lloydfrontera · 4 months
i will always find the relationship between javier and the fronteras endlessly fascinating and compelling especially because of the way it's shaped by the required narrative of the original novel versus what we see of them as people through the plot of tged. let me explain.
the thing about javier is that. he's not. a person when we first meet him. he's supposed to be a character. he's just about to go through his tragic backstory so he can then go on to be the hero of 'the knight of blood and iron'. this is what javier is. all his life before that is really nothing more than a footnote. the fronteras themselves are nothing more than extras that die in the very beginning of his story.
and this shapes the way their relationship is meant to be like. because they need to strike the right balance of them being close enough where it's justified for javier to be so loyal to arcos that he refuses to take any master after his death but not so close that javier feels the responsibility or has the authority to take over the estate after their deaths or even remain there at all to help in any way he can. for the sake of the narrative javier isn't allowed to really be a part of the frontera family despite being basically raised by them, because that would interfere with the plot destiny has set up for him.
and if that were it, that would be fine, no one would really pay that much attention to it because why would they. the only things that matters is that they kept javier alive, they were close to him in some regard and now they're dead. that's all that was needed from them for tkobai.
but then. lloyd happens. and he immediately derails the plot and saves the fronteras from death and javier from having to become an errant knight and now everyone is alive and free to continue their own lives and then we get to know arcos and marbella, not as just tragic extras of javier's story but as actual people with their own thoughts and feelings and. what we get to know about them doesn't quite track with their previous actions.
the arcos and marbella we get to know in tged?? they basically adopt lloyd as their son. lloyd. an adult stranger who replaced their son, kept the truth from them for years and who then came back looking nothing like their own kid. and they still love him and accept him as their child. by all accounts they straight up give him their family name, centuries later he's still known as lloyd frontera and nothing else.
this is the kind of people they are. the kind of people who would welcome a stranger into their family because he's kind and good and he's trying his best.
but you mean to tell me that these are the same people who took in a five year old orphan into their home and then just. kept him around. not really being a part of their family. they just raised him for 15 years and then took his oath as a knight and that was it. they don't even call him by his name. he's always 'sir asrahan'.
it doesn't make sense!! that doesn't track with the kind of people they are in tged! except it totally does if you remember they were never meant to be more than just extras. they were never meant to be more than some kind people javier is very distraught to lose but not enough to fall apart for.
that being said. there are a couple explanations that could be given in universe to explain why javier was never made a frontera, despite being taken in by them.
one is that they simply weren't allowed to adopt him. like someone in the replies of this post mentioned, some countries could be pretty strict about who nobles were allowed to adopt. maybe in the magentano kingdom it's the same and the fronteras couldn't legally make javier their child and so could only take him in as a ward or something similar.
or maybe they didn't want to take away one of the very few things javier has left of his family. he was a really small child when his parents were killed, he once mentions he doesn't even really remember his father, just a memory of waiting up for him late at night and that's it. he never really speaks of them nor does he seem to have a deeper connection or longing for them. by the time we meet him, all he has left of them is his name really. maybe when they took him in neither arcos nor marbella wanted to take away one of javier's last remains of his family by making him take their name.
or perhaps they thought adopting javier would cause them more harm than good. after all. they did have a little bastard of a son who took offense at the very existence of javier, despite javier just being *checks notes* a five year old orphan they picked up from the streets so he wouldn't starve or freeze to death. can you imagine the nightmare it would've been if javier had actually been adopted and not just taken in. if og lloyd had not only been forced to share a home but also his own name with him. it wouldn't have been pretty! and the one to pay for it would've certainly been javier! so maybe they thought the risk was simply too high. maybe they thought not giving him their name was a price worth paying to keep the peace at their home.
or maybe they simply didn't think it was their place. maybe they didn't want to make javier uncomfortable or force him into a relationship with them that he didn't want. maybe they wanted to wait until the loss was a little less recent, until the pain had had time to settle into something more manageable and then they just. missed the timing. maybe by the time they realized it was already too late and walls had formed between them that they didn't know how to take down.
in any case i simply don't believe that arcos and marbella are the kind of people to take in a child, raise him his whole life and then just. not feel anything deeper than fondness for him. it doesn't make sense from what we actually get to see of them.
i don't think their relationship with javier is that of parents with a child, but i also don't think it's as distant as what it looks like at first glance. personally i think it must be a mix of,,, habit, formalities and the awkwardness of a missed opportunity hanging between them that doesn't let them be as close as they would otherwise be. like. they all wish they could be something more, they wish the distance was a little shorter, they wish the walls between them could come down but they simply aren't sure how to do that anymore. they don't know if they missed their one chance and this is all that's left.
i don't know!! i just!! it's fascinating to me and i think about it far too much for it to be healthy!! halp!!
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onlyswan · 2 years
the vibes of jungkook’s lives is exactly what i’m going for when i write :( he makes me feel that i’m home :( just doing very domestic things, basking in the small moments as if time has stood still and thinking /nothing can hurt us here nothing can take this away from us/
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barbietoiles · 6 months
Since you seems to like etoiles I wanna rant here about something that no ones talked about : the men is on a break but he still appeared, one, be prepared... a minimum of TEN other twitch channels. And thats if you don't count streams when there is multiple ppl. In that case, he was on, let me count... nineteen channels. (If I didn't forgot any)
nineteen 😭 I don't even know that many ppl lmao?? We call him "twitch bridge" but damn, I think he is the French streamer with the most connections and friends on the platform, no joke, he really is a social butterfly o_o
He is lmao this man CANNOT for the life of him sit still. "Stops moving and he dies" type.
Hes active in so many spheres im not surprised he has so many connections, but even so nineteen is a lot! Great job keeping up with all of that damn! "Twitch bridge" is so funny, its like something from a folk legend. Ive heard of such a legend, of a man bringing people over a river.
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stxrmstained · 1 year
// I'm too sleepy to function but if you haven't you can fill my interest checkers here 💖
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kawaiishitty · 2 years
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مسيطرة، همشيك مسطرة
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shubblelive · 1 year
i love you say it back
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larrysblooming · 2 years
ok wait!!!! two things we need to talk about before i go to bed…
1.) probably my favorite part of the doc was the louis dancing scene. we haven‘t seen him dance like that in nearly a decade, and to see him moving so freely and flamboyantly like 19 year old louis did but at 30 years old... i’m literally crying just thinking about it now 😭😭😭❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 and i’m sure louis probably dances like that at home in private, but for him to do it on camera practically in front of us and share that part of himself with us that we don’t get to see very often is just 😣 it felt really special 🥹❤️
2.) so i was prepared for bbg content BUT NONE OF YALL FUCKING WARNED ME ABOUT PURPLE HAIR GIRL HAVING A CAMEO 😭😭😭😭 that was a fucking jumpscare 😩😭
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ricky-olson · 2 years
i hope i see giraffes in my tag tomorrow 
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plinkcat-gif · 2 years
they should uninvent thinking
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lepidopteragirl · 2 years
um. anyway .i have an exam tomorrow so i am going to sleep mwah mwah. to my mutuals waking up. um. dorry smile
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cocogoat · 2 years
nvm pt 2 they stopped talking altogether sleep plan is a go goodnight
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bandzboy · 2 years
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goodnight i'll be crying over this photo
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mossistyping · 2 months
Can my plushie Espeon throw Yawn at me. I have the appointment with immigration doctor in the morning. A polio shot to do. And a night out with friends. Pls. I need to get some sleeppp
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l3viat8an · 4 months
Just a little thought tonight ♡
Thinkin’ about Diavolo and how he loves fucking you in front of the big gold mirror in his bedroom, one of his hands tangled in your hair and the other holds onto your hip, his nails just barely digging into your skin, keeping you in place while he fucks you from behind.
His eyes almost look like they’re glowing as they lock onto the reflection, both of your bodies covered in a layer of sweat, and he can see all the marks he left on you earlier. Fuck, it feels like he’s getting harder just looking at the reflection of you below him.
Diavolo who grabs your face and makes you watch in the mirror, because he loves the way you squirm and cry for him, for more, for whatever he’ll give you and how your sweet moans seem to echo in the large room, it makes him want to fill you with his cum over and over again….
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hinamie · 3 months
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quick lmhs itafushi because god help me i have Not been able to get the concept of yuuji smiling/laughing into kisses out of my head
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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lefthandarm-man · 1 month
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Bucky Barnes // The Winter Soldier Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
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