Wednesdays of ice cream that you seem to skip now” you replied a little angry now
“Daniel Joseph Ricciardo stop it, I know you since we were 7, and I know you are not fine, and it’s okey not being fine sometimes” you said now hugging him
“It’s just too much for me right now, I feel like my life doesn’t matter anymore, I feel lost” he cried
“You’re going to be fine, let me care for you ”
I feel electric, baby
So electric, baby
Wanna let you know, let you know
I think I'm ready, baby
I think I'm ready, now
It was the Australia GP and you decided to go see it with Daniel, that night at the hotel he started to feel better, it has been a tough way, but now he was the third driver of Red Bull Racing, and he had enough time for Wednesdays of Ice cream.
“Hey Seb, how retiring treating you?”
“Very good, where is your lovebird?”
“Not my lovebird”
“Come on y/n, you two are bound to one another, you always have been, and I know he feels the same” 
“Sorry to disappoint, but I don’t think he feels the same way” you replied
“Who? Daniel?” said Hanna joining the conversation “he is a fool for you” 
“Yep but y/n says he is not” Seb said telling his wife the context 
“I even thought you were dating, there is no way he doesn’t” she said
“Yeah, well he doesn’t” you said 
Max has won the Australia GP, and you’re at the hotel getting ready for the party when you heard a knock.
“Hi Dan” you said opening the door
“So I heard Lewis want to ask you out” he says while entering to the room.
What? Lewis? I mean he was cute, well hot, but you were more into a certain Australian “Really? Who you kn..” you couldn’t finish because you feel his lips against you. 
“Before you said anything I just want you to know I’ve always liked you, from the first moment I saw you at that Wednesday when we went to eat ice cream, and you order vanilla, and ever since that day I have hidden my feelings because I didn’t want to lose you, but now I heard Lewis want to ask you out, so I have to risk now because I know him, and I know that if you say yes to that date I will lose you forever so here I’m telling you everything and hoping you feel the same way y/n”  he lower his head as he finishes saying that, not wanting to look your reaction but instead of a push he feels your lips again.
“That means you like me too?”
“Of course you fool”
He started to smile, grab your hand and run while yelled “Come on, let’s grab some ice cream to commemorate this moment” 
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